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How to choose an energy-saving lamp? How to choose an energy-saving lamp, useful tips Economical lighting lamps

During construction and renovation work, the question arises about the correct organization of the lighting system. There are both traditional and modern light sources, which can be grouped into a few main categories. When choosing lamps for household use, it is important to maintain a balance between the convenience of their design, energy consumption and durability of lighting equipment.

It is worth noting that in this case the rule “the more expensive, the more economical” works, so primary expenses are paid off over time by a noticeable reduction in expenses associated with paying for consumed electricity. Today, the lighting source market offers a huge selection of lamps, and choosing the right ones for your home will not be difficult!

Classification of lamps for home lighting

Incandescent lamps

The most common category of lamps. The scheme of their operation is known to everyone: when current is supplied, the coil heats up, which then produces light. The service life of such a lamp is about 1000 hours, and the percentage of electricity converted into light is quite small - only 5%, that is, up to 95% of the energy that the lamp consumes is converted into heat. The advantage of such a light source is its low cost, and the disadvantage is the minimum efficiency among all existing types of lamps.

The incandescent lamp is the most affordable, but will not last long

Almost all developed countries have already abandoned the use and production of incandescent lamps. Experts do not recommend using them where the light is on for a long time, recommending such lamps for lamps in the corridor, toilet or bathroom. Frequent replacement of these lamps will not hit the family budget, since they are the cheapest. Other types of lamps (for example, fluorescent) will not last long due to the constant switching on and off of the light, which means they will cost you more.

Halogen lamps

These lamps are structurally similar to conventional incandescent lamps. The main difference is the addition of an inert gas or halogen vapor (most often bromine or iodine). Such lamps have an increased service life, which averages 2500-4000 hours of operation. In terms of power, they also exceed the previous category: the percentage of transformation of electricity into light for these lamps is three times higher.

When purchasing a halogen lamp, pay attention to the angle of light dispersion. The modern market offers three categories of lamps with different dispersion angles - narrow, medium and wide. The narrower the angle, the higher the light concentration will be in a certain area. That is, a halogen lamp that is suitable for reading will be ineffective in a room that requires uniform lighting.

Do not forget that such a lamp does not tolerate contamination of the surface of the bulb, which means that almost any touch to the lamp with bare hands contributes to its further failure. It should be inserted into the socket either while wearing rubber gloves or by touching the packaging and not the surface of the lamp itself.

Halogen lamps come in two main types, designed for voltages of 12 V and 220 V. For lamps of the first type, an additional transformer is needed to convert 220 V to 12 V. Experts note that 12 V lamps are characterized by a light that is more pleasing to the eye, close to daylight , and for 220 V lamps the light is considered brighter and less natural. These lamps are recommended to be installed in the hallway, toilet or bathroom.

Fluorescent lamps

This category of lamps is widely used in both residential premises and offices. It is a gas-discharge light source, the design of which consists of a bulb where an electric discharge is formed and maintained in a special mercury environment. Its energy is converted into light radiation using a phosphor substance. The percentage of transformation of electricity into light for fluorescent lamps is 5 times higher than for incandescent lamps.

Fluorescent lamps must be disposed of carefully, since if the integrity of its walls is damaged, mercury vapor will be released into the air. Today the market offers not only the usual tube fluorescent lamps for offices, but also models manufactured for a standard base. They are also called energy-saving fluorescent lamps.

Energy-saving lamps

At the moment, this type of lighting is widespread everywhere. This is a lamp in the form of a tube, rolled into a spiral or snake shape. The tube is filled with mercury vapor and gases - argon and neon. Under the influence of electric current, the gas mixture is ionized, resulting in the release of plasma, which emits ultraviolet light. The plasma acts on the phosphor applied to the walls of the flask and causes it to glow.

The conversion rate of energy into light for such lamps is much greater than that of conventional incandescent lamps. The main feature of energy-saving lamps is their gradual ignition, which can be considered a disadvantage, since after switching on such lamps provide a very dim light for some time.

Energy-saving lamps are widespread nowadays

Experts note that the power of energy-saving lamps often does not correspond to what is stated on the packaging, so you should purchase them only from trusted manufacturers. In addition, manufacturers usually indicate a service life of about 10 thousand hours, but such lamps do not withstand frequent switching on and off, so it is better not to install them in the bathroom and corridors.

When purchasing energy-saving lamps, you need to remember that they contain mercury inside, so they should never be broken. It is also not recommended to throw them into a regular trash container - you should find a special collection point to return used lamps.

LED bulbs

This type of lamp is considered the most economical today. The efficiency of an LED lamp is 10 times higher than that of an incandescent lamp. This is the most durable lamp! And, of course, the most expensive compared to other light sources.

The design of such a lamp consists of a semiconductor device, which, when supplied with a direct electric current, produces light. In an LED lamp, unlike a conventional lamp, alternating electric current changes to direct current with minimal losses in heat generation. This explains the efficiency and safety of these lamps.

When choosing an LED, lighting experts recommend taking into account that they have two main types of bulbs - matte and transparent types. Frosted LEDs are characterized by more diffused light, and transparent bulbs are brighter, so they are ideal for crystal chandeliers - this way the light will “play” better on the pendants.

When purchasing such a lamp, you need to remember that only a high-quality LED will consume electrical energy according to the parameters stated on the packaging. Chinese-made LEDs have the same efficiency as a fluorescent lamp. To properly illuminate a space, lighting experts recommend that when choosing an LED, you should follow the rule of 15-20 W per 1 square meter of the room in which the light is installed.

Features of LED lamps

Advantages of LED lamps

  • Economical(total 3 W). Such lamps have minimal energy consumption, and the initial financial investment in such lighting always pays for itself in decreasing light bills.
  • Long service life, which is up to 50 thousand hours. And this is almost 9 years of constantly switched on lights! Considering that the light in the house is not constantly on, this period can easily be extended to 12-14 years of service life of the light bulb. Such lamps do not burn out, but gradually lose their power, and reputable manufacturers guarantee a decrease in brightness by no more than 1/3 of the original.
  • Minimum heat dissipation. LEDs hardly heat up, which contributes to greater safety. This is especially important in areas where a large number of light sources are required. Studies have shown that if a 100 W incandescent lamp heats up to almost 169 degrees, then for LEDs this figure is more than 5 times lower.
  • High strength. Unlike regular light bulbs, which are prone to breakage, LEDs can be dropped without the risk of injury from small fragments, since their housing is made of plastic.

Disadvantages of LED lamps

  • High price. The initial cost of purchasing LEDs is quite high compared to purchasing incandescent bulbs. But taking into account the long term, they are more profitable.
  • The need for special lamps. In order for a lamp to work for a long time, there must be strict compliance between its power and the permissible power of the lighting device. For example, if the maximum permissible power of a lamp is 40 W, you cannot install a 6 W LED bulb in it.

LED lamp is the leader in energy efficiency these days

How to choose an LED lamp for your home?

LED lamps have become a real breakthrough in the development of lighting systems, and are becoming increasingly popular when organizing home lighting systems. Some useful recommendations will help you choose the right lamp:

  • Pay attention to the power of the LED lamp. When replacing conventional lamps with LED lamps, experts suggest using a simple and effective method of dividing the power by 8. That is, if you are replacing one 60 W light bulb, then you should purchase a 7.5 W LED. Using this simple formula, it will be easy for you to calculate the number and power of LEDs when replacing light sources in any room.
  • Select the correct light spectrum of the lamp. For eye-comfortable lighting, you need to choose warm-spectrum LEDs. These are lamps with temperatures of 2600-3200 K (warm white lighting) or in the range of 3700-4200 K (natural white lighting) - for those cases when you are planning to illuminate an office or living area. Lamps with a rating of 6000 K are characterized by a cold white light, which most people find bright and uncomfortable. Cold spectrum LEDs are more suitable for lighting the street, garage or basement. If the lamp has a temperature less than 2600 K, its light will be dim and yellow, which is also quite unpleasant for the eyes.
  • Consider the cost of the lamp. A high-quality LED cannot be cheap. A low price always indicates a low quality product that will not last long, and you will not achieve the desired savings. By the way, it is the saturated, depressing yellow light that often comes from lamps from unknown Chinese manufacturers, so study the LED lamp market and choose a product from a well-known brand, preferably a European one.
  • Pay attention to whether the LED pulsates during operation. The presence of ripple and flickering indicates a poor-quality rectifier in the lamp power supply. The light it produces can cause vision impairment.
  • Check the fastening of the base and the quality of the radiator, which is responsible for removing the generated heat, since these parameters affect the life of the lamp.

For the home, it is best to use ordinary incandescent lamps, halogens in all their forms, or. They are safe for humans and are available in most Svet stores. Compact halogen lamps or small globe-shaped incandescent lamps can be selected for almost any home fixture. They can be used even in very small devices for home lighting, where space for light sources is minimal. A wide selection of halogen and incandescent lamps with original bulbs allows their use in lamps where light sources are open to public viewing, for example in crystal chandeliers or chandeliers with candles. Prices for incandescent lamps are low. Prices for halogen lamps are slightly higher, but comparable to incandescent lamps when taking into account their service life. LED lamps are more expensive than their older counterparts, but their service life is longer. LED spotlights are very effective. Let us now substantiate these statements.

Next, the features of lamps for the home will be considered and studied. We will look at various types of decorative incandescent lamps and energy-saving light sources, directional mirror lamps and small compact light bulbs for lamps. Let's try to understand which light sources are best used for the interior of the house, and which ones are better not to use. Let's figure it out what lamps are best for home in terms of safety and which ones not. But first, let's look at what bases household light bulbs are produced with today. Below is a picture with examples of standard sockets for household lighting sources.

The name of the socles is deciphered as follows. In the E27 threaded base, “E” denotes the type of base, “27” is the thread diameter in millimeters. In the pin base B22, “B” is the type of base (bayonet), “22” is the outer diameter along the pins of the base. The method of connecting a lamp and a lamp using a threaded metal bulb was developed by Thomas Edison in 1909. Not much has changed since then. In Russia, light sources with threaded sockets E14 and E27 are widely used, and pin sockets B15 and B22 are very rarely used. In the USA, for example, lamps with sockets E26, E12 and E10 are considered standard. In most countries of the world, where the voltage in the electrical network is 220 Volts, E14 and E27 sockets are used.

Today there is a huge number of different household light sources, which differ in operating principle, type of base, size and purpose. In this diversity I would like to highlight separately decorative light bulbs, since they combine two purposes at once. Decorative light bulb - decorates the lamp in which it is installed, and also illuminates the room where it operates. Let's consider what types of decorative lamps there are and for what lamps they can be used. We will talk about classic light sources for the home with an E27 or E14 base, designed for 220 Volts.

Candle in the wind

Several types of lamps for lighting fixtures fall under this concept: flicker lamps, energy-saving light sources or incandescent lamps in the shape of a flame. Most of all, the phrase “candle in the wind” corresponds to the so-called flicker lamps (flicker - from English to flicker, sparkle, blink). These lamps emit the flame of a candle, the flame of a burning wick. Such “candles” usually give off very little light, but look very impressive. From a distance of three meters or more, a switched-on lamp is practically indistinguishable from the fluttering of a real flame that sways in the wind. These “candles” can be used without lampshades or shades; the light from them is minimal, but the visual effect is impressive. Flickers can decorate a crystal chandelier with candles or a table lamp in the form of a candelabra. The use of these light bulbs is relevant if a chandelier or sconce in the room is needed more for beauty than for illuminating the space.

Energy-saving lamps and incandescent lamps in the form of a candle flame are used in lamps where the bulbs are completely open and visible to others. The concept of a “candle in the wind”, in this type of lamp, refers more to the shape of the glass in which the light element is enclosed than to the principle of operation of these lamps. Energy-saving lamps have glass bulbs that are usually frosted. Frosted glass can be white or have some tint. Flame-shaped incandescent lamps can be made with frosted or clear glass. Frosted glass can be of various shades. Transparent glass may have a slight tint of gold or bronze, or be slightly tinted. In addition, these lamps are also available with other decorative effects. Such lamps can be used not only as a decorative element, but also for their intended purpose. In terms of luminous intensity, they are no different from comparable lamps of ordinary shape.

Candle-shaped light sources with a twisted bulb

These lamps can be either energy-saving or conventional incandescent lamps. A distinctive feature of these light sources is the bulb, which has the shape of an elongated truncated spheroid with a twisted glass surface. The flask is somewhat reminiscent of fir cones. As a rule, the bulb is matte if it is an energy-saving light source. The bulb can be matte or transparent if it is a regular incandescent or halogen lamp. The colors and shades of the flasks can be anything. Sometimes they are additionally decorated with various materials. The luminous intensity from light bulbs with a twisted bulb is almost no different from the luminous intensity of similar lamps with a simple bulb. Decorative twisted lamps are used in home lamps, where the lamp is clearly visible to others, where the light source is not covered by a lampshade or lampshade.


Small lamps with a bulb-shaped bulb. Such sources can be installed in a luminaire where space is limited. Balls can be matte, colored or transparent. The bulbs of these lamps are spherical in shape and, as a rule, are not decorated with anything. Ball-shaped lamps can be used in small ceiling chandeliers, wall sconces, small table lamps and other lamps where a standard lamp may protrude unattractively from behind the shade or may not fit at all. Such lamps include small lava lamps or pendant chandeliers in the style of “floristry”. The height of the ball lamp with an incandescent filament is in the range of 71-74 mm. These light sources can be found with various sockets, but most often they are produced with E27 and E14 sockets. It should be noted that the smallest energy-saving lamps are slightly larger than miniature spherical incandescent lamps. Sometimes the smallest energy-saving light bulbs do not fit into the lamp, since it was designed for the use of ball lamps.

Mirror lamps - lamps

Incandescent lamps or energy-saving lamps, in which part of the bulb is coated with a reflective composition. This composition creates a mirror surface that reflects light from the filament into the bulb and does not allow it to pass out. Light only comes out through the transparent part of the glass, which is not mirrored. The lamp bulb can be covered from the bottom. This lamp is used as a lamp with a directed beam of light. Such lamps are used to illuminate shop windows, signs and other objects that need to be distinguished from their surroundings and on which attention needs to be focused. The second version of a mirror lamp is a light bulb in which the bulb is covered with a reflective composition on top. Such a lamp does not emit direct rays from the filament towards the objects it illuminates. Light, as a rule, first falls on the diffuser and only then hits the object of illumination. These lamps are often used in luminaires with parabolic reflectors when soft, even diffused light is needed. Mirror lamps can be produced with a spherical bulb or a classic bulb. Lamps are made from transparent, frosted and colored glass.


The principle of operation of a halogen lamp is no different from a conventional incandescent lamp, except that the bulb of a halogen lamp contains a gas mixture of halogen substances. Halogens slow down the destruction of the filament during lamp operation. The features of these light sources are stronger light with less electricity consumption, compact size, longer service life compared to conventional incandescent lamps. Halogen lamps are available with various sockets, including E14 and E27 sockets. Halogen lamps for the home can most often be found in spotlights, various directional lighting and in ordinary lamps. The compact sizes of halogen lamps, as well as halogen lamps designed for low voltage, open up great opportunities for the implementation of various design ideas. The advantages of halogen lamps over conventional incandescent lamps are obvious, although the price of halogen lamps is slightly higher than conventional light bulbs. Manufacturers of halogen lamps emphasize all the advantages of their products, right on the packaging, clearly demonstrating their advantages. The types of halogen lamps are as varied as the types of simple light sources.

Energy-saving lamps

There are two more types of light sources that should be described. Compact fluorescent lamps, which are often called energy-saving and LED bulbs, which are energy-saving light sources, but are usually called LED lamps or LED lamps. Both can and are produced with standard E14 and E27 sockets. These light sources can be installed in household lamps and connected to standard mains voltage. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) save energy consumption, but their sizes are not as compact as their name suggests. Energy savings are also highly questionable, since they are expensive, and their service life, in Russian conditions, is not as long as the manufacturers claim. In addition, fluorescent light sources contain mercury, which is toxic to humans. LED lamps, which belong to the class of energy-saving light sources, cost even more than CFLs, but the energy savings when using them are beyond doubt. Diode lamps are poorly represented on the market of household light sources, although their potential is enormous.

Our review is not very in-depth, and is not replete with technical characteristics or calculations of the economic benefits of a particular light source. But we hope that it will help you with the choice of lamps for pendant lamps and chandeliers. We will be glad to receive your comments and remarks.

Energy-saving light bulbs are products shrouded in a halo of mystery. It would seem that the main advantage of using them is obvious even from the name - buy and be happy.

However, many of our compatriots are in no hurry to acquire “miracle developments”, wanting to first find out:

  • what is their structure;
  • what is their “frugality”;
  • Are they dangerous?
  • why such familiar and “native” incandescent lamps fell out of favor.

A number of users are also confused by the fact that reviews of the performance of such light sources are not always the most flattering.

All these doubts are fair and have a right to exist. Therefore, we will talk in detail about the advantages, disadvantages and subtleties of operating luminescent “housekeepers”. And also about how to choose the right energy-saving lamp, if for you its advantages still outweigh the disadvantages.

Construction of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)

The first linear fluorescent lamps were produced in the United States in the late thirties of the last century. They began to be actively used in the fifties and sixties - they became a successful solution to the issue of lighting in industrial enterprises and administrative buildings. Unfortunately, linear fluorescent lamps could not become a “household breakthrough” for quite obvious reasons - their sizes are not very “homey”.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that manufacturers want to significantly reduce the size of the development. They succeeded in this “venture” only in the eighties, after new, higher-quality phosphors had been created. The diameter of the tube was reduced to 12 millimeters, and it itself was bent several times. Over the years, specialists managed to reduce the weight and size of fluorescent lamps so much that they became serious “competitors” to traditional incandescent lamps.

A modern compact fluorescent lamp consists of two key elements - a curved bulb and a base.

The CFL bulb contains tungsten electrodes “coated” with activating substances (a mixture of barium, strontium, and calcium oxides). The flask is filled with an inert gas with a small admixture of mercury vapor.

When voltage is applied to the lamp, a charge arises between the electrodes (which is quite natural) and it lights up. But almost all the radiation it generates lies in the ultraviolet range. In order for this radiation to be “transformed” into light visible to the human eye, the inside of the flask is coated with a special substance - a phosphor.

The composition of the phosphor directly determines the color characteristics of the resulting light, i.e. “high-quality phosphor = efficient lamp.”

Interesting! The compact fluorescent lamp is the absolute record holder among all light sources in terms of the number of common names. Whatever they call it - “klshka”, “energy saver”, “housekeeper”...

Advantages of housekeepers over incandescent lamps

  1. The first and main advantage of compact fluorescent lamps is the highest light output. About five times larger than incandescent lamps. If we talk about specific numbers, this means that the light output of a 100 W incandescent lamp will be equal to the light output of a 20 W fluorescent light source. The main advantage of such a purchase, as you might have guessed, lies in the ability to reduce electricity consumption for lighting by about 80%. Reducing your energy use is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment. By reducing our consumer demand for it, we are reducing the amount of harmful gas emissions that are an “inherent” by-product of electricity production.

Important! Throughout the civilized world, the importance of preserving the environment is a key motivating factor for the transition to energy-saving light sources.

  1. The classic cause of failure of incandescent lamps is the burnout of the tungsten filament. The operating principle and structure of CFLs are radically different. This allows them to be used 6-15 times longer. The average work life of housekeepers is 6-12 thousand hours.
  2. Since CFLs need to be replaced much less frequently than “Ilyich light bulbs,” they are very convenient to use in hard-to-reach lamps (for example, in apartments with high ceilings).
  3. Housekeepers not only consume less electricity, but also emit less heat. This allows you to safely install them in chandeliers and lamps with temperature restrictions. Now you don’t have to worry that the cartridge, finishing elements and wire will “float”.
  4. Energy-saving lamps allow for softer and more uniform lighting.

Disadvantages of energy-saving lamps

  1. It can be quite difficult financially to replace all the regular light bulbs in a house at once. One CFL will cost 10-20 times more than a conventional incandescent lamp.
  2. Too frequent on/off switches significantly shorten the life of the housekeeper.
  3. Standard CFLs must not be used in luminaires that are controlled by dimmers (light controllers). For these purposes, there are special CFLs with adjustable brightness, but needless to say, they cost an order of magnitude more than the already expensive “ordinary” housekeepers.
  4. CFLs contain mercury and other toxic substances - they must be disposed of accordingly; You cannot throw them in a regular trash can.
  5. It takes some time for the housekeeper to warm up to full power. In a normal room environment - up to 45 seconds.
  6. When using compact fluorescent lamps outdoors, it will not be possible to achieve the same bright light as indoors.

High-quality energy-saving lamps - how to choose and what to pay attention to?

Have you weighed the pros and cons? Have you decided that this development definitely deserves consumer attention? So, it's time to go to the store to buy. But which energy-saving lamp should you choose if there are so many of them on the shelves?

There are a number of parameters by which you can determine the best samples for each specific case.


Power is the first parameter that you should decide on when choosing an energy-saving light bulb. Considering that the light output of a CFL exceeds the light output of a conventional incandescent lamp by about five times, it is necessary to use this “translation” rule - divide the required power of a “classical” light source that is familiar to you by five. In practice, it will look like this: if your chandeliers “flaunt” 75-watt incandescent light bulbs, then a power saver of 15 W will be quite enough.

Note! The “law of division by five” does not always apply. Some Chinese manufacturers can “please” buyers with only a fourfold increase in power. Therefore, the information on the packaging should be studied more than carefully.

Base type

The vast majority of modern housekeepers, intended to replace outdated incandescent lamps, use the “traditional” Edison base. Such energy-saving lamps are designated E27.

Sconces and small lamps may require light sources with an E14 base - pay attention to this. It differs from the classic one in having a slightly smaller diameter.

Large energy-saving lamps with an E40 base are suitable for powerful and large lighting fixtures.

Colorful temperature

Unlike incandescent bulbs, CFLs can produce different types of glow. This is why some housekeepers seem to be uncomfortable on the eyes.

Such visual irritation occurs due to the incorrect color temperature of the lamp selected for a specific room.

  • For office premises and classrooms, lamps with a color temperature of 6000-6500K will be optimal. They emit cool white light with a hint of blue;
  • for the living room and children's room, it is advisable to choose housekeepers with natural white light (4200K). This tone is very close in spectrum to natural light;
  • For the kitchen and bedroom, the ideal solution would be CFLs with a color temperature of 2700K. Lighting from such a source is very similar to the atmosphere created by an incandescent lamp.

Price and service life

You shouldn't be tempted by an indecently cheap housekeeper. Otherwise, you risk running into a “specimen” that is unable to work even thousands of hours out of the declared four to six.


The warranty period for an energy-saving light bulb can range from 6 to 36 months, depending on the manufacturer. Naturally, the larger it is, the better.

Be sure to ask where you purchased the product for the terms and conditions of the warranty. As a rule, you need to keep the receipt and the box for the product.


The shape of luminescent housekeepers can be quite varied:

  • U-shaped;
  • spiral;
  • semi-spiral;
  • flask-shaped (pear, ball, candle).

Choose the one that best suits your aesthetic preferences and overall interior design.

Worth knowing! The most popular are U-shaped and spiral-shaped housekeepers. The shape of the product does not in any way affect the quality of its work, which cannot be said about the price. Spiral-shaped ones are usually more expensive than U-shaped ones due to more complex production technology.

Helpful advice! When buying fluorescent light bulbs for the first time, do not try to take a dozen at once for all rooms of the house. Take two or three with different color temperatures, test them, see if the purchased samples don’t tire your eyes. And after a couple of days, buy additional lamps to the required quantity.

Which company should I choose an energy-saving lamp?

While deciding on the power, color temperature and type of base is not particularly difficult, choosing a manufacturer usually poses difficulties. What are the best energy-saving lamps to choose, given that brands are “like stars in the sky”?

Experts are unanimous - preference should be given exclusively to those brands that have been on the market for many years and that can boast exclusively positive reviews from consumers.

The best energy-saving lamps, according to experts, are Philips, Osram, DeLux, Navigator, Camelion, Era.


Philips is the first company to offer new energy-saving light sources in the eightieth year. Since then, it has been actively and fruitfully developing the field of energy-saving technologies. Philips energy-saving lamps always have a wide range and beautiful appearance. And also excellent quality and durability.


Osram is another “pioneer” of the housekeeper market. The company released its first lamp back in 1985. All Osram energy-saving fluorescent lamps have a long service life (up to 15,000 hours) and can easily withstand an impressive number of restarts (5,000 - 500,000).


Energy-saving lamps Navigator appeared on the domestic market in 2006. The product range under the name Navigator includes about a hundred items, among them: U-shaped, spiral-shaped, and decorative light sources.


