Bathroom      04/02/2023

An extracurricular activity in the form of a conversation. Extracurricular activity in the form of training “the joy of human communication. View the contents of the presentation “class hour life and death”

Educational event in 6th grade: “Real conversation”


Encourage teenagers to think about virtual and real communication, promote the formation of a positive perception of reality


Organize a collective discussion of the problem and interaction in groups;

Introduce examples of the positive and negative influence of the Internet;

Cause an emotional response, a desire to communicate more live;

Show forgotten ways of communication such as postcards and personal (paper) letters;

Equipment (technical equipment)

Computer, screen, multimedia projector, sound amplification device (speaker)

Methodological equipment

Multimedia presentation;

A ball of knitting thread;

Illustrations: “The Real World”, “The Virtual World”

Two sets of cards with words naming concepts of the real and virtual worlds;

Magnetic board;


Cards illustrating the goals of going online;

A set of cards with situations;


Postal envelopes;

Cards for reflection.

Progress of educational activities

(Children entering the classroom are randomly divided into 4 groups and placed around 4 tables)

I . Greetings. Emotional mood.

Teacher. Hello! I’m glad we met, because today I can meet new people, and maybe make friends. Think about what you would like to tell about yourself now. Maybe about your hobby, and someone will name their favorite dish, someone’s character traits. And so that our acquaintance can take place as quickly as possible, I will ask you to stand in a circle.

Game "Tangle". As they get acquainted, everyone in turn falls into the thread “web”.

II . Immersion in the topic. Updating.

Teacher. I'm very glad to meet you. But look what we got? What does it look like?

Students. On the web.

Teacher. Of course it looks like a spider's web. What do you associate the word web with?

Students. (If they don’t come up with the topic themselves, the teacher asks what the World Wide Web is.)

Teacher. Is it easy for us to get rid of the cobwebs that tie our hands? We remove the loops and we are free. Is it really that easy to get out of the Internet, and is it worth doing? That’s what we’ll discuss today. Take a seat.

Today I invite you to talk about the Internet. And let's call it "Real Talk." We will communicate with each other, and so that nothing disturbs us, I ask you to turn off and put away your phones and other devices. Let's discuss the rules of our real conversation.

Students. Do not interrupt each other, listen carefully to your interlocutor, respect everyone’s opinion, etc.

Teacher. Since we are going to talk about the Internet, what antonym can you choose for the word real?

How do you understand what the real world is and what the virtual world is?

Students. The real world is everything that surrounds us: nature, friends, parents. This is everything you can touch, etc. The virtual world is the Internet.

Teacher. To understand what each of these worlds is, let's do a little experiment. From the cards offered, some children will choose words denoting concepts of the real world, while others will choose the virtual one. Come on, those who have red boxes on their tables choose the concepts of the real world, those who have brown boxes choose the concepts of the virtual one.

(Work with cards in groups, and then at the board).

Teacher. Comment on the result of our little experiment.

Students. The real world is richer and more interesting.

III . Discussion of the problem.

Virtual and real communication. Advantages and disadvantages. Analysis of situations.

Teacher. What attracts us to the virtual world?

Students. You can communicate with people who are far away, find the information you need, study, play, watch movies, listen to music, etc.

Teacher. You named three purposes for going online: communication, searching for information, entertainment (Card 2). Think and decide for what purpose you most often go online. Take one sticky note at a time and place it on one of the fields that corresponds to your goal.

Many people put stickers on the communication field. You can all imagine how virtual communication happens.

Let's try to play out this situation. What would this look like in real communication?

Students act out the dialogue.

Teacher. Why did one virtual conversation appear in several versions? There is irony, and praise, and maybe sympathy. Why don’t such different impressions arise in real communication? What, besides words, helps us understand each other correctly?

Although real speech is sometimes more understandable to us, virtual communication still attracts and sometimes drags on. Are you familiar with this situation?

Conversation about the value of time. Marshak.

Teacher. How do you understand the words of S.Ya. Marshak? Is reading.

Students make judgments.

