Balcony      02/11/2023

How to make a person fall in love with you. How to make a guy fall in love with you: tips and tricks. What do guys like in girls?

Why is love considered akin to a state of hypnosis? Why do people break up?

- How to think correctly about the relationship between a man and a woman?

- The first main thesis is that love or an attitude of sympathy for each other is always a state of some kind of hypnosis in reality, that is, hypnosis without sleep, a state of trance.

- How is it characterized?

- Firstly, it is characterized by the fact that a person is inadequate. This inadequacy manifests itself, as a rule, in a distortion of objective reality.

- What does it mean?

- It’s worth talking about three basic rules here. First: the rule of generalization.

For example, if a man likes a woman, he simplifies some things in her perception. If in relation to any other woman he could be critical, in relation to the woman he loves, he generalizes critical signs in the form of some large global processes that no longer cause criticism.

- What is the second rule?

- The second rule is distortion. This means that a man (or a woman in love) in love turns on a distortion, and he (she) perceives everything in his loved one as the best.

The transition from an ordinary relationship to a state of love is a transition from a normal relationship with a person to a relationship in a trance with this person. Trance, which is called love, into a trance, which is called sympathy, good attitude and so on.

- Is it possible to “make a person fall in love with you?”

- There is a phenomenon that was first described by American psychologists during a study of Latin American marriages. They were the first to describe a technology that today, even in real technological science, is called “Mexican shower technology.”

In another way, this technology is called “how to make any person fall in love with you or how to break up with any person without hysterics, without crashes, in a natural way.”

- What is the essence of this technology?

- Let's say a man and a woman, a guy and a girl, meet. The first time they met was somewhere, in some nightclub. If they want to like each other, of course, they will try to pretend that they think about some things in the same way. This is the first stage.

For example, if a guy approaches a girl and says: do you like this nightclub? and in response he hears: no, I don’t like it - there will be a problem with the relationship. But if a girl likes a guy, then she, even if she doesn’t like the club but wants a relationship, will say that she likes him.

Only later, in ordinary quarrels, it begins to “creep out” that in fact the club was not the same, and the music there was bad. But for now, people have some common themes. This is the first stage of the “Mexican shower”, or the first stage of the phase of falling in love, when we seem to demonstrate to each other: “I think the same as you, just like you.”

- What is the second phase?

- The second phase of the “Mexican shower”, in order to tie a woman or man to you, is called the “breakup phase.” It is very important for the formation of love, oddly enough. It is necessary to create distance, find a plausible reason and refuse the request for the next meeting, perhaps even by calling minute by minute at the appointed time of the meeting. It is important to politely apologize so as not to offend the person, but to give hope for the continuation of the relationship.

The next phase is called the “attachment phase,” when people start to really like each other. Falling in love occurs when, at each subsequent meeting, a guy and a girl allow some kind of greater rapprochement towards each other.

A mandatory element of this technology is a gradual expansion of what is permitted, and after some time a gap again.

- That’s why the technology is called “Mexican shower”?

- Yes, that’s true: that’s why relationships are built according to the principle “now cold water, now hot water”, now the rapprochement of relationships, then distance.

They say that each time you need to get closer to a person a little more in order to “fixate” a person, and move away less. This is how the technology of falling in love works.

If you do the opposite, that is, lengthen negative meetings and shorten positive ones, then a state will arise that in the psychology of relationships is called “people lose each other.”

- What does it mean?

- It is very important that everything happens naturally, without tension. If people divorce because of a scandal, then this is not manipulation, this is not falling in love, this is not the dissolution of a relationship. This is a classic scandal that starts from consciousness and so on.

Non-communication, prolongation of negative phases, reduction of positive phases - this is what triggers the manipulative technology of losing friends or falling in love with oneself. So, in a short interview, I told you the main rules for building love relationships.

Do you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you? Just like two and two. What is described below works flawlessly on absolutely any man. Even for a man who has been in a relationship with you for a long time and wants to return that same fire that “disappeared somewhere.”

And the very man whom you make happy with your femininity and love, ask me to send it to Yaroslav(that is, to me) a card with the word “thank you.” I will be pleased and happy for your couple.

Once again I would like to emphasize that Making a man fall in love with you even more is very simple! Any man. Even me, who understands and sees through the secrets, which I will now describe.

Are you ready to learn a fundamental idea, realizing which you will learn to make even the most unloving men fall in love?

