Bathroom      04/02/2024

Wondering if I will get a job. Fortune telling using Tarot cards to find a job “Parachute”. "Help for finding a job"

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband is quite common and well known. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers wrote the names of men on pieces of paper, placed the pieces of paper in a container and pulled out one; the name that came out was the name of the future husband. We offer you an analogue of such fortune telling - fortune telling in the name of your future husband using a table with numbers. Click on any part of the table and the name of your future husband will immediately appear to you. This fortune telling can also be done for married people.

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

The Lenormand “Scales of Justice” card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune telling, you can even find out how the court case (if there is one) will end or a conflict based on a dispute or discussion. The layout gives advice on how to behave if the situation is resolved in your favor or in favor of your opponent. Before starting fortune telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Talent Card” allows you to find out what you are most predisposed to, what hidden talents you have. Fortune telling uses your birth date to calculate your talent chart numerology. Only the cards of the major arcana are used in the decryption. Our online fortune telling automatically calculates the sum of all your birth numbers - all you have to do is indicate your date of birth.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

The Job Change tarot card spread is suitable for those occasions. when the questioner must decide to change jobs. This fortune telling allows you to find out the pros and cons of your current job, as well as what awaits you in your new one, what speaks in favor of changing your job, and what speaks in favor of keeping it. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Simple. but the useful Promotion Tarot card spread will come in handy for those expecting or seeking a promotion. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how you can speed up your career growth, under what circumstances it will happen, what needs to be done to get the desired position.

The “Loss” tarot card spread is intended for those who are looking for a lost or stolen item, a missing animal, or even a missing person. This fortune telling will show where the wanted item is located, who may have stolen it, whether there is a possibility of returning the loss, how it can be returned and what the outcome of the search will be.

The “Trip” Tarot card layout is intended for those people who are soon going on a trip, business trip, tourist trip or any other trip. Fortune telling will show you the events that will happen to you on the way and upon arrival, whether your plans and hopes will come true and how this journey will end for you.

The state of being suspended in the air during the job search process is very similar to the feeling when jumping with a parachute: there is confidence in the landing, but it is not known how soft the landing will be; gusts of wind interfere with the control of the parachute and can blow it to the side. Roughly the same thing happens when looking for a job: a decision may be made in favor of another candidate, unforeseen obstacles may arise, or, on the contrary, circumstances will turn out very well in your favor!

The online Tarot “Parachute” layout for job search prospects will be useful if you are thinking about changing jobs, regardless of whether you are currently working or not. Fortune telling with cards takes into account all factors of success in finding a job: the result of your own actions, the participation of other people, the influence of planned and unforeseen circumstances.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and interpretation of Tarot cards for finding a job “Parachute”

Card 1 – The result of your actions in your job search
Card 2 – The result of other people’s participation in the job search (is it worth involving them)
Map 3 – How the job search process will go
Map 4 – How unforeseen factors will manifest themselves in the job search
Map 5 – Overall result and job search prospects

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

The result of your actions in your job search

Here is the Two of Cups, personifying a warm meeting, reunion, elimination of differences, reconciliation, mutual sympathy. Friendly or love union. A step forward, bringing mutual understanding, joyful cooperation. Love, pleasant connection. Family comfort, a gentle, harmonious atmosphere in a deeply personal, intimate area of ​​life; the union of two loving hearts.

The result of the participation of other people in the job search (whether it is worth involving them)

You got “Lovers”, which always means Decision, Choice (even if it doesn’t concern love). This Choice carries within itself unquestioningness and irrevocability to the rejected option. “There are two sides to a coin” - The Real Truth can only be seen by studying all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and value it.

How will the job search process go?

You have been dealt the Ace of Wands. It represents emerging opportunities, a chance for self-development, strength, growth, life scope, dynamics, courage, liveliness, creativity. Determination and enterprise as a means to achieve the maximum in a tense struggle. Income, inheritance. Strengthening moral principles, beliefs and will. Decency, anticipation of new things.

How unexpected factors will manifest themselves in the job search

Here you got the “Hanged Man”, which indicates the forced impossibility of active actions, constraint by circumstances, and a waste of time. Stagnation, dependence on other people, affairs and circumstances, a change in the value system, the inability to apply familiar knowledge. The need to rethink affairs and events, sacrificing something to overcome a difficult situation.

Overall result and job search prospects

Here is the Nine of Cups, speaking of abundance, well-deserved reward, and satisfaction with life. The joy of communicating with people, hospitality, a great time. The advent of wonderful times, bringing happiness, friendship and carefreeness. Blooming health, harmonious inner peace. Fulfillment of desires. Choosing the best.

To the question: What will be the result of the interview I went to last time?
Cards dropped: nine denarii, Lovers, Judgment.
How should I understand them? Will they make an offer for me?

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Now I had to make a choice. Of the two vacancies, I accepted one, but on the first day I changed my mind and accepted an offer from another place. I doubt and fear - I wish I could make a mistake. The question is what to expect (will bring) me a new job. Lunge JOKE. How to interpret it - treat it lightly, everything will be fine, or vice versa - a mockery of fate?

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When asked what to expect from work?
The Queen of Wands fell out

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on the one hand, the Queen of Wands is an active and purposeful lady, it’s like a business lady, on the other hand, the card says this - events have begun, the process has begun, but higher powers are protecting and protecting you now, although you perceive this as lack of freedom. those. When, as a child, our mother drove us home early, we were offended by her, and my mother simply wanted to protect us from something. so here, if something still doesn’t work out the way you want, then it’s for the best, because higher powers are on your side.

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I’ve been looking for a job for a month now, there have been vacancies where my experience should be ideal for the employer, interviews seem to go well, but as a result I’m rejected. I asked a question - why don’t they hire me, and the 10 of cups came up. The map seems good, but I didn’t really understand how to interpret it. Can you help?

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Here, of course, it is advisable to look at the big picture. sometimes one card speaks very cleverly, so additional ones are needed. cards.
and so the options can be like this: either you are very pretty, and the employer was afraid to fall in love with you, if he is a man, and there is family abundance at home, or you came very happy with your life, i.e. you have everything, but the employer is a manipulator and he needs slaves, not workers, he needs people who can be manipulated, but you cannot be manipulated, because everything is fine with you, i.e. You can't be commanded very much. and that didn’t suit him. You can also look at the schedule - job search, or choice of options for work. but it will be paid. If anything, come, we’ll do it. Best regards, Clarissa

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What should I expect from possible participation in the project? media literacy?
Jack of Denarii

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they may make you some kind of offer, and this offer can be accepted, because it comes from honest and decent people

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Hello, dear tarot readers!
What do the cards say when asked:
What should I expect from my manager?
6 swords, Mage, 5 wands
How he treats me?
Priest, Strength, 7 of Wands?

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he compares you with someone, there will be help from him, but this help is not entirely selfless, although it must be accepted, because you need it, he is a dictator and a manipulator. although he does everything subtly and unobtrusively, you think that you yourself have made this or that decision, and then you realize that you are being quietly pushed towards this.
he values ​​your working union and experiences complete emotional satisfaction. the period of struggle ends, it goes like a green light at a traffic light, victory in competition, moving forward and upward. and the 5 of Wands that fell above speaks of competition, after which comes prosperity and success.

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Thanks for the answer, ClarissaAlba)

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help me fight, please. I have been working for the same company for 10 years. I was offered a job change. I'm very worried and doubtful. I asked if I should move to a new place. The answer is the Ace of Swords.

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this is a fire in the soul, an emotional explosion that will completely change all your priorities. this is something new, something that comes into your life, something that you have been waiting for so long.
those. this seems to be good, but there is no need to hope that everything will be fine right away, everything will come gradually. It is advisable, of course, to look at a good layout, but according to one card this is so.

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Thank you!

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Good time! Oracle, help me understand the interpretation of the arcana... Long-term communication with MCH (both are not free) I learned about some event in his life. In light of this event, she proposed to stop all communication. Didn't answer.
When asked what reaction a difficult decision for me would cause in the MC, the number of cups came up.
Is the relationship over? - Lady of Denarii.
How will our relationship develop next? - 10 cups.
Thank you in advance!!

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Oops... I wrote in the wrong thread))

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I want to quit my job. I asked if I would be fired. The Five of Wands came up. Please explain the meaning.

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The 5 of Wands is a competitive struggle, after which comes prosperity and success, it is a challenge that fate sends you, but it is also a card of dispute. You will most likely be offered some kind of competitive place. and it's a challenge worth taking on.

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Good evening. Someone who knows will help explain this question: what field of activity should I go to work in (I am an accountant by profession). The Devil fell out. Add justice to the devil and 4 swords. Judging by the description, it turns out to be some kind of shadow. Please. Thank you.

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Yes, not a shadow, everything is clear here.
the devil says that you will face some temptation that needs to be overcome, if you can overcome it, then a reward awaits you. it may be a temptation to manipulate someone to achieve your goals, and to abuse your position, and for example, as an accountant you may be forced to do wrong operations, this is the temptation that needs to be overcome. the cards advise doing all things only in an official way, with all documents drawn up, to act according to conscience, in fairness, but apparently it’s difficult to find a job where accountants work honestly, which is why there is a temporary stop along the way. but there is a chance to find such a job.

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Dear tarologists! The management's attitude towards my person changed very dramatically. Without objective reasons. I asked the cards what awaits you at work? The hermit card came up, the second time the queen of swords. I didn’t really understand what the cards told me, but I didn’t have a very good feeling (((. Help me, please

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Under no circumstances should you hush up the situation, clear things up sharply and decisively, otherwise you yourself will be criticized and become apart from the team, download your license if necessary!

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The hermit is a period of slowing down of events, but this path of development of events is necessary, and do not try to speed up these events, otherwise it may lead to a complete stop of what you have planned, and the queen of swords is the ability to reconcile conflicting parties, and some kind of compromise solution that will suit everyone. those. you will be able to find a compromise solution that will suit both you and the management, and this will happen through a period of slowdown.

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Hello, dear tarot readers. Now I have no customers at all and this has been going on for quite a long time. I already have debts (((I asked a question, what awaits me at work, will the situation normalize? The ace of denarii came up. Thank you in advance.

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the lull is temporary, preceding a flurry of events, mainly related to the financial sphere, gaining a patron and the opportunity to climb the social ladder. so everything should return to normal, you just need to wait, but at the same time help yourself with a spell or prayer.

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The Two of Wands card fell out. Question: is it worth getting this job (today was an internship). I would be very grateful for clarification.

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The Two of Wands is a successful business cooperation. so it's a good card to work with. a union of kindred souls, like-minded people.

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Hello! I asked a question about the field of activity for myself and the Emperor came up. How to interpret it? Thank you.

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you need to show leadership qualities.
and the development of the situation depends on some strong patron. in the field of activity these are jewelers, bankers, investors, cashiers, everything related to financial and business activities

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Dear Oracle, good day! I wasn't completely happy with the situation. A new job is planned, there are doubts. The Horseman of Wands card fell out.
I just left my previous low-paying job with constant salary delays and troubles. A very nasty aftertaste remained. Perhaps because of this there is hesitation and anticipation of such problems.
Thank you

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the card says that you are called on the road, it’s time to move and something important awaits you ahead. profitable change of place of work. need to be more decisive
trip important for career growth
or this is a man who can help you
active, purposeful, if he offers his help, he will not let you down, he will fulfill his promises, if he gets bored with something, then he immediately loses interest in it. He is quite honest and open; it is difficult for him to lie to others.

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Hello. Please tell me the answer to the question I want to change jobs is the Three of Wands. Should I look for another one or stay with this one?

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The circle of like-minded people is expanding, feel free to accept the help offered to you, because it comes from people who sincerely wish the best for you and the cause in question. This means that if you are offered help, you can change your job.

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Hello! Suddenly the circumstances of my work have changed a lot... I'm leaving! I immediately received a call from another region about work. I asked what awaits me there? The answer is the King of Wands. Where is this situation leading me to leaving my previous place? The answer is the king of denarii. Clarify please!

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With the help of various cards, you can make a schedule for work in order to know how a person will move up the career ladder, how relationships with colleagues will develop. You can complete this layout yourself and for free.

On Tarot cards

Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a career shows what awaits the fortuneteller in the professional field, his achievements and failures, and also predicts possible income.

1 card

Fortune telling for a job using 1 card is performed as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. First you need to prepare a deck of Tarot cards for fortune telling. To do this, you need to keep it under your pillow for 3 days and not give it to anyone.
  2. On the day of the ritual, the person must be alone in the room. It is recommended to meditate for 10 minutes, mentally scrolling through the question of interest.
  3. Then you need to shuffle the deck.

The first image pulled out is the answer to the question posed.

For example, a rolled Jester promises a job in show business. Also means criminal business and frequent job changes. A person is frivolous about money and his work responsibilities, which can cause poverty and unfulfillment.

Online layout for work “One card”

Focus on fortune telling, think about work, about what interests you, ask the cards mentally, approximately: what is happening at work, what to expect from this work, why something is not working out, etc., take out a card that you like and look at the interpretation - it will show the reason, the basis of the “working” situation or the trend of its development.

Click the left mouse button to select the map.

Turn on your intuition, compare the interpretation and successful fortune-telling.

3 cards

The layout of three cards for work will help to characterize the environment and situation at work, predict financial success or failure.

The fortuneteller asks the deck a question that interests him, regarding his career or business, and then lays out 3 cards face down in one row.

The first will show the reasons that led to the current situation at work or in business. The second characterizes the state of affairs. The third will tell you what will happen, what actions need to be taken to influence the future in the professional sphere.

For example, if the first image is a Jester, the second is a Magician, and the third is a Priestess, then this situation can be interpreted as follows: the person was frivolous with money or got involved with crime, which led to a number of unpleasant events. Now your own business is not developing or there are obstacles to moving up the career ladder. To resolve this situation, it is recommended to attend advanced training courses or business training.

Online layout for work “Three cards”

Choose 3 cards: the first one will show what happened in the past at work and is reflected now; the second card will explain the situation “now”; the third will tell you what will happen at work in the near future.

Focus on fortune telling, think about work, the “work situation”, formulate a question mentally, approximately: “What can I expect from this “work” in the future?”, “Why is this happening at work...?” and so on.

Compare the meanings of the drawn cards for your situation and successful fortune telling.

To repeat fortune telling, reload the page.

And be sure to watch this video:

Lenormand layout for business


Click on the Start button in the lower right corner:

On paper maps

This alignment will show whether there will be success in business, what problematic situations you will have to face, what should be done, what are the prospects.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is performed as follows:

  1. The fortuneteller is left alone and in complete silence.
  2. He shuffles the deck, mentally asking his question, and lays out the cards in the following order: the first 2 are placed on top, then the third and fourth are placed below, then the fifth and sixth, and at the very bottom - the seventh. They should all be face down.
  3. All cards are turned over and interpreted in turn:
    • No. 1 - shows a person’s willingness or unwillingness to make risky decisions;
    • No. 2 - characterizes activity and diligence in solving current problems;
    • No. 3 - indicates whether you can rely on partners;
    • No. 4 - interpreted as demand for the services or goods provided by your company;
    • No. 5 - shows upcoming unforeseen expenses and losses;
    • No. 6 - predicts whether a given business will be profitable or unprofitable;
    • No. 7 - indicates further prospects in the financial sector.

Before you get a new job, you can complete the “Getting a Job” schedule. The fortuneteller asks a question about employment prospects, shuffles the deck and lays out the cards in this order:

  1. The first 3 images are placed on top: 1 - will show what the chances are of getting the desired position, 2 - this is the personality of the fortuneteller as an employee, 3 - the person will be a useful or useless employee.
  2. Below are the fourth and fifth. They characterize working conditions and wage levels.
  3. Then comes the sixth and seventh - what mood will reign in the team.
  4. The 8th image represents problems and obstacles that will have to be faced, and the 9th image represents career opportunities.

Fortune telling with gypsy cards

Gypsy fortune telling on cards for work helps you learn about your purpose and possible difficulties on your professional path.

Layout on 10 gypsy cards:

  1. At night, on the waxing Moon, you need to light 10 church candles.
  2. Shuffle the deck and lay out 10 cards face down.
  3. The first row should contain 1 card, the remaining rows include 3 each, for a total of 4 tiers.


  • The first row is what worries the fortuneteller.
  • The second row is the reasons and events that led to the current situation at work.
  • The third row shows how the situation will develop in the near future.
  • The fourth row is what the consequences will be.
    • For example, the Fool warns a person against making rash decisions and actions that will lead to additional expenses.
    • Shawkhani is a symbol of energy and foresight. If she finds herself in the 3rd row, then it is necessary to act actively, and you cannot deceive your partners, the business must be honest. If Shevkhani is in an inverted position, this means failures in business, deception on the part of colleagues.
    • Paridai - shows that some information is being hidden from a person. It is recommended to develop intuition.
    • Javelle - predicts success and prosperity. The business will be profitable, and career growth will be rapid.
    • Baron - promises high achievements and honors. Inverted means undervalued by management, unfulfilled ambitions.
    • A blacksmith means big profits and good work.
    • Hermit - a person must deeply understand everything, otherwise there is a chance of suffering from ignorance and secret enemies.
    • Wheel of fate - troubling problems are coming to an end, favorable development of plans and projects. In an inverted position - lack of strength, the machinations of enemies, many obstacles to achieving the goal.

On playing cards

For fortune telling about finding a job and good luck in business, you can use a deck of 36 cards.

In order for the prediction to be more accurate, it is recommended to carry it out at night during the waxing Moon.


  1. Lay out a white tablecloth on a flat surface
  2. Light a church candle nearby.
  3. Mentally repeat the question of interest 9 times.
  4. Take a recently purchased deck and shuffle it.
  5. Place any 9 cards in one line.

Interpretation of the result of fortune telling for success on classic cards:

  1. All dropped cards are spades. Finding work or business partners will be slow.
  2. All cards are crossed. There will be a lot of trouble and fuss. If fortune telling concerns finding a job, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the civil service.
  3. Worms. A career is built thanks to acquaintances and friends.
  4. Diamonds. Expect an increase in income.
  5. 4 aces. The fortuneteller will be able to find his dream job or get the desired promotion.
  6. 4 kings. All endeavors will be profitable.
  7. 4 ladies. The person will work in a stressful environment. Constant gossip and rumors are likely.
  8. 4 jacks. Money will be earned with difficulty.
  9. 4 tens. Additional income will appear in the near future.
  10. 4 nines. An office romance is possible.
  11. 4 eights. In order to achieve results, you will have to work hard.
  12. 4 sevens. A business trip or success in conducting international business is possible.
  13. 4 sixes. Difficulties and troubles await the fortuneteller at work. Monotonous work will be dumped on him, and he will have to wait several years for a promotion. Owning your own business will not bring you much income.

If the cards from the presented combinations do not fall out, then the deck should be shuffled again. A total of 9 attempts are allowed; if the described combinations do not appear, then fortune telling should be postponed for a couple of days.

Online fortune telling

To find out about work, own business and money matters, ask the Oracle. Virtual online fortune telling is available on our website; you just need to ask the Oracle a question and get an answer: