Tool      01/11/2024

Body check. Medical examination when applying for a job: how it is done and how it is paid. Penalty for hiring without a medical examination.

A medical examination is necessary to identify pathology. It is an important point during employment, since there are a long number of specialties that require this procedure. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes standards that clearly define those categories that are required to undergo a medical examination upon employment. Several points are considered, not only the fact of employment is affected, but also the frequency of such inspections.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination when applying for employment?

The pre-employment medical examination is a regulated procedure that is required in most cases. The list of vacancies that do not require passing a medical commission for employment is quite small, although it is present. In most cases, a medical examination is necessary.

Depending on the specialty for which the employee is applying, specific examinations are prescribed. In some cases the list will be long, in others short. The legislation strictly regulates the procedure for conducting a medical examination, dividing all workers into several categories, which require mandatory examination, and groups (1 and 2), which are motivated by the purpose of the medical examination. What standards exist?


One of the categories is regulated by law as preliminary. These are the persons who get a job and are required to undergo a medical examination. This paragraph has standards enshrined in Art. 266, art. 213 (part 1, 2), art. 328 and art. 298 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Those who apply for work associated with danger (harmful conditions, etc.)
  • Drivers of vehicles,
  • Workers whose activities are related to food, working with children, in treatment and preventive and medical institutions, workers of water supply facilities,
  • When employed on a rotational basis,
  • undergo a medical commission upon placement in any institution, in all profiles.

In a medical institution, the corresponding standards have been established for each category, i.e., a list of specialists and procedures that must be completed by an employee applying for a job.

Medical examination upon hiring

A medical examination is carried out according to an established algorithm, which is not very difficult.

How does this happen

The employer (authorized person) issues a referral to a medical institution (health care facility) to the person entering the organization. Upon receipt, the person applying for work must sign the direction. Each organization is assigned to a specific medical center. To undergo a medical examination you must have with you:

  • Direction,
  • Passport,
  • Policy,
  • (not required everywhere).

The referral to the health care facility has a specific form, which contains all the necessary data:

  • , type of activity, type according to;
  • Name of the medical institution with detailed address, code by,
  • Type of medical examination
  • Information about the applicant: full name, date of birth,
  • Data on upcoming activities: structural unit, position, hazardous factors at work.

Which doctors should I go to?

The list of doctors who need to be examined depends on the future position of the applicant.

  • For those who are registering to serve in government agencies, requires examination by only two specialists: a psychiatrist and a narcologist.
  • Upon registration to other organizations set to mandatory list or private.

Required list:

  • Otolaryngologist,
  • Neurologist,
  • Ophthalmologist,
  • Surgeon,
  • Gynecologist (for women).

In all cases (for all categories), fluorography and basic (general) urine and blood tests are required.

  1. The list of specialists for minors will be somewhat wider. The medical examination commission for minors must include an occupational pathologist, a dentist and a psychiatrist.
  2. The list of specialists when applying for a job with harmful (dangerous) working conditions includes an examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist. The same applies to those who get a job in a transport company.
  3. The list of specialists for employment in public catering, medical and children's institutions includes an additional examination by a venereologist; additional tests may be required.

In some cases, employers include a cardiologist on the mandatory list, or this is stipulated by a commission based on the type of activity.


After the necessary examination, which must be completed in full, the medical institution writes a Final Act, which will subsequently be sent to the organization. They don't hand him over. A certificate of form 001-ГС/у is issued, which is valid for 12 months.

Who pays for registration

According to the law, the medical examination is paid for by the organization that issues the referral (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, the options may be different, i.e., payment for a certificate when applying for a job is regulated by the enterprise. This needs to be discussed in advance.

Possible payment options:

  • The company pays
  • The one who applies for the job pays
  • The company pays for the certificate on conditions (for example: the employee must work for at least 3 months),
  • Paid by agreement.

Responsibility of the parties

Great responsibility in this matter lies with the employer, since he is obliged to pay for the medical examination (by law), and to reimburse additional expenses for the examination if the person applying for a job had to do this on his own. The employer does not have the right to enter into an employment contract if the employee has not passed the required medical examination.

To be employed in some positions (cooks, teachers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and many others), the applicant is required to undergo a medical examination. It consists of tests and examination by several specialists - a therapist, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist and others. The service can be obtained in a public or private clinic: in the latter case it will be much faster. The procedure for undergoing a medical examination and compensation for the examination is described in detail below.

Legislative framework: who and at whose expense undergoes a medical examination when applying for a job

Current legislation requires medical examination. pre-employment examination for the following positions:

  1. Teachers, educators, instructors and all other employees working with children.
  2. Doctors, nurses, and other employees of hospitals, sanatoriums, and health centers.
  3. Employed in the catering industry or food production.
  4. Employees who work in difficult or harmful, dangerous working conditions.
  5. Professional athletes.
  6. All minors applying for official work.
  7. All applicants planning to work on a rotational basis.
  8. All applicants planning to work in the Far North.
  9. Those engaged in work that is carried out underground.
  10. Employees of law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the border service, etc.
  11. Judges of all levels.
  12. Private security workers.
  13. Drivers or workers whose activities are related to the movement of vehicles.
  14. Laundry workers.

Expert opinion

Chadova Svetlana

Leading HR specialist, lawyer, labor law consultant, website expert

Local authorities may add other positions to this list. However, employers themselves do not have the right to expand the list of professions, i.e. a citizen is required to undergo a medical examination when applying for a job only in cases provided for by local or federal legislation.

The same article of the Labor Code stipulates that any medical examination necessary for the performance of official duties must be completed only at the expense of the employer. This means not only passing a medical examination when hiring, but also routine examinations, examinations before each shift, etc.

At the same time, the medical examination itself is included in the compulsory health insurance program, i.e. the state is guaranteed to pay for:

  • examinations of all doctors (the list of specialists is presented below);
  • primary tests (blood, urine, feces, ECG and some others).

Also, in most cases, a free opinion from a psychiatrist and narcologist is provided. But in some hospitals (especially in small towns), the employee must visit specialized centers or go to a larger locality to obtain documents from these specialists. In this case, the service will be provided for a fee, but subsequently the employer will have to reimburse all costs with the exception of travel expenses (however, at its discretion, the company can reimburse them).

There are 2 payment schemes:

  1. The company enters into an agreement with a specific medical organization (meaning a private hospital), and the employed person is examined for free.
  2. Or, when applying for a job, the applicant himself undergoes a medical examination, collects documents confirming his expenses, after which he receives compensation in cash or by transfer to a bank card, where the salary is also received. Specific terms for calculating compensation are not specified - usually this occurs within several months or six months from the date of employment. If during the first weeks/months it turns out that the employee is unable to perform his duties due to health reasons, he will be dismissed without compensation for passing a medical examination.

It is also important to understand that when conducting any examinations for already employed workers (scheduled, unscheduled medical commissions), the employer retains not only the job, but also the average salary, i.e. actually recognizes this time as working time.

On the other hand, the law does not directly prohibit sending an employee to the hospital on his day off. Practice shows that such cases occur quite often, but it is still quite difficult to recognize them as unlawful.

Where do medical examinations take place?

There are 2 options:

  1. In a state (municipal) clinic at the place of residence or at the temporary registration address.
  2. In a private medical institution.

In the first case, the procedure almost never fits into 1 day - often examinations in city clinics have to be completed throughout the entire working week due to long queues and somewhat inconvenient appointment schedules.

In the second case the procedure will take 3-4 hours(usually in the first half of the day), but it is paid separately. At the same time, the cost of the examination is quite affordable - it depends on the number of specialists and on the region where the clinic is located: on average about 1500-3000 rubles.

The applicant has the right to choose any of the options, but it is important to consider 3 points:

  1. If the company has entered into an agreement with a commercial clinic, then the examination must be done there. In this case, the applicant will see the doctors in a few hours, and he will not have to pay anything.
  2. If the company does not have such an agreement, but the future employee underwent a medical examination in a private clinic upon hiring, he may have difficulties with compensation. The fact is that the medical examination itself in a public hospital can be done for free, although with a significant waste of time.
  3. Finally, if we are talking about passing an examination during employment in the civil or military service (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense and many others), most often the medical examination is carried out in special departmental hospitals, i.e. in fact, the employee has no choice. At the same time, along with the standard list of tests and doctors, you may need to undergo other specialists. The same goes for athletes.

Procedure for undergoing a medical examination: list of doctors and validity period of the certificate

During the examination, it is necessary to go through all the doctors whose opinions are required to grant admission. In a minimal version, the list of specialists looks like this:

  1. Therapist (makes a final conclusion based on the conclusions of other doctors).
  2. ENT (otorhinolaryngologist).
  3. Ophthalmologist.
  4. Psychiatrist.
  5. Neuropathologist.
  6. Surgeon.
  7. Expert in narcology.

Women at any age also see a gynecologist, and those over 40 years old – a mammologist; You should also have a mammogram at this age.

Among the mandatory tests you must pass the following:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • fluorography.

Additionally, you may need spirography, blood pressure measurement and other types of examination - the full list depends on the age, profession, as well as the individual condition of the person.

The procedure for undergoing a medical examination is as follows:

  1. The applicant checks with the employer in which clinic he needs to undergo an examination. This is done only in cases where the company has entered into an agreement with a specific private hospital or when applying for employment in the civil or military service (medical examinations are carried out in departmental hospitals).
  2. The future employee also receives a referral from the company for examination. There is no single form for this document, so it can be drawn up in any form.
  3. Then, along with this referral, as well as a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy, the citizen comes to the hospital and gets an appointment with a therapist. If necessary, you need to take your personal medical book with you, which is purchased at your own expense (costs about 300-500 rubles).
  4. After that, he goes through all the specialists and takes tests according to the list specified by the therapist.
  5. After passing the medical examination, the future employee receives clearance from the therapist, with whom he goes to the employer.

The validity period of this document is 6 months from the moment it is issued. However, it is important to understand that if an employee quickly quits his job and then gets a job in another place that also requires a certificate, he will be required to undergo a medical examination again.

If a person has recently had any tests, he does not have to go back for testing again. It is enough to take the relevant medical documents with you. However, the validity period of many tests is short - for example, blood and urine tests are no more than 14 days.

Responsibility for failure to pass a medical examination

First of all, refusal to undergo a medical examination will lead to the fact that the employer will not hire the employee, since the company will not want to take risks due to the lack of medical clearance. If the applicant falsified data or concealed the fact of failure to pass, but at the same time provided false (old) documents with admission, he faces administrative liability and is practically guaranteed dismissal.

It explains how often an annual medical examination at work takes place (labor code, art. 213). And Article 214 describes the responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection.

You should also point to Article 185 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the time spent by the employee undergoing medical examinations must be paid.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 214. Responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection

The employee is obliged:

  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;
  • undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations, other mandatory medical examinations, as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 185. Guarantees for employees sent for a medical examination

During the period of undergoing a medical examination, employees who are required to undergo such an examination in accordance with this Code shall retain the average earnings at their place of work.

What documents are needed to pass a medical examination for work?

  • passport of the citizen who has been assigned a preliminary medical examination;
  • , where the citizen is employed. Typically, the direction indicates those examinations that are necessary for a citizen to obtain employment;
  • outpatient card.

When applying for employment at a food industry enterprise or an enterprise where communication with children occurs, the employee must fill out a form.

To complete it you need provide a 3x4 photo. Upon initial application, you will also need to provide SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy and receipt about paying for a medical examination in this clinic.

We also note that if the medical examination takes place in a paid clinic, then SNILS and compulsory medical insurance no need to provide.

Certificate of completion

After all the doctors have passed, a certificate of completion of the medical examination upon employment is issued. The certificate states whether the employee passed the medical examination or not. In some cases, a certificate of medical examination upon hiring is not issued, but a medical book is provided. But the medical book is not issued immediately.

If the position requires the issuance of a medical record, then before it is issued, a person who has passed all the doctors is given a certificate stating that his personal medical record is in the hospital, he has passed the doctors, and the document itself will be issued on a certain date.

To be hired, you usually need a certificate to pass a medical examination form.

Since 2009, in order to be employed in the civil service, it is necessary to present a certificate.

It should be noted that the validity period of such a certificate differs from the period of periodic examination of personnel already working at the enterprise. Certificate 086/у has a validity period of 6 months. Certificate 001-ГС/у is valid twice as long, namely 12 months.

I didn’t pass the medical examination at work – what should I do?

You may not undergo the examination if diseases are identified that cannot be treated in this area. For example, this is an open form of tuberculosis or other diseases that are detected through research.

If this happened, need to undergo treatment. In this case it takes place suspension from work who have not undergone a medical examination until it has been completed and provided to the employer.

List of diseases for which a medical examination certificate is not issued:

  1. Eye diseases. If this is work on a computer or activities related to driving vehicles, then it is unlikely that people who have vision problems will be allowed to do it.
  2. Contagious skin diseases.
  3. In some cases, these are alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness.

For example, You can't work as a driver in that case, if a person suffers from seizures in any form or is quite serious hearing impairment, and mental retardation.

But workers whose work is related to computers usually undergo all examinations. There are no special diseases identified for them.

If the driver has not passed the pre-trip inspection, he is not allowed to take the shift. The employee must be sent to a clinic.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring. But some employers are trying to violate the labor code and do not want to pay for a medical examination. If employer does not want to pay for a medical examination, then he violates labor laws.

Validity period and frequency

When it comes to employment, they are different. For example, certificate 086/у is valid for six months. The health certificate is considered valid for a year, after which it is necessary to undergo the examination again.

Medical examinations are carried out at intervals from Once every 6 months before Once every 2 years, depending on the enterprise.

For example, employees whose work involves working on a computer (if they spend more than 50% of their working time on a computer) must undergo a medical examination once every 2 years if they are over 21 years of age.

Car drivers must also undergo a medical examination once every 2 years. In addition, drivers must undergo a medical examination at the beginning of each shift. This inspection is called pre-trip inspection and all those who drive vehicles are required to undergo it.

Individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to transportation must also undergo a pre-trip inspection.

Can I be fired if I don't pass the examination?

If the employee has not passed the examination, he will be suspended from work(Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is likely that the employee will be given a vacancy in which to work.

If there are vacancies positions that an employee can occupy in an enterprise No, and he did not pass the medical examination at work - dismissal at the enterprise.

If according to the results of the medical examination the period of suspension from work is less than 4 months, then after this time the employee is reinstated and continues to work at the enterprise. If the period of suspension from work exceeds 4 months or is not indicated in the results of the medical examination, then the employee will be fired.

Employer's liability

The employer has no right allow employees who have not been tested to work. The employer is subject to administrative responsibility for this (admission to work without a medical examination).

This applies to those workers for whom a medical examination is mandatory.

According to article Art. 11.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the administrative responsibility of the employer for allowing an employee to work without a medical examination. In case of such an offense, the employer will be required to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 11.32. Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations

Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Note. For administrative offenses provided for in this article, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity bear administrative liability as legal entities.

Failure to undergo medical examination when necessary violates labor laws and Rospotrebnadzor requirements.

In addition, such a lack can cause serious consequences, such as the occurrence of epidemics and other negative consequences. That is why rules were created for undergoing a medical examination when applying for a job.

Many professions are associated with dangerous or harmful factors that negatively affect a person’s life. Some people do not even have the opportunity to study a particular craft due to health reasons. To prevent industrial accidents and to prevent occupational diseases, a mandatory periodic medical examination is provided. Let's consider the rules of its organization and determine the persons responsible for this.

Legislation on the medical examination procedure

The employer is entirely responsible for occupational safety. The law entrusts him with the obligation to promptly organize a medical examination when applying for a job or during his working life. The following legal documents regulate this obligation:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Order of Rosminzdrav of 2004, establishing a list of dangerous and harmful production work, the performance of which requires periodic medical examinations of workers.
  • Order of Rosmindravmedprom, which contains information about the category of employees subject to mandatory medical examination, indicating its frequency.
  • Industry documents (sanitary rules and regulations).

The Labor Code obliges employers to organize a medical examination for an employee, who must comply with the requirements of medical control. Violation of the rules by an employee or employer may result in administrative liability. Failure to undergo a periodic medical examination on time will result in the employee being removed from duty. Moreover, if it is the employer’s fault, then the duration of the downtime will be paid. Otherwise, the person will remain without wages.

Concept and purposes of medical examination

A medical examination is a set of activities and interventions that are aimed at diagnosing human pathological conditions and preventing the risks of developing occupational and other diseases. Periodic procedures are carried out to monitor the health of employees and reduce occupational injuries. For each, there are deadlines within which the employee must see doctors.

Periodic medical examinations ensure timely response to changes in health status. It is thanks to such measures that it is possible to recognize development at the initial stages and begin timely treatment. The results of the survey may prompt the employer to transfer the employee to a less dangerous area of ​​production. The verdict of the medical commission ultimately either confirms the employee’s suitability to perform his duties, or, conversely, does not allow him to perform them.

Prerequisites for medical examination

Periodic medical examinations are carried out within certain periods, which depend on the degree of danger of production factors and their type of hazard. It is possible to determine whether an employee is affected by any unfavorable conditions using the appendix to Order No. 302n.

Classification of hazardous and harmful production factors

Group of factors



Mixtures and chemicals that are measured in the air of the work area and on human skin. These include substances of a biological nature obtained by chemical synthesis (vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes)


Pathogenic microorganisms, producers, spores and living cells, causative agents of infections and epidemiological diseases


Vibroacoustics, microclimate, non-ionizing and ionizing radiation, light environment

Severity of work

Physical static and dynamic load, movement in space, working posture, mass of cargo moved and lifted manually

Labor intensity

Hearing loads, active monitoring of the production process, density of sound and light signals, loads on the vocal apparatus

If at least one of the listed factors is exposed, a periodic medical examination should be carried out at least once a year.

Today, when applying for almost any position, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary medical examination. And this is not at all the whim of the employer. In addition to employees exposed to hazardous and harmful factors, preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out by the following employees:

  • medical and preventive and children's institutions;
  • Food Industry;
  • trade;
  • Catering;
  • waterworks.

Mandatory inspection is carried out in order to protect the population from the occurrence and spread of dangerous diseases.

Referral for medical examination

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are regulated by Order No. 302n. In the first case, before hiring for a certain position, the employer issues the applicant a referral letter containing information about the enterprise, the proposed position and the nature of harmful or dangerous production factors (if any). The list of specialists and laboratory and functional tests that a future employee must undergo is established in accordance with the List of Works and Harmful Factors. The medical examination is considered completed if all prescribed procedures are completed. At this stage, a medical opinion is formed, which allows or prohibits the employee from occupying a certain position. It is important to understand that if the medical board makes a negative decision, an employment contract cannot be concluded with the applicant.

Periodic medical examinations of workers are carried out within the periods specified in the List of Work and Harmful Factors. Two months before the next medical examination, the employer is obliged to issue a referral to the employee. The employee undertakes to appear at the specified time.

Organization of periodic medical examinations

Before sending employees to a medical facility for a medical examination, the employer must complete several tasks. First of all, it is necessary to compile a list of employees. This is a regulatory act of the enterprise containing information about the professions of employees that are subject to preliminary or periodic medical examination. There is no standard form for this document, but a list of data that should be included in it has been developed:

  • employee position according to the staffing table;
  • name of hazardous work or type of work.

This may include additional information at the employer's discretion. The list of contingents is approved once, until any changes occur at the enterprise (new jobs, improvement or deterioration of working conditions, reorganization). The finished document is sent to Rospotrebnadzor.

Name lists of persons are developed annually two months before the agreed date of the medical examination. It must indicate the working experience precisely under the conditions of the declared production factor. It should be noted that a periodic medical examination is carried out at least once every 2 years in a medical institution and once every 5 years in an occupational pathology center. The lists are compiled separately.

Issue of an order

The company enters into an agreement with a medical institution, where employees will undergo regular medical examinations. After agreeing on the terms, a survey is drawn up, which must be familiarized to employees. Each person on the list of names confirms the fact of informing with a personal signature. At the same time, the employee may be given a referral for a periodic medical examination.

The need to carry out planned preventive measures is confirmed by issuing an order, which is drawn up in any form. Let's look at the approximate contents of this document:

Order “On conducting periodic medical examinations”

In accordance with Art. 212, 213, 266 Labor Code of the Russian Federation,


  1. Approve lists of employees who are subject to mandatory medical examination in 2016. A schedule of preventive measures and a list of employees is attached.
  2. Send the employees listed on the list to the medical institution “City Clinic No. 2” in accordance with the established schedule for undergoing a medical examination.
  3. Heads of departments and divisions should not allow these employees to perform their job duties until the examinations have been completed.
  4. Heads of departments and divisions should familiarize employees with the order and sign it.
  5. Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to Ivanov I.V.

After which the director’s full name, his personal signature and attachments with a surname list of persons who need to come to the medical institution to undergo a medical examination are indicated. An order for periodic medical examinations is a mandatory document, which is drawn up on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 302n.

Frequency of inspection for certain professions

As already mentioned, monitoring the health of employees is carried out under the condition that the latter work in harmful and dangerous production; clinics and representatives of professions who in one way or another come into contact with a large number of people regularly visit clinics. Mandatory periodic medical examinations are required for employees:

  • Food industry, food trade, public catering - tests for infectious diseases and STDs are performed twice a year, as well as analysis for staphylococcus carriage and other bacteriological studies. Once a year, fluorography, consultation with a therapist and laboratory tests for the presence of helminths are prescribed.
  • Children's preschool, school and secondary vocational medical institutions - examinations for the presence of STDs, infectious diseases and bacteriological studies are carried out up to 4 times a year. A general therapeutic commission with fluorography and laboratory tests is required once a year.
  • Pharmacies and non-food trade - once a year, examination by a dermatovenerologist, therapist, fluorography and laboratory tests are indicated.
  • Communal services for the population and swimming pools - they are examined for the presence of STDs 2 times a year and undergo a standard medical examination 1 time a year. Vaccination against diphtheria is required.

It is worth noting that the examinations, regardless of profession, include procedures such as fluorography, blood tests for syphilis, bacteriological studies for STDs, examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. For women, a visit to a gynecologist is mandatory.

Medical examination of persons working in hazardous and hazardous industries

Depending on the category of hazardous factors, the deadlines for employees to undergo mandatory testing are established. It should be taken into account that, regardless of work experience and profession, the following persons are subject to annual examination:

  • up to 21 years old;
  • hired in the Far North region (including in equivalent regions) from another area;
  • working on a rotational basis.

Let's consider the frequency of medical examination depending on the working conditions (profession).

Medical examination for employees of hazardous (hazardous) production

Types of work (production), profession

Explosion and fire

1 time per year

Using and carrying weapons

1 time per year

Emergency services

1 time per year

Servicing electrical installations (more than 42 V AC, more than 110 V DC)

1 time every 2 years

In areas remote from honey. institutions

1 time per year

Working on machines and equipment with moving elements

1 time every 2 years

Underground and high-rise works

1 time per year

Ground transportation management

1 time every 2 years

Underwater work in a gas environment (at normal pressure)

1 time every 2 years

Do not forget that there is a professional periodic medical examination, which must be completed at the occupational pathology center once every five years.

Medical examination before the start of the working day (shift)

Some employees, who are responsible for more than just their own lives, undergo a short medical examination every day. This includes workers employed in hazardous and hazardous industries. Purpose: monitoring health status after a working day and recording complaints about well-being. Drivers of all ground vehicles, as well as pilots, undergo periodic medical examinations at work. This time is included in the working day (shift) and takes at most 15 minutes, unless, of course, there is suspicion of a deterioration in the employee’s condition. Procedures include measurement of pulse, blood pressure, general assessment of health and reaction. Periodic medical examination of drivers necessarily includes a check of clarity of consciousness. If there is alcohol or drug intoxication (which is confirmed or refuted by express tests, if necessary), the employee is removed from the flight. General malaise and pressure changes can also be a medical exemption from performing work duties.

The legislation has made it mandatory for every enterprise or individual entrepreneur to undergo a pre-trip health check of drivers. Every employee working on a vehicle that belongs to a legal entity undergoes a medical examination. The doctor or paramedic decides on the employee’s permission to work. Medical conclusion personnel must be strictly observed.

Who pays?

In order for an employee to undergo periodic medical examinations, it is required to pay for preventive procedures. Who bears the costs of a medical examination? When hiring and carrying out work activities, the costs of a medical examination are borne by the employer. This rule is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 213). The company is free to choose its own medical facility. Before concluding an agreement with an organization, you should make sure of the following points:

  • the organization is licensed;
  • in the list of services and works in the annex to the license it is noted that the institution has the right to conduct medical examinations or examinations of professional suitability;
  • has all the necessary specialists on staff;
  • owns the required equipment;
  • provides services at the address specified in the license.

It is also necessary to clarify the procedure for examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Often, additional visits to dispensaries are required to obtain certificates of mental and physical health. The cost of services is determined based on the number of required consultations and studies.

Even if the applicant is not employed after passing the medical examination, the employer does not have the right to demand reimbursement of expenses. Deductions from wages or independent payment for preventive examinations are unlawful in relation to the employee. The employer is obliged to bear all expenses and, in addition, maintain the employee’s salary during the medical examination within the average daily wage.

Periodic medical examination is an important event that allows timely diagnosis of occupational and socially dangerous diseases. Procedures are carried out primarily in the interests of the employee. Both the employer and the employee should comply with the requirements of the law regarding medical examinations. Violations lead to administrative fines of a considerable amount.