Tool      10/23/2023

Orchids made from foamiran with your own hands by a master. DIY orchid made from corrugated paper. Interior solutions

The orchid can rightfully be considered one of the most exquisite and sophisticated ornamental plants. The flower has earned the love of many fans thanks to its unusual structure and variety of shades. If there are no living beautiful orchids in the house, you can easily make one from artificial materials. Foamiran orchids do not require daily care, but they bring a lot of pleasure to their owner.

Little tricks for creating an orchid

An orchid is an unusual plant that has a structure that differs from other, common flowers. It has two side petals, three sepals and a petal in the center of the flower, reminiscent of baby lips. Color ranges from white to deep purple and dark red. The most attractive in its beauty is the cymbidium - this subspecies of flower can be made of artificial material, for example, plastic suede. Such a flower is no different from a living plant; it will decorate the interior of any room.

The main advantages of foamiran are the following qualities:

  • plasticity - the material easily stretches and changes when heated;
  • it can be easily cut with scissors;
  • finished products can be washed well with plain water;
  • foamiran is environmentally friendly;
  • the variety of shades makes it possible to create flowers that are as similar as possible to living orchids.
  • Foamiran can be purchased at any store that sells craft supplies.

Making a pattern for a future orchid

There is probably no person who doesn’t like orchids. These colorful flowers of unusual shape are considered to be a symbol of the tropics.

Orchid petals vary depending on the type of plant. To create a pattern you will need:

  • flower core;
  • "sponges";
  • petals (five pieces);
  • stamens and styles (for some subspecies).

The most common variety is phalaenopsis; the flower size of this plant ranges from 5 to 15 cm. You can make a stencil of just one petal and the middle (sponges) to assemble the phalaenopsis from plastic suede. Even a beginner can easily make a template for an orchid; you just need to listen to the advice of professional craftswomen.

To make a pattern for a cattleya orchid, you will have to additionally create two different types of petals, and in the case of a cymbidium, you will need a template for the middle of the flower.

Templates (stencils) are prepared from thick cardboard or very thick paper. First, choose the type of flower, then make templates and transfer them to sheets of plastic suede.

The main stages of making cymbidium from foamiran

Before collecting a cymbidium flower, you need to prepare a column, a tongue and five petals. You can use your own imagination, use the ideas of other craftswomen, or use the following recommendations:

  1. Draw a vertical line 6 cm long, then at a height of 3 cm you need to draw a transverse line perpendicular to the vertical one and mark 1.5 cm on it in both directions. Connect the resulting points with a smooth line - you get a leaf.
  2. For the column template, you need to draw a rectangle, the width of which will be 1 cm, and the height will be 6.5 cm. The corners are smoothly rounded and an incision 3 cm deep is made on one side.
  3. To create the tongue you need to draw a heart and a circle. The width of the heart is 4.5 cm, the height is 3 cm. The radius of the circle is no more than 1.5 cm, and the circle is placed above the heart so that the figures touch each other. Trace the outline of the resulting figure - that’s it, the tongue is ready.

The finished stencils are placed on foamiran plates, traced along the contour with a special stick (knitting needle) and then the details for the future flower are cut out. The color of the cymbidium can be any; everything here depends only on the imagination of the master. Most often, the most striking element of an orchid is the “lip”; the remaining petals can be tinted using pencils or acrylic paints. And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with a step-by-step master class on creating a delicate lilac orchid branch.

How to make an orchid sprig from foamiran?

In this master class we will make an orchid sprig from foamiran. It will decorate your room and complement the flowers that have already faded.

To create it you will need:

  • green, lilac foamiran;
  • purple pastel;
  • damp foam sponge;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • black beads;
  • iron;
  • foil;
  • glue gun

We cut out the templates for the orchid, which are given above in the article. Choose the color of foamiran that you like best, and to tint the middle, take a darker shade of art pastel. For one flower we prepare one blank of each template. We trace all the templates using an awl or a toothpick. We outline petal number 2 once, and then its mirror image opposite. That is, you should get a double part that is connected in the middle.

Let's make two unopened buds: one from green, the smallest, and the second, a little larger, lilac.

Using purple art pastels, we will completely shade the middle of the orchid under No. 1. Template No. 2 will be shaded only in the center, shading closer to the edge of the petals. We will also tint the blanks for the buds. First you need to moisten the foam sponge, apply pastel to it and then paint the foamiran. After this, let the paint dry.

