House      12/27/2023

Why did you dream about the hole? Why do you dream about a hole? Why do you dream about falling into a deep hole?

It is not always the case that a person is able to independently solve the riddle of dreams that disturb his nightly peace. A dream book will help him cope with this task. The pit is a very ambiguous symbol, which is interpreted differently by guidebooks to the world of dreams. Most dream books associate it with danger, an obstacle, a problem. Why is she dreaming?

English dream book: pit

The English dream book has been helping people understand the secret meaning of night dreams for more than a century. What does this dream book say about deepening in the ground? The pit, if you rely on his interpretation, never dreams of good things. A person whose affairs in reality are rapidly deteriorating can descend into it in a dream. It is possible that the dreamer’s financial situation will deteriorate so much that he and his family will be in need.

Women in love often dream of a pit. If the feeling of anxiety does not leave you even upon awakening, you should pay close attention to your relationship with your chosen one. There is a high probability that the man has lost interest in the object of his passion, and alienation has arisen between the lovers.

What other subjects does the English Dream Book consider? A hole, if the dreamer falls into it, dreams of betrayal, which will cause a deep emotional wound. It can be done by a close friend or significant other. Such a dream poses the greatest danger to farmers and traders; they will face significant financial losses caused by external circumstances.

See her

Obstacles, danger - this is the meaning given to night dreams, in which the dreamer looks at a hole in the ground, in almost every dream book. The pit that appears in nightmares warns that a person in reality is making plans that are not destined to come true. The reason for this is most likely to be the machinations of ill-wishers. The dreamer will be able to avoid problems if he finds a way to “bypass” the hole and comes up with a more effective plan.

A cesspool is a symbol whose meaning is explained in Miller’s dream book. Oddly enough, the famous psychologist does not consider such a dream a negative omen. It promises its owner news that may turn out to be not only bad, but also good. In any case, the information received in the near future will have a significant impact on the life of the dreamer and his family.

Dig it

What other interpretations does the dream book offer? Digging a hole in a dream can be done by people who will soon encounter an obstacle in real life. An unexpected problem will arise due to a mistake made by themselves. It is possible that they will try to deceive or frame another person, but they themselves will find themselves in a trap. Honesty towards others will help prevent such an outcome of events.

Miller's dream book reveals the meaning of a dream in which a person first digs a hole and then tries to get out of it. This indicates that in reality the dreamer already understood what his mistake was. He is currently trying to fix it, but it is difficult to achieve.

Jump over it

What other dreams related to digging in the ground does the dream book study? A hole (deep) can be a good thing in dreams if in night dreams a person tries to jump over it. It's great if his attempt is successful. In real life, he will cope with all problems and overcome all obstacles. Guides to the world of dreams claim that such dreams are seen by inventive and courageous people who are lucky in life.

Unfortunately, the dream book also offers a negative interpretation. Falling into a hole while trying to jump over it means that a person will not be able to cope with troubles without outside help. It is possible that the problem has already turned into a snowball that cannot be stopped.

Bottomless pit

What other options does the dream book consider? A deep hole is far from the only symbol that can appear in dreams. How to understand a dream in which the dreamer is trying to find out the depth of a hole in the ground by throwing pebbles into it? It's bad if he manages to find out that the pit is bottomless. Such a plot warns that in real life a person intends to agree to a reckless adventure. There is a high probability that the risk will be unjustified and will result in significant financial losses.

Fall into it

How else will the dream book help? Falling into a hole in a dream is the worst possible option. Such a dream predicts a mortal danger that the dreamer will have to face in reality in the near future. He can avoid problems if he exercises extreme caution. It is necessary to avoid adventurous transactions for some time, limit communication with unfamiliar people or completely abandon it.

A person may also dream about how he voluntarily descends into a hole in the ground using a rope. Such night dreams also do not bode well. They can be perceived as a warning that the dreamer is preparing to make a big mistake and is committing rash actions.

There are also frequent dreams in which something valuable to the dreamer falls into a hole. If this item cannot be obtained, the dream can safely be classified as a bad prediction. In reality, the owner of the dream will have to pay for the bad deed he has committed. There is a high probability that negative events will deprive him of sleep and peace.

Get out of it

Many people associate the pit with the bottom; this symbol is used in literature when the author wants to show that his hero has occupied the lowest rung of the social ladder. It is not surprising that dreams in which a person is trying to get out of it predict his career advancement in real life. If the attempt is successful, the dreamer can safely count on acquiring a higher social status.

If the owner of the dream fails to get out, dream books recommend taking a closer look at your immediate surroundings. It is possible that among the dreamer’s acquaintances and friends there are people who should not be trusted. Enemies who are trying to ruin life can be fought if a person is able to figure them out.

Freud's Dream Book

What interpretation does the compiled one offer? Falling into a hole in a dream means in reality being faced with the need to make a difficult choice. It is likely that the person who has such a dream is preparing to commit a bad act that will be condemned by public morality. If a dream with such a plot disturbs the peace of married people, there is a high probability that they are thinking about cheating, but are afraid to take this step in fear of their other half.

What does it mean to dream in which a person sees other people trapped in a hole? Freud believes that such night dreams disturb the peace of people who are prone to dominance in bed. Such a person needs a partner who agrees to play the role of a follower, otherwise conflicts are inevitable.

Contents of the pit

You should definitely pay attention to the contents of the recess, every dream book will agree with this. A pit with water may be dreamed of by a person who in reality is not able to take control of his life. All his attempts to put things in order end in failure. The hole in which the dreamer sees flowers is a good dream. A streak of luck will soon begin in his life, which will last for a very long time.

A hole with sand in it does not bode well. In reality, a person feels the precariousness of his position, but cannot do anything about it. Having discovered lions or tigers at the bottom of a pit, you should mentally prepare yourself to fight insidious enemies who will achieve victory without choosing any means. A pit infested with snakes warns the dreamer about the same thing.

Surprisingly, many dream books consider a dream about a pit with garbage to be a good omen. Such a dream foretells the dreamer a profit that will come from an unexpected source. It will turn out to be so large that for several more years he will not have to worry about earning money to satisfy his needs. A love adventure for lonely people is promised by a snow-covered hole in the ground. Those who already have a partner can expect an improvement in their financial situation.

One of the worst omens. Falling into a hole in a dream predicts sudden death from an accident.

If you dreamed that you fell into a hole, imagine that your friends quickly pulled you out of it, and together you filled the hole with earth.

If someone you know falls into a hole, this person faces death. If you see a hole in a dream and go around it, you will be able to avoid death, but a great loss awaits you. Digging a hole - you will have bitter troubles associated with the funeral. If someone else is digging a hole, the betrayal of a loved one will be a blow for you, as a result of which you may become dangerously ill.

Such dreams are very difficult to process. The best way to practice them is to present the dream situation in a comic form. For example, if you (or someone else) falls into a hole, imagine that it is not a hole, but a gutter that is full of manure (see Manure, Excrement). If you see that they are digging a hole, do as the famous aphorism advises: if they are digging a hole for you, do not interfere. Once finished, make a pool!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Pit

To dig a very deep hole and not know how to get out of it - you have to realize the error of your actions;

Walking through the forest and falling into a pit with animals - you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own negligence;

Dropping something into a hole and not finding it means sudden enrichment;

For a woman, looking into a hole and not seeing the bottom means sadness and loneliness;

For a man, this dream means meeting the right person, receiving a lucrative offer, new prospects;

Seeing a pit with garbage means receiving important news by mail or through a messenger, messenger, or stranger;

Filling a hole with earth means you have to do something that will change the opinions of others about you.

Also see Ditch, Dig, Cliff, Forest.

Interpretation of dreams from

Falling into a hole in a dream, seeing yourself at the bottom is not always bad. A dream means the beginning of a new period. Even if you dreamed that you couldn’t climb up, don’t rush to despair - life tells you that it’s time to get rid of old principles and dogmas. Why you dream of falling into a toilet hole, dream books interpret it taking into account the emotions and health of the dreamer.

What does Miller's dream book say?

Psychotherapists and psychologists note a difficult stage in life if you happen to see in a dream how someone stumbled and fell down. Either you have taken the wrong path yourself, or one of your friends is encouraging you to make mistakes.

To clarify for yourself why you dream of falling into a hole, you need to remember what was inside and what sensations you experienced, only then does it make sense to look into the dream book:

  • to settle in toilet sludge - to receive money in a not entirely honest way;
  • to be in a container with cesspool waste - to humiliation, shame;
  • twisting a leg, getting other injuries - to correct the mistakes of the past;
  • collapse into emptiness - to spiritual growth.

Don’t rush to enjoy easy money

Sometimes, seeing yourself among feces, falling into a hole in a dream, into a toilet, or into a cesspool is a fairly positive symbol. A dream means considerable income. However, if you dreamed that you didn’t like the smell around you, the money will go to your account in a not entirely legal way. To accept them or not - you must decide for yourself.

Tsvetkov’s dream book, explaining why one dreams of being drawn into a fetid abyss, warns companions and colleagues against cunning. Most often, the dreamer runs the risk of becoming a victim of deception. If you dreamed that you fell into a hole not alone, but together with a friend, expect a trick from your loved ones and friends.

Beware of charlatans

Falling into a pit dug with your own hands in a dream, falling into a hole - means committing bad deeds, for which you will have to blush and be ashamed. Seeing slops and dirty water in front of you means gossip and unpleasant situations. If you dreamed that you couldn’t get out on your own, get ready to easily lose funds that you got through dishonest means.

The dream book of Nostradamus, describing why one dreams of falling into a hole, attaches importance to the emotions of the sleeper. The fortuneteller’s interpretation of the dream comes down to the possibility of missing a long-awaited chance if, having fallen down, you experienced bitterness and resentment.

Don't be afraid to start over

Seeing the very bottom means renewal of feelings. Velesov’s dream book calls not to be afraid of failure and to launch a new project. Nothing will spoil your reputation in reality if there was no fear in the dream. Luck loves brave people and you can quickly find a way out of any difficult situation.

Looking at the clear sky above you after you have managed to fall into a hole means spiritual growth and internal cleansing.

According to Felomena’s dream book, a hole is a harbinger of a catch. You should be on your guard: don’t brag, trust only those closest to you. There may also be unpleasant surprises and shocks that will leave an indelible impression on the soul.


What kind of hole did you dream about?

I dreamed about a deep hole▼

The dream book warns: a deep or bottomless pit is a call to maintain a sober mind in any situation. They will try to drag you into an adventure that is completely unprofitable and dangerous.

If you dream of a grave pit ▼

Why do you dream about a grave pit? This plot is a good omen. This is a symbol of professional success and financial stability. Single people will meet their love, and couples in love will have a happy marriage or addition.

Cesspool in a dream▼

A dream about a cesspool indicates negativity that is interfering with your life. Try to abstract yourself from the harmful ones, otherwise you may miss all the joyful moments.

I dreamed of a hole in the road▼

The pit on, as the dream book notes, symbolizes the path of life created by people from your environment. Try to stop communicating with people who put their own benefit at the forefront.

Why do you dream about a hole in a cemetery ▼

A cemetery pit in a dream is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways. If there is a coffin inside, dangers, shocks, etc. lie ahead. Empty hints at the unreasonableness of your views, do not show distrust of others.

What did you do in your dream?

Falling into a hole in a dream▼

If you dreamed of falling into a hole, a serious trouble is coming that will affect the future. Aspects jealously controlled by you will come under. But in the future everything will get better.

Into a hole without a bottom - to a series of minor, family and professional troubles. However, it is unlikely that at least one of them can seriously ruin your life.

Why dream of falling into a hole▼

According to the dream book, falling into a hole is a big failure. It may seem like everything in the world is against you. But courage will also allow you to return life to normal.

Dreaming of burying a hole▼

A dream where you happened to dig a hole means that you will soon commit an act that will change your whole life. Surely those around you will change their opinion of you for the better.

Getting out of a hole in a dream▼

If you dream about getting out of a hole, it means you will be able to overcome unfavorable circumstances. Thanks to patience, hard work and will, you will be able to achieve great success.

Dreaming about digging a hole▼

Digging a hole in a dream means misunderstandings due to your illogical, defiant behavior. Also, this plot may reflect your help even to those who do not. Sometimes it's smarter to stay away.

Why do you dream about falling into a hole▼

If you dreamed that you fell into a hole, your health will be at risk. Do not neglect prevention, undergo regular medical examinations, and if you have pain, do not delay visiting a doctor.

Climb out of a hole in a dream▼

The dream book claims that getting out of a hole is a good sign. You can quickly and effortlessly solve everything that has been bothering you for a long time. A bright period is expected in the future.

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Did you dream about Yama, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Pit means in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    • Rita, perhaps you will get into some kind of trouble and a friend will help you get out of it.

      Olya, perhaps your dream about a pit with garbage suggests that you may be in danger of falling below your standard of living.

      • Alsou, falling into a deep and large hole in a dream perhaps means failure in some business, shame.

        • Zoya, sitting in a hole in a dream can mean failure, a fall, trouble, and in this case you will have to rely only on yourself; those around you will not help.

          • Anya, falling into a hole in a dream can portend loss, failure, disappointment; it’s good that you are pulled out of there, which means everything will get better over time.

            • Veronica, perhaps a dream in which you fall into a pit of shit, suggests that in reality, due to your carelessness, you can get into an unpleasant situation.

              Veronica, my father dreamed that my second child fell into a hole and was screaming from there, and his father asked to call an ambulance. At the moment I only have my eldest son, but I suspect that I am pregnant. What could this mean?

              • Katerina, the fact that your child was in a hole may indicate that you will not be able to support him alone.

                • Svetlana, the fact that you dreamed of a hole most likely means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

                  • Victor, the fact that your father-in-law fell into a hole probably promises him traps from an old enemy.

                    And if I dreamed that I was walking down the street with a friend of mine, and she suddenly wanted to jump over a large hole that was in front of us, and jumped... She fell head first there, and ended up in the hospital. Please answer what this dream could mean, I really need it!! Thank you very much in advance..

                    • TuSya*, a hole, as a rule, symbolizes a problem, an obstacle.

                      I dreamed: there was a huge shore and a round hole near the water, where someone was calling for help. The husband, sitting on the shore, runs to this hole and begins to suck him in. I see how he slowly ends up completely there. My uncle tried to pull him out by his leg, but it didn’t work. Only a dead and torn dog was pulled out from there. A terrible scream was also heard from the hole. A feeling of emptiness forced me to climb up to the shore on earthen feet. A small but angry dog ​​jumped at me on the shore and wanted to bite. I woke up.

                      • Svetlana, the fact that there was such a hole in your dream most likely means that you will soon help someone whose situation is almost hopeless.

                        I dream about a deep hole on the beach, like a sandy hole in a cemetery, and at the bottom of this hole my daughter, a friend and her month-old daughter are sleeping. I look, and the sand in the hole begins to crumble. I begin to rake out the sand with my hands (I haven’t climbed into the hole myself) .then I take and pull out my daughter, my friend and her daughter by the backs of their boots. And as soon as I pulled them out, the pit collapsed.

                        Hello. I had a dream that I was on a boat at sea, but not far from the shore, and in the boat itself I began to dig a hole to save the girl, security walked from above and watched my actions. Yes, and there’s also a ladder attached to the boat connecting the birch trees with the boat only its width is small (1 person can pass through). As a result, the girl and I ran from the boat to the shore.

                        • Probably, such a dream in which you were digging a hole warns that your aspirations in unnecessary matters may disrupt the harmony in the relationship.

                          Hello. I had a dream: I was running down the street and a freshly dug hole appeared on my way. I put it in the hole, it’s covered with earth on top, a feeling of fear arises, but then I quickly get out. What could this mean? How creepy someone is!


                          Hello. I had a dream: that our dog was sitting in a hole, and I wanted to get it, but it bit me, I couldn’t get it in my hands, and I left without getting it. I’ll add that the dog I got from her died half a year ago.

