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What did Zeus rule over, Poseidon Hades. The god of ancient Greece Zeus - what the god of thunder looked like, the myth of the birth of Zeus. History of appearance and image

The Olympic gods (Olympians) in ancient Greek mythology are the gods of the third generation (after the original gods and titans - the gods of the first and second generations), the highest beings who lived on Mount Olympus. Traditionally, the Olympian gods included twelve gods, the children of Kronos and Rhea. Hades and Poseidon are just that!

Hades is in ancient Greek mythology the god of the underworld of the dead and the name of the kingdom of the dead itself, the entrance to which, according to Homer and other sources, is located somewhere “in the far west, beyond the Ocean River, which washes the earth.” The eldest son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. Husband of Persephone, revered and invoked with him.

Poseidon - God of the sea and earthquakes, in ancient Greek mythology. Second son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hestia and Hades. When the world was divided, he got the sea. Gradually, Poseidon pushed aside the ancient local gods of the sea: Nereus, Oceanus, Proteus and others. Poseidon, with his wife Amphitrite and son Triton, lived in a luxurious palace at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by Nereids, hippocamps and other inhabitants of the sea, rushed across the sea in a chariot drawn by long-maned horses, with a trident, with which he caused storms, broke rocks, and knocked out springs. He can help with anything related to intuition, dreams, psychic powers, addictions, the entertainment industry and mysteries. Its aromas are camphor, elm and willow. Its colors are aqua, and its symbols are a white horse or a trident.

From the point of view of ancient philosophy and astrology, the quartet of dominant Olympian gods form the four world elements. Zeus is the element of air, Poseidon is the element of water, Hades is the element of fire, Demeter is the element of earth, which is identical to the astrological elements that form the system of zodiac signs. Namely, the number 6 in numerology symbolizes the world, which is formed from four elements, and accordingly, the four supreme gods symbolize and form a world in which four elements operate.

God Zeus

Chain of Zeus. Zeus, the father of gods and men, immortals and mortals, reigns over the whole world and Olympus. He is the strongest of the gods. With whom his servants are inseparable - Power, Strength and Victory-Nick. None of the gods can compare with him in power. If a strong golden chain were lowered from Olympus, one end was given into the hands of Zeus, the other - to all the gods, then even then they would not only be able to throw Zeus to Earth, but even slightly shake him on the golden throne. But if Zeus had pulled the chain, he would have raised all the gods on it, along with the earth and the sea, wound the chain around the top of Olympus and left the whole world suspended among the heavenly expanses.

Aegis of Zeus. Zeus is the owner of the aegis, so he is called “Egiokh”, “Aegis-holder”. But no one knows exactly what an aegis is. Some say that it is a shield made of goatskin, others that it is a cloak, but everyone agrees that the fearsome head of the Gorgon Medusa is attached to the aegis. When Zeus shakes his aegis over two troops engaged in battle, the sky is shrouded in heavy clouds, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, instilling terror in the souls of one army, filling the hearts of the other with vigor and courage. In this way, Zeus brings victory in battle, which is why one of his names is Zeus the Victorious.

Zeus and people. As the owner of thunder and lightning, the god who sends thunderstorms, Zeus is called the Thunderer, the Cloud-Buster, the High-Thunderer. With his lightning he incinerates the wicked, people who violate the laws he established in the world. The punishment of Zeus is terrible for people, but Zeus treats those who honor the gods with mercy. He is “Helper in trouble”, “Protector”, “Savior”, “Friendly”. He is a deity who was revered by all Hellenes, which is why he was called Panhellenic Zeus.

God Zeus on the throne. Fragment of a Greek crater

Zeus is the king over the Universe. Both gods and people honor Zeus. When he enters his palace on Olympus, all the gods and goddesses stand respectfully before him. Expressing his will, Zeus moves his blue-black eyebrows and confirms his words with a nod of his head. At this moment Olympus oscillates from the base to the summit. The word given by Zeus in this way is inviolable.

