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The wives of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). The wives of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are the mothers of the faithful

Prophet Muhammad had several wives. Some sources write about nine, others even give the number 15. But no matter how many there were in reality, almost all the women with whom the Messenger of Allah connected his life were widows. These marriages were concluded so that girls would gain social security. The great preacher of Islam also had beloved women. Among them is the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, who deserves special attention. Her name is Khadija.

Muhammad: birth, childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad is unknown. Many scientists agree that he was born in 571 in the month of April. Immediately after birth, the future preacher of Islam was given to the nurse Halima bint Abi Zu'ayb. For several years he stayed with her family, who were part of the Bedouin tribe Banu S'ad. When the boy turned 4 years old, he was returned to his parents. 2 years later his mother died. At the age of six, Muhammad went with her to his father’s grave, which was located in Medina. On the way home, the woman became seriously ill and died. The Prophet's mother's name was Amine. The boy was sad, having lost the person closest to him so early.

After the incident, his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took up the upbringing of Muhammad. But 2 years later he also died. Among the boy's close relatives, his paternal uncle Abu Talib remained. He took him into his family. At the age of 12, Muhammad began herding his uncle's sheep, and later began to take part in his trade deals.

When the Prophet was still a child, an interesting incident happened to him. A Nestorian monk, whose name was Bakhira, predicted a great future for the boy. The monk saw a white cloud above Muhammad's head. His shadow fell on the trees, and they bowed their branches in front of the boy. Bakhir realized that this was a sign from above. The monk saw the seal of prophecy on Muhammad's shoulders and warned his uncle Abu Talib to protect his nephew from hostile Jews.

Wives of the Prophet

There were several of them. What was the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad? Her name is Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She was 15 years older than her fiancé. This was a wealthy and noble woman from the Quraish tribe. Khadija carried out trade and often hired men to help her run her business. Before Muhammad, she was married 2 times. All of her previous spouses have passed away. And she remained a widow. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was his most beloved woman. He respected and praised her.

After the death of Khadija, the second legal wife of the Prophet became the widow of one of his religious companions. Her name was Saida bint Zama. She was older than Muhammad, not beautiful, and had no money. But she became a real keeper of the family hearth.

The third wife of the Islamic preacher was Aisha bant Abu Bakr. Muhammad wooed her when she was a 6-year-old girl. And when the girl turned 19 years old, they entered into a marriage. The connection was beneficial to the Prophet. It made it possible to strengthen the relationship between two religious ascetics. Muhammad's first wife was the most devoted Muslim. After her death, Aisha took this place. An interesting fact is that revelations were also sent to the Prophet at moments when he was alone with his young wife. This did not happen with other wives. It was in the arms of Aisha that the Prophet died.

Muhammad's fourth wife was the widow Hafsa bin Umar. Her husband died in battle when the girl was 18 years old.

The fifth wife of the Prophet was Zainab bint Humayza. Very little is known about her life. The girl died a few months after her marriage.

Muhammad's next wife, Umm Salama bint Abu Umaya, was another widow of a companion, whose material and spiritual care the Prophet took upon himself.

Zeinab bint Jahsh is the seventh wife of an Islamic preacher; the eighth is Juwayriyah bint al-Harith, the daughter of the leader of Banu Mustalaq. Marrying her became a political move. The union allowed the Muslims to be rescued from captivity.

The following wives of the Prophet: Rayhana bint Zeid, Safiya bint Huyai - the daughter of the leader of the Jews. What was the name of Muhammad's wife, who was sent to him as a gift? It was Maria al-Qibtiya. The girl was sent to the Prophet as an expensive gift from the Egyptian ruler. This is the only woman who did not recognize Islam and remained Christian.

First and most beloved wife

Khadija was born in 556 in Mecca. Her father's name was Khuwaylid, and her mother's name was Fatima. The girl's parents belonged to a noble and famous family. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, had family ties with him on both the maternal and paternal lines. In her youth, the girl was often called Tahira, which translated meant “pure.” Khadija was married twice. But 2 of her husbands died and she became a widow. After that, other men tried to woo her, but she refused them all. After the death of her father, the woman inherited large trading caravans. She decided to continue her father's business and began to engage in corporate trading. She involved only serious and trusted people in the business.

Dating history

The trading business required Khadija to travel constantly. She often went to Mecca and looked for people suitable for work there. On one of her trips, she fell in love with a handsome young man named Mohammed. Among people he was famous for his good character and honesty. His name was constantly heard. Khadija decided to meet the young man personally. Very soon Muhammad began working for her. He got his own servants. He traveled a lot for work. On one of his trips to Syria, a servant noticed that miracles were happening to Muhammad. During the entire journey, a bird fluttered above him, protecting his head from the scorching rays of the sun with its wings. And as soon as the young man stroked the camel’s legs, the animals quickly regained their strength and began to move faster. The servant told Khadija about what he saw. The woman realized that Muhammad was a special person chosen by God. The girl decided to take a serious step. She sent her friend to him, who conveyed to the young man an offer to marry her mistress. Muhammad could not believe what was said. It seemed to him that not a single girl would want to connect her fate with him, because he was not rich. The young man went to his uncle Abu Talib for advice. And he blessed the future union. The bride was paid mahr - 20 camels. And very soon Muhammad and Khadija got married. At that moment, the bride was 40 years old, and her chosen one was 25. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad became an exemplary wife and his best friend.

Love story

Immediately after the wedding, Khadija entrusted her large fortune to her husband. Her trading business continued to develop, bringing in a good income. The woman managed her money wisely, but never showed her superiority over her husband.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, always treated the Prophet with respect and gratitude. She considered her husband a great gift from fate. For Muhammad, his wife became a source of inspiration and support. She was distinguished by generosity, kindness, and compassion. The woman always helped people in need. The sweet smile never left her face.

Muhammad idolized Khadija and always treated her with respect and affection. The woman was very quickly able to take the main place in the heart of the Messenger of Allah.

Muhammad and Khadija

Their love was strong, pure and sublime. Muhammad's first wife bore him two sons and four daughters. Unfortunately, the boys died as babies. Despite the grief she experienced, Khadija became a real support for her husband. She turned their house into a cozy paradise. The woman always helped her husband in everything and believed in his great purpose on earth.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was 15 years older than him. A significant difference in the age of the spouses is indicated in many sources. At the age of 65, the Prophet lost his beloved wife and true friend. Having lived with her husband for 15 years, she found the long-awaited paradise. During her earthly life, the woman was very tired of noise, constant problems and hardships. She was one of the first in a series of people to believe in Islam. Therefore, she was not spared from persecution for preaching the new faith. One day, the angel Jebrail appeared to the Prophet and asked him to tell Khadija that after death, paradise awaits her, in which she will live in a pearl palace in silence, tranquility and peace.

Prophetic activity

Khadija, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, was his support in everything. Prophetic revelations began to come to the young man after several years of their life together. Things started out strange. Muhammad began to tremble for no apparent reason, and his face became covered with small drops of sweat. He began to experience unbearable melancholy. Later, the young man realized that this was how his prophetic revelations began.

In the vicinity of Mecca there was a hill called Hira. Muhammad loved this place very much and often came there to be in solitude and silence. One day a young man fell asleep on a hill and had a dream: an angel appeared in human form and placed a paper scroll on his chest with the words “Read!” When the Prophet woke up and came down from the mountain, he heard a voice from above: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!” The young man raised his head and saw the image that appeared to him in a dream. The young man hurried home and told his beloved wife about his visions. Khadija knew that her husband was not lying. The woman decided to check whether good or evil forces had taken possession of the soul of her Muhammad. The image from the cave began to appear to her husband every night. One night, the Prophet again noticed his mysterious guest and woke up his wife. The woman could not see anything, but looked closely at the place where her husband was pointing. And the image immediately disappeared. Then Khadija said: “Rejoice! An angel came to you. Only a good spirit would be ashamed of female nudity. And the devil would stay and continue to watch.”

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad sincerely believed in his divine calling. She helped him in every possible way to convey to people the commandments of the Almighty.

The first woman to believe in Islam

The name of Muhammad's first wife is known to all people who profess Islam. But not everyone knows that Khadija was the first woman to convert to the religion of Islam. The Prophet felt the support of his wife and shared with her all the revelations that the angel Jebrail told him. Soon the couple began to perform namaz.

One day a boy named Ali saw Muhammad and his wife praying. After the Prophet's sermon, he also decided to become a Muslim. Ali was the third person on earth to convert to Islam.

Soon everyone around Muhammad learned about the new religion. The Prophet began to be condemned and ridiculed for his preaching. But Muhammad's first wife, Khadija, always remained nearby and supported her husband.

When people decided to isolate Muhammad from the whole society, the loving wife decided to transfer all her property to her husband. The savings she had accumulated over many years helped her resist the war against infidels and polytheists. The woman spent all her savings to help her husband open the path to Allah for people.

The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Khadija, was more than 10 years older than him. But this did not stop the couple from living together for 25 years. Both patiently and selflessly accepted all trials. The Prophet's wife is included in the list of “holy people” for patience, humility and trust in the Almighty.

Khadija died in the month of Ramadan in 620 at the age of 65. She was buried in Mecca (Hajun cemetery).


Every Muslim knows what the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was. Everyone knows the name of another beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah - Aisha. Their love story is unusual and beautiful.

Muhammad had a friend named Abu Bakr. The Prophet often came to visit him. With each visit, he watched his daughter Aisha grow up and become more beautiful. Soon the 6-year-old girl was married to the Messenger of Allah. She was able to heal his wounds after the death of her beloved Khadija. But Muhammad allowed intimacy with her when Aisha became a girl. Why did the Prophet choose such a young lady? The fact is that he had a prophetic dream. In it, Allah showed a portrait of a girl, saying that she would become his wife. The portrait was of Aisha.