                          Hello. I had a dream about my girlfriend, who loves me very much, but I’m not sure that I love her, a dream: she dreamed that I was standing digging a hole, she came up and asked what I was doing, I said I was digging a hole, and the dream was interrupted. Why is this, please answer. Thank you.

                          Hello! My man had the following dream the other day. I will describe it on his behalf. I stand over a hole and, with the help of some device incomprehensible to me, I dig it. Or rather, not me, but the device itself, practically without my help. The pit turns out to be very smooth, geometrically verified (with smooth walls and 90-degree angles) and very deep. The color of the soil is pure grey. Thank you in advance:)

                          • The dream most likely foreshadows your torment finding a way to discover something hidden.

                            I dreamed that I climbed into a hole myself and was hiding there - in front of it, several men kabutta for me dug it up - and the hole was very narrow - I was going crazy there - suddenly a huge wave came - so long and high - straight at me - When it passed I found myself that she survived in the hole - then crawled out of it - and so climbed into the hole several times to get away from the wave

                            Good afternoon. This is such a dream. Some building (school), my son has an exam (Unified State Examination) there, but I can’t help. worried. And then for some reason I fall into a hole (the hatch is broken), but I don’t fall to the bottom, but hold onto the edges with my hands, there are people around. For some reason I feel uncomfortable and I try to get out myself, I understand that I can, there is no fear, but someone’s hands easily pull me out. This is such a dream. Help!

                            I dreamed of a woman who fell into a hole but not to the bottom, and so you could see her head, the hair on which was burning, and instead of legs from heels to knees there were bones, not much with meat (((I just looked

                            My boy had a dream that he was digging a hole and was being helped by his dad (who died) and aunt (who also died). Whatever it means, this dream haunts him. That night, while he was dreaming, his nephew was born.

                            Hello, I dreamed that in my grandmother’s garden there was a huge hole with a roof, but in the dream we called it a cellar, so in the dream my grandmother told me to repair the cellar, I seemed to hang into this hole, but it was earthen, but I seemed to be hammering various holes with boards, but on the other side of the hole there were large holes, one could say that there was no roof there at all, I got up, told my grandmother about this, and my grandfather was also standing there (who died 15 years ago in life back), and he says to his grandmother: “It’s okay if the snow falls, I’ll fix everything for you.”

                            • This dream most likely indicates that you should prepare for the unexpected failure of your plans and hopes for the future.

                              in a dream I saw a huge hole, even an abyss in the middle of my former garden. I walked past the house (where I used to live) with a neighbor, the gate was open and we went into the yard with her. There was this hole, a mountain of earth, clay on the side and 3 girls standing on this pile, in their hands there were chains or ropes with buckets tied to them (like excavator buckets) and they buried this hole. I don’t remember anything else. Thank you.

                              Hello! The other day I had a very unpleasant dream. I’m standing in a dug grave where my mother was once buried. I ask my wife to bring me a ladder so that I can get out quickly. She leaves, and at this time I begins to be sucked underground. First, up to my knees, up to my waist, up to my neck and up to my head. Then I remember flying in the tunnel towards the light. At that time I woke up. This is very bad?

                              Hello. I dreamed that I was going down into a hole with some girl along a wooden ladder, and then dry earth began to fall on us from above. I’m trying to save her, screaming to get out faster. But I never got out, my mother woke me up. I read what it was means death. Help me explain.

                              Hello. I was walking and fell into a “deep” hole, and a voice from the darkness told me that there was a rope on the side, and along it I could get out of the hole onto the “big” mountain. As a result, I climbed up the mountain all dirty!

                              I dreamed that I was my mother and my stepfather at the dacha, and as if my mother was sitting with us and was somehow incomprehensible, transparent or something. Then my stepfather went to dig a huge hole, as I understood it, for my mother. and I looked at the hole and that’s it. then I woke up. please tell me why I dreamed about this!!! I'm very worried!

                              I dreamed that I was in a hole with white sand. There are snake holes all around. There are snakes there, another whisper lay from a snake. It was hard to get out, because... The pit is fishy and the sand is loose. With great difficulty, but I got out

                              my mother dreamed that I, that is, her son, was in a pit with my grandmother. She says there is no need to do something! And she wants to help me, but the ground falls when she comes close. Granny and I are trying to get out, but the stairs are collapsing.

                              Until this time, I dreamed of me falling from a steep bank and asking my father to pull me out, and he laughs and leaves... but yesterday I had a similar dream, but with a young man whom I knew in absentia, so when I fell and asked him to pull me out, he helped me) ) what would that mean?

                              Hello! I’m running, I’m late, I see a hole, I want to take a shortcut, I jump into the hole, get out and run further to the bus. an expensive bus ticket, I go back to buy a ticket at the ticket office and back to the bus through the same hole, but I can’t get out anymore, it’s getting dark, I wake up.

                              Hello! I dreamed that I was in my grandmother’s yard and I saw a closed cellar, and water was oozing from the cellar. I know that this water is from melt water. I walk carefully past the cellar so as not to accidentally fall through. And then I see my grandparents (now deceased), they go straight to the cellar, I abruptly stop the grandmother, and the grandfather has almost fallen through, I grab him by the hand and pull him out. This is such a dream.

                              good health to YOU! I dreamed that I fell into a pit with slurry, I called for help, but help did not come. I am not scared, but anxious. There are a lot of people looking at me, but they don’t want to help, My beloved appeared and began to undress so that I’m getting sick, and I tell him (TAKE A STICK, OR THEY WILL SUCK IN WITH ME) and that’s when I woke up, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANSWER!!

                              Hello, I had a dream that I was climbing out of an abyss (there was fluffy, loose black soil around me) and it wasn’t working, I was climbing again, my legs were heavy, I saw a small staircase made of logs, but when I got to it, the rungs under my feet began to break. And suddenly my friend’s mother extends her hand to me from above ( she has already died), we grew up like family since childhood and says: “Don’t be afraid, everything will be fine!” And she pulled me out, why would that be? Thank you!

                              Hello. I had a terrible dream. It was as if in broad daylight a large purebred dog in a collar with spikes rushed at me and grabbed my hand and chewed it to the blood. Then I started screaming and running away from the dog, but he overtook me, and then we fell with him into a hole reminiscent of a basement where there was a small ray of light under which I stood. I understood that the dog was still somewhere nearby, but he did not appear. I called for help but there was no one, but after long, intense screams, a fair-haired, not young woman saw me and helped me get out. At the moment of my rescue, while I was still in the hole, a dog came. He tried to cuddle and play, but as if he understood that I literally hated him and, as if afraid of me, kept his distance.

                              I saw my dead grandmother in a dream. It’s as if in my garden next to the fence there are two pits full of calla lilies. My grandmother is sitting on one of them. I go up to her and say something and swear. And she invites me to sit on the next hole. And the fence is also all dirty with calla lilies .and some things hanging on the fence are also dirty. Then I woke up.

                              I went down into the hole (tunnel) from above, my youngest son is calling me, but I can’t find the way back. Some woman appeared and wanted to point out a shortcut, and then I woke up without having time to get out. Please tell me, is this a very bad dream??? Thank you!

                              Good afternoon. Today I had a dream: I was walking with my mother and went into the store, and when I came out she was no longer there and then I discovered that she had fallen or fallen into a hatch and could not get out. In a dream, I, along with people I didn’t know, pulled it out and we went home. What does sleep mean?

                              My mother dreamed of a dacha. My dead father stands in one corner of the plot, my mother and brother stand on the other side, and I fell into a hole to the side near the pump with water. She screams and wants to help, and then a huge bear climbs over the fence. She says it was scary, that she broke out in a cold sweat. She then woke up.

                              The guy dreamed that he went down into a hole with a swamp and helped his father get out of there, and then when he began to get out, he saw that his grandfather (who had died long ago) was standing over this hole and looking at him. The guy began to climb further up, and this interrupted the dream.

