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Why do you dream of a rich table? Set the table according to the dream book. Dream Interpretation - Sitting on the corner of the table

Tables in dreams are symbols of recreating the dreamer's intended goals. How the sleeper sees the table, how well-groomed it is - your affairs are in a similar state, and this also predicts future ways of solving your problems.

Why do you dream about a table according to Miller’s dream book?

Is the table in the dream already set for lunch time? This is a sign that very soon the sleeper will have amazing acquaintances, and very pleasant ones at that; expect success in everything you plan - there are excellent opportunities for this.

When the table in front of you is empty, quarrels with everyone will soon begin. The image of you clearing the dishes from the table hints to you that calmness and fun will be replaced by despondency and indifference. Is the “Hand of God” not covered with a tablecloth? Very soon you will occupy such a high position that even the success of others will not upset you as before.

The table moves on its own without anyone’s intervention - you don’t like the course of your own life, and you will try to change it. If in a dream you see holes in the tablecloth, then expect family discord. Is the integrity of the table broken in the dream? A dark streak awaits you in life.

Hearing knocking on the table in a dream is a sign that changes are ripe in friendships and your life is under threat. The dream predicts that you will lose a lot if you turn away from close friends. The dreamer sees himself sitting at a writing desk - the dream gives a sign that you should beware of something.

But the money lying on the table means that you will be able to safely get out of difficult circumstances.

Table in a dream - Freud's dream book

Freud considered the table to be a symbol of the feminine essence. If the table is broken, then for women this dream is a danger of symptoms of genital disorders.

In the dream, the “main character” is upside down - this means that you are too passionate about anal pleasures. A table prepared for a dinner meal means excellent health and a frantic desire for sex on the female side. If in a dream the table is covered with oilcloth or not covered at all, the dreamer is indifferent to sex.

What does it mean to dream about a table - Vanga’s dream book

Vanga referred to a dream in which a table appears as a feast. If the table is rich in treats, then fate is about to begin to bestow the dreamer and his family with all sorts of benefits that will appear thanks to high patronage. However, if the table is strewn with scraps or is poor, then a series of misfortunes should be expected.

Why do you dream of a table in Moroz’s dream book?

The table is set solemnly and with a tablecloth - the well-being of your home will not leave. And vice versa, a completely empty table means poverty.

Sitting at a table rich in treats means participating in a lively, relaxed atmosphere with friends. Collecting dirty dishes after a feast, on which there are leftovers - the costs of the sleeper will exceed the income.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a table in Medea’s dream book

The table dreamed by the sleeping person reflects social views, meetings with friends. This is the zone where a person “expresses” his own thoughts, point of view, and aspirations.

The image of a broken or empty table foretells that you will lose friendships. Sitting at the table and talking means making peace with a loved one and gaining business success.

Why do you dream of a table in the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A chicly set table is a harbinger of imminent success in everything. Looking at the table and not feeling hungry, but a feeling of satisfaction - this image symbolizes that some intentions will turn out to be successful and promising.

A modestly set or completely empty table symbolizes that you have outlined your action plan incorrectly and it needs to be finalized. Seeing a desk or desk in a dream foreshadows a problem that you should solve now.

Papers scattered on your desktop tell you that you have lost your way in solving some important problem. Looking at the coffee table or bedside table - you are carried away by small entertainments or unimportant undertakings.

If you are conducting some negotiations on business issues at the coffee table, then you have overestimated their importance or did not approach the matter so seriously.

The table is broken - this picture prepares you for a serious conflict or miscalculation in business, which could cause a blow to your well-being. During this period, try not to openly clash with partners and conduct your business carefully.

Why do you dream of a table in the Bitch’s dream book?

A table as the central image of a dream hints that you will be able to make new acquaintances and find yourself in the orbit of a pleasant company.

  • Seeing an empty table means discord, quarrels out of nowhere.
  • Setting the table means favorable changes in the material sphere of life.
  • There is no tablecloth on the table - get good status and equally good income.
  • A broken table in a dream means the dreamer’s income will soon decrease.

A large number of people at the table symbolizes that you will receive support and success in a friendly circle.

Table in the dream book from A to Z

Setting the table for the arrival of guests indicates that there is an urgent need for large purchases. The table is generously set - for carefree leisure time in a friendly circle. An empty table means discord in the family circle.

The presence of dirty dishes with leftovers on the table means you will lose the opportunity to make good money. In front of you is a picture of a desktop, littered with books and papers - you do not have enough time to complete the “burning” work.

Looking at an old lame table means discord in the family environment. A polished new table means you are happy with your own life. The image of a coffee table means losses and despondency.

The central image in a dream is a desk - you are not afraid of competition. A table made of marble is a welcome gift. A billiards table means squabbles among friends.

Why do you dream about a table according to the Tarot dream book?

If there are banknotes on the tabletop, then your life will be full of stinginess and insatiability.

The table is bursting with abundant treats - worries will arise with excess kilograms.

Why do you dream about a table according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

A table in a dream symbolically means a home, a family environment.

Bustling around the table before guests arrive means successful turns in your own destiny or for a wedding.

Why do you dream about a table according to the French dream book?

Served - portends adversity for you, because many events will not turn in your favor. The table is set sumptuously - to abundance, prosperity in everything.

Without a table cover - misfortune or loss of a spouse. If in a dream you see a picture of rotating tables, stunning news awaits you.

Table - Hasse's dream book

Bust around the table and set it - you will acquire some property.

  • Putting away the dishes means suffering a loss, deprivation.
  • Seeing yourself at a feast means a lively party in a friendly company.
  • Seeing an empty table is a sign of disadvantage.
  • Seeing a bureau desk means you have a good amount of knowledge.
  • A gambling table means prosperity.

Table made of marble stone - do not reveal to people the secrets of your family happiness.

Why do you dream about a table according to the esoteric dream book?

Observing a table in front of you that is strong in its strength means well-being and firmness in actions. A plastic table means indecision, material wealth comes to you with varying success, an unstable position in society.

The image of a dirty table, and even with leftovers, is a sign of trouble. Busy about setting the table - to the guests.

Why do you dream about a set table?

In a dream, the dreamer sees a picture of a luxuriously set table - signifies changes in life for the better. This is a sure sign that the house will not be left without wealth. When a feast is being prepared for the arrival of close relatives, this means that your loved ones value you and idolize the dreamer.

To see vases with bouquets of flowers on the table, fate promises you a cloudless life with your family. This dream is favorable even if there is no tablecloth on the table - this predicts that the dreamer’s well-being will increase even more.

The table is richly set and there are many people at it - a harbinger that in the near future the dreamer will meet friends with whom you will have a sincere conversation. It is a bad omen if such a table disappears from a dream and you cannot find it, then there is reason to worry that your spouse may be taken away from your family. Or you may lose profit in business.

Why do you dream of a festive, wedding table?

Setting the table for a feast means in reality stability, prosperity, and good luck that accompanies everything. When a sleeper feels anxiety during a feast, this is unfortunately, and also from the side from which you least expect it.

Seeing yourself at a table uncovered with a tablecloth indicates the independence of your views and independence. A dirty tablecloth means insubordination of younger family members or your subordinates.

A festive table from a dream is a successful life change or a job change with a salary increase. Wedding reception table - to wealth.

Why do you dream of many tables?

Seeing many tables is an unexpected encounter in a public place. An abundance of tables means prosperity and favorable conditions for development.

To see in a dream a picture of laid tables and an incredible number of people at them - you are accompanied by good business partners for a festive feast.

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream, it means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon.

If you see empty tables in a dream, beware of quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you clear the table, this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Eating at a table without a tablecloth in a dream means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that you will soon experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.

A broken table means decline, change for the worse.

Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your destiny will be in jeopardy.

This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

If in a dream you sit down at your desk, this warns you and encourages you to be careful.

Money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Seeing a Table in a dream

A sign that circumstances will turn against you and your honor will be discredited. A table, luxuriously decorated, dreams of abundance and contentment. A table without a tablecloth portends troubles or widowhood. If you saw turning tables in a dream, you will learn amazing news and make wonderful discoveries for yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does a Table mean in a dream?

Table – denotes some kind of mass gathering.

If this is a dinner table, then you will soon have to participate in some kind of celebration.

If it's a desk, it means there's either an extracurricular activity or some kind of school meeting coming up.

If the table is littered with some objects, conflicts are possible.

If the table is empty, it means you will feel among people as if you were in a desert.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does a Table mean in a dream?

Joy; tinker - the dead man will be; covered - for good; on thin legs - life is not very kind; on thick legs - an excellent life; broken - illness or death of the wife.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of sleep Table

If you dreamed that you were setting the table, then you will soon be invited to a party. Sprinkle all the tables in the house with salt, pepper and ground coffee and you won't have to wait long for an invitation.

If you dreamed that you were removing a pillar, then soon someone will betray you. To prevent this from happening, do not eat at the table for a week (try to eat standing, lying on the sofa, etc.).

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Table

“Sit at the negotiating table”, “hospitable table”, “at the round table” (free exchange of opinions), “to eat” (to feed).

Rich (in food) or poor table.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does the Table predict in a dream?

If your desktop is littered with books or papers, this means that you must reorganize your life in a new way and determine your priorities.

If you see an empty desktop, you should find new interests and new hobbies.

Sitting at a desk is a harbinger that your words carry deep meaning.

What you say will impress many people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Represents social relationships, friendly contacts.

A place where dreamers “post” their thoughts, beliefs, and hopes.

Seeing an empty or broken table means losing friendly support.

Talking to someone while sitting at the table means reconciliation with a friend, good luck in your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Table

This is a symbolic reflection of your current plans.

The appearance and decoration of the table: show the state of your affairs and what your immediate prospects are.

A richly decorated table with many dishes: a sign of success.

If, looking at this table, you do not feel hungry excitement, but experience pleasant satisfaction: this dream says that some of your plans may turn out to be very successful and promising.

