Bathroom      10/27/2023

Do-it-yourself moonshine still with steamer from a glass jar. Do-it-yourself moonshine still How a steamer works

With the rise in price of strong alcoholic beverages, more and more citizens of our country began to get involved in moonshine brewing. And this is not surprising, because, having a special apparatus, it is possible to produce a high-quality alcoholic product of various strengths. Moreover, it can be not only pure moonshine, but also amortized one, similar in taste to cognac.

Today, most moonshiners choose to use two steamers. Let's figure out what a steam chamber is, what it is needed for, and why a design equipped with two steam chambers is better than one that is equipped with only one, or one in which this element is not provided at all.

Which moonshine still to choose - with or without steamer?

A steamer is not at all a necessary element in a moonshine still, and you can completely do without it. But not everyone can be satisfied with the quality of the finished product. Many people are put off by the specific smell of moonshine and refuse to drink it. So, the steamer is designed to get rid of this aroma.

With proper use of this device, you can not only make moonshine more tasty and of higher quality, but also increase its strength. The output will be a product containing a minimum of fusel oil and impurities.

The main advantages of a steamer in a moonshine still

Before choosing a moonshine still with two steam chambers, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main advantages of this device in principle. Regardless of whether you made a dry steamer yourself or purchased it from a manufacturer, a good device allows you to:

  • Productively purify moonshine on a physical level, which is impossible when purified with various chemical products.
  • Eliminate double distillation - even after the first purification you will receive a high quality product.
  • Prevent boiling mash from getting into the finished moonshine.
  • Eliminate specific odor and unusual aftertaste.

As a result, the quality of alcohol improves several times. A moonshine still with two or more steam chambers eliminates fusel oils and impurities almost completely.

The principle of operation of a steamer in a moonshine still

In moonshine brewing, a dry steamer is also called a sump or a sump. The principle of its operation is as follows: when the mash is heated, it evaporates in the distillation cube of the device. The released vapors enter the steam tank. It is important to understand that these vapors contain not only ethyl alcohol, but also various heavy fractions (fusel oils), which directly affect your well-being and the level of hangover the next day. High-quality purified moonshine does not cause headaches.

The steamer can be made of glass or metal. It is connected by special tubes to the tank and refrigerator (located between them). Getting from the tank into the tube, the vapors cool as they move, and condensation forms on the walls of the sump. In this case, ethyl alcohol vapor passes into the refrigerator. When distilling ten liters of mash, about half a liter of yellow or brown liquid with an unpleasant odor remains in the sump.

With two steam chambers, the mash undergoes double cleaning, so there is no need to run the substance a second time.

Factory-produced steam tanks are equipped with special taps for draining the fuses. It is very user friendly. There are collapsible and non-dismountable steamers. For example, the Bavaria moonshine still with two collapsible steamers (just like others) allows you to flavor the moonshine during the distillation process. Although, you can flavor a drink with just one element. A collapsible sump tank is easier to clean after use.

How many steamers to choose - one or two?

Surely you are thinking about buying a moonshine still with two steam chambers. What to choose? Of course, the presence of two elements allows you to improve the quality of the original product. But this is not the only factor influencing this indicator. It is very important to take into account the location of the steamers not only in relation to each other, but also to the coil and to the distillation cube.

A moonshine still with two steam chambers is more expensive than those equipped with one sump. Therefore, start from your financial capabilities. After all, you can always distill the mash twice.

If you want to make noble drinks based on moonshine, then you should give preference to equipment with two or more settling tanks.

Advantages of two settling tanks

The operation of two settling tanks simultaneously allows:

  • Improve the quality of the final product.
  • Increase the strength of the distillate.
  • Provide good conditions for flavoring an alcoholic drink.
  • Prevent the consequences that arise if the first steam tank overflows.

Popular models

Among the most popular models are the following manufacturers of moonshine stills:

  • "Craftsman." The model range of this manufacturer includes about thirteen models of devices for making moonshine, including the Umelets moonshine still with two steam chambers. All versions of the devices are equipped with vertical flow-through refrigerators, which prevents the formation of liquid plugs, which usually increase the steam pressure in the tubes. The volume of the cube varies. Steamers are installed in series.
  • "Bavaria". The Bavaria moonshine still with two steam chambers is a German quality product made of chromium-nickel heat-resistant alloy that can withstand pressure up to 25 atmospheres. The seams of the device are processed with diamond abrasive. The diameter of the tubes is 12 mm. The minimum distillation speed of mash is 2.5 liters per hour. The device will not burn out even after twelve years. It costs more than its domestic counterparts, but the quality speaks for itself. Moreover, when preparing alcoholic drinks with it, you will need to put in a minimum of effort. The device easily connects to a running water supply.


To save money, you can purchase a moonshine still equipped with only one sump. But having a second one won’t hurt and will make the drink stronger and cleaner. For beginners, it is best to purchase ready-made devices from the manufacturer.

Those who prepare alcohol at home always think about cleaning it well. Some people use certain additives for this. But this can be done by improving the moonshine still. To do this, it must be equipped with a steam chamber.

Sukhoparnik(reflux condenser or jug) - this part of the moonshine still, which is optional. Used for hazardous substances.

Why do you need a steamer - a moonshine still?

Harmful substances enter the steam tank first, since they have a higher boiling point, and they condense there.

When the distillation is completed, the steamer will contain a light brown liquid with a nasty odor.

Advantages of a steamer:

  • Does cleaning at the physical level, it is more effective than other methods;
  • Does not allow the mash to get into the moonshine;
  • The reflux condenser can be easily mounted on any distiller with a still, including a moonshine still made from a pressure cooker;
  • There is no need for re-distillation.

Liquid in the reflux condenser

Homemade steamer from a glass jar with your own hands

To make a steamer yourself you will need:

  • 2-3 liter jar with a metal lid;
  • 2 fittings with external thread;
  • Two nuts;
  • Marker;
  • Heat-resistant adhesive;
  • Awl.

With a steamer

Creation stages:

In moonshine stills made at factories, the steamer is made of stainless steel, but it is very difficult to make one at home, especially since it does not have any special advantages over a homemade one.

For a more or less experienced distiller-practitioner, there is no problem making moonshine at home. The process of producing and distilling mash requires some knowledge, minimal experience and standard equipment. At the same time, the task of obtaining high-quality moonshine looks much less trivial. To do this, you can use additional methods for purifying an alcoholic drink or use a moonshine still with a steamer.

I think that inexperienced moonshiners could use some explanation. The steamer is a simple device in the form of a container placed between the coil and the distillation cube. It allows physical purification of the distillate directly during the distillation process. Many distillers also know this device as a jug. Moonshine obtained by distillation on a moonshine still with a steamer is of higher quality and has a lower content of harmful substances and fusel oils.

If desired, anyone can buy a moonshine still already equipped with a steam chamber. If you don't plan on getting a distiller in the near future, don't worry. A steamer is quite easy to make with your own hands.

Principle of operation

The functioning of any dry steamer is based on the difference in boiling temperatures of ethyl alcohol, acetone and fusel oils, also obtained during the distillation process. In practice, everything looks simple. After fusel oil vapors have passed from the distillation cube to the still, they condense. Ethyl alcohol vapor, on the contrary, continues its movement and passes into the refrigerator, at the exit of which purified moonshine is selected.

At the same time, it must be remembered that distilling mash with a steamer has its own characteristics. First of all, they relate to the selection of “heads”. You will find all the details of this process in the publication “Distillation of moonshine with a steamer.”

After distillation, a light liquid with a characteristic odor will remain in the juke container. At the same time, you should not worry that at this stage of purification there is a significant loss of ethyl alcohol. The strength of this liquid from the steam tank tank, as a rule, does not exceed 5 degrees.

Existing advantages

There are a number of advantages that we get when making moonshine with a jug. In my opinion, they are more than eloquent and are the best answer to the question: “Is it worth using a moonshine still with a steamer?”

1. Purification of the resulting distillate occurs at the physical level. In practice, this means for us that it will be much more effective than any methods of chemical purification of moonshine. For example, using charcoal or milk.

2. Acts as a natural barrier, which 100% eliminates splash drift. It is usually understood as the entry of a small amount of mash from the distillation cube into the container in which we collect the finished moonshine.

3. Simplicity of the device and accessibility of the design. The steamer is easy to make and connect to the moonshine still. In this case, the original design of the distiller does not play any role.

How to do it?

Anyone can make a steamer at home. For this we will need the following materials:

  • two-liter glass jar;
  • metal cover;
  • 2 fittings with external thread;
  • 2 nuts;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • heat-resistant glue;
  • awl.

