Bathroom      01/31/2023

Swollen stomach and nausea. Why does the stomach feel sick and swollen, weakness, causes and treatment. Traditional medicine recipes

Constantly bloated stomach is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of improper digestion. It can occur both in healthy people and in patients who have a variety of pathological processes.

Causes of pathology

Drinking carbonated drinks leads to bloating.

Bloating can appear for a variety of reasons. It most often occurs when air is swallowed while eating.

If a person consumes carbonated drinks in excessive amounts, this can lead to bloating. During the period of taking soda, which neutralizes the gastric secret, a pathological condition is also observed.

If starch and fiber enter the human body in large quantities, this leads to gas formation. An immoderate amount of rich and sweet food that a person consumes also leads to the formation of gases.

Bloating can occur as a result of various pathological conditions. The main cause of the pathology is fermenopathy. This disease is characterized by the absence in the human body of an enzyme that is responsible for the production of complex milk sugars.

Very often the disease appears on the background of dysbacteriosis. In this disease, the intestinal microflora changes. In the presence of a swelling of a local type, one can judge the presence of mechanical barriers along the path of gas movement. Bloating can be observed against the background of mental pathologies, namely, hysterical disorders.

A permanently bloated belly can occur as a result of malnutrition or pathological conditions. In the second case, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, belching may occur.

With constant flatulence, a person tries to find not only its causes, but also to identify additional symptoms.

If the pathological condition occurs as a result of malnutrition, then in most cases it is not accompanied by additional symptoms and disappears on its own the very next day.

If the cause of bloating is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then it may be accompanied by:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • Belching;
  • heartburn.

In a pathological condition, there is a visual strong distension of the abdomen. He is constantly tearing up. The patient experiences pain. They can pass on their own or not stop for a long period. To eliminate this symptom, you need to drink special painkillers.

With a bloated stomach, a person constantly thinks that he has overeaten, despite the fact that he consumes a minimal amount of food. Some patients with the appearance of this pathological condition complain of constant weakness.

Some patients develop rumbling in the abdomen, which is explained by the movement of gases. In some cases, the pathological condition may be accompanied by a headache. Due to external changes, a person feels constantly insecure.

Bloating is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. If the first of them appeared, then it is necessary to begin treatment.

Features of treatment

Duphalac is a remedy for constipation.

With the appearance of bloating, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment of this pathological condition.

In this case, the treatment can be easily carried out at home. Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

In order to eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take adsorbents regularly. Doctors recommend taking activated charcoal for bloating.

With its help, the amount of gases in the intestinal area is reduced, but also the removal of toxins. It is necessary to take traditional medicine as carefully as possible, otherwise constipation may occur.

In order to prevent the formation of gases in the intestines, it is necessary to direct the treatment to eliminate problems with peristalsis. This is due to the fact that the situation can be aggravated not only by constipation, but also by diarrhea.

In a modern pharmacy you can find laxatives in large quantities. The most effective in eliminating constipation is the drug Duphalac. The action of the drug is aimed at thinning the feces. Also, with the help of this traditional drug, dysbacteriosis is eliminated. This is due to the fact that the drug activates the activity of the intestine and eliminates harmful microorganisms.

It is also widely used to stabilize the liver. You can provide first aid for flatulence at home with the help of traditional medicine. Despite their high effectiveness, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using a certain medication.


A decoction of herbs will help get rid of flatulence.

Treatment of bloating can be carried out using traditional medicine, which are highly effective.

If a patient has flatulence against the background of an infectious bowel disease, then it can be eliminated with the help of willow and oak.

The preparation of medicines is carried out on the basis of the bark of these plants. For this purpose, two tablespoons of crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes.

Herbal decoction is also effective in treating flatulence. To prepare it, you need to take St. John's wort, peppermint, pharmacy chamomile. All herbs are mixed in equal amounts and poured with boiling water.

With the help of chamomile and St. John's wort, inflammatory processes are eliminated. Mint belongs to the category of antispasmodics. The decoction should be taken orally before meals. A single dose of the drug is half a glass.

Very often, plantain is used to eliminate the disease. This plant is characterized by the presence of enveloping properties. It also stimulates the bowels. A tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves must be poured with boiling water.

An unconventional medicine is infused for four hours. After this time, it must be filtered and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Reception of folk medicine is carried out before meals, two teaspoons.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of flatulence are not only safe, but also the most effective, which allows them to be used to treat adults and children.

Prevention of pathology

Prevention of flatulence will allow a person to eliminate the possibility of developing this unpleasant disease.

With the appearance of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is imperative to carry out their timely treatment. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Also, a person should not consume carbonated drinks in excessive quantities.

In order to eliminate the possibility of developing a pathological condition, the patient must be provided with proper nutrition. Do not eat baking soda to treat heartburn. Constant bloating is a rather unpleasant and alarming symptom. That is why, when it appears, the patient must without fail seek help from a doctor who will prescribe a rational treatment.

Causes and treatment of bloating - the topic of the video:

Improper digestion is the most common cause of abdominal discomfort. Bloating, causes and treatment is a hot topic for discussion. These unpleasant sensations can be experienced by people who are perfectly healthy or suffering from chronic diseases.

Mechanism of the digestive process

Digestion of food begins in the mouth and ends in the rectum. However, the most intensive process of splitting the organic matter received with food occurs in the upper intestines.

The essence of the digestive process is to grind food to such a state in which it could pass through the walls of the intestines and blood vessels. Dispersed with the blood flow, it will serve as a building material for the formation of cells and tissues of this organism.

Digestion of food is a chemical process that is accompanied by the appearance of waste, that is, substances that the body does not need. They give the feces their characteristic color and smell. Some of these substances are excreted in gaseous form and excreted from the body along with feces. It is these processes that cause bloating.

With healthy digestion, there are few gases and their presence is not felt at all by a person. However, almost all disorders of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the formation of excess gases. This is immediately felt at the subjective level of perception of one's state.

Symptoms and sensations

The symptoms of bloating are as follows:

  • in the feeling of a strong and even visual increase in the abdomen, its fullness;
  • severe swelling contributes to the appearance of pain, which can pass by itself;
  • a swollen belly creates the illusion of constant overeating, while a person eats very little;
  • in rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, usually these sounds are harbingers of a sensation called "bloated stomach";
  • the appearance of weakness, possibly a headache and a feeling of self-doubt.

All these signs can appear individually, in combination or in blocks.

Causes of excessive gas formation

Bloating, despite similar causes, has a single mechanism, but depends on many exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous factors of flatulence can be poor-quality food, medicines that affect the digestion process, etc.

It is difficult to list all the exogenous causes that cause bloating, but you can limit yourself to the following examples:

  1. Eating inappropriate foods, which affects the activity of intestinal bacteria, resulting in excessive gas and bloating.
  2. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. Their reception is an artificial increase in the number of carbon dioxide bubbles in the intestine to a concentration several times higher than normal. This causes, first of all, bloating of the stomach.
  3. Frequent use of sodium bicarbonate (soda) as a remedy for heartburn. When soda interacts with stomach acid, a chemical reaction occurs with the formation of carbon dioxide. These gases are formed immediately in large quantities, which forms a swollen abdomen.
  4. Frequent overeating, especially at night. In this case, the digestion process slows down. Large pieces of food are formed in the intestines, in which the processes of putrefactive or yeast fermentation begin. In such cases, flatulence increases after eating and a "bloated belly" appears.
  5. Passion for fatty foods. This is fraught not only with slowing down the processes of digestion of food, but also with an increased burden on the liver and pancreas. The swollen abdomen in this case is the result not so much of the formation of gases as of difficult digestion.
  6. Abrupt change in diet. Most often, constant bloating and gases appear when switching to a diet of predominantly plant foods. The change in diet during the transition to eating raw food is especially strong.

The causes of bloating, occurring due to pathological processes in the body, may be as follows:

It is almost impossible to list all the causes of bloating, although it is possible to generalize the options for the causes - gases are formed during impaired digestion. The reasons for these violations are varied.

How bloating affects the state of the body

Abdominal pain and bloating create emotional discomfort. However, this is not the most important thing. The body in these conditions works with increased load and less efficiency. Since digestion is disturbed, the body does not receive nutrients in the proper amount. In this case, a person may lose his appetite. Perhaps the appearance of a pathological appetite, when you want to eat all the time. A person with such an appetite has obsessive desires to eat something special and unusual. As a result, he eats a lot of food with increased taste saturation, which creates additional problems for digestion. There is a swollen abdomen and weight gain.

General well-being worsens, fatigue accumulates, irritability, mood swings appear. There is a bad smell from the mouth, rashes on the skin of the face are possible. Such a person often gets sick and acquires new chronic diseases.

How to get rid of the problem

Bloating, what to do? This question arises for everyone who has experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon. Even in the absence of chronic serious diseases, regular bloating after eating is already a signal of trouble. If a person has serious diagnoses of diseases of the digestive system, then, first of all, it is necessary to treat these diseases. However, in any case, you should help the body in its difficult digestive work. It is necessary to combine the treatment of symptoms and the treatment of chronic diseases.

First of all, you should find out why swelling occurs. If there are no chronic diseases and a person does not take any medications, then the resulting flatulence after eating may indicate malnutrition. With regular bloating, the symptoms are usually very varied, and this is a serious reason for a visit to the doctor.

Elimination or mitigation of symptoms is achieved by regular intake of adsorbents. The most common adsorbent is activated charcoal, which not only reduces the amount of gases in the intestines, but also helps to remove toxins. However, be aware that it can lead to constipation.

In order to reduce the formation of gases, it is necessary to eliminate problems with intestinal motility. Both constipation and diarrhea are equally undesirable.

The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of laxatives. However, if there is no need for an emergency withdrawal of feces from the intestines, then herbs, fruits and vegetables with a slight relief effect should be used.

A good remedy is the drug Duphalac. It does not irritate the mucous membrane, and its laxative effect is associated with the creation of an effect of additional volume. The effect of increasing the volume of feces activates peristalsis in the rectum without the formation of gases. The healing properties of Duphalac do not end there. It is a good means of combating dysbacteriosis, since it helps to activate the activity of microorganisms beneficial to the intestines and suppresses the work of harmful ones. In addition, it is also used to treat the liver.

Frequent diarrhea is necessarily accompanied by increased flatulence. They can be symptoms of gastroduodenitis, diseases of the liver and pancreas, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the intestine. The most effective herbal remedies for diarrhea are oak and willow. However, it is not advisable to take drugs from their bark for a long time.

A mixture of herbs of chamomile, peppermint, and St. John's wort is designed for long-term use. Chamomile and St. John's wort fight inflammation, mint is an excellent antispasmodic. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and brewed with boiling water, in the ratio: 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water. It is necessary to drink a decoction three times a day 20 minutes before meals, half a glass.

A coltsfoot has a good effect on the intestines. It fights inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, eliminates increased gas formation and a bloated stomach. 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves must be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour. You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.

Plantain leaves have enveloping properties, they stimulate the release of digestive enzymes and activate the intestines. Brew it in 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of boiling water, then insist 4 hours, filter and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. spoon immediately after eating.

Doctors are accustomed to hearing complaints from patients associated with a feeling of bloating. This is one of the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.

The feeling of a full belly may be associated with increased gas formation, malnutrition and various pathologies of the digestive system.


Full stomach feeling

Disorders of the digestive system, manifesting themselves as bloating, can occur for a variety of reasons.

The main modern negative factors include daily stress, malnutrition and taking a huge amount of medication. All this, one way or another, affects the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

A swollen belly not only causes a feeling of internal discomfort, but also objectively interferes with the usual activities. This disorder can occur at any time.

It is also important that bloating is not always directly related to food intake, which further complicates the search for possible causes of the disease. Getting rid of bloating can be quite difficult.

Feeling full belly can be associated with dangerous diseases and trivial disorders of the stomach or intestines. In healthy people, this problem can occur periodically and not cause much concern.

A constant feeling of fullness in the stomach indicates an unfavorable state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other symptoms

Full stomach feeling after eating

Feeling a full belly is most often a sign of indigestion or disease. In such cases, against the background of bloating, other symptoms may appear that aggravate the general condition of the patient.

Sometimes external bloating may not be accompanied by discomfort. Such cases are often associated with anatomical anomalies and features of the stomach.

Symptoms to look out for:

  1. Fever.
  2. Skin rash or hives.
  3. Sore throat, itchy eyes, and other signs of allergies.
  4. Constipation or diarrhea.
  5. Nausea and vomiting.
  6. Blood in urine and stool.
  7. Weight loss.
  8. Soreness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin, neck and armpits.
  9. Constant fatigue.
  10. Problems with concentration.
  11. Seal in the anus.

These symptoms may indicate the presence of a more severe pathology, manifested by a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Allergic reactions, poisoning and bleeding are especially dangerous.

Main reasons

Feeling a full belly - a gastrointestinal alarm

There are a wide variety of pathological conditions that can cause a feeling of a full abdomen.

The most banal reasons include increased gas formation in the intestines, dysbacteriosis, excessive swallowing of air and impaired digestion of food.

However, bloating can also be a symptom of allergies, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, and bowel problems.

It is necessary to deal with the symptom itself. The feeling of fullness in the stomach may be accompanied by objective bloating or be limited to internal discomfort. Visual signs of bloating indicate overcrowding in the digestive tract.

In some cases, this is a stomach filled with food masses or air. In other cases, it is the intestines filled with gases. The absence of external signs of swelling against the background of discomfort often indicates functional disorders of the stomach.

Food is stored in the stomach for a relatively short time, usually within 2-3 hours. The delay of food masses in the body is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This condition may be associated with eating a large amount of food or a violation of the activity of the stomach and intestines.

Food delay can also be associated with low stomach acid. Food must be processed before entering the intestines, however, lack of acid slows down digestion.

Overcrowding of the intestines with gases is usually associated with the activity of bacteria. Microorganisms in the large and small intestine normally help the body absorb nutrients and digest fiber.

Violation of the bacterial balance is accompanied by the appearance of negative symptoms. Pathogenic bacteria can begin to digest undigested food debris and produce a large amount of gas. In this case, often harmful bacteria migrate to the small intestine, where there is more food.

Diseases and pathologies

Constant feeling of a full stomach - a reason to see a doctor

The pathological mechanisms listed above are not always the culprit of bloating. The sensation can also occur against the background of the development of diseases that are not always associated with the processes of digestion of food.

A feeling of fullness in the stomach can be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory diseases. Bacteria, viruses and autoimmune processes can damage the walls of the digestive tract and disrupt the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. These diseases include ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Dyspeptic disorders often cause bloating.
  • Fluid retention. Normally, the body is constantly excreting excess fluid in the urine. Various disorders can cause fluid retention in the abdominal cavity. These can be liver pathologies and oncological processes.
  • Constipation. The large intestine forms feces and removes them from the body during the day. Fecal retention in the intestinal lumen may be associated with a violation of the motor activity of the intestinal walls and a lack of fluid. The accumulation of stool in the intestines also leads to an increase in the amount of gas due to obstruction.
  • Food intolerance. Individual characteristics of metabolism can cause intolerance to different foods. Intolerance is not an allergic reaction, since such a process is associated with a violation of the absorption of the nutrient component. The most common are gluten and lactose intolerance. In people with this disease, the use of an indigestible product leads to bloating, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Syndrome of overgrowth of bacteria in the intestine. This disease is associated with an imbalance in the bacterial colonies of the intestine. The reason may be the pathology of the structure of the intestine or the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Harmful bacterial colonies produce gas and toxic substances. Typical symptoms of the disease include bloating and diarrhea.
  • Infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa can damage the cells of the digestive tract and cause various pathologies. In this case, the feeling of bloating may be associated with fluid retention and an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  • bowel obstruction. If constipation causes temporary and incomplete intestinal obstruction, then the obstruction completely blocks the organ. The intestinal lumen may be blocked by scar tissue or tumor. Unlike constipation, obstruction is accompanied by pain, loss of appetite, and other dangerous symptoms.
  • Stress. Human emotions can affect the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and cause a feeling of a full stomach. Usually, stress is the cause of spasms and dysmotility of the intestine.

Such a variety of causes can complicate diagnostic measures. As a rule, doctors look for other characteristic signs of diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

Probiotics and prebiotics - for stomach work

Diagnostic measures begin with an assessment of the patient's complaints. In this case, the doctor conducts a physical examination of the patient, determining the degree of bloating and the presence of other pathological signs.

A doctor may need to distinguish flatulence from an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). For this, the patient is asked to lie down on a couch. In a horizontal position, flatulence does not cause severe bloating.

If the physical examination did not give accurate results, the doctor prescribes instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods. The laboratory assesses the condition of the patient's blood and feces, which helps to detect infection or dysbacteriosis. Important instrumental methods include:

  • Colonoscopy and gastroscopy. With the help of these endoscopic methods, it is possible to obtain objective data on the state of the entire digestive tract.
  • Breathing hydrogen test. Pathogenic bacteria release hydrogen as a metabolic by-product. With the help of special devices, doctors analyze the air exhaled by the patient.
  • Radiography and tomography. Pictures allow to detect almost any structural pathology.

Therapeutic measures depend on the established cause of discomfort. Doctors may prescribe probiotics, prebiotics, intestinal antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, carminatives, and other medications.

The following video will acquaint you with the signs of irritable bowel syndrome:

Discomfort in the abdomen is a signal that indicates a malfunction of the digestive system.

It can be gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis and many other diseases. It can only be determined with the help of a specialist.

Bloating and nausea can also be a symptom of poisoning. In this case, the patient needs emergency measures of rehabilitation therapy.

The most important thing is to determine the cause of the appearance of these symptoms, and only then take the necessary treatment measures.


Symptoms such as bloating and nausea can be caused by the following causes and diseases:

Bloating, nausea are symptoms of a violation of certain processes in the body. They can be at any age.

Most of the time, these symptoms go away very quickly. But if they are often repeated, they can warn of the presence of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Improper diet and drug use

Bloating may be accompanied by additional pain in the lower abdomen. Gases are produced by bacteria that process food.

They lead to an increase in the volume of the intestine, and it begins to put pressure on the organs that are close.

If the food leaves the body in a timely manner, then fermentation does not occur. The reasons for the appearance of such discomfort can be caused by the use of carbonated drinks.

Also, if a person consumes products that are not related to each other, they can cause flatulence.

Nausea appears after overeating. The body cannot cope with the abundant amount of food that has got to it.

Also, such a symptom can appear from vegetables and fruits, in which there is a huge amount of all kinds of additives.

Nausea and bloating in the abdomen may appear after eating certain foods, these include: kvass, cabbage, tomato, sweets with abundant carbohydrates, beer.

Sometimes the cause of this type of discomfort may occur due to congenital pathologies.

For example, when the body does not produce the necessary amount of enzymes to break down dairy products.

Bloating, weakness, nausea and vomiting can be a signal from the body about drug poisoning. In some cases, this is a side effect of them.

For example, after the use of antibiotics, there is a violation in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is due to the fact that antibiotics are able to kill both bacteria that lead to the development of an inflammatory process in various organs, and bacteria that are necessary for the processing of food masses. A disease such as dysbacteriosis develops.


This is an inflammatory process of the stomach. The reasons for its appearance may be different. For example, low-quality products, malnutrition, eating food on the go.

It passes with symptoms such as heartburn, vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdomen, belching.

acid reflux

A disease in which quite often there are such manifestations as bloating, belching, heartburn, pain in the abdomen.

The main cause of this condition is a problem in the muscle valve. It is located between the stomach and esophagus.

Due to the weakening of this sphincter, gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus. This causes heartburn, nausea and bloating.

Most often, this disease occurs in parallel with gastritis and high acidity.


Bloating, pain in the abdomen, weakness, belching that appear after eating and have a medical name - dyspepsia. These symptoms indicate the presence of impaired motor skills.

With such a violation, the stomach stops processing food. It passes to the next section of the intestine, where it is further digested.

This process is very slow, it is accompanied by pain and swelling.


This event is very often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. For example, pain in the lower abdomen may appear in the early stages of the development of the disease.

This may be during the restructuring of the body to a new stage of development.

It is necessary to call an ambulance if spotting appears, the pain becomes stronger and stronger, the body temperature rises and the head hurts.

Chronic pancreatitis or cholecystitis

During an exacerbation, the patient develops symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, pain in the abdomen and fever.

The reasons for the appearance of such conditions are due to impaired blood circulation or stagnant processes in the gallbladder.

Prevention of these diseases is to follow a diet. It is necessary to abandon the use of fatty, fried, smoked foods.

Also, an exacerbation can occur due to the fact that a person consumes cabbage or tomatoes.

Why can a child develop bloating

In young children, nausea is often accompanied by colic. They occur due to the fact that gases accumulate in the child's stomach.

To eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to massage the child's abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Violation of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby can occur after antibiotic treatment. In this case, there is a violation of the microflora.

In some cases, the cause of flatulence may be an intestinal infection. Additionally, symptoms such as nausea, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea appear.

It is necessary to go to the hospital and undergo a course of treatment. It is dangerous for the body dehydration.

When should you see a doctor

Nausea and bloating are symptoms that may indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If these manifestations occur often enough, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of vomiting, nausea and flatulence is quite common. This is due to the fact that there is a violation of the production of enzymes.

Food products are not excreted from the body in a timely manner. Fermentation takes place and gases are produced. They are the cause of flatulence.

In parallel, symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and diarrhea appear.

It is also necessary to be examined by an oncologist. This is due to the occurrence of adhesions, polyps in the intestines, benign or malignant seals.

How to get rid of nausea and vomiting

You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms by changing the usual rules of nutrition, medications and lifestyle changes.

If there is a congenital pathology, then nausea and vomiting can be eliminated only if the person systematically takes treatment.

Additionally, prokinetics are prescribed that can improve intestinal motility, as well as artificial pancreatic enzymes and bile components.


It is necessary to choose tablets for flatulence and nausea only after the cause has been established.

The reasons can be completely different. For example, when the body is poisoned by low-quality products. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate toxins and other unwanted symptoms.

Cerucal. Helps eliminate the symptoms of nausea, vomiting and flatulence. It is forbidden to take with intestinal obstruction, benign or malignant neoplasms, epileptic seizures, and pregnancy.

Almagel. Helps protect the walls of the stomach from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. A drug is prescribed to eliminate pain, bloating, and the presence of a stomach ulcer.

Diet food

Despite the fact that the acute symptoms have been eliminated, it is necessary to follow a diet or proper nutrition in the future in order to be healthy.

The most important rule is that it is necessary to limit the use of products that can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to abandon fatty foods, as well as smoked and fried foods.

It is important to reduce the amount of food and increase water intake. It is desirable to eat at the same time, and also not to make long intervals between meals.

Useful video

This article helps to understand the problems of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, talks about the normalization of nutrition and methods of treating nausea and bloating.

It is quite common to hear complaints about such symptoms. These manifestations can be observed with the use of poor-quality products, the abuse of bad habits, constant stress and violations of the natural processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Often discomfort occurs after a feast. A healthy body copes with the consequences of overeating without problems. But signs such as nausea and bloating can indicate the presence of diseases of the liver, pancreas, and intestines.

Possible reasons

The main cause of flatulence is overeating. The body can not cope with the processing of consumed food.

Bloating occurs due to dairy products, legumes, cabbage, grapes, apples. Not only the quality of products matters, but also their quantity.

A large number of fatty foods in the daily diet automatically leads to a feeling of heaviness.

If soda is used to eliminate heartburn, then when it is combined with gastric juice, a reaction occurs, with the release of carbon dioxide, which stimulates bloating.

If for some reason the composition of the diet changes dramatically, then the body, due to its inertness, responds to this with constipation, bloating. Emptying of the stomach with constipation occurs at very large intervals, from two days to a week. The gastrointestinal tract in this case is constantly overloaded, which causes similar sensations.

These ailments can also occur with the constant use of drugs. Antibiotics have an extremely negative effect on the microflora of the digestive organs, and in combination with overeating, the effect of nausea and bloating only intensifies.

Alcohol, which is a strong organic solvent and promotes the entry of toxins and undigested proteins into the bloodstream, leads to bloating and nausea. With the rapid use of food in the stomach, an excess of air is formed, belching appears.

One of the reasons for these negative phenomena may be an allergy to certain foods: citrus fruits, sweets, spices. The reaction with this type of allergy can be quite strong, with the manifestation of diarrhea and vomiting.

Additional symptoms

Excessive formation of gases, as well as belching, often manifests itself with the abuse of carbonated products, kvass, and beer.

With the predominance of staphylococci in the intestines, the patient has a fever, severe chills, bloating and dizziness.

Symptoms in women

There are reasons why nausea and bloating occurs exclusively in women. The premenstrual period is often characterized by the presence of these symptoms.

Such hormonal restructuring as menopause is a very big burden for the female body and entails unpleasant sensations in the form of flatulence and nausea.

Often these symptoms occur in pregnant women.


Usually these unpleasant phenomena disappear within a few hours after eating. If they are observed for several days, then this indicates the presence of the disease.

With various diseases of the gallbladder and liver, bile ceases to be produced normally, and this is the main digestive enzyme. Fats in the stomach begin to be poorly processed, as a result - bloating.

Most often, strong gas formation is a consequence of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which is present to one degree or another in almost every organism.

This suggests that in the gastrointestinal tract there was a shift in the balance towards microorganisms, the functioning of which occurs with the release of carbon dioxide and methane. As a result, food is much worse digested and bacteria that are not digested actively decompose. The patient may experience fever, pain, weakness.

Nausea, diarrhea, and belching may indicate the onset of pancreatitis. The pancreas does not produce the required amount of enzymes, which means that the ability to fully chemically process incoming food is minimized.

Very often, bloating and pain around the abdomen are signs of acute pancreatitis. With this development of events, immediate medical intervention is necessary.

If the patient has a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching with an unpleasant odor - these signs are inherent in gastritis with low acidity. Hydrochloric acid is not enough for the necessary processing of food.

These symptoms accompany the following diseases:

  • polyps and adhesions in the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes as a result of surgery;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • manifestation of oncological neoplasms;
  • weakened immunity;
  • chronic heart disease.

The main reasons for the appearance of such symptoms are listed, especially if they are observed for more than one day. But despite the abundance of such diseases, the main cause is malnutrition.

Diagnosis of diseases

All diseases associated with digestion are dealt with by a gastroenterologist in the direction of a general practitioner. The reason for such a visit can be any unpleasant symptom - nausea, bloating, constipation, acute pain.

If you start the disease, then chronic pathology can provoke an exacerbation and lead to surgery.

Before a visit to a gastroenterologist, it is necessary to do a detailed biochemical blood test. To complete the clinical picture, the therapist recommends undergoing an abdominal ultrasound and an endoscopic examination.

  • x-ray of the digestive system;
  • electrographic studies;
  • electrometric diagnostic methods;
  • assessment of motor activity of the intestine, recording of sounds.

Modern computed tomography has become widespread. It makes it possible to scan the tissue image layer by layer. Thanks to CT, the doctor can assess the structure of the tissues of the intestines and stomach. The choice of diagnostic method is always associated with the characteristics of the disease itself, its course.

Treatment and prevention

The very first and main prescription of a gastroenterologist is the normalization of the diet. If the patient continues to eat food with fatty and spicy ingredients, then no medication will help. Therefore it is necessary:

  • Eat often and in small portions, remove harmful nutrients from the diet, follow the diet recommended by doctors.
  • Constantly control your weight. Excess weight, as well as its lack, adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system. Weight parameters must be brought into line with medical standards.
  • Complete abstinence from alcohol and smoking.
  • Exclude carbonated drinks and kvass from the diet.
  • Stop self-medicating and taking medications without a doctor's prescription. Many victims of self-treatment completed his "course" on the operating table.
  • Regular medical examination, even when there are no obvious pains and irritations.

The doctor can help the patient and eliminate the problem in case of timely treatment of the patient. Often, nausea and bloating can be easily managed with pills. The most effective ones are:

  • activated carbon, a universal, well-proven agent;
  • Smecta, a natural drug, it is suitable for both adults and children, the medicine can very quickly absorb and remove harmful substances from the body;
  • Pancreatin, this drug relieves flatulence, is recommended for patients of any age;
  • Hilak Forte, ideal for the treatment of bloating and flatulence.

Constant abdominal discomfort is a signal that certain gastrointestinal problems are present. This includes not only gastritis or dysbacteriosis, but also a number of other equally important diagnoses. The feeling of discomfort in the abdomen or in the stomach can be caused by various phenomena and diseases. Knowing the cause of the pathological process is very important, because without this it will be impossible to prescribe an effective treatment.

For the prevention and treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer, our readers advise proven

gastric collection from gastrointestinal diseases.

Read the opinion of doctors ... >>

If the patient complains of symptoms such as heartburn, belching, gas formation, bloating, pain after eating in the stomach area, then this condition is called dyspepsia. The presented signs very often signal weakened motor skills. Dyspepsia is characterized by the refusal of the stomach to grind and digest food, as a result of which it is not able to fully function and supply the body with all the necessary components.

When the gastrointestinal tract functions correctly, the food in the stomach cavity moves smoothly further, entering the duodenum, and then safely exits. However, with dyspepsia, which was inside the stomach, all products were in the so-called trap. They remain there for a long time, which brings the patient pain and swelling after eating.

Improper diet and medication

Discomfort in the lower abdomen can be the cause of flatulence. Its development is associated with the rapid consumption of food, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks or ingestion of foods that are incompatible with each other. The result of this attitude to your health will be the formation of an excess amount of gases. The patient complains of a feeling of nausea, and this is not surprising, since the gastric and pancreatic juices cannot cope with the digestion of drooping foods.

Often, nausea and gas formation are the result of overeating foods and drinks that provoke fermentation processes in the stomach. Such products include:

  • beer;
  • kvass;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • sweets with easily digestible carbohydrates.

Another cause of the development of the dyspeptic manifestations described above may be hypolactasia. This is a lack of lactose in the human body. The role of this enzyme is to break down dairy products.

Nausea and bloating can develop due to prolonged use of medications. As a rule, this applies to antibacterial medicines. It has long been known that the action of antibiotics is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria. But these drugs adversely affect the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the development of dysbacteriosis. Another discomfort in the lower abdomen in women is due to the example of hormonal drugs. Most of all, this applies to those who have menopause or premenstrual syndrome.


During pregnancy, a woman may have pain in the lower abdomen. Most often this happens in the early stages, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor. If a woman experiences a pulling pain in the abdomen, but not too intense, then this indicates that her body is rebuilding. It will be necessary to seek help from the hospital when the pain becomes severe and symptoms such as headache, fever, spotting still occur.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This happens due to increased or insufficient production of gastric juice. Gastritis is formed after malnutrition or the appearance of pathogenic microflora. For this disease, the following symptoms remain characteristic:

  • heartburn (with increased acidity of the stomach);
  • nausea (after eating);
  • belching;
  • sharp or dull pain;
  • gas formation.

Cholecystitis and pancreatitis in chronic form

When these diseases are in the acute stage, the patient has symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, gas and bloating. The reason for this discomfort is associated with congestion of bile and insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes.

Therapy for these ailments comes down to a strict diet, which involves eating food of plant origin. In addition, the treatment regimen includes drugs such as Mezim, Pancreatin. They need to be taken for a long time, and only then the patient feels the long-awaited relief.

You can learn more about the causes of stomach discomfort and how to eliminate it from the following video:

acid reflux

Another pathological condition that is characterized by abdominal discomfort is acid reflux. In addition to heaviness in the stomach, the patient may develop the following symptoms:

  • heartburn,
  • nausea,
  • burp,
  • bloating,
  • rumbling belly,
  • pain and gas.

The reason for their formation is the disrupted work of the sphincter, which leads to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. The acidic environment negatively affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus, resulting in discomfort. Therapy includes taking antacids, the action of which is aimed at reducing the acidity of the stomach.


Heaviness in the stomach can serve as a signal of an imbalance in the microflora in the intestine. At the initial stage, the patient has a strong rumbling, bloating and gas formation. After that, there are problems with the stool: constipation or diarrhea. Such an imbalance can occur due to a certain pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or after taking antibiotic therapy.

The child has

In a small child, discomfort in the abdomen is accompanied by pegs, the formation of which is influenced by accumulated gases. Painful sensations in school-age children occur due to an imbalance in the microflora as a result of taking medications or introducing new foods. Often, discomfort occurs against the background of an intestinal infection. Here you can not do without a special diet. The peculiarity of the digestive system in children lies in the weak ability to withstand the aggressive factors of the outside world. As a result, there are consequences such as diarrhea, constipation, diathesis, dysbacteriosis.

Bloating after eating

There are a variety of causes of discomfort in the abdomen after eating. The most common include:

  1. Binge eating. This reason is one of the most popular and frequent. To prevent yourself from discomfort, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed.
  2. Quick meal. Today, people are constantly in a hurry somewhere and try to eat on the go. If you eat very quickly, this leads to the formation of gases. In such cases, you need to eat more slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the satiety signal to reach the brain. Most nutritionists are of the opinion that eating slowly helped to avoid overeating.
  3. Consumption of fatty foods. Due to the use of high-calorie and fatty foods in your diet, there is discomfort in the abdomen and unpleasant sensations of fullness in the stomach. Fatty foods take much longer to digest than proteins and carbohydrates. For this reason, the feeling of fullness will last much longer. To prevent discomfort, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed.

Foods that are difficult to digest can cause bloating. There is a specific list of products that lead to the development of flatulence:

  1. Beans and lentils. They contain oligosaccharides. This should include sugar, which is poorly absorbed by the body, and its breakdown in the intestine occurs with the help of bacteria.
  2. Vegetables and fruits. Foods such as white cabbage, carrots, apricots and prunes contain large amounts of sugar and starch. These ingredients lead to the development of flatulence.
  3. Dairy products also have an effect on intestinal disorders and flatulence. But this is provided that the body is not able to metabolize lactose.
  4. Sweeteners. They contain sorbitol, which is poorly absorbed by the body. Many people cannot digest the natural sugar, fructose, that is added to various foods. To protect yourself from flatulence, you need to reduce the portions of the consumed products, as well as carefully read the information on the package.
  5. Whole grains. They are of great benefit to the human body. But there are situations when bloating occurs due to their fault. The beneficial properties of whole grains are explained by the high concentration of fiber in their composition, and this component belongs to hard-to-digest carbohydrates. With a sharp increase in fiber in food, flatulence, a violation of the stool, may occur.

Nutritionists recommend slowly increasing the amount of fiber in your diet. Thanks to this, the body will be able to adapt. Foods that contain a lot of fiber should be washed down with plenty of water, because it absorbs water well. Drinking plenty of water has a positive effect on the movement of fiber through the digestive tract, and this will prevent the formation of pain, flatulence and constipation.

Discomfort in the stomach can occur in both adults and children. There are many reasons for this, so it is impossible to immediately determine. If discomfort in the abdomen is temporary, then there is no particular cause for concern. Most likely, you just ate some wrong product. When discomfort is a constant phenomenon, then you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Feeling of bloating in the abdomen, combined with nausea, and sometimes with dizziness, vomiting, weakness and temperature, are caused by various disorders in the digestive organs. Symptoms may be short-lived, associated with food intake, or chronic, which appear constantly. The causes of bloating and nausea are associated with a specific pathology or caused by external stimuli. To understand the etiology of the processes and identify the cause of the disorder, it is important to analyze the combination of all signs.


Bloating and nausea can cause the following factors and diseases:

  1. Taking certain drugs that cause characteristic side effects. As a rule, these are iron-containing agents, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anthelmintic agents.
  2. Poisoning by improperly stored or stale food.
  3. Gastritis. Characterized by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach, as well as nausea, especially after eating.
  4. The presence of other diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as neoplasms and tumors.
  5. Worm invasion.
  6. Motion sickness in transport.
  7. Hunger or malnutrition.
  8. Pregnancy.

What diseases can it indicate?

Discomfort in the abdomen with manifestations of flatulence and nausea indicate the presence of certain problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be caused by the state of pregnancy, improper use of drugs or malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, or the presence of the following rather serious diseases:

  1. Appendicitis, which causes bloating, flatulence, nausea, and often severe vomiting. Along with pains of varying intensity, body temperature rises, weakness and dizziness appear. Appendicitis is treated on an emergency basis with surgical intervention.
  2. pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Pain in the stomach area, vomiting and flatulence occur during exacerbation of these diseases. They are caused by stagnation of bile and reduced secretion of pancreatic enzymes.
  3. Mechanical intestinal obstruction, causing swelling with adhesions, tumors, stenosis. At the same time, the patient's condition worsens, nausea, a feeling of fullness of the abdomen and flatulence appear, the stool does not go away. The obstruction is treated with surgery.
  4. Gastritis. Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with increased or insufficient production of gastric juice. Gastritis manifests itself in malnutrition or the development of pathogenic microflora. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • Nausea after eating food;
  • Flatulence;
  • Heartburn (in case of high acidity of the stomach);
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Belching.

Another list of diseases include acid reflux. In this pathological condition, in addition to discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, the following symptoms appear:

  • Pain caused by bloating
  • Rumbling in the stomach and flatulence;
  • Nausea and belching;
  • Heartburn.

A small child with an accumulation of gases that provoke flatulence feels discomfort in the abdomen and colic. Most often this happens after taking medications, new products and disorders of the intestinal microflora (usually with intestinal infections). A weak digestive system is unable to seriously withstand the above aggressive factors, and as a result, symptoms such as fever, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, diathesis, and an allergic reaction appear.

When should you see a doctor?

Bloating and nausea are a reason to see a doctor immediately, as the disease that caused such symptoms can be quite serious. You should seek help from a gastroenterologist or a therapist who can prescribe additional diagnostic tests, or refer the patient to a more specialized specialist - an infectious disease specialist, neurologist or oncologist.

How to get rid?

Treatment of bloating, accompanied by vomiting, is performed only after diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disorder.

Therapeutic measures include the use of medications, a special diet and food intake, as well as folk remedies that have proven themselves over a long period of time.

medical supplies

Tablets for nausea and bloating are chosen based on the causes of their occurrence. So, nausea and vomiting often occur when using low-quality products or when an intestinal infection enters the body. The following drugs will help eliminate the pathogen, bind toxins in the intestines and remove unwanted symptoms:

Nitrofurans (Nifuroxazide, Furazolidone)

Used for intestinal infections. Eliminate the causes of gastrointestinal upset, after which vomiting, high fever, dizziness, abdominal pain and flatulence disappear. In childhood, a suspension is used, and the drugs themselves are not used for longer than 10 days.

Contraindicated in case of allergy to nitrofurans, severe liver pathologies, III trimester of pregnancy and in newborns.

Price - Nifuroxazide 140-320 rubles, Furazolidone 70-135 rubles.

Indications - nausea and vomiting of various origins, including after taking other medications.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction, tendency to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, neoplasms, tendency to convulsive seizures and epilepsy, in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation and under the age of 3 years.

Price 120-250 rubles.

It belongs to enterosorbents, and has properties due to which gases, toxins and pathogenic microflora are removed from the stomach and intestines. Treatment with the drug is carried out with diarrhea, heartburn in the abdomen, ulcers, colitis and gastritis, food poisoning.

Contraindicated in intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price 160-325 rubles.


Refers to defoamers, after which the bubbles collapse, and excess gases are removed naturally. Indications: flatulence, dyspepsia, aerophagia, treatment of colic in infants, Remheld's syndrome.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price 285-490 rubles.


Neutralizes hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice and has adsorbing properties. Indications: severe pain in the abdomen, flatulence, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenitis and reflux esophagitis.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, Alzheimer's disease, low blood phosphorus, pregnancy.

Price 180-365 rubles.

Diet and eating habits

All special diets involve certain restrictions on food intake. When eliminating bloating and nausea, the menu is not too strict, and does not require a lot of patience and willpower from a person.

Its essence lies in limiting certain products, and taking the recommended ones. There are many options in menu planning to match the personal taste preferences of any person. The diet is effective for people with excessive gas formation, but if a person has certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic nutrition is made taking into account these features, and there may be significant differences in the product lists.

  1. Reduce portion size and increase the number of meals up to 5 times.
  2. Take food at the same time.
  3. Do not eat excessive amounts of food.
  4. Do not take incompatible foods at one meal.
  5. Drink enough liquid per day in the form of pure non-carbonated water.
  6. If necessary, eliminate the manifestations of flatulence by various means.
  7. Exclude prohibited foods from the menu.

Prohibited products for flatulence:

  1. Fresh and rye bread, sweet pastries.
  2. Grain cereals.
  3. Semolina and pearl barley, oats and millet.
  4. Fatty meats.
  5. Sweets, with the exception of natural honey.
  6. Milk (including dry milk).
  7. Vegetables: all kinds of cabbage, potatoes, vegetable corn, onions (raw), radishes, asparagus, peppers, spinach, cucumbers.
  8. Fruits: apples, pears, grapes, apricots, peaches, cherries, dates, figs, gooseberries, prunes.

It is unacceptable to combine individual products with flatulence, since their mutual influence increases gas formation in the intestines. So, dairy products should not be mixed with any other products, do not eat sour berries and fruits with grain products, gray vegetables with fruits, potatoes with meat. All other products not included in the "black" list can be eaten. It is recommended to include in the menu dairy and sour-milk products, side dishes in the form of crumbly cereals, lean meat, juices, boiled and stewed vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, dried wheat bread, soft-boiled eggs.

If nausea and bloating are present regularly, a food diary should be kept, in which the menu eaten per day and subsequent sensations are entered. This method allows you to find out the list of products that cause unwanted symptoms. In consultation with a doctor, a diary will be helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of dealing with bloating and nausea are considered the most affordable and safe, as they consist of natural ingredients that are available at any pharmacy. The most effective are the following:

  1. Dill water, made from the fruit of dill, has been successfully used to prevent flatulence even in newborn babies. Prepared by brewing 1 tsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water for 1 hour.
  2. Infusion of chamomile officinalis, eliminates bloating. Prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials in 0.5 l of boiling water for 1 min. Natural honey, mint, valerian root, fennel, cumin seeds are often added to the infusion to taste.
  3. Infusion of lemon balm helps to get rid of the feeling of nausea. Prepare by infusion of 4 dessert spoons of dry raw materials in 1 liter of boiling water for 2 hours. Take 100 g of infusion before meals.
  4. St. John's wort tea. An effective remedy for upset and bloating. Prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs with boiling water. Take tea immediately after filtering. The tool is undesirable for gastritis.
  5. A decoction of parsley roots. Helps relieve bloating quickly. It is prepared by infusing a small amount of dried roots in warm water for a day. The drug is taken several times a day.


It is possible to prevent the development of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in which flatulence and other characteristic symptoms (dizziness, fever and vomiting) appear, if the following rules are observed:

Adhere to the principles of rational nutrition:

  • Control the calorie content of food;
  • Exclude from the diet foods that cause flatulence;
  • Use only quality products;
  • Drink more liquid
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods.

Prevent intestinal dysbacteriosis and the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Lead an active lifestyle, excluding the presence of bad habits.

Consult a doctor for any signal from the body about problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary, and after medical consultation, use drugs that improve intestinal motility, eliminate discomfort and ensure normal defecation.

Nausea and bloating are symptoms of many diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment of associated pathologies is carried out depending on the cause of the onset of a particular disease. For this, medications are used, the diet and diet are normalized, and folk remedies are used.

Self-medication in the presence of the above symptoms is unacceptable, since it is correct to identify the cause of the disease, after which only an experienced specialist can prescribe an effective and safe course of treatment.


The presence of symptoms such as:

  • flatulence
  • nausea
  • heartburn
  • heaviness after eating
  • pain in the abdomen or stomach
  • smell from the mouth

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

Flatulence- this is an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines due to a number of gastrointestinal diseases.
In the process of digestion of food, processed products are formed, including gases - hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which have a sharp and unpleasant odor. In addition, undigested food remains in the large intestine, where there are a large number of bacteria that cause putrefaction and fermentation with the release of new volumes of gases. Gas stretches the intestinal wall, resulting in pain and bloating, and the movement of gases through the intestines causes rumbling.

The treatment of flatulence is based on several principles. The main one is to eliminate, if possible, the causes of increased gas formation: correct the diet, restore the intestinal microbiocenosis, cure existing diseases of the upper digestive tract, etc. Another principle is the actual removal of accumulated gases from the intestinal lumen.
Causes of flatulence
According to the causes of occurrence, six forms of flatulence are distinguished:
- alimentary flatulence - occurs when eating foods rich in fiber and starch (legumes, cabbage, potatoes, black bread, etc.);
- flatulence against the background of a violation of the digestive processes (with enzymatic deficiency, malabsorption, dysbacteriosis, etc.);
- mechanical flatulence - with various mechanical obstacles to the movement of food (for example, with a tumor);
- dynamic flatulence - occurs due to a violation of the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with a toxic effect on the intestinal muscles during various infections);
- circulatory flatulence - with circulatory disorders (for example, with stagnation in the intestinal veins with varicose veins).
- psychogenic flatulence - against the background of mental disorders, for example, with hysteria.
If flatulence worries very often, then you need to see a doctor to rule out a serious illness. Treatment is carried out after establishing the causes of flatulence. A diet is prescribed with the exception of cabbage, legumes, fresh bread. Foods rich in starch (potatoes, flour dishes), as well as easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, ice cream) are limited.
Of the medicines, substances are prescribed that adsorb gases on their surface, for example, activated carbon, white clay, smectite.
The rest of the treatment is carried out taking into account the cause that caused flatulence: enzymes are prescribed for enzymatic deficiency, for dysbacteriosis (a decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine and an increase in harmful ones) - the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. For pain, drugs are prescribed that relieve spasm of the muscles of the stomach and intestines (antispasmodics, for example, no-shpa). Treatment for constipation and diarrhea.
With flatulence associated with mechanical disorders, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

Imperfection of the enzyme system or violation of its activity. The lack of enzymes leads to the fact that a large amount of undigested food remains in the lower parts of the digestive tract. As a result of this, the processes of decay and fermentation are significantly activated with the release of a large amount of gases. Violations of the enzyme system can occur with an unbalanced diet, as well as with various diseases of the upper digestive tract (gastritis or duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis).
Another factor in increased gas formation in the intestines is that carbohydrates and proteins obtained by a person with food are not completely absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. Fruits and vegetables, especially legumes and coarse fiber crops containing a large amount of cellulose, are broken down by intestinal bacteria with the formation of gases. Under normal conditions, more gases are absorbed by bacteria - aerobes, which also live in the intestine. If the balance between gas-producing and gas-consuming microorganisms is disturbed, signs of increased gas formation appear.
Various nervous disorders, emotional overload can also cause the development of flatulence. Overexcitation of the nervous system can cause spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine. This slows down peristalsis. Accumulating gases overstretch the intestine and cause pain.
Hasty eating or talking while eating, bad habits (smoking and chewing gum) can also cause flatulence. In all these conditions, air is swallowed. Swallowed air can become an independent cause of flatulence, but, in addition, it causes the death of anaerobic microorganisms, which leads to the development of dysbiosis and increased flatulence phenomena.

Causes of flatulence:
- eating a large number of gas-producing foods, their wrong combination;
- Abuse of carbonated drinks and chewing gum;
- food on the go
- violation of the intestinal microflora, for example, in the treatment of other diseases with antibiotics (dysbacteriosis);
- gastrointestinal diseases.
Foods that promote gas
- all types of cabbage, dried beans and peas, raw onions, rutabagas, turnips, soybeans, milk, all dairy products (with lactose deficiency).
- carbonated drinks, kvass, apples, bananas, pears, watermelons, raisins, carrots, celery, mushrooms, bread and flour products, cereals.
- eggs, fish, meat, poultry, rice, potatoes, vegetable oils.
Abundant gas formation can also be caused by the wrong combination of products:
- sweets and juices - with starchy, salty and protein foods;
- dairy products - with sour fruits, bread, meat or fish;
- intake of carbonated drinks with meals.
When starting the treatment of flatulence, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist in order to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that cause flatulence and require special treatment.
Power Correction:
- protein diet with restriction of gas-forming products for a month;
- exclusion of dairy products (with intolerance to milk);
- exclusion of artificial sugar substitutes;
- exclusion of carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.
To remove accumulated gases, use:
- herbal teas with chamomile, peppermint, dill, anise, rosemary, parsley, lemon balm, 1 tsp. for 1 st. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, drink 1/3 tbsp. warm 10-15 minutes before meals.
- garlic - 3 finely chopped cloves insist in 1 tbsp. warm water for 30 minutes, drink 50 ml 2 times a week at bedtime.
- ginger - add to ready-made dishes to taste.
- vitamins of groups B, E, A.
- adsorbents (taken in the evening before bedtime or in the morning on an empty stomach for a week). Activated charcoal - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or 1 tbsp polephepan, washed down with 1 tbsp. water.
- biological products (as prescribed by a doctor): linex, hilak-forte, bifidobacterin, lactobacterin, etc.
- defoamers (as prescribed by a doctor) - eskumizan.
The most important thing in the prevention and treatment of flatulence is proper nutrition and good-quality, freshly prepared food.

Essential oils recommended for flatulence: essential oils with antispasmodic properties and promote digestion - anise, basil, bergamot, lavender, marjoram, juniper (berries), peppermint, chamomile, fennel

Methods of application: massage of the abdomen, inhalations (for example, a couple of drops on a handkerchief), aroma lamp. Valerie Gennari Cooksley recommends taking a drop of peppermint essential oil on a sugar cube for digestive problems

Antispasmodic massage mixture
(with increased gas formation)
Base - 1 tsp
Chamomile (preferably Roman) - 1k
Coriander, Ginger, Lavender or Fennel - 1k

Herbal tea for flatulence
Cardamom (seasoning) - 1/3 tsp
Fennel seeds - 1/3 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1/3 tsp
Piece of ginger root (dry or fresh)
Water - 1 glass
Brew the ingredients with hot water, leave for 10 minutes, drink hot in small sips for flatulence or 15 minutes before meals to prevent flatulence.
Source: Aromatherapy: Soothing Remedies to Restore, Rejuvenate and Heal by Valerie Gennari Cooksley

Mixture for massage and compresses
Peppermint - 4k
Juniper (berries) - 2k
Cumin - 2k
Base - 15 ml
Source: Aromatherapy for common ailments by Shirley Price

From the recipes translated by Margul
With flatulence in an adult
Roman Chamomile EM - 1 ml;
Fennel EM - 1 ml;
EM Cumin (Cumimum cymimum) - 1 ml;
EM Cinnamon - 0.2 ml;
EM Cumin - 0.8 ml
Hazelnut or Sesame Oil - HAZELNUT - 10 ml
Apply with massaging movements 4-6 drops on the stomach 3 times a day and 3 drops under the tongue 2 times a day.
Source: de l'association NARD

For the prevention of flatulence, it is necessary to exclude gas-forming products from the patient's diet: a large amount of black bread, sauerkraut, milk, kvass, grape juice.

Aromas in the fight against the disease of modernity.

The problem of constipation is almost always a typical consequence of the Western diet and Western lifestyle. Insufficient amount of coarse fibers in the diet, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, lead to the slow movement of feces through the intestines, and this, in turn, leads to the reabsorption of water, as a result of which the feces remain hardened. It is not so much the frequency of bowel movements that is dangerous, but the harder consistency of the feces, since excessive stress can cause the appearance of hemorrhoids.


One of the most effective self-help methods for constipation is a daily circular, clockwise massage of the lower abdomen; in this case, you can use 2 drops of lavender, marjoram or rosemary oil, diluted in 5 ml (1 tsp) of the main oil.
If you need to relieve tension, it is better to take lavender or marjoram oil, and rosemary oil has a stronger tonic effect.
Herbal treatment.

Always start with mild laxatives, which increase bowel tone without causing abdominal pain.
One of the best is dandelion root; it is best to make a decoction from it, although you can just buy one of the dandelion coffee drinks - they also have a mild laxative effect.
Another herb useful for constipation is licorice, or licorice; you can simply chew on a licorice stick or add it to dandelion root to make a decoction.
If constipation persists, try another herb that works in a completely different way. Flaxseed absorbs moisture and helps soften the feces, and this helps the undulating peristaltic movement that moves the feces through the intestines. Take 10 ml (2 tsp) of flaxseed with at least 300 ml of water at breakfast.
It is even better to soak the flaxseed overnight in a little water so that it begins to swell. Perhaps it will resemble frog caviar, but it will help to cope with persistent constipation. Just be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

There are two main types of constipation. If the diet lacks coarse fibers, and the digestive system is sluggish, treatment should be directed to toning the intestines. If constipation is associated with high levels of stress and cramps, then treatment should focus on relaxation and even reducing excess coarse fibers such as bran. If you are unsure of the cause of your constipation, consult a professional, as regular use of laxatives may be absolutely contraindicated for you.


As usual, try to identify the appropriate picture of symptoms first.

BRYONIA: for hard, dry stools, great thirst and dry mouth. The chair at the same time can have very dark, brown color.

Nux VOMICA: for bloating; after a chair there is a certain feeling that the intestines have not been completely emptied. Often the occurrence of such constipation is associated with frequent overeating and the constant use of laxatives.

SULPHUR: for dark, hard stools, which are always painful and tense and may cause a burning sensation. Sometimes there is a situation opposite to constipation - a weak stool.

In most cases, it is necessary to increase the amount of coarse fibers in the diet, and for this you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and various legumes. If bran is used in its pure form, it can form an excessive amount of coarse fibers, so it should be taken very little or completely discarded.
It is necessary to do more physical education, exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles are especially useful; it is equally important to regularly practice breathing exercises to develop deeper breathing.
If constipation occurs after antibiotic treatment, then normal intestinal bacteria can be stimulated by taking B vitamins, as well as Lactobadttus acidophilus (lactobacillus acidophilus). This is the bacteria that turns milk into yogurt. Eating a very small amount of yogurt or kefir every day can relieve you of constipation; if yogurt is not enough or if you have a sensitivity to dairy products, try taking some suitable acidophilus food supplement (Duphalac).


The accumulation of gases in the stomach or intestines can be of a single nature, for example, after eating, especially facilitating the release of gases, but it can also be a constant, chronic sign of a malfunctioning digestive system. In the second case, this may indicate a disease, such as diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel syndrome.

We restore health with aromas.

Many essential oils are carminative, that is, they help to remove gases from the digestive system (up or down - depending on where they accumulate) and, therefore, relieve bloating and cramps, which can disappear with gases. However, it is better to use directly those herbs from which these essential oils are extracted (see below). Oils such as caraway, chamomile, fennel, marjoram and peppermint can also be used when applying warm compresses to the abdomen; We recommend adding up to 5 drops to a small bowl of warm water.

Massage the following mixture of massage oils into the skin in the abdominal area in a clockwise direction: 100 ml of vegetable oil, 5 drops each of basil and fennel, mint and marjoram, rosemary and ginger.

Herbs and flatulence.

There are several types of herbal teas that are great for flatulence, but only drink them if excess gas is the biggest problem you need professional herbal treatment for. If gases form in the stomach, you can drink tea from catnip, chamomile, lemon or peppermint, if the small intestine is clearly affected, then it is good to add fragrant dill, or garden, or fennel to any of the herbs mentioned. With flatulence of the large intestine, ginger and peppermint are useful.

Before you start treating flatulence, it is helpful to think about how you eat. Are you accustomed to eating very quickly, with difficulty breaking away from business? Grab pieces on the run? This leads to the swallowing of air along with food; this can cause inappropriate digestive enzymes to be produced and food to ferment in the intestines instead of being properly digested. And this leads to the production of excess gases and aggravation of flatulence. Try not to bend over for long periods of time or sit curled up on a low couch immediately after eating, as this promotes gas, bloating, and colic.

Homeopathic help.

Several of the remedies that appear in all the healing approaches in this section are also useful in homeopathic treatment. First of all, try to find out the cause of flatulence and, depending on it, choose a medicine. To begin with, choose a remedy from this set: Chamomilla, Carboveg, Pulsatilla, if the flatulence is due to too nutritious or too much food.


Often the cause of flatulence is a mixture of foods that is too difficult to digest. Consider reducing the amount of fat in your diet and limiting the combinations of proteins and carbohydrates you eat. If this is of benefit to you, you may want to learn more about Dr. Hay's nutrition system. Another cause of flatulence may be the use of antibiotics, as this leads to the death of intestinal bacteria. The use of yogurt contributes to their reproduction; for the same purpose, you can take concentrated food supplements, such as acidophilus - in tablets or powders. For the general health of the body, it is often recommended to eat raw food rich in coarse fibers; such a diet in itself can lead to increased gas formation, especially if you switch to it abruptly, immediately. An increase in the number of bacteria needed to process coarse fibers contributes to the formation of a large amount of gases. So some flatulence in this case is quite natural, although it makes it difficult to communicate with people. To facilitate the solution of this problem, we advise you to change the diet gradually.

Foods that promote gas formation: black bread, milk, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, fruits in large quantities, sweets, sparkling water.

Products that do not increase the amount of gases in the intestines: meat, fish, chicken, cottage cheese, rice, eggs, buckwheat, white bread.

Abdominal exercises help strengthen the anterior abdominal wall and indirectly prevent the large intestine from swelling.

Traditional medicine recipes
1. I take the bark of the root, the root of the common barberry in the form of a decoction orally for chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, flatulence, etc.
Decoction: 2 teaspoons of raw materials are boiled for 5 minutes in 2 tbsp. water, insist 2 hours and drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

2. Toadflax grass in the form of an infusion is taken orally as a gentle laxative for habitual constipation and flatulence.
Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of grass insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3-5 times a day and 1/4 cup at night.

3. Inflorescences of common chamomile in the form of an infusion are taken orally for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis), flatulence and other ailments.
Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of warm infusion 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.

4. The fruits and herbs of dill garden liver as a remedy in the form of infusion are taken orally to improve digestion, with chronic colitis, constipation, flatulence and cramps in the abdominal cavity.
Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed fruits or herbs insist 2 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 3 times a day before meals.

5. Grass full-time plowed color (night blindness) in the form of infusion is taken orally for liver diseases, in particular its increase, chronic constipation and flatulence.
Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass insist an hour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

6. The fruits of cumin ordinary in the form of powder or infusion are taken orally as a means of tonic activity of the intestines, removing the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, atony and pain in it, atonic constipation and flatulence.
Fruit powder is taken 2-3 g 3-4 times a day one hour before meals with warm boiled water.
Infusion: 1-2 teaspoons of crushed fruits insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 1/4 cup of infusion 3-4 times a day for an hour before meals. Children - a teaspoon (possible with honey to taste) 5-6 times a day.

7. Wormwood herbs - 10 g, yarrow herbs - 20 g, horsetail shoots - 20 g.

8. Charcoal from the branches of black poplar or linden is ground into powder and taken orally 1/2-1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, washed down with warm boiled water, before meals with flatulence and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, especially of nervous origin.

9. Herbs centaury, tansy inflorescences, cumin inflorescences - equally.
Infusion: art. a spoonful of collection insist 1-2 hours in a glass of boiling water and drink 1 / 2-2 / 3 cups of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals with flatulence and a tendency to diarrhea.

10. Groats of oats - 1 tbsp. spoon, cumin fruits - 2 tbsp. spoons, yarrow leaves - 2.5 tbsp. spoons, dill fruits - 1 teaspoon
Infusion: the entire collection insist 1-2 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of infusion every 2 hours for flatulence in adults.

Intestinal colic in newborns and children of the first year of life

In the first three months of life, more than 70% of children have functional intestinal colic. In the vast majority of cases, these colic are not a pathology (disease), but an adaptation of the baby's gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to new conditions. Indeed, before that, for 9 months, the baby's gastrointestinal tract "did not work", and for the first 2-3 weeks it was under the beneficial influence of maternal hormones.

Usually, in the first two weeks of life, the baby receives exclusively breast milk. Its volumes are small, so digestion is quite easy. By the third week of life, the amount of milk needed for the baby increases, and for many mothers, due to improper attachment or insufficient time at the breast (remember the old recommendations - 15-20 minutes - no more!) Milk "decreases", and the baby gets more " foremilk, which is overly saturated with carbohydrates, which can contribute to increased gas production.

All parents are familiar with this picture: against the background of feeding or shortly after it, your baby suddenly begins to draw his legs up to his tummy, to show anxiety. And then he blushes sharply and starts screaming, this situation can continue for a long time. This is "intestinal colic".

The term colic comes from the Greek word "kolikos" which means "colon pain". Colic - paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, accompanied by severe anxiety of the child. The causes of colic are diverse: this is the functional immaturity of the neuromuscular apparatus and the enzymatic system of the intestine, and the tendency to increased gas formation, as a result of which pressure on the intestinal wall increases and muscle spasm occurs.

There is a certain pattern in the manifestation of colic, the so-called "Rule of Three":
colic begins by three weeks of age;
last about three hours a day;
occur mainly in children of the first three months of life.

What can parents do to help their child? First of all, calm down. Releasing psychological stress and creating an aura of confidence helps to reduce pain. The kid should feel that you are not afraid of anything and will definitely help him.

In order to make it easier for the pediatrician to understand this situation, you should answer the following questions:
when colic occurs: before or after feeding (this will allow you to correctly choose the most comfortable position for the child and clearly know at what time it is better to give drugs that relieve a pain attack);
the duration of colic in time and their increase during the day;
the time of the most severe colic is morning, evening, night. Is it always the same clock? Reaction to the weather;
type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial mixtures (what kind)).

If your baby is breastfeeding, things are much simpler: make sure the baby is properly attached to the breast and let him suckle for as long as he wants - and this alone can solve all problems.

If the mother does not like cow's milk and rarely drank it before pregnancy, or nausea, flatulence, and loose stools appeared after it, then it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products during breastfeeding.

If breast milk is not enough, and you are forced to supplement the baby with formula, if your baby was born a little prematurely, if the birth was difficult - these reasons, unfortunately, can contribute to more pronounced and frequent colic. Frequent weather changes can exacerbate the symptoms of intestinal colic.

In pediatrics, the following measures are used to treat functional intestinal colic and relieve pain in infants.
To relieve pain at the time of colic, they are used sequentially (each subsequent action in the absence of the effect of the previous one): heat, a change in position, as well as mechanical means - a gas tube or an enema.
With a preventive purpose, the background use of carminative and mild antispasmodic drugs based on plant materials is advisable. The best results are shown by the use of PLANTEX tea, which contains fennel fruits, its essential oils and lactose.
Fennel fruits and essential oils stimulate digestion by increasing the secretion of gastric juice and increasing intestinal motility, so food is quickly broken down and absorbed. The active substances of the drug prevent the accumulation of gases and contribute to their better discharge.

It should be noted that PLANTEKS tea contains lactose. Now, when all parents hear about the diagnosis of "lactase deficiency", this can be alarming. But:
firstly, the frequency of this diagnosis is incredibly overestimated;
secondly, the study of fecal carbohydrates (on the basis of which this diagnosis is sometimes made) does not indicate the diagnosis of "lactase deficiency";
thirdly (and - most importantly!) lactose is necessary for a child to develop the brain, it is not for nothing that there is so much of it in breast milk!

A special study on the use of PLANTEX as a background therapy in children with intestinal colic in early age was conducted at the Center for the Correction of the Development of Young Children of the Federal State Institution of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. Studies have shown that PLANTEX tea has a calming and carminative effect. PLANTEX is recommended to be given to children after feeding or between feedings. If the baby is bottle-fed, PLANTEX tea is recommended to be given as a drink. Suitable dosages: 1 sachet per day for young children, increasing to 2 sachets per day for children after 2-3 months.

The main thing is to remember that all this is passing, with the correct use of all the recommendations, this period can pass quite easily and not overshadow the joys of the first months of motherhood!

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When a person is healthy, neither the work of the heart and circulatory system, nor the way the organs of his abdomen function, attracts his attention. And although the intestines always serve as a place in which gases form and move - they help food move in the right direction - normally a person does not feel either their appearance or exit.

If you feel bloated and gassy, ​​then there is a problem in your body. Basically, this violation is temporary, caused by the use of certain foods or changes in the intestinal microflora. But various diseases can also cause gas formation in the intestines: pancreatitis, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, gallbladder or liver, a decrease in the diameter of the vessels that feed the intestines. The feeling of a bloated stomach can also accompany neuropsychiatric disorders and life-threatening diseases requiring surgical intervention. There is a difference between these diseases and conditions. It is not always noticeable, but we will try to identify it.

Where does gas come from in the intestines?

Gas formation in the intestines occurs constantly:

  1. a small part of the gas comes from the stomach, being swallowed with food or drinks. If a person actively talks or cries while eating, the volume of air entering the digestive tract increases;
  2. the main part is formed during digestion, when bacteria living in the intestines are included in the processing of food.

As a result, about 1.5 liters of gases per day are normally formed in the intestines. They consist of:

  • nitrogen;
  • oxygen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrogen;
  • small amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide.

After formation, intestinal gases go in three ways:

  1. partially return in the form of an eructation;
  2. selectively absorbed into the blood through the vessels that go directly to the mucous membrane of the small intestine;
  3. most of the intestinal gases exit through the rectum. This normally happens imperceptibly, without being accompanied by any smell or sounds.

Why you may feel bloated

Conventionally, the causes that cause bloating and gas formation can be divided into several groups:

Why do gases accumulate Diseases and Conditions That Cause Gas
Due to increased gas formation in the intestines Eating foods or drinks that "trigger" gas
Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa
An insufficient amount of enzymes that are involved in the formation of simple proteins, fats and carbohydrates from complex food substances that will be absorbed
Imbalance of the intestinal microflora in dysbacteriosis
Due to impaired absorption of gases into the blood Narrowing of the vessels that feed the intestines, atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, edema of the vascular wall due to its inflammation
Due to the obstruction of the path for gases through the intestines Violation of the motor ability of the gastrointestinal tract: with botulism, poisoning with nerve agents, inflammation of not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscular membrane of the intestine
Violation of the patency of the intestine due to clamping it from the outside with adhesions, or with the development of a tumor inside the intestine
If, due to significant stress, the large intestine has spasmed and cannot move normally
When a large amount of gas enters the gastrointestinal tract When a large amount of gas is swallowed while eating
If the gases present in the intestines have expanded When ascending to a height where atmospheric pressure is reduced. Then intestinal gases begin to occupy a larger volume.

What food can cause gas

There are a lot of foods that cause gas formation in the intestines. Conventionally, they can be divided according to the strength of the formation of intestinal gases.

Bloating in both an adult and a child will appear when he consumes dairy products if he has little lactase enzyme (this is mainly a genetic feature). In this case, milk sugar (lactose) cannot be converted into a form that will be absorbed by the intestines. Lactose enters the large intestine without enzymatic breakdown, and becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria living there. In the process of feeding on milk sugar, bacteria release carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane, and these gases are the cause of the swelling of the stomach. In addition, lactose itself, being a carbohydrate, attracts a large amount of water into the intestines, resulting in diarrhea.

When bloating is not associated with a disease

During pregnancy, bloating can be caused by causes unrelated to the disease. In the early stages, the reason is that under the influence of the hormone progesterone, whose main task is to relax the uterus, preventing it from pushing out the developing fetus, the muscle tone of the stomach and intestines decreases. Food passes more slowly, and this increases the time of exposure to intestinal bacteria - fermentation intensifies. In addition, the elimination of gases slows down, so they accumulate in the intestines, causing it to bloat, rumbling in the stomach, belching and constipation.

Progesterone slows down not only intestinal motility, it also inhibits the production of enzymes by the pancreas, which are involved in the digestion of food. This is also one of the causes of bloating during this period.

In the third trimester, the cause of bloating is the compression of the intestines by the pregnant uterus. The advancement of food slows down, fermentation (especially if a woman consumes a lot of sweets) intensifies, which is why the gases formed cause bloating.

Of course, during pregnancy, diseases can develop that require medical, and sometimes even surgical, intervention. Therefore, if the stomach does not just “blow”, but it hurts, or gases do not go away, or nausea, drowsiness, vomiting appear, body temperature rises, this indicates that it is time to stop attributing symptoms to pregnancy and urgently visit a gastroenterologist.

Unrelated to the disease may be bloating in a child aged 3-6 months. This is caused by the immaturity of those intestinal systems that are involved in the digestion of food, and occurs in response to either violations of the nursing mother's diet, or the introduction of complementary foods rich in fiber (apple or pear puree).

A baby’s belly can puff up even before 3 months:

  • if he or his nursing mother had to take antibiotics,
  • or when, due to a nervous system disorder or improper attachment to the breast, the baby swallows large volumes of air.

Please note: if the stomach “blows” not because of an illness, then the baby does not refuse food, after stroking it on the anterior abdominal wall with a warm hand, laying it on the stomach, it becomes easier for him. The baby's skin in this state does not change color (does not become pale or cyanotic), the cry does not become hoarse or, conversely, quieter, the body temperature does not rise or fall. If there is any of the above, an urgent call to the pediatrician is needed, and on the day off - an urgent examination by a pediatric surgeon working in a multidisciplinary children's hospital.

In children older than a year, bloating is always caused either by the use of some gas-producing foods, or by a disease.

Increased gas production after eating

Bloating after eating most often indicates not a disease, but the swallowing of air, the use of gas-forming products. This can also be observed during pregnancy. If a dairy product was eaten and bloating appeared due to it, lactose intolerance may be present. Then, for the prevention of increased gas formation, milk-based food will have to be completely excluded from the diet.

If bloating is accompanied by diarrhea

The causes of bloating and diarrhea are as follows.

Allergic enterocolitis

This is the name of the inflammation of the mucous membranes of both (thick and thin) sections of the intestine, caused by the consumption of such (such) products, in response to which the immune system is strongly activated.

The disease manifests itself after the use of a certain (for each person it is “his own”) product. After a few minutes or hours, cramping or sharp pains appear in the abdomen, there may be vomiting, the stomach begins to “blow”. The condition is somewhat relieved during defecation, when loose stools pass along with glassy mucus.

In addition to manifestations from the abdomen, a rash on the skin of the type of urticaria may be noted.

Worm infestation

Some helminths (worms) secrete poisons that either lead to the death of “beneficial” bacteria living in the intestines, or destroy the enzymes that the pancreas secretes into the duodenum. As a result, diarrhea develops, the stomach periodically swells. There is also weight loss, fatigue, dry skin, bouts of dizziness.


This is a violation of the balance of the microflora living in the intestines in favor of the "harmful". It "from scratch" does not occur - only or after taking antibiotics, or after an intestinal infection, or as a result of other diseases of the digestive tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis).

It manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • diarrhea, but there may be an alternation of constipation with diarrhea;
  • allergic to those products that previously did not cause allergies;
  • there may be severe nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • with diarrhea, the stool is liquid and foamy;
  • there may be sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • signs of poisoning the body with products formed in the intestines: weakness, low body temperature, headaches, loss of appetite.

Intestinal infections

Entry into the digestive tract of a sufficient amount of salmonella, Escherichia coli, dysentery shigella or other dangerous microbes causes bloating, pain in the intestines, at the initial stage, until the bacteria are absorbed into the blood, an increase in temperature. The nature of the stool necessarily changes: it becomes liquid, it can change color (for example, with salmonellosis it looks like swamp mud, and with cholera it looks like water in which rice was boiled), it may contain blood and mucus.

This is a disease based on the thinning of the intestinal mucosa, which occurs for an unknown but non-inflammatory cause. Symptoms of the disease are caused by stress and are aggravated by it. This:

  • bloating;
  • pain or discomfort in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea, constipation or alternating diarrhea with constipation.

Cirrhosis of the liver

This is a chronic liver disease in which normal liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue. The disease begins with weakness, reduced efficiency, a feeling of heaviness and swelling in the upper abdomen, pain in the joints. With the progression of the disease, a person loses weight, his skin becomes yellow, his palms and feet turn red. In the last stages of the disease, there are frequent bleeding from the dilated veins of the esophagus and intestines, ascites (when the abdomen is enlarged due to the appearance of fluid between the intestines and internal organs).

If bloating occurs at the same time as abdominal pain

The combination of bloating and pain in it is characteristic of the following diseases.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

This is characterized by a combination of the following symptoms:

  • burning pain in the upper abdomen, more often on the left or girdle;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea, when the feces are poorly washed from the toilet, has a “greasy” sheen;
  • vomit;
  • in severe cases, there may be yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin.


This change in the composition of the microflora living in the intestines is often accompanied by rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea, and sharp pains in the abdomen. The disease is described in the previous section.

Intestinal infections

They are discussed in the previous section.

irritable bowel syndrome

Manifested by abdominal pain, constipation (less than 3 times a week) or diarrhea (more often than 3 times a day), strong urge to defecate, after which there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the rectum. Mucus is found in the feces, and the stomach often "blowing".

Three main variants of the course of the disease are common:

  1. when the main symptoms are abdominal pain and bloating;
  2. when diarrhea predominates;
  3. with predominant constipation.

Biliary dyskinesia

At the heart of the disease is a change in the motor activity of the gallbladder and the bile duct, which goes from the gallbladder to the duodenum 12. The disease is manifested by pain of a different nature in the area from the right hypochondrium to the area "under the pit of the stomach", the pain can radiate to the back or neck on the right side, it decreases after eating. In addition to pain, nausea and sometimes vomiting are noted. In the morning, bad breath is noted from the mouth, appetite worsens.

Acute intestinal obstruction

This is the name of the condition when, due to a tumor, torsion, compression by adhesions, prolonged spasm of the intestine or cessation of blood circulation in it, a “congestion” occurs in it at some point, as a result of which digestion becomes impossible. The condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

The disease manifests itself with cramping pains that appear suddenly and without regard to food intake. Such contractions are observed every 10-15 minutes, it is impossible to indicate their exact localization.

If the area of ​​the colon turned out to be blocked, in addition to pain, bloating is noted, accompanied by constipation and gas retention. When a tumor or adhesions do not allow food to move through the small intestine, at first gases and stools pass, even 1-3 times loose stools can be observed. If the obstruction is caused by intussusception, that is, the introduction of this intestine into another (this is often found in children), blood often appears in the stool.

After 2-12 hours from the onset of the disease, a period of imaginary "well-being" is observed, when the pain gradually disappears, but bloating increases (the stomach turns out to be asymmetrical), there is no stool, no gas, but repeated vomiting is noted. If at this time you do not seek help, after 36 hours the peritoneum becomes inflamed, and this is characterized by severe pain, a decrease in blood pressure, and impaired consciousness.

If the intestinal lumen is not completely blocked (this is called partial intestinal obstruction), the abdomen will swell asymmetrically, there will be nausea and vomiting, but gases and stools will gradually move away. This disease also requires urgent surgical intervention.


This is the name of inflammation of the peritoneum, which occurs as a complication of other diseases of the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, phlegmonous and gangrenous cholecystitis, gastritis, adnexitis and other diseases). The disease is deadly and requires emergency surgery.

It is manifested by a sharp diffuse pain in the abdomen, which captures an increasing area, nausea, vomiting, extreme pain when touching the stomach (while removing the hand is even more painful).

Crohn's disease

This is a chronic inflammation of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract that occurs in people with a genetic predisposition due to the attack of organs by their own immunity.

The disease appears:

  • pain in various parts of the abdomen (but more often in the appendix area, simulating acute appendicitis);
  • diarrhea that lasts more than 6 weeks;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • weight loss.

Chronic enterocolitis

When there is an exacerbation of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon and small intestine, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain: most often in the navel, but can be anywhere else. The pain intensifies 2-3 hours after eating, before going to the toilet "in a big way", with fast walking, jumping, after running and physical activity;
  • there may be constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • change in the nature of the stool: more liquid, with mucus, an unpleasant (putrefactive or fermentative) odor.

Gynecological diseases

Bloating and pain in the lower parts of it can develop in one of the following cases:

  1. inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  2. ectopic pregnancy;
  3. endometriosis;
  4. uterine fibroids;
  5. cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder.

When bloating is accompanied by constipation

We have already considered the main part of the diseases that cause constipation and bloating. This:

  • allergic colitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • bowel movement disorder due to peritonitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic colitis, when inflammation of the large intestine causes false urge to defecate, nausea, bloating, weakness and loss of appetite;
  • condition after surgery on the organs of the abdomen or pelvis. In this case, the combination of symptoms is due to the slowdown in peristalsis caused by the operation. They should go away soon after the intervention, if this does not go away, one can think about the possible development of adhesive disease. If you do not start treatment of this cause of bloating in time, then acute intestinal obstruction may develop, which is eliminated only by surgery.

If increased gas formation is accompanied by belching

The combination of bloating and belching is typical for diseases such as:

  • gastritis;
  • weakness of the muscle between the esophagus and stomach, resulting in the contents from the stomach being thrown into the intestines;
  • partial obstruction in the area of ​​the small intestine;
  • condition after operations on the stomach and duodenum.

A combination of these symptoms will also be observed after nervous overexertion, smoking a large number of cigarettes or eating fatty foods.

Gas formation accompanied by vomiting

Bloating and vomiting are characteristic of such previously discussed diseases as:

  • allergic gastroenterocolitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or acute pancreatitis, when vomiting is repeated;
  • acute intestinal obstruction, with repeated vomiting, occurs after nausea;
  • peritonitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • late stages of liver cirrhosis.

Causes of flatulence in a child

The reasons why the stomach swells in children are somewhat different from those observed in adults, especially at a younger age. Therefore, it would be logical to consider diseases that cause flatulence, depending on age.

Children up to a year

From 1.5 months to a year there is a possibility of developing intestinal intussusception - when one intestine is introduced into another. The maximum likelihood of developing this disease is from 4 months, when some parents begin to introduce complementary foods, and not always “soft” enough for the baby's intestines. Then the intestines begin to actively contract, and, since their “attachment” is longer than in adults, they easily move and can be introduced into one another.

Intussusception is manifested by severe paroxysmal pains in the abdomen, because of which the child becomes restless, tosses and turns in bed, refuses to eat. He is vomiting, even if he has been eating for a long time. His stomach is bloated, gases and stools do not go away. Blood-stained mucus or some pure blood may come out of the rectum, but this is not a necessary symptom.

In a similar way, in addition to the discharge of blood from the rectum, intestinal obstruction will also appear, caused not by intussusception, but by malformations of the intestine.

Gas formation in infants can increase not only due to intestinal obstruction, but also due to:

  1. celiac disease- diseases when proteins contained in cereal products trigger inflammation and subsequent thinning of the intestinal mucosa in a child with a genetic predisposition. The disease manifests itself most often at 6-12 months, when parents give complementary foods containing flour products. The disease manifests itself with frequent frothy stools, which have a pungent odor, bloating. The child becomes pale, lethargic, does not gain, but loses weight. His skin becomes dry, his gums are constantly inflamed.
  2. Lactase deficiency. It is genetic in children. In this case, both mother's milk and lactose-rich formula will be harmful to the baby. He will have frequent liquid frothy stools, bloated belly. The baby does not gain weight, periodically he vomits.

Given the above, at the age of up to a year, a remedy for bloating is selected only after a pediatric surgeon has examined the child and ruled out the presence of intestinal obstruction, and the pediatrician - the presence of celiac disease and lactase deficiency.

Bloating in children 2-3 years old

The most common reasons are:

  • eating large amounts of carbohydrate, starchy, or fiber-rich foods;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis.

Bloating in children 5-6 years old

Causes of increased gas formation in children of this age:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • the use of gas-forming products;
  • drinking carbonated drinks;
  • against the background of stress;
  • intestinal infection;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

In children older than 6 years, the causes are the same as in adults.

What to do with increased gas formation

What to do if the stomach puffs up? There are 2 algorithms, depending on the situation.

If you have symptoms such as:

  • abdominal pain,
  • vomit,
  • gas or stool retention,
  • discharge of blood from the anus,

it is necessary, by calling an ambulance, to be examined in a surgical hospital.

You should not refuse hospitalization if the surgeon says that he is not sure of the diagnosis or that additional, time-consuming procedures (for example, an X-ray of the intestine with barium) are necessary.

If there are no such symptoms, then gas formation in the intestines can be treated at home. Until you have visited a gastroenterologist and have not done an ultrasound of the abdominal organs (it requires 2-3 days of preparation), you can take the following measures:

  1. Change your diet. Eliminate sweets, soda, legumes, coffee, dairy products, rutabaga, turnips, raw onions from the diet.
  2. Start doing one of the physical exercises described below.
  3. Take one of these medicines for bloating.

Tablets for bloating for adults

  • Sorbent preparations, which are based on particles that will “take away” toxins and gases. These are White Coal, Enterosgel, Polysorb. You can take Activated Carbon tablets from bloating at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person's weight.
  • Carminative preparations based on simethicone and dimethicone. These substances are not absorbed into the blood, but work only in the intestines. They, having surface-active properties, contribute to the coalescence of gas bubbles and their release from the liquid shell. This way, gases can either be absorbed into the blood or exit through the rectum. For adults, Espumizan and Disflatil anti-gas tablets are effective, but drops and suspensions can be used (in some cases they are more effective): Infacol, Cuplaton, Bobotik, Simicol, Simethicone.
  • Carminative preparations based on dill(“Dill water”, “Carminative collection”, an infusion of fennel fruits), fennel fruits (“Plantex”, an infusion of fennel fruits) or cumin (caraway fruits).

If abdominal cramps and pain are felt against the background of flatulence, treatment of bloating may include antispasmodic drugs (Riabal, Buscopan, Mebeverin). It is not recommended to use "No-shpu" ("Drotaverine") or "Papaverine", as they act on many organs, relaxing their smooth muscles.

Without consulting a gastroenterologist, you should not take either enzyme preparations (Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim), acid-lowering drugs (Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Nolpaza), or anti-nausea drugs (Metoclopramide, Osetron and others).

Medicines for bloating for children

Gas preparations that can be used in children (in descending order of effectiveness) from birth:

  • "Infakol";
  • "Bobotik";
  • "Espumizan";
  • "Plantex";
  • "Kuplaton";
  • "Dill water".

From sorbents, you can "Smektu" - from 1 month, "Polysorb", "Enterosgel" and "Atoxil" - from 1 year.

Physical exercise with gas formation

Some exercises will help get rid of the increased amount of gases that have accumulated not as a result of a surgical disease:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, the body is relaxed. Now you need to bend your right leg and pull your hip and knee closer to your chest. Do this with both hands, which you need to put on the knee of your right leg and interlace your fingers. The second leg is straight, the body is relaxed on the floor, the head and back are on the floor. Now, while inhaling, you need to raise your head and shoulders, and at the end of the inhalation, you need to touch your forehead and nose with your right knee. Exhale - return to the starting position. You need to do 3-4 approaches with the right leg, then - 3-4 approaches - with the left leg. The next stage of the same exercise is to pull both legs to the chest.
  2. Lying on your back, pull both legs bent at the knees, hands under the shins. The back needs to be bent and, clasping the fingers of both hands into the lock, sway like a "roly-up".
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees and move your legs like cycling.
  4. Get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees. You need to stand like this for 10-15 minutes.

Alternative methods of treatment of increased gas formation

Traditional doctors advise such remedies for gas formation:

  • Mint tea. 2 tsp pour fresh mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, then drain and drink.
  • Tincture of parsley leaves. You need to take an average bunch of parsley, tear off the leaves from it, put them in a liter jar and pour a liter of boiling water. You need to insist for 8 hours, then you can take it at a dose of 100 ml 1 r / day.
  • Ginger drink. Take a teaspoon of dried ginger powder and mint leaves. Pour this mixture with boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then drink in small sips.

Bloating and nausea are symptoms that every person has experienced in their life.

These symptoms can appear with the use of low-quality products, the presence of bad habits, constant stress and disruptive processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

These symptoms can cause not only discomfort to the patient himself, but also to people who are nearby.

In a healthy body, all processes go unnoticed by a person.

The accumulation of gases in the intestines is an absolutely normal process, but if the functioning of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the process of gas formation can take place with certain symptoms.

It can be diarrhea, weakness, nausea, headaches and dizziness.

The appearance of gases

The occurrence of gases in the organs of the digestive system are constantly:

  1. Most of the gases in the stomach appear when food enters the intestines for processing.
  2. A small amount of gases enters the period of eating. The amount of air increases significantly if a person is talking at this time.
  3. This leads to vascular problems. There is dizziness.

Excreted gases from the body:

  1. It is excreted throughout the day through the anal passage. In most cases, they have neither smell nor sound.
  2. Some flatulence returns to the mouth as a belch.
  3. They are absorbed into the blood through the walls of blood vessels.


Bloating occurs in people of all ages and for a variety of reasons.

Nausea can be accompanied by discomfort in the stomach and in most cases causes vomiting.

Diarrhea after eating fatty foods. Flatulence has several official names in medicine: tympania, flatulence, flatulence.

If these three symptoms appear at the same time, they may indicate the presence of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

Bloating, diarrhea and nausea in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, when the walls of the stomach and duodenum are damaged by the bacterium chylobacter pylori, enzyme production is disrupted and food does not move well towards the intestines.

Due to stagnant processes, food begins to decompose in the gastrointestinal tract. This process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of gas.

Violation of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and irritable bowel syndrome may additionally cause loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence.

Sometimes such symptoms can appear in the presence of malignant or benign seals.

These are just the main reasons for the occurrence of such symptoms. If they do not pass for a long time.

Despite the variety of diseases, malnutrition is considered the main cause. Sometimes, no matter how severe the symptoms are, the underlying cause is a poor diet.

Nausea and bloating may occur after eating. The question is that it is important not only the quality of products, but also how a person consumes them and in what proportion.

Times have changed, but the table culture has remained the same. If earlier it was cold, and the diet consisted of fatty foods, now the climate has changed, but people have not changed their favorite dishes.

The main nuances of malnutrition are:

  1. A person tries to swallow as quickly as possible, forgetting to chew food thoroughly.
  2. In this regard, a large amount of air enters, which causes swelling.
  3. Drinking a lot of carbonated drinks.

First, diarrhea and flatulence appear from such nutrition, and then they become constant companions of a person.

People seek to eliminate this symptom with the help of medications, but you need to deal with the restoration of the internal organs, and not just eliminate the symptoms.

When to seek medical help

You should contact your doctor immediately if have the following symptoms:

  • Severe headache in the abdomen and dizziness.
  • Constant weakness.
  • The appearance of a few drops of blood in the stool.
  • Vomiting blood.
  • Belching after eating.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Diarrhea after every meal.

The need for additional consultation with a specialist is necessary:

  • Nausea in the morning after getting out of bed.
  • Violation of the intestines within 2 days.
  • A person begins to lose weight sharply and quickly.
  • The body is dehydrated. The person is unable to drink water due to nausea.
  • Diarrhea appears after a person has eaten.
  • The reason for going to the doctor may be symptoms that have never appeared before and prevent you from living a full life.

Rehabilitation Therapy

Treatment for nausea and bloating depends on the cause of the condition. If the main cause of these symptoms is poisoning the body, then it is necessary to use drugs to eliminate toxicity.

For example, activated carbon or Mezim-forte is suitable. These are sorbents that can eliminate discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea.

It is necessary to use 1 tablet per ten kilograms of weight, but not more than 6 pieces at a time.

If bloating, diarrhea and nausea occur due to the fact that the pancreas produces enzymes, then medicines such as Creon and Pancreatin will help. They contain bile and pancreatic enzymes.

There are drugs that eliminate the formation of gases. The main active ingredient is simethicone. For example, Kolikid, Relzer, Meteospasmil.

A small amount of gases enters the bloodstream, the rest is excreted thanks to such drugs Dimetikon and NoGasin.

If diarrhea and bloating do not go away, then you need to undergo a diagnosis. In most cases, treatment is due to the intake of prokinetics and enzymes.

In the case when oncology has arisen, it is necessary to perform an operation.

Folk medicines

When a person has bloating, belching and diarrhea, it is necessary to apply alternative treatment.

Sometimes they are used as an additional treatment when taking medications, and as a separate restorative technique.

  1. Chamomile tea.
  2. Pour dill seeds with water and leave to infuse for several hours. But such treatment is categorically not suitable for pregnant women.
  3. Boil the parsley root for several hours and leave to infuse in a dark room for a day.
  4. It is necessary to apply an infusion of lemon balm for bloating, if there is constipation or diarrhea.


In the presence of such alarming symptoms as diarrhea, bloating and weakness, it is necessary first of all to review the food.

You must refuse:

  1. Sweets that contain carbohydrates that are easy to digest.
  2. Carbonated drinks.
  3. Kvass.
  4. Alcoholic drinks.
  5. To eliminate heartburn, you can not use soda. It contributes to the aggravation of the situation. It is best to purchase a drug in a pharmacy that will help eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

Feeling of bloating in the abdomen, combined with nausea, and sometimes with dizziness, vomiting, weakness and temperature, are caused by various disorders in the digestive organs. Symptoms may be short-lived, associated with food intake, or chronic, which appear constantly. The causes of bloating and nausea are associated with a specific pathology or caused by external stimuli. To understand the etiology of the processes and identify the cause of the disorder, it is important to analyze the combination of all signs.


Bloating and nausea can cause the following factors and diseases:

Taking certain drugs that cause characteristic side effects. As a rule, these are iron-containing agents, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anthelmintic agents. Poisoning by improperly stored or stale food. Gastritis. Characterized by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach, as well as nausea, especially after eating. The presence of other diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as neoplasms and tumors. Worm invasion. Motion sickness in transport. Hunger or malnutrition. Pregnancy.

What diseases can it indicate?

Discomfort in the abdomen with manifestations of flatulence and nausea indicate the presence of certain problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be caused by the state of pregnancy, improper use of drugs or malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, or the presence of the following rather serious diseases:

Appendicitis, which causes bloating, flatulence, nausea, and often severe vomiting. Along with pains of varying intensity, body temperature rises, weakness and dizziness appear. Appendicitis is treated on an emergency basis with surgical intervention. pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Pain in the stomach area, vomiting and flatulence occur during exacerbation of these diseases. They are caused by stagnation of bile and reduced secretion of pancreatic enzymes. Mechanical intestinal obstruction, causing swelling with adhesions, tumors, stenosis. At the same time, the patient's condition worsens, nausea, a feeling of fullness of the abdomen and flatulence appear, the stool does not go away. The obstruction is treated with surgery. Gastritis. Pathology is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa with increased or insufficient production of gastric juice. Gastritis manifests itself in malnutrition or the development of pathogenic microflora. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms: Nausea after eating; Flatulence; Heartburn (in case of high acidity of the stomach); Pain in the abdomen; Belching.

Another list of diseases include acid reflux. In this pathological condition, in addition to discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, the following symptoms appear:

Pain caused by bloating Rumbling in the stomach and flatulence; Nausea and belching; Heartburn.

A small child with an accumulation of gases that provoke flatulence feels discomfort in the abdomen and colic. Most often this happens after taking medications, new products and disorders of the intestinal microflora (usually with intestinal infections). A weak digestive system is unable to seriously withstand the above aggressive factors, and as a result, symptoms such as fever, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, diathesis, and an allergic reaction appear.

When should you see a doctor?

Bloating and nausea are a reason to see a doctor immediately, as the disease that caused such symptoms can be quite serious. You should seek help from a gastroenterologist or a therapist who can prescribe additional diagnostic tests, or refer the patient to a more specialized specialist - an infectious disease specialist, neurologist or oncologist.

How to get rid?

Treatment of bloating, accompanied by vomiting, is performed only after diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disorder.

Therapeutic measures include the use of medications, a special diet and food intake, as well as folk remedies that have proven themselves over a long period of time.

medical supplies

Tablets for nausea and bloating are chosen based on the causes of their occurrence. So, nausea and vomiting often occur when using low-quality products or when an intestinal infection enters the body. The following drugs will help eliminate the pathogen, bind toxins in the intestines and remove unwanted symptoms:

Nitrofurans (Nifuroxazide, Furazolidone)

Used for intestinal infections. Eliminate the causes of gastrointestinal upset, after which vomiting, high fever, dizziness, abdominal pain and flatulence disappear. In childhood, a suspension is used, and the drugs themselves are not used for longer than 10 days.

Contraindicated in case of allergy to nitrofurans, severe liver pathologies, III trimester of pregnancy and in newborns.

Price - Nifuroxazide 140-320 rubles, Furazolidone 70-135 rubles.

Indications - nausea and vomiting of various origins, including after taking other medications.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction, tendency to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma, neoplasms, tendency to convulsive seizures and epilepsy, in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation and under the age of 3 years.

Price 120-250 rubles.

It belongs to enterosorbents, and has properties due to which gases, toxins and pathogenic microflora are removed from the stomach and intestines. Treatment with the drug is carried out with diarrhea, heartburn in the abdomen, ulcers, colitis and gastritis, food poisoning.

Contraindicated in intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price 160-325 rubles.

Refers to defoamers, after which the bubbles collapse, and excess gases are removed naturally. Indications: flatulence, dyspepsia, aerophagia, treatment of colic in infants, Remheld's syndrome.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price 285-490 rubles.

Neutralizes hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice and has adsorbing properties. Indications: severe pain in the abdomen, flatulence, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenitis and reflux esophagitis.

Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, Alzheimer's disease, low blood phosphorus, pregnancy.

Price 180-365 rubles.

Diet and eating habits

All special diets involve certain restrictions on food intake. When eliminating bloating and nausea, the menu is not too strict, and does not require a lot of patience and willpower from a person.

Its essence lies in limiting certain products, and taking the recommended ones. There are many options in menu planning to match the personal taste preferences of any person. The diet is effective for people with excessive gas formation, but if a person has certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic nutrition is made taking into account these features, and there may be significant differences in the product lists.

Reduce portion size and increase the number of meals up to 5 times. Take food at the same time. Do not eat excessive amounts of food. Do not take incompatible foods at one meal. Drink enough liquid per day in the form of pure non-carbonated water. If necessary, eliminate the manifestations of flatulence by various means. Exclude prohibited foods from the menu.

Prohibited products for flatulence:

Fresh and rye bread, sweet pastries. Grain cereals. Semolina and pearl barley, oats and millet. Fatty meats. Sweets, with the exception of natural honey. Milk (including dry milk). Vegetables: all kinds of cabbage, potatoes, vegetable corn, onions (raw), radishes, asparagus, peppers, spinach, cucumbers. Fruits: apples, pears, grapes, apricots, peaches, cherries, dates, figs, gooseberries, prunes.

It is unacceptable to combine individual products with flatulence, since their mutual influence increases gas formation in the intestines. So, dairy products should not be mixed with any other products, do not eat sour berries and fruits with grain products, gray vegetables with fruits, potatoes with meat. All other products not included in the "black" list can be eaten. It is recommended to include in the menu dairy and sour-milk products, side dishes in the form of crumbly cereals, lean meat, juices, boiled and stewed vegetables, butter and vegetable oil, dried wheat bread, soft-boiled eggs.

If nausea and bloating are present regularly, a food diary should be kept, in which the menu eaten per day and subsequent sensations are entered. This method allows you to find out the list of products that cause unwanted symptoms. In consultation with a doctor, a diary will be helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of dealing with bloating and nausea are considered the most affordable and safe, as they consist of natural ingredients that are available at any pharmacy. The most effective are the following:

Dill water, made from the fruit of dill, has been successfully used to prevent flatulence even in newborn babies. Prepared by brewing 1 tsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water for 1 hour. Infusion of chamomile officinalis, eliminates bloating. Prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials in 0.5 l of boiling water for 1 min. Natural honey, mint, valerian root, fennel, cumin seeds are often added to the infusion to taste. Infusion of lemon balm helps to get rid of the feeling of nausea. Prepare by infusion of 4 dessert spoons of dry raw materials in 1 liter of boiling water for 2 hours. Take 100 g of infusion before meals. St. John's wort tea. An effective remedy for upset and bloating. Prepared by brewing 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs with boiling water. Take tea immediately after filtering. The tool is undesirable for gastritis. A decoction of parsley roots. Helps relieve bloating quickly. It is prepared by infusing a small amount of dried roots in warm water for a day. The drug is taken several times a day.


It is possible to prevent the development of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in which flatulence and other characteristic symptoms (dizziness, fever and vomiting) appear, if the following rules are observed:

Adhere to the principles of rational nutrition:

Control the calorie content of food; Exclude from the diet foods that cause flatulence; Use only quality products; Drink more liquid Avoid spicy and fatty foods.

Prevent intestinal dysbacteriosis and the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

Lead an active lifestyle, excluding the presence of bad habits.

Consult a doctor for any signal from the body about problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary, and after medical consultation, use drugs that improve intestinal motility, eliminate discomfort and ensure normal defecation.

Nausea and bloating are symptoms of many diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment of associated pathologies is carried out depending on the cause of the onset of a particular disease. For this, medications are used, the diet and diet are normalized, and folk remedies are used.

Self-medication in the presence of the above symptoms is unacceptable, since it is correct to identify the cause of the disease, after which only an experienced specialist can prescribe an effective and safe course of treatment.

Do you still think that curing the stomach and intestines is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not on your side yet ...

Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent pains in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms... Read the article >>>

Quite often, bloating and nausea coexist, giving a person great discomfort. The feeling of fullness in the stomach, which is accompanied by the urge to vomit, may come and go, but should not be ignored. Otherwise, a person is able to miss the development of a dangerous disease.

Possible reasons

There can be many reasons why flatulence is adjacent to nausea. Most often they are directly related to catering. The problem occurs when the following provoking factors are present:

fast eating, as a result of which the stomach is full, and a lot of excess air enters the digestive system; belching with increased gas formation may appear due to excessive love for kvass or beer, as well as for carbonated drinks; the use of large quantities of products that do not combine with each other almost always stimulates the onset of a problem; with a deficiency of lactase, which is responsible for the digestion of dairy products, alarming symptoms also occur.

Bloating and nausea can have many causes, sometimes they complement each other. For example, if you take medication for a long time without consulting a doctor, a person will most likely experience nausea and bloating, and an improper diet will only increase these sensations.

Abuse of alcoholic and carbonated drinks is a sure way to meet both problems. And in some cases, discomfort does not go away even a few hours after eating.

Causes specific only to women - menopause and premenstrual syndrome. Such hormonal changes become a great stress for the body, causing a number of unpleasant sensations, including nausea and flatulence.

Diseases that stimulate the appearance of these symptoms

Belching and vomiting, accompanied by bloating, can be frightening for a person, especially at risk of developing chronic diseases. What kind of diseases in the early stages are accompanied by such alarming symptoms?

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder manifest themselves in this way in the early stages. diseases of the liver and gallbladder
A stomach or duodenal ulcer may be accompanied by nausea and flatulence. The presence of adhesions and polyps also explains the presence of alarming symptoms. The problem is often associated with the development of cancer.

It is necessary to sound the alarm if an unpleasant belching, together with increased gas formation, does not leave a person for several days. Typically, anxiety symptoms disappear within 2-3 hours after eating, but if this does not happen the next day, we are almost certainly talking about an illness.

It is because of the possibility of developing a serious disease that it is always recommended to seek the advice of a doctor. Being engaged in self-treatment, a person always runs the risk of only worsening his own condition.

Medical treatment

To endure nausea and belching accompanied by flatulence for a long time will definitely not work, so a person is usually not concerned about the causes of the problem, but about ways to eliminate it. Doctors recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

"Hestid"; "Espumizan"; "Meteospasmil"; Activated carbon.

These drugs are able to destroy the air bubbles formed in the stomach, while eliminating the signs of nausea. However, this method of treatment is effective only if it corresponds to the diagnosis. Irritability of the gastrointestinal tract or an improper diet can easily be compensated for by taking medication. However, if we are talking about the development of a serious illness, such techniques will only have a temporary effect, and after a couple of days the pain and nausea will return.

If nausea and bloating persist, a thorough medical examination is necessary. After it, doctors usually prescribe prokinetics, which improve the patency of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as medications containing pancreatic enzymes.

This is enough to fix the problem and its root cause. If the disease has reached a new stage, then doctors have to prescribe a whole course of medications that guarantee a full recovery in the future.

Folk remedies

If a person is very sick, and even medicines do not help from bloating, folk remedies come to the rescue. They are able to eliminate belching and flatulence, but such methods should not be abused. The fact is that there is always a risk of worsening your own condition, especially if home treatment methods have not been discussed with your doctor.

So, what folk recipes have worked well in dealing with anxiety symptoms?

Dried and pre-washed parsley roots must be infused in boiling water for a day. Next, the infusion remains to strain and take 2-3 tablespoons daily. One small spoonful of dill seeds can be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Then it remains only to strain the infusion and drink. St. John's wort or chamomile tea effectively fights the problem. You can also prepare an infusion of lemon balm, while pouring about 15-20 grams of dry leaves of the plant with boiling water.

Experts also advise to carefully monitor your diet, removing heavy, fatty and spicy foods from it. It is worth forgetting about rye bread, a variety of snacks, fast food, fatty meats and sweets. Of the latter, the patient can only afford honey.

The stomach can swell for various reasons, and often this symptom, accompanied by nausea, makes a person worry a lot. Alarming signs do accompany many diseases, but with proper treatment, there will be no trace of them in a few days.

Almost any violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract provokes a feeling of discomfort in the intestinal area. This is not surprising, because the human digestive system performs many different vital functions. In particular, extremely unpleasant symptoms of dysfunction of the digestive organs, especially when a person is in public places, are bloating and nausea.

These dyspeptic manifestations can occur for various reasons, and in people of any age category. A condition in which bloating is felt due to excessive formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, has several medical terms: flatulence, flatulence, tympania. In turn, nausea is a painful feeling that occurs in the epigastric region. As a rule, nausea is a harbinger of vomiting. These symptoms, which appear at the same time, are most often of a short-term nature, but can sometimes indicate the presence of serious diseases.

Improper diet and long-term medication

Flatulence and nausea (as well as belching) often develop due to the rapid consumption of food, excessive passion for carbonated drinks, or the ingestion of a large amount of incompatible products in the stomach. As a result, the secretory function of the stomach and pancreas is disturbed, an excess amount of gases is formed and a feeling of nausea appears, since the gastric and pancreatic juices do not have time to cope with the digestion of food.

Quite often, nausea and gas formation occur when overeating foods and drinks that cause fermentation processes in the stomach - beer, kvass, legumes, cabbage, sweets with easily digestible carbohydrates. Also, the cause of the considered dyspeptic manifestations can be hypolactasia - a deficiency in the human body of lactase. This is an enzyme that breaks down dairy products.

Nausea and flatulence may be accompanied by long-term use of certain medications, in particular antibiotics. It is no secret that antibacterial medicines destroy not only pathogenic bacteria, but also have an adverse effect on the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, provoking the development of dysbacteriosis. Finally, many women experience these unpleasant symptoms during menopause or during premenstrual syndrome. Reason: hormonal changes in the body.

Diseases that cause dyspepsia

If a person has acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gas formation and nausea are common. So, with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the production of digestive enzymes is disrupted, as well as the motor function of the stomach and intestines. The incoming food stagnates, ceases to split, the processes of fermentation and its subsequent decay begin. And weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cramping abdominal pain, nausea and flatulence are the result of diseases of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

In addition, obstruction of food in the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by oncological diseases, adhesive processes, the presence of polyps in the intestine, and helminthic invasions. In the latter case, the toxins secreted by the worms cause, in addition to flatulence and nausea, also vomiting.

How to get rid of nausea and flatulence?

To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms caused by malnutrition, you can use activated charcoal, enterosorbent preparations, probiotics. In particular, preparations containing simethicone, such as Gestide, Meteospasmil or Espumizan, have proven themselves well. These medicines effectively destroy the surface tension of air bubbles in the stomach and intestines, eliminating dyspeptic manifestations. Naturally, the use of foods that cause nausea and gas formation should be avoided.

In the presence of any pathology that provokes flatulence and nausea, basic therapy of the underlying disease is carried out. And as additional means, it is prescribed to take prokinetics that improve the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, and medicines containing bile components, pancreatic enzymes.

Thus, if intestinal obstruction, bloating and nausea become a constant phenomenon, repeated with periodic frequency, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The main thing is to identify the cause of ill health in a timely manner and carry out appropriate treatment. Take care of your health!