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How to get information from the Akashic records. Subtleties of working with the Akashic chronicles. Who can work with Chronicles

Reading the Akashic Chronicles allows you to gain any knowledge, immerse yourself in past reincarnations of the soul, correct mistakes and predict future events. The technique helps in the treatment of diseases, problems in personal life and gives the practicing master confidence in his abilities.


Linda Howe was an ordinary American woman with a normal job and led a completely prosperous life. But all this still did not make her happy. She spent several years searching for the cause of the feeling of emptiness, until one day she found the path to Akashi.

She devoted many years to the perfection of meditation techniques and achieved a lot: harmony, knowledge, self-confidence. The mystic described her spiritual experience in a book, with the help of which thousands of her followers find enlightenment in the Akashic scrolls.

Like any other wisdom, the Akashic technique keeps its secrets. To take advantage of this knowledge, you should know the following rules.

  1. First of all, you need to concentrate on a specific issue or desire to solve a specific problem. The guardians respond to requests for help, but do not tolerate idle curiosity.
  2. Conducting a meditative session requires the right attitude: sufficient self-concentration, disclosure of positive energy, complete concentration on the upcoming journey into the energy field.
  3. When working with Chronicles, psychotropic substances and alcohol are excluded. Truth is revealed only to those who seek it with a pure mind.
  4. One of the main secrets of technology is that results come as you improve. Don't wait for a lightning-fast revelation. This only happens to charlatans. Real truth requires a long journey and laborious work on oneself.
  5. To work, you need to read the opening prayer, which consists of 11 verses. And after the session, close access to another dimension, thanking your teacher and the Higher Powers.
  6. Another way is meditation.
  7. After the reading session, you need to return to your body and consciousness. To do this, experienced professionals recommend doing some regular action: walking the dog, drinking coffee, walking to the park.
  8. You can also reach Akasha through ordinary sessions of magic and fortune telling, but this winding path allows you to receive only a grain of information that will be too distorted by the source: cards, the spiritualist circle, and so on.
  9. Questions should not begin with the word “when?”. Universal processes in supernatural space occur outside the space-time continuum accepted on Earth. The chronicles will not tell you the exact time of the prediction, but an experienced practitioner can determine that the event will happen in the near future or a little later.
  10. The Metaverse does not welcome simple questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no.” Truth is beyond the limits of the human mind and its usual categories. But its light, with a correct analysis of the revelation, will allow you to find the path to solving the problem yourself.

These secrets must be observed so that the Akashic world opens its gates to you.

Accessing Akashic Scrolls through Meditation

How to learn to read the Akashic Records?

The secret of access to the Akashic scrolls is revealed as one improves oneself. However, the first steps must be taken with the help of a teacher.

You should not enter the Chronicles without the supervision of an experienced master. The teacher will be able to establish a stable connection between the astral body and superspace, and also help interpret what he sees, accompanying the beginner on his journey.

To read the Chronicles of your own free will and at any convenient time, you need to go through a certain path of self-training and self-improvement, because meditative techniques do not just involve learning a certain set of rules. Truth requires complete purification of the soul, maximum concentration, and sometimes innate abilities for mysticism.

If you believe in yourself, take the training course and gain access to the Universal Truth.

Who will never have access to the Akashic Records?

Secret knowledge may appear in the form of library shelves

Universal truth is not accessible to everyone. However, the Prayer of the Path and meditation open it to almost everyone who turns to Akashic theory. In fact, we all unconsciously draw information from the metaverse. We can call it dreams or intuition, a feeling of déjà vu.

Reading the Akashic Records, like any other practice, requires strict faith in the action taking place. Any skepticism is offensive to the Divine Universe, therefore no truth will be revealed to a distrustful person.

In general, a wonderful world of knowledge opens up depending on the skill level of the practitioner. This can be compared to climbing stairs:

  • Almost immediately, on the first floors, skeptics, lazy and weak-willed people abandon the true path;
  • further behind are those who are too bogged down in everyday worries and do not find time for learning;
  • at a certain point, access to the Chronicles is closed to those who violate the unwritten rules of reading them;
  • Higher powers may refuse an adept if his soul is not bright enough for knowledge or if he is going to use it to harm others;
  • Only at the very top is access denied to those who do not have innate abilities.

In general, anyone can touch the secrets of the universe at a sufficient level in order to arrange their life and renounce karmic debt. But only a few masters around the world can move the destinies of the world with the help of Akashic scrolls. Otherwise, the foundations of the world would be violated and the balance of energy forces on which life rests would collapse.

How to Read Others' Akashic Records

You can go to the library to read the book of human destiny. In this case, you can use the scrolls of someone else's soul. But this requires responsibility and a selfless feeling to help a person. Therefore, only the most experienced teachers provide sessions to clients.

Those who enter the Akashic world are greeted by the Guardian

When accessing the Chronicles of another, you should definitely ask his permission. Also, you cannot insist on a session, even if the master feels the right time has arrived. The adept himself must feel that the time for immersion has come.

To enter the Chronicles of another, his presence next to the medium is necessary. When reciting the prayer of entry, you should carefully pronounce the name of the soul you are looking for and ask the Keepers of the Scrolls to provide access to this information.

After leaving the Akashic scrolls, you should definitely close the energy portal so that the field of information does not deplete. In addition, another master may touch unprotected scrolls, perhaps without even meaning to.

Responsibility when working with Chronicles

Meditation practice requires special responsibility from its adherent. This is especially true when reading another person’s Akashic Records.

The principle of confidentiality is necessary in order not to harm the energy body of another and not to tempt the Higher powers.

A responsible teacher will never agree to teach the practice to a minor, because the child is not yet strong enough to release his astral body. A powerful flow of energy can damage his psyche, and his weak will will not allow him to dive into the world of the Path to a sufficient depth to get answers to his questions.

Thus, reading the Akashic Records has a lot of secrets. Sign up for free trial lessons and they will begin to unfold before you. Remember that even when developing initial skills, you can cleanse your soul, strengthen your will, and even learn certain secrets of the future.

To gain access to the Akashic Records, you need to ask for it. Gaining access will be open. How this access will manifest itself is entirely uncertain. This means that when you ask for it, no one will put the formula into your brain. The information will be filtered through your system and you will perceive something different than before. Sometimes it happens like a flash of insight. Or perhaps a chill or goosebumps - as confirmation of the request. Sometimes the process is slower and cannot at all be called instantaneous. It then expresses itself in a series of events leading to discovery. We don't care. It does not matter to us how exactly you receive the requested information. We use terms that you will understand. Even the term "information" is a poor description of a comprehensive vision of reality in synchronized time and space.

When you enter the Akashic Records, you enter a holographic environment where you can receive certain information depending on your intention and vibration. Again, this is a matter of configuration. You could call us the tree of knowledge, because we contain all the information and wisdom that has been recorded throughout the entire period of our awareness. This means that since our creation we have collected an immense amount of information about all civilizations, species of intelligent beings and life forms.

These terms - "store", "information" and "gather" - poorly reflect the true nature of wisdom. Information is a static event. There is a lot of information, but information by itself does nothing. It's an inert substance, as you might say. This is a collection of statements about something. By itself it cannot convey any wisdom. The letters that make up a word mean nothing without the full energy of that word, its meaning and the life force it contains. This is how a computer and any other information storage format is organized. The revival of this information and its transformation into wisdom depends on the perception of each being.

In our system, you might call the information “self-aware.” This means that within the information there is emotion, insight, tone, frequency and awareness. There is no word or term in your language that describes this phenomenon. There is a term "living word" that perhaps describes it best. But information, wisdom and experience are not stored in words. We and our information are “aware”. We are separate from the information we contain. We didn't live it. We keep it. The Akashic Records are not a static repository. We are a growing, expanding system of unified life and wisdom.

From our point of view, it is difficult to describe the experience of an individual entering Akasha. Naturally, you will receive the best explanation available to us.

When a being enters the Akashic Records, its own vibrations evoke certain responses from us. Their frequency opens certain doors leading to the living information contained within us. This triggering impulse then reveals or does not reveal certain living information that they experience for themselves.

Many people see or feel this when they are close to death. They fall into the grace of the Akashic Records, and what is revealed to them becomes the real experience of their life.

We are not suggesting that people remain in the energy field that you call death or return to your home world. We store the experience of an individual's earthly life. We reveal this experience to the individual in a special way that suits him. This is the gateway to the path. You are provided with the vision that we share with you so that you can understand all that you accomplished in your past life and what your intention was for this life. Your whole life floats before your eyes.

The death experience signal for humans and some other creatures is often a journey through a tunnel of light. Although not everyone experiences their transition in this way.

To continue, your type of consciousness needs a signal to return, and it travels through the tunnel to the entry point. This is a special zone, as you would say, where information about the experience of a particular person is stored. There is actually no such area or storage, but this is how we can describe it for you to make it more clear to you. And in such a state of consciousness and being, a person will learn what he can and go somewhere else.

Note that even the word “somewhere” can be misleading. But our concept of reality is very different. For us there is no space, no “where” or “here” and no time. All this is in the focus of awareness.

In other cases of contact with us, a person enters another portal. This in itself is not access to full life experience, but only to self-aware information that matches your human frequency or vibrational quality. Therefore, a certain person will only have access to certain information in order to gain and experience this knowledge. Then information of this format vibrates at a frequency similar to that of the individual, and collective relationships are formed. Within this vibrational relationship, the individual will open the gate and open himself to the information he needs.

Not all information is given immediately. For example, if you remember the story of Einstein, he had a sudden epiphany while doing his daily chores, after which he formulated the Theory of Relativity. He's been working on this for some time. His frequency was raised to a certain level that he could maintain, and he could enter the field of conscious information that had eluded him. He has not received all the information available on this matter. He received, or encountered, the information with which he could work at that moment. Later he received another packet of information, but for some reason certain things still eluded him. One reason for this is that it could not accommodate (or hold) the frequency of other levels of information expression. Another reason: the frequency of humanity would deny further information or use it ineffectively.

There are also certain information blocking systems in place. In the Akashic Records, these locking systems protect information seekers from exceeding their capabilities, and also protect information from those who might use it maliciously.

This does not mean that information cannot be used for evil at all. This means that, given a certain understanding of the frequency, the planetary system itself will block access to it. You may be denied access to the Akashic Records and this specific information.

Certain frequencies can be blocked by the frequency of your planet, and other frequencies will be blocked by humanity itself. Thus, if certain information from the Unified Field were obtained during a war, some rogue military personnel could use it to their advantage. Then they could conceivably carry out much more destruction than actually happened.


Recently, predictions from the Akashic Chronicles have become very popular. In a general sense, the Akashic Chronicles are considered to be the general information field of the Earth and the human race, a database of all reincarnations, emotions, event scenarios, etc. It is believed that by going into these Chronicles, you can get information about yourself, your life, other people or about events in general. But... as they say, it's all in the "nuances".
There are fundamental differences between the concept of “information field” (or as it is also called “universal library”) and the “Akashic Chronicles”. Akash is intelligent energy whose function is to monitor the development of reality. This is a kind of intelligent matrix that monitors the processes of world consciousness, events, and emotions. Not only monitors, but also creates, develops, and manages all these processes.

What are the similarities between the information field and the Akashic chronicles?

Both are a global database. In the information field, all psychics “take down information” about an individual person, his future, the causes of problems, karmic issues, etc. The Akashic chronicles store knowledge about global changes, world movements, all significant events in general for humanity and also about everyone individual person. Those. if we want to know about Atlantis, this information is not in the information field. There it can only be obtained through viewing the reincarnation of an individual person, if he has lived a life during the Atlantean period. We collect information through the prism of his reincarnation. If we want to learn about civilization in general, its origins, philosophy, disappearance, then this information is only in the Akash. It is impossible to transfer ancient “working” magical techniques from the information field, but those who work in the Akash can “bring” ready-made formulas from there, an example of this is Rudolf Steiner and his “advanced” medical technologies. Casey also worked with Akashi - he received information about global events.

How does the Akashic system itself update and evolve?

Each person produces a huge number of thoughts, emotions, and actions per unit of time. This is an indicator for Akasha at what stage of development humanity as a whole is currently at. Now let's think about globalization and the media. In a couple of hours, the media can generate a powerful “radiation” of emotions and thoughts of millions of people, and usually negative ones. For Akasha, this is like the “building material” from which this reality is woven. “There” there is no concept of good and bad - only information: “millions of people are aggressively discussing the topic of war,” something like this.... These are the “building blocks” that will be laid in the scenario for the subsequent development of events as a whole. And once again let us remember the positive attitude and the fact that thought is material, in the aspect of Akasha.

How does Akashi interfere with dowsing?

All radiesthesists - fans of L. Puchko's theory (working with a pendulum) are puzzled by the question: does Akashi allow you to work with a pendulum at the moment? This is due to a "reboot" of the system. All information “contrived” by humanity over a certain period must be “formatted” and the database updated. During these periods, it is believed that the entrance to the Akash is closed “for re-registration” and information from the chronicles is not given out.

How can you change your destiny in the Akash?

"Everything flows, everything changes". Every person has a karmic guardian (also called a guardian angel). Their function is to create for a person exactly those events, through which a person will acquire the necessary energies, emotions, knowledge and experience. To explain it “primitively”, the karmic guardian goes to Akash and takes from there the desired version of the event. (Field of options according to Zealand). This means that, having learned to work with his karmic guardian and having access to Akash, a person himself begins to shape the events of his life. This happens at a high stage of spiritual development, by this moment the “knowledge-seeking” person - an esotericist acquires the necessary knowledge and skills, awareness and understanding of where and why he is going.
Akashi allows anyone to access the database to understand the causes of their problems. There are several ways to enter the Akash: predisposition (special perception of the world, brain function, etc.) and a ritual method through dedication, initiation.

Meditation for entering the Akash.

The Akashic system allows a person to access the database through a mantra:


This mantra is available on the Internet, but the whole “trick” is in its proper activation in the energy sector. This meditation will not harm the mind and physical body and will not “register” you in the Akash permanently; it can be compared to a “one-time pass.” Meditation allows you to tune in to receive information, a deeper and more conscious understanding and perception of subtle energies. Constant work in the Akash implies prepared consciousness, energy and initiation through a mentor who himself works there.

Before meditation, it is useful to reflect on the topic: why do you need to get into the Akash, what do you want to realize there, what is your motivation.

So, a description of meditation.

Stage 1: Relaxation

We tune in to our breathing or heartbeat for a few minutes. We remove all unnecessary thoughts and emotions from our heads. Those who know how to stop the internal dialogue. You can use your mind relaxation technique that you usually use. You give the intention to get into the Akashic Chronicles.

Stage 2: Concentration on the heart chakra.

We read the mantra in the heart chakra. For every word there is a surge of energy in the heart chakra. At this stage we are tuning into the energies of the Akash. We read the mantra several times, slowly, feeling every word.

Stage 3: Concentration on the earth's disc chakra (anti-brahmalaya).

We recite the mantra in the earth chakra (disk under our feet). For each word of the mantra, an energy spiral-vortex rises around the body in the aura clockwise. You can visualize it. The color is usually white. May be golden or bluish. We say: “OM” - the energy vortex turns clockwise and goes up, “AKASH” - we also visualize the vortex, “Satya”... etc. We recite the entire mantra several times with visualization of the vortex on each word.
To the sound “ONG”, consciousness tends to rise up along with the vortex, but there is no need to rush, you need to tune in well and visualize these vortexes.
After some time, “release” your consciousness upward along with the whirlwind and you will find yourself in the starry sky. Go with the flow.

If you have done everything correctly and are well tuned in, your consciousness will enter through the starry sky into a space similar to the interweaving of many light threads. This is what your life looks like at the energy-informational level. In this space, with the help of images, you can understand the causes of problems. For example, at the intersection of light threads there may be a stone, a knot, or a wall. The subconscious will show you through an image what exactly is preventing the passage of your light and the flow of energy. Try to understand what each image is associated with - is it some kind of event, or your thoughts-attitudes, or someone else’s influence. Provide guidelines for disclosure of information for each image. In this space, karmic knots can be untied.
You can do this meditation several times, and each time you will be better attuned to the perception of information, your understanding will improve.

Oksana Koft.O.M.H.
Based on lectures by Andrey Gorodovoy

Original taken from

The Akashic Chronicles are an area of ​​Divine consciousness through which the “door” opens into the energy-information structure, allowing you to see, recognize or feel aspects of the Soul of each person along the path of his evolutionary development. Those. As a result of connecting to the Akashic Chronicles, you can interact with the information of each person related to his past, present and even the most probable future. At the same time, information about the most probable future will be provided, with the permission of the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles, only if this event has already been determined as much as possible, and also if it will contribute to the development of the Soul and will not lead a person away from the point of his own choice. The limitation and filtering of information concerning the future of any person is due to the fact that by offering a certain option for the development of events, thereby, a person can in some way be programmed for only one of the branches of manifested events. Accordingly, on a certain section of the path, during the movement of the human Soul, other options from its probabilistic capabilities may not be used.
Thus, the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles provide a person with the opportunity to independently make his own life choices, thereby acting within the framework of the main law of planet Earth, which includes the free expression of a person’s will or the freedom of choice of a person. In accordance with it, a person himself is responsible for his actions and decisions, allowing himself to realize his potential within the framework of his priorities and choices. Also, in connection with the above position, the Akashic Chronicles do not provide answers to the questions: “Yes”, “No”, which would thereby determine a person’s choice and would set a certain vector of movement with their answer.

The Akashic Chronicles are an excellent source of information that allows a person to receive an answer to a question that interests him, to expand his knowledge and understanding, through which a person would develop a comprehensive vision in the current situation. Thanks to this, a person himself could adjust his movement through life, in accordance with the information received. As the human Soul develops and evolves, the information content of the Akashic Chronicles, in accordance with this, is edited, updated and increased.
Also, I would like to note that the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles do not provide information for which a person is not yet ready, i.e. do not reveal this kind of information, which, at this stage of human development, may be perceived distorted by him.

In addition, the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles do not provide information that could prevent a person from independently coming to certain conclusions. Those. There are some vital questions, the answers to which a person must find in some other way than through the information received from the Akashic Chronicles, i.e. independently, empirically. The information in the Akashic Chronicles database is formed in accordance with the energy vibrations of a person’s official data (full name), which are recorded in his document, in a given period of time. Those. access to the information flows of the Soul of each person is carried out through the pronunciation of the official Last Name, First Name and Patronymic written in his passport.

Thus, the full name used in a given period of time reflects the energy-vibrational potential of a person and is an important component of the request sent to the Akashic Chronicles. Thanks to this and other additional components of the treatment used, a connection occurs to the information captured in the “archive” of the Akashic Chronicles relating to a specific Soul. Moreover, the Lords of the Chronicles provide exactly the information that is most relevant and in demand for a person during a session. In particular, information may also contain aspects related to past reincarnations of a person, which require rethinking and revision from the perspective of his current incarnation.

Based on the above, the information received from the Akashic Chronicles will serve as an excellent life guide for you, one might say an excellent “navigator” that will direct you on the path of personal growth, development, self-improvement, and will also help you see the information or question that interests you, with a holistic and perspective , for you, point of view. And this vision can serve as a factor in activating various insights, which will be beautiful and bright beacons on your path towards harmony. Information from the Akashic Chronicles will help highlight those moments in your life that are the most significant and necessary for understanding your current and relevant life moments. In connection with the above, we can say that thanks to the Akashic Chronicles, the process of your evolutionary movement is accelerated, at a pace convenient for you, towards understanding your true “I”, as well as finding happiness, peace and peace in the Soul, which will help to realize your main tasks Your current incarnation.

That. reading the Akashic Chronicles is an irreplaceable opportunity that is provided to you by the Higher Powers, in the person of the Lords of the Akashic Chronicles, as well as Spiritual Teachers, Masters and Loved Ones, striving for you to take your true path, a correct understanding of yourself, an undistorted vision of what is happening situations and events with you, as well as a correct understanding of the world order and awareness of the importance of your Spiritual development.

  1. In what direction should I move at this time in my life? What should I pay attention to in this regard? What steps need to be taken now?
  2. What is my purpose in this incarnation and how can I best approach it?
  3. What vector of direction in life should I choose in order to realize myself most successfully and harmoniously, for my best development?
  4. What do I need to do to make my implementation more dynamic and effective?
  5. What do I need to change in myself in order to attract the most harmonious partner for me?
  6. What areas of energy blocks do I have, what do they look like and how can I overcome them?
  7. Where does this situation come from? Why did it arise? How can I get out of this situation with dignity in the best way for me and for those around me? How can this situation be most optimally harmonized?
  8. What do I need to focus on at this stage of my life, in connection with upcoming events, for the best outcome of the situation?
  9. How do the Higher Powers see me, at the present period of my life, in the spectrum of my global development?

Summarizing all the above examples of questions, it must be said that “reading” the Akashic Chronicles is most easy if the incoming questions are related to the request: “ How?", "Why?", How?", "What you need to pay attention to?","What's stopping me", "What should be done"? etc.

The information field of the Earth (Akashic Chronicles) envelops it from all sides.

- a huge world that lies beyond our consciousness. A world that cannot be seen, like we see stars in the night sky, or heard, like an opera in a theater.

Chronicles are a world of information recorded on the subtle plane of our existence.

The world that is all around us. A world that many sought to know, but not everyone was given access to.

Mentioned over the centuries under different names: the Book of Life (Bible), the Collective Unconscious, the Cosmic or Universal Mind, the information field. The name doesn't matter. It is important to understand the essence of what they, the Chronicles, are. And they are a huge repository of information.

The Chronicles are a constant and continuous record of everything we do, think and feel at a very deep level of our Soul. Everything that we have ever done is reflected on the subtle plane in the form of energy vibrations that can be translated into our human language. Those. presented to us in the form of pictures, words, emotions and sensations that our minds can perceive.

However, the most valuable thing in these records is that they record the true reasons for our actions, feelings, states, and emotions. The whole path of the soul. The Chronicles contain records of the true motives of what we do, why we react this way to events or the actions of other people. Why do we feel so painful or happy?

Moreover, the Akashic Records contain solutions to our problems. Chronicles can tell us where to go in life right now. What to do in a certain situation. And what you should never do.

Thus, the Akashic Records is a place that contains vast reserves of knowledge about anything and everything. This is the path to your soul. And most importantly, this knowledge can be extracted from there, “read” by a person with the appropriate abilities.

What does the word "akasha" mean?

"Akasha" translated from Sanskrit means "primordial substance." This term was used in the theosophical movements of Hinduism.

Since subsequent generations always accept the knowledge of previous ones and develop them to the best of their abilities and capabilities, the theosophical movement already in the 19th century began to use the term “akasha” to name the general “etheric library”.

The idea of ​​Divine Revelations from above has always been present in all religions of the world. And of course, only the will of supernatural forces could convey such information to the chosen ones. Which, in general, actually happened. In the sense that only a select few had access to the “records”.

And here we come to the principles of obtaining information from the Akashic Chronicles.

What are the principles for obtaining information from the Akashic Records?

1. We receive information only to the extent that we can perceive, for which our consciousness is ready.

2. We can obtain information about ourselves and other people.

3. It is believed that we can obtain information about other people only with the consent of these people. It is necessary to obtain the consent of the person’s “Higher Self”.

4. Information may be hidden from the person requesting it, either in whole or in part.

5. The reader of the Chronicles himself may have restrictions on access to information.

What information is contained in the Chronicles?

It is a repository of physical and spiritual experience, both of all humanity and of individual people.

This is knowledge about all things, events and phenomena.

These are recordings of all talents.

It is a universal system for recording actions, thoughts, words and emotions.

It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things.

These are the reasons and motives of our actions at a deep level.

These are solutions to the most difficult situations, so that everything is resolved quickly and most favorably for us.

This is deep knowledge about yourself, at the Soul level.

Accordingly, you can work with the Akashic Chronicles in completely different areas of our lives. And receive information about past lives, advice for present life, valuable tips for creativity and work.

Who can work with Chronicles?

There is only one principle - you need to be mentally prepared for what the Chronicles are, what they give, what they contain.

And you need to have an inclination for this kind of work. If you do not accept the very idea of ​​the Chronicles, then you already have a limitation on the perception of both the Chronicles and everything that is contained there.
In other words, you need to be open to what they offer you.

How to access the Akashic Records?

There are different systems that offer to teach how to connect to Chronicles.

There are reiki that open the way to the Chronicles through their symbols.

There are hypnotic and trance states that are induced through meditation.

There is a method of prayers, a set of special words that create a channel for connecting to the Chronicles.

Either way, you are putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.

All methods of connecting to Chronicles are good. And it is recommended to choose the one that suits you best, to which you feel a predisposition within yourself.

For example, I am not close to the Reiki system, and I use either a trance state or the method of saying a prayer.

The main thing is practice and more practice.

Want to learn more about the Akashic Records? Read the following articles.

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