Bathroom      01/31/2023

Which doctor treats candidiasis? Thrush in men, which doctor should I consult? Which doctor should I contact for chronic thrush?

Depending on the type of candidiasis, they resort to the help of a specific doctor. There are the following types of infection in the body:

  • inflammation of the oral cavity or stomatitis (treated by dentists if it is not part of a systemic lesion);
  • damage to the skin (patients consult a dermatologist);
  • changes in vaginal biocenosis and development of thrush (treated by a gynecologist);
  • damage to the external genitalia in women and men (treated by a dermatovenerologist, gynecologist or urologist);
  • intestinal damage or changes in the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract (treated by a gastroenterologist);
  • disseminated damage to the body or candidal sepsis (treated by different doctors, but the intervention of an infectious disease specialist and an immunologist is required).

Candidiasis can be acute or chronic and affect absolutely any organ. However, there are localizations in which candidiasis requires immediate medical attention. For example, infection of the respiratory tract indicates the presence of serious problems with the immune system and most often indirectly indicates HIV.

Causes of candidiasis

Fungus of the genus Candida belongs to the normal microflora of the human body, therefore there is no such thing as primary candidiasis. This disease is always a complication or consequence of some pathological process in the body. Major risk factors for candidiasis:

  • congenital immunodeficiencies, for example, DiGeorge syndrome;
  • acquired immunological pathologies (HIV, chronic infectious diseases in the stage of decompensation);
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs or cytostatics.

If a doctor is consulted for candidiasis for the first time, it means the patient missed the effect of the provoking factor or ignored its importance.

How to recognize different types of candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a specific fungal infection that affects the mucous membranes of internal organs and the skin. A specific symptom of any form of the disease is the presence of cheesy deposits, which consist of mycelium and fungal spores.

When the skin of any location is affected, the following symptoms appear::

  • inflammation (redness, swelling, often burning or soreness);
  • itching sensation in the area of ​​infection;
  • skin maceration;
  • the appearance of areas of baldness (not necessarily on the head, but on any affected area);
  • formation of paronychia and hyperkeratosis on the nails;
  • low-grade fever (temperature rarely rises to high levels).

In addition to skin damage, superficial infection of the mucous membranes occurs. For example, intestinal candidiasis manifests itself with a typical clinical picture of dysbiosis, and an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a specific bacteriological study. Infection of the oral cavity is accompanied by cracks and ulcers on the mucous membranes. When the disease spreads to the respiratory tract or esophagus, symptoms of shortness of breath, dysphagia, and pain occur. If the fungus penetrates the lungs or bronchi, a cough appears.

A doctor treating candidiasis must always distinguish the primary cause of the pathology. The most common disease is HIV infection at the terminal stage of AIDS. In this situation, the fungus affects the entire body, and the doctor must, first of all, increase the number of human lymphocytes, and not eliminate the opportunistic infection, of which there may be several at once.

Features of disease diagnosis

Regardless of the severity and localization of the pathological process, candidiasis is diagnosed by a doctor in only one way - by identifying the pathogen. To do this, a smear or scraping is taken from the affected area and a cultural study is carried out, during which mushrooms are grown. However, proving that the patient is suffering from candidiasis is not the primary goal of the doctor. The main thing is to establish the root cause of the problem in order to correctly adjust the therapy.

Regardless of whether a general practitioner or a specialist is involved in the treatment of candidiasis, the following diagnostic measures may additionally be prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • clinical urine test (the doctor prescribes additional tests if there is a genitourinary tract infection);
  • serological studies for the presence of various sluggish infections;
  • chest x-ray to exclude tuberculosis;
  • testing for HIV infection.

Often, several doctors treat patients with candidiasis at once, with the exception of common situations: thrush, intestinal dysbiosis, stomatitis in children.

How does a doctor treat candidiasis?

In women and men, candidiasis is treated by the doctor with the same medications. Specific antifungal agents are used, of which there are not so many in the doctor’s arsenal. The most effective remedy is Nystatin, which is produced in various forms. Additional medications, but less effective against Candida fungi, are Ketoconazole and Fluconazole. In severe cases, intravenous injections of Amphotericin are used.

Depending on the location, various routes of drug administration are used.:

  • Oral candidiasis is treated by a doctor by prescribing rinses;
  • damage to the genital organs requires the use of suppositories;
  • dysbiosis is treated with systemic drugs, sometimes rectal suppositories;
  • skin lesions are treated with ointments.

Systemic administration of medications is not always required, so the doctor makes the decision to prescribe tablets or injections on an individual basis. This takes into account the severity of the patient and associated risk factors.

If you are worried about unbearable itching in the genital area, and a thick, curd-like discharge appears on your underwear, then most likely your thrush has worsened, and what doctor can help in this situation?

When a doctor diagnoses thrush, the answer is not clear. Because a specialist for consultation on the identification and treatment of candidiasis must be selected depending on age, gender and organ where there is an outbreak of uncontrolled growth of a fungal infection.

For example, if Candida microorganisms have affected the gastrointestinal tract, then a gastroenterologist will help in this situation. For fungal stomatitis, a consultation with a dentist will come in handy.

