Floor      09/18/2023

Fixing a leak in the toilet cistern. Fixing a leak from a toilet tank on your own. Fixing toilet leaks

If the toilet tank starts to leak, it always causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition to the fact that the sound of constantly flowing water is annoying, and stains form on the toilet itself, bills for used water also increase. It is not difficult to figure out why a toilet tank is leaking, and in most cases, anyone, even a completely inexperienced craftsman, can fix it with his own hands: the only exceptions are those plumbing products that have additional functions controlled electronically.

  • Construction of standard tanks
  • Types of tank malfunctions
    • Useful tips

Construction of standard tanks

Any toilet is a product consisting of an interconnected seat and a tank with a built-in mechanism for draining water. It has been noticed that the drain mechanism fails more often than all other parts. To determine what is disrupting the operation of the device and correctly eliminate it, you need to understand the basic design of the water drainage system.

Tank drain device

A typical drainage device is equipped with two mechanical units: one of them accumulates water, and the other drains it. The first of them ensures the retention of water in the tank, the amount of which should subsequently be sufficient for draining. This device is a system of a float and a closing valve. If the tank is empty, the float falls down and moves the system of levers so that they open the valve, and when it begins to fill with water, the float rises and the levers move so that the valve is closed. The device closes completely when the float reaches the highest point.

The second part of the system is responsible for ensuring that at the right moment all accumulated water is drained into the designated place. In different models of plumbing devices you can see a variety of drainage systems, but the principle of operation is almost the same for all. There is a drain hole in the tank, which is closed with a sealed siphon. The siphon in many models resembles the shape of a regular plunger, but does not have a handle, and in the newest devices it is designed in the form of a button, which is considered more aesthetic. This part is connected to the trigger device using a reinforcement lever system.

Many people don’t know what to do if the toilet tank is leaking and the first thing they do is think of calling a plumber so that the problem can be solved as quickly as possible. However, you shouldn’t be too quick to call the service department, since this task is accessible to any home craftsman who knows how to properly use a wrench, and problems that arise in the drain device are in most cases not too serious and can be fixed with your own hands.

However, you should not delay too much with the repair of the drainage device, since this directly affects the final amount of payment for water use (if the apartment has a meter for a cold tap), and the sound of flowing water can irritate the residents of the apartment, especially at night. In recent years, many new plumbing devices have appeared, but the principle of operation of flush tanks has not changed for several decades: water, filling the internal tank, raises the float. A system of seal, float and fittings releases all the accumulated water into the toilet, and then the water begins to accumulate again and, raising the float, closes the system.

Some people, thinking about how to fix a toilet tank if it is leaking, remember that plumbers always have professional tools with them. In fact, to remove such a malfunction, you only need wire cutters, rubber gloves and pliers. Experienced craftsmen also advise you to look in advance at your nearest store for a new plumbing drain assembly.

Types of tank malfunctions

Before starting repairs, you should determine what exactly is causing the leak and requires adjustment. A leak in the drain system can occur for several reasons:

  1. If water flows into the tank without stopping, it may be caused by a slight misalignment of the lever or damage to the float valve. There are also cases when the valve does not work entirely correctly, but remains intact. This problem can be solved quite easily: the float lever should be aligned horizontally, and the faulty valve or float should be replaced with a working one.

In the event that the float can only be replaced later, you simply need to protect it from the water in the tank by wrapping it in a plastic bag or sealing it with heated plastic.

  1. If water flows from the tank into the toilet all day long, this is most likely caused by a rupture of the membrane located inside the siphon, which just needs to be replaced with a whole one. To do this, a lever attached to the float is attached to the top crossbar, allowing you to unscrew the nut that secures the flush pipe and connects it to the drain system. When the siphon is disconnected, you should remove the damaged membrane and replace it with a similar one that is suitable in size. After this, the fittings are assembled and installed in the reverse order.
  2. Sometimes it happens that the tank leaks water because the rubber seal has lost its original elasticity. This happens often with rubber “bulbs”: they become similar to the touch of wood and completely lose the elasticity inherent in rubber. In this case, the old constipation simply needs to be replaced with a new one.

The constipation holds water when it fits tightly into its intended recess. If limescale appears on the seat, the base of the lock does not adhere to its walls with the required density and, as a result, the toilet cistern does not hold water. In such a case, the lock must be temporarily removed, and then the surface of the saddle must be cleaned with a stiff brush or sandpaper and returned to its place. Experienced craftsmen also advise tightening all saddle fasteners during this operation.

