House      12/29/2023

How much money does a forester earn in Russia and other places? “There is little money, but life is good.” One day with a district forester Advantages of the forester profession

Most people confuse forester and forester. Forester is a forest guard profession that was abolished in 2007. They protected their section of the forest from illegal logging, hunting and other violations. The current forester manages the forest: monitors its condition, ensures the renewability of the natural resource, etc.

The forester of the Iske-Kazan district forestry lives in the village of Vysokaya Gora, 15 kilometers from Kazan, on a street adjacent to a forest.

His working day starts at 7:00. The forester's office is not located in a spruce forest, as it might seem, but in an ordinary building with European-quality renovation.

“Have you seen these bushes? “I planted them myself, raised them and trimmed them,” smiling, forest inspector Stepan Bogdanov, a plump man of about fifty in a green uniform and a thick jacket, points to the green spaces. “The thuja seeds are already ripe, I’ll collect them soon.”

A minimum of furniture, a maximum of green ornamental plants - everything in the forester’s office indicates that he is a person who is not indifferent to nature. Stepan Bogdanov will spend about an hour and a half in the office: he needs to fill out documentation related to cutting and planting trees, make notes about the work done in a thick green book - the forester’s work plan and reporting for the next ten years.

Stepan Bogdanov comes to work at 7:00. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“45 dry trees were cut down,” writes Bogdanov and explains that the forest begins to be cleared of dead wood in the spring. — This work will be completed in the fall. Dead wood quickly flares up during a fire, and it is also a breeding ground for bark beetles. Therefore, rotten trees are cut down and taken out of the forest.”

By 7:30-8:00 the forester’s subordinates arrive in the building: among their own they are called “masters of the forest.”

In the Iska-Kazan district forestry area of ​​7139 hectares of land, only four people work.

Aliya Sharafutdinova

Everything in the forest can be found at

Around 9:00, the forester himself, with one of the foremen, in an old Niva, goes to one of the forest areas 10 kilometers from the office. Along the edges of the asphalt route, the forest gives way to sparse forest. “Where trees are rare, we supplement the area with seedlings. You see, here the forest is becoming liquid. This is our future client,” laughs Stepan Bogdanov.

There is a gazebo not far from the side of the road. “We built it in winter, making people happy. Now tired travelers often stop here,” the forester points and smiles. In the forest, the car bounces over potholes and shakes, but the “forest people” (as they call themselves) are already accustomed to this.

In winter, the forester and craftsmen built a gazebo. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“Hello,” mushroom pickers passing by address the forester. “How to get to the pine plot?” Stepan Bogdanov explains in which direction which mushrooms can be found. The forester himself rarely collects mushrooms - there is not enough time. The man knows every tree in this area and will never get lost. “A knowledgeable person will never lose his bearings. Finds the way to the house by plants, by the position of the sun. For example, where the north is can be determined by the anthills,” he points to the home of the hardworking insects. “They almost always build their abode on the south side of the tree, since ants need direct sunlight to live.”

The location of something in the forest can be found out by the “address”, where the block, section, plot are indicated. One block is separated from another by clearings - cut-out strips four meters wide. The quarter consists of sections and plots.

The forest is divided into blocks, sections and plots. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

"Forest People"

It's September outside, and the trees are still green. Only the yellowed leaves of birch trees remind us of the imminent arrival of golden autumn.

The forester says that the forest, like any living organism, has its age. Laughs: they are the same age as their forest.

“Forests need to be protected and expanded,” says the man. — At the beginning of the 19th century, forest cover in the Kazan province was 52%. Now in Tatarstan forests occupy only 17.5% of the territory.

Having reached the place, the foreman and forester begin to mark old and diseased trees, which will then be cut down and removed from the forest by forestry workers. Having cut off part of the bark with an ax and smeared the cut with paint, he hits the trunk with a special hammer. A “star” is imprinted on the wood. Then he measures the diameter of the tree and enters information about the plant into the count sheet. Craftsmen perform this work from spring to autumn.

An asterisk means the tree needs to be cut down. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

By noon the men go home for lunch. Stepan's wife and twelve-year-old son set the table while Bogdanov's older children dig potatoes in the garden.

By 14:00 the forester goes into the forest again to collect viburnum berries. “Every year we remove 20-25 kilograms of hardwood seeds. In the fall, we collect seeds of Tatarian maple, spirea, sea buckthorn, bird cherry, rowan, etc.,” he says, heading towards the trees. Bending the branches of the viburnum towards him, he cuts off the red bunches with scissors and tells how he became a forester. “I was born and raised in the village of Uryasbash (Kukmorsky district of Tatarstan), adjacent to the forest. Even when I was in school, the forester often took us with him to collect Christmas tree cones and set up bird feeders. He had a cordon in the thicket of the forest. At the beginning of the 20th century, a forester was considered a wealthy person. His family was always well-fed. What do you need in the village? Hay and firewood. The forester had plenty of them,” the man recalls, without looking up from his work. “So I decided that I wanted to live as well as he did.” I entered the Lubyanka Forestry Technical School, graduated and was assigned to the Suburban Forestry. It’s been 25 years since I’ve been in this field,” says the Honored Forester of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The family is waiting at home with a delicious lunch. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“The forest is your whole life, it is both a friend and a place of peace”

Stepan Bogdanov complains that the forester profession has now lost its former prestige. “Previously, foresters were helped by fellow villagers, since their work was rewarded with hay or firewood. Times are not the same now,” he says. The salary of a forester is 12,000 rubles, and that of craftsmen is only 5,000 rubles. “Young people don’t stay in this industry for long; only people devoted to their profession who love and respect nature remain,” sums up the forester.

According to Bogdanov, to become a forester, love for the forest is not enough. Deep knowledge, environmentalist thinking and readiness for physical labor are required. “Since 2007, with the introduction of the new Forest Code, forests can be rented. In this case, all my functions must be performed by the tenant. But most often people use the territory and forget that it needs care,” complains Stepan Bogdanov. — Numerous amendments to the law are often not beneficial. For example, village forests were left in limbo.”

The forester knows everything about trees. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

According to the man, the forest is a whole life, it is both a friend and a place of peace. “It will dispel your sadness, give you health, won’t leave you hungry, and so many family memories are associated with this place,” he continues. Bogdanov’s three sons grew up helping their father; Stepan’s wife works as a foreman and also takes care of the forest.

Having collected all the berries from the bush, the forester went to look for the next tree. “Viburnum is harvested for seeds in September, but if you harvest it for food, it is better if it freezes. Then the berries become sweeter,” says the forest guard.

“It’s better to pick viburnum for food when it freezes,” advises the forester. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“So that the forest does not disappear, we cut down what is sick”

The work of a forester is largely determined by the season. For example, during the fire-hazardous summer time, it is necessary to regularly go around the “possessions”, and during the New Year period, patrols are carried out, as the number of people wishing to get Christmas trees for the New Year increases.

After talking, we go out to the forest cutting site. Two forestry workers load wood on a tractor. They remove and dispose of diseased, damaged and drying trees. To keep the forest healthy, forest rangers monitor for signs of disease or insect pests.

“In 2010, dry grass caught fire here and slightly damaged the root system,” Stepan Bogdanov points to the blackened trunks of tall pines near the stump. “As a result, the trees weakened and began to dry out. The cause of the fire was never determined." Local residents discovered the fire and reported it to the forest ranger. “Not all the trees have dried up, so the workers leave the trees with a green crown and cut down only the dried ones,” the forester shows and adds. “The most amazing thing is that in place of ashes, the forest often regenerates itself. Since many plants burned out during the fire, and the earth received enough fertilizer in the form of ash, every seed that fell into the soil grows.”

Craftsmen clear the forest of dead wood. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

Every year, 15-20 hectares of young trees are planted in the forestry. After the forestry department issues seedlings to the forestry department, Stepan Bogdanov determines the time and place of their planting. “I check the composition of the soil and the presence of insects in the ground. Conifers and birch love poor soil,” the forester shares his secrets. All work is carried out by craftsmen, sometimes their families, schoolchildren or fellow villagers come to help, since trees need to be planted in time from September to October. “About 30% of seedlings die because they cannot withstand drought,” admits the forester.

On the way home, we pass by an endangered village located in the wilderness, and past abandoned buildings of a former military unit. “Previously, about 50 people lived in the village, but now there are only two families left. People are moving to the city for better conditions,” comments the forester.

The forester comes home at 19:00 and gets down to work at home: he takes care of the livestock and works in the garden. Stepan Bogdanov considers himself a happy person.

Many people think that “forester” and “forester” are the same position, but they are mistaken. These are completely different professions.

The forester is the guardian of the forest, and the forester is its “master”. This means that he carries out management and economic activities.

Profits of professionals

Forest ranger salaries in Russia are very low compared to the degree of responsibility and risk they bear.

The minimum salary for a young specialist does not exceed 19,000 rubles. ($333).

The average income is 23,000 rubles. ($403) .

The revenue of experienced professionals reaches 45,000 rubles. ($789).

Despite such small salaries, each worker is allocated a plot of up to 200 thousand hectares of forest.

He bears full responsibility for everything that happens in this territory.

The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing a bill that would equate foresters to police officers and judges.

They will have the right to detain troublemakers in the forest, take away their guns and deliver them to the appropriate authorities.

In Belarus, a beginner specialist earns 490 BYN. rub. ($243), the average wage is 700 Belarusian. rub. ($342) .

The salary of a professional with extensive experience exceeds 850 BYN. rub. ($422).

Average salaries of Ukrainian forest workers (in UAH):

  • forestry technician – 3260 ($116);
  • assistant forester – 3468 ($123);
  • forest firefighter – 3550 ($126);
  • forestry consultant – 4140 ($147);
  • forestry manager – 5605 ($199).

Forestry structure

The head of the forestry enterprise or timber industry enterprise is the director of the enterprise.

Subordinate to him in a descending hierarchy:

  • chief forester;
  • assistant forester;
  • master of the forest;
  • foresters;
  • lumberjacks.

Job responsibilities

A forester is a specialist in the reproduction, protection and extraction of forests.

He has a wide range of duties that he performs in the entrusted territory:

  • protects forests and wild animals from poachers and illegal logging;
  • ensures that planned felling does not harm the forest;
  • organizes the cleaning of the area from dead wood and dead wood;
  • prepares seedlings for planting after cutting down;
  • carries out fire prevention measures;
  • monitors signs of diseases in plants and trees, as well as the appearance of harmful insects;
  • organizes sanitary felling of trees that cannot be treated.

How to become a specialist?

To occupy this position, you must have completed a university degree in Forestry or Forestry.

A professional knows very well:

  • biology;
  • ecology;
  • soil science;
  • how to protect plants from insects and diseases;
  • fire prevention methods;
  • economic and legal aspects of their work.

Specialists work in:

  • forest areas;
  • forestry farms;
  • forestry enterprises and timber industry enterprises;
  • hunting farms;
  • other organizations related to forests.

They must have ecological thinking; their activities are aimed at preserving and increasing green spaces.

The place of work, responsibilities and lifestyle of foresters are very different from the everyday bustle of city residents. Because of this, this profession is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, which we will try to lift today.

Plants are the source of air on the planet, which necessitates a number of conservation, planting and green space care. Unfortunately, the level of environmental pollution due to the increase in industrial production and the careless attitude towards nature on the part of humans threatens the preservation of a clean atmosphere. There are also frequent cases of forest fires, illegal cutting of trees or invasions of poachers. Therefore, today the issue of protection and protection of forestry, which is dealt with by foresters, is very urgent.

The place of work, responsibilities and lifestyle of foresters are very different from the everyday bustle of city residents. Because of this, this profession is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, which we will try to lift today.

Who is a forester?

According to the stereotype forester- this is a man who walks through the forest with a gun and lives on the outskirts. However, this understanding is outdated. Today, representatives of this profession must have special knowledge and skills that can be obtained in an educational institution.

Being a full-time employee of the forestry department, which is confirmed by the presence of documents and a special form, the forester performs the duties of inspecting and monitoring a certain area of ​​the forest fund, which is part of the state property. The forester is the guardian of the forest. He is the one who knows what measures need to be taken to prevent dangerous situations and keep trees and other plantings healthy.

The history of the profession begins in the 9th century. It was at that time that the need arose to protect the forest from illegal hunting and logging. Responsibilities for protecting forests were assigned to people living in close proximity to them. Since they were in the service of the feudal lords, who owned not only forest lands, but also fields, reservoirs and pastures, they were called representatives of the forest guard.

In our country, foresters as such appeared in the first half of the 20th century, when a national forest fund, which contributed to the revival and increase in forest area. This fund had several divisions, which included foresters, their assistants, linemen and scouts. Over time, the position of lineman was replaced by the position of forester.

By the way, foresters are often identified with forest rangers, although these are two different professions. The forester plays the role of forest manager and monitors the entire forest area. Foresters walk around and protect the areas of forest entrusted to them and are subordinate to the forest rangers.

The forestry assigns a forest plot to each forester and issues him an individual passport, which includes a list of lands, structures, buildings and everything under his control. forest property. According to this document, the employee carries out a daily walk around the forest, and if any danger is detected, notify management about it.

When conducting a walk-through, the forester must:

  • identify dead wood and trees damaged by pests and diseases, and also take measures to cut them down and treat them;
  • prevent and extinguish fires;
  • prevent unauthorized logging;
  • check availability of hunting licenses;
  • identify areas for planting new trees;
  • carry out housekeeping work;
  • protect animals from poachers;
  • explain to the population the rules of behavior in the forest;
  • monitor the safety of signs, telephone lines and fire stations;
  • monitor compliance with the rules of animal grazing and haymaking.

Sometimes, if there are hunting grounds, in a circle duties of foresters includes performing the functions of a huntsman.

What personal qualities should a forester have?

The specifics of a forester’s work require from a specialist, first of all, a love of nature. Since people in this profession have to deal with all types of green spaces, they must be well versed in botany: be able to treat trees, fight pests, determine their age, and much more. Geography is also useful in forestry, knowledge of which makes it possible to read and draw maps. He must also have a good memory and be attentive.

Good physical fitness and health are of great importance for a forester. This is due to the need to cover long distances on foot every day and in any weather and be prepared for hard manual labor. Any allergies to plants or diseases of the musculoskeletal system will be a contraindication for activities in this position.

The fight against unauthorized logging and hunting requires a specialist to have integrity, courage and determination.

Advantages of the forester profession

Unity with nature for a forester is the main advantage of the job. This profession employs people who like to be in silence and walk to the rustle of leaves and the singing of birds. At the same time, staying away from city smog allows them to maintain good health.

The profession involves working in the public service and gives the right to receive social security. The legislation establishes for forestry employees and his family certain benefits. A forester can count on various bonuses for length of service and bonuses.

Another benefit is the additional leave (besides the annual one) that is granted every three years. For some specialists, the provision of office housing is of great importance. In addition, there are other state guarantees that allow foresters to feel comfortable and receive certain benefits from the profession.

Disadvantages of the forester profession

The profession is not one of the prestigious and highly paid jobs with prospects for career growth, which makes it less in demand among the population. In addition, the salary of a forester in the regions of Russia is only from 8 to 18 thousand rubles (in Moscow 25-30 thousand). Therefore, he does not have to count on a high level of well-being.

Disadvantages also include existing risks to life and health. In the fight against natural disasters and armed poachers, unforeseen situations occur that can negatively affect health forestry worker. In addition, in hunting areas there are cases of attacks by predatory animals.

Where can I get a profession as a forester?

Unlike a forester, who needs to obtain a higher education to work, a future forester only needs to undergo training at a college or forestry technical school in the specialty “Forestry and forestry management.

Other options for obtaining this specialty include training in special courses, which in a short time will allow you to obtain a basic set of necessary knowledge and skills.

If desired, a forester can take advanced training courses while maintaining his job. Despite the fact that this profession does not provide for career growth, upon graduation from a university he can retrain as a forester, which to some extent implies the acquisition of a higher position.

Complete training in specialties " Forestry" and "Forestry" is possible in such universities as:

  • Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostycheva;
  • St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy named after. S. M. Kirov;
  • Mari State Technical University;
  • Voronezh State Forestry Academy;
  • Russian State Agrarian University.

Image sources:,,,

The official salary of people who work as foresters in Russia today is no more than 6 thousand rubles. As you can see, wages are quite low. Because of this, most people simply do not want to work in this specialty. But those foresters who continue to work today will retire in a few years. Who will replace them with such a small salary? It is worth remembering that a forest without a forester will simply cease to exist.

We must also remember that for many years our country has been considered the most global forest power. This is due to the fact that we have the largest areas of forest land in our state. And no country has such large forests. However, at the moment in Russia there is a very difficult situation. Many people don't know how to live on a minimum wage. That is why foresters are interested in the question of whether wages will be increased in 2018.

A resident of Russia knows every day that the lungs of our planet are the forest itself and nature in general. Therefore, it is quite important to treat it very carefully and tenderly. Scientists have been able to prove that forests and people are ready to feel anxiety. At the same time, it gives every person joy and clean air. But foresters are needed to maintain the forest in proper condition

In addition, these are the people who watch what happens in the forest all year long. Please note that this profession has its own structure with a fairly clear hierarchy. A forester is a full-time employee assigned to a specific area of ​​the forest. The forester also has special uniforms and a special passport. There is a clearly defined area that is monitored by a specific employee. Workers who work as foresters in Russia monitor the planting and cutting down of trees. In addition, they are required to care for various forest crops.

How have salaries changed in recent years? What are the problems?

There have been fewer and fewer employees in this field over the past few years. so here a rather thorny question arises about who will provide proper care for the forest and protect forest reserves. A very large amount of illegal logging has been recorded in Russia for several years in a row. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this situation is observed in every region.

Today the situation in Siberia is very difficult. The thing is that this region has quite large tracts of forest. But control over them is carried out by a small number of employees. We must also add quite a lot of damage to the market from the direct development of the black market for wood. It is because of this that official timber harvesting is unprofitable.

At the same time, our authorities have been considered the largest supplier of timber in Asia and Europe for many years. The state recently discussed the issue of transporting processed wood products from the country, rather than round timber. This issue has not been resolved by the state today, even due to the fact that deforestation in Russia has increased significantly.

Real numbers and salary calculations. How to solve a problem?

Due to the fact that at present very few people monitor the forests in Russia, illegal logging has become more frequent. And this problem can be solved only after the state strengthens control over the protection and use of forests. However, it must be said that this will not happen until a fresh stream of forest care specialists arrives.

Of course, for officials, first of all, the solution to this issue will depend on finances. In other words, until foresters’ salaries become higher, there will be a fairly small number of people in Russia who will want to monitor not only the condition of forests, but also illegal logging.

Many college graduates today are looking for work in other industries. But almost no one wants to work in their specialty, since the salary offered to them is very low. All this indicates that the money that the country allocates for training specialists is simply wasted. Employee salaries are expected to increase by 6 percent throughout 2018. The state is currently working on creating new bonuses to the forester’s salary. And the salary, if available, will be greater.

Officials believe that thanks to this, young specialists will become interested in the profession. Russia simply needs them to monitor forest lands. Next year, 2018, people who work as foresters in our state will receive an indexed salary. But the government itself has not yet specified when exactly the indexation will be carried out.

What can foresters expect in 2018?

In Russia, for several years in a row, one can see a very big problem with illegal logging. And all because employees are paid little, no one wants to work for pennies. In addition, the work of a forester is not so simple. So the authorities have planned indexation for 2018.

Forester- This is a forestry employee, an employee of the state forest protection. The forest and its inhabitants need protection from poachers, illegal logging, and fires. The forester provides this protection. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

When loggers, hunters and others who want to get something more from the forest than fresh air and a basket of mushrooms appear in the forest, the forester checks their documents: the right to felling, hunting, grazing, etc.

He also makes sure that no one lights a fire during hot weather. If someone breaks the rules, the forester has the right to detain him and draw up a forest violation report. In some cases, it is limited to suggestion: for many people it is enough to simply explain why they should not pick Red Book flowers and why a glass bottle thrown among the moss is dangerous. (For your information, the bottle not only litters the forest, but can also cause a fire because it acts like a lens.)

Each forester is assigned a section of the forest - a forest bypass - for which he is responsible. The forester not only fights against violators, but also organizes human activity in the forest: he manages the process of planting forests, mass collection of seeds and fruits, participates in the allocation of plots for logging, cutting areas for pastures and hayfields, etc.

But it is not only humans who harm the forest. When a forester notices insect pests or diseases affecting trees on his site, he informs the forestry - the forest foreman (this is the forester’s immediate superior) or the forester. And then, under their leadership, he participates in the treatment of trees, sanitary felling, etc.

But the biggest danger for the forest is fire. The fire spares neither trees, nor birds, nor animals. A forester participates in extinguishing forest fires. And to avoid them, a lot of time is devoted to preventing natural disasters. He makes sure that people do not make fires, cuts down and removes dead wood from the forest.

In case a fire does occur, the land between the forest sectors is plowed using a tractor and plow. This is a mandatory preventive measure, because the dug up earth can stop the ground fire. The ground is plowed regularly so that grass, an obedient conductor of flame, does not have time to grow on it.

To slow down the riding fire, the forester monitors the crowns of trees on the border of sectors: trees in different areas should not have their branches touching each other.

Foresters are forest protectors. And the endless taiga, and small copses, and urban forest parks, and deep forests, where the nearest city is hundreds of kilometers away - they all need the help of these people.


A forester works in forestry or hunting, where he can perform the duties of a huntsman.


Salary as of 09/05/2019

Russia 30000—40000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a forester presupposes a love of nature and a sense of responsibility for it, integrity and courage, without which the fight against poachers is impossible. A forester must be an easy-going, hardy person, ready for physical exertion and manual labor. He often has to walk long distances, work with a saw, shovel and other tools. A forester needs a good memory, including visual memory, the ability to plan his time, and distribute attention.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, allergies to plants, significant impairment of vision and hearing are contraindications.

Knowledge and skills

A forester needs knowledge in the field of botany, zoology, ecology, and environmental management. He must be well versed in the area, be able to read and draw maps, and be proficient in forestry methods.

Where to study to be a forester

In this course you can get a profession as a forestry specialist in 3 months and 15,000 rubles.
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!;
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The profession of a forester can be obtained by graduating from a forestry technical school or college with a specialty in forestry and forestry.

You can also take special courses.