All people living on earth are subject to Zeus, from him their troubles and successes, happiness and misfortunes. As the Greek poet Hesiod wrote:

To give strength to the powerless and plunge the strong into insignificance, to take away the happiness of the lucky, to suddenly exalt the unknown, to straighten a hunched figure or to hunch the back of the arrogant - It is very easy for the thunderer living in the highest.

Vessels of good and evil. At the throne of Zeus there are two large vessels: in one of them there are gifts of good, in the other - evil. Zeus draws good and evil from them and sends them to people. If a person is very dear to him, he receives only gifts of goodness, and his life passes happily and serenely. [But the Greeks understood that there is no life without sorrows, as the Greek tragedian Sophocles said, “both in the future and in the past, only one law is omnipotent - human life does not pass carelessly!”] Sadness is a sign of Zeus's displeasure. Those who anger the Thunderer are attacked with his evil gifts: misfortune, illness, poverty, hunger! Therefore, it is best for life to be as it is for most people: for there to be approximately equal amounts of good and evil, for joy and sorrow to alternate in life.

Themis, assistant of Zeus. Great, stern deities help Zeus control the destinies of the world: the keeper of the laws, Themis, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, ensures that laws are not violated either on earth or on Olympus.

She was depicted with scales and a sword in her hands, and sometimes blindfolded. The meaning of these symbols was as follows: the scales served to weigh the guilt of the defendant, the sword - to punish the guilty, and the eyes were blindfolded because a fair judge should not succumb to sympathy for the one he is judging, as if he should not “see” him, but only listen to what is said for and against the defendant.

Dike and Nemesis. If Themis made sure that everything was according to the law, then her and Zeus’s daughter Dike - “Justice” - made sure that everything was fair. She was a defender of truth and an enemy of deception. [It is no coincidence that in one of the images she was shown beating Adikiya - “Injustice.”]

Nemesis, the formidable goddess of fair retribution with a punishing sword in her hand, ensures that the measure of good and evil is never violated in the world. No criminal escapes punishment; even if the crime was committed secretly and there are no witnesses, Nemesis will take care of retribution.

Revenge for the poet Ivik. This is how, for example, the murder of the poet Ivik was avenged. When Ibycus was heading to a singing competition in the city of Corinth, where the Isthmian Games were celebrated in honor of Poseidon, he was robbed and killed on a deserted road. No one saw the atrocity, not a single person was around, only a crane wedge flew across the sky. The dying poet turned to the cranes with his last request: let them help expose the murderers. Ivik was never seen at the festival, and soon his body was found, and no one could say who was responsible for his death. And so, when there was a performance in the theater in Corinth [Greek theaters were open air and seated tens of thousands of people], cranes flew low over the theater, humming their sad songs. Then all the people heard a cry full of horror: “Look at the sky! The damned Ivik called the cranes!” It was one of the killers who turned to his accomplice, remembering the dying words of his victim. Both of them were immediately captured, confessed to their crime and suffered a well-deserved punishment. Not a single Hellene would doubt that Nemesis herself identified and punished the murderers.

Moira goddesses. The fate of people and gods, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, is determined by three inexorable goddesses, the sisters of Moira [their name has the same origin as the Russian word “mera”]. Moira, named Clotho (“The Spinner”), spins the thread of a person’s life: if the thread breaks, life is over. Her sister Lachesis (“Measuring Lots”) takes out, without looking, the lot that is intended for a person in life. The third moira, Atropos ("Inevitable"), cuts the thread of life spun by Clotho; no one can avoid death, no one can avert it, which is why Atropos received such a name. The Moira are harsh and unforgiving, even Zeus himself is subject to them, and nothing in the world can escape the fate they have assigned to him.

Oracle of Zeus in Dodona and the Olympic Games. As the ruler of the world, who is himself subject to Fate, but has power over the destinies of people, Zeus knows the future, and if asked about it, he can give an answer.

In the city of Dodona there was a temple of Zeus, famous throughout Greece, with an oracle to which people turned for predictions. They received the answer in the form of the rustling of leaves on the sacred oak of Zeus or the murmur of a stream that flowed under this oak.

Once every four years, all the Hellenes gathered to honor Zeus in the city dedicated to him, located in the south of Greece - Olympia. The Olympic Games, the most famous of the pan-Greek holidays, were held here. For a time, a sacred truce was declared in Greece, wars stopped, and no one dared to interfere with the people going to Olympia - they were under the protection of Zeus. The holiday lasted five days, and the winners in the Olympic competitions were considered people marked by the mercy of Zeus himself. Their reward was not any valuable things, but an olive wreath, and there was nothing more honorable than this reward.

Zeus statue

Temple of Zeus and his figure.

Here, in Olympia, one could see the image of the supreme god, which was known throughout Hellas and was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. In the temple of Zeus there was a statue of him, made of gold and ivory by the great sculptor Phidias. God was depicted sitting on a throne made of gold, ivory and ebony. Zeus calmly looks ahead, his figure is full of greatness, his golden hair falls over his shoulders. In his right hand he held an ivory figurine of the goddess Nike, and in his left hand a scepter, a sign of his power. The god's hair, clothes and shoes were made of gold, and his body was made of ivory.

Question from Phidias.

In the twilight of the temple, this statue made a stunning impression. The Greek legend says that Phidias, having finished his work, said while looking at the statue: “Well, Zeus, are you satisfied?” - and at that same moment thunder struck and lightning struck the floor of the temple next to the statue: Zeus expressed his approval. Expressing admiration for the work of Phidias, one of the Greek poets wrote:

Did Zeus descend to earth to show you his image, Phidias, or did you ascend to heaven to see God yourself?

Unfortunately, time has not been kind to the statue of Olympian Zeus, and we know it only from descriptions made by ancient authors.

"Poseidon, Poseidon or Poseidaon(ancient Greek Ποσειδών ( P O S E Y D O N),- Mycenaean po-se-da-o, Boeotian form of Potidaon, from where the city of Potidaea) is the god of the seas in ancient Greek mythology. Second son of Kronos and Rhea, brother of Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Hestia and Hades. When the world was divided, he got the sea.”

Rice. 5 Hades and Persephone . Bernini Lorenzo Giovanni. The abduction of Proserpina (Persephone) 1621-1622. Marble. Galleria Borghese, Rome. Persephone - Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, wife of Hades, who, with the permission of Zeus, kidnapped her. Persephone wisely rules the kingdom of the dead, where heroes penetrate from time to time.

"Hades among the Greeks (or Hades, ancient Greek Ἀΐδης ( A I D I S or A I D E S) or ᾍδης A D E S, also Ἀϊδωνεύς A I D O N E U S.”

So, after all the wars, three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided power among themselves. Zeus got dominance in the sky, Poseidon - the sea, Hades - the kingdom of the dead. During the period of patriarchy, Zeus is localized on Mount Olympus and is called Olympian."

Let's explore the entry of the names of Zeus and Poseidon into the matrix of the Universe. Figure 6 shows the records of the Names of the Olympian gods in the sequence in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves.

Rice. 6. The picture shows: 1. The name of Mount Olympus is “OLYMPOS”. The arc bracket at the top left shows the position in the Upper World of the Name matrix Brahma. 2. The names in Greek of the Olympian gods Zeus - “ZEUS” and Poseidon - “POSEIDON” in the order in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves. Both names occupy the space of the matrix from the 21st level of the Upper World to the 15th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. The Matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for the creation of the entire pantheon of the Names of the Greek gods by the ancient sages. The Greeks borrowed this secret of the Names of the gods in the “matrix of the Universe” from the Egyptian priests.

Figure 7 shows the records of the Names of the Olympic gods Poseidon and Hades in the sequence in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves.

Rice. 7. The figure above shows the position in the Upper World of the matrix of the ending of the Name Poseidon (“OSEIDON”), and then the Name of Hades (“AIDONEUS”) is written. The first letter of the Name Hades is located in the same place in the Lower World of the matrix as the last letter of the Name Poseidon (marked in the figure with an arc bracket and the number 1 in a circle). According to ancient Egyptian ideas, this space from the 13th to 15th level of the Lower World of the matrix is ​​assigned an important specific role, which we will not consider in this work. Therefore, the location in this space of the last letter of the Name Poseidon and the first letter of the Name Hades is not accidental. This fact suggests that both Poseidon and Hades have power in this space. The base of the last letter of the Name “AIDONEUS” coincided with the 36th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. The 36th level of the Lower World of the matrix is ​​the “Bottom of the Divine Universe”. If we sum up all the positions from the first level of the Lower World of the matrix to the 36th level inclusive (1+2+3+…+35+36 = 666), then their sum will be the number 666. This is the sacred meaning of the number 666, about which there is so much it is written and said that it cannot be re-read. In fact, the sacred meaning of the number 666 is that it indicated the position in the matrix of the Universe of the “Divine Bottom of the Universe”. The initiates, who knew the secrets and laws of the “Matrix of the Universe,” knew about this. We will consider this issue in more detail in our subsequent publications.

Thus, we see how the three god brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided among themselves the space of the Universe from “Sky” to the “Divine Bottom of the Universe”. Now we just have to consider the entry of the Name of the father of three brothers Kronos

« into the matrix of the Universe. (Κρόνος ( Kronos, Kron)) K R O N O S In other cultures: Saturn Time, Agriculture Father: Uranus Mother: Gaia Children: Hades, Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, Chiron Attributes: Sickle.

Uranus, fearing to die from one of his children, returned them again to the bowels of the earth. Therefore, Gaia, exhausted from the burden, persuaded Kronos, who was born last, to castrate Uranus. Kronos became the supreme god. The sickle with which he castrated Uranus was thrown into the sea by Kronos at Cape Drepan (Sickle) in Achaia. This sickle was kept in a cave in Zancle (Sicily)

A golden age began under him. Kronos was afraid of Gaia's prediction that one of his children born to him by Rhea would overthrow him, and therefore swallowed them one by one. So he swallowed Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. From the union of Kronos with the nymph Philira (whom he later, fearing Rhea’s jealousy, turned into a mare) was born ( wise) centaur Chiron."

Figure 8 shows the entry into the matrix of the Universe of the Name Kronos and it is compared with the Vedic concept - Maha Kala Dham- the space (abode) of the great “all-consuming time of the Lord.”

Rice. 8. The picture shows an entry in the matrix of the Universe: 2. on the right in the picture of the Name Kronos and it is compared with the Vedic concept - 1. Maha Kala Dham- the space (abode) of the great “all-consuming time of the Lord.” Such a comparison is acceptable, since Kronos was originally the god of agriculture, later, in the Hellenistic period, he was identified with the god personifying time, Chronos (ancient Greek Χρόνος ( H R O N O S) from χρόνος - time). The upper letter of the name Kronos begins from the 21st level of the Upper World of the matrix, and the upper letter in the name Maha Kala Dham from the 20th level of the Upper World of the matrix. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the letters of Sanskrit occupy the space of the matrix at four levels, and the letters of the Greek alphabet at three levels. However, it is clearly seen from the figure that Kronos could well be the god of time - Chronos. The analogy we made with Vedic concepts turned out to be successful.

As a result, we once again received convincing confirmation that the matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for the creation of the pantheon of the Names of the Greek gods by the ancient sages. We also established that the sacred meaning of the number 666 lies in the fact that it indicated to initiates the position in the matrix of the “Divine Bottom of the Universe.”

More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the website in the “Egyptology” section - Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and the god Ptah and the Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

You can help the development of our project by clicking the “Donate” button in the upper right corner of the main page of the site or transfer funds from any terminal to our account if you wish - Yandex Money – 410011416569382

©Arushanov Sergey Zarmailovich 2010

5 comments: “Olympic gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, their father Kronos in the matrix of the Universe, and the secret of the number 666”

    I read it carefully. Got it. The so-called “Matrix of the Universe” is nonsense and far-fetched, as usual for disbelief. Sorry.
    But you hang in there.
    ALAS. — and of course I didn’t understand anything about this MegaVera :)

    Dear Andrey. In order to make a final verdict, you need to get acquainted in more detail with the links at the end of the article, I WILL TRY TO HELP YOU.
    This is not simple reading - this is the sacred knowledge of the ancient sages about the Divine Universe, which is given there. – Here they are: More detailed information about the matrix of the Universe can be obtained by reading the articles on the website in the “Egyptology” section - Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part one. Pythagoras, Tetractys and the god Ptah and the Secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests about the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Nomes of Egypt.

    In addition, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT - ALL ALPHABETS of different times and peoples were not invented, but were created by ancient sages on the basis of knowledge about the matrix of the Universe, which was the sacred basis of the Divine Universe. IN THE SECTION “Author's articles” I righteously “Primary types” of 14 alphabets - Phoenician, Scandinavian runes FUTHARK, Tibetan, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian, Slavic Initial letter, consisting of 49 initial letters, etc. In particular, this is how the Greek alphabet was created. I talked about this in my work on the website - The sacred basis for constructing the alphabets of Phoenician, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and Glagolitic was the matrix of the Universe. Part 1 (See Figure 5).

    Then the sages of antiquity created myths of their country, in which the “Hierarchy” of the NAMES of GODS in a hidden way pointed to the sacred basis of the Divine Universe, which was precisely the matrix of the Universe. For this reason, WE GOT THE OPPORTUNITY to record the Names of the gods in the matrix of the Universe, in particular, from the Greek myths and thus were able to recognize the secret meaning of the Greek myths. In fact, myths were created by the ancients precisely for this purpose as a “Guide” for future generations to find the path to the “SACRAL KNOWLEDGE” of the ancient sages, WHICH INITIALLY WAS THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE MATRIX OF THE UNIVERSE.

    This article is a presentation of the results of our research.

    THIS IS MY MISTAKE, I had to write this “NOTE” in the article, since the reader might not know this by reading only this article, as many readers probably do.

    Thank you for your comment. He helped me improve the quality of presentation of the material in this article, AND MAKE IT MORE UNDERSTANDABLE FOR READERS.


Zeus, Dius (“bright sky”), in Greek mythology the supreme deity, the son of the titans Kronos and Rhea. The almighty father of the gods, the ruler of the winds and clouds, rain, thunder and lightning, caused storms and hurricanes with a blow of the scepter, but could also calm the forces of nature and clear the sky of clouds.

Kronos, afraid of being overthrown by his children, swallowed all of Zeus's older brothers and sisters immediately after their birth, but Rhea, instead of her youngest son, gave Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, and the baby was secretly taken out and raised on the island of Crete. (read myth - )

Having defeated Kronos, who gave birth to them, Zeus and the brothers divided the world among themselves. Zeus chose the sky, Hades - the underground kingdom of the dead, and Poseidon - the sea. They decided to consider the earth and Mount Olympus, where the palace of the gods was located, to be common. The influence of Zeus extended to all spheres; True, he did not have power over fate. Therefore, the Nereid Thetis, who at one time called upon the hundred-armed giants to help Zeus, begged him in vain to save her son Achilles from death in the Trojan War. Being the “father of men and gods,” Zeus was a formidable punitive force. At his command, Prometheus was chained to a rock, having stolen divine fire for people; he sent a flood to the earth and unleashed the Trojan War, punishing the human race for wickedness.

Over time, the world of the Olympians changes and becomes less cruel. The Oras, daughters of Zeus from Themis, his second wife, brought order to the lives of gods and people, and the Charites, daughters from Eurynome, the former mistress of Olympus, brought joy and grace; The goddess Mnemosyne gave birth to 9 muses to Zeus. Thus, law, science, art and morality took their place in human society.

Zeus was also the father of famous heroes - Hercules, Dioscuri, Perseus, Sarpedon, glorious kings and sages - Minos, Radamanthos and Aeacus. True, Zeus’s love affairs with both mortal women and immortal goddesses, which formed the basis of many myths, caused constant antagonism between him and his third wife Hera, the goddess of legal marriage. Some of Zeus' children born out of wedlock, such as Hercules, were severely persecuted by the goddess. In Roman mythology, Zeus corresponds to the omnipotent Jupiter.

Olympia is an area in the northwestern Peloponnese where the sacred Olympic Games were held. Its northern border is formed by the Olympic Range, the wooded slopes of which reach the very shore of Alpheus. A hill protrudes into the plain, almost completely separated from the ridge by the lowland; its descent is steep, the top is covered with a grove of tall pine trees. This is Kronion; at its foot, before the arrival of the Aeolians, stood the sanctuary of the earth goddess Gaea. The western border is formed by the Kladey River, on its bank a ridge of hills rises. The Alpheus flows in the south.

This fertile valley has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. During the Mycenaean era, the Pisati tribe lived here. When the Aeolians (one of the 4 main ancient Greek tribes) came here together with the Dorians, the area, which eventually became known as “Olympia,” came into the possession of the polis of Ilida in the 7th century. BC e., and the Eleans established the cult of Zeus in it, into which the rest of the local cults merged. Naturally, there were no more settlements here.

Temple of Zeus at Olympia. Computer reconstruction.

Olympia was a large complex of religious and other buildings, the center of which was the sacred grove of Altida. It contained many statues donated to Zeus; It also housed statues of Olympic Games winners. Small entrances led into the fence from different sides. The main one was the south. To the right of him, not far away, grew a sacred olive tree. Branches were cut from it for the wreaths of the winners at the Games; The boy cut these branches with a golden knife. According to legend, Hercules himself measured the area with steps in order to locate the grove in the center, and he also planted the olive trees. It was from the first olive tree he planted that the branches for the wreaths were taken. In the southeastern part of Altida stood the temple of Olympian Zeus; The western façade was facing the entrance to the grove.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia by Phidias. Estimated view.

The main decoration of the temple was a grandiose statue of Zeus, which has not survived to this day, but was described by contemporaries, depicting the Thunderer sitting on a throne. At the foot of the throne, the winners of the Olympics were awarded. Among other religious buildings one can note the temple of Hera, the mother of Zeus.

The classical temple of Zeus was founded during the 52nd Olympiad by the Eleanian Libo, but was completed only during the period of the 85-86th Olympiad by Phidias, that is, between 472 and 456 BC. e.

In 406 n. e. Emperor Theodosius II ordered the destruction of all temples and buildings in Olympia as evidence of pagan tradition. The destruction of the surviving remains of the temple was completed by powerful earthquakes in 522 and 551. Most of the fragments of the temple that have survived to this day are kept in the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, several fragments of pediments are in the Louvre, Paris.

The mythology of Ancient Greece, which is closely intertwined with the religion of this people, originated on the path of the formation of humanity, but is still popular today, which was facilitated by cultural monuments.

Famous directors and talented writers are inspired by the titans, Olympians, muses, cyclops and other fictional characters, and legends involving gods and incredibly strong heroes captivate the spirit. Zeus, the head of the ancient Greek Pantheon, who is in charge of the whole world, appears quite often in ancient texts. The name of this thunderer is perhaps familiar to everyone.


A person looks very weak compared to the surrounding world; a representative of the Homosapiens species does not have the same physical strength as, for example, a bear; people cannot run fast like lions or cheetahs, and also do not have sharp teeth and strong claws.

But by nature, a person tries to explain what he feels and observes. No wonder he discovered physical laws, came up with a chemical table, and wondered about philosophy. But earlier, when scientific knowledge was not so strong, people explained this or that natural phenomenon through myths and believed that the gods were able to bring prosperity to the house, help win a war and protect the harvest from drought.

According to history, from the first half of the second millennium BC, the third generation of gods led by Zeus began to reign in the world, who overthrew the Titans. The chief of the Olympian gods became the third son of the titan Kronos and his wife Rhea. The fact is that the seer predicted to Kronos that his own son would take his father’s crown. The Time Lord did not want to accept such a fate, so without a twinge of conscience he ate newborn children, swallowing even daughters just in case.

Rhea did not intend to put up with her husband’s arbitrariness, therefore, like a wise woman, she decided to act with cunning. The pregnant titanite went to a deep cave in Crete, where she gave birth to the future usurper of power.

So that Kronos would not notice the trick, his beloved substituted the Baitil stone wrapped in swaddling clothes instead of the baby, which the giant immediately swallowed. And when the enraged titan found out about his wife’s tricks, he went to look for little Zeus. The boy was saved by the Kuretes: they knocked with spears and swords when the baby cried, so that Kronos would not guess where his son was.

The fateful prediction that Kronos learned came true: when Zeus matured, he began a war against his father, winning a crushing victory and sending his parent into the abyss located under the kingdom of Hades - Tartarus. According to another legend, the Thunderer gave Kronos a honey drink, and when he fell asleep, he castrated him. Next, Zeus forced his ancestor, using a potion, to spit out his brothers and sisters, whom he made gods and settled on Olympus. According to other sources, the Olympian ripped open the titan's stomach.

The war between the gods and the Titans lasted ten years, and the Cyclopes were called to help. But, since the forces were equal, the opponents could not determine the winner for a long time. Then Zeus freed the hundred-armed giants from the abyss, who swore allegiance to him, and they helped send the former rulers to Tartarus. In despair, the earth goddess Gaia gave birth to a terrible monster with a hundred dragon heads - Typhon, but he was also defeated by Zeus.

When peace reigned, Zeus and his brothers divided power by drawing lots. Poseidon became the ruler of the sea, Hades began to rule over the gloomy and frightening kingdom of the dead, and Zeus gained dominance in the sky.

Scientists even made an assumption: it is likely that the Greeks presented human sacrifices to the owner of Olympus, but others refute these speculations. Perhaps only a few and few tribes were involved in killing for the sake of the master of the sky in order to ask for a stop to the volcanic eruptions. Basically, in Ancient Greece, animals and food were given to the gods during holidays.


The Thunderer, who scares the inhabitants of the Earth with lightning and dark clouds, appears in mythology as the father of gods and people. Zeus tried to make this world the most harmonious, distributing good and evil, and also put shame and conscience into man. The powerful god sits on his throne and oversees the city order, protecting the weak and offended and granting protection to those who pray.

Zeus, who monitored laws throughout the world, could not only send rain and punish guilty people with lightning, but also foresaw the future, predicting the future with the help of dreams. But sometimes Zeus himself depends on the goddesses Moira - women who weave the threads of fate.

The Thunderer is often depicted in paintings and sculptures as a middle-aged man with kind features, framed by thick curls and a luxuriant beard. In the hands of Zeus is a lightning bolt, which is a three-pronged fork with jagged edges. From legends it is known that lightning for God was made by one-eyed Cyclops. The deity also has a scepter, and is sometimes depicted with a labrys or hammer-like weapon.

God cuts in a chariot drawn by eagles: as you know, this noble bird is associated with greatness and power. It was the eagle that pecked the liver of the unfortunate Prometheus - thus Zeus punished his cousin for stealing fire from Hephaestus, passing it on to people.

Among other things, Zeus can transform into any earthly creature: once an Olympian turned into a bull in order to kidnap a princess. However, the owner of the sky was not distinguished by constancy. Hundreds of beauties visited his bed, whom he seduced in different guises: either he would appear to the girl in the form of a cloud, or he would appear as a white swan. And in order to take possession of Danae, Zeus turned into golden rain.


As you know, in ancient Greek mythology all the gods are in some sense relatives of each other, who descended from the Titans. In addition, judging by the legends, some married their sisters. The Thunderer was not an exemplary family man and seduced more than one beauty; Wide-eyed Europa, Leda, Antelope, Io and other enchantresses became victims of Zeus's spell.

But three women were considered “official” wives. The first is the wise Metis, who predicted to her husband that the son of Zeus born from her would surpass his father. The distressed keeper of lightning followed the example of Kronos, only he swallowed not a newborn baby, but his wife. After this, the patroness of organized war, Athena, was born from the head of the god, and Metis, sitting in her husband’s womb, became his adviser.

The second wife of Zeus, the goddess of justice Themis, gave her husband three daughters: Eunomia, Dike and Eirene (according to other sources, Themis is the mother of Moira or Prometheus). The last lover of the Olympian was the patroness of marriage, Hera, who was distinguished by her cruelty and jealous disposition.


Zeus can be seen on TV screens; the Thunderer appeared before viewers in several cinematic works:

  • 1969 – “Hercules in New York”
  • 1981 – “Clash of the Titans”
  • 2010 – “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief”
  • 2010 – “Clash of the Titans”
  • 2011 – “War of the Gods: Immortals”
  • 2012 – “Wrath of the Titans”


In the adventure film "Hercules in New York", where he starred, the little-known actor Ernest Graves appeared in the image of the Thunderer. Then, in 1981, Desmond Davis' adventure film Clash of the Titans was released.

This time, the image of the Lord of Olympus was taken on by a Briton, familiar to viewers from the films "" (1986), "King Lear" (1983), "" (1979) and other remarkable film works.

In 2010, the family film Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief was released. They played in this film, and the role of the Thunderer was played by the famous actor.

In the same 2010, film director Louis Leterrier presented a remake of the film of the same name “Clash of the Titans”. The brilliant cast included Jason Flemyng, and.

  • Zeus kidnapped not only the fairer sex. Reincarnating in the guise of a giant eagle, the arbiter of destinies stole a beautiful young man, the son of the Trojan Tros - Ganymede. The Thunderer gifted the father of this young man with a golden vine, and Ganymede received eternal youth, becoming a “cupbearer” who served nectar and ambrosia to the gods.
  • Zeus owns a magical cape made of goatskin - the Aegis, which, like a shield, has protective properties. Legends say that the daughter of the owner of the lightning, Athena, wore this skin as a robe, attaching a brooch with an image of the gorgon Medusa to it.

  • In the 5th century BC, Olympia was home to the third of the Seven Wonders of the World - a marble statue of Zeus, which was larger than even temples. The construction of the monument was carried out by the sculptor Phidias, who was picky about materials, especially ivory. According to rumors, 200 kg of pure gold and precious stones were brought to the feet of Zeus. Unfortunately, the giant statue of the Thunderer died after wars and robberies.
  • Zeus appears both in cinematic works and on computer screens, for example, in the game Dota2 there is a hero who bears the name of the son of Kronos and kills opponents with lightning.
  • Zeus was raised by the nymph Kinosura. After the Thunderer became the ruler of the sky, he placed her among the stars as a sign of gratitude. According to other legends, the titan's son was raised by Melissa, feeding the boy with honey and goat's milk, as well as by the shepherd's family, with an ultimatum that all the sheep would be saved from the wolves.