Repair      01/31/2023

How to prevent pregnancy. Methods of contraception for adolescents. Photo gallery: female barrier contraceptives

In the modern world, the joy of carnal pleasures, not accompanied by pregnancy as an obligatory consequence, has long been considered something indecent. Just the joy of close proximity with a loved one is so natural.

Pregnancy is planned, but the joy of sex happens spontaneously. And the more unexpected the sex, the more enjoyable it is. It is somehow not customary to plan love, but if the main goal is to protect yourself without contraceptives, then you will have to work out several methods. And in this case, both partners need to be careful.

In the heat of a surge of passion, there is no time to think, without safety precautions, so it is better to think about this in advance.

How many methods are known?

Even in ancient times, violent sex did not always end with the partner’s rounded belly. Even then, not all women were ready for the role of a mother of many children, and the most advanced and courageous of them practiced various “anti-pregnancy” methods of making love.

The most successful and tested options for how not to get pregnant without birth control have been passed down from generation to generation, and this is how they have reached modern ladies.

More or less effective means and methods of preventing pregnancy make up the popular twenty, known to any experienced couple.

Among them, douching and coitus interruptus are the most used among partners.

However, it should be noted that none of these methods can provide a 100% guarantee of protection. And in order to determine “your” technique, it is necessary to study in detail all the nuances of the body - yours and your loved one.

Intimate matters should be discussed with a gynecologist

The practice of sex is an interesting science, but professorial heights in it can only be achieved by thoroughly studying the theory. The couple should be prepared for the fact that it is necessary to “let in” a third person, namely an experienced gynecologist, into the theoretical part.

Why is this necessary? No matter how proficient a person considers himself to be in sex, he will not be able to independently determine a number of the most important external and internal factors that influence the possibility of conception.

Therefore, the question is often: “What should I do to avoid getting pregnant?” - goes beyond the bedroom and intimate relationships. The couple has the right to decide whether to take it out in public, but it can be very difficult to do without professional advice.

Minimum chances: happiness or problem?

Before falling into constant thoughts on the topic: “What to do to avoid getting pregnant?”, you need to make sure whether this is your topic. Statistics show that 35% of women must make enormous efforts to ensure that the pregnancy “succeeds.”

This may sound a little cruel, but the likelihood that a woman who is trying to escape an undesirable interesting position by all means, should, on the contrary, be saving herself from possible childlessness, is very high.

And here we can talk not only about infertility. There are a certain number of other nuances of the body that prevent conception: the non-standard location of the uterus, its curvature, and the composition of the vaginal flora, which can be detrimental to male sperm.

Everything about the state of your body can only be learned from the results of the examination. Perhaps after them, instead of the far-fetched problem of how not to get pregnant without protection, another one will appear: how to have children...

Love according to the calendar

One of the oldest and most widely used methods of contraception remains the calendar method. He is considered the most reliable, although there can be no absolute certainty about this. What can I say: such calendars sometimes lie. And even if the notorious product fails in some cases, then one should not rely too much on calculations either.

But since we are talking about how not to get pregnant without protection, we will not mention conventional contraceptives.

In order not to get pregnant after the calculations, a woman needs to know exactly which days between menstruation she has an ovulatory period (the egg is ready for fertilization).

The duration of this period is short - only 1-2 days, falling approximately in the middle of the cycle.

To be as accurate as possible in calculations, you can use various techniques (there are entire treatises on this subject), one of which is subtraction.

The essence of the method is to select the shortest and longest menstrual cycle over the past six months.

Subtract 11 from the number of days of a long cycle, and 18 from a short cycle. This will make it possible to understand on which of the days between menstruation the maximum appears.

Example: 30 - 11= 19. The nineteenth day is the beginning of the dangerous period.

That is, according to calculations, from 7 to 19 days it is necessary to show increased vigilance in bed.


In order not to miss ovulation, you can use another method - measure your basal temperature.

The procedure is not very pleasant, but it gives maximum confidence that a woman will be able to determine the days of ovulation independently and very accurately, because the graph of changes in basal temperature is quite stable: before the release of an egg that is ripe and ready to receive sperm, it noticeably decreases.

In order to greatly reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant without birth control, a woman needs to measure the temperature in her rectum every morning without getting out of bed. All readings must be recorded and carried out daily.

The most pleasant way is sex in a sauna

For men who should not shy away from solving the pressing problem of how to protect their partner from this, there is also a method of temperature control. But it is much nicer than the female one.

The fact that sperm is unable to reproduce at too high a temperature has been scientifically proven. Even under the Turkish Sultanate, men, trying to protect their many wives and themselves primarily from numerous offspring, sat on a container of hot water before sexual intercourse.

Analyzing the methods of preventing a woman from becoming pregnant, taken by men, we can come to the conclusion that love in a bathhouse is not devoid of not only romance, but also meaning.

True, in order to completely protect his partner, a man needs to spend one and a half to two hours in the steam room (during this period of time the sperm will lose viability) alone with his thoughts, and then invite the lady to his place.

Interruption of the act

When studying and testing options on how to avoid getting pregnant without protection, many couples consider it the simplest. But in order to stop in time and find another “vessel” for sperm, a man must have extensive sexual experience, restraint, attentiveness and not be selfish.

Based on the fact that during good sex you can get so carried away and “fly away”, completely forgetting about caution, a timely interruption may not take place.

And if it happens, then there are several significant “buts”:

  • the release of sperm may occur earlier - before the onset of orgasm in a man;
  • sperm may be present in the primary lubricant;
  • Drops of viable sperm may remain on the walls of the vagina and, upon repeated contact, penetrate the egg.

When looking for an answer to the question of how not to get pregnant, all methods are good. But this one is only suitable for those who will not be disappointed by an unexpected pregnancy. According to statistics, the effectiveness of abortion is only 60% (three cases out of five).

Get into the right position

Some of the couples who practice vertical sex (standing up) claim that they don’t even have the question of whether it’s possible to get pregnant without protection. They are convinced that it is impossible.

The validity of such a statement lies in the peculiarity of any liquid flowing out of an overturned vessel.

Figuratively speaking, the “vessel” during lovemaking is always a woman. By taking a horizontal position, it allows sperm to flow towards the egg.

But if the woman stands up, the sperm will be forced to change route and spill out. The “horsewoman” pose has the same effect when the woman is on top.