The two main elements in this list are the jar and its lid. Please note that only a container that can be hermetically sealed is suitable for us. In other words, after we have closed the jar with a lid, no air should enter inside.

Step-by-step assembly sequence.

1. First of all, we need to make the correct markings for future holes. To do this, we need to attach the fittings to the selected lid and carefully outline them with a felt-tip pen.

2. Now we make the holes. To do this, apply pressure with an awl along the marked lines. We carry out these actions until the cover material is completely worn out.

3. Apply heat-resistant glue evenly on both sides to the edges of the hole, install the fittings and secure them with the prepared nuts. The glue will ensure a reliable seal.

4. We connect the container of the jug with the distillation cube and the refrigerator. Tightness is also a determining factor for us.

A high-quality unit for preparing homemade alcohol is impossible without a steamer. It is a container in which, during the production of moonshine, harmful impurities formed during the distillation of mash accumulate. The settling tank is also used as a container into which aromatic additives are placed, intended to enhance alcohol produced at home. Most moonshine distillers offered for sale are equipped with a jug. If this important detail is not there, you can make it yourself. To make a steamer for a moonshine still, you need to prepare tools and drawings.

To understand what devices are needed for the home production of a sump for fusel oils, you need to understand its purpose. First of all, it must be airtight, since harmful substances will accumulate here, the presence of which in moonshine turns homemade alcohol into poison.

The sump in the moonshine still connects the refrigerator and the distillation cube. When the mash is heated, its components, which boil at temperatures up to 90 degrees, fall through the tube into the sump. When steam penetrates this container, its pressure quickly drops, resulting in a decrease in temperature. When the next portion of steam arrives, the temperature does not decrease, due to which the harmful impurities of the mash partially condense, settling in the steam tank.

The settling tank also prevents contamination of the refrigerator by particles of mash splashed during its boiling.

Here's what you'll need to make your own device:

  • glue;
  • awl;
  • two-liter jar with a twist (the latter is preferably made of stainless steel);
  • two nuts;
  • two fittings.

To simplify the manufacturing work, you can make a preliminary drawing of the future device.

Equipment assembly instructions

First of all, you need to take a tin lid and put two marks on it that will indicate future holes. To do this, you need to attach both fittings and circle them with a marker.

Using a sharp awl, holes are pressed out in the lid where the marks were. You need to insert a fitting into each of them, securing them with nuts. The sump is a sealed container, so when making it you will have to use hot glue. To seal the holes, you need to purchase and install two gaskets made of food-grade silicone.

The finished container for fusel oils must be correctly connected to the moonshine unit. Using hoses, you should alternately connect the refrigerator, sump and distillation tank.

If the technical parameters of the distiller allow the installation of two steamers or more, this will improve the quality of purification of the distilled moonshine.

When choosing the volume of a jar that will serve as a container for collecting fusel oils, you need to take into account that in a settling tank that is not large enough, the evaporation will not be divided into fractions as well.

After each use, the reflux condenser must be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining toxic components of the distilled mash.

The jug can also be used to flavor homemade alcohol. To do this, you need to fill the distillation cube with moonshine purified from toxic fractions, and place aromatic components in the reflux condenser. Afterwards, you need to distill the moonshine once. The additives in the settling tank will saturate the alcoholic product with a pleasant aroma.

If you don’t want to make a jug at home, you can purchase this device at any distillery supply store.

In any business, experience is necessary to fully master the skill. Moonshine brewing is no exception; a truly high-quality product can only be obtained after hundreds of preparations, trying out all sorts of options and developing your own recipe. You shouldn’t put too much emphasis on finished products. But it won’t hurt to find out what a steamer is in a moonshine still, what it’s for, and how this item affects the quality of alcohol.

Moonshine consumption culture

Most people associate moonshine with:

  • With the village.
  • With poverty.
  • With alcoholism.
  • With prohibition.
  • With the impossibility of getting any other alcohol.

The image of the drink was spoiled by the second half of the twentieth century, before that the use of this type of alcohol was not considered something shameful. Moonshine can be found not only in many literary works, you can also come across it in the paintings of famous artists. A small part of a common culture that fit harmoniously into the picture of the world.

But today, when you can buy any alcohol you like in a store, you would have the means. There is no shortage, no one is even going to think about introducing bans and other restrictions. But, despite such diversity, moonshine is experiencing a certain rise. The secret is simple - everything made with your own hands is always better than ready-made purchased products.