The answer to the question of the strong half of humanity diagnosed with candidiasis: “Which doctor can help?” will be an andrologist. This is a purely male doctor who treats diseases of the genital organs in men - the penis, prostate gland (prostate), scrotum, as well as other systems and organs interconnected with them.

Who will come to the aid of women if they have to deal with unpleasant symptoms of thrush - a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will successfully cope with this common ailment. After all, a gynecologist is a specialist who practices diagnosis, drug therapy and prevention of diseases of the female reproductive system and genital organs.

If you have symptoms of candidiasis in girls, which most often begin to bother a child at the age of four (although the fungal infection was acquired during childbirth from a sick mother), you can also contact a pediatric gynecologist. The doctor, having examined the child’s genitals, will prescribe the correct therapy, thereby preventing the occurrence of a chronic form.

If you are faced with the choice “Candidiasis, which doctor should you go to?” Then a urologist will help solve the problem. But before you make an appointment with a specialist, you need to take into account some features of this field of medicine. Urology combines several related disciplines: gynecology, andrology and pediatrics and is divided into male, female, pediatric and elderly (geriatric) urology.

Therefore, when choosing a doctor and booking an appointment at the reception desk, do not forget to specify which specialist you need. A pediatric urologist can best help a child diagnosed with candidiasis, although a local pediatrician can also cope with this infection. If a recurrent fungal infection is caused by hormonal changes with age, then a specialist specializing in geriatric urology will be most competent in ridding an elderly patient of thrush.

Where else can candidiasis be treated? The answer lies on the surface. A skin and venereal dispensary is a medical institution where they identify and eliminate the causes of skin diseases (including sexually transmitted infections). A dermatovenerologist treats thrush in both men and women.

No matter which of the doctors listed above you go to, they will be able to provide you with professional, qualified assistance in getting rid of the symptoms of thrush. During the examination and treatment of a recurrent, advanced infection, you may need to consult a mycologist (a specialist in the treatment of fungal infections) and an immunologist. After all, candidiasis is a disease that most often occurs when the body’s protective functions are weakened.

Is it possible to wash yourself if you have thrush?
In the treatment of a fungal infection that causes candidiasis, intimate hygiene occupies a special place. And neglect of care...

Fungi of the genus Candida are opportunistic agents that are always near a person, but cause diseases only in the event of a decrease in immunity. It is difficult to answer the question of which doctor treats candidiasis of the oral cavity and other organs, since a specific clinical case may require the help of different specialists.

Depending on the type of candidiasis, they resort to the help of a specific doctor. There are the following types of infection in the body:

  • inflammation of the oral cavity or stomatitis (treated by dentists if it is not part of a systemic lesion);
  • damage to the skin (patients consult a dermatologist);
  • changes in vaginal biocenosis and development of thrush (treated by a gynecologist);
  • damage to the external genitalia in women and men (treated by a dermatovenerologist, gynecologist or urologist);
  • intestinal damage or changes in the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract (treated by a gastroenterologist);
  • disseminated damage to the body or candidal sepsis (treated by different doctors, but the intervention of an infectious disease specialist and an immunologist is required).

Candidiasis can be acute or chronic and affect absolutely any organ. However, there are localizations in which candidiasis requires immediate medical attention. For example, infection of the respiratory tract indicates the presence of serious problems with the immune system and most often indirectly indicates HIV.

Fungus of the genus Candida belongs to the normal microflora of the human body, therefore there is no such thing as primary candidiasis. This disease is always a complication or consequence of some pathological process in the body. Major risk factors for candidiasis:

  • congenital immunodeficiencies, for example, DiGeorge syndrome;
  • acquired immunological pathologies (HIV, chronic infectious diseases in the stage of decompensation);
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs or cytostatics.

If a doctor is consulted for candidiasis for the first time, it means the patient missed the effect of the provoking factor or ignored its importance.

How to recognize different types of candidiasis?

Candidiasis is a specific fungal infection that affects the mucous membranes of internal organs and the skin. A specific symptom of any form of the disease is the presence of cheesy deposits, which consist of mycelium and fungal spores.

When the skin of any location is affected, the following symptoms appear::

  • inflammation (redness, swelling, often burning or soreness);
  • itching sensation in the area of ​​infection;
  • skin maceration;
  • the appearance of areas of baldness (not necessarily on the head, but on any affected area);
  • formation of paronychia and hyperkeratosis on the nails;
  • low-grade fever (temperature rarely rises to high levels).

In addition to skin damage, superficial infection of the mucous membranes occurs. For example, intestinal candidiasis manifests itself with a typical clinical picture of dysbiosis, and an accurate diagnosis can only be made after a specific bacteriological study. Infection of the oral cavity is accompanied by cracks and ulcers on the mucous membranes. When the disease spreads to the respiratory tract or esophagus, symptoms of shortness of breath, dysphagia, and pain occur. If the fungus penetrates the lungs or bronchi, a cough appears.

A doctor treating candidiasis must always distinguish the primary cause of the pathology. The most common disease is HIV infection at the terminal stage of AIDS. In this situation, the fungus affects the entire body, and the doctor must, first of all, increase the number of human lymphocytes, and not eliminate the opportunistic infection, of which there may be several at once.

Features of disease diagnosis

Regardless of the severity and localization of the pathological process, candidiasis is diagnosed by a doctor in only one way - by identifying the pathogen. To do this, a smear or scraping is taken from the affected area and a cultural study is carried out, during which mushrooms are grown. However, proving that the patient is suffering from candidiasis is not the primary goal of the doctor. The main thing is to establish the root cause of the problem in order to correctly adjust the therapy.

Regardless of whether a general practitioner or a specialist is involved in the treatment of candidiasis, the following diagnostic measures may additionally be prescribed:

  • general blood analysis;
  • clinical urine test (the doctor prescribes additional tests if there is a genitourinary tract infection);
  • serological studies for the presence of various sluggish infections;
  • chest x-ray to exclude tuberculosis;
  • testing for HIV infection.

Often, several doctors treat patients with candidiasis at once, with the exception of common situations: thrush, intestinal dysbiosis, stomatitis in children.

How does a doctor treat candidiasis?

In women and men, candidiasis is treated by the doctor with the same medications. Specific antifungal agents are used, of which there are not so many in the doctor’s arsenal. The most effective remedy is Nystatin, which is produced in various forms. Additional medications, but less effective against Candida fungi, are Ketoconazole and Fluconazole. In severe cases, intravenous injections of Amphotericin are used.

Depending on the location, various routes of drug administration are used.:

  • Oral candidiasis is treated by a doctor by prescribing rinses;
  • damage to the genital organs requires the use of suppositories;
  • dysbiosis is treated with systemic drugs, sometimes rectal suppositories;
  • skin lesions are treated with ointments.

Systemic administration of medications is not always required, so the doctor makes the decision to prescribe tablets or injections on an individual basis. This takes into account the severity of the patient and associated risk factors.

Which doctor should I contact for candidiasis?

Such a common pathology as candidiasis occurs in women, men and children. Consequently, thrush is treated by different doctors depending on the location, gender and age. The doctor will correctly determine the cause of the disease and select appropriate medications with minimal side effects.

Causes and symptoms of candidiasis

Causes of the disease

Candidomycosis is caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. These fungi create opportunistic microflora. In the presence of additional factors, mushrooms multiply. This is how candidiasis appears in humans. Causes of thrush:

  • increased humidity and temperature;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • unhealthy diet (lots of sugar and sweets);
  • uncontrolled use of medications (antibiotics, hormones, cytostatics, corticosteroids);
  • chronic diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • overwork and stress at work;
  • climate change;
  • carbohydrate diet;
  • injury to mucous membranes;
  • sexual contact with a carrier of the fungus (with urogenital candidiasis);
  • from infected mother to child;
  • through contact and everyday life;
  • transmission of infection from animals to humans;
  • through consumption of food products contaminated with candida.

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Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of candidomycosis depend on the location of the infection, which determines the specialization of the doctor to whom you should contact with complaints. The main symptoms are summarized in the table:

Which specialist is responsible for what?

Depending on which organ is infected with thrush, you should contact a specialist in a specific profile. The doctor treats candidiasis based on personal specialization. For candidiasis, you need to visit the following diagnosticians:

Cutaneous candidiasis

The superficial form of thrush affects the skin, mucous membranes, oral cavity, nails, genital area, and interdigital area. Large skin folds are the first to be affected by the disease. If symptoms of candidiasis are detected, it is important to immediately consult a dermatologist. A specialist in this category treats skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. He will prescribe a cream, solution or ointment based on verified blood tests and scrapings from the affected areas. Recommended medications are Pimafucin, Kanizon or Orungal.

Intestinal candidiasis

If you have symptoms of intestinal thrush, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Intestinal candidiasis is a consequence of an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of active proliferation of fungi. After the endoscopy, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It is important to eliminate the inflammatory process in the intestines. The gastroenterologist prescribes antifungal drugs such as Nystatin and Levorin.

Oral thrush

Candidal stomatitis most often affects young children, women who smoke, as well as people who wear dentures and the elderly. If symptoms of the disease appear, you will need the help of a dentist. If a child gets sick, it is better to contact a pediatric dentist. You should not treat the disease yourself. It can be confused with other ailments. For example, with candidomycosis, the tonsils, palate, and gums are covered with a white coating, as with a sore throat. To treat oral thrush, a mycologist prescribes antimycotics. The use of Nystatin, Natamycin, and Lugol is permitted for no more than 21 days.

Thrush in men

A urologist will help cure urogenital candidiasis in men. He will examine the penis and take a smear to make an accurate diagnosis. It is better to do a bacteriological study. After the crops have matured in a special medium, the amount of fungus can be accurately determined. Urologists determine the susceptibility of the fungus to antimycotic agents. If a urologist discovers a fungal infection, then treatment by a dermatovenerologist will be needed.

Which doctor should a woman with candidiasis see?

If a woman has symptoms of vaginal or urogenital thrush, a gynecologist will help. During the examination on the gynecological chair, the gynecologist will take a smear from the vagina. The laboratory will do a bacterial culture, which will allow us to calculate the exact amount of Candida fungus and the degree of fungal damage. Based on the results of bacteriological examination, the gynecologist will prescribe adequate treatment for candidomycosis.

Candidiasis, which doctor should I contact?

Candidiasis is a disease in which damage to the skin and mucous membranes occurs, caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

This pathology owes its second name (thrush) to one of its characteristic symptoms - white discharge.

Depending on the location of the lesion, candidiasis is treated by a dermatologist, gynecologist and urologist.

Candida mushrooms: from conditionally pathogenic to pathogenic

These oval or round unicellular microorganisms are present in the normal microflora of most healthy people. They are well protected from external factors and feel quite comfortable at human body temperature.

The very presence of Candida fungi in the body does not equate to a disease: the development of the pathological process begins if, under the influence of any factors, the fungi begin to actively multiply.

In most cases, this occurs due to decreased immunity.

Causes of candidiasis

Intensive reproduction of the fungus can be provoked by various factors:

  • Prolonged hypothermia or, conversely, being in a climate that is too hot and humid.
  • A disease, especially if antibacterial drugs are used in its treatment.
  • Severe stress.
  • Changes in hormonal levels (with endocrine disorders, use of hormonal drugs, during pregnancy).
  • Choosing underwear that is the wrong size or made from synthetic materials.

Types and symptoms of candidiasis

Manifestations of the disease are very diverse and depend on the specific location of development of the inflammatory process.

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is most common in childhood. It manifests itself as redness of the mucous membranes of the throat, gums and tongue. Swelling develops. As the disease develops, areas of white plaque with a cheesy consistency form on the oral mucosa. If treatment measures are not taken, their number increases, and erosions occur under the plaque.

When oral candidiasis becomes chronic, damage to the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx and esophagus is possible.

Candidiasis of the skin

Fungal pathology can spread in the folds of the skin: in the armpits, under the mammary glands. The folds between the fingers and toes are affected. In some cases, skin lesions outside the folds are noted.

The disease manifests itself in the form of small blisters. Individual areas merge to form affected areas. Between the toes of the limbs there is peeling of the skin, cracks, and itching. Externally, the palms look like they are burned.

Candidiasis of the genital organs

This type of disease affects the external organs of the reproductive system: in women – the vaginal mucosa, in the stronger sex – the glans penis and foreskin. A clear sign of the disease is copious white curdled discharge accompanied by itching. There is discomfort during intimate contact and when urinating.

Candidiasis localized in the intestines

Most often it occurs as a result of previous intestinal infections and the use of antibacterial drugs. In children, this condition can be caused by poor nutrition.

Intestinal candidiasis is manifested by pain in the abdomen, flatulence, diarrhea, and the presence of white cheesy flakes in the stool.

Candidiasis in women

To a greater extent, genital candidiasis occurs among women: about 75% of them have experienced its symptoms at one point. In half of the women who became ill, the disease relapsed.

Candidiasis in women makes itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • noticeable milky-white, curd-like vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • a feeling of itching, irritation, burning, most noticeable after urination and water procedures, as well as before menstruation;
  • pain during and after intimate contact.

If a woman ignores such manifestations, the disease can spread to the area of ​​the inguinal folds, affecting the vaginal mucosa and, in some cases, the vaginal area of ​​the cervix.

Candidiasis and pregnancy

About 90% of pregnant women suffer from the disease. Such a high prevalence of thrush during pregnancy is due to the fact that processes occur in the female body during this period that give impetus to the active proliferation of the Candida fungus: hormonal levels change, the body’s defense mechanisms decrease, and a lack of vitamins and minerals occurs.

Despite the fact that the disease is diagnosed in the vast majority of pregnant women, a frivolous attitude towards it is unacceptable.

  1. There is a risk of transmission of Candida fungus to the fetus. This can happen not only during the baby’s passage through the birth canal, but also in utero.
  2. Infection with the fungus creates conditions for the development of intrauterine oxygen deficiency in the fetus.
  3. The risk of premature birth, as well as the birth of a baby with low body weight, increases.
  4. There is a threat of polyhydramnios formation and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Candidiasis in men

Representatives of the stronger sex are much less susceptible to candidiasis compared to women. This is due to the anatomical characteristics of the male body.

When affecting the male body, thrush manifests itself as follows:

  • There is swelling and redness in the area of ​​the glans penis and foreskin.
  • There is a burning sensation and pain when urinating.
  • During an erection, intimate contact and after it, pain occurs.
  • A white cheesy coating with a sour odor appears.

Lack of proper treatment in men leads to the development of candidal balanitis (damage to the glans penis) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin).

For information about the characteristics of the disease and common myths associated with thrush, watch this video:

Treatment of candidiasis

The process of getting rid of unpleasant manifestations begins with diagnosis. After examining the patient, a bacterial culture is prescribed - a method that allows one to determine the causative agent of the disease.

During the study, a scraping is taken from the mucous membrane at the site of the lesion. The material is placed in a special environment for several days, where the fungus grows, forming colonies. Based on the data obtained, a final diagnosis is made and a treatment regimen is prescribed.

Drug therapy for candidiasis

For any type of localization of the lesion, complex treatment is required:

Normalization of the immune system: restoration of intestinal microflora, use of immunomodulators.

Elimination of local manifestations of the disease: ointments, suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets (Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Miconazole).

Systemic treatment: tablets or capsules taken orally (Diflucan).

The process of getting rid of thrush during pregnancy differs from the treatment of this disease in patients of other categories. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of adverse effects of drugs on the fetus. Therefore, topical agents with low toxicity and absorption, with a minimum number of side effects, are prescribed.

Candidiasis and diet

Human immunity largely depends on the state of the intestinal microflora. With an existing fungal disease, it is almost always impaired. Therefore, to speed up recovery, it is important to follow a diet, which is an element of general treatment.

It is necessary to exclude from the menu foods that contain large quantities of simple carbohydrates: confectionery, sweets, honey, sweet fruits and packaged juices, alcohol.

  • The consumption of pasta and starchy vegetables: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin should be limited.
  • It is recommended to give preference to lean varieties of meat and fish, stewed, boiled and baked vegetables.
  • To normalize the intestinal microflora, you need to include fermented milk products in your menu.

Traditional methods in the treatment of candidiasis

There are many popular ways to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but it should be remembered that they are auxiliary and often minimize pathological symptoms without eliminating the cause of the disease.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dry calendula (flowers) into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes to infuse. It is recommended to wash the genitals with the strained product. In addition to calendula, you can use celandine, chamomile, oak bark, and yarrow for these purposes.
  • Baking soda is a common way to treat candidiasis at home. This substance has a detrimental effect on the fungal habitat. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a liter of boiled water. You can wash the genital area daily with this solution (it is better to do the procedure in the evening). It is important not to leave excess moisture on the genitals after it.

In women, soda procedures should be carried out with caution: this can provoke disturbances in the vaginal microflora.

Which doctor treats candidiasis

The choice of a specialist if candidiasis is suspected depends on the location of the lesion.

If the pathological process has affected the genitals, treatment is carried out by a gynecologist for women, and a urologist for representatives of the stronger sex.

If you have oral thrush in children, you should contact your pediatrician and pediatric dentist.

Skin forms of the disease require contacting a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist.

If symptoms of candidiasis of the digestive system appear, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Candidiasis is not a deadly disease, but its manifestations should not be ignored: often a fungal infection indicates hidden negative processes occurring in the body. In addition, advanced forms of the disease significantly reduce the quality of life and can provoke serious complications.

Which doctor treats candidiasis?

Yeasts of the genus Candida (Candida albicans) are very widespread. They live on almost all surfaces of the human body.

Their reproduction is restrained by the immune system, therefore, when the protective forces are weakened, the number of fungi increases like an avalanche. This pathology is called candidiasis and doctors of almost all specialties encounter it.

Where can candidiasis develop?

The main responsibility for curbing the uncontrolled proliferation of candida lies with antibodies (mainly IgA immunoglobulins), which saturate the mucous membranes of the body.

Local, temporary decreases in the level of these antibodies occur in almost all people. Fortunately, most of these episodes are short-lived and with the restoration of immunity everything returns to normal. It is likely that each person has experienced at least one episode of candidiasis with spontaneous recovery or with the help of treatment from a doctor.

Localization of processes can be very diverse:

  • Vagina and vulva.
  • Male reproductive organs.
  • Skin of extremities - feet, hands.
  • Nail plates.
  • Oral cavity.
  • Digestive tract – esophagus, intestines.
  • Generalized candidiasis of several parts of the body is a phenomenon characteristic of people with profound immunodeficiency.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide accurate data on the occurrence of individual types of fungal infestations. Since since 1999, statistical recording of candidiasis processes has been abolished. This in itself indicates extremely high morbidity figures.

Genital candidiasis in women - which doctor treats it?

Perhaps the most common is a lesion of the vagina (thrush). In such cases, many women do not even ask themselves which doctor treats vaginal candidiasis, but go to the nearest pharmacy and buy suppositories with an antifungal component.

This behavior is too frivolous, since a number of important issues are not resolved:

  • Finding out the cause of the pathology.
  • Concomitant genital infections.
  • General condition of the vaginal microflora.
  • The severity and activity of candidiasis.

Self-medication of thrush during pregnancy is especially dangerous, since fungi can infect the baby during childbirth or even lead to pathology of pregnancy. Therefore, if symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis appear, you need to see a gynecologist. It is these specialists who accurately diagnose the process, prescribe pathogenetic treatment and confirm recovery.

Candidiasis of the male genital organs – which doctor treats it?

For candidiasis on the penis or genital skin in men, the most popular attending physician is a dermatovenerologist. Fortunately, the symptoms, as they say, are in plain sight:

  • Redness of the head.
  • White loose coating with a sour odor.
  • Swelling of the foreskin.
  • Pain and burning in the affected areas of the genitals.

A common cause of the disease is untreated candidiasis in a sexual partner. Sometimes such patients seek to see a urologist, but this is a surgical doctor. Yes, the doctor will be able to give practical recommendations, but it is better to consult a dermatovenerologist.

Which doctor treats skin and nail lesions with candidiasis?

For fungi of the genus Candida, such localization is not very typical, but it does occur. And most often - against the backdrop of a weakening of the body’s immune forces.

The characteristic symptoms of candidiasis of the skin or nails are not expressed. Therefore, what kind of fungus caused the lesion should be determined by a dermatologist.

Typical signs are:

  • White loose coating on individual surfaces of the limbs or torso.
  • Severe itching, burning in these places.
  • After removing the plaque, a hyperemic surface with areas of erosion remains.
  • Deformation, fragility, change of color of one or more nails.

To clarify the diagnosis, specific studies are required - scraping and microscopy of the affected area, cultural seeding. They are carried out in laboratories of the first and second levels upon the direction of a doctor.

Which doctor treats candidiasis in the mouth?

In this section of the digestive tract, very favorable conditions have formed for the life and reproduction of candida.

And here there is a significant load on the humoral part of the immune system, which often “sags.” Regarding the question, To which one doctor address With candidiasis oral cavity, then everything is not so simple. The obvious solution is to go to the dentist.

However, with candidiasis of the oral cavity, the ENT organs are often affected: the larynx, pharynx. Therefore, if you suspect candidal stomatitis (burning, redness, pain and white plaque), it would not hurt to first see a therapist. From him you can get a referral to a specialized specialist: an otolaryngologist, a dentist, or even a gastroenterologist.

Candidiasis of the esophagus and intestines - which doctor should I contact?

In a healthy person, these parts of the digestive system are covered with candida only in the presence of foci of chronic candidal infection. Most often these are self-treated cases of thrush.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal candidiasis do not allow one to suspect fungi, and therefore in such situations, patients, when deciding which doctor to go to, choose a gastroenterologist.

Complaints do indicate digestive problems:

  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Burning sensation in the esophagus (as with heartburn).
  • Bloating.
  • Cutting in the epigastrium and around the navel.
  • Loose stools.
  • Blood in the stool.

When examining the stool, many yeasts are found. And instead of gastroenterological drugs, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

The task of treating such patients most often falls on therapists.

Generalized forms of candidiasis and their treatment

Generalization means the simultaneous defeat of several anatomically heterogeneous sections by candida. For example, the genitals and skin of the extremities or the oral cavity, genitals and intestines.

In the vast majority of such cases, the cause of generalization is a pronounced weakening of the immune system due to AIDS. These patients are treated by doctors of various specialties, the main one being an infectious disease specialist.

Candidiasis is diverse, and the health of men, women and even children depends on the choice of which doctor to contact when problems arise. If in any doubt, contact an available general practitioner. And this doctor will already refer you to specialized specialists.

The main thing is that you cannot sit at home and buy medications yourself: without establishing an accurate diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment process.

Self-medication will only lead to deterioration of health and the spread of candida.

Candidiasis is a disease that is familiar to both women and men in modern society. A distinctive feature of thrush in men is that it very often occurs without obvious symptoms. However, this does not mean that a man, having a disease, cannot pass it on to his partner. Male candidiasis is also dangerous for newborns if a woman has sexual contact with a carrier of the disease during breastfeeding. As a result of such contact, a woman can infect her child. Therefore, most often, when diagnosing thrush, both partners must undergo treatment.

Candida fungus

A fungal disease begins to occur due to the proliferation of candida in the human body. Candida, like many other fungi and bacteria, are not dangerous unless conditions are favorable for their growth. But under certain external influences, the active growth of a yeast infection begins, which spreads throughout the body and causes harm to almost any system. As a result, candidiasis can become a chronic disease with periodic exacerbations. If treatment is not started in time, symptoms can occur at the most inopportune moment and disrupt a person’s usual lifestyle. To prevent this from happening, if there are certain signs of illness, you need to consult a specialist without self-medicating.

Signs and causes of male candidiasis

  1. When the immune system fails, the body is exposed to a number of diseases, one of the first of which is thrush. Immunity protects a person from the aggressive manifestations of various viruses and bacteria, as well as fungal infections; in its absence, any disease can last a very long time.
  2. With prolonged stress, a man’s immune system weakens, at the same time this is facilitated by chronic diseases of the digestive tract, such as cholelithiasis, liver dystrophy or cirrhosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis or ulcers. All of these diseases stimulate the growth of bacteria, and candidiasis can result.
  3. Hypothermia and prolonged exposure to water can affect the genitourinary system, in which inflammatory processes occur, resulting in fungal activity.
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can also become risk factors for thrush.
  5. Obvious symptoms that may appear during infection are that the genitals begin to become inflamed, painful urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, swelling and plaque forming on it. Sometimes there is discharge with an unpleasant odor. However, it should be noted that men may have no symptoms of candidiasis at all. Only laboratory tests confirm the presence of the disease.
  6. The causes of exacerbation of the disease may also include poor nutrition, which disrupts metabolic processes in the body, suppresses beneficial microflora and allows pathogenic bacteria to multiply. Obesity, diabetes, and endocrine system disorders are also risk factors.

Which doctor should I go to for thrush?

Very often, men have questions about how to determine the presence of a disease and which specialist to contact if symptoms of the disease have already appeared. To diagnose candidiasis, a man needs to see a doctor:

  • venereologist;
  • urologist;
  • urologist-andrologist.

Each of these doctors is able to determine the presence of the disease, conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. The consultation is given by a doctor who deals with problems related to the genitourinary system, therefore, by contacting these specialists, you can get comprehensive advice on the problem of candidiasis.

At the same time, you can undergo a complete diagnosis of the body in order to exclude concomitant diseases or those similar to thrush, which occurs with the same symptoms.

Thrush on the head of the penis

Thrush in men can also occur. In this case, no symptoms are observed, but the disease continues to progress and will sooner or later make itself known. It is best if a man consults a doctor at least twice a year to conduct a general diagnosis and identify hidden infections. It is especially important to go to the doctor for men after 40 years of age, during this period chronic diseases begin to worsen, sexual function decreases and in order to support the body, it is advisable to carry out various preventive measures related to restoring the immune system, cleansing the body, treating chronic diseases and maintaining reproductive functions .

Untreated thrush can result in infertility in men and women.

It is necessary to consult a doctor at an early stage of the disease in order to cure it completely.

Methods for treating thrush in men

Medicines that are recommended for the treatment of candidiasis can be purchased at any pharmacy. All of them have pronounced antifungal effects. If thrush is caused by the use of antibiotics, then it is necessary to restore the beneficial microflora of the body. For this purpose, there are medicines containing bifidobacteria. During the treatment of thrush, these medications must be taken daily.

Fluconazole tablets

The most common medications for thrush are Nystatin, Pimafucin, Fluconazole, Nitamycin and many others. They are prescribed in the form of cream or tablets, the dosage can be selected individually.

Usually the symptoms of thrush disappear after a couple of days, but this does not mean that treatment should be stopped.

The course is usually designed for a week, and additionally it is necessary to use the drugs for another month.

Prevention of thrush can last up to six months and include taking anti-candidiasis medications once a week.

When using medications for thrush, you should be aware of contraindications and side effects. Before using any medications yourself, you should consult your doctor. People suffering from allergic reactions should use antifungal drugs with caution. This also applies to those who are treating other diseases against the background of thrush. Sometimes combinations of certain drugs are contraindicated.

Thrush is a fungal infection seen in both women and men. This disease occurs much less frequently among representatives of the stronger sex and can occur with virtually no obvious symptoms. Therefore, there is a misconception that only women suffer from candidiasis. There is nothing surprising about this, since men are susceptible to the same factors that cause this infection in women.

Every year, thrush in men is becoming more common. Due to his nature, it is more difficult for a man to decide to visit a doctor, even if the signs of the disease have become obvious. This issue is further complicated by the fact that a person simply has no idea which doctor treats thrush in men.

Reasons for the development of candidiasis in men

If fungi of the genus Candida begin to actively multiply in the body, then a disease such as candidiasis, or thrush, develops.

This microorganism is present in many places: soil, vegetables and fruits, on various objects and, of course, in the human body. It performs its specific functions and is not considered harmful until it becomes excessively distributed. This process does not occur on its own; it is provoked by certain factors:

  • If the immune system is weakened, a variety of diseases can occur, including thrush. Thrush is one of those diseases that are the first to respond to a decrease in immunity;
  • In a state of prolonged stress or overexertion, a man’s immune system weakens, causing an exacerbation of various chronic diseases of the digestive system. Then the diseases themselves contribute to the development of bacteria, and thrush appears;
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system caused by hypothermia also have a beneficial effect on the development of candidiasis;
  • Alcohol and smoking are not the least important causes of the disease;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (in particular, diabetes mellitus);
  • Diseases of the immune system (for example, HIV);
  • Excessive sweating and wearing too tight synthetic underwear.

Signs of thrush

Manifestations of candidiasis in men are more hidden, but still have certain signs. Some changes are observed in the genitourinary system:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region and when urinating;
  2. Redness and swelling of the anogenital area;
  3. In the case of an advanced form of candidiasis, erosions form and purulent discharge appears;
  4. With candidiasis, diarrhea, pain and bloating appear in the intestines, and there may be fragments of cheesy discharge in the stool;
  5. Candidal stomatitis manifests itself by the formation of white plaque on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Which doctor should I contact for candidiasis?

The above symptoms cannot be ignored. Realizing that something needs to be done, the man asks himself, what kind of doctor treats thrush? The answer is simple: for women, a gynecologist will deal with this disease; for men, a urologist will act as such a specialist. It is the urologist who treats diseases of the genitourinary system in men. You can often hear the name “andrology” - this is how male urology is often characterized, although this doctor also covers slightly different areas. In any case, you can also contact an andrologist with complaints about the negative changes that have appeared.

Due to the fact that one of the options Since infection with this disease is sexually transmitted, a man can get fully qualified help from a venereologist. After all, a venereologist is a doctor who deals with all diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Some clinics even have such a doctor as a urologist-venereologist.

Treatment of thrush in men

Having received an answer to the question of which doctor treats candidiasis, you need to visit this specialist as soon as possible.

At the appointment, the specialist will need to tell you in detail about your complaints, whether there have been similar manifestations before, and if so, what treatment was prescribed. The external genitalia will also be examined to identify various changes: rashes, ulcers, erosions and discharge. Before visiting a doctor you need to prepare:

  • Be sure to carry out the necessary hygiene actions;
  • 2-3 days before the appointment, refuse sexual contacts;
  • On the day of your appointment and the day before, avoid taking any medications and alcohol.

It is necessary that his partner undergo the examination together with the man. If this is not done, then all efforts in terms of treatment will be useless.

To diagnose thrush in men, two main methods are used:

  1. Bacteriological method. Examination of a smear under a microscope, during which either fungi are detected or not. Using this, you can not only determine the presence of Candida fungi, but also establish their type and quantity. The accuracy of this method is 95%.
  2. Culture method. It is used to determine the susceptibility of detected fungi to means for their destruction. This is necessary to prescribe effective treatment.

Methods for treating thrush in men

Immediately after passing all examinations and an accurate diagnosis is established, the attending physician prescribes the necessary treatment.

In fact, it is not much different from similar treatment in women and includes the following activities:

  • Taking medications that negatively affect the proliferation of fungi (antifungal drugs). Drugs such as Fluconazole and Flucostat are available in tablets and are prescribed for oral use.
  • If signs of thrush appear on the genitals, various ointments and creams directed against fungi are prescribed to the affected area. The product is generously lubricated on inflamed mucous membranes until completely absorbed. Usually you need to use the cream 1-2 times a day. This could be, for example, Pimafucin. The duration of use and dosage are determined by the doctor. The drug is very effective; after 2 days of use, obvious symptoms disappear.
  • In the chronic form of candidiasis, antibiotics are additionally prescribed (Nystatin, for example).
  • During the course of treatment, it is extremely important to observe enhanced rules of personal hygiene. Mandatory procedures include a cool shower twice a day, washing and baths for the penis with the addition of medications and medicinal herbs. The use of shower gels during treatment is not recommended - they will only contribute to the development of fungi. It is better to avoid visiting saunas and hot baths during therapy.
  • Diet also plays an important role in the fight against candidiasis. Spicy and salty foods, alcoholic drinks and coffee, smoking - all this should be avoided to improve the quality of treatment. And, conversely, give preference to drinks with bifidobacteria and vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

Before you begin treatment for thrush, it is important to first understand the causes of its occurrence. If, for example, candidiasis is caused by long-term use of antibiotics, you simply need to normalize the microflora.

The fact that under the influence of strong antifungal drugs the main symptoms of thrush disappear after 2-3 days does not mean that you need to immediately interrupt treatment. It is very important here to complete the full therapeutic course prescribed by your doctor. The main course of treatment is one week, but then additional therapy follows, continuing for another month. The prophylactic course can last for the next six months with mandatory medication once a week.

The key to successful treatment for candidiasis is to undergo it together with your sexual partner.

Which doctor treats oral candidiasis?

As already stated above, signs of candidiasis can be localized on almost any surface of the mucous membranes in the body. The membranes of the oral cavity, the so-called oral candidiasis, are no exception.

A clear confirmation of this is thrush in the mouth of infants. Adult men also experience this disease, although much less frequently. As in the previous description, the symptoms are very unpleasant - itching, burning and discomfort, and in particularly serious cases, even a complete loss of taste. The causes of oral thrush can be attributed to the same ones as in the case of genital candidiasis. But there are still several reasons specific to this species:

  1. Intestinal dysbiosis. The oral cavity is closely connected with the stomach and intestines, so any negative conditions of these organs cannot but affect the condition of the oral cavity;
  2. Regular use of hormonal inhalations (example: bronchial asthma);

Based on the above list, it is not difficult to answer the question - which doctor treats oral candidiasis? This is, of course, a dentist-therapist. It is he who should be contacted if this disease is suspected.

The symptoms of the disease are pronounced, and when the first signs appear, a person may suspect something is wrong. Signs of candidiasis in the mouth include:

  • Inflamed condition of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • Feeling of dryness and tightness;
  • Formation of white plaque of varying density and friability;
  • When the plaque becomes older, it is rejected and a bleeding lesion (erosion) is formed, which causes pain;
  • Decreased appetite, sensitivity to heat and cold, sleep disturbance, feverish conditions.

Treatment of oral candidiasis

Particularly effective modern drugs for the treatment of thrush include Diflucan, Flucostat, Fluconazole - just a single dose of 150 mg is enough to get rid of candidiasis. But with repeated episodes, you need to complete the full course of treatment with these drugs, it lasts 6-12 months with one tablet per month.

Tablet preparations Nystatin, Nizoral, Clotrimazole are prescribed for oral use for two weeks, 1-2 pieces per day. You need to complete the full course prescribed by your doctor without interrupting it.

Local medications effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Such drugs include Miramistin, available in the form of rinsing solutions or sprays for irrigation. With regular use for 8-10 days, 3-4 times a day, good results are achieved.

As with any other type of thrush, it is mandatory to take vitamins B, PP and C, as well as calcium gluconate and antihistamines.


As a preventive measure, you need to strengthen your oral hygiene, follow nutritional recommendations (as is the case with genital candidiasis), and also take probiotics.