Bathroom      10/29/2023

Rose carte blanche reviews. Floribunda rose planting and care in open ground - the best varieties with photo names and descriptions. Floribunda Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco

Rose Floribunda is the result of long-term breeding work. Back in the 20s of the last century, the Danish breeder Svend Poulsen began crossing large-flowered polyanthus roses with hybrid tea, then with hybrid polyanthus and other garden varieties. The result of creative searches was a hybrid called Floribunda, officially registered in 1952. Since then, this unique group of roses has traced its history. As a result of ongoing selection, a huge number of varieties have been developed, differing in the color of the petals, the shape of the buds and the height of the bush. But they all correspond to the name of the group, which translates as abundantly flowering.

Without exception, all varieties of Floribunda roses look gorgeous during flowering, and their aroma is difficult to resist. Among the variety of varieties, it is worth noting the most popular:


A low, abundantly flowering variety that is popular. Densely double petals form a cup-shaped bud. The color of the petals is soft pink and gradually “burns out” to almost white. The reverse darker side of the petals contrasts with the light side, giving the flower a special showiness. Flower brushes of 4-5 pieces each form on the bushes. The foliage is dark in color and has good disease resistance. Diadem bushes are characterized by their compact shape and high winter hardiness.

Niccolo Paganini

It is considered one of the best flower bed varieties. The height of the compact bush with large dark leaves reaches 0.8 m. The petals are painted in a dark red color, which does not change during the entire flowering period. From 5 to 12 buds are formed in the brushes, quickly opening and blooming for a long time, while maintaining their shape. The variety is suitable for both warm and temperate climates. It is distinguished by high winter hardiness and resistance to hot weather.

Carte Blanche

Pure white glass-shaped buds attract with a rich aroma. Bushes 0.9-1.0 m high are covered with dark green glossy leaves. The flowers form clusters of 11-15 buds. Carte Blanche has good frost resistance.


An erect, branched bush grows up to 1.5 m in warm climates. The color of the flowers, which is constantly changing, deserves special attention. The main color of the buds is creamy yellow with a reddish edge. In summer, the petals turn pale and become almost white; in autumn, the color of the petals changes to pink. Flower clusters are formed from 3-9 buds.

Lilli Marleen

A compact bush 0.5 m high in spring, it is covered with reddish foliage, which later acquires a matte green color. The blood-red, velvety buds form cup-shaped flowers when they bloom. Flower clusters are formed from 3-15 buds, not “fading” under the sun’s rays. The subtle aroma of Lilli Marleen is noticeable at close range. The variety is resistant to diseases, but requires preventive treatment against powdery mildew.

The varieties of the Floribunda group of roses can be listed for a long time, each of them is good in its own way and each is capable of decorating any plot or flower bed.

Main characteristics of the Floribunda rose

Rose Floribunda has become beloved and popular among domestic gardeners due to its remarkable qualities. These include:

  • beautiful aroma;
  • abundant and long lasting bloom;
  • big color choice and bud shapes;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • sustainability to diseases;
  • high winter hardiness.

The latter quality is especially valued in our latitudes, because the plant is not afraid of frost and tolerates Russian winters well, and if it does suffer, it recovers much faster than other varieties of roses.

Floribunda roses are propagated by grafting or cuttings. Experienced gardeners can grow roses from seeds, but this is a troublesome task, the results of which can only be seen after several years.

Roses of this group are bred for cutting bouquets and for decorating garden plots. The versatility of the plant allows it to be grown in open ground, in greenhouses and even flower pots.

The main advantage of the Floribunda group is considered to be abundant flowering throughout the summer. Simple, double and densely double flowers are collected on bushes in lush clusters of up to 10-12 pieces, giving the bush a special decorative effect. The variety of colors allows you to create spectacular compositions both in single-varietal plantings and in combination with other flowering and decorative foliage plants.


Before you plant a Floribunda rose on your property, you should make sure that there is a suitable place for it. These plants need a lot of sunshine, but full sun all day will not do.. It is advisable to choose an area where the bushes can be in the shade during the midday heat, otherwise the roses will quickly fade.

Plants planted on the south side of buildings or fences will suffer from sunburn, and near the corners of buildings and in the passages between them - from drafts.

It is preferable to plant Floribunda roses in the spring, but you can also do this in the fall. Gardeners in the middle zone should focus on the approximate planting dates for their latitudes.:

  • from the end of April to the end of May;
  • from early September to mid-October.

When choosing a grafted rose seedling, pay attention to the root collar. Its diameter should not exceed 5-8 mm. The seedling should have 2-3 lignified shoots, covered with intact green bark, and a developed root system with a sufficient number of thin roots.

The soil for Floribunda roses is prepared in advance. Sandy-clayey, moderately breathable soil with a high humus content is considered optimal. When preparing a site for planting, the area is dug up to the depth of a shovel and compost and phosphorus fertilizers are added. Landing is carried out as follows:

  • Seedling shoots are cut to 35 cm, the roots are shortened to 25-30 cm.
  • Preparing the planting hole, pour a mound of soil mixture into the center of the hole.
  • Lower the seedling into the hole, carefully straightening the root system on the surface of the mound.
  • The planting depth is determined by the grafting site - it should be 3-8 cm deeper soil surface.
  • Cover the roots with soil mixture, compacted by hand and water it.
  • Escapes trim to 2-4 buds.
  • For the first time after landing shade the plant from midday sun rays.

Further Floribunda roses can be propagated from cuttings, which are first kept in a root formation stimulator, and after the roots appear, they are planted in open ground or a flower pot.


Proper care consists of watering, loosening, mulching, fertilizing and covering for the winter.


Watering for roses plays an important role, especially during intensive growth, when plants form young shoots, leaves and flower buds. Lack of moisture will negatively affect the decorative appearance of flowers.. Water the plants regularly and abundantly, at least once a week. For irrigation use warm, settled water.

It is best to moisten the soil in the evening, directing the stream to the base of the bush. In addition to traditional watering, sprinkling is used.

When sprinkling Floribunda roses, choose morning or evening hours so that before nightfall the moisture has time to evaporate from the foliage, otherwise fungal diseases may develop.

Loosening and mulching

Loosening is a necessary procedure to provide the roots with a sufficient amount of air and life-giving moisture. The soil under the bushes is loosened to a depth of no more than 10 cm, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the sensitive roots.

It is useful to mulch the soil with a suitable organic material in a layer of about 8 cm. This will retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds.

Top dressing

Floribunda roses will not be able to show all the beauty of flowering without additional nutrition. If the required amount of nutrients was provided when planting the plant, then in the first year after planting the bushes are not fed.

Starting from the second spring, roses need regular feeding, the amount of which can reach 5-7 per season. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second - when the first buds appear, further - at intervals of 1-1.5 months.

For feeding I use complex fertilizers in the form of a solution of 30 g of fertilizer and 10 liters of water. 3 liters of nutrient solution is poured under each plant. always on damp soil - after watering or rain. In the fall, at the end of October - beginning of November, potash fertilizers without chlorine are applied in dry form, scattering them over the surface.

Shelter for the winter

When growing roses in the middle zone, Floribunda rose bushes are covered for the winter. The remaining inflorescences and leaves are first removed, sanitary pruning is carried out and the shoots are shortened to a height of 0.4 m. Then they are covered with earth up to 0.2-0.3 m and covered with spruce spruce branches or non-woven covering material in case of a winter with little snow. The fallen snow will cover the bushes with fluffy caps, and then the plants will not be afraid of frost.


For Floribunda roses, regular pruning is an important care item. It is held twice a year - in spring and summer. The main formative one is spring pruning of bushes. The abundance and duration of flowering of garden beauties depends on how correctly it is carried out. To enjoy fragrant flowers throughout the summer, you should follow the basic rules of pruning.:

  • Begin spring pruning after warm weather sets in, since young shoots that begin active growth may be damaged by frost.
  • Necessarily delete branches older than 2 years, as well as thin, dry and damaged.
  • Trim the top of the bush, shorten the lateral shoots on the main shoot.
  • Leave 3-5 strong and strong shoots, completely cutting out old shoots in the middle of the bush.
  • With medium pruning leave 4-6 buds, at low– 3-4 buds.
  • Do cut 1 cm above the upper bud. In this case, the bud should be located on the outside of the shoot, then the subsequently expanded bush will look more impressive.
  • Make oblique cuts To ensure free flow of water, after pruning, cover them with garden varnish.

If the Floribunda rose is not pruned or trimmed lightly, it will grow into a large bush with weak stems. Correctly carried out spring pruning stimulates the plant to form lush flower clusters with a large number of buds, which will begin to open in June. Summer pruning will prolong the flowering of rose bushes. In the fall, only sanitary pruning is carried out.

Protection from diseases and pests

Floribunda roses are susceptible to attack by insects and fungal infections. Dangerous for flowers are the rose sawfly, spider mites, aphids, rose leafhoppers and leaf rollers.. Ready-made insecticides are used to control pests; fortunately, there is a wide choice of them. Preventative treatment of plants in early spring is useful.

The most common fungal infections on rose bushes include rust, powdery mildew, leaf spot and gray rot. Infection can be stopped by removing all affected leaves and shoots, treating with iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. It is also recommended to use fungicidal preparations.


Floribunda is an unpretentious plant. Varieties of this particular group are recommended for inexperienced gardeners to understand the intricacies of growing garden roses. Bushes of different heights will create magnificent borders or hedges on the site and will be effective in group or single plantings. Proper pruning and regular application of complex fertilizers will ensure abundant flowering throughout the summer, which will delight the owners of the site and attract the attention of passers-by.

The floribunda rose was developed by crossing musk, polyanthus and hybrid tea roses. Like polyanthas, it is quite resistant to disease and winter-hardy. Compared to hybrid teas, it has a longer flowering period, although it may be inferior to them in elegance.

