Studio      05/26/2024

Removing damage from a church: the power of the Lord will deliver you from a strong curse. What effect does the magpie give for health in seven churches? Sorokoust in 7 churches his strength

What do you know about this? I was advised to visit 7 churches in one day and in each one light a candle near the icon of the Mother of God. and got the best answer

Answer from Andrey RUS[guru]
I know this is stupid. And whoever gives such advice either knows nothing about Orthodoxy, or is a sorcerer or psychic, as they are now called. The candles that believers buy in church to place in candlesticks near icons have several spiritual meanings: since a candle is bought, it is a sign of a person’s voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple, an expression of a person’s readiness to obey God (the softness of the wax), his desire for deification , transformation into a new creature (burning a candle). A candle is also evidence of faith, a person’s involvement in the Divine light. A candle expresses the warmth and flame of a person’s love for the Lord, the Mother of God, an Angel or a saint, at whose faces the believer places his candle.
A burning candle is a symbol, a visible sign; it expresses our ardent love of goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. And if there is no this love and favor, then the candles have no meaning, our sacrifice is in vain.
Unfortunately, this happens often, too often. Many who light candles “for health”, “for peace”, for the success of some business, not only do not like those for whom they light these candles, but do not even know to whom they light these candles.
It is customary to light candles for your Angel, that is, the saint whose name they bear [It happens even worse. Some not only do not consider it a sin to deceive, oppress, or rob another, but they also rejoice when they manage to do this. And then they think that if on a holiday they placed candles in the church or lit a lamp at home in front of the icon, then God will not punish them for lying, for deceit, for offending people.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What do you know about this? I was advised to visit 7 churches in one day and in each one light a candle near the icon of the Mother of God.

Answer from Lady with a dog[guru]
why 7?

Answer from Lu Mai[guru]
What for?
If you want something
ask the Mother of God
It’s enough to go to one church.

Answer from Vlad R.[guru]
and definitely on foot...
..walking is useful

Answer from AlexNetStream[guru]
And also in different cities)

Answer from Yanya Ivanova[guru]
And what? Our Lady is alone

Answer from ? [guru]
Perhaps your grandmother suggested it?
Don’t listen to worldly people, ask priests (you can do it at confession)

Answer from Alexander Lunkov[guru]
If it helps you feel more confident, then visit at least ten. There is no shortage of churches now. But still, the exact number, in my opinion, is already a superstition)

Answer from Dmitry Ivanov[guru]
They didn’t advise much, better than 17, and not in one day, but every day, maybe your mind will increase.

Answer from Simon[guru]
And some people wash themselves with their tongue.
And some people eat mice.
And some go to churches.
So choose...

Answer from Irina sabelina[guru]
So do you believe or do you conjure? Make up your mind, girl.

Answer from Aurika Balika[guru]
A visible image, a visual reproduction of someone or something. An image that is an object of religious worship is called an idol. Exodus 20:4, 5 says, “You shall not make for yourself any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God.” Note that it was forbidden not only to worship images, but even to make them.

Today, many people attend churches with the goal of being closer to God and taking the righteous path of correction. They memorize prayers, go to Sunday services and perform many church rituals.

However, it is worth talking in more detail about the topic “Sorokoust for health”: what is the essence of the ritual, and what are the features of its implementation? Before delving deeper, it is important to clarify that the sorokoust is a prayer for the health of a specific person, which is read for forty days.

The need for such a service arises when someone in the family is very ill or has become a victim of misfortune. However, many believers order magpie for their family and friends only in order to protect them from all troubles and adversity in the future. This is a kind of protection that provides not only physical health, but also moral satisfaction and harmony with oneself.

As a rule, if you order a magpie for a person’s health, then the priest must pronounce the name of the servant of God in prayers for forty days. It is worth noting here that anyone can order such a service, but to do this you just need to find free time and visit the church. The only rule that is important to remember: you cannot order such a prayer for yourself; it is best to ask your family and friends to do it. This will certainly be reliable protection from all negativity and evil.

Is it possible to order a magpie about health in several churches at once? The Holy Scriptures indicate that three churches at once will help strengthen the effect of this ritual, that is, reading a prayer by three priests. As a rule, only those people who have suffered a serious misfortune need such “enhanced reinforcement.” As they say, in stalemate situations it is important to activate all forces, and the church only helps to achieve inner harmony and tranquility.

Today the question very often arises: isn’t it better to order a magpie for health in seven churches? As knowledgeable people report, this is not at all necessary, and such a ritual is considered absolutely useless. The fact is that church teaching and rules say nothing about such a “procedure,” and everything is in the hands of God. So there is no need to engage in nonsense, but it is quite enough to order this prayer in three churches - no more.

If someone does not know how to do this correctly, then there is no need to worry about this - everything is extremely simple. You need to come to any church, go to the church shop and order this ritual from the local “workers”. You can also approach the priest himself and ask him for prayer. The most important thing is to say the name of the servant of God, who needs support and care. It is worth remembering that this service is paid, but all money goes towards a donation.

If a prayer is ordered, the magpie for health begins to be read on the same day and so on for 40 days. Many believers are convinced that during this period they feel incredible strength, energy that helps them fight all the difficulties and obstacles in their path. Of course, there is no evidence for this condition at all, and some skeptics simply refer it to increased emotionality and developed imagination. Someone insistently says that this is just self-hypnosis, but it is not for nothing that this church ritual has been carried out for more than one century.

So now it’s clear what sorokoust for health is and how to order it. However, it is also important to understand that there is also a magpie for the repose, so it is extremely important not to inadvertently confuse both of these rituals, otherwise you can bring even greater trouble to a person. In any case, prayer is faith that helps you live and fight all life’s troubles. You can order it an unlimited number of times, and there will certainly be no harm from it. That is why it is recommended to go to church more often, believe in God and live a righteous life, keeping all the commandments from the Bible.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that magpie is a truly powerful amulet that will protect against all worries, illnesses, misfortunes and losses. So you shouldn’t treat this issue superficially.

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Many of us go to church and light candles. We all do it, but do we know why? It was customary to place candles in front of the holy face in ancient times. It is believed that one of the first commands of the Lord to Moses was to build a lamp with 7 lamps. After this, services were held in this light. But the meaning of this ritual is much more significant than just illuminating the place of service. Although during periods of persecution of Christianity, the light of candles helped believers find their way.

Why do they put candles in church? The process of lighting a candle has deep implications. The light from the flame symbolizes the divine light that Jesus brought into our world. In turn, people who live in ignorance and sin are in darkness, which can disappear thanks to the Savior. So the light of a candle is considered life-saving, because it can also dispel the darkness. Pure wax of candles is considered a symbol of a person’s repentance before God and his readiness to obey the Lord.

The main thing in order to light candles correctly must be sincere faith. This process should not take place automatically, but with love in the heart and awareness of who it is for. By buying it at the temple, you are making an offering and symbolizing your love and faith. The number of candles placed does not indicate that your requests will be heard and fulfilled faster. The main thing is your pure heart, with which you turn to the Lord.

A church candle is considered an obligatory attribute of worship. When setting it on fire, you should pray. These may be appeals in your own words, but from the heart. They must be turned to God and with sincere faith.

How to light candles in a church? Before the start of the service. If you are late for the service, wait until it ends and then go to the candlestick. It is considered discourteous to pass candles or advance to light candles during a service. With such actions you distract everyone from prayers and deanery.

How to properly place a candle in a temple?

There are certain rules for placing candles in the temple:

  • Approaching the candlestick, you need to make 2 bows from the waist while placing a cross on yourself.
  • Then cross yourself and light a candle.
  • Make another bow from the waist and make the sign of the cross.
  • It is necessary to bow and make the sign of the cross slowly.
  • Candles must be lit from other burning candles.
  • You need to put it directly into the candlestick socket.
  • It is not recommended to use lighters and matches in the temple if candles are burning there.
  • There is no need to set it on fire from a lamp, because drops of wax can put it out.
  • If there are no free cells in the candlestick, then simply place the candle next to it.
  • Standing with a lit candle is not recommended.

Why do they light candles in churches?

Often candles are placed in churches for two reasons:

  1. For health. They place it on various occasions. This could be a successful purchase, gratitude for something, help in resolving a matter, etc.
  2. For your peace. These candles are placed on a special table - eve, to honor the memory of the deceased.

Where to put candles in church?

There are no rules regarding the number and required place for placing candles. But many recommend first placing it at the central lectern or at the temple icon, then at the relics of the saint, and after that placing it for health or repose.

A candle in a church goes out - what does it mean?

Many people listen to certain stories and rituals about how to place candles and what does it mean? They say that you need to light a candle only with your right hand. This moment can be attributed to superstition. Just like if a candle cracks in a church.

Many people believe that it is not good to see. But clergy are accustomed to being more inclined to such a point of view as incorrect production technology or low-quality wax. In some temples, candles are melted down, which causes the candles to crack when burning.

If a candle in a church goes out, the all-knowing “grandmothers” will immediately begin to whisper about damage and a bad sign. The priests, in turn, say that whoever wants to look for mysticism should go to the grandmothers, but they can only tell according to the laws of God. So their explanations are much simpler - it all depends on low-quality wax or production.

Candles in the church for health

Where in the church to light candles for health? Basically, in every temple, candles for health can be placed in any candlesticks in front of any images. But it also happens when there is no special table for candles for repose, and then candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick.

In this regard, the clergy say that the main thing is not where to put the candle, but the main thing is prayer. It is necessary to remember that it will be correct if you also turn to your patron saint. There are many prayers for health.

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For such requests, you can buy a “Prayer Book”. You just need to be very careful when purchasing church literature. It is advisable to do this in church shops, because clandestinely published literature can contain a large amount of distorted information. It happens that a whole part is missing from prayers.

How to light candles for health in church?

Basically, for health, candles are placed in front of the Savior, in front of images of Saints who heal illnesses, the Mother of God, and also in front of saints who help in difficult life situations.

If a married couple cannot have children, then they can make a request and light a candle in front of the face of Anna and Joachim. They are famous for being the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And for those women who carry a child within them, they should put a candle in front of the image of the Mother of God. To heal ailments, you should turn to Matrona of Moscow and other saints.

Where in the church to light candles for the repose?

Most temples contain especially revered shrines. It is in front of them that the candlesticks are mainly installed. In many churches there are special tables for commemorating the deceased - eves. They mostly stand on the left side of the temple. It won't be difficult to recognize him. It is rectangular in shape and has a Crucifix on it.

But it also happens when there are no such tables. What to do and where to put the candle in this case? The clergy advise putting it in any candlestick, because a candle is only our tiny offering to God, and the main thing in this matter is prayer. If you want to bring something so that the ministers will turn to the Lord with prayer for your deceased relatives, then put everything in the baskets that stand next to the table. And after that, go back to the eve.

How to light candles for the repose in church?

You must decide in advance on the number of candles. You can place one for each deceased person or one for all.

  • After you approach the candlestick, cross yourself twice and bow.
  • Take your candle and light it from the burning candles. It is considered wrong to use matches or lighters in the temple.
  • After the candle has lit, scorch the bottom and place it in the socket.
  • The candle must stand straight and not fall. If at first you were unable to do this, then repeat again.
  • In order to escape from worldly problems, you need to watch the light for some time. This will help you forget about worldly problems and calm down.
  • You can whisper or mentally read. It doesn't matter if you don't remember it by heart. You can read it from a piece of paper.
  • After this ritual, stand for a while next to those for whom you are praying. It won't be bad if you remember their voice and appearance. It happens that a lump comes to your throat and tears begin to flow. Don't hold them back.
  • Then cross yourself and bow, and only then slowly move away.

Sometimes it happens that your candle may be extinguished by church ministers. No need to be offended. Your prayer will be answered, and the sacrifice has already been made. Remember, the main thing is sincere prayer and memory of the departed.

Three candles in three churches

You can often hear the expression 3 candles in 3 churches . What does it mean? Many people connect the number 3 with the Creator Lord. Basically, it is advised to light candles and order Sorokoust in 3 churches to improve well-being, heal from serious illnesses, for long-term illnesses or frequent energy attacks.

If any person makes intrigues to spite you or carries negativity, then you can also light candles in three temples and order Sorokoust. They say that if such a ritual is performed, the offenders will receive double, or even triple, returns.

They say the same thing if you light 7 candles in 7 churches. They say that such a ritual carries even more energy power and will help overcome even the most difficult situations. There is an opinion that if you light seven candles in a church a day, this can help get rid of damage.

There are all sorts of situations in life when we turn to the Lord. Many people believe that the number of candles and churches do not matter. The main thing is our sincere prayer and faith. And to listen to various rituals or not is only your choice. But before committing anything, it would be a good idea to consult with a priest.

The Lord is always with you!

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I was at Church with my mother on Friday. She ordered a note about health and was told that they would read it only on Sunday, since it was Parents' Saturday. And I ordered a magpie about health and they told me that they would start reading it the next day, that is, Saturday. Why can’t a note about health be read on Parents’ Saturday, but why can’t a note about health be read on the magpie?


Victoria, good question. You need to ask it in the church where you submitted your notes. Because in fact, all notes - both about health and about repose, and simple ones, and custom ones, and magpies, absolutely everything - should be read every day, and at Proskomedia. Nothing is transferred anywhere, even if it’s Parents’ Saturday or Easter.

Abbot Nikon Golovko

Hello! I ask you, help, please! My husband used to be a serious, calm person, caring and loving. And now it’s as if he’s been replaced: he swears, says he wants to make peace, but doesn’t calm down. He refuses to go to the cathedral, although he is baptized, does not pray at all and treats religion with humor. He says that he wants to be with me and loves me, but because of the last quarrel, he deliberately hurts me and says that maybe he was jinxed or cursed. Who and how can I pray for him? We quarreled with him four weeks ago, and everything turned upside down: he constantly offends me. He says he wants to calm down, but he can’t. How can I help him calm down? How to help and make peace? During this time, he immersed himself in watching TV, the Internet and computer games, and it hurt me a lot. In the spring he had an untreated concussion, maybe this has an effect? He became nervous and irritable, he says that everything is boiling inside him. He also calls himself very vindictive. What can be done? Just recently he was sensitive, kind, and even cried when we quarreled. Help me please. Thank you.


Victoria, firstly, some time after the concussion, a change in character and a chronic irritable-demanding mental state was noticed, which can worsen in the spring and autumn. This goes away after two to three years. Therefore, he must definitely see a doctor and take prescribed medications to support the nervous system; in addition, try to order a magpie for your spouse - this will help him spiritually.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good day! On September 30, my father, the servant of God Alexander, died. Recently he said that he would not live to see 47 years old, as if he felt it. I am Orthodox, a believer, but, as happens in our time or due to age, I rarely went to church, no one taught me prayers. I want to find out from you whether I’m doing everything right: we buried dad in a small church, and ordered a memorial service on the 3rd and 9th days. In 7 churches and temples I ordered the magpie, every day I read the litia in front of the icons, including the one with which the father was buried. Every Sunday I go to church, leave food there and feed the birds. How else can I help my loved one? He suffered so much during his life, he was very nervous, he drank because of it. And the last year he had only failures and his heart could not stand it...


Evgenia, you did everything right. There are, of course, some “folk” trends in what you do, for example, the magpie in seven churches or the obligatory feeding of birds, but these things are very good if you do not attach an excessively mystical meaning to them, but do them in simplicity and in memory about the deceased.
You still need to submit a registered note for the Liturgy on the fortieth day and perform a memorial service. And do not forget about alms in his memory: even feeding birds is alms, but you must also give alms for people.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

They ordered the health request for Sorokoust, the priest asked if everyone was baptized and received communion; if they doubted the communion, they put a dot on the piece of paper. Father accepted the request only for the Liturgy, the magpie did not accept it. Why, what is the reason?


Previously, in the old days, a lot of attention was paid to whether a person lives an active church, liturgical life or is simply called a Christian. Those who did not receive communion sometimes did not even have a funeral service. Nowadays, such a strict approach is preserved only among the Old Believers.
Perhaps your father sympathizes with such strictness. Although it’s still not very clear to me personally why he took the note for the Liturgy, but did not take the magpie. Perhaps because it was a parish church and services were not held there every day?
And the dots against the names, probably, in order to pray more diligently for these people.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Please help me with advice and guidance. A terrible tragedy happened to my family. First, my dad was hospitalized with a stroke and was in very serious condition. God is merciful, he survived, but was discharged home in serious condition. When they brought him home, my mother’s heart could not stand it, she ended up in intensive care with a heart attack and died there on the third day, we were not around, she did not confess. They buried my mother according to all the rules of Orthodoxy, but they still haven’t told my dad that she left, because the doctors forbade it.

My heart is heavy, because when my mother left, my brother and I were not around, we were with my father - he is lying with us and requires our constant presence, and they are not allowed into the intensive care unit... But still, my heart is heavy from the realization of that for not holding her hand. 40 days are coming soon, please help with advice (parents live in Greece) Relatives and the Greek priest insist on telling dad before 40 days that mom is gone, and we are afraid that he will stop fighting. The 40th day falls on Monday; the relatives ask that the funeral meal be held on the 39th day so that everyone can come. Is it possible to do this? On the 40th day, perhaps the family should go to the cemetery and order services in the church? I don’t dream about my mother at all and I cry a little, at first so as not to scare my dad, but now only in church... Is this probably bad? We have a very friendly and happy family, we are so depressed now and don’t know what to do to make it easier for my mom and not lose my dad. Churches and monasteries have ordered magpies and the Indestructible Psalter for my mother, every day we go to church to remember her, and at home we read the Psalter and prayers. Pray, for Christ's sake, for the repose of the newly deceased R. b. Lydia and good health. b. Antonia. Save me, God.


As for whether to tell your father about your mother’s death or not, I won’t decide in absentia, I’m just afraid, together with you, that this news might make things even worse for your father. Weigh all the pros and cons, and decide - only you know this situation from the inside - and may God grant you the wisdom to make the right decision.
You can have the funeral meal a day earlier. And on the 40th day, try to submit a registered note of repose at the church and order a memorial service. It will be very good if you can serve a memorial service at the grave as well.
And you shouldn’t worry about the fact that your mother doesn’t dream. There is no need to cry and be killed, you better pray for her, and we will remember her too, and may the Lord vouchsafe her the Kingdom of Heaven!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! After breaking up with my loved one (on his initiative), I began going to church and ordering magpies for health and prayers, writing our names there. Since we sometimes call each other, I found out that he often began to get sick - it seemed he had just gotten over a severe cold, and then again... He started smoking, although he quit 3 years ago and was categorically against it! Maybe he feels worse because I pray for him and order magpies? Should I stop doing this? I don't want him to feel bad. Thank you!


Hello, Marina!
If you sincerely pray for the health of your loved one, he cannot get worse from your prayer.
But if you ordered magpie as some kind of “spell” to return your loved one, then you need to stop doing this.
God bless

Priest Sergius Osipov

I have a good friend. A very kind and bright boy! But recently I found out that he is a member of the Living Word sect. I found out about this completely by accident. I'm very worried about this situation. Until recently, he carefully hid this, but lately he has increasingly been making hints that I should come to them, and is trying to impose his faith on me, proving that Orthodoxy is a big deception. My arguments don't reach him. Tell me, how can I help him and convince him? I'm very worried that he will disappear there! Thanks in advance for your help.


Ekaterina, yes, it’s not an easy matter! There are at least two sects called “Living Word” - one is worse than the other. The first is a branch of Baptists, with all the errors characteristic of them. The second - even more beautiful - is the near-medical movement "Living Word", in which so much is mixed - the occult, and elements of Buddhism and Tantrism, and something from Christianity - that it is easy for a person to get confused. Probably, in both of these cases, a person may be attracted by the opportunity to influence the course of things in some volitional way - an opportunity, naturally, that is illusory.
Try to prove to him that Orthodoxy did not arise yesterday, unlike the “Living Word,” and not even two thousand years ago. This is the faith of the fathers and forefathers, the origins of which go back to the first people on earth. Salvation was already bequeathed to them, and in the remaining centuries our faith - the only and true one - simply became more and more “revealed” to consciousness
man: The Lord more and more revealed to us the unknown Heavenly world.
But besides, and perhaps this is the main thing, we really, really need to pray for him. Submit notes for him for the Liturgy (if baptized), order prayer services and magpies - this will help him free himself from demonic blindness and gain his sight.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

I ordered a magpie for health, but the man died. What to do with the magpie?


It is necessary to report this to the temple where the magpie was ordered, so that the person’s name will be copied into the memorial of repose. In any case (both when we pray for health and when we pray for peace), we pray for the salvation of a person.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Hello! Our aunt died, and all the relatives living far from each other ordered a magpie or a memorial service. We heard that they don't do it several times. What should I do? Thank you.


Natalia, there is nothing wrong with what you and your relatives did. On the contrary, it’s even wonderful that many churches will simultaneously commemorate your aunt. The same applies to funeral services.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

My husband drinks, I don’t know what to do. I read the “Inexhaustible Chalice” prayer for 40 days, didn’t drink for a while, but now I’m doing it again. When he’s drunk, he’s too generous, giving away money and everything anyone needs, so there are a lot of people interested in him drinking. I'm tired of fighting. The most annoying thing is that even when we come to his relatives, the mother pours alcohol first, and then the husband is generosity itself, everyone is happy except me. I tried to talk to my mother-in-law, but it was useless. Please advise me something!


Svetlana, try not to stop your prayer. In addition, you need to order prayers for health from the church - forty years or for a year. Also in such cases, the “unstoppable” Psalter, which is usually performed in monasteries, is very helpful. However, one must understand that all these methods are not a cure or a panacea - they only help a person come to his senses and realize his true position. But if the person himself does not realize that he is sick and does not want to change, then everything will continue like this - after periods of calm, the passion for drinking wine will attack with new and new force.
Only awareness of his sins and sincere repentance can heal your spouse.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, dear priests! Forgive me for constantly asking you my questions, I am very grateful for your attention and answers to them. My husband likes to drink beer, strong Okhota-8, 5-6 cans on weekends, and he often drinks it after work. When I married him 11 years ago, he was already a drinker. He is from a village, quite abandoned, almost all of them are drunks, as there is nothing to do, there is no temple. After my two unsuccessful marriages, with a 7-year-old son in my arms, I considered him my last chance. I hoped that everything would work out, we got married and had a daughter, she is 10 years old. He came from the hostel to live in my city apartment, my mother’s. He still drinks as he drank, but at least he works at a factory, out of 11 years of marriage - 6 years. I haven’t gone on vacation for 15 years, I haven’t even gone on maternity leave, because my job is such that I would immediately lose my job. It happened when my husband asked for beer, I gave him money for it to avoid a scandal. Although he "bites" constantly. She says that I am a bad wife because I communicate with my mother. A friend of mine graduated from an Orthodox school and the day before she told me that even though I go to church, I still won’t be saved without my husband. That I need to stop him drinking. I was very upset, because for 11 years he drinks almost every day. If I don’t give him money, he reproaches me with spiritual books, which I like to buy and read. Then he actually said that I was a fanatic, crazy for marrying a priest, that he thought I would go to Communion once and not go again. I always pray for him, I offer magpies for health and peace for all my relatives and him, I order mass, I myself read the morning and evening rules. He went to Communion 2 times over the summer, but he drinks no less. I am tormented by questions: will I answer before our Lord for my husband’s drunkenness and will I really not be saved?


Of course, what is happening to you is a tragedy, but patiently bearing your life’s cross is saving for the soul. If you can influence your spouse’s behavior, good; if not, it’s better to accept it. And calm down - you are not answerable to God for your husband’s drunkenness, unless you provoke him to drunkenness with your behavior. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

September 19 will be forty days from the date of my mother's death. At this time I will not be able to be in the city where her grave is. Will it be right if I visit her grave on September 30th when I arrive? On the day of her death, I ordered a magpie in church for her repose. What service should I order on the fortieth day?


It would be good if on the fortieth day you went to a service in the city in which you will be, and ordered a memorial service and a memorial service, and you can visit the grave upon your return.

Deacon Ilia Kokin

Good afternoon Recently I came to the temple to order a magpie for health (a friend was in a car accident). I was told that I need to order in 6-7 churches, preferably in those where services are held every day, because then “the power of prayer will be more powerful” and help will come faster. Is it really? If not, what is the best way to do it? Which saint should I pray to? Thank you in advance for your response.


As for 6-7 churches - this is all from the realm of popular imagination, the specific number does not matter, although, of course, the more people pray, the better. And with regard to the daily service, the fact is that the very concept of “magpie” presupposes precisely daily commemoration at the Divine Liturgy. In those churches where this daily service does not exist, essentially the magpie cannot be performed.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

My brother died - he was burned in a car in an accident. He died far from home - he was going to his son’s wedding. We will send you home in a zinc coffin. We probably won’t even be able to say goodbye, and we’ll have to bury him not on the 3rd day of his death, but later. How to do everything correctly, according to Orthodox canons?


The Kingdom of Heaven to your brother, Vera! Despite the fact that you will not bury him on the 3rd day after his death, but later, it is better not to delay the funeral service, but in this case to perform the funeral service in absentia. In the temple, the priest will give you a whisk, which is placed on the deceased’s forehead, an icon (or cross), which is placed in his hand, a prayer of permission and soil. All this can be lowered into the grave along with the coffin. In the meantime, even though there has not been a funeral yet, commemorate on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day, arranging a memorial meal (wake) and serving a memorial service. Be sure to order the funeral magpie.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! In many churches you can order a magpie about health. That's what I did. But in one church they told me that the magpie is ordered only for repose, and for health - prayers. Is it so? Does it make sense to order a magpie about health? Thank you.


Yes, it’s possible and necessary to order a message about health. And in order to generally understand for yourself what and when you need to order about your health, I can give as an example the rule used by Russian monks on Mount Athos: if a person needs urgent spiritual support, finds himself in difficult circumstances, is very ill, etc., then order the magpie as an intense prayer for this short period, and in other cases you can order a commemoration for a year or six months.
You can always order prayer services, even every day.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Removing damage from a church is one of the most reliable and safest ways to get rid of a negative program. This is the best option for believers who trust Orthodox churches more than conspiracies.

In the article:

How to get rid of negativity in the temple - preparation

Before getting rid of damage in the church, you should consider the basic rules. The ritual begins in the evening of the previous day before going to the temple. They remain alone or ask family members not to distract them.

Preparation is carried out in a room where there are icons, candles and lamps are lit, and prayers are read. If they are in several rooms, choose the one your intuition will indicate.

They put on a pectoral cross. You will need some holy water and a church candle. It is not necessary to stand in front of the images. You can get comfortable while preparing.

Light a flame and drink blessed water. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. After . Perhaps the ill-wisher is known. If not, guess who it could be and what the reason is. They forgive the enemy, do not harbor grudges and do not desire revenge. This will help remove damage through the church.

Psalm 90

Once you manage to forgive a person, it becomes easier. There is no doubt that God will help you get rid of the slander.


They do not put out the candle, but sit next to it until the flame goes out. They think about God, the path of man, and pray.

It is not advisable to engage in conversations. TV, radio and the Internet will interrupt preparations. They go to bed with pure thoughts.

Reprimand against damage in church

Having made the preparations described above, the next morning they go to church. You must arrive before the service starts. Before her, they order a magpie about health for themselves. They buy candles and place them at the following icons: All Saints, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Matrona And Panteleimon the healer.

The firing order is not important. If you don't believe in help, the church doesn't work.

Three more are placed on the eve, submitting notes for the repose of deceased relatives. This is a sign of respect for ancestors, and the acceptance of Christian traditions, and following them, and the removal of possible ancestral damage or curse, if any.

The actions are performed before the service in the church; you should read it before it begins. The text is pronounced three times to oneself in front of the icon, to whom one turns for help:

I ask you, God, cleanse me,
I pray to you with spiritual faith.
From now on I will begin to read Scripture,
It’s within your power to visit a bright church.
Deliver my loved ones from hostile damage,
Me - from a gaping spiritual wound.
May all my enemies be healthy
Forgive them for being harsh.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Attention is drawn to the promise given in the text of the conspiracy. Now it’s worth striving for God, being closer to Him, reading more and trying to learn new things about Orthodoxy.

Remove damage from a church - a ritual in three temples

To remove damage from a church, you need to work three Sundays in a row. They select the time so that there are no Orthodox holidays. You will have to visit temples in a certain order. On the first Sunday they go to one, on the second - at two, and on the third - at 3.

Every church lights a candle for their own health. They can only be lit from other burning ones. You cannot use matches, put them in an already occupied hole, or move someone else’s. They follow the rules of conduct in an Orthodox church that apply on any other day.

Candles for health are placed near icons. The best solution is to ask the patron for help to the guardian angel. You can find out who protects a person and whether the necessary icon is in the temple from the priest. There is no need to tell him about removing the evil eye or damage, in order to avoid embarrassment. If there is no saint's face, place a candle near Mother of God, All Saints And Jesus Christ.

Read in church: prayer to the honorable cross, Psalm 90 and the one that suits the situation. If directed, contact Mother of God, to your health - to the Lord for healing, they took my husband away - to John the Theologian or Daniil Moskovsky. If you can’t get married due to a negative program, there is a special girl’s prayer for marriage. Helps against drug addiction Saint Boniface.

After reading the prayers, you can go home. For three weeks, they lead a righteous lifestyle according to Christian canons. If friends are interested in visiting the temple, it is impossible to say that the person is engaged in removing damage from the church. Do not give away items from home during this period. They note who comes to ask for things or tries to borrow them: most likely, this is an ill-wisher.

Sevenfold magpie from evil

The idea is to have time to visit seven temples in one day, from dawn to dusk. In each one you need to order magpie for yourself. If there is trouble in a family, more than one person does it. For example, someone goes to two churches, another to five.

Actions literally lift the victim to his feet. Executed even if done