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What does the number 7 mean? What does the number seven mean? Classical or Pythagorean school

The ruling planet of the number 7 is strict and cold Saturn, the farthest planet from the Sun. Saturn has been rather poorly studied, perhaps largely because of this, it is considered to be a somewhat strange and even – in astrology – dangerous planet. Therefore, people born under the auspices of the number seven are distinguished by their extraordinary view of the world and originality of judgment. They rarely find understanding among others, but they do not suffer from this at all.

Advantages. “Sevens” are very independent natures, for whom it does not matter whether they are approved or condemned. Most often these are philosophers and artists who achieve notable success in these areas. It is people of this type who are able to create truly brilliant and innovative works. Due to their interest in philosophy and penchant for reflection, such people are usually distinguished by wisdom.

“Sevens” have superbly developed analytical thinking, which is organically combined with a thirst for knowledge, as well as patience and diligence. Spirituality is decisive for the “sevens” - on the one hand, they strive for innovation, on the other hand, they carefully preserve traditions, highlighting the best in them. The areas of activity of “sevens” most often include such areas as history, religion, philosophy, and creativity.

“Sevens” are helped to achieve success in life by their remarkable willpower. They are able to overcome many obstacles, force themselves to work from dawn to dusk and do the most uninteresting work - if this is important for their success. These people have enormous internal resources and hidden capabilities, although their goal is not always career and professional heights. “Sevens” are more contemplative, and they consciously choose a calm lifestyle that does not distract them from their thoughts. They even perceive the troubles that happen to them philosophically and strive to draw useful conclusions from them, thus accumulating even more wisdom. They do not stop there, set new goals for themselves, and always try to achieve more. Self-development and self-improvement are two concepts that “sevens” follow throughout their lives.

Despite their courage and willpower, Sevens rarely strive for leadership. This is the so-called “gray eminence” type, which is capable of being the brain center of some organization, but most often it falls to others to implement ideas. “Sevens” are characterized by courage, perseverance and courage. They strive for honesty and truth, but under certain circumstances they can resort to cunning. They subtly sense circumstances and act according to them.

Flaws. Sevens are able to control their emotions, but this can lead them to cruel actions that do not take into account the emotions of other people. These people are also capable of meanness and deceit; they easily slip into misanthropy and begin to act to the detriment of themselves and others.

Also, you should not get too carried away with philosophy and religion, in which these people can reach the point of fanaticism. Due to their penchant for soul-searching and endless analysis of the same thing, “sevens” can waste their energy without putting their plans into practice.

It is important not to complicate the world around us, to look at it more simply. It’s not for nothing that they say that thinking too much is harmful, and knowledge increases sorrow. It is not always useful to comprehend every event that has happened and look for some hidden meaning in it. “Sevens” are rarely sociable, and excessive self-absorption makes them overly closed and withdrawn. Therefore, the main thing for them is to smile more, get interesting impressions, have fun more often in pleasant company and notice more good things in the world around them.

For “sevens,” the fundamental thing is their internal state of mind; their success depends on it. A thorough approach to business and a positive attitude will help the “sevens” achieve everything they want.

Numerology is a pseudoscience that studies the relationship between physical numbers and events occurring in people's lives. This is a concept based on the principles of esotericism and magic. The scientist Pythagoras is considered its creator and supporter. Although numerology is not considered an official science in our time, it has a large number of followers.

Within the framework of this teaching, any number has its own vibration, energy and sacred meaning, through which it influences the physical world and human destiny independently or in combination with other numbers. And if you study these relationships, you can make adjustments to your destiny, building it harmoniously.

Each person has a personal karmic number that determines the events of his life. This number is determined using simple formulas. Its meaning will tell a person how to live his life happily, avoiding major fateful mistakes along the path of life.

The history of the number 7 begins with Ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of this country had 7 gods to worship, corresponding to the seven planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They believed that if they worshiped this number, it would bring them eternal existence.

Favorite Angel Number

The number 7 in numerology means a combination of secret knowledge and human wisdom. If you suddenly start seeing sevens everywhere, this means that higher powers have intervened in your life, you are under their protection. Such interference happens at fateful moments in human life.

Two sevens that come your way predict success in the near future. Therefore, if at this moment you are striving for something, achieving your goal, you can be sure that everything will come true as planned.

Three sevens mean that you are doing everything right in life and will soon receive a reward for your efforts.

And finally, the most powerful and happiest number 7777 suggests that the universe itself is coming to meet you halfway and will help you get everything you want. But be careful with your thoughts and desires, because everything you think about will certainly come true.

Meaning of number 7

The number 7 is made up of two digits: 3 and 4. Three represents the symbol of the soul, personifies the connection between past, present and future. Four is a symbol of integrity, but sometimes has a pessimistic meaning. The symbiosis of 3 and 4 gives birth to a contradictory seven, which has strong potential and negativity at the same time.

Positive traits

A person with a karmic number seven often has a profession as a psychologist, due to his ability to empathize, sensitivity and wisdom. He clearly distinguishes kindness from evil intentions, is open to the world and travels often. The main aspiration of his life- inner peace and order, true spirituality.

You can also note the following characteristics of people having seven as their karmic number:

Negative meaning

Like everything in this world, the character of the seven also has negative personality manifestations:

Seven- one of the most amazing numbers. Mysterious number seven! No matter how they consider it: sacred, divine, magical, and happy.

Seven is the number of spiritual order, sacred number. According to the Holy Scriptures, seven is a perfect number. It rules time and space.
All peoples of the world paid special attention to the number seven.

In Egypt, seven is a symbol of eternal life, the number of the god Osiris. According to

legends, at seven o'clock at night the boat of Ra, dead, sails to the Serpent Apophis
passes through seven halls and seven doors to reach Amerti. Except
Moreover, seven is a symbol of creation (as in Christianity).
In Ancient Greece, seven was the symbol of Apollo.

Apollo is a symbol of beauty, the patron of the arts in ancient Greek mythology, the cult of this Greek god came from Asia Minor

Apollo was born on the seventh day
month, his lyre had seven strings. In legends you can find seven
Hesperides, seven circles of hell, seven gates, seven daughters of Astarte, seven Cyclopes,
Niobe's seven children, Pan's seven pipes

The number seven is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments 700 (!) times. In Islamic
tradition there are seven brides and seven lands, seven gates of heaven and seven
steps of hell, seven prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus,
Mohamed). During the Hajj to Mecca, pilgrims must circumambulate seven times.
sacred stone of the Kaaba. The soul of the deceased spends seven days near the grave. On
On the seventh day the newborn receives a name.

