Studio      01/31/2024

Wolf face tattoo. Wolf tattoo. The meaning of a wolf tattoo in prison

0 In some cultures they are predators of the night, hunting and stalking our worst nightmares. In others, they are noble warriors, great leaders, and protectors of the innocent. With such varied reputations, it seems that the Wolf is one of the most misunderstood creatures in ancient folklore.

Wolves have a special place in our hearts, mainly because they are the ancestors of man's best friend, the Dog. They are also closely related to another creature that has earned our admiration and respect: the coyote.

Before continuing, I want to tell you about a couple of our educational publications on the topic of tattoos. For example, what does Wings Tattoo mean? how to understand Tiger Tattoo; meaning of Starfish Tattoo; what does the Sheep Tattoo mean, etc.
So let's continue meaning of wolf tattoo?

The word "Wolf" (wolf) arose from Germanic pagan traditions, and came to us from the Proto-Germanic word " wulfaz" In this ancient cultural context, wolves were considered fierce and fearless warriors, as well as natural predators, due in part to mankind's enormous fear of these beasts. Thus, many Anglo-Saxon kings and warriors, in an effort to channel their inner wolves, often used the word as a suffix or prefix to their own names. This is why names such as "Wolkgang", "Wulfsbane" and "Wulfmeyer" are still common names in some parts of Europe, particularly Germany.

But why are these innocent animals associated with darkness and nightmares? Our fear of these mysterious creatures began long before ancient Greek historians and poets such as Herodotus and Virgil wrote stories about a race of people who turned into wolves once a year, thereby giving rise to the legend of the werewolf long before Jacob came into our hearts in the series " Twilight" Since the beginning of human civilization, we have always been afraid of what happens at night. Known for its killer hunting skills and carefree howls at the moon, the wolf was one of the most feared predators by our ancestors. This fear, although born of the struggle for survival in the days of the caveman, began to be passed down through generations. Wild stories of an uncontrollable, invincible wolf haunted our consciousness, and the animal soon earned a fearsome reputation. Nowhere is this more reflected than in ancient Finland, where a long history of hostility between Finns and wolves led to the mass extermination of these proud predators.

In medieval times wolves were considered as tools of the Devil. Like many prominent figures of ancient pagan religions, the Wolf became a victim of the spread of Christianity in Europe and was demonized. This threat, along with our instinctive fear of these animals, helped the Wolf gain a bad reputation in human society. In much of Europe and the Old World, tales of the Big Bad Wolf became an integral part of our identity as myths and legends were passed down as children's tales. Even today, most cartoons and children's series use this concept. Nine out of ten characters with wolf qualities are considered bad, evil and unclean scoundrels. Fortunately, there have been a number of children's book authors lately trying to shake off the undeserved reputation that the Wolf has received with books like The Wolf Who Cried and the like.

Stories Big Bad Wolf may also have a different cultural background. Rumor has it that in Babylon, the goddess Ishtar turned her former lover into a wolf, forcing him to hunt the very animals he swore to protect. According to some Christian traditions, wolves are creatures sent by God to punish the wicked and test their faith.

But the Wolf didn't always have such a bad reputation. In Roman mythology, the heart of the ancient civilized world, Rome, would not have been founded if not for the efforts of the young she-wolves who raised the city fathers Romulus and Remus. Throughout much of Scotland and the British Isles, the Wolf was considered a guardian and protector. These animals became integrally associated with Fairies and Elves, as local legends speak of a "Green Wolf" of the fairy world who would encourage nursing mothers to come to the hills to provide their milk for the magical creatures.

Even since Ancient Egypt Wolf occupied an honorable position as protector and guardian. The God of Death, Anubis, was often depicted with the head of a wolf or jackal, and his duties included protecting the souls of the dead in the afterlife. Anubis ensured that the souls of the dead had safe passage through the Realm of the Dead. In Mexico this belief was also visible in ancient traditions. Mesoamerican cultures sometimes buried their dead with wolves to ensure that humans had safe passage into the afterlife.

Wolf's incredible hunting skills have earned him the respect of the world's most elite soldiers. It is not uncommon for military and paramilitary groups to identify with the powerful and fearless wolf, which seeks out and destroys its enemies with amazing precision and speed. From the Serbs to the British, every nation has a deep admiration for the killer wolf. Thus, the image of a running wolf is a common feature in Heraldry.

Until now, no other culture has respected or valued the noble Wolf for his fighting nature, like the Native Americans. In countless tribes throughout North America and Mexico, the Wolf is seen not only as a totem of strength and power, but also as a pillar of wisdom and spiritual guidance. From the cold shores of Alaska to the hot deserts, Native Americans believe the wolf is much more than just a wild animal. For the Pawnee tribe of the Great Plains, the Wolf was the first creature to know what death was? Therefore, the wolf is a totem for the afterlife. Pawnee folklore states that the Wolf Star, Sirius ( which is also known as the Dog Star, but considering that wolves are the ancestors of dogs, then everything falls into place); was placed in the sky to remind people that they were the ones who brought Death into this world, and helped the Wolf on his nightly journey to the afterlife and back (Wolf Road).

Wolves are exemplary parents, so it's no surprise that they symbolize family in Native American cultures. Wolves find a mate and live with her all their lives. Therefore, they are also known as faithful companions and friends.

Wolves are known to be extremely sociable. The picture of a wolf howling at the moon became one of the typical images of life in the Wild West. But his howl is not the only communication tool he has, he also uses his body language to convey a variety of feelings, including fear, aggression, sympathy and even affection to his pack members. Wolves often cuddle together, and are not afraid to show some degree of affection towards their fellows. Of all the members of the canid family (raccoon dog, jackal, arctic fox, fox, Afghan fox, red wolf and corsac fox), the wolf is considered the most expressive, using its olfactory, auditory and visual senses to display a range of complex emotions and communication signals. It is this type of behavior that makes our little pet (dog) so attractive. He can display a range of emotions and social behaviors that he inherited from his grandfather, the Wolf.

Wolf is also a symbol of good luck and fertility. The Mongols believe that they are descendants of the Wolf, and therefore they call it a sacred animal. The totem is a symbol of Luck and Prosperity, and medicine made from wolf intestines is believed to have powerful healing abilities. Throughout Japan, talismans and jewelry are adorned with the image of a wolf to protect the wearers from fire and disease, and in an attempt to bring the blessed gift of a child to infertile couples.

In the Chechen tradition, the Wolf is more than a wild animal. It is a symbol of national pride. They believe in the Wolf Mother, and see her as a nurse and protector who protects them from strife and conflict. To be "free and equal as a wolf" is one of the greatest honors anyone can achieve.

Our language is influenced by the Wolf. If you haven't had decent food in ages, you will say that you are "hungry like a wolf", and being a "Lone Wolf" means that you prefer to find your own way, and stay away from the stupid and useless crowd. A lone wolf does not graze like a mindless sheep, he is cruel and driven by his own motives. Besides, everyone knows that you can never trust a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Given the Wolf's colorful history, it's easy to see why we both love and fear him. They are valiant parents, loyal companions, friends, guides, protectors and wise leaders, as well as vicious killers. This just shows us that there are two sides to the same coin, and that having the guise of a wolf does not mean being bad.

Meaning of Wolf Tattoo

These majestic creatures embody many human traits, including:
  • Loyalty and Devotion
  • Family
  • Connection
  • Luck and Fertility
  • Guidance and guardianship
  • Predator strength and power
  • Intelligence
  • Compassion.

Wolf Tattoo Option

These sketches can be as varied and interesting as your imagination allows. For the most part, people tend to associate with the tougher side of the Wolf, and see themselves as fierce warriors or Lone Wolves. It is better to place such tattoos over the main muscle groups so that your wolf appears threatening with every movement.

Wolf Skull Tattoo

The skull is a symbol of death, human mortality and destruction. Wolves have long been associated with the afterlife. In ancient Egypt, the god of Death, Anubis, was often depicted with the head of a wolf or jackal (depending on your point of view). Wolves are spiritual guides in the afterlife in many Native American and European traditions. A wolf skull tattoo symbolizes your understanding of Death, and in a sense, you are calling on the Wolf to be your guide. You are fearless in the face of your Death, like a strong wolf. Read more about.

Wolf Eye Tattoo

Eyes are the windows of your soul; it is through these powerful organs that we perceive the world around us and understand how everything works. The wolf is an animal known for its expressiveness and high sociability. He sees beyond reality and uses all his senses, eyes, ears, mouth and skin to interact with the world around him. In the wild, the Wolf gazes intently at its target, and some people go so far as to say that the Wolf's gaze penetrates directly into their soul. Wolf Eyes tattoos symbolize your deep understanding of the world around you and show that you perceive more than what is on the surface of things.

Wolf and Raven Tattoo

Wolf and Raven are bright totems in Indian philosophy. On the one hand, they are both revered for their intelligence and possession of ancient knowledge, but on the other hand, they are known as cunning tricksters, clever survivalists and adepts of hidden knowledge. Wolf and Raven engage in a battle of wits, competing to see who can come out on top in their mental duel. The Raven is the Keeper of Secrets, and the Wolf is the Provider of Ancient Wisdom. In some stories, one outsmarts the other, while in other legends, both join forces to outwit the villains. The wolf and raven tattoo harkens back to this Native American tradition and shows your spiritual connection to the teachings of the indigenous peoples of America. This concept is also found in European traditions, especially those associated with ancient Germanic paganism. In these traditions, the Wolf, Raven and Eagle wage an endless battle against evil and dark forces. Find out more about Raven Tattoo.

Moon and Wolf Tattoo

The quintessential image of the Wolf's strength is the sight of the animal howling at the Moon. In many European and Native American traditions, wolves are creatures of the moon, which explains why werewolves only transform during the full moon. The wolf moon, according to some Native American traditions, is celebrated in January and symbolizes transformation. In Wiccan culture it is a sign of Birth and Femininity, because both totems are, in one way or another, symbols of Creation (the Wolf is the emblem of Family and Community, while the Moon is the ancient sign of the Feminine Deity), the Moon and the Wolf are also signs of communication and power. The alpha wolf is usually the only one who howls at the moon, and he does this to signal to the rest of his pack to get together and to let other wolves who are not pack members know that this is his territory. Moon and Wolf tattoos represent Strength, Transformation and Femininity. Find out more about Moon Tattoo.

Wolf Tattoo in Tribal Style

Throughout history, indigenous peoples often decorate their bodies with paint designed to evoke ancient spirits. By doing this, they connect with the power of the ancestors and gods, thereby allowing them to do what mere mortals are not capable of. Tribal wolf tattoos are designs for Native American warriors who identify with the strength and fierce fighting spirit of the noble Wolf. These sketches not only identify people as members of a certain tribe, but also imbue them with spiritual strength and Wolf energy. The tribe's warriors will be strong, powerful and fearless in the face of danger. Find out more about Tattoo Tribal.

Wolf Footprint Tattoo

In keeping with the image of the fighting wolf, the wolf footprint tattoo symbolizes your fearlessness in emotional, spiritual, mental or physical battle. Claws and claws generally represent fighting, and are a sign of violent conflict. The strength and power of the wolf's claws symbolizes your fearless fighting spirit and your ability to completely dominate your enemies. Find out more about Pawprint Tattoo.

For more inspiration, I highly recommend turning your attention to the tattoo section, in which you will find many ideas and motives for your sketch.
After reading this article, you learned Meaning of Wolf Tattoo, and now try to assimilate this useful information and draw appropriate conclusions.

If you turn to any tattoo artist with a question about which tattoo themes are in greatest demand, he will answer without any doubt - a tattoo with a wolf. There’s nothing surprising here, because wolves have fascinated people’s minds for a long time; they evoke fear, respect and admiration, which is why they are so popular in art.

Due to this, tattoos with a wolf received their meanings in various groups and communities; in our case, this is a tattoo with a wolf in the zone. In prison culture, a wolf tattoo has the meaning of contempt for law enforcement, that is, the police, prison guards and everyone who has something to do with this. It also sometimes implies an abbreviation in the style of “Thief Shortness of Breath – Cop Cover”.

Also, a tattoo of a wolf in prison can mean that the one who wears it is the leader. In such a situation, the wolf means independence, inner strength and fearlessness before the law. Such a person is definitely a fighter, he will not obey any legitimate authority, so people with such a tattoo are held in great respect. The wolf is depicted in different ways, with a grin, in a fighting stance, or in any other possible way, like other animal tattoos.

The place where the tattoo is placed can be anywhere; it is not uncommon for tattoos to be drawn on the entire chest or back, since a large tattoo better reflects what the prisoner wants to convey to others.

One of the most popular images on the body is the wolf. Many tattoo lovers choose this particular animal for several reasons: firstly, the wolf is a very beautiful animal, and secondly, it is symbolic. For centuries, people from different nations have worshiped wolves, deified them, feared or respected them, in a word, one can hardly have a neutral attitude towards this animal. The meaning of a tattoo differs in different cultures; for one nation, a wolf is, first of all, a predator, the embodiment of nightmare and horror, for another it is a symbol of courage, leadership and appears as a protector.

General value

Depending on who the bearer is (male or female), some details may acquire not only the execution of the work itself, but also the meaning of the tattoo. The wolf, in the most general sense, means courage, justice and independence in decision-making. For a person with a weak character, who is not confident in himself and his abilities, such a tattoo is most likely not suitable. The image of a wolf also symbolizes fidelity, so the bearer of the tattoo must be a faithful person both in love and in friendship, of course, provided that the meaning of the tattoo is generally important for its owner, if the tattoo is made not only for beauty.

The meaning of a tattoo with details

The meaning of a Wolf tattoo may also vary depending on some of the details of the tattoo. There can be a huge number of them. For example, a fairly common tattoo is the grin of a wolf.

The meaning of this image on the human body has its own nuances; firstly, it should be noted that the wolf’s grin carries a somewhat negative semantic connotation, symbolizing the rage and even cruelty of the wearer not only towards enemies, but also towards society as a whole. A grinning wolf with red eyes most often symbolizes a werewolf, i.e. some duality in the character of the owner of the tattoo. Another popular image of this animal is not an ordinary one, but a howling wolf - a tattoo, the meaning of which in this case also cannot be called unambiguous. There are several interpretations of the image of a wolf howling at the moon:

  1. A howling wolf means that the bearer (wearer) of the tattoo at some point in his life lost the person with whom he was madly in love, as a result, he deliberately dooms himself to loneliness, keeping in his heart the image of a soul mate, with whom he has a relationship for one reason or another the reasons did not work out.
  2. The image of a howling wolf is a symbol of independence, bordering on the complete renunciation of the owner from society, opposing oneself to it.
  3. In some cases, the meaning of the Wolf tattoo is even sadder; it can mean that the bearer of the tattoo has lost his entire family and is now going through life all alone.

The meaning of the "Wolf" and "She-Wolf" tattoos have different semantic connotations. The she-wolf is most popular among girls, although there are exceptions. In many cultures, a she-wolf is, first of all, a symbol of wisdom and fidelity, so this tattoo is suitable for people who have gone through a long and sometimes difficult path in life. The image of a she-wolf on a woman’s body can mean her eternal loyalty to the only man who may be far from her. In turn, a man wearing a wolf tattoo may have lost his beloved and keeps bright memories of her, or, on the contrary, is happy with her, confident in her devotion and support.

Place of application

The size of the tattoo and the choice of location are subjective, but there are still some common trends in this regard in the tattoo world. Thus, men mainly prefer to wear images of wolves on the chest or forearm, while girls more often choose the back or shoulder blade as the place of application. If you are one of those people who quickly get bored with everything, you should not apply the image to those parts of your body that are always in front of your eyes, for example, on your hands. And in general, in your case it’s worth thinking again about whether a tattoo is really necessary for you, whether you chose the right design, because if over time your opinion and tastes change, the tattoo will cease to bring you aesthetic pleasure and will simply irritate you.

Wolf as a prison tattoo

This aspect must be noted separately. The wolf symbol is present and common in prisons. Most often, the image of a wolf is accompanied by the inscription “WOLF” on the fingers or shoulder. This inscription stands for “thieves have a rest, cops are dead”; such tattoos, in particular, are worn by criminals who do not want to accept the system and cooperate with the investigation.

Some call this animal a lone warrior, others consider wolf packs to be one of the most united groups in the world. Some emphasize wolfish aggressiveness, others call them the most exemplary family men. In any case, none of the peoples who had close contact with wolves ignored this beautiful and amazing predator in their legends.

Tattoo of a wolf with a grin on the shoulder

Symbolism of the image

In a number of cultures, the wolf acted as a symbol of the leader of a fighting squad or the spirit of military campaigns: wolves surrounded the god of war Mars, the Greek Apollo, and the supreme god of Scandinavian mythology, Odin. Seeing a wolf on the eve of battle was considered a good sign. The animal was famous not only for its courage, but also for its loyalty (to principles, to the wolf and the pack), nobility, and independence.

A variety of nationalities had a similar holiday with wearing wolf skin. The story of a leader suckled by a she-wolf is also repeated in many cultures: the famous founders of Rome Remus and Romulus, the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols.

The ancient Egyptian god-guide Upuat was depicted in the guise of a wolf and symbolized courage. Indian tribes had ambivalent attitudes towards the wolf: some of them considered the predator their totem animal, others considered it the patron of the kingdom of the dead. That is why the animal is often revered as a guide to the other world: the wolf, as a nocturnal beast, destroys the boundaries between the real and the unreal.