An empty or meager dining table seen in a dream suggests that you are at risk of taking on unpromising matters. After such a dream, it doesn’t bother you to reconsider your current plans.

Work or desk: foreshadows some problems that you have to solve.

A mess on your desktop: a sign that you are confused in solving some issue.

A coffee table or bedside table in a dream: symbolizes unimportant undertakings or small entertainments.

If in your dream you are trying to conduct any business at such a table: this is a hint that in reality you either overestimate their importance or approach the matter without due thoroughness.

A broken table in a dream: warns that some kind of conflict or mistake may jeopardize your well-being.

On such days, it is better for you to avoid any clashes with others and conduct your affairs with great caution.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the dream Table predict?

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Dream Prediction Table

Seeing a table set for dinner in a dream means interesting acquaintances and a favorable course of events in your life. Empty tables in a dream foreshadow quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you are clearing the table, the peace and joy that you have been experiencing lately may be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a Table in a dream

Symbolizes the owner of the house, home joys, marriage.

Setting the table - your plan will succeed, seeing it set.

There are flowers on the table - portends happiness in marriage and family life.

Round table - reconciliation.

Marble table - symbolizes troubles due to an unscrupulous person.

A desk is a symbol of moral duty.

A broken table is a dream of failure.

If you eat while sitting at a table not covered with a tablecloth, you will be independent in your actions and judgments.

A stained tablecloth means disobedience of children or subordinates, quarrels.

The person at the table - the dream warns you against placing too much trust in him.

Hearing a knock on the table - your attitude towards your friends will change.

Sitting at your desk means unforeseen difficulties on your way, seeing money on it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Seeing a Table in a dream

Expanding the dining table means expanding the family.

Covering the table with a tablecloth, placing dishes and food, sitting down at a richly laid table means happiness in your personal life, well-being in the family or for a wedding.

An empty table means discord in the house.

Broken or shaky - a threat to family peace, illness.

Clearing the table means a change in life for the worse.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Table

A dream of a beautifully set table foreshadows a life full of pleasures and love; an empty table, on the contrary, promises disagreement.

If in a dream you clear the table, this means that love for you will be replaced by an indifferent attitude.

A torn tablecloth on the table is a sign of quarrels and disagreements in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about the Table

Setting the table for a reception foreshadows major acquisitions and big expenses. A hearty table with lots of treats and drinks portends a carefree pastime with close relatives or friends. An empty table is a sign of disagreement between spouses.

Heaps of dirty dishes with scraps on the table - you will lose a sure chance to make good money. A table littered with various books and papers in a work mess portends a lack of time to complete urgent work.

An old rickety table foreshadows quarrels in the family, a new polished one - in reality you will not be satisfied with your situation, a coffee table - to loss and sadness, a written one - success in competition, a marble table - to an expensive gift, a billiard table - discord among friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a Table mean in a dream?

A table set for dinner, seen in a dream, means that you will have pleasant acquaintances and fortunate circumstances.

An empty table symbolizes quarrels and disagreements.

Clearing the table in a dream means peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

If you ate at a table without a tablecloth, you will achieve an independent position in the near future.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, then soon you will be visited by dissatisfaction with life and a thirst for change.

A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

A broken table symbolizes decline and changes for the worse.

Hearing a tap on the table in a dream foretells that your attitude towards your friends will soon change, and your career will be in jeopardy. Don't neglect your loved ones, and then nothing bad will happen to you.

If in a dream you worked at your desk, be careful in real life.

When you see money on your table, know that you will happily come out of any situation, even the most difficult one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Table

Covered and full of food - for a feast, a wedding.

Moon in Cancer.

An empty table means melancholy and poverty.

Moon in Capricorn.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

What does a Table mean in a dream?

Wiping the table or brushing away crumbs with your hand or paper means an unkind event, poverty.

Sitting on the table means the death of a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of folk signs

Meaning of sleep Table

Cover - buy property; cleaning - profit eludes you; sitting at the table is a cheerful company; empty - shortage

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does the Table predict in a dream?

Setting the table in a dream means visiting guests. If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that you will soon have an addition to your family.

If you broke a table leg in a dream from Thursday to Friday, dramatic changes will occur in your life in the near future, but if such a dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday, it foreshadows dismissal from work.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, it means that you will soon have a new family.

Spilling some liquid on the table is a sign of dubious luck, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances increase significantly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

What does it mean to see a table in a dream

A table in a dream symbolizes the strength of your position, your family, your business. It all depends on where exactly he is (at home, at work, with friends, etc.).

An empty table in a dream is a sign of a quarrel or altercation.

If you dream that a table is hanging in the air in your home, then your family may fall apart due to betrayal, betrayal or some kind of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates the precariousness of your financial situation.

The stronger and more expensive the table in your dream, the more prosperous your life will be.

A broken, wobbly, fragile table (table, bookcase) in a dream indicates that your situation may worsen if you do not urgently take the necessary safety measures.

Getting rid of such a table in a dream is a sign of the collapse of your hopes.

But if in a dream you can repair or strengthen it, then luck and prosperity will return to you.

