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How to donate blood for chlamydia. How to get tested for chlamydia. Timely detection of infection

Antibodies to chlamydia appear when infected with Chlamydia trachomatis. Depending on their type and quantity, the infectious disease specialist will draw conclusions about the stage of development of the disease and the duration of infection. To identify them, various tests are used, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To get rid of chlamydia in the blood, the body produces antibodies

Antibodies to chlamydia - what does it mean?

When pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, the immune system reacts to foreign bacteria by actively producing immunoglobulins.

Chlamydia - pathogenic microorganisms

– pathogenic microorganisms, a healthy person should not have them. After infection with these bacteria, the body begins to actively defend itself and fight, which leads to the appearance of antibodies in the blood. Their numerical designation is called titer; the type depends on the stage of the disease and the duration of infection.


Chlamydia is an intracellular bacterium, its structure is in many ways similar to viruses, it has DNA and RNA, and reproduces by division. Modern laboratory diagnostic methods help to detect the presence of pathogens even when they are in small quantities in the blood. Biological material for analysis - blood, urine, scrapings from the mucous membranes of the genital organs. You need to take tests on an empty stomach, and do not smoke for at least half an hour before the test. An answer can be received within 2-3 days; private laboratories can provide results within a few hours.

Basic methods for diagnosing chlamydia:

  1. RIF (immune fluorescence reaction) - biological material is examined by staining pathogenic microorganisms with luminous dyes. The accuracy of the study is no more than 70% - false positive results are due to the fact that not every specialist can detect the glow characteristic of chlamydia.
  2. The microscopic method has low sensitivity, but when used, you can see the overall picture of inflammation as a whole - the level of leukocytes, the number of changed cells.
  3. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a serological diagnostic method that uses it to determine the main types of immunoglobulins - IgG, IgM, IgA, and allows you to identify chlamydia at the initial stage.
  4. Determination of heat shock protein - the analysis is intended to identify the persistent form of the disease.
  5. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a molecular genetic diagnostic method with a sensitivity of more than 98% that can detect the presence of chlamydia DNA. The analysis is carried out in acute and chronic forms of the disease.
  6. Detection of DNA of pathogenic bacteria using labeled probes - analysis is carried out during the acute phase of an infectious disease.
  7. Ligase chain reaction - urine is suitable as the test material, the reliability of the analysis is more than 95%.
  8. The cultural diagnostic method, or bacterial culture, never shows false positive results, but it takes at least a week to complete. The analysis allows us to identify the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

Bacterial culture is one of the types of chlamydia diagnosis

Tests for the presence of chlamydia during pregnancy are carried out with particular care, since only reliable results will help identify the presence and type of infection and the possible risk of infection of the child. The likelihood of intrauterine infection is greatest with positive IgA. Chlamydia in a newborn can be diagnosed if the mother has type G antibodies in her blood.

There is no method that allows one to diagnose chlamydia with 100% certainty, so an infectious disease specialist prescribes at least two tests. The most sensitive research methods are PCR and microbiological analysis.

Antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis type G are detected even in the absence of obvious signs of infection. These immunoglobulins appear in the blood during the chronic course of the disease. If they are found in a child, provided there are no antibodies of type A, M, this indicates intrauterine infection with chlamydia.

Results and transcript

To decipher the tests, it is necessary to take into account the positivity rate for chlamydia. A negative result (values ​​less than 0.9) indicates the absence of chlamydia in the body, the absence of an acute stage of the disease, or that the pathology has been successfully cured. The titer does not exceed 1:5.

Interpretation of tests for the detection of chlamydia

Positive result: A positivity rate of 1.1 or higher indicates that the infection occurred no more than 14 to 21 days ago. Such indicators also occur immediately after the end of treatment, when chlamydia is destroyed, but antibodies to them still remain. The titer increases during the acute course of the disease, decreases during remission or after recovery.

Coefficient values ​​in the range of 0.9–1.1 are considered doubtful; tests must be repeated after 3–7 days.

Type of antibodies and their meaning

The class of immunoglobulins and their quantity make it possible to determine the stage of the disease and the duration of infection.

Types of antibodies to chlamydia:

  1. IgA – a sharp increase in titer occurs in the acute form of the infectious process, exacerbation of chronic chlamydia. They can be detected 10–14 days after infection; in children, the indicators are usually always slightly higher than normal. Values ​​increase within 2–3 months after infection. If the treatment is chosen correctly, the number of type A antibodies begins to decrease and reaches normal by the end of the 16th week of the disease. IgA can be negative if the infection occurred less than 7–14 days ago.
  2. IgM – a positive value indicates the active growth of pathogenic bacteria, the acute phase of the pathology. Antibodies appear 3 weeks after infection; a decrease in levels does not mean getting rid of the disease.
  3. IgG - appears in the blood 15–20 days after infection and does not disappear anywhere.

Negative antibody titer of type M is 1:200, for class G – 1:10.

Chlamydia test results table

results Decoding
IgM, IgG both negative The man is healthy
Positive IgG, negative IgM The patient is a carrier of the infection or has immunity to chlamydia. No therapy required
Positive IgM, negative IgG Primary infection in acute form, urgent need to start taking antibiotics
IgG, IgM both positive Exacerbation of a chronic infectious process, active functioning of the immune system during primary infection, treatment should be started immediately

In the test results form, positive indicators are indicated with a plus sign, negative indicators with a minus sign.

Antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis often cross-react with respiratory chlamydia, which is present in almost all children who have had bronchitis or pneumonia.

How long do antibodies last after chlamydia?

After adequate antibacterial therapy, trichomatic chlamydia dies, there are no pathogenic microorganisms in the biological material, and IgM IgA antibodies disappear, which indicate the acute stage of the disease.

IgG class immunoglobulins can be present in the blood for a long time; in some patients, the titer persists for up to 30 years - this phenomenon is called a “serological scar”. The values ​​are variable and may change during respiratory diseases or while taking immunomodulators. The only thing these values ​​indicate is that the person has previously encountered a chlamydial infection.

The value of antibodies can change under the influence of various factors, for example, a cold

To determine the stage of the disease, it is not the size of the titer that matters, but how it increases over the course of a month.

To identify chlamydia antigen, you need to take at least 2 different tests and monitor the increase in indicators over time. Despite existing standards, you should not independently decipher the results - this is the competence of a professional infectious disease specialist, only a specialist will be able to compare all the facts, confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Urogenital chlamydia is an infectious disease that is transmitted primarily through sexual contact and causes many problems for women. In 10-15% of cases, the course of the disease is hidden, and the woman may not suspect that she is infected with chlamydia. The need for an analysis may arise when determining the cause of infertility, ectopic pregnancy or frequent spontaneous abortions. We will try to consider in detail what tests for chlamydia are prescribed and how to take them.

Where do they get the chlamydia test?

To test blood for chlamydia, blood from a vein is used, which is taken from the patient on an empty stomach. The following research methods can be performed from venous blood:

  1. Blood test for ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). It is used to determine antibodies (IgA, IgM, IgG) to chlamydia. By the titer (quantity) of certain antibodies, you can determine what phase the disease is in (acute, chronic, remission). Antibodies to chlamydia appear already from the second week after the onset of the disease.
  2. RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) test for chlamydia is one of the most accurate (up to 80%). The accuracy of this study depends on the professionalism of the laboratory doctor.
  3. Analysis (polymerase chain reaction) is the most accurate analysis for chlamydia. The result of the analysis is based on the detection of sections of chlamydia gene material.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor can take a smear from the cervix and use PCR to determine DNA fragments in the contents. This smear test for chlamydia is also a highly informative diagnostic test. When examining a smear under a microscope, chlamydial infection can be detected only in 10-15% of cases.

A urine test for chlamydia is rarely prescribed, and the woman is warned not to wash or urinate for two hours before taking the test. In a urine sample, sections of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) of chlamydia are determined.

It should also be mentioned that there are rapid tests for chlamydia, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, due to its low information content, it has not found widespread use.

Blood test for chlamydia - explanation

Laboratory tests are interpreted by an experienced laboratory technician using special equipment and reagents. The patient is given the result of the chlamydia test, which indicates a positive or negative result, and, if possible (ELISA) and antibody titers.

A woman should not take and interpret tests for chlymydia on her own. Only an experienced doctor can correctly approach the diagnosis and treatment of chlamydial infection. The task of the woman herself is to identify characteristic clinical symptoms in the body and timely seek medical help.

Chlamydia in the blood is pathogenic microorganisms that can cause various diseases, such as pathologies of the genitourinary system, lymphatic granuloma. Most often they appear as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse.

According to statistics, about 15% of people who have sexual contacts are infected with them.

Early diagnosis is complicated by the absence of symptoms for a long time after infection.

Chlamydia in the blood

There is no need to worry if the doctor makes an unpleasant diagnosis; most often, adequate treatment leads to a complete recovery.

The conditions for a positive outcome are timely detection of signs, contacting a specialist for diagnosis and implementation of subsequent therapeutic prescriptions.

Prescription of treatment is possible only after receiving the test results. You should not choose the means yourself, since therapy depends on the characteristics of the clinical picture.

It takes more than three days for chlamydia to enter the cell; the incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks, only after which characteristic signs and symptoms begin to appear.

More often, chlamydia infection occurs through sexual contact. If basic rules of personal hygiene are not observed after sexual contact, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly.

This is explained by the fact that when pathogens get on the mucous epithelium of the genital organs and rectum, they remain inactive for several hours, then they begin to penetrate the cells of the body.

In women, when chlamydia enters the body, active reproduction of pathogens is not immediately observed. Only after 5-6 hours the bacterium begins to transform into a reticular body, then active division occurs and continues for about six hours.

Many bacteria appear and attack healthy cells. The whole process takes about three days. Next, there is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, previously unusual discharge.

In some situations, chlamydia, entering the blood, is half asleep, in the process of waiting, and when immunity decreases, active infection of the body begins.

Causes of chlamydia in the blood

The main cause of infection is unprotected sexual intercourse. This disrupts the functioning of all organs of the patient’s reproductive system. In men and women, this can trigger the development of infertility.

During pregnancy, the infection can be transmitted from a woman to her child through blood, through amniotic fluid, or during childbirth. Therefore, chlamydia in children can be diagnosed from the moment they are born.

A group of bacteria can be transmitted by airborne droplets, causing damage to the respiratory system.

Often, against the background of the appearance of chlamydia, pathologies are provoked:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Chlamydial pneumonia.
  • Angina.
  • Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.
  • Laryngitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx.

Such diseases appear against the background of low immunity.

In rare cases, a person becomes infected from an animal, although many doctors dispute this fact. The disease is acutely infectious and is called chlamydial ornithosis.. Diagnosis of chlamydia can reveal this disease in both children and adults.

Infection does not occur through oral sex and is extremely unlikely through household contact, since chlamydia quickly dies outside the human body.

Symptoms and manifestations

Chlamydia can infect women, men and children, with varying symptoms. 2-3 weeks after infection, women notice a number of symptoms:

  • Sharp pain in the vagina and lower abdomen during urination.
  • Discomfort in the lumbar area.
  • Inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Menstrual disorders.

In advanced situations, infertility occurs.

After infection, symptoms do not appear for a long time, and in certain situations the incubation period is several months; the disease is detected in a chronic form.

Men notice the following symptoms:

  • Disturbances of the mucous epithelium of the urethra, discoloration.
  • Disorders of the external surface of the urethra.
  • The appearance of mucous and purulent discharge.
  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Cutting pain when urinating.

When primary signs appear, women need to see a gynecologist, and men need to see a urologist.

Pathogenic microorganisms are not easy to detect, so a general blood test and a smear from the mucous membrane of the hollow organs are prescribed; if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected, a thorough examination is necessary.

Chlamydia is an infectious pathology that can cause irreversible complications, so it is important to be careful to avoid the penetration of pathogens into the blood.

What tests detect the presence of chlamydia?

Three types of blood tests from a vein:

  1. ELISA - determination of the level of antibodies IgM, IgA, IgG to chlamydia, with the help of which the stage of development of the pathology is assessed (detected from the second week after infection).
  2. REEF. The study identifies the pathogen with 80% accuracy.
  3. PCR. The accuracy of pathogen detection is 99%.

For self-diagnosis, you can use rapid tests, which are freely available at pharmacy kiosks.

Blood donation and preparation for it

Blood is drawn from a vein on an empty stomach; you must follow a number of rules before donating:

  • Do not take antibiotic drugs for a month.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse on the eve of the test.
  • Do not smoke on the day of sampling.
  • Eliminate alcohol intake one day before.
  • Avoid physical therapy.

Norms and interpretation of analysis

The research results come from the laboratory in forms. There are no norms for the presence of chlamydia; there should be no pathogens. An inflammatory reaction is observed in the human body, which is caused directly by chlamydia.

Antibodies of a healthy body can show a level of 0-0.99 S/CO. If antibodies are not detected, this indicates the absence of the disease. Below is a table with analysis data for the detection of antibodies indicating the presence of pathology.

If the test result is positive, it is determined that the person is sick. The interpretation of the analysis must be carried out by a qualified physician.

What are the dangers of having chlamydia?

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that in some situations it leads to irreversible disorders in the human body, causes disturbances in reproductive function, and leads to a decrease in immune defense.

In men, the disease can provoke prostatitis, impotence, and inflammation. Women experience miscarriages, adhesions, and neoplasms in the uterus.


Chlamydia is a fairly common sexually transmitted disease among the adult population, which requires long-term treatment. In the absence of treatment in the early stages, it develops into a chronic stage and provokes dangerous complications.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed:

  • Macrolide.
  • Fluoroquinolone.

Antifungal agents are also needed:

  • Nystatin.
  • Fluconazole.
  • Pimafucin.

Chronic and acute forms of pathology require the appointment of immunomodulators:

  • Timalin.
  • Cycloferon.
  • Methyluracil.
  • Lysozyme.

Among the latter group of drugs, doctors often prescribe Polyoxidonium; its action is aimed at increasing the barrier against the penetration of infections, so recovery occurs faster. Treatment should be chosen exclusively by a doctor, otherwise side effects may occur.

Taking vitamin complexes is necessary to increase and maintain immunity. The minimum treatment course is 2 months.

If, as a result of chlamydia, there is a need to restore the intestinal microflora, the doctor recommends:

  • Mezim.
  • Festal.
  • A group of probiotics.
  • Hepatoprotectors.

Additional measures include physiotherapy:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Ultrasound therapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Iontophoresis.

During therapy, the patient must completely exclude sexual activity, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and sports.

Consequences and complications

Pathology often causes the development of a number of complications:

  • Disease of the cardiovascular system.
  • Impotence, decreased libido.
  • Deterioration of joint function.
  • Infertility.

If a child is infected in the womb, a miscarriage is often provoked. During the birth process, pathogenic bacteria from the amniotic fluid enter the baby’s mucous membranes, and the eyes are often affected. Such phenomena cause complete blindness.

Complications are quite dangerous and require complex therapy, so when diagnosing a pathology, you should immediately begin treatment, this will help maintain health not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

A chlamydia test must be taken if suspicious symptoms appear or if unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred.

The infection affects:

  • anus;
  • vagina;
  • urethra;
  • cervix.

Most cases of infection occur through sexual transmission; household transmission is less common. lasts 14 days, during which time chlamydia begins to multiply rapidly and infect healthy cells. The first symptoms of the disease appear after 2–3 weeks, they manifest themselves in the form of discharge from the vagina in women, from the urethra in men. In half of the cases, chlamydia takes a latent form and is discovered when people go to the doctor with complaints of infertility.

If left untreated, the disease becomes sluggish; women develop inflammatory changes in the fallopian tubes, endometrium, and ovaries. The formation of adhesions is the main reason for the inability to conceive. Chlamydia in men affects the epididymis and vas deferens, which leads to erectile dysfunction and infertility. What tests are performed for chlamydia?

Types of studies

  • blood;
  • vaginal secretion;
  • urine.

can be purchased at any pharmacy and performed at home. It allows you to detect chlamydia in urine or smear. The material is placed in a special hole in the test cassette and the result is observed. The principle of operation is based on the detection of lipopolysaccharide antigen. The test result is often erroneous, so you need to contact the clinic to confirm or refute it.

To carry out a cytoscopic analysis, a smear is taken from the urethra in men and from the mucous membranes of the cervix in women. The material is placed on glass, dried and treated with methanol. By examination through a microscope, specific cellular inclusions are identified, indicating the presence of chlamydia. This method is considered quite informative, but it can only be carried out during an acute period of infection. may occur without the appearance of cytoplasmic inclusions, which means that the tests will have negative results.

ELISA and PIF studies are aimed at determining in the blood. Using this method, it is possible to determine the type of infectious agent, the stage of the disease and the nature of its course. The accuracy of the method does not exceed 60%. A test for chlamydia in women is prescribed both in the presence of symptoms and during pregnancy or in case of infertility of unspecified origin.

It involves deciphering a small part of the DNA through which chlamydia is detected. The material for analysis is a smear from the urethra or vagina. The method is highly informative and sensitive. Not only acute infection is detected, but also its latent and chronic forms. Decoding the analysis allows you to find the cause of infertility and miscarriage. PCR is also used to assess the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. If the analysis gives a questionable result, it is recommended to use other research methods. HIV-infected people and people suffering from tuberculosis or hepatitis need to be tested for chlamydia.

The cultural method is considered the most informative; its accuracy is close to 100%. With its help, you can not only detect chlamydia, but also determine their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. This is necessary to create the most effective therapeutic regimen.

Bacterial culture is performed to evaluate the results of treatment. The essence of the analysis is to place the material on nutrient media and grow microorganisms. By the nature and volume of the colony, you can determine the type of infection occurring in the body. Thus, bacterial culture and PCR methods are currently considered the most informative.

The remaining methods are auxiliary and are used to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Preparing for the examination

To obtain the correct result, tests for chlamydia must be taken in a clinic, and the processing and examination of the material must be carried out in a specialized laboratory.

Some rules:

In children, material is taken from the mucous membrane of the vaginal opening. Urine is collected in the morning, and its average portion is used for analysis. The first drops are poured into the toilet, the rest into a clean container. To complete the test, you will need at least 50 ml of urine. Before collection, you must wash with water; soap or intimate hygiene products should not be used. Be sure to tell your specialist about all medications you are currently taking.

Decoding the results

How many days does it take to test for chlamydia? On average, a negative or positive result is known after 2-3 business days; some private clinics offer an urgent examination service, when the patient receives a conclusion on the day the material is submitted. The exception is bacterial culture, which requires at least 5 days to obtain results.

In ELISA and PIF diagnostics, specialists use the term titer. IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies are considered. The norm is the absence of all types of antigens:

  • IgM antibodies are detected a week after infection;
  • IgG - after 10 days;
  • IgA - after 14–21 days.

The results of IgM and IgA are considered doubtful - up to 50, IgG - up to 100. In this case, after 1-2 weeks the test is repeated.

PCR is a qualitative study, so the conclusion may say “detected” or “not detected.” When deciphering the results of bacterial culture, first of all, the type of infectious agent is indicated, then its quantitative characteristics. They are measured in colony-forming units per specific volume of blood or other material. One bacterial cell can give rise to an entire colony.

In conclusion, a list of antibacterial drugs to which chlamydia is sensitive will be given. If the letter R is placed next to the name of the drug, we are talking about the resistance of the bacteria to it. Code S indicates the high sensitivity of the infectious agent. In this case, the drug can be used to treat the disease.

Chlamydia can have a latent, subclinical or acute course. The disease contributes to the development of dangerous consequences, such as:

  • spontaneous abortions;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and peritoneum.

Currently, there are many ways to detect chlamydia in the body, but none of them is 100% accurate. If the analysis is positive, additional examination methods are used. Interpretation of the results must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Let's first understand what chlamydia is. Chlamydia is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted and is caused by chlamydia. According to statistics, this disease is very common throughout the world.

Types of chlamydia

To determine a specific infection, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for antibodies to chlamydia.

All chlamydia are divided into several types:

  • Chlamydia psittaci mainly causes disease in birds. But scientists have definitely proven that all these stamps can be transmitted to people. In humans, this species can cause pneumonia, pyelonephritis, and arthritis. Thus, the species is transmitted from a sick bird to humans via airborne droplets.
  • Chlamydia psittaci - currently very little studied. The source is also animals, namely cattle. Scientists have not yet discovered that this group of chlamydia is transmitted to humans.
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae is capable of causing infection in both animals and humans. It is transmitted only from sick person to person. Mostly adults are infected. This species is capable of causing acute respiratory diseases (mainly affecting the bronchi). Transmission routes: airborne and airborne. Scientists have practically proven the theory that this group is capable of causing bronchial asthma.
  • Chlamydophila abortus - this group calls for initiation in animals. Mostly sheep. In practice, there are cases where if a pregnant woman has contact with an infectious animal (sheep), then, unfortunately, spontaneous abortion may occur.
  • Chlamydophila felis - This group infects mainly domestic animals such as cats. It occurs in the form of rhinitis and conjunctivitis in animals. It can also be transmitted to humans and cause conjunctivitis.
  • Chlamydophila caviae - this group was first identified in the guinea pig.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis - this species is found in humans. Insects are carriers of infection. Infection occurs through: mucous membranes, dirty hands, rubbing the eyes. Eye infections cause scarring that can lead to vision loss.

There is also a classification of antibodies for diagnosis. For example:

  • IgM antibodies. Identified in the acute phase of infection. These antibodies indicate the progression of the disease. They may indicate an exacerbation of the disease. They are detected after infection with chlamydia on the 5th day. Then the numbers gradually decrease.
  • IgM antibodies. They appear on the 14th day from the day of infection. Indicate the presence of an infection that is well “hidden” in the body. With proper treatment, the titers go away only by the 4th month. If the indicators do not decrease, this indicates that the infection has most likely entered the chronic phase.
  • IgG class. You can see it in the blood in the 3rd week of the disease. It can stay in the body for more than one year. In pregnant women, this type of antibody passes through the placenta to the baby.
How to do a blood test for antibodies to chlamydia

Basic principles of research. DNA methods

There is a group of people who should be tested for chlamydia. These include:

  • persons who have had unprotected sexual contact with a potentially dangerous partner;
  • if a man or woman was first diagnosed, then it is necessary to examine the sexual partner;
  • women diagnosed with infertility (more than 2 years);
  • women with a history of: cervical erosion, chronic adnexitis;
  • women who constantly fail to carry a child to term, premature birth, polyhydramnios.

To detect this infection, patient biomaterial is required. The material can be:

  • vaginal contents;
  • prostate secretion;
  • sperm;
  • blood;
  • urine.

Types of research:

  1. Cytological analysis. For this study, it is necessary to take a scraping from the vagina, prostate secretion or scraping from the urethra. The material is colored using special dyes. Chlamydia react to these dyes and become clearly visible through a microscope. The study is effective only in the acute phase.
    The effectiveness of the study is no more than 12%.
  2. RIF and mutual fund. For research, use any material that was collected by scraping. The material is treated with special antibodies, which subsequently react with chlamydia. Then, using a fluorescent microscope, chlamydia is illuminated either green or yellow-green.
    Well effective in acute phase or chronic disease. The research method very often gives a false positive result.
    The effectiveness of the method is about 50%
  3. ELISA. The study is based on the method of indirect detection of bacteria. This technique allows both to determine the presence of infection in the body and to identify the pathogen. In addition, the study helps determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
    The accuracy of this method is about 70%.
  4. . Based on the detection of chlamydia DNA. The study itself lasts no more than 2 days. The material for research can be any biomaterial (blood, semen, vaginal contents, urine, etc.).
    The study has a 100% result. But there are false positive cases, but this happens when the process of collecting material was disrupted.
  5. Culture method. In this method, the material under study is placed in a special environment and sent to a thermostat. The material for the study can be scrapings from the vagina, urethra, prostate or conjunctiva of the eye. Where, if there is an infection, it begins to multiply. This technique helps to identify the pathogen and select the correct treatment. The study can take a long time, up to 7 days.
    The efficiency is about 90%.
  6. Express diagnostics. The basis includes special kits that give results in 10-15 minutes.
    The accuracy of this study is no more than 25%.

Blood test for antibodies: interpretation of results

Antibodies to chlamydia in the blood begin to grow rapidly in the acute phase of the disease. After recovery, antibodies gradually begin to decline. In cases of re-infection, the level of antibodies may again increase sharply.

  • IgA positive, 1:5, IgG – positive, 1:40. These results indicate the presence of infection in the body. Treatment is needed.
  • IgG – positive, 1:10., IgA negative. These results indicate the immunity present in the body after suffering from chlamydia.
  • IgA 1:5, normal – not detected. IgG 1:5, normal – not detected. These results indicate a chronic infection in the body.
  • Chlamydia C. trachomatis (IgG-MOMP+pgp3 antibodies) positive >1:40. This result is considered to be a false positive. Usually additional research is prescribed.
  • Title iga. If the infection is present in the body, then iga titer can be detected in the blood. If its indicators are greatly increased, then this indicates an acute stage of the disease or an exacerbation of the chronic stage. Without treatment, the body will not be able to create a protective response. With proper treatment, the titre value decreases. Often, additional studies are prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Igm titer These titers increase during the acute stage of the disease. Also, increased rates indicate active reproduction and activity of the infection. Indicators indicate the need for urgent treatment. This titer can be recognized in the blood no earlier than 21 days after infection.
    Titer readings can provide a good picture of proper treatment and antibiotic effectiveness. High levels of this titer during pregnancy indicate a high risk of infection of the child.
  • Title igg. The titer can be seen 3 weeks after the infection enters the body. Remains in the body for life. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on this titer. Since the antibodies produced are a protective reaction of the body.

Chlamydia test results table

Blood test during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should have a special approach and attention. A blood test for chlamydia during pregnancy makes it possible not only to recognize the presence of infection in the body, but also the risk of infection of the fetus. In any case, if the result is positive, treatment is necessary. Treatment should be started immediately. This is what can affect the reduction of the risk of infection of the fetus.

The infection itself is dangerous during pregnancy because the infection can provoke:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • infection during childbirth;
  • congenital pathologies of the fetus.

Also, do not forget about the fact that false positive results are common during pregnancy. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, it is recommended to conduct at least two blood tests.

Treatment is prescribed both local and general. Venous blood is used for analysis.

Analysis transcript:

  • IgM negative and IgG negative - a negative result, there is no infection in the body.
  • IgM positive and IgG negative or positive - these indicators indicate an absolutely “fresh” infection. Urgent treatment is required.
  • IgM is negative, and IgG has a certain titer. The results indicate that the disease was once experienced. It may also indicate the presence of a chronic infection in the body.