Teacher. Yes, time can be used in different ways. You can correspond for several hours with a friend who lives in a neighboring house, or you can go visit her and enjoy live communication with the whole palette of emotions. You can take care of a virtual kitten all day long, or you can go outside and feed a real, live, hungry kitten or play with your pet.

And the Internet itself can also be used skillfully and profitably, or you can simply kill precious time. Let's look at the situations. Card 3. (Each group - one situation)

Students discuss in groups, answer the card question, and then read to the class and draw conclusions

Teacher. It turns out that the Internet both helps and hinders us. Can we do without the Internet today? Imagine that a satellite went down and we were left without the Internet and cellular communications. What could we do with ourselves? What would you do without the Internet?

Students talk about possible real-world activities.

Teacher. Is it possible to communicate with a person who is far away?

(Video with music “Letters”)

Writing used to be a traditional means of communication. Today, paper mail is dying. An entire cultural era is passing away. But before, letters were eagerly awaited. They contain a piece of the author's soul. Young ladies in love could spend the whole night working on the composition. And how mothers and brides waited for letters from the young soldier from the army. With what trepidation they opened the field mail letter folded into a triangle. Letter from the front. Not only words, but also handwriting could tell about what was in the soul of a loved one. These paper news were read, re-read, kept as a relic. I wrote it, it means I’m alive. It also happened that a soldier died while the letter was traveling its long way. But here, in these lines, he remained to live.

If it's a letter from a girl, perhaps it has poetry and even smells like her perfume. Open letters - postcards - were also very popular. They were sent for holidays and birthdays. The recipients placed them in a prominent place in the house, and children even collected them. (Shows postcards from Soviet times). It’s so nice to go to the mailbox and take out a letter or postcard from there. Today, complete strangers send each other postcards from different countries. They even came up with a promotion called “Postcrossing”.

IV. Reflection.

Teacher. Have you ever felt the urge to write a letter to someone?

To make your wish come true as soon as possible, I will give you envelopes. In the “to” line, write the name of the person to whom you are addressing your message. I think he will be very happy. Of course, you will write the letter at home. This requires a special attitude, you need to gather your thoughts.

In letters, people share their thoughts, feelings, sensations. Conversation also always leaves some kind of mark on our soul. What imprint did this real conversation leave on you? Let's practice, and you will write this letter to me (hands out pieces of paper for writing). How do you feel now and what will you leave this class with?

Students write (to music).

Teacher. Thank you, I will read your letters with pleasure. It was very interesting and pleasant for me to communicate with you. Thank you for our real conversation.

Turtulova Rufiya Vasilievna
teacher of self-knowledge
1 category
East Kazakhstan region of Semey
school-lyceum No. 38

In the mirror of friendship
Extracurricular activity
7th grade
Target: develop students’ ability to make friends, to be a true friend, to understand the importance of fulfilling obligations as one of the ways to fill life with joy.
-expanding ideas about sincere friendship and its obligations;
-development of the ability to distinguish between sincere friendship and friendly relationships, true friendship from false;
- fostering a sense of responsibility for creating sincere and selfless relationships in friendship.
Circle of Joy
Galina Gerasimova
It's so good to have a friend nearby!
He will always understand, he will always be able to console.
And if someone disturbs your heart,
He will greet the good news with a smile.
There are different friendships, just believe
That with a friend the impossible is possible.
And no matter how hard and difficult it is,
There is nothing more important than your friends.
And now I propose to warmly greet each other.
"House of Mood"
Red house - great mood
Yellow house - good mood
Blue house - bad mood
1. What place would you give to friendship in the system of universal human values? Why?
2. How does friendship influence human activity: work, learning, creativity?
3. How do you understand the meaning of the expression “in the mirror of friendship”?
4. Can there be any obligations in friendship?
5. How and in what ways is sincere friendship manifested?
6. What do you think is the difference between the concept of “friend” and “friends”?
Watching the cartoon "Leopold the Cat"
Make two flowers, one called “Friendship Helpers” and the other “Friendship Enemies”.
Helpers of friendship: common interests, hobbies, hobbies, honesty, trust in each other, mutual understanding, caring for others, fidelity, joyful mood, sympathy, justice, kindness, sensitive attitude towards each other, the ability to forgive, the ability to see the good.
Enemies of friendship: resentment, quarrel, fight, rudeness, greed, deception, selfishness, envy.
Flower pots are glued onto whatman paper with a conventionally withered flower and a blooming flower. The group's task is to glue a flower called "Helpers of Friendship" to a blooming flower, and a flower called "Enemies of Friendship" to a withered flower.
Training “Grief Balls”
Each student is given a ball.
I ask you to inflate the balloons.
Imagine that the ball symbolizes a person, and the air in it symbolizes a feeling of resentment.
-What happens if a person is overwhelmed by resentment?
-How to help a person? (You need to let go of resentment, learn to forgive.)
Complete the proverbs and sayings about friendship of different nations. What facets of friendship do each pair of proverbs and sayings reveal? Give examples from life.
Friendship is friendship, and service is service
Friendship is strong with care and help
Be a friend, don't be at a loss
Call yourself a friend - help in trouble
The plow is not a plow. A friend is not a friend
What if he doesn't become a friend?
A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.
Mistrust kills friendship.
In the center of the class there is a desk with a Whatman paper on it, students stand around the table and use a marker to trace their palm and write their name on it. And then a song about friendship plays, while it plays, the children walk in a circle; it ends in front of whose palm they are, writing a wish on their fingers.
Friendship doubles your joy and cuts your sorrows in half.
F. Bacon
Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.
Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

