The buildings      09/18/2023

Which coolant is best for heating a private home. The coolant for heating systems is water or antifreeze, which is better? Antifreeze for the water circuit for home heating

Despite the promotion of alternative methods of heating rooms, in the vast majority of cases the main heat source is a liquid heating circuit. Due to its economy and efficiency, it is optimal in the long winters typical of our latitudes.

The downside is that the water can freeze. Therefore, in addition to it, a non-freezing coolant is also used for heating systems, replacing water. In this article, we will take a closer look at its main varieties, consider their significant advantages and main disadvantages.

We will also provide an algorithm for calculating the required volume of coolant for a specific system and recommendations for choosing the type of fluid for heating circuits.

The main task of the liquid in the pipes is to transfer thermal energy from the boiler to the radiators.

For a heating system to be safe and energy efficient, the coolant must meet a number of important requirements, including:

  • preservation of pipes from corrosion;
  • chemical inertness to seals installed in the pipeline;
  • operating temperature range suitable for the pipes’ operational parameters (from freezing to boiling);
  • high heat capacity to accumulate as much heat as possible;
  • minimal ability to form scale;
  • complete safety: no release of toxic fumes and maximum explosion and fire resistance;
  • stable chemical composition - the liquid should not decompose and change its physical properties when exposed to high temperatures.

And now the main question: which antifreeze for modern heating systems meets all the requirements?

The answer may be disappointing, but no such liquid exists in nature today. Such an ideal chemical composition has not yet been created. Therefore, the question of selecting the optimal option is a very pressing task today.

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When is antifreeze necessary?

Before you start considering alternative liquids, don't discount water. If heating is installed in a house where residents live permanently, then water will be one of the safest and most reliable options.

As a coolant, it has optimal parameters for circulation through the circuits of heating systems.

However, at the peak of winter frosts, the slightest crystallization of water can cause a serious accident with the destruction of the pipeline and heating equipment components.

If we are talking about a country house, which is periodically visited, or when on weekends the family often leaves their abode, leaving the heating unattended, then the coolant used must be resistant to the low temperature range characteristic of the area.

Only for the use of chemical compounds as a carrier of thermal energy, it is necessary to prepare the heating circuits. The system must be completely sealed, because the liquid is toxic and flammable to varying degrees.

Antifreeze cannot be used “in its pure form” in heating circuits. Since undiluted anti-freeze compositions are aggressive and tend to stimulate the development of corrosion, they are diluted with water

The owner must take into account that the antifreeze liquid needs to be changed periodically, which is fraught with additional costs.

Some models of boiler equipment have specific recommendations for the use of a certain brand of coolant. If you use a liquid of a different composition, you may lose the warranty on the boiler.

Review of popular coolants

To protect yourself, we’ll take a closer look at each type of coolant.

Option #1 – water with additives

70% of modern systems use water, including its modified compositions using additives.

What explains this popularity:

  • complete harmlessness– a leak can only cause domestic difficulties;
  • highest heat capacity– about 1 cal/g*C (each liter of water is capable of transferring more heat than any other liquid);
  • cheap and accessible– water has a minimal cost compared to non-freezing compounds. The water system can be replenished at any time without significant investment of time, labor and money.

True, it is undesirable to replace water in the heating circuit without a good reason. When heated, it is freed from salts and oxygen.

Water that has boiled several times in the boiler no longer has the same composition and amount of salts as it had when it was poured into the system. Unlike the new portion, it is practically devoid of free oxygen.

You should not frequently change water in heating circuits so that scale does not settle on the walls of the pipes and the inner surface of the fittings

The other side of the coin is this:

  • Relatively high freezing point, so it cannot be left unattended (otherwise, when water freezes and expands, it can rupture pipes and radiators);
  • The salts contained in the composition can provoke deposits on pipes and heating elements, which reduces heat generation and the overall efficiency of the system;
  • Water is an oxidizing agent, and oxygen dissolved in it can cause corrosion of metal heating elements, including radiators.

Nothing can be done about the freezing temperature, but other negative properties can be significantly reduced. To begin with, you can reduce the salt concentration using softening. You can reduce the amount of hydrocarbonate salts by boiling.

Sodium orthophosphate, which can be purchased at the store, softens water. In this case, you need to remember about the correct dosage, because... excess reagents can negatively affect the thermal properties of water.

To avoid confusion with dosages, you can use distilled water, but it will cost an order of magnitude more. Now you don’t have to worry about the radiators becoming clogged with scale. To cheat and save money, you can use melt or rain water.

It is already naturally distilled. But its purity can only be partial. It could well be saturated with atmospheric pollution, but in any case it will be much softer than water from wells, wells or taps.

In order to preserve the technical condition of pipes, fittings, and equipment, it is better to pour distillate into the heating circuit. It is also better to fill in distilled water after an emergency drain and repair of the system.

Manufacturers offer distilled water enriched with inhibitor additives. They significantly reduce the likelihood of corrosion.

Also, surfactants (surfactants) are introduced into such a distillate. Their content in water minimizes the formation of deposits on the internal surfaces of radiators.

The surfactant causes existing deposits to peel off (with their subsequent removal from the system using a filter), and also reduces the chemical activity of water. As a result, all gaskets and seals will last longer.

Option #2 - non-freezing antifreeze

Even distilled water with the optimal set of additives is not without its main drawback - freezing at 0 degrees Celsius. A special liquid for metal heating radiators is free of this flaw, and in addition has a lower crystallization temperature.

Low temperatures affect antifreeze differently than water. Even when the minimum operating values ​​are exceeded, the liquid does not crystallize or expand, but turns into a gel-like substance. Therefore, pipes and radiators are protected from deformation and damage.

As the temperature rises, the consistency of thickened antifreeze becomes more liquid, and fluidity indicators increase, although in normal condition they are 15% lower than those of its traditional rival - water.

The coolant is supplied in two modifications: 1 - with a freezing point in an undiluted state of -65° and the second option -30°

The concentrated antifreeze composition can be diluted according to the manufacturer's instructions, taking into account local climatic conditions. To obtain a liquid with a freezing limit of -30°, dilute it with water by half; for -20°, part of the antifreeze is mixed with two parts of water.

Most compounds can withstand up to -65 degrees. In most areas of the north and middle zone, the temperature rarely drops below -35, so antifreeze is often diluted with distilled water, lowering the threshold to -40.

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Manufacturers of high-quality solutions make the composition as stable as possible, so it can last up to 5 years. After this, it will need to be completely replaced.

To achieve these properties, we had to sacrifice some of the benefits that water has:

  • heat transfer of antifreeze is 15% lower, sometimes this may entail the need for sections;
  • may contain toxic substances, so antifreeze cannot be used in 2-circuit systems where the composition may enter the hot water supply circuit;
  • high fluidity compared to water, due to which it is necessary to use specific seals that can prevent leaks;
  • increased viscosity, which will require the use of a more powerful pump - recommendations for choosing a pump and a review of the top ten models;
  • a higher expansion coefficient will require the installation of an expansion tank of increased volume.

When using all types of antifreeze, heating installations cannot be carried out with galvanized pipes, because in contact with them, the antifreeze loses some of its original beneficial properties.

It should be remembered that to fill the heating circuit, you should use a composition produced specifically for heating systems. Auto engine fluid cannot be used for this purpose.

The use of non-freezing liquids as coolants forces changes to be made to the heating system design. Due to the viscosity of antifreeze, it transfers heat to heating devices more slowly, so it is better to increase the number of radiator sections or purchase devices with a higher heat capacity.

It is also necessary to reduce friction in pipelines by replacing fittings with analogues one position larger than those used in water circuits.

Modern antifreeze liquids, depending on their composition, can be divided into three main types:

  • glycerin;
  • based on propylene glycol;
  • based on ethylene glycol.

Let's consider each separately to choose the most suitable option for existing equipment and conditions.

Option #3 – ethylene glycol-based anti-freeze

One of the most popular antifreezes takes its place of honor on store shelves thanks to the most affordable price due to its simple production process.

The liquid contains about 4% additives that prevent ethylene glycol from foaming at high temperatures. This also includes inhibitors that prevent corrosion from attacking metal surfaces.

Due to the aggressiveness of ethylene glycol, the product is used only in diluted form to protect the inside of pipes and radiators.

Ethylene glycol is aggressive to pipes, devices and connections, toxic, but has good thermal performance

The main disadvantage of ethylene glycol is its toxicity. A minimal amount of this substance in the human body can cause serious health problems. Therefore, the entire heating system must have the highest degree of sealing.

Another gap in the use of ethylene glycol is the constant control of temperatures. If the boiler heats the liquid to a temperature close to the boiling point, the composition will begin to decompose with the formation of solid sediment and the release of acids, which has a destructive effect on all heating equipment.

The specified antifreeze is suitable only for those systems where it is possible to accurately maintain the temperature, but not all boiler equipment is equipped with such a capability.

Option #4 – propylene glycol based liquid

This is a more modern antifreeze that has gotten rid of some of the disadvantages of ethylene glycol.


  • non-toxic - the composition contains additives that are used in the food industry;
  • can be used in dual-circuit systems, because even an accidental mixture into the drinking circuit will not harm human health;
  • higher thermal properties;
  • operated for 10 years;
  • act in the heating circuit according to the principle of lubrication, which reduces the hydraulic resistance in the pipeline and increases the efficiency of the system.

But one drawback could not be eliminated - incompatibility with zinc. Special additives lose quality when flowing through galvanized pipes. Another relative disadvantage is the twice as high price.

Option #5 - glycerin antifreeze

Glycerin antifreeze is equated with water, as close to an ideal set of properties, but at the same time is criticized. Opinions differ, so it makes sense to voice all the points.

Proponents of the glycerin composition identify the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly and safe solution;
  • wide operating temperature range – -30+100;
  • when freezing, it expands to its minimum values;
  • not aggressive to galvanized pipes and radiators;
  • costs less than propylene glycol;
  • service life 7-10 years.

The glycerin-based version is non-explosive and non-flammable. A significant plus is that it practically does not destroy the seals.

Synthetic additives have been introduced into the composition of glycerin-based antifreeze, thanks to which the corrosiveness of the liquid is significantly reduced

Among those who are against this coolant, there are the following arguments:

  • large mass, which causes additional load on the pipes;
  • lack of quality standards for glycerin mixtures;
  • when overheated and water evaporates, it loses its properties, turning into a gel-like mass with hardening;
  • increased foaming;
  • at temperatures above 90 degrees it may begin to decompose;
  • lower heat capacity compared to propylene glycol;
  • due to increased viscosity, it contributes to faster wear of equipment.

It is worth noting that in some countries where ethylene glycol is banned, there is no production of glycerin coolants at all. Due to the contradictions in the use of glycerin liquid, responsibility for its use falls entirely on the owner.

Glycerin-based antifreeze is an option with many advantages, but the cost and high viscosity make you think twice before purchasing

Option #6 – coolant for an electrode boiler

This type of equipment must be noted separately, because Electrode boilers require a special type of coolant. In this case, the liquid is heated due to ionization from the influence of alternating current.

Antifreeze must have a certain chemical composition that can provide three conditions: the correct values ​​of electrical resistance, electrical conductivity and ionization.

Manufacturers of electrode boilers give their own strict recommendations on the use of specific brands of coolant. Therefore, you need to select antifreeze with special care so as not to lose the warranty.

Each model of electrode boiler is limited to certain brands of coolant. When using a different composition, the manufacturer reserves the right not to fulfill warranty obligations.

It is necessary to take into account not only the characteristics of the coolant for the heating system, but also the configuration of the equipment in order to make heating safe and efficient.

If you decide to use antifreeze, let's look at the conditions under which its use is excluded:

  • lack of a heating temperature regulator in the boiler;
  • when using oil-treated flax seals;
  • the heating circuit uses pipes, radiators, shut-off valves with a galvanized surface;
    - open type heating system

Evaporation of water from an antifreeze liquid can change properties, and ethylene glycol vapor is toxic.