The ancients knew seven planets and attached great importance to each of them.
MENORAH, OR MINORAH (Hebrew - lamp) is one of the most ancient symbols of Judaism, a metal candlestick with seven clay or glass lamps.

The shape of the menorah goes back to the seven-branched candelabrum described in the Bible, personifying the seven churches of Asia Minor and symbolizing the seven planets and seven days of Creation. For example, the Jewish philosopher Philo believed that the menorah symbolizes the seven planets, which are the highest objects accessible to human perception. He argued that the gold from which the menorah is made and its light symbolize the Divine light, or logos.

This is the most famous and detailed image of the temple Menorah that has survived to this day.

The seven-branched candlestick symbolizes the seven sacraments. The Orthodox Church, those grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit that are poured out on believers thanks to the Redemptive Feat of Jesus Christ.

These seven lights also correspond to the seven spirits of God sent into the whole earth (Rev. 5:6), the seven churches, the seven seals of the mystical book, the seven angelic trumpets, the seven thunders, the seven bowls of the wrath of God, which are narrated by the Revelation of John the Theologian.

Of all the possible correspondences of the number seven, the most important for believers is the correspondence with the seven sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Blessing of Unction, Marriage, Priesthood, as encompassing all the grace-filled means of saving the human soul; from birth to death of a person. These means became possible only thanks to the coming of Christ the Savior into the world.

Thus, the light of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit contained in the seven sacraments of the Church, and the light of Orthodoxy as a doctrine of truth - this is what the seven lights of the church’s seven-branched candlestick primarily mean.

Over your shoulder, where the seven-branched candlestick burns,
And where is the shadow of the Judean wall,
The invisible sinner languishes
Under the consciousness of eternal guilt.

Polygamist, poet and beginning
The beginning of all and the end of all ends
. . . . . . . . . . .Anna Akhmatova
(1963) . . . . . . . . . . . .

In folk wisdom, “seven” is assigned the role of a divine number.
Seven seals, seven bowls of wrath, seven thunders, seven golden candlesticks,
seven heads of the beast, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes, seven heroes, seven
gnomes, seven days of the week, seven winds, seven Pillars of Wisdom, for the family
mountains, seven spans in the forehead, seven Fridays in a week, seven, seven, seven... number
surrounding us everywhere - the seventh of November, a day off for all Russians.

Rome is built on seven hills. There are seven days in a week. Buddha sat under a fig tree with seven fruits. The spectrum consists of seven primary colors. In music there are seven tones (notes) of the scale.

We find the number “7” in the Bible, which states that God created everything on Earth in seven days. And further - seven sacraments, seven gifts of the holy spirit, seven ecumenical councils, seven stars in the crown, seven wise men in the world, seven candles in the altar lamp and seven in the altar lamp, seven mortal sins, seven circles of hell.

Seven deadly sins:

Excerpts from the end of the 19th century.

World-famous jewelry designer Stephen Webster presented an exquisite collection of rings “The Seven Deadly Sins”.

Stephen Webster in his boutique.
The designer commented about his idea of ​​​​creating such rings:

« In the context of the 21st century, the very idea of ​​the seven deadly sins can't help but be fascinating, and it's no longer punishable by death.
And everyone knows what each of the sins is, but not everyone knows about each of the punishments in hell from the old devil, and that each sin is characterized by a certain color. It's time to return to the original idea of ​​sin, but this time from a jewelry perspective…».



Each of the seven handcrafted cocktail rings tells the story of one of the oldest and darkest dogmas of Christian teaching and is a stylized depiction of ancient vices: pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and laziness.

Seven is the most mysterious and supernatural number, it is
the most important in magic. According to tradition, the seventh son of the seventh father has
magical abilities.

7 Wonders of the World))
The first mentions of the 7 wonders of the world are found in the writings of Greek authors.
The first list of wonders of the world is attributed to Herodotus. The list appeared in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. uh...

Later the list expanded to seven wonders. In the 3rd century BC. e. a new list of miracles has appeared.

TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS AT EPHESUS - a majestic temple in honor of Artemis, goddess of the moon, patroness of animals and young girls. The temple was built in 560 BC,

The supporting structures of the temple consisted of about 120 marble columns.
Two hundred years later, in 356 BC, the temple was burned to the ground. In pursuit of glory, Herostratus set fire to the temple, believing that in this way he would become famous.

Years later, Alexander the Great visited Ephesus and ordered the temple to be restored to its original location.
The Temple of Alexander existed until the 3rd century AD. Gradually, the bay in Ephesus became covered with silt and the city lost its importance. The temple was plundered by the Goths and later flooded. Today, only a few foundation blocks and one restored column remain from the temple at Ephesus.

THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES- a giant bronze statue, about 33 meters high, which stood in the port city of Rhodes.

Rhodes is an island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of modern Turkey. The statue was made in gratitude to Helios, the sun god, for his intercession during the siege of the city by Greek soldiers. The statue took 12 years to build, but 50 years after completion, the Colossus collapsed.
During the earthquake it broke at the level of the knees. So it lay there for more than 900 years, and people went to Rhodes only to look at the wreckage of the defeated god.


The mausoleum is located in the city of Bodrum in Turkey.
In 352 BC. e. King Mausolus died in the city of Halicarnassus (Asia Minor). Following the customs of those times, the king's corpse was burned and the ashes were placed in a funeral urn. According to legend, the king’s wife Artemisia, who had an extraordinary love for him, decided to perpetuate the memory of her wife by building a great tomb. The mausoleum was an unusual and majestic brick structure, lined with marble inside and out. The height of the mausoleum reached 60 meters. On the ground floor there was an urn with ashes. Sacrifices were kept on the second floor. The next floor was a multi-stage pyramid, and it was crowned with figures
Mausola and Artemisia.
The mausoleum stood for about 1800 years in the middle of an empty city until the 15th century, when it was dismantled by the crusaders.


A lighthouse, about 150 meters high, built at the entrance to the bay of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, on the island of Pharos. The lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 299-279 BC. e. under Pharaoh Ptolemy II of Egypt. The largest and most beautiful lighthouse was located at the crossroads of sea roads, and was well known to all sailors.
The lighthouse stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 it was severely destroyed by an earthquake. The Arabs who came to Egypt tried to restore it, and by the 14th century. the height of the lighthouse was only about 30 m. At the end of the 15th century. Sultan Qait Bey erected a fortress on the site of the lighthouse, which still stands today.


They were built by order of Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife Amytis, who was yearning for the green hills of Media in Babylon.

The palace was built on an artificially created platform, raised to the height of a four-tier structure.
Hanging gardens were laid out on earthen terraces resting on vaults.
In carts drawn by oxen, trees wrapped in wet matting and seeds of rare plants, herbs and bushes were brought to Babylon. Gradually amazing gardens grew and beautiful flowers bloomed. To irrigate the greenery, day and night, hundreds of slaves supplied water from the Euphrates in leather bags.
The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by the constant floods of the Euphrates.


In search of a creation that would be worthy of being called a miracle, the Greeks looked at all the temples of Hellas. But, alas, not a single temple received this award. And only the statue of Zeus, and not the temple itself in which it was located, was recognized as a miracle. The Temple of Zeus with his statue was the main shrine of Olympia. The creator of the statue was Phidias. The length of the temple in which the statue was located reached 64 meters, width - 28, height - 20 meters.
Zeus, sitting at the end of the hall on a throne, supported the ceiling with his head. The head and topless figure of Zeus were carved from ivory. The cloak thrown over his shoulder, Zeus's hair and beard were sculpted from gold. The golden wreath of olive branches on the head of Zeus served as a sign of the peacefulness of the formidable god. In one hand the god held a statue of the winged goddess of victory Nike, the other leaned on a rod ending in the figure of an eagle.
Zeus was so majestic that when Phidias completed his work, he approached the statue and asked: “Are you satisfied, Zeus?” In response, there was a clap of thunder, and the floor at the feet of the statue cracked. Zeus was pleased.

GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA- the most ancient of the Seven Wonders of the World.

In addition, this is the only miracle that has survived to this day.
The Great Pyramid was built as the tomb of Khufu, known to the Greeks as Cheops. He was one of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. His tomb was completed in 2580 BC. Later, two more pyramids were built at Giza, for Khufu's son and grandson, as well as smaller pyramids for their queens.

Neuroscientists consider the number 7 to be a kind of equivalent to the maximum amount of “working memory” in the brain.
Scientists from the Institute for Nonlinear Science in California (BioCircuits Institute at the University of California, Institute for Nonlinear Science) in the course of their research came to the conclusion that the number 7 has some magical meaning for the brain.

According to experts, seven is a kind of equivalent of the maximum amount of “RAM” in the brain, so any meaning associated with seven is easier to remember.
The number 7 is associated with the number of synapses in the brain and the specifics of the relationships between them.
The author of the theory, Mikhail Rabinovich, published his article in the scientific publication Physical Review Letters. His theory states that, despite all the complexity of the mathematical models that describe the processes in the human nervous system, everything comes down to the number 7.

According to occultists, the human body is renewed every 7 years. They think that diseases develop according to a seven-day cycle. It turns out that the number 7 controls cycles and rhythms such as birth, development, aging and death. For these reasons, 7 is the number of perfection. Each stage of human development, each lunar phase is completed in 7 days. Any 7 objects consist of completed seven cycles. For example, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the spectrum, 7 components of a person’s face, 7 holes in his body, etc. Occultists consider the properties of this number to be the secret rhythms of life.

Number 7 in proverbs and sayings:

Seven feet under the keel.
Seven times measure cut once.
Seventh water on jelly.
Work until you sweat.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven do not wait for one.
To sip jelly seven miles away.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Seven Fridays a week.
Seven spans in the forehead.
A secret sealed with seven seals.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.
It's better to be covered in sweat seven times than frost once.
September hour - seven weather conditions here.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Beyond the seven seas.
On the seventh sky.
By leaps and bounds.
Onion from seven ailments.
— rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit yourself;
- one with a bipod, seven with a spoon;

The number 7 means for humanity, first of all, a sacred divine number, a sign of an angel that brings good luck. The number is patronized by the unusual and mysterious planet Saturn.

The meaning of the number 7 has been formed over centuries and was supplemented bit by bit with folk observations, facts, and information related to this number. Thus, people’s faith in the fact that this number carries a magical, mysterious meaning of the absolute and unified perfection of the universe grew, strengthened and multiplied.

Children of Saturn are perfect and self-sufficient, with a stable and extraordinary worldview, creative thinkers and have their own non-standard answer to everything. They are able to see God's meaning even in the simplest inanimate things. These are thinkers with an analytical, complex mindset. They are by nature inventors, pioneers and discoverers. They seek power in knowledge, and for this they are able to turn all the religions and philosophies of the world upside down in search of truth. They are restless and changeable, constantly learning, and in their house every free space is filled with books.

“7” is the number of happiness for its owner

The meaning of the number 7 is in many ways intertwined with the previous 6, endowing the efficiency and perseverance inherent in the six with the successful result of the one. Those. all the undertakings of the Seven will invariably lead to a beneficial outcome.

In people of this symbol, positive character traits prevail over negative ones.

They are happy people with a refined sense of humor, very bright and eccentric, and often leave their mark on history.

These are talented people with developed intuition; they draw knowledge from the experience of mankind and successfully apply it in their activities and careers. Sevens can see the result of their labors by the age of 25. By this age they can get the fame and fortune they desire.

Sevens will succeed in the field of teaching, analytical work of investigative agencies, and perhaps even become intelligence agents. They are excellent connoisseurs of art and their hands grow as they should, so people of number 7 can become experts in jewelry or engraving. Those born under the number 7 should know that all their endeavors will be successful and not be afraid to put their ideas into practice.

Perhaps some will call Sevens closed and stingy. But this is far from true. Sevens simply select friends according to their interests and hobbies; they do not need a large social circle. Friendship is something valuable and intimate for them, and being a guardian to the whole world is a troublesome and thankless task. Seven also does not like large numbers of people in their own home, so when choosing a partner for marriage, this person needs to pay attention to the presence of numerous relatives who can cause irritation and disturb comfort.

7 in Pythagorean doctrine

The number 7 in numerology takes an honorable leading place. This happened not because 7 is supposedly a symbol of luck. Because the concept of luck with hard, purposeful work is controversial.

This figure suggests the interest of Her Majesty Nature in revealing human perfection.