                              I see me sitting in a ditch, and my husband upstairs. The bottom is hard and dry. We start talking about “who eats more salty foods, who eats less.” I answer my husband that I have been eating salt more than him for 4 years and supposedly I want to check the bottom, whether the earth is salty or not. I pull out a small sprout and then the earth becomes liquid. I was sucked in up to my knees. The husband jumps into the ditch, and the bliss has solid ground under his feet and extends his hand to me. I grabbed my husband’s hand, but I couldn’t pull my legs out (the ground was hard again). My husband says that I am very weak and that now I will rest and my strength will appear. And then I woke up. Please write your answer. By the way, the other day I had a very strong fight with my husband’s brother and his wife.

                              I dreamed of a hole in the middle of the road, and that my dad climbed into it and dug it even deeper
                              then water appeared, and he handed me water with a bucket, then I tried to help him
                              to get out but it didn’t help, I woke up! Tell me why I dreamed about this?

                              I dreamed that I approached a deep hole with water and my watch fell there (which in reality I don’t have and never had) and the water carried it away with the current, I wanted to get it out, but some woman dissuaded me

                              Hello! My mother dreamed that I was digging a hole, something like a large deep flower bed with grooves. The dream ended with her and I standing and looking at the hole, we wanted to bury it and dug further grooves. What does this mean? I have a very difficult one the situation with loans, before the new year I lost my business.
                              Thank you

                              I, along with a friend and her children and with my husband and son, were driving her car and fell into a hole, everything was fine with us and my son was lying on the roof of the car covered in blood, he was choking on his blood and the walls of the hole were in

                              our white car fell into a hole, and there was water and dirt in the hole, and my daughter and I got out of there, but my husband was left to pull the car out, what could this mean, please tell me, but in general the plans were to sell this car that fell into the hole, thanks in advance

                              Hello, I dreamed of a street toilet and when I look into the hole, I see a very deep hole and a man in it and, accordingly, there is feces there. Please tell me why I have such a dream??

                              Hello! I am sitting in a hole, not a big one. It is very difficult to describe and retell. When I woke up I don’t remember the whole dream. I remember that I was sitting in a hole and at one moment in a dream, I stood on top and saw my son in the hole. Everything was cloudy and I couldn’t see the face, just some kind of silhouette. My thoughts are spinning that this is my son and I see him in the hole. Before that, I saw myself in the hole. I dreamed all this last night. Please explain what this is for...

                              I had a dream that I was getting married, I have this dream very often! I marry my loved one, and then I understand that I don’t want to marry him, but I can’t understand the reason, and then he turns into an ex! and I feel disgust and despair that I’m in such a situation. I immediately dreamed about this, it scared me, how I was running from someone through an abandoned building and falling into a pit with garbage... and I realized in a dream that I was dying!!! I often die in my sleep... and then I have a dream I again, as a second chance... I dreamed that I fell into a hole again and my colleague screamed at me from afar, thereby supporting me... the second time I got out of the hole, but the dream scared me..

                              I fell into a hole that was being dug for some kind of work, I fell there somehow absurdly and immediately I seemed to go to the bottom, it was sucked in, I quietly began to stretch upward and more earth fell on me, I screamed, but no one heard , I’m suffocating and I’m almost starting to leave, as if realizing that I’m going to die, suddenly such forces appear that help me get out, so 2 times in a dream, and I’m always running after my friend, like, but we’re not very good and I tell her please and along the way with her 2p so I almost die. then 2 times when I got out, I ran to some cafe and started yelling and beating the woman who seemed to be in charge of excavating this pit. I started screaming and beating hard that it was necessary to put up fences near the pit. and the man said that he saw me there for 30 minutes, in the pit.

                              Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was sitting in a deep hole, trying to get out, but I couldn’t... I called my husband for help, but he refused to help me... I tried to get out myself and came across a snake that attacked me... as a result, I got out of the hole on my own

                              I was at home, the weather was as if after rain, the ground on the street was damp, and I looked out the window, and there were people in black clothes leading small children, there were 7 of them, they put them in a row with their backs and started aiming a pistol at them, I hid so that we wouldn’t see these people, then about an hour passed and I looked out the window again and 7 holes were dug there in which small children stood with their backs, and they were aiming a pistol at them, and on the path some people were carrying seven black small coffins, and that's where the dream ended

                              Hello! In a dream, I dug a very neat, narrow and deep hole across a country road, right next to the houses standing on this street, an area unfamiliar to me. I dug it because I needed land; my mother was also with me, but she did not participate. I don’t know why the land was needed, but everything worked out and I returned there to dig a hole so that people could travel. When I returned, I looked into the hole, water was coming out there... I thought - that means it would be possible to dig a well here. We filled the hole with what we had... in the end it even turned out that it was not grass, but food that we had with us - rabarbar and all sorts of things. Some woman tried to get through in a car, but she couldn’t...

                              I was leaving the store, there was a large rectangular hole...(I know what it looks like), some guy was pouring soup into it...a pit made of sand..i.e. There’s sand all around... if you get closer you’ll fall through... well, I stuck my nose in there anyway... it’s very deep and you can’t see anything... it’s covered with boards because... pouring out from the sand.. I had a feeling that I was really being pulled into this hole.. I threw a rope there and tied the other end to the car.. (I don’t know where I got the Lada, but I definitely remember that it was a Lada), I started backing up to get him out pits...and you know who I pulled out?! that's right... he was listed as missing for many many years... when I pulled him out of the hole, he swore... I took him home, washed him.. fed him.. he was constantly silent.. there was not a single sound, no input or exhalation from him. .I knew that they had already mourned him for a long time..we went to bed..well, that’s it..and he was silent all the time..I asked why he was silent..and he just looked at me with a glassy gaze and was silent..after that we started to fall asleep.. I also thought that he was still in shock, that’s why he was silent.. tomorrow I’ll call his whole family and say that I found him and everything is fine with him.. and he will calm down for now..

                              i dreamed that a large hole was dug in the yard of my parents’ house, the neighbor wanted to take the earth in the yard and dug a hole for the foundation, there was a little water in the hole, but I didn’t let him take the land, I kicked him out from two and began to bury the hole with earth

                              Good afternoon. Today I dreamed of a hole, but it looked more like a rectangle. There was dirt in it, and I used some object that looked like a small shovel (sitting on the edge of the hole) to mix the dirt and look for something. Then I found some kind of weapon that looked like a sword (and I thought that this was Hitler’s weapon, which everyone had been looking for for so long, but could not find - a symbol of his power. Then everything is vague.

                              I dreamed that I was standing in a cesspool, but it was completely empty, and my wife was standing on top. I tell her that I added beneficial bacteria to this hole, but they must be in the water, but the hole is completely empty. My wife goes somewhere, and a spring begins to flow from the hole. Please explain what this means?

                              Hello Tatyana! I dreamed of a hole where my mother was, she died 14 years ago, I pulled her out of this hole, and then I got there myself, she wanted to get me out of it, I was afraid that she would fall into it again and didn’t allow it she had to do this, she undressed and climbed into it, grabbed me and pulled me down, that is, I flew down with her, the pit was light. However, when I flew, I immediately woke up.

                              My husband and I fell into a sand pit in a car, since the car windows were open, we got out of the car, but not from the pit, my husband was sucked into the sand pit, and I got out, then I suddenly discovered that there was a way out of this pit through some kind of pipe, suddenly a guy came out of this pipe, then a cat with a dead rat in its mouth, and then my husband, safe and sound

                              In 2009, my father died.
                              Today, although yesterday I had too much alcohol and the dream was very vivid, I dreamed of my father’s grave outside the cemetery where he is buried. A second hole was dug nearby. My aunt is standing there, I ask her - why is there a hole? She said two should lie down... and then I don’t remember. I woke up. I remember that it seemed like they were not relatives who “must go to bed.” I remember that the question arose - why next to my father then??

                              Hello. I dreamed that my daughter fell into a sewer manhole with deep water. My husband and I were there. My husband stood rooted to the spot, and very quickly and deftly pulled her out of there. What does this dream mean?

                              I saw a huge hole near my parents' house and stepped aside, then my mother came out of the entrance and said something to me, I asked her to carefully turn around and look back, because... there's a hole! She turned around and lost consciousness, fell on the edge! I rushed to her, picked her up and carried her home! Thank you

                              I dreamed that I was taking dishes out of the dishwasher, and they were very dirty. I throw all the cutlery into a hole in the asphalt and it closes automatically before my eyes. And the porcelain is from my mother’s set, which I no longer put on the table. Then my tile falls.

