Walls      07/09/2023

How to make liquid smoke at home. White smoke from paper

What you need to know about liquid smoke

Before we start cooking up some delicious treats, let's take a closer look at liquid smoke. It was invented in order to cook smoked products without processing them.. This flavoring is an aqueous extract of the products of incomplete combustion of wood, which allows you to prepare a dish with such taste as if it had been smoked in a smokehouse without wasting extra time and effort.

As a rule, the concentrate is diluted with water according to the proportion indicated on the label. In brine with this flavoring you can fish, poultry, then fry it in a frying pan or bake it in the oven or convection oven. The taste of such dishes is not much different from those smoked with smoke from a fire. Interestingly, such liquids have been used for several years in the production of various smoked products, since this significantly reduces the time of heat treatment of products. When buying ready-made store-bought smoked meats, you will most likely have a hard time determining how they were prepared: in a smokehouse in a few days or using liquid smoke in a few minutes.

Meat masterpieces with liquid smoke

Chicken wings

They can be cooked in a convection oven or oven. Whichever option you choose, the marinating steps will be the same. First you need to wash them thoroughly by soaking them for 15 minutes in cold water. After this you can marinate.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Mayonnaise (3 tbsp);
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. liquid smoke.

If you want to make the dish more piquant, you can add your favorite seasonings, spices or herbs. Place all the ingredients along with the wings in a convenient container, stir, and marinate (ideally, let it sit for a day or at least a few hours). Preparing wings is easy: place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven (200 degrees), bake for half an hour. Ready wings with liquid smoke can be served cold or hot - they are delicious in any form. There are many other recipes for liquid smoke wings. Experiment and share your unusual recipes, the main thing to remember is that you cannot get carried away with such food. Liquid smoke is by no means a healthy product and only serves to give products a smoked smell. It can be used for holiday dishes, when you want to surprise guests, or on rare occasions, to treat yourself to something delicious. In some countries, liquid smoke has long been banned, but as long as it is allowed in our country, we will sometimes take it from the kitchen shelf and prepare the next masterpieces.

Appetizing chicken

Chicken with liquid smoke is a delicious masterpiece that is also extremely easy to prepare. You will need a well-fed one, which must be carefully prepared, gutted and only then cooked.

It must be cut along the ridge to make it convenient to process the internal parts, rinse well and marinate, namely: rub with salt, pepper, spices, garlic and leave alone for half an hour. To make the chicken truly delicious, rub it with the following sauce before putting it in the oven:

  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 30 g liquid smoke;
  • 4 cloves crushed garlic.

The chicken is cooked in a baking sleeve for 1–1.5 hours in an oven preheated to 200–250 degrees, while it must be watered with the released juice. How do you know when the chicken is ready? To do this, you need to make an incision on the leg: if the secretion is pinkish in color, continue baking until the juice runs clear. This elementary recipe will be useful for all occasions, and depending on the spices, it will always be unique and tasty.

For those who love smoked lard

Very using liquid smoke. First you need to prepare the brine: take 6 tbsp per liter of water. l. liquid smoke and salt, stir everything well. To give the dish a pronounced taste, add your favorite spices, usually peppercorns, bay leaves, onion peels. By the way, it is the husk that gives the finished lard its characteristic smoked color and notes of spicy aroma.

When the brine is ready, put half a kilogram of lard into the pan, bring it to a boil, and cook over low heat for just under an hour. After cooking, the lard must be dried, grated with red pepper, crushed garlic, and cooled. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Smoked rabbit

You can smoke not only chicken, pork and lard using liquid smoke, but also rabbit, geese, ducks and other carcasses. It is not difficult.

The rabbit must be thoroughly soaked in water, cut into medium parts, placed in an enamel pan, and filled with warm water so that it barely covers the meat. After boiling, remove the foam, add salt, add carrots, onions, parsley, cilantro, pepper, bay leaf, and liquid smoke (5 tablespoons per kilogram of meat). Cook for 50 minutes. The finished rabbit can be sprinkled with a mixture of garlic and white wine.

The fish is to die for

A universal cooking method for many types of fish

Favorite dish of millions. This is a first-class snack for beer, and it also makes delicious sandwiches. However, not everyone has the opportunity to buy such fish in a store or smoke it in a home smokehouse. But this is not a reason to deny yourself pleasure - the option of smoking fish with liquid smoke - the most popular artificial flavoring we are talking about today - comes to the rescue.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Fish (you can take your favorite variety);
  • salt;
  • “liquid smoke” additive;
  • 1 potato;
  • 2 deep containers.

