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Stations and nodes. Russian Ministry of Railways Main elements of a turnout switch

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Railway stations and junctions - About the department

In the conditions of intensive transport construction, the problem of developing and mastering new technologies, or more precisely, the problem of training engineering personnel, became acute. The Faculty of Movement and Freight Operations is being created at the Novosibirsk Transport University, and within it is the Department of Stations and Units.

Alexey Mikhailovich Gorchakov was appointed the first head of the department in 1934.

Alexey Mikhailovich was the head of the department for 23 years, until 1957. In the period from 1942 to 1943, he combined the leadership of the department at NIVIT and the department of “Industrial Railways” at MISS.

The main task of the department from the moment of its creation and in the following decades was to train engineers for the design of new and reconstruction of existing stations and units. The set of academic disciplines, as a rule, included two or three titles. The educational process was concentrated around the main discipline - “Railway stations and junctions”.

The main objects of scientific research in 1930-1940. there were coal railway stations of Kuzbass, stations of the general network of Western Siberia and other transport infrastructure facilities, determined by the practical need for their construction and development.

In 1934, with the completion of the construction of a mechanized hump at the Krasny Liman station, the era of development of humps began.

Theoretical research in the field of designing mechanized hump humps for a long time determines the content of one of the main directions of scientific work of the department. Alexander Mikhailovich Karpov was most actively involved in this problem.

Alexander Mikhailovich completed his graduate studies at MIIT in 1941 and prepared his Ph.D. thesis. The defense was interrupted by the war: in July 1941, Karpov volunteered as part of the people's militia to go to the front... In 1947, he defended a new candidate's thesis (the first was lost), and was sent to work at NIVIT. Head of the department from 1957 to 1970.

In the 60s of the 20th century, in the science of stations and nodes, the deterministic approach to the description of transport processes was replaced by a more adequate probabilistic description. The works of Nikolai Ivanovich Fedotov had a significant influence on the change in scientific concepts.

In 1956, Nikolai Ivanovich graduated from graduate school at LIIZhT and received a referral to NIIZhT. In 1957 he defended his candidate's dissertation, and in 1971 - his doctorate. From 1970 to 1985 he headed the department. Laureate of the USSR State Prize.

Under Fedotov, the goals and objectives of the department in the main discipline “Railway Stations and Junctions” changed significantly: the purely design focus gradually changed to design and technology. A postgraduate course is being opened at the department, and a laboratory “Improving the Transportation Process” is being created.

Between 1985 and 1990 The department is headed by Professor Alexander Vasilievich Bykadorov. For several years, Alexander Vasilyevich combined the management of the departments of “Railway Stations and Units” and “Operational Work Management”.

Due to a sharp decline in the volume of work in railway transport in the early 1990s. Issues of designing new and rebuilding existing stations and nodes have become irrelevant. Due to a lack of financial resources, the volume of contractual scientific work has sharply decreased. The influx of young specialists has stopped. Some of the teachers went to production.

The main efforts of the department in these conditions were concentrated on ensuring the educational process. The theme of diploma design has been updated. Organizational and technological issues began to dominate in it: improving the technology and technical equipment of stations, organizing the processing of local car flows at stations and railway junctions, and other topics characteristic of stations and junctions.

During the difficult period of the crisis years 1990-2004. The head of the department was Vladimir Ilyich Zhukov, who moved to Novosibirsk from the Samara Institute. He managed not only to preserve the department, but also to lay down new principles for its development for the next decade. On his initiative, a new direction in the methodological and scientific activities of the department was born - the use of computer technology in educational work and scientific research. There was a clear understanding that previous technologies in education and science had become obsolete.

With the direct participation of V.I. Zhukov is the first in Russia to create a unique training complex - a simulator for the operator of the executive post of the hump at the Inskaya station. The use of computers made it possible to transfer methods for solving many engineering and scientific problems to a qualitatively new, previously inaccessible level. At the same time, the department's staff was significantly updated: almost all of the current employees came to the department during this period.

Under the leadership of Vladimir Ilyich, a number of dissertation works were successfully completed on current issues in the development of sorting complexes and the effective organization of local work at stations and railway junctions. In the period from 2001 to 2004, the dissertation works of A.A. were defended. Klimov, A.A. Ulanov, S.V. Karasev, O.O. Grenkevich. In 2006, Vladimir Ilyich’s last graduate student, A.A., defended his dissertation. Kuznetsova.

From 2004 to 2013, the department was headed by Alexander Aleksandrovich Klimov, who at that time became the youngest head of the department at the university. During this period, much attention is paid to the development of applied science, optimization of educational and methodological work, and improvement of laboratory facilities. With the active participation of department employees, in 2005, a virtual laboratory complex “Cargo station and local work” was developed.

With the support of the West Siberian Railway, in 2007, for the first time, a specialized departmental educational laboratory “Corporate Transport Systems and Technologies” was created, which promotes the active introduction of electronic learning tools into the educational process.

In 2014, on the basis of this laboratory, after a fundamental modernization, a new educational laboratory “Design of transport infrastructure (railway stations and junctions)” was opened.

Course projects are carried out using computer-aided design systems AutoCad, Compass. The department's own software developments are actively used.

Currently, the head of the department is Sergei Vladimirovich Karasev.

At the new stage of development of the department, new academic disciplines are being actively mastered, mathematical methods are being developed in the design and operation of railways.

New methods and software are being developed to justify rational options for the development of railway transport infrastructure, taking into account operating technology.

The student scientific society “Stationnik” has been created and is successfully functioning, whose members take an active part in the scientific development of current issues in the development of railway transport, conduct search and research work, and participate in various scientific events at the regional and all-Russian level.

Connections with production are being strengthened. At the Inskaya station, a basic department of “Operation of Railways” of the Faculty of “Management of Transportation Processes” was created.

At different times the following worked at the department: Burnashov Ivan Petrovich, Fedotova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Brovchenko Vladimir Sergeevich, Brekhov Nikolay Ivanovich, Gadevaldt Vladimir Vladimirovich, Kolkov Ivan Terentyevich, Bulavchenko Ivan Dmitrievich, Makukha Alexey Mikhailovich, Kolesnikova Galina Savelyevna, Ivanov Alexey Alekseevich, Dashkov Mi Khail Grigorievich , Malyshev Pavel Pavlovich, Ulanov Alexey Alexandrovich and others.

Some employees of the department “Railway Stations and Junctions” later worked in other departments of NIIZhT-SGUPS and held senior positions in transport.

Currently, the staff of the department is 12 people: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Dmitrenko A.V.; associate professors, Ph.D. Klimov A.A., Karasev S.V., Karaseva A.A., Grenkevich O.O., Burdyak P.S. senior teachers Pushkareva L.I., Osipov D.V., Starostina T.I.; teachers Gunbin A.A., Pankova S.M. Kalidova A.D.; assistant Sivitsky D.A.

Dissertations prepared at the department:
Bykadorov A.V. “Rolling of cuts from several cars on mechanized and automated roller coasters,” 1963.
Potapov P.R. “Study of the processes of operation of hump station marshalling parks,” 1966.
Kolkov I.T. “Calculation and design of railway industrial marshalling stations”, 1967
Vlasov V.N. "Placement and Development of Baggage and Mail Facilities at Large Passenger Stations", 1968.
Chernov E.D. “Study of the influence of the factor of unevenness of train traffic on the required dimensions of track development of reception and departure parks of stations,” 1968.
Fedotov N.I. “Investigation of the processes of operation and design of transport systems under fluctuations in traffic flows” (doctoral dissertation), 1971.
Bulavchenko I.D. “Study of schemes and stages of development of local and district marshalling stations”, 1972.
Makukha A.M. “Study of the organization of movement of transfer trains at railway junctions,” 1974.
Burnashov I.P. “Study of issues of increasing capacity and organizing the work of stations and sections on heavy-duty double-track lines,” 1977.
Dashkov M.G. “Issues of designing and straightening the profile of hump humps”, 1980.
Zhukov V.I. “Improving schemes and technological processes of railway loading stations”, 1984.
Klimov A.A. “Improving sorting devices specialized for empty cars,” 2001.
Ulanov A.A. “Improving the organization of local work at the railway junction and adjacent areas,” 2001.
Karasev S.V. “The influence of the hump design, the structure of car flow and the external environment on the quality of filling the tracks of the marshalling yard”, 2003.
Grenkevich O.O. “Development of a methodology for selecting the optimal method for forming multi-group trains based on the criterion of operating costs for shunting work,” 2004.
Kuznetsova A.A. “Optimization of technology for driving freight trains along hauls based on the criterion of minimum operating costs by mileage,” 2006.
Burdyak P.S. “Development of a methodology for determining the parameters of non-hull sorting devices”, 2015.
Osipov D.V. “Improving methods for calculating the parameters of the transfer part of humps,” 2017.

Topic 7 Stations and nodes p.6


On the road is a separate point on single-track lines that has a track development intended for crossing and overtaking trains. In addition to crossing and overtaking trains, passengers are boarded and disembarked at sidings, and in some cases, small amounts of cargo are loaded and unloaded. To carry out these operations at the sidings there is a main track, used mainly for the non-stop passage of trains, one or two receiving and departure tracks on which trains are accepted for crossing or overtaking, a passenger building (usually combined with the station duty officer’s room) and platforms for boarding and disembarkation of passengers, signaling devices, centralization and blocking (SCB) and communications, lighting, switch posts. On electrified lines, in addition, there is a contact network.

If there is one receiving and departure track, in addition to the main one, it is possible to organize either the crossing of trains in opposite directions, or overtaking in one direction. If it is necessary to cross two trains with one of them overtaken by a more urgent train, two receiving and departure tracks are required, respectively. With two tracks, it is possible for a package of two trains to cross with trains in the opposite direction with partial and batch schedules. If the line involves crossing packages of two trains with an oncoming train and overtaking it with a fourth, then at least three receiving and departure tracks are required, in addition to the main one.

According to the layout of receiving and departure routes distinguish between patrols with longitudinal, semi-longitudinal And transverse placement of paths. In addition to the receiving and departure tracks, sidings may have an additional dead-end track intended for loading and unloading cargo, parking of service cars, track machines, etc.

Schemes with longitudinal tracks provide greater capacity of adjacent sections due to the possibility of crossing and overtaking extended, including connected freight trains, which allows increasing the carrying capacity of the section. In addition, better conditions are created for accelerating trains upon departure and simultaneously receiving oncoming trains. Scheme A, in addition, it ensures maximum use of existing devices when constructing double-track inserts or a second main track. According to this scheme, sidings are built on lines of categories I and II. Scheme B used when there are a large number of passenger trains passing while overtaking freight trains, as well as when performing loading and unloading operations on both sides of the main track. The disadvantages of longitudinal type schemes are the large required length of the station platform L pl = 2 l 0 + 350 m (l 0 – standard useful length of receiving and departure tracks).

Scheme with a semi-longitudinal arrangement of tracks used when the platform is insufficiently long or in the presence of artificial structures that limit the length of the siding. The track offset must be sufficient to accommodate a passenger train within the useful length of the main track. Due to the large distance between the turnouts, this scheme is only permissible with centralized control of the turnouts.

Transverse track layout requires a minimum platform length L pl = l 0 +400 m, provides a compact arrangement of devices, as well as independence in the use of receiving and sending paths, when the occupation of any path does not interfere with the use of other ones. However, in this case it is impossible to cross trains of increased length, the conditions for the simultaneous reception of trains from opposite directions and the acceleration of trains when placing a siding in the pit worsen. Therefore, a scheme of this type is used on lines of categories III and IV, as well as in difficult topographic conditions on lines of categories I and II. A second passenger platform may be provided when crossing passenger trains at a siding.

Cross-type sidings, where turnouts leading to receiving and departure tracks are laid at a minimum distance according to the parallel laying scheme and according to the principle of legality(the first input arrow deviates to the right) require less construction and maintenance costs.

On freight-loaded single-track sections equipped with dispatch centralization devices, favorable conditions are created for non-stop crossing of trains using double track inserts . To create a double-track insert, one of the receiving and departure tracks is extended towards one or both stages. The length of the double-track insert should ensure the possibility of crossing trains on the move even if they do not pass through a separate point at the same time: it is determined by a special calculation and is 4...6 km. At the same time, throughput increases by 1.5 - 1.7 times, the local speed of trains increases by 40...60%, and, consequently, the required fleet of locomotives and cars, the number of locomotive crews is reduced, fuel and electricity consumption is reduced.

Passing points

Fast track is a separate point on double-track lines that has a track development that allows overtaking trains and, if necessary, transferring a train from one main track to another. In addition, passenger boarding and disembarking, and in some cases, cargo operations in small volumes, are carried out at overtaking points.

To overtake trains at passing points, as a rule, there is one receiving and departure track in each direction, and to transfer trains from one main track to another, between the main tracks in the necks are laid dispatcher conferences. In addition, at passing points, a passenger building or pavilion, platforms and passages between them, a service building, signaling and communication devices, lighting and contact networks (on electrified lines), and switch posts are constructed.

Passing points come with transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal location of receiving and departure routes, as well as consistent the location of passenger devices and tracks for freight traffic, with the first type being the main one. Semi-longitudinal and longitudinal arrangement of passing tracks is used in cases where it is necessary to facilitate the acceleration of trains. A scheme with a sequential arrangement of passenger devices and tracks for freight traffic is advisable in areas with intense suburban traffic.

Intermediate stations

Of the total number of stations on railways, the main share falls on intermediate stations. Unlike sidings and passing points, which are built only to provide the necessary capacity of the line, each intermediate station is also charged with the task of meeting the needs of the national economy for the transportation of goods and passengers. Therefore, for intermediate stations main operations will be:

    allowing passenger and freight trains through the station, and, if necessary, crossing and overtaking them;

    reception and departure of passenger or mail and luggage trains that stop at the station;

    reception and departure of freight trains operating at the station;

    shunting operations for uncoupling and attaching cars to such trains, servicing cargo points and access roads;

    organization and provision of passenger, mail, luggage and cargo operations, as well as interaction with other modes of transport.

In addition, at some intermediate stations, due to local conditions, additional operations:

    formation of prefabricated or other local trains, when it is very difficult or ineffective to form them at local or marshalling stations;

    connecting or disconnecting connected trains;

    stopping transit trains to fully test the brakes before a long descent;

    turnover of suburban multiple unit trains, when the station is also the end of their circulation zone ( zone station);

    ensuring the operation of pushing locomotives, etc.

To perform basic operations, intermediate stations must have path development and devices with appropriate equipment. To organize the passage, overtaking and crossing of trains (or other stops provided for in the schedule in accordance with the characteristics of the line), stops of passenger and mail and luggage trains, except main, are provided receiving and departure routes. To organize work with trains that have cars uncoupled or coupled at a given station, exhaust ducts. To carry out cargo operations, there are provided loading and unloading tracks, warehouses or areas for receiving, storing, issuing cargo, machines and mechanisms for loading and unloading cargo, and, if necessary, weighing cars for large loading of bulk cargo, exhibition paths for wagons supplied to driveways.

TO passenger devices include passenger building, platforms, transitions on the same or different levels (pedestrian bridges or tunnels), mail and luggage rooms and machines for transporting mail and luggage, sanitary and commercial premises.

Intermediate stations are equipped with signaling and communication devices, lighting and water supply and drainage; on electrified lines, receiving and departing tracks are equipped with a contact network. Sometimes at intermediate stations there are also traction substations. The passenger building and cargo warehouses must have convenient vehicle access on both sides of the station with crossings or overpasses.

Depending on the relative position of the receiving and departure tracks, as well as sidings and passing points, intermediate stations are divided into stations transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal type.

On single track lines most often used longitudinal track layout , which has advantages over others in ensuring traffic safety and line capacity, similar to sidings. is used if, due to local conditions, it is impossible to place tracks along a longitudinal pattern. Transverse track layout used on single-track lines of categories III and IV, as well as in difficult topographic and climatic conditions on lines of categories I and II.

Longitudinal type schemes are distinguished not only by the one-sided or multilateral arrangement of receiving and departure tracks relative to the main track, but also by the multilateral or one-sided arrangement of passenger and cargo devices relative to the main track. The organization of passing, crossing or overtaking transit trains is the same as at sidings of the same type.

When designing intermediate stations, it is planned to isolate shunting routes from train work, i.e., so that work on uncoupling and coupling cars with prefabricated trains and servicing freight points can be carried out in parallel with crossing or overtaking trains at the station. For this purpose, the tracks leading to the freight devices must always be adjacent to the exhaust track behind the ramp along which trains are received or departed.

In the absence of crossing passenger trains at stations, one passenger platform is provided, as a rule, at the passenger building; if there is a crossing, the second platform is arranged between the main and the receiving and dispatch path, which then turns into an exhaust path.

On double track lines schemes with transverse, semi-longitudinal And longitudinal location of receiving and departure routes. The main one is considered diagram of a station with a transverse arrangement of receiving and departing tracks (A), ensuring compact placement of devices. Semi-longitudinal track layout (b) can be used when passing passenger trains with a stop along one of the main tracks, and also, if necessary, have an additional loading and unloading front or an adjoining access road on the side of the passenger building. Longitudinal track layout (V) used when it is necessary to have an additional loading and unloading front and transfer of cars (or trains) from one direction to another, as well as on high-speed lines.

Trains pass on the main tracks without stopping, and tracks are used to overtake trains 3 (for odd numbers) and 4 (for even ones). Passenger trains with a stop are passed in longitudinal and semi-longitudinal type schemes along the main ones, and in transverse type schemes ( A) – even in II the main one, and the odd ones - along the receiving-departure path 3 . Sometimes, in specific local conditions, it is permissible to install a passenger platform between the main tracks. Prefabricated or other trains with work at the station are accepted onto the track 5 , and if he is busy - on the way 4 . When receiving and departing prefabricated trains in an odd direction, hostility arises with routes along II the main path.

Intermediate stations on multi-track sections(usually on heavily loaded lines and approaches to large cities) can have transverse or semi-longitudinal receiving and departure tracks. The layouts of these stations depend on the number and specialization of the main tracks, the placement of passenger and cargo devices, the location of the station's receiving and departure tracks before the laying of additional main tracks, the length of the station areas and other local conditions on the site and at the station. On three-track sections two tracks are single-acting, as on a double-track section, and the third is double-acting, as on a single-track, and this third double-acting main track can be located either on the side or between the main single-track tracks. On four-track sections Various options are possible for the specialization of the main tracks to accommodate passenger, commuter, suburban “express” trains (having a small number of stops within a four-track section) and freight trains in different combinations and directions.

Technical equipment and design of intermediate stations

Intermediate stations are built on single-track and double-track railway lines. There are intermediate stations: ordinary, supporting And for non-stop crossing of trains; by location of receiving and departure routes - longitudinal, semi-longitudinal And transverse types. At intermediate stations they are designed main, acceptance and dispatch, exhaust, exhibition And loading and unloading ways.

