Ceiling      01/31/2023

Sea buckthorn protects against cancer.  Traditional methods of treating breast cancer Sea buckthorn for oncology use

We had a female sea buckthorn tree, but when the neighbors took out theirs, it stopped bearing fruit. Now we decide: should we add a male to him or knock him out? Tell us why sea buckthorn is needed.

Egorov family, Anchor Slit

Indeed, sea buckthorn is a dioecious shrub, so female plants bear fruit only in the presence of male plants. So once you have one tree left, it will not bear any harvest. Thank you for not destroying it immediately, but for seeking advice from Health in the Home.

The most important beneficial property of sea buckthorn is its ability to protect against cancer. After all, it contains a lot of beta-carotene, which gives the fruits a bright orange color. It is this provitamin that prevents cells from degenerating into cancer cells.

The uses of sea buckthorn fruits are varied: they are eaten fresh, dried, frozen, and made into fruit drinks, jam and wine. Moreover, sea buckthorn has a rare feature: due to the absence of an oxidative enzyme, vitamin C in it is not destroyed when heated. But this property applies only to vitamin C, and, unfortunately, does not apply to the rest. So we traditionally recommend proven, gentle preparation methods, since the berries are stored in the refrigerator for only a few days.

We freeze

Place freshly harvested, undamaged sea buckthorn in a plastic bag and freeze. At a temperature of –10–150 C, it is perfectly stored for 12 months, practically without losing its taste and nutritional qualities.


Place the peeled fruits on electric dryer trays and dry at a temperature not exceeding 600 C until they stop sticking to your hands. Place the finished sea buckthorn in a glass jar with a tight lid and store in a dry, dark place at room temperature.

Gleb ELIZAROV, cardiologist, Moscow:

– From the pulp of sea buckthorn fruits you can get a real multivitamin concentrate - a fatty oil containing carotene and carotenoids, ascorbic acid, vitamin P, etc.

The oil promotes the healing of wounds, burns, frostbite and bedsores. Treats radiation damage to tissue, is used in gynecological practice for colpitis, endocervicitis, and cervical erosions. It relieves ulcerative lesions of the rectum, internal hemorrhoids, and anal fissures, which is why it is included in the suppositories. It is used for diseases of the oral mucosa, periodontal disease and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Sea buckthorn oil is also used in cosmetology for dry and aging skin (to do this, add a few drops of oil to your cream each time), improves hair structure and helps with brittle nails. Moreover, for these purposes it can be used both locally and internally.

Cooking butter

Sort the sea buckthorn and squeeze it in a juicer or mortar. The juice is not needed; it can be preserved or covered with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.5. Dry the remaining mass after removing the juice in an electric dryer or oven at a temperature of 50–600 C.

Next, grind it with a coffee grinder and fill it with refined sunflower or olive oil in a ratio of 1:1.5 (by weight). Leave at room temperature for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then carefully pour the liquid part into a dark bottle. That's it, the healing oil is ready!

Making wine

Sort and peel the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. From 4 kg of fruits, about 3 liters of juice are obtained. To reduce acidity, dilute it halfway with boiled water, install a water seal and leave to ferment. At the end of fermentation, pour the wine into bottles, cork and place in a cool place. Aged for a year - this wine has a golden color, a light pineapple aroma and a sweetish-sour taste.

The fruits contain:

from 2 to 12% sugars

up to 8.8% oil

up to 3.2% organic acids sterols

flavones and tannins

trace elements (iron, boron, manganese)

vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E

IMPORTANT: Sea buckthorn is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity, acute diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver.

Anna Zhurkovskaya

Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts:

Telephone: 8 918 843 47 72

Mail: [email protected]

I consult for free.

Today, the problem of cancer remains one of the most pressing. There are many theories about the occurrence of tumors and methods of combating them. The same attention is paid to the treatment of oncology with herbs as to the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Folk medicine contains numerous recipes for decoctions and tinctures for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Among all medicinal herbs, sea buckthorn, rose hips and mistletoe occupy an important place.

Sea buckthorn for cancer

Science has proven the harmful effects of sea buckthorn on cancer cells. When using a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves and branches throughout the year, the disease recedes in the early stages. Sea buckthorn for cancer is most often used in the form of an oil or tincture. The decoction recipe is as follows:

  • Rinse 0.5 kg of orange berries,
  • pour over cool water
  • leave to dry for half an hour
  • then pour into a deep container
  • pour 1 kilogram of buckwheat honey.

Everything should infuse for 1 month in a cool, dark place, while the berries should maintain their integrity (do not crush).

The medicinal herb sea buckthorn and oncology, as one of the most serious diseases, interact with each other, as a result of which sea buckthorn and its properties kill the ability of the disease to progress. This plant is used in the treatment of various types of cancer, for example, cancer of the female genital organs.

Sea buckthorn for cervical cancer is used in the form of oil, which is generously lubricated with cotton swabs (5 to 10 ml per swab). Tampons need to be changed every day. This course consists of 15 procedures. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 1-1.5 months.

Rosehip for cancer

Rosehip or wild rose among the people occupies not the last place among all medicinal herbs. For the purpose of treatment and prevention, rose hips are used against cancer of the liver, stomach, breast, pancreas, intestines, lungs, prostate, gall bladder and blood.

Rosehip decoction for oncology is prepared as follows:

  • 15 g of dry fruits pour 420 ml of water
  • cook over low heat for 7 minutes.
  • leave for 2.5 hours.

The drink should be consumed 4 times every day, 55-110 ml. To prevent cancer, it is recommended to eat 15 fresh berries every season.

Rose hips are used in oncology not only as an independent medicine, but also as part of herbal preparations. Among them, the collection, which consists of 16 types of herbs, is especially popular:

  • nettle (25g),
  • sage (35g),
  • motherwort (10g),
  • swamp cudweed (10g),
  • thyme (10g),
  • dried flowers (10g),
  • bearberry (20g),
  • string (20g),
  • rosehip (20g),
  • birch buds (10g),
  • trifol (10g),
  • immortelle (20g),
  • wormwood (15g),
  • yarrow (10g),
  • chamomile (10g),
  • buckthorn bark (10g).

This collection has a good effect on benign and malignant tumors.

Treatment of cancer with mistletoe

Mistletoe has been used against cancer for quite a long time, since the beginning of the twentieth century, when its antitumor properties were established. In European countries today, a whole separate area of ​​oncology treatment is very popular - mistletoe therapy: the use of plant extract instead of chemotherapy and laser methods.

It is the chemical components of this plant that determine its ability to fight cancer. Mistletoe is able to eliminate apoptosis - a disruption in the processes of cell reproduction, as a result of which cells that have mutated or been damaged continue to increase in number and thus a tumor appears.

The plant can restore all disrupted processes, cells in the tumor and metastases stop growing and recovery occurs.

Mistletoe is especially often used for oncology of hormone-dependent female and male organs.

Mistletoe is used in oncology in the form of a tincture made from leaves and branches.

Decoction recipe:

  • Pour 1 dessert spoon of dry mistletoe leaves and stems into 1 glass of water,
  • boil for 1 minute,
  • then leave for 30 minutes.
  • strain.

You need to take the decoction 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

The use of mistletoe as the main drug in the treatment of cancer is undesirable, since it has a very low concentration of active substances. It is best to combine it with drug treatment.

Nature has many surprises for humans. One of them is sea buckthorn, small oblong berries, colored yellow, sometimes reaching red-orange. If you look closely, they resemble medicinal capsules in shape. Maybe this isn't a coincidence?

Sea buckthorn grows both near bodies of water and high above sea level, where most trees die. She is not afraid of hot and dry places, as well as Siberian frosts. Can't do without sunlight. Small trees with thorns, narrow leaves and branches, densely dotted with fruits, conquered Asia and Europe, China and India, the Caucasus and Mongolia. The list of growing places goes on. And the healing properties of the plant have been known since the time of Theophrastus.

Useful qualities of golden berries

Medical professionals and scientists around the world agree that sea buckthorn helps to recover from 90% of diseases. Actively affects any inflammatory processes, pain syndromes, chronic diseases, viruses and infections, weakened immunity. Widely used to treat stomach and intestinal problems, disorders of the cardiovascular system, oncological and gynecological pathologies. The most common use of sea buckthorn, known to everyone, is the treatment of various skin ailments, from healing scratches and burns to psoriasis and trophic ulcers. In cosmetology, yellow berries also occupy a place of honor; their effective use to prolong beauty and youth has been proven for years.

Sea buckthorn fruits can be taken in their natural form, squeezed into juice or made into oil. Each option has high utility. In addition, the leaves, roots and bark of the tree are also suitable for treating many diseases.

Making sea buckthorn oil at home

Oil is the most widespread and effective. It is easy to buy in pharmacies, it is always available and inexpensive. For those who prefer alternative or traditional medicine, here is a homemade recipe.

Place the berries, thoroughly washed with warm boiled water, on a napkin and dry. Using a juicer, we obtain ready-made juice and dry cake, consisting of seeds and skins of the fruit. We don’t throw anything away, everything will come in handy in due time. We filter the squeezed juice, for convenience we place it in a wide container and let it stand. As soon as the contents are divided into several layers, the top of which is the oil, the middle is a mixture of oil and juice, and the bottom is the juice itself, our task is to remove the oil into another container. This is easy to do with a spoon, carefully collecting the top layer. This way you can leave the juice several times to collect as much pure concentrated oil as possible. Store in a closed container, in a cool place, away from light.

Now the cake. If you dry it, you can prepare “second-press” oil, which is perfect for both external and internal use. Grind the pulp in a coffee grinder and pour into an enamel or glass container. Pour in sunflower oil heated to 60°C, not exceeding the height of the powder, and mix thoroughly. Sunflower oil must be unrefined, first-pressed, cold-pressed. High-quality olive oil will also work. Leave the mixture in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Then squeeze out and proceed in the same way as with pure sea buckthorn oil.

Now that the supply of sea buckthorn oil is ready, you can begin treatment.

Features and contraindications

Sea buckthorn is incredibly rich in vitamins and amino acids. Some acids are quite aggressive and their use for certain diseases is unacceptable. Fortunately, the list is short:

  • inflammation of the duodenum;
  • pancreas;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hepatitis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • cholelithiasis.

In addition, it is not recommended to use sea buckthorn derivatives if you have intestinal disorders or a tendency to diarrhea. One last word of caution. High levels of carotenoids can cause allergic reactions in people with severe immune disorders.

Methods for using sea buckthorn, confirmed by results.

  • Gynecology.

Already in the middle of the last century, many female diseases were successfully treated with sea buckthorn oil. Antibacterial action, reduction of inflammatory processes and fairly rapid epithelization - this is exactly what is difficult to achieve on mucous tissues, and this is the strength of these fruits. Vaginal candidiasis, cervical erosion, endometritis, uterine bedsores, colpitis and cervicitis can be defeated.

For treatment you will need sea buckthorn oil, tampons or simply balls rolled out of cotton wool, or gauze napkins in several folds. Clean the vagina by douching with herbal tinctures for disinfection. Thoroughly wet a tampon, gauze or cotton ball with oil and place it deep inside, gently pressing it against the cervix. Change this compress every day, repeating the entire procedure step by step. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the diagnosis and the stage of development of the disease. On average from 10 days to a month. Even pregnant and breastfeeding women can use it.

  • Digestive system.

With any intestinal disease, you should first go to a gastroenterologist. The prescribed treatment must be accompanied by strict adherence to the diet chosen by the doctor, and only now it is necessary to supplement the therapy with tinctures and herbal decoctions. You need to drink herbal teas for at least six months. The presence of sea buckthorn in these preparations will significantly alleviate the condition and speed up recovery. For example, for ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, the following fees will help. Licorice, chamomile, sea buckthorn berries. Or celandine, linden, fennel fruits, sea buckthorn leaves. You can use St. John's wort, plantain, sea buckthorn leaves. Mix the components of one of the proposed options in equal parts, pour one tablespoon of herbs into one glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes, then strain and cool.

This recipe has worked well: finely crush washed and dried sea buckthorn berries and mix with honey. Roll the resulting mixture into balls the size of small peas. Eat a ball 3 times a day before meals. The chronic form of enterocolitis is also treated with herbal teas. Take mint leaves, immortelle flowers, chamomile and sea buckthorn in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. You can also take equal amounts of flax seeds, fennel fruits, bird cherry and sea buckthorn. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Let cool, then strain the drink. Drink half a glass of any of the proposed decoctions three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

  • Oncology.

Of all the fears known to man, cancer is the most unpredictable and practically incurable. This was believed until recently throughout the world. But science and research prove that even these cases can be overcome by using the power of nature. Boil 300 g of finely chopped sea buckthorn branches in 3 liters of water over low heat for 25 minutes, let stand for another 3 hours and drain. Half an hour before meals, drink 100 ml of the drink 3-5 times a day. You can also make an alcohol tincture. To do this, infuse 100 g of the bark of young sea buckthorn shoots in 500 ml of vodka for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place. Take the strained medicine by teaspoon 4 times a day before meals with water. The recipes are suitable for treating oncology of any internal organs.