Even those men who have a shard of ice instead of a heart. Some stern boss who has not yet met the one who can melt this ice.


An elderly man called his 20-year-old son and asked:

Do you like chicken?

Yes, I do,” the son answered.

How?.. If you loved a chicken, you would stroke it, cherish it, comb it, feed it from your hands... And you cut off their heads.

The moral of this parable is:

A man falls in love with the taste, with the pleasure received from a woman. But not into herself. Yes, looks can. But we, men, fall in love with the taste, with the condition that a woman gives us.

We teach you to give this state and enter it at your first desire in the training “Love, sex and eternal youth” (lesson 2 and lesson 3).

How to make any man fall in love: psychological techniques

Key thoughts of this article:
-A man falls in love with the taste, pleasure, fire that he receives from a woman
-Influence men's instincts, not brains
-Compliment to a man’s quality + showing need + gratitude + showing his feminine weakness (can be used separately)
-Do not throw all the branches into the fire. Provoke. Remind yourself.

Run away. Involve
-Femininity is capable of much. Develop yourself!

I'm glad you read my articles to the end. It's inspiring.

Write in the comments the tricks you know on how you can make a man fall in love with you?

The situation is not simple - I will say right away. But there are chances. Especially if you stop portraying the victim as unhappy and unrequited.

So, you're fascinated. And you definitely know each other, otherwise how would you know that he doesn’t love you yet? Read and remember, and even better, use it if you want. BUT!

First, answer yourself a few questions, just honestly:

  • Why do you want HIM?
  • What do you expect from your relationship? What do you want to get from them?
  • He's free? (if - honey, turn in the opposite direction before he gets divorced and moves away from his wife).

If you answered the question for yourself, why do you need this and there are no ambiguous points in the answers to these questions, let's move on.

Seduce or fall in love

Let's set the record straight again. If you want to seduce a man and have a good time, it’s enough to seduce him with sexuality. The occasion, the outfit, the setting - and it’s yours.

If you want to influence his heart, emotions, make him think about you and want to be near you, that’s a different matter.

We'll have to work hard. There is no magic advice and there is no magic pill either.

You need to invest energy, resource. Be ready. Have you ever had to “call” a man? Tell us in the comments how it happened.

Need to know

There is no point in becoming a huntress or conquering, taking someone unceremoniously, calling, always writing first and arranging dates - this kind of thing scares off normal men more.

The “conqueror” in a relationship has always been and will remain a man. Will he want to?

If you read my articles, you should already know that it is you who give a man the “green light” - with a look, a gesture, an attitude,

And the man reads the signs.

Start with emotion

He should experience positive emotions around you. Get a state to which you can’t help but return.

How to become a woman who attracts a man with her feminine state, I tell you on my

If he gets used to the fact that in your presence he experiences an emotional uplift, feels good, without tension, courageous and strong, he will want more.

Eat 5 moments in communication that you can remember him with:

1. Don't load it him with his own problems (especially if you have only recently known each other!). He will solve your problems when you become his woman, and that's a completely different story. Now the task is just to make him fall in love, right?

Another nuance: talk openly about sex. There is nothing shameful in this; talking about your preferences is normal and healthy. Maybe not on the first date, but still.

It is important to hear not only what he likes, but to find out what does not suit you. And knowing your preferences, he has every chance to feel at his best, and for you to get real pleasure,

Contact with his environment

If you find yourself in the circle of his friends or even relatives, colleagues or acquaintances, try to be remembered for the most positive impression. If you let it happen, you won't have a chance to correct it.

There is a very subtle psychological nuance here.

If, for example, he likes you (and his opinion is important for your future man), who will casually notice something like: “Good! You should take a closer look...”

It is from this moment that a man can change his view of you.

Take care of freedom

Freedom is one of the basic needs of a man in a relationship, no matter how surreal it may sound.

This is exactly what they are afraid of losing when it comes to .

Don’t try to control him, check him, provoke him, and fill up all his time with yourself. This is the position of a woman who does not have her own personal space, an inner self capable of dialogue.

She compensates for her complexes and fear of loneliness with overprotection and attention in her man.

Remember: if a woman is self-sufficient and develops, a man will not need to be controlled.

Such a couple will rely on confidence in each other and mutual respect for personal interests and time.

Requests for help

Even if theoretically you could do it yourself (take the car to a service station, call a plumber, apply for visas, get medicine at the pharmacy, whatever) - but then he will have even less reason to play hero.

And in return, receive your sincere gratitude and appreciation, an admiring “Thank you, my dear! I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Laws of Attraction

There are no ugly women. There is not enough self-care and assertiveness and not enough style and elegance.

Yes, to go to a cosmetologist, massage therapist, manicure and hairdresser - you really need it, but you also need desire and perseverance. This is an indicator of a woman’s attitude towards herself.

Men react to the “picture” - this is a fact.

It's not about manipulation

I don't advocate manipulation. This is a matter of NLP - dilated pupils, systemic erotic sighs, manner of speaking and postponing meetings at the last moment.

Believe me, to make a man fall in love with you, it’s quite simple – soft, gentle.

And at the same time, confident in herself and her value to the world, knowing what she wants, happy and content by default, regardless of the man.

You don’t need to conquer a man, but you CAN attract and bewitch him, cause a desire to act in your direction.

And one more thing: if you don’t get along with a specific person, despite all your efforts, HE’S simply not yours. Look around. You always have a choice. And the more feminine you are, the more worthy the man next to you is.

Good luck,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

How to make anyone fall in love with you? And in general, is this possible? Many articles have been written on this topic and there are all sorts of psychological practices and other things. Today I decided not to take them into account, since all this is described in the article. I just decided to find out what men themselves think about this, and what traits and qualities a woman with whom they can fall in love should have. And seriously and for a long time (please do not confuse love with passion, which quickly passes).

I interviewed a considerable number of men, both in real life and on the Internet. There were many different answers, but, nevertheless, I found something common in their answers. It was not about appearance, but about character qualities, since every man has his own image of an ideal woman. But even here there is something in common - all the men talked about neatness and grooming. A woman should be pleasing to the eye so that she is pleasant to look at and they can admire and admire her. Plus, she has to be fun and sexy. Now let's talk about the qualities that men focused their attention on.

How to make anyone fall in love with you

So, in order to make a man fall in love with her, according to them, a woman should be:

1. Not very accessible

2. Natural

It turns out that men perfectly see all women's tricks, antics and tricks. It’s just that if a woman’s game is harmless, then a man turns a blind eye to it. However, when all this turns into shameless manipulation, the man quickly gets tired of it all. Falsehood is very repulsive, because ideally all people strive for harmonious and honest relationships. Therefore, be natural and know how to preserve yourself as you really are. Lies, flattery and dishonesty will not lead you to love.

3. Confident

Men prefer women with good self-esteem. A woman who does not value herself is so afraid of loneliness that she is ready to hunt men herself. And as mentioned above, this is a very thankless task. By such behavior, a woman shows a man that she is so desperate that she is ready to take decisive steps and take active actions, just not to be alone. And this immediately extinguishes interest and respect for the woman. As soon as a man feels that he is being hunted, he will immediately begin to run away. This is a law of nature; in a pair there is always one who is escaping and one who is catching up. Svetlana Ermakova talks about this in detail in her methodology “Don’t stop him from falling in love with you! A technique that will revive even your husband.” First of all, a woman should like herself! You don’t have to go out of your way just to please someone. A woman should not demand attention to herself, she should behave in such a way that she will be listened to.

4. Self-respecting

Be sure to maintain your personal space, value and respect yourself, and give priority to your own interests and hobbies.

5. Intellectually developed, but not superior

Men do not fall in love with women who demonstrate their intellectual superiority in every possible way. Many women think that men are more stupid and primitive and they try in every possible way to show their intelligence and high intelligence. Sometimes overdoing it. Of course, men like smart and educated women, but if a woman turns into a blue stocking and constantly talks to a man in a businesslike tone, this begins to irritate him. A woman is unlikely to delight a man with her knowledge of the stock market or political conversations to such an extent that he will fall in love with her. Competing with a man in her mind, a woman challenges him, which automatically turns her into a rival with whom she must fight, but not into a beloved woman who must be loved, cared for and cherished.

Probably impossible make anyone fall in love with you , but it is quite possible to kindle love in the heart of a man who is caring for you and showing you signs of attention. However, in the same way as extinguishing all the sparks that are just beginning to flare up. Be natural, love yourself, fill yourself with energy and love, enjoy life and then happiness will not bypass you! And men even more so!

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It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that a feeling of complete happiness cannot exist without falling in love. In this case, we are talking, first of all, about the long-term feeling that a person is happy, and not about some fleeting situations that lift our mood for a short time.

The vast majority of men and women dream of falling in love with each other. People who have experienced unrequited love know very well how difficult it is to bear and what kind of people it is.

How do men fall in love?

All psychological studies and surveys indicate that men are much more amorous than women. It is the weak half of humanity that often has a question: how to fall in love if you can’t find a prince, and even on a white horse. For men, the problem is exactly the opposite. However, it plays a big role here. Thus, men from southern countries are classified as highly excitable psychological types. Men from the northern regions of our planet are much more sedate and not so temperamental compared to southerners.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what is better - an over-the-top temperament or psychological restraint. Still, in human society, unlike the animal world, there is such an important institution as the family. And family is the obligations of a man to a woman, a woman to a man, and both spouses to their children...

Knowing how men fall in love, and they do it very easily, any woman can, to a certain extent, manipulate men’s feelings that express their attitude towards her. The simplest initial stage is. This is done through clothing, communication, or even fleeting expressive glances. The more experienced a woman is, the larger her arsenal of all sorts of little tricks that can arouse a man and his interest in her.

In school, work and other groups where people can communicate with each other for a long time, close acquaintance is easier than acquaintance between a man and a woman who have met for the first time. But, on the other hand, close acquaintance in groups significantly reduces the choice.

Over time, even the brightest burning feelings of a man for a woman fade away. Fundamentally nothing can be done about this. But it is quite possible, thanks to the efforts of a woman, to prolong such feelings as long as possible. To achieve this, a woman should never forget about her appearance. If a woman tries to look beautiful and feminine only in public, but walks around the house, in the presence of a man, in an old worn-out robe, without makeup and with her hair styled like an explosion in a pasta factory, a man will stop liking such a woman very quickly.

Another way to prolong a romantic relationship is to avoid getting together for a longer period of time. But there is a risk of losing your beloved man, who in this case will have practically no obligations to the woman.

How do women fall in love?

Most women find it much more difficult to fall in love than men. If for representatives of the stronger half of humanity aesthetic and sexual attractiveness play the most important role in relation to the opposite sex, then for women the reliability and decency of the person they choose as their partners is valuable. At the same time, it is important to take into account that for young girls this value is often practically leveled. But the older and more experienced a woman is, the more significantly her view of these things changes!

However, despite their age, most women really want at least some man next to them. This is especially observed among unmarried ladies after 30-35 years. If by this age women have not acquired a permanent partner - an official or common-law husband, they are ready to marry almost anyone, even without paying attention to the man’s appearance. And this is the most insignificant mistake compared to the one when women get married, the manners, interests of their chosen one!

It will be very difficult for a man who sets himself the goal of truly making a woman fall in love with him. At the age of under 30, when women have more romantic views of life and men, such a goal has a greater chance of success than in the case of older women. The bewitching of schoolgirls or students cannot be compared with the bewitching of middle-aged or Balzac-aged ladies. However, there are still chances!

It probably doesn’t make sense to talk about love at first sight now, when the feeling of falling in love arises without any particular difficulties. It’s better to figure out the problem, what to do for those men who really want to rekindle the feeling of falling in love with them in some lady they really like. Here are some basic tips that can help you cope with this task:

  • be neat;
  • show only a good and positive mood;
  • be sociable and communicate in the manner that is closest to the woman (you should not talk about lofty matters if this is a completely uninteresting topic for the chosen one. And, conversely, descend to flat, stupid jokes if the woman has high culture and intelligence);
  • tell a woman about your feelings for her when it becomes appropriate (under no circumstances should you be ashamed to tell her the words “I love you!”, “You are the best in the world!”, etc.)
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol...

Ultimately, knowing how women fall in love and what can influence their attitude towards a man, it is quite possible to touch the most tender strings of a woman’s soul.

How to fall in love. From the experience of practicing psychologists.

I want to fall in love! I'm so tired of being alone! - these and similar complaints from women and men who have not decided on a permanent partner are often heard in psychologists’ offices.

Of course, each problem is individual and is solved individually. But there is something in common between most cases. Most often, the problem of loneliness is faced by men and women who once, for some reason, or never had it. Therefore, it is very important to raise personal value and self-esteem in your own eyes.

As a matter of fact, this is what psychologists’ offices are for—to correct a person’s mental perception of not only the world and people around him, but also himself.