Reception and departure routes have useful length 850 , 1050 ,1250 m. To connect the tracks, grade turnouts are used 1/9 , 1/11 , 1/18 And 1/22 . Number of receiving and departure tracks at intermediate stations single track lines is adopted depending on its required capacity: with 24 pairs of trains or less - two tracks, except for the main one, and with a single-track line capacity of more than 24 pairs of trains and on double-track lines- from two to three. At pre-node and reference stations, it is allowed to increase the number of receiving and sending tracks by 1.

Exhaust paths for shunting work for servicing loading and unloading points and in some cases for disbanding and forming trains, they are built when traffic volumes exceed 12 pairs of trains per day. The useful length of the exhaust ducts is established 450 - 500 m and corresponds to approximately half the length of the design train.

Exhibition paths are intended for parking of wagons awaiting cargo operations or after their production. The number of tracks is determined by the volume of work of the cargo yard and access roads.

In the cargo yard, exhibition tracks are placed parallel to the loading and unloading tracks, for access tracks - parallel to the receiving and departure tracks or sequentially behind the station tracks on the side of the enterprises. If there is no straight section in the plan, exhibition tracks can be located on curves with a radius of at least 600 m, and in difficult conditions - 500 m.

Loading and unloading tracks , laid on the territory of the cargo yard, are intended for parking of wagons during cargo operations. The useful length of these paths is determined by the front of loading and unloading operations, but should not be less than 120 150 m. Loading and unloading routes are designed as dead-end or end-to-end according to the standards established for exhibition routes. The main requirement for their placement is the independence of the supply and removal of wagons to each section of the cargo warehouses.

Ways for equipping shunting locomotives located near the cargo yard tracks. Usually these are two dead-end paths with a useful length of 100 m: one contains equipment, and the second is used for unloading fuel, sand and lubricants.

Pushing parking path locomotive is located near the receiving and departure tracks, from where trains depart towards the long ascent. Useful path length – 60 m.

Distance between axes of adjacent tracks at stations on direct sections there should be:

not less than 4800 mm (optimally – 5300 mm) – for main, receiving and dispatching and sorting tracks;

not less than 5300 mm (optimally – 6500 mm) – between the exhaust path and the path adjacent to it;

not less than 4500 mm (optimally – 4800 mm) – for secondary station tracks (tracks for parking and equipment of rolling stock, tracks for freight yards, etc.);

not less than 3600 mm – for tracks intended for direct transshipment of goods and containers from wagon to wagon.

Length of station platformsL pl on new lines it is set depending on the useful length and relative position of the receiving and departure tracks and is adopted for the following schemes:

    longitudinal L pl = 2 l 0 + 800 m;

    semi-longitudinal L pl = l 0 + 1150 m;

    transverse L pl = l 0 + 600 m,

Where l 0 – standard useful length of receiving and departure tracks for freight traffic.

In longitudinal profile the main and other station tracks of intermediate stations are located on the site or slopes not exceeding 1,5 0 / 00 . In difficult conditions, it is allowed to increase the slopes up to 2,5 0 / 00 . Exhaust paths outside the necks are designed on the platform or on the descent no steeper than 2.5 0 / 00 towards the station. In difficult conditions, it is possible to design them at the main track profile level.

Cross profiles at intermediate stations of all types they are designed, as a rule, to be double-sloped with slopes directed in different directions: on single-track lines - from the axis of the main track, and on double-track lines - from the axis of the inter-track between the main tracks.

The magnitude of the slope of the roadbed surface is set depending on the type of soil of the roadbed, climatic conditions and the number of tracks located within the slope, and ranges from 0,01 before 0,02 .

In respect of Station tracks should be located on straight sections. In difficult conditions, it is allowed to place them on curves with a radius of at least:

2000 m – on high-speed lines;

1500 m – on main lines of categories I and II;

    m – on heavy-duty lines, categories III and IV.

In difficult topographic conditions, it is possible to reduce the radius of the curve to 600 m on heavy-duty lines, categories III and IV, and in mountainous conditions - up to 500 m.

If there is a need to construct a station, siding or passing point with a transverse arrangement of tracks on a curve, then this must be done on a curve directed in one direction. In difficult cases, separate points with longitudinal and semi-longitudinal tracks may be located on reverse curves(two adjacent curves, convex in opposite directions). In this case, the paths of each direction of movement within the useful length should be located on curves facing one direction, between these curves a direct insert of at least 75 m, in particularly difficult conditions - no less 30 m.

Exhaust paths are not allowed to be located on reverse curves. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to maintain reverse curves on exhaust tracks until stations are rebuilt. In all cases, in the presence of reverse curves, conditions for safe shunting work must be ensured.

To prevent the spontaneous departure of rolling stock (without a locomotive) beyond the useful length of the tracks at stations, sidings and passing points, the longitudinal profile of the receiving and departure tracks, which provide for the uncoupling of locomotives from cars and the performance of maneuvers, is designed concave (pit-shaped) outlines with identical elevation marks at the ends of the useful length of the paths. In necessary cases, to prevent spontaneous departure of cars, provision should be made for the installation of safety dead ends, safety arrows, release shoes or points, as well as the use of stationary devices for securing cars included in the electrical centralization.

To serve passengers they are building passenger devices:passenger buildings (train stations), passenger platforms And transitions between them.

Passenger buildings with premises for the station master and station duty officer, built for 25, 50, 100 or 200 passengers and located, as a rule, on the side of the populated area at a distance of at least 20 m from the axis of the nearest main track, and on new lines with speeds of more than 120 km/h - no less 25 m.

Passenger platforms arranged, as a rule, low, high 0.2 m above the level of the rail head. High platforms 1.1 m They are built at stations in suburban areas with heavy traffic of multiple unit trains. The length of the platforms is taken according to the length of the passenger train, while at newly constructed stations it is possible to extend them up to 600 m, and at stations serving only suburban traffic - up to 300 m. The width of passenger platforms is assumed to be: the main side one within the station - no less 6 m(on the rest of its length - no less 4 m), intermediate – no less 4 m, and with a small number of passengers (when boarding one train no more than 25 people) - no less 3m.

For the passage of passengers and the transportation of luggage and mail, intermediate low platforms are arranged transitions (decks) at the level of the rail heads with a width of 3...4 m. One transition is made opposite the passenger building and two - approximately 1/4 of the length from the ends of the platform.

Cargo devices in accordance with Rules and technical standards for the design of stations and units on 1520 mm gauge railways, as a rule, should be located on the side opposite the passenger building, which avoids crossing the main tracks when maneuvering with combined trains. On lines with difficult climatic and topographic conditions, it is allowed to place cargo devices on the side of the passenger building and the populated area, which makes it possible to reduce the volume of excavation work, the length of roads, utility networks and improve the working conditions of workers in the cargo area. The disadvantages of this arrangement include: the prefabricated train and shunting work occupy the track near the passenger building, which complicates passenger operations, threatens the safety of passengers or requires the installation of transitions at different levels and other safety measures; the need to stop maneuvers to move passengers to or from trains. When receiving prefabricated trains on the side opposite from the loading devices, an intersection of the main tracks occurs when uncoupling and attaching cars, which causes delays in prefabricated trains, especially on double-track sections. When choosing a location for loading devices, one must also take into account the possibility of increasing the number of tracks in the future from these devices, the junction of access roads, the wind rose and sanitary requirements, the cost of vehicles, and line load.

For small cargo turnover, cargo devices include covered warehouse And covered platform overall length 40 m, and bulk cargo area length 30 m. Dimensions container sites accepted depending on the volume of work and the type of loading and unloading mechanism. The main mechanisms at container sites are forklifts And gantry cranes.

Automation and telemechanics devices consist of input, weekend, route And shunting traffic lights And point electric drives, controlled by the station duty officer or train dispatcher (with dispatch centralization). When manually controlled, switches are built in the inlet necks (on the right side in the direction of train movement) switch posts. At intermediate stations of electrified roads there are also traction substations.

Water supply devices consist of water intake And water pumping structures, pumping stations, pressure And distribution networks, water pumps, firefighters And water taps. Water pumping structures are located in elevated areas, close to the main water consumer. When they are placed outside the track development, the intersection of tracks is made at a right angle. To supply water to passenger devices and technical needs, they are building water bodies, located at a distance of at least 150 m from the axis of the passenger building and 70 m from the axis of the main track.

Lighting lines located outside the track development. First of all, the necks, passenger platforms and cargo devices are illuminated.

Connection of access roads

In the area of ​​intermediate stations, as a rule, there are enterprises or bases whose transportation needs are met by rail. Such enterprises have their own internal railway network, which is called industrial railway transport . At small enterprises, this can be one or two tracks directly at the freight fronts, and at large ones, for example metallurgical plants, the expanded length of the network reaches several hundred kilometers with dozens of internal stations, its own locomotive and wagon fleet.

To connect railway stations with the internal network of enterprises, they design driveways , through which carriages are transferred to enterprises and back. The access roads are adjacent to the station, and in particularly difficult conditions, with the permission of JSC Russian Railways, the connection may be on the stretch ( auxiliary posts).

The adjoining of access tracks complicates the work of the station and requires additional track development depending on the car turnover of the access track, the nature of incoming and outgoing car flows (routes, groups, individual cars or mixed), the number of freight points, the traction service system (by a station or enterprise locomotive), the nature of traffic along the access route (train or shunting), parameters of the access route (length, slopes, smallest radii and location of the enterprise site relative to the junction station), etc.

On average, one or two access roads are adjacent to intermediate stations, serving small and medium-sized enterprises, which are characterized by a small heterogeneous or large but homogeneous cargo flow, the concentration of cargo devices in one place and the use of railway transport mainly either for the delivery of goods or for the export of products . One or more cargo fronts concentrated in one place of the enterprise with track development, warehouses, machines and mechanisms for cargo operations are called cargo point.

Depending on local conditions and the location of enterprises in relation to the station, there are various options for connecting access roads to the station tracks. Approach tracks must be adjacent to the main group of station tracks, located on the opposite side of the passenger building, and not cross the main tracks when delivering cars to the access track. Options for connecting access roads from the side of the passenger building are undesirable.

In all cases, when access roads adjoin an intermediate station, safety dead ends or drop switches are laid to prevent rolling stock from entering the main and receiving and departing tracks of the station.

Connection of access roads with routed car flow If possible, it is carried out in such a way that at the junction station the direction of movement of the routes going to the access road and back does not change, and such access roads should adjoin the neck of the station. For example, when following routes to and from an access road in the direction A connection must be optional I or IV, and in the direction B– according to options II or III. When served by mainline locomotives, only route trains are allowed to pass through the station to the access track and back, and one additional receiving and departure track is laid at the station (track 7 For I And II options, 6 - For III And IV options) to wait for departure to the access road or site, depending on how busy it is. For any type of station, the connection of such access roads will be similar. If at the junction station there is a change in the direction of movement of the routes, then another path is required for overtaking locomotives.

In most cases, routes to the siding address, after arriving at the junction station, are delivered to the cargo points of the siding track in parts by an enterprise locomotive or a station shunting locomotive. If transportation is carried out by an enterprise locomotive, then three tracks are required (one for the remaining part of the route, the second for wagons withdrawn from the access track, the third for overtaking the locomotive), as shown in rice.b in option I, ways 6, 7, 8 and dead end 9 on the side opposite to the junction for the arrangement of isolated routes for the movement of the locomotive of the access track.

The access routes of the type considered are those of mining industry enterprises (quarries, open-pit mines) with incoming empty routes and outgoing shipping routes, as well as construction industry enterprises and thermal power plants that receive cargo along routes and send empty goods to the line.

At junction of access roads with non-routed car flow arriving at a station with collection or export trains, the direction from which it arrives or departs does not play a special role, since it is processed at the junction station.

If the car flow is small, then when servicing the access track by a railway locomotive at the station, additional sorting and exhibition track in the station shunting area, regardless of the location of the enterprise, usually next to the existing exhibition track near the cargo devices (track 8 or 8`) or parallel to the receiving and dispatch path.

The length of this route must be no less than the largest group of cars arriving simultaneously at the adjacent industrial enterprise. If the access track is served by a station locomotive, then the organization of work depends on the layout of the cargo point, and the connection, depending on the location of the enterprise site, can be carried out according to options II, IIIa, IIIb, IVa And IVb.

When servicing an access track by a locomotive of an industrial enterprise, at the junction station, cars are selected for the access route and moved to the exhibition track. An example of such a connection is options Ia, II. When the site is located on the side opposite the main shunting area, the number of exhibition tracks depends on the order of movement along the access track, the need to overtake the locomotive and the isolation of the locomotive routes of the industrial enterprise.

To ensure traffic safety at the junction of access roads, where necessary, safety dead ends are provided (or security arrows, dropping shoes, etc.).

Acceptance and delivery operations are carried out, as a rule, on the tracks of the junction station when servicing transportation by the enterprise locomotive and, conversely, on the access track when servicing it by the station locomotive.

When servicing the access track by a station locomotive, its track development is simplified, since there is no need to create isolated areas for different locomotives, but it may be necessary to strengthen track development on the internal tracks of enterprises.

Reference intermediate stations

On lines with heavy traffic, the circulation of prefabricated trains has a negative impact on sectional speed and section capacity, because Each stop of a prefabricated train increases the duration of its stay on the section and leads to the removal of at least one train of a different category from the schedule. Therefore, reducing the number of stops of a prefabricated train helps to increase section speed and better use of section capacity.

On many sections of railways there are a large number of intermediate stations located at a distance of 7...10 km from each other, while the volume of freight work at such stations is insignificant. In order to intensify the transportation process in areas with large traffic sizes, so-called reference intermediate stations. The consolidated train stops only at these stations, where the cars are uncoupled to recipients located both at this station and at nearby intermediate stations where it does not stop. The cars uncoupled at the reference station are transported to nearby stations by a shunting locomotive. After completing cargo operations, the shunting locomotive collects the cars and delivers them to the support station, where they are coupled to the assembly train.

When freight work is concentrated at reference stations, the remaining stations are either closed for freight work and essentially turn into sidings or passing points, or remain stations for connecting access roads, which are served by the locomotive of the reference station. Cargo from inactive stations is delivered to the base station by road, which achieves not only a reduction in the number of stops of the assembly train, but also the concentration of cargo work at a smaller number of stations.

Support stations with developed cargo facilities are located at a distance of 30...40 km from each other, depending on the availability and condition of roads.

Support stations have appropriate development of track and storage facilities, mechanization facilities. At support stations, it is planned to strengthen track development and cargo facilities, which are turned into cargo areas, divided depending on daily cargo handling into four categories: I – 12, II – 22, III – 32, IV– 45 carriages.

In the cargo areas of support stations, covered warehouses, covered and open platforms are built for processing packaged cargo. The length of covered warehouses is taken as a multiple of 6, but not more than 300 m, and the width is not less than 18 m. The estimated length of the front of covered warehouses with an external track arrangement is increased to the total length of cars of maximum supply (the length of a covered car is 14.73 m), so that when placing cars their doors were opposite the doors of the warehouse.

In cargo areas of categories III and IV, covered warehouses are built with internal tracks 24 or 30 m wide with one or two tracks and 72 or 144 m long. Warehouse tracks can be dead-end or through.

The length of loading and unloading fronts of open platforms and platforms is determined in the same way as for covered warehouses. The dimensions of the container site are taken according to standard designs.

For direct cargo transshipment using the direct car-car version, high platforms 6 m wide are built, which have a jagged shape on the side of the vehicle entrance, and at the end there is a ramp with a slope of 1:10 for the entry of forklifts. The length of the platform is taken according to standard projects at the rate of processing 8, 12, 16, 20 cars per day and amounts to 38.6, respectively; 47.6; 65.6; 74.6 m.

For self-propelled loading and unloading of various wheeled cargo, a high platform with a side and end front or only a side front, 27 or 54 m long and 6 m wide, with ramp slopes of no more than 1:7, is installed.

To unload bulk cargo transported in gondola cars, elevated tracks with a height of 1.5...2.4 m are built, on both sides of which platforms for storing cargo are located. Sometimes elevated tracks and platforms are covered with a gantry crane for loading cargo onto vehicles, closing car hatches, and unloading cargo in winter.

To organize sorting work on the selection of cars, they lay sorting and exhibition tracks, the number of which depends on the volume of work, the number of cargo fronts and cargo points or access roads, car flows on them and the access road maintenance system.

Reconstruction of intermediate stations

The reconstruction of intermediate stations is carried out in connection with the introduction of new types of traction, the construction of second tracks, the transition to non-stop crossing of trains, the development of devices for passenger or freight traffic, the connection of new lines or access roads, the introduction of new automation and telemechanics.

The main types of reconstruction of intermediate stations include: adaptation of the station for high-speed traffic; extension of receiving and departure routes to increase the weight of trains; laying additional tracks with increasing movement; construction of new and expansion of existing passenger platforms and cargo yards; connection of access roads; equipment with automation and telemechanics devices.

Due to the development of high-speed traffic at intermediate stations the following is carried out:

    straightening main paths and increasing curve radii;

    removal of necks to straight sections of the track;

    removal of a certain number of switches on the main tracks and replacement of cross switches and blind intersections with ordinary mark switches 1/11 with a slope and a continuous rolling surface in the cross part, 1/18 or 1/22 ;

    reconstruction of necks to replace short inserts between turnouts with longer ones (at least 25 m);

    moving passenger platforms to the outside of the main tracks;

    replacing crossings and crossings with tunnels, pedestrian bridges and overpasses;

    modernization of electrical centralization devices for turnouts and signals.

Extension of tracks As a rule, it is done in the direction of a simpler (in design) neck and a gentle slope. To reduce the volume of excavation work, it is allowed to lengthen the tracks in both directions.

Increasing the length of the station site is possible by changing the slopes when approaching the station or using an existing site or part of it with a slope 1,5 0 / 00 . Additional tracks are laid parallel to existing ones or the station is rebuilt, changing its type (for example, transverse to semi-longitudinal or longitudinal).

New lines of local or main importance, depending on the specified conditions, are connected from either side of the station. The connection of the new line at the neck should ensure the possibility of simultaneous reception of trains from the existing and newly built lines on all tracks of the station.

With the development of devices for servicing passenger traffic Existing platforms are extended and new ones are built, and transitions between platforms are constructed. During the construction of tunnels or pedestrian bridges, platforms are widened, station tracks are shifted or rearranged, and tracks are laid for parking of commuter trains.

When reconstructing cargo yards new warehouse areas and scales are expanded and built, additional exhibition routes are laid or existing exhaust routes are extended.

Introduction of new automation and telemechanics means(automatic blocking, electrical centralization of switches and signals) requires widening of track-to-paths for installation of output signals and relocation of turnouts for installation of direct inserts between them.

The optimal option for rebuilding the station is determined on the basis of a feasibility study, taking into account development prospects, capacity and other factors.

To control the movement of trains, railway lines are divided into separate parts, on the boundaries of which separate points are located, the classification of which is shown in Fig. 2.3.

From the point of view of infrastructure, the most important stations for ensuring transportation are those that provide communication with the clientele.

Station- a separate point where, in addition to stopping and overtaking trains, loading and unloading of cargo, receiving, storing and issuing them to clients, serving passengers is carried out, and with appropriate development of the track facilities - disbanding and formation of trains, maintenance and repair of rolling stock of railway transport.

Railway tracks at stations are divided into two groups: station and special purpose. TO station tracks These include tracks within the boundaries of the station: main tracks, which are a continuation of haul tracks, receiving and dispatching tracks, sorting tracks, loading and unloading tracks, depot tracks, exhaust tracks for rearranging groups of cars or trains, exhibition tracks for storing cars, etc. TO special purpose tracks include catchment dead ends and access roads to enterprises and warehouses.

If at a station there is a group of tracks of the same purpose, united by one entrance and exit (neck), then they are called park.

Neck station is the zone in which the turnouts are laid, connecting the tracks and parks with each other, as well as with the main, exhaust and running tracks.

Rice. 2.3.

Passenger railway station– a separate point of the railway network that provides passenger service, prepares rolling stock for transportation and organizes the movement of passenger trains. Such stations are built in large cities, industrial centers and resort areas. Depending on the main purpose, there are three types of passenger stations:

  • – serving long-distance, local and suburban traffic (stations);
  • – head ones, serving only suburban traffic;
  • – zones in suburban areas for the turnover of trains make it possible to organize terminal stations of routes in areas of significant changes in passenger traffic (Fig. 2.4, A).

Rice. 2.4.

A– linear; b– interchange between the railway and the metro; 1 – tracks for railway trains; 2 – pedestrian crossing (overground or underground); 3 – metro tracks

According to the conditions of placement on the transport line, stations are:

  • dead-end(terminals), where the majority of passengers end or begin their trip;
  • nodal, located at intersections or junctions of lines of one or more modes of transport, with a high proportion of transfers between lines;
  • intermediate, located between terminal and hub stations, with low passenger turnover.

Passenger services include the following operations: sale of travel tickets, boarding and disembarking of passengers, receiving, storing and issuing luggage and hand luggage, receiving and sending mail, services for passengers' rest and creating comfortable conditions for waiting for a trip. To perform these and other services, service centers for branded transport services for passengers are organized at stations both at stations and on trains.

A building for serving passengers at stations with high passenger traffic is called station.

Due to the fact that the railway station serves a large territory, it is rational to form a transport interchange hub (TPU) on its basis. The purpose of the transport hub is to ensure quick and comfortable transfer of passengers to other modes of transport. In large cities, transport hubs are organized at the intersection of a railway line and a metro line on the basis of a zone railway station (Fig. 2.4, b). Train and bus terminals are most often formed on the basis of railway stations.

Historical reference

The first transport hub based on the Vykhino Platform railway station in the Kazan direction and a metro station in our country was built in 1966 in Moscow (Vykhino metro station). It uses a cross-platform scheme, the principle of which is shown in Fig. 2.4, b. Passengers are transferred at this transport hub from commuter electric trains to the metro, trolleybus, and several dozen city, suburban and intercity bus routes. The station is built from standard reinforced concrete structures with canopies over passenger platforms and open subway and railway tracks. Metro and railway trains approach the same platform from different sides, which significantly increases the convenience of transfers. You can move between the platforms and the exit via underground passages.

The reconstruction of the station in 2003 partially eliminated the possibility of cross-platform transfers, and a special transfer pavilion with turnstiles was built.

In 1978, the Devyatkino metro station was opened in the Leningrad region, where the cross-platform principle of transport hub organization was also used. Unlike Vykhino, the Devyatkino metro station is a closed station, on both sides of which there are railway platforms for suburban electric trains, covered with canopies. The vast majority of passengers transfer between electric trains and the metro, since the station is not accessible by ground urban transport routes, and there is only a small bus station serving suburban bus routes. At the moment, a project has been developed for a significant expansion of this transport hub with the construction of a business center, parking lots and an international bus station.

Freight railway station– a separate point, generally intended for acceptance for transportation, weighing, short-term storage, loading, unloading, sorting and delivery of goods, registration of transportation documents, reception, disbandment, formation and departure of freight trains and car trains, shunting work for the supply of cars to cargo fronts and cleaning them, maintaining access roads and organizing freight forwarding services for clients. At the freight station, interaction with other modes of transport is carried out.

Depending on the purpose and nature of the work performed, cargo stations are divided into the following types:

  • common use, where all types of cargo are processed;
  • specialized – for processing certain types of cargo;
  • reloading– for transshipment of goods between wagons of different gauges;
  • port– for interaction with water transport.

Public freight stations, as a rule, provide round-the-clock reception and departure of trains, the formation and disbandment of trains with a selection of cars at destination stations, and the performance of freight and commercial operations. To perform loading and unloading operations at the station, a formation is formed cargo area. If it belongs to the owner of the railway infrastructure, then it belongs to public areas. The technical equipment of the cargo area is determined by the volume of work and the type of cargo processed, and its location should provide convenient access to other modes of transport. The owner of the infrastructure is responsible for equipping public cargo areas with the necessary loading and unloading equipment, overpasses, and means for cleaning wagons and containers. Individual warehouses, sections of railway tracks and cargo area may not be owned by the infrastructure owner or may be leased to them. These areas belong to non-public places, and their equipment in accordance with regulatory requirements is carried out at the expense of the entity to which they are provided.

As a rule, railway infrastructure is provided to the carrier on the basis of a long-term agreement in accordance with the Rules for the provision of services for the use of public railway transport infrastructure. The owner of the infrastructure approves the applications submitted by the carrier and may refuse approval in cases provided for by the Railway Transport Charter.

In connection with the development of container transportation, railway transport has become widespread. container points, most of which are located at road and rail terminals. Such points are an asphalt concrete platform equipped with handling equipment (gantry cranes, loaders, etc.) according to the cargo turnover. A diagram of such a container point is shown in Fig. 2.5.

Rice. 2.5.

As a rule, large container points are connected by scheduled container trains, which significantly speeds up the transportation of goods.

Foreign experience

In Western Europe, by the end of the last century, due to the congestion of the road network, the problem of meeting the deadlines for delivering goods by road became significantly worse. To solve this problem, it was proposed to use lightly loaded railway lines to organize the movement of freight trains along them according to the schedule and to build a network of terminals for quick loading and unloading of such trains.

Terminals can be divided into three types, each of which provides

  • 1) exit and entry of road trains onto special railway platforms. In this case, a small paved area and a mobile overpass are usually needed;
  • 2) exchange of containers and swap bodies. Typically, at such terminals, wide asphalt concrete passages are arranged between the railway tracks, on which reloading is carried out using reach stackers. The width of the passages allows for short-term storage of containers, although most of them are reloaded directly from the road train to the railway platform and vice versa;
  • 3) in addition to reloading containers and swap bodies, also reloading semi-trailers. For this purpose, in addition to wheeled reloading equipment, the terminal is equipped with a powerful portal crane.

Transportation between terminals is carried out by express trains according to a schedule, which allows the delivery operator to plan the schedule in advance, since loading a train usually takes about an hour, half an hour is required to unload the train.

Container transportation technologies are constantly evolving, and to reduce the loading and unloading time of trains carrying road trains, a French company Lohr Industries developed a system Modalohr, in which a railway platform with a road train can be rotated, and stationary overpasses located at an angle to the axis of the railway track are equipped at the terminal. This allows road trains to enter and exit the railway platform independently of each other. 1

Railway junction called the area of ​​confluence or intersection of several railway lines, in which trains move from one line to another, sorting work and passenger transfers are carried out. The railway junction includes specialized stations (passenger, marshalling, freight), main and connecting, and access roads and railway transport enterprises. The railway junction is part of a transport hub - a complex of facilities that implement transport processes in places where several types of mainline transport interact.

Railway junctions are qualified taking into account the following factors.

Depending on the nature of operational work and population size The nodes of the cities served are:

  • – transit – located in the area of ​​small and medium-sized cities with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitants, serving mainly transit passenger and freight traffic;
  • – with significant local work – in the area of ​​large cities with a population of 100 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants;
  • – large with significant local work – in large cities with a population of 0.5 million to 1 million inhabitants;
  • - the largest with a lot of local work and a large volume of long-distance, local and suburban traffic - in cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants.

By geographical location railway junctions are divided into three groups:

  • – land;
  • – located on the seashore (servicing the seaport);
  • – on the banks of navigable rivers (servicing a river port).

By layout of the main devices nodes are distinguished:

  • – with one station;
  • – parallel arrangement of stations;
  • – sequential arrangement of stations.

The railway transport infrastructure must comply with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of railway transport infrastructure" TR CU 003/2011. In this case, safety is understood as such a state of the railway transport infrastructure in which there is no unacceptable risk associated with causing harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, as well as the environment, life or health of animals and plants. For lines on which trains are expected to operate at speeds of more than 200 km/h, the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of high-speed rail transport” TR CU 002/2011 are in effect.

  • Reach stacker (reach stacker – Lever mechanical stacker) is a heavy specialized crane on wheels, designed to perform handling work with containers. Unlike a crane, the reach stacker, like a loader, can move freely with the container raised.


Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia

as a textbook for students of technical schools and colleges

railway transport

Moscow 2004


The textbook “Railway Stations and Junctions” corresponds to the program of the discipline “Stations and Junctions”. It describes in detail the designs of track elements: superstructure, turnouts, subgrade, modern requirements for the designs of track elements and modern methods of their protection, laying and maintenance.

The textbook presents diagrams of all separate points and the technology of their operation in accordance with the Rules and technical standards for the design of stations and units on 1520 mm gauge railways, and discusses the principles of developing neck designs; the role of stations in modern conditions of railway transport is indicated; The modern technical equipment of railway stations and modern methods for calculating station devices, prospects for the development of stations and all railway transport are presented.

The author expresses gratitude to the reviewers - Deputy Head of the Transportation Management Department of JSC Russian Railways, Sy. Eliseev, chief specialist of the department for long-term development of railways. Transport Institute Giprotranstei B.I. Efremov and teacher of the Uzlovsky Technical School of Railway Transport N.P. Korotaeva for useful recommendations and comments on the manuscript, as well as Deputy Chief Engineer of Mosgi-rotrans N.V. Markina for valuable recommendations on the division of stations and the chief expert of the Department of Expertise G.I. Kurkova for valuable advice on the content of paragraph 1.2. "Subgrade" and T.Ya. Broitman for his assistance in preparing the manuscript for publication.


The railway track and stations are the main elements of the railway transport economy. A railway track is a complex of engineering structures and devices designed for the uninterrupted and safe movement of trains at set speeds in strict accordance with the train schedule. The main elements of a railway track are: the superstructure, the roadbed and artificial structures.

The main structural forms of the railway track and engineering solutions have been preserved to this day. This testifies to the high professionalism of the first designers and builders of railways. The load from the wheels of the rolling stock is transferred to the rail, then sleepers, ballast and, finally, the roadbed, i.e. The area that takes up the load increases all the time with distance from the contact of the wheel and the rail. This allows the use of various materials with different load-bearing capacities for the construction of a railway track (steel, reinforced concrete, wood, soil). All track elements operate in difficult conditions, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the track, carry out track repairs and replace individual elements of the track's upper structure.

To ensure the necessary throughput and safety of train traffic, each line is divided into sections at separate points. Separate points are waypoints, sidings, passing points, stations, and in case of automatic blocking, traffic lights.

Sidings are separate points on a single-track line, the track development of which is intended for crossing and overtaking trains, as well as for carrying out small-scale passenger and cargo operations.

Overtaking points are separate points on a double-track line that have track development for overtaking trains. Sidings and passing points, in addition to the main tracks, have one or two tracks for receiving trains. Passenger and cargo operations are carried out on a small scale at passing points.

All main work with trains, passenger service, and work with cargo belonging to enterprises and organizations is carried out at stations. Depending on the track development, volume and nature of the work performed, stations are divided into: intermediate, sectional, sorting, passenger and passenger technical, cargo.

Intermediate stations perform the reception and departure of trains, overtaking and crossing trains, boarding and disembarking passengers, receiving, issuing and storing cargo and luggage.

District stations provide the change of train locomotive and locomotive crews, formation of prefabricated and sectional trains, maintenance and commercial inspection of trains, repair of locomotives and cars, and also carry out passenger and freight operations.

The most powerful marshalling stations, where carriages are processed, form all categories of trains; carry out inspection and repair of locomotives and cars; carry out passenger and cargo operations on a small scale.

The main work of cargo stations is: loading, unloading, storing cargo, receiving cargo from senders and issuing cargo to recipients, as well as processing documents.

Passenger stations provide boarding and disembarking of passengers; ticket sales; reception and departure of passenger trains.

Passenger technical stations organize the preparation of passenger trains, inspection, repair, cleaning of passenger cars, supply of cars with fuel and water.

Railway junctions are located at the intersection of several railway lines. At the nodes, trains, wagons and cargo are transferred from one line to another and passengers are transferred. The node can accommodate several stations: passenger, cargo, sorting. Large hubs may have several stations - passenger, cargo, sorting, as well as local and intermediate.

As of January 1, 2001, the length of the Russian railway network was 85.8 thousand km, including 36.3 thousand km of double-track lines. There are 41.6 thousand km of electrified lines, and the electrification of railway lines continues. Over the past 10 years, since 1991, 3.5 thousand km have been electrified. 45,537 km of continuous continuous track have been laid.

The first railway was built in Russia between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo in 1837 with a length of 26 km. In 1851, a railway connection between St. Petersburg and Moscow was opened. Since that time, massive construction of railways began.

At the beginning of the 21st century. I would like to remember how the railways began and who stood at their origins. In Russia, the struggle for railways from the very beginning acquired not only a socio-economic, but also a political character. The development of a new type of transport was seen as a threat to the serf system.

The new type of transport caused stubborn resistance not only in Russia, but also in other countries. When the issue of building a railway was decided in England, a campaign began in the press to disrupt the construction. The peasants were convinced that “the new type of transport will displace horses, hay and oats will not find a market.” People involved in transportation were afraid of complete ruin. Rumors were spread that “fire engines” would burn cities and villages, the terrible roar of steam locomotives would deprive children of their tongues, cause hearing loss in adults, and milk loss in cows.

America did not lag behind Europe either. “It’s a well-known fact,” wrote one American journalist in the early 1930s. XIX century, - that the passages-

People lose their memory from fast travel on trains. Many business people, upon arriving at the place, forgot about the purpose of their trip, they had to write home to find out why they went.”

An important role in justifying the need for railways was played by such progressive officers of the corps of railway engineers as P.P. Melnikov, N.O. Kraft, M.S. Volkov, N.I. Lipin and others. They laid the foundations of railway science in Russia, trained future railway builders, and later headed the design and construction of railways in Russia.

The controversy about the construction of railways would have continued further, but the matter was accelerated by the professor of the Vienna Polytechnic Institute, Professor F.A. Gerstner, who addressed the Tsar with a note about the construction of a railway network in Russia. The proposal was considered and accepted, and as a result, the first railway in Russia began operating in 1837 between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo. Gerstner fulfilled the condition by building an experimental railway with a station, restaurant and theater. The gauge of this railway was 1829 mm. To prevent the road from being covered with snow in winter, it was built on an embankment 3 m high. An experimental railway has proven the possibility of its operation in Russia all year round.

One of the future leaders of railway transport P.P. Melnikov was an encyclopedically educated person. He was fluent in three foreign languages ​​and had deep knowledge in mathematics and mechanics. In 1835, he published the book “On Railways,” which became the first textbook at the Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers published in Russian. Until now, we use the terms “railway”, “arrow”, “crossing” introduced by P.P. Melnikov.

In 1837, at the direction of Emperor Nicholas I, P.P. Melnikov was sent to Europe and America to study the experience of building railways. Returning from a business trip, P.P. Melnikov said that the railways seemed to be created specifically for Russia, with its vast territories and cold climate, with long, frosty winters.

At that time, quite a lot of railways were built in Europe and America, but they were short and not connected to each other and had different gauges. Using such railways was extremely difficult.

Based on the study of foreign experience, it was concluded that it was necessary to build a network of railways with a single gauge and according to a general plan. The project for the construction of a railway network in Russia was developed in 1852.

The drafting of the first main railway in Russia Moscow - St. Petersburg was entrusted to engineers P.P. Melnikov and N.O. Craft.

On February 1, 1842, a decree was issued on the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway, signed by Nicholas I. Realizing that the construction of railways in Russia has a great future, the question of unifying the gauge was raised. A special commission was created that considered two track width options - 1524 and 1829 mm. According to estimates

there professor N.O. Kraft on the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway, the use of a track width of 1524 mm provided savings in earthworks of about 1,750 thousand rubles. silver In this regard, the Commission recommended setting the track width at 1524 mm. Since then, this gauge has been accepted as normal for all Russian railways.

During the design and construction of this railway, studies were carried out to determine the maximum value of the slope, the weight of the train was determined, the layout of separate points was determined, and the throughput and carrying capacity were determined depending on the slope. These studies served as the basis for determining the gentle slopes of the first Russian railway. A methodology for calculating operating costs for this line was developed, which is still in use today.

At the suggestion of P.P. Melnikov, the direct direction of the road without entering Novgorod was adopted; this proposal was supported by Emperor Nicholas I. It was decided to lead the road in the most direct direction possible. How direct our first railway is can be judged by the fact that the astronomical distance between Moscow and St. Petersburg is 598 versts, and the length of the constructed line turned out to be 604 versts; 34 stations were built on this line. Since the railway ran over the shortest distance, it crossed many rivers and ravines, and 278 artificial structures were erected on it, including 154 bridges, 69 pipes and 19 overpasses. All large and medium bridges had wooden lattice trusses of the Gau-Zhuravsky system. The founder of bridge construction D.I. Zhuravsky received the full Demidov Prize for the theory of calculation of bridge trusses. The bridges built under his leadership turned out to be unusually strong and stood for more than 35 years before they were replaced with metal ones.

The first rails were iron, weighing 27.8 kg per linear meter and were made in England. In the 1870s. Rails with steel heads were tested and from the early 1880s. began to produce rails from rolled steel. Currently, heat-treated rails weighing 65 and 75 kg per linear meter are being laid.

The construction of the longest railway in the world was led by outstanding Russian railway engineers P.P. Melnikov, N.O. Kraft, D.I. Zhuravsky, N.I. Lipin and others. Work on the construction of the road began in 1843 and was completed in 1851. With the introduction of the railway, travel time from St. Petersburg to Moscow was reduced by three times (compared to travel time on the highway). Already in the first year, 780 thousand passengers and more than 163,800 tons (10 million pounds) of cargo were transported by rail.

Soon after the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway, the St. Petersburg-Warsaw road was built. After the abolition of serfdom as a result of the reform of 1861, the construction of railways began to progress at a rapid pace. During these years the following were built: the Poti-Tiflis railway (1866-1872) (crossing the spurs of the Caucasus ridge), in Central Asia

in the most difficult conditions - in the desert sands - the Trans-Caspian road Krasno-Vodsk-Samarkand (1880-1888), in the permafrost region - some sections of the Trans-Siberian Railway (1891-1903).

By the beginning of the First World War, a railway network had been created, which ranks first in Europe in terms of length. After the end of the civil war, the development of the network continued. For the period from 1918 to 1940. Over 35 thousand km of new railways were built: including Kazan-Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod-Kotelnich, Petropavlovsk-Borovoye Resort-Akmolinsk-Karaganda-Balkhash, Volochaevka-Komsomolsk-on-Amur. At the same time, reconstruction of existing lines is underway. Second tracks have been laid since the 1920s. electrification of railways began.

With the advent of the first railway lines, the first railway stations appeared. 34 stations were built on the St. Petersburg-Moscow line. The first stations had a small number of tracks, their layouts were imperfect. There were no opportunities for further development of the stations, since fundamental buildings were erected on one side and the other of the tracks. The useful length of the receiving and departure tracks was 220-320 m. On some of the first railway lines, the receiving and departure tracks were made dead ends. Dead-end routes began to be converted into through routes already at the beginning of the 20th century. With the increase in the power of locomotives, the weight norm of trains increased, which led to an increase in the useful length of receiving and departure tracks. At the beginning of the 20th century. it was 480-640 m.

The first marshalling stations where a hump was built to disband trains were Rtishchevo (1899) and Kochetovka (1901) stations. In 1908-1910 marshalling stations were built at Moscow (Losinoostrovskaya, Lyublino, Khovrino, Perovo), Petersburg and other hubs. Lyublino station was the first station built according to the classical scheme with three successively located parks in both systems.

In the period from 1900 to 1914. work began on the development of hubs with an increase in traffic volumes, the construction of new marshalling stations, and the connection of new lines.

In 1925-1927 work was carried out on the development of nodes: Moscow, Rostov, Gorky and a number of others. During these years, the electrification of suburban traffic in large hubs began.

In 1930-1934, in connection with the development of industry in the Urals, in Kuzbass, Karaganda, etc., the following hubs were built: Magnitogorsk, Kartaly, Novokuznetsk, Karaganda, etc. In the Novosibirsk hub there is a large marshalling station Inskaya. From 1929 to 1940 nodes are being reconstructed: Dnepropetrovsk, Kuibyshev, Bryansk, Yaroslavl, Tula, Kiev and many others.

With the introduction of more powerful locomotives (FD, SO), train compositions increased. The track length of 640 m turned out to be insufficient, and it was first extended to 720 m, and then on heavy-duty lines to 850 m.

In 1934, at the Krasny Liman station, work began on the reconstruction of marshalling yards with the mechanization of humps. By 1940, 39 hills were mechanized.

During the Great Patriotic War, stations developed in connection with the construction of the most important railway lines for the country: Pechora, Kartaly-Akmolinsk, Kazan-Ulyanovsk-Syzran-Saratov-Ilovlya, etc. During these years, the volume of railway transportation in the regions of the Volga region, the Urals, Western Siberia. To ensure transportation, the Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Penza, Vologda, etc. hubs are being developed.

During the war, 65 thousand km of railway lines, many large railway junctions, 4100 stations, 2573 train stations, 13 thousand bridges and other devices were destroyed. Already during the war, work was carried out to restore the railways, but the pace of restoration work especially increased after the end of the war. The development of the network also continued.

In subsequent years, new lines are built with the construction of new stations and stations are developed at the junction of new lines with existing ones. The lines Magnitogorsk-Beloretsk, Taishet-Abakan, Tyumen-Tobolsk and many others were built. The Baikal-Amur Mainline was built with a length of 3100 km from Lena to Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Stations are being developed to increase throughput and processing capacity - Chelyabinsk, Kinel, Dema, Yaroslavl Main. The Moscow, Sverdlovsk, and Saratov nodes are being developed. The tracks are being extended to 850-1050 m, the largest stations on the railway network - Orekhovo and Bekasovo - are being built, the locomotive facilities are being reconstructed, and hump humps are being automated.

Since the 70s XX century automation of railway transport begins. Automated control systems are being created, primarily in the operation of marshalling stations.

In the difficult 90s. work on the development and reconstruction of transport was not carried out. Currently, work is being carried out to develop the railway. transport, in particular, the St. Petersburg hub: tracks are extended to 1050 and 1500 m, the St. Petersburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky station is being developed, the Ladozhskaya passenger station and the new Ladozhsky passenger station are being built. The second tracks are being laid on the Ladozhskaya-Gory station section. The Mga-Gatchina-Weimarn-Ivangorod line is being electrified with the development of stations.

New ones are being built (Ust-Luga) and existing seaports are being reconstructed (Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Avtovo), new border stations (Chernyshevskaya) and border stations are being reconstructed (Svetogorsk, Ivangorod).

A program of comprehensive reconstruction of marshalling stations begins, including lengthening tracks and automation of station operation (In-skaya, Bekasovo).

New systems for monitoring the technical condition of wagons are being introduced, which will make it possible to lengthen the sections of wagon passage without inspection.

For better management, control and prompt intervention in the work of railways, a TsUP (Transportation Control Center) system has been created, which operates in real time. Information about loading

loaded or unloaded wagons, information about the transfer of wagons at junctions, and the movement of passenger trains is immediately entered into the system.

A special display displays the transportation process and network performance indicators.

Also, in real time, the MCC displays the functioning of the most important marshalling stations of the network: St. Petersburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky, Khovrino, Lyublino, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Bekasovo, etc.

There is a system for monitoring the loading and movement of liquid cargo.

The first train from St. Petersburg to Moscow took 21 hours and 45 minutes. The maximum weight of freight trains was 288 tons (18 thousand pounds). Average technical speeds of the first trains: passenger - 30 km/h, freight - 15 km/h.

Currently, the “Red Arrow” travel time is 7 hours 55 minutes, high-speed trains cover the distance to St. Petersburg in 4 hours 30 minutes. The weight of a freight train reaches 6,500 tons.


1.1. Route, plan and route profile

Horizontal plan of the area. In order to place the most rationally newly constructed structures or devices (bridges, buildings, stations, etc.), it is necessary to have an image of the area on the drawing. To do this, they take measurements on the ground and draw up a plan with all the necessary data.

The terrain on the plans is depicted with special lines, which are called horizontals. Horizontals are the contours of figures obtained from an imaginary intersection of terrain with horizontal planes spaced from each other at the same distance (1 m, 5 m, 10 m). To construct contour lines, points with the same elevations are connected.

The elevation is the distance in height from a certain level to a point in the terrain. Marks differentiate absolute And relative. Absolute - measured from the level of the Baltic Sea, which is considered constant. In practice, relative marks are often used. Relative marks are height distances measured from a conventional level to terrain points. The conditional level is fixed by constant points - reference points (metal marks on the foundations of buildings, bridge supports, etc.).

A horizontal plan of the area gives a complete picture of the terrain and allows you to choose the most rational location of a railway line, station, or overpass. Horizontal plans are drawn to scale 1:10 000, 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000.

By terrain plan in horizontal planes you can:

Create a terrain profile in a given direction;

Draw a line of a given slope;

Draw watershed and drainage lines.

Drawing up a terrain profile in a given direction. For example, it is required to build a profile in the direction of a terrain plan (Fig. 1.1) M-N. To do this, on an arbitrarily chosen straight line KL from the starting point A distances to points are plotted on the accepted horizontal scale b", V" g\d", f\f", equal to the distances to the points a, b, c, d, e, g on the plan in horizontals. From points a" b", c", d", d", f\f" restore perpendicular-

Questions for intermediate certification

Course 7 semester


Technology of transport processes"


No. Name of the discipline exam test k/r course work
1 Transport law +
2 Modeling of transport processes + +
3 Organization of transport services and safety of the transport process +
4 Freight transportation +
5 Passenger Transportation +
6 physical Culture and sport Essay
7 +
8 +

"Passenger Transportation"

1. Principles of organizing passenger transportation.

2. Current uncoupling repairs of passenger cars.

3. Organization of suburban passenger trains.

4. The main types of modern electric and diesel locomotives.

5. Passenger transportation management.

6. Passenger train composition diagrams

7. Organization of equipment for passenger cars.

8. Basic requirements for the organization of suburban traffic.

9. Types of transportation and classification of trains.

10. Organization of zoned suburban traffic.

11. Organization of long-distance and local passenger transportation.

12. Features and basics of organizing suburban transportation.

13. Cleaning and sanitary treatment of passenger cars.

14. The procedure for accepting trains sent on a voyage.

15. Principles for placing zone stations in a suburban area.

16. Technological process of preparing passenger trains at a technical station.

17. Requirements for the organization of passenger transportation.

18. Determination of the mass and speed of passenger trains.

19. Repair and equipment depots.

20. Repair and equipment parks.

21. Maintenance points for passenger cars.

22. Maintenance bases for reserve passenger cars.

23. Maintenance of TO-1.

24. Maintenance of TO-2.

25. Maintenance of TO-3.

"Freight transportation"

1. Transportation of goods at low speed by rail.

2. Transportation of goods at passenger speed by rail.

3. Small shipment.

4. Small-tonnage shipment.

5. Group sending.

6. Route dispatch.

7. Container shipping.

8. Preparation of goods for transportation.

9. Use of transport packaging that meets standards and specifications.

10. Cargo and its properties, classification of cargo.

11. Containers and packaging.

12. Transport characteristics of the cargo.

13. General cargo, bulk and liquid cargo, perishable cargo, livestock .

14. General cargo: - metal structures (rolled metal, sheet metal, metal in pigs, bags, wire, ingots, billets, pipes, strip metal in rolls, scrap metal, etc.).