Let's give each piece a shape. Heat up the iron and lay out petal No. 1 for about five seconds. At the same time, constantly press down on the middle and the foamiran will begin to bend. Drop the petal onto the table. In the same way we prepare the fom for the buds.

In the remaining blanks, we process each petal separately. Apply to the iron for 2 seconds, stretch the middle with the fingers of both hands.

Let's start assembling the orchid branch. We cut the wire 15-20 cm long, string one bead, which we place in the middle, and twist the ends of the wire under the bead.

We pierce the wire at the top point of part No. 1. Then we pierce the center of the remaining petals. You can fix each layer with super glue.

For the buds, we will make drop-shaped foil blanks of such a size that they fit in the petals.

We pierce the middle with an awl and thread the wire. We connect the ends under the wide base of the drop.

We collect the buds, glue all the petals in a circle to completely cover the foil.

We wrap the stems of orchid flowers with green tape. Then we collect the twig starting from the smallest bud, to which we attach a thicker wire. We gradually move down the branch, distributing the flowers evenly.

This is how easy it is to make an orchid sprig with your own hands.

An artificial orchid, just like a living flower, fits perfectly into any interior; it looks natural in a flower pot, being a worthy decoration for any window sill. The only disadvantage of such a product is exposure to sunlight, under its influence the petals may lose their color.

Orchid for gift decoration

As you know, foamiran makes very beautiful hair accessories or interior flowers. But few people thought that any gift could be decorated with such flowers. Today we suggest making a delicate orchid for gift wrapping.

Materials and tools:

  • - orchid template;
  • — silk foamiran (iveri color);
  • - Iranian yellow foamiran;
  • - bright yellow silk foamiran;
  • — pastel blue, turquoise, yellow;
  • - acrylic red paint;
  • - gold acrylic paint;
  • - needle;
  • - sponge;
  • - scissors;
  • - brush;
  • - acrylic varnish;
  • — mold of orchid petals;
  • - instant glue;
  • - iron.

We cut out all the details of the orchid from thick paper - there should be three templates. For orientation, a pattern of an orchid is presented on a piece of notebook paper and all dimensions are indicated.

We attach the templates to the foamiran, trace and cut out the details.

We tint the details of the petals with blue and turquoise pastels, starting to make strokes from the center to the edges.

Apply yellow pastel.

We tint the middle with blue and yellow pastels. Paint the cut blue.

We cut out a mini-strip of 0.5x1 cm from bright yellow fom and make a fringe on both sides.

Dipping the tip of the needle into red paint, we draw rays and dots.

Fold the mini-piece in half and glue it in the middle, without touching the fringe.

Let's return to tinting the petals - enhancing the blue color (in the center). Shade the pastel with a sponge.

We tint the back side of all parts in the same way as the front side, but not so brightly.

After heating the petal on the iron, apply it to the mold and press it with your fingers. We repeat this process with all the petals separately. Place the center on the iron. We wait until the part heats up, takes a convex shape and flies away from the iron.

We form a wave at the edges of the petals. We heat a small area and stretch it with our fingers.

Let's go through blue pastels again. By tinting according to the created texture, we prevent paint from penetrating deep into the surface. This way we get a beautiful marble pattern.

Cover with varnish. Apply varnish to the center piece on each side. Let's dry it.

Apply a drop of gold paint to the sponge and blend it along the petals and the middle (on both sides).

We glue the yellow fringe into the part that will be the center of the orchid. Glue the two main parts with the petals (in the middle).

Glue the finished center to the petals.

We pack the gift and decorate it with a delicate orchid flower.

Foamiran orchid in the interior

A phalaenopsis or cymbidium in a glass vase will look very delicate; a white orchid looks especially sophisticated and delicate - such a flower, made of plastic suede, is quite difficult to distinguish from a living plant. A black orchid branch goes best with white and gray shades.

An artificial orchid made from foamiran is suitable for decorating a hair hoop, hairpin or brooch. It can be attached to a wedding boutonniere or added a small branch to a wedding bouquet.

Many people consider the orchid a symbol of beauty, love, tenderness and perfection. A flower created with your own hands can be a kind of talisman for its owner. Today you can cope with such a task without any problems thanks to numerous master classes from professional needlewomen.

The orchid is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and exquisite plants grown as a decorative ornament. An important role in this was played not only by the combination of colors in the plant, but also by the physical structure of the flower.

However, not every person is ready to grow flowers at home - some are allergic to plants, others simply do not have time for regular care.

In this case, the artificial option is suitable for you. Making an orchid with your own hands is quite simple, and we will analyze this process.

Preparation and selection of materials

In the modern world, it is quite easy to obtain information, and all this is thanks to the Internet. If you look at photos of hand-made orchids, you will notice that they are made from paper, ribbons and any other available materials - whatever your imagination requires.

First you need to pay attention to the structure of the orchid flower itself - it contains the main feature. We are talking about a design - a pair of petals, three sepals, and in the center of everything there is a petalia. The color can be selected ranging from pure white to dark purple. This is the color most often found in plants in nature.

First of all, it is worth remembering that paper is not suitable for such purposes - for creating a realistic flower. Even the highest quality orchid made from paper with your own hands, up close, and at a distance too, will give away its origin. It is best to take plastic material with a suitable texture. The familiar suede fits this description perfectly.

Moreover, in the case of suede, you can easily prepare the soil for a DIY orchid and place the whole thing in a pot.

The result is a very convincing composition that will perfectly decorate any room. This option is especially good for allergy sufferers who cannot tolerate pollen.

Alternative materials

Suede is good for many reasons, but there are also analogues. Some people prefer to make their own orchid from corrugated paper. It is very easy to work with paper, and the products turn out quite nice.

But you won’t be able to go far with this approach. It all comes down to the same problem as with regular paper - lack of realism.

If you want to make an artificial replacement for a living flower, then you need suitable material. Foamiran, a decorative foam material that is often used to create a variety of crafts, is perfect for this.

In fact, I personally would only advise you to use suede or foamiran as the main material when creating an orchid with your own hands. With them, without any problems, you can then take an orchid pot, pour the substrate into it and place our flower in it. I doubt that without a detailed inspection or physical contact, any of the guests will be able to distinguish such a craft from a living flower.

Foamiran is good due to the fact that it is very plastic, and therefore can easily be manipulated physically, such as stretching and cutting with simple scissors. In addition, this material does not pose any threat to human health, which is also important.


We've sorted out the materials, so it's time to make a pattern. In total we will need four types of patterns. First you need petals, of which there should be 5 pieces. Next comes the orchid core and petalia. The fourth pattern is optional, because not all types of orchids have styles and stamens.

The most commonly found orchid in the world is the phalaenopsis orchid, and therefore this is what is usually made. The diameter of its flower can range from 5 to 15 centimeters. Depending on this, you will need to select the size of the remaining parts of the plant.

The most common orchid flower is assembled from a simple petal and core. Depending on experience and desire, the design becomes more complex.

The easiest way to start is to work with paper or suede. This also includes the ribbon orchid. Such crafts are made quite easily and quickly, but they lack realism.

Manufacturing stages

Before you start making the flower itself, it is worth preparing the rest of the composition - the pot in which the orchid will stand, if you want to keep it in such a container. Next you need to make a stem on which the flower will be held. Now we make the orchid itself.

If you have problems with the pattern, you can find ready-made drawings on the Internet and simply print them. In this case, all you need to do is cut out the necessary elements and gradually connect them.

If you want to make a flower that is as similar to the real one as possible, you will need to sit with paints. It is best to apply them with a regular small sponge. This way the color is as realistic as possible.

Regardless of which option you decide to choose, the important thing is that you do it yourself, and such a craft will be much more valuable to you than the purchased option.

DIY orchid photo

We present to your attention a master class in which we will show how to make a realistic orchid from paper. Repeating such a flower with your own hands is not particularly difficult, and step-by-step instructions and the template provided will allow you to make it as beautifully and correctly as possible.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 5/10

  • printed template;
  • scissors;
  • plain white paper;
  • watercolor paints and brushes;
  • brilliant watercolor;
  • universal glue;
  • 1 wilted orchid flower (optional);
  • pink crystal or pink bead;
  • small bugles of bronze color.

Orchids are luxurious, but capricious and demanding plants. At home, caring for them is not easy, especially in conditions of too dry air and insufficient light. Another thing is a paper orchid that will never wither!

So why not make your own paper orchid? This flower requires absolutely no care, and it will last as long as you want! You can also use it to decorate a gift instead of a bow, include it in a boutonniere, or decorate a bouquet of fresh flowers with it!

Here for comparison is a live orchid and a paper one.

Materials and tools:

To make the paper orchid look more realistic, we divided a wilted live orchid flower into pieces and made a template using these pieces. You don’t need to do this, just download and print the template below and follow the instructions to make a flower.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

Let's start making ours step by step. You'll see - making a paper orchid is easy and quick!

Step 1: Print the Template

Print the template onto thick paper or cardstock and cut it out. Attach the template to the paper and cut out as many pieces of each piece as you want orchids.

Step 2: Color the Details

Use white watercolor paint to paint parts “A”, “B” and “C”. Next, mix white watercolor with a little pink glitter paint and add a few strokes to the details. Leave the petals to dry.

Paint parts “D” and “E” with pale pink watercolors. Paint the bottom of part “D” and its sides with a richer pink color, and paint its center with bright yellow paint.

For piece “E”, paint around the edges with a bright pink color. Leave the elements to dry.

Step 3: Collect the flower

When the petals are dry, collect the flower. To do this, glue parts “A” and “C” together, then symmetrically glue two parts “B” on top of them.

To make the flower look more realistic, carefully curl the ends of part “D” inward.

An orchid is a luxurious plant; its beauty surprises and delights everyone. And although many try to grow it at home, this is not always possible, because the flower is very whimsical.

However, if desired, the home can be decorated with a sophisticated branch. An orchid made from corrugated paper will be an excellent alternative to a living flower. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can make it in such a way that it looks like the real thing.

Paper orchid

A blooming orchid looks amazing, but it doesn't last long. Beautiful orchids made from corrugated paper with your own hands can be made quickly and without any problems. Such decorations will “bloom” all year round and delight everyone around with their appearance.

Required materials and tools

To create a luxurious orchid you will need corrugated paper of various shades, a tree branch, scissors, a flowerpot, silicone, hard foam rubber and glue (glue gun). In addition, an orchid can be made from crepe paper. The difference between these types of base is only in the degree of compression and thickness.

Orchid made of corrugated paper: master class on making

To create petals, the paper is cut into pieces measuring 5 by 4 cm. They are twisted with your fingers, giving the desired shape.

To make the middle you will need white corrugated paper. It needs to be slightly cut and twisted with your fingers. Next, all the details should be collected into a bud. To prevent the flower from falling apart, it must be secured with green corrugated paper.

In addition, you need to make several closed buds. You need to cut out a rectangular piece 10 by 4 cm from corrugated paper. The element needs to be twisted in the middle and folded in half. A small piece of paper is placed in the middle, the bud is shaped and the stem is twisted. The bud must be additionally fixed with green paper, coated with glue.

After this, you should start decorating the branch. To do this, you will need ribbons of corrugated paper 3-4 cm wide, the length does not matter. The main branch should be of such length that the pot does not tip over and the entire craft is stable. All branches must be wrapped in corrugated paper from top to bottom. Gradually, closed buds and flowers made earlier need to be tied to the branch.

The corrugated paper orchid is ready. Now you need to take a flower pot and cut the foam to its size. Using scissors, make cuts for the branches, insert them inside and fill them with silicone.

To imitate soil in a pot, you can use black corrugated paper. You just need to tear it into small pieces and glue it to the craft. Additionally, the flowerpot can be decorated with sea pebbles and cardboard butterflies.

Orchid made of corrugated paper and candies

Such a flower will look great not only as a decorative element for decorating a room. An orchid can be successfully used as a souvenir. Especially if small sweet surprises are hidden in a bouquet of luxurious flowers. To make an orchid made from corrugated paper and candies quickly and without any problems, you just need to follow the step-by-step recommendations.

Step-by-step instruction

When creating this exotic flower, you first need to choose an image with an orchid you like. It is better to choose a picture in which everything will be clearly visible.

If you don’t know how to make an orchid from corrugated paper, first prepare a strip 10 cm wide. You need to cut a petal from a piece of paper, as in the illustration, and color it along the edge (but do not paint it).