However, this is the best decoration for the garden: the peculiarity of this species lies in the arrangement of flowers. They grow on a shoot not singly, but as a whole inflorescence (several dozen flowers). Floribunda is easy to care for. Therefore, it is widely used to decorate parks and gardens, especially in group compositions.

The floribunda variety includes roses that have large inflorescences and an almost continuous flowering period. They are most similar to hybrid teas both in flower shape and range of colors.

These roses have a spreading bush, reaching a meter in width and one and a half meters in height. Large flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) are collected in a racemose inflorescence. They can have a variety of colors and degrees of terry. When describing the floribunda rose, it should be noted that, unfortunately, most roses in this group are scentless.

Floribunda rose varieties

Kimono (Kimono). A very old variety, but despite this it is in great demand. This is not surprising, because in terms of the number of flowers it has no equal. The bush is powerful, erect, branched, grows up to one meter in height.

Flowers with a diameter of 6 - 7 cm, collected in brushes of 5 to 20 pieces, flowering for a long time, repeated. Good resistance to powdery mildew and rain, but is often affected by black spot. Winter hardiness is good.

Nina Weibul (Nina Weibull). Also an old variety and also very popular. Nina Weibul is loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, endurance and for its bright, catchy flowering that lasts from early summer until late autumn.

The flowers are dark red, 5-6 cm in diameter, collected in brushes of 3-10 pieces, do not fade in the sun, and do not react to rain. The bush is compact, 0.6 - 0.7 m high, the leaves are dark green and shiny. It is characterized by winter hardiness and resistance to all diseases. A very beautiful and “comfortable” rose in all respects.

Rumba (Rumba). Low-growing, bush height 0.4 - 0.5 m. width no more than 0.5 m. Continuous flowering from early summer to late autumn.

The flowers are yellow-red with a faint aroma, 6-7 cm in diameter, in racemes from 3 to 15 pieces. The winter hardiness of this variety and disease resistance are average.

Animo (Animo). The Animo rose bush is not tall, 0.5 - 0.6 m, the leaves are glossy, dark green. Flowering is bright, abundant and long lasting.

The flowers are double, with openwork petals, 6 - 7 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma, collected in brushes of 5 - 7 pieces. Shelter is required for the winter; resistance to disease and rain is average.

Rose Floribunda. One of the most famous and popular varieties in the world (there is also a climbing rose with the same name). The height of the bush ranges from 0.7 to 1.5 meters.

It blooms with amazing white flowers, 5 - 7 cm in diameter. Flowering is very long from early summer until late autumn. High winter hardiness and disease resistance.

Circus (Circus). A magnificent, old and proven variety of floribunda roses. There are many varieties of Circus, they are distinguished by densely double flowers with multi-colored petals. The diameter of the flowers is 7 - 8 cm. They are collected in inflorescences of 3 - 10 pieces. The bushes are tall, dense, from 0.8 to 1.2 m, with dark green shiny foliage. Abundant flowering throughout the summer. High winter hardiness and good disease resistance.

Friesia (Freesia) This is one of the best yellow floribunda rose varieties. Straight bushes grow up to 0.8 m, the leaves are shiny, dark green. Repeated flowering, densely double flowers with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm in clusters of 3 - 7 pieces. Good winter hardiness and excellent resistance to disease and rain. Can grow in poor soils.

Deutsche Welle

Deutsche Welle (Deutsche Welle). A characteristic feature of this variety of roses is its rare lilac color. The Deutsche Welle bush is quite tall from 1.2 to 1.5 m, the leaves are dark green glossy. Flowering continues all summer. Double flowers with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm, sometimes solitary in small inflorescences with a unique aroma. Very high resistance to diseases and bad weather! Frost-resistant.

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci). The bushes are powerful, branched, 0.7 - 1 meter high. Flowering throughout the season. The flowers are large, peony-shaped, 8–10 cm in diameter, in inflorescences from 2 to 5 pieces. It easily tolerates all types of bad weather, is not susceptible to disease, and is winter-hardy, but it must be covered for the winter.

Tornado (Tornado). P attracts attention with her bright, catchy outfit. The flowers are dark red, cup-shaped, 6-7 cm in diameter, collected in large racemes. Flowering continues all summer and autumn. The bush is medium-sized, 0.7 -0.9 m high, the leaves are dark green and shiny. It withstands all types of bad weather, has good disease resistance, and is a winter-hardy variety, but winter shelter is still necessary.

Sangria (Sangria). This variety represents a new group of floribunda roses. Its densely double flowers consist of rosettes of two tiers, the diameter of the flower is 6 - 8 cm, they are collected in huge inflorescences. It blooms throughout the summer and is so abundant that the flowers cover the entire bush. The bush itself is medium-sized, 0.8 - 0.9 m high, with dense dark leaves. Winter-hardy, disease resistance is good.

Jubilee du Prince de Monaco

Jubilee du Prince de Monaco. A rose with such a long and beautiful name looks no less impressive. The flowering is abundant, continuous, how beautiful it is can be seen in the photo. Bushes 0.7 - 0.8 m high, dense dark green leaves. The flowers are large, 8–10 cm in diameter, and after blooming they become white with a red border. The variety tolerates bad weather well, is resistant to diseases, and winter-hardy.

Carte Blanche

Carte Blanche (Carte Blanche). Many rose lovers consider this variety close to ideal. Abundant, continuous flowering until late autumn, pure white color, unsurpassed aroma, decorative foliage, all this puts Carte Blanche on a par with the best varieties of floribunda roses. The bush is tall, grows more than a meter, double flowers with a diameter of 5 - 6 cm. It remains to be added that it is very resistant to diseases and winter-hardy.

Blue Baju

Blue Bajou (Blue Baju). A low-growing, interesting variety of floribunda rose, with unusual colors. Bushes 0.6 - 0.7 m high with dark green dense foliage. The flowers are pale lilac in color, with a strong aroma, 7-8 cm in diameter. Repeated flowering. Quite winter-hardy, but has poor disease resistance.

Magenta Diadem

Magenta Diadem (Magenta Diadem). The bush is low-growing, 0.6 - 0.7 m high, with dark green shiny leaves. Flowering lasts from June to September. Pink flowers are extremely beautiful and interesting. densely double, with a diameter of 7 - 9 cm. Good resistance to disease and inclement weather. Winter-hardy.

Golden Wedding

Golden V edding(Golden Wedding). Bushes with a height of 75 to 90 cm and a width of about 50 cm. It blooms profusely throughout the summer, but the flowers quickly fall off. Prefers well-fertilized soils and a sunny location. The variety is resistant to bad weather, but disease resistance is average. Suitable for cutting.

Samba Party

Samba Party. The name of this variety translates as “abundantly flowering” and Samba fully justifies its name - it blooms all summer. Flowers 8 cm in diameter, no scent. Shoot height up to 90 cm. Good resistance to disease and frost, not demanding on growing conditions. When cut, lasts up to 2 weeks

Gebrüder Grimm

Gebruder Grimm (Gebruder Grimm). The bush is vigorous, up to 1.5 m in height and up to 90 cm in diameter. The flowers are densely double (8 - 10 centimeters), the shoots bloom very profusely and even bend under the weight of the inflorescences. Resistant to rain, wind and fungal diseases.


Pomponella. A profusely blooming rose with many small, peony-like inflorescences. According to manufacturers, the bush is 70-80 cm high, but it is not uncommon for Pomponella to grow up to 1.8 m and many gardeners consider it to be a climbing plant. Excellent resistance to disease and bad weather, average frost resistance.

Lily Marlene

Lili Marlen Lili Marlen. An old and very successful variety, loved by many gardeners for the rich, velvety, dark red color of the buds that do not fade in the sun. Flowers appear in clusters of 3-15 pieces. Lily Marlene is easy to care for, winters well, and rarely gets sick. Bushes up to 80 cm in height and up to 60 cm in diameter. It immediately attracts attention with its unusual colors. And although there are relatively few flowers in the clusters - 3-5 pieces each, re-blooming occurs almost immediately and the bush (low 60-80 cm) is in bloom almost all summer. The big disadvantage of this variety is its poor resistance to disease and frost. - a vigorous, erect bush 70-80 cm high. Flowers in clusters of 5-10 pieces, bright red, double, 6-7 cm in diameter. Flowering continues until frost. Excellent resistance to weather and disease.

Rose Blush is a rare and unusually beautiful variety due to its petals changing color when the bud opens. Translated from English, the name of the plant sounds like “blush”. This is a very hardy plant that can withstand heat and severe frosts. Therefore, the hybrid tea rose Blush gets along well in the Russian climate and every summer pleases the eye with abundant flowering.

Blush rose in Russia is usually called Blush, but in descriptions of the variety the following names are also found:

  • Whim;
  • Blanche;
  • Blush.

This is a hybrid tea variety of roses, bred by American breeders in 2007. It is suitable for decorating flower beds and cutting flowers. The buds of cut flowers open slowly and retain their freshness for a long time.

Blazh is a perennial flowering shrub characterized by high winter hardiness and average resistance to diseases. The bush grows up to 120 cm in height, and its width can reach 80 cm. Large dark green leaves with a slight gloss sit on its stems, almost devoid of thorns.

Blush is valued for its large double flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter) of a milky color with bright scarlet edges. At first, the buds that form have the correct goblet shape and pink color. But when they bloom, the petals burn out almost completely, retaining color only at the edges. Look at the photo below - how beautiful the bouquet made of Blush roses looks.

