DIY      07/11/2023

Regulatory documents for the design of railway. Railway categories according to design standards. Railway design standards Snip 1520 mm gauge railways

No. 184-FZ dated December 27, 2002 "On technical regulation" in order to protect the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, as well as state and (or) municipal property, environmental protection, life or health of animals and plants, prevention of actions , misleading users, ensuring energy efficiency, improving the safety of people when using railway infrastructure and is an updated edition.

The document contains the norms and rules that must be observed in the design, construction and operation of new railway lines and the reconstruction of existing public lines of the 1520 mm gauge.

The work was carried out by the team of authors: JSC TsNIIS (doctors of technical sciences A.A. Tsernant, G.S. Pereselenkov; candidates of technical sciences G.G. Orlov (supervisor), V.I. Kazarkina, N.N. Banova, O. V. Chumakova, chief specialists L. I. Kuznetsova, M. G. Sufan, leading engineer N. G. Akimova, design engineers of the 1st category V. V. Volodin, I. V. Lapteva).

This set of rules applies to the design, construction and operation of new railway lines, additional (second, third and fourth) main tracks and strengthening (reconstruction) of existing public lines of 1520 mm gauge under the load from the axle of a four-axle car on rails 245 kN (25 tf) , the linear load of an eight-axle car is 103 kN (10.5 tf) and the movement of trains at speeds: passenger - up to 200 km/h, freight - up to 120 km/h, freight accelerated and refrigerated - 140 km/h (inclusive). For highways with speeds exceeding the specified ones, special standards must be developed on the instructions of the customer and approved by him.

This set of rules applies to external railway sidings in agreement with the administration of the territories and with the executive authority in the field of railway transport.

This set of rules does not apply to railway tracks, which provide for closed circulation of rolling stock with higher axle and linear loads, and to new high-speed railways.

1 External railway sidings include non-public tracks intended for the transportation of goods of enterprises and connecting the junction station of the general network with an industrial station, and in its absence - with loading and unloading tracks or with a turnout of the first branch of internal railway tracks.

2 Short-term restoration of lines destroyed due to emergency situations and temporary bypasses can be designed according to specially developed standards.

3 Modernization of existing railways to organize the movement of passenger trains at speeds above 200 km/h is designed according to specially developed standards and specifications.

Railway rails. General specificationsGOST 7392-2002 Crushed stone from dense rocks for the ballast layer of the railway track. SpecificationsApproach dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways.Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements.Loads and impacts"SP 34.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.05.02-85Car roads"Bridges and pipes"SP 37.13330.2010 "SNiP 2.05.07-91*Industrial transport"SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection"SP 116.13330.2012 "SNiP 22-02-2003Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Design Basics"SP 122.13330.2012 "SNiP 32-04-97Railway and road tunnels

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and sets of rules in the public information system on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard (set of rules) is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard (set of rules). If the reference standard (set of rules) is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies in the part that does not affect this link.

Architectural supervision: A set of actions of representatives of the general design organization, carried out visually and documentarily and aimed at determining the compliance of decisions and actions taken by the contractor in the process of erecting a construction object with the decisions adopted in the working design of construction.

Ballast layer: Drainage bulk material laid on the main platform of the subgrade and designed to: ensure the stability of the rail-sleeper grid in space under the action of forces acting on it, with minimal accumulation of residual deformations, to transfer pressure from the under-rail base to the main platform of the subgrade and elastic processing of wheel impacts of railway rolling stock.

Jointless track: A railway track having long rails up to the stage, in which, when temperature changes, longitudinal forces arise proportional to these changes.

Track superstructure: Part of the railway track structure that receives the load from the wheels of the railway rolling stock and transfers them to the subgrade and includes: rails, intermediate rail fastenings, butt rail fastenings, under-rail base (sleepers or solid reinforced concrete base), anti-theft devices, ballast layer and turnouts.

Building approach gauge: The limiting transverse outline (perpendicular to the axis of the track), inside which, in addition to the railway rolling stock, no parts of structures and devices should enter (with the exception of devices designed for direct interaction with the railway rolling stock).

Geosynthetics: Building materials such as geotextiles, geotextiles, geogrids and geogrids, in which at least one component is made of synthetic or natural polymers used in geotechnical applications in contact with the ground, to improve the technical characteristics of soils or together with other building materials as elements of various building structures and structures.

General Contractor: An organization that is the main executor of the contract for construction and installation works and is responsible to the customer under the concluded contract.

Subgrade deformations: Residual and seasonal precipitation, uplift and displacement, damage or destruction of the subgrade or its elements from natural and (or) man-made impacts, including train load.

Life cycle: A set of processes for the creation, operation, repair and disposal of a unit of rolling stock or a complex technical system of railway transport.

Customer (investor): A legal entity that manages the funds allocated to finance capital construction, ensuring, together with other participants in the investment process, the commissioning of construction projects.

Protective structures of the railway track: Permanent or temporary, surface or buried structures and devices designed to protect materials or structures of buildings included in the complex of the railway track from adverse natural effects.

Subgrade: A structure serving as the base of the railway track superstructure, which perceives the load from the superstructure of the track and railway rolling stock, evenly distributes it to the underlying natural soil, evens out the unevenness of the earth's surface and protects the superstructure of the track from disturbances caused by changes in the natural and climatic environment .

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SNiP I-D.1-70V

Official edition





SNiP N-D.1-70V



mustache on the lines of the I category - 10,000 m, on the lines of the II category and access roads - 5000 m.

In difficult conditions and access roads and temporary detours, elements of the longitudinal profile are allowed with an algebraic difference in slopes of 8% o or more to match a vertical curve with a radius of 2000 m.

The points of fractures of the longitudinal profile on the lines of the general network should be designed outside the transition curves at a distance from their ends, as well as from the ends of the bridge spans, on which the track is not laid in ballast at least 2.5 m for every thousandth of the algebraic difference of the mating slopes; on access roads, as well as in difficult conditions on lines of the II category of the general network - at least 1 m for every thousandth.

In difficult conditions on access roads and in especially difficult conditions on lines of the II category of the general network, with appropriate justification in the project, as well as on temporary bypasses, profile breaks can be designed regardless of the location of the transition curves.

2.6. In areas prone to snow drifts in open flat and slightly rugged terrain, the longitudinal profile should be designed in sloping heights, as a rule, not lower than the estimated thickness of the snow cover.

Note. As a calculated one, the thickness of the snow cover is taken, which has a probability of exceeding 1:100 for the lines of the general network, and 1:300 for especially heavily driven areas, on the access roads, respectively, 1:20 and 1:100.