  • Inflammation of the joints.

Several traditional methods of treatment. First: 10 g sea buckthorn root ground into powder, 30 ml sea buckthorn oil, 20 ml sunflower oil, 50 g butter, 10 ml goose fat, 70 ml kerosene, 100 ml vodka, 120 ml ammonia, 10 ml formic alcohol and half a glass of hot water, combine together in a liter bottle. Close it tightly and leave for one hour. Apply to entire body from neck to toes. Excluding stomach and groin. Use overnight, shaking the bottle well before use. Improvement occurs on the third day. With persistence, even long-standing pain can be cured.

Second: heat a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil over low heat. Add half tbsp. spoons of badyagi, stirring thoroughly. Rub the warm mixture well into areas prone to pain, wrap it in a woolen cloth and bandage it on top. Do before bed and leave until morning. If possible, you can repeat it for a day.

Third: thoroughly mix a glass of sea buckthorn and 2.5 glasses of carrot juice. After meals, take 1 tablespoon of this cocktail daily.

  • Dermatology.

Skin problems occur in every family. Abrasions and lichens, cuts and burns, dermatitis, neurodermatitis and eczema, trophic ulcers and psoriasis - from the simplest to the incurable. And again, sea buckthorn oil, decoctions of berries and leaves will help, the use of which is useful both externally and internally. You can lubricate sore areas with oil for any skin problem. If the concentrated oil causes irritation, which is possible due to the large number of active substances, you need to prepare an ointment. Any fatty base is suitable for this, for example, melted animal fat, vegetable oils, Vaseline or just baby cream. Mix 8 parts of the base and 1-2 parts of sea buckthorn oil and the medicinal ointment is ready.

Baths of sea buckthorn leaves and fruits, with the addition of other beneficial plants, enhance the therapeutic effect. Chamomile and celandine, calendula and nettle, calamus, oak bark, burdock roots and drupes and others.

People popularly treat lichen this way: cut sea buckthorn berries are rubbed well on the damaged areas and after a day or two everything goes away. At an advanced stage, it is recommended to make an ointment by mixing a third of a glass of sea buckthorn oil and 2 tablespoons of sulfur. Spread a thick layer over the entire body and do not wash off for 3 days. If necessary, repeat the procedure a second time, a maximum of a third time and there will be no deprivation.

Psoriasis has virtually no cure, but it is possible to prevent the disease from developing, keep it under control and even reduce its manifestations. In addition to oil and herbal baths, it is good to use the following remedy: pour boiling water over a spoonful of chamomile or celandine flowers and 100 g of dried sea buckthorn berries, bring to a boil, turn the heat to minimum and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain, boil again, adding a tablespoon of milk. Remove from heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Use the cooled decoction to wipe areas with manifestations of psoriasis. As for eczema, treatment must be accompanied by herbal decoctions to normalize digestion, including twigs, roots or leaves of sea buckthorn.

  • Bronchopulmonary system.

Sea buckthorn is effective in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis, sore throat and suffocating cough. You can make teas from sea buckthorn leaves, berries, twigs, adding honey and milk. Combine with other herbs that are useful for similar ailments. Here are some recipes. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dried berries, steam for 5 minutes and drink before bed.

Mix elderberry and chamomile flowers, mint and sea buckthorn berries in equal proportions. Take two tablespoons of herbs, steam with boiling water and leave for one hour. Drink hot, 100 ml three times a day. Keep clean aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 4 days, then chop and thoroughly grind with honey.

Pour boiling water over linden flowers and birch buds and leave for about an hour. Take a glass of freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice, aloe with honey, linden tincture 2 tablespoons and mix everything. Take a tablespoon three times a day. These recipes will help cure even advanced cases.

There are many other potions, ointments, and rubs based on the golden berry. The list of diseases that it helps to cope with is also long. It is important to listen to yourself, visit doctors on time and not be lazy. It is much easier to take pills than to prepare medicine yourself. But it is natural natural substances that help you recover without consequences.

An ancient folk recipe for treating cancer with sea buckthorn. Cancer is a very serious disease and it is necessary to be under the supervision of an oncologist. As in the treatment of any disease, early detection of cancer is very important. In folk medicine there are a number of healing remedies for cancer. One of the most effective folk remedies for cancer is sea buckthorn. And its use is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. In this case, sea buckthorn tea will help. It is advisable to drink up to 3-5 liters of sea buckthorn tea per day. The healing property of sea buckthorn tea lies in its effect on cancer cells at an early stage of development. The treatment is long but effective.

Sea buckthorn tea is prepared from sea buckthorn branches and leaves: Wash 200 g of sea buckthorn leaves and 300 g of sea buckthorn branches with warm water, then pour boiling water over them, place in a ceramic or earthenware bowl, add cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove the dish from the heat, wrap in a towel and leave until cool. Then strain through cheesecloth and store the broth in a cool place. Warm it up a little before using. If, at an early stage of cancer development, you drink tea from the branches and leaves of sea buckthorn instead of water for a year, your health will be completely restored.

At later stages of cancer development, take sea buckthorn berries infused with honey, washed down with fresh milk. Treatment is long-term, lasting a year.

Recipe for tincture of sea buckthorn berries with honey for cancer: Take 0.5 kg of bright yellow or orange sea buckthorn berries, pour over cooled boiled water, add cold water and leave for half an hour. Then pour the berries into a ceramic bowl or bowl and pour in 1 kg of honey, preferably buckwheat, and leave in a cool place for 1 month. Do not crush the berries. Take 50 g of tincture (berries with honey) and drink 0.5 glasses of milk, 3 times a day after meals. You should not miss a single day of treatment. During treatment, you need to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits in any form, washed down with a glass of fresh milk. It is better to avoid meat.

Balm of longevity and health. Ingredients: 200 grams of chaga, 50 grams of pine buds, 50 grams of yarrow, 50 grams of wormwood, 5 grams. Pour this mixture into 3 liters of hot water and let stand for 2 hours, then bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. Then cover the pan and leave for 24 hours. After this, strain the broth and add: 20 g of aloe, 500 g of honey, 200 g of cognac. Take 6 days, 1 tsp. 2 hours before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 - 1.5 months. Cures: sinusitis, stomach diseases and cancer.

Infusion of chaga (birch mushroom) for cancer. Wash the fresh mushroom and grate it. Pre-soak the dried mushroom for 4 hours in cold boiled water, then grate. For 1 part of grated mushroom, take 5 parts of boiled water, the temperature of which should not exceed 50 degrees, and leave for 2 days. Strain, squeeze out the sediment into the infusion. Take 3 glasses per day, divided into several doses, half an hour before meals. The infusion can be stored for no more than 4 days in a cold place. This remedy improves the well-being of patients with malignant tumors of any location without symptoms of severe exhaustion, when surgery and radiation therapy are excluded. It has been established that in the initial stages of cancer development, chaga can delay tumor growth, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being, but it is not a radical treatment for malignant neoplasms. Different sources have dosage options: 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals; half a glass 6 times a day. For tumors located in the pelvis, a light enema of 50-100 ml is additionally prescribed at night.

Over the years, many methods of treating various oncological diseases, including cancer, have been published on the Internet.

I think that the remedy I propose for these ailments will also find its place in the collection of healing remedies. And I want to tell you about the treatment of cancer with sea buckthorn.

Treatment of cancer with sea buckthorn

Its use is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. An organ affected by cancer does not respond to treatment for a long time, and then a slow recovery begins.

The treatment is long but effective. Almost 100% of patients are cured. The main thing is to recognize the disease as early as possible.

If you drink tea from the branches and leaves of sea buckthorn instead of water for a year, then at the early stage of the disease your health will be completely restored.

In case of advanced disease, you need to take 50 g of sea buckthorn berries infused with honey 3 times a day, washed down with fresh milk. You need to be treated for a whole year, without missing a single day.

sea ​​buckthorn leaves

As a result, seven out of ten patients are completely cured, and in every fifth, the growth of cancer cells is attenuated.

You should check in regularly to see how your treatment is progressing. Children are cured faster with this method.

Sea buckthorn tea for malignant tumors

To prepare medicinal tea, you need to wash 200 g of sea buckthorn leaves and 300 g of branches with warm water, then pour boiling water over them, put them in a ceramic or earthenware bowl, pour in cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes over low heat.

Remove the dishes from the stove, wrap them in a towel and leave until cool. After this, strain through cheesecloth and store the broth in a cool place. Warm it up a little before using.