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Breast fibroadenoma: treatment without surgery. When is conservative therapy possible? Methods for treating breast fibroadenoma without surgery. Is it possible to cure breast fibroadenoma?

Until recently, surgery was the only way to remove fibroadenoma. Relatively recently, new treatment methods have appeared that allow you to get rid of the tumor without painful incisions and excision of tissue. Treatment without surgery usually takes place under local anesthesia. The most important thing is that after this manipulation, almost no traces remain on the mammary gland. But for a positive outcome of events, timely detection of the disease is very important, therefore, if even a slight lump is detected on the chest, a woman should urgently consult a specialist.

Please note that treatment of breast fibroadenoma without surgery is not suitable for all patients; it all depends on the stage of the disease. Before deciding how treatment will be carried out, it is necessary for the doctor to conduct a thorough examination of the patient, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of disease it is. It is determined whether the neoplasm is malignant. After which the size of the compaction is taken into account and only after that treatment is prescribed.

As a rule, the tumor is singular, but there are exceptions to the rule. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine both glands so that the treatment is successful. The age, as well as the physiological state of the patient, is significant. Breast tumors occur most often in young people. Moreover, in girls under twenty years of age, the likelihood of developing juvenile fibroadenoma increases. In this case, surgery may not be necessary at all and, if treatment is carried out correctly, juvenile fibroadenoma will resolve under the influence of medications. In older women, the tumor manifests itself in the so-called mature form, with a capsule, and treatment will need to be more serious and longer.

The following methods of therapeutic treatment are practiced:

  • conservative treatment (tumor growth is inhibited)
  • surgery
  • minimally invasive tumor removal (without mechanical damage to the pectoral muscle tissue)

Among other things, there are folk remedies for fibroadenoma of the mammary glands, with the help of which you can slow down the development of the disease.

Indications for surgery

The most dangerous form of tumor is considered to be leaf-shaped; it develops leaf-shaped cysts, in simple words - voids that after a while are filled with mucus. This tumor is usually detected in women who have passed the age of 50, during menopause. The tumor can grow very quickly. Therefore, leaf-shaped fibroadenomas must be eliminated through surgery. The most important thing is that for a complete recovery it is necessary to fulfill every condition of the doctor, only then can you forget about this disease forever.

When is conservative treatment indicated?

Medicines have the best effect when treating immature tumors. If it has been accurately determined that the tumor is benign, small in size and only one mammary gland is affected, then in this case you can do without surgery.

Hormonal drugs with a high content of progesterone are prescribed, this is necessary to reduce estrogen in the plasma. Of course, there will not be a complete cure, but the growth of the tumor will stop. The patient must visit the doctor every three months to monitor the condition of the tumor using ultrasound and oncological tests.

To prevent the occurrence of fibroadenoma, it is necessary to be treated for concomitant diseases that can provoke hormonal imbalance. Diseases of the so-called reproductive organs, such as the uterus, can also cause neoplasms. Obesity also provokes constant tumor growth, so during treatment the woman must follow the correct nutritional regimen (simply a diet).

Non-surgical treatment options

There is a method by which you can get rid of the problem without resorting to surgery, it is called minimally invasive. Its advantage is that it does not require general anesthesia; the operation can be performed on an outpatient basis. Healing is fast, and there are no scars left on the chest, which is extremely important for any woman.


This treatment without surgery is carried out only if there is complete confidence that the tumor is not malignant.

These include:

  • mammotomy
  • cryodestruction
  • laser ablation
  • echo therapy

Taking medications

The doctor can provide assistance without the use of surgery, but the decision will be made only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient’s entire body. This procedure has several main goals: to normalize hormonal levels, relieve the patient of excess weight and eliminate tumors.

After diagnosis, if a decision is made to avoid surgery, the patient will be prescribed hormonal treatment. It is necessary to carefully monitor and not skip medications.

  1. Progestogel is a medicine, available in gel form, the active ingredient is micronized progesterone. The gel must be applied to the site of tumor development and rubbed into the skin with massage movements. As a rule, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen with this drug.
  2. Duphaston is a hormonal drug of a synthetic nature, the active substance is a gestagen. This is a hormone that is typically produced by the ovaries during menstruation.
  3. Mastodinon is a product that is produced in the form of tablets or drops. The active component is twig extract, which leads to a decrease in prolactin concentration. The drug is quite effective and will help if the tumor has not yet fully formed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Today, this disease can be treated even by normalizing hormonal levels. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed special medications. If a girl is overweight, she is first advised to go on a diet, since excess weight increases the possibility of pathology.