Indian style wolf tattoo on shoulder

This is interesting. Indo-European peoples sacrificed wolves, dogs or wolf-men to their war deities, who, as it turns out, were not werewolves at all. Ancient people believed that anyone who commits a serious crime turns into a wolf, that is, ceases to be a person and a fellow tribesman for them.

But not all peoples of the world treated this predator so favorably. The Middle Ages looked at this animal as a fiend of hell and a companion of Satan. In China, the wild brother of the dog was the embodiment of lust and debauchery. Other nationalities add to the symbolism of the wolf such qualities as greed, deceit, stupid appetite, ferocity and malice.

One of the ancient Greek kings dared to serve Zeus a dish of human flesh, for which he was turned into a gray predator by the Thunderer. Another famous negative mythological character is the monstrous wolf Fenrir, who, with the coming of the end of the world, will swallow the Sun.

The calm look of a wolf

Did you know? Behind the barbed wire, a wolf tattoo is an anagram of the phrase “A thief's shortness of breath - a cop's cap,” as well as a frequent body image of repeat offenders.

The negative qualities of wolves are also reflected in the belief of many peoples in werewolves, werewolves and wolfhounds - people capable of taking on the guise of a dangerous animal. And in Russian folk tales he often plays the role of a robber.

Although there are exceptions here: let us remember the wolf helping Ivan Tsarevich, and the gray predator who obeyed Saint Francis of Assisi. It can be assumed that the proud beast will submit and provide its abilities only to the person who is stronger and braver than him.

Wolf with a grin at a girl - tattoo sketch

Who chooses a tattoo?

  • Brave individuals who oppose themselves to the rest of society.
  • Courageous and brave fighters, confident in their abilities.
  • Independent and goal-oriented people.
  • Individuals who value freedom.
  • People who are loyal to an idea and are ready to fight for it to the end.
  • People who believe that their family and friends deserve true love and devotion.

Wolf with a grin in Japanese style

Image options

Perhaps a wolf howling at the moon is a hackneyed theme, but an individual sketch and my personal involvement in this plot did the trick. The tattoo on my chest looks simply masterly. I'm conquered.

Leonid, Bryansk

A kind and wise wolf with a feather on his hand

It seems that the symbolism of a wolf tattoo will be conveyed in full only when choosing a specific sketch. How you portray this predator is how it will be.

  • A gray beast howling at the full moon. This is a wolf tattoo, the meaning of which lies on the surface - loneliness, self-sufficiency and independence.
  • The white wolf is usually chosen by loners who want to draw attention to their originality.
  • A predator in a jump will say that the owner has a goal and is going towards it, despite all the obstacles.
  • The running wolf personifies the thirst for change and risk, the desire to wander.
  • A predator in a pack emphasizes the leadership qualities of the tattoo wearer.
  • A wolf in a fiery halo represents the demonic and dark sides.
  • A wolf's grin indicates aggression and rage.
  • The predator embodies the idea of ​​the frailty of existence and fearlessness before death.
  • Buanzu, the red wolf. This rare predator combines the nobility of a wolf, the cunning of a fox and the caution of a jackal.
  • Celtic pattern with wolf. Among the Celts, this creature was the lord of the night, devouring the sun every evening and protecting the forest spirits. The symbolism of the drawing is in unshakable natural power.
  • The wolf at the moment of transformation suggests that a person seeks to suppress his dark self.
  • The she-wolf is portrayed by those people who want to declare their devotion and fidelity.
  • Little wolf. Such a sketch is extremely rare and is mainly stuffed with the aim of declaring one’s originality and loneliness.
  • Wolf eyes indicate the wearer's ability to see the essence of things.
  • Wolf paw prints represent the desire to move forward.
  • The wolf's claw symbolizes dominance and power.

The wolf's grin on the guy's chest


The noble predator is almost always located on the back, chest or shoulder. However, unrealistic drawings, cartoonish and stylized sketches can also be found on other parts of the body. Girls also use the shoulder blades, wrists and lower back as a canvas for this beast. In general, the wolf tattoo, a photo of which you will see in the article, is located in a wide variety of areas.

In terms of color implementation, this is one of the most conservative images - most often it is done in monochrome black or with the addition of red, gray, blue to emphasize individual elements.

The image of the she-wolf on my back was not chosen by chance. I am faithful to my loved ones and will never betray my family. For all girls who like a wolf tattoo, I advise you to choose its sketches among females.

Valentina, St. Petersburg

Video: review of wolf tattoos

Wolf tattoo designs