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I dreamed of an allergy - the interpretation of sleep from dream books. Interpretation of sleep allergy in dream books If a girl had an allergy

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    To whom dreamed? allergic reaction, itching in dream portends an unmarried girl a well-to-do young man who will propose. woman dreaming rash on body promises the need to make a choice between family and lover. Man get allergy portends a marriage with a woman who has a good dowry, but her character leaves much to be desired.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming Allergy in dream by dream book? dreamed allergy - dream sleep suffer from allergies it's you - dream allergy body Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Allergy, but the right interpretation sleep dreaming Allergy in dream in dream seen this symbol. dreamed that I'm right in dream body Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Allergy in dream, As the Dream Interpretations assure, This is the response of your subconscious to unpleasant stimuli Surrounding you in reality. See in dream What torments you allergy- the need for a change of scenery. dreamed that i'm covered on everything body spots. I know what it is allergy.I begin to think and realize that it is possible that this is due to the antibiotic that I am taking. After the antibiotic is discontinued, the rash disappears. What does this mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

    Dream interpretation - when dreamed Allergy in dream. Dream With allergies can warn of special life events, as well as of approaching negative ones. Moles on Tele. Determine the Gender of the Child.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming allergy on another person: a friend, a child? For example, a mother who does not like her young daughter's boyfriend may see in dream that the daughter is covered with an allergic rash from the touch of her boyfriend. If dream allergy from a friend, then dream speaks of the reliability of this person: the dreamer can rely on him in any situation. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Allergy throughout body dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Allergy throughout body? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream Allergy throughout body by reading below for free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    At all, allergy symbolizes - rejection of the situation. If you dreamed that you have an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communicate with a person or to a book or program, and the like) - in reality you should be If you see in dream allergic manifestations on the skin of your child - it means that someone close will cause your emotional experiences. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn. Allergy Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Allergy according to the dream book: Allergy- If you dreamed that you are covered with an allergic rash, then your situation will soon change. if you had a dream sick allergies- you will sympathize with a loved one who is in trouble. Allergic rash on the skin of a friend - you can count on your friends in difficult times. An allergic rash on the skin of a child - someone close will cause your emotional experiences. Treat allergy in dream- you will experience difficulties with money.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Allergy, dream Allergy, dreamed Allergy. dream interpretation in general, allergy dreamed Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-online"

    family people allergy dreaming to the successful solution of financial problems. If dreamed symptoms allergies with a person you know, which means that in a difficult situation you may well count on friendly support. in dream allergy Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Soul Death body Phone Soul after death. Dream Interpretation - Hair on body. Hair in the wrong place in dream... may be a sign that you will be very concerned about yourself and your affairs, and this may be due to your reputation ... Post your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Allergy throughout body in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation ""

    dreamed Allergy, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Allergy in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. dreamed that I'm right in dream I understand that I drank a lot of vitamins, I go to the mirror and I have everything body in pimples! the whole face, legs, arms!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

    dreams, dreamed on the night of today, are meaningless, colorless and have no meaning. ALLERGY- Modern Dream Interpretation. see yourself in dream covered with an allergic rash - this means that you have enemies whose intrigues will bring you shame and dishonor. An allergic rash on the skin of an unmarried girl promises her the wealth of the groom. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astromeridian"

    Dream interpretation meaning of dreams allergy, to you dreamed allergy on face ?, see interpretation dreams allergy in our dream book, interpretation of dream books why dreaming allergy on hands. Dream Interpretation allergy on face - in reality, the situation can significantly affect your reputation. dream interpretation allergy on body- this is sensitivity to the environment, intolerance to external stimuli.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Allergy on gold dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Allergy on gold? A woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If items made of gold are lost or broken by you in dream, then you will find a break in relations, loss, humiliation, poverty. if you dream that some parts of your body made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sovet"

    If dreamed an allergic reaction to intangible things, for example, a transfer, a book, communication with a person, in real life one should be more balanced in expressing one's attitude towards other people. Girls allergy dreaming to a rich marriage. Symptoms allergies with a familiar person - friends will help you in difficult times, with your child - there will be chores about loved ones. Treat allergy in dream- difficulties with money.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    According to the plot sleep it will be possible to determine, because of what or in relation to whom, a person with a red face in dream angry and dissatisfied. If dreamed face with pimples, blackheads, abscesses, rashes, allergies, - dream means experiences due to attacks and slander of ill-wishers (most often due to hostility, hatred, slander of a person, and also envy). Conscious dream from the Energy body"Ganimed" 11/19/2015. MAGIKUM CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE 10/18/2015. Joint dream "MEETING" 10/16/2015. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation ""

    For what dreaming Allergy in dream by dream book? dreamed allergy - dream, rather, warns of an unpleasant set of circumstances. If according to the plot sleep suffer from allergies it's you - dream calls you to emotional restraint. I stand in front of the mirror, eat chocolate (I have allergy but not strong, the reaction will be if there is it every day for about a week) and here I have everything body red blisters began to appear and when touched they burst and form 10 more pieces.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    dreamed /dreamed Gangrene - see in dream of a person suffering from gangrene means Rash - Rash on body- to misunderstanding. Tick ​​- Seeing a nervous tick is a shock. Allergy- get covered in dream allergic rash - your position will change soon.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    To you dreamed Rash what is it - you in dream see yourself on body rash - everyone knows that you are a responsible person; you will soon be among the elect. A young woman sees on body rash - this woman has to make a difficult choice: on the one hand - family, children; on the other, a lover; the mind will speak in favor of the children, the heart will attract to the lover. I saw on body the child has a small red rash and told her husband that it was from fruits, allergy.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Any disease dreaming to the fact that the time has come for change in life and it's time to change something (yourself, your principles, etc.). There are many different interpretations dreaming chickenpox, they depend on who had a dream dream And what exactly dreamed.If in dream a rash appears on the forehead, this means that a person should engage in intellectual work in his free time. If in dream a person sees a child (alien) who is sick with chickenpox and his body covered with a rash, this dream signals a possible receipt ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

    Dream Allergy and its meaning when dreamed Allergy need to look into Allergy dream book, and it is not necessary to go far, all information about dream in which you saw Allergy is on this page. See in dream Allergy- this is an occasion to once again look into the dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation dreams Allergy.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "mirkosmosa"

    Allergy in dream for what dreaming. At all, allergy symbolizes the rejection of the situation. If you dreamed that you have an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communicate with a person or to a book or program, and the like), then in reality you should be more restrained in expressing your attitude to the activities of other people .Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "interpretation-sna"

    If dreamed symptoms allergies with a person you know, which means that in a difficult situation you may well count on friendly support. dreamed allergic spots on the skin of your own child - you have to worry, bother for loved ones. treated in dream allergy or saw how someone else was trying to get rid of it, which means that you will have difficulties with money. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Freckles, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Freckles in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! I have in my life on my face and on body freckles, but these are small light red spots, and in dream they were large irregular dark brown spots on the nose. subtext sleep was like me allergy on some kind of cream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed rash all over my body. Answer. Nina me today had a dream dream,what am I in dream I was sleeping and woke up abruptly and saw a large rash and scratches on my left leg! I started asking for pills from allergies, but they gave me some kind of ointment, I paid for it, and started ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    For what dreaming rash on body red, on the child, all over body, on the face, hands, skin, legs. See dream in which on your body(on the arm, skin allergy, covered with a rash, face in a rash) a red rash appeared, which means that in real life it is beneficial If dreamed rash on the neck - you should think about changing the type of activity. You can achieve more in life. Spots on the skin dream, meaning that in real life you will be subjected to temptations that are difficult to resist. If dreaming rash on the head, on the forehead, on the back, acne, on the cheeks.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In general, allergies: warns of an unpleasant situation or predicament. In the event that you dreamed that you had an allergic reaction to something intangible (to communicate with any person, to a program, newspaper, etc.): in reality, you need to restrain ...

How to interpret the dream "Allergy"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Allergy symbolizes rejection of the situation. If you dreamed that you had an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communication with a person or to a book or program, etc.), then in reality you should be more restrained in expression ...

Allergy - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Young women of the fair sex dream of their own allergies for a rich, profitable marriage. The same dream promises men to marry a woman with a good "dowry", but not a very kind character. For family people, allergies dream of a successful solution to financial problems. If you dreamed of allergy symptoms ...

Allergy (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In general, allergies symbolize the rejection of the situation. If you dreamed that you had an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communicate with a person or to a book or program, and the like), then in reality you should be more restrained in expression ...

Allergy - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

This is sensitivity to the environment, intolerance to external stimuli. Is there something in your life that you cannot tolerate or are unable to resist? Perhaps you should develop immunity to what you are defenseless against?.

Allergy - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

See allergic reaction. Reflection of intolerance, rejection of external stimuli. Because of this, the possibility of losing the ability to resist or to correctly assess the situation. Reflection of a sense of insecurity. The need to reassess their relationship to external factors.

What the dream portends: Allergy

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself sick with allergies is a dream warning: you need to carefully monitor your health, it is advisable to undergo a proactive medical examination.

Dreaming "Cheeks" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Maybe a bad dream. Looking in the mirror and seeing that you have sunken cheeks is a long illness that will deplete all your strength. Plump, ruddy, smooth cheeks - to pleasure and wealth. Pimple or allergic cheeks - someone is gossip...

Confusion - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

There are many types of confusion (in particular, you can mix up and eat something that you are usually allergic to), but most often confusion occurs when there are things in your life that you do not want to look at objectively. If around...

Confuse - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

There are many types of confusion (in particular, you can mix up and eat something that you are usually allergic to) - but most often confusion occurs when there are things in your life that you do not want to look at objectively. If …

What the dream portends: Earthworms

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Pustular disease diathesis allergy.

What the dream portends: Ambrosia

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To problems with the lungs, bronchial allergies, tracheal disease, nasopharynx. If you pluck ambrosia, the disease intensifies.

If you had a dream - Nose

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Curve, big, unusual - be careful with alcohol. You can get poisoned or incite trouble. Falls off - to a disease, the cause of which is promiscuity. Someone without a nose - death threatens. Animal - An allergy, possibly to an animal living in your home.

If you had a dream - Goblin

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Pale sickness, allergy to odors.

If you had a dream - Earth

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Solid ground - confirmation of the correct move. Loose, unstable to vibrations that get in the way, tossing underfoot - to problems with official organizations (for example, a pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office). Fall underground - check your health - allergies, asthma, diathesis. …

If you had a dream - Fight

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see how you had a fight with some person, and it took place in the arena, in front of the public - a dream means that in real life there will be a struggle. It can even be a fight in the most direct sense. Fighting monsters...

If you had a dream - fight

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In the arena, to fight with a person - a waking struggle awaits, perhaps even in the literal sense of a fight. With monsters or animals - diseases from representatives of the fauna (ornithosis, allergies, salmonellosis).

Article author: site

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger.

Due to the fact that the environment is very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

To dream of a healthy smiling child is a lucky sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children.

To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

To see a crying child is to endanger your future.

Searching for your child in a dream is trying to find lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation - Child

Can remind you of the child that lives in you and gives you such qualities as playfulness, the ability to rejoice, openness.

Very often you do not recognize childishness in yourself.

Give freedom to the child hiding in you, let yourself rejoice and have fun.

If not now, then when? The time has come! This sign can also indicate that old, unresolved childhood issues are rising to the surface and waiting for solutions.

If childhood memories come to your mind, even unpleasant ones, this means that you are going through a cleansing stage and many painful issues are being reviewed now.

Do you subconsciously wish to have a child? Very often, before getting pregnant, women begin to notice children everywhere, even if they consciously do not want to have a child.

If you are at that stage of life when it is not at all desirable for you to give birth to a child, and you begin to see children constantly and everywhere: you should protect yourself especially carefully.

Interpretation of dreams from

What if you dream of an allergy on another person: a friend, a child? ; If you had a chance to see in a dream: an allergy appeared on the skin of a child or another close relative - you have to worry, worry about people from your inner circle. Such a dream can also symbolize already existing causes for concern.

For example, a mother who does not like the boyfriend of a young daughter may see in a dream that her daughter is covered with an allergic rash from her boyfriend's touch. If a friend has an allergy, then such a dream speaks of the reliability of this person: the dreamer can rely on him in any situation. Especially if you dream that an allergy manifests itself simultaneously in the dreamer himself and in a friend seen in a dream.

What if you dream about allergies?

Why dream of an allergy? Allergy in life manifests itself when the body rejects a particular substance, or reacts to contact with a substance in an inadequate way. In a dream, an allergy means almost the same thing: rejection of something, or an overly pronounced emotional reaction to any events, phenomena or people.

An allergy can be dreamed of if in real life a person experiences some negativity in relation to a situation or a person, but cannot change anything for any reason.

For example, if a person experiences negative pressure from an authoritarian boss at work, they may have a dream: an allergy appears during a conversation with a tyrant boss. The inability to leave by slamming the door, or adequately answer the petty tyrant, in a dream can take the form of a painful itchy rash on the skin. Many dream books state that if a girl dreams of an allergic rash, this portends a rich husband.

What portends?

As a rule, allergies in a dream do not portend anything special or bad. Such a dream, rather, indicates the existing internal tension, unwillingness or inability to accept certain events in life, incompatibility with certain people. Perhaps the dreamer should pay attention to his attitude to certain aspects in life: perhaps some phenomena are perceived excessively emotionally . Perhaps the subconscious mind is trying to inform a person through a dream that it is not worth worrying so much, that everything can be treated easier.

If the dreamer sees an allergy in loved ones, then in this case you should not especially worry: perhaps this is how an unrealized concern for well-being manifests itself in reality, the desire to protect from trouble. ;

Why dream of an allergy? Such a sign in a dream warns of troubles, difficulties, losses. It also signals an incorrect attitude towards certain external factors, which is why the dreamer's incorrect behavior is possible. The dream interpretation recommends taking into account other details of the dream.

Who dreamed?

An allergic reaction, itching in a dream portends an unmarried girl of a well-to-do young man who will propose.

A woman dreaming of a rash on her body promises the need to make a choice between family and lover.

A man getting an allergy portends a marriage with a woman who has a good dowry, but her character leaves much to be desired.

For family people, such a dream, as the dream book informs, promises: financial difficulties will soon be safely resolved.

Avoid unseemly deeds, improve yourself

Seeing rashes in oneself and treating them with an ointment is an unseemly act of a waking sleeper, despite all the measures taken by him, will receive wide publicity. As a result, his reputation will suffer.

In general, the dream book interprets allergies in a dream as a reflection of a person’s rejection, intolerance to some external stimuli. You need to change your attitude towards them. The vision, as it were, warns: the sleeper may lose the ability to adequately assess the situation, to resist adverse circumstances. As a result, he will become defenseless before them.

Why dream that an allergy is caused by communication with a person, a book, a program, something else intangible? The dreamer needs to be more restrained in the affairs and actions of other people. It is better to pay attention to your behavior.

Get ready to overcome difficulties

The interpretation of sleep about allergies indicates: the sleeping person has an unpleasant situation or predicament ahead. We'll have to concentrate all the forces, the will to get out of it.

Dreamed of treating allergies? Financial difficulties are coming soon.

If in a dream the rashes on your hands itch, it means that problems will begin that you cannot overcome on your own. You should ask for help from someone more experienced.

Relationships with relatives, friends

Why does a child dream of a rash? The dream book says: you will be very worried about some relative.

An allergy on a friend’s body in a dream means: in a difficult situation, friends will definitely lend their shoulder.

Did you dream that someone was suffering from an allergy on the face? The dream book indicates: there may be difficulties in relationships, the occurrence of quarrels, conflicts. The vision gives a hint - it is with this acquaintance that relations do not add up, you annoy each other. It should be rethought, develop a line of conduct.

An allergy in a child warns: the dreamer will have to worry about the affairs of loved ones, they will have to solve their problems.

Other meanings

To dream of an allergic reaction on your face, on your hands - something will distract the sleeping person from the intended goal.

Get an allergic reaction, rashes - you will be chosen to carry out some important official or social work. You need to take it seriously, because a lot can depend on the result.

Why dream of an allergy on someone's face? Losses are coming.

Seeing a rash on your body - according to the dream book, the dreamer has enemies whose machinations will bring shame and dishonor.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Seeing yourself sick A. - a dream warning: you need to carefully monitor your health, it is advisable to undergo a proactive medical examination.

Modern dream book

  • In general, allergies symbolize the rejection of the situation. If you dreamed that you had an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communication with a person or to a book or program, etc.), then in reality you should be more restrained in expressing your attitude towards the activities of other people.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Allergy is sensitivity to the environment, intolerance to external stimuli. Is there something in your life that you cannot tolerate or are unable to resist? Perhaps you should develop immunity to what you are defenseless against?

Women's dream book

  • See yourself covered in an allergic rash- this means that you have enemies whose intrigues will bring you shame and dishonor.
  • Allergic itching on the skin of an unmarried girl- promises her a rich groom.
  • Seeing in a dream an allergic rash on the skin of your friend- means that in difficult times you can always count on the help of friends.
  • If you see in a dream allergic manifestations on the skin of your child- it means that someone close will cause your emotional experiences.

Modern combined dream book

  • In general, allergies symbolize- rejection of the situation.
  • If you dreamed that you had an allergic reaction to something intangible (for example, to communicate with a person or to a book or program, and the like) - in reality you should be more restrained in expressing your attitude to activities other people.

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Allergy- a reflection of intolerance, rejection of external stimuli. Because of this, the possibility of losing the ability to resist or to correctly assess the situation. Reflection of a sense of insecurity. The need to reassess their relationship to external factors.

People suffering from allergies are well aware of how insidious this disease is, and how much trouble it causes. If you want to know what an allergy may be dreaming of, then the dream book will not please you with a good prediction. As a rule, this painful condition in night dreams predicts in reality: problems, losses, losses. It can also lead to embarrassing situations. Their cause will most likely be the dreamer's incorrect behavior.

However, the interpretation may be different - much in it depends on the details of the dream and the emotions experienced by the sleeper. The dream book will tell you detailed answers.

Who saw the dream?

For example, why does a young lady dream of an allergy? It turns out that for her this is just a welcome vision, predicting a rich, kind groom. He will not waste time, and will soon propose to the girl.

A rash on the body or another allergic reaction that a married lady has seen suggests that she will have to make a choice between duty and passion, or rather: between her husband and her lover.

The dream interpretation prophesies to a man who has noticed allergy symptoms in a dream, a marriage with a wealthy woman. However, it is not known how strong this union will be, since his chosen one is distinguished by a grumpy character, a heavy disposition.

Family people can hope that their family budget will soon become richer. They will be able to forget about savings, and even afford a little luxury, that's what they dream about allergies.

The secret becomes clear

To be treated for allergies in a dream, for example, to smear rashes, combed, itchy skin with ointment, to the fact that the dreamer's secret will soon become public. The dream interpretation warns that his unseemly deeds, evil words will not go unnoticed, and can seriously damage his reputation.

Many interpreters explain why allergies are dreaming, as a vision reflecting the dreamer's real rejection of some external factors. It can be traditions, orders adopted in the team, individual people. Constant irritation can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, use the advice given by the dream book: try to change your attitude towards others.

Change what is called angry mercy. Or just try not to notice the moments that irritate you. Only in this case you will avoid serious mistakes and be able to cope with adverse circumstances.

Miller's caveat

The famous interpreter Miller explains a dream in which an allergy was noticed after communicating with some person, or using an object of intangible value. For example, after reading a book, watching a TV show. Miller's dream book recommends being more restrained in contact with people. Do not judge them too harshly and demand perfection. It is much more useful to pay a little more attention to your own behavior, manner of communication. Tough times ahead

The threshold of a black streak in life is another version of the explanation, of what an allergic reaction may dream of. When you started treating this disease in a dream, get ready to save money in real life. Your income will noticeably decrease.

The dream book predicts to someone who noticed how the hands itch, serious problems that are unlikely to be solved on their own. In this case, think about which of the older or more experienced acquaintances will be able to support you.

Behavior of family and friends

Why dream that a child suffers from allergies? This vision prophesies to you feelings about your loved one, dear person. It will be necessary to help him, support him both morally and financially. When in a dream your friend complained of an allergic reaction and you noticed a rash on his body, you can hope that your comrades will not leave you in trouble.

A hint is a dream in which you saw a friend with an allergy-affected face. When you wake up, think: why do you have such a tense relationship with this friend or colleague? It is likely that you do not like each other because of misunderstanding, dissimilarity of characters, difference in upbringing.

What if there is no choice and you have to continue working together? The dream interpretation invites you to think over a neutral line of behavior. The talent of a diplomat would be very useful, and would help to avoid conflicts and difficulties.

Other interpretations

You will have to change your plans and concentrate on other concerns, which is what allergic reactions on the hands and face dream of. When the cause of such a condition is a vaccination or medication, you can hope that you will be approved for a particularly important production task or you will be assigned another responsible task. Having made some efforts, having shown your best qualities, you can expect a worthy reward, and changes for the better in fate and career.

The dreamer is concerned about the rash that has appeared on his body, why dream of this? Do not be too careless and naive. This dream is a signal that you have insidious enemies, envious people. Did you dream of a person with an allergic face? Then get ready for financial losses.

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