The Camelion range of energy-saving lamps can satisfy the wishes of any buyer with any income level. Three series of housekeepers are produced under the Camelion brand:

  • Camelion ECO;
  • Camelion Classic;
  • Camelion PRO.

Camelion ECO offers standard sizes, a six-month warranty, high brightness and a service life of 6,000 hours.

Camelion Classic is compact in size, 1 year warranty, service life - 8000 hours.

Camelion PRO is ultra-compact in size, exclusive range, warranty - 1 year, service life - from 10,000 hours.


Energy-saving lamps Era first appeared in Russia in 2008.

Their current range allows you to easily replace absolutely all incandescent lamps - regardless of the shape and type of base.

TOP 3 questions about energy-saving lamps

Is it worth it to “completely” change all the light bulbs in and around the house with housekeepers?

Definitely not. In every house and in every apartment there are lamps that turn on for a total of five minutes per day (appliances in the pantry, basement, attic, in the toilet, finally). Over the course of a year, you will save pennies on them, but the CFL will pay for itself in 10-12 years, if it still “survives.” As they say, the game is not worth the candle.

In what cases are energy-saving light bulbs a truly cost-effective solution?

Economy is a smart choice for chandeliers and lamps that operate at least three to four hours a day. In this situation, by reducing energy costs, the product pays for itself in 3 years. And then, accordingly, it “works” for you.

What other energy-saving light sources, besides CFLs, can be used in everyday life?

Halogen lamps are an excellent choice. True, they cannot be called so energy-saving, since they are only twice as economical as incandescent lamps. But halogen lamps already have enough advantages:

  • narrowly directed light distribution;
  • Possibility of use with regulators;
  • compact dimensions;
  • highest quality of light transmission.

LED light sources are becoming a very promising option for home use today. They are durable, energy efficient, and produce high-quality light.

Electricity tariffs are rising every day. People increasingly began to think about saving issues. Modern industry and science did not stand aside. Thus, energy-saving lamps first appeared on sale, followed by LED lamps. But since the market is flooded with different options at different price points, people get confused and do not know which light bulb is better - LED or energy-saving. In this article we will try to compare the two technologies and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.

About fluorescent lamps

Compact luminescent products are distinguished by a curved bulb shape. Thanks to this design, the light bulb can be easily placed even in small lighting fixtures. Its flask contains inert gases. This can be argon, neon and mercury vapor, and inside the body of the luminescent part is coated with a layer of phosphor.

If such a device is exposed to high voltage, then electrons begin to move in it. At the moment of collision of the latter with mercury, ultraviolet radiation invisible to the eye is created. It is then transformed into light visible to humans due to a layer of phosphor.

A fluorescent lamp consists of three elements:

  • base;
  • electric ballast;
  • flask.

These types of energy-saving light bulbs for the home can be arranged differently. It all depends on the variety.

A variety of fluorescent lamp shapes: linear

Luminescent products can be ring-shaped, straight or U-shaped. For example, a straight line with two bases resembles a glass tube. At the ends of this tube there are special glass legs on which the electrodes are fixed. There is a phosphor layer on the inner surface of the glass tube.

Such economical light bulbs for the home may differ in their diameter, length, and base width. The longer and thicker the tube, the more energy the light bulb consumes. Most often, these products are used in everyday life, in office premises, and at various production facilities. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are now widely used. Their “lineal” relative is their ancestor and is gradually leaving the lighting market.

Compact energy-saving fluorescent lamps

The domestic light source market often offers imported products.

Widespread brands are General Electric, Philips, Osram and others. All products differ depending on specific features. Many of these companies also produce LED lamps. If there are difficulties in how to choose an LED light bulb for your home, it is better to buy something popular. Below we will look at their classification.

Classification of luminescent products

Lamps are distinguished primarily by their base:

  1. The 2D base is used for devices intended for decorative lighting and for use in showers.
  2. G23 is suitable for both bathrooms and shower rooms.
  3. 2G7 is used in industrial as well as household appliances.
  4. E27 socket are lamps for conventional sockets. Such models are widespread on the market.
  5. E14 is used with a small chuck, and E40 with a large chuck.

Electric light bulbs for the home with sockets for regular and small sockets are as easy as possible to install. The numbers correspond to the thread diameter. The service life of such products from various manufacturers ranges from 4 to 16 thousand working hours.

The industry produces them with an open tube and diffuser. The bulb diameter of the bulb can be from 7 to 17 mm. And its shape can be U-shaped with three, four, or six souls.

In addition to those described, lamps in the form of a spiral are produced. Spiral products have slightly smaller geometric dimensions than U-shaped ones. But in terms of power they are equivalent. Appearance and shape do not in any way affect the functionality of the lighting fixture. As for the cost, a spiral lamp will cost more, since their production technology is more expensive and labor-intensive.

Advantages of fluorescent lamps

The described products make it possible to significantly (up to 80%) reduce electricity costs. At the same time, the luminous flux will remain the same as that of a traditional incandescent lamp.

Another plus is its long service life. The product will burn effectively for up to 15 thousand hours. This is 6-14 times longer than the life of an incandescent lamp and allows them to be installed in hard-to-reach places to eliminate frequent replacement. An energy-saving lamp can have different color temperatures. The colors of the light flux also differ:

  • 2700 K is warm white light.
  • 4300 K - daily.
  • 6500 K - cool white glow.