                              I dream that I am standing in front of an elevator shaft, there is someone else who seems to be a close friend, and suddenly he creates a situation from which I have to step back and I fall into a small hole and manage to put my hands out and hang, after a while I get out myself! tell me one person owes me a very large amount of money, maybe a dream leads to this

                              I had a dream that my father and I were walking through a vegetable garden, which is located in a field near our private house in the village, and my father saw how some man was pouring a huge stream of water (like firefighters, even more), through a wide hose, pouring the garden and the field itself are filled with water... The water is clean, blue... Dad flies up to the man and tries to stop him... I come up too, and see that under the flow of water there is a not deep, 1.5 meters, sewer pit with garbage... i.e. It’s dry, but there are cans, bottles and other rubbish lying underneath... As a result, dad couldn’t stop the man and ran into the yard saying: “Okay, pack your things, I’ll go!” What could this mean?

                              Hello, I dreamed that I dug a hole, then pulled out a young tree from some pipe, then went into the car, dug a hole there and planted the tree in the car, and not on the street where the hole was first dug.

                              My loved one dreamed of a big hole and that I was in this hole, he got me out of there, the dream was very scary after this dream, my boyfriend was very upset... please tell me what this could mean?...

                              I dreamed that I was looking for a former friend who I really liked. I am looking for him near his house (We are not in contact at the moment). I can’t find it, and on the way I fall into a small hole, the walls of which are covered with ice. I call for help, no one answers. But I quickly get out and move on. I get lost along the way, please show me how to get there. They take me closer to home.

                              Hello. Today in a dream I saw me, being not far from the house of my deceased grandmother, trying to jump over a large pit with garbage. I can’t jump over it and I fall there, I stand on a big bag, I get out and I see the guys playing football. At the same time, I’m wearing some kind of raincoat and gloves. The dream repeated itself twice in one night.

                              I dreamed that I got into the car in my own blue-gray car in the back seat, and a familiar man, a family friend, was driving. When we went, there was a store on one side, and on the other side there was a dug ditch and water was running through it. The driver took off and we flew sideways into this ditch and I woke up.

                              I fell into a simple hole, I wanted to get out, but when I tried, the hole, the bottom of the hole crumbled like quicksand and I fell even deeper and deeper, I looked at the top, there were holes with the sun's rays, I was even preparing to die in my sleep, but suddenly something carried me from below this thing is like some kind of transport, but you can’t call it that, it doesn’t look like anything, and I was carried to the ground, I remained alive, after that I woke up

                              Hello Tatiana. My husband had a dream. We want to explain. Help. He walks alone in a dream. In front of him he sees a dirty pit. He wanted to go around the hole, but a dog appears. He falls into the hole. The dog follows him, but the dog bites him on the shoulder and falls into the hole with him, he gets out of the hole by the pieces of iron, clinging to something. But the dog is not nearby. He goes further and meets a friend and asks to take off his clothes. because my husband has dirty clothes. Why did I have this dream? Please tell me?

                              I escape from custody while transporting us convicts from one prison to another... I try to break away and with the flow of clean water through the sewer pipes I fall into a hole, and I barely push myself into it, my accomplice helps me... I didn’t touch the bottom, so tied up with my hands and tried to float up... (in my life I am a nurse, I treat children, my daughter is 10 years old... law-abiding...

                              Hello! I dreamed that my nephew and I were relaxing at sea. Let's go for a walk along the coast. We saw a hole into which a donkey had fallen (it was lying alive with its belly up). Someone placed a bowl of food next to her. I felt very sorry for her and wanted to get her out. I don't remember what happened next. Thank you

                              I dreamed that I was taking the children to the garden. It was winter, the son took off his hat and began to shake it out. I started scolding him, he took it and jumped into a deep hole. I jumped after him, but stopped at the top. There was still a little daughter upstairs, I started to think... I need to call and woke up

                              Hello, I had a dream in which I was riding on a tram, and suddenly the rails broke, and I don’t remember how I and several other women ended up in a sand pit, they were taller than me, and were able to get out, but I was deeper and my attempts to get out failed were crowned with success, the sand crumbled from under my hands, and I don’t know how the dream ended, since I woke up.

                              I dreamed that I was in a hole from which it was very difficult to get out. It has embankments and this makes it even more difficult. I take the ladder, but as soon as I start to climb it, I fall back with it. It feels like I'll never be able to get out of here, it's scary.

                              Good afternoon! Today I dreamed that I dropped something into a hole, and I climbed up there to pick it up, but I couldn’t get out, I started calling for help, some girls came and started pulling me up, but they couldn’t pull me out, then it seemed like mine came the guy finally pulled me out of there. In the dream, bright colors didn’t predominate, I just felt some kind of discomfort, I wanted to get out as quickly as possible. What does this mean??? I’ve been very worried lately... I recently got very sick and experienced a frozen pregnancy... what is this dream for?

                              Hello! I dreamed that I fell into a huge hole... While falling, I tried to stop, but nothing happened. I sat in it for a long time until a man came up to me and sat down next to me. Then we just walked out of it, the two of us, from some exit... what could this mean? I woke up unexpectedly from fright. but I don’t remember what I saw and what I was afraid of.

                              I have a younger sister and I dreamed that I was sitting at home with her and she ran away from me into the street and hid behind a huge stone, I told her to come to me, she came to me but fell into a huge hole, I went to get her, I looked at her, she was alive, but she was crying and it seemed like there was blood, so I got her out of the hole.
                              Now I think this is all for the chopping block

                              Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was in a pit... there were trees growing there, but there were no stairs. I started to get out of it, digging into the clay, and just at the edge of the exit, fighting dogs appeared out of nowhere. But I managed to throw them off and they I wasn’t bitten. In the end, I got out and looked up at everyone. What could this mean?

                              The four of us are digging, I am my late stepfather, an elderly neighbor and a man, I know him but I can’t remember. We were digging the ground and it turned out to be a cellar. It was difficult and hot to dig, it was during the day. Then we found ourselves at the bottom of the cellar, it was cool.

                              I have several bags hanging on me, and I don’t remember how I ended up next to this pit. I almost fell, but I managed to grab myself so that now I’m holding on with both hands and trying with my legs (my back is to the hole) and two girls helped me get out, without them I would have fallen, because these bags were heavy on me and the ground was wet and slippery

                              I dreamed that I walked up to the lid of what looked like a cesspool, went down to the sand, there was sand around the pit itself, the pit was square and there was some kind of slurry in it, I looked at whether there was water or not, and my husband seemed to be saying I should check there. Well, I step on and fall through, I’m scared, it seems like I’m going to drown, she’ll suck me in. But no, I calmly got out of it, I just somehow unpleasantly wanted to wash myself, and then I stood on top of it and realized that this is the easy way, I just need to go move the board and pull out the rope with something I jumped there for.

                              Hello. in a dream I parked a car in an unknown area. I got out of the car to inspect from the side whether I had parked it successfully. and fell into a fairly deep hole (about 2 meters deep), while I was also covered with snow from above. please tell me why such an unpleasant dream.

                              I had a dream that I fell into a hole, but I jumped out of it several times, but at the end I fell and was expecting that now I would jump out again, I was waiting for some people to leave, they passed by without seeing me, I expected that they would leave and I again I'll jump out

                              I dreamed of a huge hole with steep edges. The girl who was with me fell into it. But there used to be a bridge across this pit - and she was just looking at the place where it was and came too close to the edge, I turned away and asked her to carefully step back and not come so close, but she didn’t listen and rolled down.
                              Before this, for several days in a row I dreamed that there was nothing under my feet - then near the door of the house there was only a small perch to which you had to jump from the neighboring door, and below there was darkness, then that I was walking along a railway bridge, which consists of only one track, with a mountain river below, and then I meet a train... I fly to the side but don’t fall.

                              Today I dreamed that I think for a reason
                              The dream began with a terrible quarrel with a friend, in which I brought her to tears, I remembered all the old reproaches, etc. Then my brother and my parents left for some familiar place that I had dreamed about earlier, a huge house where I seemed to already be. in my last dream I was inside this house. And it’s not the best sight. the place seemed to be in a huge hole in diameter, the road slopes were all around, and because of them we could not go home, the car would not leave. in the end it was already dark, all of us who were in this car decided to have a picnic right in this area. and when you were unloading the food, I seemed to stumble and start falling into the ravine, I thought that I wouldn’t fall, but there was a very deep hole there, I managed to grab onto the grass, and some guy helped me get out. and at that moment I woke up.

                              Good evening, Tatyana! Dream - I was driving along the road on a motorcycle and suddenly I saw a huge and deep hole in the road surface, almost its entire width, but I drove around quite calmly and then I suddenly fell over, as my wife was driving behind me in her car. I quickly returned. and saw her with the car below in the hole, I helped her get out. Luckily she didn't even get a scratch. Explained by the fact that the feeding was soft on the sand
                              Thanks in advance!

                              I dreamed that I was walking with my daughter, she was five years old, and on the way she fell into a huge deep hole, it was so dark there, I called her, she didn’t respond, and then I woke up and I don’t know how this dream would end

                              a friend runs to help a colleague, I follow her. a friend suddenly falls into a hole filled with water, the edges of the hole are slippery and she has nothing to grab onto. I found a rope and threw it to her. She grabbed hold of her and I slowly begin to pull her out of the hole, but suddenly a hole opens at the bottom of the hole and the friend, along with the water, is sucked underground

                              I was not flying very high above the ground and was flapping my arms like wings, and suddenly I fell into a large pit, as if at a construction site. There was frozen clay all around, but in some areas (in the middle of the pit) there was a strip that was not frozen, like a quagmire. I was far from this quagmire, right next to the wall of the pit and tried to climb up, but I couldn’t. Suddenly, at full speed, an ambulance without windows but with people, like on a bus, flies into the middle of the pit. I knew that in the middle there were two people I knew, the rest were strangers. I thought, “It’s good that my mom isn’t there, because... She’s busy somewhere else right now.” This either a bus or an ambulance fell into a quagmire of clay and disappeared from sight. I was very scared that I couldn’t do anything to help these people. I understood that they would all die. I screamed People, People, help, but the people upstairs were very far away, there were a lot of them and no one heard me. I woke up with the words “People” stuck in my throat and it was very scary that they died. The dream was very clear, as if in reality.

                              in my dream, at first I was in a building. There were a lot of offices there. I was looking for something in it. Then I found myself in a large field, the war was dirty, there were people with weapons, then everything ended well, and in that field where the building stood where I was looking for offices, it turned out to be a big hole, like a big pit, and inside there was a kind of labyrinth, only covered with earth.

                              at the beginning everything was not clear, my friend, a musician, is writing some kind of dissertation on sand, although he himself is late for a concert in another city, (the action takes place in the library), then he asks me to vacate the middle of the room, I begin to move the tables, then he asks me to dig the ground, I start digging, and later he joins. and in the end we looked and dug a hole in the form of a grave.

                              I’m in my yard, a hole appeared in the middle of the yard, a white horse that was in a cart fell in there, I pulled it out of there, it disappeared, then the gate opens and women I know appear. Somehow they end up in the hole and hand me red two from there. the kind of scarf I asked them for and some lucky white gloves and a sock

                              Hello! I dreamed that I was somewhere underground, there was something like some kind of room there, but it was all made of earth, that is, it was not landscaped. And there’s a hole there, but this hole looks like a grave, and I lie down there as if I’m measuring something. Then I’m talking to someone and I don’t remember how, but I fall into this hole, looking back I mentally understand that it’s not deep and I’ll fall and get up, but it turned out that I’m flying into another hole and it’s very deep, in general I fall there and quickly start climb out, but it’s difficult for me. And I understand that there is something there, then I see that two weasels and a ferret jumped out of there, but I’m still in the hole, and someone shouts at me to get out faster because there are huge rats, I turn around and see 2 rats but their faces They are cat-like, but I understand that these are rats, they want to attack me, I’m already halfway out and so that they don’t eat me, I throw earth at them that is on the surface from a dug hole (magila), but in the end I managed to get out.

                              I dreamed that I was walking along the road and a car was coming towards me, and in order not to get hit by it, I step on a puddle and fall deep into the water, another person falls with me, having fallen to the bottom of the hole, I see that this person was covered with earth, I can’t help him after why I swim underwater to the top while breathing freely underwater but closer to the surface the air runs out and I emerge. After that the second person is rescued

                              there is a hole in it with water and waste on the edge there is a bag, it falls into the hole, I take it out. the edges of the pit haven’t crumbled but it’s getting there, I’m trying to move away but I see that it’s going to collapse anyway. And I’m worried that no one will fall into it. I need to close it with something and I wake up.

                              She fell into a deep earthen hole on the road, holding someone else's child tightly in her arms. Suddenly large stones began to fall from above on us, but we were not hurt and there was not even fear, then somehow I got out of the hole

                              Hello Tatiana. My name is Nadezhda. I had a dream: a vegetable garden, neat beds, and my beds are holes and I bury them under the beds. My husband's brother helps me. There are neat clean areas of beautiful greenery all around. I dug these holes and made beds. What does it mean? Thank you.

                              I dreamed of a small puppy who was kept in a round hole so that he would not run away. He was bored. I felt very sorry for him, I fed the puppy and let him out for a walk. After this, the owners put him in an even larger hole, where the carcass of a dead pig lay.

                              I dreamed that I was sitting in a very narrow hole made of clay in my mink coat and there were spiders hanging nearby, like there are in houses, and my mother was trying to pull me out, and next to me there was some place where the lamp was on and there was no earth and the walls were varnished white……… .

                              I dreamed of a race through a maze with obstacles. I am the driver, my girlfriend is the passenger. The obstacles were like pits that suck you into themselves if you get close to them. When we were dodging one such hole, we lost our route and got lost. We came across a hole. But she was not like everyone else. She didn't suck. And in order to find a way out of this labyrinth, I jumped into a hole. But he promised to return. At the bottom of the pit there was a large wooden door, and behind the door there was a staircase that went down. I walked up these stairs and woke up.

                              A dream where both my husband and I are very happy, he is in a hole and there are a huge amount of boxes of candy and he calls me to jump to him to hug, but I was afraid to jump and replied that I would ruin the candy. But the hole is wide and not deep. It's as if he adores me and the show
                              Shows how much he loves me in front of everyone. He doesn’t do that in public. He is currently on a business trip. I'm very worried.

                              I saw in a dream a small child who was also thrown there by a child, this child was very small, just a bundle and he was screaming very loudly, I called the rescuers, but they seemed to tell me that it was impossible to get him, it was like some kind of pipe, very long and he was lying there the baby screamed very loudly and in the dream I seemed to be in a flock and I think that the child is buried alive if they start digging, as it were, the earth will collapse and he will be completely crushed by the earth, this is a dream, please explain what it means

                              Tell me what my dream means. My children, my mother-in-law and two other people with children got into the car, we somehow ended up in the forest. While sitting in the car we saw a wolf, he came up to the car window and wanted to bite my mother-in-law on the hand, then I don’t know how We all fall into a deep hole with snow, I was deeper than the bottom, I didn’t feel the children were crying, then I woke up

                              I walk down the path - I know that there is a hole ahead and I can fall into it. But for some reason I move on. And still I fall into it. I can’t get out, my legs are frozen. I tried to get out, but woke up.

                              I dreamed that my beloved fell into a deep hole, like a 9-story building, very deep. When he fell, I extended my hand to him. if I had lunged forward, I would have grabbed him, but I fell with him. I didn't make it. And the beloved fell. No one got him out of there, because it was very deep and no one could get in there. and I cry, but they tell me: “Don’t cry. forget otherwise you will suffer all your life.” and I thought that it was so. that once you forget, nothing can be changed, you can’t be brought back. and then I thought: “what if there is a chance.” started crying and screaming at him. and he began to breathe.