Buying a table in a dream or seeing it brought into your home is a sign of big changes.

Small decorative tables in a dream foretell prosperity and pleasure.

Knocking on the table in a dream is a sign of disagreement, quarrels and the likelihood that you will make enemies for yourself.

A fresh tablecloth on the table means that you will soon meet new friends.

A torn, dirty, wrinkled tablecloth on the table means quarrels and grief.

Setting the table in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant meetings or conversations (See interpretation: stains, linen).

Clearing the table in a dream foreshadows disappointment and grief.

A table set for a special occasion foreshadows the receipt of news of some important event or an invitation to it. See interpretation: triumph.

If you dream that your table has disappeared and you cannot find it, then your opponent (or rival) will steal your happiness.

An overturned table in a dream predicts big troubles for you, because of which everything in your house will be upside down. See interpretation: furniture.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Table

A dream in which you see a table is very favorable, but only if there is something on the table.

An ordinary unpainted wooden table, not covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, with nothing on it - such a dream promises loss, perhaps even the death of a loved one.

If you have such a dream, imagine that you are setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth.

If there are empty dishes on an empty table, all your business will progress, but will not bring profit. If the dishes were also dirty, this means a lot of unpleasant troubles that will not pay off, but will require all your efforts.

Imagine that you quickly washed all the dishes and filled them with delicious food.

If empty dishes are on a table covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, your business will be successful, but do not expect big financial profits. If you see a table set with beautiful porcelain dishes (in which there is nothing yet), you are about to meet a whole company of serious and influential people. Some of them will form good friendships.

Seeing a table set for a feast, laden with food and drinks, denotes great wealth, well-being and prosperity for your entire family. If you are sitting at the table in the company of family and friends, the beneficial effects of sleep will affect not only you, but also your entire environment.

Imagine that you cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth and put a variety of food, bread, wine and ripe fruits there. You invite all your family and friends to the table and begin to feast.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream meaning Table

Table - Solid, strong - for prosperity, confidence in life. Flimsy, plastic - uncertainty, instability in financial situation. Full of food and treats is a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, then you are addicted to bodily food. With leftover food, untidy - to troubles in the domestic sphere. Cover and place dishes for the guests.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream interpretation of a table set with food” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The answer to the question of why you dream about a table with food seems obvious: of course, to prosperity and profit. But not all dream books and not in all cases agree with this definition. There are stories where a richly set table is a warning of impending changes, and not necessarily pleasant ones. For a more accurate interpretation of such a “hospitable” image, it is necessary to take into account all the details seen in the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Pleasant and, most importantly, useful acquaintances await the dreamer who in a dream saw a full table of food laid for dinner. You can also count on pleasant surprises.

Did you dream that there was no tablecloth under the plates? This means that very soon you will have so much money that when you look at the wealth of others, you will not feel jealous. But plates full of leftover food mean quarrels and disagreements.

What was on the menu?

If you dreamed of a table with food, it is advisable to remember which dishes predominated on the menu. This is what some of them dream about, according to dream books:

  • meat dishes in a dream promise deliverance from problems and troubles;
  • fish delicacies - to success, but if you learn to keep secrets;
  • sweet products predict fun;
  • seeing alcohol in a dream means unjustified risk and disappointment;
  • soft drinks in a dream predict tears and resentment.

“Stolovsky” food as a symbol of surprise

Grishina’s dream book, explaining why you dream of a lot of food on the table in a public canteen, recommends paying attention to how appetizing it looked.

If you dreamed of a lot of different dishes that are not typical for eating in a canteen, and a long line of people with trays full of pickles, then this indicates that someone will pleasantly surprise you.

And if you see in a dream that in the dining room after dinner there is a lot of untouched, unappetizing food left on the table, then you should not expect from people what they are not capable of. Accept your friends as they are, the Wanderer’s dream book recommends.

Home cooking is a sign of acquiring connections

The interpretation of the dream offered by Pastor Loff's dream book, in which you cover the dining table with a white tablecloth and sit down to dinner, prophesies the following: very soon you will find yourself in a company that you have long dreamed of becoming a member of. Did you dream that you were having a leisurely conversation at lunch? You can rest assured that you will easily gain authority among your new friends.

Serving dinner in a dream, but not participating in it yourself is a sign that you cannot achieve your goal because you do not have a patron. But setting dinner and sitting at the head of the table is a positive sign: you will be able to make not only connections, but you will also gain a reputation as a person who can help in difficult times.

Holiday Abundance: From Riches to Needs

If you want to understand what a dream predicts of a festive table with food that amazes the eye with sophistication, then by looking for information in Miss Hasse’s dream book, you will find out: a huge fortune will soon “fall” on you, and you won’t put much effort into it.

But, not quite a festive event, but also crowded - a memorial feast, in honor of, for example, a deceased grandfather - a signal that if you want to change your life, then it’s time to stop clinging to the past. Sitting at a table with food in a dream, sad, means you will have to fight the need; and if you sat at the wake, like at a wedding, then everything will turn out well.

