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Tablets for acute respiratory infections and flu are effective. Cold medicines - top effective and inexpensive tablets and powders. The best cold powders

Almost every person suffers from a cold at least once a year. No matter how strong the human body is, it cannot be completely protected from viruses and infections, especially if it is the off-season or winter. Manufacturers offer inexpensive cold and flu medications to combat illness. You should know which ones are not only cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

All flu and cold remedies are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These medications fight the virus and make the body's cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations for correcting the body's defense reactions to natural levels.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs in this group do not suppress infection, but simply relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs in this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and teenagers take 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those with kidney disease.
  2. "Amiksin". Adults take two 125 mg tablets on the first day of illness, and then one tablet every other day. The dosage of the children's drug has been halved. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women.
  3. "Ribavirin". A new generation drug, very effective. Adults take 0.2 g four times a day. Course – 5 days.


Inexpensive good cold and flu medicines in this category:

  1. "Cycloferon". The drug is for adults and children who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take one tablet every other day.
  2. "Kagocel". This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults take two tablets three times the first two days, and then one at a time. Kagocel should not be taken by pregnant women for the first three months.
  3. "Anaferon". Homeopathic medicine. Adults take one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove signs of the disease:

  1. Coldact Flu Plus. Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. You need to drink one every 12 hours. During treatment, you must categorically abstain from alcoholic beverages.
  2. Coldrex. Helps with colds with wet cough. You need to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. You should not take this drug if you have diabetes or liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rinza." Tablets are taken 4 times a day. They should not be drunk by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age, or people with heart or vascular diseases. Course – 5 days.
  4. "Fervex." The drug is produced in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. You should not use Fervex for more than three days. You should not drink more than 4 packets per day.

Cold remedies

Apart from pills, there are many other medications that effectively fight the disease. If you do not want to take antiviral medications for colds and flu, or drink complex symptomatic medications, then you can try another treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive cold and flu medications that can provide relief.

For sore throat

The following medications will help you relieve inflammation and irritation:

  1. "Grammidin." Fast-acting lozenges with anesthetic. You need to take two of them 4 times a day, following a weekly course.
  2. "Strepsils". They relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. The tablets should be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Treatment with the drug is allowed for children over five years of age. A sore throat will be completely removed in three to four days.
  3. "Faryngosept". A powerful medicine that should not be taken by children under six years of age. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets after meals and then not drink liquids for a while. Per day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

The following medications will help you get rid of a runny nose:

  1. "Sanorin". They have a vasoconstrictor effect. They do not treat nasal congestion, but temporarily eliminate it. These drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. Contains a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictors and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol." Medicinal drops that have a healing effect. They slowly fight the causes of a runny nose, but do not eliminate congestion.
  3. "Aqua Maris" A product for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Prevents blood vessels from drying out and speeds up the healing process. It is recommended to use moisturizing drops for any type of runny nose.
  4. "Vibrocil." Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only a runny nose, but also its cause. They have a vasoconstrictor, antihistamine effect, kill bacteria, and relieve swelling.


The following medications will quickly reduce the temperature:

  1. "Paracetamol". A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that relieves heat, relieves pain and inflammation. It has virtually no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active component of many other drugs: Panadol, Fervex, Flucolda, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen." This medicine is more of an anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. It should not be taken by those who have ulcers, kidney or liver disease. Included in Nurofen and Ibuklin.
  3. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. It should not be taken by pregnant women, children under 12, or those with reduced blood clotting. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.

For herpes

The following ointments will help overcome this unpleasant symptom of a cold:

  1. "Acyclovir". The most inexpensive remedy. Fights the virus and prevents it from multiplying. If you are pregnant or nursing a child, do not use the drug. If you get herpes often, it is better to alternate Acyclovir with another antiseptic ointment or cream so as not to become addictive.
  2. "Zovirax". The cream contains propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates cells faster and more efficiently. Absorbs well into the skin. Zovirax must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pentsivir". A very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes instantly. Prevents wounds from becoming scars. The drug should not be used by pregnant, nursing mothers, or children under 12.

Against cough

Table of drugs:

Inexpensive drug analogues

If you cannot afford even the cheapest antiviral drugs, use Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: Naphthyzin or Farmazolin nasal drops, Septifril tablets for treating sore throat, cough medicine. Gargling with Chlorophyllipt will also be effective.

Medicines to prevent flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, rather than cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. The rules for preventive use are described in the instructions for each of them. You can try Broncho-munal capsules, which can be combined with almost all medications. Medicines such as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, and Amizon have a good preventive effect.

Video: homemade Coldrex for colds


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of the flu, I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, Rinza or Coldrex. This prevents the infection from getting worse. I have never taken immunomodulators because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, only I bring down his temperature with Paracetamol. I trust domestic drugs more.

Lena, 35 years old: Nowadays the pharmacy offers so many names of cold medicines that it’s hard not to get confused. I try to use antipyretic drugs, for example, Aspirin or Paracetamol. If a runny nose starts, I use Pinosol. It helps a lot, although it doesn't pierce the nose. If a sore throat starts, I use Chlorophyllipt.

Tanya, 24 years old: My ARVI always goes away with fever and cough. I drink Fervex powders and also buy ACC. Thanks to this treatment, my illness goes away in three or four days. Last winter I took Arbidol for prevention, but I still got sick, so I don’t accept medications to correct the immune system. I am being treated when the cold has already started.

The best remedy for colds: treatment with folk remedies

You can cure a cold very quickly if you choose the right medications. You don’t even have to resort to taking pills to get rid of a cough or runny nose due to a cold. Let's find out which cold remedy is considered the best. Traditional recipes can quickly cope with the disease and return you to a good mood. Here are some tips for using traditional medicine:


The best folk remedy for colds

For adults, when the first signs of a cold appear, you can use a hot beer-based drink. This is the best remedy in the fight against colds and is very effective. Method of preparation: Grind 2 yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar until a thick foam forms. Take 500 ml. light beer, heat to 45 degrees and add 1/2 tsp. l. cinnamon, two sticks of cloves, and the zest of one lemon. Pour the yolk mixture into a saucepan and, without ceasing to stir, add warm beer. Stirring, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool slightly. At night, drink one glass of hot drink, put on woolen socks, cover yourself with a blanket and sweat. Very effective treatment.

Best cough remedy for colds

To quickly get rid of a dry cough when you have a cold, onion mixture helps. To prepare it, take a clove of garlic, ten onion heads, pass through a meat grinder after peeling, add a liter of milk and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, then add three tablespoons and honey. When treating a cold, take a tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day before meals. It should not be taken on an empty stomach so that the gastric mucosa is not damaged.

This folk remedy is effective for coughs. Take equal parts lemon juice, glycerin and honey, mix everything. Take 1 tsp. a day three times.

Freshly squeezed radish juice will help with a severe cough, take orally. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. To prepare it, take one part of radish juice (black), two parts of honey and mix. Take a tablespoon, four times a day.

The best remedy for runny nose for colds

If you have a runny nose, you can simply rinse your nose using warm water and soda. When a cold has started, it is better to do inhalations, breathe over boiling water with fir oil or over a chamomile decoction.

Heat coarse salt in a frying pan. Pour hot salt into a bag and apply to your sinuses. Salt is good because it retains heat for a long time.

Garlic is good for fighting various colds. At the first symptoms of a cold, you can use the following folk remedy: dilute 6 crushed cloves of garlic in one glass of milk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil, then cool, take a teaspoon several times a day.

The best remedy for sore throat due to colds

For a sore throat, gargling with various herbal decoctions will help. You can choose from: chamomile, sage, tricolor violet. They are prepared as follows: one spoon of herb per 200 grams of water. Pour boiling water over the herb and leave for about 20 minutes. Can be taken orally or rinsed five times.

The best means are also:

1. gargling with decoctions of chamomile, sage or saline solution;

2. throat tablets, such as Strepsis, Minton, Septolete (the main thing is to follow the indicated dosage);

3. reduction, or better yet, complete cessation of smoking, alcohol, spicy and salty foods;

4. plenty of fluid intake, preferably in the form of teas, decoctions or fruit drinks (drink everything warm);

Time-tested recipes for the best folk remedies

1. One of the most famous and effective folk remedies is to combine a teaspoon of pepper with a glass of vodka. The effect is usually felt immediately. This happens due to the fact that pepper dilates blood vessels. Vodka only serves as a “flavor softener” and adds “extra” warmth.

2. The most famous remedy for the treatment of colds is bed rest. It’s worth forgetting about household responsibilities, work, TV for a while and just being in silence and relaxing.

3. Instead of antipyretic antibiotics, which, by the way, are not always able to help, it is better to brew herbal tea. It may contain linden, currants, raspberries, rowan, mint, lemon balm,

5. At the first symptoms of a cold, our grandmothers recommended this folk remedy: during the day, inhale the vapors of a fresh onion or cut a clove of garlic, wrap it in gauze and put it in your nose. The effectiveness is explained by the fact that onions and garlic contain phytoncides, which kill the viruses of many colds.

6. If you have aloe or kalanchoe growing at home, then you don’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The squeezed and mixed juice of these plants is the best medicine. It needs to be instilled a few drops into the nose several times a day.

7. If your temperature rises above 38.5o, it is better to refrain from eating and drink plenty of fluids if you have a cold. This is explained by the fact that during high temperatures some dehydration begins, and food is poorly digested. And a lot of energy is spent on digesting food, which can be used to recover from a cold.

Best home remedies for colds

If you feel a general malaise and feel the urge to crawl under the covers and remain in silence because your whole body aches and your head hurts, do not wait for further signs, but go. The course of treatment must begin immediately. Every person manages to catch a cold more than once a year. And, probably, everyone has in stock medicines that have stood the test of time. But it also happens that someone gets sick for the first time, and all subsequent treatment advice will turn out to be not only useful, but also effective.

1. You can try to be cured without folk remedies, by going to the nearest pharmacy. Almost all modern remedies for colds contain a loading dose of paracetamol and vitamin C¸, which are necessary to completely get rid of a cold.

2. At the first symptoms of a cold, a hot shower is necessary. It will help warm up your back and chest.

3. After a shower, you need to rub yourself with a warm towel and go to bed, wrapped in a blanket. This is done in order to sweat and thus get rid of the temperature.

4. It is important to constantly monitor the “temperature” of your feet, that is, keep them warm. For these purposes, a cold remedy such as foot baths with the addition of mustard, or a mustard “hot water bottle” at night, which is warm socks with dry mustard poured into them, or children’s mustard plasters purchased at the pharmacy, is perfect for these purposes.

5. You need to drink warm herbal tea, perhaps with the addition of honey or propolis. For tea, chamomile, mint, coltsfoot, lemon balm, currant or ready-made herbal infusions, which are sold at the pharmacy, are suitable.

6. Instead of cold drops sold in pharmacies, aloe or Kalanchoe juice, garlic or onion juice are perfect. Products containing phytoncides are the best remedy for colds. It is recommended to inhale the vapors of onions and garlic, do inhalations with the addition of lemon, chamomile, ginger, sage, and inhalations from potato broth.

7. If the temperature has risen above 38.5, then you can bring it down with such a remedy as rubbing the body with alcohol or water and vinegar.

8. Star balm helps with a runny nose.

9. To warm up during a cold, badger fat can also help, rub it on your chest and back, wrap yourself up in warm clothes and go to bed.

10. For a severe cough that accompanies a cold, a folk remedy such as onion juice mixed with honey is recommended. You need to take a tablespoon every two hours.

11. And, of course, the best medicine is prevention before illness. These include frequent walks in the fresh air, ventilation of the apartment, vitamin complexes, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Effective folk remedies for colds

In the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, at the first sign of a cold, no one thought of running to the pharmacy for medicine, and even less so in villages. In the best case, when the illness did not go away for a long time, they took the sick person to some old healer, she offered her methods. Otherwise, I always had proven folk remedies for colds at hand.

For a modern person, a very familiar ritual when dealing with symptoms of various diseases is to open a magic first aid kit and open another box of medicines. Perhaps this is the only way out when the disease is at its peak. But it is better to prevent a disease or eliminate it at the beginning of its development than to deal with a developed disease and, even worse, its possible complications. Our ancestors understood this well and at the first sign of a cold, they nipped it in the bud. If the moment is missed and the disease begins to develop, you should not give up. How to cure a cold with folk remedies? You will learn this by reading the recipes that our grandmothers used.

Signs of a cold

The symptoms of a cold are familiar to everyone. And anyone can easily list them. But cough, runny nose, and fever often appear when the disease has already entered the body. The very first signs of the disease are decreased tone, fatigue, as people say, “the desire to lie down.” Appetite disappears and mild apathy appears. Often people do not attach any importance to this, attributing everything to a nervous situation at work or an unpleasant conversation with a loved one. But if your nose gets stuffy, heavy breathing appears, your arms or legs begin to “twist” and a headache appears – it’s time to sound the alarm. Your body is sending the first signals that it is getting sick, which means it’s time to start preparing a folk remedy for colds.

Beer with egg yolks

It is believed that treatment with hot beer has a positive effect. If signs of the disease are detected, we suggest using a relatively simple recipe. Thoroughly grind a couple of egg yolks (preferably from healthy domestic chickens) with two tablespoons of granulated sugar added. You should get a thick foam. Pour beer (about half a liter) into a container, heat it to 50 degrees and add grated lemon zest, a couple of clove sticks, and a little cinnamon (half a teaspoon) to the foam. Place the yolk sugar foam into the pan and carefully, stirring continuously, pour in the beer. Continuing to stir, put the pan on the fire and heat it up. After 3 - 5 minutes, remove from heat - and the folk remedy for treating colds is ready! Having cooled down a little, before going to bed we drink a glass of hot potion, put warm socks on our feet and go under the covers. The body is seized by a pleasant languor, the body sweats, and the person falls asleep. And the next morning there should be no trace of the cold left.

Onion broth

If drinking alcohol is unacceptable for you for some reason, you can use onion decoction. It is prepared as follows. A small onion is thoroughly chopped, the mixture is poured into a mug and poured with boiling water. Cover the mug with a lid or saucer and let the mixture steep for 5 minutes. Then the hot broth must be drunk, preferably as quickly as possible - within 2 or 3 minutes, so that the phytoncides, which are contained in onions and actively help the body, do not have time to disintegrate. This is an effective folk remedy for treating colds, not very pleasant and tasty, but affordable. Anyone can prepare the medicine for themselves; there are only two ingredients – onion and boiling water.

Honey with butter

Since ancient times, honey has been known for its medicinal properties. And, of course, with its help such a common disease as a cold is well cured. Treatment with folk remedies for a child is not always acceptable - often even an adult does not like to take mixtures because of the bitterness of the components, for example. But this does not apply to honey! Kids really like the product prepared according to the following recipe. Mix about 100 grams of honey with the same amount of butter, add vanilla sugar (one sachet will be enough). A fragrant and healthy home remedy is ready! As you can see, this is a quick folk remedy for colds, and it is quite effective. It is recommended to give children 1 teaspoon per day.

Decoction of walnuts and honey

Another recipe with a tasty ingredient - honey - will help get rid of the disease. This powerful folk remedy for treating colds is used mainly when the disease is at its peak and in severe form. The most difficult thing in this recipe is to crush four walnuts with shells. But our people are inventive, and we are sure that you will succeed. Next, add a tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers and the same amount of honey. Stir, dilute with water (about half a liter) and place on the stove. After boiling, cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. We carefully filter - and the healing decoction is ready. You need to take a tablespoon at least 3 times a day.

Green cones with honey

This method is used by experienced home “self-bed doctors”, and it cannot be prepared quickly, because it requires preparation. When a child has a cold, not all folk remedies are suitable. And we have already talked about this. The most important thing in a mixture for children is that it is sweet and tasty. In this case, honey comes to the aid of mothers and grannies. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to collect green pine cones in May. In our case, you will need 2 kilograms. Place the cones in a container and fill with 1 kilogram of honey. We insist in a warm place, preferably in the sun for 2-3 months. In cold weather, when the immune system is weakened, this remedy will help cope with colds, coughs and sore throats. Take one tablespoon of syrup up to 4 times a day before meals. For children, the dosage can be reduced to a teaspoon.

Aloe cotton swabs plus red pepper rub

The following set of methods will help cure a cold with folk remedies quickly, in about a day. To do this, we need to squeeze the juice out of an aloe leaf (many grow it on the windowsill). Then wrap small pieces of cotton wool around two matches; the resulting tampons must be moistened with aloe juice and inserted into the nostrils. After the juice is absorbed (this takes 20-30 minutes), the tampons must be removed, and after a while new ones must be inserted. The procedure must be repeated up to 5 times a day.

And in the evening you need to make a special burning rub. To prepare it, ground red pepper (in the amount of 5 tablespoons) must be diluted with vegetable oil (about half a liter), stirred thoroughly and placed in a water bath. Stirring all the time, stand for 15 minutes. Then the mixture must be removed and cooled. At night, rub the patient’s chest and back with the resulting mixture, wrap him in something warm, and give him hot, fortified tea to drink. Overnight the cold will magically disappear, and in the morning a vigorous and healthy body will be ready for new achievements.

Inhalations for colds

It is advisable to use inhalations as an auxiliary folk remedy for colds in combination with other methods. If you have an inhaler in the house, it is better to use it; if not, you can breathe over the steam of herbs brewed in a saucepan. Inhalations using calendula, pine buds, chamomile, and eucalyptus leaves are very effective. It is also recommended to do inhalations with essential oils of juniper, lemon, pine or fir.

