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Greenfield tea all flavors. Assortment and flavors of Greenfield tea. Greenfield tea gift collections

Greenfield tea is popular in many countries. The brand is chosen by true admirers of a quality product. In the tea line you can find strong black tea, a delicate herbal tea, and a vitamin cocktail that quenches your thirst.

The history of this tea

The tea drinking ceremony did not appear by chance; back in the 1st century AD, the people of China were able to understand what “treasures” a tea leaf hides. The rulers of the Han Dynasty loved and appreciated the noble drink. Another source mentions an earlier date for the appearance of the tea ceremony - the 3rd century AD. The discoverer was a famous resident of the village of Shan Nun. While working on his plantation, the landowner set water to boil, and a tea leaf accidentally fell into his cup of boiled water. Having tried an unfamiliar decoction, Shan Nong was shocked by its taste and tonic effect, so he began to drink tea every day.

Chinese traders first shared the wonderful drink only in the 5th century AD. They offered it to the Turkic nomads. So the noble drink began to spread among various tribes. After 200 years, Tibetan monks became interested in tea drinking, and after some time the Japanese made tea their traditional drink.

Assortment and composition of Greenfield tea

Today, tea plantations are located in many countries:

  • China;
  • Türkiye;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Vietnam;
  • Indonesia.

They drink this exquisite drink in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Japan, China, etc.

Greenfield tea is distinguished by its excellent taste. Every fan of the aromatic drink will be able to choose tea to suit their taste.

  • white;
  • herbal;
  • in pyramids and bags.


This noble drink contains caffeine, so it can easily replace coffee. It tones, saturates the body, gives a feeling of vigor. You should drink tea early in the morning or in the first half of the day; before going to bed, you should choose a herbal drink.

Popular varieties:

  1. Classic Breakfast. It is collected on plantations in India, has a tonic effect, gives a boost of energy to the body, and is tart to taste. Packaged in disposable bags.
  2. Golden Ceylon. Tea is harvested on plantations in the provinces of Sri Lanka. A classic type of tea, not strong, has a unique aroma. Packed in bags.
  3. Magic Yunnan. Tea is sold in bags and loose. Leaves are collected in China, in the southern provinces. The drink leaves a slight aftertaste of prunes.

People with high blood pressure should not drink large amounts of drinks.


There is a wide range of teas containing various herbs. The drink quenches thirst, relieves stress and irritation, and saturates the body with useful substances.


  1. Flying Dragon. Tea is harvested on plantations in China. It has a delicate and subtle herbal aroma. You can drink throughout the day.
  2. Japanese Sencha. The tea is grown in Japan and has a delicate “creamy” taste. Calms the nervous system, relaxes.
  3. Green Melissa. Contains several herbs. The combination of lemon balm and mint is perfect for evening tea.

High technologies are used for packaging. The tea contains only natural ingredients and is sold loose or in disposable bags.


It has a delicate taste and delicate aroma, almost no color. You can drink throughout the day.

  1. Mango Delight. The composition includes pieces of fruit: apple and mango. The tea leaves a pleasant aftertaste and nourishes the body.
  2. White Bloom. During tea drinking there is a honey aroma. The leaves are collected exclusively by hand, without equipment. The drink has an amber color.

Many people claim that tea is inferior in quality, but once you drink just one cup, your opinion will change.


According to the classification, it is between red and green tea and contains a large amount of vitamins. You can drink it throughout the day.

Highland Oolong

The composition includes chocolate and honey, the tea has a light aftertaste. Castings are collected in Chinese provinces.


Every admirer of this noble drink will not remain indifferent. The tea contains pieces of fruit and herbal tea. Leaves are collected in Africa, China, and India.

Greenfield herbal teas can be purchased in 2 versions - bagged or loose


  • Honey Rooibos;
  • Summer Bouquet;
  • Christmas Mystery;
  • Rich Camomile;
  • Green Melissa.

The tea is sold in bags or loose and can be drunk throughout the day.

In pyramids and bags

The tea is packaged using the latest technologies, each pyramid retains the original exquisite taste of herbs. The composition includes pieces of fruit, a collection of herbs, and slices of berries.

Tea helps quench your thirst and can be drunk throughout the day. Saturates the body with vitamins, calms the nervous system.

Popular types:

  • Redberry Crumble;
  • Blueberry Forest;
  • Rich Ceylon;
  • Exotic Asai.

Tea in pyramids can be black or green. It can be drunk by children and elderly people. It is based only on natural ingredients.

The benefits and harms of Greenfield tea bags

If the manufacturer is conscientious about the process of packaging tea leaves in disposable bags, then such a drink cannot cause harm. High-quality tea contains only natural ingredients: black or green leaves, pieces of fruit and berries, herbs.


  • It is convenient to brew tea. One sachet is for one cup.
  • It is easy to control the strength of the drink. The bag is easy to remove when you need to make “light” tea.
  • Easier to wash dishes.

Quality tea has no drawbacks. It is important to pay attention to the production date so as not to buy expired products.

How to distinguish a fake from the original manufacturer

A few simple rules to help you choose quality tea:

  • It is important to look at the packaging and check the country of origin. You should not buy tea from the USA, Denmark and Germany. This is a low-quality drink at an expensive price.
  • The country in which the product was packaged must be stamped in small letters on the packaging. Capital letters are counterfeit.
  • If the packaging does not raise any doubts, brew one sachet in cold water. Natural tea does not color the water.

Be careful when buying tea, inspect the integrity of the packaging and the production date.

Greenfield tea is available in a wide range. Every lover of traditional tea drinking will be able to choose a drink for himself and his family. The product is made only from natural ingredients.

Julia Vern 70 050 3

The Orimi Trade group of companies begins its history back in 1994, it was then that a new tea brand, “Princess Kandy,” was introduced to the Russian market. Over the next few years, the young ambitious company showed serious growth rates - subsidiaries were created in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, new brands of tea were introduced - “Princess Java”, “Princess Nuri” and “Princess Gita”.

Already in 1998, Orimi Trade was one of the top three tea companies in Russia; in 1999, Princesses occupied more than 20% of the country's tea market. In subsequent years, the company continues to develop dynamically - it builds factories, opens subsidiaries in neighboring countries, develops a network of regional offices, expands its product range (now it also includes Jockey coffee) and begins exporting its products abroad.

Today, Orimi Trade tea and coffee products are sold in 35 countries around the world, and in many markets, including Russia and the CIS countries, it is a leader in market share and consumer preferences.

A significant event for both the company and consumers occurred in 2003 - the Orimi Trade group of companies signed an agreement with the British Greenfield Tea Ltd and began promoting Greenfield tea. Today, according to numerous studies, the Greenfield brand deservedly takes the place of the “favorite tea” of Russian residents, and this is not surprising - the brand’s assortment includes more than 30 varieties of the drink for every taste.

Black tea is traditionally popular in Russia and Europe as a warming and tonic (remember that black tea contains almost the same amount of caffeine as coffee) drink; probably everyone has appreciated the beauty of a cup of hot tea at least once in their life after a frosty day or at breakfast. In this collection, the manufacturer offers both varieties that are well known to tea connoisseurs, as well as more exotic types that surprise with their taste and aroma. A true tea gourmet will try everything and suddenly find a new favorite variety.

Golden Ceylon

  • Ceylon tea from the Rugunu province without additives or flavorings
  • , tin can 150 g

Tea from Ceylon (or from Sri Lanka) is probably known to every connoisseur of the aromatic drink, but not everyone knows that the cultivation of tea plants on the island began only at the end of the 19th century and now tea plantations occupy most of its area. Black tea from Sri Lanka has a strong aroma and noble taste, which is jealously monitored by plantation owners who have dedicated their lives to continuous improvement of the qualities of their product.

Classic Breakfast

  • Indian tea from the province of Assam without additives or flavorings
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The variety, grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, has a slightly tart taste and a pronounced tonic effect, which makes it an excellent drink in the morning. Interestingly, the Himalayan climate had a very detrimental effect on the classic Chinese tea plant, so the British had to cultivate its Indian variety, Camelia assamica, in the 1930s.

Magic Yunnan

  • Chinese tea from Yunnan province with a slight hint of prune
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan is considered the historical homeland of that very tea tree, there are even historical documents and evidence confirming this fact. It was here that the first tea plant was cultivated more than two thousand years ago; centuries-old traditions of growing and harvesting tea are still preserved and honored here, including drying tea leaves over an open fire, which gives the drink a certain “smoky” aroma.

  • Ceylon tea from Uva plantations with bergamot
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g, tin can 150 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The history of the famous “gray-haired count” is full of legends, each more interesting than the other, but what cannot be taken away from the indispensable companion of the English five’o’clock is its slightly spicy aroma, rich in citrus notes. This variety has gained wide popularity and recognition throughout the world due to its noble taste and its ability to energize for the whole day.

Fine Darjeeling

  • tea with cinnamon, apricot pieces and calendula petals from the highland plantations of northern India
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g

This variety of tea is famous for the fact that it can grow only in the vicinity of the town of Darjeeling on the ridge of the Himalayas at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. Attempts to grow this variety elsewhere have not been successful, since the climate in the areas where the plantations are located is absolutely unique. There are several types of Darjeeling, which differ greatly in taste, depending on the time of harvest. Fine Darjeeling tea belongs to the so-called “summer” variety, has a distinct nutmeg flavor and a bright aroma of flowers.

Delicate Keemun

  • Chinese tea from Anhui province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Kimyn is a rather young variety compared to its counterparts, which have a centuries-old, or even a thousand-year history. It has been grown in the eastern province of Anhui since 1875, previously mainly known for green tea varieties. Kimyn has a rich, richly nuanced taste and a honey-floral aroma, the secret of which is that the tea is harvested four times a year, after which the technology requires mixing leaves from different collections.

Kenyan Sunrise

  • Kenyan tea from Kericho region
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The Kericho region is the very heart of Kenya's tea plantations, with such ideal conditions for the growth of the tea plant (heavy rains, high altitude thin air, high humidity and coolness) that tea leaves are harvested here every seventeen days. Kenyan varieties are characterized by a slight astringency in taste and a bright amber color of the infusion; tea connoisseurs say that Kenyan tea is best consumed with milk.

  • Chinese tea from Yunnan province
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Today, even those who are not very knowledgeable about tea have heard about pu-erh. A particularly large-leaf variety, subjected to strong fermentation and then undergoing a period of aging, similar to cognac. In Eastern medicine, it is believed that pu-erh is beneficial for the digestive and cardiovascular systems of the body, and what definitely cannot be taken away from it are its tonic properties - tea really invigorates. It has a mild sweetish taste and a somewhat specific aroma, characteristic of highly fermented varieties.

Lapsang Souchong

  • Chinese tea from Fujian province
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 75 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This variety is one of the varieties of red tea (which, as is known, is a subspecies of black tea), has a rather unusual taste and aroma, which is due to the process of its preparation. One of the steps is drying and roasting the leaves over pine wood, which gives the tea a characteristic “smoky” smell (sometimes this variety is called “smoked”). The finished drink has a bright burgundy-red color, a taste with hints of dried fruit and a slight sourness.

Green Tea Collection

Until the end of the 20th century, green tea was more popular in eastern countries; the Western world traditionally preferred black varieties. But with the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, the audience of lovers has also grown.

green tea, as this drink has a decent amount of beneficial properties. Green teas help strengthen the immune system, have a positive effect on various systems of the human body, and help with stress. Interestingly, green tea is made from the leaves of the same plant as black tea, it’s just that the green tea is minimally fermented.

  • Chinese tea from Hunan province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g, tin can 150 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Hunan Province is located at the intersection of two ancient Chinese trade routes, in an area that has all the conditions for growing tea plants - climate, altitude above sea level of more than 1000 meters, soil. Therefore, tea from these places has received worldwide recognition for its thick floral aroma and rich yellowish color of the drink. In addition, it gives energy throughout the day, quenches thirst and refreshes.

Jasmine Dream

  • Chinese tea from Yunnan province with jasmine aroma
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 and 200 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 or 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Yunnan Province, the flowering time of jasmine coincides with the time of the first harvest of tea leaves, and from this coincidence this variety was born. To the tea leaves dried over an open fire, add jasmine flowers, picked in the evening (in the evening during the flowering period, the aroma of jasmine is especially strong) and mix thoroughly. After some time, when the tea leaves are saturated with aroma, the flowers are selected by hand, and the more expensive the type of tea, the more carefully this is done. As a result, jasmine essential oils increase the tonic properties of the drink, which is especially noticeable if you drink it in the morning before a busy day.

Japanese Sencha

  • Japanese tea from Fukuoka province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Japanese culture, the tea ceremony occupies a special place and one of its components is sencha tea. Thanks to the island location of the plantations, a special climate has developed here, extremely favorable for growing tea plants. There are also several special steps in tea production, such as shading with a bamboo canopy, steaming and then flattening the leaf. Together, these factors give a rich, creamy taste and a hint of sea breeze in the aroma.

Oolong Tea Collection

Oolong is an incompletely fermented tea leaf that falls between green and red tea according to the Chinese classification. This variety is quite difficult to produce, but the labor costs are justified, because oolong has absorbed the best features of both black and green varieties, not counting a whole bunch of various vitamins and other useful substances that are contained in this drink.

  • Chinese red tea from Fujian province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 75 and 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This tea is closer to the red varieties of oolong (there are also so-called “turquoise” or green oolongs) and, traditionally for varieties from the Fujian province, it has a rich taste with notes of chocolate and honey. In addition, oolong has another characteristic feature, which the Chinese call “rhyme” - the drink has a very rich taste and a long, slightly sweet aftertaste.

White Tea Collection

White tea is one of the most exclusive varieties, because it is harvested only a couple of days a year and when harvested, only young buds and the first two upper leaves, which are covered with delicate white fluff, are collected, hence the variety got its name. This tea is unfermented and therefore rich in a large number of antioxidants, which is why it is so highly valued.

White Bloom

  • Chinese white tea from Hunan province
  • sheet: cardboard pack 50 and 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The rules for collecting white tea were established back in the 17th century during the Ming Dynasty and have hardly changed since then. There is a whole set of rules for the behavior of a white tea picker, which takes into account the weather, time of day, and even the food consumed before picking. This variety is collected and processed by hand, dried naturally, which allows maximum preservation of the content of beneficial substances, which in other varieties are lost during fermentation. The drink has a light amber hue (the so-called “pale amber”) and a characteristic light honey flavor.

Herbal Tea Collection

The “Greenfield” herbal collection is a combination of familiar varieties with unusual exotic fruit and floral flavors, an attempt to push the boundaries of the ordinary and find new combinations that will appeal to tea lovers.

  • African herbal tea flavored with honey

Rooibos is a fluffy red-yellow shrub that grows exclusively in southern Africa. Studies have shown numerous beneficial properties of the drink, such as a general calming effect, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for human life. Also, rooibos is a natural antioxidant, even more powerful than green tea. The drink has a bright golden-orange color, a sweetish taste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Summer Bouquet

  • fruit tea based on raspberry, rosehip, hibiscus and apple
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: packaging of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink perfectly supports strength thanks to the healing properties of rose hips and hibiscus, containing vitamin C and providing

general strengthening effect on the body. It has a pleasant, rich, slightly sour taste, perfectly refreshes when chilled and at the same time has a warming effect when hot. Does not contain caffeine.

Christmas Mystery

  • Ceylon black tea from Uva plantations with the addition of orange peel, cloves, cinnamon and dried apples
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

English tea dedicated to Christmas is a wonderful evening drink; spices give it additional tonic and warming properties and a rich aroma. In addition, cloves and cinnamon contain elements that reduce fatigue, and notes of citrus give the ensemble a festive taste and smell.

  • herbal tea made from chamomile flowers with the addition of dried apples and cinnamon
  • packaged: in packs of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Chamomile tea is believed to have a calming effect and this is not without reason; it does not contain caffeine and perfectly relieves fatigue and tension. Being a powerful natural antiseptic, chamomile is very useful in winter for the prevention of colds. The drink has a pleasant taste, very organically complemented by the taste of dried apples and the slight spiciness of cinnamon.

Green Melissa

  • Chinese green tea with lemon balm, mint and lemon flavor
  • bagged: packaging of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The composition of first-class green tea, lemon balm and mint has a number of useful qualities - it prevents insomnia, relieves emotional fatigue; according to legend, Avicenna believed that lemon balm helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drink has a greenish tint, a slightly tart taste, a slightly spicy aroma with distinct notes of lemon. Perfectly helps quench thirst and refreshes in the heat.

Mate Aguante

  • "Paraguayan" tea with lemongrass (lemongrass) and grapefruit flavoring
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: packaging of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

“Paraguayan” tea is made from the leaves of the evergreen holly (or mate) tree, which grows in Argentina and Paraguay. Mate is a unique drink; in addition to almost all the vitamins and other substances a person needs, it contains a special element, matein, which has all the benefits of caffeine, but without its side effects. Therefore, mate can be safely drunk in large quantities for a tonic effect and concentration; in addition, it strengthens the immune system and reduces stress. The drink has a fairly thick and tart taste with a light citrus tint and aroma.

  • fruit tea with rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples with ginger aroma
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Today, ginger is almost as popular as it was in the Middle Ages, when it was added to almost any dish or drink. The healing properties of ginger are very extensive - it helps digestion, is used as a warming drink, as a pain reliever, strengthens the immune system and contains a large range of various vitamins and minerals. Ginger Red tea has a rich taste with a pronounced ginger aroma, has warming properties and perfectly quenches thirst.

Lotus Breeze

  • Chinese green tea with lotus aroma and natural mint leaves
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

In Eastern traditions, the lotus has a special place; it is often endowed with magical properties, and tea with its petals is a long-standing Chinese tradition. The basis of Lotus Breeze is green tea, lemon balm and mint leaves, this is clearly felt by the aroma of the drink, into which light aromatic tones of lotus are woven. The caffeine content in the drink is reduced, it is good in hot weather and has an excellent refreshing effect.

Festive Grapes

  • fruit tea with grape leaves based on rose hips, hibiscus and dried apples
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The basis of this tea is hibiscus, rose hips and pieces of dried apples, which gives it a significant amount of vitamin C. The drink has a general strengthening effect, when chilled it is perfectly refreshing, the aroma of red grape leaves favorably sets off the slight sourness of hibiscus and the sweetness of apples.

Camomile Meadow

  • herbal tea made from chamomile flowers with rose hips, lemon balm and lychee flavoring
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

A caffeine-free drink with a pronounced relaxing effect. The light and pleasant taste of chamomile petals and the smell of lemon balm unexpectedly brightly sets off the aroma of lychee - an exotic fruit that grows in the subtropics, also known as the “Chinese plum”.

  • Indian black tea with mint, thyme and black currant leaves
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: packaging of 25 and 100 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Thyme is a spice that has been known for a long time and has acquired an incredible number of legends and beliefs. It’s good to drink tea with it in the morning, since thyme is a fairly strong natural stimulant, helps with stress and depression, and gives you energy for the whole day. The drink has a tart taste, to which mint adds coolness and thyme adds spice. Black currant leaves add a light floral aroma to the tea.

Creamy Rooibos

  • herbal African tea with vanilla aroma and orange peels
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Young rooibos branches give the drink a sweetish taste, complemented by a light vanilla flavor, and orange peels add bright, sunny notes to the aroma. Tea is an excellent antioxidant, does not contain caffeine and has a good refreshing effect.

Easter Cheer

  • Indian black tea with mint, verbena, vanilla and citrus zest
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The rich taste of Indian tea with a light vanilla aroma is complemented by citrus notes from lemon and orange peels; a cool hint of mint completes the ensemble. The presence of verbena in the collection gives the drink tonic properties - verbena has long been used for loss of strength; it is also believed that it stimulates mental activity.

  • Chinese green tea with pineapple pieces, blackcurrant leaves, lemongrass, ginger and dried apples
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

This drink has a special combination of taste and aroma - the tartness of green tea is given a sweet aftertaste by dried apples, ginger adds spice, and the combination of lemongrass (also known as lemongrass) with pineapple and black currant leaves creates a unique aroma with bright fruity and citrus notes.

Mango Delight

  • Chinese white tea with mango pieces and dried apples
  • allows for re-infusion
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

Possessing all the characteristic features of white tea, this drink acquired additional shades of taste and aroma - thanks to the mango pieces, the sweetish taste intensified and was enriched with apple tones. Perfectly quenches thirst, especially when chilled.

Barberry Garden

  • Indian black tea with hibiscus, barberry berries, cornflower petals and hibiscus
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The natural noble aroma of Indian tea is enhanced by the fragrant barberry berries; the taste is delicate and, at the same time, bright, rich; barberry gives it a sweet and sour shade. Thanks to hibiscus, the drink is perfectly refreshing and has a bright tonic effect.

Lemon Spark

  • Ceylon black tea with orange and lemon zest
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The taste of black tea with lemon is probably familiar to everyone - it is a universal drink that is drunk to warm up, chilled, and during a cold. Lemon Spark has a classic lemon tea aroma with light orange notes that add some freshness to the familiar drink.

  • Ceylon black tea with calendula petals, apricot pieces, vanilla and cinnamon
  • allows for re-infusion
  • sheet: cardboard pack 100 g
  • bagged: pack of 25 pcs. (each in a separate sachet)

The drink has a complex, multifaceted taste - tart Ceylon tea, to which cinnamon adds spice, apricot pieces give a sweetish taste, and vanilla notes are woven in here. Calendula petals have a calming effect and have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

In addition to the above, the Greenfield brand periodically produces tea gift sets - a tin box usually contains up to four packs of loose leaf tea of ​​different varieties or about thirty varieties of bagged tea. There are options with four special varieties in pyramids, New Year or Christmas sets. Everyone will find a drink to their taste in the company’s assortment, especially since Greenfield never ceases to delight those who like to sit with a cup of aromatic drink with new tastes and aromas, both classic and completely exotic.

Greenfield teais produced by one of the leading manufacturers of tea products, which includes in its production more than 30 items of products in this category. A distinctive feature of the brand is its exquisite taste, high quality and packaging that reliably preserves the properties of the product.


To date Greenfield tea is:

· black - exists in sheet and sachet form. It has unique properties: a tonic effect, the ability to quench thirst for a long time and invigorate a person. This drink is the most common among domestic consumers;

· green - the taste of tea is the most expressive. The greenfield tea bags can be purchased in 25 or 100 pcs per pack. In addition, green tea is packaged in packs of 100 and 200 grams. The drink has a pronounced jasmine, floral and creamy aroma, so you will certainly find a tea to your liking;

· oolong - is a semi-fermented product that is an intermediate drink between green and black tea;

· white - is considered a fairly popular product, since the drink is saturated with a large amount of antioxidant substances. To white greenfield tea price, as a rule, the highest is set, since it is collected only on certain days during the season, and only the upper leaves and buds are picked;

· herbal teas - have the largest number of items. The collection includes teas supplemented with berry and fruit particles, as well as flower petals, etc. Chamomile teas with cinnamon, mint and lemon, ginger, rosehip and others are very popular.

In the specialized online store “Moscow Tea Company” greenfield tea buy in Moscow possible in the shortest possible time at very competitive prices. For more detailed information on how buy greenfield tea online, contact a representative of the online store at the specified phone number.

The taste of Greenfield tea is familiar.

The reason is not even that this particular brand is the most widespread, but that the variety of types of Greenfield tea can please even the most picky customer!

Types of Greenfield tea collections

This type of tea was created by true connoisseurs and professionals in the field of tea drinking. Apparently, for this reason, such a wide range of varieties and flavors of this drink was created - so that everyone could find their own tea.

Currently, TM Greenfield has created three main collections of tea - green, black and herbal.

Each individual taste in any collection is unique and inimitable; it can warm you up in the cold or, conversely, refresh you in the heat, depending on the components included in its composition.

Many varieties of Greenfield tea contain natural or artificial flavors that enhance the taste and smell of the drink.

Beautiful packaging with images of still lifes or landscapes that suit taste helps to increase interest in the contents.

And a durable foil bag reliably preserves the aroma and properties of tea from the moment of its creation to brewing.

Green tea Greenfield

Since ancient times, in China and Japan, it was considered not just a thirst-quenching drink, but also a medicinal drug, as well as a means for achieving spiritual harmony.

TM Greenfield adopted the experience of Eastern tea masters and created a line with the addition of various aromas and herbs.

Greenfield green tea range:

Flying Dragon(Flying Dragon) is a tea harvested in the Yunnan province of China. It has a delicate floral aroma and the classic delicate taste of natural green tea. Perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst throughout the day.

Jasmine Dream(Jasmine Dream) - soothing and peaceful aroma of jasmine petals combined with the noble taste of infusion. In China, jasmine is considered a symbol of love, beauty and tenderness.

Japanese Sencha(Japanese Sencha) is a mixture of first flush tea leaves from the Japanese province of Fukuoka. It has a very delicate aroma and a light “creamy” taste. This tea can be consumed throughout the day.

White Bloom(White Flowering) - famous Chinese, which is practically not processed and retains all its beneficial properties.

Tea leaves are collected by hand with special precautions. It has a delicate taste and a transparent infusion of light amber color.

Highland Oolong(High Mountain Oolong) is a semi-fermented Chinese tea from the Fujian province. It has a complex, rich taste with notes of chocolate, dark honey and prunes. Leaves a pleasant long aftertaste.

Green Melissa(Green Melissa) – a refreshing and soothing Chinese with lemon balm and mint leaves. It has a pleasant aroma and delicate noble taste. Great for evening tea due to its low caffeine content and relaxing properties.

Lotus Breeze(Lotus Breeze) – a mixture of Chinese green tea and mint leaves, flavored with lotus.

The tea is made according to the classic recipe of the Chinese, who consider the lotus to be a sacred plant.

The drink has a light floral aroma, light green color and a pleasant refreshing taste. Tea with reduced caffeine content is very refreshing and calming.

Tropical Marvel(Tropical Miracle) is a vibrant exotic blend of Chinese green tea with crushed fruits and leaves. The infusion has a pleasant tartness, a well-defined pineapple-apple flavor and ginger notes.

Mango Delight(Mango Delight) is an aromatic blend of Chinese white tea with sunny mango fruit and dried apple pieces.

It has a pleasant sweetish taste and a bright rich aroma.

Black tea Greenfield

Black tea is made from fermented tea leaves, which are classified by size. This drink is red-brown or dark amber in color and has excellent stimulant properties due to its high caffeine content.

Therefore, it is preferable to drink black tea in the morning or afternoon as a stimulating and invigorating remedy.

Greenfield black tea range:

Classic Breakfast(Classic Breakfast) - collected from the hot and humid plantations of Assam. It has a pleasant tart taste and a strong awakening effect.

Golden Ceylon(Golden Ceylon) is a classic Ceylon drink from the Rugunu province. It is characterized by a very bright noble aroma and exquisite taste.

Delicate Keemun(Gentle Keemun) is a famous Chinese black tea from Anhui province.

It has a complex bouquet with honey and floral notes, a pleasant aftertaste and good invigorating properties.

Magic Yunnan(Magical Yunnan) is a tea harvested on the highland plantations of the Chinese province of Yunnan, famous for its “smoky” aroma and notes of prunes in the aftertaste.

Earl Gray Fantasy(Earl Gray) is the most famous black tea, the basis of which is tea leaves from Ceylon Alas. The festive scent of bergamot with a hint of citrus is perfect for morning and afternoon tea.

Fine Darjeeling(Fine Darjeeling) is a famous Indian black tea with a light floral taste and subtle nutmeg notes. It has a sparkling unique aroma and a pleasant dark color of the infusion.

Kenyan Sunrise(Kenyan Sunrise) - black tea from hot Kenya, the calling card of the Kericho region.

It is characterized by a very strong and rich infusion and goes well with milk. An aromatic and invigorating drink with a high caffeine content.

Noble Pu-Erh(Noble Puer) is a delicious black tea from the genus. A noble drink with a velvety enveloping taste and a specific aroma inherent in...

Lapsang Souchong(lapsang souchong) is a legendary “smoked” tea with a characteristic reddish infusion and a resinous, smoky aroma. It has pronounced notes of prunes, ginger and dried fruits.

Christmas Mystery(Christmas Mystery) - black Ceylon tea flavored with citrus, apple, cinnamon and cloves.

Perfectly warms, creates a festive atmosphere and improves mood.

Spring Melody(Spring Melody) – a mixture of black Indian tea with thyme, mint and currant leaves. It has the pleasant astringency of classic black tea, complemented by herbal aromas.

Easter Cheer(Easter Greetings) – Indian teas enriched with spring herbs and the festive scent of vanilla. A beautiful brown infusion of pleasant tartness with a rich aroma of citrus zest, verbena and mint.

Barberry Garden(Barberry Garden) - a mixture of the best varieties of Indian black tea with barberry berries, cornflower and hibiscus petals. Excellent refreshing thanks to the sweet and sour notes of barberry.

Lemon Spark(Lemon Spark) – a classic blend of black Ceylon tea with lemon and orange zest. It has a refreshing taste and subtle citrus aroma.

Vanilla Wave(Vanilla Wave) – a piquant mixture of black long tea with cinnamon, apricot and vanilla.

It has a complex aroma that develops gradually. Spicy cinnamon, sweet vanilla and apricot make up the unusual festive flavor composition of this drink.

Herbal tea Greenfield

Among them, St. John's wort tea, chamomile tea, and many others, were used by the people of different countries long before tea tree leaves spread throughout the world.

They were used by people for various purposes - treating diseases, quenching thirst, warming up, and simply for live communication with a cup of hot drink.

TM Greenfield has collected in its collection of herbal teas a rich assortment of such recipes for every true connoisseur. The lack of caffeine, great taste and beneficial properties of herbs, berries and flowers are becoming more and more fans of these drinks.

Greenfield herbal tea range:

Honey Rooibos(Honey Rooibos) - an aromatic mixture of shoots of a South African plant with honey notes is a strong antioxidant and has a pleasant sweetish taste of the infusion. It is recommended to use during the day.

Summer Bouquet(Summer Bouquet) – a combination of rose hips, hibiscus and raspberries. The drink perfectly refreshes, quenches thirst and strengthens the body.

Can be consumed both hot and chilled.

Rich Camomile(Rich Chamomile) – crushed chamomile flowers enriched with the flavor of dried apples and cinnamon. The drink is very refreshing and relieves fatigue. A pleasant, light-colored infusion with a spicy cinnamon aroma and natural apple flavor.

Mate Aguante(Mate Aguante) - a combination of Paraguayan mate tea with the tart aroma of juicy grapefruit. Has excellent anti-stress properties.

Ginger Red(Red Ginger) - a mixture of hibiscus, ginger and dried apple, which has strong warming properties and a piquant taste. It quenches thirst well.

Festive Grapes(Festive Grapes) is a fruit drink consisting of apple, hibiscus and rose hips, rich in the warm aroma of ripe grapes. It strengthens the body well and is ideal for preparing a refreshing cold drink.

Camomile Meadow(Chamomile Meadow) – herbal tea made from chamomile flowers and lemon balm leaves, complemented by the delicate aroma of lychee. A wonderful relaxing, soothing and light drink with a delicate taste.

Creamy Rooibos(Creamy Rooibos) - a drink made from rooibos shoots with the addition of orange peel and a light vanilla aroma.

A sweetish drink with a pleasant taste relaxes and strengthens the body as a whole, and also contains useful antioxidants.

Greenfield tea gift collections

The richest assortment of Greenfield teas does not leave any lover of this drink indifferent. Therefore, for true tea lovers, the manufacturer has created special gift packages that include all kinds of green and black teas, as well as herbal drinks.

The set comes in the form of a magnificent “tea card” and contains 30 varieties of tea, 4 bags each in individual packaging. Now you can choose tea to suit your mood, time of year and day.

The entire variety of Greenfield tea assortment in one box is a surprise for guests, a festive mood and An ideal gift for tea lovers.

Greenfield tea production begins on plantations in India, Japan, Kenya, Sri Lanka and China. His collection includes a huge variety of black, red, green and white varieties with a unique taste and aroma. Some types of Greenfield tea are additionally flavored with artificial and natural aromas, making the taste bright and unforgettable.

Variety of Greenfield tea collection

English Greenfield tea of ​​all varieties and types is produced by special order of the Greenfield Tea Ltd corporation. It is created by true fans of their craft, which is why there is such a variety of tastes, among which everyone can choose their favorite drink.

The rich assortment includes not only traditional, but also original tastes that other manufacturers do not offer. The aroma of tea leaves is reliably preserved under durable foil packaging. Even in packaged varieties, each sachet is wrapped in foil.

The Greenfield company is constantly expanding its range, adapting to market demands. Perhaps this is the main success of the manufacturer. The affordable price of Greenfield tea is aimed at middle-income buyers, so it quickly sells out in stores.

Greenfield tea in the Vostok store

The following Greenfield tea collections are always available in the online store at prices starting from 63 rubles:

  • Green Tea;
  • Oolong Tea;
  • Black Tea;
  • Earl Grey;
  • Honey Linden et al.

Along with classic varieties, unique herbal, fruit and berry blends are presented: with lemon balm, mint, zest, ginger, pineapple and other flavors.

We are happy to work with retail and wholesale customers. Please note that the catalog shows retail prices. To buy goods in bulk, call our sales department, and the manager will tell you in detail about the terms of cooperation.