Leftovers, or Learn to Trust and Make Concessions

Explaining why you dream of a luxurious buffet with food, but upon closer examination it turns out to be spoiled, then be prepared for disappointment, predicts the Lunar Dream Book. Seeing a large number of scraps in a dream or picking them up and sniffing them is a sign of distrust.

But this is what you dream of about a buffet with enemies, the menu of which includes dishes unsuitable for eating, according to the Eastern Dream Book: you cannot reach a consensus with your opponent because both do not want to compromise.

Why do I dream about a set table, a white tablecloth, people I don’t know, while I walked away for a while and came up to the table, to my surprise, these people ate everything, and the table was almost empty, and even their plates were no longer there, I felt It's a shame. Please don't scare me too much.

Why do you dream about a table with food?

A set table in a dream is a warning about interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings in real life. However, this is far from the only description of what a table with food means in a dream. You will find other interpretations in this article.

Prosperity and success are promised by a dream where you were sitting at a laid table. The more food there was on it, the better everything will turn out for you in reality. Did you eat and talk at the same time while sitting at the table? This dream prophesies a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel.

A rich banquet table, dreamed of in a dream, promises that in the near future everything will work out for you, and good luck will accompany you in all matters. If the table was set with delicacies and luxurious dishes, then your life will be carefree and well-fed.

A wedding table with food portends significant changes in the very near future. Those who dreamed of a funeral table will have to sacrifice their principles and interests.

It’s good if you manage to remember what exactly was on the table. Have you seen fruits and vegetables? This means that joyful and bright times will soon come in your life. You should prepare for difficulties if they were spoiled. To celebrate a new addition to the family, you dream of a fish lying on the table.

A dream where the table surface was dirty warns that soon you may experience worries and stress. Sadness and troubles also await you if you turn your attention to dirty table legs. Untidy cutlery is a symbol of your depressed state of mind. This dream suggests that it is time to take a break from the past and boldly move on.

If you see a table with food that has not been cleared away after a meal, this may indicate that now you are not able to collect your thoughts or be more organized.

A dream in which a table stood on large, massive legs means that your life is developing correctly and successfully. Were they thin? It looks like you will have to make a lot of efforts to strengthen your position.

Dreamed of revolving tables of food? This means you should be prepared for amazing discoveries and news. Perhaps in the coming days fate will give you something extraordinary.

Were there only men sitting at the set table? This dream promises fruitful agreements and good profits. Pleasant communication of a romantic nature awaits the dreamer who sat at the table with food with his loved one.

Did you see children sitting at a set table? This dream prophesies very profitable and promising business. Most likely, an improvement in your financial situation is just around the corner.

If you were sitting at a set table with relatives, then the dream promises a solution to family disputes and an improvement in relationships between loved ones. Did you sit with the guests? Unexpected meetings and new acquaintances are what awaits you in the near future.

Why do you dream of a table with food - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

dreamed of a table with food

A set table in a dream means that soon new interesting acquaintances and positive circumstances await you.

Vanga's Dream Book

In this dream book, the table symbolizes the family hearth, and if it is beautifully served and bursting with a wealth of food, then you should expect great luck and success.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a table with food?

A table covered with food, depending on its type and quality, has different meanings - if others are eating, it means a promotion, if the food is exotic - expect an unusual offer, if there is a lot of food on the table - it means joy. The table in this dream book symbolizes the family hearth, and if you dream of a bustle around a set table waiting for guests, the dreamer is in for life changes and even a wedding in the near future.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

table with food according to the dream book

A table full of food is interpreted as a harbinger of rich spoils in the near future.

Freud's Dream Book

what does it mean if a table with food is in a dream

Here it is believed that the table symbolizes a woman, and if it is also covered with various foods, then the woman has good health and a stormy temperament.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

table with food according to the dream book

According to this dream book, a well-set table means there will be a cheerful holiday, and if people eat and talk at the table, there will be a truce with a person with whom there have been long-standing disagreements.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

dreamed of a table with food

The Chinese believe that a rich table, with an abundance of food and drinks, foreshadows the arrival of friends, relatives and a big and noisy holiday.

French dream book

dream interpretation table with food

Food on the table in a dream is a sign that failures await you and everything will turn against you. If you are alone at the table, expect poverty and health problems.

Esoteric dream book

table with food in a dream what is it for

A table with food indicates that the dreamer loves to eat and food is a vital factor for him.

Why do you dream about a table with food?

Here, a large table with food portends success and prosperity in business. Good luck will smile on you, you can become famous and your financial situation will improve dramatically.

When dreaming about a table with food, people also dreamed about

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Why did you dream about the table?

at the Women's Club!

The table has become such a familiar household item that we have stopped paying attention to its presence in our dreams.

The dreamer is interested in this image only under unusual dream circumstances or when he concentrates his attention on this subject in a dream. If you are interested in the image present in the dream, you should turn to dream books, which cover in detail what the table is about in the dream.