Medicinal teas

Many readers are probably somewhat familiar with how to treat colds using folk remedies. The simplest methods are the use of healing drinks and teas. We will recall the beneficial properties of some plants that help strengthen the body. The undisputed favorites among drinks are infusions of raspberry, linden and lemon. Usually a spoonful of one of the products is brewed in a glass of boiling water, and the healing remedy is ready. Chamomile is a good anti-inflammatory agent; if you add linden to hot boiling water, and a little later (after 20 minutes) a spoonful of honey, you will get an excellent anti-cold infusion. Ginger tea is also very good in combating this disease. To prepare it, just pour half a teaspoon of chopped ginger into a glass of boiling water, squeeze a lemon (to get a tablespoon of juice), and add the same amount of honey. You can add a few mint leaves. The healing drink “For your health” is ready!

How to get rid of a cough

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold is a cough. Sometimes it cannot be cured even with medication even in a month. However, folk remedies for colds will help overcome even the most protracted and deep cough. One simple method is a coltsfoot drink. Dry leaves of the plant (proportions are arbitrary) are brewed with boiling water and consumed instead of coffee or tea. Traditional medicine is also very supportive of radish juice. It is a good anti-inflammatory and expectorant. To prepare the elixir, you need to mix one part of the squeezed juice with two parts of honey. The mixture should be taken up to four times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

Remedies for runny nose

Another unpleasant side of the disease - a runny nose - can be solved by folk remedies for colds. The simplest methods are rinsing the nose with a solution of sea salt or soda. An alternative, of course, less pleasant option is to rinse your nose with freshly squeezed onion juice. It is recommended to warm the sinuses with bags of heated salt or, according to the old grandmother’s method, with boiled hot eggs. Also, with a runny nose, as with other manifestations of a cold, garlic helps well. A good remedy: crush a few cloves of garlic (5-6 pieces) and stir in a glass of milk. The mixture should be boiled, cooled and taken a teaspoon several times a day.

Sore throat goes away

A sore throat and sore throat often accompany colds. Rinsing and drinking will help combat these problems. We have already considered such folk remedies for colds as medicinal teas. Together with gargling and hot foot baths, these are quite effective actions. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction for rinsing from herbs: pour one tablespoon of chamomile, sage or violet (or a mixture of these herbs) with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes you can gargle. Repeat the procedure no less than 5-6 times a day. The following gargle mixture is also effective in relieving sore throat. Add a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 2-3 drops of iodine to a glass of boiling water. Why not sea salt!

In treating colds with traditional methods, the main thing is to understand the need for an integrated approach. You cannot expect the disease to go away on its own. We need to help the body fight. The simplest recommendations: maintain personal hygiene, wash your hands after visiting public places, and ventilate the room where the sick person is located as often as possible. It is better to do this every two hours. Wet cleaning must be carried out. You can often light an aroma lamp with healing essential oils in the room (unless, of course, the sick person has allergies). If the disease is only at the beginning, in order to prevent its further development (provided there is no temperature), we remind you that no one has canceled the hot bath yet! And since it’s far from the bathhouse, steaming your feet in a basin will be just right.

You should also adjust your diet. If possible, exclude heavy foods for several days, be sure to leave vegetables and fruits. For colds, you should drink as much liquid as possible: teas, tinctures, decoctions, juices. Onions and garlic should be present on the table during this period. If, nevertheless, the disease overcomes you, we treat the cold with folk remedies, which we described above. These recipes will help mobilize the body's strength in the fight against illness. And finally, one more folk recipe - your positive attitude and good mood will be an excellent health remedy!

The most effective cold medicines for children

The child's body is often exposed to negative factors, resulting in the development of colds. It is necessary to select the most effective means that will not harm the child.

Variety of medicines

The modern development of pharmacology offers a wide range of different drugs intended for the treatment of colds and viral diseases in children. As a rule, they take into account the characteristics of the child’s body and are divided according to age criteria.

The pediatrician can select the correct dosage and choice of effective measures after examining the child. This is necessary to take into account the degree of the disease, the presence of additional diseases, and allergic reactions to certain substances. Monitor the humidity in the room, as dry air provokes the development of the disease, causing dry mucous membranes and a sore throat. Before being examined by a doctor, it is necessary to provide the child with bed rest and plenty of fluids. As a drink, it is advisable to choose berry fruit drinks, natural juices, tea with lemon or honey, compotes, and clean water.

Effective cold remedies

If your child has a cold, there is no need to force him to eat heavy food. As a rule, during a period of illness, a child’s body tries to get rid of harmful microorganisms on its own, so it is not ready to waste energy on digesting high-calorie foods. It is recommended to prepare light meals and avoid carbonated drinks, strong coffee, and sweets. Chicken broth is very beneficial for children's bodies. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and also improves the formation of mucus in the nose, as a result of which it leaves the body faster.

If the mucous membrane of the throat is affected, it is necessary to regularly rinse with sea salt solutions. To do this, dilute a third of a teaspoon in a glass of warm water and let the child gargle. This remedy will help get rid of pain and soreness. A solution of baking soda has a similar effect.

To cleanse the nose and improve the patency of the nasal passages, ready-made sprays based on sea water are used: “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor”, “Salin”, “Dolphin” and others. You can prepare a similar rinsing solution at home: dilute a small amount of sea salt in a glass of water and use the solution to cleanse the paths. For convenience, you can pour salt water into a used bottle with a spray function.

In case of hypothermia, give your child tea with linden honey or raspberry jam before bed. These natural products are natural antipyretics due to the content of salicylic acid. These “medicines” should always be present in the refrigerator. To enhance the effect, add lemon to your tea. Vitamin C is an indispensable assistant in the fight against viruses and microbes.

Foot baths with the addition of dry mustard are excellent. This procedure is carried out before bed, so that you can immediately put on woolen socks and lie down under the blanket. Be careful not to burn your baby's delicate skin.

Onions and garlic should be used as natural antibiotics. When inhaling the vapors, viruses are destroyed, as a result of which the disease recedes.

Cold medicines. What medications to take for a cold

The risk of contracting an acute respiratory disease haunts people at any time of the year, even in the hot summer. But colds especially often plague us in the winter months, as well as in the off-season. What cold medications can help get rid of it most quickly and effectively? Our review is devoted to answering this question.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs

When we have a severe cold, as a rule, our temperature rises, we experience nasal congestion, a sore throat, and a cough—the symptoms are unpleasant, to be sure. What medications for colds will help quickly alleviate the condition, lower the temperature, relieve swelling in the nasopharynx, slow down or even stop the development of inflammatory processes in the body? There are three proven, reliable and universal medicines:

- "Aspirin";

- "Ibuprofen";

- "Paracetamol."

All of the listed cold tablets are widely used in therapy against acute respiratory infections, but today it is believed that Paracetamol is the safest. It is available not only in tablets, but also in the form of rectal suppositories, syrups and drops (for small children). Analogues are the drugs "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Calpol", "Flyutabs" and other drugs. Many modern medications for flu and colds are produced based on paracetamol:

  • "Fervex";
  • "Solpadeine";
  • "Caffetin";
  • "Coldrex";
  • "Teraflu";
  • "Rinza";
  • "Maxicold";
  • "Parcocet";
  • "Sedalgin";
  • "Grippex" etc.

The question may arise: “If all these cold medications have paracetamol in common, how are they different from each other?” The fact is that all of the listed medications include various additional components that help the body cope with the disease faster. For example, the notorious "Fervex", in addition to paracetamol, also contains substances such as ascorbic acid and pheniramine; "Solpadeine" contains small doses of codeine and caffeine, etc.

How paracetamol can be dangerous

This drug is well tolerated by most patients and has relatively few contraindications. Paracetamol is supported by the fact that this medicine is approved for use even in infants (in drops and syrups). However, even the safest cold medications can have some side effects on the body. And the drug "Paracetamol" is no exception.

The press writes a lot about medical studies claiming that this drug, taken in childhood, can further provoke the development of asthma in adolescents, and also contributes to the occurrence of eczema and allergic rhinitis. Therefore, cold medications for children should not be used without serious reasons and without first consulting a doctor.

Paracetamol has a negative effect on the liver (as do many other medications), so patients with severe diseases of this organ should take this drug with great caution.

Medicines for the common cold

What cold and flu remedy can effectively combat nasal congestion due to a runny nose? Such a medicine should be sought among the so-called decongestants - drugs that have the ability to constrict blood vessels, as a result of which they can relieve swelling of the nasopharynx, and the sick person is able to breathe relatively freely.

These medicines are available both in the form of tablets and in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. The most popular today are sprays, drops and emulsions. All vasoconstrictor drugs can be divided into three groups: short-acting, medium-acting and long-acting.

Short-acting medications for the common cold include:

  • "Sanorin";
  • "Tizin";
  • "Naphthyzin"

The advantage of these drops is their fast action and inexpensive price, but the disadvantage is that they “work” for only a few hours, and sometimes even less. Meanwhile, it is allowed to bury them in the nose no more than 4 times a day.

