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Slavic animal horoscope by date of birth. Slavic animal calendar - horoscope by year and month of birth

Dates are given in modern terms

Wolverine is a beast that no hunter associates with of his own free will. Wolverine, like no one else, protects his land, jealously watches all strangers that pass through his territory, and does not tolerate those who try to settle on his lands, hunt, dig holes, and breed cubs.
Those born during the Wolverine period are more zealous than other people, putting the interests of the tribe above their own personal interests.
Wolverine is not a black grouse, does not like to be seen, avoids open places, is critical of himself, is not mistaken either about his mind or about his appearance, which is why Wolverine has more loyal and devoted friends than the brighter and louder-voiced ones narcissistic brothers in the Forest.
Wolverines have neat holes; Wolverines themselves boast clean fur and strong claws. Wolverine is that rare beast who does not have anyone who hates him, because even his enemies and adversaries respect him, knowing Wolverine’s code of honor, they know in advance what to expect from Wolverine, and are not afraid to turn their backs on Wolverine.

The raven is a wise bird, but wise not by teaching, but by its essence, initially wise and understanding. They say sarcastically about the Raven people that they don’t need a brain, a spinal brain is enough, but the joke of the gods is that in fact the Raven simply understands what a sage needs years of painful reflection for.
Raven immediately correctly answers a question that many sorcerers would have to work on. He feels better than he understands, and, jumping over logical chains, he immediately gives the correct answer, but he cannot explain how he came to it. Crows rarely reach heights in management and leadership. Precisely because they see very far, and the people will not go far, they should move one step - break the age-old, part with traditions, the behests of the same illiterate fathers and grandfathers, betray the Fatherland...
If from time to time the Raven flies up, it is simply because he does not talk about everything that his watchful eye sees, otherwise he will be beaten and kicked out like a madman.
Usually Crows are unhurried and calm, because true wisdom does not tolerate fuss. They see everything in advance, and if they need to peck at an apple, they do not rush after it as it rolls along the road, but immediately fly to the place where it stops.

An ermine is an animal that feels great strength within itself. He is so full of it that it spills out of his ears. He does not sit still for an hour, he is always on the move, and if anyone finds him motionless and lounging, he will be deeply mistaken in believing that he has finally seen Ermine at rest: he is feverishly thinking up either a hundred sophisticated tricks at once, or how to penetrate the neighboring forest and rob other Ermine, or plans to already strangle all the nasty squirrels in your forest and in neighboring ones.
The ermine is so confident in himself and that he is right that he does not care about norms, rules, laws. He is sincerely convinced that he is doing a good and necessary thing when he robs a chipmunk - look how fat he is! - or strangle a squirrel - not so squeals - that he is loved and admired not only for his dexterity, but also for his actions.
However, Ermine, in fact, most often turns out to be a selfless and sympathetic person, more willing than others to come to the rescue. Moreover, he can lend to someone in need both his own and someone else’s equally sincerely.

The toad is perhaps the most amazing animal, because it can live both on and under water, and on the shore. The toad even lives in the trees in the forest. This amazing adaptability gives a person born during the Toad period the opportunity to both work in the simplest jobs, say, in the field or in the forest as a woodcutter, and to occupy the highest positions in the state, lead troops, and reach heights in music, literature, art, and science.
Toads are less prone than others to discouragement, because they feel good everywhere, but this also has another side: Toads are so comfortable everywhere that they rarely strive somewhere else. The Toad Man can, for example, work all his life as a gardener, knowing full well that if he sweated a little more, he could become a manager, a governor or even a king in this state.
Why, Toad usually answers. I'm fine as it is. And the Tsar has to get away from everyone, save his own skin, the Tsar is always to blame, they hang all the dogs on the Tsar...
Toads are valued for their golden souls, which are covered with inconspicuous skins, but the Toads themselves are reluctant to get along with people, because the soul is not clothing, you still have to look at it!

The grasshopper, more than anyone else, does not like to show fatigue, defeat, or unhappiness. He always sings, always spreads his wings, preens in the sun. People smile when they look at the Grasshoppers, each Grasshopper glows - it’s just like lying on the grass in the sun.
The grasshopper is very easy to climb, and although his heart trembles with fear before each jump, he still jumps, spreads his wings and flies, flies, trembling with fear and delight. Large scary animals may be waiting in a new place, there may be predatory spiders, but there may also be a beautiful clearing with lush grass, sweet berries and... other beautiful Grasshoppers, Beetles, Butterflies!
Perhaps the biggest coward in the world, the Grasshopper admits this only to those closest to him, but for everyone else he is a carefree and cheerful creature, to whom everything comes easily, without effort, who easily gets along with all creatures in the world, both Grasshoppers and all - everyone.
The grasshopper is not hardworking in the sense that it is restless; it grabs onto one thing or another. He often gives up what he starts, but for others it is surprising that he accomplishes a lot, even often more than other diligent people. And the secret is that the Grasshopper, having abandoned a lot of things halfway, still returns to half of them and, ashamed of his cowardice, finishes quickly and successfully. And if you consider that the Grasshopper quickly grasps everything, then we can say that the great Family created him on one of his best days and in a good state of mind.

A hamster is a creature that sleeps for almost nine months a year, but in the remaining months it develops frantic activity, managing to collect grain from the fields and fill the pantries to the ceilings.
The Hamster Man is able to work day and night without rest, quickly take a sip of hot coffee and go back to work. On such days, he manages to do as much as someone born as an Ant does in a month. But then the Hamster, exhausted, falls with his tongue hanging out and takes a long, long time to come to his senses, and the Ant keeps working, working, working, and when the time comes to compare the results, it remains to be seen who has more time!
Hamsters are loved for their gentle nature, slowness and good nature. They are most often seen on vacation, and Hamsters love and know how to relax, even if the vacation is just lying on the grass in the sun.

Ravlik is particularly sensitive. They feel other people very subtly and accurately; Ravliks can make excellent leaders, because they know how to ignite and lead people, how to influence them so that they even rush into the abyss. But this hypersensitivity also turns into another side: they are either ready to give everything they have to a stranger, then, having come to their senses, they fence themselves off even from their loved ones, all the time telling themselves that they have been deceived as many times as possible, it’s time to think about themselves...
This hypersensitivity makes them painfully vulnerable. To escape, they go into the shell, from there they just move their legs, looking around the world, trying not to interfere with anything. These people live in a half-imaginary world, they are much better off there than in the real one, and when they return, they always say with sadness that they were too late to be born, that they would have been a couple of hundred years ago, or even a thousand, for some reason counting, that in the past they would definitely have been princes and not slaves!
There are no better interlocutors for communication than Ravliki, because due to their innate hypersensitivity, they always see the mood of the interlocutor, they will never say something rude, they will always come to the rescue, and help them get out of a sticky situation.
Ravliks are smart, although their intelligence almost never leads to enrichment, a successful career, or prosperity in their business. No one is better than the Ravliks at inventing illusory worlds, but how much they lose on the way from a sweet dream to reality!

The ant is perhaps the only creature in the world that is never afraid to overwork. An Ant can rarely be seen doing nothing, but even then he either cleans his paws and ears, licks his shiny armor, and a person born of an Ant not only plans the day ahead in moments of rest, but also tries harder than others to carry out.
The ant is constantly at work, even if it looks like aimless wandering through the bushes. He either grazes cattle, at the same time protecting Ants from strangers, or builds and drags prey into the house. He will never say to himself: enough, I have done enough. He always tries to do more, for which he is valued and respected, although they try to load him with more work and transfer part of their labor to him. The ant drags and grumbles very occasionally.
Such hard work is rewarded: Ants are noticed, promoted, and given more difficult and responsible work. And let them say that Ant wins not with his intelligence, but with his hard work, but genius is one percent of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work!

Khrushch - no one experiences such drastic changes in life as Khrushch. When a worm digs into the ground and gnaws the roots, he is sure that he will do this all his life. When he turns into a doll and freezes in great peace, he exclaims in insight: “What a fool I used to be!”, implying that now he has finally understood how to live, now knows how to Live, now he will only live So…
But the time comes, and the cocoon bursts, a young Beetle crawls out of the ground, spreads its wings...
Khrushch is tormented more than anyone else by the fact that you can’t explain to your children how they will live, they won’t believe it, in general you can’t explain to anyone how to live in order to be able to turn into Real-With-Wings, because the majority will die as fat, blind worms ...
In his work, Khrushch easily reaches any heights if he is not led away from the easy career path for him by more complex searches for truth, philosophical or religious paths, the search for moral and ethical gates to the right life.

Beaver - Beaver's desire for order and peace led him to learn how to build dams, raise the level of streams and rivers, and make dams. All animals adapt to the weather, only the Beaver adapts it to himself, adjusts it to his character and routine.
Beaver always has everything at hand, he is never in a hurry, and works calmly and confidently. Other animals are jealous, but Beaver's life is too difficult for them. Being a Beaver means knowing a lot and being able to do a lot. But when animals flee in panic from a thunderstorm or forest fire, the Beaver only needs to dive into his underwater house and calmly wait out the trifle, which for others is a disaster. The beaver knows how to arrange his life in such a way that next to him everyone feels calm and protected, even if the rest of the world is collapsing.

The dog's distinguishing feature is loyalty and fearlessness. In a world where no one keeps their word, the Dog is the only one who still adheres to the old canons of honor, loyalty to the word, he will never hit a man who is lying down, in the back or below the belt, no matter what benefits it promises and no matter how much they laugh at him for his old-fashioned habits.
He is faithful to his friends to the point of blindness, to the point of stupidity, and no betrayal or betrayal can wean him from trusting people and protecting them.
But, strangely enough, even his opponents trust him more than their friends and associates. You can trust a dog with money, secrets and your own life. If a friend is in danger of trouble, you cannot frighten the Dog with either a knife or power. He will not, like the Cat, calmly wash himself when his owner is killed nearby, he will jump and grab the throat, even if he knows that this is his last jump.
For the Dog in life it is much more important to live in harmony with his conscience than with the law, which is one today, another tomorrow. He does not strive for a career, but you often see him at the top of business, politics, and management systems, because even his opponents trust the Dog.

The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he himself can tell something about himself that makes him look funny.
Only a few know that the seemingly clumsy Bear overtakes a racehorse, is able to strangle a moose and carry it in his front paws, that he senses a mouse nest under a dense layer of hard earth and is able to get a mouse out of there before the most dexterous cat has time to say “meow.” But it is not strength and dexterity that make him the master of the forest.
He is considered the main one because, for all his power, he is surprisingly simple and carefree, condescending to the weak, does not offend little things, and is content with surprisingly little: getting honey, lying in the raspberry thickets, basking and feasting on his belly...
The bear, the envy of many animals and birds, sleeps in a warm den during the fierce winter, which speaks of his great intelligence and ability to get comfortable... if he really needs it.

Horoscope of animals of the ancient Slavs by date of birth January 4th, 2017

Slavic horoscope of totem animals by year

Many years ago in Rus' there was a totemic horoscope of animals. It clearly reflected the unity of the human and animal worlds. At first, the first day of the New Year was considered the Komoeditsa holiday, which was celebrated on March 21. Subsequently, the first day of the calendar was moved to the autumn equinox, namely September 23. It is noteworthy that in the ancient Slavic chronicle there were not twelve animals, but sixteen. Accordingly, there were sixteen years in the calendar, instead of the usual twelve. Important: Every sixteenth year of the Slavic calendar was considered great. Let's study in detail the characteristics of this or that totem.

Dark plow or elk

(Birth years: 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008)
Dark Sokh is a pioneer, leading others, who is protected by the Higher Powers. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the heights achieved, very often misunderstood and incomprehensible to those close to him. The less he doubts and thinks about his ideas, the more he will be able to give to this world.
People born in this year (1960,1976,1992) are loners. They are characterized by such traits as: pride, determination, desire for new achievements. Not everyone around them and even their loved ones understand them.
However, they should not give in to doubts or attempt to explain anything. You need to go towards your goal and conquer more and more heights.

Stinging hornet

(Birth years: 1913, 1929, 1945, 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009)
Stinging Hornet - people born during this period are very active, fuss a lot and love to make noise. Hornets have strong intuition and determination. To achieve their goal, they use any means without bothering with morality. From birth, they have an excellent memory, are extremely thrifty and jealous - they will never give up theirs to anyone, and besides, they can also take away someone else’s. Leaders by nature, they love to put others in their place, using all their causticity and wit.
Representatives of this sign (1961, 1977, 1993) are almost always on the move, very active. The peculiarity of the stinging hornet is that it achieves its goal by any method.
In addition, they have the qualities of leaders, terrible owners, witty, talkative, and often sarcastic. The Hornet is not against getting someone else's property, but he will never give up his own.

Lurking Lute

(Birth years: 1914, 1930, 1946, 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010)
Hidden Lute are people of great strength, natural grace and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult life situations. They have cat-like habits, but despite all their external softness and relaxation, they can manifest themselves very sharply and suddenly, instantly mobilize and show their claws and fangs. Although they themselves do not like to create and maintain order, they do not forgive others for the slightest violation of it. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, they will not allow even their loved ones to sit on their necks or limit their freedom. For Lyut, there are only those frameworks, obligations and restrictions that he has set for himself.
Those born this year (1962, 1978, 1994) are characterized by grace and great strength. Such people are generous and kind, but you won’t be able to sit on their neck.
Their appearance is deceptive - although in appearance they can be loose and cheeky, internally they are very collected. They are demanding of others, but forgive themselves even big mistakes.

Fire Veksha

(Birth years: 1915, 1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011)
Fiery Veksha is the sign of a person who has Higher protection. Those born this year are extremely dexterous and agile, they play all the time and are slightly disingenuous. They have a lively mind - they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. They have a nervous character and are often prone to mood swings and depression. In life they rely only on themselves, so they go to work early and start a family.
People born in the year (1963, 1979, 1995) squirrels are agile, agile, and sometimes cunning. They learn everything quickly, instantly navigate different situations, start a family early, rely only on their own strengths. Their mood often changes, and at times they experience depressive syndrome.

Pearl pike

(Birth years: 1916, 1932, 1948, 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012)
Pearl Pike - people born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox, endowed with inner peace and confidence in their rightness, therefore in communication they are direct and frank.
The honest, outspoken representatives of this year (1964, 1980, 1996) are very conservative. They are convinced that they are right, always calm and confident. They have no feelings of guilt or pity.

bearded toad

(Birth years: 1917, 1933, 1949, 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013)
The Bearded Toad is a person with natural wisdom to create harmonious relationships with the world. He knows how to appreciate what he has, is very economical, thrifty, modest and neat. A wonderful family man and hospitable host, not particularly pretentious to his surroundings. This is a conservative who does not like change, loves his comfortable “swamp”, and clearly knows what he wants from life
People born during this period (1965, 1981, 1997) are wise and easily harmonize with other representatives of the signs. They are big conservatives and value what they have. Change is not for them. They always feel good here and now. Wonderful family men, hardy, love to greet guests.

Wild boar

(Years of birth: 1918, 1934, 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014)
Wild Boar are very fearless people, always ready to repel anyone they consider an enemy. They strive for primacy in the business that interests them. After the desired is achieved, they usually seek solitude for relaxation and fall into apathy. In their calm state, Boars are extremely intelligent and do not take futile actions. People of this type usually take a long time to price and sway, after which, having gained momentum, they rush towards the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.
Fearless representatives of the year (1950, 1966, 1982, 1998) will always repel the enemy. People of this sign love to take leading positions in everything that interests them. Before achieving something, they think for a long time, then they begin to act, sweeping away all obstacles. After the plans are implemented, they retire and fall into apathy until they restore the spent energy.

White eagle owl

(Birth years: 1919, 1935, 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015)
White Owl is a person who lives according to his own regime, leading a secluded lifestyle. Very suspicious, mysterious and superstitious. In a favorable environment, his talents for extrasensory perception can reveal themselves in an extraordinary way. Having found a friendly environment for his activities, the Eagle Owl is able to move mountains.
Individuals born in the year (1951, 1967, 1983, 1999) of the owl are superstitious, somewhat withdrawn, and have their own unusual life schedule. They make mediums and psychics. They tend to know more than others. Such people are silent, majestic, and do not stoop to gossip.

Hissing already

(Birth years: 1920, 1936, 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016)
The Hissing Snake are people who have the gift of harmonizing the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset; everything secret is more important to them than the obvious. They are a little secretive, do not like to talk much, are practical, efficient and thrifty. They move towards their chosen goal persistently, but flexibly, and when unexpected obstacles arise, they change their skin like a snake.
People born in the year (1952, 1968, 1984, 2000) are philosophers by nature. They know how to persistently, but flexibly bypass obstacles, go towards their goal. Not grumpy. They are secretive when communicating with others and prefer to remain silent. They are workaholics and take care of things. Sometimes they are completely defenseless.

Sneaking Fox

(Birth years: 1921, 1937, 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017)
The Crouching Fox is a people of mysterious destiny and a life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, very careful and prudent - they never get into trouble, preferring to do everything quietly or on the sly. These are skillful intriguers who take life extremely seriously and know how to achieve their goals.
People of this year (1953, 1969, 1985, 2001) have a multi-colored life strip and are never bored. Their destiny is bright. Foxes are great intriguers; they will never fight their opponents openly. But on the sly you can easily get hit by such a person. They always achieve what they want thanks to their cunning mindset.

Curled up hedgehog

(Birth years: 1922, 1938, 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002, 2018)
Curled Hedgehog - unpredictable, prickly, fussy and noisy people. They have an excellent memory and special pedantry to detail. Very reliable friends and faithful spouses.
People born in the year (1954, 1970, 1986, 2002) are wonderful family men, loyal friends, good parents. But they have a rough temperament, are changeable, and sometimes do unexpected things. In addition, they are fussy, do not like silence, are meticulous and have an excellent memory even for details.

Soaring eagle

(Birth years: 1923, 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003, 2019)
Soaring Eagle are missionaries and reformers, obsessed with ideals and ideas. Their character is bold, changeable and proud, they do not tolerate manipulation and dictate, they live by their own rules and laws. They are very aristocratic, very scrupulous in communication, and usually faithful in friendship and love. They can predict impending troubles.
People born in the year (1955, 1971, 1987, 2003) of the eagle are ambitious. They do not welcome any laws or rules. And diktat causes a backlash. There are many reformers and preachers among them. Very loyal to their other halves. When communicating with other people, they are scrupulous and conscientious.

Spinning Mizgir

(Years of birth: 1924, 1940, 1956, 1972, 1988, 2004, 2020)
The spinner Mizgir is a man of the clan; he needs the support of his family and friends like air. He loves and knows how to unite large groups of people and create any organizations. He is very power-hungry, sensitive, and knows how to systematically achieve his goals, using all his extraordinary creative potential for this. Mizgir is the keeper of traditions and hearth, a reliable support for family and society
People born in the year (1956, 1972, 1988, 2004) of the Spider cannot stand loneliness at all. They cannot live without family and close friends. They always unite people around themselves, do not forget to observe traditions, keepers of the hearth, and are good business leaders.

Crowing rooster

(Birth years: 1925, 1941, 1957, 1973, 1989, 2005, 2021)
Crying Rooster - people born during this period are harsh and hasty in their judgments and actions, very active, fearless and ambitious. They always try to be visible and have their own original opinion on everything. They love their home and children very much.

Golden Horned Tur (Bull)

(Years of birth: 1926, 1942, 1958, 1974, 1990, 2006, 2022)
Golden-horned Tur - people of this year of birth harmoniously combine good nature and rage in their character. They love to patronize the weak. They are very hardy, stubborn and patient, and in case of danger they show extraordinary courage and aggression. They will stand to death for what is dear to them.

Firemane Horse

(Year of birth: 1927, 1943, 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007, 2023)
Firemane Horse - this is the year of active and courageous, honest and diligent people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love travel and extreme sports, so you can very rarely find them at home, as they are always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Nowadays, there are a great many horoscopes that help us better navigate among the people around us. Indeed, every person at birth is already endowed with characteristics characteristic of him.

Likewise, the ancient Slavs had a huge number of horoscopes. One of these is the ancient Slavic horoscope of animals by date of birth. It includes 12 signs, although there is an opinion that before the horoscope was much larger and some of the characters had to be removed. With its help, you can not only find out which time period a particular animal is patronized, but also understand the strengths and weaknesses of a person born in a specific period of time. Such a horoscope will help you learn better about your capabilities and tell you how to more easily realize them in life.

The Slavic horoscope compares the character of the animal with existing human qualities and endows them with people born in a certain period.

In this article you will learn about the animal horoscope by date of birth:

Wolverine is considered a beast that no hunter wants to mess with. This beast carefully monitors who walks on its territory, does not like strangers who settle in its possessions and protects them in every possible way.

Wolverine people put public interests above their personal ones. They do not like to be the center of attention and avoid open places. They are critical of themselves, know their strengths and weaknesses very well, and can boast of loyal and devoted friends.

The home of such a person is neat and clean. It is cozy and comfortable.

Such a person has an iron character, he is fair, and only a select few can fall into his circle of friends.

The raven has long been considered a wise and understanding bird. In addition, this wisdom is not acquired, but is already laid down from birth.

Crow people actually see openly the whole worldly essence, and it would take years for a sage to come to such an understanding. That is why they say about such people that the spinal cord is quite enough for them; the brain may simply be absent.

A person born during the Raven period always knows the correct answer to a question. He intuitively finds the desired solution to the problem, without fully realizing how he came to it. Such a person sees very far, looks into the future as if into an open book, but it is difficult for him to manage and lead. People do not understand his aspirations and ambitions, they do not want to change their usual way of life and make unnecessary movements to achieve the goal.

If Raven still manages to occupy a high position, it is only because he does not say many things, otherwise he would be mistaken for a madman and kicked out with all his ideas.

The sign of the Raven is unhurried and calm, since vanity and true wisdom are two incompatible things. He can predict and predict the outcome of events. He doesn’t need to peck an apple rolling along the road, but simply take a place in advance where it will stop.

Such a person is distinguished by good intuition, prudence, leisurelyness, fairness, and the ability to build logical chains.

This beast perfectly feels the great power within itself, which not only overwhelms it, but pours out from everywhere. It is not in his nature to sit idly by. He must be constantly on the move. If someone suddenly finds him in a relaxed state and decides that Ermine is arriving at peace, he will be deeply mistaken. Even being in a motionless and collapsed position, he makes plans on how to get rid of the squirrels he hates or how to get into the neighboring forest and rob his relatives.

The Ermine Man is dexterous, confident in himself and his thoughts and sayings.

He is not interested in law, rules and regulations. He is absolutely sure that he is doing everything right and for the common good. His actions are sometimes admirable.

In fact, people born at this time are selfless, responsive, quickly come to the rescue, and can lend to someone in need.

The ermine clearly understands what is good and what is bad, but lives according to his own beliefs and thoughts. He has a strong character. He takes any loot to his home and family, and helps his friends, who often take advantage of his generosity.


The toad can rightfully be called the most amazing animal. She tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability - she knows how to adapt to everything. Likewise, people born under the sign of the Toad can not only be simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field and lead an army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart; they feel good and cozy everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then with some effort he can get a high position. However, they are quite happy with what they have now.

People are drawn to this sign, value it for its golden soul, but the Toad itself does not really like meeting people, revealing itself and recognizing its interlocutor. She is more accustomed and comfortable alone with herself, where she doesn’t need to change or learn anything.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightfully be called the most amazing animal. She tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability - she knows how to adapt to everything. Likewise, people born under the sign of the Toad can not only be simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field and lead an army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart; they feel good and cozy everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then with some effort he can get a high position. However, they are quite happy with what they have now.

People are drawn to this sign, value it for its golden soul, but the Toad itself does not really like meeting people, revealing itself and recognizing its interlocutor. She is more accustomed and comfortable alone with herself, where she doesn’t need to change or learn anything.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightfully be called the most amazing animal. She tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability - she knows how to adapt to everything. Likewise, people born under the sign of the Toad can not only be simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field and lead an army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart; they feel good and cozy everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then with some effort he can get a high position. However, they are quite happy with what they have now.

People are drawn to this sign, value it for its golden soul, but the Toad itself does not really like meeting people, revealing itself and recognizing its interlocutor. She is more accustomed and comfortable alone with herself, where she doesn’t need to change or learn anything.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

The toad can rightfully be called the most amazing animal. She tends to live in water, under water, on land, even on trees in the forest. She has an amazing ability - she knows how to adapt to everything. Likewise, people born under the sign of the Toad can not only be simple workers, but also lead high positions.

Toad Man can work in the field and lead an army. He is interested in music, literature, art, science, where he can also find himself.

Toads rarely lose heart; they feel good and cozy everywhere. Because of this, they lose the desire for more. They are accustomed to being content with the position they have and not weighing too much responsibility on themselves. But, if the Toad wants something, then with some effort he can get a high position. However, they are quite happy with what they have now.

People are drawn to this sign, value it for its golden soul, but the Toad itself does not really like meeting people, revealing itself and recognizing its interlocutor. She is more accustomed and comfortable alone with herself, where she doesn’t need to change or learn anything.

Those born during this period are characterized as

able to find themselves in any field of activity.

Grasshoppers are not characterized by fatigue, defeat and misfortune. They are always perky, cheerful, playful and personify solar energy. Looking at the Grasshoppers, people have a smile and joy.

People of this period are very easy-going. They are afraid of new tasks and discoveries, but fighting with themselves, they still go towards the goal. They are frightened by the unfamiliar, the unusual, but the Grasshoppers do not give up and continue their journey to the end. They understand very well that there may be difficulties along the way, but happiness and peace can await in the end. The interest that drives them, the ability to quickly grasp everything, allows them to reach the end and go through all the hardships, overcoming their fears.

The Grasshopper Man will never show his cowardice in front of others; only when alone with himself and his loved ones can he admit it.

To everyone else, he remains a happy-go-lucky and cheerful person who makes everything work out easily.

The grasshopper easily gets along with both other horoscope signs and his own. He is not characterized by hard work, perseverance, constancy, and can give up what he started. However, having many unfinished tasks, over time, he returns to them and quickly completes them.

These people are constantly jumping here and there, looking for something new, but those around them appreciate and love them for their kind and cheerful disposition.

Everyone knows that hamsters love to sleep. Sometimes it seems that their sleep lasts for nine months. However, when the time comes to harvest, they manage to fill their pantries to the ceilings.

People of this sign can work without rest day and night, drink a quick coffee and continue working again. During such days, the Hamster manages to complete a huge amount of work, which a hard worker born under the Ant sign would do for a month. After such work races, the Hamster gets very tired and goes on vacation to regain his strength. The ant continues to work non-stop, and when the time comes to compare the results, the chances of winning may be the same.

The Hamster Man is kind-hearted, unhurried, and has no anger in him. He loves to relax, even if he is not tired from work. Lying in the sun and doing nothing is the best reward.

People love Hamsters and forgive their sluggishness, because they know that they can turn on at the right moment and get things done.

Ravlik is characterized by a special sensitivity, which helps him accurately and subtly understand people. People of this sign make excellent leaders. Ravliks know how to motivate people, what needs to be said, they know how to lead them even to the ends of the earth. Often, their hypersensitivity has a downside. There are periods when these people can give everything they have to someone else, and having realized this, they try to isolate themselves from their loved ones and withdraw into themselves, because they understand that they have been deceived again.

Due to their hypersensitivity, Ravliks become vulnerable. To save themselves, they withdraw and observe the outside world without interfering in anything. They are accustomed to living in a world they made up rather than dealing with cruel reality. It is sad for Ravliks to exist in such a world. They quite seriously believe that if they had been born several centuries earlier, they could have become princes rather than serfs.

Ravlik is an excellent conversationalist. Possessing innate hypersensitivity, he sees through the mood of his interlocutor, will not allow rudeness towards him, will come to the rescue and help get out of an uncomfortable situation.

This is an intelligent sign, but intelligence does not help them get rich, build a successful career, or achieve prosperity in their business. They perfectly imagine a beautiful future, but in their dreams they waste a lot of strength and energy on the way to it.

Ants are perhaps the only creatures in the world that are not afraid to overwork. It is almost impossible to see them idle. Even in moments free from work, the Ant does something, for example, cleans his ears or paws, or polishes his armor. Likewise, a person born during this period is ready, in moments of rest, to plan his day ahead and try to more effectively complete the assigned tasks.

A person of this sign is constantly busy; he always has work and minor chores. He can graze cattle, build a house, look for prey and food.

He has no limits on what he can do; he needs to be busy with something all the time. This is a maximalist who will do more rather than less. That is why Ant people are respected and valued in society, and they often try to put as much work on them as possible.

Thanks to his hard work, Ant does not remain unattended. Such a person is quickly noticed, given responsible and difficult work, and may be promoted. An ant cannot be called a genius or smart; he achieves everything thanks to his work and endurance.

Ants make excellent family men, however, problems can often arise due to hard work.

Khrushch is no stranger to experiencing drastic changes in life. Digging into the ground like a worm and eating the roots, he is deeply convinced that this will happen throughout his life. But, having turned into a chrysalis and having found great peace, inspiration comes to him. For himself, he decides that he has now learned the meaning of life, knows what and how to do, what rules to constantly adhere to.

However, after a while, a young beetle emerges from the bursting cocoon and crawls out of the ground. He spreads his wings and flies to new discoveries.

Man-Khrushch is more concerned than others with the question of everyday meaning. He is well aware that he cannot explain to anyone, even children, how to live.

Everyone must go through the whole journey themselves and draw their own conclusions. Therefore, many people of this sign remain fat, blind worms and rarely turn into real winged worms, unable to find their way.

People of this sign love to get carried away

to seek the truth,
seek the moral and ethical gateway to right living.

In their work, Khrushchi are able to easily reach any heights if no one leads them astray from their intended career path.

Khrushchevs are characterized by frivolity and romance, but keeping such people in marriage is very difficult and difficult. Very often they like to change their environment and lifestyle, easily leaving the past behind.

This sign, like the Beaver himself, loves peace and order. It is no coincidence that Beavers learned to build dams, make dams, and raise the level of rivers and streams. These animals are not used to adapting to the weather; it is easier for them to adapt it to themselves, their routine and character.

Beaver people are distinguished by confidence, calmness, and leisurely behavior.

When working, they always have everything they need at hand, which helps them complete it efficiently. They are envied, although they are fully aware that they cannot live like Beavers.

A person born at this time knows and can do a lot. He creates his life and the environment around him in such a way that everyone feels protected and calm around him. For such a person, any disaster will seem like a trifle, because he is used to being prepared for anything and always has an emergency exit.

These are strong, ambitious people who can achieve their goals, know how to calculate benefits, create a comfortable life for themselves, and are accustomed to sorting and systematizing everything.

A person born during this period is distinguished by loyalty and fearlessness. This is perhaps the only one who still observes the old canons of honor, keeps his word and remains faithful to it. He will not hit a man who is down and take advantage of the presented moment to achieve his own benefit. The dog is old-fashioned in his beliefs, but it is for his honesty and decency that he is so valued.

People of this sign are true friends. Even betrayal and betrayal do not prevent the Dogs from continuing to protect people and trust them. It is worth noting that in the eyes of their opponents they have the same trust as their friends. You can safely trust these people with secrets, money and even your own life. Having learned that a close friend is in trouble, the Dog will run to his aid without looking back. He is not afraid of difficulties, he is ready to protect his neighbor even at the cost of his own life. These people always stick to their principles and remain faithful and devoted in any situation.

The dog values ​​conscience above all else, he is used to living in harmony with it, and laws change from day to day. He has no particular desire for career growth, but he can be found in good positions. Among the Dogs there are many businessmen, politicians, and managers, and this is no coincidence. They deserve absolute trust from everyone around them.

Everyone is accustomed to considering the bear the master of the forest, but he has never been the king of animals, steppes, forests and deserts. In reality, it is laziness that destroys the bear. He knows this very well and does not worry. He can calmly tell something about himself and make him laugh at himself.

However, the clumsy Bear can easily outrun a racehorse, strangle an elk and carry his prey in his front paws. He can smell a mouse's nest better than a cat and deftly catches a mouse from under a hard layer of earth. However, he is considered the master of the forest not because of his strength and dexterity, but because, being surprisingly powerful, he remains simple and careless, condescending to the weak. He can safely be called a conservative good-natured person.

The Bear Man is used to being content with little, he is smart and reasonable. It will be enough for him to lie down in the place he has arranged and enjoy life without disturbing anyone.

The Bear will make an excellent businessman, but not a careerist. He loves to live for his own pleasure and surround himself with everything he needs.

The Slavic horoscope of animals by month is based on the belief that each timethe gap corresponds to a specific beast. The influence of the totem on the fate and character of a person is described by the totem horoscope according to the month of birth. Not to be confused with.

R osomakha 10.01-10.02

From 10.01 to 10.02 the patron saint is Wolverine. The main feature of this beast is the fierce protection of its borders.

Wolverine does not like strangers and very carefully monitors those on its territory. Few hunters would risk contacting this cute animal.

Those born during this period have the character traits of a totem.

    They prefer privacy and do not like open spaces;

    public interests are considered more important than personal interests;

    loners by nature;



  • devoted to friendship and family.

R Those born during the period of wolverine influence have a steely character and a heightened sense of justice. Such people do not waste their time in communication; it is quite difficult to become a friend of such a person. However, those who have entered into the trust of Wolverine will never be betrayed and can count on help at any time.

Wolverine clearly defines the boundaries of what is permitted and does not allow his interlocutors to cross. They don't let just anyone get close to them.

There is always harmony and comfort in the Wolverine house. Only really close people are allowed to visit.

Raven 10.02-10.03

The raven totem represents wisdom, insight and magical power. Those born in the month of February 10 are endowed with the traits inherent in the raven totem.

    Innate wisdom;

    natural flair;

    magical abilities (among the raven you can find a sorcerer, sorcerer, healer);

    calmness in all matters;

    smoothness in movements;

    confidence in actions.

Crow people see the point. They give away easilyfind the right solution to the problem. Often remain misunderstood by others.

Those born in the month of the crow feel good alone and do not like noise and fuss.

Ermine 10.03-10.04

The ermine totem imparts enormous vital energy. This beast is always active.

People born in the month of ermine are very active; sitting in one place is not realistic for them. Different ideas are born in my head at great speed. They quickly make decisions, act quickly without wasting too much time.

The following character traits can be distinguished in the character of an ermine:



    cunning and deceit border on kindness and generosity;

    strong personalities who do not obey generally accepted rules. The ermine has its own understanding of what is good and what is not.

The ermine's first priority is family; he will also do a lot for friends and relatives.

Those born under the sign of ermine can achieve a lot in life. It's their business

Toad 10.04-10.05

The toad easily adapts to various environmental conditions. She can live in water, on land, and survive unfavorable conditions. According to the animal horoscope, the toad man adopted this quality from the totem.

Those born from April 10 easily adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. They can equally effectively occupy a high position or be a simple worker.

Toads find joy in life surprisingly easily. They know how to be content with what they have and find a source of happiness in any situation. Toads do not give in to despondency; they are very cheerful and cheerful personalities.

The totem horoscope for toads prescribes the following character traits:

    positive attitude;

    the ability to acquire skills in any profession;

    high adaptability to environmental conditions;


    extraordinary thinking;

    Creative skills.

Toad people love a solitary lifestyle, do not like to meet new people, but if necessary, they get to know each other easily.

Grasshopper 10.05 - 10.06

The grasshopper totem horoscope gives those born from May 10 to July 10 the qualities inherent in an insect.

The grasshopper person is able to maintain a positive attitude, active and active. However, the inability to organize the work process and finish what is started leads to the fact that the grasshopper takes on many things at the same time. The failures accompanying his life are easily eliminated when things are completed. It’s enough just to make a plan and act according to it without wasting time on many things at once.

The main features of people inherited from a grasshopper by date of birth:

    the ability to maintain joy and a sunny mood;

    Those born at the end of May, beginning of June easily take off. Ease of climbing only decreases with age, but does not disappear completely;


    fear of the unknown and new things, but it does not become an obstacle to action;

    ability to quickly learn new things;

    grasshoppers are in constant search of themselves and their path;

    easily find a common language with people.

It is difficult for grasshoppers to concentrate on one thing, so they tend to give up everything halfway. However, over time, they return to unfinished things and quickly finish the work they started.

Hamster 10.06 - 10.07

The hamster totem determines the life of people born from June 10 to July 10. Like a hamster, representatives of this sign can be in a state of sleep for a long time, but if necessary they will work around the clock.

Those born in the month of the hamster cannot maintain high performance for a long time. Their work enthusiasm gives way to a period of apathy, but ultimately, in terms of labor productivity, they are not inferior to the hardworking ant sign.

Main character traits:

    cheerful disposition;

    long stays in a state of inactivity are replaced by periods of high performance;

    love of leisure;

    the ability to remain optimistic in difficult situations;

    smoothness of movements;

    measured, calm lifestyle.

A hamster's best pastime is resting.

The totem horoscope gives those born in midsummer a cheerful and kind disposition.

Representatives of the hamster totem can quickly get involved in the work and bring it to its logical conclusion in the shortest possible time.

Ravlik 10.07-10.08

Those born under the Ravlik totem have an innate ability to feel the interlocutor. Thanks to their natural gift, they always know how to motivate colleagues and subordinates. They know how to find the right words to calm an upset person. At normal times they are open to communication, but sometimes they need a period of solitude and rest from everyone.

Distinctive leadership qualities enable a peer to lead and occupy leadership positions.

Those born under the Ravlik star tend to withdraw into themselves and observe what is happening from the side for a long time. If they are haunted by failures, representatives of the sign may go into a fictional world. The depressive-dreamy state is common for Ravlik. Dissatisfaction with life leads to the fact that a person begins to believe that he was born in the wrong time or place and goes into the world of fantasies and illusions.

Ravlik is endowed with natural flair and a lively mind, but in dreams of a wonderful future he rarely takes action. Representatives of the sign rarely achieve their goals due to lack of action.

Ant 10.08 - 10.09

The ant totem endows those born from August 10 to September 10 with perseverance, endurance and hard work. Thanks to constant work, Ant-Man can achieve a lot if he works for himself.

In society, representatives of this totem rarely go unnoticed. The bosses love ant workers...to use. All the complex work of the team will be dumped on such a person. However, one cannot count on an increase in wages.

The main character traits of an ant:


    hard work;

    love for children;

    fidelity to life partner;


    the ability to plan everything ahead.

The ant is famous for its work activity. Representatives of the sign are difficult to see idle. Even in moments of rest, they plan the next day or get themselves in order.

Ant people consider family to be their main value; they pay a lot of attention to creating coziness and comfort for their loved ones. Noisy companies do not appeal to them.

Khrushchev 10.09-10.10

The Khrushchev totem leaves its mark on the fate of people born from September 10 to October 10. These are people who tend to search for the meaning of life, get carried away by various ideas and religious movements, and go to extremes.

A Khrushchev man easily partes with the past if he decides that it does not suit him. At the same time, the Khrushchev’s worldview can change dramatically under the influence of a minor event.

Representatives of the sign can achieve their goal if no one and nothing leads them astray from the intended path. However, having achieved success, they will never tell you how to live. A representative of the Khrushchev sign believes that everyone should choose their own path in life and help in this is not appropriate.

B Ober 10.10-10.11

Representatives of the beaver totem are distinguished by their calm disposition and slowness in action. They strive to bring any business, if not to perfection, then close to ideal. They pay attention to the smallest details that other representatives simply will not notice. Therefore, any work is always done with high quality.

Those born in the month of beaver value home comfort and family relationships. Representatives of this sign always have order in their home.

Beaver people are capable of achieving their goals. Hard work and accuracy allow you to move towards your goal, albeit slowly but surely.

Beavers - fighters for justice.

Those born under the sign of the beaver can easily restore order even in chaos; they love and know how to put everything into order and systematize it. We are ready to work hard for the benefit of our family and our own comfort. Without motivation, they can become despondent and apathetic.

Dog 10.11 - 10.12

The totem horoscope endows people born under the dog sign with loyalty, nobility and the ability to keep their word. The Dog Man will not betray friendship or set up a colleague for profit.

The Dog does not strive to reach exorbitant heights in his career or take a serious position, but he does not agree to a bad life either. Among the representatives of the totem there are many entrepreneurs, politicians and managers. Representatives of the sign deserve respect due to their worldview, where there is simply no place for meanness and deception.

Bear 10.12-10.01

The animal horoscope includes a revered animal by many nations - the bear. Those born under this totem are endowed with many qualities of the owner of the taiga.

The bear appears clumsy in appearance, but at the same time it has full strength. Agility and speed in action.

The bear does not strive to reach great heights. He is quite satisfied with the existing living conditions. It can remain inactive for a long time, but if necessary, it is easily activated and performs the assigned task.

Distinctive features of the bear totem:



  • generosity;

    ability to come to the rescue;

    the ability to enjoy life;


The bear man prefers to enjoy life as it is. And not spend it on achieving different goals and career heights.

BEAR (December 10 - January 10)

The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he himself can tell something about himself that makes him look funny.
Only a few know that the seemingly clumsy Bear overtakes a racehorse, is able to strangle a moose and carry it in his front paws, that he senses a mouse nest under a dense layer of hard earth and is able to get a mouse out of there before the most dexterous cat has time to say “meow.” But it is not strength and dexterity that make him the master of the forest.

He is considered the main one because, for all his power, he is surprisingly simple and careless, condescending to the weak, does not offend little things, and is content with surprisingly little: getting honey, lying in the raspberry thickets, basking and feasting on him.

The bear, the envy of many animals and birds, sleeps in a warm den during the fierce winter, which speaks of his great intelligence and ability to get comfortable... if he really needs it.

WOLVERINE (Wolverine) (January 10 - February 10)

Wolverine is a beast that no hunter associates with of his own free will. Wolverine, like no one else, protects his land, jealously watches all strangers that pass through his territory, and does not tolerate those who try to settle on his lands, hunt, dig holes, and breed cubs.

Those born during the Wolverine period are more zealous than other people, putting the interests of the tribe above their own personal interests.

Wolverine is not a black grouse, does not like to be seen, avoids open places, is critical of himself, is not mistaken either about his mind or about his appearance, which is why Wolverine has more loyal and devoted friends than the brighter and louder-voiced ones narcissistic brothers in the Forest.

Wolverines have neat holes; Wolverines themselves boast clean fur and strong claws. Wolverine is that rare beast who does not have anyone who hates him, because even his enemies and adversaries respect him, knowing Wolverine’s code of honor, they know in advance what to expect from Wolverine, and are not afraid to turn their backs on Wolverine.

RAVEN (February 10 - March 10)

The raven is a wise bird, but wise not by teaching, but by its essence, initially wise and understanding. They say sarcastically about the Raven people that they don’t need a brain, a spinal brain is enough, but the joke of the gods is that in fact the Raven simply understands what a sage needs years of painful reflection for.

Raven immediately correctly answers a question that many sorcerers would have to work on. He feels better than he understands, and, jumping over logical chains, he immediately gives the correct answer, but he cannot explain how he came to it. Crows rarely reach heights in management and leadership. Precisely because they see very far, and the people will not go far, they should move one step - break the age-old, part with traditions, the behests of the same illiterate fathers and grandfathers, betray the Fatherland...

If from time to time the Raven flies up, it is simply because he does not talk about everything that his watchful eye sees, otherwise he will be beaten and kicked out like a madman.

Usually Crows are unhurried and calm, because true wisdom does not tolerate fuss. They see everything in advance, and if they need to peck at an apple, they do not rush after it as it rolls along the road, but immediately fly to the place where it stops.

ERMINE (March 10 - April 10)

An ermine is an animal that feels great strength within itself. He is so full of it that it spills out of his ears. He does not sit still for an hour, he is always on the move, and if anyone finds him motionless and lounging, he will be deeply mistaken in believing that he has finally seen Ermine at rest: he is feverishly thinking up either a hundred sophisticated tricks at once, or how to penetrate the neighboring forest and rob other Ermine, or plans to already strangle all the nasty squirrels in your forest and in neighboring ones.

The ermine is so confident in himself and that he is right that he does not care about norms, rules, laws. He is sincerely convinced that he is doing a good and necessary thing when he robs a chipmunk - look how fat he is! - or strangle a squirrel - not so squeals - that he is loved and admired not only for his dexterity, but also for his actions.

However, Ermine, in fact, most often turns out to be a selfless and sympathetic person, more willing than others to come to the rescue. Moreover, he can lend to someone in need both his own and someone else’s equally sincerely.

TOAD (April 10 - May 10)

The toad is perhaps the most amazing animal, because it can live both on and under water, and on the shore. The toad even lives in the trees in the forest. This amazing adaptability gives a person born during the Toad period the opportunity to both work in the simplest jobs, say, in the field or in the forest as a woodcutter, and to occupy the highest positions in the state, lead troops, and reach heights in music, literature, art, and science.

Toads are less prone than others to discouragement, because they feel good everywhere, but this also has another side: Toads are so comfortable everywhere that they rarely strive somewhere else. The Toad Man can, for example, work all his life as a gardener, knowing full well that if he sweated a little more, he could become a manager, a governor or even a king in this state.
Why, Toad usually answers. I'm fine as it is. And the Tsar has to get rid of everyone, save his own skin, the Tsar is always to blame, they hang all the dogs on the Tsar...

Toads are valued for their golden souls, which are covered with inconspicuous skins, but the Toads themselves are reluctant to get along with people, because the soul is not clothing, you still have to look at it!

GRASSHOPPER (May 10 - June 10)

The grasshopper, more than anyone else, does not like to show fatigue, defeat, or unhappiness. He always sings, always spreads his wings, preens in the sun. People smile when they look at the Grasshoppers; every Grasshopper glows - it’s just a matter of lying on the grass in the sun.

The grasshopper is very easy to climb, and although his heart trembles with fear before each jump, he still jumps, spreads his wings and flies, flies, trembling with fear and delight. Large scary animals may be waiting in a new place, there may be predatory spiders, but there may also be a beautiful clearing with lush grass, sweet berries and... other beautiful Grasshoppers, Beetles, Butterflies!

Perhaps the biggest coward in the world, the Grasshopper admits this only to those closest to him, but for everyone else he is a carefree and cheerful creature, to whom everything comes easily, without effort, who easily gets along with all creatures in the world, both Grasshoppers and all - everyone.

The grasshopper is not hardworking in the sense that it is restless; it grabs onto one thing or another. He often gives up what he starts, but for others it is surprising that he accomplishes a lot, even often more than other diligent people. And the secret is that the Grasshopper, having abandoned a lot of things halfway, still returns to half of them and, ashamed of his cowardice, finishes quickly and successfully. And if you consider that the Grasshopper quickly grasps everything, then we can say that the great Family created him on one of his best days and in a good state of mind.

HAMster (June 10 - July 10)

A hamster is a creature that sleeps for almost nine months a year, but in the remaining months it develops frantic activity, managing to collect grain from the fields and fill the pantries to the ceilings.

The Hamster Man is able to work day and night without rest, quickly take a sip of hot coffee and go back to work. On such days, he manages to do as much as someone born as an Ant does in a month. But then the Hamster, exhausted, falls with his tongue hanging out and takes a long, long time to come to his senses, and the Ant keeps working, working, working, and when the time comes to compare the results, it remains to be seen who has more time!

Hamsters are loved for their gentle nature, slowness and good nature. They are most often seen on vacation, and Hamsters love and know how to relax, even if the vacation is just lying on the grass in the sun.

RAVLIK (July 10 - August 10)

Ravlik is particularly sensitive. They feel other people very subtly and accurately; Ravliks can make excellent leaders, because they know how to ignite and lead people, how to influence them so that they even rush into the abyss. But this hypersensitivity also turns into another side: they are either ready to give everything they have to a stranger, then, having come to their senses, they fence themselves off even from their loved ones, all the time telling themselves that they have been deceived as many times as possible, it’s time to think about themselves...

Hypersensitivity makes them painfully vulnerable. To escape, they go into the shell, from there they just move their legs, looking around the world, trying not to interfere with anything. These people live in a half-imaginary world, they are much better off there than in the real one, and when they return, they always say with sadness that they were too late to be born, that they would have been a couple of hundred years ago, or even a thousand, for some reason counting, that in the past they would definitely have been princes and not slaves!
There are no better interlocutors for communication than Ravliki, because due to their innate hypersensitivity, they always see the mood of the interlocutor, they will never say something rude, they will always come to the rescue, and help them get out of a sticky situation.

Ravliks are smart, although their intelligence almost never leads to enrichment, a successful career, or prosperity in their business. No one is better than the Ravliks at inventing illusory worlds, but how much they lose on the way from a sweet dream to reality!

ANT (August 10 - September 10)

The ant is perhaps the only creature in the world that is never afraid to overwork. An Ant can rarely be seen doing nothing, but even then he either cleans his paws and ears, licks his shiny armor, and a person born of an Ant not only plans the day ahead in moments of rest, but also tries harder than others to carry out.

The ant is constantly at work, even if it looks like aimless wandering through the bushes. He either grazes cattle, at the same time protecting Ants from strangers, or builds and drags prey into the house. He will never say to himself: enough, I have done enough. He always tries to do more, for which he is valued and respected, although they try to load him with more work and transfer part of their labor to him. The ant drags and grumbles very occasionally.

Such hard work is rewarded: Ants are noticed, promoted, and given more difficult and responsible work. And let them say that Ant wins not with his intelligence, but with his hard work, but genius is one percent of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work!

KHRUSCH (September 10 - October 10)

Khrushch - no one experiences such drastic changes in life as Khrushch. When a worm digs into the ground and gnaws the roots, he is sure that he will do this all his life. When he turns into a doll and freezes in great peace, he exclaims in insight: “What a fool I used to be!”, implying that now he has finally understood how to live, now knows how to Live, now he will only live So...

But the time comes, and the cocoon bursts, a young Beetle crawls out of the ground, spreads its wings...

Khrushchev is tormented more than anyone else by the fact that you can’t explain to your children how to live - they won’t believe it; in general, you can’t explain to anyone how to live so that they can turn into Real-With-Wings, because the majority will die like fat, blind worms. ..
In his work, Khrushch easily reaches any heights if he is not led away from the easy career path for him by more complex searches for truth, philosophical or religious paths, the search for moral and ethical gates to the right life.

BEAVER (October 10 -November 10)

Beaver - Beaver's desire for order and peace led him to learn how to build dams, raise the level of streams and rivers, and make dams. All animals adapt to the weather, only the Beaver adapts it to himself, adjusts it to his character and routine.

Beaver always has everything at hand, he is never in a hurry, and works calmly and confidently. Other animals are jealous, but Beaver's life is too difficult for them. Being a Beaver means knowing a lot and being able to do a lot. But when animals flee in panic from a thunderstorm or forest fire, the Beaver only needs to dive into his underwater house and calmly wait out the trifle, which for others is a disaster. The beaver knows how to arrange his life in such a way that next to him everyone feels calm and protected, even if the rest of the world is collapsing.

DOG (November 10 - December 10)

The dog's distinguishing feature is loyalty and fearlessness. In a world where no one keeps their word, the Dog is the only one who still adheres to the old canons of honor, loyalty to the word, he will never hit a man who is lying down, in the back or below the belt, no matter what benefits it promises and no matter how much they laugh at him for his old-fashioned habits.

He is faithful to his friends to the point of blindness, to the point of stupidity, and no betrayal or betrayal can wean him from trusting people and protecting them.

But, strangely enough, even his opponents trust him more than their friends and associates. You can trust a dog with money, secrets and your own life. If a friend is in danger of trouble, you cannot frighten the Dog with either a knife or power. He will not, like the Cat, calmly wash himself when his owner is killed nearby, he will jump and grab the throat, even if he knows that this is his last jump.

For the Dog in life it is much more important to live in harmony with his conscience than with the law, which is one today, another tomorrow. He does not strive for a career, but you often see him at the top of business, politics, and management systems, because even his opponents trust the Dog.

On our site there are a lot of horoscopes: exotic, love, very serious and even humorous. This time we want to present you a very interesting horoscope. You can read about which Slavic animal you belong to, and accordingly, what characteristics you have.

The Bear is the owner of the forest, but not the king of animals, not the king of all forests, steppes, deserts and mountains... and all because his excessive laziness was born before the Bear. He knows this, he has gotten used to it and has come to terms with it, he himself can tell something about himself that makes him look funny. Only a few know that the seemingly clumsy Bear overtakes a racehorse, is able to strangle a moose and carry it in his front paws, that he senses a mouse nest under a dense layer of hard earth and is able to get a mouse out of there before the most dexterous cat has time to say “meow.” But it is not strength and dexterity that make him the master of the forest.

He is considered the main thing because, for all his power, he is surprisingly simple and carefree, condescending to the weak, does not offend little things, and is content with surprisingly little: getting honey, lying in the raspberry thickets, basking and feasting on his belly... The bear is the envy of many animals and birds sleep in a warm den during the fierce winter, which speaks of his great intelligence and ability to get comfortable... if he really needs it.

Wolverine is a beast that no hunter associates with of his own free will. Wolverine, like no one else, protects his land, jealously watches all strangers that pass through his territory, and does not tolerate those who try to settle on his lands, hunt, dig holes, and breed cubs. Those born during the Wolverine period are more zealous than other people, putting the interests of the tribe above their own personal interests.

Wolverine is not a black grouse, does not like to be seen, avoids open places, is critical of himself, is not mistaken either about his mind or about his appearance, which is why Wolverine has more loyal and devoted friends than the brighter and louder-voiced ones narcissistic brothers in the Forest. Wolverines have neat holes; Wolverines themselves boast clean fur and strong claws. Wolverine is that rare beast who does not have anyone who hates him, because even his enemies and adversaries respect him, knowing Wolverine’s code of honor, they know in advance what to expect from Wolverine, and are not afraid to turn their backs on Wolverine.

RAVEN (February 10 - March 9)
The raven is a wise bird, but wise not by teaching, but by its essence, initially wise and understanding. They say sarcastically about the Raven people that they don’t need a brain, a spinal brain is enough, but the joke of the gods is that in fact the Raven simply understands what a sage needs years of painful reflection for. Raven immediately correctly answers a question that many sorcerers would have to work on. He feels better than he understands, and, jumping over logical chains, he immediately gives the correct answer, but he cannot explain how he came to it. Crows rarely reach heights in management and leadership. Precisely because they see very far, and the people will not go far, they should move one step - break the age-old, part with traditions, the behests of the same illiterate fathers and grandfathers, betray the Fatherland...

If from time to time the Raven flies up, it is simply because he does not talk about everything that his watchful eye sees, otherwise he will be beaten and kicked out like a madman.
Usually Crows are unhurried and calm, because true wisdom does not tolerate fuss. They see everything in advance, and if they need to peck at an apple, they do not rush after it as it rolls along the road, but immediately fly to the place where it stops.

ERMINE (March 10 - April 9)
An ermine is an animal that feels great strength within itself. He is so full of it that it spills out of his ears. He does not sit still for an hour, he is always on the move, and if anyone finds him motionless and lounging, he will be deeply mistaken in believing that he has finally seen Ermine at rest: he is feverishly thinking up either a hundred sophisticated tricks at once, or how to penetrate the neighboring forest and rob other Ermine, or plans to already strangle all the nasty squirrels in your forest and in neighboring ones.
The ermine is so confident in himself and that he is right that he does not care about norms, rules, laws. He is sincerely convinced that he is doing a good and necessary thing when he robs a chipmunk - look how fat he is! - or strangle a squirrel - not so squeals - that he is loved and admired not only for his dexterity, but also for his actions.
However, Ermine, in fact, most often turns out to be a selfless and sympathetic person, more willing than others to come to the rescue. Moreover, he can lend to someone in need both his own and someone else’s equally sincerely.

TOAD (April 10 - May 9)
The toad is perhaps the most amazing animal, because it can live both on and under water, and on the shore. The toad even lives in the trees in the forest. This amazing adaptability gives a person born during the Toad period the opportunity to both work in the simplest jobs, say, in the field or in the forest as a woodcutter, and to occupy the highest positions in the state, lead troops, and reach heights in music, literature, art, and science. Toads are less prone than others to discouragement, because they feel good everywhere, but this also has another side: Toads are so comfortable everywhere that they rarely strive somewhere else. The Toad Man can, for example, work all his life as a gardener, knowing full well that if he sweated a little more, he could become a manager, a governor or even a king in this state.
Why, Toad usually answers. I'm fine as it is. And the Tsar has to bark away from everyone, take care of his skin, the Tsar is always to blame, they hang all the dogs on the Tsar... Toads are valued for their golden souls, which are covered with inconspicuous skins, but the Toads themselves are reluctant to get along with people, because the soul is not clothing, it still needs to be examined !

GRASSHOPPER (May 10 - June 9)
The grasshopper, more than anyone else, does not like to show fatigue, defeat, or unhappiness. He always sings, always spreads his wings, preens in the sun. People smile when they look at the Grasshoppers, each Grasshopper glows - it’s just like lying on the grass in the sun.

The grasshopper is very easy to climb, and although his heart trembles with fear before each jump, he still jumps, spreads his wings and flies, flies, trembling with fear and delight. Large scary animals may be waiting in a new place, there may be predatory spiders, but there may also be a beautiful clearing with lush grass, sweet berries and... other beautiful Grasshoppers, Beetles, Butterflies!

Perhaps the biggest coward in the world, the Grasshopper admits this only to those closest to him, but for everyone else he is a carefree and cheerful creature, to whom everything comes easily, without effort, who easily gets along with all creatures in the world, both Grasshoppers and all - everyone.

The grasshopper is not hardworking in the sense that it is restless; it grabs onto one thing or another. He often gives up what he starts, but for others it is surprising that he accomplishes a lot, even often more than other diligent people. And the secret is that the Grasshopper, having abandoned a lot of things halfway, still returns to half of them and, ashamed of his cowardice, finishes quickly and successfully. And if you consider that the Grasshopper quickly grasps everything, then we can say that the great Family created him on one of his best days and in a good state of mind.

HAMster (June 10 - July 9)
A hamster is a creature that sleeps for almost nine months a year, but in the remaining months it develops frantic activity, managing to collect grain from the fields and fill the pantries to the ceilings. The Hamster Man is able to work day and night without rest, quickly take a sip of hot coffee and go back to work. On such days, he manages to do as much as someone born as an Ant does in a month. But then the Hamster, exhausted, falls with his tongue hanging out and takes a long, long time to come to his senses, and the Ant keeps working, working, working, and when the time comes to compare the results, it remains to be seen who has more time!

Hamsters are loved for their gentle nature, slowness and good nature. They are most often seen on vacation, and Hamsters love and know how to relax, even if the vacation is just lying on the grass in the sun.

Ravlik is particularly sensitive. They feel other people very subtly and accurately; Ravliks can make excellent leaders, because they know how to ignite and lead people, how to influence them so that they even rush into the abyss. But this hypersensitivity also turns into another side: they are either ready to give everything they have to a stranger, then, having come to their senses, they fence themselves off even from their loved ones, all the time telling themselves that they have been deceived as many times as possible, it’s time to think about themselves...

This hypersensitivity makes them painfully vulnerable. To escape, they go into the shell, from there they just move their legs, looking around the world, trying not to interfere with anything. These people live in a half-imaginary world, they are much better off there than in the real one, and when they return, they always say with sadness that they were too late to be born, that they would have been a couple of hundred years ago, or even a thousand, for some reason counting, that in the past they would definitely have been princes and not slaves!
There are no better interlocutors for communication than Ravliki, because due to their innate hypersensitivity, they always see the mood of the interlocutor, they will never say something rude, they will always come to the rescue, and help them get out of a sticky situation.

Ravliks are smart, although their intelligence almost never leads to enrichment, a successful career, or prosperity in their business. No one is better than the Ravliks at inventing illusory worlds, but how much they lose on the way from a sweet dream to reality!

The ant is perhaps the only creature in the world that is never afraid to overwork. An Ant can rarely be seen doing nothing, but even then he either cleans his paws and ears, licks his shiny armor, and a person born of an Ant not only plans the day ahead in moments of rest, but also tries harder than others to carry out.

The ant is constantly at work, even if it looks like aimless wandering through the bushes. He either grazes cattle, at the same time protecting Ants from strangers, or builds and drags prey into the house. He will never say to himself: enough, I have done enough. He always tries to do more, for which he is valued and respected, although they try to load him with more work and transfer part of their labor to him. The ant drags and grumbles very occasionally.

Such hard work is rewarded: Ants are noticed, promoted, and given more difficult and responsible work. And let them say that Ant wins not with his intelligence, but with his hard work, but genius is one percent of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work!

Khrushch - no one experiences such drastic changes in life as Khrushch. When a worm digs into the ground and gnaws the roots, he is sure that he will do this all his life. When he turns into a doll and freezes in great peace, he exclaims in insight: “What a fool I used to be!”, implying that now he has finally understood how to live, now knows how to Live, now he will only live So...

But the time comes, and the cocoon bursts, a young Beetle crawls out of the ground, spreads its wings...

Khrushch is tormented more than anyone else by the fact that you can’t explain to your children how they will live, they won’t believe it, in general you can’t explain to anyone how to live in order to be able to turn into Real-With-Wings, because the majority will die as fat, blind worms ...

In his work, Khrushch easily reaches any heights if he is not led away from the easy career path for him by more complex searches for truth, philosophical or religious paths, the search for moral and ethical gates to the right life.

Beaver - Beaver's desire for order and peace led him to learn how to build dams, raise the level of streams and rivers, and make dams. All animals adapt to the weather, only the Beaver adapts it to himself, adjusts it to his character and routine.

Beaver always has everything at hand, he is never in a hurry, and works calmly and confidently. Other animals are jealous, but Beaver's life is too difficult for them. Being a Beaver means knowing a lot and being able to do a lot. But when animals flee in panic from a thunderstorm or forest fire, the Beaver only needs to dive into his underwater house and calmly wait out the trifle, which for others is a disaster. The beaver knows how to arrange his life in such a way that next to him everyone feels calm and protected, even if the rest of the world is collapsing.

PES (November 10 - December 9)
The dog's distinguishing feature is loyalty and fearlessness. In a world where no one keeps their word, the Dog is the only one who still adheres to the old canons of honor, loyalty to the word, he will never hit a man who is lying down, in the back or below the belt, no matter what benefits it promises and no matter how much they laugh at him for his old-fashioned habits.

He is faithful to his friends to the point of blindness, to the point of stupidity, and no betrayal or betrayal can wean him from trusting people and protecting them.

But, strangely enough, even his opponents trust him more than their friends and associates. You can trust a dog with money, secrets and your own life. If a friend is in danger of trouble, you cannot frighten the Dog with either a knife or power. He will not, like the Cat, calmly wash himself when his owner is killed nearby, he will jump and grab the throat, even if he knows that this is his last jump. For the Dog in life it is much more important to live in harmony with his conscience than with the law, which is one today, another tomorrow. He does not strive for a career, but you often see him at the top of business, politics, and management systems, because even his opponents trust the Dog.