If there are no sevens in the psychomatrix, this does not mean that a person will not have luck and will not be able to achieve anything. It’s just that such people on the path of self-knowledge will take different paths, overcoming all adversities and difficulties on their own. But a sign with one seven is also weak enough to be called “lucky”. It will be ideal if in their life there is a person with many sevens.

A person with two numbers 7 in the psychomatrix is ​​protected by luck. He can safely take risks, get involved in gambling activities, fortune is in his bosom.

The most perfect form of being is possessed by people with three or more sevens in their personal psychomatrix. These are builders and design engineers of their own destiny, possessing solid knowledge about the nature of things. It is advisable for such people to devote themselves to the sciences of the soul, natural science and bring their Knowledge to the world.

Magic number 7 in history

The philosophy of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians represented seven as the sum of two magic numbers: 3 and 4. Three is the basis of life - a child and father and mother, and four is the vital number of the countries of the world, the directions of the winds. The meaning of the number 7 is magical both among the ancient Romans (worship of the seven wise men) and among the people of Ancient Greece (annual festival of the seven actors).

The Christian religion, starting from the seven days of the creation of the world, continued the list with seven sins, seven Christian sacraments, and Holy Week. Seven is truly considered the number of the almighty Lord.

Muslims in their beliefs extol the seventh heaven - a place for souls pleasing to Allah.

The Japanese believe that a person is given seven good fortunes from the seven good gods throughout his life. Everyone knows the story of the Seven Wonders of the World. Seven seas, seven notes, seven days of the week... And it’s not for nothing that the word family contains this mystical number in its name. So, seven denotes luck and the perfection of nature.

Video: The meaning of the number 7

7 - what does it mean in numerology




What is the psychology of number 7

The number 7 has long been considered a number with a positive mode.

Sacraments (in the Orthodox Church) - 7.

From the sum of 3 and 4 - the main numerical parameters - the number 7 arises. “The magic number 7” (according to J. Miller) characterizes the general idea of ​​the Universe, a constant in the description of the world tree, the full composition of the pantheon, the number of fairy-tale heroes - brothers (cf. “ Seven brothers”, “Seven Simeons” and sisters, etc.), the number of days of the week, the number of days of holidays, the number of colors of the spectrum, tones in music, the basic smells of stereochemical theory, the constant that determines the volume of human memory, etc. In some cultural and linguistic traditions, there is a septenary number system and/or the number 7 generally acts as the most commonly used number, characterizing almost universally everything that is counted in the mythopoetic cosmos (cf. the number 7 among the Kets on the Yenisei). From the product of 3 and 4, the number 12 arises, which also belongs to the number patterns most commonly used in mythopoetic cultures (12 parts of the year, respectively - zodiac signs, 12-member pantheons, etc.). 12 as a lucky number is opposed to the unlucky number 13 (12+1). In a number of traditions, the number 7 competes with the number 9, obtained by repeating the triad three times. In old Chinese poetry, the number 9 is used to mean "everything". It plays a large role in individual mystical experience. Other derivative numbers derived from 2, 3, 7, 9, 12 (33, 37, 99; 24, 36, etc., also the number 108/12x9) are sacredly marked and accordingly used in ritual and in mythopoetic texts ), noted in Buddhism; the same number of counting elements in the traditional beads with the help of which meditation is carried out.

The number 7 symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as the path of exploring the unknown and unseen. Since ancient times, it has captivated the imagination and aroused the admiration of philosophers, priests, and magicians. They believed that the septenary lies at the basis of all evolution. These are the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale, seven colors of the rainbow, etc.

It also corresponds to the mysterious seven-pointed star of magicians, which helps to foresee cyclical changes in the development of not only individuals, but also entire nations.

Psychology of the number 7. “SEVEN” is a sacred number. "Seven" is mentioned 770 times in the Bible. The seventh day was the day of rest of the Lord God; one phase of the moon lasts seven days. Seven is a symbol of Space. The Bible talks about seven fat cows and seven thin cows. “Our Father” contains seven requests, Archangel Michael fights with a seven-headed dragon. The Catholic Church talks about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven virtues and the seven deadly sins. It is recommended to measure seven times before cutting. We know fairy tales about the princess and the seven heroes, about Snow White and the seven dwarfs, about the brave little tailor who kills seven in one fell swoop. In ancient times there were seven wonders of the world. There is a well-known legend about the seven wise men. There are seven continents. The human senses are connected to seven important structures.

ki - detachment, desire for solitude. The Seven often has the talent to find lost things, untie lingering knots, and find solutions to complicated problems. At the same time, the bustle of external life is of little interest to Sevens, and they often neglect the financial side of life and consider the pursuit of a penny an unworthy occupation. It is very difficult to influence the opinions or intentions of Sevens, since all their actions are usually well thought out and have deep “roots”.

Vibrations of the number 7


Wisdom, analysis, thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, ability to understand complex concepts, criticality, legibility, attention to detail; intuitiveness, knowledge, faith, striving for perfection; sensitivity, mystery, unspokenness, depth, spirituality, transformation, restraint, spirituality, skepticism, invention, thinking, discovery, mystery.


Overcritical, rebellious, incapable, hopeless, skeptical, humiliated, nervous, unusual, embarrassed.


Inconstancy, skepticism, confusion, malice, deceit, cunning, depression, duplicity, secrecy.

The number 7 is generally recognized as sacred for many peoples. In fact, the entire Cosmos has a sevenfold structure.

Seven is the first prime number that can be called truly prime. Let's look at the prime numbers preceding seven. One is a prime number. Primes are divided into themselves and one. But in this case, by one means by yourself. That is, one has only one divisor, and all other prime numbers have two divisors. The next prime number is 2. It is distinguished from all other primes by its parity. "Troika" - Abel. You just read about his signature, a digital root equal to himself. Perhaps the ancient Greek myth about Narcissus, forever admiring his reflection, is a story about the same number “three” and the digital root “3” that reflects it, the only one of its kind “simple”. This exclusivity of reflection serves Narcissus as a reason for narcissism. The last prime number before seven is 5. It is the only prime number that ends in five. Prime numbers end with any odd digit except five. But the “seventh from Adam”

Enoch is no longer different from all subsequent simple ones, for which he was exalted. The number 7 has two divisors, like all primes except one; it is odd, like all primes, except for two; its root "7" carries the simple 43, 61, 79, 97, etc.; simple 17, 37, 47, 67, 97, etc. end with 7.