                              Hello. Today I dreamed of a very deep hole in the yard, which my husband, with whom we are now divorcing, dug. When I looked into it, I was horrified by the depth, afraid to fall there. The hole was like a trench, narrowed at the bottom. its bottom was not flat.

                              I dreamed that I was running with my little son, he was eight months old, along the road and I had to jump over a wide and very deep hole, I didn’t want to, but I had to and I couldn’t jump over it, I held on with one hand and with the other hand I held my son in a dream, I was talking about myself I didn’t think, I was only thinking about my son, it’s all a dream

                              I dreamed of a huge pit dug by cops in which amber was mined, I went to the edge of the pit and fell down. when he was flying, he tried to level the course of his fall with his movements in order to land on loose clay, but it didn’t work and he fell on petrified soil, from which he woke up in horror

                              My Child is 6 years old, climbing a branch in the forest over a huge hole, the branch bends and she falls on her back and lies, and I am sure that she is alive, because she fell in a jacket and it seemed to me that the fall was softened

                              I dreamed of a hole in the floor and it was filled with round wooden boards and these boards spun when you stood on them. At the beginning my niece fell there and tore off her cheek, then my mother, who is no longer alive, tried to grab me by the hand, but she didn’t succeed and She fell to her death, but I resisted and my niece crawled out, only her cheek was torn

                              I’m in a hole in a swimsuit, the hole itself is like freshly dug, soft earth... I climb to the top and slide down... and then two men I don’t know... and one gives me his hand and pulls me out

                              I dreamed that I was walking down the threshold of my friend’s house and my foot fell into a puddle. but a puddle is a fairly deep hole with waist-deep liquid mud. An unfamiliar woman handed me a stick. but I don’t remember if I got out and I woke up at this place.

                              It’s like a parent’s Saturday is still in the cemetery, in the summer, I go to the grave, but I don’t find it, everything has changed... I go looking, looking, looking... and I fell into a huge construction pit and called for help... I got out on my own and woke up

                              I went to the cemetery. I saw huge pits, 2 meters deep, sand pits, square in shape. The sand was thrown up, and naked women lay there. I don’t see faces and genitals, only white, marble bodies. They were alive, somehow fidgeting on a pile of sand. She went to another place, and there was again a hole and again women on the sand. She ran away from there.

                              I dreamed of a road, I was walking on the road, there was a lot of rubble, a winding road, then I saw a deep and wide hole, I looked into the hole, there were pieces of some kind of tin lying at the bottom, and near the hole I saw a huge car loaded with earth, I looked into the car, no one was driving, the engine was not working, I walked further along the paving stones on the right side there is a pile of sand, I looked around, this is a dream, sorry, I still don’t know how to write the email correctly

                              I went to meet my husband, he gave me candy so that I could treat the women standing in line with me. I took the candy and so that they could get back in line faster, I walked in a straight line and there was a hole. Having gone down into it, I saw the child of a woman who was standing in that Turns out he ran after me and went down after me. I couldn’t get out with him and called my husband to help, but he didn’t hear because he was talking to a friend. So we ended up with the child in the hole. It wasn’t deep, a path was visible through it as if people were taking shortcuts. But I couldn’t do it with a child...

                              I dreamed that I was going somewhere and the road was blocked by a deep hole, I wanted to go around it, but on the left there was dirt and on the right there was a whole broken fence, but some unfamiliar guy was with me, he wanted to help me, it was as if I was climbing a fence but he was all staggers and is blown away by the wind

                              I dreamed of a very deep ravine (pit), located in front of the gate of my work. I didn’t fall into it, but I was on the very cliff in front of it. the pit was filled with water and clay. My employee gave me her hand and helped me move away from the cliff. At the same time, another employee, located closer to the edge of the pit, grabbed hold of me. And it turned out that with my help she also got out of the hole. I don’t know what this could mean, but all day after this dream I feel some kind of depression.

                              I dreamed that my second cousin had arrived, and so we were walking with her, and then she fell into a steep, deep hole, at the bottom there seemed to be water, but with mud, and she fell right there, I was very afraid that she would be sucked in there, I went down and pulled her out I don’t remember how, I know it was hard, but I was able to do it, then we came home with her, everything went as usual, in the evening we had to take her to the train. And so we walk with her again and she again falls into the same hole and again I pull her out, that is, this happens a second time and absolutely the same thing, I was terribly scared and after I pulled her out again I woke up...

                              A pit like a pit was dug in the building, a friend of mine went down the steps and appreciated that it was deep and roomy enough for a basement, and next to it there was a room as if for an office, this kind of construction

                              I dreamed that my 5-year-old grandson ran after a ball along the sand and suddenly began to disappear - like shifting sands - I ran after him in horror and called no one for help, I ran up to the place where the grandson disappeared and there a small well with a diameter of 10 meters deep formed and at the bottom there was a grandson ...

                              I am with my son, he is two years old. was walking on the street. In front of us was a long trench, I would even say a deep and long hole. Suddenly my son unexpectedly jumped into this hole. I was so freaked out. Well, I immediately jumped after him. Finding herself in the hole, she grabbed her son and was already thinking about how to get out. But then snow began to fall on us from above. Only it did not fall on us, but seemed to hang over us, closing us off from the outside world. This is such a dream.

                              Hello Tatyana, this morning I had a dream that my husband fell into a large black hole and after that I could not find him. I was very scared for him. Please tell me what it can mean, I’m very afraid for my husband, we have a small child.

                              I was walking along the road in the evening and suddenly I fell into a square hole, below it was like a swamp and with water and I began to be sucked in. When I was almost up to my neck in water, I screamed: help and immediately saw a strong man’s hand extended, he pulled me out. On the surface, I saw it was a man of Asian nationality, but I remember that in previous events I offended him... somehow called him... something. I felt awkward.

                              I was walking along a tiled road, suddenly stopped at the edge of a pothole (trench) dug in the middle of the road, because I saw the gaze of a man sitting at the base of the trench, if I had not raised my eyes, I would have fallen into this pothole

                              Hello! Today in a dream I was driving a car along the road and got stuck in a hole. I tried to get out, but the hole got deeper and I don’t remember if I got out. This dream really bothers me. I am 21 weeks pregnant and I have nightmares every night. help me understand whether the dream is dangerous? I was already scared to sleep, then I see fresh fish on the table, etc. I read that this means a miscarriage.

                              She was walking with a little boy. On the street, she sat him on the bed and began to change clothes and fold the children's things. She turned around under the tree and there was a red ribbon. She pulled the ribbon, a depression formed. The tree disappeared and a round depression began to form in its place. She took a thin stick and began to prick this depression like as if she was looking for a child in him. Even in a dream she said: “He can’t be far away, but somewhere above.” Then a hole gradually formed and water came out. And I woke up.

Seeing a hole in a night dream is often a bad sign, especially if you carelessly fell into it. But by listening to your intuition and using decryptions, you can find the right solution to avoid troubles and problems in real life.

A hole in the ground in a dream

A very common question is why you dream about a hole in the ground. Such a symbol in most cases is interpreted as an unkind omen associated with an impending disaster. But at the same time, you should know that the hole symbolizes things in real life that the dreamer constantly thinks about. For example, this could be work or relationships with loved ones. For an accurate interpretation, you need to remember the appearance of the hole in your night dreams, understand where it was, and what actions were taken in the dream.

Why do you dream of digging a hole?

Many dreamers are interested in why they dream of digging a hole. Such a dream is always alarming, because it is mistakenly interpreted as a symbol of a decline in living standards. But it’s unlikely that digging a hole should be associated with regression in real life. It all depends on the storyline and on the many nuances that exist in night dreams. Thus, in Miller’s dream book, all land work is considered favorable symbols.

With what feelings did you dig the hole?

When interpreting dreams with a pit, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • If the dreamer had to dig a hole with a shovel with his own hands and voluntarily in his night dreams, this means that in real life a period of stability and prosperity awaits the person;
  • If you had to dig a hole under duress, this means that the dreamer in reality is quite happy with the role of a subordinate;
  • When you dream that you are forcing someone to dig a hole in your dreams, then soon in real life you will have to be disappointed in your loved one or partner;
  • When in a dream you had to dig a hole with your hands, this means that all problems in real life will have to be solved on your own; you should not count on anyone’s help. In addition, such a dream warns that at work the dreamer should be wary of intrigue from colleagues and expect dissatisfaction from his superiors.

If the ground in night dreams is loose, so there were no difficulties with digging a hole, then this means that vital problems should soon be positively resolved in reality. In this case, the dreamer will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

If in a dream you had to dig a hole with a shovel, then in real life a strong patron will appear who will help solve all existing problems. Such a dream can also signal that the dreamer may have some minor troubles at work; you should not dwell on them, as they can be overcome very quickly. Burying a hole with earth in a dream means committing an act in reality that will radically change the opinions of people around you about you.

Watch the hole being dug

When in a dream the dreamer observes that another person is digging a hole, this means that the sleeping person may soon become seriously ill. Sometimes such a dream can predict the illness of loved ones.

Fall into a hole

A dream in which the dreamer had to fall into a hole is not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will have to face great difficulties. Most likely, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a difficult life situation with dignity. This means that this can negatively affect the entire future life.

If you happen to fall into a toilet pit in your night dreams, this can be interpreted in different ways:
  • If, according to the plot, you fell into a garbage pit, but after that you managed to quickly get out of the pit, then this indicates that the gossip that ill-wishers will spread about you will not harm you. But if you had to sit in the toilet pit for a long time, it means that in reality your reputation will suffer.
  • Falling into a toilet pit indicates that in real life you will have to endure shame. But if, after getting out of it, you find that the pockets of your clothes are filled with feces, then in reality you will very soon get rich.

Falling into a hole - dream book

When in your night dreams you have to fall into a hole, then there is a high probability that in the real world you will commit an unseemly act. For family people, such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal.

Fall into a pit with animals

To fall into a hole in a dream, at the bottom of which there are animals, means to find yourself in a difficult situation in real life. Moreover, the reason for this will be the negligence and stupidity of the dreamer. In such a situation, it is unlikely that anything can be changed. You need to go through all the difficulties with your head held high and try not to commit rash acts in the future.

Fall into a pit with an aggressive animal

Falling into a pit containing very aggressive animals is very bad. Such a dream indicates that in real life you will have to communicate with powerful and unkind people. Your well-being in life will entirely depend on them.

When a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a large pit in a dream, this predicts loneliness for her in reality. For a man, a similar dream predicts receiving a very lucrative offer in real life. After such nightly dreams, wonderful prospects open up before the dreamer.

Pit with water

A pit with water in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. But in any case, the interpretation of night dreams largely depends on the quality of the water and where it was located.

  • A deep hole with dirty water, seen from the outside in a dream, predicts that in real life you will have to make a difficult decision or a difficult choice.
  • A dirty pit filled with water, which is located directly in front of the threshold of your own home, foreshadows the illness of one of the household members.

If a pit filled with clean water appears in night sins, then this symbolizes the uncontrollable course of affairs in real life. This means that no matter what efforts you make, you will not be able to take control of everything.

Pit in the sand - interpretation of sleep

A hole dug in the sand is a warning about the precariousness of the dreamer's position in real life. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer does not have reliable support in reality.

Pit with flowers

Some dream books have an interpretation of a hole with flowers. Such a symbol smoothes out the entire unpleasant nature of the dream with a pit. Night dreams, in which a vision of a pit with flowers appeared, promise the onset of a pleasant life period filled with surprises and joyful events.

Fresh pit

A good omen is a snow hole. After such a dream, you should expect a love adventure in reality. Also, such a dream foreshadows a very prosperous life.

Pothole in the road

If there is a hole in the road, then this is a sign that the planned trip will be unsuccessful. Such a dream can predict that in reality it will not be possible to complete the work started. In addition, such a dream warns that the dreamer is surrounded by insincere people whose support should not be counted on.

See a hole in the house

A hole in the house is an unfavorable sign. This is a sign of the onset of very difficult times, which will be associated with need and poverty. For a woman, such a plot of night dreams is associated with alienation from her chosen one. Another interpretation of such a dream is related to the fact that the dreamer will have to experience disappointment in love.

A hole in the yard, behind the gate or in the garden

A hole in the yard of your own house predicts the emergence of dangers in real life for the whole family. If a hole is dug in front of the gate, then this portends that one of the things the dreamer has started will not work out. A hole in the garden portends troubles in the work sphere.

Dreamed of a cesspool

If you dream of a full cesspool, then in the near future the dreamer will receive important news.

When you dreamed of a pit with mud, you should analyze the storyline very carefully:
  • If you dream that you are crawling out of a hole, then this is a positive dream, which indicates that in real life you will be able to cope with any difficulties, no matter how difficult they may seem.
  • When you dream that you are burying a hole, this symbolizes that you always strive to be honest in everything, even to the detriment of yourself.
  • When you managed to step over a hole in your night dreams, this foreshadows a conflict with management.

See a pit with shit

A pit of shit seen in a dream symbolizes prosperity in real life. This sign is positive for entrepreneurs and businessmen. This indicates that the business will develop successfully and in reality it will be possible to make a good profit.

Dreaming of a deep hole

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream of a deep hole. And this is understandable, because such a symbol always looks scary in real life. A bottomless, black pit dug in an unknown place warns the dreamer that his actions in reality are wrong. You need to stop in time and analyze your actions so as not to confuse the situation even more. The sooner you can correct the mistakes made, the better.

Huge pit - the meaning of sleep

A huge hole in a dream can also be a warning that the dreamer will soon experience health problems. It is especially dangerous if the dug hole is of unknown origin. If after such a dream you feel slightly unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Empty pit

When a deep empty hole in a dream is dug by you with your own hands, this indicates that difficult times are coming in the business sphere. You should be prepared to simply survive the difficulties. During this period, you should behave very carefully and not make rash decisions.

If you have to descend to the bottom of an empty pit using a rope, then this foreshadows the reality of doing empty work that will not be useful. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to refuse such work. If you push yourself, you can undermine your mental and physical strength.

Many dreamers are very interested in the question of why they dream of a grave pit. This is a bad sign, which, in general, foreshadows serious misfortunes and problems in life.

Digging a grave in your night dreams means that in reality you will meet with opponents who will try to defeat you. If you just happen to see a grave pit from the side in your night dreams, then this foreshadows troubles at work. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal of friends. If you see yourself standing over a grave pit, this means that in reality you need to be wary of an accident.

Pit in the cemetery

A dug hole in a cemetery symbolizes the end of a black streak of life. After such a dream, the dreamer’s financial situation will gradually begin to recover in real life and his personal life will improve. A particularly good omen is a freshly dug hole in a cemetery. She indicates that positive changes will soon come in life.

Why do you dream of a man in a hole?

If in night dreams the dreamer sees that another person is in a hole, then this is an unpleasant sign. It indicates that the sleeping person will have to become a victim of intrigue in reality.

Standing on the edge of a hole

If, according to the plot of the dream, a person is standing on the edge of a pit, then this indicates that the dreamer needs to assess the situation in real life. After this, you will need to make a decision to change your life direction.

deep hole

If you dug a deep hole in the ground, and according to the plot of the dream, you descended into it voluntarily and independently, but cannot get out of it, then this indicates that you are fully aware of your mistakes. The time has come to correct them, but, unfortunately, this will not be easy. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you still manage to get out of the hole on your own, then this is a sign that everything will end well.

A child falls into a hole in a dream

When you dream that a child falls into a hole, this symbolizes inner fear for your child. Also, such a dream may foretell that a grown-up child will soon leave his parents’ nest. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to pull him out of the hole, then this symbolizes the close spiritual connection between parents and children.

In dream books there is another interpretation of a dream in which a child is in a hole. When a child falls into a hole, then one should expect betrayal from loved ones. Moreover, this will be completely unexpected for the dreamer. Betrayal will cause so much pain that you will have a strong desire to take revenge yourself. But it is better not to do this, otherwise many problems will arise. The optimal way out of such a situation is to break off all relations with the traitor and sever all contacts with him.