The Blush rose blooms abundantly and continuously. The first buds appear in May, and the last ones form until frost. Only one flower is produced on each stem. The flowers have a delicate, barely perceptible aroma.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

Rose Blanche is unpretentious in maintenance, but to form a powerful bush and obtain large beautiful flowers, certain conditions must be met:

  • Priming. The ideal soil for Blush is loose, slightly acidic (pH 5 to 6), slightly loamy or loamy. Roses grow poorly on sandy soil, as it retains almost no moisture, contains few nutrients, and is also susceptible to overheating and rapid cooling. There should be a lot of humus in the soil.
  • Lighting. Blush grows in both good light and light shade. But you can get the most decorative flowers with petals burnt out in the middle only if the flowerbed is sunny. It is advisable that the sun illuminates the rose bushes from morning to evening.
  • Temperature. The optimal temperature during the period of bud formation and flowering is +14…+20 o C. In winter, the bushes tolerate frosts down to -20 o C.
  • Air humidity. All varieties of hybrid tea roses do not tolerate dry air. Optimal humidity is 50–80%. Then the buds will be fresh, without dry spots on the petals.

Blanche does not tolerate drafts, so you need to choose a windless place for planting. The rose grows well in closed ground conditions. When planting in open ground, it is necessary to build a continuous fence around the bush to protect it from the wind.

Features of care

When placing the Blazh rose on sandy soil, you will need to add moisture-retaining substrates to the soil. Weathered clay or peat is suitable for this. Adding turf soil or compost will help not only retain water, but also increase the nutritional value of the soil.

Seedlings are planted in the spring after the end of frost. Planting in autumn before frost sets in is allowed. Recommended distances:

  • between the holes for rose seedlings – 0.5–0.6 m;
  • to other bushes - 1–2 m;
  • to trees - from 3 m.

For seedlings, holes are prepared up to 40–50 cm deep. Before planting, the roots of the plant are lowered into a manure mash. It will nourish the bush at first and will not allow it to move during subsequent waterings. To prepare mash, mix:

  • water - 1 part;
  • clay - 2 parts;
  • manure - 1 part.

After straightening the roots, the hole is covered with earth, and the soil around the seedling is compacted. To retain water at the root part of the plant when watering, an earthen roller is formed around it.

When planting a seedling in the ground, pruning is necessary. Subsequently, it is produced as necessary to remove fattening and dried shoots.

When watering, moisture should penetrate to a depth of 30–35 cm. To do this, pour 1 bucket of water under each bush (in extreme heat - up to 2 buckets). Watering frequency: 2 to 3 times a week.

In the first year after planting a rose, the bush develops slowly, since its root system is poorly formed. Therefore, at first, Blush is very sensitive to decreases and increases in temperature. To protect the buds, it is recommended to hill the plant to about 15 cm. In extreme heat, seedlings must be protected from direct sunlight. For this you can use lutrasil or other similar material.

To prevent the shrub from freezing in the Russian winter, it must be covered until the onset of persistent frosts. Blush roses have very flexible stems, so they can be covered with insulating material, bending them to the ground.

Floribunda roses, what are they? Look at the photo and you will agree that the Latin word “floribunda” translates as “richly blooming roses.” This is true. Any variety, any representative of these flowers is characterized by abundant and long-lasting, almost continuous flowering. They are resistant to cold and most diseases inherent in roses. This family of roses is distinguished by its sophistication and decorativeness. It is perhaps difficult to imagine your favorite garden or summer cottage without these luxurious, beloved flowers.

Floribunda roses, photos and description of the characteristics of the variety

Back in 1924, Danish breeder Svend Poulsen developed the first hybrid rose variety. By crossing tea, muscat and polyantha roses, a floribunda was born, which combined all the best qualities of its “parents”. The shape of the buds, their size, and a rich palette of shades were borrowed from hybrid tea roses, and floribunda adopted cold resistance and good immunity from polyantha representatives. Today, many varieties of these roses have been bred, this type is extremely decorative: lush buds are “classic”, goblet-shaped or cup-shaped, and can have semi-double, double or regular petals. Its inflorescences can have a variety of sizes. The height of the rose varies from 30 cm to 1 meter (or more), flowering lasts throughout the summer. Faded buds are replaced by blossoming ones, and you can admire this beauty until the onset of autumn.

What is the difference between floribunda roses and hybrid tea roses? These two species are very similar to each other, both are characterized by long flowering, however, the hybrid tea rose gives color in waves, and the floribunda blooms continuously. Despite the lush beauty of floribunda, in fairness it is worth noting that it is still somewhat inferior to hybrid tea in terms of decorative qualities. As for resistance to disease, care requirements and growing conditions, floribunda is a stronger representative. The shoot of a hybrid tea rose is crowned with one luxurious bud, while the floribunda stem has many inflorescences (up to 10-12 flowers).

Floribunda rose, photo:

If desired, the floribunda can be arranged in the form of a lush bush, planted in an appropriate pot or flowerpot, or turned into a standard tree.

Roses of this type are used to make hedges, borders, and garden paths. When planted alone, they also look impressive and elegant. Floribunda feels great after cutting; it can be used to create all kinds of holiday and even wedding bouquets. These flowers love sunlight and warmth and do not respond well to drafts, but, in principle, planting and caring for floribundas is not much different from gardening with ordinary rose bushes. Thus, knowing the simple rules, even a novice gardener can grow a beautiful floribunda.

Planting floribunda roses - timing, location, soil

The optimal time for planting roses is May or June, but residents of warm regions of our country can do this in September or mid-October. It's even better for southerners to plant floribunda in the fall. Summer heat can create difficulties for seedlings to take root.

You should choose in advance a windless place that will be illuminated for most of the day. There is a small nuance here - the area should be light, but the roses should not be in direct sunlight all day long, because they will simply fade. Light shading is necessary, then the floribunda will bloom long and luxuriantly. You should also beware of drafts.

The composition of the soil is important: if clay soil predominates on your site, then dilute it with compost and river sand before planting roses. You can also add bone meal and superphosphate to the soil mixture (40 g per hole). With sandy soil you should do the same thing - dilute it, add half the clay and humus. Or you can prepare a composition in advance from equal parts of peat, sand, humus, clay and garden soil, to which you need to add a handful of bone meal and superphosphate. The hole for the rose should have approximately the following dimensions: 50x50, depth - 30 cm.

Planting process:

  1. The roots and shoots of rose seedlings are trimmed down to living tissue (if there is such a need). Even healthy fragments need to be trimmed; about 30 cm in length are left at the roots, and 35-40 cm at the shoots.
  2. You should immerse the roots of the seedlings in water in advance (for 24 hours). You can add a little Kornevin (the dosage is indicated on the package).
  3. A hole of the indicated dimensions is dug, water is poured into the bottom, and after it is completely absorbed, a soil mixture (see above) with superphosphate is poured. Remember that floribunda roses do not like cramped spaces, so the planting space should be relatively spacious.
  4. A seedling is placed on the poured earth mixture - this must be done in such a way that when “ready” planted, the grafting site of the seedling is located 2 cm above ground level.
  5. Next, the rose roots are sprinkled with soil, which is lightly compacted with your hands. The seedling is well filled with water, after it is absorbed, it is covered with soil.
  6. The top of the soil can be mulched with peat, humus or sawdust. If planting was done in the spring, but the sun is already scorching with all its might, form paper caps and cover the seedlings with them, do not remove this covering until the roses have taken root in the new place.

Floribunda needs abundant watering, fertilizer, and formative pruning, which is carried out during the growing season. In this case, the shoots are pruned so that 6 buds remain on them, and the side branches are also shortened. Dried and heavily damaged fragments are also removed. In principle, careful formative pruning can be done throughout the season, and renewing, medium pruning can be done with the onset of spring.

Floribunda roses, care and cultivation

Maintenance is not complicated: loosen the soil in a timely manner, remove weeds, and do not forget to mulch. The main focus of floribunda care is pruning. To the above information it should be added that spring pruning is the main, formative and sanitary one. Summer pruning is aimed at increasing the flowering time of roses. But this process should not be carried out in the fall, so as not to weaken the plant before the coming winter.

Keep in mind that weak and poorly growing floribundas should be pruned more actively and forcefully than powerful and strong representatives - this process activates the vitality of the rose, provokes the growth of new shoots and the renewal of old shoots. If you prune the bush very heavily in the spring, flowering may occur late, with the arrival of August or even September (for some varieties).

The floribunda rose loves abundant watering; with the arrival of summer warmth, at least 10 liters of water must be poured under each bush. This should be done once a week, but with the arrival of extreme heat it can be done twice. The best time to water roses is early morning or evening; you should not do this on a sunny day. It is especially important to saturate the plant with moisture during the budding of buds and foliage, as well as after the appearance of the first flowers.

With the onset of autumn, watering becomes less frequent, especially when it starts to rain.

As for fertilizers, during the active growth phase it will not be superfluous to feed the plant with a nitrogen supplement or mullein (1 or better 2 times). By the end of summer, floribunda can be fertilized with a potassium-phosphorus additive (for example, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, ammophos, superphosphate). Fertilizers are applied as follows: furrows are formed around the bushes, filled with water, after the water is absorbed into the ground, it is the turn of liquid fertilizers, after which everything is again filled with water and covered with soil. Keep in mind that in the first year after planting, the bush is not fertilized with anything.

To prevent the appearance of fungi, before the buds on the rose bloom, it should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.

Insecticides such as Actellik, Karbofos, and Rogor will help against pest invasions.

For the winter, the rose should be covered, and before covering, cut off all the buds, remove foliage and unripe shoots (they are red in color, not green). After this, the bush is treated with Bordeaux mixture, and all removed plant fragments are collected and burned.

When trimmed, the floribunda bush should be approximately 30-40 cm in height.

For the winter, it is hilled up and covered with peat or river sand, so that the plant is completely covered. To be on the safe side, especially if the winter promises to be cold, you can additionally cover it with spruce branches on top. Or you can cover the bush with some special material (for example, lutrasil), and then additionally cover it with sand and cover it with pine or spruce branches.

Floribunda roses: varieties, photos, description

There are no ugly roses; some people like the same varieties more, others less. Calling any particular variety the most beautiful is a matter of taste, so here I will mention some of the most common species that our compatriots prefer to grow in their gardens and summer cottages.

