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Tarot reading for children. Where are the descendant lines? Fortune telling for Christmastide

Currently, fortune telling for a child’s date of birth online is available to everyone for free. I am glad that there are quite a lot of such sites on the Internet.

When a Tarot reading is completed online, it is advisable to analyze the number cards. What visual pattern is depicted in the layout, what symbols are repeated - all this is considered by the girl with maximum concentration. After a careful assessment of the cards as a whole, the individual elements of the layout are interpreted.

No fortune telling can give a girl the exact date of birth of her baby. However, online you can find out how many children there will be, what gender, year of birth (also quite approximately).

Fortune telling for the child's date of birth is carried out free of charge after the girl has entered certain data into the form. The most commonly requested date is her birthday.

Fortune telling on cards is offered by fortune tellers offline, that is, you can contact them using the contacts you left and get an appointment. Although you will have to pay for a personal meeting with the witch.

An excellent alternative is to learn the meanings of Tarot cards yourself and “look into the future” without outside help.

If you are interested in fortune telling for a child by date of birth, an example of a numerological calculation can be found on our website. For example, a girl was born on March 25, 1998. She grew up in a family with her own sister (that makes 2 children).

2 5 0 3 1 9 9 8 2=32=3 2=5

It turns out that the girl’s number is 5. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such calculations. They will be able to be carried out by all representatives of the weaker half, without exception, who want to learn about their future offspring.

It is important to remember that any fortune telling is associated with unknown forces, therefore, when doing fortune telling, it is advisable to remove the crosses.

The position is intended to warn you what hardships you should be prepared for in order to realize your desire to have children.

The card touches on the material and spiritual spheres of life, telling about the dramatic changes that follow after the birth of the baby. How family relationships and material well-being will change, how it will affect your career.

You can tell fortunes for children using the lines on your hand. There are different schools of palmistry in the world, and each of them has its own interpretation of the lines and dashes on the palm. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them, so it is better for beginners to use the most accessible options for such fortune telling.

The first way to determine by hand how many children there will be is to find a horizontal line of marriage and love relationships under the little finger. It is located between the little finger and the heart line, running across the entire palm from the index finger.

Above the horizontal line of relationships (or lines, since there may be several of them), you can see vertical lines - these are the lines of children. You need to count them and you will find out how many children you can have.

Moreover, long lines indicate boys, short lines indicate the possibility of having girls, and a line in the form of a tick means the birth of twins.

Another way to determine how many children you will have is to find the “childish” lines on the Mount of Venus. To do this, you need to find the vertical lines located just below the base of your thumb. Usually these lines are quite clearly visible and are not so difficult to find.

Also pay attention to the Heart Line. It originates between the index and middle fingers and runs horizontally across the entire palm. This line ends with a characteristic herringbone pattern. In order to find out how many children you will have, you need to count the “branches” of this “Christmas tree”.

To tell fortunes about children using coffee grounds, you need to have a fairly developed imagination. Fortune telling begins with a clear formulation of the question to which you want to receive an answer.

For example: “I want to know how many children I am destined to have.” Then you should brew coffee.

For fortune telling you will need medium or fine ground coffee, a Turk and a cup and saucer. Moreover, you need a cup with smooth white walls and a round bottom.

You can choose whether or not to add sugar when making coffee.

Freshly brewed coffee is poured into a cup and drunk in small sips. While drinking coffee, you need to think about the fact that you want to find out “how many children will I have.”

For fortune telling, you should not finish two or three sips of the aromatic drink. Now you can begin the fortune telling procedure itself.

We ask a question, the answer to which we want to get is “how many children will I have,” and shake the contents of the cup several times clockwise. Then we turn the cup upside down on a saucer and wait 2-3 minutes until the grounds flow down the walls and dry out a little.

We turn the cup over and carefully examine the coffee stains on its walls and bottom.

In order to get an answer to the question: “How many children will I have?”, you need to see spots in the cup that are shaped like eggs, or circles with splashes in the middle. How many eggs or circles you manage to see - how many children you will have to give birth to.

If you look at a circle of the correct shape, a boy will be born; if you look at an irregular circle, a girl will be born. A sign that looks like a fish also indicates pregnancy.

If the fish swims up, the child will be born. If down - termination of pregnancy.

And of course, the clear outline of a baby also promises the imminent birth of a child. Moreover, the closer to the handle of the cup the drawing is located, the faster the event will happen.

But the drawings located on the bottom predict the distant future, the probability of which is lower than the predictions that you will be able to see on the walls.

A girl can find out how many children she will have by turning to numerology. The method for determining the number of future children is simple - you just need to add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth and add to it the number of children your parents have.

The resulting two-digit number must be added together. The result of the calculations should be a number from 1 to 9.

For example: your date of birth is August 2, 1991, you have a sister, and your father has another son from his first marriage. Thus, your parents have only three children with you.

We count the sum of numbers: 2 8 1 9 9 1 3=33; 3 3=6. Your magic number is six.

1 – You have every chance of becoming a mother of many children. Moreover, if you choose family and children over a career, you will definitely become happy and feel like a fully self-realized woman.

Such a serious question – when will I get pregnant – worries mature women, for whom family and conception come first.

It is very relevant for those who do not immediately succeed in having a child. Fortune telling, of course, is not the surest way to find out the time of conception, but it is a psychologically correct move to calm down and move on to the active actions necessary for pregnancy to occur.

“Grandma’s” recipes and signs

Our grandmothers were wise, they did not have any fortune telling on the Internet, offering to get an answer to any question online. They used popularly proven methods completely free of charge to hasten the onset of pregnancy.

In order not to guess, but to know for sure, young women who are tormented by the question “when will I get pregnant” are advised by knowledgeable people:

  • In advance, before conception, buy all sorts of baby things: a rattle, a cap.
  • Visit places of pilgrimage. The Mother of God has always been considered the patroness of motherhood, and among the saints are Joachim and Anna, Fevronia and Peter.
  • If you have a ficus in your house and take good care of it, you will quickly become pregnant.
  • Willow is also a plant that is beneficial for conception and should be kept in the house.
  • Seek help from herbs. In Altai, for example, the red brush grows, which will help you get pregnant.

  • If someone unexpectedly gives you a product with pearls, there is no need to guess, it’s a great sign that there will be a child soon.
  • Caring for other people's children. You can even adopt a child. And there’s usually one just around the corner.
  • You will be warned that conception is imminent. Usually, houseplants grow rapidly or those that have not been pleased with flowers for a long time bloom.
  • If you adopt a stray kitten, you don’t need to ask when pregnancy will occur. Soon. It’s especially good if he came himself.
  • You need to eat foods that have become symbols of pregnancy and conception: all grains, nuts, eggs and caviar, drink milk.

Be in the company of pregnant women more often, preferably if they are relatives. If you try on things from those who are already pregnant, stroke their belly, drink from their cup, sit on a pregnant woman’s armchair or chair. These are all good harbingers of pregnancy for you, but this should not happen deliberately, but spontaneously.

Spell on Christmastide

The simplest Christmas fortune telling for pregnancy is to go to bed with the question in your head - when will I get pregnant. Then evaluate the sleep response.

During Christmas time they make fortunes on everything, even on children. For example, there is such a fortune-telling about water. You can take a simple glass with a flat bottom, pour holy water into it, put a ring in it (for married people - a wedding ring, for unmarried people - any ring you always wear).

Leave the glass overnight in the cold, and in the morning look at the ice in the glass.

  • If it is completely smooth, you will not get pregnant this year.
  • If there are depressions in the ice, this is for my daughter.
  • On the contrary, tubercles and protrusions signify the birth of a son.

If you don’t have time to give birth before the next Christmastide, then conception will happen for sure.

Fortune telling using a wedding ring (those who are married) and using a needle (those who are married) is also suitable for everyone. On Christmas Eve, hang the ring or needle on a woolen thread and hold it above your left palm. You certainly can’t do this kind of fortune-telling online.

  • If it doesn’t move, don’t expect an increase this year.
  • Walks in circles - to his daughter.
  • From side to side - to the son.

On the night before Christmas, tell fortunes like this: write the names of the months on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull one out at random. Which month is indicated determines the possibility of conception.

You can do fortune telling by drawing out objects. Usually they wrap a coin (for money), a ring (for marriage), a small onion (for tears), a nut (for prosperity), bread (for abundance) in a cloth or paper, and then put it in an opaque bag.

And you add something there that would symbolize pregnancy, a small children's toy or little thing. Pull it out - to be a child.

Other pregnancy fortune telling

1. You can guess by dreams, they will indicate an imminent pregnancy. The most common dream for conception is fish. Other images favorable to conception are jewelry, eggs, newborns, milk, cradle.

2. Remember which of your relatives had many children in the family. If such a relative is alive, visit her with gifts and gifts. If she is no longer in this world, prepare a wake, call the family. Mentally ask her and all your kind for blessings.

3. If a pregnant woman suddenly comes to your wedding, this is a clear indication that you will soon be pregnant too. It’s also good if a pregnant woman came into your home by accident, for example, in the wrong apartment - a very good sign.

4. If you notice an apple tree that will produce a lot of fruit this year, fertilize it, tie a beautiful ribbon or some kind of decoration, and take care of it.

However, you should take care of your husband first. Instead of wasting time on online classes, it’s better to spend a romantic evening with your loved one. Author: Maria Serova

Even before the advent of ultrasound and gynecological offices, women had their own means to find out how many children there would be, and even what gender they would be. Just a method, true and tested by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, mothers - various ways of fortune-telling “How many children will there be.” You don’t have to believe in them, just have fun, or you can verify the veracity or fallacy of women who find out the number of future children by fortune telling.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” by hand

You can tell fortunes for children using the lines on your hand. There are different schools of palmistry in the world, and each of them has its own interpretation of the lines and dashes on the palm. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them, so it is better for beginners to use the most accessible options for such fortune telling.

The first way to determine by hand how many children there will be is to find a horizontal line of marriage and love relationships under the little finger. It is located between the little finger and the heart line, running across the entire palm from the index finger. Above the horizontal line of relationships (or lines, since there may be several of them), you can see vertical lines - these are the lines of children. You need to count them and you will find out how many children you can have. Moreover, long lines indicate boys, short lines indicate the possibility of having girls, and a line in the form of a tick means the birth of twins.

Another way to determine how many children you will have is to find the “childish” lines on the Mount of Venus. To do this, you need to find the vertical lines located just below the base of your thumb. Usually these lines are quite clearly visible and are not so difficult to find.

Also pay attention to the Heart Line. It originates between the index and middle fingers and runs horizontally across the entire palm. This line ends with a characteristic herringbone pattern. In order to find out how many children you will have, you need to count the “branches” of this “Christmas tree”.

If you carefully examine your right and left palm, the number of child lines on them may be different. Palmists say that the left hand reflects potential, and the right hand reflects fate. That is, you can have four children, but only give birth to two. Some women are also upset that the number of “childish” lines on the palms of their chosen one is different than theirs. Experts in hand fortune telling say that this may indicate that the man already has children or will have children from other women, or that the man’s potential is greater than the desire or capabilities of his wife in terms of childbearing.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” using coffee grounds

To tell fortunes about children using coffee grounds, you need to have a fairly developed imagination. Fortune telling begins with a clear formulation of the question to which you want to receive an answer. For example: “I want to know how many children I am destined to have.” Then you should brew coffee. For fortune telling you will need medium or fine ground coffee, a Turk and a cup and saucer. Moreover, you need a cup with smooth white walls and a round bottom. You can choose whether or not to add sugar when making coffee.

Freshly brewed coffee is poured into a cup and drunk in small sips. While drinking coffee, you need to think about the fact that you want to find out “how many children will I have.” For fortune telling, you should not finish two or three sips of the aromatic drink. Now you can begin the fortune telling procedure itself. We ask a question, the answer to which we want to get is “how many children will I have,” and shake the contents of the cup several times clockwise. Then we turn the cup upside down on a saucer and wait 2-3 minutes until the grounds flow down the walls and dry out a little. We turn the cup over and carefully examine the coffee stains on its walls and bottom.

In order to get an answer to the question: “How many children will I have?”, you need to see spots in the cup that are shaped like eggs, or circles with splashes in the middle. How many eggs or circles you manage to see - how many children you will have to give birth to. If you look at a circle of the correct shape, a boy will be born; if you look at an irregular circle, a girl will be born. A sign that looks like a fish also indicates pregnancy. If the fish swims up, the child will be born. If down - termination of pregnancy. And of course, the clear outline of a baby also promises the imminent birth of a child. Moreover, the closer to the handle of the cup the drawing is located, the faster the event will happen. But the drawings located on the bottom predict the distant future, the probability of which is lower than the predictions that you will be able to see on the walls.

How many children will I have: by date of birth

A girl can find out how many children she will have by turning to numerology. The method for determining the number of future children is simple - you just need to add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth and add to it the number of children your parents have. The resulting two-digit number must be added together. The result of the calculations should be a number from 1 to 9. For example: your date of birth is August 2, 1991, you have a sister, and your father has another son from his first marriage. Thus, your parents have only three children with you. We count the sum of numbers: 2+8+1+9+9+1+3=33; 3+3=6. Your magic number is six.

Interpretation of magic numbers:

1 – You have every chance of becoming a mother of many children. Moreover, if you choose family and children over a career, you will definitely become happy and feel like a fully self-realized woman.

2 – You can easily conceive and give birth to your first child, but you may not be able to bear your second child if you are not extremely attentive to your health. You will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that your second child is born.

3 – You will spend a very long time choosing the man with whom you decide to start a family and have a child. The chance of never meeting your ideal chosen one is very high. Three means late labor and one child. Another option is possible - your chosen one will be infertile and you will have a difficult choice: be with him and remain childless, or look for another life partner.

4 – You will have two children: a boy and a girl. Most likely, there will be a difference of more than 5 years between children.

5 – You are destined to have twins or twins, even triplets are possible, so get ready to become a mother of many children.

6 – You will have three children. You will become a mother the first two times before the age of 30, but you will most likely give birth to a third baby after 40. A third child can also be born from a second marriage.

7 – You are not eager to become a mother, as a result of which you can consciously choose the fate of childfree (free from children). Or give birth to one child, but his grandparents will be involved in raising him.

8 – You are destined to become the mother of two children. You will also be thinking about having a third baby, but you will not decide for financial reasons, or because of fears for your health.

9 – If you manage to give birth to a child, it will most likely be through artificial insemination. However, this disappointing forecast does not at all exclude the possibility of adopting a baby.

Fortune telling using a thread and a needle “how many children there will be”

This method is suitable for young girls; this is how in the old days they found out how many children were destined for them. All you need is a simple needle and a white thread. The material from which the thread is made is not determined; you can use natural or artificial thread. You just need to thread the thread into the eye of the needle, place it at a distance from the palm, holding the tip of the thread (a distance of several fingers). The needle should not touch the palm, otherwise fortune telling will not work.

So, the girl who is being told fortunes should hold her hand straight, and the “fortune teller” should hold a needle on a thread over her hand. At the same time, the needle itself will gradually begin to swing, so you can find out how many children there will be and what gender they will be. The number of swings is the number of children. If the needle “walks” in a circle, it’s a girl, if it goes back and forth, it’s a boy.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” using stones

This method, like fortune telling by stones, can be tried both during the holiday week (from Christmas to Epiphany), or simply by arranging get-togethers with friends. You need small, round and flat stones, a reservoir of water, a marker and ink. These ingredients will be useful for two types of fortune telling “how many children there will be.” You need to take several stones and write numbers on them with a marker. From one to five, it all depends on how many children you are planning. The larger the family you want, the larger the number, let it be maximum. Write one number on each stone and dip it in water. You can wait until the marker is washed off in the water; whatever number remains is the number of children you will have.

The second method is fortune telling to find out how many and what gender the children will be. Take about 10 stones, write names on them in ink, maybe equally divided - five girls and boys. Now place in a reservoir of water, a vase, basin or bucket, whatever is of a suitable size, so that the stones do not lie one on top of the other. Wait for the ink to begin to dissolve in the water. The names and number of stones will tell you how many children there will be and what gender.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” on a mother’s wedding ring – or fortune telling on a ring without a stone

Take a suitable ring, it is better to use your mother's wedding ring, which does not contain stones. Also take a thread and a glass, fill it with water, a little more than half. You can also take a jar, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to concentrate on holding the ring on a thread above the water, without dipping it. Ask, mentally, a question to the ring. Count how many times the ring swings and hits the sides of the container. This will be the number of children.

Fortune telling “how many children there will be” on cards

This method of fortune telling is the most common; this is how they find out how many children there will be, how many marriages, about fate, and so on.

We will need a deck, of course, new, not playing cards. They need to be carefully shuffled; this should be done by a girl who wants to find out the number of her future children. Now slide the deck with your left hand, with the cards facing you, then shuffle again and select nine cards from the deck, face down, so as not to see them first.

Fortune telling for the birth of a child is no less popular than fortune telling for a betrothed. At Christmas time, every woman can find out when she will become a mother. Some methods give clues about the number of children and help clarify their gender. But women who are already pregnant are advised to avoid any fortune-telling.

Fortune telling with a pendulum

For this fortune telling you will need an “unsewn” needle (new) and a glass half filled with running water. The girl must pull out a hair from herself and thread it through the eye of the needle. If the strands are short, you can take a thread made of natural material (cotton, linen, silk). The pendulum is taken in the right hand and suspended above the glass one centimeter from the water. Having made sure that the needle is at rest, the fortuneteller begins to whisper: “Water, water, tell me who will be born?”

The pendulum's oscillations from side to side mean that the girl will give birth to a boy. Circular movements predict the appearance of a girl. If the needle remains in the same position, there is a high probability that there will be no children in the marriage.

Fortune telling with a mirror

On the night of January 6-7, the fortuneteller takes a small mirror and writes her question on the back of it with the end of a wax candle. The question is formulated something like this: “How many children will I have?”, “When will I give birth to a child?” etc. Then the mirror is wrapped in white cloth and put under the pillow. Without talking to anyone, the girl goes to bed. In a dream she will receive the exact answer.

Fortune telling with a ring

  • The number of boys is judged by the number of tubercles;
  • The number of pits determines how many girls will be born.

Fortune telling with a log

For the next fortune telling you will need a bundle of firewood (in a private house, in a country house, near a bathhouse). The fortuneteller approaches the woodpile late in the evening, pulls out one log at random and examines it carefully:

  • the shade of the tree indicates the hair color of the unborn child;
  • the surface will help determine the gender (smooth - girl, rough - boy).

It was difficult to pull out the log - the birth would be long and difficult. And if one or two more logs fall, you should expect twins or triplets.

Card fortune telling

Fortune telling is done only on an unplayed deck of 36 cards. You need to carefully shuffle it, remove it with your left hand from yourself and mentally ask the question of interest. After this, you need to take three cards out of the deck at random and lay them out in front of you. Examples of questions and answers:

  1. “Will you be able to conceive a child this year?” The predominance of red cards (diamonds, hearts) means a positive answer, black cards (clubs, spades) – a negative answer.
  2. “Will it be a boy?” If the card is a king or a jack, the answer is a clear yes. The lady in the reading predicts the appearance of a girl.
  3. “Will the birth be successful?” Two or three cards of the heart suit - the birth will be easy, of diamonds - it is possible to “push through” the pregnancy, but the outcome will be favorable, of clubs - a long recovery period, of the peak - childbirth with complications or cesarean section.

It is considered a good sign if an ace of hearts, 9 or 10 hearts appear in the layout. This means that conception will occur very soon, and the pregnancy itself will be problem-free.

Fortune telling by stones (2 methods)

For this fortune telling you will need small stones (10 pieces). On five pieces of paper they write the letter “M” with a pen, on another five – the letter “J”. The leaves need to be twisted, tied to stones and at the same time lowered into a deep container of water. After a few minutes, the stones are taken back and they look to see which letters remain unblurred. They will indicate the number of children and gender.

The second method is almost no different from the first. Numbers from 0 to 9 are written on pieces of paper, but the sheets are not rolled. The stones are lowered into the water so that all the inscriptions are visible. Then the fortune-telling girl carefully monitors which number will finally be blurred last. It symbolizes the number of children in the future.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

For the first method, use Fig. The fortuneteller pours the cereal into a deep cup, covers it with her left hand and formulates the question: “Will conception occur this year?” Then with the same hand the girl scoops up some rice and counts the number of grains:

  • even number – the answer is positive;
  • an odd number – the answer is negative.

The second method is no less simple, but gives an accurate prediction. On a piece of paper you need to write your question related to pregnancy. Formulate it in such a way that you can answer “yes” or “no”. Then the sheet is placed with the text down in a fireproof container and set on fire. If the paper burns completely, the answer is yes. Partially burnt paper means that plans are not destined to come true.

Fortune telling by pie

This method is used by the residents of Greece on Christmas night. To begin with, the pie is placed in the center of the table. At this time, one of the girls is blindfolded. Then she is brought to the table and given a knife with a wooden handle in her hand, with which she must hit the pie. If the knife hits the center of the pie, the girl will soon give birth to a boy, and if it hits the edge - a girl. If the knife does not touch the baked goods at all, this means that no joyful event will happen over the next year.

Almost every girl who has not yet gotten married wonders how many children she will have and, in general, whether they will be born. There are many ways to answer these questions. One of these is numerology - a time-tested method.

How many children will there be - online calculation

Many girls, almost from early childhood, imagine themselves as mothers and think about how many children will they have how they will raise their children. Over time, the desire to become a mother does not go away, but only becomes stronger, because the main purpose of the majority of the fair sex is motherhood. This is where they see the meaning of their lives; this is why they live in the world.

How to find out how many children there will be? To do this, it is not at all necessary to turn to psychics and fortune tellers - you can do this yourself by turning to the science of numerology. This method takes into account the date of birth of the expectant mother and the number of children in her parents’ family.

To find out using numerology how many children you will have, you need to add up all the numbers of your full date of birth, reduce it to a simple number, and add to it the number of children in your parents’ family (all children are counted, including those from different parents) . The resulting number is reduced to a simple number from 1 to 9, which will be the answer to the question “How many children will I have?”

For example, you were born on September 5, 1995, and you have a brother. You need to calculate your birth number: 5+9+1+9+9+5=38=3+8=11=1+1=2 and add to it the number of children: 2+2=4. Your number is 4.

Find out online how many children there will be

Enter the date of birth in numbers and the number of children in your parents' family in the field. For the example given above, you need to enter in the field: 5919952.

1 - You have every chance of becoming a mother of many children, if, of course, you yourself want it. However, it may also happen that fate will take your unborn child away from you - miscarriages or health conditions unfavorable for pregnancy are likely. It is very likely that the father of all your children will be one man with whom you will live a long and happy family life.

2 - It is most likely that you will have one child. If you want to conceive another one, then most likely it will not work out the first time. The older child will be more attached to you, and the younger children will be closer to their father or one of their relatives.

3 - Most likely, it will not be easy for you to find the person with whom you decide to have a child, so it depends only on you how many children you will have. You can realize your desire to become a mother as soon as you realize that you are ready for it. Be attentive to the signs of Fate - sometimes the Higher Powers tell you that the wrong person is next to you, or now is not the most favorable time, or there is some other reason to plan motherhood for another time.

4 - “Four” means that you will have two children - a boy and a girl - of different ages. The first child will be born when you are still very young, and the second - when you and your spouse are ready both morally and financially to raise another baby. Your children will be strongly attached to each other, even if their age difference is quite large.

5 - Most likely, you will have twins or twins, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to this. They may also have brothers or sisters (younger or older), so be prepared to become a mother of many children. It is possible that your children will be from different men.

6 - It is very likely that you will have several marriages in your life, and in each of them you will have children. Although the children will have different fathers, there will be no quarrels or disagreements between the children. They will get along well and help each other even into adulthood.

7 - Most likely, you will decide to give up motherhood or give birth to one child, because you do not want to sacrifice your usual lifestyle, career, or goals set for yourself. Even if you have a baby, you will probably entrust the responsibility for raising him to your mother, grandmother, or hire a nanny. However, your child will love you very much, even if you do not give him much time and attention.

8 - It may happen that you will not have your own children, or only one baby will be born. But you will be able to adopt a child whom you will love and raise as your own.

9 - You are destined to become the mother of two children. However, you can decide for yourself how many children you will have. In this decision, you will probably start based on your financial well-being, although your relationship with your partner will also make its own adjustments to this issue. You will get married several times, and your children may be of different nationalities.

Using numerology, it is easy to find out how many children there will be. The calculation is based on the girl’s date of birth and the number of children in her parents’ family. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account children born in another marriage.

We add up all the numbers in the date of birth until we get a two-digit number, add the number of children in the parents’ family, and sum up the numbers of the result. The calculated unambiguous code is decisive in the matter of future babies.

Numerology calculates children, the number of which is already initially determined by nature. But during life this program may not be fulfilled one hundred percent. There are two expert opinions. Some of them recommend taking into account an interrupted pregnancy, as well as a successfully completed one. Others argue that only complete births are taken into account.

On the Internet you can find a special calculator that uses numerology to determine the number of children online.

  • There is a high probability that you will become a mother of many children, but there may be abortions or miscarriages. If you save most pregnancies, you will feel like the happiest mother.
  • You will have one child, but if you want to conceive a second one, you may not succeed the first time. The older child will bring only joy; with the second, problems and conflicts are possible.
  • It will be difficult for you to find a worthy person in your life from whom you want to get pregnant, so how many babies you will give birth to is up to you to decide. Pregnancy can be delayed due to the fact that the wrong person is nearby. Problems will arise due to resentment against you due to a monetary debt or insult.
  • This code means that you will have two children of different sexes of different ages. Give birth to your first baby when you are young. The second one will be born when you and your spouse get on your feet and achieve a lot in life.
  • You will give birth to twins or twins if there is a genetic predisposition. There is a possibility that you will become a mother of many children. Perhaps children will be born from different men.
  • Most likely, you will have many children from different husbands. There will be excellent mutual understanding between all children.
  • This number indicates that you will refuse to have children or will become the mother of one child, whom you will subsequently hand over to be raised by your grandmother or nanny.
  • Most likely, you will not have children of your own. You will give your motherly love to the adopted baby.
  • You are destined to become the mother of two children. However, it is possible to make adjustments based on the financial situation and moral climate in the family. If you are the owner of this code, then there is a chance that you will get married many times. Therefore, children may turn out to be of different nationalities.