With your own hands      05/22/2024

Calling Jeff the Killer. Scary stories and mystical stories Calling Jeff the killer at home at night

How to call Jeff the Killer at home and is it really worth doing? The legendary killer Jeff is known today to almost every modern person. This fictional hero has seemingly incompatible qualities and is incredibly cruel. A skinny boy becomes a ruthless killer. Under the cover of darkness, he carries out his dark deeds and kills even his closest people in cold blood.

It is believed that if you perform a special ritual, you can summon the Jeff killer. or fiction, it is not known for certain. Many people have tried to call the Jeff killer. And everyone who dared to perform the ritual experienced incredible emotions. How to call Jeff the Killer and stay safe? The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of the ritual.

The Story of the Sinister Teen

Before you ask the question: “How to call Jeff the Killer?”, you should get acquainted with the history of this unique hero. Perhaps it contains clues that may be useful if this strange character decides to come.

Little Jeff grew up in excellent conditions, with loving parents and a brother, but behind him there was always a bloodthirsty demon who was patiently waiting for the right moment to take the boy’s pure soul. When the hero of world-famous comic books turned thirteen years old, his life changed dramatically.

In one of the fights, Jeff lost his composure and committed his first murder. Of course, the boy was possessed by a demon waiting in the wings, but the essence of this fact did not change in any way. The once positive and ordinary character became a brutal killer, and the knife became his main friend.

After the demon's possession, the boy still retained love in his heart for his mother and the rest of the family, but the thirst for blood took over, and then the bloodthirsty demon completely took possession of Jeff's soul. Now the demon boy walks through the vastness of cities and kills everyone who dares to call him.

How to call Jeff the Killer and is it worth it?

Each person decides for himself whether to summon the sinister hero. In any case, this can become an unforgettable, albeit very scary adventure. According to legend, those who personally saw the bloodthirsty demon in the body of a boy are already dead. Or they became his assistants, who would never talk about the dark side of their lives.

Many people are interested in how to call Jeff the Killer. A photo with a cold-blooded maniac has a hypnotic effect. The image of a teenager seems to beckon you to call him and see him with your own eyes. It is necessary to prepare for the ritual with special care, because a mistake can even cost your life...

Everything you need for the ritual

So, how to summon Jeff the Killer at home? The most important thing is to prepare everything you need and try to create a suitable environment. And decide whether it is possible to withstand the incredible tension that will certainly appear immediately after the ritual.

To summon a legendary hero, you should prepare five blank sheets of paper, a pencil or a special coal, lipstick (you can use bright red lip gloss), chewing gum or tape and, of course, strong nerves.

Features of the ritual

Ideally, the ritual will be carried out on each piece of paper with the inscription should be hung on different floors. If the ritual needs to be carried out in a country house or cottage, you can try hanging inscriptions in different rooms.

Someone says that in order to call a murderer, you need to write the following phrase on four different pieces of paper: “I don’t want to sleep!”, but the traditional phrase has ceased to work recently. For greater probability, it is better to write another phrase, namely: “Jeff, I am not afraid of you.”

Each word is written on a separate piece of paper. On the fifth sheet of paper you need to draw your own self-portrait. It is this image that will indicate to Jeff exactly who is calling him.

Step-by-step instructions

How to call Jeff at home? First you need to make an inscription, which is intended to provoke Jeff to come. The inscription is made with charcoal or pencil. Then you need to draw your self-portrait (also with a pencil or charcoal). In a self-portrait, you definitely need to add an ominous, bloody smile. To do this, you can use red lipstick or lip gloss (bright).

The second stage is more exciting. Inscriptions and drawings should be hung on different floors or in different rooms. The wait will be tense. For the next hour you need to try to distract yourself. You can play games or watch a movie. After sixty minutes, it is imperative to remove all inscriptions and the self-portrait. At the same time, you should say the following phrase over and over again: “Jeff, you are the murderer of your mother, father and brother, a terrible reckoning awaits you today!”

If red marks of unknown origin appear on the self-portrait or an unpleasant putrid smell is felt in the air, this means that a bloodthirsty monster is somewhere nearby and is waiting for the moment to attack.

Escape from the killer

Escaping from the killer will not be easy. You need to move very quickly to a crowded place. If chewing gum was used for the ritual, you need to stick them in different places. This way you can confuse your trail and escape from Jeff. Under no circumstances should you hide! Otherwise, a terrible reckoning will not keep you waiting!

How to call Jeff the Killer during the day

It’s worth saying right away that calling a monster with a sharp knife in the daytime is much safer. However, the ritual is intended for night time. It may also happen that Jeff was called during the day, and his arrival will happen in the evening or at night. Therefore, after the daily ritual you should not sleep under any circumstances!

A meeting with the hero of famous comics can be interesting, but one cannot neglect the danger that comes from the demon that has settled in the boy’s soul. Jeff won't spare anyone. Relatives, close friends and closest people may suffer. A dangerous undertaking that stirs the blood! Are you still wondering how to call Jeff the Killer at home? Or are you planning to leave this idea?

Are you still wondering how to call Jeff the Killer at home? Or are you planning to leave this idea?

This happened on June 3, 2014. My parents went to the dacha for 3 days and I decided to sit in VK. It was 23:00 when a friend wrote to me about how she called Tiki-Toby last summer at the camp. Since I was a skeptic, I did not believe her story and called her a fool who believes in all sorts of nonsense. To which she replied:
- You yourself are a fool, but I’m brave, I wasn’t afraid and called, but he came and it’s a miracle he didn’t kill us all.
- Killed! “Don’t talk nonsense, ghosts don’t exist and they can’t kill,” I answered indignantly.
- Well, if you are so brave, then go call someone! - my friend answered me.
- Well, I’ll call you right now. - I answered her.

I didn’t think long and decided to call Jeff. Because he seemed to me the most dangerous creepypasta character. I read the first method I came across, took everything I needed and confidently walked into the entrance. When the clock hit 00:00, I began to paste up sheets of paper. On the first floor there is a sheet with the inscription “I”, on the second - “not”, on the third - “I want”, on the fourth - “sleep”. Then, on the fifth floor, she wrote in lipstick: “Go to sieep.” After which I returned to the apartment and logged into VK again.

An hour passed and I went to check the entrance, when I was surprised when the sheets of paper were found elsewhere, but I was really shocked when I picked up the sheet of paper and smelled the terrible smell of rotting meat. I rushed as fast as I could to the fifth floor, but the inscription was no longer there, and if there is no inscription, then nothing will save me. Suddenly I heard some loud, crazy, hysterical laughter...

I got goosebumps from this laughter, I fell into a stupor from horror and could not move or scream. But then I heard footsteps and the scraping of a knife on the wall, the stupor immediately disappeared and I rushed as fast as I could towards the exit. I ran as fast as I could, but when I turned up the flight of stairs, I noticed him out of the corner of my eye and realized that he was catching up, and then I jumped out of the window. I didn’t hurt myself, the window was located between the second and first floors. I ran without looking back to the shopping center and naturally ran there. It was crowded there and I decided that Jeff wouldn’t go there. And so it happened, I sat there until the morning and then when it began to get lighter I went home. I was no longer afraid of anything since it was about 6 in the morning and it was light outside. I calmly went home.

I ran into the apartment and began to look for the phone, because I had to call my friend and tell about what happened, but I couldn’t shake the strange feeling that I was being watched. I still couldn’t find my mobile phone and, standing in the middle of the room, I said with displeasure, “Damn! Where is he?” But then I heard something that gave me goosebumps again, and behind me I heard a painfully familiar laugh. I turned around and almost fainted; he stood in front of me and said with a malicious smile: “This is not what you are looking for.” - He said, holding my phone in his hand.

I slowly backed away, but he began to approach. I ran as fast as I could to the door, I pulled the handle, but the door was locked and I again heard that terrible hysterical laughter. In a panic, I began to pull the door handle again, but I felt his breath behind my back. I turned around and saw his face. Oh God, I will never forget his face! Those white skinned eyes with no lids at all and his terrifying smile. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t, he covered my mouth with his hand and took out a knife. He threw me to the floor and started cutting a smile at me. God how painful it was! I wanted to scream, but I was choking on my own blood. Tears began to flow, but then he spoke: “No need to cry, look how prettier you have become!” - He put me on my feet and I saw myself in the mirror. What I saw made me want to cry even more, my face was covered in blood and there were cuts on my cheeks like Jeff’s. Then he pressed me to the wall and said his famous phrase: “Go to sleep.” And he cut my throat, then I only remember his laughter and darkness.

I woke up in the hospital, my mother was sitting next to me, she said that they had arrived earlier, but the door was locked from the outside and my parents opened the door with the keys and saw me lying on the floor. They called an ambulance and they pumped me out.

Have you read comics about a strange teenager who kills everyone? Stories about Jeff the Killer excite many people living in the open spaces of the city. The fact is that it turns out that this is not an invented, but a very real “hero”, from whom you cannot protect yourself from meeting if you make an irreparable mistake. Yes, in order.

Jeff the Killer Story

It is reliably known that he was an ordinary boy, who turned thirteen years old in 2008. Only he had an “extraordinary” accompaniment. There was a demon nearby, just waiting for the right moment to take possession of the teenager’s soul and body. The moment has arrived. A fight ensued, during which the demon pushed Jeff to lose his temper. He committed his first murder and lost consciousness.

It was no longer Jeff Woods who came to his senses, but Jeff the Killer. The demon carried out his terrible plan and took possession of the teenager’s personality. The whole world has become different. Evil lights flashed more and more often in the boy’s eyes. He wanted blood. At the same time, it cannot be said that the features of an ordinary boy completely dissolved into a demonic essence. No, he still loved his mother. But nothing helped. She suffered from his unusual appearance. And there was a reason.

Jeff looks like a Guimplen vampire. Pale skin, huge eyes surrounded by scorched eyelids, a cut of a bloody smile (he cut the skin to make his lips smile). Mom cried constantly, and he decided that no one loved him, so he dealt with all his relatives. Now he lives in the urban jungle, killing and torturing those who are careless enough to call him.

Is it possible to call Jeff the Killer?

If you're not scared, then it's worth a try. The killer does not come to everyone, but the one who saw him remains silent, since he has either already died or has become his assistant in a terrible business. No one has ever said that you can escape from the clutches of a killer without loss. Preparations for the ritual must be taken seriously.

Sources say that you need to prepare five pieces of paper. But no one says exactly what to write on them. If you post the phrase “I don’t want to sleep,” nothing will come of it. Jeff needs to be touched before he decides to show up. To do this, on the prepared sheets you need to write the following words:

Not afraid!

On the fifth one you need to draw your image. These leaflets, as with , after midnight you need to stick them with chewing gum on the five floors of your entrance. The top one should have a self-portrait. There you need to draw his scary smile with red lipstick. Now go home, wait an hour.

Ritual to summon Jeff the Killer

It's time to go meet the city ghost, if it exists. Go up the stairs, removing sheets of paper with inscriptions from the wall. In this case, you must say to yourself (or out loud):

“Jeff is his brother's killer! A terrible retribution awaits you!”

The same goes for mother and father. When you go up to the top floor, look carefully at the drawing. If you manage to hit Jeff, there will be a blood-red mark on him. You will smell rot in the air. Quickly erase your lipstick smile!

Precautions during a call

Keep in mind that before you have time to clear the trail, you will run into Jeff the killer in all his glory! We must act at the speed of sound! If you catch movement or a hint of steps, run! There's no need to hide. On the contrary, you need to move to where there are a lot of people: in the subway, in a store or somewhere else. He doesn't like crowded places, you'll be safe there. To prevent him from ambushing you and remembering where you live, you should wander around the city, sticking up houses and benches. You remember that this particular material was used instead of glue. Jeff is guided by them. He smells saliva like an animal!

If you cannot confuse the demon, he will definitely figure you out. It costs him nothing to go into the apartment and deal with his relatives. And then there will be hell! He will want to “play” with you. And this demon’s entertainment in human form is very scary. He can force you to kill those who still want to compete with him in dexterity and cunning.

Everyone knows Jeff the Killer, right?
Today I will tell you 5 of Jeff's original challenges, other than the official one.

Calling Jeff the Killer using a mirror

We will need:
1. Mirror.
2. Knife.
3. Your blood.
4. A secluded place.
5. Courage.

At night, from 1:00 to 3:00, you can go to your secluded place and prepare for the call. First of all, place a mirror in front of yourself and drip your blood onto it. Place the knife so that it is completely reflected in the mirror. Slowly start saying: “Jeff the killer, come! Take my soul!” When the so-called spell is said, move away from the mirror about five meters and look at the knife. You can't look in the mirror, otherwise Jeff will kill you! If our killer has arrived, then the knife must move, even if it moves even a little, then the killer has arrived. Recalling it is simple: break the mirror. You can sleep after the call.

Easy call

We will need:
1. A place to hide.
2. Knife.
3. Any weapon (gun, pistol, axe, hammer).
4. Sheet A4.
5. Red pen, felt-tip pen or marker.

At midnight we go to any room. We sit on the floor and write on a piece of paper: “Jeff, come to me” and draw a smile next to it. We put the knife on the leaf and run to hide. Sitting in your shelter, prepare to defend yourself with your weapons. If Jeff has arrived, footsteps and laughter will be heard. Do not go out under any circumstances! If the killer begins to break into the door of your shelter, then open the doors and shoot, beat, kill him! Then he will leave. You can't sleep after a call!

Challenge in the forest

We will need:
1. Blood (any).
2. Sheet A5 (half of sheet A4).
3. Knife or axe.
4. A piece of your body (a piece of skin, a nail, a strand of hair).
5. Red clothes.
6. Car.
7. Flashlight.
8. Wristwatch.