Creating an unbearably acidic environment

It has been proven that even the most active “live creatures” cannot tolerate any acids. This is the basis of another method of protection without preservatives: douching with solutions of citric acid or diluted with water in a certain proportion.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for everyone and can cause dysbiosis or burns.

But if there is no other choice, and you have to protect yourself in this way, you can wash yourself immediately after the act, dip your fingers in lemon juice and move them deeper into the vagina. Try not to wash away the juice for several hours, provided that it does not cause discomfort.

No guarantees

There are enough ways to protect yourself from pregnancy without contraceptives. But none of them guarantees 100% protection.

On this occasion, there is one ancient saying that has not lost its relevance to this day: if God wants to give you a gift in the form of a baby, he will do it in any case. Take it, don't refuse.

Photo from

Every year, at least 16.7 million unwanted pregnancies occur worldwide. 15 million of them (that is, almost 90%!) could be prevented if women used modern contraceptive methods correctly. Surprisingly, inIn the 21st century, millions of people ignore them or use them incorrectly. As a recent study showed, women are afraid of side effects, have different prejudices, or simply lack information. MedNews figured out how the most popular contraceptive methods work (and whether they work).

"Barrier" contraception

Barrier contraception includes male and female condoms, a vaginal diaphragm and a uterine cap. All these devices physically block the sperm from entering the uterus. The sperm cannot meet the egg and fertilization does not occur.


Male condom everyone knows, but female much less popular. This is a small pouch, usually made of polyurethane, which is inserted into the vagina and secured there thanks to elastic rings. The advantage of both types of condoms is that they not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The effectiveness of condoms is relatively high: according to WHO, when used correctly, male condoms prevent unwanted pregnancy in 98% of cases, but female condoms only in 90%. In addition, you need to take into account that the condom may break.


Uterine cap And vaginal diaphragm - These are latex caps of different shapes that are installed on the cervix. They no longer protect partners from gonorrhea or syphilis, but they do prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Their main disadvantages are the difficulty of use (not every woman will be able to put on the cap on her own) and allergies, which can arise due to the tight and prolonged contact of the mucous membrane with latex.

"Natural" contraception

“Natural” are methods of birth control that do not require mechanical or medicinal intervention.

Coitus interruptus

One of the most popular and at the same time least reliable “natural” methods. When using it, the partner removes the penis from the woman's vagina a few moments before ejaculation. The unreliability of this method is determined by two factors. Firstly, a man may not have time to remove the penis in time (here everything depends on his ability to self-control). Secondly, during friction, a small amount of pre-seminal fluid is released, which may contain some sperm - and pathogenic agents. The effectiveness of the method, according to WHO, ranges from 73 to 96%, depending on correct use.

Calendar method

Another popular and not always effective method. A woman tracks the days of her menstrual cycle that are favorable and unfavorable for conception. Fertilization of the egg can occur only within 48 hours after ovulation, and the lifespan of the sperm in the cervix is ​​up to a week, but often less. Therefore, several days before ovulation (sperm can remain in the woman’s genitals and wait for a mature egg) and a couple of days after ovulation are considered dangerous for conception. Adherents of the calendar method argue that it is during this period that a woman should abstain from sexual intercourse if she does not want to get pregnant. The disadvantage of the method is that it is not always possible to calculate exactly when ovulation will occur, especially in women with irregular menstrual cycles.

Temperature method

This method allows you to clarify the moment of ovulation. It is not for the lazy: every day, immediately after waking up, you need to measure your basal temperature (by inserting a thermometer into the anus). Before ovulation, the basal temperature drops slightly, and immediately after ovulation it rises by 0.3-0.5 degrees and remains at this level until the end of the cycle. By tracking your temperature daily, you can quite accurately determine when ovulation occurs, and accordingly, abstain from sexual intercourse on days favorable for conception.

Cervical method

Another method that helps determine the onset of ovulation is the cervical method, or Billings method. This Australian doctor noticed that shortly before ovulation, the mucus released from the vagina becomes more viscous. This way you can track “dangerous” days. However, due to fluctuations in hormones, mucus can become viscous even in the absence of ovulation, so the method is inaccurate.

Lactational amenorrhea method

The point is simple: in the first months of breastfeeding, ovulation does not occur, so you don’t have to use protection. But there is a condition: a woman must breastfeed her baby very actively (at least every three hours during the day and every six hours at night), otherwise the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin decreases, and their “protective” effect disappears. However, frequent feeding is also not a 100% guarantee.


The intrauterine device is a common and fairly simple method of contraception. This device, usually made of copper or silver with plastic, is inserted into the uterus by a doctor for several years. Copper or silver have a detrimental effect on sperm, and the spiral itself, if fertilization does occur, prevents the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (thus, the embryo does not have the opportunity to develop). The method is convenient because it requires almost no effort on the part of the woman, but it has its drawbacks - for example, it increases the risk of developing infections and inflammation.

Hormonal contraception

There are a huge variety of hormonal contraceptives, and they work in different ways. In general, they can be divided into two types: those containing the hormones estrogens (or rather, their analogues) and those that do not contain them.


The most common method of hormonal contraception. When used correctly, it is considered one of the most reliable. The tablets contain two types of hormones: estrogens and progestins. They suppress ovulation and pregnancy becomes impossible.

It’s a paradox, but it is precisely these means that most fears are associated with. Women are afraid of side effects, for example, blood thickening: estrogens promote blood clots and increase the risk of thrombosis. In fact, this danger is much higher, say, with smoking or even pregnancy. So if a woman does not have serious contraindications (history of thrombosis and among family members, severely elevated blood pressure, etc.), the use of COCs is considered safe. However, women are much more afraid of being overweight than thrombosis: the belief that taking pills can make you gain weight is one of the most persistent. In reality, this has not been the case for a long time: modern oral contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones, which, although they may slightly aggravate the feeling of hunger (and even then not for everyone), do not in themselves increase weight gain.

Vaginal ring

This is another method of hormonal contraception using estrogen. It is similar in composition and principle of action to COCs, but is radically different in the method of application. The flexible ring is inserted directly into the vagina, where it releases hormones in the right doses that help suppress ovulation. The advantage over COCs is that the ring has almost no effect on the liver; the disadvantages are the relative inconvenience of use: it can fall out of the vagina or interfere with the woman.

Hormonal patch

The hormonal patch also contains estrogens, but is glued to the skin and delivers hormones to the body through the blood.


Another group of hormonal contraceptives, they do not contain estrogens, only progestogens. Due to this, they do not have side effects associated with estrogen and are considered safer, although less effective. This group includes the so-called mini-pills: these are tablets containing a minimum dose of the hormone.

Their principle of action differs from estrogen-containing contraceptives: they do not prevent ovulation, but cause thickening of the cervical mucus (mucus in the cervix), which prevents sperm from entering the uterus itself. In addition, progestogens prevent the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, from swelling (without the use of hormones, this naturally occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle). Because of this, the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus and continue its development.

Subcutaneous implants

Particularly desperate women may decide to sew a contraceptive hormonal implant under their skin, which also does not contain estrogen. It is installed for several years and releases the required amount of the progestogen hormone into the body in doses. Like the mini-pill, the implant increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus and prevents the endometrium from swelling.

Hormonal intrauterine device

Its operating principle is mixed. It immobilizes sperm and mechanically prevents the embryo from attaching to the uterine wall, just like a regular spiral. In addition, just like implants, it releases a minimal amount of the progestogen hormone every day, which prevents the growth of the endometrium and thus prevents the embryo from implanting.

Chemical contraception

Vaginal suppositories, creams, foams, sponges and tablets that have a spermicidal effect, that is, they destroy sperm. Typically, all these remedies should be used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Their advantage is that they also protect against sexually transmitted diseases - but not all and not completely. The disadvantage is that the efficiency is much lower than that of other methods. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in combination with other means.

Emergency (aka “morning”) contraception

If unprotected sexual intercourse has already occurred, but the woman does not plan to have a child, then all is not lost: conception can still be prevented for some time. There are a variety of methods for this - from folk to hormonal.

Traditional methods

A slice of lemon, an aspirin tablet, laundry soap and a solution of potassium permanganate - this is not a complete list of remedies that traditional medicine is ready to offer to unwary lovers. It is understood that citric acid, laundry soap components, potassium permanganate and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) acidify the environment, and this kills sperm.

Doctors categorically do not recommend using folk remedies for two reasons. The first is their low efficiency: sperm can penetrate the cervical canal within a few seconds after ejaculation, and before that it is unlikely to have time to insert a lemon into the vagina. And the second is side effects: aggressive acid or improperly diluted potassium permanganate can “burn” the mucous membrane and disrupt the vaginal microflora.

Hormonal pills

There is also a more reliable method of post-coital (that is, used after sexual intercourse) contraception. Hormonal pills have been developed especially for this case. Different drugs are based on different substances, but their mechanism of action is similar: they suppress ovulation, and if conception has already occurred, they prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. The pills usually need to be taken in the first few days after unprotected intercourse (the sooner the better), but with each day of delay their effectiveness will decrease.

It is widely believed that the use of such drugs is extremely harmful, but WHO has repeatedly emphasized that they are safe. This, of course, does not mean that such products should be used regularly: they are simply not intended for this.

Emergency installation of a spiral

The same copper or silver spiral, which was already mentioned above, can be installed urgently - within five days after unprotected sexual intercourse. The principle of its action is the same: copper or silver has a detrimental effect on sperm and eggs, and the spiral itself prevents the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. After emergency installation, the IUD can be left as a permanent means of contraception.

Karina Nazaretyan

Yes, yes, we know that you and Petya are just holding hands. But just in case you suddenly want to hold it for something else, we decided to simply collect for you everything we know about contraception.

Motherhood is, of course, wonderful. But maybe, after all, not at 15?.. And, unfortunately, no one has canceled sexually transmitted diseases. And any girl should know what, how, why and why. Now let's talk about everything in order. In our most wonderful of worlds today, there are a huge number of different ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. True, not all of them are suitable for you and me. In addition, we are all very different, and contraception is a purely individual matter. So be a good girl and make an appointment with your gynecologist. He's not scary at all, we checked. By the way, a visit to a lady’s doctor once every six months is a must do for any modern girl, even if she is not sexually active. And even more so if he lives. Well, so that you can talk with your doctor almost as equals, we suggest you quickly go over the main modern methods of contraception. Let's start with the simplest, most convenient and common.


Barrier methods of contraception

This is what is most often recommended for young people who have recently become sexually active and do not engage in it regularly. Yes, yes, this is it, this is it, our little rubber friend, the condom. Contraceptive number 1 for teenagers - it has long earned this honorary title and still holds it. And all because the condom:

  1. Firstly, it has a high degree of reliability. Especially if you put it on correctly (don’t forget to read the corresponding instructions at your leisure, then you will pleasantly surprise your boyfriend).
  2. Secondly, condom protects not only from pregnancy, but also from a host of sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Thirdly, the rubber product has the fewest side effects and contraindications. The condom has practically none.
  4. And fourthly, it is absolutely indispensable for irregular sex. Yes, and it fits easily into any handbag, even the smallest one. Don't forget about him. And if you have a fun party with an open ending, don’t rely on a friend - prepare yourself.

Condoms are not the only barrier method of contraception. This group also includes vaginal diaphragm and cervical caps. Here you definitely can’t do without a doctor. Because these funds are selected strictly individually and according to size. They are inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse and removed after it. The diaphragm and cap mechanically close the entrance to the uterus, preventing sperm from entering. These products, like a condom, protect our body from most sexually transmitted infections. But, despite this, gynecologists rarely recommend them to young girls - their use is quite difficult and requires constant supervision by a specialist, and their effectiveness is lower than that of condoms.


Very exotic barrier means include the female condom and the contraceptive sponge. The female analogue of the world's most famous contraceptive is a cylinder 15 cm long and 7 cm in diameter, one of the ends of which is closed and contains a fixing ring, made from elastic and harmless polyurethane plastic. And the contraceptive sponge combines barrier and chemical methods of contraception. A medical polyurethane sponge impregnated with spermicide is inserted into the vagina and can remain there for up to 30 hours. We are telling you all this so that you are aware. For teenagers, such remedies are tedious and therefore ineffective.

Chemical contraception

Chemical contraceptives are such tricky creams, jellies, foam aerosols, suppositories or tablets, the common property of which is the ability to destroy sperm. They also have a common name - spermicides. These products are inserted into the vagina an hour before sexual intercourse.

The effectiveness of spermicides is low. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in combination, together with some other contraceptive, such as a diaphragm.

It is important to know that spermicides lose their effectiveness when in contact with soap. Therefore, if you took a shower between two contacts, you need to repeat the application procedure before the second one. Also, spermicides can cause allergies and should not be used for inflammation. A visit to the gynecologist is required with this method of contraception. And no less than once every six months. So, we repeat, slowly and deliberately: spermicides are not suitable as an independent method of contraception. Do you remember?


Intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine devices are one of the most popular means of female contraception in the world. The principle of their operation is this: a spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity, preventing this very cavity from closing. Copper-containing and hormonal IUDs are now widely used. Chemical compounds act as spermicides - they kill sperm.

For young girls, using the IUD is not the safest method of contraception.

The IUD not only does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, but also facilitates their rapid penetration into the body. In addition, the IUD has a lot of side effects and is installed by a doctor. So what does a modern girl need to know about her, but how to use her? A big question for your personal gynecologist.


Hormonal contraception

Behind these mysterious words lies a large list of a wide variety of remedies and drugs. Let's start with the most obvious - hormonal birth control pills. WHO approved their use for adolescents back in 1997. But! Only under the supervision of a doctor and only low-dose combination drugs (with minimal hormone content).
Today there are at least 40 types of different oral contraceptives.

The principle of action of birth control pills is that under the influence of hormones, ovulation is blocked, that is, the egg does not mature and does not leave the ovary. And since sperm have nothing to fertilize, then pregnancy does not occur.

Unlike condoms, spermicides and diaphragms, hormonal pills must be taken systematically, every day. Modern combined oral contraceptives are highly effective and safe, help regulate the menstrual cycle, do not lead to weight gain and do not disrupt metabolic processes. It is worth remembering that such means of protection are only suitable for those who have regular sex life. And hormones are not vitamins, so you should never eat them uncontrollably. If this is your choice, you are welcome to see a doctor. Otherwise, it is better to use a condom. Also, the disadvantages of hormonal oral contraceptives include the fact that they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases at all. Hormonal products include hormone-containing intrauterine devices, hormonal implants, hormonal contraceptive patches and hormonal injections. All these drugs are prescribed strictly after examination by a doctor and are not recommended for use by young girls. But if you really want to, then you can read more about each of them on the Internet or relevant medical literature.

What are people who use coitus interruptus called?


The purpose of this article is not an extensive literature review with historical data, but rather a description of modern methods and means of contraception: not all that exist, but precisely those that we recommend using today - the most reliable and safe.

Therefore, the last word about the so-called. "biological methods of contraception"- without using any pharmaceutical products: calculating “safe” days, interrupted coitus, douching and showering. Despite the fact that these “methods” do not have a contraceptive effect and are not contraceptive methods, these procedures and manipulations still remain the most popular among the people. Of course, the main reason is that they are free, but an important role is played by extensive scientific and popular reviews, in which these “methods” are always mentioned first. The reviews also talk about their unreliability, but the fact remains in the mind - the calendar METHOD OF CONTRACEPTION.

The reality is completely different. There are no such contraceptive methods.

Have a safe day can not be. Spermatozoa live in a woman’s genital tract for up to 7 days, therefore, if the frequency of sexual activity is at least once a week, all days are by definition dangerous, i.e. fertilization is possible. Ovulation (the moment a mature egg is released for fertilization) is an unpredictable process, even with an absolutely regular cycle, it can only be established after the fact, closer to menstruation, and all the days before it are dangerous, i.e. Almost the entire cycle is dangerous, except for a few days before menstruation, and these days are also dangerous, because sperm that enter the female body shortly before menstruation can survive until the next egg. That. all days are dangerous, which was what needed to be proven. There is nothing to calculate.

Coitus interruptus

Not a contraceptive method. Sperm are contained in a lubricant released during sexual intercourse. Therefore, conception is possible even without ejaculation. In addition, interrupting sexual intercourse right before orgasm is simply harmful to the health of a man and to the nervous system of both partners, who are tensely waiting for signs of an approaching orgasm in order to have time to interrupt.


Showering or acid solutions after intercourse is useless, because sperm end up in the fallopian tubes within 90 seconds after intercourse. Douching with acids and putting in lemon drops is also unsafe for health - it causes chemical irritation and sometimes burns the vagina and cervix.

These methods are popular, among other things, because people consider them safe - rather than taking hormones or inserting an IUD - these are harmful! - I’d rather use old grandmother’s methods. Not so reliable? Maybe it will pass, my friend has been doing this for 10 years and everything is perfect. But it is natural and harmless.

This is a very dangerous misconception. Firstly, it is harmful (see above). Secondly, it is harmful because it does not protect against unwanted pregnancy and leads to the need for abortion, the harm of which no one argues anymore. And it is the so-called socially disadvantaged groups: schoolgirls, low-income women who do not have access to qualified medical care, need normal permanent contraception, and not biological “methods”, which this group most often resorts to due to illiteracy and lack of money. Namely, they most of all need reasonable contraception, because they also don’t know about the early signs of pregnancy, and if they know, they wait for it to resolve, and if they don’t wait, then they again resort to home methods of abortion, based on myths and shamanism and fatal ( !) dangerous. Because abortion is scary, expensive, you need to tell your mother and doctor. So, imaginary calm when using biological “methods” leads to very serious life situations and complications. And finally, they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, and this consequence of sexual activity is no less dangerous than an unwanted pregnancy.

So, what can medicine offer to ensure that sexual life brings joy and pleasure, and not illness and fear?

Mechanical methods of contraception

Of all that existed and exists, the real practical significance is condom. It remains the optimal remedy because it is absolutely harmless to health (with the exception of latex allergy in 3% of people), when used correctly, it reliably protects against pregnancy and, most importantly, against sexually transmitted infections. This is the drug of choice for beginners because it is inexpensive, does not require special memory efforts (unlike tablets, which cannot be forgotten), is easy to use, does not require a doctor’s consultation (unlike tablets and IUDs), is harmless and protects against infections. At the beginning of sexual activity, partners exchange their microbes, and in response to the entry of foreign microbes, an inflammatory reaction develops - this does not always mean an infection, especially a sexually transmitted infection - it is precisely a reaction to foreign microbes that have arrived here for the first time. That is why it is necessary to start sexual activity and conduct it at the beginning with a condom.

Lies about condoms:

You don't feel anything with him. Of course, if you read this fable in advance and believed in it; if you constantly think about it, you won’t feel anything now; if you consider that taking care of birth control is not your business, and a condom on your part is a sacrifice; If you convince yourself, then it will be so. In fact, modern latex condoms are very thin, and their maximum effect on sensitivity is a slight prolongation of sexual intercourse, which in most cases is good. The decrease in sensitivity noted by some staunch opponents of condoms is a consequence of psychological conviction and dissatisfaction.

It always breaks. Not always. You must not skimp and take the most expensive and well-known ones: Durex, LifeStile, Playboy, Innotex, look at the expiration date, the integrity of the packaging (very carefully, because there is such a trick as piercing with a pin:), put it on BEFORE, and not during sexual intercourse, Before putting it on, pinch the tip to leave some free space and remove it carefully.

He still has children. If you follow all the rules of use (by the way, they are described in the instructions for the packaging - with pictures) - no.

The truth about condoms:

If you follow the rules, it reliably protects against pregnancy

It protects against sexually transmitted infections

It is the only remedy that has no contraindications or side effects.

How to make a condom more reliable:

Buy expensive condoms from well-known companies, choose not with a textured surface, but with spermicidal lubricant.

Follow the rules of use

Combine with chemical methods of contraception

What to do in case of an accident:

See Emergency contraception.

Chemical methods can only be used in combination with a condom. By themselves, these drugs provide a very low percentage of protection, and in combination with a condom they reduce the risk of fertilization if it breaks or slips off. Chemical contraceptives (pharmatex, contraceptin, patetenx oval) cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa, aggravate the inflammatory process and dysbacteriosis, and require new administration before each sexual intercourse. New convenient form - Pharmatex sponge. It is valid for 48 hours, i.e. does not require replacement for new sexual intercourse during this time. But in general, the safety of chemical contraceptives is lower than their reliability, so they retain their value only in combination with a condom.


Intrauterine contraceptives. Previously they had the shape of a curved loop, so they were called spirals. Now these are flexible plastic tubes, often in the shape of the letter T, braided with copper or silver wire (copper dramatically increases the contraceptive effect of a foreign body in the uterine cavity), inserted into the uterine cavity using a guide, which does not require expansion of the cervical canal and is therefore painless. The IUD is inserted on the 6th day of the cycle or after termination of pregnancy or 6 weeks after childbirth - when the cervical canal is slightly open and insertion is quite easy. Immediately after insertion, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound with a vaginal sensor and make sure that the IUD is positioned correctly. There are threads hanging into the vagina, by which the IUD can be removed - these are soft threads, they do not interfere in any way during sexual intercourse. It is easier for infection to rise through the threads into the uterine cavity, so the use of an IUD increases the risk of developing an inflammatory process. A foreign body in the uterine cavity disrupts its contractility, so menstruation intensifies, becomes more painful, longer and more abundant.

An IUD cannot be inserted against the background of an untreated inflammatory process; it is undesirable for young nulliparous girls because of the risk of developing endometritis - an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. If you experience bleeding and cramping pain outside of menstruation, you should urgently go for an ultrasound and see a doctor - expulsion (loss) of the IUD may occur. With partial expulsion, when the IUD simply moves but there are no symptoms, the risk of pregnancy increases. Therefore, ultrasound should be repeated periodically to monitor the normal location of the IUD in the uterine cavity. Pregnancy can also occur with a normally positioned IUD; this is not a 100% method of contraception. Sometimes such a pregnancy can be carried to term, sometimes the IUD mechanically damages the embryo or its membranes, then the pregnancy must be terminated - all this can be seen on an ultrasound.

The shelf life of a copper-containing IUD is 5 years, during which time the copper coating is consumed and the contraceptive effect is sharply reduced. Therefore, even if the IUD “stands well” and does not bother you, after 5 years it must be removed and, if desired, can be replaced with a new one.

NovaT, CopperT380Ag - T-shaped IUDs; Multiload has a more streamlined shape.

Mirena - a hormone-containing IUD

Contains a reservoir with a hormone that is part of injectable, implantable contraceptives and mini-pills (i.e., this is not a combined estrogen-progestogen drug, but a pure gestagen - levonorgestrel). This hormone is gradually released from a reservoir into the uterine cavity, rather than into the bloodstream like other forms of hormonal contraceptives. That. it has much fewer systemic effects on the body, including side effects, and a much stronger local effect on the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Under the influence of prolonged constant exposure to the hormone, the endometrium atrophies, and pregnancy becomes impossible. This action negates the side effects of conventional IUDs: increased heaviness and duration of menstruation. The atrophic endometrium menstruates very sparingly, sometimes menstruation stops altogether. After discontinuation of Mirena they are restored. This feature of Mirena allows it to be used when conventional IUDs are contraindicated: with fibroids, endometrial pathology, adenomyosis - on the contrary, in this case, a hormone-containing IUD has a therapeutic effect. However, the risk of inflammatory diseases with Mirena is increased in the same way as with conventional IUDs; these contraindications remain. The Mirena tube is thicker than other IUDs due to the hormone reservoir, so it is more difficult to insert. Shelf life - up to 7 years. Like other IUDs, it is a choice for postpartum women for long-term contraception.


These are hormonal pills that do not contain estrogen. It is estrogens that give the main side effects of combined oral contraceptives. Mini-pills (exluton, microlut, charozette) are a solution for those women for whom the use of estrogen is contraindicated, including for nursing mothers. But for this increase in safety, mini-pills pay with less reliability: they have lower contraceptive protection. The fact is that pure gestagens cannot block ovulation, and their mechanism of action is only a direct effect on the endometrium: when taken continuously, they disrupt its ability to implant an embryo. But ovulation occurs, so the contraceptive effect is lower. In addition, without estrogen, it is more difficult to maintain the endometrium, and intermenstrual bleeding occurs more often. Mini-pills are taken constantly, without breaks. Against their background, menstrual function can be disrupted unpredictably: from constant bleeding to the complete cessation of menstruation. But these violations are reversible.

It is better for the mini-pill to be prescribed by a doctor (like other hormonal contraceptives). But if you have made this choice yourself, remember that the contraceptive effect is less reliable than combined oral contraceptives. If menstruation stops while taking the mini-pill, you need to be checked for pregnancy.