Do you need a steamer?

While preparing alcohol, you can experiment with the taste and quality of the finished drink. Everything depends not only on the skill of the cook, but also on the quality of the equipment used. You can use a moonshine still without any additional accessories, the “basic kit”. And you can expand it a little:

It turns out that one simple device immediately adds a whole range of benefits. Not only can you get better quality moonshine, purified from all impurities, but with a steamer it’s easy to reduce the time it takes to make moonshine.

For those who value their time highly and prefer to do everything at the highest level, a steamer will be an ideal addition to a home moonshine still.

How to make a steamer?

Manufacturing of additional devices in the form steamer will not take too much time and effort:

  1. The steam chamber is a hermetically sealed cylinder.
  2. Two tubes are connected to the container, to the tank and to the cooler.
  3. Due to the different boiling temperatures of the impurities, almost all of them remain at the bottom of the sealed cylinder after condensation of the steam passing through the tubes.

The main problem that may arise when creating a steam tank is the tightness of the container itself. An ordinary jar with a metal lid will help you get out of this situation:

  • Remove the cover and make two holes in it for the tubes.
  • Insert them inside and secure with nuts.
  • Process the entire simple structure with cold welding.
  • Connect the steamer to the moonshine still.

The quality of a handicraft product can be improved if you have it at hand fittings. With their help it is much more convenient and reliable to secure the tubes.

It would seem that, it’s much easier and faster to order a steamer online and not rack your brains over its manufacture. But here you may encounter a couple of unforeseen problems:

  • The cost of the accessory may surprise you.
  • Delivery rarely takes 2-3 business days.

Apparatus with two steam chambers

Now moonshine stills have appeared on sale, with two steam chambers at once. Before purchasing, you should figure out whether such an improvement is rational? The main emphasis is on the fact that with two such “cleaning mechanisms”, the second distillation need not be done. But this is not entirely true.

Alcohol will indeed have normal taste and your head will not start to hurt after a couple of glasses. At the exit, the moonshiner will not get fusel, but still a product not the highest level of quality.

To get rid of all impurities, it is necessary to distill the alcohol at least twice; this rule cannot be neglected:

  1. The impurities contain fusel oils, which provide the “lion’s share” of the negative effect.
  2. Controversy over this component has not subsided for more than a century. Some argue that this is an indispensable part of any alcohol.
  3. In fact, all fusel oils are toxic and truly dangerous to the body. The harm from alcohol can be increased several times.

Every time after preparing moonshine, sediment will accumulate at the bottom of the steamer. This is all the “bad” that every cook struggles with. Do not even think about consuming the resulting mixture or simply using it in any way.

Harm from alcohol abuse

Drinking alcohol has a lasting impact on a person. Not only does it affect his body and physical abilities, but ethyl alcohol also changes his moral character. But we are talking about regular abuse; minimal doses without traceable regularity will not cause serious harm.

But constantly drinking, an alcoholic:

  1. Places additional stress on the liver and its disinfection system.
  2. He passes judgment on his own pancreas.
  3. Irritates the walls of the stomach, increasing the risk of developing gastritis and ulcers.
  4. Increases vascular tone, narrowing their lumen and increasing blood pressure.
  5. It disrupts blood circulation throughout the body, in every organ.
  6. Reduces the speed of nerve impulses, and, consequently, the speed of thinking.

Why do you need a steamer?

It is difficult to exaggerate the usefulness of the dry steamer for alcohol production:

  • Provides effective filtration of all impurities.
  • Significantly reduces the level of fusel oils.
  • Improves the taste of the finished product.
  • Relieves many of the consequences of drinking alcohol, in particular headaches after 100 ml of moonshine.

The division itself into " harmful" And " useful» components based on their different boiling points. Fusel oils boil at lower temperatures, so they are the ones that are primarily released with steam, entering through tubes into a closed cylinder and settling at its bottom due to condensation effect . Ordinary physics, nothing supernatural.

Still, this is an irreplaceable thing, a steamer in a moonshine still. Only an experienced lover of making homemade alcohol knows why such an accessory is needed. By the way, there is nothing wrong with a passion for cooking; it is not customary in society to blame cooks for enjoying the process of cooking. Why should it be any different with alcohol?

Video about steamers

In this video, technologist Anton will tell you whether a steamer is needed in a moonshine still and what purposes it serves, what functions it performs: