The buildings      01/31/2023

Folk remedy for cough lemon glycerin honey. Glycerin, lemon and honey for cough - recipe. Cough recipe

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • A mixture consisting of lemon, glycerin and honey is an effective remedy against dry and wet cough. All the components of such a home remedy are freely available, and making a medicinal product based on them is very simple. As a rule, glycerin, honey and lemon are used as an additional therapeutic agent along with pharmaceutical medications (tablets, suspensions) prescribed by the doctor.

    Lemon, glycerin and honey - a permanent and effective folk remedy for cough

    Beneficial features

    The basis of this home remedy is glycerin. It is known as an emollient that brings invaluable benefits to a sore and irritated throat. Lemon is used as an additional component. This citrus saturates the patient’s body with a large amount of vitamin C. This substance helps to increase the patient’s immune strength. As for honey, it contains a lot of useful components that help fight bacteria and enhance coughing.

    Among other things, honey has pronounced antiseptic properties and also saturates the body with a large amount of vitamins. Just like lemon, this product improves the immunity of the sick person. A mixture based on honey, lemon and glycerin helps get rid of even an old cough.

    A three-component cough remedy with glycerin, made at home, has beneficial effects:

    1. softens irritated throat;
    2. removes swelling from the bronchi;
    3. removes germs from the mucous membrane of the throat;
    4. helps thick secretions to be coughed up better;
    5. increases the speed of metabolic processes;
    6. saturates the body with useful components.

    In addition to all of the above, glycerin, lemon and honey help strengthen the patient’s immune system.

    Subtleties of application

    You can choose any regimen for taking such a three-component medicine, depending on the age of the patient. In addition, the rules of treatment are also influenced by what type of cough the patient suffers from - wet or dry. This home remedy, which includes glycerin lemon and honey for dry cough, is taken orally. When treating with this remedy with honey for cough, you need to pay attention to the following scheme:

    1. severe attacks - 1 tsp. from 4 to 7 times a day;
    2. for residual cough - 0.5 tsp. from 2 to 5 times a day;
    3. for paroxysmal coughs – 1 tsp. from 3 to 4 times a day;
    4. for the purpose of prevention during the onset of illness - 1/3 tsp. for several days.

    The medicine can be used both before meals (30 minutes) and after it (after 1.5 hours). In this case, all the beneficial substances can be absorbed much faster.

    If noticeable improvements occur, the daily dose of such a three-component product can be halved. The therapeutic course should last no more than 7 days.

    Features of choosing ingredients

    In order to make an effective and high-quality cough remedy, you should carefully select all the components for its preparation. The following expert recommendations will help with this:

    • Lemons must be fresh. The quality of this citrus can be easily checked by its peel. It should not have green spots. You also need to inspect each lemon for damage. It is better not to take such citrus fruits. In addition, to prepare a medicinal cough mixture, it is best to purchase lemons with thin peels - they contain more useful substances.

    It is very important that the lemons are fresh

    • Glycerin cannot be purchased in regular stores, including cosmetic stores. As a rule, such a substance is sold for external use. This means that it may contain harmful additives that have a beneficial effect on the skin, but can have a negative effect when taken orally. Therefore, glycerin for making a medicinal mixture should only be purchased at a pharmacy. It is sold in purified form and does not contain harmful substances. In addition, you should definitely look at the information on the packaging stating that glycerin for cough is intended for oral administration.
    • Honey is taken only natural, without added sugar, fructose and other components. The flower variety is best suited for cough treatment. If it is candied, you can return it to its normal liquid state by melting it in a water bath or placing it in the microwave for 10 seconds (depending on the degree of candiedness). Power should be minimal.

    All components must be of very high quality, otherwise it can cause harm to health. For example, if you use glycerin in such a home remedy not for internal, but for external use, liver problems may occur. But old and dry lemons will not have any therapeutic effect, and will not saturate the body with vitamin C.

    Glycerin should be from a pharmacy, since you will be taking it orally

    What you should know

    The composition, which includes glycerin and lemon for dry cough, should not be consumed if you have:

    1. hypersensitivity to certain substances in the composition, for example, honey;
    2. stomach or intestinal diseases;
    3. the period of breastfeeding or while expecting a baby;
    4. the temperature rose above 37 degrees.

