Balcony      03/22/2024

Biscuit with added vegetable oil. Butter sponge cake: recipe, ingredients, cooking technology. Butter sponge roll

One of the popular types of sponge cake is chiffon or butter sponge cake.

This biscuit has a soft and moist texture. It has a large number of different recipes and variations.

Some people think that butter sponge cake is more capricious than the classic one, but I beg to differ. The main thing is to follow the cooking and baking technology. And everything will work out!

The biscuit contains eggs, sugar, flour, vegetable or butter, and may also include water, milk, buttermilk, and kefir.

An essential ingredient in butter biscuits is baking powder or soda (slaked with lemon juice or vinegar). The question arises: What is absolutely impossible without baking powder? Unfortunately - no way!) The dough for butter sponge cake is heavier due to the addition of vegetable or butter; without adding baking powder it practically does not grow.
If the recipe contains soda, it is important to extinguish it well, stir it and only then add it to the dough.
If the recipe does not extinguish the soda, it is better to sift it into the dough first; soda strongly attracts moisture and can form lumps. In this case, when wet soda gets into the dough, small lumps may remain undissolved, and the biscuit will taste like soda!

Chiffon sponge cake goes well with various additives, for example, cocoa, chocolate, dried fruits, zest, poppy seeds, coconut flakes.

You can also experiment with different berries, there are recipe options with jam or jam.

Depending on the biscuit recipe, milk, buttermilk or water may be added to the dough.
When preparing dough, in some recipes it is important to separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately. The whites must be carefully folded into the dough.

There are recipes in which you don’t need to beat the whites and yolks separately, for example in my favorite sponge cake “Chocolate in boiling water”.

Butter biscuits have an incredible number of options, the taste depends on your preferences.

Even with one sponge cake recipe, you can experiment by adding new ingredients and you will get a new and interesting taste every time.

All creams go well with chiffon sponge cake.

The soufflé will give them lightness and tenderness.

Sour cream or curd cream, juicy and airy.

Buttercream, ganache or custard will add richness and bright flavor.

The big advantage of butter biscuits is that they can be self-sufficient without cream.

Biscuit is a universal baked product for confectioners. Almost no cake is complete without sponge cake; cakes and rolls are made from sponge cake, and used as a base for any confectionery product.

Fluffy, like a cloud, and quite dense, with butter and cream, with nuts and carrots - they are very different, but they are united by their cooking technology. Whatever the biscuit dough, you just need to beat the eggs (or separate whites and yolks) and add the rest of the ingredients as carefully as possible. It is due to the air added during whipping that your sponge cake will rise in the oven.

When baking a biscuit, two processes occur simultaneously. Firstly, the air in the dough heats up and, accordingly, expands; it causes the dough to rise in the oven, that is, increase in volume. Secondly, if there is enough heat (at a baking temperature of 180-200C), the walls of the growing pores are baked. Thus, to get the right sponge cake, you need to beat the eggs well, adding as much air as possible, mix the dough, being careful not to lose the added air, and then bake it correctly at a high enough temperature.

Before carefully studying Irina Chadeeva’s technology, we suggest watching a video recipe from professional pastry chef Oleg Ilyin!

What do we bake from?


Biscuits are baked thanks to the process of gelatinization of starch - when heated in wet dough, it changes its structure, becoming thicker and more viscous. Therefore, the presence of starch is important for a biscuit, and, accordingly, it can be baked from almost any flour - rice, wheat, corn, buckwheat (any flour contains starch). If you replace part of the wheat flour with starch, the biscuit will be stronger and more crumbly. You can bake a sponge cake without flour at all, just with starch. But there is no starch in nut flour (ground nuts), and therefore biscuits with nut flour are less durable and fall apart easily. Nevertheless, confectioners often make biscuits with nuts - they turn out very tasty!


Without which it is basically impossible to bake a sponge cake, it is without eggs. It is the eggs that give it both fluffiness (when whipped) and strength (when baked). A well-beaten egg mass is the key to success when working with sponge cake.


For the biscuit, use regular sugar, preferably with small crystals. They dissolve faster, and accordingly, eggs beat better with them.

