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Business horoscope for September Sagittarius

In September 2016, representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign are at the peak of professional activity and will be able to fulfill their plans by almost 90 percent. And the remaining ten can be left “for later.”

Work, career, business

In September 2016, life will seem to specially throw tasks at Sagittarius, working on which will allow you to show off all your talents. In your affairs, you can be “ahead of the rest” and use this position to great benefit for yourself and your business. However, success never comes without struggle - even now you will have to figure out a lot of things, day after day return to the same questions, tell someone something, prove something to someone. And as a result, everything will be completed at the highest level and towards the end of the month you can celebrate your victory. The employee will have to prove his case to his superiors, but as a result, a promotion with a corresponding increase in salary is possible. And if a new location is proposed, there is no need to rush - you will see for yourself that a preliminary analysis is necessary, and it is better to make a final decision in the period from September 26 to 30, 2016. Towards the end of the month, new interesting people will appear in your environment; their patronage and friendship will greatly help you later. Relationships with old friends will also improve significantly.


The financial situation in September 2016 will significantly improve for representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign; money will arrive regularly and in much larger quantities than it was in previous months. The approximate dates for the appearance of the most significant amounts are September 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 20, 28, 29, 2016.

Love, family

In September 2016, the general mood of the zodiac sign Sagittarius will be very practical and businesslike, and there may not be any time left for personal life. The exception is couples whose lives and work are somehow connected. At the same time, the stars again state that the joint influence of Mars and Saturn can make you tough and unyielding, which will adversely affect relationships with loved ones. Try to refrain from conflicts, do not be too demanding, otherwise the conflict may flare up with unprecedented force and it will be very difficult to stop it. The situation will improve somewhat towards the end of the month, but if at this time you try to prove to others your importance and significance, you risk quarreling with many.

In September, as the horoscope for Sagittarius woman for September 2016 says, quite suddenly you may face competition on the personal front. And it doesn’t matter whether you are in a stable relationship with your significant other, or are just planning a potential partner - you will have to fight for love! Of course, no one will let you into a fight, although from time to time you will be tempted to use wit or very unambiguous gestures. However, refrain from ill-considered statements and actions; it is better to try to perfect your femininity in combination with insight and erudition. Believe me, as soon as your chosen one sees what a Sagittarius woman is like in all her luxury and splendor, he will fall in love completely!

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius woman for September 2016

Our accurate horoscope allows you to temporarily release finances from the zone of increased control. Money will flow in a steady stream, without requiring any special time or energy costs. Allow yourself to relax and trust the flow of time and events. Remember that to trust means to accept everything that happens with love, gratitude and hope that any event is for the unconditional good. Participating in charity meetings, concerts, and auctions would be a great idea. You can give away unnecessary things - this will also attract additional financial luck - says the horoscope for Sagittarius woman for September 2016.

In September 2016, Sagittarius is very good at setting priorities for the near future. At the beginning of the month, Sagittarius can have a successful conversation with your partner. Perhaps September 2016 for Sagittarius will be busy resolving issues related to home and real estate, as well as work issues. For Sagittarius in September 2016, this may mean a difficult choice that he needs to make in favor of focusing on work or household issues.

General horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius

The horoscope for September 2016 for Sagittarius draws the attention of representatives of the sign to the fact that the main planet Jupiter was in one sign for a whole year, this is quite a long period. Starting on September 9, Jupiter will move into the sign of Libra, where it will remain for the next year.

September 2016 for Sagittarius will mean being in a comfortable environment, in a strong team in which you can successfully build your business. This month, Sagittarius will be primarily focused on resolving team issues and achieving common results.

Due to the fact that the planet Mars will be in the sign of Sagittarius until September 27, representatives of the sign at this time may be a little aggressive, very active. This month there may also be a situation when the issue of doing some household work becomes urgent, and Sagittarius will most likely be busy with work.

Because of this, Sagittarius on the full moon, which will occur on September 16, can cause a scandal at work or at home, moreover, on this day the energy of aggressive Mars is strongest.

In this regard, on this day, Sagittarius needs to try not to interfere in conflicts, not to provoke loved ones, and also try to properly distribute their time.

In September 2016, Sagittarius can successfully resolve issues related to home and family. So, it is best to make key decisions on the days 6, 15, 18, and 21 September.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius

In September 2016, the new moon, which occurs on the 1st, makes career issues the main issue for Sagittarius. It is favorable if Sagittarius finds time on September 1 to think about his work, about what he wants to achieve.

This time is best suited for making plans rather than active actions, since the planet Mercury, which is responsible for career issues, will be in retrograde motion from September 1 to September 22.

Most likely, before September, Sagittarius had to participate in serious projects with strict reporting, including financial ones, where responsibility and order were required in everything.

Already in September 2016, the planet Sagittarius moves into the sign of Libra, thanks to which a lot of interesting communication should appear in work activities. Most likely, Sagittarius' work at this time will be related to providing consultations.

In September 2016, Sagittarius may be offered a new promising project on September 5, 6, 7 or 11. So, it is on these days that it is best to carry out basic coordination with your management.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Sagittarius draws attention to the date September 20 - on this day, most likely, a serious conversation on the topic of making money will take place.

In September 2016, Sagittarius should also turn its attention to the period of the full moon - September 16 and 17. These days, Sagittarius can be very nervous, which is why there is a possibility of participating in some major scandal or becoming a source of conflict themselves. In this regard, on these days, Sagittarius needs to behave carefully and not interfere in any quarrels, try not to argue with anyone.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Sagittarius: September 1, 6, 15, 18, 21.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius

In September 2016, Sagittarius will most likely be able to easily reach agreement on important issues with their partner in the days from September 1 to September 3. Next, Sagittarius can think a lot about their relationships, and even change their mind about something. First of all, this may be due to the fact that in the period from September 1 to September 22, the planet Mercury will be in retrograde motion.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Sagittarius draws the attention of representatives of the sign to 2 rather difficult dates this month - September 13 and 16. So, on September 13, there may be some aggressive energy emanating from Sagittarius, which is why there is a possibility of nullifying relationships at the level of thought. On this day, Sagittarius may have the opinion that something is not working out for him. September 16th can be an equally difficult day for Sagittarius’s personal life.

In September 2016, it is better for Sagittarius not to make any final decisions about their personal life throughout the entire month. Towards the end of the month the situation will become clearer.

Favorable days for love relationships in September 2016 for Sagittarius: September 1-3, 28-30.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius

In September, Sagittarius should pay special attention to their health on the days of September 13 and 16. On these dates, there is a possibility of severe emotional stress or the manifestation of symptoms of chronic diseases. In any case, in any incomprehensible cases, Sagittarius needs to seek help from an appropriate specialist, and not self-medicate.

What does September 2016 have in store for the Sagittarius man?

The influence of celestial bodies on Sagittarius men in September will help draw attention to the family, in the broadest sense - from children to ancestors. Also, September is a great time to change your life for the better, discover new things, take the first steps in big things. But for success in your endeavors, you need to prepare accordingly. A simple way to do this is to take a cold shower, meditate, with the feeling that you are leaving all unnecessary things, thoughts and problems in the past. Next, focus on desires, goals, and tasks. You can even write them down on a piece of paper for clarity and clarity. This is not some kind of ritual - just this action will help you focus your thoughts.

The whole month can be roughly divided into several parts, which have different effects on Sagittarius men. For example, there are negative periods for turning points on the path - from September 1st to 5th, and from September 10th to 22nd. These days, it is better to put existing affairs in order and not take on new ones.

It is of great importance - in what period the representative of the sign was born. Those born in the first half will be incredibly lucky. At work, everything will go uphill. The relationship with management will be better than ever. Signing new contracts, fresh ideas and projects, career growth - you can count on all this.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius

On the personal front there is also continuous positivity. Excellent relationships with loved ones, both the warming of old ones and the emergence of new romantic relationships.

Love horoscope for September 2016: Sagittarius The man will feel that it is quite possible for you to have affairs with co-workers, bosses, and business partners. Even if there are no love affairs, then a simple warming of human relations is guaranteed.

Work and Business

Those born at the end of the sign should not count on such luck. Conflicts at work, problems with documentation, the resurfacing of previously forgotten troubles - all this should be feared. Students should be prepared for a challenging start to classes. But if you stay on guard and keep your nose to the wind, then difficulties can be completely avoided.

Health and Wellness

Also, the month can be called successful from a health point of view. The body exudes energy and the ability to heal itself. Therefore, those who have chronic diseases should not miss the chance to visit a resort or boarding house. It's hard to imagine a better time for rehabilitation. But surgical intervention should be postponed unless, of course, there is a vital need for it.

From 1 to 10 September. Matchmaking and weddings can now take place contrary to all traditional canons, but they will be very interesting and successful. On September 6-8, you will become completely unpredictable, you will even act to the detriment of yourself and the relationships that are important to you. If the voice of reason cannot reach you, limit your communication. However, the best way to cope with such violent impulses is to turn them into the energy of female passion. September 9 and 10 are suitable days to find your soul mate.

From 11 to 20 September. Thanks to the harmonious interaction of the Sun with Jupiter, this is your finest hour. Your affairs will be crowned with a halo of success, especially if they are related to your social realization, gaining a higher status, competition or competition. Your popularity will be at its peak from September 15 to 19. For romantic communication and dating, bright, open, festive, life-affirming places are more suitable.

From 21 to 30 September. The mood will become philosophical, filling you with dreams of ideals. The quantity of communication will turn into quality, leaving only the most faithful friends next to you. From September 25, an exciting love adventure is possible, sparkling, with rapid development, if, of course, you decide to follow your intuition.

Family horoscope

The whole family should visit more often, participate in celebrations and entertainment events. In September, your career will prevent you from fully devoting yourself to your family and resolving conflicts between older relatives. From September 11th, you will take complete control of your household chores, and your friends will be able to visit you more often. Children will prove themselves to be good helpers. Your significant other will be able to devote a lot of time to family and housing issues.

Health horoscope

The period from September 4 to September 10 will be the most stressful for your well-being. This will make it possible to better identify the primary diagnosis during examination by specialists. An exacerbation of many chronic diseases is expected, weakening of a number of organs and systems: liver, gall, thyroid, nervous, endocrine and genitourinary systems, be on alert. In September, the severity of the manifestations of illnesses will gradually weaken.

Horoscope of work and money

The month is favorable in this area. Untargeted and unexpected expenses from September 4 to September 9 may throw you a little off track, but new items of income that appear will correct the situation at the end of September. From September 18 to 24, you can raise the issue of increasing wages.

Horoscope for September 2016 for Sagittarius men

Love. At the beginning of September, your Sagittarius has no time for romance. From September 15 the situation will change. Serenades under the balcony and dinner by candlelight will be a natural impulse of his soul. Democratic in partnerships, he will be able to throw “gold dust” into the eyes. You will fall in love with him even more. Remember, it is important for him to be with you in public.

Tone. In September he will be transformed into a man shining with nobility. You can involve him in caring for his own well-being only during periods of exacerbation: from September 15 to 22.

Finance. Unpleasant financial news awaits him from September 4 to 8. Therefore, you should be careful in investments and in new business projects. Part-time jobs will continue to make up a significant portion of his income. From September 9 to 15, large profits are expected. The enemy of his savings in the first half of September will be a penchant for revelry and luxury.

Job. In September, there is a high probability of dismissal under pressure of circumstances. Luck will smile on him in the form of a better job or an increase in salary. Career zeal is encouraged. From September 8 to 17 is a good period for registering your own business.

Friends. In September, serious disagreements will “clean up” the ranks of friends. The remaining like-minded people will acquire the status of trusted representatives.

Leisure. The September holiday will be more effective, without urgent calls and work from home. The soul will require travel, hiking trips. Otherwise, sports activities will be the best outlet for his energy.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for September 2016: