House      02/23/2023

All the saints are about the end times. Prophecies of the elders about Russia in recent times


“My child, know that in the last days, as the Apostle says, difficult times will come (2 Tim. 3:1-6). And so, as a result of the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will begin in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will not be people experienced and skilled in spiritual warfare on the thrones of the hierarchs and in the monasteries. Because of this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act with cunning to persuade even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas about the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly begin to distort the teaching of the Church, transmitted by the Holy Fathers and from the Holy Spirit, its very spirit and statutes, and these tricks of the enemy will be noticed only by a few, the most skilled in spiritual life. Heretics will take power over the church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected. But the Lord will not leave His servants unprotected and in ignorance. He said: “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:16). So you, by the actions of heretics, try to distinguish them from true shepherds. These are spiritual thieves, plundering the spiritual flock, and they will enter the sheepfold - the Church, “climbing elsewhere,” as the Lord said, that is, they will enter by illegal means, using violence and trampling on God’s statutes. The Lord calls them thieves (John 10:1). Indeed, their first step will be the persecution of true shepherds, their imprisonment, exile, because without this they cannot plunder the sheep. Therefore, my son, when you see the destruction of the Divine order of the Church, the paternal tradition and the order established by God, know that heretics have already appeared, although, perhaps, they will at times hide their wickedness and will distort the faith unnoticed, in order to be even more successful, deceiving and luring the inexperienced online. Persecution will be not only against shepherds, but also against all servants of God, for the demon who leads heresy does not tolerate piety. Recognize these wolves in sheep's clothing by their proud disposition, voluptuousness and lust for power: they will be slanderers and traitors, sowing enmity and malice. True servants of God are humble, brotherly loving and obedient to the Church. There will be great oppression from heretics and monks, and monastic life will then be reproached: the monasteries will become impoverished, the number of monks will be reduced, and those who remain will endure violence. However, haters of monastic life, having only the appearance of piety, will try to win the monks to their side, promising them protection and worldly blessings, threatening the disobedient with expulsion. Because of these threats, the faint-hearted will then feel great despondency, but you, my son, if you live to see this time, rejoice, for then true believers, but who have not shown other virtues, will receive crowns for standing in faith alone, according to the word of the Lord: “Everyone who Whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 10, 32, 33) . Fear the Lord God, my son, be afraid of losing the prepared crown, be afraid of being rejected from Christ into total darkness and eternal torment. Stand courageously in the faith of Orthodoxy and, if necessary, joyfully endure exile and other sorrows, for the Lord and the holy Martyrs and Confessors will be with you: they will look with joy at your feat. But woe will be in those days for the monks who have acquired property and wealth, and, for the love of peace, will be ready to submit to the heretics. They will lull their conscience, saying: “If we protect and save the monastery, the Lord will forgive us.”

The unfortunate and blinded do not think that the demon will enter the monastery with heresy, and then it will no longer be a holy monastery, but simple walls from which grace will retreat, but God is stronger than the enemy and will never leave His servants. And true monasteries will remain until the end of time, only they will choose deserted and secluded places for this. Do not be afraid of sorrows, but be afraid of destructive heresy, for it will strip a person of grace and separate him from Christ, therefore the Lord commanded to consider a heretic as a pagan and a publican (Matthew 16:17). So, my son, be strengthened in the grace of Jesus Christ, joyfully hasten to the feats of confession and endure suffering, like a good soldier of Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 2.1-2), who said: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” ( Rev. 2.10). To Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be Honor, Glory and Power forever and ever.”


The Russian people will repent of their mortal sins, that they allowed Jewish wickedness in Russia, that they did not protect the anointed Tsar of God, the Orthodox churches and monasteries, the host of martyrs and confessors of saints, and all Russian sacred things. They despised piety and loved demonic wickedness.

Elder Lawrence, who abundantly acquired the All-Holy Spirit of God, often talked with his children about the last times, warning them that they needed to be vigilant and careful, since the Antichrist was close.

The Reverend said that there would be such a worldwide war that no one would be left anywhere, except in the gorge.

And they will fight, and two or three states will remain, and they will decide: “Let’s elect one king for the whole universe.” And they will elect. And in the last times, true Christians will be exiled, and the old and weak will at least grab the wheels and run after them.

About the coming Antichrist, the Elder, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, spoke the following words: “The time will come when they will go to sign for one king on earth. And they will strictly rewrite people. They will enter the house, and there will be a husband, wife, and children. And now the wife begins to persuade her husband:

“Let’s sign, we have children, because you can’t buy anything for them.” And the husband will say: “As you wish, I am ready to die, but I will not sign for the Antichrist.” Such a touching picture of the future.

“The time will come,” said Rev. Father Lawrence, “when inactive (closed) churches will be restored and equipped not only outside, but also inside. The domes of both churches and bell towers will be gilded. And when everything is finished, the time will come when the Antichrist will reign. Pray that the Lord will continue this time for us to strengthen, because a terrible time awaits us. And see how cunningly everything is prepared? All the temples will be in the greatest splendor as never before, but it will be impossible to go to those temples.

The Antichrist will be crowned king in the magnificent temple of Jerusalem.

There will be free entry and exit from Jerusalem for everyone. But then try not to go, because everything will be done to deceive.

The Antichrist will come from a Jewish prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation of fornication. Already as a teenager he will be very capable and intelligent, and especially from the time when, as a boy of about twelve, walking with his mother in the garden, he meets Satan, who, coming out of the abyss itself, will enter him.

The boy will tremble in fear, and Satan will say: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you.” And from this youth the Antichrist will mature in human form.

The prophets Enoch and Elijah will come down from Heaven, who will also tell everyone that the Antichrist has come: “This is the Antichrist, do not believe him.” And he will kill the prophets, but they will be resurrected and ascend to Heaven.

The Antichrist will be trained in all satanic tricks and will give false signs. The whole world will hear and see it at the same time. The Holy Pleasant of God said: “Blessed and blessed is that person who does not desire and will not see the godless face of the Antichrist. Whoever sees and hears his blasphemous speech, his promises of all earthly blessings, will be seduced and will come to meet him with worship. And he will perish with him and will burn in eternal fire.”

They asked the Elder: “How will all this happen?” The Holy Elder answered with tears: “In the holy place the abomination of desolation will stand and show the vile deceivers of the world, and they will deceive people who have departed from God and perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear and the whole world will see him once.” The Fathers asked the Saint: “Where, in the holy place? In the church?" The monk replied: “Not in the church, but in every home. In the corner where the holy icons now stand and hang, there will be seductive devices to seduce people. Many will say: “We need to watch and listen to the news.” The Antichrist will appear on the news.”

“He will stamp his people with seals. Will hate Christians. The final persecution of the Christian soul will begin, which will refuse the seal of Satan... Nothing will be able to be bought or sold to a Christian. But do not be discouraged: the Lord will not abandon his children... There is no need to be afraid! There will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to go to them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and the whole “satanic” gathering will be there...

I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches, there will be no grace in them.”

Christians will be killed or exiled to desert places. But the Lord will help and nourish His followers.

Jews will also be herded into one place. Some Jews who truly lived by the Law of Moses will not accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will wait and keep an eye on his affairs. They know that their ancestors did not recognize Christ as the Messiah, and here God will give that their eyes will be opened and they will not accept the seal of Satan, but will recognize Christ and will reign with Christ.

And all the weak people will follow Satan, and when the earth does not produce a harvest, people will come to him asking for bread, and he will answer: “The earth will not produce bread. I can not do anything".

There will also be no water, all rivers and lakes will dry up. “This disaster will last three and a half years, but for the sake of His chosen ones the Lord will shorten those days. In those days there will still be strong fighters, pillars of Orthodoxy, who will be under the strong influence of the heartfelt Jesus Prayer. And the Lord will cover His Almighty Grace, and they will not see those false signs that will be prepared for all people.

Many of you, my children, will live to see this terrible time. One sister, listening to this conversation, asked: “What should I do? I wouldn’t want to live to see this time!” “You’re young, you can wait,” said the Elder. "How scary!" - “And you choose one of two: either earthly or heavenly.”

“There will be a war,” Father continued, “and where it takes place, there will be no people there. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist there will be no death. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.”

“Repairs of churches will continue until the coming of the Antichrist, and everywhere there will be unprecedented splendor,” said the Elder. - And you should be moderate in the renovation of our church, in its appearance. Pray more, go to church while you can, especially to the Liturgy, at which the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered for the sins of the whole world. Confess more often and partake of the Body and Blood of Christ and the Lord will strengthen you.

To one deacon, who is still alive but already old, Father directly said: “You will live to see the time when there will be an Antichrist. Don’t be afraid, but tell everyone that it’s “he”, and there’s no need to be afraid!”

1948: Abbess Domnitskaya and two cell attendants (born in 1923) came to Father for tea, and at dinner he said: “You and I, mother, will not live to see the Antichrist, but these (pointing to his nieces) will live.”

The slander of the evil one and false teaching in Rus' will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church. And we must remember that there is One God, one faith and one baptism.

Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God’s Anointed One. The king will be from God.

The Lord Jesus Christ created one Church (not churches), which even the gates of hell cannot overcome. We, the Orthodox, do not need anything, but only the Orthodox Faith, the salvation of the soul and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mother, the Holy Orthodox Church, has this weight. Thank the Lord! And to break away and depart from it is the greatest and unforgivable sin both in this life and in the future - this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.


“The time will come when there will be a spiritual dawn in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even people of other faiths will come to us to be baptized. But this will not last long - fifteen years, then the Antichrist will come. When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob the wealth. The West will in every possible way contribute to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China for the time being. The Far East will be taken over by the Japanese, and Siberia by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians, and ultimately, by cunning and deceit, will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals. When China wants to go further, the West will resist and will not allow it. Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but it will survive, losing most of its lands. This war, which the Holy Scriptures narrate and the prophets speak about, will become the reason for the unification of mankind. Jerusalem will become the capital of Israel, and in time it should become the capital of the world. People will understand that it is impossible to continue living like this, otherwise all living things will perish, and they will choose a single government - this will be the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist. Then the persecution of Christians will begin; When trains from cities leave deep into Russia, we must hurry to be among the first, since many of those who remain will die. The kingdom of lies and evil is coming. It will be so hard, so bad, so scary that God forbid we live to see this time... The time will come when not persecution, but money and the charms of this world will turn people away from God, and many more souls will perish than during the open fight against God . On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild the domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses, and persecution will take on the most sophisticated, unpredictable character. It will be scary to live until these times.”

“The old man loved young people very much. At that time, young people hardly went to church, and he was so happy when they came to him. The elder spoke about the enormous role of the young in the future revival of the Church. He said that times would come (and are already coming!) when the corruption and decline of the morals of the young will reach its final limits. There will be almost no uncorrupted ones left. They will believe that everything is allowed to them to satisfy their whims and lusts, for they will see their impunity. They will gather in companies, gangs, they will steal and debauch. But the time will come when the voice of God will be heard, when young people will understand that it is impossible to live like this any longer, and they will go to faith in different ways, and the desire for asceticism will increase. Those who were previously sinners and drunkards will fill the churches, feel a great craving for spiritual life, many of them will become monks, monasteries will open, churches will be full of believers - and the majority will be young people. And then the young will go on pilgrimages to holy places - it will be a glorious time! The fact that they are sinning now will make them repent more fervently. Just as a candle, before it goes out, flares up brightly, illuminating everything with its final light, so is the life of the Church. And that time is near.

Rev. Anatoly Optinsky

My child, know that in the last days, as the Apostle says, difficult times will come (2 Tim. 3, 1-b). And so, as a result of the impoverishment of piety, heresies and schisms will begin in the Church, and then, as the Holy Fathers predicted, there will not be people experienced and skilled in spiritual warfare on the thrones of the hierarchs and in the monasteries. Because of this, heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many.

The enemy of the human race will act with cunning to persuade even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas about the Holy Trinity, about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, about the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly begin to distort the teaching of the Church, transmitted by the Holy Fathers and from the Holy Spirit, its very spirit and statutes, and these tricks of the enemy will be noticed only by a few, the most skilled in spiritual life. Heretics will take power over the church, they will place their servants everywhere, and piety will be neglected. But the Lord will not leave His servants unprotected and in ignorance. He said: “By their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:16). So you, by the actions of heretics, try to distinguish them from true shepherds. These are spiritual thieves, plundering the spiritual flock, and they will enter the sheepfold of the Church “by climbing over in other ways,” as the Lord said, that is, they will enter by illegal means, using violence and trampling on God’s statutes. The Lord calls them thieves (John 10:1).

Indeed, their first step will be the persecution of true shepherds, their imprisonment, exile, because without this they cannot plunder the sheep. Therefore, my son, when you see the destruction of the Divine order of the Church, the paternal tradition and the order established by God, know that heretics have already appeared, although, perhaps, they will at times hide their wickedness and will distort the faith unnoticed, in order to be even more successful, deceiving and luring the inexperienced online. Persecution will be not only against shepherds, but also against all servants of God, for the demon who leads heresy does not tolerate piety. Recognize these wolves in sheep's clothing by their proud disposition, voluptuousness and lust for power: they will be slanderers and traitors, sowing enmity and malice. True servants of God are humble, brotherly loving and obedient to the Church.

There will be great oppression from heretics and monks, and monastic life will then be reproached: the monasteries will become impoverished, the number of monks will be reduced, and those who remain will endure violence. However, haters of monastic life, having only the appearance of piety, will try to win the monks to their side, promising them protection and worldly blessings, threatening the disobedient with expulsion. Because of these threats, the faint-hearted will then feel great despondency, but you, my son, if you live to see this time, rejoice, for then the right believers, but who have not shown other virtues, will receive crowns for standing in faith alone, according to the word of the Lord: “Every “Whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Heavenly Father” (Matthew 10:32, 33).

Fear the Lord God, my son, be afraid of losing the prepared crown, be afraid of being torn away from Christ into total darkness and eternal torment. Stand courageously in the faith of Orthodoxy and, if necessary, joyfully endure exile and other sorrows, for the Lord and the holy Martyrs and Confessors will be with you: they will look with joy at your feat. But woe will be in those days for the monks who acquired property and wealth, and, for the love of peace; will be ready to submit to heretics. They will lull their conscience, saying: “If we protect and save the monastery, the Lord will forgive us.”

The unfortunate and blind do not think that the demon will enter the monastery with heresy, and then it will no longer be a holy monastery, but simple walls from which grace will retreat. But God is stronger than the enemy and will never abandon His servants. And true monasteries will remain until the end of time, only they will choose deserted and secluded places for this. Do not be afraid of sorrows, but be afraid of destructive heresy, for it will strip a person of grace and separate him from Christ, therefore the Lord commanded to consider a heretic as a pagan and a publican (Matthew 16:17). So, my son, be strengthened in the grace of Jesus Christ, rush with joy to the feats of confession and endure suffering, like a good warrior of Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 2:1,2), who said:

“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev. 2:10). To Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be Honor, Glory and Power forever and ever.

Rev. Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky (+ 1949)

“The time will come when there will be a spiritual dawn in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even people of other faiths will come to us to be baptized. But this will not last for about fifteen years, then the Antichrist will come. When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob the wealth. The West will in every possible way contribute to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China for the time being. The Far East will be taken over by the Japanese, and Siberia by the Chinese, who will begin to move to Russia, marry Russians, and ultimately, by cunning and deceit, will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals.

When China wants to go further, the West will resist and will not allow it. Many countries will take up arms against Russia, but it will survive, losing most of its lands. This war, which the Holy Scriptures narrate and the prophets speak about, will become the reason for the unification of mankind. Jerusalem will become the capital of Israel, and in time it should become the capital of the world. People will understand that it is impossible to continue living like this, otherwise all living things will perish, and they will choose a single government - this will be the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist. Then the persecution of Christians will begin; When trains from cities leave deep into Russia, we must hurry to be among the first, since many of those who remain will die. The kingdom of lies and evil is coming. It will be so hard, so bad, so scary that God forbid we live to see that time...

The time will come when it is not persecution, but money and the charms of this world that will turn people away from God, and many more souls will perish than during the open fight against God. On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses, and persecution will take on the most sophisticated, unpredictable character. It will be scary to live until these times.”

“The old man loved young people very much. At that time, young people hardly went to church, and he was so happy when they came to him. The elder spoke about the enormous role of the young in the future revival of the Church. He said that times would come (and are already coming!) when the corruption and decline of the morals of the young will reach its final limits. There will be almost no uncorrupted ones left. They will believe that everything is allowed to them to satisfy their whims and lusts, for they will see their impunity. They will gather in companies, gangs, they will steal and debauch. But the time will come when the voice of God will be heard, when young people will understand that it is impossible to live like this any longer, and they will go to faith in different ways, and the desire for asceticism will increase. Those who were previously sinners and drunkards will fill the churches, feel a great craving for spiritual life, many of them will become monks, monasteries will open, churches will be full of believers and the majority will be young people. And then the young will go on pilgrimages to holy places - it will be a glorious time! The fact that they are sinning now will make them repent more fervently. Just as a candle, before it goes out, flares up brightly, illuminating everything with its final light, so is the life of the Church. And that time is near.”

Rev. Lavrenty Chernigovsky

The Russian people will repent of their mortal sins, that they allowed Jewish wickedness in Russia, that they did not protect the anointed Tsar of God, the Orthodox churches and monasteries, the host of martyrs and confessors of saints, and all Russian sacred things. They despised piety and loved demonic wickedness.

Elder Lawrence, who had abundantly acquired the All-Holy Spirit of God, often talked with his children about the last times, warning them that they needed to be vigilant and careful because the Antichrist was close.

The Reverend said that there would be such a worldwide war that no one would be left anywhere, except in the gorge.

And they will fight, and two or three states will remain, and they will decide: “Let’s elect one king for the whole universe.” And they will elect.

And in the last times, true Christians will be exiled, and the old and weak will at least grab the wheels and run after them.

About the coming Antichrist, the Elder, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, spoke the following words: “The time will come when they will go to sign for one king on earth. And they will strictly rewrite people. They will enter the house, and there will be a husband, wife, and children. And now the wife begins to persuade her husband:

“Let’s sign, we have children, because you can’t buy anything for them.” And the husband will say: “As you wish, I am ready to die, but I will not sign for the Antichrist.” Such a touching picture of the future.

“The time will come,” said Rev. Father Lawrence, “when inactive (closed) churches will be restored and equipped not only outside, but also inside. The domes of both churches and bell towers will be gilded. And when everything is finished, the time will come when the Antichrist will reign. Pray that the Lord will continue this time for us to strengthen, because a terrible time awaits us. And see how cunningly everything is prepared? All the temples will be in the greatest splendor as never before, but it will be impossible to go to those temples.

The Antichrist will be crowned king in the magnificent temple of Jerusalem.

There will be free entry and exit from Jerusalem for everyone. But then try not to go, because everything will be done to deceive.

The Antichrist will come from a Jewish prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation of fornication. Already as a teenager he will be very capable and intelligent, and especially since then when, as a boy of about twelve, walking with his mother in the garden, he will meet Satan, who, coming out of the abyss itself, will enter him.

The boy will tremble in fear, and Satan will say: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you.” And from this youth the Antichrist will mature in human form.

The prophets Enoch and Elijah will come down from Heaven, who will also tell everyone that the Antichrist has come: “This is the Antichrist, do not believe him.” And he will kill the prophets, but they will be resurrected and ascend to Heaven.

The Antichrist will be trained in all satanic tricks and will give false signs. The whole world will hear and see it at the same time. The Holy Pleasant of God said: “Blessed and blessed is that person who does not desire and will not see the godless face of the Antichrist. Whoever sees and hears his blasphemous speech, his promises of all earthly blessings, will be seduced and will come to meet him with worship. And he will perish with him and will burn in eternal fire.”

They asked the Elder: “How will all this happen?” The Holy Elder answered with tears: “In the holy place the abomination of desolation will stand and show the vile deceivers of the world, and they will deceive people who have departed from God and perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear and the whole world will see him once.” The Fathers asked the Saint: “Where, in the holy place? In the church?" The monk replied: “Not in the church, but in every home. In the corner where the holy icons now stand and hang, there will be seductive devices to seduce people. Many will say: “We need to watch and listen to the news.” The Antichrist will appear on the news.”

“He will stamp his people with seals. Will hate Christians. The final persecution of the Christian soul will begin, which will refuse the seal of Satan... Nothing will be able to be bought or sold to a Christian. But do not be discouraged: the Lord will not abandon his children... There is no need to be afraid! There will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to go to them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and the whole “satanic” gathering will be there...

Christians will be killed or exiled to desert places. But the Lord will help and nourish His followers.

Jews will also be herded into one place. Some Jews who truly lived by the Law of Moses will not accept the seal of the Antichrist. They will wait and keep an eye on his affairs. They know that their ancestors did not recognize Christ as the Messiah, and here God will give that their eyes will be opened and they will not accept the seal of Satan, but will recognize Christ and will reign with Christ.

And all the weak people will follow Satan, and when the earth does not produce a harvest, people will come to him asking for bread, and he will answer: “The earth will not produce bread. I can not do anything".

There will also be no water, all rivers and lakes will dry up. “This disaster will last three and a half years, but for the sake of His chosen ones the Lord will shorten those days. In those days there will still be strong fighters, pillars of Orthodoxy, who will be under the strong influence of the heartfelt Jesus Prayer. And the Lord will cover His Almighty Grace, and they will not see those false signs that will be prepared for all people.

Many of you, my children, will live to see this terrible time. One sister, listening to this conversation, asked: “What should I do? I wouldn’t want to live to see this time!” “You’re young, you can wait,” said the Elder. "How scary!" “And you choose one of two: either earthly or heavenly.”

“There will be a war,” Father continued, “and where it takes place, there will be no people there. And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people, and they will die. And under the Antichrist there will be no death. And the Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination.”

“Repairs of churches will continue until the coming of the Antichrist, and everywhere there will be unprecedented splendor,” said the Elder. And for our church, be moderate in its appearance when it comes to repairs. Pray more, go to church while you can, especially to the Liturgy, at which the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered for the sins of the whole world. Confess more often and partake of the Body and Blood of Christ and the Lord will strengthen you.

To one deacon, who is still alive, but already old, Father directly said: “You will live to see the time when the Antichrist will be, do not be afraid, but tell everyone that it is “he”, and there is no need to be afraid!

(1948): “Abbess Domnitskaya and two cell attendants (born in 1923) came to Father for tea, and at dinner he said:

“You and I, mother, will not live to see the Antichrist, but these (pointing to his nieces) will live.”

The slander of the evil one and false teaching in Rus' will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church.

The Monk Lawrence spoke persistently and sternly with a warning that our native word is Rus and Russian. And you definitely need to know, remember and not forget that there was the Baptism of Rus', and not the baptism of Ukraine. Kyiv is the second Jerusalem and the mother of Russian cities.

There was a secret Jewish capital in Poland. The Jews forced the Poles to conquer Rus'. When the Poles conquered part of Rus', they leased Orthodox monasteries and churches to the Jews. Priests and Orthodox people could not perform any requirements without their permission. They squeezed and oppressed the Orthodox from all sides, patronizing Poland, Catholicism and the Union.

The Monk Theodosius, abbot of the Kiev Pechersk, wrote that we should not praise the faith of others and should under no circumstances unite with Catholics or abandon the Orthodox Faith. Close in spirit, the great Archbishops Lazar Baranovich, St. Theodosius of Chernigov and St. John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk - they tried with all their might, according to the word of the Lord Jesus: “Let all be one,” to be with Orthodox Russia in order to together form Holy Rus'. And in order to be forever freed from Polish rule and from the oppression of the Jews and their tenancy, and to get rid of Catholicism, which is alien to us, and the soul-destroying union, introduced and enforced by threats, torture, violence and death. And Father also said: “Just as it is impossible to divide the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is One God, so it is impossible to divide Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This is together Holy Rus'. Know, remember and don't forget.

Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God’s Anointed One. The king will be from God.

You need to firmly know that Russia is the lot of the Queen of Heaven, and She cares about it and intercedes for it especially.

And we must remember that there is One God, one faith and one baptism.

The Lord Jesus Christ created one Church (not churches), which even the gates of hell cannot overcome. There is only one Orthodox Church, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Others who call themselves churches are not churches, but the devil’s tares among the wheat and the devil’s congregation.

We, the Orthodox, do not need anything, but only the Orthodox Faith, the salvation of the soul and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mother, the Holy Orthodox Church, has all this. Thank the Lord! And to break away and depart from it is the greatest and unforgivable sin both in this life and the future - this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Rev. Myrrh-Streaming Nile

...So, when the Antichrist puts his seal on people, their hearts will become as if dead.

And then, that is, during that predicted disaster, the Antichrist will begin to seal people with his seal, supposedly in order to save them from disaster with this sign, and those who have the seal, according to the Apocalypse (Rev. 13:17), will be sold bread. Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey, pouncing on carrion, devouring the bodies of the dead. But what kind of people will devour the bodies of the dead? Those who are sealed with the seal of the Antichrist; Christians, although they will neither be given nor sold bread for lack of a seal on themselves, will not eat corpses; those who are sealed, despite the availability of bread to them, will begin to devour the dead.

When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. They will convince people not to accept the seal, they will say that whoever shows patience and is not sealed by it will be saved and God will certainly accept him into paradise for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal. And let everyone be marked with an honorable cross, creating the sign of the cross at every hour, for the seal of the cross frees a person from the torment of hell; The seal of the Antichrist leads a person to hellish torment.

If you are hungry and require food, be patient for a short time, and God, seeing your patience, will send you help from above; you will be revived (filled with life) with the help of the Most High God. If you do not show patience, you will be sealed with the seal of this unclean king, then you will repent of it later.

The one who is sealed with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon; although he claims that he supposedly feels neither hunger nor thirst, he nevertheless hungers and thirsts even more, and not only more, but seven times more than you. Just be patient for a little while. Don’t you see that the one who accepts the seal of the Antichrist will not live (that is, he is dead in spirit and eternal torment awaits him)? Do you really also want to perish with the seal in eternal torment, so that you can be there with those who are sealed with it, “where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth”? And Enoch and Elijah will preach to people with many other exhortations.

The Antichrist will hear that two people are preaching, calling him a flatterer, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil; Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and addresses them with flattering words.

And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory along with your seal.” Hearing such a contemptuous answer, the Antichrist will become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.

Rev. Ambrose of Optina (+ 1891)

“When the faithful children of the Church will hide in caves, and only the prayers of the Mother of God will have the power to save people from persecution and unrest.” (It will be especially important to read the Archangel’s greeting “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary...” - this is the spiritual “groove” that the Antichrist will not jump over, that is, will not seduce the soul covered in prayers by the prayers of the Mother of God. - Comp.)

Rev. Barsanuphius of Optina (+ 1913)

“Many of St. The Fathers interpret that the “abomination of desolation,” spoken by the prophet Daniel, “standing in the holy place,” will be a Jewish temple, built on the site of the ancient Jerusalem temple in which the Savior preached. In this temple, which will be built at the coming of the Antichrist, the Antichrist himself will sit on the throne. Then the prophecy of the prophet Daniel will be fulfilled..."

“Then Father [Reverend] spoke about the Jews, about China and about the fact that everyone is going against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers. The true faith of Christ is preserved in it.”

“It is true that in the Church we now do not have living sources of prophecies, but there are signs of the times, which are given to us for the knowledge of the times and which are clearly visible to those with spiritual intelligence. Look, for example, at the Jews, what is their attitude towards them. 50 years ago the Jews were silent, they were not heard. In Prussia, let alone Austria, anyone could offend a Jew without any punishment, even kill him. I'm not saying that this is legal or good, I just want to say how powerless and insignificant they were... And suddenly they gained fame and power. Isn't this a sign of the times? After all, they began to exist not yesterday, not 50 years ago, but several millennia. They were rejected from the time of the Crucification of Christ and His Resurrection - and why could they not acquire such power in tens of centuries that they acquired in such a short time? Isn't this a sign of the times? Decline and decay are everywhere. The Antichrist is clearly coming into the world.”

“Whoever reads the Apocalypse before the end of the world will be truly blessed, for he will understand what is happening. And understanding, he will prepare himself. While reading, he will see in the events described in the Apocalypse certain contemporary events.”

Rev. Nektary Optinsky (+ 1928)

Hieromonk Nektary (Tikhonov + April 29, 1928) Optinsky to the question “Will there be a union of the Churches?” - answered:

“No, only an Ecumenical Council could do this, but there will be no more Council. There were 7 Councils, like 7 Sacraments, 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. For our century, the completeness of the number is 7. The number of the future century is 8. Only individuals will join our Church.”

“The time for prayer is coming. While working, say the Jesus Prayer. First with your lips, then with your mind, then it will move into your heart.

Prayer composed by Elder Nektarios: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God who comes to judge the living and the dead, have mercy on us sinners, forgive the fall of sin throughout our lives, and through your destinies hide us from the face of the Antichrist in the hidden desert of Your salvation.”

“A premonition of social catastrophe hangs over humanity. Everyone feels this instinctively, like ants... But the faithful need not be afraid: Grace will protect them. In recent times, the same thing will happen to the faithful as happened to the apostles before the Dormition of the Mother of God. Every faithful one, no matter where he serves, will be transported to one place on a cloud. Ark - Church. Only those who are in it will be saved.”

(27.1.1923): “Those who remain faithful to the Orthodox Church, no matter where they are scattered, the Lord will gather them all together, like the apostles at the Dormition of the Mother of God.”

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (+ 1867)

“The hypocrisy of the Antichrist in this period will reach the point that even in relation to Christians, he will not only not show himself to be their opponent, but will even come forward with the readiness of his patronage for them. With his outward show of life, he will try to imitate Christ. The majority of Christians, guided not by the spiritual mind of the Church, but by carnal wisdom, will not see this deception and recognize the Antichrist as Christ, who has come to earth a second time...

A terrible test will come for the Saints of God: the wickedness, hypocrisy, miracles of the persecutor will intensify to deceive and seduce them, refined, thoughtful and covered with the insidious ingenuity of persecution and oppression, the unlimited power of the tormentor will put them in the most difficult position; a small number of them will seem insignificant before all humanity... general contempt, hatred, slander, oppression, violent death will become their lot... Opponents of the Antichrist will be considered troublemakers, enemies of the public good and order, will be subject to covert and open persecution, will be subjected to torture and execution... We need extreme attention to the Word of God, justified by the very events of the time and mood hostile to it, but not when we fall away. Only for those who will be guided by Holy Scripture, it will tell him that not the majority, but only a few, walk along the narrow path, but in the last days of the world this path will become extremely impoverished.”

“In times of sorrows and dangers, visible and invisible, prayer is especially needed: being an expression of the rejection of arrogance, an expression of hope in God, it attracts God’s help to us.”

“When the great tribulations come during the time of the Antichrist, all true believers in God will cry out in intense prayer to God. They will cry out for help, for intercession, for the sending of Divine grace to strengthen and guide them. The own strengths of people, although faithful to God, are not enough to resist the united forces of rejected angels and people who will act with frenzy and despair, anticipating their imminent destruction. Divine grace, having overshadowed God’s chosen ones, will make for them the seductions of the seducer invalid, his threats unthreatening, his miracles despicable; she grants them to courageously confess the Savior who accomplished the salvation of people, and to expose the false Messiah who came to destroy people; she will place them on scaffolds, as on royal thrones, as on a wedding feast.”

The Lord “even in the very times of the Antichrist will guide His servants and prepare for them places and means of salvation, as is testified in the Apocalypse...”.

The mercy of God prolongs and delays the decisive denouement for the small remnant of those who are saved, while those who are rotten or rotten reach the fullness of corruption. Those who are being saved must understand this and use the time given for salvation, “for time is shortened,” and the transition to eternity is not far from each of us. One must be at peace with the position of the Church, although one must understand it together. This is an assumption from Above. Elder Isaiah said: “Understand the time. Do not expect improvement in the general composition of the church, but be content with what is provided in particular for salvation for people who want to be saved.” “Let him save his soul,” said the remnant of Christians, said by the spirit of God.”

Rev. Kuksha Odessky (+ 1964)

“The end times are coming. There will soon be an ecumenical council called “The Holy One.” But this will be the same “eighth council”, which will be a gathering of the godless. On it all faiths will unite into one. Then all posts will be abolished, monasticism will be completely destroyed, bishops will be married. The New Calendar will be introduced in the Universal Church. Be carefull. Try to visit God's temples while they are still ours. Soon it will be impossible to go there, everything will change. Only a select few will see this. People will be forced to go to church, but we will not have to go there under any circumstances. I pray you, stand in the Orthodox faith until the end of your days and you will be saved!

Saint Theophan of Poltava

“You are asking me about the near future and about the coming end times. I am not speaking about this on my own, but what was revealed to me by the elders. The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and is already very close. The time separating us from his coming can be measured in years, or at most in decades. But before his arrival, Russia must be reborn, albeit for a short time. And the king will be there, chosen by the Lord Himself. And he will be a man of ardent faith, deep intelligence and iron will. This is what was revealed to us about him. And we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation. Judging by many signs, it is approaching; unless because of our sins the Lord will cancel it and change His promise. According to the testimony of God’s word, this too can happen.”

“I don’t know anything yet about the Eighth Ecumenical Council. I can only say in the words of St. Theodore Studite: “Not every meeting of bishops is a council, but only a meeting of bishops who stand in the Truth.” A truly Ecumenical Council depends not on the number of bishops gathered for it, but on whether it will philosophize or teach “Orthodoxly.” If he deviates from the truth, he will not be universal, even if he calls himself by the name of universal. “The famous “robber council” was at one time more numerous than many ecumenical councils, and yet it was not recognized as ecumenical, but received the name “robber council”!..”

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

So the time will be, says Father Fr. Seraphim, when, under the pretext of church and Christian progress, to please the demands of this world, they will change and pervert the dogmas (teachings) and statutes of the Holy Church, forgetting that they originate from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who taught and gave instructions to His disciples, the Holy. The Apostles, about the creation of the Church of Christ and its rules, and commanded them: “Go and teach all nations what I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19).

From here, the rules and traditions of the Holy Apostles that have reached us have been preserved to this day, which were explained and finally approved once and for all by the Holy Successors - the Holy Fathers, guided by the Holy Spirit at the seven Ecumenical Councils.

“Woe to the one who subtracts or adds one word,” says Father Fr. Seraphim, our Church has no vice; woe to the one who dares to make any changes to the Divine service and statutes of that Church, which is the “Pillar and foundation of the Truth” and about which the Savior Himself said that even the gates of hell will not prevail against it; that is, that it will remain unchanged until the end - until the second coming.”

Any desire to make supposed improvements, changes to the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is a heresy, a desire to create your own special Church according to the invention of the human mind, a deviation from the decree of the Holy Spirit and is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will not be forgiven forever. This is what all those who fell away from unity with the Holy Apostolic Church did and will do, about which the Apostle Paul says: “Such apostles - crafty workers take on the form of apostles of Christ and it is not surprising, for Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of Light, therefore it is not a great thing that ministers they are disguised as ministers of righteousness, but their end is according to their works.” (2 Cor. 11, 13-14).

In one of his conversations with Motovilov, the Monk Seraphim, speaking about the spiritual state of the last Christians who remained faithful to God before the end of the world, told something very important for strengthening the confessors of Christ:

“And in the days of that great tribulation, about which it is said that no flesh would have been saved if those days had not been shortened for the sake of the elect, in those days the remnant of the faithful will have to experience something similar to what was once experienced by the Lord Himself when He, hanging on the cross, being a perfect God and a perfect man, felt Himself so abandoned by His Divinity that He cried out to Him: My God! My God! Why did you leave Me? (Matthew 28 46).

The last Christians should experience a similar abandonment of humanity by the grace of God, but only for a very short time, after which the Lord will not hesitate to appear in all His glory, and all the holy Angels with Him. And then everything predetermined from eternity in the Eternal Council will be accomplished in its entirety.”

Saint John of Shanghai

The Antichrist will provide the opportunity for the life of the Church, will allow it to worship and promise the construction of beautiful temples, subject to recognition of him as a supreme being and worship of him. He will have a personal hatred of Christ. He will live by this hatred and rejoice in the apostasy of people from Christ and the Church. There will be a massive falling away from the faith, and many bishops will betray their faith and will point to the brilliant position of the Church as justification. Seeking a compromise will be a characteristic mood of people. The directness of confession will disappear. People will subtly justify their fall, and gentle evil will support such a general mood, and people will have the skill of deviating from the truth and the sweetness of compromise and sin.

Rev. Ephraim the Syrian in “The Word on the Coming of the Lord for the End of Me and the Coming of the Antichrist” says: “The Jews will most of all honor and rejoice at the reign (of the Antichrist). Therefore, as if out of preference, taking care of them, he will show them all a place and a temple.”