At night (at any time of the night) we go to the forest and there (in the forest) we change into red clothes. Move a hundred meters away from the car and you can perform the ritual. Wrap your piece in a sheet and drip blood onto the bundle. Stick a knife or an ax into this structure and shout as loudly as possible: “Jeff the killer, you won’t find us!” Hide in the car and naturally lock it. Jeff will look for you, and perhaps knock on the windows, don't stick your head out! Sit quietly and hope for the best. If an hour has passed (after all, you have a watch) and Jeff has not found you, then he leaves and you can safely leave. You can sleep.

Tough challenge

We will need:
1. Knife.
2. Threads, preferably transparent ones.
3. Entrance.
4. Shilo.
5. Killed animal or raw meat with blood.
6. A plate that you don’t mind breaking.
7. Scotch tape.

We go to the entrance and make a trap for the killer so that we can hear his arrival. We fasten the end of the thread to the door of your apartment, and fasten the other end to the plate. It is better to place the plate on the steps so that it can fall. Using an awl on the floor, we scrape out the name of our killer in English. Next to the inscription we place meat and a knife. We go to the top floor and wait about an hour. Within an hour you may hear strange sounds, including breaking dishes. If you heard this, then Jeff has arrived. Go out to explore. Go to the place of the call and if there is a broken plate there, and the meat and knife are missing, then he may be standing behind your back and is about to stick a knife in your back. Run! Run wherever you look! If you ran away from him, then it’s better to move.

Jeff's Simplest Challenge

We will need:
1. Blood.
2. Knife.
3. Courage.

At night we sit in the middle of the room and drip blood onto the knife. We say: “Jeff, come to me! Come and take me with you!” We wait 5 minutes and you can hear rustling and footsteps. Jeff will take you with him. If you manage to escape from him, then spend the night with a friend. Soon the killer will leave.

I haven't checked it myself, but you can check it.
Good luck!

Killer Jeff is the hero of numerous creepypastas (it is unknown who invented “horror stories” roaming the Internet). In terms of his popularity, Jeff is almost equal to Slenderman himself - the faceless Thin Man. The appearance of Jeff the Killer is so remarkable that it is often used by those programmers who have a highly developed sense of dark humor. Thanks to their efforts, windows pop up on some sites at night showing Jeff's deathly pale face with wildly wide eyes and a crooked grin from ear to ear, accompanied by the inscription "Go to bed!" Our instructions for calling Jeff the killer are intended for those of his fans who are actually looking for a meeting with this young psychopath. Let's look at how you can call Jeff the Killer at home

Calling Jeff the Killer: instructions

  1. To carry out the ritual of calling Jeff, borrow red lipstick from your mother or older sister for a while, or even better, to avoid scolding, buy a tube of cheap lipstick in advance. In addition to lipstick, you will also need four clean sheets of paper, a knife, a rag and a roll of tape.
  2. You can only call Jeff in a multi-story building (it must have at least five floors).
  3. When night falls and all the residents in the house fall asleep, quietly go up to the fifth floor and there, on the wall of the landing, write the phrase “Go to sleep” with lipstick. This is Jeff's favorite expression, the words “Go to sleep” he says to all his victims.
  4. Now go down to the first floor, write the letter “I” on a piece of paper with lipstick and tape the piece of paper to the wall.
  5. On the second floor, leave a piece of paper on the wall with the word “NOT” written on it, on the third floor, pin a piece of paper on the wall with the words “I WANT” on it, and on the fourth floor, leave a note for Jeff with the word “SLEEP”.
  6. When the job is done, go home and do something there. To stay awake, drink tea or play a computer game.
  7. After waiting about an hour, go to the entrance to check the results of your work. Start checking from the first floor.
  8. If you see that the sheets of paper on the wall are misaligned, dirty, or smell of rot and grave dampness, then the witchcraft has worked. Then quickly go up to the fifth floor and look at the wall. When you see that your inscription has disappeared, then it is unlikely that anything will help you - Jeff has come for you, and he is very close. Maybe the maniac is already behind you. Here you can only try to escape from him. Run as fast as you can from the house somewhere to a crowded place, perhaps Jeff will not risk following you there.
  9. If the writing is still on the wall, you have every chance of being saved. Listen for Jeff's footsteps as he walks up the stairs. If you hear a suspicious noise, wrap a rag around the blade of the knife as quickly as possible and use it to erase your inscription from the wall. If you manage to do this before you see Jeff, he is no longer dangerous to you.
  10. By the way, the inscription will have to be erased even if the witchcraft has not been accomplished, otherwise you may face dangers of a completely different kind, for example, in the morning you may expect a good thrashing from your parents or neighbors for the lipstick stained wall in the entrance.

If you're missing the thrill of summoning Jeff the Killer, try summoning Bloody Mary. How this can be done is described in our article.