Repair      04/02/2023

What if the shirt is too big. Ways to downsize a T-shirt. Why T-shirt

Over time, all things stretch. With improper care and prolonged wear, they lose their appearance, clothes become not as attractive as before.

In order for the T-shirt to continue to sit on the figure, it can be reduced at home. You can do this by knowing how to downsize a T-shirt.


Cotton fiber is inferior in strength to flax, but surpasses wool products. Things made of such fabric are hygroscopic, do not cause allergic reactions and are easily washed.

The material is not strongly stretched, but with prolonged wear, things lose their presentable appearance.

To return a stretched T-shirt to its original shape, you can simply wash it. Wash it by hand or in the washing machine to shrink.

How to downsize a T-shirt:

  1. Boil water on the stove, pour it into a large saucepan. Remember that cotton absorbs up to 40% moisture, so add plenty of water.
  2. If you want to wash the thing, add powder to the liquid.
  3. Place the T-shirt in the solution. Boil for 5 minutes. During this time, the clothes will sit 1 size.
  4. Take it out of the container, see if the thing has acquired the right size. If necessary, continue the procedure. The longer the cotton fabric is boiled, the more it shrinks.

After boiling, the product must be dried. To improve the effect, hang the item in the sun. The faster it dries, the better. It is important that she does not have time to pull herself down under her own weight.

Be careful with boiling water. Remove from hot water carefully to avoid serious burns.

Now, you know how to wash a cotton T-shirt so that it becomes a few sizes smaller.

But what if a person is on a journey, and boiling is simply impossible.

In this case, an iron with a steam function will save.

How to make clothes get the same small size?

If the hotel has such an iron, consider yourself lucky. Set the appliance to iron cotton at the highest temperature setting. Lay the item on a flat surface, and gently steam the product.

Try not to touch the sole to the clothes, only steam is needed. Hold the iron at some distance from the fabric, and only in this way will it shrink a little.

Steaming will help shrink a large T-shirt by 1-2 sizes. Again, a longer treatment will set the material better.

It is better to return a T-shirt with a collar to its previous state using this method.


How to wash a synthetic t-shirt if it is stretched?

Such matter is usually resistant to deformation. But sometimes after washing, they also stretch.

What should I do if my T-shirt is too big?

Washing will not help in this case. Hot and cold water, as well as contrast washing, will not help.

Move the wash to the side immediately. It will only help if the thing is small. In this case, you can try to wash and slightly stretch with your hands, but it is also unlikely that.

To reduce the synthetic material, you can try washing in the machine, while setting the temperature a little higher than the permissible one and choosing the average spin mode. If you're lucky, the product will sit down a bit. Perhaps the manufacturer did not indicate other fiber impurities.

The second way to give a synthetic T-shirt its previous size is to sew it in in the right places yourself or take it to the atelier.


If there is only one name left from the stretched one, do not despair, try to reduce it at home.

How to wash:

  1. Look at the temperature on the product label. Usually it is 30 degrees. Things made of wool sit well in hot water, so feel free to set the temperature to 50 degrees. If you need to drastically reduce clothing, raise another 30 points.
  2. Turn on the spin and dry in the machine, so you can reduce the size of the T-shirt by another 1 point.
  3. Next, lay out the clothes on a towel or on a battery pre-covered with a thin cloth. In no case do not hang on a clothesline, this can be done by stretching the clothes, but not reducing.

You need to be careful with this method. If there is too much wool in the composition, the T-shirt can be severely deformed and stop into felt. It will be impossible to wear it.

In an automatic car

Experienced housewives say that any fabric is possible. This is not due to exposure to high or low temperatures, but due to mixing inside.

This is confirmed by technologists, but the method is wrong. If you wash synthetics, cotton or wool under normal mode, nothing will happen to them. The item will remain in the condition in which it was placed in the drum.

Nevertheless, the temperature method is of great importance. Try experimenting at home and see for yourself.

Be sure to remove stains before washing. Remember that under the influence of water, they can even more eat into the fibers.

Take in

There is another way to reduce a T-shirt, t-shirt, sweater or other item. And this is sewing.

If the T-shirt is stretched in length, there is nothing complicated. Take another similar thing and measure the length from the underarms to the very bottom.

Then bend the part that you want to remove, baste it with a thread of a bright color. Then you can carefully sew by hand.