“We need many prayers and tears, beloved, so that any of us will stand firm in temptations; because there will be many dreams made by the beast. He himself is a fighter against God, and wants to destroy everyone. For the torturer will use such a method that everyone will have to wear the mark of the beast on themselves […] and only in this case will they be able to buy food for themselves and everything they need; and appoint overseers to carry out his commands. Notice, my brethren, the excessive wickedness of the beast and the tricks of his wickedness, how he begins from the belly, so that a person, when he is brought to extremes by lack of food, is forced to accept his mark, that is, evil marks, not on any member of the body, but on the right hand, as well as on the forehead, so that a person would no longer be able to imprint the sign of the cross with his right hand and also on the forehead to mark the holy name of the Lord or the glorious and honorable cross of Christ and our Savior. […] Therefore, my brethren, a terrible feat lies before all Christ-loving people, so that until the hour of death they do not fall into fear and remain inactive, when the serpent will inscribe his seal instead of the Savior’s cross. […] For if anyone is not sealed with the seal of the beast, he will not be captured by his dreamy signs. Moreover, the Lord does not retreat from such, but enlightens and draws them to Himself. […] I beg you, brethren, I, the least of you, let us not be lazy, lovers of Christ, but let us become even more powerful through the power of the cross. Inevitable feat at the door. Let us all take the shield of faith. Be ready, as faithful slaves who will not accept anything else. […] Blessed is he who proves to be entirely holy and faithful, whose heart is undoubtedly devoted to God; because he will dispassionately reject all the proposals of the serpent, neglecting both his tortures and his dreams. […] Many of the saints who will be found then, at the coming of the defiled, will shed tears in rivers to the Holy God in order to get rid of the serpent, will run with great haste into the desert, and with fear will take refuge in the mountains and caves, and will sprinkle the earth and ashes on their heads, praying in great humility day and night. And this will be given to them from the Holy God; His grace will lead them to places designated for this purpose, and they will be saved, hiding in abysses and caves, not seeing the signs and fears of the Antichrist; because those who have knowledge will easily become aware of the coming of the Antichrist. But whoever has a mind for worldly affairs and loves earthly things, this will not be clear to him; for he who is always attached to the affairs of this life, although he hears, will not believe and will abhor those who speak. And the saints will be strengthened; because they have abandoned all care for this life.”

…Then the whole earth and the sea, and the mountains and hills, and the heavenly lights will weep for the human race, because everyone has turned away from the Holy God and believed in flattery, having taken upon themselves, instead of the Life-giving Savior’s Cross, the mark of a vile God-fighter. After the completion of three and a half years of power and action of the unclean and when the temptations of the whole earth are fulfilled, the Lord will finally come, like lightning flashing from heaven, our Holy, Most Pure, Terrible, Glorious God will come with incomparable glory in the precedence of His glory of the ranks of Archangels and Angels : “Arise, you who have fallen asleep, behold the Bridegroom has come!” The tombs will open, and in the blink of an eye all the tribes of the earth will awaken and look at the holy beauty of the Bridegroom. And the darkness and thousands of thousands of Archangels and Angels - the countless army will rejoice with great joy; the saints and the righteous and all those who have not accepted the seal of the serpent and the wicked will rejoice. The tormentor with his demons, bound by the Angels, as well as all those who have received his seal, all the wicked and sinners will be bound and brought before the judgment seat. And the King will give them a sentence of eternal damnation, into unquenchable fire. All those who have not accepted the seal of the Antichrist and all those hiding in caves will rejoice with the Bridegroom for endless centuries.


Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the coming god-hideous, evil-cunning Antichrist, and hide me from his insidious nets in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly acknowledge Your Holy Name, so that I will not retreat from fear for the sake of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and tears for my sins and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.


It was difficult to perceive this in those years of apparent Soviet prosperity; I did not think then that I would live to see the fulfillment of much of what I saw... I did not ask for anything, but it was given from above to see what the people who came to me asked about. ..

Well, now, about the vision itself, about what awaits everyone, alas, not in such a distant future, some of which are happening at the present time. And this is what I saw about the future.

First of all, all kinds of technical disasters - the human-created system of existence, essentially satanic, because it absolutely contradicts the laws of God, will begin to break down. Planes will crash, ships will sink, nuclear power plants and chemical plants will explode. And all this will be against the backdrop of terrible natural phenomena that will occur throughout the world, but especially in America. These are hurricanes of unprecedented strength, earthquakes, severe droughts and, conversely, flood-like downpours. A terrible monster, a modern Sodom - New York, will be wiped off the face of the earth. Gomorrah - Los Angeles will not be left without retribution.

It seems that it would be difficult to find a place on earth where a person would feel calm and completely safe. Man’s peace will only lie in his trust in God; the earth will no longer give him protection. Disturbed nature threatens cities with the most terrible consequences, because they are completely cut off from it. The bottom destruction of the Tower of Babel, a modern house, and hundreds of people buried without repentance and communion, hundreds of dead souls. These houses, placed on stilts, are arrows piercing the earth, as if rushing there, to hell, and they will bring people hellish death under the rubble. And the one who remains alive will immediately envy the dead, for his fate is even more terrible - death from hunger and suffocation.

The cities will be a terrifying sight. Even those that escape complete destruction, deprived of water and electricity, heat and food supply, they will resemble huge stone coffins, so many people will die. Gangs of bandits will endlessly commit their atrocities, even during the day it will be dangerous to move around the city, but at night people will gather in large groups in order to try to survive together until the morning. The sunrise, alas, will herald not the joy of a new day, but the grief of having to live this day.

There is no need to think that peace and prosperity will reign in the countryside. Poisoned, disfigured, incinerated by drought or flooded with rainfall fields will not produce the required harvest. There will be an unprecedented loss of livestock and people, unable to bury the animals, will leave them to decompose, poisoning the air with a terrible stench. The peasants will suffer from attacks by townspeople who, in search of food, will disperse throughout the villages (villages, Slavicism), ready to kill a person for a piece of bread! Yes, for that piece that they can’t get down their throats without seasonings and sauces, blood will flow. Cannibalism will become commonplace, having accepted the mark of the Antichrist, humanity will erase all boundaries of morality. For villagers, night is also a period of special fear, because this time will be with the most brutal robberies. And you need to not only survive, but also preserve your property for work, otherwise you also risk starvation. The people themselves, as in the city, will also be hunted. From the outside it will seem that the antediluvian times have returned...

And hunger will dominate all this. There will be two types of hunger - food hunger, and, most importantly, spiritual hunger. There will be several lean years, droughts, all this will lead to terrible famine...

The world is overshadowed by the darkness of contentment of a dozen “developed” countries, which the enemy has chosen as a support in the work of stupefying the whole world. The main striking weapon in this matter is the slogan of freedom! How much blood has been shed in all revolutions and coups, social and pseudo-religious uprisings, political and mystical strife on the altar of the demon “freedom”! This is he, the rebel and overthrown, the creature who ate to appropriate for himself the place of the Creator, he is the main lover of freedom. And his freedom is not the ability given to man by God to be perfect in every kind of virtue. No, his “freedom” is the most difficult bonds, the purpose of which is to deprive a person of the opportunity to choose between good and evil, leaving him only with a march to hell. This is the kind of freedom that will be achieved... The first freedom that the demon needs, without which all others will crumble, is freedom of religion, so-called religious tolerance... The Orthodox Church, this is what does not allow them all to sleep peacefully!..

And I saw what attempts the world’s evil is making in order to discredit the Holy Church, the immaculate Body of Christ! First of all, she will be defamed in all newspapers, radio and television. Jews with Slavic surnames will in every possible way expose the clergy and the Orthodox to public ridicule, mock rituals, fasts, way of life, everything that has always been the basis of the vitality of the people.

Everything is imbued with hatred of the Truth. Not much time will pass before the TV organizers will begin to openly mock Christ and the saints. Programs about the Mother of God will be permeated with special hatred, everything will flow with the poison of hellish malice...

They will not hear the teachings of the Church, the Ark of Salvation of the last time, but will follow the teachings of men, will reject the truth, and will revel in fables, as the Apostle warned... And the Church, which gave them the Holy Letter, will be unimaginably reviled and blasphemed. And the sins of unworthy servants will be classified as Church vices. She bothers them. For the Church is a vessel filled with the Holy Spirit, and He is the Accusing Spirit!..

Here it is, another evil perpetrated by the owners of television - accustoming people to the sight of demons! This training is already underway, monsters are looking at a person from all sides. They are now called aliens, or something else, but they are demons. Time will pass, and they will freely reveal themselves to people, being in the service of the Antichrist and his minions. How difficult it will be to fight them then!..

Thousands and thousands of Catholic destroyers of Orthodoxy will be sent into the Church itself, among the clergy. Despite their apparent piety, their spirit is different, and the people will leave their churches. They will stand restored and built, but empty. The light of true holiness and adherence to the spirit of the fatherly faith will shine everywhere. But whoever wants it will find it. No one can justify himself by saying: “Lord, I searched and did not find!” Among the darkness of unbelief and godlessness, the lights of truth are burning throughout the earth. And the righteous clergy will be persecuted and oppressed, subjected to all kinds of blasphemy, the servants of the devil will not hesitate to kill, if God allows them to receive the crown of martyrdom. There will be many of them, righteous martyrs of the last time!

And those with an alien spirit will wait for the ruler, the Antichrist. But they will still have the opportunity to be saved, i.e. recognize who he is, and power and money will close the eyes of most. Scary time! But it all starts small - the clergy stopped wearing clothes befitting their rank, and shaved beards in the Catholic and Protestant manner are no longer a novelty...

But if it were not for the Conciliarity, the Church would not have remained Orthodox - how many times have individuals turned out to be the guardians of the truth, while the highest clergy are heretics?

But (...) the Antichrist will not be able to achieve complete and absolute control here, and in the West I have seen those hidden from his horned servants - the Lord will not allow it. Of course, whoever wants salvation and for this purpose leaves the comfort and convenience of the city, going to the desert area, will be in greater safety.

The Antichrist will come as a deliverer from social ills, although this is precisely why they will be carried out. The fiend of hell will have countless strength and power. The people preparing for his arrival already hold in their hands the main riches of the earth. The mirage of today's prosperity will disappear faster than the spring waters. Let us remember one of the trainings and rehearsals conducted with people in the Soviet Union - one day and everyone who trusted the banks became beggars...

Now it will be worse, the whole world will be under attack... And the demon will push people who do not believe or have little faith to lay hands on themselves... I saw lines of coffins. On earth they cry and weep, they sing of repose, and around them demons dance, happy - how many souls they were able to destroy!..

They will burst, these banks, they will burst in order to bring people to their knees. And they will burst overnight, rehearsals for this have already been successful. And enterprises will stop due to natural disasters and wars. And what will a person be left with? With a mass of unnecessary and useless things, the acquisition of which took years of life, but the value of which is very relative even in a prosperous world, and in a world of catastrophes - dust, nothing...

These notorious dollars will be, as in my time, “Kerenki”, by meters. Gold will find its true price - nothing, like a useless metal, and as such - neither can be eaten nor sheltered from the cold. Only functional things will have value, things without which human survival is impossible - axes, saws, any tool, simple iron stoves...

The threshold of the coming of the Antichrist is chaos in the life of almost all countries. Those who, by virtue of their professed religion, are waiting for the coming of the false messiah will prosper. First of all, these are Jews and Mohammedans. Behind them are those Protestants who, denying the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, preach the kingdom of God on earth. The strengthening of their influence is already visible, and it will become even stronger in the future. The main thing for them now is to take possession of the land. Everything will be bought up secretly - forests, fields, and rivers. Siberia will fall under the Chinese, maybe more will be torn out...

These prophecies of the centenary Schema-Archimandrite Anthony are printed based on the text of the book by priest Alexander Krasnov “Spiritual Conversations and Instructions of Elder Anthony” (pp. 28-31, 33-34, 37, 47, 4d, 53, 55, 58-62, 64).



This is what I happened to hear in the cell of the great elder of our time - Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim of Rakitnoye thirty years ago. What he said then seemed incredible or very, very far from our days, the fulfillment of which we are unlikely to live to see...

But now the time has come to remember the elder’s prophecies.

Elder Seraphim said what was revealed to him about the future of Russia; he did not name dates, he only emphasized that the time of accomplishment of what was said is in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will develop, how strong the faith in God will be among the Russian people, what the prayerful feat of believers will be.

What was said that day, unexpectedly for everyone, was about the future “scenario” of the collapse of Russia. Since a significant part of what was said then has already been fulfilled, let us also remember what we have not yet lived up to.

Elder Seraphim of Rakitnoye said that the collapse of Russia, despite the apparent strength and rigidity of power, will happen very quickly.

First, the Slavic peoples will split, then the union republics will fall away: the Baltic, Central Asian, Caucasian and Moldova.

After this, the central power in Russia will begin to weaken even more, so that autonomous republics and regions will begin to separate.

The biggest tragedy would be the seizure of Siberia by China. This will not happen through military means: the Chinese, due to the weakening of power and open borders, will begin to move en masse to Siberia, buy real estate, enterprises, and apartments. Through bribery, intimidation, and agreements with those in power, they will gradually subjugate the economic life of cities.

Everything will happen in such a way that one morning Russian people living in Siberia will wake up in the Chinese state.

The fate of those who remain there will be tragic, but not hopeless. The Chinese will brutally deal with any attempts at resistance.

A young woman from a Siberian city was present during the memorable conversation. Elder Seraphim told her:

- “You will accept martyrdom at the hands of the Chinese in the stadium of your city, where they will drive residents and those who disagree with their rule.”

Many “believers” today do not want to believe in the very possibility of such a prospect. That is why Elder Seraphim predicted the martyrdom of many Orthodox Christians and patriots of the Motherland at the stadium of the Siberian city.

The West will contribute to this creeping conquest of our land and in every possible way support the military and economic power of China out of hatred of Russia. But then they will see the danger for themselves, and when the Chinese try to seize the Urals by military force and move on, they will prevent this by all means and may even help Russia in repelling the invasion from the East.

Russia must survive this battle; after suffering and complete impoverishment, it will find the strength to rise up.

And the coming revival will begin in the lands conquered by enemies, among the Russians who remained in the former republics of the Union. There, the Russian people will realize what they have lost, they will recognize themselves as citizens of the Fatherland that still lives, and they will want to help it rise from the ashes.

Many Russian people living abroad will help restore life in Russia... Many of those who can escape from persecution and persecution will return to their ancestral Russian lands to replenish abandoned villages, cultivate neglected fields, and use the remaining undeveloped mineral resources.

The Lord will send help, and, despite the fact that the country will lose its main deposits of raw materials, they will find both oil and gas on the territory of indigenous Russia, without which a modern economy is impossible.

Elder Seraphim Rakitny said that the Lord would allow the loss of the vast lands given to Russia, because we ourselves could not use them worthily, but only polluted and spoiled them.

But the Lord will leave behind Russia those lands that became the cradle of the Russian people and were the basis of the Great Russian state. This is the territory of the Great Moscow Principality of the 10th century with access to the Black, Baltic and Northern Seas.

Russia will not be rich, but it will still be able to feed itself and force itself to be taken into account.

To the question: “What will happen to Ukraine and Belarus?” Elder Seraphim replied that everything is in the hands of God. Those in these nations who are against the union with Russia - even if they consider themselves believers - become servants of the devil.

The Slavic peoples have a common destiny, and the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk will also say their weighty word - they, together with the host of Russian new martyrs, will pray for a new Union of three fraternal peoples.

And another question was asked to Elder Seraphim: “Is it possible to restore the monarchy in Russia?”

Elder Seraphim replied that this restoration must be earned. For those who do not yet believe in the salvation of this path, it exists as a possibility, and not as a predestination. But that part of the Russian people that is worthy will find a Tsar by faith! But this will become possible only after the very accession of the Antichrist - for a very short time.

These are the prophecies of Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim from the village. Rakitny are published based on the text of Alexander Nikolaev’s article “Memories of the Future”.



More than half a century will pass. Then the evildoers will raise their heads high. This will definitely happen. The Lord, seeing the unrepentant malice of their hearts, will allow their undertakings for a short time, but their illness will turn on their head, and the untruth of their destructive plans will descend to their top. The Russian land will be stained with rivers of blood, and many nobles will be killed for the Great Sovereign and the integrity of His Autocracy. (...)

There will be great disasters on the Russian land, the Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. (...)

Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great long war and a terrible revolution in Russia, in the exact words of Fr. Seraphim, beyond any human imagination, for the bloodshed will be terrible: the Razinsky, Pugachevsky riots, the French Revolution are nothing in comparison with what will happen to Russia. There will be the death of many people faithful to the fatherland, the plunder of church property and monasteries; desecration of the Lord's churches; destruction and plunder of the wealth of good people, rivers of Russian blood will be shed. But the Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory...

The constant count of the global and Russian war will be 10 years...

Since I myself (N.A. Motovilov) was told back in 1834, here in Voronezh [by Archbishop Anthony (Smirnitsky)], that I will not die before I personally recognize myself as the person who will live to be born Antichrist, so that, like Simeon the Receiver of God, who made known about the birth of the True Christ, he made known about the birth of the true Antichrist.

This sermon will be officially announced to all people, not only Russians, but also universally, as a universal announcement.

Then it will be easy to foreknow his accession to the universe in old Jerusalem, on the entire surface of the globe, except for the current territory of Russia and inner Asia, where the 10 tribes of the kingdom of Israel live. Russia will merge into one great sea with other Slavic lands and tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints:

“The formidable and invincible kingdom, all-Russian, all-Slavic - Gog Magog, before which all peoples will be in awe.”

And all this, all is true, like twice two makes four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him (the last Russian Tsar) and his formidable dominion over the earth.

With the combined forces of Russia and other (states), Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia, and Russia, united with many other states, will take Vienna, and about 7 million native Viennese will remain with the House of Habsburg, and the territory of the Austrian Empire will be established there.

France, for her love for the Mother of God - St. Madonna - will be given up to seventeen million Frenchmen with the capital city of Reims, and Paris will be completely destroyed. The House of Napoleon will be given Sardinia, Corsica and Savoy.

When the Russian Empire receives one hundred and eighty million into its possession, we must expect the appearance of the Antichrist.

1) The Antichrist will be born in Russia between St. Petersburg and Moscow in that great city, which, after the union of all Slavic tribes with Russia, will be the second capital of the Russian kingdom and will be called “Moscow-Petrograd”, or “The City of the End”, as the Lord the Holy Spirit calls it, providing everything from afar.

2) Before the appearance of the Antichrist, the Eighth Ecumenical Council of all Churches must take place under the One Head of Christ the Life-Giver and under the one Protection of the Mother of God, One in God Almighty, with the first patriarch reserving his royal power as the prototype of the eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ, also for unification and reunification of all the holy Churches of Christ against the brewing anti-Christian direction under the One Head of Christ the Life-Giver and under the one protection of His Most Holy Mother and for the final damnation of all Freemasonry and all similar parties (under whatever names they appear), the main leaders of which have one common goal: under under the pretext of complete equal improvement on earth, with the help of people fanatical by them, to cause anarchy in all states and destroy Christianity throughout the world and, finally, with the strength of gold concentrated in their hands, to subjugate the whole world to anti-Christianity, in the person of the autocratic tsar, the God-fighting tsar, alone the whole world.

Satan was the first revolutionary, and through this he fell from heaven. There is nothing in common between the teachings of his followers and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ; there is a huge gap here. The Lord, through doing the commandments given by Him, calls humanity to heaven, where truth dwells. The spirit of darkness promises the establishment of heaven on earth.

Thus, all revolutionary societies, secret and open, under whatever names they appear and no matter what plausible appearance they hide behind, have one common goal - the struggle and general destruction of Christianity, preparing the ground for anti-Christianity in the person of the Antichrist coming into the world.

Jews and Slavs are two peoples of God's destinies, His vessels and witnesses, indestructible arks; the rest of the nations are like spit, which the Lord spews out of His mouth.

Because the Jews did not accept and recognize the Lord Jesus Christ, they were scattered across the face of the whole earth. But at the time of the Antichrist, many Jews will turn to Christ, since they will understand that the Messiah they mistakenly expected (anointed to reign - Heb.) is none other than the One about whom our Lord Jesus Christ said: “I have come in the name of the Father.” Mine, and did not receive Me; another will come in his name, and they will receive him.”

So, despite their great crime before God, the Jews were and are a people beloved before God.

The Slavs are loved by God because they maintain true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to the end. At the time of the Antichrist, they will completely reject and not recognize him as the Messiah, and for this they will be rewarded with the great blessing of God: there will be an omnipotent language (people - glorified) on earth, and there will be no other more omnipotent Russian-Slavic kingdom on earth.

In Israel, Jesus Christ, the true God-man, the Son of God the Father was born by the influx of the Holy Spirit, and among the Slavs and Russians the true Antichrist-Demon-Man will be born, the son of the wife of the harlot of the Danish generation and the son of the devil through the artificial transfer of male seed to her, with whom he will dwell in her womb spirit of darkness.

But one of the Russians, having lived to see the birth of the Antichrist, like Simeon the God-Receiver, who blessed the Child Jesus and announced His birth to the world, will curse the born Antichrist and announce to the world that he is the true Antichrist.

These prophecies are fragments of a handwritten letter from the Sarov elder Seraphim (Moshnin), sent to N.A. Motovilov, who later wrote them out and personally handed them over to S.A. Nilus. (Printed based on the publication of Abbot Andronik (Trubachev) “Antichrist and Russia” from the magazine “Literary Studies”. Book 1. 1991, pp. 133-134).



My beloved son Valery, your wife, your children, all who love and remember me, an unworthy elder in the schema of the servant of God Jerome.

1. Listen and don't be scared! There are no longer Orthodox bishops in Russia. According to the protocol, we have the last Patriarch who will no longer enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The last bishop of the “vile time” Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine, received a sign from God - he was stabbed in the side - this is God’s permission, a sign to us all that there are no more righteous bishops in Rus'. Instead of the faithful bishops, all that remained were “Orthodox dummies” with bags in their hands containing only gold and silver. Who gave them this wealth? How do they manage it?

I asked God to take me, unworthy, to Himself, because of the terrible unbelief of the bishops in the Faith of Christ.

We already had the last patriarch - Pimen. And this protocol patriarch could not resist the enemy tribe.

2. There is no need to build temples anymore. It was already late yesterday. Who should build it? There are almost no Orthodox people left.

In the churches there are priests in “red cassocks” - almost all Jews with stars.

3. To you about. Mercury is not needed. Russia, which has already been betrayed, does not need him either. I blessed him into eternal seclusion.

4. Russia will have a new life. There will be a new Patriarch from Greek Athos in life. And again the righteous will rise from our Land, and again, once again, the Mother of God will show us what to do with the Russian Land.

Russia will rise again, but through great difficulties - tears and poverty. If we are poor, but strong in spirit, we will be saved.

5. Your abbot will not pray: he has his own will, he has chosen his own path - he loses the Grace that he had. Look and think.

6. Listen and be strong: we are living lately (according to God’s will). It has been given to me: around 2003, the Antichrist will come and for three years and six months he will execute us and you at the hands of the “red priests.”

Be especially afraid of 2005. Look and draw conclusions: as soon as they make a decision to build Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, the Israeli World Jewish Lodge will urgently take up this matter. Be carefull. The Jews have already bought seven hundred kilograms of gold in India for their nine-branch candlestick. Then the Antichrist will ride into this already built Temple on a donkey under the guise of the Messiah - the world king. As soon as the donkey's foot enters the temple, run and cling even to the wheel of the train that will take Christians into exile. Hurry up to put your loved ones on this train. This is how you will be saved.

You must save your people. I told you this so that you could draw conclusions from what was said.

There will be a terrible famine - the water will go away. Gold will come to the top. Unheard of heat will come. The living will not have time to bury the dead. Parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents alive. There is nothing but stench and corpses all around. Black crows and jackals will be drunk from the blood of human Orthodoxy. And on the corpses of the righteous, on their bodies, there will be “red priests”, drunk with wealth and enormous power, love of money, playing cards with girls, naked to the point of nakedness.

There will be faithful servants near the priests - prosecutors, police, tax service, tax police, justice, medicine. As the “red bishop” points his finger, all these people will attack the poor people. And under the guise of vaccinations they will make incisions on the arms and veins. There will be three cuts in a row. And they will call themselves: “I am the son of the Antichrist,” since this will be incest. The blood of the Antichrist will be mixed with the blood of Orthodox Christians.

The willows are supposed to save Christians when the water recedes. They are blessed by God. Dig up the roots and drink the droplets of moisture. So there will be no thirst. Eat the wet soil around this root, and do not be afraid of illness. This will be both bread and honey for you. There will be no water anywhere, but you will have water. Fill the hole in the morning and dig it out again at night. This will save you from drought. Mother Earth will save us, Orthodox Christians, through the prayers of the Mother of God.

In recent times, on your hands, where the veins are near the palm, try to smear them with myrrh in church, then you won’t be afraid of the incisions on the veins, even if you are sleeping or are in a helpless state.

Don’t rush to give your children away or get married. God will arrange everything. Oh, it will be difficult for you in the last times! You, the last Orthodox Christians, will be humiliated, persecuted, cursed at every step. More than once you will shed tears. But, just remember me, sinner Jerome, and everything will pass.

You will constantly have difficult things to do. You don't need any wealth. The last Orthodox Christians will have a different wealth - pray and pray. Pray at home, preferably in the evening and at night, go to a real church only for confession and communion. On the tenth road, avoid new priests.

I will die first, and then the other elders: Cyril, Nicholas, John, Vladimir, Eli. You will be without elders. Oh, how bad it will be for you! But not for long.

Cross and cross everything, especially do not use foreign drinks - they are enchanted.

Don't be afraid of death. We must envy those who righteously left this lost world.

They will constantly offend you. There is no truth. Be patient and be patient. Do not respond to evil, move away, do good to the offenders. They spit in your soul, and you reproach yourself for being wrong. Always consider yourself guilty. Return evil with goodness.

If you have the opportunity, come to my grave. Ask for what you need - I will help.

Everything is vanity of vanities. What does a man profit from his labors? Live within your capabilities. True believers in the Lord God will not die of hunger.

Love your neighbor. He who does not love his neighbor will immediately be burned. God has already prepared Paradise. He will be brought down to Earth in an instant. And before that, Enoch and Elijah will be the forerunner of the Last Judgment, and will be stoned. And Seraphimushka will denounce the priests - the road to hell will be paved with bishop’s vestments. They will compete: whoever throws out gold and silver first - but it will be too late! The angel will wave his wing, and all their gold and silver will lie down before the Throne of God. Oh, and there will be a terrible Judgment. The bishops will rush to wash the feet of the beggars, but the collars will not let them in.

Place the Gospel near you at night. Women should only wear headscarves, especially in front of their parents, and especially in front of their father. Forget about cosmetics: a woman’s placenta in lipstick is demonic. Don’t drink foreign beer: it’s enchanted.

Do no harm to anyone, and do no good either: people do not understand good. Live as best you can and don’t get involved anywhere. God will manage everything. Do not accumulate earthly riches, but only heavenly ones.

When Patriarch Pimen died, the parishioners wrote down his name in the memorial: “about his repose.” But after the service, it was discovered that the name of Patriarch Pimen was crossed out by Father Vladislav from all these funeral synodics and entered “about health.” The elder explained:

You need to pray for Patriarch Pimen “for health”: he is alive!..

Elder Vladislav also did not bless pilgrims to go to Diveevo. He told them:

Don’t go to the monastery in Diveevo now: the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are not there!

Father Vladislav did not bless Christians to take vouchers, and later plastic cards. The Elder said nothing at all about the INN.

Father Vladislav warned the Russian people about the many dangers that await everyone on the path to God:

Yes, there will still be persecution of the Orthodox Faith!..

And they will fight, and two or three states will remain, and they will decide: “let's elect one king for the whole universe.” - And they will elect.

And in the last times, true Christians will be exiled; and let the old and weak at least grab the wheels and run after them.

About the coming Antichrist, the Elder, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, spoke the following words: “The time will come when they will go to sign for one king on earth. And they will strictly rewrite people. They will enter the house, and there will be a husband, wife, and children. And so the wife begins to persuade her husband: “Let’s sign, we have children, because you can’t buy anything for them”; And the husband will say: “As you wish, I am ready to die, but I will not sign for the Antichrist.” Such a touching picture of the future.”

They asked the Elder: “How will all this happen?” The Holy Elder answered with tears: “In the holy place the abomination of desolation will stand and show the vile deceivers of the world, and they will deceive people who have departed from God and perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear and the whole world will see him once.” The Fathers asked the Saint: “Where in the holy place? In the church?" The monk replied: “Not in the church, but in every home. In the corner where the holy icons now stand and hang, there will be seductive devices to seduce people. Many will say: “We need to watch and listen to the news.” The Antichrist will appear on the news.”

“He will stamp his people with seals. Will hate Christians. The final persecution of the Christian soul will begin, which will refuse the seal of Satan... Nothing will be able to be bought or sold to a Christian. But do not be discouraged: the Lord will not abandon His own... There is no need to be afraid! There will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to go to them, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there, and the whole “satanic” gathering will be there...

I repeat once again that it will be impossible to go to those churches, there will be no grace in them.”

“Repairs of churches will continue until the coming of the Antichrist, and everywhere there will be unprecedented splendor,” said the Elder. - And you should be moderate in the renovation of our church, in its appearance. Pray more, go to church while you can, especially to the Liturgy, at which the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered for the sins of the whole world. Confess more often and partake of the Body and Blood of Christ and the Lord will strengthen you.

Prophetic words of St. Lawrence about heresies and schisms in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

“When a little freedom appears, churches and monasteries will open and they will be repaired, then all the false teachings will come out along with the secret demons and atheists (Catholics, Uniates, self-sanctified Ukrainians and others) and will strongly take up arms in Ukraine against the canonical Orthodox Church, its unity and conciliarity. These heretics will be supported by the godless government, and therefore they will take away churches from the Orthodox and beat the faithful.

Then the Kiev Metropolitan (unworthy of this title), together with his like-minded bishops and priests, will greatly shake the Russian Church. He himself will go into eternal destruction, just like Judas.

But all these slander of the evil one and false teachings in Rus' will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church - Russian.”

Words of St. Lawrence about Rus', heresies and schisms

The Monk Lawrence spoke persistently and sternly, with a warning that our native word is Rus and Russian. And you definitely need to know, remember and not forget that it was the Baptism of Rus', and not the baptism of Ukraine. Kyiv is the second Jerusalem and the mother of Russian cities.

There was a secret Jewish capital in Poland. The Jews forced the Poles to conquer Rus'. When the Poles conquered part of Rus', they leased monasteries and churches to Judas. Priests and Orthodox people could not perform any services without their permission. They pressed and oppressed the Orthodox from all sides, patronizing Poland, Catholicism and the Union.

The Jews really did not like the words: Rus' and Russian, so they first called the Russian lands conquered by the Poles and leased to them Little Russia. Then they realized that there was a word here, Ros, and called it Outskirts. The word outskirts is a shameful and humiliating word! What outskirts? What, why the outskirts?! After all, behind this imaginary Judeo-Polish outskirts there are other countries and states. And later, at their own behest, the Poles legitimized the concepts of Ukraine and Ukrainians for us, so that we would willingly forget our name Russian and forever break away from Holy and Orthodox Rus'.

The Monk Theodosius, abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk, wrote that we should not praise the faith of others and should under no circumstances unite with Catholics or abandon the Orthodox Faith. Close in spirit, the great Archbishops Lazar Baranovich, St. Theodosius of Chernigov and St. John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk - they tried with all their might, according to the word of the Lord Jesus: “Let all be one,” to be with Orthodox Russia in order to together form Holy Rus'. And in order to be forever freed from Polish rule and the oppression of the Jews and their tenancy and to get rid of the alien Catholicism and soul-destroying union, introduced and enforced by threats, torture, violence and death. And Father also said: “Just as it is impossible to divide the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, this is One God, so it is impossible to divide Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This is together Holy Rus'. Know, remember and don't forget.

There has never been a Patriarch in the city of Kyiv. The patriarchs were and lived in Moscow. Beware of the self-sacred Ukrainian group (church) and union.”

The abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Father Kronid, objected to Father that the self-saints and Uniates had already disappeared in Ukraine. Father answered sadly and sadly:

“The demon will enter into them and they will take up arms against the Orthodox Faith and the Church with satanic malice, but they will have a shameful end, and their followers will suffer heavenly punishment from the Lord the King of Powers.”

What Father’s precious words are, they have no price: Father foresaw everything in advance. Now a Ukrainian self-sanctified bishop appeared and called himself the Kyiv Patriarch. Yes, he does not know and has forgotten that there has never been a Patriarch in Kyiv... And some, to their eternal torment and to their shame, shout in madness: “Our Patriarch.”

Father warned us to be faithful to the Moscow Patriarchate and under no circumstances join any schism. That those bishops and priests who led faithful people into confusion did great harm to themselves and destroyed many Orthodox souls.

“Only those unworthy of God’s mercy and great sinners who do not want to know: “I believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church!” go into schism and heresy! And that the Orthodox Church is the Body of Christ (is it possible to divide the Body of Christ?), and, finally, the Church is the unsewn robe of the Lord (which, like Arius, cannot be torn).

And they do not remember that there is One God, one faith and one baptism.

The Lord Jesus Christ created one Church (not churches), which even the gates of hell cannot overcome. There is only one Orthodox Church, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Others who call themselves churches are not churches, but tares of the devil among the wheat and the congregation of the devil.”

With these words, the priest prayed for all those who were lost and apostatized from orthodoxy, began to cry and said: “No, the Lord will not call them to repentance, they will not be saved, for they are unworthy of God’s mercy. This was revealed to me by the Queen of Heaven and the Holy Guardian Angel... In them, who are lost and have departed from orthodoxy, there is no grace of the Holy Spirit, salvation and receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven. We, the Orthodox, do not need anything, but only the Orthodox Faith for the salvation of the soul and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our Mother, the Russian Orthodox Church, has all this. Thank the Lord! And to break away and depart from it is the greatest and unforgivable sin both in this life and in the future - this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.”

History teaches that it teaches nothing, and predicting the future using historical analogies tempts, but does not console.

Prophecies are coming according to the will of Above: when the measure is fulfilled, the Lord Almighty will arrange for a lost person to be corrected, to be saved from destruction.

The prophecies warn; and whoever resists, they will come true.

The human world is created by the will of man himself, according to the good will of God. After the creation of the world, God created Paradise - a spiritual garden, in which he placed spiritual images: perfect, incorruptible, eternal.

As iniquities multiplied, the Lord brought down a flood on the Earth for almost a year, and it broke up into continents. At the same time, the earth's axis shifted to its present position.

The shift of the earth's axis marked the movement to the North Pole of the tabernacles of paradise, which became even more inaccessible.

The Arctic ice continent literally rests on the waters and provides the foundation for the Mountain of Heaven, the Mountain of God. Above is Paradise, found the Earth on its firmament, it will not bow forever,... cover its highest waters with waters, rely on the clouds for its ascent, walk on the wing of the wind (Ps.;).

After the flood, the Lord remained God for all people, and over every nation. But not every people was destined for the crown of God's chosen one.

The legendary ancient Israel in its sons, due to the increase in sin in them, lost this honor, and it was transferred to the Russian people, from sons to babies.

The ancient source of animal waters has dried up, a new one has appeared. And the whole world reached out to the Russians, and the Russians - all over the world.

As a result of the Third World War, the whole world will pass to the Russians.

In the Third World War, Russia will remain aloof from the conflict without striking back.

The main battle will take place between the United States, Europe and China, which will mutually bleed each other, eliminating governance, defense, power potential and ruining the economy. After the war, only Russia will have integrity and power potential for global leadership.

Going towards the universal request of the peoples and taking in her hands the rod of the Holder of world evil, she will announce world patronage, proclaiming the formation of the Holy Russian Empire. At the same time, he will leave behind himself, as a global Power, autocracy: on weapons, on the state-information apparatus, on the military-scientific-industrial complex, and, most importantly, on the Church of Christ.

Time calculation, papers, money, technology, science, education and other “benefits” of the pre-apocalyptic civilization, burned by worldwide fire, will disappear among the population of the Earth as unnecessary as false, destructive idols. This will happen everywhere!..

Over time, the entire territory of North America and Eurasia will become part of the Holy Russian Empire.

Russia will include in Asia: Mongolia, part of China up to the Przhevalsky Ridge and the Great Wall of China, Korea, the islands of Kyushu and Hokkaido of Japan. Moreover, most of the population of Japan will be washed away by waves in a series of underwater eruptions.

In the Middle East, Russia will literally fall into the Indian Ocean. The part between the Russian (Black) and Mediterranean seas, the Suez Canal, the Chermny (Red - Slavism) and Arabian seas, and above the Indus River will go to it.

In Europe, Russia will be joined by the original Slavic-Russian lands - part of Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, East Germany (Bavaria), Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark), as well as Greece and Italy below the Arno River.

In North America, lands above 60 degrees will go to Russia, namely: the US state of Alaska, part of Canada, Greenland and Iceland.

The peoples of the world, including those on the territory of the Holy Russian Empire, will have traditional forms of economic management, power, beliefs and national culture.

In the hierarchy of already established traditional beliefs, the Orthodox Church will occupy a dominant position. The highest power and priesthood will be held exclusively by the Great Russians.

Those who resist will be evicted into deserted spaces by the mercy of God.

Africa, South America and India will never be able to rise to the level of independence of world powers.

The Holy Russian Empire will be based on three elephants - Colombia (territory of South America), Africa and India (Indo-Australia). Elephants stand on a whale - Antarctica.

The Arctic serves as the foundation of the Holy Mountain, which is inaccessible materially. At its top is Heaven, hell is in the center of the Earth. This is the original image of the Earth from the Creation of the World.

Rus', having reigned with Christ for a thousand years (from 999 to 1999), without ever bowing to the (Antichrist) beast, (under the leadership of the Tsar) will shepherd the nations with a rod of iron.

The period from the beginning of the Third World War to the proclamation of the Holy Russian Empire figuratively means the End of the World due to the complete disappearance of the Jews.

This is how the Bible prophetically wrote about the Jewish tribe: “Let sinners and lawless women disappear from the Earth, as if they did not exist. Bless the Lord, my soul.”

His whole life, without any dogmatic proof, was a testimony to the truth of Orthodoxy and the great grace that abides in our Church. Therefore, he had an unequivocally negative attitude towards ecumenism. The elder believed that all this was preparation for the establishment of the Church of the Antichrist. He attributed ecumenism to direct opposition to God.
The elder added to this, seeing modernism and everything that is happening now: “Yes, there will be an eighth ecumenical council.” He said that this would be a council at which everything wicked would outweigh, where Orthodoxy would be humble. There will be few Orthodox Christians at this council, and most of all there will be heretics, New Calendarists, etc. The church will be converted to a new style. Both Nectarius of Optina and the Monk Kuksha spoke about this, the Optina elders spoke about this, and Father Theodosius said the same thing. He said that they would switch to a new style, abolish fasts, abolish monasticism, etc., and, as St. Ignatius Brianchaninov said, it would no longer be possible to go to those churches.
All this will happen with the blessing of the ruling hierarchy, but not only that. With a similar blessing, the Antichrist will be crowned.
The elder said that we live in the last times, the first instructions of the elder when he tonsured his beloved spiritual child into monasticism were as follows, he said: “You know, we all don’t have long left, so take monasticism, it’s better to die as a monk.”
He did not point out to the laity one place where it is better, where it is safer to be saved in recent times. The elder spoke differently to different people. For example, people came, he told them: “Leave from there, everything will burn down there, it’s better to buy a house near Pochaev.” Other people came and asked what was better, to leave somewhere or to stay there, the elder answered them: “You must endure everywhere, stay where you live and endure there.” He advised still others to go to the mountains. Recently the elder was asked: “What should we do?” The elder replied: “Either the mountains, or endure; if you don’t have the strength to climb the mountains, then endure.”
The elder advised the monastics to go to the Caucasus. He himself lived in the mountains, lived in the desert, and in the future he simply lived by it. He gave different advice to different people, but the elder never told all people the same thing.
So he told the monks that it is better, of course, to go to the mountains in the presence of the Antichrist, whoever can. To the mountains in the literal sense of this meaning, where he himself lived. There you can live with God, there you can pray, just so as not to accept that seal of the Antichrist.
The elder advised some to move closer to the Lavra, and the Monk Kuksha said this, and other elders said this. Kuksha, for example, told his children: “There will be such a time, war will come, everything will burn, but three kilometers from the Lavra everything will be preserved.” He advised buying houses near the Lavra, he said that at least hold on to the fence of the Lavra, because times would be very difficult. Or go to places remote from populated areas, and the elder was of the same opinion, only he advised all this more simply and briefly.
In the early nineties, this whole system of coding the population, assigning numbers, cards, like now, etc. was something distant and unrealistic. In the West, we know that the assignment of a code to each person has proceeded and continues at a rapid pace; a microchip is placed on the right hand and forehead. So the elder even then directly said: “You know, these are the last times, you see the microchip - this is the very seal of the Antichrist that John the Theologian predicted.” He said it directly, and that the times are already lasting. The elder also added that this is all preparation.
The most amazing thing is that everything that is happening now, numbers are assigned, etc., he predicted in advance that all this would happen. That most people will accept all this, although these codes cannot be accepted. He explained that this is not yet the seal of the Antichrist, but it is a preparation for receiving the seal of the Antichrist. First is the code, then the card, and after the card is the print. The elder predicted almost everything that we see now, what is happening now, he spoke about all this then, at that time.
The elder was very sorry when the USSR collapsed, the elder said: “Well, it will come to complete anarchy.” Then the elder warned again and strengthened us against future trials, maybe even persecution. He spoke briefly, strengthening us so that we could somehow strengthen ourselves now. He blessed some of the monastics and other children to read the Lives of the Martyrs. He said that there will be a war with China, the war will not be long.
When the policy of joining NATO began in Ukraine, he said: “What a terrible disaster, God forbid that Ukraine joins NATO, if it joins NATO, it will be scary,” he did not say why it was scary. It was surprising that the elder never read newspapers, never read magazines, never listened to the radio, did not recognize television at all, and told people not to have it at home, etc. At the same time, the elder knew perfectly well what NATO was, he knew what a computer was, he knew everything. When the elder was asked about some events that were happening very far away, the elder immediately determined exactly what was happening there.
Now Elder Paisiy of Athos is very famous, he publishes a lot of books, and he very zealously spoke out and wrote against the codes. They say to the elder: “Father, here are the new books, Paisiy...”, and the elder smiles and says: “But I know him.” Everyone was so surprised how the elder knew him, because he had never been to Mount Athos. And he began to tell something from his life, without ever even reading anything about him. Then they say: “Father, he also speaks out against the codes,” and the elder replies: “That’s right, he must speak out, he’s doing the right thing by speaking out.”
As already mentioned, he did not recognize television at all and never watched it. Many tried to ask for his blessing to watch seemingly harmless television programs. The elder answered briefly: “You can’t watch it!” One day a little boy, very sick and weak, came to the elder for proofreading. And Father Theodosius asks him: “Do you have a TV at home?” The child answers: “Yes, it’s colorful, so beautiful!” The elder gave him the following advice: “And you beat him with a stick, with a stick, so that nothing remains!”
He also explained the dangers of computers in a very interesting way. Imagine that a person who has never communicated with them said: “All computers are connected to each other in one network. No matter what they are - big, small, they are all interconnected. And this network is organized not for the owner, but to monitor him. There is only one goal - to completely follow a person, to know his every word, his every desire and action.”
Father Theodosius did not have even a shadow of doubt about the holiness of the murdered king. The only thing he warned was that his glorification would be quite recent. He said about the emperor’s killers: “These are terrible people, very terrible!” As an example, the elder cited events from ancient history: the king and prophet David, his son Absalom, king Saul... “Let not the hand of the wicked touch the anointed of God...”
The elder warned repeatedly that the time of the atheists has come, this is their time, so they even teach children to see demons. Everywhere they sell “toy” dragons and aliens for children; everything is done to accustom them to the sight of evil spirits and tame the new generation. Father Theodosius did not just speak, but simply shouted to people: “We are already living in the last days,” and this was the cry of a soul that knows how much the Lord wants salvation for each of us. He just screamed.
There was a case when he once again asked Vladyka Vladimir for a trip to the Caucasus. Vladyka loved and revered the elder very much, and asked him with love and warmth: “Father, when will we go home?” Father Theodosius thought for a moment, rubbed his forehead with his hand and answered the Right Reverend: “Home?!” Very soon they will take everything into their own hands, build a temple and send us all home!” And he smiled warmly.
When they told him about a new kingdom in Russia, he replied: “Now we need to think that the last times have come, the Antichrist is coming! This is what we need to think about, the last time is close.” And once he said: “They can also install their own as king.” By this, the elder seemed to be saying that one should not get carried away by the very idea of ​​a new kingdom - everything can be perverted and serve the destruction of Orthodox people. The Jews, not understanding or not wanting to accept the mission of Christ, became fighters against God. Among the general moral decline and lack of faith, something good cannot arise. Build the Kingdom of God within yourself, then your neighbors will be nourished by it.
How many False Dmitrievs and false Tsars, false Tsarinas were there until Romanov was chosen? It's hard to even count. Now there is no time for all this, which is why it will be possible to distort the very idea of ​​​​an Orthodox monarchy in Russia. The entire Western satanic community will applaud the “Russian” tsar, say, from the incestuous Kirillovich family. And they already have such an “heir” to the throne. And a certain false Tsarevich Alexy claims power in Russia. The entire performance with the “remains of the royal family” in Yekaterinburg, carried out according to an overseas scenario, with the absence of the remains of Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexy, all this could be the threshold of the accession of their ruler. If the people want a king, it doesn’t suit you, we’ll find another one. Whatever you want, only from what we offer.
The great elder, seer and healer, Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, also warned that excessive enthusiasm for the idea of ​​​​restoring monarchy in Russia could lead to the Antichrist being given to the people instead of the Orthodox Tsar. And everyone will bow to him, because they have long confused the goal with the means to achieve it. He spoke strictly about the danger of such things.
The words of Father Theodosius were consonant with the words of Metropolitan John (Snychev) of good memory. The elder was a Russian man, Russian not just by origin, but with a Russian Orthodox idea, the birth of which is lost in the centuries, there, almost before the baptism of Rus' by the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. And this is not nationalism, chauvinism or anything like that, this is the consciousness of belonging to the great tribe of Russians, its messianism.

Biography of an old man.

Hieroschemamonk Theodosius (in the world Kashin Fedor Fedorovich) was born in Perm on May 16, 1841 into a poor peasant family. His parents, Fyodor and Ekaterina, were kind people, professed the Orthodox Christian faith and lived piously. They taught their children the same thing. At Fyodor's birth, the midwife received him in his shirt. At the same time, she told her parents: “There will be a great priest, he was born in a monastic kamilavochka.”
The Lord, from his mother’s womb, chose him as his servant and granted him special grace-filled gifts, so that at a very young age, barely learning to walk and talk, he loved his Creator with all his pure childish soul and, being an infant in years, his mind far exceeded his age.

The fertile region, adorned with forests and rivers, had a beneficial effect on the boy’s soul. Having reached the age of two, Fyodor was inflamed with a fiery love for God and expressed his love in a child’s prayer, which he absorbed with his mother’s milk.

Already in infancy, as an adult, he went into the forest to pray. If he happened to be alone at home, with the doors closed, he adapted to opening the door by placing a stool on a bench standing along the wall and the end resting on the corner near which the door was: standing on the stool, he took out the latch and opened the door. Thus, at night, when everyone fell asleep, tired from the day's worries, the young man of prayer opened the door and went out into the forest, on the edge of which stood the Kashins' hut, to say a prayer to his beloved God. In the forest there was a large stone on which little Fyodor prayed fervently for a long time, like a child. One day during prayer a voice came to him: “The stone on which you are praying is Raev.” That’s what he called it: “Heaven’s Stone.”

The family in which Fyodor grew up was large, and everyone usually gathered together during lunch: then the small hut could barely accommodate all the residents. One day, when everyone had gathered for dinner and sat down at the table, a dove flew from the Holy Corner, straight from the icons. After circling, he sat on Fyodor’s hand, he stroked him lovingly, and his mother said: “Let go of the pigeon, stop playing with it, you need to eat.” Fyodor lifted the dove in his hand as far as he could, the dove rose from the child’s hand and disappeared behind the icons. Everyone was very surprised and delighted at such a wonderful guest, and many years later the mother realized what a wonderful visit it was.

The father and the older children worked in the yard or in the field, and the mother, having managed things in the kitchen, sat down at the spinning wheel. During this activity, she always sang psalms and prayers in her melodious, pleasant voice, and Fyodor, perched at his mother’s feet, loved to listen to them and, without leaving her, memorized the words. As a child, everyone called him Father, remembering the words of the midwife. So he grew up in his family as a quiet, calm man of prayer, strengthening himself in spirit and body.

After the age of three he happened to go to the river bank; there he saw a barge onto which cargo was being carried and passengers were boarding. Fyodor also entered the deck with them; no one paid attention to him. Like an adult, not bothering anyone, he sat silently, absorbed in himself. Only two days later, when the barge was far from home, they paid attention to him and began to ask where his parents were. He replied that he had no parents. Then they asked him: “Where are you going?” “To Athos, to the holy monastery,” he answered. Everyone was surprised by his answer: baby, he gives such a smart answer. It turned out that among the passengers were pilgrims heading to holy places, and since the boy was so quiet and humble, no one could push him away; So he, along with the pilgrims, came to Athos as an orphan.

On Mount Athos, pilgrims approached the gate of the “Position of the Belt of Our Lady.” There was a gatekeeper at the gate. The boy fell at his feet, bowed and asked to call the abbot. We cannot understand the Providence of God, we cannot understand who taught the child such behavior - everything is in the hands of God. The gatekeeper came to the abbot and said: “Some little wonderful child asks to call the abbot.” The abbot was surprised and approached the gate: there were several men standing there and with them a boy, who bowed to the abbot and said: “Take me to you, I will pray to God and do everything for you.” The abbot turned to the men and asked whose boy this was; it turned out that no one, alone; They told the abbot that he was traveling by boat to the monastery as an orphan. The abbot was even more surprised and, seeing with his spiritual eyes the Providence of God, accepted him into the monastery and gave him a place to live. There the boy grew up, learned to read and write and was obedient. Life in the monastery was harsh, but the boy endured all hardships with love and humility.

When Fedor was 14 years old, Athos was visited by a Russian general. He brought his sick wife, possessed by an unclean spirit, to receive healing, since the sick woman was told in a dream that she would receive healing on Athos. A woman is prohibited from entering Athos, and she was on the ship, and the general went to the monastery to the abbot, told him everything and asked him for help, saying that in a dream the wife saw a young monk who should heal her.

The abbot ordered all the brethren, except Fedor, to go on the ship. But among them the woman did not find the one who was shown to her in the vision: she explained that she saw a very young monk. The abbot ordered to call Fyodor, and when he approached, the woman saw him and shouted in a bull’s voice: “This one will drive me out.” Everyone was very surprised, since they considered him the last among the brethren. The abbot asked him: “Who do you pray to, that your prayer is so strong?” - "To God's Little Golden Mother." The abbot ordered Fyodor to take the icon of the Mother of God, pour some water on it and bring him this water. “Father, let me fast for three days,” Fyodor asked. The abbot blessed him for a three-day fast, and after it, Fyodor took the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, poured some water on it, prayed fervently, and with the abbot brought this water to the ship to the sick woman. As soon as the woman saw them going to the steamer with water, she began to shout loudly: “Where are you driving me?” They served a prayer service over the sick woman, sprinkled her with some water, gave her something to drink, and she was healed. The general, in gratitude for healing his wife, gave Fedor a large sum of money, but he did not take it, but said: “Give this to the abbot, to the holy monastery, and I am a great sinner, unworthy of such a reward, for he himself is the Healer of our souls and bodies through his Most Pure Mother helped the patient get rid of her illness, thank them.” This was the first miracle created by the novice Fedor.

Fyodor had to take monastic vows, and it was revealed to the abbot that Fyodor had parents and he must take their blessing. The abbot called Fedor and told him everything that was revealed to him in the vision and, blessing him, sent him to his parents. And Fedor went to distant Perm in search of his parents.

Having found the place where, according to the abbot’s vision, his parents should live, and having asked the local residents, he finally approached his home and, with awe and excitement in his chest, like a wanderer, asked to spend the night.

His mother met him and, in response to his request for an overnight stay, let him into the house; she herself sat down on a bench by the window, where she always invariably spun yarn, and began to ask where he was from and what business he was on. Having mastered his excitement, Fyodor briefly spoke about himself and, in turn, began to ask her about their lives, who was doing what, who was alive, who had gone to the Lord. The mother called everyone, talked about everyone, and then with tears began to tell how their young child had disappeared in the forest and that she was sad and did not know how to remember him. Many years have passed, but the mother’s heart does not want to calm down and there is no end to grief, if, they say, she knew that he died, she would have buried her as it should, then she would not have indulged in such sadness.

Fyodor asked with sympathy about the boy and asked what signs he had. His mother, in tears at these memories, said that he had a large mole behind his right ear. Then Fyodor, unable to withstand the surge of excitement, brushed aside a lock of hair on the right side with his hand and showed a large mole behind his right ear. The mother, seeing the mole and peering into his face, fell to the chest of her found son with tears of joy and excitement, and it seemed that there would be no end to her joy. Who can convey maternal sadness and joy!

The parents blessed Fedor with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and he, joyful and happy, with the blessing of his parents, left again for Athos to his monastery. Upon arrival at the monastery, he took monastic vows with the name Theodosius. After a short time, he was ordained a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk.

Later, Hieromonk Theodosius went to Jerusalem. Arriving in the Holy Land, he walked around the holy places and bowed to all the shrines. Having walked around the Holy Land, Theodosius came to Jerusalem and remained to serve at the Holy Sepulcher. By that time, the Lord had given him the gift of speaking 14 languages. Father Theodosius served at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem for 60 years.

In 1879, Father Theodosius went to Athos - the place where his spiritual life began, his childhood and taking monastic vows. Returning after such a long absence to the monastery of the Position of the Belt of the Mother of God, he, by revelation from above, remained to serve there in obedience to the abbot of Ioannikiy until 1901, and from 1901, after the death of Father Ioannikiy, he, by succession, became the abbot of the monastery . Father Theodosius was burdened by his new responsibilities, for he had to work hard to manage the monastery, and he was drawn to living prayer to God, and in 1907, at the strong request, he was relieved of his position as abbot and went to Jerusalem, where he accepted the schema.

In 1908, by the Providence of God, a retired general came to Jerusalem from Russia, from the village of Platnirovskaya, and, meeting with Father Theodosius, urgently asked him to come to Russia. After some trouble, he received permission for Father Theodosius to leave for Russia. Hieroschemamonk Theodosius returns to Russia and settles in the village of Platnirovskaya, where he lived for more than a year. The rumor about the extraordinary old man instantly spread among the surrounding residents. Pilgrims began to flock to him. People saw in him a true servant of God and a prayer book to God about human needs. Possessing the gift of spiritual insight, he healed many from illnesses, and healed others with words. He treated everyone sensitively and with participation, guiding them on the path of salvation.

By the revelation of God, Father Theodosius moved from the village of Platnirovskaya to the desert 27 km from the city of Krymsk, not far from the present village of Gorny. There, in a gorge on a large stone, he prayed, without leaving it, for 7 days and nights, so that the Lord would show him where to build a church. The Mother of God appeared to him and indicated the place where there should be a temple and a prosphora. In this place there was green periwinkle, and to this day those two places are covered with periwinkle, and it is nowhere else in the gorge.

On the slope of two mountain hills, in a small clearing, in the place indicated by the Mother of God, Father Theodosius, with the help of nearby peasants, built a small church and a prosphora, as well as cells in the form of kurens made of poles and straw.

Those who were thirsty and seeking a way to salvation, seeking instruction and consolation in the word of God, flocked to the source of living water emanating from the mouth of the pious elder Theodosius. He received up to five hundred people a day. Here, through the prayers of Fr. Theodosius gushed out a celibate spring from under the ground.

In 1925, two weeks before Easter, Father ordered mothers Talida and Elena to bake Easter and paint eggs. They were very surprised: such a fast and another twelve days before the holiday - and suddenly the Easter oven, but they fulfilled their obedience, and everything was saved until Good Friday, and on Good Friday Father served mass, blessed Easter and eggs and said: “You will break your fast, and I won’t be with you, then you go to Minvody and live there.”

As soon as he did this and said this, three military men came and said: “Father, get ready, we have come to take you for a visit.” “And I’m already waiting for you,” answered Father.

He asked Mother Fiona for a basin of warm water, washed the mothers’ feet, fed them, served them himself, then went to his cell, prayed, took a cross, crossed all four sides of the cell, blessed everyone who was there from those who came and lived in the desert. Everyone was crying, and he said: “Why are you crying, you need to pray, the Lord has suffered these days, pray.” He blessed everyone again and told the military: “I’m ready.” He was taken to Novorossiysk, where he stayed for a month. A month later, he was sent into exile in Solovki. The stage passed through Krasnodar, where he also stayed for a month, another month in Rostov, and then he was sent, without delay, to his destination.

Father Theodosius spent 6 years in exile. In 1931 he was released and he came to Minvody. Here the priest bought himself a hut and accepted the feat of foolishness: he walked the streets dressed in a colored shirt (at that time it was considered funny), played with the children and the children called him “Grandfather Kuzyuk.” In Mineralnye Vody, he continued to spiritually instruct and save people - Father Theodosius belonged to the Catacomb Church - he served secretly, performed religious services, and tonsured him into monasticism.

A few yards away from Father, on Ozernaya Street, there lived a woman. She served a prison sentence for several years, and her daughter was in an orphanage. Returning from prison, she took her daughter, but she had nothing to live with, and a few yards away there were military men in the apartment, and so she planned to take her daughter there so that she could earn her living through fornication.

Late in the evening, this woman was taking water from the well and saw that Father Theodosius threw something at her door, some kind of bundle. She came up, took the bundle, and there was a lot of money, some thirty. She thought that the old man had lost his mind (he was a fool), confused his yard with hers and mistakenly threw the money away, as if he hid it - he’s a holy fool, and he looks like that, he doesn’t know, due to his lack of understanding, where to throw it money. In the morning she went to him with this bundle and said: “Grandfather, yesterday you brought me a bundle of money by mistake, here you go.” “When the devil puts bad thoughts into the mind, the Lord speaks to my uncle (as he always spoke about himself) and sends him to that house to ward off evil and the destruction of the soul,” Father answered her. She did not understand that he was talking about himself, and said to him: “I didn’t see any uncle, but you, grandfather, I saw how you threw this bundle into my entryway.” “Take this money, the Lord has sent you help so that you don’t plunge your daughter into evil,” Father told her. Then the woman realized that he knew her thoughts, fell to her knees and with tears thanked God and His mercy, hugged Father’s feet and washed them with tears. He raised her and said: “Thank the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for Their endless mercy towards us sinners, pray to God and raise your daughter in piety.” This woman’s daughter really grew up pious and humble, married a good man, and they had three children, whom she raised to be honest, respectable people. Only the Lord knows where Father got such a large sum of money, because he was a fool, he lived poorly, had nothing, sometimes he didn’t have a piece of bread for a whole day, and then suddenly such wealth, and he didn’t leave a single piece of paper for himself.

One night Father came to the railway worker Peter and said: “Let’s quickly go to the coal warehouse.” Their daughter Lyuba got up and followed Father, remembered on the way and said: “I didn’t take the coal book.” “Today it’s not needed, go faster,” Father answered. They approach the gate of the warehouse, and a young man stands at the gate. The priest says to him: “What do you want to do with yourself, have you thought about where your soul will go! Raise your children and pray to God. After all, you have a wife and two children, and you are about to give your soul to the devil.” Lyuba looked around and saw: above his head on the gate there was a rope loop. The man was going to hang himself, and Father saved his soul by not giving the devil his prey. The Lord did not allow destruction, but awaits repentance.

A year before the war, God’s servant Alexandra came to Father Theodosius, and he said to her: “There will be a war as terrible as the Last Judgment: people will die, they have departed from the Lord, they have forgotten God, and the wind of war will blow them away like ashes, and no sign will remain, but whoever calls on God, the Lord will save him from disaster.”

During the Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Father Theodosius showed himself to be one of the most zealous prayer books for the victory of Russia, serving a memorial service for the fallen soldiers, especially since the Lord even revealed to him the names of some of them. Using his position as a holy fool, he boldly preached, edifying people, and, again, performed miracles of extraordinary power.

When the Germans approached Minvody, there was such a case. Father Theodosius quickly runs up to the kindergarten and says to the children: “I’m walking, I’m walking... kids, run after me, run.” For fun, the children ran after their grandfather, and the teachers ran after the children. At this time, a shell hit the kindergarten building and destroyed it, but no one died, everyone went after grandfather, and he saved them.

The city hospital was located next to the railroad tracks, and three wagons with shells stood on the tracks. The switchman looks on, and Kuzyuk’s grandfather runs quickly, holding a cross in one hand, and with the other he is trying to push the surges out of place. The switchman thinks: “Well, my grandfather is wonderful, can he move such a force?” As soon as he thought so, he looked, and he couldn’t believe his eyes: the carriages slowly moved and rolled away from the place where they stood, and immediately a bomb fell into this place, without causing much harm to either the hospital or the people working nearby.

Many such cases are preserved in people's memory. Some of the testimonies are written down, others are passed down orally.

In the last years of his life, Father Theodosius lived with his novices in a small hut. It was damp there, the ceilings were low. Father lay almost all the time, and got up using a rope tied above the bed. He was silent almost all the time. He taught his spiritual children: “If you say no more than seven words a day, you will be saved.” He taught to be baptized not only with one cross, but with mental prayer. He said before his death: “Whoever calls me, I will always be with him...”

He knew the Gospel by heart. Sometimes, without any books, he read aloud without interruption, the lamp and candles in his room did not go out for days... He advised his children to read “The Revelation of John the Theologian” more often: “Then you will have the fear of God.”

One day Antonina approached Father Theodosius, and he said to her: “I prayed to God: “Take me, God, how long should I live?” And God said: “Live a little more, you have a million spiritual children, you love them all and all creation.” You’re sorry.” So, I’ll live a little longer.”

Schemamonk Theodosius never recognized the Soviet Sergian Church and never went to it... But one day those “priests” whom he did not recognize as such began to vigorously invite him to at least come to the temple to see that everything was “as before” with them. . And the elder set off, carrying the sleigh behind him. It was winter. He had a hard time getting there. And already at the temple itself he slipped, fell and was badly broken. He was taken home bloodied. So the Lord showed with this righteous man that it is not even possible to enter the temple of those who recognize Soviet power as the authority “from God.”

Father Feodosius died on August 8, 1948. When he departed to the Lord, bells rang in the holy corner, as on Easter. The burial ceremony was performed by an unknown catacomb priest.

Before being taken to the cemetery, people asked to take a photograph of the priest, but they could not do this, because such a radiance emanated from the coffin that it was impossible to take a photograph. Then the photographer said: “Who was this man? Such a glow around him!”

When they took out the coffin and carried it to the outskirts of the city, four young men, so handsome, with long hair, in white shirts, black trousers and light boots, approached the coffin, picked up the coffin in their arms and carried it all the way to the cemetery. When the coffin was lowered into the grave, they fell asleep, they got ready to leave the cemetery and go to the memorial, they wanted to invite those young men, but they were not among those present and no one saw where they had gone. So no one knows who it was.

And after his death, Father Theodosius did not leave his spiritual children. Countless miracles have been performed at his grave to this day.

What other miracles will the elder of Jerusalem show us? How many will he heal, how many will he lead to faith, how many will he help? May the Lord save us through His prayers!

Prayer to St. Theodosius

Oh, reverend and God-bearing Father Theodosius! Look upon us sinners who bring this prayer to you, and beg for us the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, the Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, so that we may be freed by healing from various ailments of the flesh and spiritual, and illnesses, and damage, and that we may receive from Lord God, forgiveness of our sins, and to acquire the Holy Spirit, the Lord Life-Giving, to help us fight against the enemy and guarantee the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father...
Let us bow to the Creator and Lord our God, for Thou art Good and Lover of Mankind, and give glory, and extol His Most Honorable and Magnificent Name, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Russian Creed (Prayer of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus)

I believe, Lord, in the Orthodox, Tsarist Autocracy, sworn by the Holy Spirit for eternal times by the consecrated Council and the Russian people for the peace and prosperity of our Fatherland and for the salvation of the soul, as all the Russian saints of God of recent centuries taught about the same thing. Amen.

Book "The Beginning and the End" - Part 3. Last days according to prophecies about them 13.05.2009 21:37



Above we briefly reviewed the history of the future and present world according to the prophecies of the Holy One. Scriptures. But this is clearly not enough if we do not cite here the predictions of at least some ancient and later holy fathers. I must say that to us; The last representatives of the human race should be grateful to God for the fact that He has vouchsafed us to see and even participate in the most terrible war of good and evil, about which more than anything else has been written, there are so many prophecies and predictions. And about predictions it must be said: there are almost as many of them left by our Saints as there are prophecies of Holy Scripture.

Predictions are contained in their sermons, in interpretations of the Apocalypse and in teachings to their disciples: among the saints. Hippolytus of Rome and St. Andrew of Caesarea, at St. John Chrysostom and St. Ephraim the Syrian and many others. Many predictions were made by saints who lived close to the onset of the last time and seemed to be in a hurry to warn the world about the coming tragedy. Particularly valuable warnings were given by Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and Rev. Myrrh-Streaming Nile. In them we find explanations and interpretations of the prophecies, as well as valuable additions to them, which better clarify the overall terrible picture. Particularly important for us are the predictions relating to our Russia with its special lot in the destinies of God.

The ancient fathers of the Church in their statements tried to emphasize that the coming last times will be difficult, but God’s mercy towards those who have endured will also be special. Thus, in the “Fatherland,” compiled by Ignatius Brianchaninov, a conversation between the elders is given: “Once upon a time, the holy fathers of the Egyptian monastery spoke prophetically about the last generation of Christians. What did we do? - they said. One of them, the great Abba Iskhirion (5th century), answered: “We have fulfilled the commandments of God.” Then they asked: What will those who come after us do?” “They, said Abba, will do half the work against us.” Then they asked him: What will those who come after them do? Abba Ischirion replied: “They will by no means have monastic work, but they will be allowed sorrow, and those of them who survive will be higher than us and our fathers.”

The Holy One said the same thing. Kirill, Archbishop Jerusalem (+386): “Therefore, the Lord, knowing the great power of the enemy and condescending to the pious, says: then let him who is in Judea flee to the mountains (Matthew 24:16). But if anyone recognizes in himself that he is truly strong and can resist Satan, then (without losing hope in the strength of the Church) let him become such and say: who will separate us from the love of God? And so on. Who is the blessed one who, out of piety, will then be a martyr for Christ? For above all the martyrs I place the martyrs of that time. Former martyrs fought with the same people. Under the Antichrist, they will wage war personally with Satan himself.”(From the book “Teaching of the Holy Scriptures and the Church Fathers.”).

Also Rev. Nifont, ep. Kiprsky predicted: “My son, until the end of the age the saints will not be poor! But in recent years they will hide from people and will please God in such humility that they will appear in the Kingdom of Heaven higher than the first miraculous fathers. And such a reward will be for them because in those days there will be no one before their eyes who would work miracles, and people themselves will accept the zeal and fear of God in their hearts, for at that time the rank of bishop will not be skillful and will not become to love wisdom and reason, but will only care about self-interest. Monks will be like them because of the possession of large estates, but because of vain glory their spiritual eyes will be darkened, and they will despise those who love God with all their hearts, while the love of money will reign in them with all its strength. But woe to the monks who love gold: they will not see the Face of God!”(“Teachings of the Holy Scriptures and Fathers of the Orthodox Church on the Antichrist.” Tver, 1994).

Both of the above statements of the Holy Fathers speak of especially difficult last times, in consonance with the words of the Savior: “Then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor will there be.”. The reason here is indicated not only in persecution, but also in the impoverishment of faith and in the corruption of pastors and bishops. The words of other saints testify to this.

However, many ancient prophecies do not have a Russian translation, or were not even preserved, but came to us in retelling, combined into a common narrative. This list of prophecies of one Russian learned monk is given by Archbishop. Seraphim, Chicago and Detroit (1959). This list contains a brief history before the enlightenment of Rus', and then the actual prophecy about the future begins, since predictions were written more than a hundred years before the baptism of Rus'. “The scepter of the Orthodox Kingdom falls from the weakening hands of the Byzantine emperors, who failed to realize the symphony of Church and state. Therefore, to replace the decrepit spiritually chosen Greek people, the Lord Provider will send his third God-chosen people. This people will appear in the North in a hundred; another year (these prophecies were written 150-200 years before the baptism of Rus'), he will accept Christianity with all his heart, will try to live according to the commandments of Christ and seek, according to the instructions of Christ the Savior, first of all the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. For this zeal, the Lord God will love this people and give them everything else; large expanses of land, wealth, state power and glory.

In a thousand years, this God-chosen people will waver in faith and in standing for the Truth of Christ, will become proud of their earthly power and glory, will cease to care about seeking the coming City and will want paradise not in heaven, but on sinful earth. And for this great fall, a terrible fiery test will be sent from above to this people who have despised God’s ways. Rivers of blood will spill across his land, brother will kill brother, famine will visit this land more than once and gather its terrible harvest, almost all temples and other shrines will be destroyed or desecrated, many people will die. Still, the Lord is not completely angry with His third chosen people. The blood of thousands of martyrs will cry to heaven for mercy. The people themselves will begin to sober up and return to God. The period of cleansing testing determined by the Just Judge will finally pass, and holy Orthodoxy will once again shine with the bright light of revival in those northern expanses. This wondrous light of Christ will illuminate from there and enlighten all the peoples of the world, which will be helped by a part of this people providentially sent in advance into dispersion. Christianity will then reveal itself in all its heavenly beauty and completeness. Most of the peoples of the world will become Christians. And then? Then, when the fulfillment of time comes, the complete decline of faith and everything else predicted in Holy Scripture will begin all over the world, the Antichrist will appear, and finally the end of the world will come.”

These prophecies are presented in different manuscripts and in different versions, but, basically, they all agree. (“Russia before the Second Coming”).

The second similar prediction, also collected from various Greek books by the Russian monk Anthony Savait, speaks of the pre-Tichrist time.

“The last times have not yet arrived, and it is completely mistaken to believe that we are on the threshold of the coming of the “Antichrist,” because the one and last flowering of Orthodoxy is yet to come, this time throughout the world; led by Russia. It will happen after a terrible war, in which either 1/2 or 2/3 of humanity will die and which will be stopped by a voice from heaven: “And the Gospel will be preached throughout the world!”

1. For until now it was not the Gospel of Christ that was preached, but the Gospel distorted by heretics (apparently, of course, the words of the Savior: “and this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,” in which “this Gospel of the Kingdom” can mean precisely His speech about the latter days of the world, and these and other prophecies, as we see, have not yet been interpreted or preached to our time).
2. There will be a period of global prosperity; but not for long.
3. In Russia at this time there will be an Orthodox Tsar, whom the Lord will reveal to the Russian people.

And after this the world will again be corrupted and will no longer be capable of correction, then the Lord will allow the reign of the Antichrist.”(“Russia before the Second Coming M. 1993”).

However, in this text it is not clear what the “terrible war” is: the war of 1941-45, marked in the Apocalypse by the image of an earthquake at the beginning of the sixth seal, or another, described under the guise of trumpet voices at the beginning of the seventh seal. If this is the mentioned first war, then the number of deaths does not correspond to it: “either 1/2 or 2/3 of humanity.” But this is closest to what is said about her, although with an exaggerated number of deaths, because the last war, marked by trumpets, according to other predictions should occur after the flowering of Orthodoxy, and not before it. Although it may be different, as V.N. Trostnikov defines. (“Veche”, No. 37, Munich, 1990): “The mercy of the Lord can be revealed if everything goes according to the scheme of events: sin, captivity; repentance; liberation. Judging by what is happening now, another option may await us: sin; captivity; insufficient repentance; God's punishment; the death of the majority and the salvation of the “small herd”(Russia before the Second Coming p. 256). So, if there is insufficient repentance, apocalyptic horrors can fall on humanity even before the revival of Russia.

Averky, Archbishop, speaks about the same thing. Trinity and Syracuse: “As St. teaches Church, the time of the appearance of the Antichrist depends, in essence, on ourselves. If we have true repentance, correction of life and turning to God, it will be delayed by God. And our Russia can still rise and be reborn to a new life, but again, if there is such repentance among the Russian people, at least for an apocalyptic half hour, for what is predicted in Scripture must be fulfilled.”(ibid.).

St. has the same definition. right John of Kronstadt: “If things go like this in Russia, both atheists and anarchists; madmen will not be subjected to the righteous punishment of the law, and if Russia is not cleansed of many tares, then it will become desolate, like the ancient kingdoms and cities wiped off the face of the earth by God’s justice for their atheism and their iniquities.”.

But, however, he saw that there would be no destruction of Russia: “I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of such martyrs, remember, how a new Rus' will be erected on a strong foundation; according to the old model; strong in your faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity! And it will be according to the covenant of St. book Vladimir; as one Church! The Russian people have stopped understanding what Rus' is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! Russian people must understand this and thank God for being Russian.”(“Orthodox Rus'”, No. 9, 91).

Other holy fathers also saw our time and the near future and tried to warn their loved ones. So the elder of the Glinsk Hermitage, Hieromonk Porfiry, writes: “ Over time, faith in Russia will fall, the brilliance of earthly glory will blind the mind, the words of truth will be reproached, but for the sake of faith, people unknown to the world will rise up and restore what has been trampled upon.”(“Russian Monk”, No. 14, 1912).

Now we sometimes blame the pre-revolutionary clergy for the fact that they did little to fight sedition, did little to enlighten the people, but they had the opportunity to know the future through the fathers enlightened by God. Here is at least the warning of the Optina Elder Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius (Plikhankov) (1913): “In the last times the temples will be destroyed. And in their place idol temples and so on will be built. The monasteries will be in great persecution and oppression. True Christians will huddle in small churches. The persecution and torment of the first Christians may be repeated... All monasteries will be destroyed, and the Christians in power will be overthrown, this time is not far off, mark my words. You will live to see these times, then you will say: “Yes, I remember, because Father Barsanuphius told me this.”.

Elder Barnabas from the Gethsemane monastery said something similar before the revolution: “Persecution against faith will constantly increase. Unheard of grief and darkness will cover everyone and everything, and churches will be closed. But when it becomes unbearable to endure, then liberation will come. And the time of prosperity will come, churches will begin to be erected again. Before the end there will be flourishing"(private letter to N. Keeter. “On the eve of the Antichrist”).