    In addition, this composition, which contains cough glycerin, is not recommended for children until they are 5 years old. After this, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician about the advisability of taking such a mixture, and only after that can you treat the child.

    It should be remembered that this remedy, prepared at home, is suitable for treatment only if the cough was caused by bronchitis or exposure to viruses.

    If the cause of this condition is tuberculosis or allergies, the mixture will not have the desired effect. Not only will it not be effective, but it may worsen the course of the disease. In addition, before you start preparing this cough remedy, you need to consult a specialist.

    Recipes for home cooking

    Variations for the use of a drug that includes glycerin for cough may be different. You should know that you do not need to make a new portion each time, since this medicine contains natural preservatives. This mixture should be stored refrigerated.

    It’s very easy to prepare a honey-lemon mixture with glycerin.

    The most effective cough recipes for children and adults based on honey, glycerin and lemon are presented below:

    • Honey-lemon mixture with glycerin. It effectively softens the sore mucous membrane of a child with a dry cough. To prepare, you will need 2 medium lemons with thin peel. They need to be washed thoroughly, doused with boiling water and cut into pieces. You need to remove the seeds from citrus fruits. Then the lemons need to be ground in a blender and mixed with 2 tbsp. glycerin. Add 3 tbsp. liquid honey (pre-melted in a water bath).
    • Cough drink. This product saturates the patient’s body with vitamin C and helps strengthen the immune system. To prepare a cough remedy, the recipe involves using the juice squeezed from 4 lemons. To make this process easier, you can put citrus fruits in boiling water and keep them in it for no more than 20 seconds. After this procedure, you should cut off the top of all the lemons prepared in this way and squeeze the juice into a container. Next you need to add 3 tbsp. glycerin and the same amount of honey. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and refrigerated. It is advisable to use glass containers for cooking.

    You can prepare a product with lemon, honey and glycerin according to different recipes

    • Cough recipe based on honey and lemon. Recommended for use as a prophylaxis or for incipient cough. To prepare it, you need to take 3 ripe lemons, wash them and pour boiling water over them. Cut into small slices and pour in a mixture of honey (5 tbsp) and glycerin (2 tbsp). This three-component remedy should be taken 1.5 hours after meals once a day. It is advisable to do this in the evening, since most people have their worst coughing attacks at night.

    Each product has almost the same composition. They differ only in the dosage used and purpose.

    From the following video you will learn another folk recipe with these ingredients:

    It’s no longer winter, but people keep coming to clinics complaining of a dry, debilitating cough. Sometimes you can’t do without medications, and you have to take Ambroxol, Erespal, Lazolvan, Langes and Alteyka. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed. But 95% of all bronchitis is caused by viruses! What's the point of taking antibiotics then? If the disease is just beginning and the first symptoms appear, you can easily limit yourself to your grandmother’s recipe. An ordinary lemon will replace a number of medications. So, lemon for cough helps in cases where:

    • the first symptoms have just appeared;
    • dry cough;
    • tickle in the throat;
    • there is a feeling of body aches.

    If the cough bothers the patient for more than 3 days, the body temperature rises, general weakness and malaise appear, traditional medicine recipes cannot act as a basic method of treatment. A comprehensive examination and a number of prescription medications are required.

    Now everyone knows that at the first manifestations of a cold you need to take lemon: for coughs, fragility of blood vessels, to increase immunity, to fight the virus. But eating lemon alone will not help your child. You need to combine lemon with glycerin and honey. This is the only way a recipe based on honey and glycerin will protect your children, regardless of the season.

    Why lemon without honey is money down the drain

    Only natural raw honey has beneficial properties. When a product is subject to heat treatment, its structure changes at the molecular level. And by eating this honey, you will get nothing but pleasure. Raw honey has antibacterial, antiviral and even antifungal properties. Lemon is rich exclusively in vitamin C. It is known that a teaspoon of honey before bedtime helps a child calm down and fall asleep faster. This is especially important for dry and debilitating cough.

    Softening the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract

    Glycerol is fats that have been broken down by enzymes. The drug has an enveloping and softening effect. With a dry cough, the mucous membranes become dry. This causes hoarseness and discomfort in the larynx. With the help of glycerin, you can soften the mucous membrane and prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.

    Smart Chinese heal with ginger

    Ginger was widely used in China a thousand years ago. Ginger root not only relieves inflammation, but also:

    1. Improves microcirculation.
    2. Is an antiseptic.
    3. Used as an expectorant.
    4. Promotes digestion.
    5. Increases local immunity.

    Are you sick, but lemons don’t grow at home?

    It is not necessary to use only lemon in treatment. From what grows in the garden, onions are perfect, known for their antibacterial and antifungal properties due to the high concentration of phytoncides. But be careful! Onions can cause allergies, and it is not advisable to give them to children along with honey: honey is also a serious allergen!

    Recipe for the lazy

    You need to squeeze out the juice of one lemon, add two tablespoons of glycerin and half a glass of honey. Mix all this well and put it in the refrigerator for 4 - 5 hours. The resulting tincture can be consumed 2 teaspoons up to 6 times a day. It is necessary to store the medicine refrigerated and limit exposure to direct sunlight.

    What is important to understand

    In recent years, doctors have lost the habit of using folk remedies. None of the folk recipes are included in the standard protocols of medical care. In ancient times, people actively used the gifts of nature.

    Today, a lot of herbal remedies appear on the shelves of pharmacies, which are in no way inferior in effectiveness to synthetic ones. Ancient knowledge is forgotten, but not by everyone. You can use cough recipes based on lemon, honey, onion or ginger. And this is effective at the initial stage of the disease. However, it is better to consult a doctor and, in addition to the tincture from the refrigerator, start taking an antiviral or other necessary drug. Be healthy!

    Glycerin, honey, and lemon for coughs are effective and effective remedies that will not only save you money, but also give a guaranteed result. Why eat mountains of pills when there are recipes with natural and natural substances that do not require enormous effort to prepare them.

    Natural ingredients

    Let's see what beneficial properties lemon, honey, and glycerin can boast of.


    Surely you have heard about a cream with glycerin for your hands or face - would it be dangerous to use it internally? Glycerin is useful for the skin because it draws moisture from the air and clogs it in the skin, but how does it help fight cough? Glycerin acts as an emollient on mucous membranes. It is formed in the body as a result of the enzymatic breakdown of fats, so it can be consumed orally without fear. It is obtained using animal fats or lard. It has also been discovered that it can be extracted from oils. Glycerin is a clear liquid and is slightly viscous in consistency.

    Attention: purchase purified glycerin only at the pharmacy and pay attention to the presence of the inscription on the bottle “for internal use.” Be sure to consult a pharmacy; do not take a poorly purified drug - it can negatively affect the liver.


    This product is famous for a number of useful properties. In addition to containing vitamins, it is also a preventative. Lemon oil and the acid of this fruit have a healing effect. This is a very affordable product that is used in the manufacture of many drugs, cosmetics for hair and face. After regular consumption of lemon, immunity, performance and endurance of the body as a whole increase.


    Honey, like lemon, is one of the most popular natural remedies, will destroy bacteria, and will also add a pleasant taste to your medicine, acting as a contrast to the sour yellow fruit. Take any honey you have at home; if there are several varieties, give preference to one of the flower varieties.

    So, all of these natural products individually are healing, but their combination makes the treatment more effective - soon you will forget what a cough is. Always keep lemon and honey (and glycerin if possible) at home. By eating lemon and honey as a regular treat, you can prevent illness and then, perhaps, you will not encounter a cough at all. Well, if this has already happened, then you will need the following recipes.


    • Preparation of medicinal tincture. Wash the lemon and make several holes in it so that the process of releasing juice is more active (using a knife or fork). Bring the water to a boil and place the yellow fruit in it for 10 minutes. Then remove and let cool. Then cut into two halves and squeeze them into a glass or mug. So, you have the juice of one lemon, then add glycerin (several tablespoons), and then fill everything with honey (you need to pick up liquid honey or heat it if it is candied). Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. When completely cool, place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
    • Storage. After the time during which it should have been in the refrigerator has passed, take it out. The tincture will need to be stored in a cool place, but the refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose. In the cool season, keep it on the balcony, or simply in a dark place, away from direct sunlight.