In addition, a conservative method of treatment. The patient is prescribed medications containing iodine. Also, the boron uterus can cure fibroadenoma in an advanced stage. At the same time, herbal treatment must be treated with extreme caution. Since some types of plants are sources of large amounts of estrogens, their use for tumors is undesirable. Therefore, before using any product, you need to carefully study the plant, and it is better to ask your doctor whether it can be taken specifically in your case.

There is a very useful recipe that our grandmothers used, it is easy to prepare. This home remedy will not only remove the symptom of the disease, but will also act on the tumor itself, preventing its further development. So, to prepare the product you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • rose hip
  • St. John's wort
  • sagebrush
  • pine buds

All components must be thoroughly crushed and boiled. After which the medicinal infusion must be poured into a container with a lid and wrapped in a towel. So it should stand for a day, after the time has passed, the broth is filtered and cognac (200 ml), honey, and aloe juice are added to it. This remedy must be taken for three months, one teaspoon before meals. You will notice that the tumor will stop growing.

There is one traditional recipe that has helped many women get rid of the disease. The main ingredient is cabbage leaf, it effectively fights lumps on the chest. The cabbage should be thoroughly washed with cold water. The leaves should be greased with butter and lightly sprinkled with salt. It must be applied to the affected breast, with a cotton bra put on top. The most important thing is that it does not tighten the chest. The compress should be worn for about 12 hours and then changed. The duration of treatment should not be more than seven days.

A camphor compress with burdock also helps a lot. Take camphor oil and apply carefully to thoroughly washed burdock leaves. Apply it to your chest for the whole night, and in the morning you make a new camphor compress again. With prolonged use of this compress, the tumor will stop growing, since camphor has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Red beets with honey are an excellent remedy for breast diseases. It needs to be grated and mixed with honey, then put the mass into gauze and apply for about forty minutes to the sore spot, the pain symptom will go away immediately, but for a good result the procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

There are techniques that cannot be used for this disease:

  1. Clay treatment. You can't do compresses, it's extremely dangerous.
  2. Treatment with soda. It has been established that the disease develops well in an acidic environment. By taking soda, a woman alkalizes her body. Of course, soda can remove acidity from the body, but it still upsets the sodium balance in the human body. Which in turn leads to severe complications, such treatment can greatly affect the body as a whole.


During treatment, you should not be in direct sunlight for a long time, and physical labor should also be avoided for a while. Stressful situations must be avoided. If you have fibroadenoma, you should not massage the sore breast; the tumor may begin to progress. A woman should completely avoid taking too hot baths (this can cause inflammation). Among other things, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and quit bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.


During treatment you must follow a strict diet. Nutrition must certainly be balanced and healthy. You need to completely get rid of any food that causes an increase in estrogen in the plasma.

Correct diet:

  1. You should eat plant foods.
  2. Replacing coffee with herbal tea. What kind of herb is suitable for this - St. John's wort, oregano, nettle, lemon balm, mint.
  3. Consumption of radishes, turnips, mustard.
  4. It is necessary to limit yourself in the consumption of animal fats. Too much fatty food can increase the secretion of bile and then no treatment will help.
  5. Milk day. It is necessary to unload your body at least once a week. On this day you can drink kefir, fermented baked milk, and eat low-fat cottage cheese.

What to do if your chest starts to hurt or a lump is discovered? You need to quickly see a specialist. Timely treatment will eliminate the risk of developing the disease. It should be noted that a man can also fall victim to this insidious disease (prostate fibroadenoma), so it would be a good idea to check your other half for the presence of the disease. Numerous reviews from patients indicate that this disease can be overcome, the most important thing is to seek help from a doctor in time.

Until recently, surgery was the only way to get rid of fibroadenoma, a benign breast tumor. In recent years, new treatment methods have emerged that do not involve incisions or excision of tissue. Non-surgical treatment is usually carried out under local anesthesia. There are practically no marks left on the mammary gland. The main thing is that if even a small lump is detected, a woman should immediately consult a doctor to determine the nature of the neoplasm. Breast fibroadenoma can be controlled if it is small.


Methods for treating fibroadenoma

When deciding how to treat a woman when fibroadenoma is detected, the doctor relies on the results of the examination. First of all, you need to know for sure that this neoplasm is not malignant. The dimensions of the seal are then taken into account.

Most often, fibroadenoma occurs in the singular, but there may be exceptions. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine both mammary glands.

The age and physiological state of the woman is of great importance. This tumor is estrogen-dependent, that is, its formation and growth are provoked by an increased content of estrogen in the body. It usually occurs in young women. Moreover, in girls under 20 years of age, the so-called juvenile, or immature form may appear. At the same time, the breast tumor does not have a dense membrane, it can be treated without surgery, it resolves under the influence of medicine. In older women, the tumor appears in a mature form, with a capsule.

Under the age of 30, the likelihood of hormonal surges is increased, estrogen levels reach a maximum. If a woman had a small fibroadenoma, then during pregnancy it can grow 2-3 times, since at this time the hormonal levels in the body change greatly.

By the age of 40, a gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones begins until the onset of menopause and postmenopause, when the ovaries cease to function. Therefore, fibroadenoma rarely forms in women over 40 years of age.

Note: Even if a tumor of this kind is discovered in a woman at the age of 40-45, then most likely it appeared earlier, but could not be noticed because it did not grow.

The following treatment methods are available:

  • conservative (restraining tumor growth);
  • surgical (removal of only fibroadenoma or a separate section of the mammary gland along with it);
  • minimally invasive tumor destruction (without damaging breast tissue).

After the procedure, the incision is closed with very small tantalum staples, which makes it possible to observe changes at the site of removal using an ultrasound device. If a relapse occurs and the tumor appears again, it can be noticed immediately.

For larger fibroadenomas, this method is used for diagnostic purposes. If it is discovered that the tumor has degenerated into cancer, it is immediately removed surgically.


The method involves introducing argon through a puncture into the fibroadenoma. The tumor is frozen, and after a few months it completely resolves. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The effect can be achieved if the tumor size is no more than 3 cm.

Video: Treatment of fibroadenoma using cryodestruction

High frequency ablation

In a non-contact manner, using high-frequency radio waves, the tumor is heated, after which it dies. Under ultrasound control, it is removed through a several millimeter incision using a special stick.

Laser removal

A light guide is inserted into the tumor through a puncture, into which a directed laser beam is passed. Heating the tumor leads to cell death. Infection entering the breast tissue is completely excluded. Treatment of fibroadenoma is quick, bloodless, and virtually painless.

Echo therapy

This is a non-contact therapy method. There are no traces left on the surface of the gland. An ultrasound beam is directed to the tumor, which affects only diseased tissue and does not interact with healthy tissue. The tumor is heated and destroyed. For pain relief, the sedation method is used (the patient is given a sedative that puts her into a state of semi-sleep).

Application of unconventional methods

Doctors warn about the dangers of any self-medication and uncontrolled use of alternative medicine methods to treat breast diseases. The use of drugs containing phytoestrogens (red clover, soybeans), as well as the use of warm compresses (they can provoke tumor growth) are not allowed.

For fibroadenoma at an early stage, in consultation with the attending physician, homeopathic and folk remedies with anti-inflammatory and restorative effects can be used. In this case, a preliminary examination should completely confirm the absence of breast cancer and the tendency for rapid tumor growth.

In addition to traditional treatment, it is recommended to use infusions of knotweed or plants such as yarrow and chamomile. To prepare the medicine, take 15 g of any of these herbs, pour in 1 glass of boiling water, and infuse for 2 hours. Drink a warm infusion 2 times a day, ½ cup.

You can use echinacea tincture. It is prepared like this: 100 g of flowers are infused for 5-6 days in 100 ml of vodka. Take 30 drops, diluting them with 50 ml of water, three times a day for 1 month.

If breast fibroadenoma has been detected, treatment without surgery can be carried out only if the tumor has not reached 2 cm in diameter. There are conservative methods that will help stop the growth of the tumor and even shrink it.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma without surgery

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor in the breast that is most often found in young women. It appears when there is a hormonal imbalance and is a form of mastopathy.

Fibroadenoma is a round-shaped node with a dense structure. The tumor is detected by palpating the chest. Pressing on it does not cause pain. The mobile neoplasm is not associated with the skin and reaches a maximum diameter of 7 cm.

Therapeutic methods

In practice, in most cases, fibroadenoma is treated surgically. But if the size of the tumor does not exceed 0.5–0.8 cm, then sometimes you can try to be treated with conservative methods. If used successfully, the tumor can resolve on its own, although such cases are quite rare.

Conservative treatment methods include:

  • dynamic observation;
  • hormone therapy;
  • laser ablation;
  • treatment with homeopathic remedies;
  • cryotherapy;
  • radiofrequency ablation.

The course of treatment is usually 4–6 months, at the end of which a control ultrasound examination is performed. If no positive dynamics are noticed and the fibroadenoma continues to grow, then surgery is necessary.

You can choose the optimal treatment method only after a thorough examination. It is recommended to carry out ultrasound diagnostics, puncture biopsy and a blood test for hormones.

Any benign tumor of glandular tissue is difficult to control. It is important not to waste time and start therapy as quickly as possible, because there is a risk of its malignant degeneration into breast cancer.

Therapy includes the treatment of gynecological diseases that accompany fibroadenoma. Patients are prescribed additional iodine supplements. In this case, constant monitoring of tumor growth is necessary.

Dynamic observation

The method consists of regular ultrasound examinations to determine the condition of the tumor. It is suitable if the size of the node does not exceed 2 cm without a tendency to grow. In this case, the tumor should not bother the woman.

Hormone therapy

For the same size, drug therapy is used. It involves treatment with hormonal drugs. Additionally, you need to take vitamin E. It is also recommended to lose excess weight, as it increases the risk of developing breast pathology.

But this method has one drawback: the tumor begins to grow again as soon as the hormones stop entering the body.


Treatment with homeopathic medicines is used only as an addition to primary therapy or as prevention. Homeopathy will not get rid of the tumor, but it will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as pain in the mammary gland that bother a woman during the premenstrual period.

Herbal teas, tonics, ointments and grains are used to relieve symptoms. Hot water compresses, castor oil and ginger tea are often used.


The method is treatment with liquid nitrogen under local anesthesia. The principle is based on freezing the tumor, the size of which should not exceed 4 cm. Recently, such therapy has become increasingly popular due to its high efficiency.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using special equipment with ultrasound navigation and lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. In this case, a needle is inserted into the tumor, through which very low temperature nitrogen is supplied. The tumor is frozen, and it, losing the ability to live, begins to shrink.

Cryoablation allows you to get rid of the tumor quite quickly. There are no defects on the skin of the mammary glands.

Laser ablation

The method can replace surgery, but only if the tumor does not reach 2 cm in diameter. The effect is carried out using a laser. In the area where the tumor is found, incisions are made through which the instrument is inserted. The tumor is burned using a laser.

Laser ablation is considered a gentle method, since small punctures do not leave marks on the skin, and the breast itself is not deformed.

Indications for removal

The decision about the need for surgery should be made individually after examination and diagnosis. Surgical intervention to remove fibroadenoma is performed in the following cases:

  • If a woman is planning to have a child soon. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which can trigger the rapid growth of a tumor in the mammary gland and its degeneration. In addition, the neoplasm can block the milky ducts. This reduces the chances of independent breastfeeding. Due to impaired milk flow, mastitis can develop.
  • Significant size of fibroadenoma, causing a cosmetic defect.
  • Rapid growth of the tumor.

The absolute indication for surgery to remove a tumor is a suspicion of cancer, confirmed by ultrasound or mammography.

Folk remedies

Among the folk methods, the one that uses walnuts is popular (it contains a lot of iodine). Remove the partitions from it, fill it with alcohol and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Take the setting once a day, 1 tablespoon. Iodine is useful for stabilizing hormonal levels.

Fibroadenoma often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. To normalize it, it is useful to take a herbal decoction:

The next day, a new remedy is prepared. The treatment course is 21 days.

In order to slow down the growth of a tumor in the mammary gland, you can use the following fees:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. watch herbs and mint, as well as 1 tbsp. l. valerian root and hop cones. A spoonful of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiled water and left for about half an hour. Take half a glass of infusion three times a day before meals. The course lasts 2 weeks.
  2. Pour 3 tablespoons of wormwood herb into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After 2-3 hours, filter the broth. The product is taken for two days, 1 tsp. twice a day after meals. Then increase the dosage to 1 tablespoon. The course lasts 10 days.

You can prevent breast surgery and reduce swelling with the help of ointment:

  1. 200 ml of refined vegetable oil is poured into a metal container and a piece of yellow wax the size of a matchbox is added.
  2. The product is placed on low heat and heated until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Add chopped boiled egg.
  4. Boil the mixture, stirring constantly, until foam forms.
  5. Remove the product from the heat and wait until the foam settles. After this, continue to cook the composition so that the total cooking time is 30 minutes.
  6. The hot mixture is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and left to cool.
  7. Apply the product externally 2 times a day.

It is not recommended to get carried away with folk methods. This way, you may not notice the growth of a tumor in the mammary gland and miss the moment when you urgently need to use other, more effective methods. In this case, you will have to undergo surgery.

It is recommended to constantly monitor the size of the tumor using ultrasound. It is also worth treating concomitant diseases and adjusting hormonal levels. The result of using non-surgical methods is a reduction in fibroadenoma. The tumor will most likely not disappear completely.

Fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor with clear contours, dense consistency, and is easily displaced relative to the breast tissue. As a rule, there is no sharp pain in the area of ​​education. The characteristic structure of fibroadenoma tissue is the predominance of connective tissue stroma over glandular parenchyma.

It occurs more often in girls and women under 40 years of age (20-60%). In adolescents, fibroadenomas are called juvenile fibroadenomas. As a rule, fibroadenoma has a diameter of 1-3 centimeters, but larger formations occur. Most often one breast is affected, less often both. Some patients have multiple nodes.

The presence of fibroadenoma in the mammary gland is not life-threatening, but the risk of developing cancer in such women is 3-5 times higher than in others. This is why it is important to have regular breast examinations.

Causes of fibroadenoma

Unambiguous reasons for the development of breast fibroadenoma have not been established, but there are main predisposing factors that increase the risk of this pathology:

Factor Action
Genetic Having tumors in blood relatives increases the risk
Neuroendocrine diseases Obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid formations, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia
Critical periods of puberty Early onset of menstruation, menstrual irregularities, early or late labor, large births, refusal of breastfeeding or excessive duration, late menopause
Miscarriages and abortions The proliferation of glandular tissue of the mammary glands that has begun ends with its abrupt cessation
Combined oral contraceptives, hormonal drugs Contains female sex hormones of the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle. Uncontrolled use disrupts the body's hormonal levels and natural cycle.
Dissatisfaction with family relationships, sexual dissatisfaction, problems at work Release of large amounts of stress hormones
Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits Chronic toxicity

The causes of fibroadenomas usually consist of several factors; sometimes it is difficult to determine which of them is decisive.

Types or classification

A final diagnosis of the type of tumor is possible only after surgical treatment, when histological material is prepared from the removed tissue and carefully studied in the laboratory under a microscope.

The tissue of the milk duct and the supporting connective tissue surrounding it grow in different ways, and depending on their combinations in the tumor, experts distinguish the following types of disease:

Based on consistency and growth rate, there are 2 types:

  • immature, soft and elastic, continuing to grow;
  • mature, enclosed in a dense capsule, having completed growth.

Manifestations or symptoms of fibroadenoma

Often a woman herself finds a lump in her breast the size of a pea or larger, mobile and soft-elastic, sometimes painful. Most often this is a seal in the form of a single knot. There is usually no discharge from the nipple, and the axillary lymph nodes do not enlarge. Sometimes several nodes are detected at the same time. Such findings are not uncommon during preventive examinations with a mammologist or gynecologist.

For correct self-diagnosis, you need to stand in front of a mirror without clothes and raise one hand, and with the other carefully touch and examine the entire gland. You need to pay attention to symptoms such as bulges and depressions, asymmetry of the glands, nipple retraction, changes in skin color, orange peel swelling of the skin, and the presence of discharge from the nipple. All suspicious findings should be shown to a mammologist, who will accurately determine the nature of the formation.

The CELT clinic has a complete diagnostic base in order to find out the cause of what is happening. If necessary, the tumor will be quickly and painlessly removed, and the woman will return to her normal life.

Diagnosis of fibroadenoma

It all starts with a conversation, during which a woman needs to talk about all the details of her life: the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth, chronic and past diseases, heredity and bad habits. Next, a physical examination of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes occurs.

Women under 40 years of age are prescribed an ultrasound of the mammary glands, and, if indicated, other clinical examinations, after which the nature of the tumor becomes clear. Women over 40 may be prescribed an X-ray examination (mammography) to determine the presence of calcifications or signs of malignancy.

To clarify the diagnosis, CELT doctors can use the following additional examination methods:

  • MRI of the mammary glands;
  • RTM study or radiothermy, in which the temperature in different quadrants is recorded with an accuracy of half a degree, the method allows you to identify areas of hyperthermia (increase in temperature);
  • Biopsy of the formation (if a malignant process is suspected) for histological verification of the diagnosis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • study of hormonal status - the level of estradiol, prolactin, progesterone in the blood;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • genetic research;
  • cytological analysis of nipple discharge.

It is important not to miss the onset of a malignant process; to do this, you need to consult a doctor in time, and CELT doctors use all possible diagnostic methods, on the basis of which they can distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma

Treatment for fibroadenoma depends on the size of the tumor, its location and the period of life of the woman. Tumors up to 1 cm in size - if they are soft, elastic and do not bother you - are observed for a long time and do not require surgical intervention, with the exception of a group of patients planning a pregnancy using in vitro fertilization (IVF).

In order not to miss changes in size and the beginning of growth, an observation plan is established by the doctor individually for each patient, but more often such women need to undergo an ultrasound examination 2 times a year and a mammogram once a year. At the slightest change, especially with an increase in size, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) and further tumor removal are required. It is not necessary to remove the tumor naturally during pregnancy planning.

In some cases, an increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy provokes uncontrolled growth of fibroadenomas; in this case, you should immediately consult a specialist, undergo the necessary diagnostic examination and remove the formation under local anesthesia without harm to the mother and the unborn baby.

In all cases, a benign leaf-shaped (phylloid) tumor, not to mention borderline and malignant, is subject to immediate surgical treatment, due to the rapid growth of the tumor and tendency to recur.

The operation to remove breast fibroadenoma can be of two types: sectoral resection (the affected ducts and overgrown connective tissue are removed) and enucleation or enucleation, when the formation is removed along with its dense capsule.

Depending on the size of the fibroadenoma, the number of nodes and general health, women use local anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia. In any case, the patient does not feel pain. The duration of the operation is from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. After removal, a cosmetic, inconspicuous suture is applied.

In a hospital setting, you will need to stay under the supervision of a doctor from 2 hours to 1 day. Postoperative pain syndrome is mild and does not require additional treatment. Sutures can be removed after 7-10 days, or not required at all (depending on the suture material). When making an incision, aesthetic requirements are taken into account; a thin postoperative scar is located as inconspicuously as possible.

In addition to surgery, there are other treatment methods:

  • cryotherapy;
  • radiofrequency ablation.
  • vacuum aspiration biopsy

In all cases, the tissue is not cut, but a puncture is made near the location of the tumor. The intervention is performed under ultrasound control; under local anesthesia, a probe or biopsy needle is applied to the tumor and manipulation is performed.

Skeptics say that if you are diagnosed with breast fibroadenoma, treatment without surgery is impossible. But it all depends on the stage of development of the disease and the patient’s immunity. And there are many cases where a woman was able to cope with fibroadenoma without surgical intervention. But to do this, you need to regularly see a mammologist and pay attention to symptoms that signal pathological changes in the breast, so as not to trigger the disease.

How to determine if you have fibroadenoma

Breast fibroadenoma is a form of mastopathy, a mobile benign tumor. The reasons for its formation and development are different. In particular, these are hormonal disorders that can be caused by taking contraceptive medications, diseases of the endocrine system, and pathologies of the female reproductive organs. Men do not have such problems with their breasts, because... they do not have mammary glands (only mammary glands).

To be able to cure the disease without surgery, you need to know the signs of a developing tumor and be able to recognize them. It's not difficult: just regularly feel your breasts for lumps or balls. Any compaction should raise suspicion. When you press on them, pain may occur, which goes away when palpation is eliminated. If all this is present, you should contact a mammologist. The doctor will conduct a more complete diagnosis and prescribe an ultrasound, which in most cases helps to see the presence of fibroadenoma. If necessary, a biopsy is performed - tissue is taken for analysis through a small incision or puncture in the chest.

By the way! There is one everyday way to determine whether a formation is benign or malignant. A normal fibroadenoma moves when you press on it. Those. rolls around like a ball. But a cancerous tumor does not change its location. But the doctor still makes an accurate conclusion.

What types of breast fibroadenoma are there?

Types of fibroadenoma are usually classified according to the location of the growth.


This tumor has a loose consistency and lacks clear contours. It grows around the milk ducts, and also slightly into their lumens. It is difficult to get rid of intracanalicular fibroadenoma without surgery precisely because of its structure.


This type is characterized by a compacted consistency, clear contours and restriction from all nearby tissues. Localization: around the milk ducts. Because of the salt deposits, pericanalicular fibroadenoma is also called calcified fibroadenoma. If it is small, there is a chance to cope with the disease without surgery.


It has a lobed structure, for which it received another name - leaf-shaped. It is characterized by rapid growth and development, so it can develop into a malignant tumor. Requires immediate diagnosis (biopsy is required) and surgery.

How fast does the tumor grow?

The growth of fibroadenoma depends on various factors. Sometimes the tumor does not develop at all and does not bother its owner. This happens due to a single sharp hormonal surge. Those. fibroadenoma appears, then the woman’s condition returns to normal, and the swelling remains small and almost invisible (or even goes away). But if a serious disease of the endocrine system occurs, the tumor constantly grows due to constant hormonal changes.

Fibroadenoma is especially large and painful in the last days before menstruation. During this period, the breast becomes very dense, and the balls can be easily felt. The progressive growth of breast fibroadenoma can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, it is impossible to cure a growing tumor without surgery. An intervention should be performed to radically remove the growing tissue.

Conservative treatment of breast fibroadenoma

The main method of conservative therapy is regular observation and hormonal control. Those. the patient regularly visits a doctor who monitors changes in the size and nature of the tumor and adjusts drug treatment. In addition to hormonal medications, a mammologist can also prescribe homeopathy, but the latter is aimed rather at symptomatic treatment (for example, eliminating chest pain).

There are several other techniques related to non-surgical methods for treating fibroadenoma. The first is cryoablation. The technique involves freezing the tumor and its further self-destruction. Second: laser ablation. It resembles surgical treatment, but due to the action of a laser, and not a surgical scalpel, the procedure is almost bloodless. Laser removal of fibroadenoma is considered one of the most effective.

The third conservative method of combating benign breast tumors is radiofrequency exposure. The procedure is carried out in a very original and unusual way. Special radio wave transmitters are inserted into the chest through small punctures, which make it possible to separate healthy cells from diseased ones. After this division, the tumor is removed, preserving the maximum amount of living tissue.

By the way! Surgical treatment of fibroadenoma is also recommended if a woman is planning a pregnancy. The tumor in the breast will begin to block the milk ducts, and the woman will not be able to breastfeed. There is also a risk of the formation of a malignant tumor due to the development of fibroadenoma against the background of hormonal changes.

Traditional medicine against fibroadenoma

Many women decide to get rid of fibroadenoma using the advice of traditional medicine. This can only be done with the doctor’s permission, otherwise you can worsen the situation and provoke tumor growth. Let's look at a few simple recipes for decoctions that you can use at home.

  1. Rose hips (50 g), St. John's wort leaves (50 g), pine buds (50 g), wormwood (25 g): all components are mixed in equal parts and boiled in two liters of water. Then the broth is infused overnight and filtered. Add 200 ml of cognac, 2 tsp. aloe juice and 500 g honey. It turns out to be a useful medicine that should be taken before dinner, 1 tbsp. every day for 1-2 months.
  2. Another useful collection: mint, valerian, hop cones. The components are taken in equal quantities, and 100 g of the mixture is boiled in a liter of water. Drink 100 ml twice a day for 1-2 months.
  3. If the development of fibroadenoma is provoked by a serious hormonal imbalance, a decoction of sage and mint (100 g of mixture per liter of water) will help level it out. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day for one cycle.

Treatment of breast fibroadenoma without surgery involves not only the use of traditional medicine recipes, but also the observance of simple precautionary rules. After all, there are factors that contribute to the growth and development of the tumor, so you need to try to prevent them so as not to impede recovery.

Namely, you should not sunbathe in direct sunlight (even in a closed swimsuit). Also, if you have fibroadenoma, you should not take hot baths or go to the sauna. And when playing sports you need to wear special supportive underwear. Avoiding stress and emotional stress will also be beneficial if you decide to treat a benign breast tumor without resorting to surgery.