Medium-acting drugs:

  • "Rinostop";
  • "Xymelin";
  • "Galazolin";
  • "Xylene";
  • "Otrivin."

The listed drops and sprays contain the substance xylometazoline. It is thanks to him that these medicines successfully combine the duration of action (up to 10 hours) with high efficiency. Disadvantage: these drugs cannot be instilled into the nose of children under two years of age, and their use should not last more than 7 days.

Long-acting cold medications for runny nose:

  • "Nazol";
  • "Nazivin."

It is permissible to use these products only twice a day and no more than 3 days in a row. They are able to provide free breathing for a long time. The disadvantages include the fact that prolonged vasospasm has a destructive effect on the nasal mucosa. Contraindications for use are the age of the child under 1 year, pregnancy, as well as diabetes and kidney disease.

If your throat hurts

Let's continue to study the question of how to fight against flu and colds. The drugs used for this cannot be limited to fever pills and nasal drops. If you have a sore throat, and this happens with acute respiratory infections in most cases, then you also need effective medications for it.

Today, various absorbable lozenges and pills that can have a local anti-inflammatory effect, as well as aerosols, are very popular:

  • "Inhalipt";
  • "Pro-Ambassador";
  • "Kameton";
  • "Faringosept";
  • "Aqualor throat";
  • "Yox";
  • "Laripront";
  • "Strepsils";
  • "Hexoral";
  • "Theraflu LAR";
  • "Septolete Neo";
  • "Septolete plus";
  • "Anti-angin";
  • "Adgisept";
  • "Sebidin";
  • "Stopangin" and others.

The big advantage of the listed drugs is that they are indicated for topical use, their penetration into the body is negligible, and they practically do not enter the blood. Meanwhile, these drugs have a strong effect against viruses and microbes, which during colds actively multiply in the mouth and cause inflammation and sore throat.

However, you need to understand that with severe sore throat, such medications will not be able to completely cope with the disease. The attending physician usually also prescribes effective tablets for flu and colds, sometimes these can even be antibiotics. You can also read about them in our article.

What will help with cough

A runny nose, sore throat, fever - these are not all the symptoms of acute respiratory infections. If a person coughs a lot with a cold, what should he drink? It will be better if the medicine is prescribed by a doctor based on the diagnosis, because cough can be caused by various reasons (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.). In addition, the cough can be dry or wet, with sputum discharge.

To get rid of a dry, painful cough, the following remedies are used:

  • "Codelac";
  • "Stoptussin";
  • "Terpincode";
  • "Tussin Plus";
  • "Sinecode";
  • "Neo-codion";
  • "Kofanol";
  • "Insti";
  • "Glycodin";
  • "Butamirat";
  • "Bronchicum";
  • "Falimint";
  • "Hexapneumin" and other drugs.

Expectorants for the treatment of wet cough:

  • "Bromhexine";
  • "Lazolvan";
  • "ACC";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Tussin";
  • "Glyceram";
  • "Ambrobene" and others.


Sometimes the disease is so severe that the doctor decides to prescribe the patient the most powerful drugs available in the arsenal of modern pharmacology. What antibiotics a patient should take for a cold can only be decided by a qualified doctor. The fact is that different bacterial drugs affect different types of bacteria. Here is a list of modern antibiotics that are most often used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, etc.:

1. Penicillin group:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Augmentin" and others.

The listed drugs are effective against bacteria that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Group of cephalosporins:

  • "Zintzef";
  • "Zinnat";
  • "Suprax".

Medicines in this group help with bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleurisy.

3. Group of macrolides:

  • "Summamed";
  • "Hemomycin".

These are one of the most powerful antibiotics of the latest generation. They are able to quickly cope even with atypical pneumonia.

Antiviral drugs

People often conflate the flu with a cold. This is because the symptoms are largely similar. With the flu, the throat also hurts, the nose can’t breathe, the head hurts, the body temperature rises, etc. That is why, self-medicating, unfortunate patients try to fight the flu by taking conventional cold medications, including antibiotics, which can greatly harm themselves .

Meanwhile, you need to know that the nature of the flu is not bacterial, as with a regular acute respiratory infection, but viral. This means that antiviral drugs are required to fight the disease. The following medications are most often used in complex therapy for the treatment of influenza:

  • "Amiksin";
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Relenza";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Rimantadine";
  • "Midantan";
  • "Ribamidil";
  • "Interferon".

Medicines that strengthen the immune system

When we are already sick, pills for the flu and colds, of course, will help us quickly overcome the disease and get better, but there are medicines that can be used to strengthen the immune system and avoid infection even during the peak of the acute respiratory infection epidemic.

Immunomodulators that are produced on a plant basis are very popular and safe:

  • "Immunal";
  • "Echinacea tincture";
  • Echinacea extract "Doctor Theiss";
  • "Ginseng tincture";
  • "Eleutherococcus extract";
  • "Tincture of Schisandra chinensis."

You can also increase the body's resistance to colds with the help of medications that contain enzymes of various pathogens (streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, etc.) in microscopic doses. The pharmacy chain sells the following drugs for the prevention of colds from this group:

  • "Lykopid";
  • "Ribomunil";
  • "Broncho-munal";
  • "Imudon";
  • "IRS-19".


If you have a cold, what else should you drink? Usually, the doctor also prescribes vitamins to his patients who have contracted an acute respiratory infection. In no case should this recommendation be neglected, because such drugs effectively strengthen the body of a sick person, stimulate the immune system, help damaged cells regenerate, etc. Here is a list of vitamins that we need to successfully fight a cold:

1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, or ascorbic acid). This is the most powerful assistant for acute respiratory infections. It is able to actively inhibit the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. If you are sick, it is recommended to take 1000-1500 mg of vitamin C per day;

2. Thiamine (B1). It promotes the regeneration of damaged epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract.

3. Riboflavin - vitamin B2. Needed by the body for the synthesis of antibodies.

4. Pyridoxine - vitamin B6. Participates in the restoration processes of nerve endings when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is affected by disease.

5. Nicotinic acid - vitamin PP. Thanks to it, blood circulation improves and blood vessels are restored.

6. Retinol - vitamin A. This is a very necessary element for the successful regeneration of epithelial cells.

7. Tocopherol - vitamin E. It has powerful antioxidant properties; capable of stimulating the immune system.

Of course, vitamins enter our body with food, but this is not enough, especially in winter and spring. At the pharmacy you can buy universal multivitamin complexes, for example:

  • "Complivit";
  • "Multivit";
  • "Polivit";
  • "Undevit";
  • "Pangexavit";
  • "Oligovit";
  • "Nutrisan";
  • "Makrovit";
  • "Hexavit" and many others.

There are multivitamin preparations, the effect of which is enhanced by beneficial minerals. It can be difficult to figure out the abundance of vitamin supplements on your own, so it’s better to rely on the doctor’s choice.

Medicines for children

Cold medicines for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician. After all, some drugs from an adult home medicine cabinet can be harmful to children. But it is also necessary to have some proven medications on hand in a family with a baby.

Antipyretics for children:

  • "Panadol" for children in suppositories or suspension.
  • Analogues of "Panadol": "Cefekon", "Calpol", "Efferalgan".

Cough medicines:

  • Syrup "Tussin".
  • Lazolvan solution or syrup.
  • "Sinekod" in drops or syrup (for dry cough).

For ears, nose and throat:

  • "Nazol Kids" and "Nazol Baby" (spray and drops) - for a runny nose.
  • "Otipax" - ear drops that do not contain antibiotics.
  • "Aqua-Maris" is a weak solution of sea salt in the form of a spray. Well moisturizes and cleanses the mucous membranes of the throat and nose from bacteria. Analogues: "Salfin" and "Dolin".

The funds listed are quite enough to last until the doctor arrives.

Folk remedies

Good cold pills are definitely great! But some people, for various reasons, prefer to heal exclusively with natural remedies. Well, traditional medicine can offer many excellent recipes and recommendations. Here are some of the most versatile and effective:

1. Raspberry tea is a remedy for colds and flu, which has been used by mankind for centuries. Raspberries, dried or in the form of jam, will help to quickly lower the temperature; they have antipyretic properties, because they contain natural salicylic acid. In addition, raspberries contain vitamin C in fairly large quantities.

2. Honey is added to the garlic pulp (proportion 1:1), the drug is thoroughly mixed and given to the patient twice a day, one or two teaspoons. Garlic is also recommended for inhalation. To do this, several of its cloves are crushed, filled with water (1 tbsp.) and boiled for 10 minutes. This “impact” medicine can then be placed in front of the patient so that he can breathe over it.

3. Another remedy (and a very effective one) for colds is regular milk. Perhaps you don’t know that it contains enzymes that strengthen the immune system, and also contains the substance tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin in the body - a strong sedative. To a liter of milk you need to add a few spoons of honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, bay leaf and a couple of allspice peas. Bring the milk mixture to a boil and leave for 5 minutes before use.

4. If the patient is suffering from a cough, you can try using such a proven remedy as black radish juice mixed with honey. The drug is prepared as follows: the top of the washed root vegetable is cut off, part of the pulp is scraped out from the middle, so that an empty cavity is formed. Honey (2 tsp) is placed in the hole, and the radish is closed with the cut off top, like a lid. Wait 12 hours - during this time the juice will be released, which, when combined with honey, will turn into an antitussive medicine. It is recommended to take the product as follows: for adults - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, for children - 1 tsp. three times a day.


We are used to having to fight against flu and colds from time to time. Drugs are available in abundance in pharmacies, so most people face the disease with confidence that recovery will not be difficult. But prevention is a great and necessary thing. Therefore, now we will remind you what preventive measures help to successfully overcome severe illness:

1. Flu shot. Every year, doctors warn the population about the need for timely vaccination, but many of us simply ignore this, and in vain.

2. In the cold season, when there is little sun outside and there are not enough fresh fruits and vegetables on the table, you can and should feed yourself with synthetic vitamin complexes and do not forget about lemon, cranberries, rosehip decoction - all this will relieve the body of vitamin deficiency WITH.

3. Oxolinic ointment, carefully applied to the nasal mucosa before going outside, is a strong shield that can repel attacks from bacteria and viruses.

4. Personal hygiene must be at its best. That is, the motto “wash your hands with soap more often” is more relevant than ever!

5. The room you are in needs to be ventilated and must be wet cleaned, because microbes feel incredibly comfortable in dry, dusty air.

6. During an epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections, walking through crowded shopping centers, cinemas, cafes and other places where many people gather is not recommended. But walks (especially skiing) in the fresh air in a country park or forest perfectly strengthen the body.


After reading the information about what medications to take for a cold, you can face acute respiratory infections or the flu fully armed. But it’s better, of course, to never catch a cold or get sick! Take care of yourself, we wish you good health!

ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza - all these diseases need to be treated in a timely manner by choosing a fast-acting cold remedy. As a rule, the presented conditions are characterized by the same symptoms. Only the reasons for the development of the disease differ. We have compiled a list of effective medications and divided them into groups, implying different forms of release.

Effective cold tablets

It is advisable to take tablets for colds in order to recover faster. They are inexpensive and effective, relieve all signs of the disease in a few days. Antiviral drugs help strengthen the immune system and completely suppress the activity of the pathogen.

No. 1. Ibuklin

Price – 180 rubles. The remedy is prescribed for flu and colds. The active ingredients are paracetamol and ibuprofen. This duet is famous for its analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory properties. “Ibuklin” eliminates headaches during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and fights muscle spasms during influenza. It is taken three times a day. The course lasts 3 days. If after the allotted time there is no positive dynamics, you should consult a doctor.

No. 2. Efferalgan

Price – 170 rubles. The remedy is dispensed as effervescent tablets for colds. Fast action can be achieved thanks to the inclusion of paracetamol. It has pronounced antipyretic but weak anti-inflammatory properties. The drug does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and water-salt metabolism. The result appears after a day of use. “Efferalgan” relieves fever, sore/sore throat, migraine and other symptoms of a cold. An adult is given 6 tablets per day, each of which must be dissolved in 0.2 liters before use. water.

No. 3. Arbidol

Price – 340 rubles. Powerful antiviral tablets and capsules are prescribed for flu and colds to all categories of people. They are distinguished by safety and quick achievement of results. The main substance is umifenovir, which is active against influenza and ARVI pathogens, as well as other infectious processes. To shorten the duration of therapy, it is necessary to take capsules rather than tablet form. The drug is taken once every 5-6 hours, treatment lasts 5 days.

No. 4. Ingavirin

Price – 510 rubles. Immunomodulatory, antiviral, fast-acting cold remedy with the inclusion of pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide. The main purpose of the medicine is to accelerate the production of interferons and increase the body’s immune response to the action of viruses. "Ingavirin" refers to drugs that must be taken once daily. The course lasts 1 week, symptoms of a cold disappear on the second day. If you start treatment in a timely manner, you will be able to avoid complications and protracted therapy.

No. 5. Tamiflu

Price – 1200 rubles. An expensive but effective medicine based on oseltamivir. The high cost is offset by the quick relief from colds and more complex viral diseases. Tamiflu is drunk during the spread of the flu, when it is easy to catch the virus. During this period, the patient suffers from pain in the head, loss of strength, catarrhal manifestations of the disease, and myalgia. Treatment lasts 5 days, provided the medication is taken twice a day.

The best cold powders

Cold and flu powder is a good alternative to tablet or capsule remedies. But which drug to choose among all the variety? Let's try to figure it out together.

No. 1. Teraflu

Price – 480 rubles. The powder form of the cold remedy concentrates paracetamol as the main substance. It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Relieves muscle spasms and headaches during acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, acute respiratory infections. Used in therapeutic and preventive therapy, it helps to quickly get back on your feet. Eliminates severe symptoms the next day if taken at night. Daily dosage – 3 sachets, course – until recovery.

No. 2. Coldrex

Price – 300 rubles. A drug for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory diseases. Relieves nasal congestion and sore throat, lowers temperature, and does not cause drowsiness. The antipyretic and analgesic effect of paracetamol is supported by ascorbic acid, which improves the body's immune response to pathogens. The medicine is taken 4 times a day until recovery. Signs of the disease begin to subside 12-24 hours after using the product. You can completely get rid of a cold in 3-5 days.

No. 3. Fervex

Price – 290 rubles. Combination cold medications combine several active substances. Coldrex is used to combat acute respiratory diseases. It consists of paracetamol, ascorbic acid, pheniramine. The medicine is famous for its analgesic, antipyretic, antihistamine and vasoconstrictor properties. Therefore, it eliminates nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever in just a few uses. In order not to provoke adverse reactions, take no more than 3 sachets per day.

No. 4. Antigrippin

Price – 220 rubles. A popular remedy most often taken for colds and flu. Powders such as Antigrippin are inexpensive but quite effective. The main thing is to start taking it at the first signs of illness. The product boasts a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Acts as an immunostimulant. The finished drink eliminates nasal congestion, chills, headaches, and reduces body temperature. No more than 3 sachets are indicated per day with an interval of 5 hours.

Other effective cold remedies

As an alternative, you can consider equally effective remedies, which are also often prescribed for colds and flu. They are effective and cheap.

No. 1. Upsarin-Upsa

Price – 200 rubles. Does not contain paracetamol. The drug is based on acetylsalicylic acid. Additionally, the composition contains excipients in the form of aspartame, povidone, etc. After administration, the product relieves the main symptoms within a few minutes. General well-being improves. Body aches and headache go away. "Upsarin-Upsa" copes with high temperatures in a short period of time. Available in the form of effervescent tablets. You are allowed to take no more than 4 units per day. The drug is well tolerated by the body, adverse reactions occur extremely rarely. Contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy.

No. 2. Grippferon

Price – from 300 rubles. The immunomodulatory agent is available in various forms. It helps against colds by enhancing the production of interferon in the human body. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI. Depending on the form, the frequency of use of the medicine will differ. All details are described in the instructions. Regular use of the product allows you to eliminate the disease and unpleasant symptoms in the shortest possible time. The composition is safe and has no adverse reactions.

No. 3. Zovirax

Price – 180 rubles. It is immediately worth noting that the cream copes only with herpes infection, which can occur in the form of a cold on the lips. The active ingredient is acyclovir. It quickly inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their further spread. Often the disease manifests itself against the background of a general decrease in immunity. If herpes occurs, it is important to take timely measures to prevent complications. The drug eliminates itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. The composition must be used every 4 hours. The duration of the course is a week.

No. 4. Tsefekon-N

Price – 120 rubles. An antipyretic for colds is available in the form of rectal suppositories. It is inexpensive but extremely effective. The main component is naproxen. At high body temperatures, it is advisable to use Cefekon-N. It quickly has an analgesic effect and eliminates the inflammatory process. After half an hour, you feel better and feel more energetic. Suppositories are administered in the morning after bowel movements and hygiene. The course should not last more than 3 days. The drug has some contraindications that must be familiarized with before therapy.

No. 5. Fluditek

Price – 420 rubles. When ARVI occurs, a cough appears in the first few days, which must be dealt with. The medicine "Fluditek" saves not only from colds, but also other unpleasant symptoms. A fast-acting remedy removes accumulated mucus from the respiratory system. Bacterial bronchitis is prevented. Additionally, the syrup has an immunostimulating effect on the body. The medicine should be taken three times a day, 15 ml. an hour before the meal. It is not recommended to carry out therapy without first consulting a doctor. The course lasts no more than 10 days.

No. 6. Otrivin Complex

Price – 260 rubles. The highly effective product is presented in the form of a nasal spray. He is prescribed for colds and runny nose. The active ingredients are xylometazoline and ipratropium bromide. When used, the drug has an anticholinergic effect and a vasoconstrictor effect. Against this background, not only does breathing become easier, but also secretion production decreases. The spray begins to act from the first minutes, it is allowed to use no more than 3 times a day. It is prohibited to use the drug for more than a week.

Many remedies have been developed to combat colds. Almost all of them show high effectiveness if treatment is started immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. If treatment is not timely and the condition worsens, more serious medications in the form of antibiotics may be required.

The winter of 2018-2019 is upon us again, and almost every average person knows: with the onset of winter cold, the risk of “catching” the flu or a cold increases exponentially, because cold air, coupled with a weakened immune system, creates unfavorable conditions. One category of people, in order to protect themselves or recover quickly, goes to a pharmacy, where many antiviral and other drugs are sold. Another group of people “precipitates”, takes a horizontal position and experiences a painful condition without the use of medications.

During flu season, television channels bombard viewers with advertisements for flu medications. According to statistics, Russians spend about 30 billion rubles annually on the purchase of such preventive medications, while trusting the recommendations of doctors and pharmacists, as well as commercials, the heroes of which are healed almost instantly after taking a miraculous drug. We invite you to ignore advertising suggestions and take an impartial look at the most popular “winter” drugs, study their compositions and try to find the results of laboratory tests.

"Arbidol" (antiviral inhibitor drug)

"Arbidol" (aka "Umifenovir", "Arpetolide", "Immusstat") is the most popular drug in the autumn-winter period. According to the package insert, this drug should be used for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B viruses. Not many doubt the effectiveness of Arbidol, since the drug is included in the list of Vital and Essential Drugs (vital and essential drugs).

But if you delve deeper, you will notice an interesting feature: Arbidol was initially included in the VED registry as an immunostimulant, and subsequently, in 2011, classified as an antiviral drug.

“Arbidol” is surrounded by an aura of mystery: supposedly the drug was developed by order of the military and tested with their participation. Paradoxically, the results of the research are still classified. Meanwhile, the drug was invented back in 1974; It would seem that nothing prevents independent research from being carried out to resolve this controversial issue once and for all. But the fact remains a fact, so opinions about the drug vary from restrained neutral to clearly positive.

Some organizations (including WHO) and countries (including the USA) refused to recognize Arbidol due to the lack of reliable evidence of its effectiveness. Despite its dubious effectiveness, various ministries in the Russian Federation purchased Arbidol with budget money.

A striking episode: several years ago, central TV channels repeatedly showed how, during one of the meetings, V. Putin visited a pharmacy and asked for “Arbidol.” If you believe a number of sources, the interests of manufacturers were lobbied at the highest level, including at the level of the Russian Minister of Health, Ms. Golikova. The connection was so obvious that in some media Ms. Golikova was referred to only as “Madame Arbidol.”

"Theraflu" (complex remedy for the treatment of flu and colds)

To cure the flu, Theraflu must contain some kind of antiviral substance.

Fortunately, the composition of this drug is not a closely guarded secret - anyone who has carefully studied the instructions can become familiar with the components of Theraflu.

There are two main components - paracetamol and vitamin C, which account for more than 90% of the specific gravity.

Additionally, Theraflu includes pheniramine maleate and phenylephrine hydrochloride - substances that relieve swelling and constrict blood vessels. De facto, the drug can only eliminate symptoms: reduce fever and relieve nasal congestion, but it is powerless against viruses. By the way, science has recently refuted theories that vitamin C strengthens the immune system, so Theraflu should not be considered as a powerful preventive agent either.

"Anaferon" (homeopathic remedy with immunomodulatory and antiviral effect)

Homeopathy is based on the thesis that drugs have a “memory effect” and contain special energy, so the presence of active substances is not important. In other words, the drug does not necessarily have to contain any active agents - the patient will be healed thanks to “vital energy”. However, Anaferon contains antibodies. Their concentration is... less than 1 molecule per 100 million tablets.

Representatives of traditional medicine speak unequivocally about homeopathic medicines. For example, the director of the Influenza Research Institute, Mr. Kiselev, in one of his interviews gave a very negative assessment of Anaferon, claiming that he was “distributing” the drug throughout the country, but could not expel it. It is possible that the “survival” of the drug is ensured by business structures with extensive connections, as well as exaggerated advertising campaigns in various media.

"Oscillococcinum"(homeopathic medicine with antiviral effect)

This drug was invented in the first half of the last century, at the height of the influenza epidemic. A certain French homeopath Joseph Roy isolated oscillococcus bacteria from the blood of patients with various ailments, on the basis of which he developed a drug for treating influenza. Subsequently, official medicine rejected the existence of these bacteria, and classified the drug itself as fraudulent. But this did not stop the enterprising Frenchman from launching the production of Oscillococcinum and achieving financial success.

According to the manufacturer, the drug is made using antibodies extracted from the liver and heart of Barbary ducks (Anas Barbariae). Such birds are unknown to science, but most likely we are talking about the so-called musk ducks - Cairina moschata

Such confusion is not in favor of pharmacists, and yet Oscillococcinum is approved for production and sale in the Russian Federation.

Several years ago, California residents filed a class action lawsuit against the French company that produces Oscillococcinum. The claims were based on the fact that information about the drug was untrue. In order not to bring the matter to litigation, the parties, as often happens, agreed on a peaceful settlement of the dispute, i.e. the defendant paid compensation.

Negative conclusions about the effectiveness of the described product are also contained in the report of the British Cochrane Society. Homeopaths themselves explain the above facts as persecution from traditional medicine and the authorities, stubbornly claiming that Oscillococcinum has an antiviral effect and is able to strengthen the immune system.

"Kagocel" (antiviral drug)

In accordance with the statements of the manufacturer's directorate (Mr. Nesterenko), the main components of this drug are produced from cotton polymer and cellulose.

Research on Kagocel was carried out on the initiative and at the expense of Nearmedic, the company that produces Kagocel. The results of these investigations were considered insufficiently convincing by the official authorities, as a result of which the described drug is not included in the WHO drug register.

Manufacturers claim that the drug is effective due to increased generation of alpha and beta interferons, which suppress viruses and strengthen the immune system.
However, the formulary commission of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences reports that “the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven.”

Perhaps the effectiveness of Kagocel may seem dubious to some, but the marketing success of the drug was ensured by effective advertising. For two years in a row (2011 and 2012), Kagocel won in several prestigious categories, including Brand of the Year and Drug of the Year.

"Coldrex" (combined drug for symptomatic treatment)

The main advantage of this drug is its quick effect: Coldrex eliminates symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases and viral infections in a matter of hours.

The patient can experience normalization of temperature, easier breathing, softening of cough and relief from aching joints. To prolong the temporary effect, manufacturers recommend using Coldrex several times a day.

The main component of the drug is paracetamol; excipients - caffeine, which depresses the central nervous system, vasoconstrictor mesatone and ascorbic acid.

Coldrex does not have an antiviral effect. To be fair, it should be noted that manufacturers do not attribute this property to the drug - this opinion was developed among consumers thanks to skillfully planned advertising.

"Fervex" (a remedy for eliminating symptoms)

The manufacturer managed to find a consumer-friendly form factor - water-soluble sushi bags that instantly reduce fever and nasal congestion. The objective effectiveness of the drug is based on the same paracetamol and antihistamine pheniramine; as an optional supplement, the product is supplemented with vitamin C. De facto, “Fervex” consists of very inexpensive components, purchasing which separately will not be a problem.

The originality of this drug lies in the increased absorption rate of the active substances due to the liquid form. Again, Fervex only eliminates the symptoms - the drug cannot defeat the disease itself, especially when it comes to viral invasions.

"Amiksin" (aka "Tiloron", antiviral immunomodulator)

There are many media scandals associated with this drug that arose due to allegedly observed side effects, so Amiksin is currently prohibited for pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.

In Russia, Amiksin is included in the list of vital and essential drugs; The drug is recommended for use not only for influenza infections, but also for hepatitis and herpes.

“Amiksin” is an interferon inducer, and it is on this property that its therapeutic effect is based.

Despite the wide popularity and demand of this drug in the post-Soviet space, foreign pharmacists treat the described drug with caution: there is no information about the use of Tiloron abroad.

"Ingavirin" (Antiviral agent)

Back in 1970, one of the domestic researchers synthesized vitaglutam, on the basis of which they subsequently began to produce Dicarbamin. This drug was used mainly to stimulate hematopoiesis, but was not widely used. Nearly 40 years later, the influenza pandemic struck; By that time, the inventor of vitaglutam (Chuchalin) was already the chief therapist in Russia. Continuing his research, Mr. Chuchalin discovered the ability of vitaglutam to suppress influenza by destroying its genome.

The state contributed to the research - the drug was tested at an accelerated pace. The results were considered satisfactory, and Ingavirin went on sale. The effectiveness of the drug is indirectly confirmed by specialized publications in the Russian press, with the lion's share of the articles written in collaboration with the developer of the drug.

