Balcony      05/13/2024

Wise quotes about God, faith, religion and life. Quotes from great people about God Quotes about God and faith

It is easy to understand God unless you try to explain him.
Joseph Joubert

Is there a God? Neither science nor religion can answer this question. It's not a matter of whether their arguments are right or wrong. It’s just that each person must answer this question for himself. We will only try to help you with this by offering to read quotes about God from great people.

By the way, surveys show that 90% of the world's population believes in the existence of God, or any other higher power. It seems that among the scientists, philosophers and writers whose statements and thoughts about God you will find in this article, the percentage of believers is approximately the same.

And yet, the existence of God cannot be proven or disproved by anyone except the person who poses this question to himself. It is not for nothing that one of the aphorisms says that God is truth for the heart and a hypothesis for the mind.

So we invite you to occupy your mind with thoughts about the eternal, armed with quotes about God and faith. After all, it is better to look for the answer to this question, guided by common sense. Even if it’s someone else’s common sense.

Reflections on God

  • I do not know God, but I am known by him, and that is my hope.
    Raul Folero
  • The further we advance in the knowledge of God, the further God moves away from us.
    Maria Ebner-Eschenbach
  • A God who can be understood is no longer God.
    Somerset Maugham
  • God has no religion.
    Mahatma Gandhi
  • The desert is God without people.
    Honore de Balzac
  • We unconsciously think that God sees us from above - but he sees us from the inside.
    Gilbert Sesbron
  • Faith is a way of knowing without evidence.
    Sergei Bulgakov
  • If God did not exist, he would have to be invented.
  • People decided that there is no God, but their decision is not binding on God.
    Stefan Wyszynski
  • They would believe that there is no God if he appeared to them and confirmed it.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec

  • To prove God is blasphemy; to deny it is madness.
    Giuseppe Mazzini
  • A God who would allow us to verify his existence would not be God, but an idol.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • The Lord God is sophisticated, but not malicious.
    Albert Einstein
  • If it turned out that God exists, I would not consider him evil. The worst that can be said about him is that he does less than he could if he tried.
    Woody Allen
  • My faith is so deep that I praise the Lord despite the fact that he gave me life.
    Ramon de Campoamor
  • Man does not deserve God.
    Henri de Regnier
  • Many believe in God, but few believe in God.
    Martti Larney
  • If we love each other, then God abides in us.
    John the Theologian
  • The Lord delivers food to every bird of the air, but not directly to the nest.
    Josiah Holland
  • Trust in God, but keep your powder dry!
    Oliver Cromwell

Finding out whether God exists has interested humanity since ancient times. Arguments for and against have been proposed by philosophers, theologians and scientists for several millennia and continue to be considered in our time, as evidenced by many aphorisms and quotes about God. Despite many theories and thoughts regarding the existence of God, a generally accepted proof of the existence of a higher power has not yet been formulated. And we are not going to persuade you to make any decision about this. Just read these quotes about God and think about this question for yourself.

  • God is the hope of the brave, not the excuse of the coward.
  • Believe in God as if the success of any undertaking depended entirely on Him; but be diligent in any task as if everything depends on you alone.
    Ignatius of Loyola
  • It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers.
    Vladimir Nabokov
  • I would believe in God, but the crowd of intermediaries confuses me.
    Evgeniusz Iwanicki
  • God will not come into us while we are empty.
    Henri de Monterlant
  • The strong see God as proof of their strength, the weak as protection from their weakness.
    Anna Krzyzanowska
  • Everyone thinks God is on their side, and the rich and powerful know it.
    Jean Anouilh
  • Never say that the Lord is on your side; It’s better to pray that you yourself will be on the side of the Lord.
    Abraham Lincoln
  • If you want God to laugh, tell him about your plans.
    Woody Allen
  • God will forgive me, this is his specialty.
    Heinrich Heine

  • A God who forgives everything would be an unjust God.
    Edward Jung
  • God is not an angel.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • The Lord loves us all, but is not delighted with any of us.
    Isaac Asimov
  • God is an artist just like other artists. He created a giraffe, an elephant and a cat. He doesn't have his own style. He just tries something different every time.
    Pablo Picasso
  • The powerlessness of the Lord is endless.
    Anatole France
  • God is omnipresent. Is this why it is so difficult to find?
    Werner Miech
  • Everything is in the Divine, and It is in everything.
    Gregory of Nyssa
  • The imprint of God's finger should look like the sign of infinity.
    Karel Capek
  • The Lord is patient because He is eternal.
  • If there is a God, then why is he not?
    Hugo Steinhaus

Well, since we touched on philosophical problems, then after quotes about God you can read


Create in the image and likeness? Oh, I've heard that before.