Basic biscuit recipe

There are many variations of sponge cake, but you should start with the simplest recipe, which, however, is no worse than the most complex. Remember the proportion:

4 eggs
120 g sugar
120 g flour
and no baking powder!

How to make a sponge cake:

1. First, measure out all the ingredients. Sift the flour (and also starch, if you use it) - it is saturated with air and then better mixed into the dough. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks (remember that cold eggs are best separated into whites and yolks), using a large bowl for the whites and a medium-sized bowl for the yolks.

Please note that the biscuit tins and trays must be prepared in advance, and the oven should also be preheated in advance. When the biscuit dough is ready, it must be immediately transferred to the mold (on a baking sheet) and baked without wasting time. The biscuit dough quickly settles, and the finished products from the settled dough turn out low and lumpy.

2. Pour half the sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer at maximum speed into a thick, almost white mass.

3. Wash and dry the beaters and beat the egg whites at maximum speed until the mixture becomes white and thick. The mixer attachments should leave a clear, non-blurring mark. Just now add the remaining sugar and beat further until the mass becomes snow-white and shiny.

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4. Add the yolks to the whites and mix very carefully with a spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous and light yellow in color.

How to mix correctly? Take a spoon and place the side down into the middle of the bowl. Run the convex part of the spoon along the bottom (towards you), then up the side of the bowl, continue over the dough and lower the spoon back into the middle. The spoon will describe a circle. Repeat this movement, turning the bowl with your other hand. In this way, all types of biscuit (and other whipped) dough are quickly and accurately mixed. This method is called the "folding method".

5. Add flour and other dry ingredients. Mix again using the folding method. Do not stir for too long as the dough may thicken too much.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

As soon as the lumps of flour disappear, stop. Transfer the dough into the mold, level the surface and place in the oven.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

What to add?

Butter is often added to biscuits. To do this, melt it, cool it and pour it in as carefully as possible. Even a small amount of butter makes the crumb more tasty and moist; biscuits with butter do not go stale longer.

How to prepare the form?

There are several ways to prepare molds and bake sponge cakes. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it doesn't matter what pan you bake in, but sometimes it does.

Method No. 1

Grease the inside of the pan with softened butter (melted butter will drip and you won't get an even coating). Add a spoonful of flour and, shaking the pan, spread the flour first along the sides of the pan and then along the bottom. Tap the pan well to release excess flour.

With this method, the biscuit does not stick at all to the bottom and walls of the mold. After baking for 5–10 minutes, the sponge cake cools down and shrinks slightly in size, with a small gap appearing between the wall of the mold and the sponge cake, and a small mound remains on the sponge cake. Turn the biscuit over onto the wire rack; it will come out easily, with the mound at the bottom and the top completely flat.

DISADVANTAGE: When using this method the sponge cake comes out slightly lower.

Method No. 2

Do not grease the pan, but line the bottom with baking paper.

When baking, the sponge cake will stick to the walls, but when you take out the pan, it will also settle. Since the walls cannot settle (they are stuck), a “hill” will settle, thus, when cooling, the surface of the biscuit will become smooth. The biscuit is removed from the mold only when it has cooled completely. To do this, you need to very carefully run a knife along the walls, separating the biscuit, and remove the mold. Baking paper is removed before using the biscuit.

DISADVANTAGE: in order to separate the biscuit from the walls, skill and accuracy are required; Silicone molds cannot be used.

Method No. 3

Do not grease the pan or place baking paper on the bottom.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

This method is suitable for the lightest and most delicate biscuits, which settle under their own weight when cooling. These are biscuits with a small amount of flour and starch, as well as protein biscuits. It is usually recommended to cool them upside down - to do this, immediately after baking, turn the mold over and place it on bowls so that the sponge cake does not touch them. In this position, the bottom and sides of the biscuit are glued to the mold; it does not fall out, but also does not settle under its own weight. Please note that in this case it is important to choose the correct size of the mold so that the sponge cake does not turn out higher than the edges and can be turned over.

DISADVANTAGE: Sometimes it is difficult to separate the sponge cake from the pan; Silicone molds are not suitable for such baking.


Always preheat the oven to 180-200°C in advance. It is advisable to bake biscuits on the middle level of the oven; you can use convection. Try not to open the oven during the first 15 minutes of baking to avoid cooling the air. You can check the readiness of the biscuit 25–30 minutes after the start of cooking. The finished biscuit is always evenly heaped and golden brown. Pierce it in several places (closer to the middle) with a toothpick; there should be no sticky dough on it. You can also press with your palm, the finished biscuit is elastic and durable.


To ensure that the biscuit does not become soggy during soaking and is strong and elastic, it is advisable to let it sit for several hours. For cakes, I usually bake the sponge in the evening and leave it in the kitchen overnight. Please note that the biscuit should not dry out - for this, if the air in the kitchen is dry, you can put the biscuit in a bag after it has completely cooled.

publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

How to cut a biscuit?

One four-egg sponge cake baked in a tin with a diameter of 20 cm can usually be cut into three layers. To ensure that the cuts are even and the cakes are the same thickness, use a few simple techniques.

Place the sponge bottom side up - it's very flat and your cake will be flat on top too. It is convenient to use a sheet of baking paper, a flat plate or a wire rack as a base, the main thing is that you can easily turn the cake along with the base. Prepare a knife - it is highly desirable that it be sharp, with a blade that is longer than the diameter of the biscuit. A bread knife with a wavy blade works very well.

Using a knife, mark cutting lines about 1 cm deep around the circumference of the biscuit.

Insert a knife into the cut and cut, carefully turning the sponge and pressing the knife against the bottom cake, it should go exactly along the marked line.


  1. The dough is too liquid - the whites or yolks were not beaten well, the dough was stirred for too long;
  2. The sponge cake does not rise well - the dough was mixed for a long time, the eggs were not beaten well, the oven was too cold;
  3. The sponge cake sagged a lot after baking - the dough was poorly baked, there was not enough flour or starch;
  4. The sponge cake has settled in the oven - the oven is too hot;
  5. The biscuit crumbles a lot - too much starch.

It is also called chiffon sponge cake. To make the cake airy and fluffy, you need to properly prepare and beat all the ingredients. This is the most important part in preparing the dough. Only if you accurately repeat all the stages of preparation, illustrated with step-by-step photos, will you get a tall and tender, so-called wet one, which does not require additional impregnation. I am describing a recipe for making one sponge cake, which is divided into two layers.

For two sponge cakes we will need:

  • 4 whites from large chicken eggs (D-0 or D-V);
  • 2 yolks from large chicken eggs (D-0 or D-V);
  • 140 grams of extra or premium wheat flour;
  • 80 grams of white sugar (in yolks);
  • 25 grams of powdered sugar (in whites);
  • 1.5 grams of vanilla;
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 1/8 teaspoon fine salt;
  • 90 grams of warm milk 4%-6%;
  • 65 grams of vegetable oil (unscented and without added aromas).

If you are using D-1 or S-1 caliber eggs, then use 130 grams of flour.

How to make milk sponge cake with vegetable oil

And so, in order to make a fluffy sponge cake prepared using the technology of yolks separately from the whites, place the whites in a separate bowl and begin to beat them at low speed until bubbles appear on the surface. After this, add salt and switch the mixer to high speed. Continue beating and add powdered sugar half a teaspoon at a time. As soon as the protein reaches a stable peak, turn off the mixer.

In another bowl, beat sugar, vanilla and yolks until the whole mass is light and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then add the oil and beat for about a minute. Then you can add milk. Mix everything at low mixer speed.

Sift the flour together with baking powder directly into the bowl with the dough.

At low speed, mix the entire mixture in the bowl.

Mix the whites into the dough in two portions. We do this using a silicone spatula using the dough folding method.

The photo shows that the dough is very light and airy.

We transfer it into a mold with a diameter of 20-24 cm. If you take a mold with a large volume, the cake will not be very high. Place the pan on the middle level in a pre-heated oven at 160°C for 40 minutes.

Check the finished cake for dryness and immediately remove it from the mold onto a wire rack until it cools completely.

When the sponge cake has cooled completely, wrap it in film and put it in the cold to mature for 8 hours. You can skip this step if you need to use the cake right away. But after ripening, milk sponge cake with vegetable oil turns out to be the most juicy and easy to work with.

After 8 hours, cut the sponge cake into two layers.

Concluding my recipe for chiffon sponge cake prepared by separating the whites from the yolks, I want to tell you a little secret and reveal my mistake. I baked my sponge cake in a mold d=24 cm. When the dough was already in the oven, I remembered that I forgot to add baking powder. To my delight, my milk sponge cake with vegetable oil rose perfectly! This happened only due to the correctly whipped and correctly mixed proteins in the dough base. So, baking powder, as I am convinced, is not the main component for a tender and fluffy sponge cake.

An airy, tender and fluffy sponge cake is the key to a delicious cake. It is enough to add fruits, nuts or chocolate to it, add cream or your favorite cream - and it is ready to conquer the hearts of the most sophisticated gourmets. Making the right sponge cake at home is easier than you might imagine. I will share all the intricacies of baking high-quality custard sponge cake without soda and baking powder. The enticing aroma of fresh baked goods and a delicious cake will be a reward for your efforts. Just use my proven recipe with step-by-step photos and a tall vanilla sponge cake made with boiling water and vegetable oil, the so-called chiffon sponge cake, will quickly appear in your kitchen. 🙂


  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs;
  • sugar - 120g;
  • flour - 120g;
  • vanillin - 0.5g;
  • boiling water - 2 tbsp;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

How to cook a sponge cake with boiling water and vegetable oil

First of all, you should boil the kettle and weigh all the bulk ingredients. I take a quarter of a bag of vanillin, and it is sold in 2 gram bags.

The basis of a fluffy sponge cake is properly beaten eggs. There is no need to rush and be lazy here. It is the air bubbles that saturate the eggs during beating that act as a leavening agent and cause the biscuit to “grow” in the oven.

Set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. And we begin to beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla. I would like to draw your attention to another advantage of this recipe - we do not separate the yolks from the whites. And this saves time and dishes.

The mass begins to thicken and lighten. Many novice cooks make a common mistake and decide that the eggs have already been beaten, although this is not the case.

Now, without stopping whisking, pour in boiling water in a stream. The egg mass will immediately become more liquid and large bubbles will appear. Beat for a couple more minutes.

Without stopping whisking, pour the vegetable oil in a thin stream directly onto the whisks. Now the egg mass begins to thicken. Beat for another three minutes. The difference in the initial and final states is obvious.

Now, carefully sift a third of the flour onto the beaten eggs. Stir only with a spatula, or, in extreme cases, with a spoon. If you want a luxurious tall sponge cake, forget about the mixer at this stage forever!

Mix the flour with careful scooping movements from bottom to top, stirring with a spatula from the edges to the center. No sudden circular movements.

In two more steps, add all the flour into the dough. It turns out to be quite thick and flows off the shoulder blade like a ribbon, as in the photo.

I don’t grease the baking pan with anything, I line the bottom with parchment. For this amount of dough, a mold with a diameter of 22 cm is optimal. The finished sponge cake can be cut into three thin cake layers. I recommend using a springform pan to make it easier to remove the baked crust. And then, it’s convenient to assemble multi-layered ones in it.

Place the pan with the dough in the hot oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. The exact time depends on each specific oven. Do not open it during baking so that the biscuit does not fall off.

You can check the readiness of the cake with a toothpick. Another method is that when you press in the middle, a properly baked sponge cake springs slightly and returns to its original state. Turn it upside down in the pan and leave it to cool completely. This way we play it safe so that it doesn’t settle after baking. This step is optional, but if I have time, this is what I do.

The time has come to release our handsome man from his uniform. Carefully run a knife along the sides and open the ring.

You can evaluate the structure of our custard sponge cake. Even in the photo you can see that it turned out porous and airy.

As you can see, preparing a beautiful and tall chiffon sponge cake using boiling water and vegetable oil at home is not at all difficult. Delicious ideas and their implementation!