Interpretations according to Miller's dream book

One of the most detailed dream books is Miller's dream book, in which:

  • A set table is interpreted as new pleasant connections under favorable circumstances, and a broken one is interpreted as a period of temporary decline.
  • Cleaning it up after eating means sadness and indifference.
  • An empty tabletop is a warning about possible disagreements with others.
  • Sitting at a table not covered with a tablecloth means prosperity, peace, balance and independence.
  • Coins and banknotes lying on the tablecloth are interpreted as a happy ending to a difficult period.
  • A tabletop covered with a torn tablecloth promises a showdown with family members.
  • Sitting at a desk means you need to be careful.

According to this dream book, a table moving mysteriously indicates your dissatisfaction with existing circumstances. And an audible tapping on the tabletop foreshadows changes in relationships with friends if you forget about them.

Author's dream books

Grishina’s dream book interprets the table as a home and the joys of family existence. If you saw a table in a dream:

  • Covered - wait for guests.
  • Round - make peace with your relatives.
  • Marble - avoid communicating with unscrupulous people.
  • Written – it’s time to remember our moral duty.
Setting tables is a sign of fulfilling your plans, and putting flowers on them is a sign of a happy marriage.

Tsvetkov’s dream book explains the meaning of the dream in a similar way, connecting the dreamed image with home and family life.

Hasse in his dream book indicates that:

  • Seeing a table in a dream means gaining new knowledge in reality.
  • To cover it is to purchase real estate or other property.
  • Cleaning up after eating means a profitable deal may not take place.
  • Sitting behind him means having a good time in pleasant company.
  • An empty table is dreamed of as evidence of constrained financial circumstances, and a card table indicates prosperity in the future.

The esoteric dream book notes that a durable wooden tabletop is a symbol of prosperity and self-confidence, while a shaky plastic table symbolizes a lack of stability in life.

A table full of food and drinks symbolizes your tendency to excess, and an uncleaned table after a meal symbolizes the unsettled nature of your life. Serving for dinner means welcoming visitors soon.

What the table means in dreams is also discussed in Medea’s dream book. This household item is considered in this dream book to represent friendly ties, therefore:

  • Sitting at a meal and having a conversation in a dream means in reality making peace with a friend or realizing your plans.
  • Seeing a broken or empty table in a dream means losing the support of a friend in reality.
The Small Velesov Dream Book interprets the feast as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, paying attention to the table legs. If the legs are massive, your life is going well, but if they are thin, you need to make an effort to strengthen your position.

Freud believed that the table symbolizes the female image, so if it...

In everyday life, we are surrounded by many objects that we take for granted and do not even think about the meaning that our ancestors attached to them.

For example, a table - today there are a great many types of tables, but a long time ago there could have been one single table in a house, at which people shared food, and therefore this piece of furniture was even called the “palm of God.” For example, as the French Dream Book says, a table in a dream that was lavishly set is a symbol of wealth and well-being.

There are many interpretations of what a table means in a dream, mainly because in a dream you can see a variety of tables, and because there can be a variety of objects on their tabletops. But there are also general interpretations that do not depend on what material and how durable the piece of furniture was made, as well as on what was lying on the table.

For example, if the table in a dream turns out to be broken, then such a dream is a warning for the sleeper. Negative events are possible in the near future, but you still have time to prevent them. From which side it is worth reflecting the onset of troubles, the “character” of the table will tell you: a dining table - in the family, a writing table - at work, in business, a coffee table or a picnic table - in a friendly circle.

If you dream of a table, albeit whole, but empty, such a dream warns of the possibility of conflicts. Seeing an empty dinner table - a dream speaks of the possibility of a conflict with your “other half” over the state of the family budget.” In order to “neutralize” the consequences of such a dream, it is worth discussing all the difficult issues with your spouse or taking measures to create a financial “airbag”.

The desk in the dream turned out to be empty - such dreams call for caution and strengthening your position in the workplace. This will not be superfluous at all, since the vision may warn that various conflicts can only have a negative effect - up to and including dismissal. An empty desk or bureau encourages the dreamer to put things in order or papers relating to personal property.

What other pieces of furniture can you see in your dreams during a night's rest? Any kind! Let's look at the most common options:

  • Sturdy and good table.
  • Lame and flimsy.
  • Round.
  • Writing.
  • Worker.
  • Festive.

Quality, materials, purpose

Why do you dream of a well-made, strong, high-quality table? The esoteric dream book says that this is a sign of reliability and prosperity. If it was a dining table, then the vision promises that your home will be like a “full cup”, a worker will lead to career advancement, and writing will lead to good luck and stability in personal affairs.

A flimsy, wobbly, wobbly piece of furniture in a dream means approaching problems and serves as a warning to the dreamer. A dream has a similar meaning, where the central part turned out to be a plastic table - the product itself is very fragile.

If the table in a dream turns out to be wooden, this positively characterizes the dreamer: you value material goods, but not more than they deserve, you feel the line between accumulating funds and spending them on life’s pleasures, and you know how to walk along it without losing your balance. That is, a wooden piece of furniture in your dream symbolizes that you will be able to ensure your own prosperous future and the material well-being of your family.