There is another reason why Enoch's number deserves special distinction. Seven contains all six digital roots of prime numbers. If, when dividing by seven, the answer contains a fractional number, then you will see that these digital roots are cyclically repeated in the fractional remainder: ...1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7. Enoch seems to suggest that the fractions obtained in the result of dividing one natural number by another will always be cyclic. This means that on a regular calculator the division operation can be performed with any accuracy.

Thus, a possible conclusion arises: twenty-two levels of the hierarchy of the Universe are distributed among the seven primary cells of the universe. In this case, the “filling” of one such cell is the number “pi” (since 22/7 = n)! On the other hand, considering the relationship of these three numbers, it would be logical to assume that 22/7 = n is the diameter (the question is, in what units?) of the Universe, since the circumference L = n x D! Answers to all these questions are yet to be answered by humanity find.

Tell me the meaning of the number 7 in numerology, but not in the date of birth, but as a sign of something

Let me explain: in the storage room I open my box No. 11 with the key No. 11, but it’s empty, just in case I try to open No. 12 - my things are there. I go to the locker room, give number 86, and they tell me that my coat is not there, I go to look, but it hangs on number 96. This has never happened to me, but here it happened 2 times in a row. There were four numbers in total: 11-12 and 86-96. If you add everything up, you get 7. Tell me what this means

The number 7 symbolizes the mystical nature of man. 7 is the number of the priest who owns 7 keys, that is, possessing absolute magical power, this is holiness and intelligence (a holy sage who is connected with God). It is under the patronage of Saturn, is in charge of time, is responsible for the inner core, symbolizes the depth of thoughts, hard work, intelligence, wisdom, asceticism, seriousness. Controls the concentration of thought, will and energy.


The number seven has always been associated with the concept of luck (luck). Sometimes this figure is called the sign of an angel.
Most likely, a more or less logical explanation for this interpretation of the number 7 can be given from the example of a tiller who, cultivating the land with the help of a rogue, always hoped for a happy, successful outcome of his business. Simply put, the plowman counted on luck, which only heaven could send him - God, an angel, the Holy Spirit or holy relics. Man had nowhere to turn with his requests for a good harvest. All we had to do was hope for a miracle, but it was much easier and more convenient to rely on luck. And so it turned out that it was the combination of three factors that gave birth to the number 7 as a number responsible for luck: horse (4 legs), plowman (2 legs) and God (angel, luck, luck, hope). In addition to what has already been said, we can add that it was on the seventh day of the week - Sunday - that people tried to achieve their luck or fortune by asking God for it during prayers, since this day should be dedicated to God.

Smart girl

The most magical number. Symbolizes mystery, study and knowledge as a path to explore the unknown and invisible.
There is also a well-known number in Russian folklore - measure seven times...
seven troubles - one answer... seven do not wait for one...
In everyday life, seven is almost everywhere:
Seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the scale, seven colors of the light spectrum, seven heavens, seven holes on the head.

11-Loyalty, 12-Nobility, 86-Grace, and 96-Deception.
11+12+86+96=205 (Willpower) = 7 (Perseverance)
It turns out that you knew that you were on the right path, but there was some kind of deception, and thanks to your perseverance and willpower, you came out of this situation gracefully and gracefully.
The situation is written right by the numbers.

The meaning of numbers in numerology. What does the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 mean?

The entire numerology system is based on single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, with the exception of two-digit numbers with special meanings. Therefore, making all the calculations is quite simple, you just need to correctly perform subtraction and addition based on the numbers included in your date of birth. All letters of the name also have a corresponding digital equivalent or number. It usually depends on where the letter is in the alphabet. For example, A-1.B-2,B-3, etc.

Numbers represent archetypes. The meaning of numbers in numerology reflects the individual qualities of the person in question, but only for each person the set of qualities has a different ratio. Each number is an archetypal quality. Numbers are very similar to people and sometimes it is very difficult to put together all the qualities that a number has and analyze them. Even the symbols themselves and the writing of numbers sometimes speak about the meaning of numbers, and what qualities they represent.
Digit 1
- has the shape of a pillar and means leadership, strength and independence. It is also a symbol of various endeavors, innovation, and exceptional individuality. It encourages you not to think, but to immediately act. Well versed in what is good and what is bad. Denotes energy directed towards fate. Instigator.
Digit 2
- means sensitivity, diplomacy and softness, and also has good flexibility and elasticity. Symbolizes sophistication and femininity. Indicates love of music and sophistication. Avoids any confrontation, but gives strength for advancement.
Digit 3
- means mastery, self-expression, inspiration, enthusiasm. It symbolizes the desire to seemingly embrace everyone in this world. It is considered a very lucky and lucky number. Expresses optimism and enthusiasm. He enjoys life and takes everything easily.
Digit 4
means rigor and pragmatism, being the support for all other figures and reliability. It is the most moving number. He has wit and an unusual perception of the world. Doesn't tolerate change. Strongly tied to tradition. Characterized by honesty and enjoys authority.
Number 5
– is the most dynamic figure, open to everything new and unknown. Symbolizes the innate ability for trade and administration. Characterized by courage and a desire for various adventures and adventures.
Number 6
- the most loving number. It means a willingness to make self-sacrifice and motherhood. Combines harmoniously with all other numbers. Capable of standing up for the weak and humiliated. Outwardly artistic and talented.
Number 7
- means a thinker and a recluse, seeking the truth, and extending his hand with a lamp, dispelling the darkness. Characterized by deep knowledge and wisdom, as well as intuition and understanding. Self-isolation and surrender of one's positions. Solitude and contemplationNumber 8
- means balance between the spiritual and material world, being a symbol of the infinity of existence, the transition from one world to another. Characterized by the ability to use money as a tool. Has the strength and ability to see through everything, and also indicates a broad mind.
Number 9
- ends the cycle. It looks like the number 6, but the love in it is intended for the whole world. The most humanistic number. Characterized by boundless consciousness, genius and creativity. Possesses nobility and aristocracy.

Series of messages "Numerology":
Part 1 - Numerology what is it
Part 2 - The meaning of numbers
Part 3 - The meaning of numbers in numerology. What does the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 mean?
Part 4 - What does your wedding date mean in numerology What does your wedding date mean in numerology

Since ancient times, numbers have played an important and multifaceted role in human life. Ancient people attributed special, supernatural properties to them; Some numbers promised happiness and success, others could cause a blow of fate. In many cultures, especially Babylonian, Hindu and Pythagorean, number is the beginning of all things. The ancient Indians, Egyptians, and Chaldeans were recognized experts in the use of numbers. For the Chinese, odd numbers are yang, heaven, immutability and auspiciousness; even numbers are yin, earth, volatility and inauspiciousness.

In Christianity, before the teachings of Saints Augustine and Alexander, the symbolism of numbers was poorly developed.

Classical or Pythagorean school.

The founder of the European doctrine of numbers was Pythagoras, who is credited with the saying: “The world is built on the power of numbers.” In his school, knowledge of the properties of numbers was the first step on the path to esoteric knowledge. Numbers, according to Pythagoras, have both quantitative and qualitative features. Studying the properties of numbers, the Pythagoreans were the first to pay attention to the laws of their divisibility. They divided all numbers into even - “male” and odd - “female”, or otherwise “gnomons” and, what is very important, into simple and composite. The Pythagoreans called composite numbers, representable as the product of two factors, “flat numbers” and depicted them as rectangles, and composite numbers, representable as the product of three factors, “solid numbers” and depicted them as parallelepipeds. They called prime numbers that cannot be represented as products “linear numbers.”
The Pythagoreans considered perfect numbers to be numbers that were equal to the sum of their divisors (excluding the number itself), such as 6=1+2+3 or 28=1+2+4+7+14. There are not many perfect numbers. Among single-digit numbers there are only 6; among two-digit, three-digit and four-digit numbers there are only 28, 496 and 8128, respectively. Two numbers having the property that the sum of the divisors of one of them is equal to the other were called “friendly”.

Subsequently, the Greek numerological system was borrowed by Europeans, and later was transferred to Russia.
Almost every world religion has its own “sacred numbers”, and each number symbolizes a certain meaning.

DIGIT "0" has the same symbolism as the empty circle, indicating both the absence of death and the absolute life found within the circle.
For Pythagoras, zero is the perfect form.
In Taoism, zero symbolizes emptiness and nothingness.
In Buddhism it is emptiness and immateriality.
In Islam it is a symbol of the Essence of the Divine.
In the teachings of Kabbalah there is boundlessness, boundless light, oneness.

DIGIT "1" means the primary unity, the beginning, the Creator.

DIGIT "2" means duality.
According to Pythagoras, a dyad is a divided earthly being.
In Buddhism, the two is the duality of samsara, male and female, wisdom and method, the blind and the lame, united in order to see the path and follow it.
In China it is yin, feminine, earthly, unfavorable principle.
In Christianity, Christ has two natures: God and man.
In Jewish tradition - life force.
In Kabbalah - wisdom and self-awareness.
In Hinduism - duality, shakta - shakti.
In Islam it is spirit.

NUMBER "3". The idea of ​​trinity forms the basis of many ancient philosophical and religious teachings. The three-dimensionality of space is associated with three: length-width-height; three-phase substance: solid-liquid - vapor; trinity of time: past - present - future; human (body, soul and spirit), as well as birth, life and death; beginning, middle and end; past, present and future; three phases of the moon; trinity of the World; in many religions, the upper World is the sky, the middle one is the earth, the lower one is water.
Three is a heavenly number symbolizing the soul. This is the number of luck.
In Christianity: Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; unity of body and soul in man and the Church. Three hypostases are the dogma of the Trinity, which is a distinctive feature of Christianity from Islam and Judaism. Therefore, the number "3" is the sacred number of Christianity. The Bible talks about three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God, King and Redemptive Sacrifice, three images of the Transfiguration, three temptations, three denials of Peter, three crosses on Calvary, three days of Christ's death, three appearances after death, three qualities, or theological virtues: Faith , Hope, Love.
In Kabbalah, the three symbolizes understanding, as well as the trinity of the masculine and feminine principles and the mutual understanding that unites them.
In Hinduism - Trimurti, the triple power of creation, destruction and preservation; various triplets of deities; The moon chariot has three wheels.
In Japan, the Three Treasures are a mirror, a sword and a gem; truth, courage and compassion.
In the Chinese character “wan” (three horizontal lines connected by a vertical one), which means the word “prince”, the upper horizontal line symbolizes the sky, the bottom - the earth, the middle - the person who, on behalf of the sky, rules the earth.
In folklore there are three wishes, three attempts, three princes, three witches, fairies (two good, one evil).
Toasts come three times. Three also means fulfillment. Countless are the triplets of deities and powers. Triune lunar deities and trinity goddesses abound in Semitic, Greek, Celtic and ancient Germanic religions.
The main symbol of the three is a triangle. Three interlocking rings or triangles symbolize the indissoluble unity of the three faces of the Trinity. Other symbols: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, three lightning bolts, trigrams. Lunar animals are often tripods, representing the three phases of the Moon.

DIGIT "4" means wholeness, totality, completeness; four cardinal directions, seasons, winds, sides of the square.
In Pythagoreanism, four means perfection, harmonious proportion, justice, earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath.
In Christianity, the number four is the number of the body, while the number three symbolizes the soul. The four rivers of heaven, the Gospel, the evangelist, the main archangel, the main devil. Four church fathers, great prophets, cardinal virtues (wisdom, firmness, justice, moderation). Four winds carrying the One Spirit, four apocalyptic horsemen, tetramorphs (synthesis of the forces of the four elements).
Four is a symbolic number of the Old Testament. The four rivers of paradise forming a cross, four parts of the earth, etc. are found almost everywhere in symbolism. The four can be represented by a quatrefoil, as well as a square or a cross.
In Buddhism, the Tree of Life Damba has four branches, from its roots flow the four sacred rivers of paradise, symbolizing the four limitless desires: compassion, affection, love, impartiality; four directions of the heart.
In China, four is the number of the earth, symbolized by a square. Four rivers of immortality. Four is an even, Yin number. In Chinese Buddhism, there are four celestial guardians who guard each cardinal direction.
In Egypt, four is the sacred number of time, the solar measure. The vault of heaven rests on four pillars. Four funerary urns, placed on the four sides around the deceased, are guarded by the four sons of Horus, who are associated with the four cardinal directions.
In the Jewish tradition, this is measure, beneficence, understanding.
Among the American Indians, this number is most often used as the four cardinal directions. The four winds are represented by a cross and a swastika. Ritual and ceremonial actions are repeated four times.
In Kabbalah, four means memory. The four worlds of Kabbalah, the four directions in space and the four hierarchical levels of the Torah.
In Hinduism, four is totality, completeness, perfection. The Creator, Brahma, has four faces. The temple stands on the four sides of a square, symbolizing order and finality. Four tattvas, four human bodies, four kingdoms of nature (animal, vegetable, mineral, kingdom of mind), four yugas. In a game of dice, a four means a win. Four castes, four pairs of opposites.
The Islamic four include the principle - the creator, the world spirit, the world soul, and primordial matter. They correspond to the four worlds of Kabbalah. There are also four angelic beings, four houses of death.