Compliance with the following rules will allow owners to get rid of a number of troubles due to incorrect use of antifreeze liquids:

  • in places of sealing, flax tow must be coated with sealing paste;
  • sectional radiators need to be sorted out to replace the seal with Teflon or paronite gaskets;
  • do not use automatic air vents (to bleed off excess air, it is better to set it to manual adjustment);
  • radiators and pipes must have increased volume and diameter;
  • the presence of a high-power circulation pump;
  • install a membrane with increased volume.

Antifreeze is poured into the heating system only after quality control, for which it is better to use special compounds. For the safety of all residents, experts recommend using propylene glycol.

The boiler cannot be brought to peak power immediately after. It is necessary to increase the temperature in steps. This is necessary for the antifreeze to gain optimal performance characteristics and expand within normal limits.

To select a suitable coolant, it is necessary to take into account the properties of pipes, boiler equipment and other factors.

When diluting a liquid with water, concentrations should not be allowed higher than -20 degrees. Excess water will cause scale deposits and change the performance properties of the glycol. Can only be diluted with distilled water.

How to determine the volume of coolant?

The easiest way is to use a water meter or water flow meter. There is one in almost every house or apartment with a centralized water supply.

Before starting measurements, the heating circuit must be completely emptied. Then readings are taken on the meter, and the system begins to be filled with a small pressure of water. This is necessary to avoid air pockets that distort the readings.

As soon as the heating pipeline is filled with water, you need to take the water meter readings again. You need to remember that 1 cubic meter is 1000 liters, and purchase the appropriate amount of liquid.

The second method is less convenient, but effective when there is no counter. The filled system is emptied through a measuring container (tank or bucket of a certain volume). The main thing is not to go astray with the number of buckets.

Another method is mathematical. The values ​​of the volumes of radiators and expansion tank, pipe diameters, and the volume of the boiler heat exchanger are taken as initial data. Using simple geometric and arithmetic formulas, you can calculate the final volume.

We looked at detailed examples of calculating each of the elements of the heating system in our following articles:

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will introduce a specialist’s opinion on whether it is worth changing the water to an antifreeze liquid:

A detailed analysis of the features of filling the heating system with coolant and recommendations for correctly starting the system in the following video:

The given facts reveal a complete information picture for each owner, who is determined by the choice of coolant. He will know what liquid he needs, what conditions are necessary for its use and how to create them.

What kind of liquid circulates in your heating system? Why did you choose this particular coolant and are you satisfied with its operation? Share your opinion in the comments block.

Or are you just deciding on the type of coolant, but did not find answers to your questions in this article? Ask your questions in the comments - we will try to help you.

The harsh climate of our country obliges every owner of a country house to think about how to keep warm in the cold season. Setting up an efficient and economical system is not an easy task. However, if you choose the right coolant for the heating system of a country house and take into account all the recommendations of experts, the result can exceed all expectations. Let's consider what a coolant is and what you need to pay attention to in the selection process first.

The coolant in the heating system is the liquid that transfers heat to the radiators from the source, that is, the boiler. Typically, water is used for this purpose, as well as special antifreezes (liquids that can not react even to very low temperatures and not freeze).

In order to buy a coolant for heating systems that will ideally suit the parameters of your home, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • safety. In a heating system, like any other, malfunctions and leaks may periodically occur. The safety of the coolant will be of great importance in this case, since the person fixing the breakdown will have to come into contact with the liquid. And for the owners there is no need for unnecessary risks;
  • it is equally important that the coolant is safe for the heating system, since any failure of it entails significant financial costs;
  • efficiency is another criterion that determines the coolant. Some fluids are better at transferring heat, and some are worse. And you need to pay attention to this during the selection process;
  • The service life may vary, and it is advisable to choose a liquid that will last long enough.

If we talk about which liquid for heating systems is suitable according to these criteria, then water is undoubtedly the best option. Its heat capacity is quite sufficient, and it does not pose any threat to pipes or humans. But this solution has one serious drawback - it freezes easily.

Therefore, before you pour water into the heating system, you need to understand that if it freezes, it will expand and simply rupture the pipes and radiators. That is why the use of antifreeze for heating a home is considered mandatory. When exposed to low temperatures, the liquid loses its fluidity somewhat, but does not harm the equipment.

So you need to approach the choice of coolant with all responsibility. The use of ordinary water is allowed, but only if you are able to constantly monitor the operation of the system and monitor its performance. If we are talking about the arrangement of a country house, which is periodically left unattended, and the heating system may be turned off for some time, then adding antifreeze can be considered mandatory. In this case, it is better to buy propylene glycol coolant.

Helpful advice! When deciding how to fill the heating system, you should also pay attention to the risks of power outages. If the house is located in a region where such outages are the norm, then it is also necessary to use special antifreeze.

Which coolant is better to use in the heating system: features of using water

If we talk about water as a liquid used to transfer heat from a source to radiators, then this option can confidently be called ideal. Its heat capacity and fluidity are extremely high, so that heat can be delivered to the radiator in the required quantity without any problems.

Many people are interested in the question of what kind of water is best to pour into the heating system. In this case, the answer is simple - ordinary tap water is suitable for closed heating systems. Of course, its composition can hardly be called ideal, and one way or another, it contains salts, as well as a certain amount of mechanical impurities that can settle on the equipment. However, this process will happen only once, and given that ordinary water can circulate properly through the heating system for years and does not require replacement, the damage will be insignificant. Simply put, the amount of precipitation that appears in the system simply will not be able to somehow affect its operation.

You need to pay more attention to the choice of water for closed-type systems, since during the operation of the system, partial evaporation of the liquid occurs, and water must be periodically added. As a result of this, the concentration of salts and impurities will constantly increase, which, accordingly, will lead to the accumulation of more sediment on the internal surface of the equipment. Therefore, for systems that have an expansion tank, you need to use distilled or purified water.

Of course, constantly adding distilled water to the system is quite expensive, and it is not always available in the required volume. Therefore, filtered water can be used as an alternative.

Important! The most negative impact on the heating system is caused by hardness salts, as well as iron contained in water. All kinds of mechanical impurities are also not useful. Therefore, you should pay special attention to this during the cleaning process.

What to do before adding water to the heating system

You can prepare water for use yourself. This will take some time, but it will save you from having to spend money on buying distilled water. Here are some simple recommendations:

  • First of all, the required amount of water needs to be collected in a container of suitable volume and allowed to stand. This will allow most of the iron to settle to the bottom;
  • After the water has settled, it must be carefully poured into another container and boiled without covering it with a lid. Thus, magnesium and potassium salts are eliminated.

Water prepared using these simple tips can already be considered sufficiently prepared for use. Of course, carrying out such procedures every time is quite tedious, so you can add already distilled or filtered water, but as an initial fill, this option is excellent.

What types of antifreeze are there, which one is better to choose, features of their use

When talking about the use of antifreeze for heating systems, you need to understand what it is and which antifreeze to choose. These are aqueous solutions of polyhydric alcohols, although not so long ago a new type of antifreeze appeared, for which glycerin was used as a base. In order to figure out which option is best to choose, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics and properties of each of them.

Types of antifreeze for the heating system of a country house

Today, the production of antifreeze is based on the use of two substances: propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. The first option is more expensive, but it is completely safe, even if taken internally. But it has another serious drawback - it can lose fluidity at low temperatures, to which ethylene glycol would not react.

Important! Ethylene glycol is extremely toxic and can cause serious poisoning even with its vapors, not to mention direct contact.

It is interesting that, despite all the dangers of using ethylene glycol, it is preferred much more often, which is most likely due to its lower cost.

Antifreezes made on the basis of ethylene glycol are also distinguished by the fact that they are chemically active, have increased fluidity and are capable of foaming. And if foaming can still be combated with the help of special additives, the increased level of fluidity cannot be adjusted. And given that the substance is also toxic, this significantly increases the risks of using such antifreeze.

To summarize, we can say that if it is possible to use propylene glycol for the heating system, then it should be used. Therefore, ethylene glycol will definitely leak wherever possible. And its toxic fumes can cause serious poisoning and further health problems.

Important! If propylene glycol-based coolant is completely safe, then when working with ethylene glycol, you must use personal protective equipment: a respirator, safety glasses and clothing that can be thrown away. This is necessary because if it gets on the fabric, the substance remains toxic and cannot be completely removed from the surface.

Which coolant for heating systems to buy: the most popular brands on the market

Before you buy a coolant, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers available on the market and compare their characteristics. Let's look at a few of the most popular options and their properties.

Popular coolants and their properties:

NameActive substanceOperating/crystallization/decomposition temperature, °CService life, yearsCan it be diluted with water?Price, rub./10 kg
Coolant Dixis 65monoethyleglycol65-95/-66/111 10 Yes850
Coolant Warm House Ecopropylene glycol30-106/-30/170 5 Yes1050
Coolant Thermagent Eco 30ethylene glycol20-90/30/170 10 No650
Coolant Teplokomglycerol30-105/-/- 8 No780
Coolant PRIMOCLIMA ANTIFROSTpropylene glycol30-106/-30/120 5 Yes762

Helpful advice! Another extremely popular option is the coolant Teply Dom 65. This option can be considered universal, since its characteristics and level of safety fully meet all requirements.

Another important drawback of coolants made on the basis of ethylene glycol is that they react extremely poorly to overheating, which, moreover, occurs at fairly low temperatures. That is, already at +70°C a huge amount of sediment appears, which immediately settles on the surface of the heating devices. Such deposits negatively affect heat transfer, which again leads to overheating. It is for this reason that antifreeze is never used for solid fuel boilers.

Important! Ethylene glycol-based coolant can have a destructive effect on pipes, especially if they are galvanized. Therefore, when purchasing such a substance, it is worth thinking about the safety of the system elements.

As for propylene glycol, its chemical composition is completely neutral, and therefore coolants made on its basis react little with other substances. Overheating occurs under the influence of significantly higher temperatures, and its consequences are not so unpleasant.

Related article:

Selecting a boiler based on power and type of fuel. Advantages and disadvantages of water heating from a wood-burning stove. Features of solid fuel, gas, electric units: description and prices.

Glycerin-based antifreeze appeared only at the end of the last century. In terms of characteristics, it is something between the first two options. It does not pose any danger to human health, but as regards its effect on gaskets, some difficulties arise here. Glycerin coolants react poorly to overheating.

Filling the heating system with antifreeze: features of use

It is worth thinking about what kind of coolant will be used even at the system design stage. This is due to the fact that anti-freeze heating agents have a low heat capacity. If the system was originally intended for water, then pouring antifreeze into it, you may encounter the following problems:

  • the power received will not be enough and, as a result, the house will be cold. This is explained by the same low thermal conductivity. This problem can be solved by installing a circulation pump of greater power, and thereby increasing the speed of coolant movement through the system. Well, if you act according to all the rules, then it would be nice to increase the number of sections in the radiators;
  • Before pouring coolant into a closed heating system, you need to make sure that the volume of the expansion tank is sufficient. This is due to the fact that water and antifreeze expand differently, and while a certain volume may be sufficient for water, it is not for antifreeze. As a simple solution to the problem, you can simply install additional capacity;

  • Before using antifreeze based on ethylene glycol or glycerin, you need to ensure that you have the appropriate gaskets. The thing is that chemically active substances will easily destroy ordinary rubber, which will lead to leaks. Therefore, before adding antifreeze, all gaskets must be replaced with Teflon or paronite ones.

Thus, once again we have to make sure that the best coolant is water. It costs several times less, and all its characteristics meet the requirements. But in cases where it is impossible to use ordinary water, antifreeze still helps out.

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to pour car antifreeze into the heating system. For this purpose, only special heating fluids can be used.

As for the choice, the use of propylene glycol as a coolant is many times preferable. And for greater convenience, dyes are added to antifreezes, which allow customers to more easily distinguish the compositions. Ethylene ones are usually painted red or pink, and propylene ones are green. If the antifreeze is blue in color, it means it is made on the basis of glycerin. During use, the dye may fade or disappear completely under the influence of temperature, but this will not affect the quality of the coolant itself.

Do-it-yourself filling of the heating system with coolant: rules and recommendations

The question of how to pour antifreeze into an open-type heating system does not arise so often. This can be done as simply as possible using an expansion tank. So the coolant needs to be poured into the tank, and under the influence of gravity, it will spread throughout the entire system. In this case, it is important that during the process of filling the coolant, all air vents are open.

It is somewhat more difficult to work with closed systems. Various filling methods are used for them. So, you can fill the coolant by gravity, without using any equipment. Sometimes a small submersible deposit is used for this, or one specially designed for this purpose, with the help of which a pressure test of the system is designed. Let's consider each option, its advantages, disadvantages and features:

  1. Filling by gravity. On the one hand, this is a simple method, since it does not require the purchase and use of any special equipment. But at the same time, this process will take a lot of time, since it will take quite a long time to “squeeze” the air out of the system. And the required pressure will be built up over a long period. First of all, you need to find the highest point of the system and remove the gas vent there. During the filling process, the lowest point at which the coolant drain valve is located must be open. As soon as it leaks, it means the system is full.
  2. Filling using a submersible pump involves using a low-power device such as the Malysh. It must be connected to the lowest point of the system (but not to the drain point). The liquid is poured into a container and one end of the pump is lowered into it. It is important that the pump does not “swallow” air during operation.
  3. Filling using a pressure testing pump is carried out practically according to the same scheme as in the previous case. It’s just that here a special manual pump is used, which allows you to pump liquid into the system.

Helpful advice! It is not necessary to purchase a pump for crimping. It is quite possible to rent it from a company specializing in this, which usually also sells equipment for heating and plumbing.

Rules for commercial metering of thermal energy of a coolant: what is it?

Today, almost everything related to individual construction and arrangement of residential buildings is regulated by law. This case is no exception, since there are special rules for accounting for thermal energy and coolant, which are formulated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013.

In general, the methodology for commercial metering of the thermal energy of a coolant is an interesting question, although quite complex for the average user. But if you want to understand how certain calculations are made and what the standards used in the future are made of, you can read the documentation on this topic.

Important! A formula is used as the basis for calculations. The coolant flow is calculated based on what natural heat losses will be in a particular room, and what the temperature of the radiators should be in order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

To summarize, it is worth noting that you can buy coolant for the heating system of a country house based on various criteria and factors. For many, the deciding factor is the price of the heating fluid, while others pay more attention to the issue of safety and efficiency. In any case, before purchasing, you should weigh all the arguments in favor of a particular decision.

Coolant temperature graph: requirements and standards

For the coolant, the temperature standard in the heating system is indicated based on the indicators obtained when the liquid has already completed a full circle and returns to the boiler. According to standards, the average daily room temperature should not be less than +8°C for three days.

In addition, in addition to the standards that have been provided, the minimum heating in the boiler must also be taken into account. It is very important that the water temperature does not fall below the dew point. Usually this indicator fluctuates between 60-70°C, although some deviations are possible due to the characteristics of the fuel used, as well as the unit itself. If for any reason this rule is violated, condensation will result, which will negatively affect the service life of the device.

Interesting! The temperature schedule for supplying coolant to the heating system stipulates that in houses where people live, the air temperature should not fall below 20°C. For industrial buildings, this figure is slightly lower – 16°C.

In addition, in the process of heating the coolant, such a factor as the air temperature outside the window must be taken into account. That is, if it is very cold outside and the temperature has dropped below -20°C, then the coolant should be heated more strongly.

At the same time, the temperature schedule of the coolant, the limits of which are defined as 30-90 ° C, should not be violated, as this can lead to the paint coatings of the equipment decomposing. And sanitary standards prohibit exceeding these indicators.

Thus, when choosing a coolant for electrode heating boilers and other systems, it is necessary to take into account many factors. Of course, price is an important criterion, and for many it is the determining factor, but do not forget about safety. If possible, it is better not to save money and give preference to the best coolants, which are also characterized by high efficiency.

Water is usually used as the coolant in the system, but antifreeze is also used for these purposes. Before following this technology, you need to ask why it is necessary to use the mentioned substance, and how to choose it correctly for the heating system.

Benefits of using antifreeze

For quite a long time, only water was used as a universal. This is due to its physicochemical characteristics, including specific capacity, which is 4.169 kJ/kg. However, there are a number of factors that can limit the use of water as a universal coolant. Among them, we can highlight the fact that the temperature is 0 degrees. Among other things, at the moment of freezing, the volume of water increases by about 10%, this certainly causes damage to the networks in which the liquid was located before freezing. That is why, if the conditions described above are likely to occur, antifreeze is used for the heating system of a country house, which has more flexible properties.

Efficient and optimal operation can be ensured by using the above-described substance for the air heating system. In this case, we are not talking about liquids such as ethyl alcohol, transformer oil or car antifreeze. When choosing antifreeze, it is important to consider that it must be safe in terms of possible ignition and flammability. Among other things, there are some restrictions that are prescribed by regulations for residential premises. Antifreeze should not react to the metal surface after contact with it.

Types of antifreeze for heating systems

If you need antifreeze for the heating system of a country house, then you should know about the chemical characteristics of this substance. It is created on the basis of aqueous solutions of propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. These compounds in their pure form are aggressive enough to be used in heating systems. But there are special additives designed to protect against the appearance of foam, corrosion, scale, as well as damage to fittings and individual elements in the network.

These additives can increase thermal stability, which is ensured in the temperature range from -70 to +110 degrees. It is worth noting that the absence of thermal destruction is observed even at a temperature range from +165 to +175 degrees. You should choose a country house that does not react to plastic, elastomers and rubber.