The Prophet enveloped the young chosen one with love and tenderness and was always lenient towards her desires. The girl was generous, modest, unpretentious. She patiently endured all adversity. Aisha was extremely selfless. She often forgot about herself, trying to help people in need. One day she asked her husband which of his wives was worthy of Paradise. And the Prophet pointed to her. Muhammad's young wife accepted her husband's faith without doubt. She memorized all the sayings of the Prophet and admired his actions. Aisha recited the verses of the Koran perfectly. She achieved perfection in the study of Islam: many men recognized her superiority and followed her advice.

But Aisha could not come to terms with the fact that Khadija remained the most beloved woman of the Prophet. She knew the name of Muhammad's first wife, and constantly inquired about her biography from those around her. When the Prophet cut lamb, he asked to send a piece of meat to Khadija's friends. Aisha was annoyed that her husband did this and could not forget her. But the Prophet never tired of repeating that he loved Aisha, but Khadija would forever remain his most faithful friend and the best woman on earth. The Almighty endowed Muhammad with great love for her. She became his ally in preaching Islam.

  1. The Messenger of Allah was awarded the title of Prophet at the age of 40.
  2. The main “magic” of Muhammad is the splitting of the Moon into 2 halves. When he was 52 years old, representatives of the unbelievers asked the Prophet to prove his divine essence. Muhammad prayed, raised his hands up, and the Moon immediately split in half.
  3. The Prophet had amazing qualities. The smell of perfume always emanated from his mouth, his saliva was healing, and his voice was so loud that 124 thousand pilgrims could hear the Prophet’s sermon.
  4. Khadija is the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.
  5. He became the last Prophet whom the Almighty sent to earth.
  6. The Messenger of Allah had 4 Muhammad, Ahmad, Mahmut.
  7. Being near death, he ordered to never forget about prayer and forbade offending female slaves.

Notes that the Prophet Muhammad had 15 wives. Another famous historian Yaghubi writes that the Prophet Muhammad had 21 or 23 wives. Yaghoubi notes that the prophet entered into physical relations with only 13 wives. And the rest died either after marriage, or before the wedding night, or the prophet divorced them before the wedding night. The list of 13 wives includes 11 wives who are mentioned in the book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, as well as Maria the Coptic and Ummu Sharik Gaziyya. (Qaradawi indicates only the number nine, but without Khadija, that is ten; this is the number of wives who survived the prophet (according to Ibn Hisham). Watt points out that many tribes claimed family ties with Muhammad, so the list of wives may be greatly exaggerated. He names only eleven wives (with Khadija), which is closer to traditional ideas (he also gives the names of two concubines) The Prophet Muhammad married everyone before the Koranic ban, which prohibited having more than four wives... All the wives, except Aisha, were married before him , that is, they were not virgins. All wives had the status of “mother of believers (or true believers).”

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

Khadija bint Khuwaylid- the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, who was his only wife during his lifetime. She was the first person to convert to Islam and always supported her husband. The year of her death is called the “year of sadness.”

Sauda bint Zama

Hafsa bint Umar

Hafsa bint Umar- daughter of his companion Umar. She was the widow of one of the Muslims who died in the Battle of Badr and, according to evidence, she was not very beautiful. She was 18 years old. She and Aisha, being close in age, became friends. Hafsa, at times, pretty much spoiled the prophet’s mood with scandals, so that he walked around angry all day.

Zeinab bint Humayza

Sauda bint Zama

Aisha bint Abu Bakr

Hafsa bint Umar

Zainab bint Humayza

Zainab bint Jahsh

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

Ramla bint Abu Sufyan

Rayhana bint Zeid

Maimuna bint Haris

Maria al-Qibtiya

Zeinab bint Jahsh- ex-wife of the adopted son of the Prophet Muhammad Zayd ibn Harith. Zayd gave his wife a divorce, and Muhammad, having married her, threw a grand wedding feast. The Arabs considered this marriage to be incest, but the timely appearance in the Koran of a special revelation on this occasion justified the actions of Muhammad (Sura 33: 36-40). Aisha and Hafsa secretly conspired to try to turn the prophet's attention away from Zainab. Aisha narrates: “The Messenger of Allah used to drink honey in the house of Zainab, the daughter of Jahsh, and stayed with her there. Hafsa and I agreed in secret that if he came to one of us, we should tell him: “It looks like you ate magafir (a type of foul-smelling resin), when I smelled it, you smelled like magafir.” We did so, and he replied: “No, but I drank honey in the house of Zeinab, the daughter of Jahsh, and I will never do it again. I will swear to this, and you will not tell anyone about it.". There is a disapproving statement in the Koran regarding the intrigues of Muhammad's young wives (Sura 66:1-5).

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith- daughter of the Banu leader Mustalaq, captured. She was about 20 years old. After this wedding, the Muslims freed all the captives from the Banu Mustalaq tribe, to which she belonged, since they had become related to the prophet.

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Khadijah bintu Khuwaylid
Sauda bintu Zam"a
Aisha bintu Siddiq
Hawsa bintu Umar
Zeinab bintu Khuzaim

Rayhana bint Zeid

Umm Habiba Ramla bint Abu Sufyan- daughter of Abu Sufian, whose family fled to Ethiopia from persecution by the Quraish. There her husband converted from Islam to Christianity. After the death of her husband, she also became the wife of Muhammad.

Maria al-Qibtiya

Maimunah bint al-Harith(Arab. ميمونه بنت الحارث ‎‎ - Maymunah bintu l-Haris) (594 - 674) - former sister-in-law of Muhammad's uncle Abbas. Muhammad married her during Umratu Qisas (Completing the Hajj which he was not allowed to perform)

The title that all the wives of the Prophet Muhammad were awarded.

Quran about the wives of the prophet Muhammad

O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other woman. If you are pious, then do not speak kindly [with strangers] - otherwise someone whose heart is wicked will desire you - but speak ordinary words. Do not leave your homes, do not wear jewelry from the times of jahiliyya, perform ritual prayer, give zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah wants only to protect you from defilement, O members of the house [of the Prophet], to purify you completely. Remember [O wives of the Prophet] what is read to you in your homes from the verses and wisdom of Allah. Indeed, Allah is generous and omniscient.
O Prophet! Why do you forbid yourself what Allah has allowed you, trying to please your wives? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Allah has established for you a way to free yourself from your vows. Allah is your Patron. He is Knowing, Wise. So the Prophet told the secret of one of his wives. When she told it, and Allah revealed it to him, he made known part of it and concealed the other part. She said, “Who told you about this?” He said: “The Knower, the Knower, told me.” If you both repent before Allah, then your hearts have already deviated. If you begin to support each other against him, then Allah protects him, and Jibril (Gabriel) and the righteous believers are his friends. And besides, the angels help him. If he divorces you, then his Lord can replace you with wives who will be better than you, and will be Muslims, believers, submissive, repentant, worshipers, fasting, both those who have been married and virgins.

Wives of the Prophet Muhammad or mothers of the faithful(Arabic: أمهات المؤمنين‎) - women who married the prophet Muhammad. The famous historian Al-Masudi, in his book “Murujuz-zahab” notes that Muhammad had 15 wives. Another famous historian, Yaqubi, writes that Muhammad had 21 or 23 wives. Yaqubi notes that Muhammad had physical relations with only 13 wives, and the rest died either after marriage, before their wedding night, or he divorced them before their wedding night. The list of 13 wives includes 11 wives who are mentioned in the book “Sireyi-Ibn Hisham”, as well as Maria the Coptic and Ummu Sharik Gaziyya. (Qaradawi gives only the number nine, but without Khadija, that is ten; this is the number of wives who survived Muhammad (according to Ibn Hisham). Watt points out that many tribes claimed family ties to Muhammad, so the list of wives may be greatly exaggerated. He names only eleven wives (with Khadija), which is closer to traditional ideas (he also gives the names of two concubines) Muhammad married everyone before the Koranic ban, which prohibited having more than four wives... All the wives, except Aisha, were married before him, that is, they were not virgins. All wives had the status of “mother of believers (or true believers).”

Muhammad's wives

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

Khadija was a respectable and virtuous woman. She was engaged in trade, and for this she hired people who conducted trade operations in Syria on her behalf. One of her sales representatives was Muhammad, who once went out with Khadija's servant Maysara and brought her great profit. Maysara informed her about Muhammad's honesty, sanity and other virtues, after which Khadija, through her representative, invited Muhammad to marry her. He accepted the proposal and Muhammad's uncle Abu Talib wooed Khadija for him. At that time, Khadija was 40 and Muhammad was 25 years old. From this marriage were born their daughters Fatima, Umm Kulthum, Zainab and Ruqaiya and two sons Qasim and Abdullah.

According to legend, Khadija became the first person to believe in the prophetic mission of Muhammad. She always supported her husband in everything and Muhammad loved her, calling her the best woman. Until the end of his life, he kept a good memory of Khadija and until her death she remained his only wife.

Sauda bint Zama

There is also data from some historical chronicles, according to which she was fifteen or even seventeen years old. Muslim sources and studies indicate different ages for Aisha. At the same time, Ibn Hisham and some other historians have information that Aisha was among the first people to convert to Islam, which means that she was 15 years old at the time of her marriage. In addition, some historians and researchers provide evidence that before Muhammad, Jubeir ibn Mutim wooed her, and she was over 17 years old. Also, many historical chronicles give information about Aisha's sister Asma, who died at the age of 100 in 73 AH. This means that at the time of the Hijra (Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Medina) she was 27 years old. At the same time, it is known that Aisha was 10 years younger than her. This, in turn, means that at the time of her marriage to Muhammad she was 17 years old.