Cooking instructions

  1. First you need to wash, clean and gut the fish. It is better to cut a large one along the vertebral ridge into two parts. To ensure that it is well salted, make deep cuts from the inside. Small fish, such as roach, perch, crucian carp, don’t even need to be gutted, just rinse thoroughly. Using liquid smoke, you can smoke as many fish as you like, the main thing is to choose the right size for the salting container;
  2. Next, you can start preparing the brine solution, and there is a trick here. Place a medium-sized peeled potato into a saucepan, add water and begin gradually adding salt, stirring constantly. Floating potatoes are a sign that the solution is ready for pickling. Place the fish tightly in the prepared container, fill it with solution and place it in a cool place (cellar or refrigerator) under pressure;
  3. The fish should be thoroughly salted, then washed and dried for two to three hours in a draft. Now you can start smoking directly: pour diluted liquid smoke into a container so that all the fish is immersed and can be mixed. Place large fish in the flavoring for three minutes; for small fish, 60 seconds is enough. If you smoke fish that has been disassembled into two parts, dip it in the solution for 10–15 seconds, then hang it by the tail in a cool place for a day;
  4. If there is a lot of fish, but there is no large container or little liquid smoke in the house, sprinkle it on the suspended fish using a sprayer - it will turn out no less tasty.

In order to make smoked herring without extra effort, you will need:

  • 1 kg frozen herring;
  • 50 ml liquid smoke;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 1 tsp. ground black pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Gut the thawed herring, rinse it several times in cold water;
  2. Rub the fish on all sides with a mixture of salt and pepper and liquid smoke. Place in an enamel bowl, put pressure on top, marinate for 48 hours;
  3. Remove the fish from the refrigerator, rinse generously with water, dry with paper towels, and dry for five hours at room temperature - the skin of the herring should shine with a characteristic shine.

The deliciousness of cold smoking

To prepare the next one you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of small fish;
  • three-liter jar;
  • salt;
  • ground white and red pepper;
  • dried dill;
  • 5 tbsp. l. liquid smoke.

Cooking is easy. First you need to prepare the jar: scald it with boiling water and dry it. Then mix white and red peppers, dried dill, pour this mixture into the bottom of a jar, 1 cm thick, put the fish on top in one layer, pour liquid smoke over it. Next, add another layer of seasonings, put in the fish, pour liquid smoke over it - this is how you need to fill the jar. After three days, the fish will be ready, however, to get a truly tasty snack, the jar needs to be turned over every 12 hours. After three days, the fish must be removed from the jar and dried: first with paper towels, then at room temperature for 24 hours.

Video about the pros and cons of liquid smoke

How to make liquid smoke at home

As mentioned above, liquid smoke is prohibited in many countries, so in Russia it is becoming less and less common every year. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can prepare liquid smoke yourself. We warn you that it is unlikely to be possible to create a 100% factory-made additive due to the complexity of its manufacture (in production, smoke, as a combustion product, is treated with a special aqueous solution, thereby removing harmful impurities), but anyone can make an analogue.

Recipe 1

Made from natural cigarette smoke. For this method we need a cigarette, a smoking person and a frozen glass. You need to smoke a cigarette and release the thick smoke into a frozen glass. Harmful resins and impurities will remain on the walls of the frozen glass, and the smoke will be quite thick. It can be immediately poured onto the products that need to be smoked, or into a prepared container.

Recipe 2

The second option is fundamentally different from the first, but it allows you to achieve the taste of factory-made liquid smoke. It is a mixture of mayonnaise, curry seasoning, garlic and soy sauce. By soaking fish or meat in this marinade, you will do without flavoring. In addition, this is a great idea for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Recipe 3

This method tastes closest to the original additive. To prepare it you will need rice, a mixture of green and black tea, and a little sugar. Everything needs to be wrapped in two layers of foil and when stewing or frying, simply place it under meat or fish. This creates a thick smoke, which perfectly smokes the meat and gives the dish a completely new taste.

Bon appetit

As you can see, liquid smoke is a panacea for lazy cooks and those who do not have a smokehouse. It is worth noting that if you really love smoked meats, but often buy them in a store with the hope that they were smoked in a large factory smokehouse, we hasten to disappoint you - 50% of the smoked meats that come to us from store shelves were prepared using liquid smoke. So why not try to create your own smoked masterpiece, while also saving money?! If you have already prepared something using this flavoring, we are waiting for your comments and wish you bon appetit!

You will need

  • - baking soda,
  • - potassium nitrate (it can be purchased at any flower shop),
  • - the most common sugar,
  • - empty matchboxes,
  • - insulating tape,
  • - gas stove.


Take about 50 g of potassium and the same amount of sugar, mix them together. Pour the resulting mixture into a metal container and set it on. The mixture must be stirred constantly. Gradually the sugar turns into caramel. While it thickens, you can use matchboxes.

By this time the mixture begins to boil; it must be stirred constantly so as not to burn. It will gradually thicken during cooking. When the mixture reaches the consistency of plasticine, reduce the flame of the stove by half and wait until the sugar turns brown.

After the mixture has taken on a dark color, remove it from the heat. Take a teaspoon of soda (without a lump) and pour it into our mixture. And immediately we begin to quickly stir to knock down the foam that begins to form. It is necessary to mix until a homogeneous mass is formed. The consistency should resemble plasticine.

After the mixture has cooled, you need to wrap the box as tightly as possible with vinyl tape. The winding should be done in such a way that in the end you end up with a small area of ​​the mixture peeking out from under it. This will be exactly in the place where the base of the box was cut.

The smoke bomb is ready. Now you need to set it on fire in the place where the prepared mixture protrudes, place it on any hard, non-flammable surface and enjoy the smoke show.


Although the mixture is hot, you can touch it with your hands, it is not poisonous, it’s just
After performing the manipulations, wash your hands thoroughly.

Do not light a smoke bomb at home or in any enclosed space, as it may
combustion produces smoke with a pungent odor.

Helpful advice

If the mixture is too hot before adding soda, then there will be too much foam, you need to let the mixture cool a little.
At the same time, the resulting homogeneous mass should not be allowed to cool after adding soda; it must be immediately distributed into matchboxes or other pre-prepared forms.
Matchboxes must be filled tightly so that voids do not form in them.

The sudden appearance of white smoke is always a sign of a chemical reaction. Appearing above the test tube during laboratory work, it indicates that you have achieved the interaction of substances. White smoke on stage can surprise the audience, but if it comes from the exhaust pipe of a car, the time has come to check the condition of your “four-wheeled friend.”

You will need

  • - chemical vessels;
  • - pharmacy or laboratory scales;
  • - ammonia;
  • - potash (potassium carbonate);
  • - ammonia (ammorium chloride);
  • - Berthollet salt;
  • - naphthalene;
  • - hydrochloric acid;
  • - dry ice (carbon dioxide);
  • - charcoal;
  • - cotton wool.


You can even perform a session of chemical tricks with the appearance of white smoke at home. True, some are best carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, because the reaction results in the formation of substances that are not the most healthy. Place potassium carbonate in a laboratory glass jar. This is the most common potash that can be purchased at a gardening store. After pouring the contents of the flask with salt, you will see thick white smoke. A reaction occurs, as a result of which water vapor is rapidly released, which is white smoke.

For the second experiment, wet the sides of a beaker with hydrochloric acid. Take very little hydrochloric acid - just a few drops are enough. Soak a piece of cotton wool with ammonia. Place it on a hard surface, such as glass or ceramic, and cover it with a glass. As a result of this reaction, ammonium chloride is formed, which also appears as white smoke.

Remove dry ice from the refrigerator. It is needed for an experience that is accessible to absolutely everyone and is also completely safe. Pour ordinary tap water into a glass. It is better, of course, to use distilled water, but it may not always be at hand. Place a piece of ice in the water. White smoke will pour out immediately and very intensely. In this case, it is water vapor.

Experiments with Berthollet salt are best carried out outdoors. To display these indoors, you need a good fume hood. Take ammonia, naphthalene, bertholite salt and charcoal in a ratio of 5:2:2:1 and set it on fire. It will not burn itself. You will end up with thick white smoke without any fire. It smells quite unpleasant.

The color of the smoke changes depending on what exactly is burning. To produce white smoke, hydrogen-rich materials must be ignited. They will create smoke full of steam. You can create white smoke right in your own yard with a few simple experiments. If you are a child, be sure to operate only under adult supervision.


White smoke from paper

    Gather the necessary materials. For this experiment, take a large bucket. You will need water. Also take a lighter, a box of matches or a flint. Lastly, don't forget to bring 5-10 sheets of printer paper.

    Find a safe place to start a fire. Fill a large bucket with water and take it outside. The intended source should not be near wood, paper or dry grass. For example, this experiment with fire can be quite safely carried out on a driveway to a house, a parking space for a car (if you live in a private house and there are no other cars nearby) or on a gravel path.

    Roll the paper into a tube. Roll several sheets of white printer paper as tightly as possible into one very tight tube. If desired, secure the tube at one end with a rubber band, extending about a quarter of the total length of the tube from the edge.

    • For extra precision, mark the half and quarter lengths of the tube with a pencil. This way you will always know exactly how much paper you can burn.
  1. Light and blow out the pipe. Hold the paper tube over the bucket of water by the rubber band-tied area. Light the end of the tube farthest from you. You will see flames, but not smoke. Allow the pipe to burn a quarter or half way down, then carefully blow out the fire.

    • Beware of flying burning pieces of paper. If you notice this, trample or pour in the flying sparks to prevent a fire from starting.
  2. Watch the pipe begin to smoke. When you blow out the fire, the pipe will emit white smoke for about a minute. White smoke is the result of burning cellulose, which releases drops of water and unburnt resins contained in the paper.

  3. Repeat the experiment if desired. You can light the pipe and blow it out until you get tired of it. Just don't burn the paper to the point where you can no longer hold the tube by the rubber band. Throw the paper into the bucket of water before the fire gets too close to your hand.

    • Be sure to soak the remaining paper in water when you finish the experiment to avoid fire.
    • To create black smoke, light the end of the tube that is tied with a rubber band. The smell will be terrible.
  4. Soak individual sheets of newspaper in the solution. Take a sheet of newspaper and dip it in the solution for 30 seconds to absorb the liquid. Then carefully remove the sheet and lay it out to dry.

    • Soak the newspaper sheets one at a time until you run out of solution.
    • Drying the sheets will take several hours.
  5. Roll up the paper. When the newspaper is dry, roll it up. The tighter the better. Secure the roll with tape or twine. This will be your smoke bomb.

    • You can make several small smoke bombs from individual sheets of newspaper, or one large smoke bomb from a whole newspaper, which will last longer.
  6. Take the smoke bomb outside. Find a suitable spot for the checker in your driveway or gravel area. Bring a bucket of plain water with you to douse a potential fire. Light one end of your smoke bomb and immediately move a couple of meters away from it.

    • The checker will burn slowly, and the flame will not be visible through the smoke.
    • After finishing the experiment, fill the remaining smoke bomb with water.

“Liquid smoke” is a flavoring agent that is used to add smell and taste to meat products, first and second courses, and cheeses. With its help you can get the smell of smoked meats.

How to use Liquid Smoke correctly

It is believed that “Liquid Smoke” is more harmless than natural smoke, which is obtained as a result of smoldering wood, since this flavoring is completely absent or contains very small quantities of tar, resins and carcinogens. But too much of it is harmful to health. Therefore, when using this flavor, you should follow the instructions. Liquid smoke is used before or after preparing the product. If you use it at the beginning of the cooking process, meat, fish or cheese will be better saturated with the aroma of smoked meats.

“Liquid smoke” well muffles the taste of stale meat or fish, which is why some companies use it in the production of smoked products

To cook meat or poultry with the aroma and taste of smoked meats, you need to prepare the following ingredients: - 1 kg of meat or poultry; - 1/3 cup of liquid smoke; - 1/3 glass of dry white wine. - salt and pepper to taste. Cut the meat or chicken into small pieces, place it in a small saucepan, salt and pepper it. Pour white wine and liquid smoke into the pan. Place the meat in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can prepare the dish. Preheat the oven to +250°C, place the meat on a baking tray and place it in the oven for half an hour.

Recipe for cold smoked fish

To prepare cold smoked fish you will need the following ingredients: - 1 kg of fish (mackerel, herring, capelin, etc.) - 1/3 cup of liquid smoke; - salt and pepper to taste.

Place small fish in layers in a three-liter jar. Large fish (mackerel, herring) can be placed in a container of a suitable size. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper, add liquid smoke, close the lid tightly and refrigerate for two to three days. After this time, hang the fish on the balcony or in the kitchen to dry. In a day it should be ready.

Pork pastrami recipe

To prepare pork pastrami you will need: - 1 kg of pork (neck), - 100 ml of water, - 20 g of salt, - 30-40 g of Liquid Smoke flavoring, - 5 g of sugar, - 0.5 g of sodium nitrite, - black ground pepper, garlic - to taste.

Cut the meat along the line of muscle separation into rectangular layers 2-3 cm thick. For better salting, make diagonal cuts on the pieces. Mix water, spices and flavoring until smooth and rub onto pork pieces. Place them in a saucepan or bowl and refrigerate overnight. Then place the meat on a baking sheet (you can pre-wrap it in foil) and bake in the oven at 150°C until cooked. Cool the pastrami and wrap it in parchment or cellophane.

You will read about freeze-dried products in the next article.

What is “liquid smoke” and how to prepare it yourself - this will be discussed in our article today.

The cooled walls of the glass condense all harmful heavy volatile organic compounds onto themselves, purifying the bulk of the smoke. Purified smoke either poured into some container, or simply applied to the desired product.

The main thing in preparing liquid smoke is safety. In addition, although the first two methods are quite simple, the latter is harmful to health and can cause cancer. So it’s not all that simple, and you have to pay for the pleasure of eating smoked meats.

The resulting liquid smoke is, on the one hand, a cheap substitute for real smoking, which takes little time to prepare. The carcinogens and resins present in it are relatively safe for humans due to their low concentration.

On the other hand, it is criminal to discount the negligence with which manufacturers approach the creation and sale of liquid smoke. The imperfection of the law that regulates the content of carcinogens in this flavor has led to the widespread spread of counterfeits and harmful products.

So, you need to be extremely careful when purchasing or preparing liquid smoke in any form, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.

How to smoke lard (using liquid smoke)