I heard, I saw, I know. I even realize it.

I remember those who called themselves people. Pathetic creatures. But so different... Some had a mind, others had their hearts dictate their path. And someone was selfish, greedy for power and fame. But…

Oh yes, there is one "but". Everyone has a soul. No matter what vice overwhelms a person, he always remained himself, albeit somewhere there, in the margins of consciousness.

Almost every one of their number valued their own lives above all else, but because of a broken heart, they could step into oblivion without fear, without hesitation. It was funny to see this. Know and remember.

Oh yes, I remember. I... I'm the same. Almost. Is it a man?

I don't remember. My soul is old and thin, barely holding on to my physical body, under the weight of what I have experienced. But memory and longevity are an eternal punishment for me, for all my deeds. And therefore, I create now. Out of boredom and hopelessness. To entertain yourself at least a little, to find meaning for a brief moment. After all, in order to lay hands on myself, I will never be able to muster up the courage and audacity. Courage to face the darkness, enveloping and empty, like nothingness, and audacity... To look into the eyes of all those whom I will leave.

So... Clay molds, getting your hands dirty. Red, with a little bit of sand and lake mud mixed in. She is wet, even too wet, smears her hands and slips out of my old-age tenacious fingers, knotted with arthritis.

In your own image and likeness, you say?

You can't do this, oh, you can't. Let them be flawed. Let there be the orphans and the wretched, let there be selfish freaks who don’t know love and tenderness and who know how to kill. It doesn't matter who. Each other, prey, those who want to kill them.

And I will make greed their greatest virtue. Let them accumulate, protect, groom and cherish their treasures, which in reality are nothing. A pile of sparkling stones.

By putting lust into them, I will make them multiply a hundred times more than necessary. So that children are a bargaining chip, a reflection of the unrealistic dreams of their parents, so that children suffer and become copies of those who gave birth to them. Let them rape, humiliate, kill, making each other writhe in pain and disgust.

I will give them more than enough pride so that they can pass by the old people who need a crust of bread. So that they forget their own parents, so that they hate those who are lower in status, forget their unwanted friends...

And to some, very, very few, I will give love and compassion. So that they suffer the most, surrounded by similar things.

Create in the image and likeness? Why, if you want to be a creator?

It is much easier to create your children crippled in order to take care of them and have fun watching them swarm.
Like flies in the mud, by God. Oh, well, yes. Pun.

Although, no. I'm not God. I... I'm human. At least in your own thoughts, it’s worth admitting.

And so... Two figures are ready - male and female. Roughly put together, more schematic than correct.

As soon as I blow on them, puffing out my cheeks and taking a deep breath before doing so, how...

No. And yet, no matter what, I am human.

I am human.

The man who created these for himself. In the image and likeness. Almost.

I am human.

Creator. A crooked and blind artist paints pictures while listening to the music played by a wandering musician under the window. Untalented.

In life you can often meet people who, without believing in God themselves, try to reinforce their existing disbelief with references to famous people. And if the believer does not have sufficient knowledge in these matters, a “failed” situation results, and it seems that the atheist was right. However, in fact, the facts from the lives of outstanding men and women of all times and peoples seem somewhat different than what an unbelieving opponent would like.

Below is a list of sayings about what was said great people about God - quotes about God, Christianity, the Bible and in general, about man’s relationship with God. It seems that this solid selection will allow all Christians to give a powerful rebuff to those who intend, under the shadow of great people, to promote atheism and ridicule Christianity.

Of course, one should remember the fact that unbelief, just like faith in God, is a belief system that cannot be proven by real, visible facts. Therefore, atheism, like Christianity, is nothing more than a religion!

You can read more about this in the “Discussions” section. Naturally, one cannot consider all these quotes as the life position of one or another author. But the very fact that these people had such thoughts speaks volumes. So, here it is, the promised selection.

Great people about God, quotes about God:


(the sun of Russian poetry)

“There is a Book in which every word is interpreted, explained, preached to all ends of the earth, applied to all kinds of circumstances of life and events of the world; from which it is impossible to repeat a single expression that was not known by heart, which was not already a proverb of peoples. This book is called the Gospel - and such is its ever-new charm that if we, satiated with the world or depressed by despondency, accidentally open it, we will no longer be able to resist its sweet attraction... I think that we will never give the people anything better than Scripture … Its taste becomes clear when you begin to read Scripture, because in it you find the whole of human life. Religion created art and literature; everything that was great in the deepest antiquity - everything depends on this religious feeling, inherent in man, just like the idea of ​​beauty along with the idea of ​​goodness. The poetry of the Bible is especially accessible to pure imagination. My children will read the Bible with me in the original... The Bible is universal.”


(physicist, creator of the theory of relativity)

“I believe in God as a Person and in all conscience I can say that I have never been an atheist for a single minute of my life.”
“It is impossible to read the Gospel without feeling the real presence of Jesus, His Person pulsates in every word.”
“It is true that I am a Jew, but the radiant experience of Jesus of Nazareth made an amazing impression on me. No one expressed himself like He did. Indeed, there is only one place on earth where we do not see a shadow, and that Person is Jesus Christ. In Him God revealed himself to us in the clearest and most understandable way. I honor him."
“The man who has lost the capacity for wonder and awe is dead. To know that there is a hidden reality that reveals itself to us as the highest wisdom and brilliant beauty, to know and feel this - this is the core of true religiosity.”


(scientist, physicist, mathematician)

“The Heavenly Lord rules the entire world as the Ruler of the universe. We marvel at Him because of His perfection, we honor Him and bow before Him because of His boundless power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, no variety could arise; and everything corresponding to place and time, the variety of created objects, which constitutes the structure and life of the universe, could only happen through the thought and will of an original Being, Whom I call the Lord God.”

“We know the teachings of Moses, and the prophets, and the Apostles, and even Christ himself. If we disagree with them, then we are as inexcusable as the Jews.”


(French statesman, commander)

“Alexander the Great, Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself founded enormous empires. And on what basis did these creations of our genius take place? - Based on violence. Jesus Christ alone founded His empire with love... And rest assured that they were all real men, but none of them were like Him; Jesus Christ is more than a man. At a distance of one thousand eight hundred years, Jesus Christ makes a difficult demand that surpasses all other demands. He asks for the human heart."

When one day Napoleon, while on the island of St. Helena, started talking about the great men of the past and began to compare them with himself, he suddenly turned to one of his interlocutors with the question: “Can you tell me who Jesus Christ was?” And when the interlocutor admitted that he had not had a chance to think about this, Napoleon continued: “I think I understand something about people, and I’ll tell you: all of these were people, and I am also a man, but this alone cannot be compared no one because Jesus Christ was more than a man."


(Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician)

“Holy Scripture can never lie or err. Everything it says is absolutely immutable. Both it and nature were created by the divine Word: the Bible - according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and nature - to fulfill Divine commands.”


(German theoretical physicist, founder of quantum mechanics)

“Wherever we turn our gaze, whatever the subject of our observation, we nowhere find a contradiction between science and religion. We rather state their absolute harmony in the main points, especially in the field of natural science. Both religion and science ultimately seek the truth and come to the confession of God.”

“When religion and science profess faith in God, the first places God at the beginning, and the second at the end of all thoughts. Religion and science are in no way mutually exclusive.”


(French microbiologist, chemist-founder of modern microbiology and immunology)

“I thought and studied, and therefore I became a believer, like a Breton peasant. And if I thought even more and studied science, I would become such a believer as the Breton peasant woman...”

“Descendants will one day laugh heartily at the stupidity of our contemporary materialist scientists. The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the inimitable deeds of the Creator.”


(Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric model of the world)

“My life, intertwined with patience, was one joy. Although before the greatness of God I must confess: Almighty! We do not comprehend Him. He is great in power, judgment and fullness of justice, but it seemed to me that I was following in the footsteps of God. I feel that my death is not far away, but this does not scare me. Almighty God will find another form of existence for my spirit, will lead me along the road of eternity, as he leads a wandering star through the darkness of infinity. I argued with people for the truth, but never with God, calmly awaiting the end of the time allotted to me.”


(Russian literary critic)

“There is a Book in which everything is said, everything is decided, after which there is no doubt about anything, the immortal Book, the holy Book, eternal truth, eternal life - the Gospel. All progress of mankind, all successes in science and philosophy lie only in great penetration into the mysterious depth of this Divine Book. The foundation of the gospel is the revelation of truth through love and grace."


(writer, philosopher)

“I read the Gospel a lot and with love, in Slavonic and in the Lutheran translation. I read without any guidance, I did not understand everything, but I felt sincere and deep respect for what I was reading. In my early youth I was often carried away by Voltairianism, I loved irony and mockery, but I don’t remember ever picking up the Gospel with a cold feeling. At all ages, under different events, I returned to reading the Gospel, and each time its content brought peace and meekness to my soul.”


(outstanding German thinker, poet)

“Let the world progress and develop as much as it pleases, let all branches of human research and knowledge be revealed to the highest degree, nothing can replace the Bible, it is the basis of all education and all development! The human mind can grow as much as it wants, but it will not go higher than the greatness and moral culture of Christianity, as they are reflected in the Gospels... I consider all four Gospels to be unconditionally true, for in them a reflection of the greatness of the personality of Christ is manifested, and in such a form, in which only the Divinity could reveal Himself on earth. If I am asked whether my nature agrees to render him reverent worship, I answer: absolutely. I worship Him as the revelation of the highest principle of morality."
“If God ever came to earth, it was only in the Person of Jesus Christ.”
“The Gospel reflects from itself the radiance emanating from the person of Christ.”

  1. Blaise Pascal

(French mathematician, writer, scientist, philosopher)

“The Gospel gives comfort to a person, no matter what situation or conditions he finds himself in. Christ draws all humanity to Himself. Without the teachings of Christ, a person will have vices and disasters, delusions, the darkness of despair and death. By following the teachings of Christ, people can be freed from this. In Christ is all our virtue and blessedness. Without the teachings of Christ, people would eat each other, the world would become hell and become corrupted.”

“Only God can fill the vacuum in the heart of every person. Nothing created by man can fill this vacuum. Only God, whom we know through Jesus Christ, fills this void."

“Knowing God without knowing your sinfulness leads to pride. Knowing your sinfulness without knowing God leads to despair. Knowing Jesus Christ leads us to the right path, since in Him we find God and our sinfulness.”

“There are only three classes of people. Some have found God and serve Him - these people are reasonable and happy. Others have not found and are not looking for Him - these are mad and unhappy. Still others have not found it, but are looking for Him - these people are reasonable, but still unhappy.”

“Earthly science must be understood in order to love it, and Divine science must be loved in order to understand it.”


(Russian writer)

“We own a treasure that has no price, and not only do we not care to feel it, but we don’t even know where we put it. The owner is asked to show the best thing in his house, and the owner himself does not know where it is. Don't be dead souls, but alive. There is only one door to life, and that door is Jesus Christ."


(outstanding thinker, Russian writer and philosopher)

“In adversity the truth becomes clear. I will tell you about myself that I am a child of the century, a child of unbelief and doubt to this day, and even (I know this) to the grave. What terrible torment this thirst to believe has cost me and is now costing me, which is the stronger in my soul, the more contrary arguments I have. And yet, God sometimes sends me moments in which I am completely calm; in these moments I love and find that I am loved by others, and in such moments I formed within myself a symbol of faith in which everything is clear and sacred to me. This symbol is very simple, here it is: to believe that there is nothing more beautiful, deeper, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more courageous and more perfect than Christ, and not only is there not, but with jealous love I tell myself that it cannot be. Moreover, if someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth, and it really were that the truth is outside Christ, then I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth. Christianity is the only refuge of the Russian land from all its evils.”

“It’s easy for a Russian person to become an atheist, easier than for everyone else in the world! And Russians not only become atheists, but will certainly believe in atheism as a new faith, without noticing in any way that they have believed in zero...”


(first chancellor of Germany)

“If Christ is not alive today, then there is no hope for the world at all. Only the fact of resurrection gives hope for the future.”


(outstanding US President)

“I have often bowed my knees before God, prompted by the strong conviction that to no one else could I turn in my need. I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this Book.”


(Russian religious philosopher, poet and publicist)

The brilliant Russian philosopher considered the Bible the source of his worldview. He recognized the Holy Scriptures as the only and irreplaceable lamp of human life, and considered the image of Christ to be the best and only test of conscience. Vladimir Solovyov writes:
“You just need to, before deciding to take any action, evoke the moral image of Christ in your soul, concentrate on it and ask yourself: could He have performed this act; or in other words, whether He will approve of it or not, whether He will bless me for doing it or not - and we will get the answer. I suggest this test to everyone, it will not deceive. In any doubtful case, if you only have the opportunity to come to your senses and think, remember Christ, imagine Him alive, as He is, and place the entire burden of your doubts on Him.”


(Ukrainian poet, artist and writer)

“Right now my only consolation is the Gospel. I read it daily and hourly."


(outstanding Russian writer, philosopher and thinker)

“For 35 years of my life, I was in the full sense of the word a nihilist, not exactly a revolutionary specialist, but not believing in anything. But five years ago faith came to me. Now I believe in the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and my whole life has suddenly changed completely. Life and death have ceased to be evil for me, instead of hopelessness and despair, I now feel joy and happiness that even death cannot take away from me.”


(outstanding Russian scientist, chemist, physicist, poet and philosopher)

“Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and greatness of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God.”


(English poet and playwright)

“I have committed my soul into the hands of my God, the Creator, and have absolutely unshakable faith in Jesus Christ my Savior.”

  1. BYRON

(English poet)

“If Man can be God, and if God can be Man, then Jesus Christ was both.”


(German poet and publicist)

“And what kind of book is this Bible! Majestic and vast as the world, rooted in the depths of the universe and rising to the mysterious azure of the skies! Truly, this is the Word of God, while all other books in the world express only their own, human art.”

“I have already spoken about the transformation that has occurred in my soul in relation to divine affairs. I owe my sanctification to simply reading one book. Books? Yes, this is an old, very old book, and this Book is simply called the Bible. It is rightfully called the Holy Scripture.”


(English writer)

“I have surrendered my soul to the mercy of God in Christ the Savior. »


(Russian poet, translator and critic)

Zhukovsky considered reading and studying the New Testament the main subject of life. He outlined his thoughts about the significance of the Gospel for the spiritual life of a person in the story he wrote, “Captain Bopp,” where a cabin boy leads a rude and cruel captain to Christ, reading him the Gospel and praying for him.


(reformer, religious thinker)

“In all areas of life, people search and work day and night to find the right solution to the question that concerns them. But why do they leave the Bible aside as unnecessary? Meanwhile, those who begin to read and study the Word of God quickly grasp the full importance of such a Book as the Bible.”


(English naturalist, creator of the theory of evolution)

“I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a Creator.”

“Life had to be breathed into the first cell by the Creator.”

“The world rests on patterns and in its manifestations appears as a product of the mind - this is an indication of its Creator.”


(German materialist philosopher)

“Combination with Christ consists in the closest and living communion with Him, in the fact that we always have Him before our eyes and in our hearts, and, imbued with the greatest love for Him, at the same time we turn our hearts to our brothers whom He connected Him more closely with us, for whom He also sacrificed Himself. Thus, combination with Christ internally elevates, consoles in suffering, calms and gives a heart open to human love to everything great and noble, not out of ambition, not out of a desire for glory, but only for the sake of Christ.”


(German philosopher, founder of classical German philosophy)

“The existence of the Bible is the greatest and highest blessing that mankind has ever experienced.”

“All the books that I read did not give me the consolation that the Word of God gave me: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me (Ps. 22:4).”
He wrote to Young Schilling:
“You do well to seek comfort in the Gospel, because it is the inexhaustible source of all truth, which the mind will never find anywhere else.”

  1. RUSSO J. J.

(French writer, thinker)

“The words of the Bible fill me with wonder; the holiness of the Gospel speaks to my heart. Look at the books of philosophers, how insignificant they are compared to the Bible. Is it possible that such an amazing and at the same time simple book was the work of human hands?


(English experimental physicist, chemist)

The famous English physicist Michael Faraday was sitting at his desk and reading the Bible. A friend who came in, seeing Faraday with his head in his hands, asked in fear:
"What happened to you? Are you feeling unwell?
Faraday replied:
“Oh no, not that! I am amazed why people choose to wander in the dark on so many important issues when God has given them such a wonderful book of Revelation?!”


(famous professor at Oxford University)

In his work on the resurrection of Christ from the dead he wrote:
“Countless thousands of people have carefully examined the contents of the Bible, book by book, like a conscientious court examining an important legal case. For many years I did this too, although not to convince other people, but for my own satisfaction. Having been studying the history of past times and events for many years, and establishing and weighing the facts that have already been studied by many other scientists, I will say that I do not know any other fact in the history of mankind that is more reliable and proven than the great sign given by God: the death and resurrection of Christ. ..”


(famous English physicist, chemist and theologian)

“In comparison with the Bible, all human books are small planets that receive their light and brilliance from the Sun.”


(outstanding statesman, first President of the United States)

“It is impossible to properly rule the world without God and the Bible.”


(Scottish surgeon, professor)

A young man once approached Dr. Simpson and wanted to compliment him on his great discovery in medicine (Dr. Simpson discovered the anesthetic properties of ether and chloroform). The surgeon told him, “Young man, the greatest discoveries I have ever made are, first, that I have realized that I am a sinner, and second, that Jesus Christ is my Savior...”


(great Italian sculptor, architect, artist, poet and thinker)

“Great is our Lord and great is His power, and His wisdom has no end. Praise Him the sun and moon, stars and planets - in whatever language the praise occurs. And also you, witnesses of His revealed truths, and you, my soul, sing the honor and glory of the Lord all your life.”


(surgeon, teacher and public figure, founder of military field surgery)

“I cannot hear without disgust the slightest hint about the absence of a creative plan and creative expediency in the universe, and therefore the existence of the Supreme Reason, and, consequently, the Supreme Creative Will, I consider a necessary and inevitable fatal requirement of my own mind. So, even if I now wanted not to recognize the existence of God, I could not do this without going crazy.”
“I needed an abstract and incomprehensibly high ideal of faith. And having taken up the Gospel, which I had never read before, and I was already 38 years old, I found this ideal for myself.”

What do famous and talented people think about the spiritual aspect of life? We have collected for you quotes from respected and wise personalities of our time about faith in God, and how it influenced their lives and activities.

Fyodor Dostoevsky, writer

  • The most serious problems of modern man arise from the fact that he has lost the sense of meaningful cooperation with God in His purpose for humanity.
  • God! What a book, this Holy Scripture, what a miracle and what power given to man with it!... And how many secrets, resolved and revealed! I love this book! Death to the people without God's Word, for the soul thirsts for this word and every beautiful perception.

Honore de Balzac, writer

  • To doubt God means to believe in Him.

Albert Einstein, physicist

  • I believe in God as a Person and in all conscience I can say that I have never been an atheist for a single minute of my life.
  • The basis of all scientific work is the belief that the world is an orderly and knowable entity. This belief is based on religious feeling.

Henri Becquerel, physicist

  • It was my work that led me to God, to faith.

