House      05/14/2023

How to set up positive thinking: keep a person's thoughts and motivation strong. Information and research project on the topic: “how do emotions affect human health and longevity? Psychological attitude towards life

Sometimes you get up in the morning, but you have no strength, you don’t want to do anything. Apathy, the mood has disappeared, and all sorts of bad thoughts creep into your head. You are trying to look into the future and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is not visible. Look out the window, and the sun is not happy. What to do? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

Let's find the root of the problem

Why do people get depressed? Many will easily answer the question, citing a lack of money, a quarrel with their other half, failures at work, or simply internal anxiety. But if you look at it all from above, these reasons are just a consequence of one big problem.

People lose meaning in life. In a race against time, we want to get ahead of him and accomplish a lot. But everything goes wrong. Because everyday life and the current pace of life, the desire for material enrichment pushes spirituality into the background. We forget why, what we live for, what we want. Indifference appears, which drives you into a depressive state. And only we ourselves are able to get out of it, we just need to be able to tune in to the positive.

Let's tell ourselves "stop"!

Bad thoughts and anxiety are all in our heads. You need to understand that feeling sorry for yourself and crying makes no sense, nothing will change: wages will not rise, the quarrel will not resolve itself, depression will not go away. First you need to put your thoughts in order. How to get rid of all the bad things from your head:

  1. Figure out what's bothering you. Describe on paper your fears, the reasons and the solution to how to get rid of them.
  2. Don't hide them deep in your mind. Even if you are positive, they will still break out.
  3. Nip bad thoughts in the bud, switching to good moments, think about children, about a wonderful event in life.
  4. Don’t create horror; there’s no need to make mountains out of molehills.
  5. Find the positive in everything.

And remember that there is a way out of any situation. Positive thinking will relieve you of depression, and only then can you work on raising your mood.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first step was positive thinking. It is important to always think about the good, remember only the bright, good moments in life. Write them down in a diary, re-read them, it improves your emotional state. So how do you stay positive? Adviсe:

  1. You need to appreciate what you are rich with. Look around, maybe everything is not so bad. Living in peace, having a job, healthy family and friends is already great happiness.
  2. Believe in yourself and your strength. You need to set a goal, break it down into small tasks, solve one after another, get closer to your dream, but never doubt.
  3. Use affirmation exercises. These are short installation phrases. We write thoughts expressed in a positive way, in a maximum of two sentences, in simple and understandable words. Only in first person. We say it all the time. For example, “I am always happy!” Negative particles are not recommended for use. With positive attitudes we program ourselves for success.
  4. Let's forget about the past. You cannot live with the failures that have occurred; they and envy must be left behind. We've learned our lesson and moved on.
  5. Visualize. Another effective exercise. Draw your dream. You can make a wish map using pictures or create a personal horoscope. Schedule your life for a certain period, what you want to achieve. Thoughts are material, dreams come true.
  6. Music will help you get into a positive mood. If bad thoughts creep into your head, turn on a rhythmic, cheerful song, and they will immediately disappear.
  7. Surround yourself with positive people. Don't communicate with pessimists. Take criticism appropriately.
  8. Always praise yourself for your successes. Celebrate every small victory with a gift.

These tips will help you stay positive. These are general tips, now let’s look at the issue in more detail. Agree, everyone knows an evil morning when everything irritates you. I just want to scream. Let's talk about how to create a positive morning mood.

What is it - good morning?

To have a successful day, you need to be positive in the morning. How to do it? So, tips:

  1. First you need to get a good night's sleep (7-8 hours), healthy sleep is the key to success.
  2. There is no need to suddenly jump out of bed. Lie in bed for five minutes, stretch, sing your favorite song and get up on your right foot.
  3. Don't stuff cones in the dark. Open the curtains, open the window, breathe in a breath of fresh energy.
  4. Play your favorite music.
  5. Find a reason to be happy. These could be plans for the weekend, for example.
  6. Do morning exercises. It will give you vigor and lift your spirits.
  7. Drink a glass of water. Then take a shower.

After all this, go to the mirror and say affirmative phrases that will set you up for positivity.

Morning affirmations

How to set yourself up for positivity and good luck for the whole day? Very simple. Having thrown off the sleepy shackles, you can begin practical exercises. It may seem stupid at first and you may not notice a change right away. But it works. And the more you put positivity, positive emotions and energy into your spoken words, the better results they will give.

You can make several affirmations, but repeat them every day, and you will notice how your life will improve.

Example phrases

The main thing is that they come from the heart, so that you want to say them. Think about them in advance and write them down on a piece of paper. So, you can say these words:

  • I am the most beautiful and happiest in the world!
  • I am a positive, lucky person!
  • I achieve all my goals!
  • I am healthy)!
  • I am the best specialist at work!
  • Everything works out for me!

Choose the phrases that are right for you, say them, even shout them, and secure them with a radiant smile. And watch how wings grow behind your back, you will want to fly and create.

Let's tear off the masks

What is said about a positive attitude in psychology? If you artificially put on a smile, abstract yourself from problems without solving them, nothing will change. Our thinking is determined by a number of psychological program settings that create a positive attitude.

Therefore, everyday positive psychological attitudes create positive thinking, which will attract health, luck, success, while negative programs repel them. Everything that surrounds us is the result of our perception, attitude to life, so first we need to start changing ourselves, our thinking, working with the subconscious, because that is where our thoughts are formed. Let's look at this using an example of one technique.

"Change your life in 21 days"

Its author is clergyman Will Bowen. Studying the psychology of people, he came to the conclusion that our thought process depends on what we say, how, and then affects our emotional state and actions.

This amazing method is incredibly effective. Those who wished had to put a simple purple bracelet on their hand and wear it on one hand for 21 days. But one condition had to be fulfilled: not to discuss anyone, not to get angry, not to gossip and not to complain about fate. If the rule was violated, the jewelry was put on the other wrist, and the countdown began again.

The lucky ones who reached the end of the experiment changed beyond recognition. The point is that by putting on a bracelet, you deliberately program yourself to be positive and begin to think well about people. Self-control, control over thoughts and speech are activated. Self-improvement occurs, new hidden facets of thinking and possibilities open up. We need to learn to live positively.

Now let’s share some little feminine tricks

A happy person glows from within, he succeeds in everything. What can I advise women to have a positive attitude? There are several practical recommendations. So:

  1. Smile. The morning should begin with it. Smile at your children and husband. And your mood will immediately lift.
  2. Make the most of everything. No matter how the situation turns out, look at it from the other side.
  3. Pamper yourself. Visit beauty salons, buy yourself gifts.
  4. Movement is life. Do what you love, go to the pool, go to the gym, for example. It distracts from problems and lifts your spirits.
  5. Don't put things off. Your needs and desires must be satisfied immediately.

By following these simple tips, you can stay positive. The main thing is to drive bad thoughts away from yourself. And, of course, use the affirmation method and apply autogenic training (positive attitudes) in the morning and before bed.

There is so much negativity in the world, you need to try to protect yourself from it as much as possible:

  1. Avoid watching negative television programs and horror films. All bad information settles in the subconscious, which can significantly affect our lives.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations. They have a detrimental effect on our psyche and perception of life.
  3. Train your brain. Improve yourself, develop your memory. Firstly, it will help in making any decision, and secondly, when the head is busy with the thought process, there is no time left for negative thoughts.
  4. Plan. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. This way you will look for ways and incentives to achieve them and at the same time get rid of fears and uncertainty. When a person clearly knows what he wants, life is immediately filled with meaning, changes for the better, and sometimes completely, beyond recognition.

These recommendations seem complicated only at first glance. You just need to work hard, because if you sit back, grace will not fall from the sky. Only by working on yourself can you achieve success. We managed to get positive, but what to do next?

Take action!

A positive mood will help you change your life and find new ways to solve problems. The main thing is to do everything with pleasure, with desire. Enjoy life, help others, experience positive emotions from this. Smile, show concern for your family and friends, don’t expect gratitude. Do it selflessly.

Once you have managed to tune in to the positive, learn to stay in this state always, and believe me, your life will change for the better.

It is well known that the quality of our mood (joyful or gloomy) and attitude towards ourselves and the world around us (optimistic, tolerant, kind or, conversely, pessimistic, unenvious, envious, grouchy) determines our physical health. And it is often the cause of a negative mood and attitude towards oneself and the world around us, and is the cause of many diseases. Therefore, a positive attitude is very important for the health of the body.

Positive thoughts produce the same thoughts in the people around you and attract them to you, while negative thoughts act in the opposite way, pushing them away from you. It is more pleasant and useful for you to be attractive, so develop only positive attractive thoughts, which, together with your positive magnetism, will give you greater influence on people.
Uproot all negative thoughts associated with hatred, fear, sadness, anger, dissatisfaction, resentment, envy, mistrust, etc., and replace them with positive ones associated with love, courage, joy, calm, contentment, goodwill, etc. d.

As you think about others, others think about you. The way you think about yourself is the way those around you think about you. Therefore, think only positively about yourself and others.

You don't like others or you think that others don't like you and won't love you. You are afraid of everyone and everything, and you will be intimidated. You don't believe in yourself, and they won't trust you. You don’t wish anyone well, and they won’t wish it for you. The thoughts of those around you strive to meet your every thought and increase the power of your thoughts. Never think: “I can’t.” Everyone will think you can't. Always think: “I can, I want and will achieve what I want” - and you will really be able to do everything.