Floribunda by Leonardo da Vinci

The variety is considered one of the most frequently planted in our country. These roses have rather large buds, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm. The goblet-shaped flowers are painted in a rich pink color, have a weakly expressed delicate aroma, and a dense double shape. This variety looks equally good in single or mixed plantings; it is also used to create standard trees. Floribunda "Leonardo da Vinci" grows up to 1 m in height and is resistant to disease and rain.

Leonardo da Vinci variety:

Rose floribunda Acropolis

Roses of this variety are characterized by a unique petal color. At first they have a pink tint, but over time, as they bloom more and more, they become coffee-colored. The Acropolis bush grows up to 1 m in height, each bud is 4-6 cm in diameter. This rose is resistant to cold and disease, and looks equally good in the garden and in a vase. When cut, it retains freshness for a long time.

Variety "Acropolis":

Rose floribunda Raffles

It attracts attention with its large and lush buds, and the petals on them seem to be corrugated, cut at the edges. It looks unusual and exotic, the petals look delicate. Raffles can have different colors of petals, grows up to 40-60 cm, blooms profusely all summer until late autumn. This variety, alas, is vulnerable to rose diseases - this factor must be taken into account when planting and caring for the plant. The bushes should be placed at a distance from each other so that they are well ventilated, because excessive thickening provokes the manifestation of diseases.

Floribunda "Raffles":

Floribunda Carte Blanche

The variety is tall, the foliage is very dense and decorative in its own way. Terry snow-white buds are of medium size, but abundant flowering and resistance to various “pink” diseases make this species one of the favorites among our gardeners. This rose grows to 60-80 cm in height, blooms for a long time, like all its fellow roses, until the coldest weather.

Rose floribunda "Carte Blanche":

Rose Niccolo Paganini

This variety is called the ideal floribunda. Luxurious large bright red buds are crowned with upright shoots that grow to 70-80 cm in height. This rose is also used for making bouquets and flower arrangements; it has all the “advantages” of a floribunda - it is cold-resistant, has strong immunity, its fragrant flowers do not fade in the sun. This variety is one of the first to bloom; 10-12 buds are formed in the inflorescence.

Niccolo Paganini rose:

Rosa Niccolo Paganini, reviews:

It has a wonderful rich red color, the flowers appear in clusters of at least five or more. They last a long time. Older flowers show the middle somewhere around the beginning of the second week after they open. Holds up the rain quite well. The only drawback: well, it’s a thorny bush. The thorns are both small and large. It was not suitable to care for without thick gloves.


Rose Blue for You

The variety will surprise you with all shades of lilac and blue. This is an extremely decorative species, and the unusual coloring of the inflorescences only adds to its individuality. The shape of the bud is remarkable in that even in the phase of its full opening it remains, as it were, not fully opened. This is a real blue rose, with its own natural shade. The bush grows to 80-90 cm in height, produces flowers until October inclusive, feels comfortable in partial shade, as well as under bright sun. This variety is resistant to cold, practically not affected by diseases, and reacts normally to precipitation.

Rose floribunda "Blue for U":

Floribunda Easy Does It

The variety is famous for its bright, rich orange flowers, which have a delicate, slightly fruity aroma. It is noteworthy that the rose petals change their color as they bloom - from dark orange they become soft apricot, and then bright orange, the color of a ripe orange. When the bud is in the wilting stage, the petals turn pink. Since the blooming buds replace each other during the summer, all stages of shade transition can be observed simultaneously on one bush. The bush grows to 80-100 cm in height. Disease resistance and normal reaction to rain make this variety very attractive to gardeners and summer residents.

Rose floribunda “Easy Daz It”:

Rose Blue Wonder

The variety grows up to 60-70 cm, its dark emerald leaves look attractive, but the main “highlight” of this species is the blue and pale lilac flowers. Its buds are medium-sized, terry, collected in lush inflorescences. This is a very decorative variety, but at the same time very delicate, vulnerable to diseases, pests, and atmospheric conditions.

Variety "Blue Wonder", photo:

Rose floribunda Rhapsody Blue - Rhapsody in Blue

If you want a rose that is unique, unusual, and truly special, then Rhapsody in Blue is for you. Each of its large, semi-double flowers has a completely unique warm shade of bluish-violet color, which, when fully opened, reveals rather large bright yellow stamens-cilia in the middle. The leaves are leathery, dark green. There is an aroma, very pleasant, sweet fruity with sourness. The variety is named after the popular musical work “Rhapsody in Blue” by American composer George Gershwin. Blooms all summer with a short break. But there may not be a gap in flowering - it all depends on the growing conditions. In the southern regions it is better to plant it in partial shade. Each of the flowers lasts only 1-2 days, but usually there are many of them, so the plant is very decorative all season. When choosing a planting site, keep in mind that the bush grows in width up to 70-100 cm. It can reach 1.20 m in height. It is almost not affected by diseases.

Variety Blue Rhapsody:

Floribunda Nina Weibul

It will decorate your garden with rich red roses that will delight your eyes from the beginning of summer until the frosts. This is a variety with very strong immunity, practically does not get sick, and calmly reacts to precipitation. Among gardeners involved in breeding roses, there is an opinion that varieties that produce red buds are healthier - perhaps this version is not without foundation. This floribunda grows up to 80-100 cm in height, its dark green foliage with a lacquered sheen attracts attention and emphasizes the rich shade of the flowers.

Variety "Nina Weibul":

Rose floribunda Novalis

The variety will not leave anyone indifferent! Delicate roses, an amazing lavender shade, with very large buds will become a true decoration of your dacha or local area. The Novalis bush can grow up to one and a half meters in height; cup-shaped buds abundantly cover upright shoots. With all this, the plant has good immunity to the main enemies of roses (black spot and ash grass), as well as average resistance to precipitation.

Variety "Novalis":

Rosa Tchaikovsky

The “Tchaikovsky” variety is a non-capricious, cold-resistant, strong (in terms of diseases) representative with white-cream buds of a classic shape. This elegant rose reaches 12 cm in diameter, has multiple petals (up to 45 pieces per bud), and a distinct sweet aroma. The bush itself grows to 90-100 cm in height; against the background of luxurious buds, the glossy dark green foliage looks especially impressive. This variety reacts very poorly to winds and drafts; careful selection of planting sites, as well as shaded areas, is recommended.

Rose floribunda "Tchaikovsky":

Floribunda Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco

The floribunda called “Anniversary of the Prince of Monaco” attracts attention with its unusual coloring. While the bud has not yet fully bloomed, the petals have a white-cream hue with a bright crimson edging. The more the rose opens, the more actively the crimson color captures the petal, becoming brighter. At the same time, the flower retains the creamy shade of the bases of the petals, all together it looks very decorative and remarkable. The bush grows to 50-60 cm in height and is resistant to cold and disease.

Floribunda rose "Prince of Monaco's Jubilee":

Rose Samba

The variety also belongs to floribundas, which change color as the flowers bloom. The compact bush grows up to 40-60 cm, semi-double buds are approximately 6-8 cm in diameter, bloom profusely and for a long time. The peculiarity of this species is its elegant bright yellow flowers, which gradually become bright red, starting to change shade from the tips of the petals. This species has good disease resistance, is easy to care for, and responds normally to precipitation. Samba buds do not fade in the sun; on the contrary, they become more saturated in color. This rose is distinguished by its long-term preservation of freshness after cutting (up to 15 days).

Rose floribunda "Samba":

Rosa floibunda Solero

It looks elegant and lush, thanks to the densely double buds of white-yellow or lemon shade. “Solero” flowers look great at any stage of opening, their diameter reaches 6-8 cm, and the bush itself can grow up to 70-80 cm. Like most representatives of the floribunda species, this variety is resistant to diseases, as well as to sunlight and rain and cold weather. Lush foliage of rich emerald color very harmoniously emphasizes the white and lemon inflorescences. “Solero” blooms until late autumn, refreshing the overall picture of the garden and giving it some solemnity.

Floribunda rose "Solero":

All representatives of the floribunda species are diverse and individual in their beauty. They are rightfully considered the favorites of gardeners and summer residents; with their help, you can enliven any area, place bright accents on the territory, emphasize or highlight any element of landscape design. These unpretentious roses can be grown even indoors, the main thing is to follow the rules: know the composition of the soil, take into account the size of the pot, place the flower on windows that face south. The plant needs to be provided with proper ventilation, proper watering, timely fertilizing, and limit the access of hot air from heating devices.

I hope you got the answer to the question: floribunda roses - what are they? This is a magnificent gift from nature, improved through the efforts of breeders. The profusely and long-blooming queen of the garden will decorate your garden or home, while she is practically unpretentious and resistant to adverse factors.

Hint for assessing rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and flower beauty

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting exclusively the personal preferences of the rose gardener. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple, modest one with five leaves can “get you hooked” and “make you fall in love with yourself.” The assessment includes the general attitude towards the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of flowering (looseness, inconspicuousness, weak rapid flowering)
★★ low. Not satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the flowering duration is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering, but expected more, although the flower and flowering are normal
★★★★ high. I like both the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and blooming, beautiful, abundant, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, barely perceptible
★★★ average, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma that can be heard from a distance

Resistance to diseases (various spots, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly sick, despite preventive measures)
★★ low (gets sick only in unfavorable summers, prevention does not help)
★★★ average (it only gets sick when there is a massive disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if initial signs of the disease were observed, then everything went away with prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no diseases observed)

Winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but may freeze in unfavorable winters)
★★★ average (overwinters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when frozen)
★★★★ high (overwinters well, with virtually no losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (overwinters without or under light shelter, without losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, the buds slightly rot, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds and open flowers deteriorate a little or wither)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, for example, hemp appears, without loss of decorativeness)
★★★★★ very high (does not respond to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorativeness, buds and flowers bake and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds are intact, edges of open flowers are baked, color may change uncritically)
★★★★ high (no effect on decorative effect, flowering without loss, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (no effect on decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering will increase)

Foliage and bush shape

★ unattractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ average attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ tall attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape