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Coat of arms what does an oak branch mean. A portal for those who are interested in symbols, symbolism and symbolism. What does the oak tree symbolize?

Symbol meaning
Oak symbolizes strength and longevity, strength and hardness. Since time immemorial, the oak has been a sacred tree of many peoples: the Celts, the ancient Jews, the Greeks, the Romans. In the time of Abraham, near Shechem, there grew an oak tree of sorcerers or wise men, who interpreted the rustling of leaves and the cooing of doves in the branches as signs sent by the spirit of the tree. Under the sacred oak tree the Sibyl gave prophecies. The Druids performed their services in oak groves. For the ancient Greeks, the oak was the tree of Zeus. The famous club of Hercules was made of oak. The Romans considered oak to be the tree of Jupiter. The Temple of Baal, preserved in Damascus, was built in a grove of ancient oak trees.

Due to its enormous size and significant life expectancy, the oak in the mythology of many peoples was revered as the king of the forest, and therefore it was often dedicated to the supreme gods (Zeus, Jupiter, Perun, that is, the thunder gods: there was a belief that lightning strikes the oak most often) . An oak club is an attribute of the supreme or solar deities, symbolizing the firmness of power. Due to its close connection with the thunder god, oak is often associated with military themes; A garland of oak leaves is used in military emblems. A wreath of oak leaves symbolizes power and greatness.

Where can you find the symbol

When to refer to a symbol
Contact the symbol so that every transaction you make will bring profit.

Techniques for activating a symbol
Tuning in to the symbol
Stand in the middle of the room and stare at the symbol for 2-3 minutes. Close your eyes and raise your arms up and slightly to the sides, relax your hands. Inhale, and as you exhale, shake your hands 3 times. Repeat 10 times.

The key phrase that opens the symbol's monetary energy
- Reliability and Strength lead to wealth!
Regular reference to the symbol Look at the image of the symbol for 10-15 seconds, then close your eyes, mentally imagining the symbol, try to hold the image for up to 20 seconds.
Open your eyes and look at it for another 10 seconds, repeating the affirmations:
- I am the best specialist in my field!

- I get the joy of self-realization from work!
- I have an excellent income and financial independence!
Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

Ritual to enhance the effect of a symbol
Dry 5 oak leaves by smoothing them out. Place each sheet in a separate green envelope. Move the envelopes to the windowsill at night, and in the morning put them in a drawer on your desk. On the eve of concluding an important transaction, place envelopes between documents, take them out in the morning and hide them back in the table.

In many Indo-European traditions, there was a cult of the oak, which was considered a sacred tree, the home of the gods, the heavenly gate through which a deity could appear before people. Like all trees, the oak acts as a world tree: it symbolizes the world axis, connecting the upper and lower worlds, living beings and deceased ancestors, marking the center of the Universe. Oak meant strength, courage, endurance, longevity, fertility, nobility, and loyalty. This tree was dedicated to the supreme thunder gods: in Greece - Zeus, in Ancient Rome - Jupiter, in Germany - Donar, among the Lithuanians - Perkunas, among the Slavs - Perun.

Oak is symbolically associated with fire and lightning. According to J. Fraser, the ancients believed that “the great god of the sky, the object of their cult, whose terrible voice reached them in the peals of thunder, loved the oak above other forest trees and often descended on it from a thundercloud in the form of lightning, leaving in memory of his visit, a split, charred trunk and burnt foliage. Such trees were surrounded by an aura of glory, since their destruction was seen as the hand of the great Thunderer." The place where lightning struck became sacred.

Oak groves were a place for rituals, the most important rituals (sacrifices, trials, oaths), and holidays were held in them. The oak club as a weapon of the thunderer or the sun god symbolized the firmness of power and severity. A wreath of oak leaves expressed the idea of ​​strength, power, and dignity.

In Ancient Greece, the center of the sanctuary of Zeus in Dodona was an old oak tree, under which there was a spring. Based on the rustling of the leaves of this oak tree, the priests of the oracle at the temple made predictions. A special winged oak tree was also dedicated to Zeus, over which a blanket with images of the earth, ocean and stars was thrown. The gods Philemon and Baucis were posthumously transformed into oak and linden; here the oak acts as a symbol of marital happiness. The "oak" nymphs were dryads. In Athens, a boy who pronounced the marriage formula during the Eleusinian mysteries was crowned with oak leaves and thorns. According to legend, Hercules had an oak club. According to some versions, the mast of the Argonauts' ship was made of oak.

In Rome, oak symbolizes strength and longevity. Every year, the wedding of Jupiter and Juno was celebrated in the oak grove; the participants in the ceremony wore wreaths of oak leaves. Oak branches were carried in marriage processions as a symbol of fertility. An oak log was also considered sacred; it was used to maintain the eternal flame in the Temple of Vesta.

Oak played a significant role in the sacred beliefs of the Celts. In particular, Merlin works his magic under the oak tree. Celtic priests, Druids, turned oak groves into real sanctuaries and religious centers, and used oak branches in various ritual rites. The word “druid” itself comes, according to researchers, from the ancient name of oak. In Druid beliefs, the oak symbolized the axis of the world and was associated with strength and wisdom. According to the Celts, everything that grows on this sacred tree is a gift from heaven. A special role is played by the image of an oak tree entwined with the “golden branch” of mistletoe, with the oak symbolizing the male principle, and the mistletoe symbolizing the female principle. During the era of Christianization of the Celts, many churches and monasteries in Ireland were often built near oak forests or individual oak trees.

In the old days, the Slavs had a widespread belief that the souls of dead ancestors lived in oak trees. This idea is confirmed by the real fact of ancient burials in forests, in particular oak ones, on trees and under trees. In the legends and fairy tales of the ancient Slavs, the oak is often a sacred place with which the fate of a person is connected and near which events decisive for the heroes take place. The oak was also revered as a tree of fertility; The custom of planting an oak tree at the birth of a child has been preserved.

In the biblical tradition, oak is a symbol of pride and arrogance; Azimelach becomes king at the oak tree, Saul sits under the oak tree, Jacob buries foreign gods under the oak tree, Absalom meets his end at the oak tree. For Christians, the oak is the emblem of Christ as strength, manifested in trouble, firmness in faith and virtue. According to some versions of Christian tradition, the crucifixion cross was made of oak.

Symbolizes strength and longevity, strength and hardness. Since time immemorial, the oak, a long-living and strong tree, has been the most sacred tree among many peoples: the Celts, ancient Jews, Greeks, Romans. In the time of Abraham, near Shechem, there grew an oak tree of sorcerers or wise men, who interpreted the rustling of leaves and the cooing of doves in the branches as signs sent by the spirit of the tree. Under the sacred oak of Dodona, the Sibyl gave prophecies. The Druids performed their services in oak groves. Among the ancient Greeks, the oak was the tree of Zeus (Jupiter). The famous club of Hercules was made of oak. The Romans considered oak to be the tree of Jupiter.
The Temple of Baal, preserved in Damascus, was built in a grove of ancient oak trees. Abel's grave is surrounded by sacred oak trees. Due to its enormous size and significant life expectancy, the oak in the mythology of many peoples was revered as the king of the forest, and therefore it was often dedicated to the supreme gods (Zeus, Jupiter, Perun, that is, the thunder gods - there was a belief that lightning strikes the oak most often) . An oak club is an attribute of the supreme or solar deities, symbolizing the firmness of power. Due to its close connection with the thunder god, oak is often associated with military themes; A garland of oak leaves is used in military emblems.
The cult of oak existed among all European peoples - the Etruscans, Romans, Scandinavians, Slavs, Germans; Many traditions had sacred oak groves. The very name of the Druids, the Celtic priests, was associated in its etymology with oak. It was also a sacred tree among the Jews, who revered it as eternally living (from under the roots of a drying tree, according to legend, new shoots appear).
Often the oak appears as a world tree. For example, in ancient Greek myth, the golden fleece (a symbol of fertility and prosperity) is described hanging on an oak tree and guarded by a serpent (a chthonic creature, an enemy of the solar hero); This motif contains echoes of the main myth of the Indo-European tradition. Hanging it on an oak tree itself was believed to increase the beneficial power of the fleece. Oak was also identified with the masculine principle: for example, an oak log was burned in the middle of summer to deprive the fertility deity of masculine power.
A wreath of oak leaves symbolizes power and greatness.

What did oak mean in the old days?

Oak is a mighty tree. Its symbolic meaning in the mythology of the peoples of the world is extremely wide: longevity, splendor and power, fertility, vitality, fortitude, protection and refuge, the origin of the great from the small, a sacred place, glory and sacrifice, the sacred axis mundi, prosperity, spiritual energy, heavenly the gate, the prototype of the father and guide who protects, leads and elevates to a new level of cosmic perfection.

Connection with the Thunder Gods

One of the most famous symbolic qualities of the oak is its correlation with the Indo-European thunder gods. So, in Rus' it was called the “perun tree”. Perun's temple was surrounded by an oak grove around the perimeter. In his honor, bonfires were lit from oak branches and ensured that they burned constantly; the person responsible for the extinction was recognized as a blasphemer and executed. According to the testimony of contemporaries of pre-Christian Rus', the Novgorod idol of the Thunderer was also built from oak.

In the center of the ancient sanctuary of Zeus in Dodona there was an oak tree, next to which there was a spring. Under the rustling of its leaves, as if conveying the will of the supreme celestial being, the Sibyl made predictions of the future. In ancient Rome, the wedding of Juno and Jupiter was celebrated annually in an oak grove.
In ancient states, oak was considered the habitat of special nymphs - dryads. It also correlated with the Etruscan Tin, Scandinavian Thor, Lithuanian Perkunas, Japanese Casciano Kami, Prove among the Baltic Slavs.

In Prussia, it was customary to sprinkle the sacred oak with the blood of sacrificial animals and worship three gods in its image. Lithuanians and Germans, by the way, used huge oak trees as temples. In England, cutting down oak trees was considered a grave sin for a very long time; they could only be used for sacred fires.

Apparently, such unanimous dedication to thunderstorms was connected with the realities of life: a mighty oak tree with a high spreading crown often became a lightning rod during a thunderstorm. Moreover, the wood of a tree struck by lightning was endowed with special protective properties. In particular, it was believed that if a piece of it is kept in the house, then the family is insured against fires due to a thunderstorm.

Magic properties

Our ancestors believed that oak trees were able to influence and predict the weather. Magical treatises provided corresponding (by the way, sometimes quite exotic) recipes in this regard: for example, burning the head of a chameleon on a fire made of oak wood. The people of Wales had a sign: if oak leaves curl, drought should be expected; The Greeks believed that an oak branch, if handled properly, could help bring rain.
Published in the blog "Russian life. From the world one by one...."

It was also recognized for its healing, divinatory and miraculous properties. For example, the Cornish people were convinced: to relieve a headache, you need to drive a nail into an oak branch, and to avoid getting sick at all, silently rub a piece of oak with your hand on the day of the summer solstice. The British believed that if an acorn was wormy, it was a sign of impending financial losses, and the discovery of a spider on it was interpreted as an omen of illness. They also told fortunes using a pair of acorns: they called them the names of the lovers and dipped them into a basin of water - if they get together, then there will be a wedding.

Russians used oak to charm toothaches, treat throats and childhood illnesses. When Poles had abscesses in their mouths, they spat into a hole dug under an oak tree. Many Slavic tribes left the clothes of the sick person on the oak tree or tied ribbons and threads to the branches. The Southern Slavs, in order to cure a sick child, put cut-off parts of his nails and hair into a tree trunk, and then blocked the hole with a peg. It was believed that as soon as he grew taller than the peg, he would immediately recover.

According to the beliefs of the peoples of southern countries, oak leaves can bewitch and pacify lions, and if you stick an oak pole into a dung heap, it will be a surefire way to scare away snakes.

In the Druid horoscope, the day of the vernal equinox - March 21 - is dedicated to oak. It is well known that they performed their services in oak groves, and before making predictions they certainly ate acorns.

Trees with mistletoe were especially revered. The ritual of cutting its branches was considered one of the most sacred, since it was considered a panacea not only for all diseases, but also for any misfortunes in life. The action took place on a full moon and was accompanied by the sacrifice of two white bulls. And only after this, a priest in a snow-white robe cut a precious branch from the oak tree with a special golden sickle. For the Druids, this tree is the personification of the center of the world, and everything that grows on it is a gift from heaven.

Alchemists used the hollow inside of oak as a vessel for fermentation and purification of elements.

Oak as a symbol of courage, valor, strength and power

The famous club of Hercules was made of oak, and this is an attribute of the highest gods. Note that in Russian there is a word “club”. The Argonauts had an oak ship mast, and the golden fleece, for which they went as a symbol of fertility and prosperity in the myth, is represented hanging on an oak tree guarded by a serpent. The oak wreath of ancient Italian rulers was a symbol of dignity and honor. From ancient times to the present day, an oak branch, an oak wreath or garlands have been used in military uniforms as emblems of valor and strength. Of course, it is no coincidence that oaks are attributes of royal power.

According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the souls of dead ancestors live in oak trees, from whom one can receive help, and in legends and fairy tales this tree is associated with the fate of a person. That's why heroes show their valor around him. According to the ancient Russian custom, in order for your back to be strong, you need to rub it against an oak trunk at the first thunder or at the sight of the first spring bird, and so as not to let you down during the harvest, tuck an oak branch into your belt from behind. The Poles hung oak wreaths on the horns of cows to give them more strength and strengthen the horns to prevent breakage when gored.

Finally, the oak tree is a symbol of masculinity, and the acorn was worn as an amulet that strengthens this principle.


The ancient Romans carried oak wreaths in wedding processions, considering them a symbol of fertility. The Slavs had similar views; in particular, this was associated with the custom of planting an oak tree at the birth of a child. And the newlywed, entering her husband’s house, had to mentally say: “There are oak trees near the yard, and little sons in the house.” In Belarus, when giving birth to a boy, the umbilical cord was cut on an oak block. After bathing the newborn, water was poured under the oak tree.

Christian tradition

Oak is mentioned several times in the Holy Scriptures. It was under this tree that the Lord appeared to Abraham, and the angel of the Lord to Gideon. Abel's grave in the Lebanon Mountains is also surrounded by sacred oak trees, the burial place of the nurse Rebecca and Saul is completely under an oak tree. The idols of Sekhem were buried under it. Not the same thing, of course.

Later, the Holm Oak (holly) received the status of one of the trees from which the Cross of the Lord was built. According to legend, the trees, having heard about the preparations for the crucifixion of Christ, agreed to crumble under the blows of the ax, and when the woodcutters came, only the holly withstood these blows - and became a symbol of the passion of the Lord. The fallen oak trunk, trampled under the foot of St. Boniface, represents the conversion of the pagans.

Plant themes in the art of body painting are usually divided into male and female. An oak tattoo is a symbol that has powerful masculine energy and personifies strength, courage, and endurance. This is one of the few drawings that does not have ambiguous and uncertain interpretations, and therefore is very popular. Who would be suitable for such a tattoo, what does it tell about its owner?

What does the oak tree symbolize?

Oak is a powerful branching tree from the beech family with a well-developed root system. Its height can reach 60 meters, and the trunk diameter often exceeds 1.5–2 meters. Life expectancy is several thousand years, and sometimes there are specimens that are over 1000 years old. It is not surprising that our ancestors treated oak with special honor, considering it the king of trees. The Slavs associated him with strength and power and identified him with the supreme deity Perun. Acorns and oak branches were used as a talisman against evil spirits, leaving them at the entrance to the house. In Ancient Greece, a large tree was considered a statue of Zeus and was attributed to the thunder god. The oak symbolized longevity, physical strength and courage, so brave warriors were given an oak wreath as a reward. In ancient Rome, the acorn was called the fruit of Jupiter in honor of the god of the same name. During excavations, archaeologists discovered ancient statues, jewelry in the form of rings, and necklaces with images of trees.

The meaning of wood among different peoples

  • the Gauls believed that the oak tree was the axis of the world
  • among the French it symbolized hope and independence
  • among the Celts - endurance and victory.
  • The British identified acorns with antiquity and fertility.

It is noteworthy that Charles II, having lost the battle, was able to hide from his enemies in the oak tree. The tree is a heraldic symbol, so its image can be seen on the coats of arms of German, Latvian, Russian, Spanish cities and provinces.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The main meaning of the oak tattoo in the modern art of body painting is male strength and fertility, because it is from a tiny acorn that such a huge tree grows. The drawing is suitable for self-confident representatives of the stronger sex, hardy and brave, who want to emphasize their physical strength and power. Oak symbolizes immortality and longevity. It is believed that its image can prolong the life of its owner and activate internal energy.

By choosing such a drawing, a person, as it were, takes on the qualities inherent in this image.

The oak tattoo is also interpreted as a connection with ancestors, a return to origins, respect and veneration of one’s family. It was not for nothing that in the Middle Ages the tree symbolized noble origin. Images of acorns were embroidered on the clothes of nobles and kings to emphasize their high social status and long-term reign. In modern tattoo art, a tattoo indicates not so much status as love for family, warm relationships with loved ones and relatives.

Despite the fact that the oak tree is a male symbol, girls can also choose oak leaves or acorns for their tattoo. The meaning of the picture remains unchanged - fertility, longevity, vital energy. In addition, it is believed that such a tattoo can attract wealth, material wealth, luck and success in endeavors, so the body decoration is also a talisman. Acorns with leaves will help develop creativity and achieve success in your career or study.

Execution technique

An oak tree tattoo in a graphic style looks impressive. A monochrome pattern is very suitable for men who want to focus on good physical shape and emphasize brutality. A similar effect is created in the dotwork style, where the image is applied using many small dots, due to which the tattoo becomes voluminous and convex. A sketch of an oak tree tattoo in the engraving style resembles an illustration from a medieval book. It is very important to clearly draw every detail so that the composition turns out to be as natural and effective as possible. To do this, you should apply a drawing on a large scale to the shoulder, back, arm, chest.

Representatives of the fair sex may consider the realism style. Tattoos with oak leaves will look beautiful on the forearm, shoulder blade, and wrist. And, of course, the palm belongs to the squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age” hugging an acorn. This colorful character is well reproduced using the new school technique: this way the image turns out to be more cute and funny.

Video about the tattooing process

Photos of tattoos

Selection of sketches

Aura: warm
Planet: Sun
Element: fire
Deities: Dionysus, Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Hercules, Janus, Rhea, Cybele
Magic properties: fertility, protection from evil forces, longevity
Magical uses:
Oak is perhaps the most majestic tree with magical powers.
Magic rituals are usually performed in oak groves. Under the oak tree grows white mistletoe, which has the strongest properties.

Burn oak leaves to purify the air.

Oak wood can be used to make an excellent magic wand for a wide variety of magical rituals.

The acorn increases the ability to bear children, is very good for infertility, helps to conceive a child if you carry it with you, and also helps to establish intimate relationships.

The acorn is also worn on one’s person or with oneself to preserve youth and prevent diseases.

Hang an acorn in the window and you will protect your home from evil forces.

Several centuries ago, witches wore necklaces made of acorns, which symbolized the awakening of the forces of nature. This was especially popular during the winter months, when this confirmation of the arrival of spring brought calm amid the winter snowdrifts.
Men wear acorn to enhance their sex appeal and prowess or to cure impotence.

If you collect leaves, acorns or oak branches, be sure to pour wine over the roots of the tree. Acorns are usually collected during the day, leaves and wood at night. Cut oak only when the moon is waning.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Things made of oak strengthen the position of their owner. The oak-trimmed interior is in some mysterious way connected with the growing authority of the institution located in it.

Jewelry made from oak wood adds weight to the words of the woman wearing it. Oak protects the house as such from various financial and business shocks and crises, and promotes professional growth. If you want to properly receive a significant person, it is good to decorate the room with oak branches.

Acorns chosen “for good luck” help you get support from your superiors and stimulate career advancement. Especially good for Sagittarius and Pisces.

Bestows wealth (abundance), fertility, protection, awakens psychic abilities.
Oak is completely incompatible with spruce. Never place a Christmas tree on an oak table, and do not mix these two plants in one composition. Even oak and spruce boards in the same house will have a bad effect on the moral atmosphere, stimulating intrigue and conspiracies.

Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of enormous vitality, longevity, revered by all northern Europeans as the sacred tree of the thunder god (Thor, Perun).
The Celts, on the contrary, tend to revere the oak as the tree of the supreme deity, the tree of wisdom and spiritual strength. By the way, the term “druid” itself comes from the Celtic stem, which has two meanings - “oak” and “wisdom” (the same stem dru/drw sounds in the Russian word “tree”). Throughout the North-West, the oak tree (as well as the thunderbird) is associated with a certain day of the week - Thursday, which in northern languages ​​is called Thursday, "Thor's Day". Esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with oak - Thurisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Due to the physical properties of oak, such as the reliability and strength of its wood, the size and longevity of the trunk, as well as its connection with the supreme deities in the magical practice of the North, oak was generally used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, and achieving stable success.

Oak is an energy donor. With direct contact with it, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy.
However, we should not forget that this is a strong but harsh tree. His aura is very powerful; it only responds well to healthy people. It is better for a person who is seriously ill or suffering from chronic diseases not to communicate with this tree.
Communication with oak charges a person with activating energy and calms the soul. It has long been noted that walking through an oak forest normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Oak always gives preference to warriors, fighters, strong and healthy people. He heals wounds received in battle, heals the souls of warriors, and shares a piece of his longevity. Veterans, former soldiers, and elderly people benefit greatly from contact with him.

Means strength, protection, durability, courage, loyalty, man, human body. The oak tree is often associated with the thunder gods and thunder and is considered an emblem of the gods of Heaven and fertility, so it can also symbolize lightning and fire.

Among the American Indians it is dedicated to Mother Earth.
In China, it is masculine strength, as well as the “weakness of strength” that resists and is therefore broken by the hurricane, as opposed to the “strength of weakness” of the willow, which bows to the storm and therefore survives.
In Christianity, it is a symbol of Christ as strength, manifested in trouble, firmness in faith and virtue. According to various sources, the cross was made of oak, holly and aspen.
Among the Druids, the oak is a sacred tree and symbolizes the masculine principle, while the feminine is symbolized by mistletoe.
In the Greco-Roman tradition it is dedicated to Zeus (Jupiter). Every year the wedding of Jupiter and Juno was celebrated in the oak grove, and the participants in the ceremony wore wreaths of oak leaves. A wreath of oak leaves was awarded for saving a human life and for winning the Pythian Games.
The oak is the emblem of Cybele and Silvanus, and in Greece - Philemon, as a symbol of commitment to marriage and marital happiness. Dryads were oak nymphs.
In Jewish tradition, oak is the tree of the Covenant and divine presence.
The Scandinavians and ancient Germans considered the oak tree to be the Trade Tree of Life and dedicated it to Donar. Oak groves were a place for rituals.
Acorn: Scandinavian and Celtic symbol of life, fertility and immortality. Dedicated to Thor. Androgynene

oak moss
Moss growing on the bark of some trees. Particularly interesting for magical purposes is the moss growing on oak bark. Clairvoyance, predictions, magic. Money growth, abundance, peace of mind, starting new things.