Great people become great because they wanted to be so, but they were the same as you: everyone is born “little” people.
Don't forget that thoughts affect you - your spirit and body. What are the thoughts - such is the person. There are cases where those who are passionate and tirelessly read crime novels later became criminals. Therefore, avoid books filled with negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts are spiritual poison, and positive thoughts are the antidote. Thoughts of hatred, envy, fear, sadness, etc. excite dangerous physiological processes in our body that have a harmful, most detrimental effect on our health. On the contrary, thoughts of love, goodwill, joy, etc. improve mental state and have a beneficial effect on the body.
Consequently, negative thoughts poison the body, positive ones heal. This is why we should love our neighbor as ourselves, because, in essence, by loving others, we love ourselves, we wish ourselves goodness and well-being. By developing positive thoughts in yourself, you develop the same magnetism and good willpower, because before you can think well, you need to want to think so.

Thus, with positive thinking, all 3 aspects of strong influence on people develop: magnetism, the power of thought and the power of good will.

Therapeutic effect:
strengthens the nervous system;

Healthy mood before and after sleep

The second sacrament (the first sacrament is eating) should be preparation for bed and entering sleep. This is important for both the physical and mental state of a person.

During sleep, our “I” resides in such a spiritual (astral) world that corresponds to our mood before sleep, and returns “imbued” with its specific mental element, which imparts strength or weakness, well-being or disorder to the body. An attitude of concern, grumpiness, and envy contributes to the presence of the “I” in the sphere of concern; upon awakening this concern intensifies. The mindset towards illness (thoughts about illness) takes the “I” into the world of suffering, and this increases suffering in daily life. Therefore, before going to bed, the patient should think about health and repeat:
“Only the tool I use is damaged. I am what I think about myself.

My spiritual self is healthy and will bring healing to my body during sleep.”
This needs to be repeated every evening; if the result does not appear immediately, then you need to think about changing your thinking style to a positive one. The mood for a state of youth and strength directs the “I” to the corresponding spheres of the astral world; upon emerging from sleep, the body and confidence in its state of strength and youth are strengthened.

To make the above clear, some clarification is necessary. According to the yogis, a person, in addition to the “I,” consists of bodies: the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body (the body of desires), the mental body (the body of thought), the body of causality (the causal body).

The energy of each body differs in quality from the others, and each body, as it were, permeates with itself, being more subtle, more gross.

The physical body consists of a huge number of cells, each of which performs two tasks - it maintains its own existence, and part of itself is devoted to maintaining the entire organism as a whole (cell specialization). A complex of homogeneous cells is built into a tissue or even into an entire organism. All organs are penetrated by a group of control cells, cells that provide respiratory or nutritional function. Each cell lives a certain period of life, then either dies, like blood cells, or divides.
Despite all this, the body constantly maintains its shape and structure. This process of preservation is carried out by the etheric body.

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body; it seems to contain a permanent form of the body. Within the etheric body is the astral, or body of emotions and desires.

The mental body builds a plan for our activities throughout our lives, a reasonable structure of behavior. Within the mental body is the body of causes.
During sleep, our astral body leaves the physical and begins to travel in invisible space, fulfilling those desires that were not realized during the day, and thereby freeing itself from internal energy tension.

In a dream, desires (especially desires that take possession of a person before sleep) and mood control a person. At the same time, he sees events, but cannot influence them.

From the above, it is clear that before going to bed you need to avoid unpleasant and minor conversations, showdowns and sad thoughts. On the contrary, you need all available means - a walk before bed, relaxation (usual relaxation with optimistic self-hypnosis in the form of autogenic training), listening to beautiful life-affirming music, memories of beautiful and happy moments in your life, a short conversation with a good person with whom you have a mutual connection sympathy - tune in to feeling like a person, and a person, in principle, happy, strong enough and young (despite any age).

And when you wake up, you need to connect your consciousness to the single life of the Universe and ask for your share of everything living from the World Mind. In the Universe, all living things are one (trees, clouds, oceans, birds, stars, sun), everything has energy.

Our soul, in a certain mood (especially in the morning), has the ability to attract part of this living force and retain it throughout the day. The verbal form of the request is arbitrary, the main thing is the meaning. And during your daily life you need to repeat this request for 1-2 minutes, no matter how busy you are. The resulting forces go not only to tonify and rejuvenate the body, but also enable our “I” to penetrate as deeply as possible into the astral world in a dream. The further the “I” penetrates into the astral world, the more refined emotions the “I” brings with it, ennobling the body and soul (if, of course, there was a positive mood before going to bed).

If you can't fall asleep right away:

Take 5-7 full yoga breaths (after removing the pillow so that the torso and head are in one straight line);
imagine that as you inhale, prana passes through the respiratory organs into the solar plexus (Ma-nipura chakra) and accumulates there;
along with exhalation, every cell of the body relaxes and at the same time prana is directed from the solar plexus into each cell in order to strengthen its vitality and help cleanse it of toxins;
then relax your whole body and brain (free yourself from thoughts); this can be done with the help of Shav-asana.
Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;
strengthens the nervous system;
awakens the body's defenses.

Worldview of childhood

Many people, having committed actions that are unpleasant for themselves and those around them, or have made some serious miscalculations in one or another area of ​​life, for a long time later remember and experience all the nuances of these actions, miscalculations, and mistakes.

And despite the fact that all this happened in the past, it darkens the present life, gloomy thoughts interfere with life, reduce the level of positive thinking in the present. Of course, as they say, you learn from mistakes, and you need to analyze your mistakes, but you need to do this only once, and then try to forget the unpleasant weight in your life and enjoy life, the very process of life, as children know how to do. Tell yourself:
“It is enough that the unpleasant constantly reminds itself of itself in the environment. Why will I cherish and cultivate the unpleasant in myself? Put aside all the unpleasant things in the past and present, I enjoy life, the very process of life.”
Sometimes a person, complaining about the many worries in his life, about the many unpleasant aspects of his life, exclaims: “Oh, if only I could become a child again!” This is the dream of many people. They want not so much to free themselves from their many worries, but rather to feel the joy of life, because everyday worries have forgotten how people can enjoy life and feel happy.
A special meditation, which can be called “Joy of Life,” helps an adult return to the wonderful worldviews of childhood and learn to enjoy life again.
The “Joy of Life” meditation is performed as follows.
Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
Imagine a sunny, bright blue sky. It's the end of May and it has just rained. The air is clear and fresh.
We happily look at the beautiful sky, at the branches of trees with young leaves. There are still drops of rain hanging on the flowers. We touch these drops with our lips and feel their taste. How you want to spread your arms, throw back your head, and, pushing off from the ground, fly over the wet meadow with a laugh of joy and happiness.
Let's take off! And we bathe in the gentle light of the sun. We're landing. Let's stand up straight. Above us is the condensing sunlight, a cloud of sparkling golden solar energy, very subtle, gentle, loving. Let it thicken even more over your head.
Let's open up to her! Let us desire to merge with her with our whole being, let us allow her to fill our body. We feel how it flows into the head from above.
Therapeutic effect:
tones the body's defenses;
strengthens the nervous system;
increases vitality.

Creating positive character traits

A person’s thoughts, feelings and actions are interconnected: physical action is accompanied by certain emotions and thoughts and, conversely, thoughts and emotions cause certain actions or a corresponding body position and facial expression.

An independent appearance, straightened shoulders lead to an uplift of spirit and vigor, a depressed appearance and drooping shoulders lead to a depressed state. To correct your character, you need not only to do special exercises - meditate, but also, as preliminary measures before starting meditation, to harmonize thoughts, emotions and actions, directing them towards a specific goal.
Let's say you have weak willpower and are timid. Your first step will be to direct your actions, feelings and thoughts towards one goal.
raise your head,
straighten your shoulders
speak loudly, clearly, slowly,
look into the eyes of your interlocutor. Feelings:
try to feel strong and determined.
Imagine yourself as a determined, energetic, self-confident person.
Confident gestures will evoke corresponding emotions, which, in turn, will influence the course of thoughts. In turn, the content of thoughts will be strengthened by emotions, which will affect actions, actions, and change appearance.
Thus, each element of the chain of action is decisive and self-confident.
We add the influence of emotions and actions to the work of thought, taking into account the relationship of the chain of thoughts - emotions - actions:
simultaneously with pronouncing phrases, we mentally imagine what we want (we imagine that we already have the desired quality);
then, in the process of pronouncing phrases, we give the mental image an emotional coloring (we try to evoke in ourselves the feeling that a person with the corresponding quality experiences).
Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;

Getting rid of the habit of negative thinking and cultivating optimism

Be optimistic and avoid gloomy thoughts, remembering that as our thoughts are, so is our position in this world. Gloomy negative thoughts attract people with the same thoughts to us and attract corresponding circumstances.
People who have the habit of thinking gloomily refer to concerns about their safety and the safety of their loved ones, about their financial situation.
Regarding your safety, you need to tell yourself the following:
“I trust my higher self, it not only leads me along the path of spiritual growth, but also provides me with complete security in this life.”
And in fact, when a person loves himself and, being in a state of inner freedom, opens up to joy, peace, healing, life circumstances develop in such a way that the described situations are excluded.
If you are afraid of being unemployed or homeless, remind yourself that any negative circumstances for you are generated by your negative inner beliefs.
It is within your power to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, and in this case, circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not be left without work and without a home.
If you are worried about the problem of your financial support, you need to tell yourself that this problem can be solved. You need to allow yourself to allow wealth into your life, using positive statements like:
“Every day my income is increasing and increasing.”
To get rid of the habit of negative thinking, choose any image that pleases you, with which you can replace negative thoughts at any time. It could be a beautiful landscape, a bouquet of flowers, a view of a beautiful lake, etc.
When a dark, negative thought appears, say to yourself:
“I won’t think about this anymore. It’s more pleasant for me to think about a bouquet of flowers, about a beautiful landscape” - and let the said image appear before your inner gaze.
Don't worry about getting old. And in old age, a person will feel excellent if he removes negative attitudes (and in particular, negative attitudes about the fact that old age is necessarily accompanied by weakness, infirmity, and illness) and replaces them with positive statements, and loves himself.
Don't be afraid of death:
firstly, death does not have to take place in some painful state in accordance with a person’s positive worldview (positive attitude towards oneself and other people);
secondly, our existence does not end with this life on Earth, and at the next reincarnation we will appear on this planet again.
strengthens the nervous system; mobilizes the body's defenses.

Therapeutic effect:
increases vitality;
tones up defenses;
strengthens the nervous system.

Showing kindness, gentleness and tolerance towards yourself

Kindness, gentleness and tolerance towards yourself are especially necessary during that period of your life when you are learning new methods or systems of healing that include such a factor as changing yourself.

And changing is not so easy for a person. Most people believe that changing is easy, meaning others, but when they begin to change themselves with the help of any healing system, they often find themselves for some time in a state that can be called transitional, when a person hesitates, rushes between old and new.
Sometimes during this period you can hear a person justify his rush from what was to what should be:
“I keep wondering if this system has benefited me. After all, it has been around for a long time, and I don’t see many people doing it.”
He most likely understands that if a system has existed for a long time, this does not mean that many people should be involved in it (a person must be ready for this system, must grow to the realization that he needs this system).

He's just trying to find a trick to stretch out the transition period a little (the most important thing is that this stretching is not long).
And this is a completely normal and natural process, characteristic of learning something new or changing oneself. Therefore, do not scold yourself, show yourself kindness and gentleness during this transition period - anyway, if you have a desire to change, after a short transition period you will begin to change.

Show not only tolerance towards yourself, but also a certain patience necessary when using means of working on yourself.
If we consider positive statements from this point of view, we must point out, firstly, that positive statements will not have an effect if they are said 2-3 times. This is not enough, because any change requires a long and often continuous (meaning periodic with one or another time interval) action of a certain method. Positive affirmations need to be said over a long period of time.
Secondly, what you do in between repetitions of positive statements is also important, and in these intervals you need to maintain a certain positive internal atmosphere - you need to praise yourself for the slightest achievements in the process of change.
Therapeutic effect:
tones up defenses;
heals the nervous system;
increases vitality.


Choose melodic, beautiful music. Turn on the tape recorder. Lie down on the floor, relax.
Breathe rhythmically (full yogic inhalation and full yogic exhalation of the same duration, say, 8 pulses each, and the duration of breath holds after inhalation and exhalation is half as long as
duration of inhalation and exhalation, that is, 4 pulses each). It is best to take the same body position as in Savasana and relax in the same way as in Savasana. Don't try to understand the music, perceive it with your whole body and soul, accept it completely, unconditionally, allow it to penetrate freely within you; try to succumb to it and merge with it, gradually dissolving yourself in its sound. Therapeutic effect:
raises vitality;
strengthens the nervous system.

Communication with nature

Spend as much time as possible in nature. The best thing is if it happens every day, at least for a few minutes (in the forest, in the park, or at least in the public garden). At the same time, try to reveal your sensitivity to the life around you, trying to understand internally why and how flowers open, birds sing, insects fly and crawl, trees sway, taking part in all this, so to speak, by deepening and concentrating your thoughts. Such quiet time in the fresh air will not only improve your physical appearance, but will gradually develop inner strength, calmness, and balance in you.

When you have mastered this meditation exercise (it doesn't take much - 3-4 outings in nature), you will be ready to master the next exercise, a wonderful exercise that will greatly illuminate and enrich your life. Let's call this exercise “Love of the Elements.” It will teach you to love, to enjoy, to feel fully every mood of the elements - to be receptive to them and aware of them; and this means it will increase the joy of life in this world.

The technique is the same as in the first exercise, that is, having chosen one of the elements (for example, rain), we will turn all our attention only to this element. Think only about rain, think about why it appeared and why it is needed, and then think that if nature needs it, then you need it too. This rain, no matter what it is (warm or cold), is pleasant to you and gives you a surge of strength. This exercise increases our energy and enriches the soul (a fact recognized by many talented artists who instinctively turned to the elements, even to the storm, to renew and replenish their spiritual strength).

Therapeutic effect:
strengthens the nervous system,
improves the cardiovascular system.

Beautiful appearance

Good appearance (good condition of hair and skin, as well as beautiful clothes) and positive thinking are interconnected for most people on Earth. A good mood and positive thoughts improve the condition of the hair and skin of the body, stimulate the desire to please people and dress beautifully. And vice versa, beautiful clothes and good body condition lift your mood, often make it festive, and raise the level of positive thinking. That is why it is so important, under any conditions and under any circumstances of life, not to give up, but to try to dress well all the time and maintain the good condition of your hair and facial skin. This delays aging and has a rejuvenating effect through maintaining positive thinking (in addition to the fact that beautiful clothes and products for maintaining good condition of hair and facial skin directly, visually, so to speak, rejuvenate a person).

First about clothes. Beys experience a feeling of moral and spiritual uplift by dressing in fashionable and beautiful clothes - a wonderful habit that should be maintained all the time (if, of course, there are conditions for this). A person wearing beautiful clothes changes his posture (the spine tends to straighten) and gait. Not only ease of movement appears, but also self-confidence.

It is advisable not to wear old clothes. Clothing absorbs elements of our mental emanation and becomes saturated with them over time. Whoever wears old clothes enters the atmosphere of emanation that was once absorbed by these clothes, and feels the echoes of old moods and sorrows, worries and troubles. New clothes free our psyche and give it lightness. It is like a fresh shell of our body, not yet impregnated with the mental emanation of many days. You should not even keep clothes that you wore during a happy time for you. Wearing old clothes to save money means putting on old outdated parts of the past and wasting your energy unproductively. Even snakes from “economy” do not crawl into old skin. Nature does not recognize old clothes, does not skimp on feathers, furs, and paints.

Intuition makes people wear certain clothes on certain occasions, leaving everyday thoughts at home with everyday clothes. Each profession should have its own special elegant dress, putting on which people would be in the mood appropriate for this occupation without unnecessary expenditure of energy. In all religions, the priest wears a special priestly robe intended for a specific service, and does not wear it at other times to protect his “aura” from base thoughts. If the priest constantly wore it, then all the bad moods and troubles of his everyday life would penetrate into the sacred robe.

Most people in their early youth neglect the toilet, dressing in dark and unfashionable clothes. This is the beginning of dying. These people give up morally and quickly enter old age.

Everyone experiences a feeling of moral and spiritual uplift when wearing fashionable and beautiful clothes. The habit of wearing fashionable and beautiful clothes is wonderful (if there are, of course, conditions for this), since it affects not only morally and spiritually, but also makes a person beautiful; posture and gait become beautiful and confident in accordance with the clothes.

Ancient yoga instructions for skin care include the following procedure:
“Cut a lemon into two halves and, sitting in a comfortable position with your legs crossed, rub them on your elbows, and this will eliminate the roughness of the skin. Rinse and
rub them with vegetable oil. Do the same with your knees and neck. Flatten half a lemon and rub it under your chin in an up and down motion. Then rub the body with vegetable oil.”
Rubbing with vegetable oil (you can call this procedure “rinsing”, because vegetable oil cleanses the skin well; it’s not for nothing that vegetable oil even removes paint from the skin) is best done after a warm bath or shower, when the pores of the skin open. The oil is rubbed in generously (heated, but not to the point of being hot) and the rubbing ends with complete relaxation. You can use any vegetable oil, but olive oil is best.
You need to make masks periodically (once every 2-3 weeks). Masks are not an invention of modern cosmetics. Many thousands of years ago, Egyptian and Greek women applied various masks to their faces to keep their skin young and fresh. The effect of the mask is that it causes an increased flow of blood to the skin tissues, after which they become elastic, the muscles become elastic, the pores begin to intensively secrete the products of the skin glands, the skin becomes fresh and young.

The best effect can be achieved by applying the mask in the evening before bed. It should not be left overnight; after some time, the mask should be washed off. Before applying the mask, thoroughly cleanse the skin of dust and sweat, best using compresses alternating hot and cold water. Skin with increased sensitivity should be smeared with a rich cream before doing this. Place the mask on your face, lie down comfortably and relax. This is necessary even if you have very little time. There will be no effect if you put on a mask and walk around the apartment and do housework. You should use a certain mask as long as it has a good effect. In general, it is recommended to change the composition of masks from time to time. Here are some mask recipes that you should use.
A mask made from one large potato, boiled in a small amount of milk, instantly removes signs of fatigue on the face and smoothes out wrinkles. When the resulting liquid porridge has cooled, it should be applied to the face.
A cucumber mask heals the skin, smoothes it, narrows enlarged pores, and whitens; Recommended for aging and tired skin. Grate a juicy cucumber, place the pulp on a piece of gauze and cover your face with it.
A carrot mask is especially effective for pale, aging skin, as well as for oily skin covered with acne. Grate a large juicy carrot, put the pulp on gauze, and apply to your face.

Positive attitude and positive thinking through the work process
The state of the body depends on the style of work, on the attitude towards work and on the internal state during work; for work done without interest, without love, causes a person to experience physical and mental fatigue and dissatisfaction.

Any job can be made interesting. Firstly, you can use elements of role-playing training: play some role when performing work. Imagine yourself as an inventor putting your invention to work, or imagine what is being done
order for a loved one, etc.
Secondly, you can use the meditation method in your work.

The technique for performing work as meditation is as follows:
Do full yoga breathing for 3-5 minutes. Imagine that with an exhalation you are throwing away all your gloomy thoughts about both life and work;
you will feel relief - and get to work;
discarding all other thoughts, turn your attention to the pleasure that work can and does give. And gradually this pleasure will grow and eventually become a habit.

Therapeutic effect:
raises vitality;
strengthens the nervous system.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

First of all, you need to learn to control the desires of your body. Don't let your body's negative desires influence and confuse your mind. If you really think that your body's desire (lust, desire to eat, laziness, etc.) is negative at the moment and satisfying this desire will harm you, drop this desire. The body is stupid and at the same time susceptible to guidance from the brain. So let your mind dictate its decisions to your body, otherwise the opposite will happen: your body will control your mind - and then your life will be made up of illnesses and slavery. When you learn to control the desires of your body, it will be easier for you to move on to controlling your thoughts, namely replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. As soon as negative thoughts come into your head (wishing harm on someone, thoughts associated with anxiety, fear, envy, etc.), immediately replace them with positive ones of the opposite nature.

We must firmly understand and remember that negative thoughts are destructive thoughts that cripple and poison the mind and soul, leading to internal moral emptiness and failures in life. Moreover, negative thoughts associated with prolonged anxiety slowly but steadily lead to “intoxication” of the body, and negative thoughts associated with fear and anger quickly lead to intoxication. In both cases, at a corresponding rate, a person gets a health disorder or illness.

After some time, when you have already acquired a stable skill of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, negative thoughts will arise less and less, and positive ones will appear more and more often. This process is greatly helped by a positive daily attitude, which in itself is very important: it positively tones the psyche and gives a good mood. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, inspire yourself that you are happy, confident, lucky, and the world around you is beautiful; the people around you are good and full of merit. You are ready to forgive their shortcomings and you are ready to love them.

Therapeutic effect:
heals all body systems.

Inner smile

In the morning you need to choose a time for a positive attitude for the whole day. Before the morning set of exercises, you need to enter a state of inner smile.

This is done as follows:
sit comfortably, relax your lower jaw and open your mouth slightly;
start breathing, but not deeply. Let the body breathe, then the breathing will become shallow. When you feel that your breathing has become shallow, your body becomes deeply relaxed;
at this moment try to feel a smile, but not on your face, but inside. This is not the smile that plays on the lips, but an internal smile, a smile that penetrates you from the inside.

Try it and see for yourself, because it is impossible to explain. As if you are smiling not with your mouth, but with your stomach, the smile will be soft, barely perceptible, like a rose flower blooming in your stomach and exuding its aroma throughout your body.

Once you experience this smile, you will be able to remain happy throughout the day.
During the day, when you feel that the pleasant feeling of a smile and along with it a good mood are leaving, try to catch this inner smile again.
Before you leave home for work, you need to set yourself up for calm, measured activity throughout the day. At the same time, remember once again the basic rules of behavior when performing any work:
do not rush - haste has a detrimental effect on both the results of work and the psyche;
consistently do one thing after another. Therapeutic effect:
improves mood;
strengthens the nervous system.

Energizing thoughts and a smile

Every day, from the very morning, our brain should receive impulses in the form of thoughts that can influence our internal mood and the tone of our mental and creative activity throughout the day. After all, the nature of the course of all our neuropsychic processes and, what is very important, the optimal level of our emotional reactions to various stimuli largely depends on the mood. The nature of our behavior in the family, in the team, in the social environment largely depends on the prevailing thought-emotional mood in our consciousness.

You need to have a certain set of tonic thoughts. The set of words may be different for different people, but the meaning should be the same:
For example, the following set of tonic thoughts can be used:
"I'm happy. I face any difficulties with a smile. I will be alert and energetic throughout the day.”

The time for a positive tonic mood is the first minutes after waking up from sleep.

A smile is used as a positive attitude. If your face is unsmiling and unsmiling has become a habit, you should practice smiling every morning in front of the mirror, creating a friendly facial expression, because a friendly facial expression excites the centers of positive emotions and puts you in a good mood. A person with a natural, friendly smile himself gains vigor and cheerfulness, and improves the mood of those around him.

You need to pay attention to the expression on your face and not allow a boring, gloomy, dissatisfied expression on your face, since such an expression is not so harmless: people with a dissatisfied face are like a sieve - all the phenomena of life are sifted through their consciousness, good things slip through without stopping, but the bad remains and is fixed, continuing to form a quarrelsome character.
In everyday life, a smile, as a rule, evokes a smile and a corresponding mood among others, creating an atmosphere for friendly or business communication. A radiant smile helps kindly
treat the people you communicate with and avoid critical situations that can ruin your mood.

A smile is a trigger for a feeling of joy, a joyful attitude, and joy, in turn, is a background that tunes the psyche in a life-affirming way. A joyfully disposed person is transformed. His heart sounds more cheerful, his eyes radiate kindness, his movements become more expressive, and his flight of thoughts becomes more directed. Such a person’s perception of art and the beauty of nature becomes more acute, relationships with others improve, and creative activity becomes more fruitful.

Tsybulina Anastasia Sergeevna

N. Amosov

Emotions– one of the important aspects of educational activities. Emotions have a strong influence on all components of the educational process: on efficiency, on the cognitive activity of students. Emotions are the real psychological fuel for growth, development and activity. It is important to emphasize that positive emotions have a positive influence, and negative ones have a negative influence. In this regard, interest in creating positive emotional states in students has seriously increased in world psychology. A number of researchers believe that students' emotional quotient is more important than their intellectual quotient.

Project problem: How do emotions affect our health? Do positive emotions improve performance? And what will help lift or maintain a good mood? I will try to answer these questions.





Project Manager:



  1. Statistical data.
  1. Conclusions and reflection.
  1. Literature.


Four conditions are equally necessary for health: physical activity, dietary restrictions, hardening,

time and ability to rest. And fifth - happy life!

N. Amosov


Project problem

Objective of the project

Project product

Theories of the emergence of emotions.

The influence of positive and negative emotions on human immunity.


Studying the influence of emotions on human health, doctors have found that when a person laughs, blood flow to the brain increases, and gray matter cells receive more oxygen. A certain “biochemical encouragement” occurs, which eliminates fatigue, cleanses the upper respiratory tract and improves blood circulation in the vascular system, and the hormone of happiness is produced. And the endocrine glands begin to produce substances that relieve headaches. Also

Scientists from the University of Saarland (Germany) conducted research on the effect of sports on human life expectancy, published in the publication “Circulation”. According to scientists, active physical activity prevents the shortening of telomeres - the DNA sequences that control the tips of chromosomes.

jealous jealousy guilt pity greedy

Statistical data.

  • When the teacher smiles

different age groups.


  • Sound impact.
  • Fact:
  • Serotonin deficiency
  • Help others.
  • Celebrate the successes of others.
  • Enjoy your meal.
  • Set goals.
  • Make new acquaintances.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Dress well.
  • Give compliments.
  • Smile.
  • Take action.
  • Dream.
  • Conclusions.

    1. Doctors have discovered that sincere laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, dopamine, and the neurotransmitters serotonin. The same one that, according to Russian scientists, prolongs life.
    2. Thus, active sports prevent cell aging, and this, in turn, prolongs the life of the human body.

    Reflection: While working on the project, I discovered a lot of new and useful information about the influence of emotional states on human health and longevity, which will help me and my peers draw the right conclusions about maintaining our own health and prolonging longevity. I learned to collect statistical data on this topic and draw conclusions based on them. I was happy to make a presentation for my project. I hope that my project product in the form of useful recommendations will be useful to other teenagers, as well as their teachers. The defense of this project was carried out at a lesson-conference on the topic: “Study of the influence of various factors on human ontogenesis.” I will speak on the same topic of the project on February 8 at a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of Russian Science.


    1. Amosov N.M. Thoughts about health. M.: "Globus", 1978.

    2. Shuvalova V.S. Student health and educational environment. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000

    3. Liu Huiying. Study of the theory of emotional intelligence / Liu Huiying // Materials of the international conference of young scientists of the humanities faculties of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University “Current problems of the humanities in the 21st century”. M.: MAKS Press, 2005.

    4. Liu Huiying. On the emergence of emotions during the study of certain

    classical approaches to the problem of emotions / Liu Huiying // “Modern Humanitarian Research”. M.: "Sputnik". No. 4 (17), 2007. ISSN 1012-9103.

    5. Liu Huiying. Study of the functions of emotions in the education of students /

    Financial support from Zhengzhou University, Project No. 2005-ZX-454. http:\\www2.\kyc\index.asp. 2005


    Municipal educational institution Buturlinovskaya secondary school No. 1

    Festival of student research and creative work


    Information and research project


    “How do emotions affect human health and longevity?”

    Tsybulina Anastasia Sergeevna is a student of the 11th grade of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, twice winner of the Grand Prix in the nomination “Success of my future profession” of the Moscow International Forum “Gifted Children” (2009,2010).

    Project Manager:

    Iskra Olga Yuryevna - Deputy Director of Municipal Educational Institution BSOS No. 1 for NMR, Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation.



    1. Introduction. Goals and objectives of the project.
    1. Review of literature sources on the influence of emotions on human health and longevity.
    1. Theories of the emergence of emotions.
    2. The influence of mood on the performance of staff and students.
    3. The influence of positive and negative emotions on human immunity.
    1. Statistical data.
    1. Project product - useful recommendations.
    1. Conclusions and reflection.
    1. Literature.


    Four conditions are equally necessary for health: physical activity, dietary restrictions, hardening,

    time and ability to rest. And fifth - happy life!

    N. Amosov

    Emotions – one of the important aspects of educational activities. Emotions have a strong influence on all components of the educational process: on efficiency, on the cognitive activity of students. Emotions are the real psychological fuel for growth, development and activity. It is important to emphasize that positive emotions have a positive influence, and negative ones have a negative influence. In this regard, interest in creating positive emotional states in students has seriously increased in world psychology. A number of researchers believe that students' emotional quotient is more important than their intellectual quotient.

    Project problem: How do emotions affect our health? Do positive emotions improve performance? And what will help lift or maintain a good mood? I will try to answer these questions.

    Objective of the project : explore the influence of positive and negative emotions on human health and longevity, collect statistical data on the topic, create a project product in the form of useful health-saving recommendations.

    Project product: useful recommendations that extend longevity and preserve human health.

    Theories of the emergence of emotions.

    Scientific views on the nature and essence of emotional manifestations are represented by two main directions.

    • The modern history of emotions begins with the appearance in 1884 of W. James’s article “What is Emotion?” W. James and, independently, G. Lange formulated a theory according to which the emergence of emotions is caused by changes both in the voluntary motor sphere and in the sphere of involuntary acts under the influence of external influences. The sensations associated with these changes are emotional experiences. According to James, “we are sad because we cry; we are afraid because we tremble; we rejoice because we laugh.” Thus, peripheral organic changes, which were usually considered as a consequence of emotions, became their cause. From this, a simplified interpretation of the voluntary regulation of emotions becomes clear - it was believed that unwanted emotions, such as grief, can be suppressed if one deliberately performs actions characteristic of achieving positive emotions. The James-Lange concept raised a number of objections. The main points of criticism were expressed by W. Cannon, who drew attention to the fact that the bodily reactions that arise during various emotions are very similar to each other and as such are not sufficient to satisfactorily explain the qualitative diversity of human emotions. In addition, organic changes artificially induced in humans are not always accompanied by emotional experiences.
    • Having published the book “The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals” in 1872, Charles Darwin showed the evolutionary path of development of emotions and substantiated the origin of their physiological manifestations. The essence of his evolutionary theory of the emergence and development of emotions is that emotions are either useful or are only remnants (rudiments) of various appropriate reactions that were developed during the process of evolution in the struggle for existence. An angry person blushes, breathes heavily and clenches his fists because in primitive history, any anger led people to a fight, and this required vigorous muscle contractions and, therefore, increased breathing and blood circulation, ensuring muscle work. He explained the sweating of hands in fear by the fact that in the ape-like ancestors of humans, this reaction in case of danger made it easier to grab tree branches.Thus, Darwin proved that in the development and manifestation of emotions there is no impassable gap between humans and animals. In particular, he showed that anthropoids and children born blind have much in common in the external expression of emotions.
    • The “associative” theory of W. Wundt (1880) provided, to some extent, for the influence of ideas on feelings, and, on the other hand, characterized emotions as internal changes characterized by the direct influence of feelings on the course of ideas. Wundt considers “bodily” reactions only as a consequence of feelings. According to Wundt, facial expressions arose initially in connection with elementary sensations, as a reflection of the emotional tone of sensations; higher, more complex feelings (emotions) developed later. When an emotion arises in a person’s consciousness, it each time evokes by association a lower feeling or sensation that is similar in content to it, which causes those facial movements that correspond to the emotional tone of the sensations. For example, facial expressions of contempt (pushing the lower lip forward) are similar to the movement that accompanies spitting out something unpleasant that has fallen into a person’s mouth.

    The influence of mood on students' performance.

    Have you ever thought about how your mood affects your work, the work of your classmates or the staff at your school?

    Let’s imagine that in the morning you got up 5 minutes later than usual, at night you had a bad dream, at breakfast you put a stain on your snow-white blouse, but there is no time to change clothes, you run to school / work, are late, enter class angry and depressed... And that’s all ? Are you really not fulfilling yourself today as a diligent student or an experienced teacher?!

    Does a bad mood really make our day gloomy and reduce our productivity? After all, some people achieve amazing results by working in a state of nervous tension. And others manage to calm down and get rid of a bad mood by settling into their workplace, checking mail and performing other routine procedures. But there are only a few of them, the majority cannot get out of the whirlpool of morning irritation and anger, and, of course, this state directly affects their work. But how?

    And this fact cannot be ignored. On the contrary, educational institutions should think about how to improve the mood of students and staff in the morning. Many will say that this is a “trifle”. But this problem is still worth paying attention to, because this “inconspicuous little thing” seriously affects the results of the work of the entire team.For example, in the educational institution where I study, it has become a tradition to conduct light morning exercises in classes. Thanks to morning exercises, blood circulation is normalized, and the student’s body wakes up; along with the blood, the brain is enriched with oxygen and the energy it needs for mental activity.Observations have shown that students perform their duties more thoroughly and attentively when they are in a good mood. But a good mood does not in any way encourage one to work more productively - the number of exercises and learned paragraphs processed by “happy” people has not increased. The effect of negative mood is a little different. Students in a bad mood do less exercise and pay less attention to their work in general.

    The influence of positive and negative emotions on human immunity.

    In Western medical science, there has historically been a tradition of isolating a specific part of the body and considering it separately. The English words “science” and “scissors” come from the same root. Both words are associated with the concept of cutting something into pieces. Today, the leading direction is the study of the mechanisms of interaction between these parts. For example, mood and the immune system were until recently viewed as completely independent components. They are now considered interconnected parts of a larger system. Thanks to this discovery, a new branch of medicine emerged called psychoneuroimmunology. Today, connections between mood and intellectual abilities are also visible.

    • How does mood affect immunity?

    Medical professionals have long known that optimism helps patients overcome illness. For example, by observing people with HIV infection, scientists have found a relationship between an optimistic attitude, later development of symptoms and longer life expectancy.

    What explains the connection between optimism and disease resistance? From a practical point of view, optimistic patients can cope better with their illness by more accurately following doctors' orders. However, mood also has a direct impact on the immune system. Experiments have shown that an optimistic attitude increases the level of lymphocytes in the blood, namely natural killer cells and auxiliary T-lymphocytes. A depressed state, on the contrary, reduces the number of these cells and thus reduces the body's resistance to infections and diseases.

    Another psychological condition that affects the immune system is stress. In our chronically stressed society, the connection between chronic stress and viral infections such as the common cold is undeniable. For example, the main percentage of colds among students occurs during the exam period. Why? The answer to this question can be found in the blood. It turned out that among medical students the level of lymphocytes in the blood during the session is significantly reduced compared to the usual state. However, there are nuances here. First-year students, who had not yet lost their optimism, had an increased level of lymphocytes compared to other students.

    Having a positive outlook on life can help older adults cope with age-related declines in the effectiveness of the immune system. Other adults with a strong sense of subjective competence (coherence), which is an individual's ability to engage in planned and coordinated activities aimed at managing the course of events, were distinguished by good health and increased activity of killer cells. Their scores were above average for people in this age group. In a recent study, researchers measured the level of subjective competence in thirty healthy older adults who were moving to a new home. Moving is a source of stress for any person, but in people with elevated levels of CK, the immune system suffered minimal damage.

    • Laughter + exercise = longevity.
    • Emotions as a factor in deteriorating health.

    An interesting study was conducted by an Austrian psychologist who observed two thousand volunteers for five years. During the study, he was able to identify the most harmful emotions for health. And so, the results of the study showed that people who envy other people's successes, the risk of a heart attack is two and a half times higher. Having a feeling jealousy leads to hormonal disorders. Moreover, first of all, the production of sex hormones, testosterone, decreases, which is the cause of male impotence. Feeling guilt makes colds more frequent, increases susceptibility to infections, and increases the risk of developing cancer. A pity causes liver diseases. In addition, those who feel sorry for themselves increase the production of the hormone of weakness, decrease blood sugar, and may have problems with eating. Greedy people suffer from digestive disorders more often than others.

    Statistical data.

    The dependence of students’ emotional states on the teacher’s behavior in the classroom.

    • When the teacher smiles, 80% of students feel joy. 5% of students have an indifferent attitude towards a positive teacher.
    • When the teacher walks around the classroom,30% of students feel calm.
    • When the teacher has a pleasant voice,80% of students feel a sense of joy.
    • When the teacher encourages “me”, p20% of students experience hell, and 60% feel calm.

    Processing of the results showed: the emotional states of students depend, first of all, on the character of the teacher (smiling, angry),

    Secondly, from the atmosphere that the teacher creates in the lesson,

    Thirdly, what language do teachers use (with humor, with a pleasant voice or strictly, etc.),

    Fourthly, from teaching methods (reward, punishment).

    Conclusion: The emotional states of teachers and students are interconnected and influence the educational process.

    Emotional and psychological well-being of students

    different age groups.

    The insufficient development of the mental sphere of children, the characteristics of their individual temperament, the type of nervous system lead to the fact that reactions to events often manifest themselves in the form of negative emotions and neurotic states.

    How do schoolchildren or their parents characterize their mental well-being? For approximately every second schoolchild, it is usually close to normal. The other half is divided into two parts: one is subject to sudden changes in mood; the other is constantly either in extreme excitement or in a depressed state.

    With age, the distribution of schoolchildren by levels of mental well-being changes. More often than others, children aged 7-8 years, who are at the very beginning of their school journey (70% of the total), fall into the “relative norm” group. However, by the end of the 1st year of study, the proportion of students with normal mental well-being decreases to 50%; the proportion of students who are characterized by an excited state increases by 1.5 times; Children are twice as likely to be susceptible to sudden mood swings. Some stabilization of mental well-being is observed in students aged 10-11 years. Another period of quantitative and qualitative changes in the parameters of mental health of schoolchildren is the age of 15-17 years: every second high school student experiences deviations from the norm (sharp changes in mood, excited or depressed state). Every third schoolchild and his parents believe that during their studies the mental well-being of a student - a child, a teenager, a young man - significantly deteriorates.On average, students' positive and negative emotions at school are almost balanced. However, they are often caused by different events and affect each child individually. If you happen to experience an unpleasant situation that you did not expect: 5% of schoolchildren, in their own opinion, do not react in any way, which indicates high mental stability; In 55%, the mood deteriorates, but the reaction occurs with a low (unnoticeable) output of emotions. 22% of schoolchildren experience deterioration in mood, irritability, noticeable to others (moderate long-term reaction); 13% of students in this situation experience a state of affect (a strong but short-term reaction); 5% of schoolchildren are subject to strong, prolonged mental experiences, turning into a state of depression and even despair. The catalyst for mental processes in children is success and failure at school. Reacting to an unexpected situation allows you to discover what is hidden in everyday life: mental stability, the activity of emotions, the duration of the reaction.

    To the question: “Are you often haunted by failures at school?”- 27% of students responded positively; 22% of parents confirmed this reaction. Losers more among students aged 11 and 15 years (up to 50%). In addition to a “bad grade,” which is assessed by the majority of respondents as grief, “teacher injustice” (17%) and “difficulties in learning the subject” (12%) are perceived in a similar way. “Homework”, “unloved subjects”, “a grade that is not deserved” are disgusted by 39, 31, 16%, respectively. Children experience both fear of “grades” and contacts with the teacher, as well as shame for the “wrong answer” (28%) and the situation “when everyone is doing well, but I’m doing poorly” (17%). On average, negative emotions occur in 92% of students.

    Any mental state of children needs management, support and correction from adults. Students aged 7-11 years are completely unable to control their emotions: they experience a state of passion more often than others (up to 20%). experience fear and anxiety. It is necessary to teach them to cope with their emotions and not throw them out on others. Teenagers aged 14-15 years are more likely to be in a bad mood that they cannot hide (on average, every third). They need regular support and training on how to cope with irritability, what ways to protect themselves from strong arousal (about 40%), how to prevent self-criticism from turning into self-deprecation (about a third). Older students, in addition to anxiety and bad mood, feel an inexplicable feeling of fear and a feeling of general depression. They need specific help in choosing practical ways to overcome a mental crisis.

    If you make exercise a daily habit, you can insure yourself against a depressed state. A good mood after fitness lasts up to 12 hours. To maintain a good mood, we need 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, and so on at least five days a week.
  • Sound impact.It has been experimentally proven that the sound range of classical music has a powerful harmonizing effect on the body. But you can also use rhythmic compositions by modern composers, as well as sounds of nature (the sound of water, birdsong, etc.). Listen more often to what you like, what does not leave you indifferent.
  • Fact: Exposure to wildlife, whether it's a walk around town, playing with pets, or just smelling a flower, is sure to lift your spirits.
  • Potently protective against depressionhas any hobby or creativity. When a person creates something and gets the expected result, he experiences a release of joy hormones (endorphins), which very reliably protect against all types of depression.
  • Serotonin deficiency, for example, caused by a decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain is one of the factors in the formation of depressive states and severe forms of migraine. Therefore, do not exclude bananas, plums, figs, and dark chocolate from your diet, which promote the biosynthesis of serotonin and often improve your mood.
  • Focus on your successes.The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. By focusing on your success, you experience satisfaction and joy.
  • Help others.Helping others is a great way to lift your spirits and improve your opinion of yourself.
  • Celebrate the successes of others.Celebrating someone else's success is sometimes more enjoyable than celebrating your own achievements.
  • Enjoy your meal.Food is wonderful because it touches all five of your senses. Sometimes your mood can be saved by delicious food and unusual table settings.
  • Set goals.When you have clear goals, your life becomes more meaningful. This means you simply have no time to waste time on sadness.
  • Make new acquaintances.People are sociable creatures. There is nothing more pleasant than making new acquaintances.
  • Reconnect with an old friend.Take time to contact an old friend you've been wanting to see for a long time, but couldn't find the right time. Making memories together will certainly lift your spirit.
  • Spend time with friends and family.A person experiences the most acute feeling of love and happiness when he is in the circle of close people.
  • Forgive yourself. Every person is inclined to feel guilty about something. Try to forgive yourself. Better yet, visit the temple. Only then will you feel spiritual freedom and an undoubtedly wonderful mood.
  • Dress well.Your clothes reflect what's inside of you. It can have both good and bad effects on your emotional state.
  • Give compliments.Having made a person happy, you yourself will feel a surge of joy.
  • Smile. There is an inverse relationship between your physiology and psychology. When you are in a good mood, you smile, and vice versa, if you smile, you will be in a good mood.
  • Take action. Progress towards your goal gives you the opportunity to feel satisfied.
  • Dream. A common cause of depression is lack of sleep. Try to go to bed earlier or take a nap during the day. After all, sleep is the best medicine, including for a bad mood.
  • Conclusions.

    1. In the process of research, it turned out that both good and bad moods have an impact on a person’s work efficiency, but good moods have a stronger effect. The mood you bring with you to work/school has a much greater impact on the overall mood of your day than the events that happen in the workplace.
    2. Experiments have shown that an optimistic attitude increases the level of lymphocytes in the blood, namely natural killer cells and helper T lymphocytes. A depressed state, on the contrary, reduces the number of these cells and thus reduces the body's resistance to infections and diseases.
    3. Having a positive outlook on life can help older adults cope with age-related declines in the effectiveness of the immune system.
    4. Processing of the results showed: the emotional states of students depend, first of all, on the character of the teacher (smiling, angry), secondly, on the atmosphere that the teacher creates in the lesson, thirdly, what language the teachers use (with humor, with pleasant voice or strictly, etc.), fourthly, on teaching methods (reward, punishment).
    5. The emotional states of teachers and students are interconnected and influence the educational process.
    6. On average, students' positive and negative emotions at school are almost balanced. However, they are often caused by different events and affect each child individually. The catalyst for mental processes in children is success and failure at school. Reacting to an unexpected situation allows you to discover what is hidden in everyday life: mental stability, the activity of emotions, the duration of the reaction.
    7. Any mental state of children needs management, support and correction from adults.
    8. Pupils aged 7-11 years old must be taught to cope with their emotions and not throw them out on others.
    9. Adolescents aged 14-15 more often need regular support and training on how to cope with irritability, what ways to protect themselves from strong arousal (about 40%), how to prevent self-criticism from turning into self-deprecation (about a third).
    10. Older students need specific help in choosing practical ways to overcome a mental crisis.
    11. Emotions are the real psychological fuel for growth, development and activity.
    12. Doctors have discovered that sincere laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, dopamine, and the neurotransmitters serotonin. The same one that, according to Russian scientists, prolongs life.
    13. Thus, active sports prevent cell aging, and this, in turn, prolongs the life of the human body.
    14. Envy, jealousy, guilt, greed, pity– increase the risk of cancer, heart attack, and also lead to hormonal disorders.

    Reflection: While working on the project, I discovered a lot of new and useful information about the influence of emotional states on human health and longevity, which will help me and my peers draw the right conclusions about maintaining our own health and prolonging longevity. I learned to collect statistical data on this topic and draw conclusions based on them. I was happy to make a presentation for my project. I hope that my project product in the form of useful recommendations will be useful to other teenagers, as well as their teachers. The defense of this project was carried out at a lesson-conference

    Scientists have found that the human brain operates at only 3-10% of its capacity. However, our brain is capable of receiving and processing information at a higher level. According to scientists, under normal conditions the brain uses only 3% of its potential, but as a result of performing a large amount of work, painstaking work or lack of time, the productivity of the brain increases from 3 to 10%. If an emergency situation arises, brain activity increases tenfold. As a result, a person, without realizing it, performs actions that are not characteristic of him in ordinary life. For example, if a dog is chasing him, he jumps over a high fence, and then wonders how he was able to overcome such a height

    A person’s performance is directly related to his brain activity, so the level of performance is also constantly changing. For example, yesterday you dealt with a lot of urgent matters, but today you are distracted by everything - conversations of colleagues, noise in the corridor, an uncomfortable chair, pressing shoes, foreign odors. Sometimes nothing comes to mind at all because of personal problems. What to do? Don’t create an emergency situation every time.

    We will talk about how to increase your performance and improve the productivity of brain activity in today’s article.

    Microclimate and ergonomics of the workplace

    A comfortable microclimate is the appropriate air temperature, surface temperature, humidity and air speed, and thermal radiation. The employer must control all this by conducting workplace certification. However, the microclimate often depends on us.

    Sit down at your workplace and observe what annoys you and distracts you from work. Bad light or cigarette smoke? Someone's tart perfume, a cluttered table or an uncomfortable chair? Let's try to figure it out.

    Armchair. You should choose the right office chairs and customize them to suit your parameters.

    Make sure your lower back is in contact with the back of the chair. The back of the chair should support your spine and your back muscles should be relaxed.

    The legs should be in contact with the floor, the knees should be bent at right angles. If this is not the case, adjust the chair.

    The chair must have strong armrests. Check them: lean on them with both hands, the armrests should not dangle.

    Adjust headrest according to your height.

    The wheels should glide easily on the floor, and the chair should move in any direction.

    After completing the chair settings, make sure that everything is fixed and the chair calmly supports the weight of your back.

    Our advice. When choosing a chair, choose ones that can be adjusted. Do not forget that the adjustment mechanisms will ensure comfort at work and the prevention of occupational diseases.

    If you are uncomfortable sitting in a fixed position (in a chair) for a long time, then opt for office chairs or, if you work at home, on a wide half-sofa.

    Monitor. The optimal distance between the eyes and the monitor is 1 meter. It is this distance that does not require the eyes to focus. If you place the monitor closer, the ciliary muscles located near the lens will tense and your eyes will get tired.

    Serviceability of furniture and equipment. Check to see if the work surface of the table is wobbly, if the lamps are flickering, if the light is falling correctly, if the floorboards are creaking, and if the office equipment is working well. If you are not happy with something, take action: contact your boss or the people responsible for this work. The more you suffer, the more your productivity drops.

    Order in the workplace. If you spend more than a minute looking for the paper you need, you have nowhere to put your coffee cup because the whole table is covered in documents, or you are re-searching for information you just learned (for example, calling the helpline again because the note with the phone number mysteriously disappeared ), order should be restored. A mess on the table, cluttered cabinets, drawers, boxes piled in the corner, dust, mold, dried flowers in pots are not at all conducive to working efficiency. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, in such conditions, positive Qi energy stagnates, and this leads to bad mood, nervousness, conflicts, etc.

    Get things in order. Place urgent documents in a visible place and file them in folders. Sort out your office supplies. Get rid of waste paper, and you will see that unnecessary paper takes up the lion's share of space. Go through the folders and magazines in the closet, determine which of these are time to be archived. If employees use your things, ask them to put everything in its place.

    Smells. Unpleasant odors, strong perfume aromas, cigarette smoke, and harmful industrial products can unsettle anyone. Ventilate the room more often, go out during your lunch break to breathe fresh air, use air fresheners. Most modern aerosols have annihilation properties, i.e. self-destruction upon contact with other odors. And most importantly, do not smoke in the workplace and demand this from your colleagues!

    Physical exercise

    A sedentary lifestyle one way or another leads to physical inactivity (it is also called the “disease of civilization”). With limited motor activity and a decrease in the strength of muscle contraction, the functions of the main body systems (musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive) are disrupted, pain in the muscles and joints occurs, it becomes more difficult to concentrate, and apathy appears.

    Don't overuse the elevator - take the stairs more. Try to walk 2–3 km every day. Attend fitness classes, physical therapy, and a swimming pool. Alternate mental stress with physical exercise - this improves your mood and increases your performance.

    Physical education minute

    If the organization does not provide for industrial gymnastics and you do not have the opportunity to do physical exercise without embarrassment, we offer you hidden exercises for the office.

    • Change your position frequently when working at your desk. Stretch with pleasure. Walk along the corridors.
    • For legs: lift your legs, stretch them, tense your muscles - extend your toes and pull them towards you.
    • For the buttocks and stomach: Pull your stomach in and tighten your buttocks.
    • For arms: Stretch your arms up and to the sides.
    • For the neck: tilt your head forward and back, as well as to the sides, as if you want to rest it on your shoulder. Place your hand on the top of your head, press down and, resisting the pressure, lift your head up. By the way, this is a good exercise against osteochondrosis. Repeat each exercise 10 times.
    • For the arms and pectoralis major:

    – While sitting at the table, grab the edge of the table and make a movement as if you are going to turn it over. Just don't really turn the table over! Do this movement for as many seconds as your physical fitness allows. Do the same exercise with your other hand.

    – Place your hand on the edge of the table and make an effort, as if you were pressing the table to the floor, preventing it from rising into the air.

    – You can combine two exercises: turn the table over with one hand, and press it to the floor with the other. Switch hands.

    • For legs and abs:

    – Sit on the edge of a chair, raise your straightened leg so that it does not touch the floor. The higher you manage to raise your leg, the more effective the exercise will be. Try to keep your leg straight. You can raise both legs at the same time, cross them and keep them elevated.

    – A more difficult exercise: sit on the edge of a chair, raise both legs, at the same time rest your hands on top of the table and stay in this position for a few seconds. If you practice, you will be able to hold your legs up for a minute. The exercise is useful because a whole group of muscles is involved: the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, legs, arms and the pectoralis major muscle.

    • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms, place your palms on your thighs. Lean slightly to the left and press down on your side with your left hand, creating resistance. There shouldn't be any movement. Hold for 3–7 seconds. Do the same exercise with the right side. Repeat 4-5 times for each side.

    Proper nutrition

    To maintain mental activity and performance, the body needs protein of animal or plant origin. Sugar improves performance for a very short time: it is quickly broken down in the body. But the sugar compound - starch - can increase mental performance for several hours, so it is useful to eat potatoes, beans, nuts, peas, brown bread, and rice.

    Nerve cells need to be nourished with nicotinic acid and B vitamins. Therefore, do not forget about fish, potatoes, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet porridge, eggs, wholemeal bread, and dairy products. Dried apricots and raisins also contribute to mental activity. Seeds and nuts help cope with fatigue that occurs during prolonged mental stress.

    If you need to increase your concentration, include in your menu dishes from squid, crabs, shrimp, and fresh onions - they improve blood supply to the brain.

    Cumin, ginger and carrots improve metabolism in the brain, thereby facilitating memorization. If you have to learn a large amount of material, eat a plate of grated carrots, seasoning it with caraway seeds and sour cream (sour cream is needed to better absorb healthy carotene).

    To improve performance, drinking plenty of fluids is beneficial. Pay attention to low-calorie kefir, yogurt, sorrel and rosehip tinctures. You can also make jam from rose hips.

    Psychological secrets

    Timing. Do you often have the feeling that the day has passed and you haven’t done anything major? Naturally, you didn’t sit idle: first one thing, then another, but for some reason you didn’t get anything at the end. It's time to use timing. Don’t be lazy, describe your entire working day. Write down what you did and how long it took. We drank morning coffee, visited the operative office, went into offices, made phone calls, visited the smoking room (so many times), read email, tidied up the table, read news on the Internet, looked for a contract that had disappeared somewhere, listened to a colleague who was no different brevity of ideas. Calculate how much time was spent on work and how much was wasted. Typically, the initial results of wasted time are 50-80%. Of course, you shouldn’t be upset, but now is the time to draw conclusions for yourself. For example, you determine that you spend a lot of time on the Internet. Are you doing it effectively or is it time to limit yourself? If you've been looking for papers for a long time, work with the nomenclature, maybe it's time to introduce new cases?

    Intelligent mode. We all know that human activity is multifaceted. Sometimes it is more necessary to remember information, sometimes it is more necessary to analyze it. And sometimes you need to completely turn off criticality and brainstorm. Scientists have discovered how the human brain works over time. Let's get a look.

    6.00–7.00 – long-term memory works best (information is remembered well during this period).

    8.00–9.00 is time for logical thinking; it is better to devote it to analysis.

    9.00–10.00 – work well with various types of information and statistics.

    11.00–12.00 – the effectiveness of intellectual functions sharply decreases, so it is not surprising that many cannot concentrate.

    11.00–14.00 is the best time for lunch. In the east, this period is called the “digestive fire.” At this time, food is digested and absorbed in the best possible way. If lunch was dense enough, the body rushes to digest the food at maximum speed. Blood actively rushes to the stomach, less of it enters the brain, the defense mechanism turns on and the person becomes sleepy.

    14.00–18.00 is a good time for active work. Mental work at later hours is undesirable (this forces the body to work for wear). There are difficulties falling asleep, nervousness, and psychosomatic illnesses.

    21.00–23.00 – time to rest the brain and nervous system.

    23.00–01.00 – “subtle” energy is restored. In the practice of Feng Shui it is called Qi, in Indian yoga it is called “prana”, and modern science understands it as nervous and muscular force.

    01.00–03.00 – emotional energy is restored. If a person slept well all night, his sleep was healthy and restful, in the morning he will be ready for new exploits.

    Working under distractions. We all know how various irritating factors affect us, especially if the work is very urgent and/or voluminous. Sharp phone calls, SMS signals, loud conversations of colleagues instantly reduce productivity several times. Moreover, it often happens that you worked with enthusiasm, were delighted that everything was working out so well and quickly, but suddenly some letter arrived and ruined your mood - and that’s it, it’s impossible to concentrate!

    Why is this happening? Distractibility is a natural function of human attention. It appears as a result of alternating states of excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex during any work. We are most distracted by objects or phenomena that appear suddenly and act with varying strength and frequency. This function is useful in that it is the body’s reaction to a potential threat to life (for example, is there a burning smell in the hallway due to a fire?) and saves the person’s brain from overload. The negative properties of distractibility are that returning to a previously performed activity can take anywhere from 5 minutes to several days! And if distracting factors appear constantly, then an orienting reflex is formed. What to do? There is only one answer: if possible, it is necessary to eliminate the distracting/irritating factor.

    Internet. While completing the task, turn off email, instant messages, and get off the Internet (if, of course, you can do without it while completing the task). If the first time is difficult or uncomfortable, turn off the programs for at least 30 minutes, then for 1–2 hours, etc.

    Telephone. Nothing unsettles you more than a shrill signal from a phone, yours or someone else's. Dear colleagues, when working in the office, keep the ringer volume to a minimum! You won’t miss your call, but you will save others’ nerves.

    If the task is very urgent or requires maximum concentration, you can put the phone on silent mode, warning your colleagues in advance so that they only contact you in an emergency.

    Extraneous noise.“We don’t swear, we talk in it” - that’s the name of the story I want to tell. Once, an office employee who was very vulnerable and was having a hard time going through life’s troubles came to me for advice. Alexey’s problem was that seven other people worked with him in the same office. Naturally, silence in the room was rare: everyone was talking, fussing, always being late somewhere, first one or the other’s phones were ringing... But that’s not so bad. Two women from this department were constantly sorting things out. They resolved both work and personal issues through mutual reproaches and sometimes using obscene language. They simply did not know how to communicate differently. This interfered with work, and Alexey came home in a broken state.

    Of course, it is difficult to work in an environment where there is complete fuss around. If it is impossible to come to an agreement with colleagues, there is only one way out - earplugs or headphones with music. In the first case, we will simply turn off the negative factor, in the second, we will help ourselves.

    Malfunctions. A poorly working mouse, a printer that chews paper, or a freezing computer can drive a person into hysterics. If you notice shortcomings in the operation of your software and equipment, do not ignore them - contact the IT department. It may happen that technology and software remind you of themselves at a completely inopportune moment.

    Working with concentration. What should you pay attention to?

    Take on only one thing. It’s no secret that many employees practice doing several things at the same time: talking on the phone, typing on a computer, listening to a colleague and at the same time reaching with their foot for a pen that had fallen under the table. True heroism! How can one not remember Gaius Julius Caesar? By the way, he later suffered from terrible dizziness.

    When doing several things at once, our brain does not have time to perceive such a volume of information, so we become scattered, cannot complete the work efficiently, and risk missing something important. Let's conduct an experiment. Place your right and left hands in front of you with your index fingers extended upward. Now concentrate on your fingertips at the same time. It turns out? Of course not. Concentration is maintaining attention on only one object, so you can improve the quality of attention by doing one thing.

    Biorhythms. During working hours, a person constantly feels either a rise or a decline in strength. Observe your biorhythm and try to solve the most important and urgent matters at the moment of highest activity.

    Meditation on solving a problem. For better concentration, external and internal peace is necessary. Before you start work, sit down, relax, throw away all extraneous thoughts, ideas, problems. Think about how you can achieve the goal, how to fulfill the requirements? What information do you already have and what information do you need to look for? Where will you look for it? Now you can start completing the task.

    Want some insight? Lie down!

    You've probably noticed that it's easier to fantasize while lying down? Scientists believe that a horizontal position often leads a person to insight. This all happens because the level of norepinephrine and the activity of the locus coeruleus region of the brain decrease, and this reduces tension, anxiety and activates creative thinking.

    Planning.“Don’t ask how your day went,” my friend, the head of the technical department, tells me. “I don’t even remember what happened two hours ago.” If you have a crazy schedule, making a plan can help solve this problem. It is not at all necessary to have a notebook, because you can use stickers with lists of necessary things to do, create an electronic list, or come up with your own methods. A plan will help you concentrate on the main thing, set priorities, and allocate time. Always use the “recorded - completed” rule. After completing one task, mark its completion and start a new one.

    Competition with yourself. You can treat your activities as a competition, especially if you have an impressive to-do list: “Today I will not only finish the slide show, but also start learning questions for the certification. Tomorrow I will continue to work on them, and I can devote the free time to filling out the database. I’ll try not to be distracted by loud conversations and won’t spend a lot of time on the Internet.” Gradually you will get excited, because beating your records is always interesting. The main thing is not to overdo it in quantity and speed and take care of your health.

    Awards.“If I turn in this report before 11:30, I’ll go to a new restaurant for lunch.” No one will take care of you better than yourself, so for successful activities, reward yourself with a pleasant purchase, a trip to your favorite cafe, additional time for a hobby, a cup of coffee with sweets. Isn't this motivation?

    The “anchoring” method, or an attempt to enter the image. In order to work effectively, you can put yourself in a state of efficiency. Writers call this state inspiration, visiting a muse, athletes – “being in shape”, artists – “getting into character”. How can an ordinary person get into character?

    In psychology, the “anchoring” method is actively used for these purposes. Each of us encounters such “anchors”; they are akin to a conditioned reflex. When we want to eat, we go to the kitchen; when we want to unwind, we go to the cinema or park; if we need to work, we sit down at the table. Likewise, for functionality, you can install the necessary “anchors” and use them. What should be done?

    • Select "anchor". Some people are inspired by coffee, chocolate, music, oil paintings. What inspires you? The "anchor" must be unique, i.e. These signals should not be encountered in another environment, free, not reminding you of anything, causing you pleasant feelings and inspiration.
    • Anchor binding. As soon as your performance reaches its maximum, quickly take out the “anchor”: hang a glass picture on the wall, turn on some music. In order for the “anchor” to become attached, it should be repeated several times.
    • Using an "anchor" Next time, take out the “anchor” and listen to the impulses within yourself. Imagine that you have taken out a radio and are looking for the desired wave. Listen to new sensations. Over time they will become stronger until you feel the right working mood. Practice - and everything will work out!

    On a note. It should be remembered: the “anchor” does not work if you are unhealthy, have had little sleep or are completely exhausted. In this case, you should first put your body in order, and only then take up psychology.

    I wish you high performance and only a great mood!

    Thought is the architect of health.

    The body cannot be healthy in any way if the soul, spirit and psyche are healthy, by which we mean a person’s mental activity and his thoughts. The state of mental activity affects the health of the whole organism. Thought can cause painful symptoms, and then illness. It can also be a cure in the fight against many diseases. Any thought strives for implementation.

    The most important reason for the destruction of health is fear. Fear of illness is a mental simulation of the illness itself, i.e. self-hypnosis of illness. Isn’t it better to simulate health?

    Mental depression, depression, lack of vital goals pave the way to illness. Statistics say that cancer is a disease of depressed people.

    Deep confidence in recovery, the desire for life and mental “ignoring” of the disease support the “life program”, the disease recedes.

    How to put thought to the service of your health? The methods of psychological influence given here will help you. The goal of all methods of psychological influence is to instill confidence in recovery, return and preservation of health.

    The method of therapeutic self-suggestion of the French pharmacist E. Coue

    There is a conscious and unconscious self in a person. Various fears, fears, unfounded ones are the work of the unconscious self. The instrument of realizing the conscious self is the will, and the unconscious is the imagination. In the struggle between will and imagination, imagination wins, and the power of imagination can be controlled.

    The main point of this method is that a person can only think about one thing at the same time. Two thoughts cannot exist at the same time.

    And here is the method itself: in the morning or evening, retire to a quiet place, sit down, close your eyes, quietly and monotonously whisper the words of self-hypnosis: “Every day I am getting better and better in all respects.” Say this phrase at least 20 times, listening carefully in it and believing. Imagine in front of you the picture that you are striving to achieve. See yourself healthy, cheerful, confident, etc. Imagine what you want to get.


    The method can be used in any case of life and under any circumstances. It can be used in the fight against diseases, and to create a positive emotional state, and to relieve “pre-start fever” (excitement before exams, performances).

    It is necessary to compose your own phrases for self-hypnosis in advance. When composing phrases, you must remember:

    The phrase should be affirmative and specific, addressed to oneself;

    It is necessary to eliminate the words " will not be" and a negative particle " Not" The subconscious does not perceive it.

    For example: “Tomorrow I will have a clear and bright head all day..”

    In the evening, you went to bed, and a state of drowsiness sets in. Mentally (without tension) you pronounce self-hypnosis phrases 5-15 times. In the morning, when you just realized your awakening, immediately say these phrases again.

    When pronouncing self-hypnosis formulas, you need to mentally place yourself in the environment and state that is desirable for you. You look at yourself as if from the outside and create a mental image of the desired state.


    I. Schultz (German doctor) divided autogenic training into two stages. The first stage is intended to control the work of internal organs and physical recovery. The second serves to master mental processes and create the necessary emotional background.


    First, choose a position that is comfortable for you:

    1) Lying on your back. Arms along the body. Clothes must be comfortable. Eyes closed during classes.

    2) Reclining on a chair, in an armchair, etc. If the pose is taken in a chair, your hands should be kept not on the armrests, but on your knees. The principles are the same as in pose 1.

    3) Sitting. Sit on a chair, bench, without leaning on the back. The seat should be shallow. Legs are placed at shoulder level, hands on knees, torso slightly tilted forward, head slightly lowered, eyes closed. Breathe through your nose. Mouth is closed, but jaws are closed. no need to squeeze.

    The lesson includes three stages. During the first, the student enters a state of drowsiness, during the second, he pronounces self-hypnosis formulas, and during the third, the shortest, he comes out of drowsiness. Formulas for self-hypnosis are pronounced mentally, and their goal is one - to achieve the reproduction of the necessary sensations. We pronounce the same formula 2-5 times. After the necessary sensations appear, we move on to the next formula. Before starting and after the exercise, we say to ourselves the words: “I am completely calm...”

    Formulas of suggestion.

    1) The arms are very heavy, increasingly heavier (right arm, left, torso, left leg, right leg)....

    2) Hands are very warm (right hand, left hand, etc.)...

    3) The heart beats calmly and strongly...

    4) Breathing is completely calm, I can breathe easily...

    5) The solar plexus emits heat...

    6) The forehead is pleasantly cool...

    At the end of the lesson, a short phrase is said: “Hands tense, inhale, open your eyes!”

    Formula 1 relieves muscle tension. Formula 2 leads to the inhibitory phase, i.e. to a light drowsiness. With formula 3, therapeutic self-hypnosis begins. Formula 4 allows you to arbitrarily change the breathing rhythm. Formula 5 has a positive effect on the functions of the abdominal cavity. Formula 6 relieves headaches.