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Muslim prayer bismillah. Translation of the meaning and interpretation of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

What does the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

Video: Sheikh Abdulkerim al-Kibrisi al-Rabbani

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”

The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is just a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. Translation (meaning) of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” - in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.

What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

Every devout Muslim must begin any of his actions in the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator and in all matters rely only on him alone.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as salvation from Hell .

If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, he is not given spiritual rewards, he receives only what he strived for , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not care about his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

The phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” serves as a verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the pleasure of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in a person’s heart, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if we remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of all-mercy towards all his slaves, be they sinners or righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how misguided he may be, receives colossal graces, starting with a healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy destiny, ending with the main mercy - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

Video: Sunnah - Bismillah pronunciation | Salman-Hadji

What is Rahim?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It signifies God's mercy towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all believers are gathered before Allah and appear before His fair Court, He will show His quality of mercy and forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds, down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and to be joyful on the Day of Judgment, and each of his affairs begins with a blessed phrase - the prayer of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, the text of which is known to any Islamic child and is the main words of a Muslim believer. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

Attention, TODAY only!

Surah "Fatiha" -

“Auzu billahi minashshaytaani r-rajim.
Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim.
Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.
Arrahmaani r-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin.
Iyyakya na'budu va iyayakya nasta'iin.
Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakyim.
Syraatallyazina an'amta aleikhim.
Gairil Magdubi Aleikhim Valad-Doolliin..."
Aamin!.. (Pronounced to oneself)

Meaning: “I resort to Allah in order to avoid the damned Satan. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment! We only worship You and only ask You for help! Guide us on the path those whom You have bestowed with blessings, not those who are under anger and not those who are lost. So be it."

Surah "Kyausar"

“Bismillahi r-rahmani-r-rahim.
Inna a'tayna kyal kyausar
Fyassalli li Rabbi Van Har
Inna shyaaniyakya hval abtar."

Meaning: “Verily, We have given you [Muhammad] abundance. So perform the ritual prayer and slaughter [the sacrificial animal]. Verily, the one who hates you is just a scanty person.”

Surah Phil

Alamtyara kaifya faala rabbuka bi-askhaabil file
Alam yaj'al kaidahyam fii tadzliil
Va arsalya alay khim tairan abyabiil
Tarmiikhim bi hijaratim min sijjiil
Fajya alahyam kya asfim ma'kyal."

Meaning: “Don’t you really know what your Lord did with the army of the elephant? Didn’t He upset their evil thoughts and send a flock of birds against them? They showered them with fragments of petrified clay and turned them into the likeness of a field eaten away by locusts.”

Surah Quraish

Li Iylafi Quraishin.
Iylyafikhim rikhlyatash shityaaai wassayif.
Fyal ya'byudyya Rabbah Khyazal Baytillazii
At'amakham min jui wa aamyana hyam min hauf."

Meaning: “For the sake of the unity of the Quraish tribe, their unity during the winter transition [to Yemen] and the summer transition [to Syria], let them [i.e., the Quraysh] worship the Lord of this [Meccan] Temple, Who fed them during the famine and freed me from fear [of the Ethiopians]."

Surah Maun

Araaytalyazi yykazziby biddiyin.
Fazyaalikalzyayi yady'ul yatiyim.
Valyaa yahudzzu alaa ta'amil miskiin.
Fauyailul lil musalliin.
Allaziynaya hum an salyaatihim syakhaan.
Allyaziyna hyam yuraaa yyanya va yamnauunal maun."

Meaning: “Have you thought about the one who denies the reckoning [of the Day of Judgment]? After all, it is the one who persecutes the orphan and does not call [people] to feed the poor. Woe to those praying who do not pray earnestly, who are hypocrites and forbid [to also] give alms."

Surah "Kafirun"

Kul yaa ayyhal kyaafiruun
Laa a'budy mya ta'budun
Valyaa ana aabidym maa abadtym
Valyaa antym aabidyna ma a'bud
Lakym diinykym valiya diin."

Meaning: "Say [Muhammad], "O you infidels! I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. For I will not [worship] what you worship, and you will not [worship] what I worship. Your faith is yours, and mine is mine!”

Surah Nasr

Izyaa jyaaaaa nasrullaahi wal fathu
Va raaytannaasa yadhu-lyyana fii diinillahi afuyaajaa
Fassabbih bihamdi rabbikya vastagfirhu innakaya kyaana tauuyaabyaa."

Meaning: “When the Lord’s help arrives and victory comes, and when you see that people in crowds begin to accept Faith in God, then give praise to your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness, for He is forgiving.”

Surah "Lahab"

Taubbat yada abiyahabi wa tabba
Maa agna ankha malyhyaya wa ma kasab
Sayaslya naran zata lahab
Vamraatuhu hammalatal khatab
Fii jiidikha hablum mim masad."

Meaning: “May Abu Lahab’s hands wither! May he himself perish! Neither wealth nor what he gained saved him. And soon he will enter the blazing fire. And the wood [for the fire] will be carried by his wife, and around her neck is a rope made of palm fibers."

Surah "Ikhlas"

“Kul huallahu ahad.
Allahu s-samad.
Lam yalid valam yulyad
Walaam yakullahu kufuan ahad."

Meaning: “Say: “He is the One God, the Eternal Lord. He neither begat nor was He begotten, and there is none equal to Him."

Surah "Falyak"

Kul auuzu birabil falyak
Min shyarri mya halyak
Va min shyarri ´gaasikin izyaa vakab
Wa min shayarri nafasaati fil ´ukad
Wa min shyarri haasidin izyaa hasad."

Meaning: “Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn from the evil that He has created, from the evil of the darkness of the night when it covers [the world], from the evil of those who blow on knots [witches], from the evil of the envy of the envious.”

Surah "Us"

Kul auuzu birabbin-us Myalikin-us.
Ilyakhin-nas Min sharril vasvas il khan-nas
Allyazii waswisufisudurin-us
Minal gin-nati van-naas."

Meaning: "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of men, the King of men, the God of men, from the evil tempter [when mentioning the Creator] hiding, seducing the hearts of intelligent beings, both jinn and people."

Du´a ´´Subhanaka´´

Subhanakallahumma. Wa bihamdike. Ua tabarakasmyk. Wa ta'ala jaddyk. Walaa ilaha "gairuk".


“Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu assalaam aleyke ayuhannabiyu wa rahmatyllahi wa baraka” atyh. Assalaamy aleyna wa "ala" ibadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah wa ashhady Anna Muhammadan "abduhu wa rasylyukh."

Salavat Sharifs

Meaning: “O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. O Allah! Send grace to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as you sent to Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim in all the worlds! Truly "You are worthy of praise and glory."

Du "a, read after Salavat Sharif

"Rabbana aatina fidduniya hasanatan wa fil aahirati hasanatan wa kyina "azzabannaar."

Meaning: “Oh, our Lord! Give us prosperity in this and the other world and save us from the fire of hell.”


"Allahumma inna nastayynyka. Wa nastagfirukya wa nastakhdiyk. Wa nysniy alaikalhaira kullyahaya nashkurukya walyaa nakfuryk. Wa nahlya" u wa natruky man yafjuryk. Allahumma iyakya na "bydu wa lakya nysalli wa nasjudu wa ileike us" and wa nakhfid nurju rahmatake wa nakhsha "azabake inna "azabake bil kuffari mulhik."

Meaning: “My Allah, we ask You for help, direction on the path of truth and forgiveness of our sins. Believing You, repenting before You, we rely on You with hope. For every good we praise You and thank You for the blessings that You give. Never We do not fall into disbelief (denying You). We are against those who do not recognize You and refuse them. My Allah, we pray only to You, perform prayer and worship only You. We try with all our might to show submission to You. We hope only for Your mercy and we are afraid of Your punishment, for Your punishment will befall the unbelievers.”