      Please note: never start using the tincture cold; if you keep it on the balcony, then let it stand at room temperature before using it.

    • Application. If the cough is severe and debilitating, consume the healing mixture 5-8 times daily, 1 teaspoon. If you are worried about a cough that is not severe, then 1 teaspoon a couple of times a day will be enough. If you have a cough at night, take the tincture before bed.

    Here is another recipe for a healing mixture, which includes glycerin and honey with lemon for cough.

    Wash the lemon and pour boiling water over it. Grind it in a blender. Add honey and purified glycerin (1 tablespoon each) to the resulting lemon pulp. As soon as a cough occurs, immediately eat 1 teaspoon of the healing mixture. Store in the same way as the previous mixture - in a cool place.

    Important! The resulting mixtures can remain suitable for consumption and not lose their properties for a very long time - glycerin, honey and lemon are natural preservatives.

    You can see how to make dishes or desserts with healthy ingredients like honey and lemon here:

    All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

    Not every pediatrician or therapist will suggest treating a cough with glycerin, honey and lemon. Traditional therapy is rarely used in modern medicine. However, many years of experience and positive reviews from people indicate the effectiveness of the product. It helps to cope with the most painful and serious type of illness - dry cough. The effectiveness of therapy increases if you take into account all the subtleties of preparing the drug and carry out treatment at an early stage.

    Glycerin, honey and lemon save you from dry cough through the amazing properties of each component. In combination they have a positive effect. To understand what the healing power of a drug is, it is worth considering the medicinal characteristics of each substance. Separately, lemon, honey and glycerin are often used in folk medicine and are included in a variety of medicines for respiratory diseases and other pathologies. Each component has amazing properties:

    Together, the components have a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, and expectorant effect.

    Much in therapy with these products depends on the correct use of the products. If you act based on the experience of people and the advice of specialists, you can achieve great results in treatment.

    How to use components correctly

    Lemon, honey, glycerin will retain positive, healing qualities if used correctly. As a rule, you can find many recipes online using these products, but there is no advice on how to properly prepare the ingredients.

    The following rules will help you make a truly useful medicine, rich in vitamins and valuable anti-cough properties:

    Following simple tips will help you avoid adverse reactions and carry out treatment with high effectiveness.


    Contraindications include, first of all, individual intolerance to the components. Honey is considered more allergenic, so before using the product you should try a small amount of the bee product and observe the body’s reaction. If after 6 hours there are no negative effects in the form of rash, redness of the skin, itching, then honey will be well tolerated.

    Contraindications include children under 3 years of age, since it contains products that can cause a severe allergic reaction in a child. Honey contains a sufficient amount of sugar, so diabetics should not take the medicine. Experts say that people suffering from diabetes can consume no more than 1 tablespoon of natural honey per day, which should be taken into account during therapy.

    Recipe - how to properly prepare lemon, honey and glycerin for cough

    There are several recipes based on honey, glycerin, and lemon. The following remedy is considered classic. It is possible to prepare it if you follow the sequence of steps:

    • the lemon is pierced several times with a thin needle (necessary for better release of juice);
    • the product is placed in boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the bitterness;
    • after the fruit has cooled to room temperature, it is cut into 2 halves;
    • prepare a special container where the medicine will be stored for 24 hours (a faceted 200 ml glass will do);
    • squeeze lemon juice into the prepared container;
    • pour in honey so that it does not reach the top of the glass;
    • add 30 ml of glycerin;
    • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave the product in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

    Note! The medicine should be stored for no more than a day in a cool place other than the refrigerator. Before use, take out the mixture in advance to allow it to cool slightly.

    How to take for adults and children

    The dosage of the medicine will differ depending on the age and stage of the pathology. During a severe, debilitating dry cough, adults should take 5 ml and children 2.5 ml 2 hours after meals, up to 8 times a day.

    When the cough is moderate and mild, use the same amount of medicine, but not more than 3-4 times a day. If coughing bothers you at night, you should take 5 ml for adults and 2.5 ml for children before bedtime, at night.