Tank drain device

  1. If the nut securing the base at the overflow point is loose, you need to temporarily remove the tank and tighten the nut located in its lower part.
  2. If the connecting cuff between the toilet and the tank leaks, you can tighten it with a clamp or try to install it back in its intended place. A rotten cuff simply needs to be replaced with a new one.
  3. Another cause of leakage can be the rubber gasket between the tank and the toilet. These gaskets may rot, or they may simply be installed incorrectly. Plumbers call such gaskets “bitten.”
  4. If upon inspection it turns out that the gasket is installed normally, the leak may be caused by a crack that has formed in the tank. Repairing a cracked tank is also not at all difficult: you need to remove it, dry it and fill the crack with sealant.
  5. Sometimes a toilet tank starts to leak when the shutoff valve won't hold water. A valve defect is very easy to detect: if you press the valve with your hand, the water flow should stop. If this does not happen, then the valve gasket needs to be replaced.
  6. When the button height adjuster moves for some reason, the tank may also leak. A gap through which water flows occurs when the valve is higher than the water drain hole. To fix this problem, you just need to adjust the height of the button.
  7. The problem of water leakage can also arise in the place where the drain hose is connected to the tank. A cracked nut will need to be replaced, and if it is not damaged, then tighten it well enough.
  8. Sometimes the operation of the tank is disrupted due to breakage of the reinforcement. To cope with this malfunction, the easiest way is to replace the entire fittings.

Currently, old toilet models are often replaced with modern ones, which have a more aesthetic appearance and are noticeably more convenient to use. For example, one of the advantages of new toilets is the absence of splashing water and splashes during flushing. However, it should be understood that new tanks break down just as often as the old ones did. It should be noted that new models of tanks are much easier to repair, and spare parts for them are made of durable plastic and are relatively inexpensive.

When planning to change your plumbing, you should decide on the desired toilet model and pay attention to how the outlet pipe is installed, which can be horizontal or directed to the floor. Most often today we find compact toilets with a flush in a horizontal plane, as well as “monoblocks”, in which the cistern and toilet are one unit.

Before purchasing and installing a new toilet, you should check whether the installation instructions are included in the kit and study them carefully.

It is important to immediately understand the structure of the tank so that later you can clearly understand why the problem might have occurred. Plumbing fixtures with a simpler cistern design usually last much longer and are more reliable.

Most often, spare tank mechanisms are sold as a set, but if necessary, you can purchase individual parts. If a rare and expensive tank is installed in an apartment, then it will be much more profitable to look for individual spare parts, and in simpler models it is often easier to immediately replace the entire tank. Some time ago, it was common to install the toilet seat on a small raised surface made of cement screed or mount it on wooden rails. Nowadays, the toilet is installed after the wall and floor tiles have been laid in the room. Before installing the toilet, the tiles are marked with a felt-tip pen, and then it is fastened using the markings.

Tank drain device

What to do if the toilet tank is leaking

Tank drain device

Replacing fittings in the cistern

Replacing the mechanism in the tank with your own hands

Similar materials

When the toilet tank is constantly leaking, you are guaranteed to experience nervous irritation:

  • at night you will hear water flowing;
  • when leaving home, worry whether the apartment and the neighbors below will flood;
  • the appearance of rust in the toilet;
  • condensation on the pipes, then mold in the toilet;
  • the counter readings increase.

To avoid such troubles, initially entrust the installation and connections of plumbing to specialists. Eliminate all subsequent breakdowns by studying the causes of the problem in advance.

A leaking tank is one of the most common toilet breakdowns.

What is the reason?

Like any problem, fixing a leaking toilet starts with identifying the source of the problem.

Reasons for a leaking toilet:

  • if the plumbing is new and recently installed, the reasons lie in improper installation and connection; the mechanism for filling the tank with water and draining it is not installed correctly;
  • if your toilet is at least six months old, the cause of the tank leak may be poor-quality materials or fittings;
  • obvious mechanical problems of the toilet arise after three years of operation: polymer materials become brittle and can break due to a sharp change in pressure in the pipes.

If you want to fix the leak yourself, you can determine the true problem by disassembling the tank and inspecting it for damage, cracks, and checking the water shut-off valve. In this case, you have two options:

  1. Shut off the water supply and watch for water leaks. If the water does not flow, and it remains in the drain tank itself, then the cause of the breakdown lies in an incorrectly adjusted or clogged system for automatically supplying water to the tank (we call it a float).
  2. If water flows until the drain tank is completely empty, the cause of the breakdown lies in the drain valve. It can easily become clogged and simply break.

In the first case, the “float” broke; it is enough to just adjust the water pressure that passes through the fill valve, and complete disassembly of the drain tank is not necessary.

If you find that the cause of the water leak is the drain valve, you will have to disassemble the tank. But before that, it’s better to flush the water several times while simultaneously pressing the drain button with a little force.

Most often, small but hard salt deposits are the cause of jamming of the mechanism. By doing this forced flushing of the tank, you may be able to get rid of the debris.

Problem options

As sad as it sounds, the drain tank can leak in different ways. Therefore, before disassembling the mechanism, you need to determine exactly how the water flows.

Water can leak from the tank for various reasons.

Failure of the cistern in several variations:

  • water flows out through the overflow;
  • water begins to flow before reaching the overflow;
  • leaks between the toilet bowl and the cistern;
  • flows simultaneously with the drain.

Of course, the plumber’s phone number is always at hand, but such problems are quite easy to fix on your own, just by studying the mechanism.


The essence of the problem: the tank overflows with water, and it simply comes out through the overflow.

Why does the tank overflow with water?

  • the gasket in the valve was deformed: over time, the rubber part lost its elasticity and stopped tightly closing the water;
  • the gasket is not pressed tightly enough: the element itself is not broken, it is just weakly pressed against the hole of the drain valve;
  • the pin that holds the float lever located in the valve body is rusted or lost;
  • the float lever has moved;
  • the valve could simply crack if it is plastic; If the device is made of brass, a similar reason is impossible.

The most common problem is a misaligned lever. To correct this situation, it is enough to return the lever to its place: it should lie horizontally, lower than the pipe inlet.

Eliminating continuous leakage through an overflow:

  1. Remove the top cover of the cistern.
  2. Raise the float one centimeter: if the leak has stopped and you didn’t need much effort to do it, your search is over.
  3. Turn the float lever a little so that it closes the water earlier.
  4. If water continues to flow when you raise the float, you most likely need to pay attention to the valve. The design of the valve itself has a pin that secures the lever; make sure that it is intact and intact.
  5. A damaged pin can be replaced with a piece of copper wire.
  6. Also, there should be no holes in the place where the stud is attached. If it does exist, you will have to buy a new valve. Be sure to bring a sample of the old mechanism with you.
  7. If water constantly flows despite the gasket being tightly pressed to the valve hole, the problem can only be solved by purchasing a new device.

We looked at the example of a classic toilet, but if you have a modern device, look for the origins of the problems and their solutions by studying your toilet model individually.

If the plumbing is new, the cause of leaks may be improper installation.

Water begins to flow before reaching the overflow

The essence of the problem: water constantly flows, regardless of whether the overflow level has been reached or not.

The cause of the leak may be in the bolt that holds the toilet and the shelf together; it is either rusted (if it is steel) or cracked (if it is plastic).

Solution to the problem:

  1. Make sure the water only flows up to the overflow level.
  2. Turn off the water and flush the tank.
  3. Dismantle the flexible line coming from the tank.
  4. Remove the bolts that secure the shelf to the toilet. Inspect the fittings: if they are in good condition, it is enough to replace just a couple of bolts, or buy a new set of fittings.
  5. Rusty bolts need to be cut off with a hacksaw.
  6. Remove the shelf from the cuff, drain the remaining water and place the mechanism on a flat surface.
  7. Reassemble the tank with new bolts, preferably brass. Repeat all steps in reverse order.
  8. Experts recommend replacing the rubber gaskets in any case.

If necessary, tighten the cuff with an aluminum tie or copper wire.

Leak between toilet bowl and cistern

Option No. 1: the problem can be solved easily: just tighten or simply correct the part.

Causes of the problem: a faulty cuff is most often the cause of water leakage.

Regardless of what material the cuff is made of, there are clamps for both plastic and metal. Tighten the cuff with clamps carefully, not too tight, but not too loose.

If the cuff device is corrugated, then it can simply move. In this case, simply return the part to its place and secure it.

Option No. 2: replacing rubber gaskets, tightening bolts and nuts.

Causes of the problem: too weak fixation of the shelf to the tank.

Just tighten the fastenings. Metal bolts rust and become deformed over time, but this does not happen to brass bolts.

If tightening the bolts and nuts does not help, check the rubber gaskets. They need to either be completely replaced or repaired (dry, apply sealant, dry and reinstall with bolts).

Option No. 3: replacing the drain tank.

Cause of the problem: Water leaking between the tank and the shelf may be a sign that the shelf is completely broken.

This kind of problem is very serious. It is better for you to consult a specialist, because a breakdown often requires a complete replacement of the toilet bowl or even the flush tank.

Plumbing products should be regularly inspected for cracks, including the cuff and pipes.

Toilet design for a better understanding of the problem

Leaking at the same time as draining

The essence of the problem: every time you press the drain, water begins to leak from under the tank.

Option #1:

  1. Check the serviceability of the drain mechanism inside the tank. Take the valve with your hand and press it lightly. If the leak has stopped, it means that the reason was hidden in the loose fit of the valve in the center of the tank.
  2. In this case, you just need to replace the gasket in the valve.

But this reason is far from the only one.

Option #2:

  1. The next reason for the tank leaking may be a displaced drain button.
  2. If the height adjuster has moved and the valve is higher than the drain hole, then a gap will form between the drain and the shut-off valve.
  3. You just need to return the water height regulator to its original position.

The breakdown is quite simple and not at all costly.

Option #3:

  1. A loose nut on the outside may result in water leakage.
  2. You need to carefully and carefully tighten the nut and also check all the fasteners that secure the flush cistern to the toilet.

Minor damage can be repaired and sealed, but major damage must be completely replaced.

Serviceable plumbing guarantees the usual level of comfort. As long as everything is in order with the toilet, it seems that there can be no problems. But things do not last forever, sooner or later they break - and the toilet tank begins to leak water and leak.

At first glance, this is a minor inconvenience, but even a minor breakdown can cause major troubles. Why is the toilet tank leaking? What can be done in this case?

If the toilet tank is leaking water, you need to urgently find out the cause and fix it as quickly as possible. Every day the cost of a breakdown will be higher and higher, because the meter continues to spin.

And if the situation gets out of control, everything could end with flooding of neighbors and impressive amounts of compensation.

To understand the reason for the tank leaking, you will have to remove and disassemble it. This must be done very carefully, without damaging the sealing gasket.

It happens that there are several minor breakdowns. For example, the toilet is constantly leaking, but the coupling has lost its tightness and is constantly leaking a small amount of water.

The owner of the apartment may not even notice it, but very soon the neighbors below will have a wet ceiling in their toilet, and complaints are inevitable.

Little things like the sound of running water, an increase in utility bills, and the risk of harming your neighbors add up to a very unsightly picture.

Therefore, you should not waste time and wait for all these troubles; you need to solve the problem once and for a long time.

The best preventative measure to prevent leaks is professional installation and regular toilet inspections. Once every 3 months you should check the tightness of the connections and the functionality of the gaskets. To prevent debris from entering the tank, it is advisable to install a coarse filter

Design and operating features of the tank

To repair a toilet tank, you need to have a very good understanding of what elements it consists of and how it works. The market offers many different models. Let's look at the most common ones.

Designs of popular models

The most common types of toilet flush tanks are designs combined with a bowl (compact) and wall-hung ones. The first ones are convenient because during installation you do not have to install a special exhaust pipe.

And secondly, a stronger pressure is created, due to which the toilet bowl is better cleaned.

The disadvantages of hanging tanks include louder noise when flushing, and additional elements complicate the design, which increases the risk of breakage.

However, in general, they are no less convenient and practical than those combined with a bowl, which is why they are very common in modern apartments.

Now that aesthetics is becoming as important a criterion for choosing plumbing fixtures as convenience, many apartment owners have begun installing installations.

A cistern of this model is mounted into the wall, and it becomes invisible. There is a special button on the panel for flushing.

Due to the hidden installation, this design is a little more difficult to repair if something happens to it.

The advantage of modern models of toilet cisterns is the possibility of modular repair. All components wear out approximately equally. In order not to repair one part after another, you can replace all the shut-off valves at once

Trigger mechanisms can also vary, and the convenience and durability of operation often depends on this.

For closed flush tanks, water release buttons are most often used, but there are designs with chains or levers that are installed for hanging models.

Mechanical triggers are designed so that the water drains while the button is pressed, while automatic ones are triggered even after a single short press. Failures in mechanisms of the first type are less common, but the difference is still not fundamental, because both types are quite reliable.

As for the material, the most common models are ceramic and plastic, although in some apartments you can still find cast iron rarities.

Plastic and earthenware tanks are very convenient and rarely burst. Usually the cause of their failure is mechanical damage or manufacturing defects.

Models of tanks with two buttons are very convenient, which allow you to select the water flow mode - full and economical. Designs of this type use membrane drain valves, thanks to which water does not flow out completely when you press the economical drain button

Main parts of the drain device

A cistern of any design consists of a bowl, a fill valve, a drain and overflow mechanism. The bowl is a durable container that holds water for flushing the toilet.

It rarely fails, but if this happens, the tank must be replaced. Repairs may only be a temporary measure while the owner chooses a new model. The valve is designed to regulate the water level in the drain tank. It is equipped with a special float that functions as an indicator of the amount of water.

The float is attached to the valve by a brass rod. In modern models, the valve is located at the very bottom of the cistern bowl, and in older models, on the side.

The drain and overflow system is a fitting with start buttons. Most often, the entire mechanism is made of plastic and is activated when you press the water release button. The drainage system is connected to the overflow mechanism to prevent water from spilling out of the bowl. The excess is drained into the sewer, and this process is regulated using a float valve.

The video shows a step-by-step diagram of disassembling the tank into individual parts:

The principle of operation of continuous and wall-mounted models

Cisterns connected to the toilet bowl are activated when the trigger button is pressed, and water is drained until the button is released.

When the drain valve is open, the overflow mechanism is closed.

When the water level drops to a minimum, the float valve opens and the valve closes. This happens because the indicator float descends to the lowest point of the bowl. When the tank is completely empty and the float is at the bottom, water begins to fill the bowl. It enters the tank until the float rises to its original place. At this moment the valve shuts off the water supply.

Wall-mounted models work on a slightly different principle. The functions of the drain bowl are performed by a special siphon in the form of a corrugated tube. When the trigger is pressed, water flows out through the open part of the tube.

When the water level drops, the float valve opens and the container begins to fill until the indicator float returns to its place. When the float rises, the float valve closes, preventing liquid from overflowing.

A detailed explanation of the design and operating principle of the cistern from a specialist:

The main causes of external leaks

What to do if the toilet tank leaks and water ends up on the floor? First you need to understand the reasons. There are two main components, failure of which leads to troubles of this kind. This is the gasket that is installed between the tank and the toilet bowl, and the screws that connect the compact structure.

The causes of external leaks can be either loose installation of the drain tank on the bowl, or a violation of the technology for installing the sealing gasket.

Also, the tank may leak due to natural wear and tear or an initially poor quality gasket. In all cases, the essence of the problem lies in the lack of tightness of the connections.

Sealing gaskets for toilets are available in every hardware store. They are made of silicone, rubber or polyurethane. Any of the materials copes with its tasks perfectly. The main thing is that the new gasket is not hard. You can check it by squeezing it in your hand. The surface of the product must be smooth and even

How to replace a leaking gasket?

First of all, turn off the water and empty the tank. After this, it can be removed by unscrewing the two screws connecting the structure. In relatively new toilets, the screws do not have time to become rusty and are easily unscrewed.

If the screws are seriously “grown”, you will have to be careful when unscrewing. It makes sense to consider the option of completely replacing the structure, because... problems may arise simply because the toilet has served its useful life.

In this case, breakdowns follow one after another, and soon after repair you will have to face new troubles.

When the parts of the structure are separated, you can remove the sealing gasket and check for leaks. To do this, it is compressed. If it has hardened and lost its elasticity, it's time to buy a new one.

If everything is in order with the gasket itself, then the problem is due to incorrect installation, but even in this case it is better to install a new one.

Before installing the gasket, the joints are thoroughly cleaned and dried. The new part is placed in the same place as the old one.

To guarantee the tightness of the connection, it can be glued with a special silicone compound. It is applied to parts of the structure and to the gasket itself on both sides.

After installing the gasket, the tank is installed in place, tightening the screws tightly. In this case, you need to monitor the applied efforts so that the connection is tight, but the earthenware does not burst.

All that remains is to tighten the nuts and wait for the silicone to set. The toilet can be used after 2-3 hours.

Silicone sealing compounds are designed for gluing rubber, metal, and plastic parts. After drying, they form a dense, impenetrable mass that is resistant to all types of influences.

Eliminating leaks at the connecting screws

Leaks at the installation sites of connecting screws occur in two cases:

  • if the toilet was initially installed unprofessionally;
  • if the seals are dry.

To eliminate the leak, unscrew the screws, but you do not need to remove the tank bowl itself. Most likely, the flat rubber seals have become unusable.

They will have to be replaced, preferably with conical gaskets, which ensure a tighter fit of the parts.

To install new fasteners, put a metal washer on the screw, then a gasket (if it is conical, then the wide part is towards the screw head).

When securing the structure, you need to evenly distribute the efforts, alternately tightening first one and then the second screw. This will help avoid distortions. If the tank is installed correctly, all connections will remain tight.

Distortions will lead to new leaks or cracks in the plumbing fixture.

Each toilet model has its own design features, so when disassembling you should be very careful, remember the location of each part, the specifics of fastening and other nuances. This will help to properly assemble the toilet after repair.

How to eliminate internal leaks?

Internal leaks are those when the tank leaks water into the toilet bowl. In this case, the floor remains dry, but water flows uncontrollably into the drain.

Such a breakdown cannot cause a “flood” in the apartment, but it will affect utility bills. Although the water only drips a little, quite a lot can flow out in a day.

Adjusting the overflow tube

Most often, the tank float is faulty: it does not completely cover the drain hole. Sometimes it happens that the overflow pipe is not configured correctly or the drain mechanism itself is damaged.

The easiest way is to check whether the overflow tube is adjusted correctly. To do this, open the tank and lift the tube slightly. If water overflows into the tube, then the cause of the malfunction is in the float valve.

If not, you just need to adjust the float by slightly bending the lever.

To improve the operation of the drain mechanism, sometimes little things are enough - just correct and clean the mechanism components that may accidentally move or become clogged under the flow of water.

Minor repair of the drain mechanism

To repair the float, unscrew the plastic nut that secures the tank to the toilet. There is a rubber part here that is responsible for shutting off the water.

It needs to be removed and washed thoroughly, removing all dirt from the place where it was located. After this, install the rubber band again and check the operation of the tank.

If after cleaning the rubber the toilet tank no longer leaks, then the repair can be considered complete. If water still flows, then the part will have to be replaced with a new one.

You can buy it at any construction or hardware store.

You can learn how to replace tires correctly from the video instructions:

Valve problem - what to do?

Sometimes the toilet tank leaks because the flush valve does not completely shut off the water. This happens if debris gets into the tank or the device itself is broken. In the first case, it is enough to simply clean the container by removing dirt from under the gum.

If normal cleaning does not help, you will have to change the valve rubber, because... It dries out over time and can no longer fit tightly to the drain. As a temporary measure, you can simply turn it over to the other side.

A broken valve needs to be replaced. How to do this is described in detail in the video:

Minor faults in the cistern

The most unexpected problems can arise with plumbing fixtures. Some of them do not affect the comfort of use, but cause minor troubles.

For example, the tank may simply make too much noise when filling and disturb nighttime sleep. If the toilet is noisy, you can install a muffler (flexible plastic tube) or a stabilizing float valve with a special chamber.

If you have already had to start repairing a tank, try to immediately think about how you want to improve its operation and perform all the necessary manipulations in one go.

Whatever the reasons why the toilet tank was leaking water, after repair it is imperative to correctly adjust the operation of the float and overflow system.

This will help prevent future leaks.

Over time, any plumbing fixtures begin to fail. Water leaking from the tank into the toilet means not only streaks of rust on the faience, the presence of condensation and constant noise, but also huge bills for water. In this article, we’ll look at how to eliminate the cause of the leak and repair the toilet with your own hands.

How is the cistern constructed?

How can you fix a leaking toilet tank if you don't know how it works? Naturally, no way. Therefore, before reviewing repair methods, you need to study the structure of the item being restored.

Usually he consists of the following elements:

  • An overflow is a hollow column that connects to the toilet. This column protects the container from overfilling. If the water level reaches the edge of the column, the liquid then begins to overflow into the toilet.
  • Tap or float valve - a fitting connected to a water supply system, where a shut-off unit is fixed, which is controlled by a float. When there is no water in the tank, the float, opening the fitting, pulls down the shut-off mechanism of the faucet. If the container is filled, the float, closing the fitting, rises up.
  • Drain lever - the mechanism that controls the drain valve. This unit consists of a rocker arm with a stand, the edge of which is connected to the hatch (valve) with a metal or polymer chain. By pressing the free edge of the rocker, you will pull the chain up, opening the valve hatch. By lowering the rocker (lever), you loosen the chain, lowering the hatch into place.
  • Flush valve - a hinged hatch that closes the drain hole and leads to the toilet. When the hatch is closed, water fills the tank from the float valve. When the hatch is open, all the water flows into the toilet through the drain hole.

Of all the components described above, only three elements can provoke a leak in the toilet - valve, overflow, faucet. Therefore, repairing a leak involves restoring the operation of these particular elements.

Where does the repair begin?

Naturally, by searching for the cause of the leak. Since only by determining why the toilet tank began to leak, you will have the opportunity to correct the defect and improve the functioning of the drainage system.

And there are several of these reasons, but, as a rule, plumbers deal have the following problems:

The first problem - leaking through the overflow - is determined quite simply - water flows in the tank all the time. It's like you have a bottomless design rather than a 10 liter tank. Therefore, if you hear a murmur, get ready to replace or repair the elements of the float valve.

The second problem is sealing defect- determined by a constant stream that forms a characteristic limescale “drip” on the inner surface of the toilet bowl. If you notice it, get ready to dismantle the tank and replace the seal.

The third problem - a weakened flush valve - is determined by an intermittent stream that flows into the toilet bowl from the drain nozzles when water enters the tank. Therefore, when, while filling the container, water begins to flow into the toilet, there is no option, you need to replace the shut-off part of the valve.

As you can see, there are not so many reasons for a leak to appear. But each of them will require a specific approach to repair. Therefore, below we will consider ways to eliminate a leak related to the reasons for its occurrence.

What to do if the toilet tank is constantly leaking?

The reason for liquid going into the sewer and constant overflow can only be malfunction of the float valve, which cannot block the flow from the water supply.

The simplest reasons for this failure:

  • Float jamming - this defect can be corrected in just a few minutes. To do this, you need to remove the cover and move the hollow container of the float further from the edge of the tank, or adjust its lever.
  • Depressurization of the float - this defect involves eliminating chips or cracks in a hollow container using glue. You take out the sunken float, pour the water out of it, dry it with a hairdryer and seal the crack with some kind of waterproof glue. Set it in place.

If the float moves up and down without delay or is not cracked, then you have a more complex breakdown - failure of the locking mechanism directly from the tap. And the best way to fix this problem is to install a new mechanism.

Why do you need to do the following:

If water reaches the level installed by the faucet float and does not go into the overflow - you did everything correctly.

If you go to purchase a new valve or float valve, pay attention to products with stabilizing chambers that level out excessively high pressure in the water supply. Ordinary float valves cannot withstand high pressure and “leak”.

If there is a leak between the cistern and the toilet

Leaks at the junction of the toilet bowl and the tank appear due to depressurization of the joint, which is caused by deformation of the seal. Therefore, this leak can only be corrected by replacing the gasket, which is located between the toilet shelf and the tank.

To do this, during repairs you you need to do the following:

The gasket can be manufactured in various formats. Therefore, before replacing it is necessary determine its standard size so as not to make a mistake when purchasing. An incorrectly sized gasket will not solve your problem.

  • Secure the drain assembly with locknuts.
  • Place the tank on the shelf.
  • Secure it with bolts.

In addition, a leak between the toilet and the tank during flushing can be caused by a rusted bolt that secures the container to the bowl, or a seal that has crumbled from age and seals the bolt seat.

Naturally, in this case you will need change the bolt with seal by performing the following manipulations:

  • Close the water and drain the liquid from the tank.
  • Unscrew the bolts and remove them from the seat.
  • Install new bolts, first putting gaskets on them, and tighten them.

Sometimes a leak between the tank and the shelf can be corrected by simply tightening the loose bolts. To do this, you need to fix the nut on the outlet with a wrench and tighten the fasteners with a screwdriver.

But be careful - ceramics on plumbing fixtures are not as durable as they might seem. All you have to do is tighten the bolt a little... a crack forms in the bottom of the tank. Therefore, do not abuse this recommendation - it is better to replace the gaskets.

How to fix a leak with a faulty shut-off valve in the toilet tank?

In this case, you can try to disassemble the drain valve and adjust the degree of pressure to the hatch drain pipe by sharpening the end of the first one. But this method is associated with significant labor costs and does not always help.

Therefore, it is better not to even carry out repairs, but simply replace the complete drain assembly, acting like this:

As you can see, this problem can be solved with fairly simple manipulations with adjustable or socket wrenches.

What to do if a toilet tank with a button starts to leak?

First, check the location of the switch. Since the button in its shaft may sink due to weakening of the return spring or jamming of the rod, the drain hatch cover will therefore be locked in the “open” mode.

Button repair involves the following actions:

  • Removing the cover.
  • Removing the faulty switch.
  • Replacing the entire button or just the spring.
  • Centering the landing site - it must be located in the lid immediately below the hole.
  • Reverse installation - the button and cover are installed in place.

If condensation begins to flow from the tank

This happens when the container very cold water comes in, and there is an excessively high level of humidity in the toilet. However, you can eliminate this problem by increasing the air circulation rate in the toilet ventilation or by heating the pipe.

The first method is more preferable, since it guarantees the removal of evaporation on the outer walls of the tank without energy consumption, since to increase air circulation you only need to enlarge the ventilation hole or install a pressure unit - a fan - into it.

What to do if the joint between the water supply and the tank begins to leak?

In this case, it is necessary to change either the hose that connects the water supply to the toilet, or the tap (float valve), since the cause of the leak may be crack in valve fitting or hose connection.

But before that, you must try to screw the pipe onto the fitting as tightly as possible, because the cause of the leak may be a simple depressurization of the joint. But do not overdo it, because during intensive “tightening” of the pipe fitting, you can break the thread on the still intact part.

As you can see, a toilet tank can leak for various reasons, most of which can be easily fix it yourself. But in order to avoid the need to carry out repairs constantly, purchase high-quality plumbing fixtures from popular manufacturers. It will serve you for a long time without any problems.

In our material today, we will talk about the main causes of toilet cistern leakage, and also tell you about troubleshooting methods.


The detected problems with the toilet, which began to leak in certain places, are caused by three reasons. Sometimes separately, and sometimes they provoke a breakdown through joint efforts:

  1. When installing new plumbing, installation and assembly errors are often made.
  2. During long-term operation, the tank leaks due to failed or worn-out structural elements and fittings. Natural breakdowns usually occur only three years after installation.
  3. Mechanical damage, violation of operating recommendations. These are sharp tugs on levers, strong pressing of buttons, random blows, and so on.

Now let's look at several types of leaks separately.

Types of leaks

When draining

  • Leaks may occur after pressing the drain button. This indicates the need to check the design of the drain system. Often the cause is impaired functionality of the shut-off valve. Grasp it with your hand and press lightly. If this helps, then the valve simply did not fit tightly to the surface. Replace the old valve gasket with a good quality new one and you're done.
  • The drain key is displaced, the position of the height adjuster is broken. In such situations, the valve is located higher than the drain hole. The resulting gap leads to leakage. Adjust the regulator a little, try to return the button to its original position. To do this, you need to tighten the fasteners that secure the tank to the pipe or the plumbing product itself.
  • Water leaks due to a loose nut attached to the outside of the bottom. The reason is simple - the seal is broken. Most likely, replacing the gasket or installing a new nut with a high quality gasket will help.

Remember, if the damage is minor and caused by a seal failure, then use simple sealants. For more serious problems, replace damaged elements of the tank.

If it flows through the overflow

First of all, correct the lever of the float system, and also check the condition of the valve and the float itself. Sometimes water is not retained inside the tank, but flows directly into the bowl through the overflow. It is possible that the lever has moved from its original position, or a misalignment has occurred.

Check to see if there is any liquid in the float. This is often what causes leaks through overflows. If it really is there, then the float is out of order. Bringing it back to life is simple:

  • Remove the float;
  • Pour out any accumulated water;
  • Dry thoroughly, even using a hairdryer, which will speed up the process;
  • Repair cracks and holes through which water has entered. Epoxy glue is useful for this. If you add a little super cement to it, the quality of the repair will be even higher;
  • Return the element to its place.

If the float system valve fails, the easiest way is to replace it with a new one. It's not difficult to do this:

  • Release all liquid from the water reservoir;
  • Remove the fitting using a wrench. It connects the valve to the water supply system, that is, the plumbing;
  • Remove the lever, but be careful not to damage other elements;
  • Remove the inner as well as the outer nut that holds the lever in place;
  • Remove the float valve;
  • Install the new element using the fixing nuts;
  • Fill the reservoir with liquid;
  • Secure the lever in the correct position;
  • Do a test flush to determine if you did everything right.

If there is a problem with the siphon membrane, it must be replaced. The problem cannot be solved by using glue or sealants. Buy a new membrane, similar to the old one. Remove it and find a similar one at a plumbing supply store. To carry out repairs, follow these simple instructions:

  • Drain the water until nothing is left in the drain tank;
  • Using a rope, tie the float lever to a crossbar. The element must be securely fixed;
  • Any plank or piece of wood placed in place of the tank lid can serve as a crossbar;
  • Remove the nut connecting the flush pipe and the tank;
  • Loosen the other nut slightly by unscrewing it from the siphon. It is located at the base of the container;
  • Carefully disconnect the siphon from the lever and pull it out;
  • Now take the new membrane and place it in its rightful place;
  • Reassemble the entire system in reverse order.

Between the cistern and the toilet

  1. Inspect the condition of the cuff. It will have to be corrected or tightened using a clamp. Do not overtighten the bolts, but at the same time do not make the fasteners too weak.
  2. If there is a corrugated area on the cuff, they sometimes move from their original position. Clamps or plumbing insulation will help return it to its place. The last option will give a temporary result, so a clamp is the optimal solution.
  3. The cause of this type of leak may be weak fastening of the tank and shelf. Check that the nuts and bolts are securely tightened. Brass bolts are eternal, but their metal counterparts lose their original characteristics over time.
  4. If the previous option did not work, take a closer look at the gaskets on the tank. Unscrew all nuts and bolts, inspect the condition of the gaskets. Replacing them is not difficult or expensive.
  5. If the shelf is damaged, clamps and sealants will not help. A complete replacement of the shelf or even the tank will be required.

From the tank to the floor

The primary cause is poorly tightened bolts or deformed over time and under the influence of moisture:

  1. If they are not tight enough, but the fasteners are new, simply work with the appropriate tool to tighten the fasteners.
  2. If fasteners lose quality, they need to be replaced. Turn off the water, drain the remaining water, partially dismantle the fittings in order to have more or less convenient access to the bolt heads. After removing the old ones, replace them with new ones, not forgetting about the rubber seals.

It would be a good idea to use sealants at the joints. This is generally a useful thing for solving many leakage problems. You should not rely solely on gaskets and seals, since even the highest quality products cannot always cope with the loads. An additional measure of protection in the form of a sealant will extend the life of your plumbing fixtures and make your life easier.

Other causes of leakage

This is not a complete list of possible leaks that arise as a result of the use of toilets. Let's name a few more of them, as well as ways to eliminate them:

  1. The flush button does not work. Here you will need to remove the cover and check the condition of the drain system. Often the drain rod comes off, as does the pressure shutter valve. You just need to put them in their place. Check if the button is dirty, clean off any accumulated dirt and put it back. Problem solved.
  2. High noise level when drawing water. The water supply system may have different pressures. If it is high, then increased pressure is created on the float valve and the element cannot cope with the load. The result is increased noise. Replace the valve that can cope with such a set, or install a stabilization valve.

If the tank is leaking due to the formation of condensation, then you need to find out the cause and eliminate it:

  • The inlet and outlet fittings need to be repaired. If it is broken, water flows into the toilet and heats up to room temperature. At the same time, cold water comes from the water supply, which creates condensation;
  • It is necessary to reduce the volume of drainage. This is true for regularly used toilets. It is recommended to replace the regular drain button with a double one, where one will drain a smaller volume of liquid, and the second will drain a larger volume;
  • Eliminate high humidity in the room itself. If it is a combined bathroom, it will be more difficult. You can install an electric heated towel rail, plus be sure to provide an effective ventilation system.

Inspection by a professional

Many people prefer professional help when their plumbing equipment fails. The benefits of a professional inspection include:

  • A specialist may point out things you would never look at;
  • Professional experience allows him to quickly find the causes of malfunctions and correct them efficiently;
  • The master has his own proven places to buy plumbing fixtures and components;
  • A responsible specialist uses professional tools and reliable sealants because he is interested in positive feedback about his work;
  • Before installation, a professional will be able to point out the weaknesses of the pipeline, help with installation and connection of the toilet, and offer their services for the prevention and maintenance of plumbing.


It is better to prevent a breakdown at the stages of its inception than to eliminate the consequences later. By taking preventative measures, you will significantly extend the life of your plumbing fixtures and will spend noticeably less money if certain problems arise.

Prevention measures include:

  • Periodic inspection of joints and connections;
  • Inspection of gaskets, condition of pipes and pipes;
  • Careful use of flush levers and buttons, avoiding sudden pressing;
  • Installation of coarse filters, which prevent impurities and large particles from entering the tank that can contaminate and clog the system;
  • Using high-quality fittings when replacing toilet elements;
  • The use of high-quality plumbing fixtures, the purchase of which in itself guarantees a longer trouble-free service life than products of questionable manufacture;

Contacting professionals to solve problems and malfunctions.