What to read after prayer

Dua: "Allahumma antasalamu Wa minkas salam."
Tabarakta yazal jalali wal-ikram"
(“O Allah! You are Peace and peace comes from You.
Your grace has increased. O Possessor of greatness and honor."

Then the following tasbih is read:
"Subhanallahi Wal hamdulillahi
Wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar
Valya haulya valya kuvata illya billahil-alliyil “aziym.”

Then the verse “Al-Kursi” is read:
Allahu la ilaha illya hwal-hayyul-qayyum.
Laa ta'huzuhu sinatyn Valyaa naum
Lyahu maa fissamaauyaati Wa maa fil ardz.
Man zallasiya yashfau ´indahu illya-a bi-iznih
Ya´lamy maa baina aidiykhim Vamaa halfahum
Valyayhiytuuna bishay im min ´ilmikhii illyaa bi maa shaaaaa.
Wasi´ya kursiyyhu-s-samaaVaati Val ard
"Walaya udukhuu hifzukhumyaa va hval'aliyyulaziim."

Meaning: “Allah is the One besides Whom there is no deity. He is Living, Eternally Existing, neither drowsiness nor sleep overcomes Him. To Him belongs everything that is in Heaven and everything that is on Earth, whoever intercedes before Him, without His permission? He knows what was before them and knows what will happen after them, they take possession of His knowledge only that which He wills. His Throne embraces the Heavens and the Earth, and His protection of them is not burdensome, verily. He is the High One, Great".

"Subhanallah" - 33 times,
"Alhamdulillah" - 33 times,
"Allahu Akbar" - 33 times.

Dua (takbir, tahlil, tahmid):
"Allahu akbar. La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu."
Lyahul-mulku Wa lyahul-hamdu yuhyi va yumit.
Wa huWa haiyun la yamutu biyadihil hairu wa huWa 'ala kulli shayin kadir."

Meaning: “Allah is above all. There is no deity except Allah alone, who has no partner, power belongs to Him. Praise is only to Him. He resurrects and takes away life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is Almighty.”
Du´a (prayer, appeal)

Some duas recited during prayer

Subhanakallahumma wa bihamdike
Wa tabaraqasmyk wa ta'ala jaddyk
Valyaa ilaha "gairuk".

Meaning: "Allah is above all. My Allah, I turn to You, asking for forgiveness and praising You. Your name is blessed. Your greatness is immeasurable (Your glory is limitless) and there is no deity except You."

"Attahiyaty lillaahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu
Assalaam aleyke ayuhannabiyu wa rahmatyllahi wa baraka'atyh
Assalaam aleyna wa ala ibadillahi s-salihiin
Ashhad alla illaha illallah
Wa ashkhady anna Muhammadan "abduhu wa rasylyukh."

Meaning: "Honor to Allah and prayers and kind words. Peace and health to you, O Prophet! And the mercy of Allah and His grace. Peace and health to us and the good servants of Allah. I testify that there is no god but Allah, I also testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger."
Attention! While pronouncing the words “la ilahe”, the index finger of the right hand is raised and when “illa Allah” is said, it is lowered.

Salavat Sharifs (blessing prayers)
"Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad
Kamyaa sallayta ´alaa Ibrahim wa alaa a´ali Ibrahima
Innakya hamidim majid.
Allahumma byarik ´alaa Muhammadin wa alaa a´ali Muhammad
Kamyaa byarakta ´alaa Ibrahim ´alaa a´ali Ibrahima
Innakya hamidim majid."

Meaning: “Oh, Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Oh, Allah! Send grace to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, just as you sent down to Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim in all the worlds! Verily You are worthy of praise and glory."

What does Bismillah mean? Is this a separate verse? Or does it belong to Surah Al-Fatihah?

Bismillah is a shortened form of “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, it has the following meaning:

Starting any business in the name of Allah and with His blessing. He is Merciful: That is, he shows compassion towards his slaves, shows true mercy towards them. Allah is also Merciful: That is, He shows His mercy to an even greater extent. The meaning is this: I begin my action in the name of the Gracious (showing compassion) and the Merciful (Protecting) Allah.

According to the opinions of the readers of Medina, Basra and Damascus, as well as Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik and Imam Awzai: Bismillah is a separate verse and was revealed in order to separate the suras from each other. Bismillah is not part of any surah, just as it is not part of Surah Al-Fatihah. Because, as reported by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him!), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Almighty Allah said: We have divided the prayer (Surah Al-Fatihah) into two parts, between Me and Mine slave and he will get what he wants. When a slave says: “Alhamdulillahi Rabbi’l Alamin,” he praises Me. When a slave says: “Arrahmanirrahim,” he also praises Me. When a slave says: “Maliki yaumi’d-din,” he exalts Me, or trusts Me with his work. When a slave says: “Iyyaka na’budu wa iyaka nastainu,” this is between Me and My slave, he will receive what he wants. When a slave says: “Ikhdina’s-syratal-mustakim, Syratallyazina an’amta alayhim gairi’l-magdubi alayhim waladdalina,” this is all for My slave and he will receive what he desires.”

The fact that in this hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) begins Surah Al-Fatihah with the words “al-hamdu” is proof that Bismillah is not an verse of this surah.

Our religion calls for starting any business related to this or the afterlife with the word of Bismillah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) said in one of his hadiths: “Any business started without the word of Bismillah has a disadvantage.” It is also known that one must recite Bismillah while performing some worship and sacrifice. Every Muslim, when pronouncing Bismillah before starting any business, means the following: “I begin my business in the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful, and not in the name of my nafs or any other creation.” By mentioning these qualities of Allah, the slave wants to receive a reward, both in this and in the afterlife. With these words, he asks for strength from Almighty Allah to successfully complete the work he has started, and shows that he needs His help. Thus, he attracts the help of Allah to himself.

We can say that the Holy Quran contains topics relating not only to Allah and the afterlife, but also topics about the world of people and their relationships with each other. The letter “ba” at the beginning of the word Bismillah brings this relationship to the forefront and indicates that the slave asks for help from Allah and remains attached to Him. There is a verb in Arabic grammar that refers to "ba", but it is not pronounced. This is any verb that comes with the word Bismillah: “I start with the word Bismillah”, “I wake up with the word Bismillah”, “I sacrifice an animal with the word Bismillah”. The word Bismillah, indicating the sincere relationship of Allah with His slaves, is a symbol of Islam, the key to all good deeds and mercy towards people.


Depending on the place of use, Bismillah can be fard, sunnah, mubah, haram and makrooh. Let's look at this question more specifically:

1) Farz. Pronouncing Bismillah is fard in the following situations:

a) When slaughtering an animal. In this case it is said “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar”. Almighty Allah commands: “Do not eat the meat of an animal that has been slaughtered without mentioning Allah. Because this is leaving the path of Allah...”

It follows that if any lawful animal was slaughtered without mentioning Allah, then the meat of that animal is forbidden.

b) While hunting or releasing a dog to game. Almighty Allah commands: “We taught you to hunt, so eat from what you catch, mentioning Allah.” Adiy ibn Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him!) reports the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!): “If you release a hunting dog for game, having said Bismillah, you can eat the meat of this game.”

c) When writing the Koran. Before suras, except for Surah At-Taubah, you need to write bismillah. Because the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) agreed on this issue.

2) Sunnah. It is sunnah to say Bismillah in the following cases:

a) In every rak'ah of prayer, before reading Surah Al-Fatihah.

b) When starting to read the Holy Quran, before each sura. Not even before each sura, but from the place where you start reading. Whoever begins reading from Surah At-Tauba should only pronounce “auzu billahi minnashshaitani’r-rajim”, without pronouncing bismillah. When switching from Surah Al-Anfal to Surah At-Tawba, you also do not need to pronounce Bismillah.

c) Before taking food and water. If you forgot to say Bismillah before eating, then when you remember this, you should say the following: “Bismillahi fi awwalihi wa ahirihi = Always in the name of Allah.”

d) Before performing ablution.

d) Before every important task. Getting married.

3) Mubah. Saying Bismillah is mubah in the following situations. Before sitting, standing, or walking.

4) Makrooh. Saying Bismillah is makrooh in the following situations. When the genitals are not covered, in unclean places, during the transition from Surah Al-Baraya to Surah Al-Anfal. When smoking or using similar things with a bad smell, it is makrooh to say Bismillah.

5) Haram. Saying Bismillah is haram when doing forbidden things. For example, when drinking alcohol, committing adultery, before eating food that was stolen or taken from someone. Whoever recites Bismillah before committing an obvious sin, such as usury, is an atheist.

Bismillah is a text that indicates the name of the Creator of all living and nonliving things. This text is used ninety-nine times in the Holy Qur'an, instead of the name of Allah, and combines His qualities such as the Beneficent and the Merciful. These qualities mean: “to forgive, not to deprive of honor and mercy” and indicate that Allah guides all people under the banner of mercy and protection. Bismillah is a text that brings together all the great qualities of Allah given in the Hadith and the Holy Quran, and also has a place in religion, worship and the daily life of people.

Here are a few hadiths pointing out the virtues found in Bismillah:

Ibn-i Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him!) reports the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!):

“There is no doubt that if one teacher says to a small child: “Read Bismillah,” then salvation from hell will be written down for that teacher and the child, as well as the parents of that child.”

According to the honorable Ali (may Allah be pleased with him!), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “If you are in trouble, then say: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. La havla wala quwwata illa billahi'l-alei'l-azim. Because thanks to these words, Allah will protect you from various troubles if He wishes.”

Ibn-i Masut (may Allah be pleased with him!) reports the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!): “Everyone who recites Bismillah will be given four thousand units of reward, four thousand sins will be forgiven and the degree of that person will increase in four thousand times"

Omar Ibn-i Abdulaziz reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) pointed to a piece of paper lying on the ground and asked one young man: “What is written on this piece of paper?” This young man replied: “Bismillah is written on it.” To this the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Let the one who did this be cursed! Write the name of Allah only in appropriate places.”

As reported by Anas (may Allah be pleased with him!), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) said: “Whoever lifts from the ground a paper on which Bismillah is written so that it is not trampled, will be recorded by Allah as one of the most devoted slaves. And even if the parents of this person are atheists, then their punishment will be easier.”


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Complete collection and description: Bismillah prayer in Russian for the spiritual life of a believer.

What does the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”

The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is just a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. Translation (meaning) of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” is in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.

What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

Every devout Muslim must begin any of his actions in the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator and in all matters rely only on him alone.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as salvation from Hell .

If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, he is not given spiritual rewards, he receives only what he strived for , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not care about his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

The phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” serves as verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the pleasure of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in a person’s heart, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if we remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of all-mercy towards all his slaves, be they sinners or righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how misguided he may be, receives colossal graces, starting with a healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy destiny, ending with the main mercy - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

What is Rahim?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It signifies God's mercy towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all believers are gathered before Allah and appear before His fair Court, He will show His quality of mercy and forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds, down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and to be joyful on the Day of Judgment, and begins each of his affairs with a blessed phrase - the Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim prayer, the text of which is known to any Islamic child and is the main words of a Muslim believer. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

Lyrics of the song Al Fatiha Prayer - Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

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Bismillahir rahmanir rahim!

“Guide us to the straight path,

and those who wander in unbelief.” Aguzu ʙillaxi minaş-şajtanir-raƶim

Bismillaxir raxmanir raxim!

Al-xamdu LIL-lljajaxi roʙil’aalamiin.

Each roxmaanir-roxiim. Maaliki jaumid-diin.

Ijaaka na'ʙudu ua ijaka nasta'iin.

Gojril-Magduuʙi galejxim ua lad-doolliin!

Vsemilostiv Miloserden Odin,

Dnja sudnogo Odin Vlastelin.

Lişь pred Toʙoj koleni preklonjaem

J j liş Teʙe pomoši vzyvaem:

“Direct prjamoju stezeju nas,

Who are you izʙral üçün tex, merciful Committee Tvoeju odaren,

Muslim prayer text

Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.

Iyyakya na'budu va iyayakya nasta'iin.

Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakyim.

Syraatallyazina an'amta aleikhim.

Gairil Magdubi Aleikhim Valad-Doolliin… “

Al-Hamdu Li Lahi Praise be to Allah

Robbie l'alya min, Lord of the worlds

ar-rokhmani r-rohim to the Gracious, the Merciful

maliki yau` middin to the Shiner of the Day of Judgment

iyakya na`budu ya iyakya nasta`in, We worship You and we pray to You for help

damp-tallaziyna әn`amta `Aleihim in the way of those whom You have blessed

Gairil Magdubi `aleihim not those who fell under Your wrath

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim!

Al-hamdu lil-llayahi robil yaalamiin.

Ar-rokhmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-diin.

Iyaaka nabudu ya iyaaka nastaiin.

Syrootal-laziina an'amta aleikhim.

Goiril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

All-merciful and merciful!

He alone is All-Merciful and Merciful,

The Day of Judgment alone He is the Lord.

We bow our knees only to You

And we cry only to You for help:

“Guide us to the straight path,

What have You chosen for those who are gifted with Your mercy,

Muslim prayer text

Muslim prayer text

  1. with the name of ALLAH Milostev and Melasernoga
  2. Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim. This is not a prayer, this is the beginning of all prayers. This indicates in the name of Whom you are doing this and to Whom you are calling. It’s like an appeal... you can’t say hello God, and then say I came to you about such and such problems... This is blasphemous and disgusting. You are a creation of the Almighty, a reasonable creature, but still a creature. You have to know your place, don't you? And since HE is the Creator, then HE is the Destroyer. And any direct or indirect incorrect appeal of a creature to the Creator entails any consequences for the creature. Therefore, we always pray to the Creator with these words, without resorting to other appeals. This is what the Prophet Muhammad S.A.S taught. But the Creator himself knows better.
  3. Thank you so much for the text! With deep respect to the author.
  5. “Auzu billahi minashshaytaani r-rajim.

Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim.

Alhamdu lillahi rabbil #180;alamin.

Arrahmaani r-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin.

Iyyakya na#180;bydy va iyakyya nasta#180;iin.

Ikhdina s-syraatal mystakyim.

Syraatallyazina an#180;amta aleikhim.

Gairil Magdubi Aleikhim Valad-doolliin "

Aamin!. . (Pronounced silently)

Meaning: “I resort to Allah to avoid the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Gracious, the Merciful, the King on the Day of Judgment! We only worship You and only ask You for help! Guide us on the path of those whom You have bestowed with blessings, not those who are under anger and not those who are lost. Let it be so! "

There are several prayers in sound files, if necessary I will send them

  • Hello! Write the text of the prayer ALHAM.... » in advance Zur RAKHMAT
  • Tatars have a lot of prayers, for example:

    #1240;l-hamdu li Lahi Praise be to Allah

    Robbie l-#1241;lya min, Lord of the Worlds

    ar-rokhm#1241;ni r-rohim to the Gracious, the Merciful

    m#1241;liki yau middin to the Shiner of the Day of Judgment

    iyaka nabudu ya iyaka nastain, we worship You and pray to You for help

    Ikhdinas-syrotal-mustakyym, Lead us to the straight path

    damp-tallaziyna #1241;namta #1241;leyhim in the way of those whom You have blessed

    #1171;eyril ma#1171;dubi #1241;leychim not those who fell under Your wrath

    wa lyaddoooolliin (Amin) and not (by) the lost

  • Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-razhim

    Bismillahir rahmanir rahim!

    Al-hamdu lil-llayahi robil yaalamiin.

    Ar-rokhmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-diin.

    Iyaaka nabudu ya iyaaka nastaiin.

    Syrootal-laziina an'amta aleikhim.

    Goiril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin!

    All-merciful and merciful!

    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds;

    He alone is All-Merciful and Merciful,

    The Day of Judgment alone He is the Lord.

    We bow our knees only to You

    And we cry only to You for help:

    “Guide us to the straight path,

    What have You chosen for those who are gifted with Your mercy,

    Bismillah prayer in Russian


    Every devout Muslim begins all his actions with the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.” Such an undertaking is prescribed by Shariah and according to Hadith, if you do not say “Bismillahi” before every important undertaking, then it is deprived of Barakah and the chances of such an undertaking to succeed will be minimal. Why does the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” have such great significance for Muslims?

    A truly devout Muslim performs all his deeds, actions and acts of worship in the name of the Almighty and in the name of the Almighty. And the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” translated from Arabic means “in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.” If a person does actions or deeds not for the sake of the Almighty, but to achieve his worldly goals, such as fame, enrichment, personal gain or for the sake of his reputation among people, such deeds will not have spiritual encouragement. And Allah will not accept them, no matter how good they are. But with the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” a Muslim puts divine power and strength into his actions, and it serves as oral proof of sincere intentions for the glory of the Almighty. The good deed begun with “Bismillaha” is recorded for the person and on the Day of Judgment it will play its role.

    Bismillahi contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the desire and will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the mercy of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all actions that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakat and the blessing of the Almighty.

    ...the clouds retreated, moving to the east, the winds stopped blowing, the oceans calmed down, all creatures prepared to listen, fire was sent from Heaven to Shaitan, and Allah Almighty, swearing by His Honor, declared: “He who pronounces this name of Mine (“Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim") over anything, I will send down the Barakah on this matter (thing, etc.).

    It is for this reason that the Prophet Rasulullah uttered this phrase and advised the community to do the same before starting any business: before locking the door at night, turning on the light, drinking water, eating, getting into or leaving a vehicle, etc. And on the Day of Fair Judgment, Allah will remember all the smallest good deeds in His name, which a person himself may not remember.

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  • Why is Surah At-Tawba written without “Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim”?

    Question: Why was Surah At-Tawba written without “Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim”? Answer: There are two opinions on this matter: some believe that because of the mercy towards the animals that submitted to the Prophet Suleiman (a.s.), this “Bismillah” was granted to Surah “An-Naml” (“Ants”) According to for others, the first “Ba” indicates Mercy and replaces “Bismillah.”

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    Islam clarified not only how to worship Allah Almighty, but also established certain frameworks for the use of worldly goods. Profit obtained legally, in accordance with the principles of religion, is called “halal”. As for profit obtained in ways that do not comply with the requirements of religion, it is called “haram.”

  • Are there any sins that Allah Almighty does not forgive?

    The Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah is limitless for slaves who perform tawba, that is, sincere repentance, repenting of the sins they have committed. Whether this or that sin will be forgiven after a person’s repentance before the Almighty is decided only by the Almighty Creator himself, and no one has the right to say that he will be forgiven or not, except Himself.

    Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim

    Prayer of Al Fatih Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rakhim - “Behind the Scenes”: Khasbulat Rakhmanov On February 19, visiting the program “Behind the Scenes” - Khasbulat Rakhmanov! Do not miss!

    Subscribe to the channel –

    The text of the ode in its entirety and for free:

    Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-razhim

    Bismillahir rahmanir rahim

    Al-hamdu lil-llayahi robil yaalamiin.

    Ar-rokhmaanir-rohiim. Maaliki yaumid-diin.

    Iyaaka nabudu ya iyaaka nastaiin.

    Syrootal-laziina an'amta aleikhim.

    Goiril-Magduubi galeihim wa lad-doolliin

    All-merciful and merciful

    He alone is All-Merciful and Merciful,

    The Day of Judgment alone He is the Lord.

    We bow our knees only to You

    And we cry only to You for help

    “Guide us to the straight path,

    What have You chosen for those who are gifted with Your mercy,

    Protect us from the path of those who anger You

    and those who wander in unbelief.”

    “Behind the scenes”: Khasbulat Rakhmanov

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    Meaning of the word

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim!

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - translated from Arabic: In the name of God, the Gracious and Merciful. To the one who reads “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” every day, Allah will undoubtedly grant success. By studying the Koran, like the Bible, you understand and comprehend a lot for yourself... And when you visit any eastern city in Asia, you immediately understand this music of prayer that penetrates the soul! I especially remember this for the first time when visiting Istanbul, when at sunrise you hear the words of the first sura rushing from all corners of the city. A state of true admiration...

    Surah Al-Fatihah (Opening of the Book)

    Al-hamdu lil-lyahi rabbil-'aalamiin.

    Iyayakya na’budu wa iyayayakya nasta’iin.

    Syraatol-lyaziyna an’amta ‘alayhim, gairil-magduubi

    ‘alayhim wa lad-doolliin. Amine.

    The word “ameen” means “O Most High, accept our prayers,” as well as “So be it.”

    I drank water as if from a spring,

    But in the end we drive again,

    We cannot heal with sin...

    Bow down with repentance,

    I had to leave

    The muezzin gave the words:

    And the words fly like a comet:

    Like a rhyme for a poet,

    Or a beautiful ray of light,

    That we honor everyone with our souls:

    “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim!”

    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - whatever a Muslim does, he always begins with these words. “In the name of (in the name of) Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful”

    Mashallah is usually said when one is surprised and admired by something. Instead of "Wow" etc. They say “Mashallah” so as not to jinx it. (“Mashallah” - “As Allah pleased”, “As Allah wanted”)

    Inshallah - “If Allah wills,” it is said when an intention to do something is voiced.

    Subhanallah! (Fasubhanallah!) is an exclamation of surprise. Expressing emotion or attracting attention. This means “Allah is superior to any shortcomings”

    Hasbunallah - “Allah is sufficient for us.” “Allah is enough for us”

    Maazallah! - they say that Allah will protect. "may Allah protect"

    Auzubillah - “I seek refuge in Allah”

    Meaning of words Mashallah Inshallah Subhanallah – Pumping .

    June 15, 2011 . Meaning of words Mashallah Inshallah Subhanallah. Anyone who communicates with

    Muslims can often be heard by strangers.

  • What does the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

    The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”

    The correct transcription of the phrase looks like this: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is just a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. Translation (meaning) of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” - in the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful.

    What does "In the name of Allah" mean?

    Every devout Muslim must begin any of his actions in the name of the Almighty, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator and in all matters rely only on him alone.

    In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim utters the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim,” his deeds not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but are also encouraged by high rewards, which will be valued on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as salvation from Hell .

    If a person does good things not for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty, but to achieve some worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, increasing his reputation among people or any other self-interest, he is not given spiritual rewards, he receives only what he strived for , and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not care about his distant future, but was only interested in worldly goods.

    The phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” serves as a verbal confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the pleasure of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in a person’s heart, then these deeds will not be accepted by the Almighty, no matter how good they may be.

    What is Rahman?

    More correctly - Ar-Rahman, if we remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of all-mercy towards all his slaves, be they sinners or righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how misguided he may be, receives colossal graces, starting with a healthy body, a wonderful family, a happy destiny, ending with the main mercy - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

    What is Rahim?

    Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It signifies God's mercy towards all his devoted and obedient slaves on the Day of Judgment. When all believers are gathered before Allah and appear before His fair Court, He will show His quality of mercy and forgive whatever He wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds, down to the smallest good deeds that they themselves did not remember, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

    That is why every Muslim strives to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and to be joyful on the Day of Judgment, and each of his affairs begins with a blessed phrase - the Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim prayer, the text of which is known to any Islamic child and is the main words of a Muslim believer. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, whose blessings are asked before starting any business.

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    Now you know what the Translation of the meaning and interpretation of the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” is, you can read about it here, and also see other prayers and articles about religion online!