1.Your friend made a mistake on the board. You noticed this and…….
2. While handing out notebooks, your friend gave you someone else’s notebook by mistake. Your words and actions?
3.You accidentally but strongly pushed a classmate with whom you are friends. What will happen?
4. Someone accidentally stepped on your foot. Are you in pain. How to proceed?
5.You were seated at the same desk with someone you don’t really like or, on the contrary, like very much. What will your friend say or do?
6.You heard that someone called your friend an offensive name. What will you do?
7.Your friend has been sick for a long time and is in the hospital during the school year. Your actions?
Circle “From Heart to Heart”
-Let's sit down more comfortably and listen to kind and good music, and I'll tell you a story.
Once upon a time there was a kind wizard in the world, he had a wonderful shiny pipe (pause), and when he blew into it, multi-colored balls flew out of it (pause). These balls flew in all directions: red balls were in a hurry to amuse people (pause), yellow ones - to make people happy, blue ones - to calm them down. And all the people were noble to the wizard and his balls. Peace reigned on Earth (pause).
The bright warm sun was shining. Magical beautiful flowers bloomed around (pause), birds sang wonderful songs. So magic balls from a magic pipe fell into your palms. Take them, smile at them, quietly say “thank you” to the wizard. Let's open our wonderful eyes, raise our balls up and say: “We all feel good today” (pause). Well done.
-But the wizard sent us magic beads in a magic box, with their help we will assemble a magic necklace.
Performance of the song “Song about Friendship”
1. I.G. Matytsina. "The world of communicative games." Minsk, 2002
2. Sketches about the nature of Eastern Kazakhstan. “Voices and colors of Belovodye.” M. Nemtsev,
M. Petrachkova. "MRK", 2000.
3. Magazine. “Self-Knowledge”, No. 12, 2010.
4. Methodological manual for teachers “Self-knowledge”, Almaty 2010
5. Textbook “Self-knowledge” for 7th grade of secondary school, Almaty 2010
6. Student’s notebook “Self-knowledge”, Almaty 2010

Goals and objectives:

  • development of intragroup relations; ability to work in groups, on assignment:
  • cultivate a sense of humane attitude towards each other;
  • correct thinking, emotional-volitional sphere, develop coherent speech:
  • form positive interpersonal relationships.

Today we will talk to you about communication. When a person is born, he doesn’t know how to do anything, he learns to walk, talk, communicate.

When we communicate with someone, we want to become a little better. There are many opportunities to learn to live without conflict, one of these ways is the ability to give compliments. Let's learn to say nice words to each other.

Warm-up “Compliments”(the guys compliment each other in a circle, give a minute to think before starting).

In the speech of a cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness. Politeness is an essential quality of communication.

Now let's see how polite you are.

Say the words of greeting.

Say your goodbye words.

Say the words of apology.

Who is being introduced to whom? (Younger to older, man to woman, less famous to more famous).

What expressions can be used when meeting?

So, for successful communication, firstly, you need to be polite.

Our life experience is still small, and sometimes we don’t know how to behave in different situations, how to act so that there are no quarrels and offenses.

Each of us from time to time finds ourselves in a conflict situation: we quarrel with someone, receive undeserved accusations, etc. And everyone gets out of such situations in their own way - some are offended, some “fight back”, some are trying to find a constructive solution.

We will divide into two teams, calculating “one - two”.

  • Group 1 answers the question: What happens if the conflict is resolved incorrectly?
  • Group 2: What happens if the conflict is resolved correctly?

Role-playing game “Conflicts”

When communicating, situations very often arise, finding a way out of which is sometimes very difficult, but you need to try to do it.

Again we divide into two teams, calculating in order “hello - hello”

Each group is given a situation from which they must find a way out.

1 situation. You are a boy, you are 15 years old, your parents moved from another area. Your family is low-income. You go to school, but you have no real friends. You feel like your classmates don't treat you very well. Maybe this happens because your appearance and your behavior distinguish you from others? What feelings do you have towards your classmates? How can I help this boy?

The conflict begins with Kesha Vovkina’s infringement of her need for silence. Vovka asks to turn down the TV volume, but Kesha is so engrossed in watching a detective story that he does not respond to his friend’s request. Vovka explains that he is preparing for a math test, and initially offers a compromise option: he asks not to turn off the TV, but only to lower the volume.

Situation 2. A 7th grade student constantly damages school property: he draws on the desk, on chairs, and carved out drawings on the back of a chair. Classmates and teachers know that this particular student is doing this. What should the guys do? And what would you do if you were the class teacher?

(Guys in groups discuss the question, choose a speaker who voices the answer).

The cat, in front of the whole yard, leaves for the dacha in a car full of things. Kesha again makes claims to Vovka: “I am alone in the kingdom of hot concrete and asphalt!.. I found when to be sick, winter is not enough for you!” The parrot does not recognize more than an objective reason why the departure to the dacha is being postponed, feigns an attack, counting on sympathy, counts the pulse, and since this does not bring results, it demonstratively packs its suitcase and says goodbye.

Is it possible to get out of a conflict situation while maintaining your own dignity and without humiliating another? Let’s try to get out of the situation with dignity, using the scheme proposed in the exercise “I am a statement / You are a statement.”

Exercise “I am a statement / YOU are a statement”

This exercise allows you to learn how to express your feelings without humiliating the other person.

For example, the son returned home at 11 pm.

His mother may express this to him in different ways:

  1. Did you come home late again?
  2. I get very worried if you are not home by 10 pm.

Which mom saying do you like best? Why? How does the son feel in each of these cases? What statement would you like to hear addressed to you?

You - the statement is aimed at blaming the other person. I - the statement does not blame the other person, but allows him to listen to you and calmly respond.

Let's try to make a statement for the following sentences:

  1. Your friend asked you for something and ruined it.
  2. Your friends went to the skating rink, but you weren’t invited.

(Answers from the guys).

To communicate successfully, you need to try not to create conflict situations, and if a conflict situation does arise, resolve it correctly, using the “I” statement.

Why do you think conflicts occur? (Answers from the guys).

Let's see if you can listen?

Game “Undamaged phone”.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “Undamaged Phone.” The task of the participants is to remember the information as best as possible and accurately convey it to the next person. We will share information one-on-one. First, those interested (5-6 participants) will go out the door and enter one at a time. I will give the information to the first person to enter. Then he passes it on to the next participant, but without my help, one on one. The second participant - to the third, etc. You can remember information as you wish, allowing for any methods other than written recording.” Invite those who want to take part in the game to walk through the door. Draw the attention of those remaining that they should carefully monitor what is happening, recording:

a) attention of participants;

b) distortion of information.

They must also maintain as much silence as possible and not give hints or disturb the players.

Place two chairs in the center and invite the first participant.

Tomorrow, instead of a physical education lesson, there will be Russian. Maxim will be on duty in the class; before the Russian language lesson, he will have to go to Angelina Ivanovna and take notebooks from her. And after lessons there will be a fairy tale rehearsal, everyone will repeat their words. Andrey must bring a Baba Yaga mask, and Polina must bring a cat mask.

Are you ready to pass on the information?

If the answer is positive, invite the next one. If the first one has questions, clarify them. The text cannot be repeated again.

After sharing information, remember to ask students if they are willing to pass it on to the next participant.

After completing the game, we discuss the following questions:

  • What misrepresentations were made? What are they connected to?

First, the players take turns speaking, then the observers.


1. Do not hesitate to ask questions, clarify anything that is not clear.

2. If necessary, repeat the information in the presence of the interlocutor or in your own words.

To communicate successfully, you need to be able to listen to your interlocutor and not interrupt.

Lesson reflection.

What rules need to be followed so that relationships between people are friendly, so that there are no quarrels, so that communication is pleasant? (Answers from the guys).

So, we have found out that in order for communication to be pleasant, you need to be polite, not create conflict situations, learn to get out of them correctly, learn to listen to each other.

And I hope that after today’s lesson, you will once again think about relationships with your loved ones and those who are close to you.


  1. And Gretsov A.G. Communication training for teenagers - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006 - 160 p.
  2. Soldatova G.U., Shaigerova L.A., Sharova O.D. Living in peace with yourself and others: Tolerance training for teenagers. M.: Genesis, 2000. – 112 p.

Anzhelika Fedoseenko
Extracurricular event to develop a culture of behavior “It’s easy to be polite”

It's easy to be polite.

Methodological development extracurricular activities.

Fedoseenko A. V. GPA teacher

KU Izluchinskaya correctional boarding school 1.2 types

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Subject: It's easy to be polite.

Purpose of the lesson: teach children polite treatment, respect for a person of any age, acquaintance with the world polite words and speech patterns, to form a spiritually and morally developed personality.

Progress of the lesson.

- Hello guys! Smile! How nice it is to look at a person who smiles a friendly smile! We all smiled, and life, even just a little bit, became happier and kinder.

(The song plays "Smile"

words by M. Plyatskovsky,

music by V. Shainsky,

from the cartoon "Little Raccoon").

– I think that our lesson today will be held in a friendly atmosphere with benefit for everyone.

Guys, listen to the story of Valentina Oseeva "On the rink"

The day was sunny. The ice sparkled. There were few people at the skating rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched comically, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya.

Vitya performed different tricks - sometimes he rode on one leg, sometimes he spun around like a top.

Well done! - one of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya rushed around the circle like an arrow, made a dashing turn and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya was scared.

I accidentally. - he said, brushing snow off her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself?

The girl smiled:


Laughter came from behind.

"They're laughing at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.

What a surprise - a knee! What a crybaby! - he shouted, driving past the schoolchildren.

Come to us! - they called.

Vitya approached them. Holding hands, all three merrily slid across the ice. And the girl sat on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Guys, can I call Vitya polite person? Why? (Children's answers).

Everyone - both children and adults - wants all their friends and neighbors, and even all strangers passersby, to always treat them attentively, to always love and respect them. So that no one makes comments to them. And the secret is that only to polite, well-mannered The people around him treat him kindly. Only polite Everyone loves and respects the person.

Today in class we will talk again about politeness and rules of conduct.

What is it politeness?

(Children's answers)

Politeness- observance of the rules of decency.

Polite man, means observing the rules of decency, well-mannered and courteous.

Guys, let's check if you have forgotten the “magic” words? I will read the beginning of the poem, and you must name the last word:

Participate in the exchange of kind words

And talk more often (Hello)

Don't be lazy during the day

Say it when you meet (Good afternoon)

After breakfast you could

Tell all the chefs (Thank you).

From politeness, not out of pity

Talk more often (Please).

When you leave to say goodbye to everyone

Tell simple(Goodbye)

Physical education minute.

How are you? - Like this! thumbs up

Are you swimming? - Like this! swimming simulation

How are you running? - Like this! running in place

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! palm to forehead

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this! circular stroking of the belly

Are you waving after me? - Like this! we wave our hand

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this! palms on cheek

Are you naughty? - Like this! We stomp our feet, wave our heads and arms.

Guys, now let's look at the situations in which each of you may find yourself. Let's compose "Rules polite person» , which we will write down and post in the most visible place so that we never forget them.

Situation 1.

After work, mom cooked dinner, washed the dishes and went to wash the clothes. And Masha sat comfortably on the sofa and began to watch cartoons.

Rule 1.

Polite A person constantly thinks about the people around him.

Situation 2.

Marina was given a large set of markers for her birthday. The next day she proudly showed her gift to the girls. “I won’t give them to anyone while they’re new.”- she told her friends.

Rule 2.

Be polite with your comrades.

Situation 3.

Sasha, running into the classroom, shouted: “Hello, Dimon! I just pushed the red-haired Svetka. It was funny when she fell into a puddle!”

Rule 3.

Polite a person will not cause trouble to another person, will not offend him with an offensive nickname.

Situation 4.

One day Vova was returning home on the bus. He sat down near the window and looked at the streets with interest. Suddenly an old woman got on the tram. Vova looked at her and turned back to the window.

Rule 4.

Polite the person is attentive to people.

Situation 5.

Natasha has many friends. They often meet, walk, play, and do homework together. Natasha and her friends are never bored.

Rule 5.

Polite a person does not quarrel with friends, works and plays together.

Guys, now let's play a game that will allow you to understand are you polite. The game is called “Chair of Truth”. Listen carefully to the moves and rules games:

You sit on a chair, with your back to your comrades.

Anyone who is ready to answer questions can sit on this chair. questions frankly. The rest of the guys will ask questions, are of interest to you, but questions questions should not be asked randomly, but those that reveal his qualities.


Do you consider yourself polite and educated person?

What “positive” qualities do you have?

What “negative” qualities do you have?

Were there any cases when you behaved inappropriately? politely in relation to the people around you? Many times?

What “positive” qualities do you like to see in people?

What “negative” qualities would you not like to see in people (classmates?

What would you like to change in your relationship with your peers, with your parents, with your teachers?

You are a kind person and... etc.

So you've learned a lot about your friends. Many thanks to them for their participation, for the fact that they were not afraid to come out and answer questions that were unexpected for them. questions.

And I want to finish our lesson with these words:

I want to say goodbye to you

Before we part

And everyone should go home,

I want to say goodbye

While wishing you,

So that you can be kind

We haven’t forgotten the magic words,

So that with kind words

You were talking with your friends.

We are parting now

Bon voyage to you! Good morning!

Form: conversation.

Target: Formation of moral values ​​among students, ideas about good and evil, the essence of mercy; motivation for moral self-improvement, for active actions in the name of good.


    To help schoolchildren comprehend the concept of life and realize its value

    Form moral categories and value judgments, instill a culture of discussion.

    To cultivate feelings of rejection of evil, camaraderie, patriotism and compassion, and the desire to do good deeds.

Teaching methods:

  • Exercises

Equipment: computer, projector, cards, presentation

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment

Hello guys! Sit down.

My name is Alexander Vasilievich.

Today in our lesson we will talk to you about universal human values.

A person's life is the most precious thing he has. She is unique, she is priceless. Human life is God's gift! But for some reason, few of us seriously think about how he lives, why he lives and what he will leave behind.

People value precious stones. They take care of them, select a beautiful frame, carefully store them and are afraid of losing them, but the most important jewel - our life - is often left to chance. We live day after day without thinking, wasting time on empty entertainment or lounging around the TV screen. But there will come a moment when every person stops and asks himself: “Why am I living? Why was my life given to me? After all, if fate, nature, some higher powers predetermined our birth, then this is not accidental. This means that there is some meaning in our life. Life is given to a person only once, and, as the Russian writer N. A. Ostrovsky said, “one must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.”

But before we continue the conversation, let's reason: continue the phrase “To live means...”

There is no meaning in life without a goal; your life should be filled with universal human values. What do you think these values ​​are?

Right! These values ​​are the core of spiritual life, which grows from the Old Testament commandments. Guys, who have heard or know these commandments.

    honor your father and mother

    do not kill others, either physically or mentally

    avoid unclean thoughts and desires

    do not slander, do not envy because envy gives rise to resentment and quarrel.

Remember that truth, goodness, beauty, love, wisdom are the axis of social intelligence that enriches the human soul

« Man, like the world in a mirror, has many faces. He is insignificant - and he is immeasurably great.”

Every person in this world is an individual. Everyone has their own path in life, their own positions in life. And now you will have to answer the question“What is the purpose of your life?” and indicate your four strong qualities that you have, and several qualities that you would like to cultivate in yourself in order to achieve your goal in life.

Each of you has set your own goal, but whatever the goal in your life is, you must rememberIndian wisdom

Guys, of course, you all understand perfectly well that life is not always smooth and even as we would like. Along the way there are various difficulties that a person must overcome. Remember, there are no hopeless situations in life.

There are no hopeless situations:

    You can always find a way out of any situation, there is always a door through which you can exit, you just need to find it.

    Life is always better than death, there will be time for the “other world”.

    Maintain your spirit by repeating: “I can do it, I can handle it, I will overcome, I will endure.”

    Love yourself and those around you.

Guys, you all know very well that you need to be able to live and appreciate every day you live, and now I suggest you answer the questions:

How many days did you live? What have you learned? What did you succeed in? How many good deeds have you done?

Today we talked to you about what life is, what you want to strive for in life, and what you were able to achieve. Now think and answer for a person to live, what does he need? target

Yes, having a goal is the most important thing in life. The desire to make dreams come true, to implement plans. This goal may be different for everyone, but it must be there. And it should be high, noble, one that would elevate a person in his own eyes and in the eyes of the people around him.

And now you will also learn about 13 secret phrases about life that will help you overcome difficulties and live a happy life.

Clip Slide 15

After the clip at the end

And I want to end our conversation with poetic lines

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"poems about life"

A person's life is the most precious thing he has. She is unique, she is priceless. Human life is God's gift! But for some reason, few of us seriously think about how he lives, why he lives and what he will leave behind.

People value precious stones. They take care of them, select a beautiful frame, carefully store them and are afraid of losing them, but the most important jewel - our life - is often left to chance. We live day after day without thinking, wasting time on empty entertainment or lounging around the TV screen. But there will come a moment when every person stops and asks himself: “Why am I living? Why was my life given to me? After all, if fate, nature, some higher powers predetermined our birth, then this is not accidental. This means that there is some meaning in our life. Life is given to a person only once, and, as the Russian writer N. A. Ostrovsky said, “one must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.”

After the clip at the end

Having a goal is the most important thing in life. The desire to make dreams come true, to implement plans. This goal may be different for everyone, but it must be there. And it should be high, noble, one that would elevate a person in his own eyes and in the eyes of the people around him. And I want to end our conversation with poetic lines

Let's Live, Love and Be Amazed,

Let's believe, remember and regret,

Cry from Happiness, laugh from the Heart

Let's Live so that our Hearts don't grow old.

Let's just admire

Fields, sky, silver dew,

And if it’s difficult, still don’t give up -

Move forward without lowering your head.

Let's be sincere in our communication,

Honest in words, actions and deeds,

Let's Believe, Holy, without a doubt

Live in reality, openly, and not in dreams!

Let's be honest

In your mistakes, envy and lies,

Let's Live, Love and Admire -

Spread the wings of your Soul!

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"class hour life and death"



Spiritual life

Human values

Honor your father and mother

Do not kill others, either physically or mentally

Avoid unclean thoughts and desires

Do not slander, do not envy because Envy breeds resentment and quarrel

Truth, goodness, beauty, love, wisdom

Social Intelligence Axis


like the world in a mirror, -

many faces.

He is insignificant -

And he is immeasurably great..."

“When you were born, you cried alone, and everyone around you rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, everyone around you will cry, and you will be the only one smiling.”

Indian wisdom

Rules that need to be remembered by every person who, for some reason or circumstance, has a "DEAD END"

There will be time for the next world




"Think about it..."

How many good deeds have you done?

How many days did you live?

What have you learned?

What did you succeed in?