The buildings      01/31/2023

Aevit, progestogel, indinol - a medicine for mastopathy. The drug Indinol Forto: reviews - does it help with mastopathy The drug for mastopathy indinol

The drug contains as an active ingredient indole-3-carbinol in mass part not less than 90 mg in 1 capsule, contained in 100 mg of extract isolated from the cruciferous plant family.

Additionally, this dietary supplement contains: 3 mg of magnesium stearate, 27 mg of microcrystalline cellulose, 80 mg of starch and 90 mg of lactose.

Release form

The biological additive Indinol is produced in the form of capsules of 60 or 120 pieces per package (polymer jar in a cardboard box).

pharmachologic effect

Correcting hyperplastic pathological processes occurring in the tissues and organs of the woman’s reproductive system.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Indinol is a dietary supplement ( dietary supplement ) of plant origin with antitumor And antiestrogenic activity, the main ingredient of which exhibits the properties of a universal corrector of hyperplastic pathological processes occurring in the tissues and organs of the woman’s reproductive system (including , mammary gland, ovaries, myometrial tissue and ). Taking capsules of the drug contributes to normalization in the female body estrogenic balance, inhibits the negative stimulating effect, and also acts as a blocker of other mechanisms (-independent), which are activators of pathological cell growth in the uterine tissues and breast tissues. In addition, this dietary supplement is selectively capable of causing pathologically transformed cells characterized by high abnormal proliferative activity , to death.

The effectiveness of Indinol is observed in therapy aimed at suppressing growth epithelial reproductive system of the female body, including estrogen-dependent formations . The positive effect of the drug is observed when it is used against negative hyperplastic processes occurring in the female reproductive organs, which occur when there is a violation of the regulation of cell division. The effects of the active ingredient of this dietary supplement significantly inhibit or completely neutralize growth factors that stimulate the formation of tumors in the mammary glands.

Also, taking the drug is quite productive in the treatment of infectious pathologies associated with human infection. In this case, the action of the dietary supplement is aimed at blocking in infected papillomavirus epithelial cells synthesis oncoprotein E7 , which leads to inhibition of malignancy processes.

Indications for use

As a dietary supplement, Indinol is recommended for use as an additional source of the substance – indole-3-carbinol .

As a remedy with medicinal properties, Indinol is indicated for use in:

  • carrying out prophylaxis or complex therapy fibrocystic etiology, as well as for the purpose of correcting the functional state of the female mammary glands, in which changes have occurred due to the development of this pathology;
  • parallel intake of dietary supplement capsules as part of a therapeutic complex treatment (taking place without atypia), (variety), as well as for the purpose of preventing these pathologies after surgery;
  • carrying out complex therapy of diseases of the female genital area associated with human , including anogenital condylomatosis And cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia).


Contraindications to taking Indinol are:

  • personal hypersensitivity the patient to indole-3-carbinol or other components of the capsules;
  • carrying out therapy with the use of medications that reduce stomach acidity .

Side effects

The results of preclinical and clinical studies of Indinol showed that this dietary supplement was well tolerated by patients and the absence of any side effects when taken in therapeutic doses.

Indinol, instructions for use

Instructions for use Indinol + Epigallate (including separately purchased drugs or a specially produced set of capsules Indinol + Epigallate ) recommends the use of this combination of dietary supplements in combination treatment endometrial hyperplasia (passing without atypia), (variety) and. This therapy is carried out with a single dose per day of 1-2 capsules of each drug with meals for at least 2-3 weeks and up to 6 months.

For pathologies of the genital area caused by person , Indinol is prescribed orally, 1 capsule once every 24 hours, in combination with medications, which are advisable to use as standard therapy for such diseases. In this case, the patient’s sexual partner must undergo a similar therapeutic course.

It should be remembered that it is prohibited to prescribe Indinol yourself; before taking this dietary supplement, the patient must consult with his or her doctor.


There are no confirmed facts of any negative effects when taking excessive doses of Indinol.


Parallel use of capsules of this dietary supplement and medications that reduce stomach acidity, Not recommended.

Terms of sale

Available for free sale.

Storage conditions

Capsules should be stored at normal temperatures up to 25°C.

Best before date

2 years from the date of production of capsules.

Indinol analogs

Analogues of this drug include dietary supplements or medications with a similar main effect:

  • Brest Care ;
  • Milona-5 ;
  • Epigallate ;
  • Biolift ;
  • Menopause day-night ;
  • Artemis ;
  • Femsin ;
  • Climaton ;
  • Hemafemin .

Of course, today you can buy analogues in pharmacies that are cheaper than Indinol, but when choosing such drugs, you should first of all take into account the effectiveness of the product being purchased, as well as the number of therapeutic units in the package (tablets, capsules). Thus, it is best to leave the determination of a possible replacement for this dietary supplement at the discretion of a doctor or qualified pharmacist. The average price of Indinol analogues at the moment is: Epigallate No. 120 – 2000 rubles; No. 60 – 480 rubles; Milona-5 No. 100 – 170 rubles; No. 100 – 300 rubles; Estrovel No. 30 – 500 rubles.

Indinol or Mastodinon - which is better?

Although these two drugs are indicated for use in fibrocystic mastopathy etiologies and are quite often included in the treatment regimens of some doctors; they are completely different in composition and belong to different pharmacological groups. Both the dietary supplement Indinol and the homeopathic remedy for mastopathy may be quite effective or, on the contrary, may not be suitable for a certain patient. In this case, one should rely on the experience and qualifications of the attending physician and the response of the patient’s body to the treatment.

Indinol or Indinol Forto - which is better?

The question is how Indinol differs from , or what is the difference between these two products from the same manufacturer, JSC MiraxBioPharma, often arises in various forums devoted to the problem of treating neoplasms of the female reproductive system. Both of these drugs contain a similar active ingredient - indole-3-carbinol , which naturally unites them in scope, side effects, contraindications and other parameters, but they belong to different pharmacological groups. The main difference between these drugs is that Indinol, which, by the way, is a precursor Indinola Forto , refers to dietary supplements, whereas Indinol Forto is a fully-fledged drug with a better purified active ingredient present in the drug in a higher dosage (200 mg), which makes it easier to take and increases the effectiveness of treatment. In clinical practice, both of these drugs have proven themselves to be positive and therefore still remain quite competitive.

For children

This biological supplement is not intended for use in children.

- Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy My experience

Advantages: effectiveness, does not harm the body

Disadvantages: no

To believe or not to believe dietary supplements? Probably, everyone who has at least once started using dietary supplements has thought about this. How do they differ from pharmaceutical drugs? Do they have any effect?

I think that you shouldn’t say “yes” or “no” to all funds at once. In some cases there really are no results, and sometimes a dietary supplement can help in the shortest possible time.

Women's diseases

Fibrocystic mastopathy, and a fairly advanced case, is not an easy matter. Two of the three doctors I visited advised me to have surgery. And the third is a medicinal solution. He gave me several prescriptions.

Indinol Forte

The name is familiar to me, but only the first word of the name is familiar to me. Three times is a typical prefix for designating dietary supplements.


It is a corrector of hyperplastic pathological processes in the tissues (and organs) of the female reproductive system:

    mammary gland




It normalizes the balance of estrogen, helps suppress their stimulating negative effects on the woman’s body, and successfully blocks hormone-independent mechanisms - those that activate pathologically dangerous cell growth in the tissues of the cervix and mammary glands.

The active substance finds transforming cells and destroys them, thus preventing the formation of tumors.

    preventive and therapeutic measures for fibrocystic mastopathy

    comprehensive treatment of women's diseases

    a set of measures for genital herpes in women, HPV

The drug is a source of indinol-3-carbinol.

Typically, dietary supplements have virtually no cases when their use is prohibited, but it is worth noting that in some situations it is still undesirable:


    breastfeeding period

    taking medications that act to reduce stomach acidity

    individual intolerance to active components

Actually, the situations listed are standard, which means there are no special cases when you should refuse to take it.

Before going to the pharmacy, I decided to go for a consultation with a well-known doctor in our clinic. An oncologist who has cured hundreds of people and knows a lot about eliminating tumor processes.

I made an appointment with him and came for a consultation. She told me about her illness and asked his opinion about this remedy:

You should not compare medications and dietary supplements with each other. These are two different layers, two different levels at which treatment can be carried out. Often patients tell me that they do not believe in natural remedies. Unfortunately, this opinion is widespread, but the results speak for themselves.

So, in some situations it is more convenient to start treatment with dietary supplements, so as not to clutter up other organs that take in and remove medications.
However, sometimes you have to turn exclusively to drugs. And only a doctor can decide what to choose.

This dietary supplement is undoubtedly a working method. Indolecarbinol is the main substance that is responsible for changing the processes of a sick body:

Reduces tumors in size until they disappear completely
- improves the proper functioning of the body

The composition of this supplement is what allows doctors to recommend it to patients. And the results speak for themselves: in some cases, the patient can be cured only with this remedy, and sometimes complex treatment is required.

I only used this dietary supplement. I drank for a long time, everything that I noticed myself, without a doctor - the pain went away.

Six months later I went for an examination (I took 2 courses with a break) - those large nodes shrank, and the small ones disappeared completely.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review

Indinol forte reviews from oncologists Indinol forte reviews for mastopathy price Tablets for mastopathy indinol forte price Oncology and dietary supplements Vison - reviews and advice from practicing doctors! - (See video description) For mastopathy, indinol forte price

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Indinol. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Indinol in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Indinol in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of mastopathy, fibroids, endometriosis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Indinol- is a universal corrector of pathological hyperplastic processes in the organs and tissues of the female reproductive system (breast, endometrium, myometrium, cervix, ovaries). Normalizes the balance of estrogen in the body and suppresses their negative stimulating effect, and also blocks other (hormone-independent) mechanisms that activate pathological cellular growth in the tissues of the mammary gland and uterus. It has the ability to cause selective death of transformed cells with abnormally high proliferative activity.

Indinol Forto is a universal corrector of pathological hyperplastic processes in breast tissue. The therapeutic effect of the drug Indinol Forto is based on its antiestrogenic and antiproliferative effect. The main property of the drug Indinol Forto is its ability to cause selective death of mammary gland cells with abnormally high proliferative activity.

The active substances of Epigallate have multiple etiopathogenetic effects in relation to hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system. Suppress pathological growth and cell division in organs and tissues of the female reproductive system caused by non-hormonal stimuli. They reduce the invasive activity of endometrial cells and also cause selective death (apoptosis) of cells with increased proliferative activity. Epigallate has a pronounced antiangiogenic effect (suppresses the pathological growth of new vessels), etc. prevents the growth of tumors. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, suppressing the activity of COX-2, PG and the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and in addition, enhances the effect of antibiotics (tetracyclines, beta-lactams) and increases the sensitivity of resistant microorganisms to the action of antibacterial agents. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, neutralizing the formation of free radicals.


Indolecarbinol + excipients.


  • for prevention and as part of complex treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, as well as for correction of the functional state of the mammary glands caused by this pathology;
  • in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat in the complex treatment of endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, as well as for the prevention of relapses of these diseases after surgical treatment;
  • in the complex treatment of genital diseases in women associated with the human papillomavirus - cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia), anogenital condylomatosis.

Release forms

Capsules 300 mg.

Capsules 200 mg Forto and Epigallate (sometimes mistakenly called Indinol Forte, but such a dosage form does not exist; perhaps this refers to the dietary supplement from the Evalar company - Indole Forte).

Tablets 416 mg.

There are no other dosage forms, be it drops or ampoules for injection.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

Capsules 300 mg

Inside. For women suffering from fibrocystic mastopathy, Indinol is recommended to be taken orally, 1 capsule per day with meals for 2-3 weeks.

As part of combination therapy (endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids), Indinol is recommended to be taken in combination with the dietary supplement Epigallat (1 capsule + 1 capsule) with meals for 2-3 weeks.

For genital diseases associated with the human papillomavirus, Indinol is recommended to take 1 capsule once a day in combination with immunomodulator drugs used as standard treatment for these diseases. In this case, both sexual partners must undergo treatment.

Forto capsules

Orally, 2 times a day, 200 mg.

The daily dose of the drug is 400 mg. Capsules are taken before meals.

The duration of treatment is 6 months.

Side effect

  • menstrual cycle disorders in the form of lengthening or shortening;
  • epigastric pain;
  • increased concentrations of thyroid-stimulating and follicle-stimulating hormones, prolactin and estradiol;
  • decreased creatinine concentration;
  • eosinophilia;
  • weight loss.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary galactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Indinol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

special instructions

According to preclinical and clinical studies, Indinol is well tolerated, without producing side effects in therapeutic doses.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Based on the pharmacodynamics and the profile of undesirable effects, it is unlikely that Indinol affects the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Drug interactions

Considering the effect of indole carbinol on the activity of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, caution should be exercised when combined with drugs whose metabolism involves cytochrome P450 isoenzymes (indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids, oral hypoglycemic agents, antiarrhythmics, antiepileptics, digitalis preparations, sex hormone preparations), i.e. To. their dose may require adjustment.

Analogs of the drug Indinol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Indinol Forto;
  • Indinol + Epigallate;
  • Intrinol.

Analogs for therapeutic effect (medicines for the treatment of mastodynia):

  • Agnucaston;
  • Bromocriptine;
  • Mastodinone;
  • Norkolut;
  • Progestogel;
  • Cyclodinone.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

We have selected real reviews about the drug Indinol Forto, which are published by our users. Most often, reviews are written by mothers of young patients, but they also describe their personal history of using the drug on themselves.

Indications for use

Treatment of cyclic mastalgia (mastodynia), incl. against the background of benign mammary hyperplasia.


I took Indinol Forto for 2 months for mastopathy in the chest, then the doctor stopped it and prescribed hormones, there was one more new pack of pills left, I’ll sell it to anyone who needs the drug for 1000. I took it for 2658 rubles. Phone 89191566316 Natalia

My mark

Discussion of the drug Indinol Forto in the posts of mothers

Yu adjusted the evidence base: all patients with ovarian cancer and something else have no more than 2 children and have never taken approx. But taking hormone-like dietary supplements (my favorite is indinol), it turns out, has a beneficial effect only for six months - 9 months, then the opposite, and even hormones after it don’t help. And my oncologist told me about it...

Radon baths (not allowed for OIS (ovarian wasting syndrome), problems with the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism). Available in 122 medical units, in sanatoriums in Belarus. We take the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) – 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), go to IR (artificial menopause). 8. Treating chronic endometritis: 3 injections of the modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). It can be done rectally, but the treatment will take 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good. 9. We apply leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. Placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of the cure of fibroids after 2 courses of leeches. 10. Acupuncture cures everything and especially...

Radon baths (not allowed for OIS (ovarian wasting syndrome), problems with the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism). Available in 122 medical units, in sanatoriums in Belarus. We take the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) – 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), go to IR (artificial menopause). 8. Treating chronic endometritis: 3 injections of the modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). It can be done rectally, but the treatment will take 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good. 9. We apply leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. Placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of the cure of fibroids after 2 courses of leeches. 10. Acupuncture cures everything and especially...

Indole Forte helps well with Endometriosis. It is inexpensive and made from natural ingredients. He helped many of my friends.. And if you don’t trust domestic and inexpensive ones, you can buy Indinol - the same composition, only it will be many times more expensive..

I drank repeatedly for mastopathy for six months or 3 months. Didn't help at all. I decided not to suffer. On the advice of a friend, I bought Indinol Forto and drank it. I’ll tell you with him, I saw real results. No side effects were noticed. It starts to help with mastopathy after at least 3 months of taking it, gradually the pain went away and never returned. The only drawback is that if you drink before meals, we can...

Enya using folk methods. Neither compresses nor decoctions help. I spent a month and a half on them. I had to seek help from doctors. They prescribed me progestogel gel and indinol forto tablets. The treatment helps, after three weeks I began to notice that my chest hurt less. And with herbs, I would probably have been treated for three years to no avail.

Oh, the pregnancies were coming. Now there was a cleaning, and he got out in the first cycle. Didn't have time to sit on approx. They don't cure, they stop its spread. I was also prescribed indinol forto. It helps with endometriosis, but not everyone. And it's expensive, but I'll try.

The doctor at the district clinic prescribed two courses of mastodinone. But he didn't help at all. She changed doctors, prescribed me Indinol Forto, and took one course. The weight remained the same, the chest stopped hurting, the heaviness went away and the swelling disappeared. I continue monitoring now, even though everything is fine.

Qualitatively, then the pain would be practically unabated and nodes would appear in the armpits all the way to the chest... in general, feel your body))) at the moment I’m taking indinol, it’s a herbal preparation, but it’s an expensive infection.. not homeopathy ((( (I drank it for 3 months, as prescribed by the mammologist, during my period I didn’t feel my breasts at all, usually they ached, ached and became very heavy and swollen... now it’s also swelling a little, but light as a feather... I went back for an appointment after that after 4 months.. the mammologist allowed me to take indinol for up to six months, but I already had a break of a whole month, but I agreed.. since before that I was prescribed FEOCARPIN tablets on os...

H: Radon baths (not allowed for OIS (ovarian wasting syndrome), problems with the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism). Available in 122 medical units, in sanatoriums in Belarus. We take the drug Indinol (dietary supplement, homeopathy) - 2 months. We drink OK (Marvelon, Logest, etc.), go to IR (artificial menopause).8. We treat chronic endometritis: 3 injections of the modern immunomodulator Sodium nucleospermate (painful). It can be done rectally, but the treatment will take 1-1.5 months. The effect is very good.9. We apply leeches: for fibroids, cysts, endometrial problems, to improve blood parameters. They are placed on the sacrum, abdomen and vagina. There is an example of the cure of fibroids after 2 courses of leeches. 10. Acupuncture treats everything and especially FL (e...

Also with a gynecologist, not by herself. I found the doctor through friends, I have an excellent reputation, a doctor with extensive experience. She immediately told me that indinol forte helps well, but I’ll have to wait. This is a drug that eliminates the cause of the disease. It doesn't just relieve pain.

After the course of treatment, I still have two full packs of indinol REGULAR, NOT FORTE, 120 tablets each. I can give it to you in Moscow if you still need it. You take two tablets of regular indinol, one tablet of forte, otherwise there is no difference. expiration date until November 2016. It helped me, I don’t need it anymore, I just found it at a good price at one time and took 6 or 7 packs at once, I don’t remember... that’s what’s left now. who needs it write to silverfox.irina @ gm...

Well, what does the doctor say? Go to your gynecologist and tell them about the side effects. For example, I was also not satisfied with Mastodinon, so you are not the first one who did not help. And mastopathy was cured thanks to Indinol Forto. I took it for 6 months, as the doctor recommended. I felt improvements after 3 weeks. Now I’ve started to forget what it’s like when my chest hurts

My last pregnancy ended badly, not because of endometriosis. There were no threats. The first B. came on the 5th cycle, the second on the third. After the abortion, when the endometriosis cleared up, I took Indinol Forto. I was immediately warned that I needed to drink for a long time. And expensive. It doesn’t seem to help everyone, but many write bad reviews after 1-2 months, this is early. There was a positive dynamic. Now I don’t know how difficult it will be to get pregnant for the third time, we haven’t started yet. The kidneys need to be treated.... And, yes, my endometriosis is visible on ultrasound. It may be that according to ultrasound there is no endometriosis, but in fact it is. I have...

Of course, you need a competent doctor and at least an ultrasound scan. Indole helped me a lot; in the first month the CD went smoother. There is indinol forto in pharmacies, but it is very expensive, I ordered Indole plus here on the advice of a doctor. without hormones

If it is not treated and monitored, it can develop into a tumor and then you will have to go under the surgeon’s knife. This is of course an extreme case, but still. I myself was treated with Indinol Forto for mastopathy; I have had no chest pain for almost a year now. But the gel didn’t help(.