Galileo Galilei, scientist

  • In the actions of nature the Lord God appears to us in a manner no less worthy of admiration than in the divine verses of Scripture.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher, scientist

  • I confess that the greatness of the Holy Scripture fills me with amazement, and the holiness of the Gospel speaks to my heart. How insignificant are philosophical works, despite all their brilliance, in comparison with the Holy Scriptures! Can any other work, in so short a time, rise so high, being the work of an ordinary man?
  • Is it possible that the One about whom the Holy Books tell was nothing more than a simple man? Do we really hear in them the voice of a dreamer or an ambitious sectarian? What beauty, what purity in His being! How much captivating kindness is in His teaching! What a height in His rules! What depth of wisdom is in His speeches! What presence of the Spirit, what insight and faithfulness in His answers! What mastery over your passions! Where can I find a man, a sage, who could act like this, suffer and die, without showing weakness and vanity? Yes, if Socrates lived and died as a philosopher, then Jesus Christ lived and died as God.

Eugene O'Neill, American playwright

  • When people create gods for themselves, they are deprived of God.

Johann Goethe, writer

Let scientific culture develop, let natural science prosper in depth and breadth, let the human spirit improve as much as it likes, but it will not surpass the heights and moral culture of Christianity, as it shines and shines in the Gospels.

Blaise Pascal, French mathematician and physicist

  • Without the teachings of Christ, people would eat each other, the world would become hell and become corrupted.

Heinrich Heine, writer

  • I have already spoken about the transformation that, in relation to divine affairs, took place in my soul. I owe my sanctification to simply reading one book. - Books? Yes, and this is an old, very old book... and this book is simply called the Bible. It is rightfully called the Holy Scripture.

Theodore Roosevelt, US President

  • Almost every one of those people whose activities produced results based their life path primarily on the teachings of the Bible.

Alexander Pushkin, poet

I think that we will never give the people anything better than Scripture... to find all human life in it. Religion created art and literature, everything that has been great since ancient times!... Without this, there would be no philosophy, no poetry, no morality. The British are right that they give the Bible to children... My children will read the Bible in the original with me... The Bible is universal... This is the only book in the world: it has everything.

Marina Tsvetaeva, poetess

  • What can we say about God? Nothing. What can we say to God? All.

Martti Larni, Finnish writer

  • Many believe in God, but not many believe in God.

Isaac Asimov, American science fiction writer

  • The Lord loves us all, but is not delighted with any of us.

Kazimierz Brandys, Polish writer

  • Previously, they were looking for evidence of the existence of God, now we have to look for evidence of the existence of man.

Jacques Maritain, French philosopher

  • The greatest merit of the Church is that it is holy, although it consists of sinners.

Herbert Agar

  • The truth that makes us free is most often the truth that we do not want to listen to.

Benjamin Franklin, American statesman

  • An atheist is an unhappy child who tries in vain to convince himself that he has no father.

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski

  • People decided that there is no God, but their decision is not binding on God.

Emerson Fitipaldi, Formula 1 racing driver

Jesus Christ is so great and I am so small that I have no words to describe Him. I know for sure that He radically changed the course of the history of our civilization. The entire history of mankind is divided into two eras: before and after the Nativity of Christ. Jesus is number one. He is the most powerful and important person who has ever lived on the planet. If we followed His teaching even 20%, the world would be a much better place.

Ronaldo, football player

  • I am considered the best footballer in the world, the number one footballer. But the greatest man in the world is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. He is the true number one.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor

  • I know people and I can say that Jesus Christ was not just a man. He cannot be compared with any of the people who lived on earth. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne and I founded empires. However, what was the basis of our ingenious creations? Force. Jesus Christ founded His empire on love, and today millions of people are ready to give their lives for Him.
  • The Gospel is not a book, but a living being with action and power that conquers everything that resists it. The soul that admires the beauty of the Gospel no longer belongs to itself. God owns it entirely; He directs her thoughts and abilities, she belongs to Him. The gospel has some mysterious power, something amazingly powerful; warmth that affects the mind and enchants the heart... When this Book lies on my table, ... I do not get tired of reading it and always read it with the same pleasure.
  • The Bible is an extraordinary book. She is a Living Being who conquers everything that opposes her.

Isaac Newton, physicist

  • The Bible contains more evidence of authenticity than all of secular history.

Abraham Lincoln, US President

  • I believe that the Bible is God's best gift to man. Everything beautiful from the Savior of the world is transmitted to us through this book.
  • Never say that the Lord is on your side; It’s better to pray that you yourself will be on the side of the Lord.

God never plays dice with the Universe... Therefore, we should not bother ourselves with our problems...

God created woman later - he did not want to listen to advice during the creation of man.

God exists, but I don't believe in him...

If you consider yourself a god, but at the same time you allowed yourself to say or do something unkind to someone today, today you will no longer become one.

Love the Lord and do what you want.

I'm God. You are God too. I differ from you only in that I realize that I am God, but you are completely unaware.

There is an old proverb: God exists inside each of us, we just need to try to find him. I want you to understand: I didn’t even start looking.

I will probably say blasphemy, but it seems to me that homosexuals are those people who even turn their butts to God...© zulnora

Many people defend God without reading the Bible and not knowing who he is, they are ready to sacrifice their lives to prove something that may not exist!

God created the world in six days. Truly, if you rush, you will make people laugh.

If you are sitting on a cloud, this does not give you the right to be called God!

Love is given to us from God; Fate is given to us from the devil.

Wherever a Christian goes, he should bring joy.

Love makes man God and God man...


If they showed us God, we would not believe that it is he.

Do you seriously think that there is a guy sitting in the clouds who will solve all your problems?!

The world is the way we see it...

Freedom is a coil of rope. God wants us to hang ourselves.

I feel like a pencil in the hand of God. God writes with us, and writes well, even if we are an imperfect instrument.

An atheist is a person who denies the existence of God, but in his soul begs to be forgiven...

Thank God if you managed to live a happy life without believing in him.

The perfection of a person is manifested when he sees God in everything that his gaze falls on.

God needs us. After all, he likes to feel the world with our palms.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in God, but what matters is that God believes in you.

Whoever God wants to punish, he first deprives him of his reason.

I'm not God, I'm just learning, but I'm learning like God!)

Don't be too bothered by people's temporary assessment of your current knowledge. We pass the most important exam with our whole life before God.

GOD will punish you for her tears!

When God adds years to your life, ask Him to add life to your years.

Those who believe in God will face trials, and those who do not believe will face punishment. But this does not change the essence - a person will suffer in any case, regardless of whether he believes in God or not.

God is close to us, but we are far away. God is inside, but we are outside.

It is stupid to ask God for something that you can achieve yourself!

Suicide is when a person comes to God without an invitation.

If God gave it, then he knew that you would endure it.

God is a DJ. Life is a dance floor. Love is a rhythm. You are music...

Lord, how I want love!!! Hear my words!!!

God is between us.

The blind can see God, the deaf can hear God, and the dumb can talk to God.

Then I learned that my past has nothing to do with my future.

You talk to God - you are a believer, God talks to you - you are mentally ill.

If fate does not appreciate you, turn to God for help and with God’s help it will become more generous!

During Great Lent, abstinence should be not only in food, but also from any passion revealed by the tongue, the hand, and the shameless gaze.

Christ could have been born a thousand times in Bethlehem - you would still have died if He was not born in your soul.

Prayer is the music of the soul directed towards God.

No, the soul is not emptiness, the soul is a light that shines brightly with God and fades with Satan...

God is a humorist: if you don’t believe it, look at yourself in the mirror.

If it seems to you that God is far from you, who do you think has moved away from whom?

If you have GOD, then what are you afraid of? If you don't have GOD, what do you hope for?

I will bow one knee to my beloved, and two to God.

Look at yourself in the mirror. This is the best that God could come up with while searching for the most unique image!

God gives opportunities. People choose their destiny from them.

When God wants to drive a person crazy, he begins to fulfill all his desires.

My coming into this world is the most wonderful and amazing event!!! I am God's gift to this world, and this world is God's gift to Me!!!

God, who created us without us, cannot save us without us.

It was not nails that held Jesus on the cross, but love, for you and for me...

Has God blessed you with intelligence? So try to carry it with you, and not just brag about having it...

If God comes first, then everything else will fall into place.

Anyone who believes in God, as a rule, knows how to believe in himself, in his talent and in his capabilities.

When God created man, Satan was no longer needed.

Whoever is waiting for God to send him will definitely wait, and God will send him...

If God hesitates, it does not mean that he refuses.

A child is a message from God, made with love.

Aphorisms, statements about God