House      10/29/2023

Review of coral sunset peony and other coral varieties. Review of peony coral sunset and other coral varieties Peony Coral Charm


The classic color scheme of peonies has been replaced by the fashion for “coral” varieties. They can seduce not only Clara: they are unusual, beautiful, full of positive summer energy and that is why we, the residents of the north, like them so much.

Collectors greeted the appearance of bright and unusual peonies with coral coloring with great enthusiasm. For the first time, the term “coral” began to be used to describe the color of interspecific hybrids - “Coralie”, “Cytherea”, created by the outstanding breeder of the 20th century, Professor Arthur Sanders (USA). Of course, the expression “coral color” does not indicate a strictly defined shade, just like “cherry” or “raspberry”. “Coral” is a mixture of bright pink and light orange tones in varying proportions. In the 60s of the 20th century, a new page opened in the selection of varieties with coral coloring. The most fruitful results were achieved by Sam Wissing (USA) and Lyman Cousins ​​(Canada).

It is known about Sam Wissing that he was an amateur, like most American breeders, and experimented with breeding new varieties using X-ray irradiation and mutagenic chemicals. The first of his famous "coral" series was "Coral Charm". The flower is huge, dark coral, at the beginning of flowering with orange saturation, the leaves are medium-sized, shiny, dark green. The continuation was the “Coral Sunset” (the most attractive and valued in Wissing’s “coral” series) and “Coral Supreme” created in the 80s. "Coral Sunset" is close to "Coral Charm", but with brighter color and slightly lower in height, has an aroma and blooms 5-7 days earlier. "Coral Supreme" is distinguished by greater terry, lighter salmon tone. Not lower in height than "Coral Charm", but blooms a week earlier.

Lyman Cousins, also an amateur, is a famous breeder of irises and peonies. The varieties he created are extremely valuable among our collectors: “Etched Salmon” - an elegant form - the signature feature of this variety, “Glowing Raspberry Rose”, “Ann Berry Cousins”. Among other coral varieties, the works of the company "Klehm's Song Sparrow" (USA) are interesting: "Pink Hawaiian Coral", coral-pink "Coral Magic" and "Charismatic". All varieties have erect, very decorative bushes. On cloudy days, with fog, and in the evening, coral peonies attract special attention, glowing with inner light. Many varieties received gold medals from the American Peony Society (APS) and became champions of the annual peony exhibitions of the Moscow Florist Club ("Etched Salmon").

Unfortunately, the bright coral color of most varieties is short-lived in bright sunlight. The brightest in bud and at the beginning of dissolution, it gradually changes, turning pale at the end of flowering to a fawn, cream, color of baked milk. But at all stages, the flowers retain their shape and remain attractive. Sometimes on one bush you can simultaneously observe the whole range of colors: from bright coral to fawn. Coral varieties can be planted in a shaded place, but there they tend to stretch - the stems become weaker, they can deviate and fall. When growing peonies in open areas, you need to consider protection from midday rays.

Many well-known coral varieties develop well in the middle zone and are quite suitable for our climatic conditions. They survived periods of snowlessness with severe frosts and a number of hot and dry seasons.

The rules for planting them are the same as for other herbaceous hybrid peonies. Pay attention to the acidity of the soil - the reaction should be slightly alkaline (pH at least 7.5). Dolomite (limestone) flour or ash is used as a deoxidizer, about 200 g per 1 sq. m. When planting a sufficiently large division, the plants begin to bloom already in the second year, and by the fourth year they become very decorative. These varieties can grow without replanting for 8-10 years, after which the bushes must be divided and planted in a new location.

Varieties of herbaceous peonies

During the flowering period, peonies form beautiful, large and fragrant buds, which will be an excellent decoration for any garden bed. Among all the varieties, I would like to note the coral species, namely the Coral Sunset peony. This is a flower of extraordinary beauty that can be grown in your own area without any problems.

Peony variety Coral Sunset is a hybrid plant that combines the characteristics of herbaceous and species. Coral sunset is translated from English as coral sunset. The variety got its name due to its very large and bright flowers. Their petals are painted a soft salmon color with a bright red tint. Such buds look very impressive against the background of a green bush, completely covered with lush green foliage.

This is a herbaceous perennial plant that looks like a medium-sized bush. It does not require special care. The plant has excellent frost resistance. Only young bushes, whose age is 1–2 years, need to be additionally protected from adverse environmental factors.

The history of coral peonies began in the 1960s, when these varieties were actively developed by breeders around the world. The greatest successes in this matter were the Canadian Lyman Cousins ​​and the American Sam Wissing. It was they who created the most popular and sought-after types of coral peonies: Sunset, Pink, Beach, Hawaiian. Thanks to their work, about 5 thousand different varieties of these flowers appeared.

Video “Rules for caring for peonies”

From this video you will learn how to care for peonies in the garden.

External qualities and flowering times

Peony variety Coral Sunset has the following description:

  • a powerful and well-leafed bush, which consists of erect stems and has compact dimensions;
  • shoots rise 12–15 cm above the green mass. Their length can reach 90 cm;
  • the bud forms at the end of the stem;
  • The color of the mature inflorescence is deep coral. Its middle is always lighter than the tips of the petals;
  • The buds are semi-double, cup-shaped. Their diameter is 18–20 cm.

Such structural features of the bush allow you to collect beautiful flowers. With a daily change of water in the vase, cut inflorescences will retain their beautiful appearance for 7–10 days. To do this, you can add boric acid, vinegar or sugar to the water.

The flowering period is long. With proper care, Coral Sunset will bloom for 4-6 weeks. The first flowers begin to form in early June. The buds not only look gorgeous on the bush, but also exude a pleasant aroma.

At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences of this variety are painted in a rich peach-pink color, which is diluted with a blood-red coral tint. Towards the end of this period, the color scheme of the petals changes. They take on a yellowish tint. In this form, the inflorescences also look quite impressive against the background of bright green plant mass.

Interestingly, the middle of the flower does not undergo color changes throughout the flowering period. It always remains lighter than the surrounding petals. In this case, the petals before and after changing their color still remain with dark tips.

As for the leaves, they retain their bright green color throughout the growing season, giving the bush a decorative appearance.

Other coral varieties

Coral varieties of peonies are a separate group. It includes a wide variety of varieties. The most popular of them will be discussed below.

Coral pink

This variety is preferred by experienced gardeners. It is an intraspecific variety derived from Paeonia lactiflora. This peony was first bred in 1937 in the United States. The plant reaches a height of 60–70 cm. A characteristic feature is very strong shoots. Light green leaves form on the stems.

This is a medium-late flowering variety. Terry anemone-like buds are formed on the bush, which are colored light coral pink. The size of the inflorescences is average. The diameter of the buds is about 12 cm. The inflorescences emit a faint aroma.

Coral Beach

The plant grows up to 90 cm in height. The entire stem is abundantly covered with leaves. The color of the leaf blade is dark green. Large buds are formed at the ends of the shoots, the diameter of which when opened is about 17 cm. Each stem ends in three or more buds.

The shape of the inflorescences resembles a water lotus. The buds are beautiful and semi-double. They have a bright yellow core. This variety differs from others in the milky, soft coral color of its inflorescences. They exude a pleasant sweetish aroma.

Early flowering variety. The main advantages of this variety include:

  • drought resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to gray rot.

This type is suitable for both group and single planting.

Fairy Coral

This variety is considered an interspecific hybrid. It was bred by a breeder from the USA in 1972. The plant looks like a low shrub. The height of the bush usually grows no more than 75 cm. It is characterized by a rounded crown. The leaf blade is heavily cut. It has a light green color, which gives the plant a decorative appearance.

Semi-double buds are formed on the shoots during the flowering period. Their petals are colored coral pink. The peculiarity of the variety is that the central part of the inflorescence is painted in darker colors. The buds are large. On average, their diameter is about 16 cm. They exude a pleasant and subtle aroma that gives the flower sensuality and elegance.

Fairy Coral flowers form early. The species is characterized by excellent frost resistance.

Coral garden peonies differ from other species with their beautiful buds. In addition, caring for these plants is simple and even a novice gardener can handle it.


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Peonies have been known for a long time. Even in ancient Babylon and Greece, gardens were created in which this wonderful crop was grown. The peony is still pleasing to the eye today in summer cottages. Many are accustomed to the standard pink color of this flower. Although in reality the color range is much richer. Coral varieties are especially popular today. The article will tell you what coral-type peonies look like, what varieties they come in, and how to grow them.

Peony is a plant that belongs to the perennial class. It comes in different types: shrubby, semi-shrubby and herbaceous. The crop often has several stems. On average, the height does not exceed a meter.

Gardeners greeted the appearance of unusual coral-colored peonies with great enthusiasm, but it should be noted that coral color does not indicate a specific shade. For example, the buds of a plant may have a light orange-pink color or a darker tone. In the 60s of the twentieth century, the period of selection of coral color began. The greatest results in this area were achieved by Canadian scientists Lyman Cousins ​​and American Sam Wissing. They created Coral peony varieties, which later began to be in good demand among experienced and novice summer residents.

A detailed description of the Coral peony is given below:

  • The root system is quite powerful.
  • The leaves are trifoliate and pinnately divided. They are arranged in the following order. The color ranges from dark green to dark purple. It is extremely rare to find varieties with a bluish color. By autumn, the leaves acquire a yellow, reddish color.
  • The diameter of the opened bud is from 15 to 25 centimeters. The flower has a multi-leaf, complex, star-shaped shape. The inflorescences are lush and beautiful.
  • The seeds of the plant are quite large. Their shape is oval and round.

What varieties of coral peonies exist today?

Peonies are valued for their relative ease of growing, variety of shapes, and wonderful aroma.

Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders from many countries, more than 5,000 varieties of this amazing plant are currently known. So there is plenty to choose from. Let's consider the most popular options among summer residents.

When thinking about purchasing coral peony seeds, you should pay attention to the following varieties:

  1. Coral Pink.
  2. Hawaiian Coral.
  3. Coral Beach.
  4. Coral Fairy.
  5. Coral Sunset.
  6. Coral Supreme.
  7. Coral Charm.
  8. Coral en Gold.
  9. Coral Magic.
  10. Cora Louise.
  11. Topeka Coral.
  12. Coral Louis.

Peony Coral Pink

Among experienced flower growers, the Coral Pink peony is very popular. The variety is considered intraspecific from p. lactiflora. It was released in 1937 in the USA. Flower characteristics: anemoid, double inflorescences. Their color is light coral pink. The open bud is medium in size. The diameter is about 12 centimeters. The shrub reaches a height of 60-70 centimeters. Peony Coral is characterized by very strong stems. The leaves are colored in a light green tone. Medium late variety. The aroma of flowers is weak. Gardeners give the highest rating to Coral Pink.

Peony Hawaiian Coral

Reviews for the Hawaiian Coral peony are also mostly positive. The variety was bred by American scientists in 1981. It is considered herbaceous and universal. Blooms abundantly, once. The plant is herbaceous. The bush grows up to a meter. The shoots are very strong. Densely covered with glossy green foliage.

The opened bud has a diameter of about 20 centimeters. The flowers are semi-double, apricot-colored. In the center of the inflorescence are bright creamy stamens. Hawaiian Coral exudes the smell of freshly cut hay. The variety is valued for its good winter hardiness and early, abundant and long-lasting flowering. Hawaiian Coral is often grown in areas with cold climates. Peony is resistant to cutting. It is an excellent choice for decorating flower beds.

Peony Coral Beach

The Coral Beach peony is characterized by its soft coral color and milky flowers. The height reaches 90 centimeters. The stem is densely covered with dark green foliage. The size of the flower when opened is 17 centimeters. The shape resembles a water lotus. The bush blooms early. The inflorescences are semi-double, beautiful, with a bright yellow center. They emit a sweet, pleasant aroma. The variety has a number of advantages: frost-resistant, drought-resistant, and immune to gray rot. Each stem produces 3 or more flowers. Coral Beach is one of gardeners' favorite varieties. Can be used for both single and group planting.

Peony Coral Fairy

The Coral Fairy peony is considered an interspecific hybrid. It was bred by American breeders in 1972. The shrub is low. Reaches 75 centimeters. It has a round shape. Semi-double inflorescences form on it. They are painted in pink-coral tone. There are darker spots in the center of the flower. The diameter of the opened bud is 16 centimeters. The aroma is subtle, pleasant, giving the flower even greater elegance and sensuality. The foliage is light green, heavily cut, and highly decorative. Fairy Coral blooms very early. Frost resistance is good.

Peony Coral Sunset

The Coral Sunset peony is also in good demand among beginners and professional gardeners. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. The bush is compact. The stems are tall and straight. The height is 90 centimeters. Inflorescences are semi-double, cup-shaped. Their diameter ranges from 18 to 20 centimeters. The buds are painted in an unusual peach-pink tone with an admixture of red coral. However, towards the end of flowering the petals become yellowish. Both shades look good and harmonize with the bright green foliage of the crop.

As for the leaves, they retain their color throughout the season and look very decorative. Many people loved the Coral Sunset peony for its pleasant aroma.

Peony Coral Supreme

The Coral Supreme peony went on sale in 1964. This is a hybrid form. The variety is very rare. But very effective. For this reason it is especially popular among collectors. The stems of the bush are quite powerful. Covered with rich green foliage. Plant height is 90 centimeters. The flowers are cup-shaped, semi-double. They have a salmon-coral-pink color. Towards the end of the season, the petals lighten and acquire a pearlescent beige hue. The diameter of the flower is 18-20 centimeters. The bud exudes a pleasant aroma. Flowering period is mid-early.

Peony Coral Charm

The herbaceous peony Coral Charm can become a real decoration of the garden plot. The culture is distinguished by its original coloring. At the beginning of flowering, the bud is dark pink in color. And as it blooms, it acquires a light coral hue with a white border along the contour of the petals. Towards the end of flowering, the color turns yellow. Inflorescences are semi-double. Quite large in size. They reach 20 centimeters in diameter. Each bud consists of 8 rows of petals. Due to this it looks incredibly lush and luxurious.

The leaves are dark green. The stems have a reddish tint. Very durable, so they do not bend under the weight of large inflorescences. The height of the bush is a meter. Peony Coral Charm belongs to plants with early flowering. The culture begins to delight with its beauty already at the beginning of June. Each bud exudes a soft floral aroma. The decorative qualities of the variety are high. Therefore, Coral Charm is often chosen to decorate the garden.

How to plant coral peonies?

Peony is a very beautiful plant. It is not surprising that many gardeners choose it. But for culture to be pleasing to the eye, you need to know... Experienced flower growers advise planting peonies in the ground in early autumn. Although in some cases you can do culture at the end of August. But still, experts recommend waiting until mid-September. This period is ideal in that the buds are fully formed.

How to plant peonies correctly is described below:

Knowing when to replant peonies and how to carry out this procedure correctly, there is every chance of growing a beautiful shrub that will delight you with abundant flowering. Without transplantation, a peony can grow for about 8-10 years. After which the bush is divided and transferred to a new place. They are usually replanted in the fall. But some gardeners are wondering whether such an event can be held in the spring. In principle, this is not prohibited. But it is important to remember that then such bushes will not bloom in the summer. And it will be much more difficult for the plant to withstand the heat. Therefore, replanting peonies in spring is extremely rare.

Conclusions about coral peonies

Peonies have become increasingly popular lately. Many gardeners grow them. In addition to the standard color, peony can be coral. There are many varieties of coral species. Gardeners especially loved Sunset, Beach, Charm, Pink, Hawaiian, Fairy and Supreme. Therefore, these are the varieties that were discussed in detail in the article. It must be said that the plant develops well in the middle zone and is ideal for growing in domestic climatic conditions. The culture tolerates frosty winters, heavy rainfall, as well as dry and hot summers. The main thing is to perform a competent planting and then properly care for the peony.