On temporary bypasses of railways of the general network and class II sidings, it is allowed to design a longitudinal profile, with the exception of heavily loaded places, regardless of the above standards.

In areas of distribution of permafrost soils, the following should be done:

avoid excavations in dusty, wet and ice-saturated soils, do not cut through the deluvium plume and silty rocks; in the event of the inevitability of excavations, strive for their minimum depth and location of the main site in bedrock;

provide the slope of drainage devices necessary in conditions of permafrost soils for the rapid flow of water.

2.7. When designing second tracks, the time difference in the levels of the rail heads should not exceed 150 mm, and on lines where the possibility of snow drifting is excluded, - 250 mm. At crossings, the difference in the levels of the rail heads is not allowed.

2.8. It is allowed to provide cutting of the subgrade of existing tracks only in cases when it is caused by recreational activities on the subgrade.

Route plan on the hauls

2.9. Curved sections of the track should be designed with the largest possible radii, but, as a rule, not more than 4000 m and not less than 800 m.

In difficult conditions, it is allowed to use curves of a smaller radius, but not less than 400 m on the lines of the general network of the 1st category and 300 m on the lines of the 2nd category.

In especially difficult, as well as mountainous conditions, it is allowed to use curves with a radius of 300 m on the lines of the I category and 200 m on the lines of the II category, while the possibility of a subsequent transition to larger radii should be provided.

On temporary detours, it is allowed to use curves with a radius of 200 m.

On railway sidings in difficult conditions, curves with a radius of 250 m are allowed.

In especially difficult conditions on railway sidings, the radii of curves can be reduced:

a) when locomotives of railways of the general network are in circulation on class I access tracks up to 180 m, on class II tracks and connecting tracks serviced by shunting, up to 150 m;

b) when handling locomotives of industrial enterprises with wagons of the general network - up to 150 m;

c) when locomotives of industrial enterprises are handling industrial park cars - up to 120 m.

2.10. The value of the smallest radius of curves in the Design of the second paths, as a rule, is set according to the radii of the curves of the existing path.

2.11. The curves of the second track are designed, as a rule, concentric with respect to the straightened curves of the existing track.

When straightening the curves of an existing path, the values ​​of their radii should be designed as constant as possible throughout the entire length of the circular curve. In difficult conditions, when the fulfillment of this requirement necessitates a significant reorganization of the existing subgrade or artificial structures, it is allowed to maintain radii of various values.

Notes: 1. When designing compound curves, circular curves of different radii must be mated using spiral curves.

2. The use of compound curves in the design of new lines is allowed with a significant reduction in the amount of work.

2.12. Straight and curved sections of the path must be matched by means of transition curves. The length of the transition curves is set according to the table. 4.

Table 4

Spiral lengths in m

Spiral lengths in m

I category

II category


at zones

Continuation of the table. 4

Transition lengths in m

on the railways of the general network

I category

| II category



Notes: 1. With two values ​​of the length of the transition curves, it is allowed to use less in cramped conditions.

2. The division of track sections into high-speed zones is carried out depending on the profile configuration: 1st zone - sections passed by freight trains with maximum or close to them speeds; 2nd zone - sections passed by freight trains at medium speeds; 3rd zone - sections passed by freight trains at speeds close to the calculated speed on the guiding slope.

3. On temporary bypasses, the lengths of the transition curves are designed according to the norms of access roads of the 1st category. On tracks served by a shunting order, transition curves may not be provided.

2.13. The length of the transition curves in the design of the second tracks and the reconstruction of existing railways is set in accordance with the standards provided in Table. 4 for railways of the general network and class I and II sidings, taking into account the overall widening of the inter-track distances in curves. If it is impossible to arrange transition curves according to the norms

tab. 4, it is allowed to design transition curves of a shorter length, determined by calculation, depending on the elevation of the outer rail designed for this curve and the slope of this elevation.

The elevation of the outer rail, as a rule, should be no more than 150 mm, and the slopes of the branch in difficult conditions should not exceed 2% on the roads of the general network and 3% on the access roads.

The length of the intermediate transition curves, conjugating circular curves of different radii, directed in one direction, is determined depending on the difference in elevations of the outer rail.

The length of transition curves must not be less than 20 m.

2.14. Straight inserts between the starting points of the transition curves should be designed as long as possible.

In difficult conditions, direct inserts may be designed in accordance with the standards indicated in Table. 5.

Table 5

In exceptional cases, with appropriate justification in the project, when designing second tracks, as well as railways of the II category of the general network and access roads, it is allowed not to arrange direct inserts between curves directed in different directions, mating the transition curves end-to-end (with the device within the mating transition retraction curves

solutions of external rails of reverse curves according to a special calculation).

2.15. The distances between the axes of the main tracks on hauls on straight sections of the track are designed to be at least 4.1 m between the axes of the first and second and at least 5 m between the axes of the second and third tracks.

On curved sections of the path, these distances increase depending on the radius of the curve.

Placement of separate items

2.16. Separate points on new lines should be placed at a given capacity (traffic size).

2.17. The hauls adjacent to the precinct stations should have a travel time reduced by 3-5 minutes compared to the haul with the longest travel time.

Profile and track plan at separate points

2.18. Separate points, as well as separate parks, as a rule, are placed on the site. In order to reduce the volume of work, it is allowed to place them on slopes up to 1.5% o, and in difficult conditions, up to 2.5% o. In particularly difficult topographical conditions (mountainous and other areas), the receiving and departing tracks of individual sidings and intermediate stations, which do not provide for maneuvering and uncoupling of a locomotive or wagons, are allowed to be located on steep slopes, but not steeper than 8% o.

When lengthening the receiving and departing tracks at existing stations in especially difficult topographic conditions, it is allowed to place the lengthened part of the tracks on slopes up to the leading one, provided that measures are taken against spontaneous departure of wagons and trains.

Exhaust tracks outside the switch mouth of the station, as a rule, are designed on a slope no steeper than 2.5%o towards the tracks they serve. In difficult conditions, it is allowed to design exhaust paths on a rise not steeper than 2% 0, and in especially difficult conditions - with the same slopes as the main path.

Tracks at loading and unloading platforms and platforms, tracks intended for parking passenger and freight trains or wagons without a locomotive, as well as equipment and parking tracks for locomotives must be designed on a platform or slopes up to 2.5% 0.

2.19. The length of station platforms on new railways of the general network and sidings is established by the project.

If the station site is located on a break profile, the length and conjugation of the profile elements must meet the requirements established for designing the main track on hauls, while within the useful length of the tracks there should be no more than two profile breaks, and the length of the profile elements should be at least 200 m.

2.20. Breakpoints of the profile of connecting and running ways, access roads to traction substations and other structures and devices must be defended:

a) from the gates of buildings - at a distance of at least 30 m plus the length of the tangent of the vertical curve;

b) from the loading and unloading fronts at a distance of at least 15 jk plus the length of the tangent of the vertical curve.

In difficult conditions during new construction and during the reconstruction of existing stations in cramped conditions, it is allowed to place vertical curves directly at these structures, but outside them.

2.21. Turnouts on the main and receiving-departure tracks, as a rule, should be located outside the vertical connecting curve. In difficult conditions, it is allowed to design them within a vertical connecting curve with a radius of 10,000 m, and on other tracks that are not followed by organized trains - 5,000 m.

2.22. Separate points, as well as separate parks and exhaust tracks, as a rule, should be designed on straight sections of the track.

In particularly difficult topographic conditions, it is allowed to place separate points, as well as individual parks and exhaust paths on curves with a radius of at least 600 m, and in mountainous areas it is allowed to reduce the radius of the curve to 500 m.

under certain conditions, a decrease in the radius of the curve to 400 m is allowed.

When reconfiguring stations, it is allowed to keep the radii of existing curves in the non-reconfigurable part of the stations. In exceptional cases, with appropriate justification, it is allowed to keep the indicated radii in the reconfigured part of separate points.

Separate points with a transverse arrangement of tracks, if it is necessary to place them on curved sections of the track, should be located on curves facing the same direction. In difficult conditions, the placement of sidings and passing points on the return curves is allowed on the lines of the general network of the II category and access roads.

When a separate point is located on a curve, turnouts should be placed on straight sections of the main tracks.

At reconfigured separate points, in cases where the location of turnouts on a straight line causes large additional work (transfer or lengthening of the route of the main track, a radical reorganization of necks, etc.), it is allowed to design turnouts on a curve using the appropriate diagrams of their laying.

The radii of the curves at the ends of the tracks must be designed not less than the radius of the transition curve of the adjacent turnout switch.

The radii of the curves of the connecting and running locomotive tracks are designed to be at least 200 m. In difficult conditions, the radii of the curves can be reduced to 180 m, and in the head of the hump marshalling yards - up to 140 m with a corresponding increase in these curves.

2.23. Transition curves and straight inserts between curves on the main tracks are designed according to the same standards as on the stage.

In difficult conditions, when the arrangement of transition curves causes a large amount of additional work, it is allowed to calculate the length of the transition curve according to the speed of train passage established for a given separate point.

Curves on station tracks (except for the main ones) are designed without elevation of the outer rail and without re-

running curves. Between curves facing in different directions with a radius of 250 m or less, straight inserts are designed, as a rule, at least 15 m long. On tracks not intended for the passage of organized trains, these inserts may not be provided.


3.1. The width of the subgrade on top of the straight sections of the track within the spans should be taken from Table. 6.

Table 6

The width of the subgrade on straight sections of the track in m

Web width in m with soils

Rank or railroad class

fine and dusty sand, clayey and other non-draining

rocky, coarse-grained and sandy drainage

General network railways:

I rank ..........

N-th rank ........


I class .......

Temporary rounds.....

Notes: 1. The width of the subgrade (cuttings below) in stable rocks can be reduced.

In this case, the distance from the axis of the track to the slopes at the level of the sole of the sleepers must be at least 3.7 m in one direction and 3 m in the other. In these recesses, appropriate chambers and niches should be designed.

2. On access roads, when laying sleepers with a length of 2.5 m and a ballast layer up to 20 cm, the width of the subgrade can be taken as 4.6 m for group “a” soils and 4.2 m for group “b”.

With a heavy type of superstructure of the track, it is allowed to increase the width of the subgrade of the access roads up to 6 m.

3.2. The distance from the axis of the designed second track, as well as from the axis of the extreme station tracks to the edge of the subgrade must be at least half the width given in Table. 6, and on turnout streets and exhaust paths - at least 3.25 m.

When reorganizing existing stations, the distance from the axis of the outermost track to the edge of the subgrade may be reduced, provided that the shoulder is not less than 0.45 m.

3.3. The width of the subgrade in the sections located in the curves is increased from the outside of the curve according to the table. 7, and on double-track and multi-track sections, in addition, by the amount of broadening of the inter-tracks in curves in accordance with the instructions for the use of GOST 9238-59 *.

Table 7

Subgrade widening from the outside of the curve in m

General network railways


Curve radii in m

Broadening in m

Curve radii in m

Broadening in m

600 or less

600 or less

In the northern building-climatic zone and the zone of distribution of permafrost soils in areas with a subsiding base, it is necessary to provide for the widening of the subgrade to compensate for its settlement due to the possible thawing of permafrost soils of the base; the amount of expansion is set in the project.

The width of the embankments at a distance of 10 m from the rear face of the abutments of large bridges must be increased by at least 0.5 m in each direction from the axis of the track, with the transition to a normal width at the next 15 m.

3.4. The transverse outline of a single-track earthen

Head of SNiP N-D.1-70V “Railways. Design Standards” was developed by TsNIIS of the Ministry of Transport and Construction together with the Promtranssniiproekt of the USSR Gosstroy, with the participation of Mosgiprotrans, Transelectroproject, Giprotranssignalsvyaz of the Ministry of Transport and Construction and Giprotranstei of the Ministry of Railways and is a document that combines the design standards for railways of the general network and railways of industrial enterprises for the period established by an additional indication of the Gosstroy of the USSR.

Editors - Candidate of Military Sciences Ya. M. Kuzmin and engineer. B, K Kozlovsky (Gosstroy of the USSR), Ph.D. tech. Sciences /*. 3. Veriman and Eng. A. Ya. Volodin (TsNIIS) and engineer. Ya. Ya. Zarubin (Promtransnia*

the lots are designed in the form of a trapezoid with a width of 2.3 m on top and a height of 0.15 m.

When designing the second track, the attached subgrade is given a transverse slope of 0.04 for cuts and 0.02 for embankments.

In rocky, coarse-grained and sandy draining soils, the subgrade of the main paths is designed horizontally.

3.5. The transverse outline of the subgrade of station sites, depending on the number of tracks, as a rule, is designed as single-pitched or double-pitched ^ With a significant width of the site, the use of a sawtooth transverse profile is allowed.

In rocky, coarse-grained and sandy draining soils in arid regions, it is allowed to design a subgrade horizontal.

3.6. The steepness of the slopes of the subgrade of embankments and excavations is assigned taking into account the geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions of the area, the characteristics of the soil, the planned methods of excavation, depending on the height of the embankment and the depth of the excavation. In favorable engineering and geological conditions, the steepness of the slopes of the subgrade is assigned according to Table. 8 and 9.

Table 8

The steepness of embankment slopes

slope steepness

Embankment characteristics

general network railways and class I sidings

sidings II class and temporary detours

1. Mounds of stone of slightly weathered rocks at the height of the mound:

up to 6 m.......

2. Mounds of coarse and medium-sized sands, gravel, pebbles and gravel and gruss soils of slightly weathered rocks with a mound height of up to 12 m ......

State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy of the USSR)


1.1. The norms and rules of this chapter shall apply to the design of new railway lines and second tracks, the reconstruction and restoration of existing lines, individual structures and devices of railways of the general network of the USSR, as well as railway access and internal tracks of 1524 mm gauge, owned by railways, industrial and other enterprises and organizations whose construction will be carried out on the territory of the Soviet Union during the period established by an additional instruction.

Note. When designing railways of the general network of the USSR and industrial enterprises, as well as individual structures and devices, it is also necessary to take into account the relevant requirements of the chapters of SNiP letters B and other regulatory documents agreed or approved by the USSR Gosstroy for use during the period established by an additional instruction.

1.2. Railways of the general network and railway access and internal tracks planned for construction during the period established by the additional instruction should be designed to provide the necessary traffic volumes (traffic volumes) within the given time frame and, depending on their purpose and future work, are divided into parts of the norms design.

Approved by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs on July 16 W7t

Contributed by the Ministry of Transport Construction and the Ministry of Railways

Date of introduction - according to the additional instructions of the Gosstroy of the USSR

A. General network railways

I category - railway lines of main importance, which in the subsequent period of time will provide the main national transport links within the country or in communications with neighboring countries, as well as inter-district transportation;

Category II - railway lines of local importance, which in the subsequent period of time will provide local and intra-regional transportation.

B. Railway sidings

I class - access roads for trains with speeds from 50 to 80 km/h;

II class - sidings for trains with speeds less than 50 km/h.

B. Internal paths of enterprises and organizations

Notes: 1. Access roads include railway tracks intended for servicing individual enterprises and organizations (factories, factories, mines, quarries, timber and peat extraction, power stations, traction substations, etc.) connected to the general railway network continuous rail track, as well as railways connecting individual enterprises with each other, with raw material developments, wharfs, ports and other facilities.

2. Inland tracks include railway tracks located on the territory of factories, factories, mines, quarries, forest and peat developments, power plants, storage depots and other enterprises.

3. When organizing passenger traffic on them, as a rule, according to design standards, sidings should be classified as railways of the general network of the II category.

1.3. All new and rebuilt railway lines and sidings, as a rule, should be designed for diesel or electric traction. The design of railways for steam and other types of traction is carried out if there is an appropriate task.

1.4. Projects of new railway lines, second tracks, reconstruction of existing railways, access and internal tracks must be developed taking into account the work of other modes of transport and their development, as well as taking into account the possibility of maximum use

use of existing structures and devices of railways, cooperation in the construction of new ones and the use of structures and devices (power supply, water supply, sewerage, etc.) of other types of transport, enterprises and organizations.

1.5. Design decisions should be made on the basis of a feasibility study of options, taking into account:

reduction of design and construction time, scope of work and engineering surveys for construction;

the possibility of ensuring the specified traffic volumes with a minimum amount of work for the first stage of construction with a subsequent increase in the capacity of the railway and its individual devices;

construction of temporary structures and devices (bypassing tunnels and places with large volumes of work, construction of temporary bridges, buildings, etc.), as well as the use of temporary sources of energy supply instead of permanent ones (energy trains, mobile power plants, etc.). The structures and materials used at temporary facilities must ensure year-round operation of the structures during the period established by the additional instruction and allow the movement of trains on railways of the general network at speeds of at least 50 km/h, and on sidings of less than 50 km/h, depending on speeds set for individual access roads;

widespread use of local materials, in particular timber;

simplification of master plans for the development of nodes and stations, development of station settlements and reduction of requirements for engineering equipment.

1.6. The capacity of individual structures and devices of railways of the general network, access roads and internal tracks must correspond to the specified traffic volumes (traffic sizes) and traffic speeds. The need for repair facilities, their use, the required operating staff should be determined taking into account three-shift work and a 48-hour work week.

1.7. When designing railways of the general network, access and internal tracks, individual structures

in the devices, the “Dimensions of the approach of buildings and rolling stock of railways with a gauge of 1524 mm” in accordance with GOST 9238-59 * must be observed.



Track profile on hauls

2.1. The magnitude of the leading slope of new railway lines and sidings should be adopted on the basis of technical and economic calculations in accordance with the upcoming work of the road and the topography of the area, as well as taking into account the weight norms of trains (for the first stage and in the future) and the slope of adjacent railway lines.

The steering slope, as a rule, should not exceed:

15% on the lines of the 1st category;

20% about on the lines of the II category;

30% 0 on access roads I and II class.

When designing the second paths, the existing guiding slope is maintained.

Notes: 1. The steepness of the largest slopes in curved sections of the track must be reduced by an amount equivalent to the additional resistance from the curve.

2. When choosing the leading slope of access roads, it is allowed to take into account the possibility of skipping trains equal to half or a third of the full-weight composition of the junction road.

3. When designing the second tracks, it is allowed to preserve the local excesses of the guiding slope existing on the existing track, if the passage of trains of the established weight norm is ensured with the accepted type of locomotive.

2.2. Slopes steeper than the guideline may be provided for on sections of railways that require large earthworks with a guideline slope, with justification for such decisions in the project.

The largest allowable slope with multiple thrust is set in accordance with Table. 1.

Table 1

The largest slopes with multiple traction by locomotives of the same power

Guide slope V %0

The largest slope in% o when traction

two locomotives

three locomotives

22 and up

The largest allowable slopes steeper than the leading one on the access roads are determined in accordance with the power of the accepted types of locomotives, but not more than 40% o for diesel and 30% o for steam locomotive traction.

The largest slopes on temporary bypasses of railways of the general network should be no more than a slope when traction by three locomotives, and on sidings - 50% o for diesel and 40% 0 for steam traction

2.3. The algebraic difference in the slopes of the mating elements of the longitudinal profile should not exceed the norms indicated in Table. 2.

table 2

The largest algebraic difference of mating slopes in % b a) railways of the common network

With a useful length of receiving and departure tracks in m

‘Discharge of the railroad

With a train weight in t

5000 and more

1000 or less

When conjugating slopes with an algebraic difference in steepness, more than indicated in Table. 2, design dividing platforms or elements of transitional steepness, with a length not less than that indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3

The smallest length of dividing platforms and elements of transitional steepness in and

a) railways of the general network

Railroad discharge

With a useful length of receiving and departure routes, they

Continuation of the table. 3

b) railway sidings

With a train weight in t

Access class

Notes: 1. In Table. 2 and 3, the denominator indicates the norms applied in the profile recesses (pits) located on the hauls, in the presence of at least one harmful (requiring braking) descent.

2. On temporary bypasses, the largest algebraic difference* of mating slopes should be no more than 20% 0, and the length of dividing platforms and elements of transitional steepness should be at least* 150 m.

3. The length of the transition steepness elements with an algebraic difference of mating slopes less than indicated in Table. 2, as well as on profile elevations limited by long rises, it is allowed to decrease in proportion to the decrease in the algebraic difference, but not less than 200 m on railways of the 1st category of the “general network, and on all others - at least 100 m

4. Dividing platforms located in recesses with a length of more than 400 m should be replaced by two slopes with a steepness of at least 2%o *

2.4. The length of the elements of the longitudinal profile and their interface when designing second tracks and rebuilding existing lines is set in relation to the standards provided for railways of the general network of the 1st category, and on sidings - in relation to the standards of sidings of the 1st class.

In the event that the application of these standards necessitates the reorganization of the existing subgrade or artificial structures, as well as when designing interchanges at junctions, it is allowed to reduce the length of the profile elements, but not less than 100 m. , it is allowed to design without transition slope elements.

2.5. Adjacent rectilinear elements of the longitudinal profile with an algebraic difference of slopes of more than 3% 0 are matched in the vertical plane by the curve of the radius

1520 mm RAILWAYS

Updated edition

SNiP 32-01−95

Official edition

Moscow 2012

SP 119.13330.2012


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Procedure for the Development and Approval of Codes of Rules” of November 19, 2008 No. 858

About the set of rules

1 PERFORMERS: JSC "Research Institute of Transport Construction" (JSC "TsNIIS")

metrology (Rosstandart)

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet

© Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, 2012

This regulatory document cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

SP 119.13330.2012

Application area................................................ ................................................. ...........

Terms and Definitions............................................... ................................................. ......

General provisions................................................... ................................................. ...............

Groundbed .................................................................. ................................................. ..............

Superstructure of the track .......................................................... ................................................. ......

Protection of the way and structures .............................................. .................................................

Artificial constructions................................................ ...............................................

Connections and intersections .............................................................. ................................................

10 Environmental protection............................................................... ................................................

Bibliography................................................. ................................................. ......................

SP 119.13330.2012


This set of rules has been drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" in order to protect the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, as well as state and (or) municipal property, environmental protection environment, life or health of animals and plants, prevention of actions that mislead users, ensuring energy efficiency, increasing the level of human safety when using railway infrastructure and is an updated version of SNiP 32-01-95.

The document contains the norms and rules that must be observed in the design, construction and operation of new railway lines and the reconstruction of existing public lines of the 1520 mm gauge.

N.N. Banova, O.V. Chumakov; chief specialists L.I. Kuznetsova, M.G. Sufan, leading engineer N.G. Akimova, engineers V.V. Volodin, I.V. Laptev).

SP 119.13330.2012


1520 mm RAILWAYS

Railways with 1520 mm track

Introduction date 2013-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the design, construction and operation of new railway lines, additional (second, third and fourth) main tracks and strengthening (reconstruction) of existing public lines of 1520 mm gauge under the load from the axle of a four-axle car on rails 245 kN (25 tf) , the linear load of an eight-axle car is 103 kN (10.5 tf) and the movement of trains at speeds: passenger - up to 200 km/h, freight - up to 120 km/h, freight accelerated and refrigerated - 140 km/h (inclusive). For highways with speeds exceeding the specified ones, special standards must be developed on the instructions of the customer and approved by him.

This set of rules applies to external railway sidings in agreement with the administration of the territories and with the executive authority in the field of railway transport.

This set of rules does not apply to railway tracks, which provide for closed circulation of rolling stock with higher axle and linear loads, and to new high-speed railways.

Note 1 to entry: External railway sidings include non-public tracks,

intended for the transportation of goods of enterprises and connecting the junction station of the general network with the industrial station, and in its absence - with loading and unloading tracks or with the turnout of the first branch of the internal railway lines.

2 Short-term restoration of lines destroyed due to emergency situations and temporary bypasses can be designed according to specially developed standards.

3 Modernization of existing railways to organize the movement of passenger trains at speeds above 200 km/h is designed according to specially developed standards and specifications.

GOST R 51685−2000 Railway rails. General specifications GOST 7392−2002 Crushed stone from dense rocks for the ballast layer

railway track. Specifications GOST 7394–85 Gravel and gravel-sand ballast for railway

way. Specifications GOST 9238−83 Approximation dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of iron

1520 (1524) mm gauge roads GOST 26775−97

inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements

Official edition

SP 119.13330.2012

SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts" SP 34.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.02-85 Highways" SP 35.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.05.03-84* Bridges and pipes"

SP 37.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.07-91* Industrial transport" SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection"

SP 116.13330.2012 “SNiP 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic Design Provisions»

SP 122.13330.2012 "SNiP 32-04-97 Railway and road tunnels"

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and sets of rules in the public information system on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published index "National Standards ”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard (set of rules) is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard (set of rules). If the reference standard (set of rules) is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies in the part that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

author's supervision: A set of actions of representatives of the general design organization, carried out visually and documentarily and aimed at determining the compliance of the decisions and actions carried out by the contractor in the process of erecting the construction object, with the decisions adopted in the detailed construction design.

ballast layer: Drainage bulk material laid on the main platform of the subgrade and designed to: ensure the stability of the rail-sleeper grid in space under the action of forces acting on it, with minimal accumulation of residual deformations, to transfer pressure from the under-rail base to the main platform of the subgrade and elastic processing of wheel impacts railway rolling stock.

seamless path: A railway track that has long rails up to the stage, in which, with temperature changes, longitudinal forces arise that are proportional to these changes.

lateral rail wear: The reduction in the width of the rail head, measured at 13 mm from the tread.

subgrade edge: The edge of the main subgrade area. superstructure of the track: Part of the railway track construction,

perceiving the load from the wheels of the railway rolling stock and transferring them to the subgrade and including: rails, intermediate rail fastenings, butt rail fastenings, under-rail base (sleepers or solid reinforced concrete base), anti-theft devices, ballast layer and turnouts.

building proximity clearance: The limiting transverse outline (perpendicular to the axis of the track), inside which, in addition to the railway rolling stock, no parts of structures and devices (with the exception of

SP 119.13330.2012

devices designed for direct interaction with railway rolling stock).

geosynthetics: Building materials such as geotextiles, geotextiles, geogrids and geogrids, in which at least one component is made of synthetic or natural polymers used in geotechnical applications in contact with the soil, to improve the technical characteristics of soils or in combination with other building materials. materials as elements of various building structures and structures.

general contractor: An organization that is the main executor of the contract for construction and installation work and is responsible to the customer under the concluded contract.

subgrade defects: Deviations of the design parameters of the subgrade from the normalized values.

subgrade deformations: Residual and seasonal precipitation, uplift and displacement, damage or destruction of the subgrade or its elements from natural and (or) man-made impacts, including train load.

long irregularities in the longitudinal profile: Irregularities of the longitudinal profile with a length of more than 25 m.

railway track: Railway transport infrastructure subsystem, which includes the track structure, subgrade, drainage, culvert, anti-deformation, protective and strengthening structures of the subgrade, located in the right of way, as well as artificial structures.

life cycle: A set of processes for the creation, operation, repair and disposal of a unit of rolling stock or a complex technical system of railway transport.

customer (investor): A legal entity managing the funds allocated to finance capital construction, providing, together with other participants in the investment process, input into

operation of construction projects.

protective structures of the railway track: permanent or temporary,

surface or buried structures and devices designed to protect against adverse natural effects of materials or structures of buildings included in the railway track complex.

ground bed: A structure that serves as the base of the railway track superstructure, which perceives the load from the superstructure of the track and railway rolling stock, evenly distributes it to the underlying natural soil, evens out the unevenness of the earth's surface and protects the superstructure of the track from disturbances caused by changes in the natural and climatic environment.

railway line category: A characteristic of a railway line, determined by its operational parameters and intended to establish requirements for its construction during construction and maintenance during operation.

maximum design speed of trains : Speed ​​accepted for this category of railway.

SP 119.13330.2012

railway modernization: Renovation of the railway as a system, including infrastructure facilities, including the expansion (development) of core business functions and an increase in categorization.

assigned service life: The calendar duration of the operation of the product, upon reaching which the operation of the product must be terminated, regardless of its technical condition.

roadbed edge: Part of the main platform, located between the bottom of the slope of the ballast prism and the edge of the subgrade.

landslide: The movement of masses of rocks, especially when they are saturated with water on a slope under the influence of its own mass of soil and vibration (from passing trains), seismic and other loads.

main subgrade area: The top of the subgrade, which includes the interface between the ballast layer of normalized thickness and subgrade soils, as well as the shoulder.

failure: An event consisting in a violation of the health of the state of an object.

subgrade slopes: Lateral surfaces connecting the subgrade elements (the main platform of the embankment, drainage systems or excavation shelves) with the natural earth's surface.

protected zones: Territories that are adjacent on both sides to the right of way and within whose boundaries a special regime for the use of land plots (parts of land plots) is established in order to ensure the safety, strength and stability of railway transport facilities, including those located in areas with moving soil and in areas subject to snow, sand drifts and other harmful effects.

span: Part of a railway line bounded by adjacent railway stations, sidings, passing points or waypoints.

sand drifts: Accumulation on the railway track of sands brought by the wind-sand flow.

rail base: Supports for railway track rails, designed to absorb loads from the rails and transfer them to the ballast layer or subgrade.

right-of-way: A strip of land on which rail infrastructure is located.

Acceptance: A form for assessing the compliance of the railway transport infrastructure facility, the construction of which is completed, with the requirements of technical regulations, the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of urban planning, fire safety and railway transport, other legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation.

anti-avalanche facilities: Structures designed to prevent avalanches or to protect the railway track from the damaging effects of moving avalanches.

anti-landslide structures: Structures designed to retain rock fragments moving in landslides, falls, screes or fix them on slopes.

SP 119.13330.2012

deeps: Curvature of a railway track resulting from general or local freezing of soils and an increase in the volume of water freezing in them.

rail track breakdown: Violation of the design, normalized or constructive position of the geometric position of the rail track.

rail: Structural element of the superstructure of the track, which directly perceives the load from the wheels of the railway rolling stock and transfers it to the under-rail base.

railroad reconstruction: Strengthening the capacity of the railway while maintaining the functions of the main activity without changing the categorization.

rail fasteners: Elements of the track superstructure designed to connect rails to each other and to the under-rail base and prevent the rail from moving in horizontal transverse and longitudinal directions.

rail joint: The point where rails are connected to a rail by welding or by using butt plates and bolts.

rail grid: Rails and sleepers connected to each other with intermediate fasteners.

repairable design: A design that enables troubleshooting by maintenance and repair.

mudflow (mudflow): Mountain channel flow, consisting of a mixture of water in a coherent (bound by monodisperse silt-clay particles) or incoherent state, rock fragments, tree remains (if any are present on the mudflow path).

N o t e - Most often there are rain (shower), snow (mudflows of spring melting) and glacial (glacial) mudflows. According to the composition of the mudflow mass, mudflows are divided into water-stone, mud-stone, mud, water-snow, water-ice.

hidden works: Works that are presented by the construction organization for inspection and acceptance before they are closed by subsequent works; at the same time, acts for hidden work are included in the general acceptance documentation.

snow avalanches: A concentrated movement of large masses of snow falling or sliding off mountain slopes in the form of a solid body (wet avalanches) or pulverized snow (dry avalanches).

snowdrifts: Deposits of blizzard snow on railway tracks and station areas.

turnout: A device that serves to connect railway tracks to each other or branch tracks and consists of switches, crosses and connecting tracks between them.

old-fashioned track superstructure materials: Rails, sleepers, fasteners and ballast removed from the railway track during all types of repair of the railway track, including current maintenance, that meet the requirements of the validity criteria and are suitable for re-laying into the railway track.

construction: Creation of new railway infrastructure facilities.

leveling rails: Rails length 12.50; 12.46; 12.42; 12.38 m

laid between the lashes of a seamless track, intended for seasonal regulation of their length.

SP 119.13330.2012

4 General provisions

4.1 Railways as the main element of the railway transport infrastructure are designed, built and operated as integrated serviced natural and technical systems, the functional reliability of which is ensured by the presence of the necessary operational base of farms

And other elements of the railway transport infrastructure being constructed simultaneously with the construction of the railway, as defined by the Federal Law "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation".

Buildings, structures, structures, devices and equipment of the railway transport infrastructure must meet the requirements of technical regulations, the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of urban planning and railway transport, other legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The construction part of railway facilities, their engineering equipment must meet the requirements of the relevant rules and state standards.

4.2 New railway lines and sidings, additional main tracks and reinforced (reconstructed) existing lines intended for the joint movement of freight and passenger trains in the common railway network, depending on the nature and size of traffic, are divided into categories given in table 4.1.

T a b l e 4.1

Estimated annual

Estimated maximum number


(share) of passenger trains

cargo tension

(including suburban) per day

Appointment of the iron

ness (net)


in cargo


trains per month

for the 10th year

steam trains


million tkm/km






trunk lines


train traffic

50 trains

for movement




trains at speed

over 160 to

Highways with



Up to 50 trains


trunk lines


train traffic







trains at speed

up to 160 km/h



5. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart).

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


This set of rules is drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.01 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" in order to protect the life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, as well as state and (or) municipal property, environmental protection environment, life or health of animals and plants, prevention of actions that mislead users, ensuring energy efficiency, increasing the level of human safety when using railway infrastructure and is an updated version of SNiP 32-01-95.

The document contains the norms and rules that must be observed in the design, construction and operation of new railway lines and the reconstruction of existing public lines of the 1520 mm gauge.

The mandatory application of section 1 ensures compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 N 1521).

1 area of ​​use

This set of rules applies to the design, construction and operation of new railway lines, additional (second, third and fourth) main tracks and strengthening (reconstruction) of existing public lines of 1520 mm gauge under the load from the axle of a four-axle car on rails 245 kN (25 tf) , the linear load of an eight-axle car is 103 kN (10.5 tf) and the movement of trains at speeds: passenger - up to 200 km/h, freight - up to 120 km/h, freight accelerated and refrigerated - 140 km/h (inclusive). For highways with speeds exceeding the specified ones, special standards must be developed on the instructions of the customer and approved by him.

This set of rules applies to external railway sidings in agreement with the administration of the territories and with the executive authority in the field of railway transport.

This set of rules does not apply to railway tracks, which provide for closed circulation of rolling stock with higher axle and linear loads, and to new high-speed railways.


1. External railway sidings include non-public tracks intended for the transportation of goods of enterprises and connecting the junction station of the general network with an industrial station, and in its absence - with loading and unloading tracks or with a turnout of the first branch of internal railway tracks.

2. Short-term restoration of lines destroyed due to emergency situations and temporary bypasses can be designed according to specially developed standards.

3. Modernization of existing railways to organize the movement of passenger trains at speeds above 200 km/h is designed according to specially developed standards and specifications.

GOST R 51685-2000 Railway rails. General specifications

GOST 7392-2002 Crushed stone from dense rocks for the ballast layer of the railway track. Specifications

GOST 7394-85 Gravel and gravel-sand ballast for railway tracks. Specifications

GOST 9238-83 Approach dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways

GOST 26775-97 Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways. Norms and technical requirements

SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85*. Loads and impacts"

SP 34.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.02-85. Highways"

SP 35.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.05.03-84*. Bridges and pipes"

SP 37.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.05.07-91*. Industrial transport"

SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003. Noise protection"

SP 116.13330.2012 "SNiP 22-02-2003. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic design provisions"

SP 122.13330.2012 "SNiP 32-04-97. Railway and road tunnels".

Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in the current year. If the referenced document is replaced (modified), then when using this set of rules, one should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

3. Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

Architectural supervision: a set of actions of representatives of the general design organization, carried out visually and documentarily and aimed at determining the compliance of decisions and actions carried out by the contractor in the process of erecting a construction object with the decisions adopted in the working design of construction.

Ballast layer: a draining bulk material laid on the main platform of the subgrade and designed to: ensure the stability of the rail-sleeper grid in space under the action of forces acting on it, with minimal accumulation of residual deformations, to transfer pressure from the under-rail base to the main platform of the subgrade and elastic processing of wheel impacts of railway rolling stock.

Jointless track: a railway track having long rails up to the stage, in which, when temperature changes, longitudinal forces arise that are proportional to these changes.

Lateral rail wear: Reduction in the width of the rail head, measured at 13 mm from the tread.

Subgrade crest: The edge of the main subgrade area.

Track superstructure: part of the railway track structure that receives the load from the wheels of the railway rolling stock and transfers them to the subgrade and includes: rails, intermediate rail fastenings, butt rail fastenings, under-rail base (sleepers or solid reinforced concrete base), anti-theft devices, ballast layer and turnouts.

The system of regulatory documents in construction


1520 mm RAILWAYS

SNiP 32-01-95


Moscow 1995


1 DEVELOPED by the ZNIIS Institute with the participation of VNIIZhT, PromtransNIIproekt, Lengiprotrans, MIIT, LIIZhT, DIIT, NIIZhT, TashIIT, VZIIT.
INTRODUCED by the Main Technical Regulation of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
2 ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 18, 1995 No. 18-94.
3 INSTEAD OF SNiP II-39-76, SNiP III-38-75 and SN 468-74.
4 These building codes and rules are an authentic text of the interstate building codes "1520 mm gauge railways".


1520 mm RAILWAYS

Introduction date 1996-01-01

These rules and regulations apply to the design, construction and operation of new railway lines, additional (second, third and fourth) main tracks * and strengthening (reconstruction) of existing public lines of 1520 mm gauge 245 kN (25 tf), linear load of an eight-axle car 103 kN (10.5 tf) and the movement of trains with speeds: passenger - up to 200 km/h, freight - up to 120 km/h, freight accelerated and refrigerated - 140 km/h (inclusive). For highways with speeds exceeding the specified ones, special standards must be developed on the instructions of the customer and approved by him.
These regulations apply to external railway sidings. in coordination with the executive authority in the field of railway transport.
These norms do not apply to railway tracks, where closed circulation of rolling stock with higher axial and linear loads is provided.
1 External railway sidings include non-public tracks intended for the transportation of goods of enterprises and connecting the junction station of the general network with an industrial station, and in its absence - with loading and unloading tracks or with a turnout of the first branch of internal railway tracks.
2 Short-term restoration of lines destroyed as a result of emergencies and temporary bypasses can be designed with specially developed standards.

References to the following normative documents are used in these norms and rules:
SNiP 1.02.07-87. Engineering surveys for construction
SNiP 2.01.07-85. Loads and impacts
SNiP 2.01.14-83. Determination of calculated hydrological characteristics
SNiP 2.01.15-90. Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes. Basic design provisions
SNiP 2.05.02-85. Car roads
SNiP 2.05.03-84* Bridges and pipes
SNiP II-44-78 Railway and road tunnels
SNiP II-12-77 Noise protection
GOST 26775-85 Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways
GOST 9238-83 Approach dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways.

3.1 Railways are designed, built and operated as complex serviced natural and technical systems, the functional reliability of which is ensured by the necessary infrastructure and operational base of the road facilities being built simultaneously with the construction of the road.
The mandatory infrastructure of the railway includes: stations and nodes, devices and structures for track, passenger, freight, locomotive and wagon facilities, structures and networks for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, power supply to traction and non-traction consumers, structures and devices for electrification, signaling, centralization and blocking (STSB), communications and automated control of railway transport; service and technical, residential and public buildings of settlements at linear and nodal separate points, special structures and devices for ensuring fire protection requirements and road operation in emergency situations.
Devices and structures of the railway economy must meet the requirements of industry standards for technological design.
The construction part of railway facilities, their engineering equipment must meet the requirements of the relevant norms and rules and state standards.
3.2 New railway lines and sidings, additional main tracks and reinforced (reconstructed) existing lines, depending on their purpose in the general railway network, the nature and size of traffic, are divided into categories given in Table. 3.1.
Table 3.1
Railway category Purpose
railways Estimated annual reduced load intensity (no in the freight direction) for the 10th year of operation, million tkm / km (including But)
High-speed Railway main lines for the movement of passenger trains at the speed of St. 160 to 200 km/h
Particularly loaded main railway lines for a large volume of freight traffic St. 50
I Railway main lines St. 30 to 50
II Idem St. 15 to 30
III The same St. 8 to 15
IV Railway lines Up to 8
- Intra-station connecting and access roads Regardless of the load density
1 The reduced traffic density is determined taking into account the number and mass of passenger trains.
2 The maximum speed of passenger trains is provided for: on especially loaded lines - up to 120 km/h (with appropriate justification, up to 160 km/h is allowed), on lines of categories I and II - 160 km/h, category III - up to 120 km/h and IV category - up to 80 km / h.
3 Access and intra-station connecting tracks at maximum train speed St. 80 km/h must meet the norms of category III railway lines.
4 In-station connecting tracks include tracks leading to container yards, bases, sorting platforms, points for cleaning, washing, disinfecting cars, repairing rolling stock and performing other technological operations.
3.3 The value of the limiting slope* should not exceed for high-speed railways, especially freight-intensive and category I - 18 o / oo, II - 20 o / oo, III - 30 o / oo, IV - 40 o / oo.

* Limiting slope refers to the guiding slope and the maximum slope of the enhanced traction.
On international main lines, the guiding slope should be taken no more than 12.5 o / o, regardless of the traffic density.
3.4 Curved sections of the path of new railways should be as large as possible radii. Curve radii, m, should be taken equal to 4000, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1800, 1500, 1200, 1000, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 180.
3.5 The required throughput capacity of hauls should provide the specified dimensions of freight and passenger traffic of the month of maximum traffic, taking into account the time for technological breaks for the maintenance and scheduled repair of structures and devices, as well as the allowable capacity utilization factor to compensate for intraday fluctuations and operational failures in operation, which is not accepted over: 0.85 - for single-track lines and sidings; 0.87 - for sections with double-track inserts; 0.91 - for double-track lines and additional main tracks.
3.6 On straight sections of hauls, the distance between the axes of the first and second tracks, as well as the third and fourth tracks, must be at least 4100 mm. The distance between the axes of the second and third tracks must be at least 8000 mm, and at the speed of passenger trains of St. 140 km / h in areas where these speeds can be realized - at least 10,000 mm.
In difficult conditions on the head sections near large cities and junctions and at stations, in agreement with the executive authorities in the field of railway transport, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 6000 mm, with a corresponding decrease in train traffic.
On curved sections of the path, the distance between the axes of the first and second paths, as well as the third and fourth paths, should be increased depending on the radius of the curve.
3.7 During the construction of the railway, the project should provide, if necessary, regime observations according to special programs for facilities subject to hazardous natural impacts.
Technological processes and work packages that had no analogues or were not previously used in similar construction conditions can be initially carried out on an experimental basis with appropriate scientific support, followed by adjustment of the project documentation, if necessary.
Devices used during the construction and temporary operation of the road to monitor the condition of structures and the temperature regime of the foundation soils are transferred to the customer simultaneously with the commissioning of the facility.
3.8 It is necessary to provide a given level of reliability in terms of strength, stability and sustainability of all structures from the vibrodynamic effects of trains at the minimum reduced construction and operating costs and the least damage to the environment.
3.9 It is necessary to comply with the requirements for ensuring the safety of train traffic and labor protection of workers during construction and operation, taking into account the presence of prohibited (dangerous) zones and areas at facilities for the manufacture and storage of explosives, materials and products based on them, hazardous chemical and biological substances, as well as product pipelines for their transportation. The sizes of prohibited (dangerous) zones and areas are determined according to special regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner and in agreement with the state supervision bodies, ministries and departments in charge of these facilities.
3.10 Production of construction and installation works in the right of way of the railway, which can lead to damage to the lines and devices of automation, telemechanics, communications, power supply, contact network, track and other railway structures, is allowed only under the direct supervision of responsible representatives of the relevant management services of the railway administration or enterprises in charge of these structures.
3.11 In the presence of a prepared subgrade, artificial structures, the superstructure of the track, as well as other railway facilities determined by the project, it should be possible to open the working movement of trains with construction cargo.
The working movement can be carried out using temporary detours.
The maximum speeds of trains during working traffic are set according to the conditions for ensuring safety.
3.12 Temporary operation of the constructed sections of the railway line is an integral part of the construction and must ensure the run-in of the track in the amount established by the project.
Putting into temporary operation of the road or its individual sections is carried out when the technical readiness of the road is brought to a level that ensures the transportation of not only construction, but also national economic cargo, luggage, mail and passengers.
3.13 The technical condition of the road (road section) put into temporary operation must meet the following basic requirements:
subgrade with a complex of protective structures must be made according to the project, with the stability of the slopes of embankments and excavations and the installation of drainage structures;
artificial structures must ensure the passage of the rolling stock intended for circulation at the speeds established for temporary operation;
the main track must be laid on a ballast layer with a thickness of at least 20 cm under the sleeper;
communication lines should provide dispatching, train, station, and at separate points and turnout communication;
kilometer, picket and other road signs should be installed;
the necessary means of signaling must be installed at separate points.
3.14 The technical readiness of the railway for putting into temporary operation is established by the commission of the general contractor and the authorities in the field of railway transport.
3.15 The complex of works and structures that ensure the temporary operation of the site is determined by the project and can be considered as a start-up complex if it is provided for by the design and estimate documentation.
3.16 Temporary operation of railway lines with artificial structures built according to a temporary scheme is allowed.
3.17 Tracing of railways, placement of designed buildings, structures and devices on the territory of railway stations in the conditions of existing development should be carried out taking into account the fire safety of existing and designed facilities located nearby.

... Full version of the document with tables, images and attachments in the attached file...