When to choose ethylene glycol antifreeze

Antifreeze, whose manufacturers are located in Russia, is intended for use in heating systems. Such substances are quite widely represented on the market of modern goods; they are created on the basis of ethylene glycol. If necessary, you can choose one of the design options for yourself. Thus, the substance can freeze at -30 or -65 degrees. In order to fill the system with antifreeze, you must first prepare a solution. To do this, dilute the substance with water. If you want to save money, then you should choose the ethylene glycol composition, since it has a low cost.

Such antifreeze for the heating system of a country house has a significant drawback, which is expressed in toxicity. The substance may cause harm to health if vapors are inhaled or if it comes into contact with the skin. It is important to remember that the lethal dose of this substance for humans is equal to a volume equivalent to 250 ml. This drawback limits the use of ethylene glycol-based antifreeze in double-circuit heating networks. In them, the coolant can enter the heated water circuit. For this reason, the use of such substances is limited exclusively to single-circuit systems. For safety, this coolant is painted red, which makes it easier to detect its leak.

When to choose propylene glycol antifreeze

When considering different brands of antifreeze, you can pay attention to propylene glycol varieties. They appeared at the end of the last century and quickly gained popularity for the reason that they are non-toxic. The advantages include complete harmlessness. This characteristic is most important for dual-circuit systems. Today, these coolants can be found on the domestic market, and the instructions allow them to be used at temperatures down to -35 degrees.

To identify such antifreezes, which are made from propylene glycol, they are painted green. Looking at the point of sale for antifreeze of different colors, you can pay attention to exactly the one described above. As an added benefit, propylene glycol is even an approved food additive. It can be found in confectionery products as an agent that promotes moisture retention, softening and dispersion of the substance.

When to choose triethylene glycol antifreeze

If you are thinking about the question of what kind of antifreeze to pour if the operating temperature reaches +180 degrees, then you can use substances made on the basis of triethylene glycol. They are characterized by high temperature stability.

But these coolants cannot be called products intended for widespread use. Most often, such substances are used in special systems in which antifreeze radiators are designed for impressive temperatures.

If you want to choose the best antifreeze, it is recommended that you read the information presented in the article. Before you start pumping a substance into the heating system, it is important to study the thermal properties of solutions that are based on ethylene glycol. The main components of such compositions are ethylene glycol and water, which the substance contains within 95%.

The remaining elements of these liquids are all kinds of additives. If there is a need to select an antifreeze that will have certain physical and chemical properties, then you need to look at the ratio of water and ethylene glycol. These two parameters can determine viscosity, boiling point, freezing point, thermal conductivity, volumetric expansion and heat capacity.

Advantages of using antifreeze with additives

The individual properties of a specific product are determined by the additive package. The following characteristics will be important from these components: cost, anti-cavitation, service life, and anti-corrosion. The main task of additives when using antifreeze is to protect metals from corrosive processes. Research shows that additives can reduce corrosion of internal surfaces by up to 100 times. The layer of rust that forms on the inner walls of heating devices and pipelines has very poor thermal conductivity, it is 50 times less than that provided by steel. Thus, rust acts as a heat insulator.

Due to corrosive formations, the internal lumen of the pipe narrows. For this reason, hydrodynamic resistance increases, and the speed of movement of the coolant in the pipeline system decreases. This can lead to increased energy costs. The resulting rust particles in the coolant cause depressurization of circulation pump bearings. They clog heat exchange channels and elements of heating boilers. Thus, the user is faced with damage to heating system elements.

The use of additives protects metal and heating systems from corrosion damage, thus increasing the service life of these elements by 15 years. If you use an antifreeze solution based on propylene glycol or ethylene glycol without additives, this can cause large losses in economic terms, especially when compared with the cost of the additive package.

Disadvantages of using antifreeze

Once you have decided what to pour into the heating system, it is important to take into account the fact that you need to maintain the recommended temperature range when using the described coolant. Regardless of the base, antifreeze does not tolerate overheating. Boiling can lead to destruction of the structure. The average boiling point of this substance ranges from 106 to 116 degrees. The specific mark will depend on how much the composition is diluted with water at the time of initial preparation for use.

You must remember that severe overheating of antifreeze can lead to the breakdown of anti-corrosion additives. After this, as a rule, glycols decompose and boil away, which form acidic compounds. Carbon deposits begin to deposit on the internal surfaces of the heating elements, which negatively affects the proper operation of the entire unit. Antifreeze, reviews of which are not always only positive, can be used to prevent such a danger. To do this, it will be necessary to ensure increased circulation, which eliminates the possibility of overheating of the coolant.

In addition, it is possible to ensure complete coverage of the heaters with antifreeze, which will eliminate the possibility of overheating. It is important to note that the operating features of the compositions, which are associated with lower heat capacity, thermal conductivity and more impressive viscosity, should be taken into account when choosing productive circulation pumps and radiators.

Additional cons

Any antifreeze will easily find even the smallest cracks and leaks, and leaks will form. Due to the fact that the swelling of seals and gaskets disappears in the solution environment, drips will also form in these places. The reason here is smaller. If you want to eliminate this nuisance, then you need to tighten the connections. It is possible that such actions will have to be repeated several times. However, this is the only way to improve the sealing of the system.

This is especially important given the fact that ethylene glycol can oxidize when exposed to air. With an increase in coolant temperature, the oxidation process will only accelerate by 2 times per decade of the temperature scale. Then you should expect the already familiar situation described above. Oxidation products will contribute to the destruction of additives, which, in turn, will accelerate corrosion processes. This is why it is so important to ensure complete tightness of the system, including expansion tanks.

Choosing an antifreeze manufacturer

If you are considering antifreeze, the manufacturers should also be of interest to you. The Russian consumer most often chooses a domestic product, since it has the most affordable price. Among the most common supplier companies are Warm House, Spectroplast, Hot Blood, and Dixis.

But the buyer most often refuses imported samples due to the impressive cost. In most cases, the base of such antifreezes contains ethylene glycol, the characteristics of which were presented above. The substance will need to be diluted with water to the required freezing point. It is important to take into account not only the high cost of this product, but also its biggest drawback, which is toxicity.

If you are interested in the question of how to dilute antifreeze, then for a concentration of -65 degrees it will be necessary to mix 60% coolant and 40% water. This will allow you to get a freezing temperature of 25 degrees. The ratio changes to 54% antifreeze and 46% water to achieve a freezing point of -20 degrees.

In order to know how much antifreeze is in the system, you need to add 90% of the substance and 10% of water, this will give you a freezing point of -25 degrees, which is true for antifreeze concentrate at -30 degrees. When using the same concentrate, but to obtain a freezing temperature within -20 degrees, you will need to mix 20% water and 80% coolant.

Antifreeze price

Many consumers often ask the question how much antifreeze costs. First of all, you need to take into account that the volume of containers may vary. Thus, antifreeze brand PRIMOCLIMA ANTIFROST, which is based on glycerin, will cost 690 rubles per 10 kilograms. A substance from the same manufacturer, but made on the basis of ethylene glycol, will cost you 1,400 rubles per 20 kilograms.


Once you have found out how much antifreeze costs, you can go to the store to buy a coolant that will serve you for a long time. This point, by the way, also needs to be taken into account when making a purchase, as well as the fact that you should not save on this substance. This is due to many reasons. First of all, the composition must be safe, this will significantly extend the life of each element of the heating system.

Traditionally, before the start of the heating season, owners of country houses or industrial enterprises think about how to choose the right coolant for the heating system and calculate its quantity. If water is used as a coolant, then there is a high risk of the system defrosting and damage to radiators and pipes when cold weather sets in. Filling an autonomous heating system with water in industrial enterprises is also not recommended because the system may stop unexpectedly (for example, gas or electricity is turned off).

Low-freezing coolant for heating systems

In this case, it can defrost very quickly - in 1-5 days, depending on the state of the building’s thermal insulation. Thus, the cost of non-freezing coolant becomes incomparable with the possible costs of restoring and repairing the entire heating system.

Anti-freezing liquid will also be useful to owners of dachas and country houses. If you come to the house only for the weekend, then you will not need to drain all the liquid; you just need to add antifreeze for the heating systems once, and you will always be able to heat the room immediately upon arrival.

Rules for choosing a circulating fluid for a heating system

To choose the right antifreeze, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Under what conditions is the heating system operated?
  • What is the temperature limit of the coolant in the heating system for its normal functioning?
  • How often can you refill your heating system with antifreeze?

At the moment, it cannot be said that there is one single, ideal antifreeze for heating systems that is suitable for everyone. All known materials have their advantages and disadvantages and are intended for use under strictly defined conditions.

When choosing between two types of coolants - water or antifreeze, you should understand that the entire engineering design of the heating system will depend on this choice.

We list the rules that will help you choose a safe and high-quality coolant:

  • The circulating fluid must transport the maximum amount of heat in a short period of time, in other words, a good heating fluid must quickly flow around the operating circuit of the entire system, thereby ensuring a quick start of heating and heating the room. The coolant circulation rate is one of the main criteria for its quality.
  • Antifreeze for heating must be non-toxic and not flammable. This will help you ensure the safety of your home and protect residents from troubles associated with fire or escaping toxic fumes.
  • To maximize the efficiency of the coolant, the liquid must have good thermal conductivity.
  • To increase efficiency, that is, the rate of coolant circulation in the system, it is necessary for the liquid to be more viscous.
  • High-quality antifreeze should not cause corrosion, since not all modern batteries are equipped with sufficient protection against such effects.
  • When choosing a coolant, you should be guided by common sense and the principles of reasonable economy - the optimal combination of quality and cost.

Features of the use of water in the heating system

The widespread use of water as a coolant in heating systems is explained by the fact that it is cheap (conditionally free), environmentally friendly and safe, and also has excellent parameters of heat capacity, speed and density. When cooling in the batteries, the water is able to release enough heat to heat the premises.

The fact that water is always available and can be added if necessary is another advantage of this coolant, which is used by the utilities of most apartment buildings. If there is a leak, water will also not cause much trouble.

However, in order for the use of water as a coolant to be successful, it is necessary to use not ordinary, but softened water, which contains less salts and oxygen. Today, there are two proven methods of softening water for use in heating systems:

  1. Simple boiling or heat treatment allows you to remove carbon dioxide and salts from the water. When boiling, light salts will flake off and precipitate. But this method will not help get rid of heavy calcium and magnesium compounds.
  2. Chemical exposure to water is more effective. When soda ash or slaked lime or sodium orthophosphate is added to water, all salts precipitate. They can be easily filtered, making the water suitable for long-term use in heating systems.

It is most correct to use distillate water as a coolant, however, its high cost does not make this type popular. Some plumbers cheat by using rainwater - in fact, it is naturally softened.

The most important feature of using water as a coolant is that when the temperature in the building drops below zero (for example, when the heating season is not opened in a timely manner), the entire system freezes and collapses quite quickly. In order to prevent such breakdowns, antifreeze is used - a heating fluid that does not freeze.

Features of antifreeze operation

The main advantage of antifreeze is that it does not freeze, therefore, it ensures the integrity of pipes at any temperature. Antifreeze for the heating system is most often chosen by owners of houses or cottages who do not use the building constantly. Modern antifreezes have an operating temperature of up to -35 degrees. Some improved liquids have the properties of not freezing even at temperatures down to -65 degrees, however, their cost is much higher.

What happens to antifreeze when cold weather sets in? Unlike water, it does not turn into ice, but takes on a gel-like form. During subsequent starts, the antifreeze will easily return to its liquid form. A special feature of using antifreeze as a coolant is the use of a powerful circulation pump and a closed membrane expansion tank.

Antifreeze manufacturers add special inhibitors to these products to protect against corrosion. However, you need to remember that antifreeze should be changed every 5 years.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the purpose of this coolant. Some antifreezes can destroy polypropylene and polyethylene pipes. You need to know about this when purchasing antifreeze for a heating system with water heated floors.

Types of non-freezing coolants

Calculation of the amount of coolant required

Each of the coolants has its own operating characteristics, so the correct choice and calculation can only be made with known cold-season temperature parameters. If the temperature does not drop below +5 degrees, then you should choose purified water.

And at low temperatures it is necessary to give preference to antifreeze. When choosing antifreeze, pay attention to its composition, maximum temperature of use and safety for humans, as well as the possibility of use on certain materials.

The volume of coolant in the heating system is calculated by a specialist based on the type of heating system, the number of appliances, the presence of a heated water floor, the type of boiler and other parameters. There are certain standards for the volume and temperature of the coolant in the heating system, which will help make the calculation most accurately. As a rule, for a country house, 150-500 liters of coolant are used for the heating system, but these are approximate figures, only a specialist can tell you exactly.

This is a question homeowners often ask. But today in private homes antifreeze is used much less often for heating systems than water. There are several reasons for this, primarily the different physical and chemical properties of these coolants. Therefore, an antifreeze heating system must be designed differently than a water heating system.

Comparative characteristics of water and antifreeze

The advantages of using water as a coolant are obvious: availability, high specific heat capacity and low cost (not free, because the system should be filled with distilled water, or after appropriate water treatment, not from the tap). The main disadvantage is that water freezes at zero degrees, while it expands and breaks the elements of the heating system. Antifreeze freezes at very low temperatures (down to -70 C). However, they have some unpleasant features.

  1. Their specific heat capacity is 10-15% lower than that of water: they heat up more slowly and transfer heat less well, so a more powerful boiler will be required.
  2. They are denser (10-20%) and more viscous (30-50%) than water. Consequently, you will need a powerful pump to circulate the coolant, large diameter pipes and more powerful heating radiators for antifreeze.
  3. When heated, they expand 30-40% more than water. This means that you will need a closed expansion tank twice as large in volume.
  4. Anti-freeze agents have no surface tension and are 50% more fluid than water. With the smallest flaws in the sealing of joints, antifreeze begins to leak, especially when the system cools, when the diameters of the pipeline elements decrease. Therefore, the heating system must have the minimum possible number of joints, and they must be accessible for inspection and repair at any time.

Therefore, a heating system designed for water is not suitable for the use of antifreeze liquids. If you plan to use antifreeze to heat your home, the system must be designed in advance, and it will cost significantly more.

Properties and features of the use of antifreeze in heating systems

For private heating systems, two types of antifreeze can be found on sale: aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. Glycols, unlike water, gradually transform into the solid phase when the temperature drops: the range from the temperature of the onset of crystallization to complete solidification is 10-15 ° C. In this range, the liquid gradually thickens, turns into a gel-like “sludge,” but does not increase in volume. Glycols are sold in two “formats”:

  1. Concentrate with a crystallization temperature of -65 °C. It is assumed that the buyer himself will dilute it with softened water to the required parameters. Only ethylene glycol antifreeze is sold as a concentrate.
  2. Ready-to-use solutions with a freezing point of -30 °C.

To save money, the homeowner can further dilute the concentrate to achieve a freezing point of -20 or -15 °C. Antifreeze should not be diluted by more than 50% - this reduces its protective properties.

All antifreeze liquids contain additives. Their purpose:

  • protection of metal elements of the system from corrosion;
  • dissolution of scale and sediment;
  • protection against destruction of rubber seals;
  • protection against foaming.

Each brand of antifreeze has its own set of additives; there is no universal composition. Therefore, when choosing an anti-freeze product, you should familiarize yourself with the types of additives and their purpose.

Antifreeze in a home heating system is very susceptible to overheating: when the critical temperature is exceeded (each brand has its own), ethylene glycol and additives decompose, forming acids and solid deposits. Soot appears on the heating elements of boilers, sealing elements are destroyed, and intense corrosion begins. When overheating and destruction of additives occurs, foaming begins, which leads to airing of the system. For these reasons, boiler manufacturers strongly recommend not using antifreeze, especially ethylene glycol, in the system.

You should also not use galvanized pipes: the antifreeze will corrode the zinc coating and white flakes will form – an insoluble precipitate.

Destruction of a gas boiler burner caused by antifreeze

The heating system is filled with antifreeze through the expansion tank. The coolant should be changed every 4-5 years.

Ethylene glycol based antifreeze

Ethylene glycol antifreezes are more common due to their comparative cheapness. However, ethylene glycol is a very toxic substance even in diluted form, so non-freezing liquids based on it are strictly prohibited from being used in open heating systems, where the poison evaporates from the expansion tank into the surrounding space, and in dual-circuit systems, where ethylene glycol can get into hot water taps.

Important! Anti-freeze products based on ethylene glycol are colored red, so their entry into the hot water supply system can be easily detected.

Antifreeze based on propylene glycol

This is a new and more expensive generation of antifreeze. They are completely harmless, and food-grade propylene glycol is even used in confectionery products under the guise of food additive E1520. Antifreeze products based on propylene glycol are less aggressive to metal and sealing elements. Due to their harmlessness, they are recommended for use in dual-circuit systems.

Important! Propylene glycol antifreezes are colored green.

Is it possible to pour antifreeze into the heating system?

Automotive antifreeze antifreeze is produced on the basis of ethylene glycol, but it is not intended for heating systems. Its additives are designed for the operating conditions of automobile engines and act destructively on the elements of the heating system.

It is necessary to switch from water to antifreeze for home heating systems due to the threat of long-term power outages, which is important for areas remote from large cities. An alternative is to have backup power sources in the house, as well as the use of solid fuel boilers (burning wood, coal, pellets). But if the transition to anti-freeze is inevitable, then it is better to entrust the design and installation of such a system to professionals so as not to damage expensive equipment.

Video: how to choose antifreeze for heating