Seeing marble furniture in your dreams is a warning: there is an extremely unfriendly person in your environment, try to guess who he is and neutralize his actions towards you. Metal furniture in a dream speaks of the sleeper as an energetic person, capable of achieving many peaks in life.

Seeing a round table in a dream means a quick reconciliation with the person with whom you are in a quarrel. Also, a round piece of furniture can mean quick business negotiations, which will be successful for you (this interpretation will depend on the other situation in your dream).

Seeing a desk with an empty top in your night dreams is also a warning sign: obstacles may appear in your business. It is important not to perceive temporary difficulties as a disaster. And if you saw or bills on the tabletop, it means that these obstacles will be easily solvable, and the business will be profitable.

If your desktop in a dream is an example of a “work mess,” then you need to work on your own ability to organize the work process: otherwise, lucrative offers or projects may slip away from under your nose. If there is nothing on the countertop at your workplace, you should find a hobby you like in order to enjoy life.

The holiday comes to us

Why do you dream of a table set for receiving guests or some kind of celebration? According to Vanga’s dream book, a laid table with a lot of food portends material well-being for the dreamer, which may appear, among other things, thanks to the patronage of an influential person. According to the Women's Dream Book, a piece of furniture set for dinner in a dream means interesting acquaintances in the near future and well-being in the family.

Set the table, says the Family Dream Book, and expect guests soon. In this regard, food and its quantity matter - the more it is, the more guests you should expect. In some cases, food on the countertop, prepared for a meal, can mean a quick addition to the family - especially if such a dream was seen on the night of.

But the Esoteric Dream Book believes that seeing a table set with an abundance of food in night dreams is not a favorable dream, but a warning: the dreamer needs to avoid bodily excesses, in particular gluttony. Otherwise, it may lead to health problems.

The dream book of Simon the Canaanite says that setting the table in a dream for the arrival of guests, generously filling it with food, means that in the near future in reality you will be able to very profitably purchase some valuable property. If there are vases with on the countertop along with food and cutlery, this means that your marriage will be happy and your family life will be prosperous. In the Jewish dream book, a tabletop abounding in food in a dream is considered a harbinger of an invitation to a big celebration with abundant food.

If you dreamed of a festive table full of food, in reality, fate will soon give you a chance to meet and communicate with people dear to your heart whom you have not seen for a long time. A set festive table, on which food has not yet been served, in a dream means that for now it is better to refrain from large financial expenses - you may need the money a little later.

An interesting plot is a dream, the central image of which is not just a festive one, but a wedding table, “bursting” with food. For young girls, this image in their dreams promises a quick marriage, and the more refined the food and the richer the decoration, the more wealthy the future spouse will be. But for others, such a plot promises things that have nothing to do with personal life: the successful completion of work begun, as well as respect from others.

After the holiday

In life, after any holiday, the house should be put in order, and similar scenes can be seen in dreams. Why do you dream about a table that you had to clean after the guests left? In almost all dream books, such an image in dreams is interpreted as a warning.

For example, Adaskin’s Dream Book says that if in your night dreams you had to clean up leftover food and dirty dishes, this means that fate has prepared some tests for you. If you and your “other half” can unite and get through them, resolve all problems together, then nothing will be able to destroy your union.

Also, dream books pay a lot of attention to this plot, when there is cutlery and food on the table, but for some reason there is no tablecloth. Such a dream may warn that for some reason - perhaps because of your financial situation - you are the envy of even your friends. It’s worth taking a closer look at your inner circle and refusing to give up your home to people who exude, albeit covertly, negativity in your direction.

A torn or dirty tablecloth on a served tabletop in your dreams foreshadows possible intra-family conflicts. It would be worth identifying points of disagreement in advance and extinguishing them, without waiting for the fire of negative passions.

But sitting at the table - such a vision has the opposite meaning. Sitting behind it with your relatives - such a vision promises that there will be peace, harmony and prosperity in your family. If you dream of friends with whom you are sitting around the same tabletop - know that you are not afraid of any failures in life, because your friends are ready to help you. And the more friends you had with you, the more powerful friendly support you are provided with in life.

However, if you happen to sit at the table alone, then the vision warns that in the near future you will have to make an independent, and very difficult, life choice. If you dreamed of sitting at the same table with your own people, don’t worry. Such dreams suggest that you have chosen the right path in life, and success awaits you along this path.

However, you may dream that you are sitting, for example, at a school desk. Such a vision warns you that you may not have enough knowledge for what you have planned, so it would be a good idea to educate yourself.

In reality, a table often brings people together. The feast is an occasion for meetings and communication. Most sunny people report that such a plot foreshadows interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting. But this is not the only description of what this dream is about. Any detail seen in a dream has meaning. Sitting and eating Seeing yourself sitting at a set table is a sign of well-being and success. The more food there was on it in a dream, the greater well-being awaits you. The esoteric dream book believes that a lot of food is a sign of gluttony. You probably like to eat a lot and deliciously. The medium Hasse interprets differently what this plot means in dreams. Hasse's dream book believes that sitting at the table in a dream foreshadows a noisy feast in reality. If at the same time you see a table full of food, then the friendly meeting will be very fun. Eating and talking at the same time means a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel. Especially if you dreamed of a hearty meal.

Types of tables

If you dreamed of a dining table, then you should limit yourself a little in food. The modern dream book advises eating small portions, otherwise you can provoke a number of problems with the body associated with overeating. Dreamed of writing? Be as careful as possible in real life. Excessive gullibility can lead to serious problems. Especially if in a dream he was littered with work papers and books. A dream about your desktop is evidence that in reality you lack self-organization. Grishina's dream book gives advice to start a diary. It will help you plan your day and not forget about important meetings.

The round Swedish promises a quick visit from guests. Not in a dream, but in reality, many people will visit your house. The Dream Book of Wanderers suggests that perhaps you will be celebrating some pleasant event. Aesop describes why we dream about the operating and funeral tables. The operating one predicts the adoption of an extremely important decision. This decision can seriously change your life. Funeral - symbolizes longing for dead people. You should definitely visit the grave of a loved one in the near future. If this is not possible, go to church and order a funeral prayer.

If you dreamed of a rich banquet attendant, then the state of your affairs allows you not to worry about the future. The women's dream book reports that in the near future everything will work out for you and you will be able to earn decent money. If you dream of a wedding table, then luck will be on your side in every possible way. This means that you can safely participate in a risky business. Rest assured, it will be completed successfully.

Cover and clean up

Miller describes in detail why such a plot occurs in dreams. According to this source, setting the table for guests means a visit from relatives or friends in reality. Miller's dream book promises that a friendly visit will bring many joyful moments. Serving a long festive table is a sign of a joyful meeting with a loved one. And he will come from afar. Grishin also describes why a similar plot is dreamed of in his interpreter. According to Grishina’s dream book, a large table with food promises well-being and all kinds of success. You can achieve fame and material well-being. Good times are coming very soon! Putting away the dishes and washing them means going through a hectic and joyless period of life. If, as a result of your labors, all the dishes were removed in a dream, then the “black streak” will drag on. The universal dream book recommends not to despair, but, on the contrary, to pull yourself together as much as possible and solve all problems. Wiping a surface with a rag in a dream means drastic changes, as well as serious financial difficulties. Proper budget allocation will help you avoid complete collapse. Don't waste your money. You'll need them soon.

Products on the table

If you dreamed of torment, then all your wishes will come true. Especially if there was a lot of flour in the dream. Hasse describes why you dream about fruits lying on the table. Hasse's dream book believes that juicy and ripe fruits promise joy and happiness. If the fruits were spoiled, get ready for difficulties and adversity. A fish lying on the table surface symbolizes a new addition to the family. Especially if such a dream was dreamed by a married woman. Bread crumbs scattered on a white tablecloth mean poverty. Another option for explaining why a similar plot is dreamed of is the birth of a child at a fairly mature age.

Various explanations

The interpretation of dreams will be as accurate as possible if you remember even the smallest details. For example, if the surface or legs of this piece of kitchen furniture were dirty, then you will soon begin to feel depressed. Severe prolonged stress will provoke its occurrence. Moreover, the dirtier the surface seen in the dream, the deeper your sadness will be. Drinking tea at an empty table means experiencing disappointments in real life. The universal dream book advises not to worry too much about this. Forget about the past and move forward. There is absolutely no point in wasting time on the blues. Hiding under the table is a sign of new opportunities. Lying on it means successfully getting out of a difficult situation, sleeping means dubious luck. If in a dream you stood on it, then in reality you will be able to take control of a difficult situation. Did you dream that dead people were sitting at the table? Expect a sudden change in weather. If the dead communicated joyfully with each other, then soon you will probably receive good news. Buying a new wooden table and chairs to go with it means moving quickly. The Dream Book of Wanderers promises moving to a new home or even a new country. If you dreamed that a man was fixing a broken table, then in reality you will have a strong patron who will solve all your problems.


    I dreamed about my late uncle. He took my daughter and didn’t give it to me, he just looked at me and didn’t speak. After 2 days, I continue to dream that strangers are sitting at an empty table and are silent. I went into the room and told my father, for some reason he was afraid of them, and meanwhile my mother put a white cobweb-scarf on her head. What did this mean?

    I dreamed that my brother and I were returning from the garage and saw that a very long table had been set, covered with a white clean tablecloth and there were a lot of goodies on it, and all the loved ones we knew were sitting at the table, what was this for?

    There is a long table in a dark room with many people. A candle is burning at the beginning of the table where I am sitting, and the people at the end of the table are practically invisible in the dark. All this in some big old house and as if in another century.

    I dreamed that I sat down at an empty table covered with a white tablecloth, they brought me a glass of champagne and clinked glasses with me, but I didn’t drink, but put the glass of wine on the table.

    I dreamed that while working at the table, I was spinning quickly with him (like in a centrifuge) and oil was leaking out of the machine. Afterwards I wipe off the oil and work dust with a huge rag (I work as a seamstress).