After this, the finished petal is slightly stretched with your fingers and twisted, pulling out the middle. Next you need to start forming the petals. Again, you should prepare a piece about 10 cm wide. You need to cut out a single petal from it, stretch its edges and pull out the middle. A paper orchid should have five identical petals.

Now the flower needs to be glued. To do this, take the candy and fix it on the wire with glue. This base should be wrapped in a decorated petal. After this, you need to attach the remaining single petals. First, the four elements are attached to the sides, and the top part is glued last. The petals at the top need to be slightly bent and the wire wrapped in green paper.

These instructions show that DIY corrugated paper orchids can be made quickly and easily. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to one flower, this way you can make a charming bouquet that will delight your family and friends.

Luxurious and at the same time touching orchids delight any flower lover with their beauty.

Many people try to grow them at home, but not everyone is able to do this due to the demanding nature of the plant. However, it is quite possible to decorate your home or give a bouquet of orchids as a gift if you make it with your own hands from paper. And by following our master class on creating orchids, you can make them so that they look like real flowers.

Corrugated paper orchids with a surprise

An orchid made of corrugated paper looks great not only as a decorative element, but also as a gift. Especially if there is some surprise hidden in a bouquet of orchid flowers. We offer a master class on how to make this wonderful gift yourself.

To create a paper orchid flower you will need:

  • corrugated paper of your favorite shade;
  • wire for a twig;
  • glue (it is best to use a special glue gun);
  • felt-tip pen, marker or gouache for designing petals;
  • scissors, pencil;
  • rectangular and round candies.

Operating procedure:

1. Wrap the tail from the candy wrapper around the wire and glue them with glue or tape.

2. On a piece of corrugated paper, approximately 5 cm wide, draw a sketch of the central petal with a pencil and cut it out along the contour.

3. Using a felt-tip pen, colored marker or gouache, shade the edges of the petal in the form of veins.

4. Wrap the petal around the finger of your left hand, and with the fingers of your right hand, turn the edges outward, slightly stretching it to the sides.

5. Cut out five outer petals from corrugated paper.

6. To make the petals look like real ones, pull them by the edges, slightly pressing the center in the shape of a boat.

7. Wrap the center petal around the candy and glue the bottom edge with glue.

8. Consistently glue the outer petals to the base of the candy, overlapping each other and twisting it onto the wire.

9. Bend the three petals slightly to make the orchid look like it’s alive.

10. In a similar way, you need to make the required number of flowers that can be decorated with ribbons.

11. Combine several branches with flowers into one common bouquet, which can be placed in a basket or a cute box, secured in a floral sponge. Unopened orchid buds can be made from round candies wrapped in green corrugated paper.

As you can see, thanks to the master class, making such a beautiful bouquet of paper orchids with your own hands turned out to be very simple and quick!

Watercolor paper orchids

Orchids made from high-density watercolor paper turn out to be very delicate and realistic. To do this, draw flower petals on it according to a template, cut them out and moisten them. Then color the petals with a felt-tip pen, dip them in water, knead them in your hands, slightly stretching them along the edges, twist them around a pencil, straighten them again and lay them out to dry. In the same way, make green leaves for the stem.

Make a pestle from a wire that will serve as a stem. Dip the edge of the wire into PVA glue, dry it and paint the resulting drop. Pass the wire through the petals and secure the bud with glue. If you fail to make a flower the first time, then you can find a more detailed master class on the Internet on working with watercolor paper using a similar technique.

Orchid decoration

Paper orchids can make an original decoration for gift boxes, napkin holders and hairpins.

You can draw and color them with your own hands from hard paper or print a finished picture from the Internet on a color printer. All that remains is to cut out the petals, put them together and glue them together. Making such a decorative decoration is very simple, you don’t even need a special master class.

Volume applique with orchids

To involve your children in creativity, you can make together with them a three-dimensional panel or applique with orchids from paper. You will not only get an interesting craft, but also conduct a real master class for your child.

To do this you will need corrugated paper for the petals, colored paper for the leaves and background, scissors, a brush, glue and a wooden frame. Cut out the petals and core according to the template and carefully stretch them along the edges. Apply specks of gouache to the middle petal. Now twist the petals together in the middle and glue the central petal.

Make the background of the applique from paper of different colors and insert it into a frame. Glue orchids, leaves and stems twisted diagonally from strips of paper onto the background.