After Hafsa became a widow, her father Umar tried to marry her to Uthman ibn Affan and then Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Having not received consent from any of them, Umar turned to Muhammad, to which he replied that he himself would marry Hafsa, and his daughter Umm Kulthum would marry Usman. The marriage between Muhammad and Hafsa took place in the 3rd year of the Hijri. At this time, Muhammad was already married to Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Sauda bint Zama. Hafsa was distinguished by her piety, spent a lot of time worshiping Allah and at the same time had a strong-willed character. There are about 60 hadiths reported by Hafsa. She also kept the first copy of the Koran, which was collected under Caliph Abu Bakr, and then, at the request of Caliph Uthman, was given to him and reproduced. Hafsa died at the age of 60 in Medina.

Zeinab bint Khuzaimah

In the 3rd year of the Hijra, the tribe of Amir ibn Sasa killed the representatives of Muhammad, because of which the relations of this tribe with Muslims deteriorated sharply. To prevent bloodshed, Muhammad decided to marry Zainab bint Khuzaima, who was also a representative of this tribe. Their marriage took place in the 4th year of the Hijri. A few months after the wedding, Zainab died. She was a virtuous and pious woman, spending much time in prayer and giving alms generously.

Zeinab bint Jahsh

Muhammad was very saddened by the breakup of this marriage. He tried to improve the situation by marrying Zainab, but the customs of the period of ignorance, which forbade marrying the ex-wife of his adopted son, did not allow him to do this. However, at this time, verses were revealed that abolished this custom, and at the same time prohibited calling adopted children by the name of their guardians. After this, in the year 5 AH, Muhammad married Zainab bint Jahsh. Zainab was a hardworking, virtuous and pious woman. She spent a lot of time in prayer and fasting. Zainab bint Jahsh died at the age of 53 in Medina. She was the first wife of Muhammad to die after his death.

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

Safia bint Huyai

After that, the Jewish tribes of Medina (Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu Quraiza) violated the treaties with the Muslims, they were expelled and the Banu Nadir settled in Khaybar. After his expulsion from Medina, Safia's father did not cease to quarrel with Muhammad and once agreed with the Arab tribes to attack Medina, but the Muslims learned about the plot and decided to get ahead of them by moving to Khaybar. During the Battle of Khaybar, Safiya's father and husband were killed, and Safiya herself, along with other representatives of her tribe, was captured. Seeing the captive Safiya, Muhammad took her as his concubine, and then freed her from slavery. After her release, she was given the choice of keeping her religion and going wherever she wanted, or staying with Muhammad, and Safiya decided to stay and live with Muhammad. On the occasion of Muhammad's marriage to Safiya, guests came to them and brought food with them. Safiya's age at the time of her marriage to Muhammad was 17 years old. During the turmoil that began at the end of the reign of Uthman ibn Affan, Safiya sided with the caliph and tried to protect him. Safiya bint Huyai died in 50 AH and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Medina.

Ramla bint Abu Sufyan

Umm Salamah bint Abu Umaya

After the death of Abdullah ibn Abdulasad at the Battle of Uhud, she became known as Ayyin al-Arab (Widow of the Arabs). She was left alone with small children, but received support from the Muhajirs and Ansars. After the end of the idda period (four months and ten days), Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab came to her to woo her, but she refused them. But she agreed to Muhammad’s marriage proposal. Umm Salama had three children, and the fourth child was born almost immediately after her marriage to Muhammad. Umm Salama asked Hussein ibn Ali not to go to Iraq, as she feared for his life. She died at the age of eighty-four in 62 AH in Medina and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery. Umm Salamah was the last living mother of the believers.

Rayhana bint Zeid

Rayhana bint Zeid bint ʿAmr(Arab. ريحانة بنت زيد بن عمرو ‎) - one of the wives of Muhammad. There are also reports that she was his concubine. Rayhana bint Zeid came from the Qurayza tribe of Judah. Her first husband was a certain Hakam. In 626, after the Muslim campaign against the Quraiza tribe, she was captured, after which she went to Muhammad. He invited Raihana to convert to Islam, but she refused. After some time, she declared her acceptance of Islam and after that Muhammad freed her. Raihana was a virtuous and pious woman. She died before Muhammad's other wives

The best example of relationships in a Muslim family is the pious family of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him. He let us know how men should behave towards their wives and showed us by example what it means to be a good husband. And his wives strove in everything to correspond to the high status of the Prophet’s wife, helped and supported the Messenger of Allah in His mission, for which they began to be called "mothers of believers"

It is important to note that although Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, had several wives, he was never interested in women. For the first time Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, got married when he was 25 years old, and the second time - only after the death of his first wife, when he was already over 50 years old. Subsequently, He married women from different tribes, but not for the sake of carnal pleasures, but in order to strengthen the Muslim society, overcome the stereotypes regarding marriage that existed in society at that time, and to spread the word. And also the benefit of these marriages was that His wives spread Islam among women.

Many facts prove that Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, did not strive for the pleasures of this life. For example, when it was the turn of his youngest and most beautiful wife ‘Aisha, he did not spend all his time with her, but went to the cemetery at night to pray. There is also a story that one day a woman came to the Messenger of Allah to woo her daughter. She said that her daughter was so beautiful and healthy that she never even had a headache. To this, the Prophet Muhammad replied that He did not need to marry her. That is, the Prophet made it clear to this woman that he was not going to marry her daughter; just because she is beautiful and healthy.

The desire for the pleasures of this life is not inherent in any of the Prophets, and not one of them had a weakness for the opposite sex. And what the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, had many wives - this is a privilege given to him by the Creator.

According to the Shari'ah of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon Him, a man can have no more than four wives at the same time, but the Messenger of Allah was allowed to enter into nikah with a large number of women. Scholars have conveyed several opinions about the number of wives of the Prophet. According to one of these opinions, there were 11 of them: Khadija bint Huwaylid, Sauda bint Zam'a, 'Aisha bint Abu Bakr, Hafsa bint 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Umm Salama bint Abu Umayyah, Juwairiya bint Al-Harith, Zainab bint Jahsh, Zainab bint Khuzaimah, Umm Habiba bint Abu Sufyan, Safiyya bint Huay, Maymunah bint Al-Harith.

Khadija - the first wife of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him

The full name of the first wife of the Messenger of Allah is X Adijah bint Khuwaylid ibn Asad ibn ‘Abdul-‘Uzza. Her mother's name was Fatima bint Zaida ibn Jundub.

Khadija was a noble woman from the family TO uraish. She was rich, successfully ran her own trading business and sent caravans on trade matters to other countries. One day she offered a job to a young man named Mu X ammad, since He was known among people for his honesty, 1 decency and good behavior. Conducting business with Him and convinced of His high morality, Khadija, through intermediaries, invited Him to marry her, and He agreed. He was then 25 years old, and she was 40. This is another proof that the heart of the Messenger of Allah was not attached to women. After all, He could marry a young girl, since He was young, very handsome, had an excellent reputation, belonged to an honorable family and had never been married before. And Khadija before her marriage to the Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, was married twice. Her first husband’s name was ‘Atiq ibn ‘Abid, and her second was Abu Hala Hind ibn Zarara ibn An-Nabbash from the family of Banu Usayyid ibn ‘Amr ibn Tamim.

Khadija became the wife of the Messenger of Allah 15 years before the Prophet received the Revelation. Some scholars said that marrying the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, her father gave her away, and others - that her uncle named ‘Amr.

Khadija was the devoted and well-behaved wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Their marriage lasted 25 years. The Prophet treated her with warmth both during her life and after her death. While Khadija was alive, the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, there were no other wives besides her.

Khadija was the first in the Prophet's community to accept Islam and support His call. Ismail ibn Iyas ibn ‘Afif reported the following story from his father, and he from his father ‘Afif Al-Kindiy: “I was engaged in trade and during the pilgrimage I went to the Mina area. There I met Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib and made a deal with him. When I was talking to him, a man came and began to pray in front of the Ka'bah, with Him were a woman and a young man. I asked Al-‘Abbas: “What is their religion?” He replied: “This is Muhammad ibn Abdullah h, which says that Allah h sent Him as a Prophet, and His religion will be spread throughout Persia and Byzantium. This woman is His wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who followed Him. And this young man is the son of His uncle ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, who also followed Him.” ‘Afif said: “If I had accepted Islam when I saw them, I would have been the second man to accept Islam [in the community of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him].” Later ‘Afif became a Muslim. This Hadith has the degree of Sahih.

Hafiz scholars 1 confirmed that in the community of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, Khadija was the first woman to convert to Islam. In particular, Muhammad ibn Ishaq reported that Khadija was the first to accept Islam and believe the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him: « Truly , Angel Jibril appeared to Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon Him, when He was on the outskirts of the valley, hit the ground with his heel, and a source gushed out from there. Then he performed ablution and Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, repeated after him. After this, Jibril performed a Namaz of two rak’ats, making four sajdahs. After the Messenger of Allah ha, peace be upon Him, returned home, His eyes were full of joy, His soul rejoiced because of what He received from Allah what made Him happy. He took Khadija by the hand and led her to the source. The Prophet performed ablution there, just as Jibril did, and then performed two rak’ats of Namaz, making four sajdahs. After this, Khadija also performed ablution and, together with the Prophet, peace be upon him, performed Namaz. From that time on, Prophet Mu X"Ammad, peace be upon Him, and His wife Khadija began to constantly perform Namaz."

This happened even before five daily prayers became obligatory. Commandment on the obligation to perform five Namaz per day of the Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, received “Isra` wal-Mi’raj” on the night. Khadija did not live to see that time - she died five years before this great event.

Khadija was a wise and patient woman. She donated her wealth to the spread of Islam, helping the Messenger of Allah. At a time when other people called the Prophet Mu X ammada was a liar and laughed at Him, she supported Him and stood up for His defense. She endured all the difficulties, ridicule and hostility of society and steadfastly maintained her dignity and the honor of her husband.

Khadija - the mother of all the children of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, except for one son - Ibrahim, whom Mary gave birth to. The firstborn of Khadija and the Messenger of Allah was Al- TO asim, therefore the Prophet was named after the eldest son of Abul- TO asim, that is, “father of Al- TO asima." Their other son is ‘Abdullah, who was also called At-Tahir and At-Tayib 2. They also had four daughters: Zainab, Ru To Ayya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima, may Allah have mercy on them. All the children of the Messenger of Allah, except Fatima, died during the lifetime of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

Khadija faced many trials. Before the coming of Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, paganism was widespread among the Arabs. It was a time of terrible disbelief, ignorance and cruelty. For example, the Arabs buried newborn girls alive, since they considered the birth of a daughter a shame. And at this time, in such a society, Prophet Mu X ammad and His wife Khadija raised their daughters.

Khadija also withstood one of the strongest tests for a woman and mother - the death of her children. For her patience, love for the Prophet and fear of God, she received a high degree of piety.

'Abdullah ibn Ja'far reported the words of Imam 'Ali ibn Abu T Aliba: “I heard from the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon Him, these words: “The best of all women is Maryam bint ‘Imran, and the best woman of my community is Khadija bint Huwaylid.” This Hadith has the degree of Sahih.

Ruzain in the book “Majmu'a al-Sihah” conveyed the words of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him: “Of the men, many achieved perfection in the Faith, but of the women, only four: Maryam the daughter of ‘Imran, Asiya the wife of Pharaoh, Khadija the daughter of Khuwaylid, Fa T Yama Mu's daughter X ammada."

Imam Al-Bayhaqiy transmitted along the chain from Imam Abu Hureyra, who said: “One day the Angel Jibril appeared to the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon Him, and said: “O Messenger of Allah ha! Khadija came to you and brought food. When she comes in, give her salam and make her happy that Allah h gave her a home in Paradise.” This Hadith also has the degree of Sahih. Thus, for her excellent qualities, Khadija received the news during her lifetime that she would be in Paradise.

Khadija died in Mecca. This happened even before the great migration to Medina. She passed away at the age of 65 3 - 10 years after receiving the Revelation by the Prophet Mu X ammadom, peace be upon him. In the same year, the Prophet's uncle Abu died T Alib ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib. This year has been called the "year of tribulation."

The Prophet was deeply saddened by the death of Khadija and kept a good memory of her until the end of his days. After all, Khadija, who tenderly and devotedly loved the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon Him, managed not only to surround Him with attention and care, but also to become His faithful friend, able to always understand, share His joys and worries, support and encourage him in difficult times.

The Prophet did not forget about her when he married other women. Al Bayha To narrated the Hadith that ‘Aisha said: “I was not jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, as much as I was of Khadija, since He often remembered her. He married me three years after her death. Alla h commanded Him to please Khadija by giving her a home in Paradise.” This Hadith has the degree of Sahih. From this Hadith it follows that Allah granted forgiveness to Khadija.

There is another Hadith about how the Prophet treated Khadija. Al Bayha To narrated a Hadith from ‘Aisha who said: “I was not jealous of the Prophet, peace be upon him, for his other wives as I was for Khadija, although I did not find her alive. When Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, was cutting a sheep. He asked to give the meat to Khadija’s friends. One day I was indignant: “Khadijah?!” He said: “Yes! Allah granted me to love her.” This Hadith was transmitted by Imams Muslim and Al-Bukhariy in their collections.

In another Hadith, which was transmitted along the chain from Al-Hafiz Abul-Qasim from the wife of the Prophet ‘Aisha, who said: "Every time Prophet Mu X ammad spoke about Khadija, He praised her and asked for forgiveness for her. One day, when He remembered her, I was overcome with jealousy, and I said: “Alla h gave you a young one in return.” The Prophet became very angry at my words, and everything inside me fell. Then I said to myself: “Oh, Allah h! If You free me from the wrath of the Prophet, I will never speak ill of Khadija again.” Prophet Mu X ammad understood my repentance and asked: “Yes, that’s right! I swear to Allah hom, she believed in me when other people rejected and supported me, while others turned away, she believed in me when others refused, and Allah granted her to have children from me, while you [you and the other wives] did not given this." ‘Aisha said: “After that He did not come to me for a whole month.”

The relationship between the Messenger of Allah and His wife Khadija shows us an example of a worthy marriage. How many women in our time are capable of loving so much, helping their husbands so selflessly, fully supporting them and taking care of them?! How often do wives begin to reproach their husbands even at the slightest difficulties!

A Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, showed men the example of an exemplary husband who did not humiliate his wife because she was not young and had already had other husbands before him. Despite everything, he loved her, protected her, set an example for other women and was gentle and kind with her. We need to remember this wonderful example of family relationships so as not to make mistakes and be kinder and better.

After the death of his first wife Khadija, Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, married the next time when he was already over 50 years old. He married other women in order to spread Islam, bring different tribes together, and so that His wives would teach the Religion to other women.

The second wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, according to one scholar, was Sauda bint Zam'a ibn Qais. And according to another opinion, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, entered into a second marriage with ‘Aisha bint Abu Bakr before his marriage to Saud, but He began to live with ‘Aisha only two or three years later.

Sarah bint Zam'ah ibn Qays

Sauda's father's name was Zam'ah ibn Qays, and her mother's name was Ash-Shumus bint Qays ibn Zayd ibn'Amr. She belonged to the Banu Najar family. Some scholars said that Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon him, married Sauda bint Zam'a after migrating from Mecca to Medina. Others say that they got married in the month of Shauwal before the Great Migration.

Sauda’s first husband was As-Sakran ibn ‘Amir, who accepted Islam following the call of the Messenger of Allah. And after his death, Sauda married the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

About her character they write that Sauda was a sincere, noble and kind woman. Some sources say that she sincerely, for the sake of Allah, gave up her days to another wife of the Prophet, ‘Aisha.

There is no further mention of Saud in Ibn ‘Asakir’s book “40 Hadiths on the Mothers of Believers.” All that is said is that she died during the reign of Mu'awiyah in 54 AH.

Aisha bint Abu Bakr

‘Aisha’s father was the first man to accept Islam in the community of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him. His name was ‘Atik (‘Abdullah) ibn Abu Quhafa ‘U With man ibn ‘Amir ibn ‘Amr ibn Ka’b. He is known as Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. ‘Aisha’s mother’s name was Ummah Ruman bint’Amir ibn ‘Uwaimir.

‘Aisha grew up in a righteous and God-fearing family. Her father was the closest friend and companion of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him. He is the best of all saints 5 at all times. Her mother and sister Asma were companions of the Messenger of Allah, and Asma also helped her father and Muhammad a lot in difficult times. ‘Aisha’s brother was also a companion and assistant of the Prophet in the spread of Islam.

From childhood, ‘Aisha was raised in a family that valued knowledge. Her father was an outstanding scholar and expert on Islam. He was called “As-Siddiq”, that is, “The Truthful”, for his excellent qualities. And he brought up the same beautiful traits and love of knowledge in his daughter ‘Aisha. In addition, she was distinguished by her sharp mind and good memory, which, together with good upbringing and the desire for knowledge, gave an excellent result - she became a mujtahid theologian and a famous transmitter of the Hadiths of the Prophet. She even had her own mazhab 6. She had great authority in religious matters, and even great scientists consulted her. In addition, she was well versed in secular sciences, such as genealogy, 7 astronomy, medicine, and also composed poetry herself. Scientists noted not only her intelligence, excellent memory and deep knowledge, but also her eloquence.

Aisha was married to the Messenger of Allah at a very young age 8. Some scholars said that this was after the Great Migration from Mecca to Medina, other theologians argued that it was in the month of Shawwal 1.5 years before the Migration, that is, 10 years after the Prophet received the Revelation.

‘Aisha was the youngest of all the wives of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon Him, and when He passed away, she was 18 years old. She was the only wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who married Him as a virgin, while the other wives of the Prophet were already married before.

The Messenger of Allah was fair, gentle and kind with all his wives, but they were especially close to ‘Aisha. After all, since she was close to the Prophet from an early age, He became her friend and educator. He did things with her that He did not do with other wives. One of the Hadiths says that the Messenger of Allah and ‘Aisha made ghusul together. She also sat next to Him when He performed Namaz. And once they even had a competition together - the Prophet ran a race with her and jokingly noted that he had overtaken her. And this once again shows us that, despite his high status and great mission, the Prophet was not arrogant, but, on the contrary, was easy to communicate and could allow himself to joke to cheer up other people.

In Ibn’Asakir’s book “40 Hadiths about the mothers of believers” there are several Hadiths about ‘Aisha.

In one of them, Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, said: “I saw you in a dream 9 times: I saw one person who was carrying you, wrapped in silk cloth. And he told me: “This is your wife.” I unfolded the fabric and saw you. And I said: “If Allah wants it this way, then so it will be.” 10

Another Hadith says: “After the death of Khadija, the Prophet was greatly saddened. And then Allah sent the Angel Jibril, who brought Aisha to the Prophet in a cradle and told Him that she would become His wife and ease His grief. Then Jibril brought her back [to her parents' house]. Then the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, went to the house of Abu Bakr and asked Aisha’s mother: “Oh, Umma Ruman! Treat her with care and be lenient with her for my sake.” After this, her family began to treat ‘Aisha in a special way (even though they did not know that she would become the wife of the Prophet).

From the time Abu Bakr accepted Islam until the Migration, Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, came to visit him every day. One day He came and saw little ‘Aisha crying at the door of the house. Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, asked her: “What happened?” She complained to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, about her mother, but said that she still loved her. Out of pity in the eyes of Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, tears appeared. He approached her mother and said: “Oh, Ummu Ruman! I asked you to be lenient towards ‘Aisha.” She replied: “O Messenger of Allah! She upset my father." Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, said: “Even so, do not scold her anymore.” And in the same Hadith it is said that ‘Aisha was born four years after the Prophet received the Revelation.

After 'Aisha married the Prophet, an incident happened to her due to which some people began to spread rumors questioning her honor. And in her defense the Holy Ayat was revealed TO ur`ana, proving her innocence. Truly, this is a great sign showing the special degree of ‘Aisha. This story is described in an authentic Hadith.

‘Aisha herself said that Allah gave her several features, such as what the Angel Jibril showed to the Prophet Mu X ammadu, peace be upon him, her image on a silk cloth and said to marry her. She also had the honor of being next to the Messenger of Allah when He received some revelations (no other wife of the Prophet had this). And Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, treated her in a special way, without hiding his love for her. Once, when He was asked which of the people He loved most, He said: “Aisha, and of the men - her father Abu Bakr.” Another Hadith says that when the Prophet was worried about ‘Aisha, He put his hand on her shoulder and said: “Oh, Allah, forgive her! Let her be calm and save her from fitna” 11.

There is also a Hadith that says that ‘Aisha asked the Prophet: “Which of your wives will be in Paradise?” He replied: “You are one of them” 12. Imam Al-Bukhariy in his book “Sahih” reported from ‘Ammar ibn Yasir that ‘Aisha is the wife of the Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, in this world and in the next world. This indicates the high degree of ‘Aisha, as well as what Angel Jibril himself conveyed through the Prophet Mu X ammada salaam ‘Aisha.

Another feature of ‘Aisha was that the Messenger of Allah spent the last hours of his life with her. Ibn Sa'ad reported from Hatim ibn Ismail from J'far ibn Muhammad the story of his father: “When, before the death of the Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon Him, fell ill, then He asked: “Where will I be tomorrow?” [meaning which of the wives will have it, whose turn it is]. They answered him: “So-and-so.” He asked: “And the day after tomorrow?” They answered him: “So-and-so.” Then the Prophet’s wives realized that He wanted to be with ‘Aisha and said: “Oh, Prophet! We will give our turn to ‘Aisha.” This Hadith, which has the degree of sahih, was transmitted by Imam Al-Bukhariy. This Hadith not only shows the superiority of ‘Aisha, but also the high degree of the other wives of the Prophet, who treated this situation with understanding and behaved with dignity.

‘Aisha, may Allah have mercy on her, said: “Allah gave me the peculiarity that the Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, died in my house in my arms 13. ‘Ali ‘Abdurrah man came to us. He had a siwak in his hands. I saw that Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, looks at the siuak, and guessed that he wants the siuak. I asked Him: “Should I give you a siuak?” He nodded. I gave him siuak, but he was tough. I asked: “Soften?” He nodded. I softened the siwak for him and placed a bowl of water next to him. The Prophet wet his hand in water, stroked his forehead, repeating “La ilaha illallah.” And then He said that there is agony until death.”

It is also narrated that when Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon Him, was dying, there was no one nearby except ‘Aisha and the Angels.

There is another Hadith about the death of the Prophet. Angel Jibril conveyed to the Prophet that the time of His death would soon come. A few days after this news, four people carried the Prophet to Mu X ammada, peace be upon him, to the house of ‘Aisha. There the Prophet asked to call all the wives. When they arrived, Prophet Mu X Ammad, peace be upon Him, said: “I cannot visit you, allow me to stay in the house of ‘Aisha.” They agreed. ‘Aisha said that when she stayed with the Prophet, she saw that He was flushed and sweating (before that she had never seen people near death). He asked to be helped to sit down. ‘Aisha continues: “I held Him and kissed His head. Then he lay down and I covered Him with clothes. After some time, ‘Umar and Mughira ibn Shu’ba came. I covered my face 1 4 and allowed them to enter. ‘Umar asked: “Aisha, what happened to the Prophet?” I answered: “An hour ago He lost consciousness.” Further in this Hadith it is told how people learned that the Messenger of Allah had passed away. This Hadith has the degree of Hasan.

The Messenger of Allah was buried in the house of ‘Aisha, since Prophets are buried where they die. And now millions of believers visit this place every year to receive the blessing of visiting the grave of the best of all created - our Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon him.

Truly, ‘Aisha was a great woman and a wonderful companion of the Messenger of Allah. Her heart was not attached to worldly pleasures, and she was ready, like other wives of the Prophet, to endure difficulties and, while maintaining dignity, follow His instructions. After the death of Prophet Mu X ammada, peace be upon Him, she continued His work and until the end of her days she spread true knowledge, teaching Islam not only to women, but also to men.

‘Aisha died on the 17th of Ramadan on Tuesday in the year 58 Bijra 15. She was buried in the Baki' cemetery at night, after Namaz Witr.

Umm Habiba

After Zainab bint Khuzaimah, the next wife of the Messenger of Allah was Umm Habiba. Her full name is Ramla bint Abu Sufyan Sohr ibn Harb ibn Umayya. Her mother's name was Sophia bint Abul-'As ibn Umayyah. Umm Habiba was one of those who, at the command of the Prophet, moved from Mecca to Habasha (Ethiopia). Before marrying the Messenger of Allah, she was the wife of ‘Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh ibn Riab 16. Prophet Muhammad married her after she was widowed. This happened in the 7th year of Hijri. The King of Ethiopia, Askham An-Najashi, who converted to Islam and was known for his piety, patronized Umm Habiba - he gave her mahr when the Prophet married her.

When the Prophet Muhammad brought her to Medina, she was just over 30 years old. She died in 44 AH during the reign of her brother Mu'awiyah.

Sofia bint Huey

The next wife of the Prophet Muhammad was Sophia bint Huei ibn Akhtab. She came from the family of the Prophet Harun, peace be upon him. Her mother's name was Barra bint Samau'al. She was the wife of Salam ibn Mishkam Al-Kurazy, and after him - Kinana ibn Ar-Rabi'a ibn Abul-Huqaik. During the Battle of Khaybar she was captured, but Prophet Muhammad freed her and married her. She was 17 years old then. In the book “40 hadiths about the wives of the Prophet Muhammad » the hadith was transmitted along the chain from Abu Harmal from his sister Umm ‘Abdullah to the daughter of Abul-Qain Al-Muzaniy, who said: “Of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, I was friends with Sophia. She told me about her people and what she knew about them. She told [about how she accepted Islam and married the Prophet]: “When I was captured, the Prophet sent me to the location of the Muslim army. In the evening he came and called me. I came with my face covered and sat down in front of him, embarrassed. He encouraged me to accept Islam and said that it was good for me. I accepted Islam and Prophet Muhammad freed me and married me. When the Prophet was about to return to Medina, the companions said: “Today we will find out who she is to the Prophet: a wife or a slave. If she has her face covered, then she is his wife.” When we left for Medina, the Prophet, peace be upon him, told me to cover my face. I did as he said and they realized that I was his wife. Then He brought the camel to me and helped me sit on it. I was embarrassed to put my foot on the thigh of the Messenger of Allah, which he offered me, and I, leaning my knee on his thigh, climbed onto the camel.

People sometimes offended me and behaved arrogantly, but Prophet Muhammad was sensitive and attentive to me. One day he came to me when I was crying and asked: "What's happened?" I talked about how people say hurtful things to me and saw that the Prophet, peace be upon him, got angry and said: “If they continue to say this or become arrogant, then say: “My fatherProphetHarun, and my uncle is Prophet Musa, peace be upon them! 17 "". This hadith has the degree of hasan-sohih. This story about the Prophet’s marriage to Sophia was conveyed by Imam Al-Bukhariy. This hadith was also transmitted from Abu’Isa At-Tirmidhiy.

Sophia was a noble woman, she was very beautiful, intelligent and God-fearing and behaved with dignity in society. Prophet Muhammad protected her and did not allow anyone to speak ill of her.

She died in 52 AH during the reign of Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan and was buried in the Baqi' cemetery.

Maimuna bint Haris

The last wife of the Messenger of Allah, who is mentioned in the book “40 Hadiths about the Wives of the Prophet Muhammad,” was Maymunah bint Haris. Her full name is Barra bint Haris ibn Hazn ibn Bujayr ibn Al-hazm. Her mother's name was Hind bint 'Auf ibn Zuhair. Maimunah was the aunt of 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas.

Before her marriage to the Prophet, she was married twice: to Mas'ud ibn 'Amr, and then to Abu Ruhm ibn 'Abdul-'Uzza ibn Abu Qais. After the death of her second husband, the Prophet Muhammad married her. She was the last one the Prophet married and the last of his wives to die 18 .

Maymunah bint Al-Harith, may Allah have mercy on her, was a kind and generous woman. She was known for her emphasis on family relationships. Allah gifted her with sincerity and a strong desire to worship the Almighty a lot. ‘Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) said: “She was very God-fearing and supportive of family ties.”

Its special degree is indicated by what is said about it in the Holy Scriptures. In the 50th verse of Surah Al-Ahzab it is written: “<…>and a Muslim woman."

She died in 61 AH during the reign of Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah. This was reported by Ibn Sa'd. She was 80 years old at the time. She is buried in the house where she lived with the Prophet Muhammad

It is believed that she died in Mecca, but she was buried in this house.

Hafsa bint 'Umar

After ‘Aisha bint Abu Bakr, the next wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, was Hafsa bint 'Umar- daughter of the famous companion of the Messenger of Allah ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab ibn Nufail ibn ‘Abdul-‘Uzza ibn Rayah. Her mother's name was Zainab bint Maz'un ibn Habib ibn Wabb. She was born five years before the Prophet Muhammad received the Revelation of Prophethood. That is, the Messenger of Allah was almost 35 years older than her.

Praying a lot at night and fasting often, Hafsa, the daughter of the Ruler of the Faithful, grew up in a home that supports religion and calls for truth. Before her marriage to the Messenger of Allah, she was the wife of Hunays ibn Huzaf ibn Qais ibn ‘Adiy. Hafsa married the Prophet after the death of her husband. They got married in the month of Sha'ban 2.5 years after the Great Migration from Mecca to Medina or under another calculation 2 - 3 years before the Battle of Uhud.

In the book "40 Hadiths about the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him" one Hadith is cited about Hafsa bint ‘Umar, which tells that the Messenger of Allah for some reason divorced her, and after that he returned her to his wife. This book says: “Abul Qasim conveyed through the chain from Anas ibn Malik that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, divorced Hafsa. After this, Angel Jibril came to Him and said to the Prophet, peace be upon Him: “Allah said: “She is your wife in this world and in the next life!” Bring her back to your wife." This Hadith has the degree of hassan and was transmitted from Qutad Abi Khattab ibn Da'am ibn Qutad.

Ibn Sa'd in the book "At-Tabakat" reported from Said ibn 'Amir from Sa'id ibn Abu 'Urub from Qutad, who said: “Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, divorced Hafsa, then the Angel Jibril came and said to the Prophet: “Return her to your wife,” or in another opinion: “Do not divorce Hafsa, she observes the Fasting Sunnah and performs Namaz at night. And she is one of your wives in Paradise." This Hadith belongs to the category of Mursal.

The Prophet's wife Hafsa bint 'Umar died in the month of Sha'ban in 45 AH during the reign of Mu'awiyah. She was 60 years old at the time. It is also known that Janazah was read to her by Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam and she was buried in the Baki’ cemetery.

Umm Salama

The next wife of the Prophet Muhammad was called Umm Salama, According to some sources, she was the fifth wife of the Messenger of Allah. Her full name is Umm Salama Hind, daughter of Abu Umayyah Suhail ibn Al-Mughira ibn ‘Abdullah. Her mother's name was 'Atika bint 'Amir ibn Rabi'a. Umm Salama was from the honorable tribe of Quraish from the Makhzum clan. Before her marriage to the Messenger of Allah, Umm Salama was the wife of Abu Salam ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdul-Assad ibn Hilal.

Patient and modest, Umm Salama endured many trials in life. After the death of her husband, Allah gave her what was best for her - the Messenger of Allah himself became her husband. Imam Muslim and Imam At-Tabaraney transmitted in their collections a Hadith from Umm Salama, who said that she heard from the Messenger of Allah words that mean: “If a Muslim who has suffered a misfortune says: “Verily, we are all in the power of Allahha, and, truly, He will resurrect us all! Oh Allahh! Save me in my grief and give me in return what will be better!”, then Allahh will grant him salvation in his grief and will give in return [for what was lost] what is best for him.”

Prophet Muhammad married her in the month of Shawwal in the fourth year of Hijri. In the book “40 Hadiths about the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,” only one Hadith is given about Umm Salama. It was transmitted by Abul Qasim along the chain from Umm Salam herself. She said that one day, when the Prophet Muhammad was in her house, a maid came up and said that ‘Ali and Fatima had come. And then Umm Salama left the Messenger of Allah. When ‘Ali, Fatima and their small children Hasan and Hussein entered the house, the Prophet Muhammad sat the children on his lap. ‘Ali and Fatima approached him, and the Messenger of Allah hugged and kissed them. Then he covered them with the hem of his robe and read the Du'a to them: "Oh Allahh! Save my family from hell." Umm Salama said: “And me, oh Messenger of Allahha?" The Prophet said: "And you too". This Hadith has the degree of Sahih. It is given in the book “Sahih” by Imam Muslim in an abbreviated form. In another transmission from ‘Aisha, in response to a question from Umm Salam, the Messenger of Allah said: “You are my family too.”

Umm Salama passed away in the month of Dhul-Qa'da in 59 AH at the age of 84 years. Imam Abu Hurayrah read Namaz-Jinaza to her, and she was buried in the Baki cemetery.

Juwayriyya bint Al-Harith

The next wife of the Prophet Muhammad was Juwayriyya bint Al-Harith ibn Abu Dirar from the Khuza'a tribe. Before becoming the wife of the Messenger of Allah, she was married. Some scholars said that her husband was Malik ibn Safuan, and others said that Musafi' ibn Safuan. Her husband was killed on the day of the battle of Al-Muraisi', and she herself was captured by the Muslims. Prophet Muhammad freed her and married her. She was 20 years old then.

Juwayriyya bint Al-Harith, may Allah have mercy on her, was very God-fearing and worshiped the Almighty a lot. Until midday she did not leave the place where she usually performed Namaz, reading Zikr, praising Allah.

In the book “40 Hadiths about the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,” one Hadith about Juuayriyya is mentioned. Abu Kilyaba said that Juwayriyya bint Al-Harith was captured by the Muslims during one of the battles. After this, her father came to the Prophet and asked for her release. Prophet Muhammad told him: “And if we let her choose, wouldn’t that be right?!” The father replied: “ Certainly! And it will be right on your part.” The father then approached his daughter Juwairiyah and addressed her: “This man gave you the opportunity to choose, so don’t disgrace us.” She answered: "I chose the Prophet" And then the father exclaimed: “I swear to God, you disgraced us!” This Hadith has the degree of sahih mursal.

Juwairiyah wanted to stay with the Prophet because she was insightful and very intelligent. She realized that the Prophet Muhammad is the man who shows people the path to salvation. And with her answer she chose this path. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to her, freed another 100 people from her tribe.

She died at the age of 65 in the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal in the year 57 AH during the reign of Mu'awiyah. Namaz Jinaza was read to her by Marwan ibn Al-Hakam, the mayor of Medina.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, nine of his wives remained: Sauda, ​​‘Aisha, Hafsa, Umm Salama, Juwayriyah, Zainab bint Jahsh, Umm Habiba, Sophia and Maimunah 19 . All scientists have confirmed this. And scholars are unanimous that they were all the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, although there are different opinions about the order of marriage of the Messenger of Allahha.

And all these godly women achieved the degree of holiness.

The wives of the Prophet are great women. It was no coincidence that they became companions of the best of all creations, Alla.ha. They supported the call of the Prophet Muhammad and showed all other women an example of excellent behavior, good behavior and patience. They are worthy representatives of the community of the last Messenger and rightfully bear the honorable name of “mothers of believers.”


1 Hadith experts who know by heart the Hadiths of the Prophet Mu X ammad, peace be upon him, as well as the chain of their transmissions and their authenticity.

2 There is also a version of scientists that At-Tahir and At-Tayib are two different sons.

3 Some scholars said that she died in the month of Ramadan at the age of 55.

4 which the Prophet had to spend with her

5 of men

6 religious law school

7 science of descent and ancestry

8 Among the Arabs in those days, women reached puberty early, and it was customary to marry off daughters at a young age. According to one opinion, ‘Aisha married the Prophet when she was 6 years old, and according to another, she was 7 years old, and the Prophet took her to his home when she was 9 years old. The Prophet concluded Nikah with her, as he received a command from Allah. And this was a great blessing for ‘Aisha, because she was raised and taught Religion by the Prophet himself.

9 dreams of the Prophets are true

10 Hafiz scholars have unanimously agreed that this Hadith has an authentic degree of “sahih”. This Hadith was reported by Imam Al-Bukhariy in his book “Sahih” from Mu’alla from Wahib. Also, this Hadith was transmitted in his collection by Imam Muslim from Hisham.

11 this Hadith has the degree of Sahih Hasan

12 this Hadith has the degree of hasan

13 that is, in the presence of ‘Aisha

14 For the wives of the Prophet, covering their faces was an obligation, not a Sunnah.

15 so she was about 66 years old

16 He died in Ethiopia after apostasy from the Faith

17 bearing in mind that Prophet Harun and Prophet Musa are her ancestors

18 Some scholars said that she died before ‘Aisha

19 Some scholars said that the Prophet, peace be upon Him, had two more wives: Umm Shurayk bint Jabir and Rayhana bint Zayd ibn'Amr

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It is quite difficult to find a person who does not dream of a happy family life next to someone who will love, understand, respect, appreciate, tolerate, care, support, behave with dignity, raise children competently, treat parents well, and so on. But few people think that all these wonderful qualities are branches of a tree whose roots are fear of God.

Nowadays, people often choose a life partner based on external appearance, status and position in society, hoping that other positive qualities will appear over time. They hope that in the future they will be able to instill in their life partner a love of knowledge and observance. Of course, this is not excluded, but our religion strongly recommends choosing a life partner based on fear of God.

A woman should be especially careful when choosing a husband, because it is often beyond her power to correct an adult man. But even a man should not get his hopes up: although it is easier for a husband to influence his wife, not every woman is easy to change.

When people get married, they don’t always think about the fact that they have to go through a long life journey together, raise children, go through trials and difficulties, but only think about whether it’s pleasant to spend time with this person. Therefore, it is not surprising that their hopes for a happy family life are often not justified.

How to avoid disappointment? The answer to this question has long been known - choose someone who fears God. He is the most reliable life partner. The love of such a person will make you happy, but even if there are no such strong feelings, he will still always be fair to you. You don’t expect a trick from such a person, he will lend a shoulder in difficult times, will be kind and patient, will direct you in the right direction and will do the right thing himself - as Sharia orders. A God-fearing person loves for the sake of Allah, and not for the sake of his nafs, like most people: while feelings are seething, they are ready to endure and give in, and when the feelings pass, the relationship between spouses deteriorates.

However, a truly happy married couple is one in which both spouses are God-fearing. Therefore, not only seek a godly life partner, but strive to be one. After all, the ideal married couple are those who lead each other along the path to Paradise.

The fruits of the union of God-fearing spouses are wonderful - not only a good relationship, but also godly offspring. There have been many examples in history when two God-fearing people raised children who illuminated the whole world with their knowledge.

Parents of the Great Imam Abu Hanifa

One day a traveler was walking along the road. He was very hungry. And suddenly he saw an apple floating along the river. He took out this apple and ate it, but then he thought: “What if it came from someone’s garden?” Then he decided to go upstream and see if there was a garden there. After walking a little, he saw an apple tree growing in someone else's garden.

The young man was very God-fearing. He was upset that he ate someone else's apple and decided to ask the owner for forgiveness. He went to him, told him about the apple and asked the owner of the garden: “Will you forgive me?” He answered: “No,” and the young man became even more upset. He imagined punishment in hell for eating what was unlawful, and decided not to leave until he received forgiveness. When the owner left the house, the young man asked again: “Will you forgive me?” The owner of the garden, seeing his fear of God, said: “I will forgive you only if you marry my daughter. But know that she doesn’t see, doesn’t speak, and doesn’t walk.” Hearing this, the traveler was afraid, but the fear of the answer on the Day of Judgment was stronger than the fear of the trials in this life, and he agreed.

They entered the house. The owner led him to his daughter's room. A very beautiful girl came out to meet them and greeted her father and guest. It was the owner's daughter.

The traveler was almost speechless from surprise and surprise. “But you said that your daughter doesn’t see, doesn’t speak, and doesn’t walk!” - he exclaimed. “That’s right,” the father replied, “My daughter does not see what is forbidden, does not say what is forbidden, and does not go where it is forbidden!” (that is, she was also very God-fearing). Allah granted that in this way a God-fearing father would find a God-fearing husband for his God-fearing daughter. This is how the parents of the great Imam Abu Hanifa, one of the most famous theologians in the world, met.

Parents of the pious ‘Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak

‘Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak is a great scientist and Sufi. He was sincere and brave. This is the story of how his parents met.

His mother's father had a garden. One day he asked the man who was guarding his garden: “Bring me a sweet pomegranate.” The watchman went for a pomegranate and gave it to the owner. When the owner tried the pomegranate, he said: “What did you bring me?!” He's sour! Bring something sweet." Then the watchman went again and brought him another pomegranate. The owner, having tasted the fruit, was again indignant: “Why did you bring me sour pomegranate again?!” You’ve been working for me for a whole year and you don’t know which ones are sweet?!” To which the watchman replied: “You hired me to guard the garden, and not so that I could taste its fruits. How can I know which one is sweet and which one is sour?!” The owner of the garden was greatly surprised by the honesty and decency of the watchman and invited him to marry his daughter.

Parents of the fifth caliph Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz

‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz is the fifth righteous caliph and grandson of the second righteous caliph ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab. He was a fair ruler, possessed the deepest knowledge and was very ascetic. Perhaps all his achievements were facilitated by his upbringing, since he had godly parents. Here's the story of how they met.

His grandfather, Caliph ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab, was a great companion of the Prophet and ruler of the Muslims. But despite this, he went out into the city at night to find out how ordinary people lived. And one day, during his next round, he heard a conversation between two women. The milk seller told her daughter: “Dilute the milk with water,” to which she replied: “But the Caliph forbade this!” Her mother told her: “But he doesn’t see us now.” Then the daughter replied: “If Umar does not see, then the Lord of Umar sees everything!”

Returning home, ‘Umar said to his sons: “I know a house in which a God-fearing and decent girl lives - let one of you marry her.” And ‘Asym ibn ‘Umar married her. And when their son was born, they gave him the same name as his grandfather.

How to raise a child into a PERSONALITY

From birth, the child develops and is imbued with the beliefs and life attitudes that his parents and environment instill in him. In childhood, his character, habits, worldview are formed - all this forms the foundation that underlies his personality. That is why it is so important in childhood to instill in a child the correct beliefs and principles that will help him become successful and happy.

The first thing parents must take care of is to give the child true beliefs about the Creator and the world that He created, about good and evil, about the commands and prohibitions of Allah, about Heaven and hell, about reward and punishment. This is the most valuable and important knowledge, without which true happiness is impossible. In addition, parents are obliged to teach their child to perform Namaz, observe Fasting and other duties, because they do not want him to commit sins in the future. This is the foundation without which success is impossible.

In addition, it is important to develop in a child those qualities and skills that will help him live this life in the best way and achieve a high degree of piety for eternal happiness in the Next World.


It is important for a child to learn to set goals and achieve them.

Nowadays, children often do not understand the meaning of life, do not find their place in this world, many of them prefer to live in “virtual reality”. And as a result, their real life is wasted.

Explain to your child that life was not given in vain, and there is responsibility for how he lives it. And also explain that life in this world is temporary, and after it there will be eternal life: in Heaven or in hell. In Heaven there will be eternal happiness, and in Hell there will be eternal suffering. Therefore, the main goal is to live life in such a way as to get to Heaven!

How to achieve this, we were told by the Prophets - special people sent by God. The most important thing is faith in God, who created this entire world, but Himself is not like His creations. And whoever lives as God commanded will achieve success.

On the way to your main goal, it is important to learn how to set small goals that will help you achieve it. For each goal, you need to define objectives and develop a plan to achieve it. Therefore, your task as parents is to teach your child these skills. A person who possesses these skills lives meaningfully and does not go with the flow of life. It is such a person who is a person.

Prepare your child for the fact that there are always obstacles on the path to success, otherwise everyone would be successful. Difficulties await him, but don’t let that stop him - he must learn to overcome them and benefit from the experience he receives. Develop in him those qualities that will help him achieve his goal: perseverance, hard work, willpower and responsibility.


One day a child said to his father: “Our new math teacher doesn’t know how to explain, I won’t learn anything with him.” The father replied: “Understand, son, if you want to know mathematics, then this is your task, not your teacher. What have you done yourself to resolve this issue?” That is, the father did not allow his son to shift responsibility to others. He wanted to show him that there are two types of people: those who take responsibility for their lives and achieve success, and those who simply look for someone to blame for their failures.

The ability to accept responsibility opens up a broad perspective for a person. Without the willingness to take responsibility, it is impossible to achieve true success! How can someone achieve success who hides from problems, avoids difficulties, is unable to make decisions and shifts everything to others?!

Often the parents themselves are to blame for the fact that their children grow up exactly like this: infantile, lazy and irresponsible. After all, they decide everything for the child, do not allow him to take the initiative, literally take the work out of the child’s hands, believing that he cannot cope on his own.

Help your child not be afraid to take responsibility for their actions. Even if he doesn't do something perfectly at first, don't stop him. Teach him to take on responsibilities and fulfill them, as well as be responsible for possible failures. Start small - let him take responsibility, for example, for the order in his room, saying to himself: “I am responsible for the cleanliness of this room” and keeps his promise.

It is natural for parents to want to help their children. But true help lies not in solving all their problems for them, but in teaching them how to solve their problems.

One person, walking through the park, noticed a cocoon on a bush from which a butterfly was trying to get out. There was a narrow gap in the cocoon, and the butterfly made every effort to crawl out through it. The man stopped and began to watch the butterfly, which could not get out. He felt sorry for the butterfly - he took out a knife and cut the cocoon to help her. The butterfly immediately crawled out, however, its body was frail and weak, and its wings could barely move. The man continued to watch the butterfly, thinking that its wings would get stronger and it would fly, but this did not happen. After all, it is precisely the efforts of the butterfly that are needed to get out of the cocoon that strengthen its wings and give it the ability to fly!

Don’t try to make your child’s life easier by solving all the issues for him. The sooner he learns to take responsibility for himself and his actions, the better for him! After all, in the end, a great Report awaits everyone! What will be the position of someone who has avoided responsibility all his life?!

If you teach your child to set goals, take responsibility, overcome obstacles, show diligence, persevere, work on himself and achieve results, he will become strong, will not be afraid of life's difficulties and will be able to achieve real success.

Clean, wash, iron, cook, wash the dishes, wipe the floor and again everything in a circle - and so on every day. A familiar picture for most women, especially married ones. And if there are still small children, then new worries are added to all these daily routines and everything is multiplied many times over.

So they pass day after day in bustle. But this is valuable time that is given to us in order to worship God in the best way and earn a reward for eternal life in the Next World. Of course, if women are busy with housework all day long, doing it for the sake of Allah, in order to please their husband and loved ones, then they will be rewarded for this. But if you wish, you can organize everything in such a way that there is time for other important things: gaining religious knowledge, performing additional rituals, as well as to take care of yourself, develop, spend time with loved ones, etc.

To effectively organize household chores, use techniques to save time, effort and money.

This is a very important point on the path to effective housekeeping. Often the constant need to clean the house is caused by a large number of things. Something was bought, something was given as a gift, something was brought from a trip, something was kept from childhood - people “overgrow” with things, without even suspecting how little they actually need for life. It is not for nothing that asceticism is welcomed in Islam.

If you want positive changes in your life, make room for them.

By reducing the number of things to a minimum, it will become much easier for you to manage your household, because things require care, take up space, take energy and peace of mind. As soon as you get rid of everything unnecessary in your life, you will see that not only your home is in order, but also your thoughts, and you will feel that it has become easier for you to breathe both literally and figuratively.

Rules for getting rid of unnecessary things:

  1. If you haven't used an item for a year, then you don't need it.
  2. Imagine that you are about to move into a small apartment. Decide what goes to waste, what can be given to friends or family, and what you really can't do without.
  3. Buy only what you really need, without succumbing to sales, promotions, advertising, fashion and momentary desires.
  4. When buying a new thing, give the old one to others.
  5. When buying things, focus on versatility. Use the same principle to build your wardrobe. Let it contain a minimum of things for any occasion that are combined with each other.
  6. Fix torn, broken or unfinished items immediately or get rid of them forever.
  7. Do not store any trinkets, shells, old newspapers, chipped cups, etc.
  8. Make a strict rule in your home: every day before going to bed, devote 10 minutes to removing everything unnecessary.
  9. Divide all things into groups: “needed”, “rarely needed” and “unnecessary”. Place things from the first group within reach so that they are always at hand and do not require lengthy searches. For rarely used items, set aside a place so that they are out of the way, but you can easily find them if necessary. Give extra things to those who will really benefit from them. If they are no longer useful, then throw them away without regret. Some things can be sold, recycled, that is, you can benefit from getting rid of them.

Tip 2. Divide all big tasks into small steps

Usually women set global goals for themselves - to put the whole house in order in one day. But such general cleaning deprives one of strength and health and discourages cleaning for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to establish ideal order gradually, step by step, and then simply maintain it.

“Keeping it clean” does not mean spending all your energy on making your home look perfect every day.

It is enough that things are in their place and it is clean.

To systematize cleaning, it is recommended to divide your home into zones. For example, an entrance hall and a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom, a bathroom and a toilet. Next, a monthly schedule is drawn up for cleaning in these areas. During the week, only one zone is brought into complete order - for this purpose it is given 15 minutes a day. In fact, during this time you can get a lot done, the main thing is to complete exactly those tasks that are planned. After all, energy during cleaning is often spent on distractions. For example, instead of dusting the closet and simply putting things away, some women start trying on outfits or looking at everything, which, of course, delays cleaning. Therefore, it is recommended to set a timer for 15 minutes to remember the time and avoid distractions.

An approximate cleaning schedule in the “hallway-kitchen” area may include: wash the stove, refrigerator, remove all items from the kitchen cabinets, wipe down the cabinets, carefully put everything back, put shoes in order, put back things that should be stored in other rooms. This work is carried out for 5 days a week. It turns out that a detailed cleaning of one area takes a little more than an hour a month. Then all that remains is to maintain order through daily “routines.”

It may take you longer to clean the areas at first, but once everything is in order, 15 minutes will be enough.

Once you have put everything in order, all that remains is to maintain cleanliness. But this should not be done all day long, but only for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening. “Routines” are simple actions that we perform every day when we wake up in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Proper organization of “routines” will bring these procedures to automaticity.

In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to do a light cleaning “over the top” - walk around the apartment, put things in their places, get rid of everything unnecessary, clean up the kitchen, wash the dishes and sink, hang up clean towels. The evening “routine” also includes: making a plan for the next day (including a menu) and preparing clothes and a bag for tomorrow. In the evenings, pay special attention to “hot spots” - surfaces on which things usually accumulate: a bedside table in the hallway, a computer desk, etc.

In the morning, it is recommended to make your bed immediately after waking up, even on weekends. If you have completed your evening routine, then everything is already in its place. Therefore, in the morning you can only wipe the dust from the surfaces, prepare breakfast and wash the dishes after it. When leaving home, take bags of garbage with you.

If you think through all your actions in the mornings and evenings in advance and perform them regularly, then over time it will become a habit and following them will be easy and simple.

Carry out classic house cleaning once a week. It comes down to completing several tasks of 10 minutes each (for example, vacuuming, washing the floor, wiping mirrors, changing bed linen). You can do this not at once, but assign each task to a specific day.

Islam encourages making the most of your time, and planning helps with this. Even five Namaz a day teach us to distribute tasks throughout the day. By planning, a person gets a barrack of time, that is, he has time to do much more, and this will also help to significantly save time and effort.

First, determine what tasks you do daily, weekly, monthly and how much time you spend on them. Then analyze the list and highlight the tasks that can be eliminated, which ones can be shortened, and which ones need to be left. Evaluate not only the time costs, but also the financial ones. After that, make a plan for the day, week, month, year.

Experienced housewives recommend keeping an “audit log.” The most convenient way to do this is to use an organizer folder or a file on your computer. Write down in this journal: morning and evening routines, monthly cleaning schedules by zone, shopping and payment lists, menus, as well as important notes, contacts, your plans, etc. In your plan, include not only household chores, but also mandatory and optional worship, learning, activities with children, communication with loved ones, time for self-care, and even time for relaxation. Then all that remains is to monitor the implementation of the plan. An organizer, stickers, reminders on your phone, etc. will help you not to forget important things.

Golden rules of good housewives:

  1. Every thing has its place!
  2. Close what you opened.
  3. If you take it, put it back.
  4. Clean before what is clean becomes dirty.
  5. When cleaning, do not take out more things than you can take apart within an hour.

She was one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). From her words, many reliable hadiths were transmitted, which Muslims use to this day.

For her character, intelligence and noble qualities, she was awarded the title “ummul-mu`minin” (“mother of the faithful”) and was one of the seven greatest Muslim scientists of that era. Her name is Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.).

Aisha's childhood

The girl was born in 612 (according to another version in 614 or 615) according to Miladi in the family of the closest companion of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.w.) - (r.a.) and Umm Ruman. Aisha received a good upbringing and religious education. Since childhood, she was interested in Islam and constantly asked her father many questions.

At the age of six years (according to another version - eight years old), she was betrothed to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), and became His wife at the age of 9. After which the Grace of the Worlds, Muhammad (s.g.w.), took up her upbringing, which explains Aisha’s achievements in education and in matters of worship.

This marriage took place at the command of Allah. After the death of his first wife - (r.a.) and nikah with Sauda (r.a.), the final messenger of God (s.g.v.) saw a dream. The angel Gabriel appeared before him and presented him with a silk cloth. Unfolding it, He saw the face of Aisha. Having awakened, the Prophet (s.g.w.) realized that this dream was a sign from the Creator. As a result, he decided to tie the knot with Aisha.

Muhammad (s.g.w.) told his young wife the following about this dream: “I saw you in a dream for three nights. Dzhabrail brought you in a silk cloth and said: “She is your wife.” I opened your face, and there you were! And I said: “If this dream is from the Almighty, then let him continue it” (hadith cited by Muslim).

Mother of the Faithful

After the death of Khadija, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) mourned his first wife for a very long time. She was his support and support in the initial years of his prophetic mission, which were the most difficult. Khadija never once doubted the truth of her husband’s words and always remained faithful to him. The Prophet (s.a.w.) loved his wife very much and appreciated her devotion. That is why the death of Khadija became a real blow for the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) from which he could not recover for a long time.

After marrying Aisha, Muhammad (s.g.w.) regained harmony and peace. She became a real support and support, so she became his beloved wife. But at the same time, he never forgot his first wife and remembered her until his death. Aisha knew this very well. In one of the hadiths, her words are conveyed: “I have never been so jealous of the Messenger of Allah as of Khadija, whom I did not find” (Bukhari, Muslim).

Knowing how strong the love was between the head of the family and Aisha, other wives devoted their days to the beloved wife of Muhammad (s.g.w.).

Virtues of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.)

Being one of the closest associates of the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.), she had many virtues. Her significance in the history of Islam is evidenced by the fact that Allah in His Book justified Aisha after she was slandered.

In the sixth year after the Hijra, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) took his young wife on one of his trips. When the caravan stopped to rest, she went away for a while. Upon returning, Aisha realized that she had lost her jewelry and decided to find it. After which, when she came back, she found no one. Aisha decided to wait in the hope that they would come back for her. And so it happened.

But there were people in the entourage who decided to take advantage of the moment and slander her. Gossip began to circulate throughout Medina that Aisha allegedly was not alone in seclusion from the caravan and committed a sin. These rumors negatively affected her relationship with her father, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (ra) and even with her husband.

The Messenger of Allah (s.w.w.) in such a difficult situation told his wife that if she had committed a sin, then she should repent, and if she had been slandered, then the Almighty would certainly send down an excuse. Aisha sincerely believed and asked the Lord of the worlds to justify her before the Prophet (s.g.w.), but she could not even think that the Almighty would send down the whole verse:

“Those who slandered the mother of the believers, Aisha, are a group of yourselves...” (24:11)

She was acquitted, and thus her good manners and good character were once again proven.

Her dignity is also indicated by the fact that she was the most beloved woman for the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). One day he was asked whom He loved most. To which the answer followed: “Of women, I love Aisha most of all, and of men, her father” (hadith cited by Bukhari).

In addition, many revelations that were sent down to Muhammad (s.g.w.) day and night reached him in the house of Aisha. There is his statement on this matter: “Indeed, no revelation was ever sent to me when I was at home with any of the wives, with the exception of Aisha” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The superiority of Aisha over her fellow tribesmen is also indicated by the following saying of the Prophet of Islam (s.g.w.): “Aisha has superiority over other women, just as sarid is superior to other dishes” (Bukhari, Muslim).

P Rome dreaming Islam . Global : Sarid is a dish whose main ingredients are meat and bread. Favorite food of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.). It is believed that the authorthis culinary delight wasHashim - great-grandfatherMuhammad(s.g.v.) and founder of the Hashemite clan.

The dignity of the heroine of this article is also evidenced by the fact that the Prophet was with her in the last days of his life. The Mother of the Faithful, recalling the day of her husband’s death, said: “On my day, the Almighty took him to Himself when the Prophet’s head lay on my chest” (Bukhari). The final messenger of God (s.g.v.) was buried at the place where He passed into another world, namely in the house of Aisha.

Contribution of the Mother of the Faithful to the development of Islam

Aisha bint Abu Bakr played an invaluable role in the formation and strengthening of the Muslim Ummah. Firstly, she is one of the companions who transmitted the largest number of hadiths. This is explained by the fact that the Prophet (s.a.w.) spent a lot of time with her, and therefore she witnessed many of his sayings and life situations. She was also, i.e. knew its text by heart.

In addition, in situations where some companions did not understand certain hadiths, they turned to Aisha for clarification. She made corrections to the interpretation of such narrations if she noticed any inaccuracies.

During the era of the righteous caliphate, she assisted the rulers of the young Muslim state and took part in making important decisions.

Finally, Aisha became the shining example of a wife who truly loves and supports her husband. Many Muslim women today want to be like her, who never separated from her husband and tried in every possible way to please him.

Death of Aisha

She outlived her husband Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) by 46 years. Aisha participated in the internal affairs of the Ummah and provided support to the righteous caliphs and other sahaba, giving instructions to everyone who needed them. At the age of 66, Aisha passed on to another world. She left behind a huge spiritual legacy that Muslims use to this day.