DIY      03/07/2023

Why does pregnancy not occur if there was ovulation? Why can't you get pregnant? Causes and options for solving problems with conception Why pregnancy does not occur a

Perhaps you are planning to conceive a child for quite a long period of time, while you do not have any infectious diseases, ovulation and hormones are in order, and the long-awaited pregnancy still does not come? If this situation is close to you, then most likely you need to carefully check your body. It's time to get examined by other specialists, and not just a gynecologist. Here you can find 10 topical tips for yourself that will help you understand the question: why does pregnancy not occur?

1. Be sure to send your partner to an andrologist. He will hand over a spermogram, after which you will discuss the results of the examination with a physician. Along with a violation of sperm motility, their insufficient number for conception and poor morphology, sometimes there is such a disease as polyspermia. A high concentration of sperm is also a pathology that can affect conception.

2. Check your thyroid function. To do this, you will need to pass a special blood test and visit an endocrinologist who will make you an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

3. Take a karyotype test, which will help identify abnormalities at the chromosome level. In order to decipher it, you need to turn to genetics.

4. Take a blood test for clotting. Very high blood clotting can lead to the formation of thrombosis at the site of attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. Another consequence of high clotting is malnutrition of the embryo, which often leads to miscarriages, and sometimes even before the delay of menstruation.

5. It is very important to do a postcoital test., which will reveal the interaction of cervical mucus and sperm. It is most likely that the nature of your cervical fluid prevents seminal fluid from entering the uterus and tubes.

6. Immunological study exclude individual incompatibility of partners. In rare cases, women find antibodies to the seminal fluid of a man.

7. Laparoscopy will help you find out about adhesions in the fallopian tubes, that interfere with the normal fertilization of the egg. This is the most common cause of infertility, which is caused by previously transferred inflammatory processes or surgical interventions.

8. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus lead to the impossibility of conception such as fibroids or septa. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, they may not be visible during an ultrasound examination. In this case, a hysteroscopy procedure is prescribed.

9. It is likely that you are not sure about your gynecologist. Please note that local doctors do not specialize in the treatment of infertility. In this case, the best solution would be to turn to another physician, more qualified. Moreover, now there are a large number of clinics specializing in the treatment of infertility, reviews of which you can read on the Internet or learn about them from friends whose treatment ended in a long-awaited pregnancy.

10. Very often the cause of infertility in women is their psychological attitude. In this case, there are no ready-made tips. It would be best to contact a psychotherapist who will help you understand yourself and bring the long-awaited moment of conception closer.

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jane crystal 16.06 00:53

Sometimes it happens that a married couple seems to be healthy, but pregnancy does not occur. I had just such a situation. I wanted a child so much that I couldn't think of anything else. Thoughts about “favorable” days kept circling in my head, in general, I was busy with calculations. So month after month passed, and the pregnancy still did not occur. I started thinking about the worst. I went to the doctor to get me checked out. In the field of conversation with her, I heard good advice, they say, you should not bother, and you need to stop counting, but just enjoy the process. It was hard, but I was able to distract myself and as soon as I did, the pregnancy came instantly.

Ekaterina Sergeeva 24.08 16:00

You know, my husband and I had just “psychological infertility”. And this is literally a sign of our times. We did not have children for 7 years, we were simply examined up and down, sorry for such words. Everything that was possible with us was checked and examined: both of us turned out to be healthy. And imagine, as soon as I quit my emotionally difficult job, where I couldn’t even really take a vacation, then a month later the long-awaited pregnancy came. This is real happiness! Now the child is already 2.5 years old!
Learn to relax, tune in to the positive, expect a miracle - it works very well! And let children's laughter sound in your house!

Eva 10.09 14:52

If a healthy couple cannot get pregnant, I can personally advise the methods I have tried, the result is a boy of ten years and a girl - a year and three. Try to diversify sex, engage in places where you have not been before, you can go traveling. And yet, there are frequent exceptions to the rule when pregnancy occurs, when sexual intercourse occurs during menstruation. There is another way, but I do not recommend it - change of partner. After a change of partner (cheating on her husband), pregnancy can occur quite quickly.

The situation when both spouses are passionately longing for a child, and conception still does not occur, is quite common in the modern world. Someone panics after a couple of months of regular sexual activity because pregnancy has not occurred, and someone has been stubbornly trying to start a new life for years without seeking medical help. How long does pregnancy normally take, this article will help to understand.

In order for conception to occur, certain conditions are necessary.

  1. The male body must be able to produce healthy and motile sperm in order to fertilize the female egg. And for successful fertilization in 1 ml of ejaculate there must be at least 20 million male germ cells. Couples seeking to conceive as soon as possible make a serious mistake, believing that the more often they have sex, the more likely they are to get the desired result. Too frequent sexual intercourse leads to the fact that the testes do not have time to produce full-fledged spermatozoa, and their number in the ejaculate is rapidly decreasing. However, long breaks in sexual intercourse negatively affect the quality of sperm - in this case, the qualitative, rather than quantitative, characteristics of spermatozoa suffer (their mobility decreases). In order for the ejaculate to have a sufficient number of full-fledged and mobile spermatozoa, reproductologists recommend the following optimal rhythm of sexual intercourse for a married couple: 3 times a week during the period of expected ovulation in a woman (it is advisable for a man to refrain from ejaculation for 4-5 days before his wife ovulates).

We must not forget that the quality of sperm directly depends on the lifestyle that a man leads. The most negative effect on spermatozoa is possessed by:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent exposure of the body to high temperatures (2 or more times a week visiting a bath, sauna, taking hot baths);
  • wearing tight underwear (including tight trousers);
  • chronic stressful situations.

By changing these negative factors for the male body, you can significantly increase the chances of conception.

  1. The maturation of the female sex cell and its release from the ovaries approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulation). Ovulation can be influenced by many external and internal factors:
  • adverse environmental factors or conditions in hazardous production;
  • constant change of time zones;
  • diets and taking drugs for weight loss;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • stress;
  • bad habits.

Some of the spermatozoa mix with the mucus secreted by the glands of the cervix, and remain active in this environment until their maximum lifespan. Therefore, even if sexual intercourse was 2-3 days before the onset of ovulation, then pregnancy may occur. Few people know about this feature, judging by such questions in various forums as: “How many days does pregnancy occur after sexual intercourse?”.

  • control of maturation of follicles in the ovaries;
  • the onset of ovulation;
  • the formation at the site of the bursting follicle of a temporary hormonal gland (yellow body), which synthesizes progesterone;
  • preparation of the endometrium for implantation of the fetal egg;
  • control of the introduction into the uterine mucosa;
  • maintaining pregnancy.

During pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin (CG), which is synthesized directly by the fetal egg, joins the main hormones of the female body.

  1. During pregnancy, the condition of the cervix is ​​of particular importance. It is on the cervix that the main load falls, which increases as the fetus grows. In pathological conditions or processes in the cervix, its premature opening and miscarriage are possible. In addition, the mucus in the cervical canal thickens significantly during pregnancy, turning into a mucous plug, and thus a barrier is formed between the fetus and the external environment.

Lack of pregnancy: causes

Official medicine has given a clear definition of infertility: if within one year a married couple has a regular sexual life, and at the same time does not use contraceptives in all their varieties, and conception does not occur, then such a marriage is considered fruitless. The definition does not specify, but it is understood that a prerequisite should be that both the man and the woman are of reproductive (childbearing) age. Therefore, if pregnancy does not occur after a year of marriage, then it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

The reasons for the lack of pregnancy on the part of the female body can be:

  1. anovulatory cycles. This means that ovulation does not occur, and the corpus luteum (temporary gland) does not form. Such a phenomenon can be the norm and be observed in a perfectly healthy woman in 10-15% of cycles per year. But it should be borne in mind that the older the woman, the higher this percentage. Pathology is considered when anovulatory cycles take on a systematic character, and this condition undoubtedly leads to infertility. This is facilitated by:
  • failure in the hormonal system of the female body;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • metabolic disorders (especially fat);
  • avitaminosis;
  • infections;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland (which synthesizes follicle-stimulating hormone) due to trauma or a tumor process;
  • polycystic ovaries.
  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Inflammation plays a leading role in this pathological condition, including:
  • sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc.);
  • salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).

As a result of chronic inflammation or surgical interventions, adhesions can form, significantly reducing or completely closing the lumen of the fallopian tubes.

  1. Blockade of the penetration of spermatozoa through the cervical mucus. The importance of mucus in the cervix for conception has already been mentioned. However, there is such a violation in the immune system of a woman, in which the husband's spermatozoa are perceived as foreign agents and antisperm antibodies are formed. When they come into contact with male reproductive cells, the latter are immobilized, which means that they become incapable of fertilization. The possibility of conception directly depends on the amount of these antibodies - the more there are, the less likely it is to become pregnant. And even when pregnancy occurs in a similar condition, there is a risk to the viability of the fetus.
  2. Endometriosis. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood. However, the fact that the hormonal component plays a significant role is undeniable. With this pathology, the endometrium grows in unusual places, as well as its thickening. It is not uncommon for a woman to have no problems with her first pregnancy, but a second pregnancy does not occur. It is possible that it is endometriosis that is the reason. Especially if the birth was complicated, and any medical manipulations were performed, or there was a caesarean section. This could give impetus to the growth of the endometrium. In most cases, a woman may not know that significant changes are taking place in her body - endometriosis is often asymptomatic.
  3. Pathology of the uterus itself. Despite the fact that a woman has no problems with ovulation, and the patency of the tubes is good, pregnancy will not occur if the fetal egg cannot be implanted.
  • congenital anomalies of the uterus;
  • cysts;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps.
  1. psychological reasons. Psychologists say that pregnancy often does not occur for reasons that lie in the psycho-emotional sphere. For example, a deep psychological trauma for a woman may be that she herself was an unwanted child in the family. And, even despite the fact that a woman wants her child with all her heart, that internal block prevents (as a result of complex psychosomatic mechanisms) the onset of pregnancy. Blocking factors can also be:
  • lack of own housing;
  • a great desire to build a career (subconsciously, a woman will perceive a child as a hindrance);
  • internal unwillingness to be a mother;
  • difficulties in family life;
  • cheating spouse;
  • fear of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth;
  • fear of losing physical attractiveness to a husband as a result of changes associated with pregnancy;
  • hypertrophied desire to get pregnant (fixation on an imaginary or obvious problem with conception entails chronic stress).

Thus, there are many reasons for the lack of pregnancy, and not even all of them are included in the list presented. But they are enough to answer the frequently asked question to gynecologists: “Why does pregnancy not occur if there is ovulation?”. And despite the abundance of reasons for preventing pregnancy, most of them can be eliminated.

Pregnancy does not occur: men's health

It should be remembered that not only problems with the female body prevent conception - violations in the male genital area must also be taken into account.

It has already been mentioned that for fertilization there must be a certain amount of full-fledged and motile spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate. Not only such banal and easily removable reasons as wearing tight underwear and frequent visits to the sauna can contribute to their reduction. It can be:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the testes;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • immunological failures leading to the formation of antisperm antibodies to their own spermatozoa;
  • decrease in testosterone levels;
  • consequences of surgical interventions;
  • transferred epidparotitis ("mumps") in adulthood.

Pregnancy does not occur: prevention, examination and treatment

Many young married couples make a serious mistake, starting to panic and suspect the most unfavorable development of the situation, if a baby is not conceived soon after the wedding.

On the one hand, they can be understood, especially if the first long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, but on the other hand, before indulging in despair, it is necessary to take certain measures to change lifestyle and pay maximum attention to improving health.

  • to be more outdoors (of course, it is much better if these are walks in a forested area, and not along a busy highway);
  • physical activity (it is not at all necessary to become professional athletes, it is quite enough to improve the body of active outdoor games, jogging, yoga, fitness);
  • get rid of bad habits, if any (alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are the strongest intracellular poisons, and germ cells, both male and female, are especially sensitive to various intoxications);
  • take care of the fortification of the body in advance, it is especially important to take folic acid, iron and calcium when planning pregnancy (it is best to take a vitamin-mineral complex);
  • men should pay special attention to vitamins E and C (they improve sperm quality);
  • cleanse the body of accumulated toxins (cleansing procedures, eating fiber);
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • eat fresh and natural foods (fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, greens);
  • seafood (according to experts) has a beneficial effect on female and male fertility (the ability to conceive);
  • do not abuse caffeinated drinks;

  • if you have problems with excess weight, you should not resort to "miraculous" diets - just balance your diet (diets will create additional stress on the body, which will not increase the chances of conception);
  • exclude semi-finished and instant foods from the diet, do not abuse smoked meats and canned food, limit the consumption of fried foods;
  • avoid fast foods - most of the food they offer contains trans fats (there is an evidence base that eating foods high in such fats leads to problems with conception);
  • men should not abuse beer - it contains estrogen-like substances that compete with male testosterone;
  • strive for harmony in family relationships - positive emotions increase the level of endorphin in the body (hormone of happiness), which will positively affect not only the psychological sphere, but also at the somatic level;
  • do not take medicines thoughtlessly, each of them has its own side effects (especially hormonal and antibacterial agents);
  • if stressful situations are difficult to avoid (for example, at work), choose an acceptable way of relaxation for yourself (meditation, aromatherapy, watching comedies, massage sessions);
  • make love to your partner, and do not turn every sexual contact into an attempt at fertilization.

Signs of an onset pregnancy

To fulfill all the recommendations, it will take some time (probably from 3 to 6 months), which the body will need to heal and tune in to the desired “wave”. It is recommended that you set a time frame for yourself when you will need to see a doctor if pregnancy does not occur. This will allow you to relieve internal stress and completely surrender to the healing of your own body. It is useful at this time to familiarize yourself with the signs of pregnancy:

  • lack of menstruation (the most famous symptom, although not always a harbinger of pregnancy);
  • nausea (more often in the morning);
  • increased sensitivity to odors;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • if you regularly measured basal temperature, you will notice that throughout the 2nd phase (luteal) it will remain high (under the influence of progesterone synthesized by the corpus luteum);
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • darkening of the areola circles (an optional sign in the early stages);
  • increased fatigue;
  • possible increased urination;
  • emotional lability (quick change of mood);
  • a positive pregnancy test (in the first 2 weeks from conception, the test may show a negative result, which is associated with a still low level of chorionic hormone).

Medical examination when planning a pregnancy

If the desired pregnancy does not occur, you must consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

  1. Examination by a gynecologist (for a spouse - an andrologist). The gynecologist will be primarily interested in the question - is there an ovulation in the examined woman. Therefore, one must be prepared for questions about the regularity of the menstrual cycle and the features of its course. It is best if you are fully equipped and provide charts for measuring basal temperature for 2-3 months.
  2. It is likely that the specialist will supplement your “homemade preparations” with special ovulation tests and ultrasound monitoring.
  3. After making sure that there is ovulation, and pregnancy does not occur, the examination will be expanded with laboratory tests:
  • blood tests for infections (including sexually transmitted infections);
  • hormone tests;
  • vaginal swabs;
  • tests for antisperm antibodies.
  1. Be prepared for the fact that, in addition to the gynecologist, other specialists will be involved: a therapist (to identify chronic somatic diseases), an endocrinologist (to exclude problems with the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands, the dysfunction of which may prevent conception).
  2. In addition to laboratory methods, instrumental and other examination methods will be prescribed:
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (will allow you to get detailed information about the condition of the uterus and appendages, endometrium and other important structures);
  • colposcopy (an instrumental method that allows you to examine the walls of the vagina and cervix);
  • hysteroscopy (endoscopic method that allows you to visually assess the uterine cavity and, if necessary, take a biopsy of the mucous membrane);
  • hysterosalpingography (X-ray method in which a contrast agent is injected into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes).
  1. In addition to examining the andrologist, the spouse will have to pass:
  • spermogram;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate and scrotum;
  • blood test for hormone levels and infection.

Only after a comprehensive and comprehensive examination can the results be interpreted. Do not try to draw conclusions on your own, trust the experts. If the reason preventing the conception of a child is found, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment:

  • treatment of chronic diseases;
  • hormone therapy;
  • restoration of patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • treatment of infections;
  • improving the quality of the husband's sperm with drugs;
  • treatment of polycystic or endometriosis (the most common causes of non-pregnancy).

The method of eliminating the cause is purely individual, and will take some time. It is also possible that pregnancy does not occur, even if both spouses are healthy. In this case, experts recommend looking for the cause in the psychological sphere. Professional psychologists and psychoanalysts will help to find the psychosomatic cause.

Why pregnancy does not occur: video

An unpleasant situation, when a woman cannot become pregnant for a year or more, can occur not only in women after 35 years of age, when fertility naturally decreases due to age, but also in very young women of childbearing age. It happens that the diagnosis of "infertility" put women in 20-25 years.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, it is highly desirable to undergo an examination that will help identify possible causes. In order for the examination to be complete and reliable, a man must also pass it. Very often during the examination it is not possible to detect any violations.

That is, everything is normal, but pregnancy still does not occur. In this case, it remains only to try again and again, wait and hope. But in order for the result to be achieved faster, you need to clearly understand the process leading to conception - the maturation and fertilization of the egg.

Sometimes you can hear a woman complaining about a long absence of pregnancy, and when you start to find out, it turns out that a woman simply does not know when she has a favorable period for conception. But there are 2 or 3 such days in the monthly cycle, sometimes a little more.

A little about the definition of ovulation

What to do if pregnancy does not occur for a year or more, and the woman, according to doctors, is healthy? In this case, a woman should learn to determine ovulation.

Ovulation is the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary. Ovulation occurs in the second period of the cycle, usually occurring on the 12-16th day from the onset of menstruation (the first day of the menstrual cycle). The egg is viable for about two days. In order for a woman to become pregnant, she must have intimate contact within 2-3 days when the egg has matured.

Contacts that occur after ovulation will most likely not lead to pregnancy. To achieve the fastest result, you can more accurately calculate the onset of ovulation. It is known that the third phase of the menstrual cycle lasts an average of 14 days, they should be subtracted from the total duration of the cycle, which averages 25-30 days. For example, with a cycle length of 30 days, ovulation will occur on the 16th day of the cycle (30-14=16).

All these calculations help only approximately determine ovulation. Ovulation is determined much more accurately using special tests that are sold in pharmacies.

The onset of ovulation can also be determined using the basal temperature chart. This method is long and laborious - it is necessary to measure the basal temperature daily, for 2-3 cycles (i.e., in the rectum). Measurements should be taken immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Thermometer readings should be recorded daily, then plotted.

With the help of graphs of several cycles, you can quite accurately determine the onset of ovulation - the day before ovulation, the temperature drops, and on the day of ovulation it rises to 370 C and above and lasts 1-2 days, as well as hormonal deviations.

As for the symptoms, a woman during the onset of ovulation is very excited, she has thick, mucus-like discharge (a mucous plug comes out of the cervix), sometimes bloody. There may be slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Another way to accurately determine ovulation is ultrasound, or folliculometry, for the reliability of the data, the procedure must be completed 3-4 times. The specialist determines the date of ovulation in the current menstrual cycle.

In order to guarantee to increase the chances of conception, both spouses must take an active part in the process. To improve the quality of sperm, when it contains a large number of motile sperm, both spouses should lead a healthy lifestyle and move a lot. A sedentary lifestyle and overheating of the pelvis lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm.

To achieve a quick onset of conception, women are also advised to lead a healthy lifestyle. Before planning a pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend that women treat overt and hidden sexual infections.

Often the cause of infertility is adhesions in the fallopian tubes. In addition, for this reason, there is a risk of an ectopic pregnancy. If desired, adhesions can be quickly removed using laparoscopic surgery. To get pregnant faster, you need to give sperm more freedom, which means that sexual intercourse should ensure deep penetration of the penis into the vagina.

Immediately after the act, a woman can lie down with a raised pelvis, and, if possible, in a birch pose. If the smear analysis showed an increased acidity of the vagina, you can correct the situation by douching with a weak soda solution on the days of the expected ovulation. These measures will greatly increase the chances of a quick conception.

But we must remember that frequent douching contributes to the washing out of the healthy flora of the vagina and exacerbation of inflammatory processes, there is a risk of thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Folk remedies for the treatment of infertility

Sage grass, red brush and hog uterus are very popular among women suffering from infertility. Of course, you can buy these herbs at the pharmacy, but it is much more convenient to order them online.

There is no undisputed official evidence of the effectiveness of herbs in the treatment of infertility, although there are many unconfirmed cases of curing women from infertility. The influence of herbal medicine in the treatment of many gynecological diseases is undeniable, but one should be aware of side effects, such as uterine bleeding.

If herbs have helped a woman get pregnant, this does not mean that this treatment will help you. For interested women: with insufficient progesterone (a hormone for maintaining and developing pregnancy), it is not recommended to drink a decoction of sage. The lack of progesterone can be determined by the low basal temperature of the second half of the menstrual cycle.

A decoction of the hog uterus causes liver dysfunction and uterine bleeding. Therefore, this decoction should be drunk with caution, especially for those women who experience uterine bleeding against the background of uterine fibroids, during menstruation (due to the risk of increased blood loss), with liver diseases or pain in the right side.

Treatment with contraceptives

Not all contraceptives can be used for their intended purpose. For example, contraceptive oral contraceptives can be used to treat female diseases: contraceptives are used for uterine myoma (they inhibit the development of a benign tumor), for endometriosis, for acne, for hormonal disorders.

It is known that after the abolition of contraceptive therapy, pregnancy can quickly occur - this is the so-called "rebound effect". After treating mild infertility, doctors recommend that women immediately after a three-month course of contraceptives take active measures to achieve pregnancy.

To try this method, you need to consult a doctor, as a result of which you will find out which oral drugs are indicated for you and which are not (tests for such a consultation do not need to be taken), as a rule, contraceptive drugs have a number of contraindications: liver disease, hypertension, smoking abuse , thrombosis, the woman's age is more than 35 years.

God's help

Many believing women testify to the help of church shrines in the process of pregnancy. A visit to the relics of the Matrona of Moscow, located in the Intercession Monastery, works real miracles. You can write a note to the Matrona of Moscow asking for a child and read a prayer. The faith and help of Mother Matrona helped many women find the happiness of motherhood.

If nothing helped

And if a woman cannot get pregnant within 2, 3 years? Such women are left with the option of IVF or EXI - the so-called "in vitro conception". The IVF technique is currently well researched and very effective, it has already helped and continues to help many women experience the joy of motherhood even in the absence of tubes, their obstruction, and male infertility.

The positive IVF factors include the possibility of using only high-quality embryos in conception, which is very important for couples after 40 years, since the presence of pathologies, as well as hereditary diseases, is excluded.

With the help of our experts - obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Pastukhova and psychotherapist Kira Natarova, we have compiled a list of the most common causes that can interfere with healthy people. Knowledge is power!

Age over 35

There is an opinion that the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Doctors call the age from 25 to 35 years optimal for childbearing. This is due to the fact that at an earlier age, women are often not yet psychologically ready for motherhood, and after 35, a gradual decline in reproductive function begins. However, there are more and more examples that refute this assertion. What determines the possibility of successful conception and bearing a healthy child in the “late reproductive age”?

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova, obstetrician-gynecologist at Zdravitsa Family Medicine Centers

As you know, a certain number of eggs are genetically laid in the body of every woman. At what age a woman "uses" them depends only on her. But it should be noted that all diseases suffered by a woman during her life, her bad habits, as well as some medications have a negative effect on the state of the egg. With age, the supply of eggs decreases, and the remaining ones carry information, roughly speaking, about the woman's lifestyle, about how much she took care of her health or, conversely, lived for her own pleasure. The first factor is responsible for the fact that women of late reproductive age are less likely to conceive. But the quality of the eggs affects the increased risk of fetal malformations, chromosomal abnormalities. This does not mean that a woman will not be able to give birth to healthy offspring, just the likelihood of this is somewhat lower.

Overweight or underweight

Yes, unfortunately, normal weight is not only a matter of beauty. Excessive thinness, like being overweight, can be a real obstacle to pregnancy. Checking yourself is easy: you need to calculate body mass index (BMI) according to the formula "weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared." For example, your weight is 61 kg and your height is 172 cm. Therefore, the body mass index (BMI) in this case is:

BMI= 61: (1.72 × 1.72) = 21

If as a result of calculations you get a number in the range from 19 to 24 - everything is in order, but smaller or larger values ​​indicate possible problems.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Normal weight is a very important condition for conception. Women who are underweight or overweight often suffer from hormonal imbalances, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and lack of ovulation. And without this, conception is impossible. Excess body weight can affect not only the process of conception, but also lead to a complicated course of pregnancy - an increase in blood pressure, the development of diabetes in pregnant women, which negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

Taking birth control

“I have been on birth control for so many years. And then there are the hormones!- many women, when planning a pregnancy, begin to worry if they have harmed the unborn baby by taking pills for a long time. And if the first attempts are unsuccessful, then they are often the culprits - oral contraceptives. Most doctors are sure that contraceptive pills cannot harm women's reproductive health; on the contrary, in some cases they are prescribed as a treatment that helps prepare the body for pregnancy. However, if you have been taking contraceptives for a long time, and now you want a baby, be sure to tell your doctor about your plans.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

How hormonal contraception affects conception in the long term has not yet been studied. Contraceptives suppress ovulation, respectively, stopping them causes the so-called withdrawal effect, that is, ovulation occurs in subsequent (especially the first three) cycles, which increases the risk of conception. This technique is used for some types of infertility. And, on the contrary, long-term use of contraceptives can cause suppression of the hormonal system, the ovaries, as it were, "get used" to rest and it is difficult to start them into a working rhythm. Thus, in different situations, gynecologists act differently: either they ask the woman to try to get pregnant immediately after the cancellation, or to rest for 2-3 months to allow the body to recover.


In a business like planning, there are no trifles! Literally everything matters: where you work, how you relax, what you eat, how much you sleep. So switch to a diet rich in folic acid (fresh greens, spinach, kale, peas, whole grain bread, nuts) with balanced proteins, fats and carbohydrates, sleep well, walk more. If you work in a hazardous industry, seriously consider changing jobs. And, of course, look at the beautiful, think about the good and smile more often!

Many people believe that babies choose their parents themselves. What if this is true? Then a good mood will definitely be your trump card.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

A balanced diet, physical activity, hygiene, the fight against chronic foci of infection (carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, and others), the correct mode of work and rest are the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise moderately and make sure that your diet is rational and energetically complete. If possible, limit yourself from negative factors at work (computer, chemicals, weight lifting).

Bad habits

Of course, we will not advise anyone to drink and smoke. But, if you are planning to conceive, then these bad habits can really interfere with the onset of pregnancy. Moreover, nicotine and alcohol reduce the reproductive function of both men and women, so spouses need to give them up together, holding hands together.

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Alcohol can interfere with conception and lead to fetal malformations. How much alcohol can negatively affect the egg - no doctor will answer. As for smoking, it is not tobacco itself that has a damaging effect on the egg, but the products of nicotine metabolism. The egg, accumulating toxic substances, loses the ability to be fertilized. In men, alcohol and nicotine do not affect the quantity, but the quality of sperm, that is, they contribute to a decrease in the number of motile spermatozoa, reducing the chances of conception. If conception occurs, then the pregnancy may end in a miscarriage.

severe stress

In an ideal world, women would probably spend their pregnancy planning phase in sun-drenched meadows picking flowers and watching the sunrise. But life is a striped thing, and not a single woman who dreams of a baby is immune from difficult situations. Unfortunately, serious stressful situations can not only seriously worsen one's well-being and mood, but also interfere with conception - failures can occur in the work of the reproductive system against the background of stress. Or maybe nature conceived this on purpose, so that before pregnancy you had time to bounce back and meet your future baby with joy?

Expert opinion

Anna Pastukhova

Prolonged stress can prevent conception, since during this period the stress hormone prolactin is released into the blood, which in turn “overlaps” the sex hormones (LH, luteinizing hormone and FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone), which leads to a lack of ovulation. Also, against the background of stress, a decrease in the level of the hormone estriol is possible and, as a result, a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium, as a result of which the fetal egg will not have the opportunity to attach. In men, constant stress also contributes to a change in the ratio of the hormones LH and FSH, which negatively affects the quality of sperm and reduces the chances of successful conception.

Psychological infertility

What to do if the doctors unanimously say “healthy”, your husband is also fine, you haven’t had any serious shocks lately, and pregnancy still doesn’t occur? Perhaps it's all about the psychological block. In this case, at the subconscious level, at the word "pregnancy" in the head, the signal "danger" seems to turn on and the body itself blocks the possibility of conception. This "pregnancy ban" can be overcome with the help of a psychotherapist.

Expert opinion

Kira Natarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist, lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Novosibirsk State University

There is a so-called "psychological infertility" - when, in the absence of a pathology of the reproductive system, pregnancy does not occur in both partners. There may be several reasons for this kind of infertility: unsuccessful pregnancies in the past and the attitude that has formed against their background that the next time will be the same, too strong, hysterical expectation of pregnancy, unsupported by any facts, confidence in one's own inability to conceive.

Psychological traumas suffered by a woman - rape, rough treatment, violence in childhood can play a huge role. A concomitant factor may be a complicated financial situation - lack of funds, separate housing.

Of course, general well-being and emotional state affect the ability to conceive, but in different women this manifests itself in different ways - it depends on the psychological characteristics of the individual. For example, severe depression, stressful situations can lead to cycle failure or to the complete cessation of menstruation. Fear of infertility, fear of being unable to be a good mother can also be the cause of infertility.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a psychological block without the help of a specialist, you can get even more confused, delve into painful experiences, confuse causes and effects, and, on the contrary, increase psychological infertility. The causes of psychological infertility are extremely diverse, complex and individual, so I definitely do not recommend doing such things on your own, only a highly qualified psychotherapist can help here.

Express test from our expert

Check yourself, answer the questions:

  1. Can I be called anxious, suspicious, prone to winding up the situation?
  2. Have I previously had depression, a severe reaction to stress, or other psychological problems?
  3. Have there been psychological traumas in my life?
  4. Are there financial problems in the family?
  5. Do we have difficulties in our relationship with our spouse?
  6. Do I have unmotivated fears - infertility, not being a good mother?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then it is quite possible that you can solve your problem with the help of a psychotherapist. Good luck!

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