The buildings      04/30/2023

The most beautiful chest! Which? Secrets and photos. Beautiful female breasts - a treasure for men The most beautiful girls and their breasts

A beautiful bust does not necessarily impress those around you with its size. But in fact, of course, it is not the size that is valued, but the shape, elasticity and aesthetics of the breast. How to take care of your breasts so that they always remain beautiful?

The most beautiful breast size

What size breasts do you need to have to be considered attractive? It's no secret that quantity here does not always turn into quality, because no one has canceled the laws of gravity, and a heavy bust will certainly fall down. Therefore, girls with impressive busts have been forced to choose really comfortable bras for years, and some even decide on breast reduction.

There is a popular belief that the ideal breast is the one that can fit in a man's hand. If we translate this into modern sizes, then depending on the size of the hand, we will get the second or third size. The point, of course, is not in male hands in general; any breast is beautiful by definition; however, small breasts are simply more convenient for the woman herself.

According to researchers, that breast looks ideal if the ratio of the upper and lower lobes of which is 45% to 55% with the nipple pointing upwards. True, they do not specify what size it should be, so owners of large busts should not despair.

But even if your breasts are suddenly not so close to the generally accepted ideal, you should remember that you can get closer to it with the help of constant breast care. You need to take care of your health, take care of your posture, which greatly affects the appearance of the chest, take a contrast shower that restores skin elasticity and freshness, and also do not forget about physical exercises.

The biggest breasts in the world

But what about girls with a huge bust? After all, this is in every sense a very difficult test for the whole organism. However, some desperate women specifically increase their breasts, such as Chelsea Charms. Her breasts are considered the largest in the world and give a certain reason for pride.

Chelsea had her breasts enlarged with the help of surgeons who inserted polypropylene implants into her. Since the girl is engaged in striptease, and also acts in films for adults, such a change in appearance only played into her hands. Each of her breasts weighs more than 11 kilos, and the size is marked with the numbers 164XXX.

But not only silicone breasts can be the largest in the world. The chest of the Chinese woman Ting Hiafen is in no way inferior to the forms of Chelsea. And she is completely natural. True, the surgeons showed their skills here too, but not in the direction of increasing, but just the opposite.

Ting's breasts began to grow at a very young age, and soon became the butt of peer ridicule. The reason for this rapid growth, according to doctors, was hormonal failure. Ting could not even move without assistance, because the weight of her bust exceeded 20 kg, which, of course, was an unbearable burden for a 12-year-old fragile girl. After a successful operation, the breasts have become smaller, but they are still among the largest busts in the world.

The most beautiful natural breasts

Undoubtedly, true connoisseurs of a beautiful bust prefer natural beauty, which was not created by the surgeon's hand. And there are a lot of girls with such wealth both among celebrities and among ordinary people.

In the history of cinema, one of the most beautiful breasts was considered Marilyn Monroe. Until now, however, it is not clear whether her breasts were enlarged or not; Perhaps this is just the speculation of envious people. The parameters of Marilyn's figure are considered almost ideal in our time, and many women try to achieve the same feminine and expressive figure.

And among our contemporaries, Scarlett Johansson has the most beautiful natural breasts. Moreover, the actress enlarged her breasts at the dawn of her career, but after a short time she abandoned implants in favor of naturalness. By the way, surgeons note that such visits to their clinics are becoming more frequent, which means that the fashion for silicone breasts is gradually disappearing.

The most beautiful and sexy breasts in the world

Glossy magazines regularly rank the most beautiful busts. According to the magazine "In Touch", which was one of them, pop singer Jessica Simpson takes the first place in it.

Jessica pushed the famous Pamela Anderson out of leadership positions, although Jessica's bust is much more modest in size. So now the title "The most luxurious breasts in Hollywood" belongs to her. Many felt that her bust can really be called perfect.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that Jessica Simpson's breasts did not become so by nature at all. The professional hands of surgeons and some silicone helped her to get a great shape. But this does not bother the many fans of the singer, because the result is magnificent, and is it really important how Jessica achieved it?

In addition to Jessica Simpson, the model Emily Ratajkowski was called the owner of incredibly beautiful breasts in the world; it happened in 2015. The thin model cannot boast of impressive forms, but the shape of her bust is considered beautiful and harmonious. Of course, these ratings do not pretend to be objective; breast beauty is a relative concept, and, as you know, they don’t argue about tastes.

The editors of the site recall that beauty is different, and there is no single standard of attractiveness. We invite you to read about Russian stars who are considered overweight and at the same time feel quite comfortable.
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The female breast is a unique part of the body. Not many people know that the classic champagne glass is made in the shape of the chest of the French Queen Marie Antoinette - the wife of the French king Louis XVI. But, unfortunately, all women know that every ten years the breast undergoes changes. And this means that a woman is constantly faced with new questions and problems. So how do you still maintain the beauty of the breast without resorting to plastic surgery? Is it possible - let's try to understand these issues.

Without operations

There are many myths that the breast can be enlarged in folk ways. For example, for this you need to eat a lot of cabbage. Of course, the cabbage itself has not hurt anyone yet, but in fact this vegetable does not affect breast size in any way.

Also, some are sure that you can increase the size if you use oils with vitamins. However, this is also a myth. Of course, your skin will feel much nicer to the touch, but your breasts will not grow from oils. Various creams will not help in this case.

There is only one effective way to increase your bust without plastic surgery. It comes in a set weight. But it is unlikely that anyone will voluntarily want to resort to such way. So the answer to the question of whether it is possible to increase breasts at home is one - no, you can’t. But something else is possible.


As you know, there is no muscle tissue in the breast itself. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to change the volume and shape of the breast with the help of physical exercises. However, it can still be improved. The female breast is made up of glandular tissue, connective tissue, and adipose tissue. And everything under it is muscle tissue. And here it is just how you can pump it up. Then the bust will look visually, if not more, then definitely more elastic and more beautiful. To do this, you need to perform simple exercises at home that do not require much time.

Exercise 1

We stand up straight. We take as much air into the chest as possible and blow it off, without using the stomach. Note that the shoulders should be straight and the shoulder blades drawn back.

Exercise 2

We stand up straight. At face level, we join hands with palms together. And with all the force we press on the palms as much as possible so that the pectoral muscles rise. Or, at the level of the face, we squeeze our hands into the castle and with force we try to stretch it in different directions.

Exercise 3

For this exercise, you will need a special rubber expander. We stretch it at shoulder level and pull it in different directions.

Exercise 4

Push-ups will also help to strengthen the pectoral muscles. At the same time, it is impossible to touch the floor with the chest, and the butt should not go forward.

And on a note - so that the pectoral muscles are always in tone You need to walk with your shoulders wide and breathe deeply.



Breast augmentation without plastic surgery will not work - we found out. However, it is visually possible to give it a larger shape. And, of course, clothes will help with this. If you want your chest to look fuller, then try wearing white. After all, it is known that white is full. Also add to your wardrobe clothes with prints and appliqués, ruffles and flounces, patch pockets on the chest and embroidered with sequins or flowers. Sweatshirts with a small neck and an American armhole will also visually help to enlarge the chest.

Of course, the beauty of the chest is affected not only by physical exercises and upper cloth but also underwear. First of all, you need to make sure that it is chosen correctly. That is, in size. In addition, doctors say that regular exercise, quality intimate life and a good location spirit help give breasts former beautiful form. And most importantly, remember that you should be proud of your breasts, no matter what size they are.

The heterosexual attraction of men to the female breast is one of the most mysterious phenomena of mankind. At first glance, it may seem that this phenomenon is extremely illogical. The attention of any man is simply attracted by the rounded beautiful female breasts.

It is curious that men themselves have breasts. And although the benefits of it are the same as those of an avalanche shovel in the Sahara, nevertheless, men also have nipples. Then why do men so admire the female breast, which in fact is very little different from their own?

Dr. Stephen MacDougal argues that there is a definite connection between male attention and what the female breast symbolizes. “There is something exclusively feminine in the female breast, or even “hyper-feminine”, if you like. It is soft, it is exciting and attractive, it is ergonomic and seductive. And it differs from our own breasts, on the one hand, in its mysteriousness, on the other hand, in its eroticism.

He also adds: “In terms of size, the larger the breasts, the more mysterious, seductive and erotic they are to the male eye. Some (mostly Freudians) believe that the increased male attention to the female breast is partly due to breastfeeding in infancy. From my point of view, this is complete nonsense. Simply, there is something symbolic in the female breast, inherent in an exclusively female being.

By the way, not all men like large female breasts. In fact, many are turned on by small breasts, like those of a teenage girl. Long live difference!

Beautiful breasts & ideal breasts: synonyms or identically different concepts?

The beautiful shape of the female breast, its sensitivity to touch and its role in the formation of the hormone of love or during breastfeeding make this part of the female body extremely aesthetic and functional.
Moreover, the breast is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones of a woman; there are also references to this in the Eastern Tao of love. Women tend to evaluate their breasts through the prism of her desirability for men.

Men's magazines such as Playboy and FHM shape public and cultural opinion about what the desired and ideal chest should be. The covers of these magazines are decorated with beautiful girls with chiseled slim figures and large busts.

Women's magazines only reinforce this view. Glossy publications constantly write about how you can enlarge your breasts or make them more elastic, promising readers that this will certainly help to capture the attention of the opposite sex and be more successful both in sexual and in everyday social life.

It is believed that the ideal female breast should have rounded shapes, be raised high enough, large, firm and elastic to the touch. However, where is the logic? The larger the chest, the heavier it becomes and, accordingly, the more inclined to sink down under its own weight, causing discomfort in the neck and back. If the chest is large and round, it will certainly "hanging" and is unlikely to be elastic.

Sad as it may seem, but the reality is that with age and the birth of children, the female breast tends to lose elasticity and sink down - changes that are an inevitable process and are characteristic of almost every woman. Women tend to think that their breasts are smaller than what they think a man prefers.

If women are obsessed with the idea of ​​​​enlarging their breasts and improving its shape with the help of a plastic surgeon, then men most often fully support them in this. For most men, women's breasts are a source of excitement and fantasy. They are excited when they see a woman's cleavage, when the breasts are both temptingly open and at the same time inaccessible.

There are very few men who are not inspired by the "twins" that a woman proudly "carries" in front of her and demonstrates to others with varying degrees of frankness and bashfulness.

According to research, the main interest of men lies in the shape of the female breast.

Another attractive feature of the female breast is the variety of shapes and sizes. Many small women have large breasts and, on the contrary, being tall or having a fairly voluminous physique does not always guarantee the presence of breasts of the appropriate size. The same “anti-proportional” rule is true for nipples: some nipples are large and large, while others are barely noticeable, and so on ad infinitum. Perhaps it is this mystery and mystery that attracts the attention of men? Women skillfully use this property of their own attractiveness, they give men a frank and obvious clue, often revealing a bewitching "bulge", thereby making the rest of the breast a product of a wild male imagination.

Those women who are not in a hurry to resort to the use of hormonal drugs or various medications for breast enlargement can go for a trick and achieve a visual increase in volume using special bras to lift their breasts.

Well, the last reason for such a strong attraction of the female breast is, perhaps, the tactile sensations that men experience when touching the chest. The vast majority of men experience an irresistible desire to touch this seductive object.

The breast of a woman is one of the most important creations of nature. After all, its main function is to feed offspring. Today, the fairer sex pays a lot of attention to the size and shape of their breasts. Some are looking for a way to increase it, others - to give elasticity. What is its significance, what functions does it perform? Interesting facts and the owners of the most magnificent busts. You can read about all this below.

In the process of evolution

Scientists believe that the shape of the breast familiar to all of us was formed in women in the process of evolution. Men, in order to preserve the health of their partners for procreation, took all the hard physical work upon themselves. Women with each generation more and more turned into the keepers of the hearth. From the moment of separation of functions, the sexual differences of both sexes began to manifest themselves more clearly. And big breasts, scientists say, turned out to be necessary in order to feed children more efficiently.

The chest is...

So what is a chest? It is a convex formation, devoid of muscle tissue. It mainly consists of adipose tissue and alveoli. The latter perform the function of delivering milk, which is formed from blood nutrients. The amount of adipose tissue determines the size of the breast. Therefore, sport is not able to increase it. But it can give elasticity.

Breast and lactation

Women do not play a role in breastfeeding. After all, the transportation of milk is carried out by the glandular component. During lactation, the breast can increase from 300 to 900 grams. After its main function is completed, it most often returns to its usual size.

During this period, the areolas surrounding the nipples change their pink hue to a darker one. The nipple may be concave or convex. All these nuances do not have any effect on the quality of feeding.

The hormonal background contributes to the size of the breast. For example, estrogen, which is translated from Greek as “creating violent desire,” begins to be produced in a woman’s body during adolescence. It is during this period that the breast grows most intensively. At the same time, an excess of the hormone can, on the contrary, slow down these processes.

Therefore, taking hormones for the purpose of breast enlargement can damage a woman's reproductive health. Doctors have not yet fully studied their effect on the body.

Anomalies of development

Anomalies of breast development are rare. However, such cases of history are known. For example, the famous second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, had 3 nipples. And the Frenchwoman Madame Ventre had an extra breast on her hip.

The following deviations from the norm also occur:

  1. Amastia. Complete underdevelopment of the mammary glands. In this case, problems with feeding the baby really arise.
  2. Polythelia - the number of nipples exceeds the norm, like Anne Boleyn.
  3. Macromastia - breast enlargement to gigantic sizes (up to 30 kg).
  4. Polymastia - the presence of additional mammary glands, usually in the armpits.

female breast shape

A rounded, full breast shape (like that of actress Sofia Vergara) is considered one of the most beautiful. It is this form that women's charms are given during plastic surgery. Such women are self-confident and do not lack fans. Convinced careerists who quite successfully perform the functions of mother and wife.

Owners of small breasts often complex about this. Learn to be proud of her, as many Hollywood stars do. Among them are Mila Jovovich and Keira Knightley. Size girls never give up. They are incorrigible optimists. They carefully hide their feelings from strangers and trust only a few.

Ladies with cone-shaped breasts are activists with masculine habits or hobbies. In family life, they are distinguished by fidelity. They have dozens of girlfriends who trust them with their heart secrets. Marilyn Monroe had a cone-shaped breast.

Girls with teardrop-shaped breasts are prone to exaggeration and panic over trifles. They are sentimental. They idealize the world around them, and in particular - a loved one, who is considered a prince on a white horse. Sensitive to failure. Great mothers and wives. A striking example of the owner of a similar breast shape is Kim Kardashian.

Big-breasted beauties are capable of any follies in their youth. But at an older age, they turn into real keepers of the hearth. Caring wives and mothers, sincere friends who know how to support with advice. Jessica Simpson has a chest of this form.

A wide-set chest usually belongs to honest and straightforward natures. They are frank, gossip and intrigue are alien to them. They can defend justice even to the detriment of their own interests. Natalya Vodonaeva boasts a wide-set chest.

Women's breasts for men

What is a woman's chest for men? It has become one of the main instruments of seduction in our time. It is called the face of a woman. Why is the chest so important for the strong half of humanity?

The bust is involved in sexual pleasure. Research cannot answer why men love the charms of the beautiful half of humanity so much. No mammalian species stimulates the female's nipples for the purpose of satisfaction.

Probably, on a subconscious level, men remember attachment to their mother's breasts in deep infancy. Therefore, the desire for contact with the breast of the now beloved woman is present in them throughout their lives. In the subconscious of every person, a mother's breast is a symbol of unconditional love and security, which we all intuitively miss.

During breastfeeding, the mother releases the hormone oxytocin. He is responsible for a strong emotional bond between mother and child. Breastfed babies have been found to be more emotionally attached as adults.

The cult of the female breast

Ancient peoples attached particular importance to breasts and even endowed them with magical properties. In the prehistoric era, figures of women with three-dimensional forms were popular. They were clay incarnations of the gods. It was believed that the well-being of the inhabitants of the house depends on their well-being.

Since ancient times, people have worshiped a woman as the successor of mankind, as an idol. This is confirmed by numerous rock paintings, figurines made of different materials. Many of them depict women with open breasts. Some of the finds are incredibly ancient and were created 15,000 years before our era. Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Egypt, Africa... Everywhere archaeologists find ancient images of naked women.

Breasts and mother's milk were emphasized in the images of most female deities, which personified love and life.

In the history of Christianity, mother's milk is also mentioned more than once. First of all, the image of the Mother of God, who nursed Jesus Christ with milk, is found on icons very often.

island states

However, love for the breast is not always observed in men. In some peoples of the world, it does not carry any sexual load. For example, residents of island states believe that caressing a woman's breasts during a sexual act is unacceptable. Such caresses cause them laughter and bewilderment. Nevertheless, most peoples of the world attach special importance to it as a symbol of beauty and fertility.

The biggest breasts in the world

Many men prefer women with big and curvaceous. Scientists believe that on a subconscious level, they perceive these women as ideal females for procreation. Perception is at the level of the instinct of the male.

But sometimes the charms of women fall under the definition of "giant breasts." Moreover, some try to increase it to immense dimensions on purpose, through a series of plastic surgeries.

However, Norma Stitz (real name - Annie Hawkins-Turner) is known for the largest natural breasts in the world at 48 sizes. Each of her breasts weighs more than 20 kg. What is huge breasts, she knows firsthand. Below is a photo of Norma's breasts.

The woman admits that she has been forced to wear a bra since she was 9 years old. Before meeting with her husband, she had a complex and was embarrassed by her magnificent forms. However, her husband made her believe in herself. Norma has appeared in several adult films. Claims that her bust continues to grow even when she loses weight. However, she would never agree to a breast reduction operation. “My little ones,” the beauty says affectionately about her charms. “They feed me and the children.”

Another owner of huge breasts (20th bra size) is pornographic actress Chelsea Charms. However, the girl specifically turned to plastic surgeons in order to get the title of the largest bust in America. And in 2011, she received it. The fact is that Chelsea's chest continues to grow. Indeed, as implants, she chose a material that absorbs moisture from the body, gradually expanding.

In Russia, the owner of the largest breasts is Her 12th size attracts everyone's attention. The girl takes an active part in photo shoots.

Here are some of them:

  1. 58% of the fair sex are wearing a bra that is not their size. It turns out that many people simply buy a bra “by eye”, without even really knowing their own size.
  2. The ancient Slavs believed that mermaids, the mythical inhabitants of reservoirs, have huge breasts that they can throw over their shoulders.
  3. Someone dreams of a magnificent bust, and someone is trying to reduce it. Surgeons at the Moyo Clinic, Minnesota, perform about 600 breast reductions a year. 97% of their patients believe that large breasts negatively affect a woman's health. Many people have back pain because of a large bust, and some cannot play sports at all.
  4. The first bra appeared in 1886. Made by the British. The bra looked like two tea strainers held together with a ribbon. The innovation was called "a device for improving the shape of the breast."
  5. 70% of women in the world dream of changing the size or shape of their breasts. This is due to the subconscious desire to increase self-confidence. However, no artificial change in one's own appearance can satisfy the need to be loved, psychologists say.


As you can see, the desire to change the chest is considered quite popular. And yet, many psychotherapists and other professionals give this advice: love yourself the way nature created you. But do not forget to take care of your beauty.

Therefore, do not be upset, looking with envy at your girlfriend, who made herself an implantation. After all, no "artificial" breasts can replace the natural beauty associated with a woman's good health. It is for those who think that the salvation of beautiful breasts depends on plastic surgery, and these breast care tips are intended. You can achieve beautiful forms on your own by applying knowledge and making efforts. And all these standards have their downside - not everything is so simple and smooth in plastic surgery, remember this!

The most beautiful female sternum Many mistakenly think that the natural data of beautiful breasts are a guarantee that perfect forms will always be. But there are a number of reasons why the elasticity and shape of the breast can change, as a rule, not for the better. These include weakness of the connective tissue of the skin of the breast, sudden weight fluctuations, as well as pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. So how to achieve a quick and effective result, how to make the chest beautiful, how to give it that desired shape and elasticity?

The simplest, but very effective way to make your breasts firmer is a contrast shower. But such a procedure must be performed daily and preferably twice a day. And while taking such a shower, it does not hurt to do a light massage with a soft brush, lasting two to three minutes.

The attitude of women to the choice of lingerie is often limited to the aesthetic side of the issue. But in order for the breasts to be not only perfect, but also healthy, choose the right bra. After all, an incorrectly chosen bra can provoke sagging breasts, even if it was originally in good shape. The bra should not squeeze the breasts and not be too loose. You should feel comfortable and relaxed in it. It is best to purchase underwear in specialized stores, where experienced sales assistants will select exactly the bra that you need for your chest.
If you have already decided on the choice of underwear and take a daily contrast shower, but you still don’t notice significant results, then pay attention to how you eat. Now there are many newfangled diets that contribute to a sharp weight loss. But sometimes, looking at yourself in the mirror, you may find that along with the lost pounds, you have lost the splendor and firmness of your chest. After all, as you know, first of all, the face and chest lose weight. And this is not always beautiful, and sometimes even looks painful. Therefore, do not chase newfangled diets, lose weight gradually and wisely. Your food should contain a high content of vitamins and trace elements that have a positive effect on the connective tissue of the skin.
To make the breast skin look elastic, it is useful to use a solution of water and lemon juice to wipe it. The solution is very simple to prepare, but very effective and beneficial for the skin condition. Take half a liter of water and the juice of one lemon, mix everything and leave for two to three hours to infuse. Wiping lotion is ready! Keep this juice in the refrigerator for no more than seven days, and then prepare a new one. By the way, you should not heat up such a lotion, it is better to wipe the chest with it when it is cooled, so you will tone the skin of the chest. After you have completed the wiping procedure, dry the breast skin without using a towel and apply any nourishing cream. Now on sale there are a lot of creams for the chest and décolleté area, which are enriched with all the necessary vitamins for the skin of the chest and are able to restore its firmness and elasticity in a short time. Regularly performing this procedure will lead to amazing results.

And what a wonderful, tonic effect for the skin of the chest, is wiping it with pieces of ice! By the way, in order to get rid of sagging skin of the face and neck, it is necessary to use pieces of ice as a rub. So, you can take care of all parts of the body at once: wipe your face, neck and chest with a piece of ice.
And of course, do not neglect gymnastics. In addition, there is a special set of exercises designed to keep the chest in good shape. These are, as a rule, exercises with dumbbells and exercises that imitate swimming movements. Do not be afraid to increase the load, very quickly you will feel the ease of execution and see excellent results.
It is not difficult to be beautiful these days if you resort to the services of plastic surgeons, it is much more difficult to keep your natural data in our pace of life. Difficult, but quite possible. And all the efforts and time spent are compensated in the beauty and impeccability of forms, and this is already the path to perfection! And your breasts will become truly the most beautiful breasts in the world!