The Optina Elder Nektary (Tikhonov, +1928) also spoke about the fall of faith in Russia. These words were spoken to him in 1922. “I come to Father (Father Barsanuphius) and say: “Everyone says that all the signs of the second coming have been fulfilled.” And he answered; “No, not all. But, of course, even a simple glance can see that much is being fulfilled, but it is open to the spiritual: before the Church was a vast circle covering the entire horizon, but now it is like a ring, you see, like a ring, and in the last days before the coming of Christ it will all be preserved in such a way form: one Orthodox bishop, one Orthodox priest and one Orthodox layman. I’m not telling you that there will be no churches at all, maybe there will be, but Orthodoxy will only survive in this form. Pay attention to these words. You understand: this is all over the world.”.

Elder Anatoly Optinsky in February 1917 also prophetically said about Russia: “There will be a storm, and the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet, not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently. What happens after a storm? After a storm there is calm, but that ship is gone, broken, lost, everything is lost!”

“Not like this,” says Father, a great miracle of God will be revealed, yes... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and his power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in its beauty and will go its way, intended by God, so this and there will be a miracle that will be obvious to everyone.”(On the eve of the Antichrist).

Already from these data it is possible to form a general picture of the present period of time, which was done in the late thirties by Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (+ 1940 in France). He first predicts a world war: “The quiet, calm times are over. There is grief and grave suffering ahead for people. First of all, there will be a world war, as it is said in the Gospel: “tongue will rise against tongue, and kingdom against kingdom” (Matthew 24:15). In the Church, disasters will reach the point that Only two, or maybe even three, hierarchs will remain faithful to God. I'm not speaking for myself. And I passed on what I heard from the God-inspired elders... The Lord will have mercy on Russia for the sake of the small remnant of true believers. In Russia, the elders said, by the will of the people, the Monarchy and Autocratic power would be restored. The Lord has chosen the future King. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place. On the female side, he will be from the Romanov family. Russia will be a powerful state, but only for a “short time”... And then the coming of the Antichrist will come to the world, with all the horrors of the end described in the Apocalypse.”. (Confessor of the royal family St. Theophan of Poltava M. 1996) p. 169)

These predictions are from Archbishop. Theophanes are repeated several times in his letters, but in each case they contain something new. Therefore, due to the special importance of what is being stated, it is necessary to cite one more place here. “Demons entered the souls of people and the people of Russia became possessed, literally possessed... But this possession will pass through the ineffable grace of God, the people will be healed. The people will turn to repentance and faith. Something that no one expected will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. The great elders said that Russia would be reborn, the people themselves will restore the Orthodox monarchy. God Himself will place a strong King on the Throne. He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. He will overthrow the unfaithful hierarchs of the Church, he himself will be an outstanding personality, with a pure, holy soul. He will have a strong will. He will come from the Romanov dynasty on his mother's side. He will be God's chosen one, obedient to Him in everything. He will transform Siberia. But this Russia will not last long. Soon there will be what Ap is talking about. John in the Apocalypse"(ibid. p. 136).

And there is one more saying about the same thing: “The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and very close. The time separating us from it must be considered years and, in extreme cases, several decades. But before the coming of the Antichrist, Russia must still be restored, of course, for a short time. And in Russia there must be a Tsar, chosen by the Lord Himself. He will be a man of fiery faith, great mind and iron will. So it’s open about him.”. (ibid. p. 398). The archbishop himself. Feofan was a spiritual man, but he refers to the “great elders” with whom he could communicate before the revolution in Russia, being the confessor of the royal family. The above words speak of his unshakable faith in what was said and at the same time of the conviction of the spirit-bearing elders who lived before the revolution. The sad thing is that the pre-revolutionary clergy and people showed little concern for the future, although it was necessary to sound the alarm. Such predictions about the approaching catastrophe especially included the words of the great elder St. Seraphim of Sarov, which he told to the Diveyevo sisters and his disciple, the nobleman Motovilov.

“More than half a century will pass. The Lord, seeing the unrepentant malice of their hearts (the enemies of the faith), will allow them to undertake their undertakings for a short time, but their illness will turn on their head, and the untruth of their destructive plans will descend to their top. The Russian land will be stained with rivers of blood, and many nobles will be beaten for the great Sovereign and the integrity of his autocracy; but the Lord will not be completely angry and will not allow the Russian land to be completely destroyed, because in it alone Orthodoxy and the remnants of Christian piety are predominantly preserved.”(“Addition to the Pochaev List” No. 5, 1907).

“Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great long war and a terrible revolution in Russia, exceeding any human imagination, for the bloodshed will be terrible: the riots of Razinsky, Pugachevsky, the French Revolution; nothing compared to what will happen to Russia. There will be the death of a great many people faithful to the fatherland, the plunder of church property and monasteries, the desecration of the churches of the Lord; destruction and plunder of the wealth of good people, rivers of Russian blood will be shed. But the Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory.”(“Day”. No. 1, 1991).

“Everything that is called “Decembrists”, “reformers” and, in a word, belongs to the “life-improving” party; there is true anti-Christianity, which, as it develops, will lead to the destruction of Christianity on earth and partly of Orthodoxy and will end with the reign of the Antichrist over all countries of the world, except Russia, which will merge into one with the other Slavic countries and form a huge ocean, before which other tribes will be in fear earthly, and this is as true as two and two are four.”. (“Soulful Reading” 1912, part 2).

Rev. Seraphim repeatedly emphasized in his predictions the future restoration of Russia from the ashes and its transformation into a worldwide lamp. However, the fact that Russia will not be enslaved by the Antichrist is said only in this place, while his other predictions already somewhat contradict this: the Antichrist will not be able to take only the Diveyevo monastery and the cathedral in it. He announced to the Diveyevo sisters that before the coming of the Antichrist, with his resurrection and his preaching about the resurrection, he would magnify their monastery so that it would turn into a Lavra, where the Tsar Bell himself would come; "Ivan the Great". Two majestic cathedrals will be built, and a ditch made in the place where the Most Holy Theotokos walked around the monastery when the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the Reverend will protect the nuns from the Antichrist, turning into a wall reaching to heaven. However, Rev. Seraphim, when he reached the Antichrist in his predictions, spoke with sadness and cried. This is how he spoke to Mother Eupraxia about the future council:

“And I’ll tell you, my cathedral will be great, but still not the wondrous cathedral that you will have by the end of the century. That, mother, will be a marvelous cathedral! The Antichrist will go, and he will rise up into the air, and he will not be able to take him. The worthy ones who ascend into it will remain in it, while others, although they ascend, will fall to the ground. So the Antichrist will not be able to get it: just like in Kyiv, robbers came, but the church rose into the air; they couldn't get it. So your cathedral and the ditch will also rise to heaven and protect you, and the Antichrist will not be able to do anything to you!” From these words it follows that the Antichrist will still take Russia, but the chosen ones, in particular the Diveyevo sisters who are faithful to God, will be miraculously protected by God. This shows the image of the “desert”, but what it will be like in reality (it may be different for different groups of people), God alone knows.

Another thing that is extremely unusual in the Reverend’s prophecy is the fact that he openly predicts the retreat of the Russian Orthodox clergy from the true service of God, for which they will be rejected by God and severely punished. This seems to be a direct interpretation of the apocalyptic images of the “harlot”, “harlot”, “Babylon the Great”, relating to the Moscow Patriarchate. “I, he said, poor Seraphim, have been destined by the Lord God to live much more than a hundred years. But since by that time the Russian bishops will be so wicked that they will surpass the Greek bishops in their wickedness during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that they will no longer even believe in the most important dogma of the Christian faith, the Resurrection of Christ and the general resurrection, then therefore the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, poor Seraphim from this time-life, take it and then, in affirmation of the dogma of resurrection, resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave during the time of Theodosius the Younger. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveyevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance. And people from all over the earth will gather for this great miracle, and there, preaching repentance to them, I will open four relics and myself will lie down between them as the fifth. But then it will be the end of everything.”. Regarding the resurrection of St. Seraphim and his transition from Sarov to Diveyevo, many believe that this came true with the new “discovery” of his relics. And the most unpleasant thing is that both the discovery and veneration of his relics are carried out by those whom he promised to expose upon his resurrection. In the seventies, the new theology of Soviet bishops (Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) and others like him) was widely published, according to which there will be no end of the world and, therefore, there will also be no general resurrection, since the kingdom of God is being built here on earth through joint efforts “believers” (Sergians) and “non-believers” (communists), but the “dark forces” of the enemies of Bolshevism prevent this. It is these “builders” that the Lord will punish according to the prediction of the Reverend.

“To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there would be great disasters on Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered: “I will not have mercy on them, for they teach the doctrines of men and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.”(“Day”, No. 1, 1991 “Russia before the Second Coming”).

However, what kind of punishment for bishops is the Reverend talking about? If the Church punishes an apostate, then She usually bans him from ministry, then deprives him of his rank, and can anathematize him - complete excommunication. But here a grave punishment from God Himself is promised. About the essence of such punishment, Rev. Seraphim says further: “Reverend Seraphim of Sarov in 1832 on Easter said the following to Motovilov: “The Lord will preserve the Sovereign and the entire Royal Family with His invisible right hand and will give complete victory to those who took up arms for him, for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land - but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side, for the Sovereign, became will receive victory, and will catch all the traitors, and deliver them into the hands of Justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last, cleansing blood, for after that The Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt the horn of His anointed David, His servant, the Man after His own heart..."(From a letter from N.A. Motovilov to Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II, dated March 9, 1854). This appeal to the reigning Sovereign is clearly addressed to the coming King, who will be installed by God after the victory of the holy powers predicted by the archbishop. Feofan.

Now the time has come to consider here the most important (after Holy Scripture) source: “Posthumous broadcasts of St. Nila Mvrotochivago Afonskogo”, excerpts from which have already been quoted above. This work has a wonderful origin.

In the fall of 1813, one Athonite monk Theophan, who fell into sins, despaired of his salvation and decided to return to his homeland in Turkey for worldly life, received miraculous help. While collecting dill in the forest in order to sell it and sail to Turkey with the proceeds, he met an old man doing the same thing. A conversation ensued in which the elder invited him to stay and live in the forest in the hut he indicated. Feofan agreed and began to live in it. The elder began to appear to him, now in reality, now in a dream, and always with instructions. Theophan gradually corrected himself and was healed from the mental illness that had taken possession of him through his sins. This went on for four years. Finally, in 1817, the main meeting took place. Feofan gathered a bundle of firewood and went to his hut. Suddenly this old man meets him and begins to expound his instructions as usual. His monologue lasted from twelve o'clock in the afternoon until six o'clock in the morning. And only when the elder said goodbye, Feofan discovered that he had stood for 18 hours with a bundle of firewood on his shoulder. When parting, the elder called himself monk Nil, who is called the Mvrotochivny.

This saint lived and labored on Mount Athos in the 17th century in a secluded cave above the sea. After his death, at his request, he was buried by his student in a cave, so that the body was hidden from veneration. But according to God’s vision, this could not be avoided: soon fragrant ointment began to flow from his body and flow in a stream to the sea. People began to come or swim up on boats and collect this mvro. Soon his disciple and other monks began to grumble about the influx of pilgrims and tourists, and the flow of peace stopped.

Before leaving Rev. Nile ordered Theophanes to write down all the words he spoke in a book for the edification of many; and added that he chose him not as the best, but as the most worthless vessel, so that people would not think: from good, naturally, good came.

Feofan, being himself illiterate, resorted to the help of Fr. Gerasim, who knew how to write. Within a year, they wrote down everything commanded and handed it over to the Athos library. But the monastery authorities recognized the book as useless due to the abundant denunciations of monasticism and kept it under wraps for almost a hundred years. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian monk, digging through a book depository, accidentally came across a manuscript, read it and was amazed. He barely persuaded him to publish, at least for Russian monasticism, a limited number of copies of the abbreviated text. In 1912, this book of four hundred pages was published. Below are some passages from this prophetic book, although the volume of prophetic material is large.

“In recent times, the monks have begun to deviate into destruction and cultivate the path of lawlessness. About twenty-five years ago, monasticism took a turn, destruction invaded the environment of monasticism, monasticism became impoverished in grace, i.e. there are few who labor in it".

This text resembles the words of the Apocalypse from the address to the Angel of the Ephesian (first) Church: "You left your first love" and if there is no repentance, “I will come and remove your lampstand from its place”. This is the reason why the revolution was allowed to happen, which moved the Church’s lamp and placed Her in the most difficult conditions. The despiritualization of monasticism is the loss of love by the entire Church, and it began at a time coinciding with the French Revolution, when, already halfway, almost completely, the devil descended to earth in strong rage.

“When four twenty-five years have passed, what will monastic life be like then? If three more twenty-five years pass, we say: the number seven years and five ascending to the halfway point of the eighth, there, halfway through the number five, what confusion will occur from the fourth to the fifth.”.

“What kind of theft will then take place! What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then there will be confusion with great strife (i.e. revolutions and the struggle of parties), they will constantly bicker and will not find either a beginning or an end. Then the eighth council will gather to sort out the dispute and reveal good to the good and evil to the evil. The farmer separates the wheat from the chaff. Wheat is for man, chaff is for livestock. We say that the good will be excommunicated, the good will be separated from the evil, i.e. Orthodox from heretics, and for a short time people will die.”.

These words of the Rev. illuminate the entire enormous period of “retreat” of Bolshevik dominance, indicated at the beginning of this text: from 1917 (after four twenty-five years since 1817) to 1992, three twenty-five years. “The number of the seventh years is seven thousand from the creation of the world and five going up to the halfway point of the eighth”, i.e. five hundred years or halfway to the eighth year again 1992. Confusion from fourth to fifth from 1892 (7400 from m.m.) to 1992. (7500).

Confusion really began to be prepared in the nineties of the 19th century, in 1894 the Russian Communist Party was formed, in 1897 - the Jewish Bund party to fight Orthodoxy and the Russian monarchy, in 1898 the Zionist Party was created, one might say, for the same purpose. For several years, Russia was literally inundated with corrupting literature and proclamations. “According to the Bund’s report for 1901-1902, 398,150 copies of periodicals, leaflets and proclamations were printed (and distributed), 172 strikes were organized, 260 secret rallies were organized, in which 37,000 people participated. This was in 1902. With each subsequent year, the Bund continues to expand its activities and finally brings us to the fateful year 1905.”(“The Secret Power of Freemasonry.” A. Selyaninov).

And what did this give birth to? Rev. Neil lists, as if with horror: “What a theft! What masculinity, adultery, incest, debauchery". All this has happened and continues. Confusion continues with controversy and bickering: after all, it is given to the rider on the red horse to take peace from the earth...

But we must say right away: Rev. Neil does not concern persecution, wars and revolutions in his predictions. His predictions are based on morality, the spiritual state of the world, monasticism and, finally, the coming of the Antichrist to the graceless soil. He mentions the Council as the end of disputes and the beginning of peacemaking. He calls it the eighth equivalent Ecumenical, but will it be ecumenical in the full sense: with Catholics and Protestants? It must be said unequivocally: no. This Council is called the “eighth” because it convenes all representatives of the Church faithful to God, and not heretics and traitors; their gatherings were called “robbers.” The Council separates the Orthodox from the heretics. From which ones? From Protestants, Monophysites and Catholics? So we have been separated for a long time already. Consequently, here, of course, there is a new heresy, and now it is Sergianism and ecumenism, they are also the fruit and cause of endless disputes and discord. So, according to the word of Elder Barsanuphius, from the Church - a circle across the entire horizon that contained all the full-fledged local churches, now there remains a “ring” of the faithful, who did not agree to unite with the enemies of God, the Bolsheviks, or with heretics in an ecumenical unification, especially after the last splits. But it is this that has the power from God to convene and constitute the “eighth” council. In a very brief expression, the Reverend defined the period of prosperity, we mean the revival of Russia on Orthodox monarchical foundations: “And for a short time people will be at peace.” So what is next? Prosperity gives birth to debauchery, and debauchery brings destruction. And therefore, simultaneously with the worldwide preaching of the Gospel, the corruption of the world occurs.

“Then they will again change their disposition, they will turn into the evil destruction of those who are perishing, so that they will not recognize that they are brother and sister, that they are father and mother... They will not recognize the wedding crown.

Insofar as evil deeds begin to instill themselves in people, disasters will befall them. People, the more disasters they encounter, the more evil they will cultivate. Then they will have gold in growth, they will increase their growth, and at the same time they will beg for alms in order to feed on life, they will cry that there is nothing to eat. Their goal will be to acquire capital in order to acquire more property... Then greedy deceivers will walk naked to collect gold to pay at interest rate. As greed increases, so will the disasters in the world increase.

The poor will be oppressed for the sake of regional expenses. And the groans of the poor will rise up like incense before God. Seeing such lamentation, God will bring prosperity to the whole world, and the poor will praise God for the harvest with great joy. When they have harvested the threshing floor, a covetous man will come there and take the grain into his barns and give orders that whoever demands wheat should come to him and receive as much as he wants.

The covetous man will then take double the price for wheat compared to last year's price... The covetous man will imagine that the poor man supposedly has property and will begin to oppress the poor man in order to take it away from him... he will oppress him, but how? According to the court, everything he has will be taken away from him. If he has nothing, he will oppress him in prison.

Blessed is the one who will endure to the covetous everything that he will do to him, for at the hour of judgment before the Last Judgment Seat he will be recognized as a brother by the Terrible Judge, who will say: “Because you have created only these least of my brothers, you have created for Me.” Do you see, do you hear? Who will the poor be recognized as at the terrible Judgment? He says: “These are the least of my brothers” (Matthew 25:40).

In particular (disastrous and threatening) is the covetousness of monastic life, where covetousness has been so successful with its discord that it threatens to destroy monastic life itself. And the blessed monastic life almost perished! And not only monastic life was upset, but almost the whole world was upset from this damned covetousness. The hoarding of gold is precisely the antitype, we say, the Antichrist. For sensually the Antichrist must come, but mentally he is already in the world.

And other darknesses of evil will become customary. The atrocities that people will commit will surpass the atrocities of the people of the flood. They will all talk only about evil and only evil intentions, evil consent, partnership only for evil, all actions only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation, general evil separation. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil will be saved.”

Everything that prepares people to reject the law of God and their Savior is a lie; this lie economically prepares the coming of the Antichrist and his acceptance by the human race.

These are the strokes the Rev. outlined. Nile is the second period of the last time, which is named differently in different sources: the time of the Gospel preaching, a period of prosperity for a short time, the absence of the “beast”, the flourishing of Orthodoxy, the return of the monarchy and at the same time the growth of crime, corruption and the pursuit of profit...

“She will be revived when the world becomes impoverished, but what kind of impoverishment will befall the world? There are many types of poverty that will surround and, as it were, gradually embrace the world. Firstly, it impoverishes the world with love, unanimity, and chastity. Secondly, every village and city will become impoverished from its subordination, the leading persons will move away from the city, village and district, so that there will be no leading person either in the city, or in the village, or in the district. In the same way, the Church is almost impoverished from the supremacy of spiritual authorities.

After this impoverishment, “the love of many will dry up,” “keep it away from the environment!” And the unclean will be born from the womb of uncleanness. Then what is unclean from birth will produce signs and wonders through demonic dreams.

The world will imagine that this Antichrist is meek, humble in heart. In fact, he will be a fox at heart, a wolf at heart, and the confusion of people will be his food. When people transform, then the Antichrist will feed on life. The confusion of people will be this: condemnation, envy, rancor, hatred, enmity, covetousness, courage, forgetfulness of faith, adultery, boasting of fornication. This evil will be the food of the Antichrist.”

During a time of worldwide anarchy and lawlessness, evil between people will reach extreme degrees, and people will cry out, which the Antichrist will take advantage of and reveal himself as the deliverer of the world from anarchy and destruction.

“And the Antichrist will become the head over the cities, over the villages, over the districts of the villages after there is no head in the villages, cities and rural districts... (In these words it is clear that he will not be born (“revived”) into poverty, but will reign, that is, be born for the world). Then he will seize power over the world and begin to rule over man’s feelings. People will believe because he will act as a ruler to destroy salvation.".

It is necessary to pay special attention to the words about dominion over feelings, since everyone witnessed the enormous influence on the masses of television “miracle workers”: Chumak and Kashpirovsky. It is impossible to deny their influence, hypnotic and telepathic influence, but one thing must be said: they were endowed, armed with power from the underworld, and their “sessions” were a test, a rehearsal for the dark forces. Their natural abilities at the moment were greatly enhanced by the power of demons. The Antichrist will multiply his forces with the power of the devil himself, and then this increased power, like a stinking atmosphere, will fill the world. This will make people half crazy. “Then the Church Gospel will be neglected. A great disaster will come everywhere... Terrible signs will occur. And when the Antichrist sits on his damned throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron... Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. The plants on the earth will dry up, the oak trees and all the cedars will dry up, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, the water veins will dry up, animals, birds and reptiles will all die.”.

This phenomenon is depicted in the Revelation of John the Theologian in the form of a pouring out of bowls and is apparently caused by the consequences of an atomic disaster (greenhouse effect), marked by the first trumpet voices. Also, the cause of this natural disaster of unprecedented heat may be a phenomenon from the underworld of Satan; our planet is unable to withstand such a concentration of the energy of dark force.

“A terrible famine will come, and a great greed will come upon the world: compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied.

Many will die right on the roads... People will become like birds of prey pouncing on carrion and will devour the bodies of the dead.

When the damned glory sees Enoch and Elijah preaching and telling people not to accept the seals of the Antichrist, he will order them to be seized. They will say that whoever shows patience and is not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will be saved, and God will certainly accept him into paradise for the sole reason that he did not accept the seal.”

Here you need to pay attention to how highly fidelity to God is valued according to the word of St. Myrrh-streaming Nile. The mysterious phenomenon, called “glory” by the Reverend, is difficult to interpret. This glory sees and commands, but this is not the Antichrist, since further the prophet. Elijah says: “Your damned seal and defiled glory brought the world down to destruction.”. The image of “glory” here refers to that apocalyptic “image of the beast”, which “And he spoke and acted in such a way that we would kill anyone who would not worship the image of the beast”(Rev. 13:15), But this “image” will be discussed in the chapter about the beast.

“On the seal the following will be written:
- I am yours.
- Yes, you are mine.
- I go by will, not by force.
- And I accept you by your will, and not by force.

These four sayings or inscriptions will be depicted in the middle of that damned seal.

People will say to Enoch and Elijah: “Why are those who received the seal grateful to the Antichrist?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “They are grateful, but who is grateful? It is not people who thank, but the seal itself only thanks, and what is their gratitude? Their gratitude is that Satan has sat down in them, imagined in the feeling of man, and man is not aware what is done to him. The one who is imprinted with the seal of the Antichrist becomes a demon."

These words, on the contrary, show how God regards infidelity and what happens to the person who shows it: he becomes a demon. Something similar had already happened to Judas, when he had already planned betrayal, but still did not dare to commit it. At the moment when Christ gave him a piece of bread, he had the last chance to come to his senses, but missed it; didn't think better of it: “And after this piece Satan entered into him... He, having accepted the piece, immediately went out”(John 13: 27,30). Accepting the seal of the Antichrist is also a manifestation of unfaithfulness to Christ by action, a voluntary transition to the kingdom of the devil. In this case, it does not matter how, and with what colors: visible or invisible, this seal will be affixed.

If we turn our minds back to the past, when the construction of socialism was announced, when a network of communist organizations (with the name of the beast) and many (possibly 666) different kinds of socialist “societies” with the number of the name of the beast were founded, i.e. with a “human” civil appearance, we will immediately see the “voluntariness” of all these “societies” with forced entry into them. Then it was enough to mark your consent with a statement and signature, and a seal was already invisibly placed by demons.

“The Antichrist will hear what two people preach, calling him a liar, a sorcerer, a deceiver and an insidious devil; Hearing this, he becomes angry, orders them to be seized, brought to him, and with flattering words asks them: “What kind of lost sheep are you, because you are not sealed with the royal seal?” Then Enoch and Elijah will say: “You flatterer and deceiver! Daemon! It is your fault that so many souls perished in hell. Your damned seal and defiled glory brought the world down to destruction, your destruction brought the world to this state, the world died and its end came.”...he will tell them: “How dare you speak like that before me, the autocrat and the king?”. And Elijah will answer: “We despise your kingdom, and we curse your glory, along with your seal.”. Then the Antichrist will be angry, having heard such a contemptuous answer, become like a mad dog and kill them with his own hands.

After the murder of Enoch and Elijah, the Antichrist will release all his most evil children. These children or spirits of evil are: adultery, fornication, sodomy, selling and buying people, murder, embezzlement, theft, untruth, lies, torture, buying boys and girls to play with them, like dogs on the street. And the Antichrist will command the evil spirits obedient to him to bring people to the point where they would do ten times more evil than before; His most wicked children will fulfill this disastrous command and rush to destroy human nature with a variety of iniquities. By the deeds of their wickedness these people will surpass the demons and will be one spirit with the demons.

The Antichrist will see that human nature has become more crafty and vain than his most evil children; he will greatly rejoice that the evil in man has increased, human natural properties have been lost and people have become worse than demons. And then the Antichrist, rejoicing at the sight of human evil, will suddenly find a “two-edged sword” from above, with which he will be struck, and his unclean spirit will be torn out from his defiled body. With the death of the Antichrist, the killing of people will come to an end. Cain initiated the murder, but the antitype will bring about the end, i.e. it will end there. When the work of murder is completed and ended, that hour heavenly and earthly bonds will develop... God alone knows what will happen afterwards” (“Posthumous Broadcasts of St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming.” Athos, 1912, pp. 72-88).

What a terrible picture! What fiction can compare with what is written here! For us, accustomed to the gray routine, who have not been in extreme conditions, who have not seen terrible natural disasters and who have not passed through the gates of mortals, it is all the more difficult for us to imagine and understand this death of humanity. It is difficult to believe all this, but, however, everything points to the approach of these horrors. It was not for nothing that the book “posthumous broadcasts” was published just before the revolution; the beginning of the last times and received full distribution only during the Gospel preaching in order to warn the world about the rapid approach of the described “end”.

So, the predictions of the saints are as well as the prophecies of the Holy. The Scriptures set out the last times in three periods: first, abundant bloodshed with terrible persecution of the faith and with a surge of all kinds of lawlessness; then a period of prosperity, the return of the Orthodox Monarchy with the Christianization of the whole world and with a gradual slide into even greater lawlessness, into complete apostasy, and then, finally, the abomination of desolation appears and the most evil person, possessed by the devil himself, reigns. But when presenting events, more attention is paid to their chronological sequence, as well as issues of morality, while the deep essence and meaning of allowing evil and the essence of the dark forces of recent times with their temptations and seductions are almost not considered. The following chapters (12, 13, 17) of Revelation are devoted to this. John the Theologian.

"If we are with the Lord,

Antichrist cannot harm us"

Father did not speak empty words about the last times, but only repeated: “In the Word of God, especially in the Revelation of John the Theologian, everything is said about this, and we do not need to invent anything of our own... I will only say one thing: if we are with the Lord - The Antichrist cannot harm us."

Father Nikolai was very worried that the Church began to participate in judgments about new documents. He said: “We don’t need these numbers and figures... The Church existed and will exist without them. But it’s bad that we were dragged into these disputes and bickering. This is wrong, this is wrong."

But most of all, Father did not accept the spirit of intimidation and intimidation that accompanied this: “Why frighten people with this abyss of evil and talk about evil all the time?! - he was upset. – Instilling anxiety and fear will not lead to anything good. People won't stand this pressure. The anxiety has already turned into incurable fear. People were seized by horror - and they became slaves to rumors. Panic, fear and horror. This is how a person loses freedom... He loses Faith, courage, Hope... There is no need to talk about Love anymore... Everyone is waiting in horror for the Antichrist and all their thoughts are devoted to him and his stinking deeds... How wrong this is! A person is afraid of everything - physical death, destruction, persecution, loss of loved ones, hunger. Many people have already lost their minds from these fears, but what then?! After all, we were created by God as His image and likeness - and we are so afraid of the Antichrist, completely forgetting that we are God’s!”

“Unclean spirits are a force only in relation to the earth. Heaven looks at them as knowingly defeated by their own evil” (St. Nicholas of Serbia. Prayers on the Lake. M. 2004. P. 175)

I also noticed: “What are you all saying – “This is the time!” “It’s God’s time, the Seventh Day of the Lord lasts... But people, yes... People have become different... Somehow God’s everything counts for nothing.”

“All these worries about documents are caused by two reasons - spiritual ignorance and fear of sin,” said Father. “That’s why you can’t say either “yes” or “no”!

He also said: “Humility, meekness, gratitude to God and especially to parents are needed at all times. All this adorns a person and will preserve you in the last times.”

“Always remember the Cross of Christ - and you will be saved!”

To questions about the Antichrist, he answered: “So why do we talk about the Antichrist all the time, if we are waiting for Christ and turning to Him constantly: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners... And God hears and has mercy on us.”

“We don’t know when the Antichrist will appear. But we know from the Word of God that his seal will clearly be placed on the hand and forehead of his servants - the demons. - At these words, Father stood up, entered the inner cell and returned with the Gennady Bible in his hands. Eighth volume. – If they ask you about the seal of the Antichrist, then show these icons from the Apocalypse... I’ll now put bookmarks here... With the words: “We ourselves know nothing, but the Word of God speaks about it like this” - and show the holy icons "

The Elder made bookmarks on pages: 468-469 and 476-477. “That’s how they will put the seals,” he said.

To the question: “Father! Is the Taxpayer Identification Number the seal of the Antichrist? - answered: “No! No! This is not the seal of the Antichrist... But these numbers are not needed by the Church. We lived without it all the time.” I asked Metropolitan Philaret of Minsky to convey the words through A. A. Senin: “Lord, Vladyka, help you to save the Church from numbers.”

They asked the Elder: “How can we know that this is the seal of the Antichrist, so as not to perish?” He answered: “The Lord will preserve His faithful... If you live according to the Gospel, with the fear of God, piously, and pray to God, He will reveal that this is a seal... Just you don’t need to be wise and interpret on your own... You must believe Lord, that without His Holy Will nothing happens.”

He often said: “The Lord always reveals to us what is coming... We just have to believe and pray. But real Christians, priests, Elders can be recognized by their deeds... This is true!”

“For us, the gospel should be the basis of all life.”

“If you don’t know what to do, trust in God’s Providence, and the Lord manages everything as He pleases... Just don’t resist. After all, we are so happy that we can talk to the Lord and ask the Queen of Heaven. And this is great happiness, isn’t it?!”

When asked again about the TIN, he said: “What is it - TIN. We don’t know... Does it make you kill, drink, smoke, idle around?! Keep the Faith in everything, protect your immortal soul from sin - and you will be saved. After all, what should an Orthodox Christian do? “He has a loving attitude toward everything that surrounds him, and at work he works honestly and with conscience... He does so, and he doesn’t need any numbers and can’t change him.”

About products with barcodes: “These products cannot harm us. Read the prayer “Our Father” - cross everything with Faith, you can sanctify it with holy water - and there will be no grief... It is a sin to blaspheme and abhor God’s food.”

Mother Joanna said in response: “But there is such an Elder - Joseph - he throws all the products and things with bar codes into the abyss! This is the real Elder!” - Father crossed himself at the icon and said: “And I thank God that He does not leave me and sends alms through people - bread, a bun, this jar of canned food!” - At these words, he stood up from his chair, took out a jar of cod biscuits from the bag, which had strokes on it, made the sign of the cross, and asked me: “Mother! Let’s pray and eat what God sent.”

He never tore off or scratched these strokes - he simply did not notice them and did not pay the slightest attention to them... And he never talked about “codes” and “encodings”.

“For the last times we need to “save up” Faith, not food.”

“A person will accept the seal openly and voluntarily... God save everyone from it! They will renounce consciously. Everyone will know that this is a sign of Satan. There will be such torment as has not been seen in centuries! Just don't be afraid. Refuse the seal. You will have to go to the Cross... And then - the Kingdom of Heaven with Christ. What a joy! The suffering for believers who did not take the seal will be short... But it is sweet to die with Christ and for Christ!”

“The Lord will do a lot of mercy for people in those times. A person simply doesn’t need much. Believers will be content with little, and the Lord will nourish His own—wonderfully. And a drop of water will satiate. You just have to keep the true Faith... Kiss the Feet of the Savior... Don’t destroy yourself and the whole earth, the whole world of God with your sins.”

“We must keep the Gospel sacred, especially in our hearts. It is the measure of our entire life. Be sincere, not deceitful. Live clean. Always work with prayer - everyone in their place, obedience... And you don’t need to talk and think about the Antichrist all the time. After all, where your thoughts are, there is your soul. This is very harmful to a person.”

“After all, what kind of Antichrist will you be if you serve God in the Temple and pray? - Father said to the hieromonk, who kept asking him about the seal of the Antichrist. - Trust in God and always think about Him. Keep Him, the Savior, in your mind, heart and lips - and you don’t need to talk about the Antichrist all the time. Especially us clergy. After all, we are always with Christ! With the Lord! And there is no need to be darkened and afraid!”

They arrived with the news: “The Athonite elders said that in October of this year (2001) it will be the end... This will begin... War, a meat grinder, they will grind everyone, we must leave the cities and hide!” - Father Nikolai was indignant in spirit: “They got scared themselves (Father said more harshly, “they crap”, which indicates his extreme rejection) - and poor people are tortured, intimidated, instead of praying, working and trusting in God.” - Excited people objected to him: “Father! But these are the prophecies of the Athonite elders!” “He answered sternly: “These are all lies, not prophecies!” - and did not speak any more and went into his cell.

I will quote here the words that the Holy Mountain Elder Emilian (abbot of the Simonopetra monastery until 2000) spoke about the Antichrist:

At one of the last general conversations he said, “so that we don’t worry. So that we take care to have a living relationship with Christ. And we shouldn’t pay too much attention to the Antichrist, because otherwise he will take a central place in our lives... The Antichrist will become the main thing in our lives, not Christ.”

One of the most famous ascetics among the Athonite Elders, Porfiry Kavsokalivit (1906+1991), added to what was said: “Glory to Thee, God, that I have found at least one confessor who agrees with me. Baby, do you know what [other] confessors have done here in the world? With these electronic passports, numbering 666, they excited people and created a whole bunch of problems, both family and psychological. Worldly people cannot sleep. To sleep, they take psychotropic drugs and sleeping pills.

Tell me what is it? Christ, my child, does not want everything to be like this... Do you want me to tell you something else important? - For us, Christians who live by Christ, there is no antichrist!.. When we have Christ within us, how can the antichrist come into the soul? Can any opposite entity enter our soul? You know, baby, why are we so worried about these electronic passports and the Antichrist now? – Yes, because we do not have Christ in us! When we let Christ inside us, then everything around us becomes Paradise! Christ is everything! That's what you always tell people, baby. That is why we are not afraid of the opposite. Understand?!" (What did Elder Emilian say about the Antichrist? Website: Holy Mount Athos.

“If we have Christ within us, the Antichrist cannot do us any harm.”

“Once I asked the Elder in his cell: “Elder! Lately there has been a lot of talk about the number 666, about the appearance of the Antichrist, which is approaching... Moreover, some claim that the Antichrist has already come, they talk about an electronic notch on the right hand or on the forehead, about the clash between Christ and the Antichrist and about the defeat of the latter, about the Second Coming of the Lord. What do you say? –

Geronda replied: “What can I say? I’m not saying that I saw the Mother of God, that there will be war and the like. I’ll say exactly this: I know that the Antichrist will come, that there will be a Second Coming of Christ, but I don’t know when... Tomorrow? In a thousand years? - I do not know this. However, this does not bother me... Because I know that at the hour of death the Second Coming of the Lord will come for each of us. And this hour is already very close for everyone...”

“Geronda! If the Antichrist appears in our day, will God allow us to endure suffering? - If we confess, Christ will give us these powers... Do not be disturbed by questions about the last times, the Antichrist and his signs, because know that if we have Christ within us, the Antichrist cannot cause us any harm, even the most insignificant harm "

“Look,” the Elder continued, “I’ll give you an example: behold, the Antichrist comes and forcibly stamps me with a laser - 666... ​​You ask, for mercy, Elder, isn’t this a sign of the Antichrist? - You know? Yes, if he wrote on me with laser beams and 666 times a thousand times, imprinted it indelibly, I would not be upset...

Why, you want to know? - Why, tell me, were the first martyrs thrown to wild animals, but they signed themselves with the sign of the cross and the lions became lambs? Why were they then thrown into the depths of the sea - they made the sign of the cross, and the sea became solid, and they walked on it as if on dry land. Why were they thrown into the fire? They made the sign of the cross, and the fire became cool. My blessed child, what are we now? Do we believe in Christ? What does our sign of the cross mean?

But listen, why did Christ come then? Didn’t Christ come to earth to strengthen our weakness? Tell all this to your Elder. And you yourself tell people so that they do not fear the Antichrist.

People have forgotten that we are children of Christ, we are children of the Church! (What did Elder Emilian say about the Antichrist? Website: Holy Mount Athos.

The Georgian ascetic Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze 1929+2.11.1995), a holy fool monk, barefoot, in torn clothes, wearing a kamilavka and with a diadem on his head, taught: “In the last times, people will be saved by Love, Humility, Kindness. Kindness will open the gates of Paradise, Humility will lead you there, and Love will show God.” (Diadima of the Elder. Memories of the Georgian ascetic Father Gabriel. M. 2005.P.109)

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