Injectable contraceptives and implants

Same idea as with the mini-pill: no estrogen. Increased convenience of administration in depot form: injections (Depo-Provera) - once every 3 months, implants: Norplant - once every 5 years, Implanon - once every 3 years. The effectiveness is higher than that of the mini-pill due to the high constant dose of the hormone that causes endometrial atrophy, like Mirena. However, due to the release of the hormone into the blood and systemic side effects, there are more side effects than the mini-pill and Mirena. Although less than that of combined oral contraceptives. The main undesirable side effect is menstrual dysfunction - from erratic bleeding to complete cessation of menstruation. Implanon, unlike Norplant, which contains levonorgestrel, contains etonogestrel (like Nova-Ring) - a metabolite of desogestrel (part of Marvelon, Mercilon, Novinet, Regulon) - a more modern drug with fewer side effects

Combined oral contraceptives

The most reliable form of contraception. When taken correctly it is 100% effective. Modern drugs contain 100 times smaller doses than the first ones, which appeared in the middle of the last century, and which our mothers remember. It is from them that the terrible myth “HORMONES!” has been going on since that time. Hormones are synonymous with the concept “very harmful, hormonal imbalance, inability to get pregnant, sick children, mustache, getting fat!” In fact, everything has not been like that for a long time, and in terms of reliability/safety ratio, COCs are superior to condoms. Modern drugs contain female sex hormones that are as close as possible in effects to natural ones, without additional androgenic effects, in very low doses. Avoiding possible side effects (increased blood clotting, varicose veins, vascular complications, liver pathology) allows a preliminary examination, which must be completed before choosing a drug: blood clotting tests, liver biochemistry, lipid spectrum, ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist. This examination will identify predisposition to conditions in which taking COCs is undesirable. Other people can take them under the control of the same tests for a long time. (See "Medical aspects of hormonal contraception") Contraception is absolutely reversible, the rate of cycle recovery depends on the initial hormonal background and duration of use. There is no need to cancel COCs in advance; they are eliminated from the body within 36 hours, which is why missing a pill is dangerous. If you wanted to plan your pregnancy, you stopped taking COCs and started planning.

All modern COCs have an antiandrogenic effect, so all have a beneficial effect on oily skin and excess hair. However, it is not advisable to take them only for cosmetic purposes - this is still their side effect, and not the main one, so it may not appear, but other side effects will appear. If a contraceptive effect is desirable, then COCs are a help to cosmetologists, but not a replacement for their arsenal. And in no case should you prescribe COCs yourself, especially for non-contraceptive purposes: skin, hair, breasts.

Skin condition may depend not only on hormonal status; excess hair under the influence of COCs does not disappear anywhere, only the growth of new ones is slightly suspended; Not all medications cause breast enlargement - it all depends on individual sensitivity.

Weight does not increase due to hormones. Weight increases from eating. When you take hormones, your metabolism changes. COCs introduce the body into a state of pseudo-pregnancy. In this case, conception is impossible; there is no menstruation while hormones are taken. Perhaps (but not necessarily) some changes in mood, drowsiness, changes in libido, weight changes, fluid retention, nausea - pseudo-pregnancy. But the weight increases from the food that you continue to consume, focusing on your usual metabolism. But he changed and became focused on hoarding. Therefore, while taking COCs, you need to be stricter about your diet and don’t forget the gym - and you will see that hormones do not increase your weight.

And in general, everything in hormonal contraception is very individual, so it is absolutely impossible to choose a drug in absentia, focus on the effect it has on others, or guess in advance how it will affect you. After examination and examination, the doctor only suggests which drug may be more suitable for you, but the final decision and selection of the drug will be made through individual tests and assessment of the condition by the doctor.

There is no ideal, best drug. Newer doesn't mean better, it's just newer. Lower dosage does not mean better; low dosage has its own disadvantages. There is no better drug, otherwise the rest would disappear from the shelves. There is one more suitable for you.

The state of pseudopregnancy developing against the background of COCs has a positive effect on health: monthly hormonal changes ovulation/menstruation disappear. After all, the human body is not biologically adapted to long-term menstruation. A woman must give birth and breastfeed - 2-3 years of absence of menstruation, then 2-3 cycles and a new pregnancy. The body is adapted to this. And constant fluctuations in hormonal levels have an adverse effect not only on mood, it is one of the provoking factors in the development of genital cancer. And long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, which creates a constant low level of hormones, protects against endometrial and ovarian cancer, against osteoporosis, against cardiovascular diseases, against Alzheimer's disease (senile insanity) and other consequences of a lack of female sex hormones.

Three-phase drugs(triquilar, triziston, trimersi) were originally invented to reduce the total dose in the package - on some days of the cycle the dose of the hormone in the tablet can be reduced, the entire cycle cannot be kept at such a low dose, but several tablets in a pack can be used - in total the dose in the package is reduced . Modern monophasic drugs are low enough in dosage to avoid the use of triphasic drugs. They actually somewhat imitate the real cycle, and therefore are less effective, because the point of hormonal contraception is to block the natural cycle, block ovulation, and not to imitate these processes. Therefore, three-phase drugs are more indicated for therapeutic purposes - for the treatment of initial ovarian dysfunction, for establishing a cycle, the development of secondary sexual characteristics with reduced ovarian function. For contraception, monophasic drugs are preferred in most cases. The lower the dose of ethinyl estradiol in them, the more low-dose they are and the fewer side effects they have on coagulation, blood vessels, and weight. But the less they are able to retain the endometrium. Low-dose drugs have their own side effect - intermenstrual bleeding. The dose of the drug that is most suitable for you depends not on your desire to “fewer hormones”, but on your initial hormonal status. If your initial level of female hormones is high, a low-dose drug may not be suitable for you, and a high-dose drug does not mean “many hormones,” but means “normal hormones.”

Of the modern COCs, the highest dose is Diane-35 (35 mcg ethinyl estradiol). Rigevidon and Silest contain the same amount. The next group (30 mcg) is Marvelon (Regulon), Femoden, Miniziston, Belara, Zhanin, Jasmine, Yarina; the lowest dosage (20 mcg) are Mercilon (Novinet) and Logest (Lindinet).

The tablets should be taken every day at the same time, preferably at night (possible side effects such as nausea do not appear). The maximum interval between tablets is 36 hours; if not much time has passed since the last tablet was taken, you simply drink it and drink the next ones again at a 24-hour interval. If more than 36 hours have passed, then the contraceptive effect in this pack is impaired and before starting a new pack you need to additionally protect yourself with a condom.

COCs are started on day 1 of the cycle (day 1 of menstruation). At the same time, the length of the cycle changes because its cycle no longer exists. There is a time for taking pills and a break between packs, during which menstruation occurs and we make sure that there is no pregnancy. The usual rhythm is 21 days on, 7 days off. It is not necessary to take the pills exactly 21 days; you can take less or more - for example, to shift your menstruation to a convenient point in time. If bleeding does not occur during the 7-day break between packs, the next pack cannot be started; you need to go to the doctor and find out the reason for the delay - pregnancy or excessive suppression of your own hormonal system.

At the beginning of treatment, the body adapts to the new state. Therefore, the side effects that occur usually disappear after 2-3 months of use. If they don’t go away or you are completely unsatisfied, the doctor must decide which drug you should switch to. Switching from one monophasic drug to another is very simple - instead of a tablet of the first, you drink a tablet of the second with the same number. It is better, of course, to switch to a new drug after finishing the pack of the old one and taking a 7-day break.

Abnormal bowel movements, vomiting and certain medications (for example, antibiotics) interfere with the absorption of hormones. In this case, additional contraception with a condom is required for the entire cycle. In a cycle of taking antibiotics, this is necessary both to avoid re-infection during treatment and to prevent pregnancy during antibiotics. It is not advisable to stop taking COCs for this time, as well as for the period of forced abstinence (departure of a partner, etc.) You force the body to first get used to stopping the drug, and then to starting it again - you will get a new batch of side effects.

If for some reason you decide to stop taking the drug, remember that bleeding occurs immediately upon withdrawal. Some side effects (for example, bleeding) do not disappear by discontinuation, but rather by increasing the dose of the hormone.

In any case, hormonal contraception is selected and monitored by the attending physician, focusing on your feelings.

Hormonal releasing systems

Systems introduced into the body bypassing the gastrointestinal tract - through the skin, vaginal mucosa, and uterus. That. the drugs do not enter the liver, reduce the load on it and are not destroyed, like those that come in tablets. Therefore, in releasing systems it is possible to provide contraception with a smaller daily dose of hormones.

Vaginal ring Nova-Ring

This is the same combination drug, but not in tablet form. The daily dose of hormones is lower than in the lowest-dose COC (Mersilone and Logest) - 15 mcg ethinyl estradiol. Advantages over oral medications - taking hormones bypassing the gastrointestinal tract reduces the frequency of side effects such as nausea and load on the liver, however, liver diseases remain contraindications to the use of the ring, since hormones that enter the bloodstream are still processed in the liver. The ring is convenient because it is administered once a month, it makes it impossible to “forget to take a pill,” and it can be replaced later a whole week after the due date. However, this is a new form of contraception, and its effects have not yet been studied in sufficient numbers of people:) For example, the effect of long-term use of a hormonal ring in the present or past on the condition of the cervix, as well as on the man, is unknown. Like any estrogen-containing drug, the ring is contraindicated during breastfeeding (for some reason we have a myth that this is a special contraception for breastfeeding women - NO!)

See the leaflet for the drug

Evra patch

Plaster with an area of ​​20 cm2. Each contains ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin, an active metabolite of norgestimate, which is part of Silesta. The patch releases 150 mcg of norelgestromin and 20 mcg of ethinyl estradiol into the blood per day - a dosage comparable to that of Mercilon/Regulon.

The patch is used for a week, then changed. Three patches are used in one menstrual cycle, then a 7-day break is taken, during which a menstrual-like reaction occurs.

The effectiveness of the patch does not depend on the location of application, humidity, immersion in water, elevated temperature, or physical activity.

Norplant and Implanon implants

Mirena intrauterine device

Like Norplant, it is a source not of a combined estrogen-progestogen drug, but of pure gestagen - levonorgestrel. Combines the benefits of progestogen contraception and therapy with the benefits of the IUD.

Emergency contraception:

Within 72 hours after sexual intercourse - postinor. After 12 hours, another tablet

Or. Within 72 hours - 2 tablets of Ovidone or three tablets of Rigevidone or Diane-35 or Silest or 4 Marvelon or Regulon or 5 Novinet or Logest or Mercilon. After 12 hours, the same amount.

This method is designed to induce premature menstruation. But he doesn't give guarantees. If bleeding does not start within a few days after taking the pills, the pills have not worked. It is impossible to predict in advance what to expect after taking the pills: premature menstruation or delay, and when the next menstruation will come. The method is very unphysiological; there is a strong hormonal shock to the body with a sharp withdrawal of hormones, and in response to this decline, premature menstruation occurs. A failure in the hormonal system can disrupt menstrual function seriously and for a long time. Therefore, emergency contraception should be just that: emergency - in case of a condom rupture or rape. Under no circumstances should it be used as an everyday method of contraception - there are more side effects than the contraceptive effect.

Within 5 days after sexual intercourse - insertion of an IUD. A foreign body in the uterus prevents the implantation of the embryo.

Emergency contraception methods are less reliable and harmless than permanent contraception. They should not be used except in unforeseen emergency situations. And we must remember that these are methods of contraception, and not of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. If more than 5 days have passed after sexual intercourse, there is no talk of contraception. Further manipulations are called abortion. Taking Postinor to terminate an unwanted pregnancy when it is already known is absolutely useless.


Irreversible contraception: cutting the fallopian tubes in women (laparoscopic surgery) or the vas deferens in men.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards contraception

In 2000, at the Jubilee Council of Bishops in Moscow, the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church were adopted. According to this document, the official position of the Church is formulated as follows (c):

Since ancient times, the Church has considered intentional termination of pregnancy (abortion) as a grave sin. Canonical rules equate abortion to murder -

The problem of contraception also requires a religious and moral assessment. Some contraceptives actually have an abortifacient effect, artificially ending the life of the embryo at the earliest stages, and therefore judgments relating to abortion are applicable to their use. Other means that are not related to the suppression of an already conceived life cannot in any way be equated to abortion. When determining their attitude towards non-abortive means of contraception, Christian spouses should remember that the continuation of the human race is one of the main goals of the divinely ordained marriage union. Intentional refusal to have children for selfish reasons devalues ​​marriage and is an undoubted sin. At the same time, spouses are responsible before God for the full upbringing of children. One of the ways to implement a responsible attitude towards their birth is to abstain from sexual relations for a certain time... Obviously, spouses should make decisions in this area by mutual consent, resorting to the advice of a confessor. The latter must, with pastoral prudence, take into account the specific living conditions of the married couple, their age, health, degree of spiritual maturity and many other circumstances, distinguishing those who can “accommodate” the high demands of abstinence from those to whom this is not “given” ( Matthew 19:11), and caring first of all about preserving and strengthening the family. (End of quote.

Pregnancy protection is one of the important stages in the sexual life of partners who are not yet ready to become parents. In the modern world, there are many effective methods to prevent the conception of a child.

Popular methods of protection

The most common methods of birth control are:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • barrier contraceptives;
  • interruption of sexual intercourse.

Each of these methods has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Hormonal contraception

One of the effective ways for a woman to protect herself is to use hormonal drugs, which have the following types:

  • pills;
  • patch;
  • implants.

The tablets require a long period of taking. Often, after they are discontinued, a woman may not become pregnant for a long time. It is very important to follow the treatment regimen during hormone therapy and not skip pills, as this can lead to pregnancy.

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The patch is intended for sticking to the skin. It contains special hormones that are able to penetrate the blood through protective coverings and have a contraceptive effect.

Implants are sewn under the skin and have a long period of action, which can be up to five years.

Birth control pills

At the pharmacy you can find a wide selection of birth control pills that protect against unwanted pregnancy. Drugs of this type are divided into:

  • monophasic;
  • two-stage;
  • three-phase.

Monophasic contraceptives include an equal ratio of estrogen and gestodene. Drugs in this group include Janine, Regulon, Logest, Jess.

Two-phase tablets are produced under the trade names Femoston, Binovum, Neo-Eunomin.

Three-phase contraceptives have different dosages of hormones, which largely depend on the period of the menstrual cycle. The most popular and affordable drug in this category is Tri-Regol.

There are also contraceptives that belong to the mini-pill category. They include only one hormone - progestogen. Drugs in this group can only have a local effect on the cervical mucus and its composition. It becomes more viscous, which prevents sperm from moving forward. The mini-pill category includes tablets under such names as Lactinet, Exluton, Microlut.

Self-prescribing oral tablets is not recommended. Taking contraceptives incorrectly may not give the desired effect and cause serious health complications. Before prescribing any contraceptives, a woman is prescribed a laboratory examination and tests.

It should be remembered that oral contraceptives have a large list of contraindications. Before taking them, you should make sure that they are absent, which a laboratory examination will help with.

The likelihood of becoming pregnant while taking hormonal pills is very low, but the risk of fertilization cannot be completely ruled out. For this reason, it is recommended to immediately use several methods of birth control.

Contraceptive patch

Methods of preventing pregnancy for women through contraception also involve the use of a special patch produced under the name Evra. To be effective, it is recommended to stick it on the stomach, shoulder, shoulder blade or buttocks. One patch is worn for one week, after which it is replaced with a new one. The period of use is three weeks before the onset of menstruation. After the end of menstruation, continue to use the patch.

This method helps prevent pregnancy in nine out of ten cases.

With the help of this product, two hormones are released into the blood in the required dosage - estrogen and progestin. They affect the female ovaries and secreted mucus. Due to this, the production of eggs stops. Mucus also helps prevent fertilization, as it becomes thick and prevents sperm from moving through.

The patch must be used on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Its use eliminates the risk of erosions and ectopic pregnancy.

Contraceptive implants

Some experts argue that the best way to prevent pregnancy is to use a hormonal implant. Its effectiveness is several times higher than the use of tablets and patches.

Parenteral hormonal contraception helps prevent unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases out of 100. There are several types of implants that have different periods of action, ranging from two to five years.

With a single injection under the skin, no further checks of hormone levels in the blood are required. Other advantages include the absence of negative effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver.

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Other negative consequences caused by implants include decreased libido, drowsiness and general malaise.

Implants are produced under two trade names – Norplant and Implanon.

Barrier contraceptives

There are the following methods of preventing pregnancy using a barrier method:

  • insertion of spirals;
  • using condoms;
  • use of caps.

Each method, like other types of protection, has its pros and cons.


There are several types of IUDs that protect against pregnancy. They may vary in shape, hardness and duration of action.

Spirals are divided into two large groups based on material - plastic and metal. The first type is capable of causing an immune reaction of the endometrium, and the second type has a spermicidal effect. The second type of spirals is most effective. Copper is most often used for metal structures.

A separate group consists of hormonal IUDs, which not only prevent conception, but also eliminate pain during menstruation.

The advantage of this type of contraception is the direct local effect and the absence of many adverse reactions that cause oral medications.

Among the disadvantages of this method is the inability to protect against sexually transmitted infections.


A woman can prevent pregnancy by using condoms. In this case, it is not necessary for the partner to use the candon. Currently, there is a wide selection of female condoms that are no less effective. In appearance, they resemble an elastic tube, with two rings at both ends of the product. One of them remains outside, and the other is inserted into the vagina. The product is securely held inside, so it can be put on well before sexual intercourse. The advantage of this type of contraception is the ability to protect against sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.


The cervical cap is designed to prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. The product has several shapes depending on the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organ, and is intended for placement on the cervix. This method of contraception is ideal for nulliparous girls.

This method is outdated and does not guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. In addition, most men are against this method of contraception, because it requires constant monitoring from a partner during sexual intercourse. Even if the partner is not against interrupting sexual intercourse, it is not always possible to completely avoid the entry of sperm into the vagina. Out of 10, conception still occurs in 3 cases.

Traditional methods of protection

Among the unconventional methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy, folk remedies can be distinguished. These include douching using special acidic and alkaline solutions. For these purposes the following are most often used:

  • lemon juice;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • table vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda.

The most effective solution is considered to be one made with table vinegar. To prepare it you will need a liter of boiled, room temperature water and a couple of tablespoons of the main ingredient. It is important that table vinegar is used and not essence, which can lead to serious burns to the mucous membranes.

The resulting solution is douched immediately after sexual intercourse, using the entire solution at once. The effectiveness of this method is observed only in half of the cases. It should be remembered that various types of douching can lead to serious consequences.

Safe folk methods include the calendar method. Its essence is to calculate on which days a woman can not use protection. It is believed that pregnancy is impossible in the last two days of menstruation and the next couple of days after their end. This rule applies only to those representatives of the fairer sex who have regular periods. You should not trust this method one hundred percent, as it is extremely unreliable.

Before choosing one or another method of contraception, you should definitely consult your doctor.