15. General cargo: - mobile technical means (on tracks and on wheels).

16. Specialized rolling stock and warehouses for liquid and bulk cargo.

17. Regular loads.

18. Quality of cargo.

19. Suitability of products for use after completion of transportation and storage.

20. Container and packaging of goods.

21. Types of packaging (consumer, additional, transport, rigid, semi-rigid, soft).

22. Marking of goods.

23. Design of freight cars.

24. Freight wagon fleet: universal(covered, platforms, gondola cars).

25. Freight wagon fleet: specialized ( tanks, isothermal, grain trucks, flour trucks, cement tankers, dump cars, hoppers for transportation of cement, mineral fertilizers, grain, special tanks for transportation of cement, flour, caustic soda, alcohol, liquefied gases, viscous substances, two-tier platforms for passenger cars, conveyors for heavy vehicles cargo, etc.) .

26. Technical and operational characteristics of cars.

27. Loading capacity of the car.

28. Specific carrying capacity of the car.

29. Technical loading standard and static load of the car.

31. Rolling stock numbering system.

Transport services market and quality of transport services

1. The concept of transport. Features of transport as a sector of the national economy. The role of transport in the country's economy.

2. Transport system: public and non-public transport.

3. Unified transport system. Areas and forms of interaction and competition between different modes of transport.

4. The concept of cargo and classification of freight transportation.

5. The trend in the distribution of freight traffic between different modes of transport.

6. Characteristics of the main cargo flows in Russia.

7. Principles of transport management in a market economy. Determining demand for transportation and planning it.

8. Main functions and directions of marketing in transport.

9. Incoterms: concept and purpose.

10. Structure and content of Incoterms.

11. Groups of transport performance indicators and factors that determine them.

12. Indicators of transport availability and accessibility.

13. Indicators of the quality of transport services for cargo owners.

14. Principles for choosing modes of transport in a market economy. Stages of choosing a carrier.

15. Methods for choosing the type of transport for transporting goods.

16. Cost of transportation, features of its determination and differences by mode of transport.

17. Characteristics of transport tariffs applied to various types of transport.

18. Advantages and disadvantages of using railway transport.

19. Classification of freight transportation by rail.

20. Characteristics of the material and technical base of railway transport.

21. Indicators of railway performance.

22. The concept of direct multimodal transport.

23. Characteristics of rail-road, rail-water transportation.

24. The concept of container transportation, the advantages and disadvantages of their use.

25. Classification of containers during transportation.

26. Specialized containers and their application.

27. Features of package cargo transportation.

28. Concept and classification of transport and forwarding activities.

29. Legal regulation of transport and forwarding activities in the Russian Federation. Basic requirements for an expedition agreement.

30. Concept and main directions of development of transport and forwarding activities.

31. Rules for drawing up and submitting an application for transportation.

32. Concept and classification of basic transport documentation.

33. The concept of a contract of carriage, characteristics of its main provisions.

34. Procedure and rules for drawing up a commercial act.

35. Classification of isothermal transport.

36. The essence and objectives of the rational organization of goods supply to a retail network.

37. Forms of goods supply and schemes for the delivery of goods to retail enterprises

38. Methods of supplying goods to retail trade enterprises.

39. Organization and technology of centralized delivery of goods to the retail network.

40. Management of the trade and technological process of goods supply.

Railway stations and junctions

1. Basic information about categories of railway lines, route, plan and longitudinal profile
2. The concept of research and design of railways
3. The importance of the track in the operation of railways, its main elements and requirements for them
4. Transverse profiles of the subgrade. Drainage devices
5. Deformation of the subgrade
6. Artificial structures, their types and purpose
7. Purpose and components of the superstructure of the track
8. Ballast layer
9. Sleepers
10. Rails and rail fastenings
11. Continuous path
12. Features of track construction in curved sections
13. Purpose and types of turnouts
14. Main elements and dimensions of turnouts
15. Relative position of turnouts in station necks
16. Purpose, classification and equipment of crossings
17. Roadblocks and road signs
18. Objectives of track facilities and its structure
19. Classification of track works and organization of their implementation
20. Protecting the path from snow, sand drifts and floods
21. Classification of separate items. The importance of stations in the operation of railway transport
22. Dimensions on railways
23. Distances between track axes at stations
24. Classification of tracks at stations
25. Connecting two parallel paths
26. Switch streets, their types and conditions of use
27. Parallel displacement, interweaving and combining paths. Blind intersections
28. The concept of the total, useful and construction length of station tracks
29. Purpose and types of parks
30. Station necks and basic requirements for them
31. Numbering of station tracks and turnouts
32. Coordination of neck and parka elements
33. General principles and design stages
34. The concept of a station site. Requirements for the location of station tracks in the profile and plan
35. Subgrade and superstructure of the track at stations, sidings and passing points
36. Stages of development of stations and nodes
37. Traveling. Purpose, standard schemes and conditions of their use
38. Passing points. Purpose, main devices and circuits
39. Intermediate stations
40. Purpose and classification of local stations
41. Placement of main devices at local stations
42. Basic typical diagrams of local stations
43. Schemes of sectional stations on lines with circulation of double freight trains
44. Design of receiving and departure parks
45. Features of designing a marshalling yard at local stations
46. ​​Passenger and cargo devices at local stations
47. Composition of the locomotive fleet
48. Calculations and planning of devices for repairing and equipping locomotives
49. Locomotive schemes
50. Carriage industry. Other devices at stations
51. Purpose, classification and placement of marshalling stations on the railway network
52. Basic schemes and technology of marshalling stations
53. Selecting the type and layout of the marshalling station and its location
54. Determination of track development of marshalling stations
55. Design of main marshalling station parks
56. Features of schemes and technologies of industrial marshalling stations
57. Connection of access roads to marshalling yards
58. Main directions for further development and improvement of schemes and technology of marshalling stations
59. Features of marshalling stations of foreign railways
60. Classification of sorting devices
61. Basic elements and parameters of a hump
62. Basics of the dynamics of rolling cars down a hill. The concept of energy height
63. Resistance to the movement of cars and specific work of resistance forces
64. Design of a plan for the hump neck of a sorting park
65. Calculation of the height and profile of the descent part of the slide
66. Design of the profile of the sliding and transfer parts of the slide
67. Calculation of braking means. Selecting the number of retarders at braking positions
68. Calculation of the processing capacity of the slide and measures to increase it
69. Purpose, classification and complex of devices of passenger stations
70. Diagrams of passenger stations and the basic technology of their operation
71. Design of necks of passenger stations
72. Basic schemes and technology of operation of passenger technical stations
73. Calculation of track development of passenger and technical passenger stations
74. Basic standards and requirements for the design of passenger platforms
75. Passenger stopping points, zone and transfer stations
76. Stations of high-speed specialized highways
77. Purpose and classification of freight stations
78. Basic devices of public freight stations
79. Schemes of public freight stations and technology of their operation
80. Number and useful length of tracks at freight stations
81. Devices for cargo operations
82. Calculation of cargo devices
83. Specialized freight stations
84. Interstate border transfer stations
85. Throughput and processing capacity of stations Basic provisions
86. Calculation of the throughput of necks
87. Capacity of station tracks
88. Processing capacity of cargo fronts
89. Processing capacity of exhaust ducts
90. Measures to increase the throughput and processing capacity of the station
91. The concept of railway and transport junctions. Classification of railway junctions
92. Schematic diagrams of individual types of units and conditions for their use
93. Interchanges of railway line approaches at nodes. Design of the plan and longitudinal profile of an overpass
94. Industrial railway junctions
95. The main reasons for the development and reconstruction of railway junctions
96. General principles and requirements for the development of general schemes for the development of nodes
97. Main problems of development and reconstruction of railway junctions

Transport law

1. The concept of transport law, its subject and sources.

2. Types of transport. Transport management.

3. Transport charters, codes

4. Licensing of transport activities

5. The concept of sources of transport law

6. Types of sources of transport law

7. Transport law and transport legislation.

8. Transport legislation: system and structure

9. Contract of carriage: general characteristics

10. Types of transportation contracts

11. Contract for the carriage of goods

12. Agreement for the carriage of passengers

13. Grounds for termination of the contract of carriage

14. Liability under the contract of carriage

15. Transport expedition agreement

16. Vehicle rental agreement: concept and types

17. Towing agreement

18. The concept of transportation and types of transportation

19. Documents used in the process of transporting goods and passengers

20. Insurance of activities for the transportation of goods and passengers

21. Responsibility for improper execution of transport contracts

22. Subjects of transport legal relations

????Organization of transport services and security

Questions for the exam

1. The concept of transport organization and transport services.

2.Transport process and its elements. Transport work of the transportation cycle.

3. Classification of freight and passenger transportation.

4.Features of the transportation process by rail.

5.Carrying and throughput capacity of railways.

6. Cargoes and their characteristics.

7. Freight flows. Diagram of cargo flows.

8. Classification of freight trains.

9.Organization of car flows.

10. The procedure for developing a train formation plan.

11. Technology for processing car flows at the station.

12. Management of processes for processing car flows at the station.

13.Daily schedule of the station.

14. Justification for the choice and calculation of the required number of rolling stock.

15.Transport and security: historical aspect.

16. Characteristics of the transportation process in railway transport.

17.State of the railway transportation process:

dangerous and non-dangerous.

18.Destabilizing factors of the transportation process.

19.Safety of the transportation process and risks of losses

20. Types and causes of failures in the operation of railway transportation systems.

21. Reliability indicators

22. Influence on traffic safety of the reliability of technical means. The relationship between reliability and traffic safety indicators.

23 Rules for the technical operation of structures, devices and rolling stock of railway transport. Responsibility for violation of the requirements of the PTE.

24. Classification of traffic safety violations.

25. Determination of individual events in train and shunting work.

26. Procedure for official investigation of train crashes and accidents.

27. Psychophysical factors of ensuring traffic safety in train and shunting work.

28.Principles of traffic safety management on railways. The structure of units providing management and control of safety on the country's railways.

29.Organization of restoration work.

30.Methods and means of ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of technical systems and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations