House      06/14/2024

Dumplings with potatoes kcal per 100 grams. Dumplings with potatoes: calorie content, BJU, delicious recipes. The history of lazy dumplings

Dumplings are considered to be national Ukrainian dishes, which are popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

There are many recipes for their preparation.

The basis of dumplings is wheat flour. Essentially, they are small pies made from yeast-free dough, boiled in boiling water. Cottage cheese, potatoes, jam and more are used as filling.

Calorie content of dumplings

The calorie content of this product largely depends on the filling. On average, 100 g of this dish contains 248 kcal, of which most are fats (134 kcal), 64 kcal are carbohydrates and 55 kcal are proteins.

The benefits and harms of dumplings

As for the benefits, we can talk about it if the dumplings are prepared at home. This dish contains a large amount of valuable substances.

For example, dumplings with fruit contain a lot of minerals and vitamins of different groups.

Meat “pies” contain phosphorus, calcium, valuable proteins and iron.

Curd products are rich in calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones.

Steamed dumplings have more nutrients than those cooked in boiling water. This dish is easier to digest by the body.

However, we should not forget that dumplings are classified as high-calorie dishes, so people who are watching their figure should eat them as rarely as possible.

Product Kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Angle, g
Dumplings with curd, fruit or vegetable mince 281,3 10,4 10,5 38,8
Dumplings with cabbage 79,1 4,2 2,9 9,7
Dumplings with lingonberries and apples in the Ural style 106,1 3,5 2,1 19,6
Lazy boiled dumplings 355,4 17,2 23,5 20

However, according to the established tradition that has taken root well on our site, first, a little history. Since we’re talking about dumplings, let’s figure out where they originated and why they are so wonderful that they are known almost everywhere.

The history of lazy dumplings

Dumplings are a dish of unleavened dough filled with meat, potatoes, cabbage or berries, which is boiled in salted water. This dish is considered the most widespread in Eastern Europe, mainly in Ukraine. There are countries where they prepare a concoction that is similar in composition and characteristics, but with a different name. Thus, dumplings are well known in Russia, khinkali in Georgia, manti in Uzbekistan, etc. The whole point is that everyone has their own traditions of such preparation, as well as fillings.

As for the dumplings themselves, over time the monotonous unleavened dough began to give way to variations on the theme. This is how yeast dumplings, dumplings made from kefir or yogurt dough appeared. Only one thing remained unchanged - it is always customary to add only premium wheat flour to dumplings. And this is because dumplings, lazy or ordinary, should always be only white, and the whiter, the better the hostess. After kneading the dough, in the case of ordinary dumplings, it is divided into pieces, which are then rolled out and the crushed filling from various ingredients is wrapped in them. After the filling is laid out, each piece of dough should be carefully and tightly sealed, and then the dumplings should simply be boiled in salted water.

However, today we are preparing lazy dumplings and it’s time to understand how they differ from their classic counterparts. From the name itself it becomes clear that it appeared for a reason, but suggests that this recipe is for those who do not really like to put in a lot of effort. The thing is that lazy dumplings do not need to be sculpted at all. So, according to the recipe, lazy cottage cheese dumplings suggest adding cottage cheese directly to the dough and fussing with modeling is not at all necessary. Next, according to the recipe, preparing lazy dumplings involves kneading the dough, which should then simply be cut into pieces and boiled in salted water. Now, you probably have already begun to understand what lazy dumplings and dumplings or gnocchi have in common. Absolutely right - the method of preparation. And to be honest, according to KhozOboz, lazy dumplings are much more like dumplings than regular dumplings or, say, manti or khinkami.

What are dumplings, dumplings, dumplings or gnocchi? Galushki is just a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, which is prepared from boiled dough. This dough is cut into squares or divided into small pieces, just like lazy dumplings, the recipe for which involves the same manipulations. Moreover, in cookbooks today you can find methods for preparing so-called potato or cheese dumplings, which, like the recipe for lazy dumplings, involved adding fillings directly to the dough, so as not to be fooled. That is why we came to the conclusion that the dish that we will offer today is nothing more than ordinary Ukrainian dumplings, but with the addition of homemade cheese or, as it is commonly called, cottage cheese. Here are a few facts that indicate the similarity of dumplings with dumplings:

  • The recipe for lazy dumplings and dumplings involves using only wheat flour as a base. Of course, in the case of dumplings, there are also cases of using buckwheat or oatmeal flour, but the classic option is still considered to be white dumplings made from wheat flour;
  • The shape of both is almost identical. True, in the case of dumplings there is room for experimentation, but most often they still prefer to be rolled out in the form of sausages and then cut into cubes, like lazy dumplings, and if you look at our recipe with a photo, you can see this.
  • If you pay attention to lazy dumplings and their recipe, which certainly includes eggs, flour, sugar and sour milk cheese, we will see an exact correspondence to the recipe for dumplings with cheese, which were prepared since ancient times in Rus', which means preparing lazy dumplings is paying tribute to traditions your people, which is always great.

Now I would like to say a few words about what gnocchi, dumplings and other dishes are, the names of which we have already mentioned in our review today. As you correctly guessed, these are just varieties of dumplings, just like dumplings, which we call lazy. So, a few words about each brother of dumplings and lazy dumplings:

  • gnocchi- This is the Italian twin of Ukrainian dumplings. They are also prepared mainly from wheat flour, sometimes with the addition of semolina, as well as eggs, ricotta (as cottage cheese is called in Italy), and sometimes even spinach and bread crumbs. In Italian cuisine, gnocchi is the first course and is traditionally served with tomato sauce and melted butter at the very beginning of the meal. In Italy they are so popular that they are sold frozen in stores so that everyone can enjoy them if they wish. And it must be said that gnocchi are frequent guests on the tables of their compatriots;
  • dumplings is a Jewish national dish, and their recipe is very similar to the recipe used to prepare lazy dumplings and gnocchi. However, there are some differences in these dishes. Thus, dumplings are prepared mainly as an addition to first courses, but now they are increasingly serving as a separate dish and even as a basis for dessert;
  • dumplings- This is another version of a meal made from flour and eggs, which is prepared as a main dish and can be either with or without filling. Sometimes, to make dumplings, they use not ordinary dough, but potato dough. This dish is usually boiled in water, and often also steamed, this mainly applies to potato variations - they are less boiled this way. Dumplings are considered a Czech dish, although they originally came to the local cuisine from the neighboring Hungarian cuisine back in the 19th century. Since then, this name has been included in all famous cookbooks.

This list, of course, is not complete, because there are still a lot of dishes similar to dumplings, dumplings and gnocchi in recipe and appearance. However, if we remember that we are interested in those in which the recipe is as similar as possible to lazy dumplings, then dumplings, dumplings and dumplings are, perhaps, their closest relatives. So, from the point of view of KhozOboz, calling lazy dumplings would be more similar to them, because they have too little in common with classic dumplings.

The benefits of lazy dumplings

Now let’s say a few words about the benefits of the dish, because lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, like any other food, in addition to pleasure, should also bring something necessary and important to our body. And what exactly do we find out now? But first we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is not much benefit in the dough itself, so we will immediately focus on cottage cheese, which is the main component of this dish. And cottage cheese, as everyone knows, has a huge amount of benefits. Below we will lay out just a few facts that testify in favor of cottage cheese in general and this dish in particular:

  • First of all, it should be noted that the beneficial properties of cottage cheese are determined by the method of its preparation. It is in the process of fermenting milk and producing the cottage cheese itself that the most useful products are released; protein and milk fat;
  • Cottage cheese contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, they help to form a full-fledged skeleton and keep teeth in order. These substances are necessary for absolutely everyone: a growing body, women of reproductive age, and elderly people - without phosphorus and calcium, a diet cannot be considered complete;
  • Cottage cheese contains the milk protein casein, which can even replace animal protein in its properties. For example, 300 grams of cottage cheese contains a daily dose of protein, and believe me, this is a very decent indicator;
  • cottage cheese contains the amino acids methionine and choline, which prevent various liver diseases and can completely replace animal proteins because there are people for whom the latter are contraindicated;
  • cottage cheese promotes the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, and is also considered an excellent means for normalizing metabolism and the coordinated functioning of the nervous system;
  • With all these benefits, the calorie content of cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, and lazy dumplings are no exception, is not so great. Another thing is that you need to monitor the fat content of the products used, including fermented milk. However, we draw your attention to the fact that you should not choose low-fat products at all. The thing is that they not only will not bring benefits, but can also cause harm, because most often such products are produced using vegetable fats, and their effect on the body has not yet been properly studied.

These are just some of the properties of cottage cheese, which, we hope, were quite able to convince you that lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, and especially a successful recipe for them, will be a real gift for any housewife. So let’s not delay any longer and move on to the cooking process.

Ingredients for making lazy dumplings

  • Cottage cheese 5% fat - 230 gr
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla - 1/2 tsp.

How to cook lazy dumplings

  1. First of all, let's prepare the necessary products;
  2. Then add vanilla;

  3. Now beat in a chicken egg;

  4. At the end, add the required amount of flour;

  5. Now mix all the dough thoroughly in a bowl;

  6. From the resulting dough we form two long sausages;

  7. Cut them into pieces the size as in the photo;

  8. When the water boils, simply carefully lower the dumplings into it and cook after boiling for about 7 - 10 minutes;

  9. When the dumplings are cooked, remove them from the pan using a slotted spoon and place them on a plate. Serve only hot with melted butter, sour cream or jam - whatever you like!

The recipe for lazy dumplings can be useful for you both for breakfast and as a great idea for a light dinner or afternoon snack. In any case, this dish will be as tasty as it is healthy. One thing is important - do not forget that any food, in addition to pleasure, should also bring benefits. If your cookbook contains such recipes, we look forward to your letters. HozOboz is always on guard of your health and satiety. We wish everyone a great mood and bon appetit.

Calorie content of dumplings - diet on dumplings

Every person dreams of a beautiful, toned body. The basis for creating an ideal figure and maintaining normal weight is proper nutrition. In pursuit of slimness, people limit themselves to many foods and go on various diets, without thinking about the possible consequences. Monotonous low-calorie food can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and a deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements can lead to weakened immunity, deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair. An excellent alternative to most diets is the dumplings diet. It is especially effective in the warm season, when the season of various fruits and berries begins.

How to prepare dough for dumplings?

Dumplings are a traditional Slavic dish. It is prepared quite simply from familiar products that are found in every home. The main secret of delicious dumplings is in properly prepared dough.. If it is well mixed and all proportions are correctly observed, the dumplings will not be overcooked and will turn out very tender and juicy.

Each housewife has her own recipe for making dumpling dough. Many people prefer to prepare it according to the classic recipe and use water as a base; some knead the dough with milk, kefir or add sour cream. Of course, the more products containing fat are used to knead the dough, the higher the calorie content of the dumplings will be as a result. For those who want to lose excess weight, it is advisable to prepare the dough according to the traditional model. To do this you will need water, eggs, salt and flour. For 3 cups of flour you need to take 0.5 liters of cold water and half a teaspoon of salt. In order for the dough to have high adhesive properties, it is recommended to add 1 egg. The dough should be medium thick. If necessary, you can mix water or flour into it until the desired consistency is obtained. If you prepare the dough according to this recipe, then the dumpling diet will be the most effective. Those who are used to preparing dough with the addition of dairy products can replace water with low-fat 1% kefir .

To check the calories in the dumpling dough, you need to weigh all the ingredients during the cooking process and calculate their energy value. Information about the number of calories in a particular product can be found on the packaging or using the calorie content table. Dough prepared in water contains about 210 kcal per 100g.

Which filling should you choose?

Nowadays, there are many fillings for dumplings. Potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, meat and all kinds of fruits and berries are considered traditional. But this list of delicious and mouth-watering fillings does not end there. Dumplings are prepared with liver, buckwheat, beans, dried fruits, rice and poppy seeds. Every housewife can experiment with her favorite products and come up with a new original filling. For those who are on a diet, it is not advisable to overuse foods with high energy value. For example, dumplings with sweet cottage cheese, beloved by many, are a very high-calorie dish. If you season them with traditional additives - sugar, sour cream or butter, they can no longer be called a dietary dish. Finding out how many calories are in dumplings with cottage cheese is quite simple; to do this, you need to weigh all the ingredients before cooking and look at the energy value of each product in the table. If the cottage cheese is store-bought, its calorie content will be indicated on the package, but in homemade cottage cheese it is about 155 kcal per 100 grams, much depends on its fat content. Of course, such a filling is too heavy for a diet. Despite the high calorie and fat content, cottage cheese is very useful not only for children, but also for adults. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, B and PP vitamins, so completely excluding it from the diet is highly undesirable. To ensure that your figure does not suffer and that your body receives the necessary microelements and vitamins, you should use low-fat cottage cheese for the filling and forget about such tasty additives as full-fat sour cream, sugar, butter, your favorite jam or jam.

The lowest calorie dumplings

But any low-calorie dumplings can be safely included in your diet for anyone losing weight. These include dumplings with potatoes, sauerkraut, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and cherries. Perhaps the most favorite for many are dumplings with potatoes. They have excellent taste, are very easy and quick to prepare, and are also low in calories. Perhaps this is one of the few dishes, enjoying which, you don’t have to constantly think about how many calories are in dumplings and scold yourself for every extra piece you eat. 100g of dumplings with potatoes contains only 255kcal. Therefore, you can indulge in pleasure and enjoy a full portion of this dish even while on a diet. Mushrooms will help add a special taste to ordinary dumplings with potatoes. For the filling you can take porcini mushrooms, chanterelles or champignons. Adding a small amount of mushrooms to the filling will have virtually no effect on the energy value. You can calculate how many calories are in dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes by finding out the calorie content of the mushrooms you have chosen and summing it up with the indicators of other ingredients.

Cabbage is another great filling for dumplings. It is very healthy and not as high in calories as potatoes. Sauerkraut is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. It strengthens the immune system and breaks down fats. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber and thereby improves digestion and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can find out how many calories are in dumplings with cabbage in any calorie table or calculate it yourself. 100g of unseasoned dumplings with cabbage contains only about 246 kcal per 100g.

How to calculate the exact calorie content of dumplings?

It is quite difficult to accurately calculate calories in dumplings. Their energy value directly depends on the ingredients used and the method of preparation. Often such calculations are approximate, so the information in the tables is not always accurate. You can calculate the calorie content of a dish yourself. To do this, in the process of kneading dough and preparing dumplings, you need to weigh all the products and calculate the energy value of each of them, and then enter the data into the table. At the end of cooking, you need to sum up the total calorie content of all products and their weight. Having added up all the indicators, you should divide the total calorie value by weight, so you will get the energy value of the prepared dumplings. Do not forget that the calorie content of boiled dumplings will differ due to the addition of water and boiling a small amount of flour. In order to find out the calorie content of ready-made dumplings, you need to divide the total number of calories of all ingredients by the weight of the prepared dumplings.

Dumplings are a tasty and varied dish. By coming up with different fillings, you will be treated to something new and delicious every time. Many people refuse dumplings, considering this product to be too high in calories. But if you ask yourself how to count the calories in dumplings, you can figure out that their energy value is not that high. The main thing is not to overuse fatty foods, avoid additives and choose low-calorie fruits and vegetables for the filling.

Dumplings are a tasty and satisfying dish. Classic dumplings with potatoes, without butter and sour cream, are a low-calorie dish, taking into account certain cooking features and in small quantities will not harm the figure. The fillings can be varied, both sweet and vegetable or even meat. Each housewife prepares dumplings according to a special recipe, adding some zest to her dish. The calorie content of a product depends on its components


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    Calorie content and composition of the dish

    Potato filling for dumplings is a great option if a person is on a diet. If you follow various weight loss programs, potatoes are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities 1-2 times a day. It is preferable to make dietary dumplings from grated raw root vegetables rather than from puree. In this case, 100 grams will contain only 148 kcal. The ratio of BJU will be: 4 g/2 g/30 g. In quantitative terms, 100 grams of the product will be approximately 5 medium-sized dumplings.

    Potatoes, used as a filling, also contain a lot of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It contains the following substances:

    • starch;
    • alimentary fiber;
    • cellulose;
    • minerals;
    • amino acids;
    • bioflavonoids;
    • carotenoids;
    • proteins.

    The vitamin composition is represented by group B, as well as A, C and PP. Tubers contain large amounts of such an element as potassium, which is vital for good tone of the heart muscle.

    The root vegetable has an enveloping property, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, so dumplings stuffed with potatoes will be useful for people with gastrointestinal problems.


    In addition to the classic recipe for dumplings with potato filling, there are many others. You can add other vegetables or meat to the potatoes, which will make the filling more satisfying and healthy.

    Adding any product to a classic recipe entails an increase in calories, which should be taken into account when following a diet, since additives can significantly affect the weight of someone losing weight.

    To make eating dumplings with potatoes more healthy, it is best to steam them - in this case they will be absorbed even faster and retain more vitamins. For the filling, it is preferable to use young potatoes - their energy value will be lower.

    Delicious and healthy dietary dishes from cauliflower - step-by-step recipes

    Classic recipe with potatoes


    • water - 500 ml;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • black pepper - to taste;
    • potatoes - 5 medium tubers;
    • a bunch of greenery.


    1. 2. Squeeze the root vegetable and drain the juice.
    2. 6. Throw the dumplings into boiling, salted water.
    3. 7. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
    4. 8. Serve with low-fat or low-fat sour cream and chopped herbs.

    The nutritional value of dumplings with potatoes according to this recipe is 114 kcal per serving. BJU: 3 g/1 g/24 g.

    With mushrooms


    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • champignons - 300 g;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • chopped greens - 50 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.


    1. 1. Wash and peel the vegetables.
    2. 2. Grate the root vegetable.
    3. 3. Finely chop the mushrooms.
    4. 4. Chop the onion.
    5. 5. Fry onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil.
    6. 6. Mix the filling, salt and pepper.
    7. 7. Add chopped herbs and mix well.
    8. 8. Roll out the dough, divide into circles and fill them with the vegetable mixture.
    9. 9. Seal the dumplings and cook in boiling water for 20 minutes.
    10. 10. Before serving, add a small piece of butter.

    When prepared, 100 g of the dish contains 240 kcal. BJU: 9 g/5 g/40 g.

    With onion

    The recipe for making dumplings with potatoes and onions is quite simple and practically no different from the classic one.


    • potatoes - 10 medium-sized tubers;
    • onion - 1 head;
    • vegetable oil - 50 g;
    • spices - to taste.


    1. 1. Wash, peel and boil the potatoes in salted water.
    2. 2. Bring the root vegetable to readiness and prepare the puree.
    3. 3. Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil.
    4. 4. Mix puree with onions.
    5. 5. Place the filling on prepared dough circles and make dumplings.
    6. 6. Cook until done.

    Nutritional value 238 kcal. BZHU: 7 g/5 g/45 g.

    With cabbage

    When losing weight, dumplings with cabbage should be eaten in limited quantities, as the product can provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and cause increased gas formation.


    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • cabbage - 300 g;
    • grated potatoes - 500 g;
    • vegetable oil - 20 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.


    1. 1. Wash and peel the vegetables.
    2. 2. Grate the carrots.
    3. 3. Finely chop the onion and cabbage.
    4. 4. Fry onions, carrots, cabbage in vegetable oil.
    5. 5. Mix the roast with potatoes and add spices to taste.
    6. 6. Place the filling on the dough and make dumplings.

    Boiled dumplings with cabbage have a calorie content of 162 kcal, BJU: 5 g/5 g/26 g.

    With meat

    To make dumplings more satisfying, you can add meat to them.


    • large potato tubers - 8 pcs.;
    • boiled beef - 200 g;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 8 g;
    • spices - to taste.


    1. 1. Wash, peel and chop the root vegetable.
    2. 2. Boil in salted water.
    3. 3. Bring to readiness and mash.
    4. 4. Fry the chopped onion.
    5. 5. Finely chop the meat and fry with onions in vegetable oil.
    6. 6. Mix the filling and add spices.
    7. 8. Place the filling and seal.

    When cooked, the dish contains 231 kcal per 100 g. BZHU: 11 g/10 g/25 g.

    With liver

    It is useful to add liver to the filling of dumplings.


    • mashed potatoes - 200 g;
    • liver - 200 g;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 50 g;
    • spices - to taste.


    1. 1. Fry chopped onion and carrots.
    2. 2. Finely chop the liver and fry with vegetables in vegetable oil.
    3. 3. Mix the filling with puree and add spices.
    4. 7. Roll out the dough, cut into circles.
    5. 5. Lay out the filling.
    6. 6. Make dumplings.

    The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 270 kcal. BJU: 11 g/11 g/30 g.

    With lard

    Dumplings with lard are popular in Ukraine. The dish is prized for its delicate taste.


    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • rolled lard - 200 g;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • black pepper - to taste;
    • a bunch of greenery.


    1. 1. Wash, peel and grate the potatoes.
    2. 2. Squeeze the grated potatoes and drain the juice.
    3. 3. Salt and pepper to taste.
    4. 4. Mix with rolled lard.
    5. 4. Roll out the dough and cut into circles using a glass.
    6. 5. Spread the filling and seal it.
    7. 7. Throw the dumplings into boiling salted water.
    8. 8. Cook until fully cooked for 20 minutes.
    9. 9. Serve with chopped herbs.

    Calorie content 198 kcal. BZHU: 6 g/5 g/30 g.

    Dough for dumplings

    To prepare dietary dough for dumplings, you will need:

    • kefir - 0.5 l;
    • soda - 1 tsp;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • wheat flour - 900 g.


    1. 1. Separate the whites from the yolks and mix with kefir.
    2. 2. Add salt and slaked soda.
    3. 3. Add sifted flour.
    4. 4. Knead the dough for 20-30 minutes.
    5. 5. Leave the dough for 30 minutes, covered with cling film.

    In 100 g of this productabout 200 calories. BJU: 10 g/5 g/40 g.

    To make the dough contain even fewer calories, when preparing it, kefir can be replaced with water, and you can also get by with one egg.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is a filling vegetable. It is not for nothing that they have always said that potatoes are the second bread. You can cook anything from it: soups, main courses, baked goods, desserts. A lot of preparations turn out to be especially tasty. But if you are interested in a dish with low calorie content, onions or mushrooms will be what you need. Their calorie content is about 180 Kcal.

Dumplings with onions

We will need: half a kilogram of potatoes, a couple of medium onions, half a glass of milk, salt and pepper to taste, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil. This is for the filling. We make the dough from a couple of eggs, a pinch of salt, half a glass of milk and a couple of glasses of flour. If you need it with potatoes, then the milk must be replaced with water.

Cooking dumplings

First the dough is prepared. Break the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat thoroughly, then gradually pour in the milk and beat everything again. If you need to reduce calories, dumplings with potatoes are prepared from dough cooked in water. Next, add flour in portions. Stir and knead into a stiff dough. Then cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand, but at this time you need to start filling.

Wash and peel the potatoes thoroughly. Place in a saucepan with boiling and salted water. To make the potatoes crumbly and cook faster, you need to add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. While it is cooking, you need to wash and peel the onion. Next, chop it finely and lightly fry it in butter.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and mash the vegetables. Add heated milk and mash again, you can use a mixer. Add fried onions to the puree and stir. Roll out the dough into small round cakes. Place the puree in the center and seal it in a semicircular shape. Place the dumplings in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes until they float to the surface.

If you need to reduce the calorie content, before serving you need to sprinkle with olive oil or another - it will already be about 150 Kcal. And such dumplings will be very tasty with sour cream or melted butter.

Raw potato dumplings

This dish can be varied. Many people often cook dumplings with raw potatoes with mushrooms. They won't be high in calories either. The dough is prepared according to the recipe outlined above. But the filling will be slightly different.

The potatoes need to be washed and peeled. Then you can either grate it on a fine grater, or use a food processor and chop it. Add salt, stir and squeeze out the juice. Any mushroom will do: it can be any forest or champignon. They need to be finely chopped and lightly stewed with chopped onions. Add vegetable oil to the frying pan, add mushrooms and onions and, stirring, simmer for about five minutes. Mix with potatoes and add dumplings. Boil in boiling water and serve with either sour cream or butter.

Dumplings with potatoes and green onions

The dough is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe. Even during a diet, you want to please yourself with something tasty. This dish is low in calories. Dumplings with potatoes and green onions will be an ideal option for those who observe fasting.

For the filling you will need: half a kilogram of potatoes, a medium bunch of green onions. Prepare mashed potatoes (according to the first recipe). Sort out the green onions, wash and finely chop. Then lightly simmer in a frying pan with any vegetable oil. Add a little salt and place in a bowl with the puree. Mix everything and you can start making dumplings. Their shape may be different. For potato ones, a medium semi-circular one works well. Boil until tender and serve on plates. Serve with sour cream or melted butter.