The main advantage of these products is the low amount of energy required for operation. Thus, an LED part with a power of only 10 W is capable of producing the same amount of light as a 60 W incandescent lamp.

The second advantage is the service life. Various manufacturers claim 30-50 thousand hours. This is approximately 20 years of operation. Another significant advantage is that the LED light source does not heat up during operation, which means it completely eliminates the risk of fire. You can also carry out the most daring experiments in interior design with them. LED lamp bases are universal and can be used in any type of lamps and chandeliers.

Another significant advantage is the absence of harmful substances in the housing and high environmental friendliness. The glow of the LED bulb does not strain the eyes. And the only significant drawback is the price. Although the cost of an LED part is only twice as high as an ordinary fluorescent one. But, despite the cost, these are the best light bulbs for the home.

Types of LED Products

They differ in design, as well as depending on the area of ​​​​use they are intended for. There are household LED lamps, LED products for illuminating interior details, parts for use in architectural objects and landscape design.

There are explosion-proof, street lamps, industrial floodlights. If you analyze all the advantages of LED products, then you don’t even have to think about which light bulb is better - LED and energy-saving. With all its advantages, the energy-saving one still loses to its LED relative. The choice is obvious - this is a significant saving of money.

LED or fluorescent: comparison

The market offers LED and energy-saving light bulbs. Comparing them shows that both options are quite economical and have a long service life. However, if we take a closer look at the main technical characteristics, the LED lamp in many ways outperforms energy-saving lamps.

The relatively high cost will pay off over the years. When organizing lighting in an apartment, especially if the volumes are large enough, only LEDs are used due to their service life, efficiency, variety of shapes, and high environmental friendliness. Energy saving is not suitable for installation in a suspended ceiling. She gets very hot. Stretch ceilings can also melt.

If you think about which light bulb is better - LED or energy-saving - then the former are more suitable for all rooms in the apartment, and the latter - for kitchens and corridors.

Features of choosing LED products

The market is overflowing with products from foreign brands, domestic and Chinese manufacturers.

Therefore, many people have certain difficulties when choosing. And they don't know exactly how to choose an LED light bulb for their home. This should be done based on the purpose of the lighting, various technical requirements, as well as the type and area of ​​the room. After all points are taken into account, choose the type of lamp and its appearance.

You can choose by cost, shape, required power. And of course, it is better to buy an expensive lamp from a well-known brand. This is reliability and many years of service.

Which lamp is better?

To find out which light bulb is better - LED or energy-saving - pay attention to environmental friendliness. Energy-saving products are great for non-residential premises. These lamps contain poisonous mercury in their housing, so they should not be used for home lighting. LEDs, on the contrary, are ideal for residential premises, do not heat up and are completely environmentally friendly.

So, answering the question of which light bulb is better - LED or energy-saving - experts recommend using diode products.

Energy-saving lamps are now in trend and this is not without reason. With ever-increasing energy prices, many people want to reduce their electricity consumption to reduce costs.

And one way to save money is to use energy-saving appliances in your home.

And most often, savings begin with lighting fixtures. After all, changing light bulbs in a house is easier and cheaper than, for example, a refrigerator.

At the same time, the use of lamps that are economical in terms of energy consumption can significantly reduce the cost of electricity in the house.

So we’ll try to figure out what kind of energy-saving lamps there are, and whether they can really save us electricity.

General advantages and disadvantages of housekeepers

Let's start with the concept itself - an energy-saving lamp. To determine whether a lighting device is economical, it is compared with a conventional incandescent lamp. And any lamp that consumes less electricity than the “Ilyich light bulb” is considered energy-saving.

But there are few types of such lighting devices, and in domestic conditions three types of lamps are used:

  • halogen;
  • luminescent (gas discharge);
  • LED

These lighting devices have many advantages over incandescent lamps:

The first and most important of them is significantly lower energy consumption with the same light output, due to higher efficiency. An incandescent lamp has a very low efficiency - about 18%, that is, out of every 100 watts of energy consumed, such a lamp converts only 18 watts into light radiation, the rest of the energy is spent on heating the coil. For energy-saving lamps, the efficiency can reach 80%, but this depends on the design features of each device. Below we take a closer look at the efficiency of all types of lamps;

Increased service life, which also affects financial costs, but here again a lot depends on the design of the lamp and operating conditions;

Safety of use (does not apply to halogen lamps). The absence of a direct connection of contacts (in an incandescent lamp they are connected by a spiral) eliminates the occurrence of a short circuit.

Reducing the load on the network, which also increases security.

And these are just the main advantages inherent in all energy-saving lamps.

The main common disadvantage for economical elements is their cost.

There are also a number of advantages and disadvantages that each type of housekeeper lamp has.

Basic parameters of lighting elements

In order to further understand the operating parameters of the above types of lamps, we will consider each of them using the example of a conventional incandescent lamp, since all calculations are based on it.

The main parameters for any lamp are its luminous output, also known as efficiency, and light temperature - the intensity of light emission. This can also include a resource.

The efficiency of a lamp is the luminous flux (measured in Lumens) that it emits when consuming a certain amount of energy (measured in Watts).

Simply put, this parameter means how much light the lamp will emit after consuming 1 Watt of electricity.

So, a 75-watt incandescent lamp provides a luminous flux of 935 lm and has a luminous efficiency of 12 lm/W.

Light temperature is the intensity of radiation from a light source, taken as a wavelength in the optical range (measured in Kelvin).

To make it clearer, this parameter indicates what brightness and color shade the emitted light will have.

A 100-watt incandescent lamp has a light temperature of 2800 K, which in the optical range corresponds to warm white light with an orange tint. This is the temperature of sunlight at dawn and dusk.

The average lifespan of an incandescent lamp is 2000 hours. We will proceed from these parameters in the future. The service life of lamps can be extended by special devices that not only regulate the degree of illumination of rooms, but also save electricity.

Halogen devices

Now let’s talk about the energy-saving lamps themselves and start with halogen lamps. Essentially, this is the same incandescent lamp, but with some modifications. In her flask, in place of vacuum, there is a buffer gas (bromine, iodine vapor).

The use of these vapors made it possible to increase the light temperature to 3000 K, and the lamp efficiency is 15-17 lm/W to provide the same 900 lm of luminous flux.

Due to its better light output, the halogen element is able to provide the same amount of light as a 75-watt conventional incandescent lamp, but it only requires 55 watts of energy, meaning there are already electricity savings.

In addition, the use of buffer gas increased the lamp life to 4000 hours of operation.

The advantages of halogen elements, in addition to efficiency and increased resource, also include their availability, since they cost not much more than conventional lamps.

They are available with E14 and E27 sockets.

At the same time, they often have smaller overall dimensions than incandescent lamps, which allows them to be used even in miniature lamps.

The disadvantages of halogen elements are the same as those of conventional incandescent lamps.


These lighting devices are very reliable, safe, and immune to voltage surges.

Produced with the most common types of bases. There are elements in the design of which batteries are additionally included, which allows you to use the lamp from a regular network or from a battery in case of power outages.

There are also devices with a remote control.

The only drawback of such lighting devices is their very high price, approximately twice as high as the cost of fluorescent analogues.

Options to select

Now let’s talk about what parameters you need to consider when choosing an energy-saving light bulb. First of all, you need to decide on the type. In this case, you should immediately pay attention to the cost and resource.


The first selection criterion is the power of the lamps. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the selected elements to those already used at home.

For example, 100-watt incandescent lamps are used everywhere in housing, and the light from them is quite sufficient.

Based on luminous efficiency, we can determine that the same amount of light can be provided by a 70-watt halogen lamp, a 20-watt fluorescent lamp, and a 12-watt LED lamp.

If there is not enough light, then you can choose a more powerful energy-saving element.

In this case, you don’t even need to carry out any calculations; comparative tables are usually printed on the packaging of these lamps, which allows you to quickly and easily select a light bulb with the required power parameter.

Base type.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the type of base. Lamp sockets with the designation E27 are suitable for conventional sockets.

In lamps and sconces, a cartridge for an E14 base is often used.

Before going to the store, you should definitely ask what types of bases are needed. But you can do it even simpler - unscrew and take with you the light bulb that will be changed and compare the bases.

Dimensions, shape.

The third selection criterion is shape and size. If there is a lot of space for installation, then you can buy almost any shaped lighting element. In limited installation spaces, you will have to select lamps according to size.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is the LED lamp - they can provide both diffused and directional lighting.

Elements with diffused lighting can be used almost everywhere, but those with directional lighting are better suited for installation in lamps.

Colorful temperature.

And the last parameter, and an important one, is color temperature. Here the selection is made according to the place of use.

So, in bedrooms and living rooms, the most optimal color is warm white in different shades. Therefore, in such rooms it is better to use lighting elements with a temperature of 2700-4200 K.

For kitchens, bathrooms, and garages, the best color is cool white, which is provided by light bulbs with a temperature of 5000-6500 K.

For work offices, daylight is more suitable, the light temperature of which is 4000-5000 K. Also, such lamps can be used in bathrooms and kitchens.

See below for other criteria for choosing energy-saving lamps.

Bottom line

Note that the savings from using “housekeepers” will not be immediate, because the lighting element must first pay for itself using the savings, and this may take quite a lot of time, and this also depends on the intensity of use. And it doesn’t matter whether you use such lighting devices in a private house or in an apartment.

A halogen lamp will pay for itself the fastest, but in the long run the savings from it will be negligible.

The luminescent element can pay for itself after just a year of use, and in the future it will begin to save money. As for LED bulbs, they have the longest payback period, about three years.

In general, only those lighting elements that have a significant resource and can operate without problems for more than two years can bring truly tangible savings.

Finally, let’s say that it is not necessary to immediately replace all the lighting elements in the house with energy-saving ones, because this can result in significant costs.

If you change them gradually, then the expenses will not be so noticeable, and ultimately it will be possible to completely switch to energy-saving lamps.

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