Walls      03/26/2024

Loan without a military ID: is it possible? Where can I get a loan without a military ID? Do I need a military ID when getting a loan?

According to statistics, every 4th borrower has problems with loan repayments. To reduce their risks and protect themselves from potential losses, banks are adding new requirements to the list of documents. One of these conditions is the provision of a military ID. Naturally, this certificate will be required only for young people of military age to demonstrate that they are or are not legally serving in military service.

So, where to get a loan without a military ID? What documents will be required?


Money is issued on general terms. At the moment, not all large financial organizations require military ID from young people. The likelihood increases if you borrow a large amount. Thus banks:

  • are protected from fraud, since such a document is much more difficult and expensive to forge than a passport;
  • reduce the risk of losing a client who may be called up for military service;
  • are additionally reinsured by the presence of another document.

Without a military ID, it is enough to simply buy household appliances. Usually it is issued immediately in the store. And if many people always carry a passport with them, then only a few carry a military ID. Also gaining popularity

Interest rate

The interest rate will not differ from the usual one. It can only be affected by the presence of a guarantor and an issued salary card in a given financial institution. On average, the overpayment rate will be 15-20%, depending on the chosen program. There is a high probability that a document will not be required when applying for a loan of up to 100 thousand rubles, as well as a credit card.

List of required documents

Funds are issued to persons over 18 years of age. In addition to the military ID, bank representatives may require:

  • certificate of financial position;
  • passport;
  • statement.

Financial institutions also prefer to deal with lapsed clients for subjective reasons. It is believed that the army makes a person more collected and responsible, so a client who has completed military service is considered by many organizations as more reliable.

Recently, cases have become more frequent when young people began to seek to take out a loan for their needs. But when applying to banking organizations for a loan, young people of conscription age began to be required to have a military ID. But is it possible to get a loan without a military ID? Let's try to figure it out!

A military ID, first of all, is required in order to find out how the conscript is doing with the army. If the issue with the military registration and enlistment office has not been resolved, then where is the guarantee that during the term of the loan the young man will not be called upon to repay his debt to the Motherland? In this case, the call will cast doubt on the possibility of repaying the debt obligation. Of course, taking out a loan without a military ID is possible and quite easy.

But at the same time, they may require collateral, usually a car, or offer too high interest rates in order to reduce the risk of losing money. By the way, such organizations are most often private, and to open a credit account you may only need a passport. But if you want get a loan without a military ID and with normal interest rates, then you cannot do without collateral in the form of a car or your own home. Of course, if you cannot provide such collateral, then try to find a guarantor.

At the same time, it is immediately worth noting that if in the event of conscription or some other unforeseen circumstances you cannot pay the loan, then compensation for the damage will fall on the shoulders of the guarantor, so it will be quite difficult to find one. But at the same time, one of your parents, who has an official income, and with whom it would be most convenient for you to agree, can act as your guarantor.

By the way, if you do not need cash, but some item, then without a military ID you can easily get an express loan. Yes, this type of lending does not involve small interest due to a superficial check, but at the same time you will receive the necessary goods within an hour without any questions asked. The disadvantage of this type of loan is that, as a rule, small amounts are issued, and the repayment period is no more than a year. In any case, we will help you find a profitable loan, fill out the form.

Also, without a military ID, you can get a credit card from almost every financial institution, which you will top up monthly with the minimum payment specified in the contract. The disadvantage of this type of lending is also high interest rates, on average 25% per year, and the fact that the longer you repay the loan funds, the more you will overpay!

As you can see, it is quite difficult for young people without a military ID to get a loan on good terms; they are mainly offered loans that, with their high interest rates, reduce financial risks for banking institutions. In addition, it is worth noting that with such high interest rates, young people cover not only their own unreliability, but also the debts of more irresponsible clients who, for some reason, do not pay their debt obligations. By the way, turning to private creditors, by and large, will also yield nothing; even if there are any offers, the conditions that will be offered to you will be even worse!

Although, of course, there is always an option such as a pawnshop, but when contacting such organizations, you should know not only that their interest rates are normal, but also that they artificially lower the value of your collateral. Approximate understatement by 50%. This significantly reduces their risks, but at the same time creates not particularly favorable conditions for you personally! But it’s up to you to think and decide, do the math, maybe you can manage without a loan!?

When applying to a bank for a loan, young people of military age are faced with the requirement to provide a military ID. This is an almost universal condition for consumer, mortgage and car lending programs in most banks, which need confidence that the borrower has resolved the issue with the military registration and enlistment office. Otherwise, the borrower may unexpectedly go to military service, and, accordingly, there will be problems with repaying the debt.

As a rule, to obtain a consumer loan, young people under 27 are also required to provide a military ID. Some banks offer special loan offers with more favorable conditions (without presenting a military ID or proof of income), but the interest rates on such loans are significantly higher. It is worth paying attention to secured loans. Loans secured by real estate or a car, as well as a third party guarantee, allow the bank to minimize risks, therefore the requirements for the client’s package of documents for this type of lending are less stringent, and interest rates are relatively low.

What to do if you urgently need to take out a loan without a military ID?

First, prepare for difficulties when selecting a program and bank. Most likely, many banks will refuse you, and you will have to contact relatively young organizations with high interest rates.

Secondly, to the higher “cost” of the loan. The rate will probably be higher: the fewer requirements from the financial institution, the higher the interest.

You are unlikely to be able to take out a loan without a military ID from “reputable” banks - Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa-Bank. There are certain restrictions on the type and amount of the loan. As a rule, only a consumer loan is issued with a minimum set of documents, and much less often a car loan is issued.

To get a loan you will need:

  • passport;
  • second document (TIN, pension insurance certificate);
  • income certificate;
  • certificate from place of work;
  • application form;
  • certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

When receiving a mortgage or consumer loan, you must provide identification documents, confirm your level of income and work experience, which must be at least 6 months at the last enterprise. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to present a military ID if you have already reached the age of 27, and there is no likelihood of being drafted into the army.

As identification documents, present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a driver's license. If a second document is required, you can present it at your choice, for example, an individual taxpayer number (TIN), an insurance pension certificate, or, as a last resort, you can submit a military ID for consideration by the bank. But if for some reason you don’t have one, the bank will not require you to provide a military ID. Since it does not matter at all which document will be provided as the second one, if the loan is issued as a consumer loan and is issued using two documents within one hour, when there is no need to present a certificate of employment and a certificate of income.

If you plan to receive a large loan amount or apply for a mortgage loan, you will be asked to present a certificate from your place of employment confirming your work experience and a certificate of income 2-NDFL or in the form of a credit organization. It is worth noting that the bank will not require you to present a military ID, so you will be able to get a loan without it.

Banks are most willing to provide loans to borrowers who have permanent registration in the Russian Federation, aged 21 to 65 years, who have confirmed their solvency, have guarantors with a high level of income, valuable property registered as their own and a minimum of dependents who need to be supported. If you meet these parameters, then you can easily get any loan amount without presenting a military ID.

If you are nevertheless asked to present a military ID or you are of conscription age, receive a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office confirming the fact that you will not be drafted into the army or the loss of the document.

Do not forget that if you do not present the bank with the document that was required from you, the interest rate for the loan may be maximum. The bank may also require two solvent guarantors or pledge valuable property, which will serve as a guarantee for securing borrowed funds.

The requirements that banks place on future borrowers are now approximately the same. They must provide a passport, in addition to some other document for it: a foreign passport, preferably with travel stamps, a driver’s license, SNILS - pension certificate.

Serious banks require men who have not yet turned 27 years old to provide a military ID. Lenders want to make sure that the borrower will not be sent to repay the debt to the Motherland if he already has a debt to the bank. This is another level of protection against the possible actions of scammers; they have already mastered passports, but they have not yet mastered military ID cards, since they are easy to fall for. There is also a psychological aspect to this; we trust more a young man who has served and is already working than one who is in limbo. But there are different cases in life, what to do if you cannot present this document at the moment?

For Russian banks, the problem of obtaining bona fide borrowers remains traditionally relevant. Statistics say that there is one loan per citizen of our country. Of this mass, every fourth had problems with repayment. But banks are still interested in increasing the number of borrowers.

Without providing a military ID, a young man can take out a consumer loan in many banks that offer this service. The point is that in order to apply for such a loan, the applicant will only be required to provide a passport and, possibly, a certificate of income. With this type of lending, he can receive approximately 100,000 rubles at an interest rate of 16%, if he is lucky or... whatever the bank likes.

You can also get a credit card. Its limit will be 30,000 rubles, the conditions for receiving are standard, there are no special restrictions. If you deposit funds spent from the card in good faith, its limit may be increased.

Loans are offered by various small mutual aid funds from financial organizations; they are not at all interested in the borrowers’ income, but their interest rates start at 100-150%.

And a very simple option is to buy something on credit in a store. They never require a military ID there.

And now, specifically, about banks. A young man can contact Sberbank, Alfa Bank,
Homecredit, Otkritie, Orient Express, Russian Standard. But Rosselkhozbank will not give you a loan without a military ID.

Sberbank will give you 1,500,000 rubles for five years if you have a passport and income certificate. Interest will be from 17%. But they want the borrower to work in one place for at least 6 months.

Alfa Bank does not make such demands, but its amount is smaller, only 750,000 rubles at 16.7%.

Young people, please note that without a military ID, you only have access to a loan without collateral or guarantors and not a very large amount. If you need a car loan or a mortgage, then you will have to restore the document; without it, no one will talk to you.

Before going to the bank, every potential borrower should know a complete list of all documents required to obtain borrowed funds. In most credit institutions, to obtain a loan, it is not enough to provide only a Russian passport and a certificate of income. For all males whose age does not exceed 27 years, a mandatory condition for receiving borrowed funds is the presence of a military ID. Why do credit institutions need the borrower to have a military ID? First of all, a military ID is a certain insurance against fraudsters, because passports are often counterfeited, and it is much more difficult to falsify military IDs. In addition, this requires the forgery of two documents - a passport and the military ID itself. There are more financial expenses here, and the risk of getting caught is higher. Secondly, if the borrower has a military ID, it means that he has already repaid his debt to the country, so to speak, and he is no longer in danger of serving in the army. The requirement to provide a military ID is quite understandable, since a borrower who has reached military age can be drafted into the army at almost any time, which, accordingly, entails the termination of loan repayment. There is also a so-called psychological factor - a man who served in the army, thereby going through a certain school of life. In other words, such a person is more responsible, which means he will take repayment of the loan debt seriously.

What about those who do not have a military ID, but want to get a loan? To the delight of such potential borrowers, today there are several ways to obtain a loan for persons of military age without providing such a necessary document. It will be very difficult to obtain a large amount of borrowed funds without a military ID from such “reputable” credit institutions as Sberbank or VTB 24 - this must be accepted as an indisputable fact. In addition, other banks also have certain restrictions on the amount of funds provided and the terms of the loan, which is issued with a minimum set of necessary documents. These types of lending include consumer loans, but with more serious credit products, such as a car loan or mortgage, things are much more complicated. However, here too it is possible to obtain borrowed funds by registering a direct pledge, so that the lending institution can quickly take away the loaned property or vehicle in the event of the borrower being drafted into the army.

There is a high probability that other large and well-known banks will refuse to provide a loan for the reasons stated above, and then you will have to turn to relatively new credit organizations where borrowed funds are issued at a higher interest rate. In addition, when applying for a loan without providing a military ID, you need to take into account that you will have to pay significantly more for this loan than the borrower usually expects. The pattern of the relationship between the availability of documents and the interest rate is unchanged: the smaller the number of required certificates and documents, the correspondingly higher the interest rate on the loan.

In addition, you need to be prepared for a lengthy selection of a suitable lending program. When the choice of a credit institution and a certain type of loan has been made, then you can begin to “work” with this bank. Moreover, first you need to prove your reliability as a borrower. Having an excellent credit history without dark spots and a good entry fee is a prerequisite for obtaining borrowed funds without a military ID. In some situations, a certificate of official income, an impeccable credit history and, most importantly, the absence of any outstanding loans, can serve as a good replacement for a military ID. Moreover, the smaller the amount of funds required, the greater the chances of receiving it. There are situations when a person, for some reason, cannot serve in the army, for example, for health reasons, due to the presence of two small children or the status of a guardian. In such cases, it is necessary to collect all the relevant documents confirming this fact: a certificate from the hospital about the state of health, family composition, a document from an educational institution, and so on.

It should also be noted that banks are more willing to provide loans to borrowers whose age is approaching 28, that is, the end of conscription age. In addition, you need to remember that having a military ID is only necessary if the future borrower has not reached the age of twenty-eight. If the loan applicant is over 28 years old, then borrowed funds are issued on a general basis. You can also highlight the so-called microloans, which are very popular today, gaining popularity due to the availability of a simple application procedure. Most often, to receive funds, nothing is required except a passport and income certificate. Although even here, without a military ID, loan rates will be slightly higher.