DIGIT "5"- the number of sacred marriage, since it is the sum of the female (even) two and the male (odd) three.
In the Greco-Roman tradition, five is the number of marriage, love, unity; the number of Venus, with the years of Venus forming groups of five years. Apollo, as the god of light, has five qualities: he is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, one.
In Christianity, the number five symbolizes man after the Fall; five senses; five points forming a cross; the five wounds of Christ; five fish, which fed five thousand people; Pentateuch of Moses.
In Buddhism, the heart has four directions, which, when placed with the center, form a five and symbolize universality. There are five Dhyani Buddhas: Vairochana - Sparkling, Akshobhya - Equanimity, Ratnasambhava - Gem, Amitabha - Limitless Light, Amoghasiddhi - Constant Luck.
The Chinese have five elements, five atmospheric substances, five states, planets, sacred mountains, grains, flowers, tastes, poisons, powerful amulets, cardinal virtues, initiations, eternal ideals, five kinds of relationships within humanity. In the Jewish tradition, five is strength and severity, understanding the essence.
In Kabbalah, five means fear.
In Hinduism, these are five-membered groups of the world, five elements of the subtle and gross states, five primary colors, feelings, five faces of Shiva and twice five incarnations of Vishnu.
Islam has five pillars of faith, five divine presences, five fundamental tenets, five actions, five daily prayers.

NUMBER "6". Means balance, harmony. The most prolific of all numbers (Philo).
In numerology, the number 6 means the union of two triangles - male and female, one of which stands on the base, and the other is turned upside down. This symbol is well known as the Shield of David, a hexagon that appears on the flag of the State of Israel.

DIGIT "7" considered sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy. The Seven was revered many centuries before our era, in the Middle Ages, and is still revered today.
In Babylon, a seven-tiered temple was built in honor of the main gods. The priests of this city claimed that after death, people, passing through seven gates, enter the underground kingdom, surrounded by seven walls.
In ancient Greece, the number seven was called the number of Apollo, one of the most important gods of the Olympian religion. It is known from mythology that the inhabitants of Athens annually sent seven young men and seven young women as tribute to the man-bull Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinth on the island of Crete; Tantalus' daughter Niobe had seven sons and seven daughters; The nymph of the island Ogygia Calypso held Odysseus captive for seven years; the whole world is familiar with the “seven wonders of the world”, etc.
Ancient Rome also idolized the number seven. The city itself is built on seven hills; The river Styx, which surrounds the underworld, flows seven times around hell, which Virgil divides into seven regions.
Islam, Christianity and Judaism recognize a seven-stage act of creation of the universe. However, in Islam the number "7" has a special meaning. According to Islam, there are seven heavens; those who enter the seventh heaven experience the highest bliss. Therefore, the number "7" is the sacred number of Islam.
In Christian holy books, the number seven is mentioned many times: “Whoever kills Cain will have sevenfold vengeance,” “...and seven years of plenty passed... and seven years of famine came,” “and count yourself seven Sabbath years, seven times.” seven years each, so that in seven Sabbath years you will have forty-nine years,” etc. Lent for Christians lasts seven weeks. There are seven ranks of angels, seven deadly sins. In many countries, there is a custom to place seven dishes on the Christmas table, the names of which begin with the same letter.
In Brahminical and Buddhist beliefs and worship, the number seven is also sacred. The Hindus began the custom of giving seven elephants - figurines made of bone, wood or other material - for good luck.
The seven was very often used by healers, fortune tellers and sorcerers: “Take seven bags with seven different herbs, infusion of seven waters and drink seven days in seven spoons...”.
The number seven is associated with many riddles, signs, proverbs, sayings: “Seven spans in the forehead”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “Measure seven times, cut one”, “One with a fry, seven with a spoon”, “For for a beloved friend, seven miles is no outskirts,” “For seven miles to sip jelly,” “Seven troubles - one answer,” “Beyond seven seas,” etc.

DIGIT "8"- the number of newly found paradise, as well as renewal, restoration, happiness. The eighth day gave birth to a new, perfect man. After seven days of fasting and repentance, spiritual renewal begins on the eighth.
For the Pythagoreans, eight means three-dimensionality and stability.
In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, eight is the magical number of Heaven.
For Buddhists, number eight is completeness, the totality of all possibilities. Eight symbols of good omen.
For the Chinese, it means the whole, all possibilities in their manifested form, good luck. The Ba Gua are the eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, usually arranged in a circle, symbolizing time and space. Eight joys of human existence.
In Christianity it means restoration and rebirth. The baptistery is usually octagonal, which symbolizes the place of rebirth. The Eight Beatitudes.
In Egypt, eight is the number of Thoth.
For Jews - the number of the Lord; The Temple was consecrated for eight days.
In Hinduism, 8x8 means the order of the heavenly world established on earth. The structure of the temples reproduces the mandala, which is characterized by the same symbolism - 8x8. There are eight regions of the world, eight suns, parts of the day, chakras.
In Islam, the throne that rules the world is supported by eight angels, corresponding to the eight directions and eight groups of letters of the Arabic alphabet.
For the Japanese, eight means many; there are eight gods in the sky.

DIGIT "9" means omnipotence, and represents the Triple Triad (3x3). This is the number of a circle, hence the division into 90 and 360 degrees.
For the Pythagoreans, nine is the limit of all numbers, within which all others exist and circulate. This is a heavenly and angelic number, heaven on earth.
Nine is a sacred number in Scandinavian and ancient Germanic symbolism.
The number nine rarely appears in Christian symbolism. There are triple triads of angelic choirs, nine spheres and circles around hell.
For Buddhists, nine is the highest spiritual power, a heavenly number.
For the Chinese, 3x3 is the most auspicious of all numbers, also meaning the eight directions plus the center as the ninth point, as in the Hall of Light. There are nine fundamental social laws and nine classes of officials.
In the Greco-Roman tradition there are nine gods, and later nine muses.
For the Jews, nine is pure understanding, truth, since nine reproduces itself when multiplied.
In Kabbalah it symbolizes the foundation.

DIGIT "10"- the number of the cosmos, it contains all numbers, and therefore all things and possibilities, it is the basis and turning point of the entire account. It means something all-encompassing, law, order, power. 1+2+3+4=10 - symbolizes the divine; one means a point, two means extension, three (triangle) means a plane, four means volume or space.
For the Pythagoreans, ten is the renewal of a series, perfection.
In Rome, this number was represented by the sign X - a perfect figure, meaning completeness.
Ten is also the number of completing journeys and returning to the starting point. Odysseus wandered for nine years, and returned in the tenth year. Troy was under siege for nine years and fell in the tenth year.
Among the Chinese, the ten is depicted in the form of a cross, the center of which is formed by the hieroglyph chi, which symbolizes the human Self, in front of which lie both paths, yin and yang, this is a perfect figure. The Ten Heavenly Stems (Gan) may be associated with the ten-day week of the most common cycle.
Christians have the Ten Commandments of the Decateuch, the parables of the ten lamps, virgins, and talents. The tithe was dedicated to God.
In Kabbalah, ten is the numerical value of the letter J-yod - the Eternal Word, the first letter of the name of God. Symbolizes brilliant ability to understand, divine support.
In Islam, an important role is played by ushr (tithe), a tax on land holdings, which should go to the general needs of Muslims.

NUMBER "11". Since ten is a perfect number and a law, eleven symbolizes going beyond both and means sin, breaking the law, and danger.

DIGIT "12" personifies cosmic order. This is the number of zodiac signs and months of the year (six male and six female). Twelve o'clock day and night. Twelve fruits on the Cosmic Tree. Additionally, the twelve days of return to chaos at the winter solstice, when the dead return, were celebrated in Rome during the Saturnalia. The twelve days before Christmas have the same symbolism.
This figure is found in Vedic, Chinese, pagan and European symbolism: 12 members in the council of the Dalai Lama, 12 paladins (peers) of Charlemagne, 12 knights of the Round Table.
Christians have 12 fruits of the spirit, stars, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles, 12 gates and stones at the foundation of the Holy City, 12 days of Christmas celebration.
The Egyptians have 12 gates of hell, in which Ra spends his night hours.
The Greeks on Olympus had 12 gods and goddesses, 12 titans.
In Jewish tradition - 12 fruits of the Tree of Life; 12 gates of the Heavenly City; 12 cakes on the temple table, representing the months of the year; 12 precious stones in Aaron's breastplate; 12 tribes of Israel, sons of Jacob.
In Islam, 12 imams, descendants of Ali, rule over the twelve hours of the day.

NUMBER "13". The attitude towards this number has always been special: it was considered either unlucky or, conversely, bringing good luck.
In Christianity, during the evening services of the last week of Lent, thirteen candles (Catholics call them tenebrae) are extinguished one by one, which symbolizes the darkness that came on earth after the death of Christ. The number thirteen is considered unlucky because it is the number of Judas along with Jesus and the apostles. It is also the number of the witches' coven.
Among the Aztecs, this mysterious number was associated with the concept of time, namely, it meant the completion of the time cycle. They believed that the number “13” was somehow connected with heaven. There were thirteen curls in the hair of one of their main deities, and the same number of strands in his beard.
The ancient Chinese built numerous temples in honor of the god Huang Di. The emperor's servants made sacrifices in these temples on the 13th of the first and fifth months of each year.
The holy book "Kabbalah" mentions thirteen evil spirits, the number "13" denoting the serpent, the dragon, Satan and the murderer.
The thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse concerns the Antichrist and the Beast.
This number is used in fortune telling. There are many superstitions associated with it. In many US hotels there is neither a thirteenth floor nor a thirteenth room. In addition, there is no seat number 13 on American airlines. In a number of large cities in France, houses that must have the serial number “13” are designated by the code 12 bis. Housewives are careful not to seat 13 guests at the table.
It is suggested that this is related to memories of the Last Supper; when during the last meal of Jesus Christ, in addition to the twelve apostles surrounding him, there was also a thirteenth - the traitor Judas.

"40". Means trial, test, initiation, death. The special significance of forty days apparently dates back to Babylon, where the forty-day period of disappearance of the Pleiades from the sky was a time of rains, storms and floods and was considered dangerous. The Romans kept arriving ships in quarantine for forty days, and the word itself is derived from the word “forty.”
The temples of the Persians, Tatars, Baalbek, the temples of the Druids, the temple of Ezekiel had forty columns. In Christianity, forty days from Easter to Ascension are the period of inviolability and the time of the right to asylum. In the Old Testament, Moses spent forty days at Sinai; Elijah hid for forty days; For forty days the rain of the Flood fell; forty days of trial of Nineveh under Jonah; the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years; walked under the yoke of the Philistines for forty years; David and Solomon reigned for forty years; For forty years Elijah judged Israel. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel speaks of a vision in which God commanded the prophet, during the forty years of iniquity of the house of Judah, to lie on his right side for forty days.
Osiris was absent from Egypt for forty days after his death; this is a period of fasting.
In Islam, forty is the number of change and death, but also of reconciliation and return to principle. Mohammed was called at the age of forty. The Koran is read every forty days.
In Mithraism, forty is the number of days of the initiation rite, festivals and sacrifices.

"60". Time number (60 minutes and 60 seconds).
In Egypt it symbolized longevity.
In China, it is a cyclic number, symbolizing the sexagesimal cycle, known in the past in the West as the Chinese cycle. The interaction of the alternating Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches is structured in such a way that the cycle ends in the sixtieth year, when all combinations are exhausted, and then repeats again. Six cycles are approximately equal to a tropical year.

"70". In Jewish symbolism, seventy branches of candelabra represent the Decans - twelve zodiac divisions of seven planets into tens. Seventy years is the length of a human life.

"666". In Christianity - the sign of the Beast, the Antichrist.
In Kabbalah, 666 is the number of Sorath, the solar demon opposing Archangel Michael.

"888". According to the numerical value of the Hebrew letters, this is the number of Jesus, as opposed to 666 - the number of the Beast.