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Languages ​​of interethnic communication: lingua franca, Koine, pidgins. Languages ​​of interethnic communication: lingua franca, koine, pidgins See what “Lingua franca” is in other dictionaries

London is the capital of Great Britain and the site of the most prestigious schools where English is taught.

Lingua Franca(lingua franca) is the language of global communication, an international means of communication that is regularly used and understood by representatives of almost all nations. Even a child will tell you that “the language that everyone knows” is English. It doesn’t matter at all what corner of the planet you go to - sunny Egypt or cool Scandinavia, exotic South Korea and romantic Venice. There will be people everywhere who will understand you if you speak English. If not the first person he comes across, then the one who walks next to him.


According to statistics, currently half of business transactions are concluded in English - agreements, contracts, and other forms of agreements are signed in it. Two thirds of the scientific world presents the results of their research in English. 3/4 of the world's mail is written in this language. 80% of information stored electronically is also in English.

Today it is the language of international aviation, computer systems, diplomacy, science and tourism. “Never in history has there been a language spoken by so many people in different parts of the world,” says Professor David Crystal, author of English as a Global Language. But how did it happen that English rose above the languages ​​of the world? Why exactly did it become what linguists call Lingua Franca?

Reasons for dominance

Scholars argue that there are no clear linguistic reasons why English has gained global dominance. Its grammar cannot be called easy, its pronunciation is peculiar, and in addition, there are no clear rules for reading words, as in other European languages. Every language learner knows that for every English word you have to go to the dictionary to clarify the transcription. Otherwise, there is negligible chance that the word will be pronounced correctly. On the other hand, English grammar is easier than German and French - at least there are no conjugations and declensions, and the category of gender is practically not traced.

Scientists call the English language a “vacuum cleaner” - it has absorbed the vocabulary of a wide variety of languages. Standard English includes vocabulary from 150 other languages ​​of the world. This is precisely why pronunciation does not correlate with spelling - the influence of other languages ​​is too strong.

On the other hand, as the language spread among non-native speakers, it changed, adapting to regional needs. Local vocabulary, slang and pronunciation reflect differences between British and American languages. English was transformed into spoken forms in the same way that Latin “disintegrated” into French, Spanish and other languages ​​1,500 years ago.

According to Philip Durkin, chief etymologist of the Oxford English Dictionary, “English has become a lingua franca, a language of global communication, regularly used by many nations whose first language is not English. We can only guess what conclusions further study of the English language will lead scientists to. But it’s unlikely to be as significant as what has happened to English over the last 600 years.”

English language learning

In conditions of dominance of the English language, its study acquires special significance. Knowledge of it is necessary for almost every person - some for a successful career, others in order not to feel “deaf and dumb” when relaxing in

LINGUA FRANCA, a sociolinguistic term used to designate one of several existing types of so-called contact languages ​​used for interethnic communication. The peculiarity of this term is that it has a clearly expressed positive evaluative component, which contrasts it with the term “pidgin”, which is also not devoid of evaluativeness: by calling a certain means of interethnic communication the term “lingua franca”, the speaker clearly positively evaluates the very fact of such communication and transfers this positive attitude to the used means, while the term “pidgin” for a long time tended to be used pejoratively, and it took special efforts of sociolinguists, in particular R. Hall, to change this attitude.

In terms of content, lingua franca and pidgin come closer in their function of ensuring interethnic communication and in the limited social sphere in which this communication occurs. There are two factors behind the difference in their evaluation components. Firstly, pidgin is limited not only functionally, but also structurally and is characterized by an extremely poor vocabulary and radically simplified grammar, both of which are often of a mixed nature; the resulting communication system offends the aesthetic feelings of the speakers of those languages ​​that the pidgin looks like a “caricature” of. A lingua franca can also be structured in this way, but it can also be a completely full-fledged language. Every pidgin is functionally a lingua franca, but a lingua franca structurally is not necessarily a pidgin. In particular, the Russian language acted in the USSR and continues to act in the post-Soviet space as a lingua franca, which people for whom it was not native spoke to varying degrees; a similar role is played by the Hausa or Bamana in modern Africa. Sometimes the role of lingua franca is a full-fledged language that is not native to any of the ethnic groups using it; This is roughly the case with Swahili, and in many ways with English, especially in some countries of the British Commonwealth.

Secondly, there is some tendency in the distribution of the terms “pidgin” and “lingua franca” in relation to those types of limited communication that are served by contact languages. Most often, the contact language of interethnic trade, a venerable activity in many cultures, is called a lingua franca by scholars, while, for example, the contact limited language used by mixed-tribal plantation workers was called a pidgin. It is significant that modern World Wide Web enthusiasts are willing to talk about English as the lingua franca of the Internet, but are not at all inclined to call it a pidgin.

When expanding the functional sphere of the lingua franca, it is customary to talk about the formation of Koine.

Historical name lingua franca(from Italian lingua franca "Frankish language"), or Sabir(from the Latin sapere "to understand") arose to designate just such a mixed language. Lingua Franca in the narrow sense is a language that was once spoken in the Mediterranean region and which the Austrian linguist H. Schuchardt (1842–1927) defined as “a language that arose in the Middle Ages as a result of communication between speakers of Romance languages ​​​​and Arabic (and later also in Turkish) and consisting mainly of Romance lexical material." His vocabulary was mainly Italian, especially Venetian, and to a lesser extent Spanish and Provençal; there were a small number of Arabic words, in particular usif"black slave" bezef"a lot of", rubie"spring", rai"shepherd", mabul"crazy". Lingua Franca was not a full-fledged language, i.e. a language that is native to someone and is used for any purpose and in any life situations; it was an auxiliary language, "a creature of necessity," and was used almost exclusively for the conduct of trade between two or more people of different nationalities. The name "lingua franca" is an Italian translation of Arabic Lisan al-ifrang; the Arabic name arose due to the fact that since the Crusades the Arabs had the habit of calling all Western Europeans “Franks”; They also called the Romance languages ​​Frankish.

When the French conquered Algeria in 1830, the lingua franca was still used there so widely that a dictionary of the lingua franca language was published especially for the French expeditionary force. The lingua franca continued to exist in Algeria until approximately the end of the 19th century. Now this language has disappeared, but has left noticeable traces in the language of the Arabs and especially the Jews of Tripoli, Tunisia and Algeria.

Used as a means of communication between speakers of different languages ​​in limited areas of social contact.

Initially, the term “lingua franca” meant a specific mixed language that developed in the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean region (Levant) on the basis of, and served mainly as a means of trade communication between Arab and Turkish merchants and Europeans (who were called Franks in the Levant, hence the name of the language) . During the era of the Crusades, the role of this language increased; it absorbed words from other languages ​​(,) and was also known as Sabir(from Latin sapere - to understand) until the 19th century.

In the understanding of lingua franca - any oral auxiliary means of interethnic communication; it may be the language of one of the peoples of a given region (for example, “trade” languages ​​in West Africa -), a neutral language that is not native to any of the ethnic groups using it (in East Africa), a pidgin based on a local or European language ( cm. ). Expanding the scope of the lingua franca may lead to its transformation into . Sometimes the term “lingua franca” is wrongfully extended to national languages ​​or international languages, which are special sociolinguistic categories.

  • Smith N. V., Relations between languages: Lingua franca, in the book: Encyclopaedia of linguistics, information and control, Oxford, 1969;
  • Adler M., Pidgins, creoles and lingua francas, Hamburg, 1977.

V. A. Vinogradov.

Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. 1990 .

See what “Lingua Franca” is in other dictionaries:

    LINGUA FRANCA- [it. lingua franca language of the Franks] lingua. international dialect (language), consisting of elements of Italian, French, Spanish, Modern Greek and Arabic; used as a means of mutual understanding in multilingual regions, ch. arr. V… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Lingua franca- (Italian lingua franca Frankish language) a language used as a means of interethnic communication in a certain field of activity. Contents 1 Origin of the term 2 ... Wikipedia

    Lingua franca- (Italian lingua franca Frankish language) a language used as a means of interethnic communication in a certain field of activity. Contents 1 Origin of the term 2 Examples ... Wikipedia

    lingua franca- several m. 1. A combination of elements of various languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Arabic and Modern Greek, partially preserved in the Mediterranean to the present day. 2. Simplified international language. 3. One of the languages... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    lingua franca- See lingua franca... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

    lingua franca- l ingua franca, uncl., husband... Russian spelling dictionary

    Lingua franca- A functional type of language used as a means of communication between speakers of different languages ​​in limited areas of social contact. L.f. usually functions orally. As L.f. the language of one of the nations can be used... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    lingua franca- A functional type of language, functioning orally, used as a means of communication between speakers of different languages ​​in limited areas of social contact. Term L.f. denoted a medieval pidgin used by peoples... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Lingua franca- A functional type of language, functioning orally, used as a means of communication between speakers of different languages ​​in limited areas of social contact. Term L.f. denoted a medieval pidgin used by the peoples of... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    lingua franca- (lat. lingua franca) a mixture of Romanskite Jazitsi (French, Italian, Spanish), Arapskiot and Grchkot Jazik as a means for sorting on Bliski Istok ... Macedonian dictionary


  • The Citadel, Octavian Stampas, The Tale of the unfortunate King Baudouin, his daughters - the good-natured Sibylle the beautiful Isabella, the lion of Islam Sultan Saladin, the Old Man of the Mountain and his assassin-killers, the knights - Raymond... Category: Adventure novels Series: Templars Publisher: Octo Print, Buy for 1300 rub.
  • Knight of Christ, Octavian Stampas, Romance of the brave and illustrious knight Lunelinkephon Zegenheim; about the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire - Henry IV, about Empress Adelheid, whose bright image illuminated the dark and bloody... Category:


A combination of elements of various languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Arabic and Modern Greek, partially preserved in the Mediterranean to the present day.

Simplified international language.

One of the languages ​​of a multinational country, functioning as a means of interethnic communication.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what LINGUA FRANCA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • LINGUA FRANCA in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    l'ingua fr'anca, uncl., ...
  • LINGUA FRANCA in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Lingua Franca, uncl., ...
  • LINGUA FRANCA in the Spelling Dictionary:
    l'ingua fr'anca, uncl., ...
  • FRANK in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ZONE - see FRANK ZONE...
  • FRANK in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FRANKA - HERTS EXPERIENCE, experience that proves that internal. the energy of an atom can only take discrete values. First staged in 1913 by J. ...
  • FRANK in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives a card of a well-kept, played-out suit, the highest of the cash. My seven was franked and remained in my hands as a frank. Frank card, frank card, then...
    (Franka lingua is a language (or jargon) used in the East, consisting of a mixture of corrupted elements of Italian, French, local native languages; they ...
    (Franka lingua) ? the language (or jargon) used in the East, consisting of a mixture of corrupted elements of Italian, French, and local native languages; them …
  • PHILOSOPHY OF LATIN AMERICAN ESSENCE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a metaphorical expression to denote a complex of typologically and thematically similar discourses of the modernist type in the history of philosophy of Latin America, representing the formation ...
  • FRANCE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
    (French centime, from Latin centesimus - hundredth), 1) French small change equal to 1/1000 of a franc. As a result of the sharp depreciation of the franc...
  • GERMANY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Latin Germania, from the Germans, German Deutschland, literally - the country of the Germans, from Deutsche - German and Land - country), state ...
  • Wozniak Mikhail Stepanovich in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Mikhail Stepanovich (October 3, 1881, village of Vilki-Mazowieckie, now Volytsa, Mostissky district, Lviv region, - November 20, 1954, Lvov), Soviet literary critic, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1929). ...
  • CURRENCY ZONES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    zones, currency groupings of capitalist states that took shape during and after World War II on the basis of pre-war currency blocs, headed by ...
  • FRANKISTS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a semi-Christian religious sect that arose among Polish Jews in the mid-18th century. It was the end result of two reasons: 1) the messianic movement, ...
  • in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • LATIN COIN UNION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The purpose of the formation of the Latvian monetary union (there is no such name in diplomatic acts) was to establish a correct system of monetary circulation within the limits of...
  • WATER RETENTION DAM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    The purpose of a water retention dam is to form artificial accumulations of water (see Reservoir). V. dams are made of earth, wood, stone, and iron. The main role in...
  • SANTOMENS in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • SANTOMENS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (self-names Tongash, Santomians, Creoles of Sao Tome) - a nationality with a total number of 120 thousand people, the main population of Sao Tome and Principe. Language - lingua...
  • SILK
  • SWITZERLAND in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FRANCE* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • FRANKISTS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? a semi-Christian religious sect that arose among Polish Jews in the mid-18th century. It was the end result of two reasons: 1) messianic...
  • INSURANCE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Theory S.? Insurance policy. ? History of insurance. ? History of insurance in Russia. Syndicate agreement of fire insurance companies. ? ...
  • CREDIT INFORMATION OFFICES in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • LATIN COIN UNION in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? The purpose of the formation of the Latvian monetary union (there is no such name in diplomatic acts) was to establish a correct system of monetary circulation in...
  • GOLD in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Au (chemical). ? Physical properties. Pure gold in ingots has a characteristic yellow color, but when received in the form of a fine powder...
  • WATER RETENTION DAM in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? The purpose of a water retention dam is to form artificial accumulations of water (see Reservoir). V. dams are made of earth, wood, stone, and iron. The main role...
  • BOTANY in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • ANDY, VINCEND D" in Collier's Dictionary:
    (D"Indy, Paul Marie Thodore Vincent) (1851-1931), French composer and educator. Paul Marie Thodore Vincent d"Indy was born on March 27, 1851 in ...
  • CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CAR in Collier's Dictionary:
  • CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC in Collier's Dictionary:
    a landlocked state in Central Africa. It borders on the west with Cameroon, on the north with Chad, on ...
  • FRANK, SEMYON LYUDVIGOVICH in Collier's Dictionary:
    (1877-1950), Russian philosopher. Born on January 16, 1877 in Moscow. He studied at the Faculty of Law of Moscow University, studied philosophy and social sciences...
  • FRANK, CESAR in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Franck, Csar Auguste) (1822-1890), French composer, native of Belgium. Cesar Auguste Frank was born on December 10, 1822 in Liege (now Belgium). He …
  • FRANK, JAMES in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Franck, James) (1882-1964), German physicist and biochemist, awarded the 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics together with G. Hertz for the discovery of the laws ...
  • MALI in Collier's Dictionary:
    Republic of Mali, a state in West Africa. Area - 1.24 million square meters. km. It borders on the north with Algeria, on the east with...

Communications in a certain field of activity.

Origin of the term

Historically, the term lingua franca first came to be used to refer to a mixed language that was once spoken in the Mediterranean region. This title is an Italian translation of the Arabic lisan al-ifrang, the Arabic name arose due to the fact that since the time of the Crusades, the Arabs called all Western Europeans Franks; They also called the Romance languages ​​Frankish.


One of the first supra-regional languages ​​was Koine, which was used as a common dialect in the armies of Alexander the Great. Koine has also now become a common name for a lingua franca language that is used not only in interethnic trade and everyday communication, but also in other areas, just as Koine became the language of theological literature.


Often, pidgins act as a lingua franca, but a full-fledged language that is not native to any of the ethnic groups using it can be used as a lingua franca (an example is English, used as a lingua franca in many countries of the British Commonwealth).

In addition, English is now the lingua franca of European business, science, shipping and aviation. It also replaced French as the language of diplomacy after World War II, as a result of Euro-Atlantic integrations and the increasing role of the United States in the region and the world.

see also

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In Russian
  • Weinreich W. Language contacts: State and problems of research / Uriel Weinreich / Uriel Weinreich; Per. from English and comments by Yu. A. Zhluktenko; will enter. Art. V. N. Yartseva. - Kyiv: Vishcha School, 1979. - 264 p.
In foreign languages
  • Heine B. Status and Use of African Lingua Francas. - 1970. ISBN 3-8039-0033-6
  • Kahane H.R. The Lingua Franca in the Levant. - 1958.
  • Hall R. A. Jr. Pidgin and Creole Languages. - Cornell University Press, 1966. ISBN 0-8014-0173-9
  • Melatti J.C.Índios do Brasil. - São Paulo: Hucitec Press, 1983.



Excerpt characterizing the Lingua Franca

“I burned this to prove my love to her.” I just lit the ruler on fire and pressed it down.
Sitting in his former classroom, on the sofa with cushions on his arms, and looking into those desperately animated eyes of Natasha, Rostov again entered that family, children's world, which had no meaning for anyone except for him, but which gave him some of the best pleasures in life; and burning his hand with a ruler to show love did not seem useless to him: he understood and was not surprised by it.
- So what? only? - he asked.
- Well, so friendly, so friendly! Is this nonsense - with a ruler; but we are forever friends. She will love anyone, forever; but I don’t understand this, I’ll forget now.
- Well, what then?
- Yes, that’s how she loves me and you. - Natasha suddenly blushed, - well, you remember, before leaving... So she says that you forget all this... She said: I will always love him, and let him be free. It’s true that this is excellent, noble! - Yes Yes? very noble? Yes? - Natasha asked so seriously and excitedly that it was clear that what she was saying now, she had previously said with tears.
Rostov thought about it.
“I don’t take back my word on anything,” he said. - And then, Sonya is such a charm that what fool would refuse his happiness?
“No, no,” Natasha screamed. “We’ve already talked about this with her.” We knew you would say this. But this is impossible, because, you know, if you say that - you consider yourself bound by the word, then it turns out that she seemed to say it on purpose. It turns out that you are still forcibly marrying her, and it turns out completely different.
Rostov saw that all this was well thought out by them. Sonya amazed him with her beauty yesterday too. Today, having caught a glimpse of her, she seemed even better to him. She was a lovely 16-year-old girl, obviously loving him passionately (he did not doubt this for a minute). Why shouldn’t he love her now, and not even marry her, Rostov thought, but now there are so many other joys and activities! “Yes, they came up with this perfectly,” he thought, “we must remain free.”
“Well, great,” he said, “we’ll talk later.” Oh, how glad I am for you! - he added.
- Well, why didn’t you cheat on Boris? - asked the brother.
- This is nonsense! – Natasha shouted laughing. “I don’t think about him or anyone else and I don’t want to know.”
- That's how it is! So what are you doing?
- I? – Natasha asked again, and a happy smile lit up her face. -Have you seen Duport?
- No.
– Have you seen the famous Duport the dancer? Well, you won't understand. That's what I am. – Natasha took her skirt, rounding her arms, as they dance, ran a few steps, turned over, made an entreche, kicked her leg against the leg and, standing on the very tips of her socks, walked a few steps.
- Am I standing? after all, she said; but couldn’t help herself on her tiptoes. - So that’s what I am! I will never marry anyone, but will become a dancer. But do not tell anyone.
Rostov laughed so loudly and cheerfully that Denisov from his room became envious, and Natasha could not resist laughing with him. - No, it’s good, isn’t it? – she kept saying.
- Okay, don’t you want to marry Boris anymore?
Natasha flushed. - I don’t want to marry anyone. I'll tell him the same thing when I see him.
- That's how it is! - said Rostov.
“Well, yes, it’s all nothing,” Natasha continued to chatter. - Why is Denisov good? – she asked.
- Good.
- Well, goodbye, get dressed. Is he scary, Denisov?
- Why is it scary? – asked Nicholas. - No. Vaska is nice.