You can make a decorative edge, or even make pendants from below. Turn on your imagination and come up with something unusual.

If the product is stretched in breadth, there will be more trouble with suturing. It will be easier to sew on a T-shirt, you can cut a piece of excess fabric in the back in the center of the back, make a neat seam.

This seam is then decorated with buttons or bows. You can do the same on the front of the shirt.

Another option is to sew a zipper.

T-shirts are more of a problem.

Decrease as follows:

  1. Make marks on the clothes for stitching. Try on clothes, preferably in the bra you plan to wear with.
  2. Cut off the excess parts and sew the jersey on a typewriter.

It is possible to make a T-shirt smaller, and there are many ways to help. Choose the most convenient and reduce the item.

To save time, T-shirts should not be thrown away or altered by washing and caring for them according to the recommendations on the label.

If it so happened that a reduction is required, use the following recommendations:

  1. Always wash cotton items together, not separately. This will reduce their processing time, as well as the electricity spent.
  2. Be careful and use the information you receive wisely. Do not overexpose the thing in boiling water, otherwise they will look for the answer to the question of how to increase the T-shirt in size.
  3. During boiling, add 250 ml of vinegar if things are colored. This will help keep the shade and it won't fade.
  4. Remember that boiling will save for a while. After a few socks, you will have to re-expose the thing to a high temperature.
  5. Methods are not suitable for products with prints and patterns. Better give them to the studio.

Shrinking T-shirts yourself is a good idea, but tricky. Most then still give the thing to the studio or wear it around the apartment.

If you follow all the instructions, you can get the desired result.

Helpful Hints

Don't throw away your old t-shirt, because it can be made completely a new item or accessory.

There are many ways remake an old t-shirt and you will find the most interesting ones here.

All you need is a couple of simple tools and a little time.

1. T-shirt with side lace inserts from an old T-shirt

1. Measure the side panels and, based on the measurements, cut off the sides of the T-shirt (including the sleeves).

2. Cut each insert in half to sew on to the T-shirt.

3. Lay out the T-shirt evenly and sew on the lace inserts on the left and right using a sewing machine.

4. Use pins to fasten half of the lace inserts, leaving intact the places where the sleeves will be.

5. Machine sew where you have marked with pins.

Here is another t-shirt made in the same way:

2. Do-it-yourself sleeveless sweatshirt from T-shirts

* After a while of wearing, the ends of the T-shirt will curl up a bit, which will actually make it even more interesting. If necessary, you can trim the T-shirt, for example, cutting the central part even more and pulling the T-shirt back.

* Instead of braid, you can use pieces that are left from the T-shirt after cutting. You can also use laces, or other suitable details.

3. T-shirt braided back

4. What to make from a T-shirt: a topic with loops on the shoulders

You will need:

old t-shirt

Set with punching pliers and eyelets

1. You can cut the top of the T-shirt and sleeves yourself and sew the edges with another fabric - in this example, leather was used.

2. Make holes and insert eyelets.

3. Thread the laces through the holes. Make sure the head holes are large enough to fit the top comfortably.

5. T-shirt with a cut-out top from a men's t-shirt

You will need:

Fitted T-shirt


Chalk or white pencil.

1. Turn the T-shirt inside out and apply your desired design.

2. Carefully cut out the drawn pattern.

* If you use a quality cotton t-shirt, it can be washed and dried without the risk of ruining it.

* Edges may curl slightly.

6. T-shirt with a bow on the back, made from a T-shirt

You will need:




Sewing machine or needle and thread.

1. First, wash and dry your T-shirt if it is new. Lay her on a flat surface with her back to you. Make sure the seams are symmetrical and the T-shirt is ironed.

2. With a pencil, draw a line along which you will cut. Choose the width and length of the future bow yourself. The shape of the line should resemble the Latin letter U.

3. Start cutting a U along the line on the back of the t-shirt. Be careful to cut only the back part, not both sides of the t-shirt.

4. Fold the cut piece of fabric in half and cut off the half. You will use the larger half for the bow (folding it like an accordion), and you need to cut the other half in half - you will get two strips.

Tie one strip around the middle of the bow and secure with a thread and a needle. Cut off excess if necessary.

5. Attach the bow with pins and sew it to the back of the T-shirt. It is better to sew in the upper part so that the batik is a continuation of the collar.

6. Turn the T-shirt inside out and you're done. You can make several bows, but then you need to cut out an even bigger U on the back.

* If you didn’t manage to sew a bow evenly, it’s not scary, you can always fix it. The main thing is not to rush and you will succeed.

7. How to make a T-shirt with a tree pattern from a T-shirt

8. T-shirt beach dress

You will need:

T-shirt (possible with a bright pattern)


Needle and thread.

1. Cut off the sleeves. Save them - you will need them later.

2. Lay the T-shirt on your back.

3. Cut out large crescents where the sleeves were - do this only on this part of the shirt (on the back), DO NOT touch the front.

4. Turn the shirt over again and cut out the collar, about 2 cm from the stitching.

5. Turn the T-shirt over again and cut this part of the T-shirt in a straight line just below the collar. It turns out that you cut off the part that connects the back - do not worry, then you will connect all the details with the help of a "pigtail".

6. Cut the lower back of the T-shirt into three identical vertical strips. Pull these strips a little to make them longer and slightly narrower.

7. Start knitting a pigtail of these 3 strips (from bottom to top).

8. Take your collar, fold it in half and find the center. Mark this place.

9. Using a thread and a needle, sew the pigtail to the center of the collar.

10. From one of the cut out sleeves, cut strips and use it to cover the seams that are visible at the junction of the pigtail and collar. Simply wrap the strip around the joint and secure with a thread and a needle.

9. What their t-shirts can do: a t-shirt twisted into a butterfly shape

You will need:

Wide, long T-shirt (preferably sleeveless)

Thread and needle or sewing machine.

1. Prepare a T-shirt. Cut out the sleeves if necessary.

2. Turn the T-shirt inside out, cut it in half along the side seams.

3. Place one half on top of the other. Twist the half on the back side once.

4. Pin the twisted half and front of the T-shirt and stitch together. Turn the shirt inside out.

10. Fashionable T-shirt with a pattern cut out on an old T-shirt with your own hands

You will need:



1. Lay the T-shirt on a flat surface and draw with chalk the pattern shown in the picture with red dashed lines.

2. Carefully make cuts along the indicated lines (see image).

3. Pull the fabric a little so that the strips of fabric curl a little.

* If you want to make the same pattern on the reverse side, just repeat steps 1-3.

* If desired, you can give a more rounded shape to the T-shirt - just fold it in half lengthwise, draw one "wave" as in the picture and cut it out.

11. A beautiful top from a large T-shirt, without the use of threads and needles

You will need:



1. Mark with chalk on the front of the T-shirt what is drawn in red lines in the image.

2. Cut along the lines.

3. Mark with chalk on the back of the T-shirt the other lines that are drawn in red in the image.

4. Cut along the lines.

5. On the back, cut the middle section in half lengthwise.

The front of the T-shirt after cutting.

The back of the T-shirt after cutting.

6. On the front of the T-shirt, tie two strips in a knot, then move them back and tie to the back strips.

* If necessary, you can cut off excess parts of the fabric or tie them into a bow.

12. What can be done from a large T-shirt: a beautiful pattern without threads and needles

You will need:





1. Using a ruler and chalk, draw straight lines to the right and left of the collar. In this example, there are 11 lines.

2. Use scissors to make cuts along these lines.

3. At the bottom of the T-shirt, on the left or right, make one cut.

You can tie the halves into a knot:

Sometimes an “old” T-shirt loses its relevance and lies on a shelf in a closet for a long time without any need. Just as modern cosmetics can make your skin better and prolong your youth (for more details, see, so can the alteration of the “old ” favorite things can give them a new look to make you happy again.

You can “revive” an old T-shirt with your own hands and with minimal investment. So I looked at my favorite T-shirt and decided to remake it and looked for ideas on the World Wide Web. Perhaps you will like them too or inspire new ideas.

To make a new one out of an old t-shirt you will need : scissors, needle and thread, lace and other decorations, as well as fantasy.

Any change requires patience. In order for the result to please you, be sure to think over all the steps and draw the necessary lines on the T-shirt with chalk. As the saying goes: measure twice, cut once. Although you can do with minimal losses and just sew on rhinestones, beads, appliqués, ribbons and other decorations. Here are some ideas:

1. An organza imitation scarf is sewn to a gray T-shirt.

2. Poppy flowers with stems and leaves embroidery are made on a white organza T-shirt.

3. in this photo the idea of ​​​​creating new two t-shirts from the old two.

4. Option to decorate a T-shirt with beads and rhinestones.

5. In this version, the decorations have transformed the T-shirt beyond recognition.

6-9. the simplest ideas for reworking a t-shirt with your own hands.

10. If you cut off the entire T-shirt, you get a transparent mesh tunic.

11. Beige T-shirt has been given a new lease of life thanks to the well-cut cuts, from which the openwork inserts were obtained.

12. An interesting idea for a white T-shirt with bows at the back.

13. The second option is a remake of a long white T-shirt, which turned out to be a white top with pleats.

14-15. a combination of two types of T-shirt with a top.

16. T-shirt turned into an asymmetric top decorated with flounces.

17. also an elegant top with lace.

Creative t-shirt redesign ideas.

18. The green T-shirt is decorated with a satin ribbon.

19. An unusual neckline on the back of the T-shirt adds mystery.

20. A black boring tee turns into a fun fringed top.

21. a gray T-shirt is decorated with the remains of a black T-shirt or T-shirt.

T-shirt alteration master class.

22. blue T-shirt with an openwork insert.

23. Black asymmetrical tie-dye T-shirt.

24. By decorating a T-shirt with a delicate application, you can give the T-shirt an elegant look.

25. Simple slits make a red t-shirt stand out.

26. The idea of ​​decorating a T-shirt with a zipper.

27-28. original decoration of flowers and an insert of lace organza.

29. Lace will help hide even stains.

30. You can also knit collars and sew to a T-shirt.

31. You can make an original and very erotic swimsuit out of a T-shirt.

32-33. T-shirt can be turned into other clothes. For example, a bolero or a skirt.

34-36. and large t-shirts can make a pretty little dress.

By the warm season, they revise summer clothes, buy things without trying them on - not everything fits perfectly. It is useful to review the clothes of loved ones, something from parents and older brothers has a chance to become a “new thing” in the wardrobe of a young girl. After winter, the body changes shape, you have to change some of the clothes. Do not be disappointed if you liked the oversized thing from the catalog that does not fit as well as on the model - we will change it!

The main condition for a stylish look is a perfect fit. Agree, if a T-shirt or T-shirt fits nicely on the chest, and the shoulders fall off, it looks careless. Or the top sits perfectly, below the knitted sweater dangles at the waist, hips or stomach. It is better to spend a couple of hours of time, then show off the season in a spectacular way.

T-shirt sewing is much easier- it is enough to cut a narrow strip in the center of the back, as Andre Tan shows in the video. Then the seam can be beaten, for example, with bows, so that an ordinary T-shirt looks like a designer thing.

As an option, the pleat on the back or on the front can be laid with a bow fold in the form of a fastener, sewing on beautiful buttons. Lightning is also suitable if it is decorative, for example, with shiny pebbles. Only a beginner will find it difficult to sew a zipper to a thin knitted base, this is a task for experienced craftswomen.

Advice! If you doubt that a knitted seam or sewing in accessories will turn out successfully, entrust a complex piece of work to specialists from an atelier with industrial equipment.

The thing for alteration should be clean, ironed, with a basting along the seam, which is to be finished clean, regardless of whether you will alter it yourself or take it to seamstresses. If you need to reduce the sides of the T-shirt a little, do not rush to cut off the excess knitwear before working on the typewriter. Overlock in the hands of the master will process the edge of the knitted seam, and cut off the excess in the process. This can be easily done in any sewing workshop.

How to sew a T-shirt down a size

Most often, you have to sew in things that are a little too big. Many t-shirts have a unisex cut (sporty, for boys and girls), requiring a perfect fit on the female figure. So that the thing after the modernization sits perfectly, you need to check the proportionality in the main places:

  • on shoulders;
  • along the neck;
  • in the chest;
  • at the waist;
  • in the thighs;
  • on the stomach;
  • along the edge of the product.

It is easiest to suture when the shoulders are in place. Then there is no need to adjust the collar and in the armhole, to alter the sleeves. Even beginners can take in such T-shirts. However, if the thing is sutured by more than 5 cm along the edges, you have to move to the sleeve with a smooth seam.

If the shoulders hang down, you can not do without adjusting the entire product, you will have to rip off the sleeves and correct the pattern. As a pattern, use a T-shirt that fits the figure perfectly. It is laid out with the front side on the wrong side of the interchangeable T-shirt. For symmetry, on products where, in the process of working, the front and back are separate, the pattern and the parts to be sewn are folded in half - symmetrically vertically.

Important! Don't forget to leave 0.5 - 0.7 cm seam allowances around the edges!

Sewing on the sides

To do this, you need to turn the prepared thing inside out and mark it with tailor's needles (with colored balls) or pins along the width. You can just pinch and make marks with chalk. Ask why turn? Any work with sewing is done on the wrong side of the product so that you do not have to transfer marks. After removing the product, lay it on the desktop, carefully aligning it with your hands to make it symmetrical. With a chalk, mark a smooth line along which a seam will be laid on a typewriter or overlocker, pin it with pins, and sew.

Advice! In order not to be mistaken with the marks on the waist, which is made narrower when sewing, tie a ribbon or tourniquet with a “belt” during the fitting. This will help to accurately mark the place of the thinnest volume.

It is advisable to try on in the bra with which you will wear (or without it). Adjust the garment for the most comfortable fit, mark your waist at the side seams just above the tape measure. You can sew knitwear in different ways:

  • on a sewing machine, setting the mode or option for knitwear;
  • overlock, while cutting off the excess at the edges;
  • manually, if there is a skill in working with knitwear and overcasting a crumbling edge;
  • in the workshop, where everything will be done by specialists.

It happens that the T-shirt needs to be expanded. This is more difficult to do, but try to limit yourself to contrasting inserts, make a lace insert with lacing or "stripes" on the sides. A good trick is to make parallel cuts along the back and loop the pigtail directly on yourself, turning it in front. It is so easy to adjust the size, at the same time you get a new creative thing.

Features of reducing the length of the T-shirt

When a product needs to be shortened, be creative with this process - this is an opportunity to make the thing more interesting. The bottom seam of jerseys is usually processed with a sewing machine or overlock. Not everyone has this kind of equipment. In order not to “fool around” with the processing of the bottom seam, which is done on special equipment, use atypical methods for working with knitwear:

  • make an oblique or curly cut, make small holes just above the trim line with an equal step of 1.5 - 2 cm and pull a knitted ribbon in a contrasting color, but you can pull silk ribbons through the holes and tie them in pairs;
  • make a figured cutout and work it with a sharp crochet, knitting a row of "shells" or a serrated seam "crustacean step";
  • fringe - cut off the bottom seam with sharp scissors, mark strips 1 cm by 5–7 cm on the wrong side with a pencil and cut these strips that do not require processing (if the ribbons are long, you can make knots at the ends).

These are the easiest ways to shorten a T-shirt and make it look designer. Again, you can give the craftswoman with sewing equipment and make a classic seam. As an option - stretching a little, twist the oblique cut with a tube along the edge. It will also come out interesting, but make sure that the knitwear does not bloom according to the texture.

Technological features of the process of sewing in a T-shirt

In structurally simple things, the main thing is a good cut and neatly made seams. If we compare T-shirts and T-shirts, it is obvious that some fit flawlessly and hide disproportion. This is the thing sewn by technology.

The need to create a pattern

Those who know how to sew do not throw away clothes with a good cut, using them as patterns. It is better to draw them from dense polyethylene - it is convenient to lay them out according to the things to be sewn. So you can see the drawing and all the design features of the modernized T-shirts. You can also use ready-made patterns or contact a specialist, for example, a cutter or a tailor, the patterns will come in handy for the future.

Advice! A useful science for young girls will be cutting and sewing courses. The skill of building an accurate pattern for any product will remain for life.

So, stock up on a pattern if you want to sew quickly, correctly and beautifully. In the meantime, use your knitwear with the perfect fit.

The nuances of reducing a T-shirt manually

It is not very convenient to sew knitwear with your hands, but this is the only way out when the machine “does not take”. On the other hand, she is her own mistress when the equipment goes wrong.

The fastest way to hand sew– simultaneously sew the details of the T-shirt and overcast the edges. Be sure to baste the product with a thick stitch so that the parts to be combined do not slip.

Advice! To achieve a high-quality seam that imitates a line, it is better to practice in advance on jersey scraps. Experience justifies the investment of time - individual chaotic stitches will not be visible on the seams.

The most difficult thing, working with your hands, is to achieve the elasticity of a knitted product, but the overcast seam gives sufficient plasticity. It is advisable to stock up on elastic threads for knitwear in needlework stores.

What stitches to use for sewing on a T-shirt with a sewing machine

The newer and more advanced the sewing machine, the more options it has that allow you to select the desired modes. A good machine has the ability to stitch for knitwear. If this option is not available, try sewing with a regular stitch, releasing the thread holder to make a loose stitch. It will not work out neatly - manually tighten the excess on the stitches.

Try sewing knitwear at different speeds. For simple old-style machines (Podolsk, Chaika), this significantly affects the quality of the seam.

Advice! If there is no special stitching for knitwear to achieve elasticity. Try a small zigzag on the control samples, it can be used for those cases where the plasticity of the seams is needed.

You can also sew knitwear with an overlock, while overcasting the edges. Try all the options on jersey scraps until you find a satisfactory option, then move on to sewing.

How to process the edges of the product

Experienced craftswomen know that on a vertical cut, knitwear does not unravel and crumble. But the processing of the edges of the product counteracts excessive stretching of the seams and deformation of the product, which significantly extends the period of wearing the T-shirt.

Edge processing is possible in 3 ways:

  • overlock without trimming and with trimming the edge;
  • on a sewing machine with an overcast seam;
  • by hand with a special overlock stitch.

Choose an affordable way, the main thing is to get it neat and elastic.

How to reduce the size of a product that is decorated with a pattern or embroidery

Most often, the category of "favorite" summer things includes light knitwear with prints, embroidery, beads and pebbles. If the plans do not include hiding excess weight or a tummy that has rounded over the winter, we offer the most favorite T-shirts and T-shirts to take in according to the figure.

Attention! You need to work especially carefully with the drawing, make sure that the indents along the edges are absolutely symmetrical!

Too narrow a thing can distort the pattern on the chest, so it is advisable for lovers of tight-fitting knitwear not to get too carried away with experiments with elasticity.

Advice! If the pattern is distorted when the size is reduced or it goes into the armhole when redrawing, you can make the front part slightly wider than the back. But the seam line itself and the collar of the sleeve must match.

List of materials and tools that are needed when sewing in a T-shirt

A good master can be seen by the tool. But if there is a minimum of experience in needlework, and there is neither a sewing machine (especially an electric or industrial one) nor an overlock machine in the house, what should I do? Get by with simple handicraft tools:

  • needle and sewing thread (No. 40, good quality);
  • cotton threads of a contrasting color for basting;
  • thimble (optional) if sewing by hand;
  • large scissors for cutting and small ones with sharp ends for adjustments;
  • chalk for marking;
  • tape measure;
  • iron or steamer;
  • pins or needles for basting.

Advice! With no experience with knitwear, try to train on things that you don’t mind throwing away. Do only the accessible part of the work yourself. Difficult stages are best mastered under the guidance of a master or turn to specialists who will arrange a thing for a small fee.

The secrets of a perfect, neat sewing product

Whatever the size of the T-shirt, any jersey can be made into a smaller jersey. It is desirable to eliminate deformation as much as possible when combining the front and back. There are 2 ways:

  • cutting off the seams, separate the front and back, fold in half along the neck and redraw according to the patterns or the finished product, which fits perfectly;
  • lay out the T-shirt on the table, leveling the knitwear under the chalk marking of the smaller pattern, you will have to cut the product on the sides at the bottom seam (on both sides) so that it does not pull when laying out.

When markings are made with chalk and pins, the seams do not slip, it is easier and more accurate to sew in.

It is problematic to sew very thin knitwear with a household sewing machine so that the seam does not pull. Non-woven fabric or strips of newspaper are placed at the bottom along the seam, which are easy to remove at the end of work.

Neatness also depends on how the edges are finished. When working with an overlock, you need to let go of a small tail of thread, which is tied in a knot and tucked into the seam.

The line is ironed, the edge of the seam is smoothed to the side of the back and hemmed with hands so that it does not stick out from below. If you do everything according to technology, a new thing, even in the hands of a beginner, will look like a fairy tale!

Sewing a T-shirt is faster than describing everything in nuances. Try to remake one product on your own, there will be invaluable experience. Then you will review your wardrobe every warm season to look perfect. For clarity, it is better to watch the master class on the video.

What to do if you were given a T-shirt, and it turned out to be big? It would be so unpleasant to throw away a new good thing, but I don’t want to put it off for the future. Don't worry, there is a way out. As the saying goes, more is better than less. And in this article, we will tell you a few methods on how to reduce the size of a t-shirt at home. Here the most effective and proven methods, tips and tricks will be presented. Unfortunately, there are not so many methods, but it's worth a try!

Hot water

If your t-shirt is made of cotton fabric, then with the help of hot water you can easily solve your problem and reduce the t-shirt to the size you need.

Important! Natural fibers are able to shrink when exposed to hot water, so this method is very effective, and, importantly, cheap.

Follow a clear procedure to achieve the desired result:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and boil it.
  2. Next, you need to lower the thing into this water, but be careful here:
    • To shrink a T-shirt 1-2 sizes, dip it in water immediately after boiling.
    • To reduce by 0.5-1 size, dip the T-shirt 3-5 minutes after boiling.
    • To decrease by ¼ - ½ size, wait 15 minutes before wetting the item.
  3. Leave the item in hot water for 20 minutes. But do not forget that the longer the T-shirt is in boiling water, the more it will shrink.
  4. Pour out the water, wring out the T-shirt and let it dry.

Important! When working with boiling water, be extremely careful not to harm your health, do not burn yourself.


The method of reducing the size of clothes with a washer and dryer must not be forgotten. After all, this is really a method that requires absolutely no effort from you and helps to achieve the desired size of your item. All you have to do is to carefully follow the instructions below:

  1. Wash clothes in the washing machine in hot water.
  2. According to technologists, things shrink not due to the temperature of the water during washing, or hot steam during drying, but during mixing inside.
  3. Next, leave the T-shirt in the dryer and dry thoroughly.

Important! Remember that things don't shrink because of hot steam, but because of stirring, so you can set the temperatures to medium..

  1. If you did not manage to achieve the result the first time, then repeat the procedure again.

Important! Changing the size of such things usually happens for two reasons:

  • too frequent and prolonged wearing;
  • incorrectly selected washing and ironing modes.

If in your case there is a second reason, then for the future, use the rules set out in our articles:

T-shirt sewing

If none of the above methods works for you, in order to reduce the size of the T-shirt yourself, you can try sewing in the item. This will be a longer method and you need to spend a sufficient amount of time and effort to complete it.

So, in order for the result to be exactly the one you dream of, follow these instructions:

  1. Where to start? Well, of course, with trying on and determining how big a thing is for you. Immediately mark with chalk or soap the places that need to be sutured. And also, for convenience, you can set control points.

Important! Control points are on the armhole, on the waist line and at the bottom of the product.

  1. In order not to spend a huge amount of time unripping things, cut off the overlock stitch that goes along the edges of the cuts. But do not overdo it and do not cut too much, strictly 0.6-0.7 cm per line
  2. Next, carefully unfold the T-shirt and completely mark the sewing line, and then align the opposite edges of the T-shirt in order to evenly apply the line and after sewing the thing was symmetrical on both sides.
  3. With pins, gather the fabric that you will need to remove. After all the lines are aligned and marked, make a seam allowance - approximately 0.7-1 cm.
  4. Then cut off the excess fabric with scissors, taking into account the seam allowance. Consider this both near the waist and near the shoulder area. Do the same for the sleeves. Align the face of the T-shirt and the sleeve and pin off the sleeve starting at the shoulder area and down.
  5. Start stitching from the lowest point of the product, moving to the sleeve - repeat this on both sides. Once you have sewn everything, you should have 4 overlock stitches left that you can cut or sew into the inside of the product.

Important! Since this is a rather painstaking, difficult and precision work, in order toreduce t-shirt sizeWe advise you to start with methods that are many times faster and easier.

  • If you have several cotton items that you want to shrink, wash them together, not separately. This will save you time.
  • Do not overdo it. Since if you overexpose the item in hot water, you can reduce the size of the item too much, and then you will look for answers to the question of how to stretch the clothes if they sat down after washing.
  • To keep colored clothes from fading, add a cup of white vinegar to a large pot of water. This will help keep the color of the product.
  • Not all types of fabric can be reduced. These methods work best on cotton, as well as some types of wool.
  • Don't shrink printed t-shirts, as the paint will likely bleed and ruin the whole thing.