"Viferon" (antiviral agent and immunomodulator)

Like many other drugs, the action of Viferon is based on recombinant alpha-2 interferon.

As is known, interferons are not able to have a direct effect on viruses, but they can prevent their reproduction by making changes in the affected cells.

Viferon is practically unknown abroad. There are no scientific publications in specialized publications proving the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of viral infections, including influenza. All studies of Viferon were carried out in Moscow with the direct participation of Ms. Malinovskaya, who is the copyright holder of the formula and a person financially interested in the commercial success of the drug.

"Anvimax" (medicine for symptomatic treatment)

The main distinguishing feature of Anvimax is the presence of rimantadine in the formula.

According to research, this substance does have an antiviral effect on various strains of influenza, but only group A.

In addition, the drug contains loratadine, a drug that prevents (and reduces) allergic reactions. The remaining components can be called typical for symptomatic drugs, these are ascorbic acid and paracetamol.

"Anvimax" is nothing more than a clone of the well-known "Antigrippin-Maximum". Due to property disputes and legal claims, the manufacturer decided to rebrand, renaming the product “Anvimax”.

"Grippferon" (antiviral immunomodulator)

"Grippferon" is a modernized drug based on interferon. The uniqueness of this product lies in its increased concentration and release form: the author of the formula managed to preserve the properties of interferon in a liquid preparation. According to available information, the developer of Grippferon (Gaponyuk) is connected with influential officials whose decisions can influence the fate of medications. In particular, according to media reports, Mr. Gaponyuk and the former head of Rospotrebnadzor, Mr. Onishchenko, have common business interests.

It is noteworthy that the testing of this drug was carried out by an institute controlled by Onishchenko. “Grippferon” is not characterized in foreign specialized literature; this drug is not registered as a medicinal product outside the CIS; as, indeed, other interferon inducers.

Instead of a postscript - about conclusions. This list can be continued and expanded - there is plenty of material. Unlike advertising, our goal is not to persuade you to a certain opinion or to purchase the promoted drug, so you must draw your own conclusions. We know that this will not be easy, because we are talking about a highly specialized industry - pharmaceuticals and evidence-based medicine.

It seems that pharmaceutical companies, instead of investing in research, are directing them into aggressive advertising campaigns aimed at the general public. Most drugs have a secret research history. Various stories about development for military purposes and other absurdities cast doubt on the effectiveness of the drugs. In any case, today there is no cure for influenza that allows you to get rid of the disease in a short time by the time the first symptoms appear. The entire effectiveness of treatment comes down to shortening the duration of the disease.

Social video about priority actions in case of influenza

First of all, when you detect symptoms of influenza, follow the seemingly primitive but effective methods that will not lead you to complications due to influenza:

  • provide bed rest;
  • do not lower the temperature to 38 degrees, this is a natural reaction of the body due to its fight against the virus;
  • if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, do not continue self-medication - call an ambulance;
  • drink more fluids;
  • Absolutely avoid drinking alcohol;
  • ventilate the room regularly;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the premises daily;
  • maintain clean, cool and dry air in the room;
  • use gauze bandages to reduce the likelihood of your loved ones and colleagues getting sick at work.

If we talk about foreign practice, for example, the United States, then an organization such as the FDA - the Food and Drug Administration in October 2018, for the first time in 20 years, added to the list of recommended drugs for influenza produced by Roche. It’s strange, but over such a long period, have the manufacturers of new drugs on the US market been unable to convince the FDA of the effectiveness of their drugs? Or again, did powerful lobbying help this process?

Be reasonably skeptical and try to rule out health risks. Perhaps then you will not have to resort to medications and be puzzled by the problem of choosing “winter” medications against the flu. Be healthy!

Changes in weather are often accompanied by an outbreak of acute colds and flu.

Feeling unwell, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, fever, they bring you to the pharmacy and put you in front of a choice of all kinds of cold pills.

What cold pills should you choose to treat acute respiratory infections and flu in order to quickly cope with the infection?

All cold medicines are conventionally divided into two groups:

  • means that eliminate cold symptoms - symptomatic drugs;
  • drugs that act on the virus and strengthen the immune system - antiviral, immunomodulatory agents.

The most common signs of a cold- headache, runny nose, high temperature, . The choice of which tablets to take for a cold depends on the main symptom of acute respiratory disease (ARI).

If the most pronounced symptom of acute respiratory infections is high fever, antipyretic tablets are needed.

For severe muscle pain or headaches, painkillers help, and vasoconstrictors and antihistamines help with a runny nose.

Read also about other medications for the common cold in the article.


Solpadeine helps with headaches, it acts quickly thanks to the codeine and caffeine it contains.

Panadeine is characterized by a similar composition and action. Panadeine tablets contain codeine, paracetamol, quickly help with headaches and lower fever.

Analgin helps with pain and feverish conditions. These cold tablets are not prescribed to children. Amidopyrine is used for headaches, reduces fever, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Antihistamines reduce swelling, relieve itching and runny nose.

For colds, Pheniramine, Promethazine, and Chlorphenamine tablets are prescribed.

Antipyretic medications

A well-known antipyretic is aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). The drug is approved for children, but has a number of side effects and is taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Aspirin – Oops – Effervescent cold tablets contain aspirin and vitamin C. The tablet is dissolved in water. Children are prescribed after 4 years.

Alka-Seltzer effervescent tablets contain, in addition to aspirin, soda and citric acid. The drug is approved for children over 3 years of age.


Restoring free breathing and reducing secretions is achieved by using vasoconstrictors - phenylephrine, Nazivin, Otrivin.

Sinuforte aerosol and sprays: Pinosol and Xymelin help with a runny nose. Vibrocil and Pinosol nasal drops help a lot.

Ointments Doctor Mom, Evamenol, Pinosol reduce runny nose.

Combined action cold tablets

Most symptomatic treatment drugs have a combined effect, eliminating several symptoms at once. These drugs include paracetamol and nurofen.

Nurofen tablets have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain, and reduce fever during colds.

Symptomatic drugs include Theraflu, Codrex, Fervex.

Fervex has the fewest contraindications. The drug is produced in powders and lozenges.

Anti-inflammatory tablets help with colds:

  • efferalgan;
  • Panadol.

Panadol contains paracetamol and is not recommended to be taken with other medications containing this compound. Panadol is produced in the form of a pleasant-tasting syrup for children, tablets, and suppositories for adults.

Efferalgan also contains paracetamol, which effectively fights cold symptoms, reduces fever, and improves well-being.

Chinese tablets

Combination drugs with symptomatic action include granules of the Chinese drug "Ganmaolin Kaley" 999. Each tablet of the Chinese cold medicine contains paracetamol, caffeine and plant extracts.

The composition of the Chinese remedy includes string, peppermint oil, evodia root, and Indian chrysanthemum.

The product has an antipyretic, analgesic effect, reduces congestion, and helps with sore throat.

Symptomatic treatment cannot act on the virus that causes colds and flu. Antiviral drugs help suppress the effect of the virus; which tablets to take for a cold also depends on the age of the patient.

Antiviral agents

Viral infections cause diseases when one's own defenses are weakened. To strengthen the immune system, hardening, playing sports, and eating a balanced diet are useful.

There are effective medications that have a positive effect on the body's condition.

To correctly choose which tablets to treat a cold with, you need to visit a doctor or at least read the instructions very carefully.

The drug Immunal is also used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Immunal tablets are taken to strengthen the immune system and to treat colds caused by a virus. Immunal is allowed for children after 4 years of age.


The product is used for preventive purposes, to treat influenza and colds.

Several pharmaceutical preparations based on interferon are produced: Arbidol, Cycloferon, Amiksin, Groprinosin.

The products stimulate a person’s own immunity.


The tablets are used as an antiviral remedy for colds, flu, and as a preventive measure for influenza in adults.

Strong tablets that help against colds include the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

The drug is approved for children over 12 months of age and adults; it can be prescribed by a doctor with caution during pregnancy.

The use of Tamiflu shortens the duration of the disease, reduces the likelihood and severity of complications after influenza and acute respiratory infections.


The antiviral drug Arbidol is low-toxic; tablets of the drug can be used for prophylaxis in case of contact with a patient with the flu or a cold.

Arbidol tablets will help prevent the relapse of herpes with a general decrease in immunity; the drug is effectively used in complex therapy against influenza, pneumonia, etc.


Amiksin tablets have an immunomodulatory effect and are effective against influenza and viruses that cause acute respiratory diseases. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as for children under 7 years of age.

The drug is taken according to the schedule, in dosage, according to age. Children over 7 years old are prescribed 3 tablets of Amiksin for colds and flu: one on the 1st, 2nd, 4th day from the start of treatment.

For severe colds, 4 tablets per course of treatment are sufficient; take one on days 1, 2, 4, 6 after the start of treatment.

Oxolinic ointment

An excellent prophylactic remedy is oxolinic ointment.

This inexpensive cold remedy works no worse than expensive tablets in bright packaging.

Oxolinic ointment treats runny nose of viral origin and helps with herpes.

Find out about other ointments against runny nose in our article.


For colds on the lips, tablets and ointment of the antiviral drug Acyclovir help.

Read more about colds on the lips and treatment methods in our article.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take drugs that stimulate the immune system.

This rule must be followed especially strictly in the first trimester of pregnancy.

All antiviral tablets for colds during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor, based on feasibility, expected effect and possible risk to the fetus.

Paracetamol is taken as a pain reliever; these tablets are not dangerous for pregnant women, they help against colds and reduce fever.

Do not do it Take tablets containing aspirin, ibuprofen, codeine during pregnancy. You should not take antiviral drugs without medical supervision.

Instead of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, they limit themselves to rinsing the nose with sea salt, Aquamaris, Pinosol.

Cold tablets for children

The following are considered effective cold tablets for children:

  • children's Anaferon;
  • antiviral drug Arbidol.

Arbidol strengthens the immune system and is used to treat and prevent viral infections. The drug is approved for children from two years of age.

Anaferon is approved for newborns from one month. Lozenges help cope with viral respiratory tract infections and prevent flu and colds.

For runny noses and colds, children are prescribed syrups and tablets, their names are algirem, arbidol, remantadine. For allergic rhinitis, Claritin, Erius, and Diazolin are prescribed.

Cheap cold pills

The difference in prices for expensive drugs and their analogues is significant. Thus, in Ukraine, treatment for colds with expensive tablets and substitutes differs several times.

It is not necessary to treat a cold with expensive, new drugs. The side effects of many drugs are revealed only after time has passed since their use began.

The most famous cheap tablets for colds are acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, analgin, echinacea tincture, ibuprofen, galazolin, ambroxol.

Septefril– a drug that has antiseptic properties, suppresses staphylococci, enterobacteria, viruses, yeast-like fungi, and acts on bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics.

The drug is produced in the form of lozenges; up to 6 tablets can be taken per day; children under 15 years old can take up to 4 tablets. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

For a runny nose

Expensive vasoconstrictor drops Nazivin and Otrivin can replace cheaper ones: Rinazolin and Farmazolin, and instead of Aquamaris spray they use Marimer, Humer.

Against cough

Lazolvan can be replaced by its cheap analogues Abrol and Ambroxal.

An analogue of the drug ACC, which dilutes sputum, Acetal is no less effective in breaking up and promoting the removal of sputum, and softens cough.

The antibacterial drug Summed has a cheap analogue, Azithromycin.

For sore throat

The drug Strepsils can be replaced by Neo-angin, Angi sept, Rinza lorcept.

Septifril dissolving tablets have a similar effect, and the price of this effective cold remedy is much lower.

Instead of Givalex spray, you can use Ingalipt, Orasept.

Antiviral agents

Arbivir and Immusstat are used instead of Arbidol. Viferon is replaced with Laferobion, and Echinacea-ratiopharm is replaced with Echinacea-lubnypharm.

The price of expensive cold tablets can be many times higher than the cost of an inexpensive analogue. Thus, the cost of Arbidol tablets is much higher than the price of a drug with a similar effect of Remantadine.

Amiksin can be replaced with Lavomax, and instead of Fervex, use paracetamol tablets.

List of complex medications for colds

Most often, colds are treated with complex medications, such drugs include tablets and powders from the list:

  • Antigrippin– a drug based on paracetamol, relieves pain and lowers temperature.
  • Immunal– antiviral, immunomodulatory medicine.
  • Coldrex– improves well-being by effectively suppressing cold symptoms.
  • Teraflu– eliminates symptoms of colds and flu.
  • Viferon– antiviral, immunomodulatory effect.
  • Fervex– a combination drug intended for symptomatic treatment.
  • Arbidol- antiviral medicine.
  • Grippferon– antiviral drug.
  • Anvimax– eliminates cold symptoms.
  • Oscillococcinum- homeopathic medicine.
  • Kagocel– exhibits an antiviral effect.
  • Anaferon- homeopathic medicine.
  • Ingavirin– antiviral agent.
  • Amiksin– antiviral drug.

When treating a cold, you need to remember that long-term uncontrolled use of medications can cause addiction, side effects, and complications of varying severity.

Any drug treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Almost every person suffers from a cold at least once a year. No matter how strong the human body is, it cannot be completely protected from viruses and infections, especially if it is the off-season or winter. Manufacturers offer inexpensive cold and flu medications to combat illness. You should know which ones are not only cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

All flu and cold remedies are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These medications fight the virus and make the body's cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations for correcting the body's defense reactions to natural levels.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs in this group do not suppress infection, but simply relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs in this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and teenagers take 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those with kidney disease.
  2. "Amiksin". Adults take two 125 mg tablets on the first day of illness, and then one tablet every other day. The dosage of the children's drug has been halved. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women.


Inexpensive good cold and flu medicines in this category:

  1. "Cycloferon". The drug is for adults and children who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take one tablet every other day.
  2. "Kagocel". This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults take two tablets three times the first two days, and then one at a time. Kagocel should not be taken by pregnant women for the first three months. Find out more, and for children.
  3. "Anaferon". Homeopathic medicine. Adults take one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove signs of the disease:

  1. Coldact Flu Plus. Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. You need to drink one every 12 hours. During treatment, you must categorically abstain from alcoholic beverages.
  2. "Coldrex". Helps with colds with wet cough. You need to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. You should not take this drug if you have diabetes or liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rinza". Tablets are taken 4 times a day. They should not be drunk by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age, or people with heart or vascular diseases. Course – 5 days.
  4. "Fervex". The drug is produced in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. You should not use Fervex for more than three days. You should not drink more than 4 packets per day.

Cold remedies

Apart from pills, there are many other medications that effectively fight the disease. If you do not want to take antiviral medications for colds and flu, or drink complex symptomatic medications, then you can try another treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive cold and flu medications that can provide relief.

For sore throat

The following medications will help you relieve inflammation and irritation:

  1. "Grammidin." Fast-acting lozenges with anesthetic. You need to take two of them 4 times a day, following a weekly course.
  2. "Strepsils". They relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. The tablets should be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Treatment with the drug is allowed for children over five years of age. A sore throat will be completely removed in three to four days.
  3. "Faringosept". A powerful medicine that should not be taken by children under six years of age. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets after meals and then not drink liquids for a while. Per day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

The following medications will help you get rid of a runny nose:

  1. "Sanorin". They have a vasoconstrictor effect. They do not treat nasal congestion, but temporarily eliminate it. These drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. Contains a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictors and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol". Medicinal drops that have a healing effect. They slowly fight the causes of a runny nose, but do not eliminate congestion.
  3. "Aqua Maris". A product for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Prevents blood vessels from drying out and speeds up the healing process. It is recommended to use moisturizing drops for any type of runny nose.
  4. "Vibrocil". Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only a runny nose, but also its cause. They have a vasoconstrictor, antihistamine effect, kill bacteria, and relieve swelling.


The following medications will quickly reduce the temperature:

  1. "Paracetamol". A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that relieves heat, relieves pain and inflammation. It has virtually no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active component of many other drugs: Panadol, Fervex, Flucolda, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen". This medicine is more of an anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. It should not be taken by those who have ulcers, kidney or liver disease. Included in Nurofen and Ibuklin.
  3. "Aspirin"(acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. It should not be taken by pregnant women, children under 12, or those with reduced blood clotting. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.

For herpes

The following ointments will help overcome this unpleasant symptom of a cold:

  1. "Acyclovir". The most inexpensive remedy. Fights the virus and prevents it from multiplying. If you are pregnant or nursing a child, do not use the drug. If you get herpes often, it is better to alternate Acyclovir with another antiseptic ointment or cream so as not to become addictive.
  2. "Zovirax". The cream contains propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates cells faster and more efficiently. Absorbs well into the skin. Zovirax must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pentsivir". A very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes instantly. Prevents wounds from becoming scars. The drug should not be used by pregnant, nursing mothers, or children under 12.

Against cough

Table of drugs:

Inexpensive drug analogues

If you cannot afford even the cheapest antiviral drugs, use Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: Naphthyzin or Farmazolin nasal drops, Septifril tablets for treating sore throat, cough medicine. Gargling with Chlorophyllipt will also be effective.

Medicines to prevent flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, rather than cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. The rules for preventive use are described in the instructions for each of them. You can try Broncho-munal capsules, which can be combined with almost all medications. Medicines such as Ribomunil, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon have a good preventive effect.

If you're going to get sick, then do it in a big way. If you have the flu, then the whole family has it. If you get the flu, you get it for a long time, getting infected from each other.

Right? No! This is no longer the case.

Do you feel like you're getting sick? Take Oscillococcinum rather. Don’t forget also about your home: this drug can be given to both adults and children. No more “family” lingering flu - Oscillococcinum treats flu and strengthens natural immunity!